#why wouldnt they just make this cord work !!!! why is it only a charge cord !!! what the fuck !! there is a driver installed i see it !!
piplupod · 1 year
i hate the video game/tech industry so much. why would this cord not hook up the controller to the PC. why do i need to buy another cord. why are the cords $40+ CAD. I can buy a brand new better controller for $40-60 CAD. I want to scream fsdjkl I just want to use a controller with my laptop and I /know/ my brothers have wired controllers somewhere that they aren't using (and likely haven't used for years) but they refuse to lend it to me. i just want to play video games to distract myself from this hell house BLEASE
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anxiousgaypanicking · 4 months
Ok we’re taking about the robot fucking again
Virgil would also totally be a robot/android thing but kinda in a Frankenstein way where he’s built from all kinds of different parts that don’t necessarily match but still get the job done (you know like the robot version of patchwork like his hoodie)
Roman (cause he was the mechanic/coder in the last one) takes a look at him and is absolutely APPALLED at the state virgil is in because Virgil these parts are completely out of date how are you even still functioning??? So he takes it upon himself to update Virgil’s equipment and Virgil can’t help but squirm as he feels Roman’s hands caress his inner wires. Roman replaces some of his parts with newer (more sensitive) models until he’s in perfect shape (while also adding some of his own coding for good measure ;))
i like the idea of virgil growing attached to his mix-matched features, and upon romans initial horrified state, virgil thinks theyre solely due to the fact that his shiny, titanium arm doesn't match with his rose-gold coloured leg, or that one of his bionic eyes has a completely different iris colour than the other!
but, roman just expresses that half of virgils body is breaking down, and the other half uses completely outdated equipment! no wonder his servers are so often overwhelmed! he doesnt have the necessary hardware to quickly process and respond to important situations, which causes him to overheat, and frankly romans surprised he hasn't completely broken down due to the stress his overworked fans put his body under! ("what do you MEAN you don't have fans? how does your body cope with the overheating?" "i shut down." "of course you shut down. why wouldnt you shut down? are you sure you werent solely made for the theatrics????")
so, roman insists on not only updating his hardware, but a lot of his structure itself. he promises not to tamper with virgils hard-drive, and to keep his body rather similar in shape, but carefully pulls him apart bit by bit to fix him up.
and virgil doesnt expect just how good it feels
roman carefully starts with his body. arm by arm and leg by leg, trying to preserve as much as the scrap as possible and then reforming it with smoother, higher-functioning, and more sensitive limbs, which he attaches one by one to allow virgil to get used to them on their own without thrusting multiple new limbs on him without warning. and virgil is genuinely delighted to see that roman utilized the specific materials that his old limbs were made of, even if they were unorthodox, tough to work with, or obnoxiously coloured.
and then roman moves onto his wiring.
his big fingers are so gentle when snipping unneeded wires, and they brush over them so sweetly, urging him to relax when he feels virgils body start to get hot. roman doesn't want to him to damage his internal hardware, afterall.
but replacing the wires and rerouting the cords is the easy part.
changing out virgils charging ports is the hard part.
virgils incredibly flustered when it comes to giving roman access to the little port on his lower back, and keeps flinching away when roman tries to inspect it, making little squeaks or shuddering when roman runs his hand over the small hole, or being more embarrassingly vocal when roman has to dig into his back panel to study it more closely. and of course, roman says that he needs to observe virgil during the charging process to guarantee the replaced port and new charger - both of which were hand-crafted by him - are compatible, leaving virgil to hide his face as he's plugged in as he feels each bit of energy that rushes into him to an incredibly sensitive degree.
but, since he did such a good job, virgil completely trusts roman when roman asks if he can add a bit to virgils coding, even promising virgil can review the code after to decide what bits he wants to keep and what he doesnt. only for virgil's newfound fans to kick into full blast when he sees all the extra inappropriate coding roman suggests, though he accepts all of it without complaint, much to romans delight
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fuck-customers · 6 years
Oof Lady... your "guilt tripping" isnt gonna make us do the return...
