#why yes that IS roger taylor of queen next to stephen
heartbeatkitty · 4 years
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Same energy
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Lessons from Ben Cardy; Ben Hardy x reader ft. Joe Mazzello
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well this idea had been buzzing around in my head for months. I kid you not months on end since a certain video of when Joe Mazzello not only did the Ben Cardy but also included the real Ben Hardy himself. So I decided to do this little fic since I managed to FINALLY get some free time in my hectic schedule but this will be the last update for awhile cause I’ve got a convention this weekend, my sister’s wedding the next weekend and then finals the following week but hopefully by the summer I’ll be back to do tons more updates and work on those requests to the anons who sent them back during my winter break. I PROMISE!!!
So in the fic you will literally find no warnings just PURE FLUFF AND GOOEYNESS OF MORE FLUFF!!! Hope you all love this cause I sure as heck enjoyed writing it :)
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The sun peered in through my curtains of my bedroom.  I let out a groan and turned to the side of my bed and saw the infamous cutout of Ben Hardy laying on my bed.
“Oh Joe I’m gonna kill you!” I hissed under my breath.  I shot out of bed and grabbed the cardboard and trudged out of my room and banged on Joe’s room and cried out, “Joseph Mazzello III you get your ass out here right now!!” The door soon opened and as soon as Joe saw me with Cardboard Ben he said.
“Whoa (y/n) long night?”
“Shut up you little shit! I know you implanted this thing in my bed.” He gasped and took the cutout back and said as he stroked it’s head.
“How dare you? She didn’t mean that Benjamin. She’s just cranky in the mornings, you’ll get used to it.”  I shook my head at him and said.
“Joey, it’s a piece of cardboard that looks like him.”
“You’re hurting your boyfriend’s feelings (y/n)!”
God how I’ve put up with Joe Mazzello after all these years I’ll never know, but again my life would’ve been boring without him.  As a kid while most girls wanted to be pop stars, princesses or movie stars, I had an interest in fashion.  By the time I was in high school, I got involved with my school’s theatre department and always got involved with the costume department.
In college I majored in fashion and got an internship at the best shopping centers in New York City.  Soon my works got viewed by magazines and Hollywood that I had actually been offered to do the costumes for an upcoming B movie.  I worked my way up until finally I was called up by Steven Spielberg himself to do the costume work for his and Tom Hank’s new project “The Pacific”.
I think that out of any decade that I would say would be my favorite is the 1940’s just because of the simplicity of their fabric and designs.  Plus I’m a sucker for a man in Marine uniforms.  And it was through The Pacific that I met and became friends with both Joe Mazzello and Rami Malek.
Every day with those two was an adventure and full of laughter and stories.  Joe had told me how he worked with Stephen back when he was a kid for Jurassic Park, of course me being me I freaked out because I practically grew up on that movie and watched it religiously. 
Even after the show wrapped, I kept in contact with both Joe and Rami and I soon got involved with bigger film projects, hell if you’ve seen Guardians of the Galaxy, I helped design the Ravagers, Gamora’s, Ronin’s and Nebula’s costumes.  Then one day I was on break after doing the 2nd GOTG movie, I had gotten a call from Graham King the Producer of a new Queen biopic that he was planning to do and asked to see me.
I agreed because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Along with the 1940’s, I always loved the outfits that the actual band members of Queen wore.  They just gradually changed with the era and it was just amazing to see them evolve with it.  I met with Graham, even got to meet with Brian May and Roger Taylor themselves and they were impressed with my work and happily welcomed me on board as the head costume designer.
So I flew out to England to where we would be filming and as I was getting myself set up, I actually gotten a big surprise that day.  I was at my station pulling out and organizing all my sketch books and labeled to which band member would be in which book, when suddenly I felt something tickle my waist.
I let out an almost inhuman shriek and when I turned around I saw two very familiar faces.  It was Rami and Joe.  I gasped and let out a cheer as I hugged Rami who was closest to me.  He picked me up and spun me around laughing joyously before setting me down when Joe piped in.
“Oh I see how it is (n/n) good to know where your loyalties lie.”
“Shut up you little shit and get over here and hug me.” I had told him.  He then picked me up and spun me just like Rami did. They told me that they had gotten the led roles as Freddie Mercury and John Deacon respectively, and when I told them I would be the head designer for the project, they were so happy for me just as happy as I was for them.
The three musketeers reunited at last.
As the filming went on, I also got to get close with the two other gentlemen playing Roger and Brian.  Gwilym and I had a lot in common in favorite authors and plays since I had done some Broadway work before being signed up onto Hollywood, and Ben…..
