#why were there concerns about the wolves even before they were made??
dollypopup · 3 months
People truly have no empathy for Colin at all, do they?
I've seen comments about how unfair he was to Penelope for his reaction to the Lady Whistledown reveal, disparaging him for 'pouting on the couch' or that he was unreasonable, or out of character, or he should have gotten over it more quickly, and that he left her in the street SO egregiously, and how DARE he say that she trapped him! and being furious that he iced her out and, worst of all, calling him a 'little bitch' for his response (sexist language? in MY fandom? it's more likely than you think!)
I need us to step into his shoes as a character for a moment, because honestly it makes so much sense to me why he was upset and reacted the way he did. And it all comes back to that mirror scene and his apology at the start of the season.
Why did Colin ultimately fall for Penelope? Because she made him feel seen. It was genuinely baffling to me in Episode 8 when Penelope talked about how it felt to be invisible, to be unheard, to search for a purpose, and the camera didn't pan to Colin. When that has been his ultimate insecurity for the entirety of his characterization. Colin related to Penelope because THEY are mirror images of each other, and what made it so dissatisfying for me at the end of the season was that the writing dropped that, but I digress.
Colin feels transparent with Penelope. And he likes that. He likes that she sees him because he feels that she sees him gently, and kindly, and with tenderness. He's concerned, of course, that she doesn't have the same feelings for him that he does for her, but he loves her, and it's a good feeling to love someone who knows and accepts you.
He wanted the same opportunity. They strip down in front of each other, and that's what made their first time so beautiful and meaningful for him. Not that they were naked, but that they were bare. That, for him, he bared it all for her. His heart, his feelings, his skin, his hopes and dreams. Colin has always been a vulnerable party in their relationship.
And finding out she is Lady Whistledown is the confirmation that such feelings were one sided for him.
Of course that fucking hurts!
Colin CRIES when he finds out she's Lady Whistledown. He is seconds away from sobbing in that street. He is betrayed, and she has no words with which to comfort him. Of course, we as the audience understand that as her fears come to fruition, that Colin can now never love her (as Eloise warned) (and also is not true, through all of it, he DOES love her) because he sees who she is in full and cannot accept it (yet), but for Colin, it is not necessarily that she is Lady Whistledown that hurts him the most. Listen to what he says first and foremost and you will recognize what he had the most immediate pain over: All the lies you have told me. . .
Because Colin is traumatized. This was his grief with Marina, as well: the lies.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: For Colin, love is being open, being honest, and choosing one another for it. Love is living in the light. And for him, Penelope has only allowed him to love half of her as a result of her secrecy. That's painful.
Even still, he chooses her.
But Penelope? Penelope chooses Lady Whistledown.
I agree that the 'entrapment' comment was harsh but. . .y'all, she did trap him. They were intimate together before he found out about Lady Whistledown, he knew she very well could have been with child, and that in breaking their marriage, he would be leaving her for the wolves. Her only prospect before him was Debling, and he's long gone. Colin loves her despite the fact that she hurt him, and he would never forsake her. Yes, he made the moves first. Yes, he gatecrashed her other engagement. Yes, in a way, he trapped her, too.
But he asked if she wanted to be intimate with him, and she said yes.
Did he leave her in the street after finding out about Lady Whistledown? Yeah, he did. In front of her carriage. She was literally about to get in it and go home. Sometimes, the kindest thing you can do in an argument is to walk away. He is in tears. He just found out the woman he loves has lied to him for years. And she's clearly done this for a long time. In that moment, the big danger to her is what he can say to hurt her in his anger, not her getting in a carriage and rolling her way back to her house.
Please remember that Penelope ghosted him for months over one comment. He believed she would never forsake him and then she did. He came to HER and apologized after she made it clear that he hurt her, and it was a beautiful apology that also, very importantly, had an action attached to it to fix the harm.
That's what's missing in all of these scenes, that's why he's so hurt and can't leave that sofa. For him, that sofa is the place where he and Penelope came together as a couple, the last place he was happy with her and felt he knew her. To leave it, to sleep beside her, is to abandon that glowing past for an uncertain future, and he can't do that because she has not fixed her harm.
There are three steps to a good apology, and I will commend Penelope, she does 2 of the three. 1: Acknowledge the harm. 2: Apologize for the harm. 3: Fix the harm. In whatever way you can. Sometimes, this means if you broke something, to repair it or replace it, like a mug or a cup. Sometimes, this means assuring the action will not take place again, like I'm sorry I looked into your journal, I'll respect your privacy from now on. And then, only then, can you move forward.
The show fails in the fact that they double down on not fixing it. It tries, yes, in the sense that after she's been blackmailed, she comes to him and says she has to be honest with him, but she does not voice aloud that she will continue to be honest with him, or that they will be a unit together. She is an individual, and he is playing support. That's the deal he has to agree to.
Tell me you'd agree right off the cuff. You can't.
And if Lady Whistledown's actions are a source of pain, as he says in the second part of his confrontation All of the things you have written about me and my family well, Penelope intends to continue doing so by the end of the series.
She just intends to do it openly instead of anonymously. So of course Colin has a hard time with this. Finding out Penelope is Lady Whistledown will take time to process, and his intimacy with her stems from his emotional attachment. Of COURSE he doesn't sleep with her even though he's attracted to her when he's getting the blanket for the couch: their closeness has been cut, and he's feeling it like a wound.
So yes, Colin sleeps on that couch, and he finds some refuge as he digests the fact that whilst Pen is acknowledging that she hurt him, she doesn't intend to repair that harm. It is on him to do so, on him to build that bridge, and of course he needs time for it. He is alone, he has no one really to confide in, and Eloise took an entire year to forgive Penelope, yet we expect Colin to be over it in what? A few days?