LONG fuck-customer story! The lady stood there arguing us for 20 mins so i’ll try to condense it but the tl;dr at the end
So it wasn’t busy but it was a steady flow for 2 of my 5 hour shift. Right before my break I get a daughter with her baby and the daughter’s mother wanting to return an iRobot. They state that it was not charging and just wanted to exchange it. No problem! I asked for the receipt but they didn’t have one it was off the daughter’s wedding registry. Also not a problem i just need the registry # and i can located it and do the return/exchange…..here’s the long ass excuse given to me…I’ll mention it once here but the mother of the daughter repeated it SEVERAL TIMES throughout the whole 20 mins with me and my manager:
So the grandparents of the daughter saw the iRobot on tv and purchased it at a different location for her wedding. BUT they didnt get it scanned off the registry b/c they “were bad at technology and such”. So the mother took it off the gift registry so that no one else would buy the daughter one since she already got it.
The grandparents didn’t get a gift receipt or even saved the receipt b/c our old policy was that you can return anything even without the receipt. But since then we changed our policy at 3B’s to where you can still kinda do that (it has to be within a year of purchase date) but any electronic item with a cord with NO receipt we have to refer you to the manufacturer or vendor b/c we literally CANNOT take it back anymore. 
when i told them that they were NOT happy but the mother mostly argued us while the daughter stood to the side (so we are mostly dealing with the mom). I called my manager the first time she told me this story/didnt accept my explanation of our policy. She tells the story again with more of an attitude. The manager told her the same thing i told her and she just starts guilt tripping us??
here are some of the things she was saying (along with restating how the grandparents didn’t KNOW and that they arent good at things like this)
“They (the grandparents) wouldnt have even bought this if not for your policy of them being able to return it anytime!”
“I cant believe this! Im not dealing with the vendor that will take TOO LONG!”
“We dont even want MONEY we just want to exchange!” *the iRobot was an older version and aged so we didnt carry that version (since it is discontinued) Also it was HEAVILY used so i doubt it just “stopped charging” and it just stopped working b/c it’s old. -_-
(this is the guilt tripping she started using)
“is this gonna happen with EVERY item on the wedding and baby registry? b/c then we MIGHT as well just RETURN all of those items and not deal with this anymore” *lmao ok lady if you wanna do that just bring the receipt*
“We have used 3B forever! We came here BECAUSE of the return policy but apparently that CHANGED?? I guess we just have to find another store to frequent..” *our company changed the policy b/c we were LOSING money with our old policy but if you wanna complain go talk to them loool*
“NO ONE EXPLAINED THIS TO US BEFORE *the policy changed happened 9 months ago* SO THAT’S NOT REALLY OUR FAULT” *first of all even if we could return it you would still be getting less b/c it is an aged item and you have no PROOF of what you/the grandparents’ paid so there was no happy ending to this at all lol*
I’ll end it there b/c this is too long a story but she kept this up for 20 mins b/c i was eyeing the clock and wanted to go on break LOL
End of story: my manager tried to see what he could do but since it was aged and all that she really only could get back 75 bucks when it was 299.99 brand new lol. Plus new models that replaced that model were priced at 699.99. She did NOT like that. Continued guilt tripping and finally gave up and asked for our company number and my manager’s name (even tho he was gonna break the rules and try to do the return even if they were gonna only get 75 bucks for it…) and after they left with one more comment of never shopping here/with our company again, my manager turned to me and goes “welp i guess im gonna get a call on that one soon” LOL he wasnt even worried haha i told him ill back him up on trying to do everything to help them but im not worried it’s not our fault that they took it off the wedding registry or keeping the receipt (like if anything you buy is over 300 bucks why NOT keep the receipt just in case something happened??? that’s just stupid as shit). If they had the receipt or ANY proof of purchase they would have totally gotten the 299.99 (or like 310 whatever the tax was on it) back no problem.
Keep your receipt ppl especially on very expensive items!
TL;DR: Mother with daughter and daughter’s baby want to exchanged a heavily used iRobot saying it “just stopped charging”. New Policy says we cant even accept electronic items with cords anymore - we have to give the customer a vendor number and they have to deal with them. Mom was appalled and tried to guilt trip us and argue for 20 mins with manager. Manager actually went above and beyond to see what he could do but lady would only get 75 bucks for it b/c it was an aged model. Lady did not like this, continued to rant and guilt trip us until giving up and vowing to “not shop with our company anymore” b/c of this…
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