Ahh Ben Hardy.  That loveable man.  I mean it was hard to not get along with Ben, he was sweet, kind-hearted, a great listener, and had a great personality. And it seemed that the more time I got to spend time with Ben, the more my feelings began to develop for him.  And of course with Roger’s well-known wardrobe choice, it made it so hard to stop a blush from beaming on my face, especially when it was an outfit where it would show his chest.
Of course Joey being Joey knew immediately of my little crush on Ben and every day would tease me about it while in his John Deacon get up, either dropping the accent or using it.
After filming ended and I went back to the states, Joe had actually invited me to stay with him for a while.  Since living in New York was so expensive, he offered for me to stay in his home.  He says it was because he missed his ‘bestest friend in the whole wide world’ and wanted to spend time with me, but I think he just wants more opportunity to torment about my feelings for a certain blonde Brit.  He even went as far as to buy a cardboard cutout of said Brit and bringing it back after the press tour in Tokyo.
Of course he spread the ‘Ben Cardy’ all over Instagram and the fans were going nuts over it.  After having to do two big projects back to back I’ve decided to take a year off work so I guess it’s good that Joe offered me to come live with him, cause if I hadn’t I’d probably be evicted out of my apartment.
Now back to the present, I rolled my eyes and muttered.
“You’re so annoying.”
“Aww you know you love me.”
“Do I know that?” I teased as I headed to the kitchen.  As I got me a bowl of Coco-Puffs, Joe came into the kitchen and said.
“C’mon (n/n), why can’t you just say?”
“Say what?”
“You love Ben.” I dropped my spoon into the bowl and said.
“Why must you be so nosy about my love-life Joey?”
“Because I want my two best friends to get together and name me the godfather of their future children.” I shook my head at him and that’s when he said, “But seriously (y/n), you’ve been pining over Ben since the start of filming. Anytime he was even mentioned you’d blush like a lobster.”
“But Joe…..even if I did confess, you know that I’d…..how would I go about being a good girlfriend? This is whole new territory for me. And I’m ashamed.”  I felt Joe come up behind me and wrap his arms around me, hugging me from behind. 
Yeah it’s true. In my 26 years of living, never once did I have a boyfriend.  It just seemed that no guy ever wanted to go out with me, meanwhile all my friends were losing their V cards by the time they were 16.  Then I guess I got so involved with my growing career that I just didn’t want to go into the dating scene.
“There’s no need to be ashamed (y/n). You just needed the right partner. And I think Ben’s that partner. He’s your lobster.”
“Did you really just quote Phoebe Buffay?”
“Damn right I did. Wait here for a second.”
“Oh my god Joe can’t it wait till I have my cereal first?”
“Ugh! Then you owe me breakfast for this when it gets soggy.” It was then Joe came back with Cardboard Ben in tow.  “No, no, no! I’m not practicing with a cardboard cutout of him!”
“Too late chickadee, now come into the living room and sit on the couch next to dear old Benjamin.” I groaned but followed his order and sat down a couple inches away from where Joe had Cardboard Ben sitting.
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”
“Trust me it’ll help you for when the real day comes. Now talk to him.” Joe ducked down behind the arm of the couch but kept Ben adjusted.  I faced Ben and said.
“Hey Ben,”
“Yes love what is it?” Joe spoke, mimicking Ben’s accent and that’s when I broke and said.
“Gah I can’t do this Joe!”
“Yes you can, pretend I’m not here keep going you’re doing great.” He said as he peeked his head out from the couch.
“Don’t chicken out you wuss!” He demanded which led me to sigh heavily.  “Ben?”
“Yes darling?”
“There’s—well I have uhh……lately I…..”
“It’s okay (y/n), you can tell me, you know I’d never laugh at you.” I looked up at the cutout and could almost swear that it really was Ben speaking to me.  I took a deep breath in before exhaling out.
“Imighthaveharboredacrushonyousincefilmingstarted.” I rushed out.
“Love I couldn’t understand you, what was that?”
“I…..might have….harbored…..a crush on you Ben. No I—I like you Ben. I mean really, really, really like you.” I felt my face burning up and that’s when Joe spoke up in Ben’s accent.
“Wow (y/n) I’m honored that you feel that way about me,” oh god why did I feel like there was a but coming in. “But,” I knew it. “I unfortunately have another waiting for me.” I lowered my head when I heard Joe say, “A strong, handsome brunette man with an American accent, not Welsh of course. He’s the man of my dreams.”
“Joey!” I whined out.
“Sorry I had to. Gwilym and Ben are having their little buddy-bromance story all over Instagram and I’ve gotta do better.” He said as he got up from behind the couch.