His betrayal about Lady Whistledown is multifaceted:
1: It is an understanding that the woman he loves is also the woman who has lied to him
2: The woman he loves is the woman who disparaged him publicly and stands by that disparagement
3: The woman he loves has a legacy and a career when he doesn't, and he is digesting his envy and bitterness about it. The embarrassment of having revealed to her that he likes to write and for her to know whilst she is a more successful author than he is (THIS is the facet that he SHOULD be dealing with on his own, frankly. THIS is the 'build the bridge and get over it' bit, NOT the others)
4: He has been lied to in the past and now has trust issues, so he doesn't even know if he can believe she fully loves him
and 5: He is in a predicament where he will never be chosen first, and considering he never has been in his entire life, this is also a sting that will take a long time to heal (and don't come at me about how Penelope choosing her career is #girlboss. He asked her to give up a gossip column that has hurt him and her loved ones and is putting her actively in danger. he never asked her to stop writing. he never asked her to be a stay-at-home wife, he never intended to have her at home and pregnant. he wanted her to acknowledge that yes, LW was a persona she took on, just as he had a persona at the start of the season, and she no longer needed it and could walk freely with him into the light, writing novels and living a life with him hand in hand. that's not unreasonable. she didn't NEED to keep writing Lady Whistledown, and the fact that she, yet again, chose it when she has acknowledged how much harm and pain it has brought her and those around her felt like a massive step back in her development, but I digress)
Colin Bridgerton is, frankly, a more empathetic character than most of us would be. I have ended relationships for considerably less hurt than this, and whilst I understand that Penelope having a career is important, fuck, *I* have a career and I find it deeply fulfilling, and giving it up would be unthinkable. But at the same time, your career cannot come first in your life as it does for Penelope.
We end the series with her life still unbalanced. Throughout it all, the ONE thing she has always chosen has been Lady Whistledown, and there's a reason people say that constantly picking your career before your family and the people who love you is detrimental. It's because it is.
This is meant to be an escapist romance show. The romance between Polin felt lacking, not because Colin didn't choose Penelope fast enough, but because Penelope didn't choose him at all.
Because Colin did choose Penelope. Actively. Partly through honor (look me in my eyes, if he didn't, he KNEW he'd be damning her, he loves her too damn much for that) but mostly through love. She hurt him and he chose to stay. Yes, he slept on the couch. Yes, he processed his emotions. Yes, he was mad. But he was incredibly reasonable throughout all of it, especially considering she essentially went "I'm sorry I hurt you, but I'm going to continue doing this thing" about it.
But what did Penelope choose? To continue writing the article that hurt the people around her, under the promise that 'I'll be better about it, now!'. Not Colin. Not her love story. But her career.
I need to be clear now that they did NOT sell me on the fact that she chose both. She chose 1, very clearly, and the other came as a consolation prize.
Colin should not be a consolation prize.
In the end, Colin chose his love for her over his ego, his pride, and his own self love. I hope in the future it will be more equitable between the two of them, because when he delivered the 'If my only purpose in life is to love a woman as great as you' speech, I felt my heart breaking for him. I would never want that in a romance from a female character saying so to a man, and I don't want it from a man to woman, either.
Colin Bridgerton starts the series in the shadows.
And he ends it in them, too.
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speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery:A bloody fight of survival begins between you and the wolves
CH-6: A bloody fight
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The wolf bared its fangs at you, creeping closer, inch by inch. Your feet felt like it was made out of bricks as you just stared at it. Finally the wolf jumped at you,with its mouth open wide. But before the wolf could come into contact with your skin, it was shoved away to the ground with a headbutt from Charlie.
You were snapped out of your daze when you heard your ewe shout at you. You quickly reached into your bag to find the pepper spray and knife you packed. The wolf was about to jump onto Charlie, but you were faster.
Holding the pepper spray in one hand and the knife with other, you lunged onto the wolf. Was this absolute stupidity? Maybe. But the ewe just saved your life and no way in hell you were going to let it get eaten now. You quickly sprayed in the wolf's face, making it temporarily blind, before shoving the pocket knife in its throat. Blood sprayed across your cheeks from the impact. The wolf was pushed back and your knife remained stuck inside the wolf. Its neck now bleeding as it was now limping and began to retreat.
While you were fighting, Niffty quickly rushed up to the the wolf closing in on Alastor. They couldn't forget the fear they felt when husk, who was now a cat, told them about the dire situation Alastor was in. It was a miracle that Husk recognised them even in this form. It was probably one of his bartender's specialties he's so proud of. But they were glad that you followed along, cause they didn't know what to do by themselves.
Niffty quickly bit The wolf's leg as it was about to bite alastor. The wolf let out a painted grunt as it looked at its attacker. You were just finished with your own fight at the moment. Huffing, you turned to look at the deer's situation.
Alastor used this moment of distraction of the wolf to pull himself up and swing his antlers through the wolf, piercing it. More blood sprayed the ground as the wolf's now dead body fell to the ground. Exhaustion and pain finally caught up to Alastor as he now laid on the ground with a thud.
You were still breathing heavily. Fear and exhaustion setting in your body as the adrenaline slowly went away. The ewe ran to you nuzzled your hand a little before running to the deer. All of your animals seemed to surround the deer as the deer was observing all of you with its red piercing eyes. Finally all of the animals eyes fell on you, it was like they were pleading you to help the deer.
You slowly got up, almost stumbling and falling down, before slowly reaching up to the deer. It was staring at you quite intensely. You slowly sat beside it and held out your hand towards its body to examine it's injuries. But the deer let out a grunt as its body tensed up, startling you before you could touch it.
'Alastor, she just wants to help! Let her examine your wounds you radio freak!' Vaggie scolded Alastor. She was feeling really pathetic for not being able to help. 'Vaggie, you don't have shout at him, he'll understand...' Charlie said while looking at Alastor with concern. '..Why do you all trust this girl so much..?' Alastor inquired before letting out a painted moan. 'Well she is the one taking care of us now and she's a really nice girl,sir!' Niffty said chipping in.
'Fine..' Alastor really didn't like when other people touched him. But he didn't really have a choice right now. He couldn't let himself die as a deer of all things, not when he has so much planned for the future. Alastor looked at you as you gently guided your hands again towards his wounds, now taking extra precaution to not startle him.
It looked like the deer hadn't suffered that much wounds. But there are some cuts and gashes that'll need to be sewn up. Most of the blood covering it's body was from the wolves. But unless the wounds were sewn up, it might get worse.
You looked at the deer to find it already staring at you. "Looks like you aren't in that much of a bad shape buddy..." You awkwardly said towards the deer. "But we might need to get you patched up..." Your voice trailed off in the end, wondering how the hell you'll be able to sew wounds of a deer. It might run away as soon as it gets it's strength to move.
You decided the best course of action would be to do that before it gained the strength to move then. There was still some time before light would go away. "Stay here, I'll be right back" standing quickly, you dashed towards your cabin. Grabbing your first aid kits and some clean towel, you again rushed back. You knew your legs will probably cry tomorrow but you couldn't care less.
"Hold still okay..?" You said as you prepared to sew the wounds. You were prepared for a lot of thrashing or even the deer to ran away from the pain. But the deer surprisingly let itself be sewn up like a champ. "Now that's my good boy.." you said as you finished sewing. Then you took the towel and wiped as much blood and guts from its body as you could. You could feel your stomach turning at the sight but you held it in.
It was already evening when you were finished. All the animals, including the cat now was just sitting behind you as you worked. 'Ya know, didn't take you for the type to care for Alastor husky. Even if he was dying ' Angel said, resting on Charlie's wool. Husk and Alastor were both told of the whole ordeal by now. 'I fucking don't! But we got lost on earth and I don't know what would have happened to me if he died here!' Husk said with venom. 'Now,now.. don't fight guys..' Charlie awkwardly said.
"Stop following me"
You turned around and told to the deer who was just behind you. After you finished cleaning what you could, the deer stood up. You were happy it could walk so quickly. You smiled and hoped it could go back to its flock quickly and not get targeted by any other wolves in its way. You began to go back to the cabin with your animals. But for some reason the deer wouldn't stop following you.
The deer just stared at you, tilting it's head. You sighed, not knowing what to do. You didn't want to try scaring it away knowing what it did to the wolf. You just kept walking towards you cabin. Hoping it will go away by itself.
It didn't. You were opening the lock of your door while you could feel it breathing down behind your back. Unlocking your door you quickly let the small animals in and got inside yourself. Just as you were about to close the door quickly, the deer stopped it with its hoof. Then it easily pushed the door open with its antlers and let itself inside.
"Wow, okay, I have a deer inside my cabin right now, alright..." You mumbled to yourself as the deer walked into the room beside your own with the bookshelves and plopped itself down on the ground. Seemingly resting.
"God I definitely need a warm bath right now.." you desperately wanted to clean yourself after all that blood and gore. You decided to clean all the bloody footprints of the animals on the floor later and pray that the deer doesn't destroy the cabin when you come back.
After your bath, you came to find the floors squeaky clean. The puppy sat on the now clean floor as it looked up at you and barked happily. You were too tired to question anything at the moment so you just crouched down and pat the puppy
"You did a great job protecting the deer. Now let's get you some food" You said as you stood up and went to kitchen.
As you were putting niffty's food on a bowl, you suddenly heard some meowing coming from around your leg. Being surprised, you looked down to see the grumpy cat from earlier. You didn't even notice that it followed you home. You crouched down to pat it too. It scooted away from your touch at first. But then it looked at the puppy then just let itself be petted?
You patted it a bit then stood up"You must be hungry too, let's get you something to eat as well" the cat's face almost lit up at your words. It made you think it probably let itself be petted cause of food. Now you didn't have any cat food with you but you supposed some fish will have to do.
You grabbed some fish and prepared it for the cat and gave both the puppy and the cat their food. You left some fruits out in case the moth wanted to eat and went to check in on the deer. The deer seemed to be resting closing its eyes. Your sheep and moth seemed to be there too. Your eyes wondered around the bruises of the deer's body. You felt bad for it but also surprised at how sturdy he was. You took a blanket and put it over it's body. You didn't notice the deer staring at you as you exited the room.
You decided to skip dinner and made sure everything was locked before returning to your room. You just plopped onto the bed, ready to call it a day. Suddenly you heard something shuffling into your bed. And then the head of your fluffy ewe came into your view. You smiled and held her closer. "Thank you for saving my life back there buddy" you gave it a small kiss on its forehead. The ewe nuzzled closer to you in response and let out a satisfying sound.
You finally thought back on all the events that took place in one day. 'I have a sheep, a moth, a puppy, a spider, a cat and a DEER of all things in my house. Who would have guessed..'
"What's next? A damn snake?"you mumbled.
You probably shouldn't have said that..
(A.N: So I wanted to give a shout-out to this one Alastor RP account on twitter who said he wouldn't mind if I was the one holding his leash and I-
Sjabhakak- hello????sir????😳😳😳)
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
OMG! I’m so happy for you, 5K is so exciting and you deserve it so much. I (live laugh) loveeeeeee your writing style so so so so much and I’ve just about read every fic you’ve made like 30 times over. I have an idea for a Soap nsfw fic that I’ve been wanting to submit since I found your account and I think this is the perfect time.
Rivals to lovers? Soap and reader were cadets together during their training/pre-selection days of the SAS, they were both top of their “class” and would often try to one up one another? Despite that, they would have one another’s backs. Eventually, after SAS selection, they parted ways and maybe a few years later (just after the events of MW2 2022) they reconnect as they’re both assigned to a mission. Sexual tensions high after years of not seeing each other? and goes sideways and they have to end up staying at a safe house (One bed trope?) and then things escalate from there?
Thank you for opening your requests for this momentous occasion! I’m so so happy for you and I’m so so excited for the next work you put out!
—Still The Same Fools
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [There was always a rivalry between you two - that hasn't changed even if both of you have. Years later, the boiling point is finally met.] ❞
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“I told you it was a bad idea,” you tilt your head, tightly wrapping your left thigh; bandages you pull harder, grunting as the flow of blood slows. 
The safehouse is cold—and it’s snowing outside worse than a shaken snow globe on a massage chair, flakes as big as your hand slapping the window. 
Johnny’s trying to start a fire, shoulders all wound up as you stare at his tension-ridden back. 
“MacTavish,” you call, glaring. “I’m talking to you.”
“Aye,” he grunts, flicking his lighter three times before the smallest of flames sparks up—he quickly moves it to the dry logs, letting it take to the kindling. “I have ears.”
You grimace, shaking your head. 
The history between the two of you was long—dating back to the days when you’d both signed up. You’d bled together, failed, and won together, even if the tensions were visible in the air as much as the long glances were. SAS selection had been the point where your clashing attitudes had been put on pause; things were getting more serious now—there was no going back. Only a year in you’d both seen the last of each other.
Or, you thought that at least.
A mission—Norway during a blizzard. Full coverage and the means of a Capture-Or-Kill.
“You want to explain to me why you still decided to rush in like that?” You push, voice digging. 