“Nice to know your relationship with Ben is more important than mine.” I snapped at him. I felt Joe sit beside me and wrap an arm around me and he said.
“I’m sorry, but you know Ben will love you. I mean how can someone not fall in love with someone like you? From day one since Rami and I met you all those years ago, we knew you were someone special. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, the youngest and most fashionable fashionista that I know. And if Ben can’t see that, then he’s a dick.” I felt Joe tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and I smiled softly.
“Thanks Joey, what would I do without you?”
“Be all depressed and focused solely on your work.” I slapped his arm making him cry out in pain and collapse onto the floor crying in pain in such a dramatic way.
“That didn’t hurt.”
“Yes it did, you’re so mean!”
“Oh get up yah big baby.” I pulled him up and that’s when I was suddenly thrown over his shoulder like a sack of flower. “Gah Joe put me down!”
“Nah I don’t think I want to.” He then spun around and I gripped onto the back of his shirt tightly and said.
“Joseph Mazzello I swear I’ll hurl all over you if you don’t put me down right now!” He set me down and I adjusted myself trying to make myself more presentable. “Remember you owe me breakfast now because I’m betting you $20 that my cereal’s gone bad.”
“Fine lets head over to Dunkin Doughnuts and get us something and I’ll even throw in a Starbuck for you.” He said as he extended his hand out.
“Deal.” We shook on it and then went to our rooms to get dressed and head on out. 
A week later, the BoRhap cast was back together for a little reunion just before the award seasons start.  We all decided to head to the best karaoke bar this side of New York had.  We reserved our table and ordered our meal and looked through the song book to see what kind of songs they were allowing.
“Oh guys check this out they have an entire section of Queen songs.” Gwilym said.
“Ohh what all do they have?” asked Lucy.
“They’ve got pretty much everything.” He answered.
“All except Bohemian Rhapsody.” I replied.
“Aww why don’t they have it?” whine Lu.
“I think I read somewhere the reason they banned it was because last time a group of guys tried it, a fight broke out as a drunk man tried to stop it and the person who was the front man started a fight with the guy. But then again it could also be because they don’t allow six minute songs.”
“Well I pity their wives if they think six minutes is forever.” Answered Rami.  We all laughed and the inside joke and Joe and I high fived Rami for speaking up about that.
As the night got late, some of us like me were a little tipsy while others were completely wasted e.g. Joe.  Joe had just gotten done singing “Purple Rain” by Prince and of course he dedicated it to Ben.  I couldn’t help but film the whole performance and hearing him screech out the lyrics, it was hilarious and now I had some blackmail on him because during one point of the song, he had actually tripped on the wire of the mic but still kept singing.
Lucy and I did a duet of Rick Springfield’s “Jessie’s girl” I sang a couple lyrics of the first verse before she finished and we both did the chorus together.  Jumping up and down to the beat and leaning up against each other and then we’d flip roles for the next verse and it continued to that formula. 
As Alan was singing “Love of my life” to his lovely wife, I was sitting at the bar getting my next drink when I heard Ben’s voice say.
“Wonderful performance up there.”
“Please it was all liquid courage. I hadn’t done karaoke in years. In fact ‘Somebody to love’ was my first Queen karaoke song back in what was it—middle school? No High school, no wait definitely middle school cause I had a bunch of kids looking at me weird because they had no idea who it was that I was singing to.”
“Seemed your middle school was clearly uneducated in the music department.”
“Tell me about it. All they listened to was their rap music.” Ben laughed softly and there was a bit of silence between us till he finally spoke up.
“Do you remember during the second week of shooting, the day Joe dared me to try and dip him?” I laughed and said.
“How could I possibly forget that?”
I had just gotten Joe’s jacket on him for the scene where Freddie tries to reconcile with the band in Miami’s office.
“Thanks (n/n) you’re the best.”
“Anytime Joey.” I walked out of the set and watched from behind the camera as the boys ran their lines.  But for some reason one of the records that hung up from the wall kept falling down.  I was surprised that no one had broken character cause I was about to die laughing.
It was then Graham decided to call a break while they tried to fix the falling record.
“Hey Ben, I wanna try something!” Joe cried out.
“What is it Joe?”
“Dip me.”
“Dip me, you know the dance dip. I’ve never been on the dipping end of it and I want to try it.”
“And why must it be me to dip you? Why not Rami or Gwil?”
“Rami’s too deep in character and Gwil’s twiggy arms might break.”
“Thanks mate.” Gwilym pipped in sarcastically.
“C’mon Benny please, just this once.”
“Alright, alright come here then.” And it was there that Ben took Joe in his arms, wrapped one arm around him and bent him backwards. Joe let out a playful swoon.