The room was weighed down by heat—not from the now sizzling fire itself but from the stiff look that’s passed your way. You blink, Soap’s blue eyes darker than they had been. With a low grunt, the usually sarcastic and blunt man stands, beginning to stalk over with hard steps. Bodies layered with sweat and grime, you release the shreds of the bandages around your bare thigh; pants half down your legs. 
Frowning, you ignore the soar in your heart rate and let him move up to the rickety chair you sit in, his hands coming down to lean into the armrests on either side of you. 
You hold back a gasp as his face is shoved into yours.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he utters, accent stiff, and both of your eyes battling one another for dominance that neither wants to give up. Two feral wolves at each other’s throats. “Maybe it was to make sure the old Hen of mine didn’t get herself killed.”
You snap back immediately, faces closer and breath puffing over skin. “You don’t trust me?”
“Never said that,” he grunts, stubble shifting into a frown.
You scoff, nose brushing against his as heads tilt. “Prove it. Because right now, I’m hearing a lot of bullshi—”
Lips smash into yours.
The affair that night was a rabid tangle of shed clothes and loose limbs, bare skin bloody and sweat-stained long before any action had even been taken. The wound at your thigh was of little concern as the fast shove of Johnny’s pelvis sent his cock dragging along the walls of your cunt. 
“Fuck,” you gasp, head tilting back to connect with the floor as the fire spreads light over the safehouse. “God, right there. Right there, Johnny.”
Your legs tighten around his waist, a thin stream of crimson moving down your flesh as the sound of slapping wet skin echoes over and over again. Like a loyal dog, the man smirks into your neck as he bites, sucking and groaning all the more as you tighten around him with a shiver of electricity working its way down your spine straight to your core.
You whine as he grabs your chin, glaring weakly until your glossy eyes blur the space behind his head.
“Like that, do you?” He teases, hand firm and unyielding. “Tell me you like it, Dearie.”
“Go,” you pant, fingers digging into his mohawk and pulling. Johnny’s blown pupils widen even farther, hips thrusting harder and making you moan in his hold—him doing the same, with a more cut-off version that would make a pornstar blush. You force out, “screw yourself.”
He feels you tighten even farther around him, his jaw clenching as his abdomen bunches, trying to hold off his approaching orgasm. 
“I think I’m enjoying this more, see,” he sloppily kisses the side of your mouth, licking at the skin. Everything about this was pent-up lust—messy sex in both the literal and metaphorical sense. 
His tip caresses your womb, pulling almost all the way out of you before jerking forward and grinding moments after. His pelvis massages your clit, textured walls like a noose trying to keep him in. Your fluids leak out to coat his thighs a nice shiny clear. Muscles glide over yours, the dip and swell of flesh addictive. 
A growl is sent into your face. 
“Pull my hair again.” You do so, listening to the animalistic groans as your body moves up and down on the floor, cutting off exhalations of air puffing out from open mouths.
“Harder,” your gasp, “fuck me harder, Sergeant.”
A hand slams into the wood beside your head, the other moving to press into your stomach. You nearly cry when you can feel his cock hammering against the thin flesh of your abdomen. 
You tighten around him and arch your back, lips brushing against his as you strangle down a loud plea for release. Your fingers latch and twist Johnny’s head to the side as the cord in your snaps.
“Fuck,” Johnny draws out the curse, eyes rolling back as you bare down on him ruthlessly, thighs tense and stained with blood and cum as your orgasm seeps violently down the swell of them. 
He follows with a loud gasp, letting you feel the gush of his spend as it fills you to the brim, leaking out with every failing cant of his hips into yours.
The man loosens and lets his limp head hit your shoulder, body shaking as he stays above you only enough to keep his full weight from crushing you. It’s a long time before either of you find the words to speak.
“Round two?” Johnny asks. 
You blink and feel the small sparks of pain in your thigh. It was nothing serious.
“Yeah,” you shrug, voice breathless and cunt spasming. “Why not.”
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lewmagoo · 1 year
i smile at the moon | rhett abbott
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description: in which two wild souls become knit together as one
warnings: 18+ only, werewolves, violence, animals fighting, perry abbott slander, mentions of death, family drama, mentions of blood, smut, breeding kink, unprotected sex (basically a mating ritual lol), possessiveness, creampie, biting, scratching, all around animalistic themes
pairing: werewolf!rhett abott x f!werewolf!reader
notes: yeah so this started out as me wanting to write naughty werewolf smut and then it turned into a 10k+ word story complete with my own werewolf lore. thanks to @lovinglyeternal bc they basically created this monster by sending me a werewolf rhett concept. you are responsible for my insanity ;-)
He could smell you. 
Each inhale of your scent was intoxicating. Stronger and sweeter than anything he’d ever smelled before. Citrusy, in a way. Warm and spicy like a hot cider. 
All his life he’d been told that the scent of one’s mate was unique and indescribable. The most wonderful, appealing, all-consuming scent. Before he found you, he’d tried to imagine what it would smell like. His mama’s brown butter chocolate cookies, fresh out of the oven? Cotton candy, from the county fair? The comforting sweetness that hung in the air of his favorite childhood ice cream shop?
However, all of those scents paled in comparison to you. It hit him like a freight train the first time he met you. His knees went weak, his spine tingled as if he’d been struck by a bolt of white-hot lightning. It hit you just as hard, overwhelming your every sense. At that very moment, both of you knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you were made for each other. The Fates had brought you together and your bond would never be severed. 
You would never forget that first meeting in the woods. You were part of a neighboring pack. New to the region, having recently migrated from your old home because tensions between your pack and a rival one had grown to concerning levels. 
To avoid a full-blown war, your pack had moved out west, hoping to start fresh. And a fresh start was exactly what you found. But little did you know that it would also lead you to find the one you were destined for. 
You met him the day his pack came to make a formal introduction and welcome you to the region. The Northeast Wyoming pack was comprised of the Abbott family descendants. 
However, the pack was not as great as it had once been. What used to dominate the entire northeastern region of Wyoming had been reduced to a very small family of wolves. Royal, the alpha. His wife Cecelia. Their son, Perry; the eldest and next in line for alpha status, and their younger son, Rhett. Finally, there was Amy, Perry’s young daughter. 
Rumor had it Perry once had a wife, but she’d ultimately left the pack and chosen to become an omega. Or, so you’d heard. 
When you heard the pack was coming to welcome you to the area, you had no idea what to expect. These were potential allies, but if something went wrong, they could very quickly become your enemy. You hoped it wouldn’t come to that. You were tired of fighting and wanted nothing more than to finally enjoy a season of peace. 
Little did you know that you were about to meet the one you would mate with for life. 
They came at sunset, bearing gifts. Food for your table. Good bottles of wine. They even brought a few toys for some of the small children in your pack.
Cecelia did most of the talking. She was warm and friendly and gave you a hearty welcome, informing you that she was so happy to have new neighbors in the region, and was looking forward to rebuilding the community they’d lost over the years. 
Silently, you wondered why their pack was so small. Yours had nearly twenty members. Theirs had five. Perry had a child, an heir, already. Which left Rhett, the only one who hadn’t furthered the bloodline yet.
Of the whole family, he was the last one to arrive that night. Royal made an offhanded comment about him always being late, and how he was just being lazy. The comment rubbed you the wrong way. Especially since Rhett wasn’t even there to defend himself. You didn’t even know the man, but you already felt a strange sense of protectiveness toward him. 
Odd, you thought. But instead of dwelling on it, you simply turned and joined the rest of your pack, ready for the evening’s festivities to begin. 
Rhett arrived a little while later. A rickety old GMC Sierra pulled into the gravel driveway, and it caught your attention. You glanced over to see a young man climbing out of the driver’s side. You couldn’t quite see his face yet, but you could tell he was handsome. 
That’s when you caught it. The breeze blew in your direction, and a scent unlike anything you’d ever smelled before filled your entire being. Deep and musky, like pine and woodsmoke, yet sharp and fresh, like the air after a rainfall. 
It pulled the deepest of gasps from you, and you dropped the stack of plates you’d been carrying out of the house for the outdoor supper. You vaguely heard your mother calling your name, asking what was wrong, but you hardly registered it. Without another thought, your legs were moving of their own accord, carrying you straight for the brunette-haired man walking up the lane. 
He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a figure quickly approaching. But that wasn’t what caught his attention. It was the scent. Sweet and spicy and delicious. He tensed, his eyes widening as his nostrils flared slightly. He’d never been hit with something so strong and irresistible. Suddenly his world was spinning off its axis as he realized what this meant. 
His heart began to pound in his chest. His palms grew clammy. His knees went weak. And then, suddenly, you were in front of him, eyes glowing yellow, bright as the sun, and he thought he was going to suffocate right then and there as the breath left his lungs. 
You weren’t sure who moved forward first. But all at once you were in each other’s space, like two lovers reunited after years apart. 
Rhett leaned in and pressed his nose to the side of your neck, breathing in deeply. You buried your face against his chest and inhaled sharply. This was customary for wolves. Especially ones mated to each other, to greet one another by taking in the other’s scent.
When you parted, you realized that his eyes were glowing, too. 
“It’s you,” he whispered, awestruck. His chest heaved. He could hardly take in oxygen. 
You barely knew what to do with yourself. You were so overwhelmed that all you could do was stare at him, drinking him in. The one you had dreamed of since you were small. Your hands lifted of their own accord, and you ran them over his face. Down his neck. Across his chest. Feeling that he was in fact real and that this wasn’t a dream. 
Then, when you found your voice, you breathlessly spoke. “I’ve been waiting my whole life for you.” 
Rhett finally found the breath he needed, and a disbelieving laugh brushed past his parted lips. He could hardly believe his eyes. Here you were, standing before him. The one he thought he’d never meet. He’d been certain that he was cursed to go through life without a mate. Yet here you were, standing in front of him, and an all-consuming sense of elation buzzed through him, like fizzy champagne in his veins.
You watched as he took a step back, his boots crunching against gravel as he threw his head back, face turned to the sky. He took a deep breath and let out a deep wolf howl, sounding through the wilderness. It echoed off the trees and it shook you to your core.
You couldn’t help the laughter that began to pour from your mouth. Laughter of disbelief. Laughter of joy. Laughter of love. “It’s you!” You repeated his own words from moments prior, still laughing, so happy you could barely contain it. 
He looked back at you, his eyes, back to a thrilling and human blue, framed by smile lines as he grinned at you. His howl had alerted the rest of your pack, and his own, and moments later, they were all gathering in the clearing to see what was going on.
You grabbed Rhett’s hand, holding it up high as your fingers intertwined. “I’ve found him!” You cried. “I’ve found my mate!”
That night, what had started as a friendly dinner between new neighbors turned into a celebration that lasted well into the night. It was a joyous occasion, to find one’s mate, deserving of an extravagant celebration. 
You swore you didn’t stop smiling for the entire night. The realization that in a moment of divine fate, you had met the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with. Your soulmate. The half to your whole. Suddenly, all the strife that you’d gone to just to get to this point seemed all worth it. Because now, here was this beautiful man beside you, rugged but gentle, with kind eyes and a shy smile. And he was everything you’d dreamed he would be. 
Your families gave you time alone that night, and you walked beneath the light of the half moon, side by side, straying away from all the activity to find a quiet spot. 
You sat in a clearing in the woods and you talked for hours. You told Rhett all about your pack, and the unrest that had forced you to move all the way out here to Wyoming. You spoke of each pack member with such reverence and respect, and it sent a pang of envy through him. 
He revealed to you that he did not have the most positive relationship with his family. 
“We’ve, uh, we’ve been through some shit, the last few years. It’s put a strain on the pack. ‘specially my relationship with my brother.” He gazed out across the expanse of the woods, and in the silver light of the moon, you saw a sadness in his eyes. “His wife Rebecca left him and Amy. He didn’t take it very well.”
“That’s sad,” you whispered sympathetically. “Do you know why she left?”
Rhett’s eyes remained trained toward the distance, and you didn’t miss the way his jaw tensed. “Don’t tell my folks I said this, but he ran ‘er off. I saw it comin’ from a mile away, but everybody else seemed blindsided when she wound up running for the hills.”
“Were they mates?” You questioned. 
“Nah. Perry said they were, but they weren’t. He didn’t want to wait to find his mate. Went against pack customs just so he could have Rebecca for his own. She went along with it at first. Even had a baby with him. But when I tell you I ain’t never seen a more unhappy woman in my life. She was a nice gal but she was fuckin’ miserable with my brother. Eventually it got so bad that she up and left. Didn’t even take Amy with her, that’s how bad things were,” he explained. 