“Ohh Benjamin you’re such a divine dancer.” I rolled my eyes at him as he looked straight at me when he said those words. As Ben lifted Joe up it was then Gwil said.
“Wait, I’ve got a better idea to make this a bit more interesting.” It was then he grabbed an apple from the concession stand and held it up.
“No, no, no that’s too much!”
“Aww c’mon Joe it’s no different than a rose.” I teased him.
“No because he’ll just focus on the apple and drop me on my head!”
“Mate I promise I won’t drop you.” Ben assured him.
“You promise?” Joe asked skeptically.
“I swear it.” Ben vowed.  Joe turned to Gwil who still held the apple.  His brow quirked up as he extended his arm out to Joe and Joey took the apple and placed it in his mouth and got back to position one with Ben.
With our phones, Gwil and I took pics of the progression and once Ben took hold of the apple, he set Joe back up before taking the apple out of his mouth.
“Please tell me we got some good shots of that?” proclaimed Joe.
“I got you.” I proclaimed as I handed him my phone and he browsed through the pics.
“Send those to me.” I gave him a thumbs up and that’s when I heard him say, “Okay your turn.”
“Wait what?”
“Go on it’s your turn to be dipped by Ben Hardy.”
“Joe that’s really not necessary—”
“If I can do it, then so can you. Hey Ben care to take on a new partner?” I was then shoved towards Ben who steadied me.  I looked at Joe who gestured for us to get on with it. I turned to Ben and he said as he took my hand in his.
“I promise not to drop you (y/n).” My heart raced as I stared at Ben’s face.  Even with the famed “Roger Taylor” shades blocking his green eyes from my view, it still made him look absolutely handsome.  And the shoulder length blonde wig (although I do wish they had given him the same hairstyle Roger did have during this time, I saw a quick glimpse of it from an album cover they recreated and he looked handsome with the mullet look Roger had at the time). I gulped and nodded to Ben as I tried to calm myself down but that’s when Joe proclaimed.
“Wait! Wait I’ve got a better idea!” He then went over to one of the flower pot props and pulled out one of the fake flowers and held it out.
“No! No, and no Joe! Absolutely not!” I proclaimed.
“Aww c’mon (n/n), it’s no different than an apple.” He reversed my words and threw them right back in my face.  He grinned at me wagging the flower in front of me.
“I could strangle you right now.” I grumbled.
“I’d still haunt you in the afterlife dearie.” He mocked. I growled and took the flower and placed the stem between my teeth.  Oh god I can’t believe I’m doing this; god Joe is always a little shit and I swear he’s going to—
Oh, oh my god here we go Ben’s dipping me. Wow he has such a strong grip.  Not even some of my old friends could dip me like this without complaining.  Feeling his hand sprawled out along my back and his hand gently gripping mine made my stomach churn and my heart jump from my chest to my stomach.
I then saw him lean closer towards me to grab the flower. ‘Oh my god he’s leaning forward to grab the flower from my mouth.  Oh shit c’mon (y/n) just be cool, keep calm keep calm!’
As he reached for the flower, I could feel just a graze of the blonde wig tickle my cheeks and soon I was no longer holding the flower but Ben was as it lay there between his teeth and he gently set me up right. Even after bringing me back right-side-up, he forgot to let go of my waist.  The two of us looking at each other but it was soon broken by Joe’s voice.
“Okay that was hot I’ll admit that.”
“Too pure and yet passionately erotic.” Stated Gwilym.
“Okay guys we’ve got everything reset. Hopefully that record will stay for the take. Let’s wrap this scene up.” Graham called out.  It was then the guys left to go back into Miami’s office set.  Ben handed me the flower and I took it as he walked passed me.
“That boy has some skills even I didn’t have, I’ll admit that.” I jumped and turned to see Roger standing behind me.
“God Roger no wonder why Brian hates it whenever you sneak up on him like that. You’re like a freakin cat, we’ve gotta get you a bell or something.”
“That would ruin my look, so when will you finally admit it to yourself darling?” I turned to the legendary drummer and said.
“I’ve got nothing to say. Ben and I are just good friends, that’s all. Strictly platonic.”
“Uh-huh sure keep telling yourself that, love. But I can tell you this, he definitely doesn’t shut up about you. Always asking me for advice on how to woo you into his arms.”
“No he doesn’t.”
“Give yourself more credit dear, you’re a beautiful young woman. Hell if I was 50 years younger I’d definitely try to ask you out.” I laughed and said as I turned to face the old drummer.
“I’m flattered Roger, really I am. But from what I’ve heard he just got out of a nine year relationship. And I doubt he’d rebound to someone like me.”