Your eyes widened at the thought. You’d always been told that the bond between mama wolves and their pups was unmatched, running deeper than even the lowest depth of the sea. For one to just up and leave her baby was unheard of. It made you shudder to think just how terrible things must have been to push Rebecca away like that. 
You shook your head. “Poor Amy.”
Rhett hummed in agreement. “Her mama’s been gone a year now. She’s adapted okay, but she seems kinda lonely. Kids at school can’t relate to her because they ain’t wolves like she is.”
“I guess it really was fate that brought us here then, huh? All my little cousins will befriend her, she won’t have to worry about feeling as alone anymore.”
He smiled softly, glancing at you. “Sure am thankful to that Fate fella. I’ll have to thank him if I ever meet him face to face. Thank him for bringin’ you to me.”
It was your turn to smile, and you turned your face away, hiding the shy glimmer that lit up your eyes. But Rhett reached out, hooking his fingers under your chin and turning your face back toward him. “I know we’ve got some more formalities to go through before we’re joined together, but I want you to know that right here, right now, I’m pledgin’ myself to you and only you for the rest of my life.”
You closed your eyes, breathing in deeply again, letting his intoxicating scent wash over you once more. “And I pledge myself to you,” you replied. 
Your gaze remained fixed on his own, and his hand shifted, moving to cup your cheek. His eyes flickered to your lips, then back up to your own eyes, as if asking permission. You gave the tiniest of nods, and he leaned in, so close you could almost taste him. 
Until, suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded through the woods. You broke apart abruptly, and Rhett sighed, rising to his feet. “That would be my mama.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Guess we should head back then.”
And so you did, walking hand in hand back to the house. You knew from that moment on that everything was about the change. You would soon begin the ritual of preparing for your wedding, a formality in which your packs would be joined together through your matrimony. Everything you had been dreaming of for your entire life was finally coming true, and it all felt so close, yet so far. 
That night, after you bid goodnight to Rhett, you went to bed with a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. You fell asleep dreaming of the life you would lead together. A future that held many unspoken promises. A home of your own. A growing family that would carry on your bloodline, one of the greatest honors that could be bestowed upon a wolf. 
In the following weeks, much preparation was made. You began the process of getting to know Rhett, spending many nights going on walks, learning the inner workings of one another. And then came the week just before your wedding. A night on which the moon hung low and full-bellied in the sky. The night you shifted beneath the glow of that very moon, sharing the very special and intimate moment of transforming into your wolves.
Rhett’s wolf was deep brown, almost black, with the softest fur you’d ever felt. He was breathtaking, and as you shifted into your own wolf, you found yourself nuzzling into him, letting him know you were there, that you were with him until death did you part. 
And then, finally, your wedding day arrived. It was a beautifully warm day. The sun filtered through the trees and cast dapples of light all over, like rays of magic falling from the sky. You’d kept things simple, as wolf weddings normally were. A crown of flowers placed delicately upon your head. A simple, flowing dress. Bare feet so you could feel the forest floor beneath you.
You stood before Rhett, underneath the swaying leaves of a century-old weeping willow, where you spoke your vows to one another, and joined yourselves, and your packs, as one. 
As you pledged yourself to your mate, you wept tears of joy, and when he kissed you, so tenderly and reverently, you held onto him tightly, as if he might disappear if you let go. Now that you’d found him, you never wanted to let him go. 
“I’m yours,” he whispered against your mouth. 
“Forever,” you echoed. 
The celebration that followed was grand. Music and dancing, old folk tales told around a bonfire whose flames seemed to touch the very sky. It was the most wonderful night of your life, and nothing could steal your immense joy away. 
And so, your life together began. Your union brought your families together, and gave the Abbotts a sense of community that they had not previously had. Just as you’d hoped, Amy made friends with the young ones in your pack. Your parents developed a strong connection with Royal and Cecelia. The rest of your family was warm and welcoming. 
As you became integrated with the Abbotts, you made the decision to live on their property. Before you’d even met, Rhett had been in the process of converting the old barn loft into an apartment. It soon became a project that you worked to complete together. A home built with love, filled with love. 
Through that process, while you waited for the apartment to become livable, you took up residence in Rhett’s childhood bedroom. It was small, but it was comfortable, and it smelled like him, your favorite scent in the whole wide world, so you were content. 
Living in the house allowed you to grow closer to his mother, and especially to his niece Amy. Your heart ached for the little girl and all that she had been through. You longed to be a comfort to her if she needed it. And much to your utter joy, she took well to you. 
“I’m happy you’re mated to Uncle Rhett,” she told you in earnest. “I’ve never seen him smile so much before. I can tell he really loves you.”
Her words made your heart warm in your chest. “I’m happy, too,” you replied. 
The girl’s face fell a little as she looked down at the napkins she was folding for the dinner table. “I wish my mama and daddy had looked at each other like that.”
And in an instant, your heart was breaking in your chest. 
The absence of Rebecca Abbott weighed heavily on the entire family. Cecelia still held out hope that she would return. Royal liked to claim that she’d gone and “shacked up with a good-for-nothin’ lowlife.” Perry liked to insist she was going to come back any day and beg for his forgiveness. 
Rhett believed otherwise. “I don’t think she’d ever come back here in a million years. Either she found another pack, or she’s out there still runnin’ around as an omega,” he told you. 
Rhett’s belief that she wasn’t coming back, and Perry’s insistence that she was, often caused tension between the brothers. They both tried to remain civil for Amy’s sake, but it seemed that Perry was only growing more restless as time went on. 
He would get especially agitated just before the full moon. Which was natural for any wolf, but with him, it seemed to increase tenfold. And when his anger and bitterness reached its breaking point, he would take it out on whoever was in his path. Usually, it was Rhett. 
You would never forget the first time you witnessed him blow up at your husband in front of you. There was one thing you were certain of in that very moment: it was going to be the last time he ever did it. 
A perfectly quiet family dinner in the Abbott kitchen was disrupted when the conversation turned to Rebecca. It was Perry who brought her up, claiming that he was certain she would return soon, that he could feel it. 
It was very common for wolves to be able to feel when their mate was near. You always felt Rhett’s presence when you were apart, and it was that much stronger when you were together. 
However, you and Rhett both knew what utter bullshit it was for Perry to claim he could feel her when they weren’t even mates to begin with. And his comment pushed Rhett to react. 
“Quit sayin’ she’s gonna come back. You and I both know she won’t ever come back here again, Per.” The moment he said it, Rhett wished he could take the words back. Not because of his brother, but because of Amy. 
Her wide eyes flickered up from the plate that she’d been staring at. But instead of looking at Rhett, she looked at her father. 
“Is that true, Dad?” She asked, her voice small. 
Perry clenched his jaw as he glared at his brother. “Now look what you did. Got my daughter all upset.”
Rhett sighed. The child needed to hear the truth. “Look, Ames. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. Your mama isn’t coming back.”
Without so much as a warning, Perry shoved his plate away, which bumped his glass of water and sent it spilling across the table. You tensed beside Rhett, afraid of what was coming. 
“Perry!” Cecelia exclaimed, staring wide-eyed at her son’s outburst. 
He stood up from his chair, its wooden legs scraping against the linoleum. “What’d I fuckin’ tell you, Rhett? You’re really gonna upset a little girl like that and rip away the last shred of hope she had left?”
Rhett sighed deeply, shaking his head. “It’s better than you lyin’ to her about it.”
“Fuck you!” He shouted. “Ever since you brought this bitch into our home you’ve been subscribing to her fuckin’ ideals.” He motioned toward you. “She probably put you up to this, didn’t she? Told you to destroy what hope my daughter had left.”
At the derogatory comment directed at you, Rhett shot out of his seat, quick as lightning, his eyes glowing. You followed suit, immediately on the defensive. 
“Alright, enough!” Royal barked. But even his authoritative tone didn’t get the attention of his boys. 
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that!”
“It’s true! She’s fuckin’ changed you, man. Turned you into someone I don’t even recognize.”
“Yeah, she changed me! Into a better man! Which is more than I can say Rebecca ever did for you! Oh wait, that’s because she wasn’t even your mate to begin with!”
“Stop!” Amy cried, already in tears. “Just stop!”
But it was too late. Perry had been pushed over the edge, and before anyone could even register what was happening, he was lunging. Cecelia tried to grab him, but he was too quick, and in seconds, he was crowding Rhett’s space.
But he didn’t get very far. Much to your own surprise, you moved faster than you ever had in your life, placing yourself in front of your husband. Your body burned with the overwhelming desire to protect. Your eyes flashed yellow, and you bared your fangs, growling lowly. 
“Touch him and I’ll drop you right where you stand,” you snarled. 
Perry growled right back at you, his eyes going bright yellow to match your own. You knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if he made another move toward Rhett, you would go for his throat. 
“Dad, stop,” Amy spoke up. She got up from the table and ran to stand between you both. She let out a little growl of her own, entirely non-threatening, but it didn’t matter. She didn’t want to see her family fighting. “Please. Everyone just stop! I don’t want you to fight!”
“Listen to your daughter, Perry,” you spoke out. You could feel Rhett against your back, ready to act if need be. 
A beat passed. You held Perry’s gaze, unwilling to back down. Another beat. Then, finally, he surrendered, stepping back. He knew it wasn’t worth it. It was suicide to go up against another wolf’s mate. When it came to protecting what was yours you would fight to the death. Perry seemed to know he wouldn’t stand a chance. 
He had no idea what it was like. He’d never experienced that deep, primal, territorial need to protect. Not with Rebecca. He had it with Amy, but that was different. She was his child, it was natural to protect her. But he had no idea how deep the bonds of two truly mated wolves went. He couldn’t bond with Rebecca in that way because she’d never been his to begin with. 
Rather than fight a losing fight, Perry stalked away that night, leaving the rest of you in the kitchen to process what had just happened. And Amy, who remained in front of you until her father disappeared from the room, finally turned, and rushed into your arms. 
Your heart broke as she began to cry. “I’m sorry!” She whimpered, apologizing for her father’s behavior. 
It only made you angry, because it wasn’t fair that this 9-year-old little one had to apologize for him. You hated all she had been subjected to in her young age. And that was the moment you pledged to always look out for her. If her mama wasn’t going to do it, then you would. And you would do a damn good job of it, too. 
After that night, Perry steered clear of you. He seemed to realize that if he were to ever challenge you, you would kill him. No hesitation. He didn’t stand a chance. Rhett knew that you had his back, and you would always stand by him, even when faced with adversity brought upon him by his own family. 
That protectiveness was a two-way street. Rhett looked out for you just as fiercely as you did him. And while you were busy defending him against his brother, he was going to bat for you against other things. You would never forget the first time you saw him physically defend you. It was seared into your mind like a brand.
You were out on a hike with Amy. It was blackberry season, and she was desperate to pick them while they were perfectly ripe. Her grandmother was too busy with other gardening endeavors to go out into the woods to help her pick wild ones, so you offered to go instead. 
Before the heat of the day grew too overwhelming, the two of you set off, with you leaving a kiss against Rhett’s lips and a promise that you’d be back in time to join him for lunch later that day. Amy was so excited, babbling excitedly the entire hike up into the woods. 
She was fascinated by all things nature, and she knew the area like the back of her hand, so she was well aware of where the very best berries grew. She led you deeper and deeper into the woods until you came upon an entire gathering of sprawling blackberry bushes, ripe for the picking.
“See? I told ya!” She excitedly said, running on ahead of you, her tin bucket swinging in her hands. 
You couldn’t help but smile at her eagerness, quickening your steps so you could catch up with her. What followed was an hour-long blackberry picking process, and after the fact, that bucket was full to the brim with ripe, juicy berries. 
“Grandma’s gonna be so happy! She can make her blackberry preserves! And blackberry pie! And blackberry syrup for pancakes!” She spoke a mile a minute, informing you of all the ways the berries could be used, and how she couldn’t wait for you to try them all. 
However, you found yourself growing distracted when the wind carried a strange scent in your direction. You paused, lifting your head and breathing in deep. Something didn’t feel right. Amy noticed this, and she eyed you curiously. 
“What’s wrong?”
“I smell something,” you replied. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end. 
Amy turned, sniffing at the air. Then, suddenly, she gasped. “Cougar,” she said. 
You glanced around. You couldn’t see it, but you could tell the animal was close. You’d never had an encounter with a cougar. While you knew you could hold your own against an animal like that, having Amy in tow only made you nervous that the cougar would try to harm her. Surely it would be able to sense that you were wolves and not normal human beings. But maybe that would only make things worse. 
You wrapped your arm around Amy’s shoulders. “Let’s just go. Maybe it’ll leave us alone.”