“(Y/n) we need some help! One of the newbies screwed up the measurements for Freddie’s officer uniform!” I heard one of my assistants call out to me.
“Duty calls, see yah later Rog.” I then rushed over to help re-measure the uniform and re-worked on it just before Rami had to get into costuming with it in.
*End of flashback*
“That was probably the most interesting day on set.” I admitted.
“Yeah, but it was also one of my favorites.” He said.
“Because you and Joe got to make the fandom go crazy over the Hardzello shipping?”
“Well partly.” I looked up and saw that he had moved a little closer to me.  His arm was placed around the bar behind me, if he wanted he could’ve placed his arm around me and pulled me close to him but he didn’t.  “Truthfully (y/n) I never thought that I’d get the courage to do this but I might as well do it now while I still got the nerve.”
“What? Ben I’m confused what are you talking—”
“I love you.” At that point my heart stopped.  “I’ve been in love with you since the day I got to know you. I mean Rami and Joe have told Gwil and I loads of stories about you, but getting to actually know you face to face. Their stories don’t do you justice at all.”
“Ben you’re drunk you don’t know…..”
“No I do. I’m still sober enough to know what it is that I want. And what I want is you. To hold you, to kiss you, to make you breakfast in bed. I love you (y/n) (l/n).” I swallowed and lowered my head feeling the tears in my eyes.  “You don’t feel the same way do you?”
“No, no Ben it’s not that. Hell even Roger himself saw how crazy I was about you. I love you too Ben it’s just—” I sighed heavily and lowered my head in shame.
“What?” I felt his index finger and thumb raise my chin up so that I was forced to look into his hypnotic green eyes. “What is it love?”
“You and your ex were together for almost a decade. Meanwhile I’ve never once had a boyfriend in my over two decades of living. Hell I’ve never even kissed anyone. I feel like such a loser and you shouldn’t be exposed to someone with no experience in the dating spectrum.”
“I’m not looking for experience (y/n). It doesn’t matter to me whether you’ve had a relationship in the past or not, all I want is you.” His forehead touched mine and I almost collapsed to my knees right then and there.  “And I’d be honored to be your first everything. Now and in the future to come.”
I smiled happily and allowed a few tears to slip down my face but they were immediately caught by Ben’s thumbs as he wiped them away as he said.
“I love you (y/n).”
“I love you too Ben.” He leaned in closer toward my face, his nose brushing against mine. His lips faintly grazing mine as he whispered.
“May I kiss you love?”
“What if I screw it up?” I couldn’t stop myself from blurting out.
“Don’t think of it, just do what your heart tells you to do, okay?” He looked directly into my eyes and I tried to calm myself down before nodding.  Ben’s lips once again grazed over mine with the lightest of pressures until finally he kissed me.
My stomach exploded into knots and mad moths, I felt this tingle shoot up my spine and my toes curled as I just went for it.  I wrapped an arm around his neck, stroking my fingers through his sleeked, blonde hair.  After giving me one final peck he muttered.
“How was that?”
“Is it normal to feel like your stomach’s going to just explode when you have your first kiss?” Ben softly chuckled and said.
“Yeah. Cause I felt it just now.” I smiled and that’s when Ben kissed me again.
This time the kiss had a little more passion to it as I felt one arm wrap around my waist bringing me as physically close to him as possible, while his other hand cupped the side of my face stroking my cheek with his thumb.
“YAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS BENJAMIN!!!!” We heard the drunk scream of Joe scream out into the microphone. “IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME YOU TWO GOT TOGETHER!! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I’VE BEEN KEEPING THIS SECRET OF YOUR BOTH!?! FOR FUCKING EVER!!!” Ben and I looked to Joe and he said to him.
“You happy now Joe?”
“Just know this Benjamin Jones. You break my girl’s heart, I’ll kick your ass so hard, you’ll be as flat as Ben Cardy. At least he treats her well.” Ben turned to me and I explained.
“He’s been putting your cutout in my bed for the past several weeks. He even had me practice confessing my feelings for you by practicing with him.”
“But let me assure you something darling,” he cupped my face with both his hands and leaned towards my ear and whispered huskily, “Cardboard Ben will never be able to dip you like I can.” Suddenly I was dipped just like on the second week of shooting.  I let out a series of giggles as Ben leaned forward and kissed me doing that famous kiss dip pose.
*Extended ending*
I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms out before turning to my right and felt the familiar piece of cardboard lying beside me.  My eyes shot open and I let out a groan as I muttered.
“Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me.” I clicked my tongue once before saying to Cardboard Ben, “Hi, yeah hi, yes. I know you always gotta come back here. But listen up okay, you listen to me mister.” I pointed to him.  “I get it, okay I know you must feel some kind of physical chemistry for me, for whatever reason and we’re only human…..Well I’m only human. But this can’t happen anymore, okay? I’m sorry, goodbye.” I turned to my left and that’s where the real Ben Hardy was lying.
Both his hands resting behind his head, the top of my head just barely grazing his strong bicep.
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“Oh my god—” I squeaked out.
“Hey baby girl.” He cooed out.
“Hi.” I said bashfully.  I hummed awkwardly before saying, “You good?”
“Yeah I’m great.” He said as he pulled me closer to him, my head now resting on his chest.  I felt my face heat up and I’m pretty sure I was blushing as red as a lobster if not a rose right about now.
“Good.” I squeaked out.  Ben kissed my forehead and hummed as his nose stayed at the crown of my head.  “Uhh Ben,”
“What about umm…..” I gestured towards Cardy B. Ben looked at the cardboard cutout of himself and said.
“Sorry mate, she’s taken.” It was then reached over and flung Cardy Ben out of the bed.  I looked up at him and he looked down at me.  I grabbed the top of the sheets and as Ben bit his lip, I pulled the sheet over us covering us from view and that’s when we heard Joe say.
“Did you have to fling him off the bed?”
“He was eyeing her for too long.” Said Ben as he pulled me closer to him and we kissed each other.
“Alright keep it PG you two.”
“You started this Joe, and now you must suffer by letting it run its course!” I cried out.  Ben and I then began to ruffle the sheets making it seem like we were fooling around as I let out a few lustful moans.
“Augh gross! I’m not continuing with this anymore!” We then heard the door shut and both Ben and I poked our heads out from the blanket and I said,
“Think he bought it?”
“Well one way to find out.” He pulled me close to him and I felt his face bury into my neck.  I giggled as he began to kiss up and down my neck.
“Ben…..that tickles!”
“Oh really? Does it tickle when I do this?” I then felt his fingers dig into my sides which made me squirm even more.  He got on top of me still continuing his ticklish assault as I begged him to stop while trying to shove his hands away from my sides.  He ceased his attack and said with a grin, “Say please.”
“Now say uncle.”
“Uncle.” I giggled out.  He smiled down at me before capturing my lips with his in a soft and loving kiss.  I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer.  
Our kiss got deeper and more passionate until the need for air became a problem. As we separated, we stared into each other’s eyes and I said breathlessly.
“How did I ever get so lucky?”
“I should be asking you that my love.” He kissed my brow and lay back down on his back. I crawled up onto his chest and lay my head over his heart while his arms wrapped around me and I felt his hand stroke down my hair.  I felt him kiss the crown of my head and I heard him humming “Somebody to love” I smiled and said.
“You know that’s Joe’s song right?”
“Yeah, but it’s also your song. You did say that Somebody to love was the first Queen song you sang at your school’s karaoke.”
“How do you remember that? We were drunk when I confessed that.”
“Even shitfaced I’d still remember what you’d say.” I awed at him and nuzzled into his chest and felt him kiss my head again.  “I love you (y/n).”
“I love you too Ben.” We pecked each other’s lips gingerly and just stayed in bed for the rest of the day cuddling, watching Netflix and of course Ben had to start another tickle fight the sneaky bastard.
But I’m happy to finally say that all because of getting lessons from a cardboard cutout and the persistence of a true friend, I finally got the man of my dreams.
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cost-of-chaos · 5 years
All You Need Is Love (Chapter Seven)
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Once again thank you @xgoingdownx for helping me out!  I just want to thank everyone who has read this and liked or reblogged or commented, every time someone interacts with my story my day is made! If you wanna be tagged or just give me feedback my ask box is always open xx
Roger Taylor x OC
Words: 2.3K
Warnings: Mentions of smut 
Previous Chapters: Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six
I awoke to the sound of my front door slamming, panic instantly swept through my body as lay still in the bed. I couldn’t move, I was completely frozen in place. I could feel my heart jumping out of my chest with every beat, had I forgotten to lock my door last night? 
My fears faded as the intruder finally showed themselves in the dim light from the rising sun. It was Roger. What was he doing back here? He wasn’t meant to be arriving back in London until tonight. Roger silently climbed into the bed next to me, with Lenny in his arms purring away loudly as he received much sought after chin scratches.
“I would never cheat on you Ronnie, you know that. What you heard was the room next to mine."  He whispered, bringing his rough hands up to my face, cupping my cheeks softly. I stared into his soft, blue eyes as they searched my face, full of anticipation of what I would say. I couldn’t stop my jaw from dropping in shock, was he being serious? Was this all just a misunderstanding?
“I love you Ronnie, I’m sorry we fought, I feel as thought I have been missing a part of myself without you.” His eyes glassed over as tears filled his eyes, and mine soon did the same, leaving him a blurry haze of beauty.
“I’m sorry for not believing you, I love you baby.” I kissed him hard, with a sense of urgency, I’d missed him so much and I needed to convey that to him.
He laid me down on the bed so he was hovering me, his long hair tickling my neck as he smiled down at me. The smile I’ve missed so much, the smile I never thought I’d see again.
He kissed me softly, peppering kisses down my neck, with a tenderness he hadn’t ever shown a whole lot of. He pulled my shirt off of my body slowly, kissing my stomach as he did so before pulling my knickers off too, kissing his way back up my body. He made it to my upper thigh and started lightly sucking, I was already ready for him, he was going to push me over the edge without even getting close to me. Removing his clothes with haste, I tried to gain control of the situation but he didn’t let me, he pinned my hands down as he started lapping at my core. This teasing was agony, I needed him inside of me, I felt as though my desire for him had never been this strong. By the time he slowly, entered me I felt as though I might come undone by the thought of it all. His movements were agonisingly slow and full of love, full of passion. This wasn’t just makeup sex, we were making love.
I awoke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as I recovered from the dream I just left. How could my subconscious betray me like that? How cruel to conjure up such a perfect dream, one that will never come true? I was feeling even more empty and heartbroken than I was yesterday but I needed to continue on with my day and my life. I stretched my arms above my head trying to stretch the kinks out of my neck and back. I was now feeling the full regret from falling asleep on the cheap couch. After a few minutes of lying there with my eyes shut, I decided I needed to get up. I had given myself a day of moping around yesterday and I needed to be somewhat productive today, and drive down to Rogers parents house. Wonderful. I needed coffee, lots of it.
I got up slowly, stretching my tight muscles as I let out a deep yawn. I stumbled into the kitchen, turned the kettle on and started grinding up coffee beans for the French press. God, there was no better smell on a morning like this. I jumped on top of the yellow counters in front of me and rested my back against the window, feeling the rays of sun hit my skin as I closed my eyes bringing the freshly ground coffee to my nose and inhaling. Savouring the moment of morning serenity.
I heard the water start to bubble away in the kettle and I jumped back off the counter, halting my tranquillity. I filled the french press and slowly pressed the beans through the hot water as I stared out of the window. After pouring myself a mug, I walked into the bathroom. I sat the coffee mug on the edge of the pink bathtub, dropped the plug and ran the water.
After adding some bubbles, I submerged myself in the warm water. I lay in the bath until my coffee, bubbles and heat had disappeared, enjoying the silence of a completely empty apartment for once. To be able to lie in the bathtub, and think of nothing as I sipped my morning coffee, I slipped into some sort of zen state, letting all my troubles dissipate with the bubbles.
I finally got out of the bath, wrapping a towel around my body, I walked into the bedroom. It felt weird to walk into the room without seeing Lenny asleep on the window sill. I opened the pine wardrobe door and sifted throw my clothes, I chose a Beatles t-shirt, a brown corduroy skirt and a leather jacket, and quickly threw them on before brushing my teeth and wiping some lip balm onto my lips.
I placed my empty coffee mug in the sink, and poured the remaining coffee from the French press into a pot, putting it on the stove to reheat for my long drive ahead. Why did we think leaving him with Rogers parents was a good idea? Of course, when we planned it, we were going to be doing a fun road trip down to Cornwall together, stopping off at an old B&B and pubs and tea shops on the way down. But no, this was a solo mission now, the first of many presumably.
While my coffee was heating up, I made a jam sandwich and threw an apple into my handbag. After filling a thermos and a water bottle I was ready for my journey. I opened the front door and was greeted by a gust of wind, maybe that leather jacket wasn’t quite going to cut it. I dashed back into the living room and picked the fur coat from last night up from the floor in front of the couch and draped it over my arm. It was always colder down at the seaside and I was sure to need the extra layer sometime today.
After all day on the road, I finally made it back through the door of the apartment, with Lenny in cradled in my arms. I was grumpy and tired but most importantly, starving. But as soon as I let Lenny down, he ran to his bowl in the kitchen, meowing at such a decibel I was sure I was going to get complaints about animal abuse. I found a tin of cat food and scooped it out into his bowl before catering to my own hunger.
I left the apartment again, walking the short distance to the corner of the block to the Chippy. I ordered some chips and found an empty table by the window. I sat down under the fluorescent hanging light at watched rain begin to hit the window outside, of course it was raining, just my luck.
Betty called my number out after a short while, “Veronica, love! I purchased your boyfriends record the other day! I can see why you keep him! He was right, they are amazing!”   
I responded with a tight smile and took my packet of chips, poured some vinegar over them and left the store. Couldn’t I just go one day where Roger wasn’t brought up? Although I suppose it was hardly that poor woman's fault, Rog had been boasting about Queen one night to her after a long night at the pub and insisted ‘she needed to purchase the new album because her life would change as she knew it’. I chuckled to myself at the memory as I walked up the stairs back to the apartment.
I ate my dinner in peaceful silence, reading the book I’d started on the way to Japan with Lenny curled up in my lap. I was in my own little world before the phone started ringing pulling me out of the world of Stephen King.
“Hello?” I answered the phone slightly out of breath after running for the phone, I sat down on the kitchen counter.
“Veronica, at long last you finally grace me with your voice” I heard my mother drawl on the other end. Oh god, I was not in the mood to deal with my mother. I opened the window to my right and lit a cigarette, taking a long drag before answering her.
“What is it mum? I’m a bit busy at the moment, can this wait?” I asked, hoping to end this conversation before it even started, I knew what was coming.
“No it can not wait. Where have you been? You left in the middle of the night, a week before you were meant to, I have been calling you for days and this is the first time I hear from you? This is such irresponsible behaviour, you should be ashamed, leaving your sister on her wedding day.”
“Sorry mum.” I said, trying to end the tirade.
“Don’t sorry mum me, young lady. Where have you been? There better be a good excuse for leaving us all without so much as a goodbye.”
I bit my lip, banging my head back on the cupboard behind me with frustration. “I went to Japan.” I said, smiling as the phone went silent. I had completely caught her off guard.
“Why on earth were you Japan” she asked, venom coated her words, she was angry with me, very angry.
“Queen had their first Japan tour, and I didn’t leave my sister on her wedding day, I left at the end of the reception, I did my duty as maid of honour.”
“I should have known you were following your rocker boyfriend around like a groupie, your relationship with him is an embarrassment to the whole family, you do know that don’t you?”
“I am not a groupie, we live together, we’re in love.” I said, choking on the last word, she didn’t need to know he no longer loved me, or that we weren’t together anymore, she’d be impossible if she knew what happened.
“Ahh yes, well don’t tell me I didn’t warn you, you’ll end up getting cheated on, he’ll leave you for a younger, slimmer model, and you’ll be left high and dry.”
I slammed the phone on the receiver. That was too close to the truth, the words pierced me with their accuracy, he had turned me in for someone else. I wasn’t good enough for him. We weren’t as steady and stable as I thought and mum was right about the whole thing.
I needed to get out of this apartment, I needed to stop living the lie of stability that I’d been living. I put a Hendrix record on and put the volume all the way up, I needed some loud music for this. I walked into the bedroom, and retrieved the spare suitcase from underneath the bed, opened it up on the bed and started sifting through our clothes and records, throwing my possessions into the suitcase. Walking into the living room, something caught my eye before I could remove my photos and books from the bookcase. There was a little white piece of paper beside the couch I had slept on last night. I picked it up and found it was a receipt, it must have fallen out of the pocket of Rogers coat.
As I read the faded words on the receipt, I fell to the floor in a dramatic heap. It was a receipt for a high-end jewellery store, He’d spent a lot of money in there, on something I never received. The only pieces of jewellery he’d given me, although pretty, were a lot cheaper and never from a store of this prestige. My heart sunk and I was hit by a wave of nausea. He was having an affair, not just a one night stand. That was the only explanation. My mind was racing as my mind filled with questions:
Who was she? How long had this been going on? When did he fall out of love with me? Why had he done this to me?
I sat there, on the floor, in the middle of the living room with tears streaming down my face in a heavy flow. I felt like an absolute fool. I had no idea just how right my mother had been about him. Had I just been completely blinded by his good looks and charming personality to see him for who he really was?
Knock Knock
If this was the Low’s, complaining about the level of noise coming from the apartment I was going to have their heads. I opened the door fully expecting my vexing neighbours but I was greeted to a head of unmistakable brown curls.
“Brian? What are you doing here?” I asked, opening the door wider for him, letting him through my front door.
“It was me” He said, looking down at me with sad eyes.
“You’re gonna have to give me a few more words Bri... little lost here” I said, walking away from him in the hallway as I went to turn the kettle on.
“It was me that you heard in Roger’s room.”
Taglist: @xgoingdownx, @perriwiinkle, @hiyadarlingirl, @asquiresofftime, @lady1505
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