But no sooner had you spoken than you heard a bone-chilling growl, and you turned, catching sight of a large cat just ahead of you. Your blood turned to ice in your veins, and on instinct, you pushed Amy behind you, keeping a hand on her as you slowly backed away.
You locked eyes with the cougar, flashing your golden irises, hoping that would be a deterrent. However, the cat only bared its fangs and crouched back on its haunches. Your heart began to hammer in your chest. There was no time to hesitate. 
“The second he jumps, I want you to run,” you told Amy.
“But I don’t wanna leave you!” She exclaimed, trembling with fear. 
“You can’t shift yet. You’re safer running than you are staying here with me,” you emphasized. Amy was just a baby, her wolf hadn’t even made its appearance yet, and even if it had, it would only be a pup. Not strong enough to fight a fully grown cougar. 
“But-” she never had a chance to finish the sentence, because in a flash, the cat was lunging at you. Amy let out a shrill scream that carried through the trees. 
On the Abbott ranch, Rhett’s head snapped up when he heard the scream. He had been hard at work trying to finish up the project of converting the old barn, but at the sound of his niece’s shriek, he dropped the tools he was holding. 
A shock of what felt like electricity rippled through him, and he grunted, realizing that you were in danger. Without a moment’s hesitation, he was running, hyper-focused on the area that the sound had come from. As he ran, his body shifted and transformed, until, moments later, he was no longer a man, but a sleek, black wolf, running fast as the wind. 
In the woods, you were preparing to fight for your life. You physically tossed Amy out of the way so that when the cat landed, it would hit you instead of her. You didn’t even have time to shift into your wolf. Or, rather, white-hot terror blossomed within you when you realized you couldn’t shift. 
Your fangs had elongated and your claws had come out, but your body remained in its human form. And when you realized this, it was too late. 200 pounds of muscle crashed into your chest, sending you back toward the forest floor.
You screamed, growling as threateningly as possible, but it didn’t seem to do much to scare the animal. You thought for certain that this was it, that you were going to die right then and there. But then, in a flash of black fur glinting in the sunlight, an earth-rattling roar ripped through the air, and in a split second, the cat was no longer on top of you.
Gasping sharply, you sat up, eyes wild as you took in the sight before you. There was Rhett in his wolf form, and he had the cougar by the neck. Beside you, Amy let out a sob as she scrambled toward you. You grabbed her, wrapping your arms protectively around her, turning her face away so she wouldn’t have to watch. 
The cat snarled and hissed, clawing at Rhett’s wolf, and it caught him on the side, at which he let out an agonized yelp that made you flinch. But he quickly regained dominance and in seconds, the cat let out an inhuman screech and quickly scrambled away from the wolf, turning to hiss once more before running off, wounded, into the woods, clearly realizing it was not going to win this fight.
Rhett followed after it to make sure it was long gone. In the meantime, Amy was crying against your chest. “Is it gone?!” She whimpered. 
You ran your fingers through her honey-colored hair, soothing her softly, even as your own body still trembled with fear. “Yes, baby. It’s gone.”
She sat upright, glancing around. “Where’s Uncle Rhett?!” Her voice was panicked, terrified.
But you didn’t have to reassure her, for seconds later, the wolf returned. Amy scrambled to her feet and ran to him, falling to her knees as she threw her arms around his neck. The wolf whined lowly as he nuzzled against the girl, sniffing at her to make sure she was unharmed. 
As you approached, he locked eyes with you, and you knelt beside Amy, reaching out to run your hand over his fur. You could tell he was hurt. The slash in his side from the cougar’s claws was bleeding crimson. But he wouldn’t rest until he saw you both to safety.
“Thank you,” you whispered, and he rested his head upon your shoulder before he finally pulled away. He pointed his head toward the trail home, wanting you to follow, and so you did. Amy gathered up her half-spilled bucket of berries, grabbed onto your hand, and followed Rhett’s wolf out of the woods and back toward the house. 
It was only after he made sure that you and Amy were safely returned home that he allowed himself to shift back to his human form. As Cecelia fussed over Amy, Rhett trotted after you into his bedroom upstairs, and as soon as the door was shut, his fur faded away, giving way to pale, smooth skin. Within moments, there was your husband kneeling bare before you, all signs of his animal form gone. 
“Baby,” you breathed, falling to your knees in front of him, reaching your hands up to hold his face. “You’re hurt.” The claw marks along his ribs looked even worse in his human form. 
He shook his head. “I’m fine. I’ll heal,” he replied. Then it was his turn to check you over for any harm. “Did that son’bitch hurt you?”
“I…I don’t think so. Just scared me, is all. I couldn’t shift, and by the time I realized that, it was on top of me.”
Rhett’s brow furrowed as he frowned, large hands coming up to rest against either side of your neck. “It’s ‘cause you were scared,” he whispered. “It’s happened to me before. I froze up, got so fuckin’ into my head that my wolf didn’t wanna come out.”
“Really?” You asked, a little relieved that you weren’t alone.
“Yeah. She’ll come out again, don’t you worry.”
You hummed in understanding, happy that Rhett knew exactly what you were dealing with, and that it was nothing to worry about. Then, the time for realization kicked in. The realization that it all could have been so much worse, and you were lucky that Rhett stepped in when he did. 
“Thank you,” you whispered, after you’d both finally stood, allowing Rhett to gather a clean set of clothes. “I feel so fucking useless, not being able to protect Amy the way I needed to. I hate that I froze up. I’m just so relieved you heard us and got to us in time.”
Rhett shook his head, stepping toward you as he finished pulling on his jeans. String fingers tilted your chin up. “You did your best in a fuckin’ scary situation. Hell, you were ready to sacrifice yourself so Amy would be safe. That’s not you bein’ useless. You protected her just like any mama wolf would protect her pup.”
His words brought unexpected tears to your eyes. When he saw them glimmering along your lash line, he smiled softly, thumb stroking over your cheek. “You did good, little wolf.”
The nickname, which he’d dubbed you after the first few weeks of knowing you, made you smile, despite the tears running down your cheeks. 
After that encounter, it seemed that your bond only deepened. You grew even closer than before, your hearts knit together by an unbreakable invisible force. And as your love blossomed and flourished, you crossed the threshold of new milestones together. 
One of those milestones was finally moving into the old barn that you’d been renovating together. It had gone from a barebones wooden shell to a cozy home with room for your family to grow. It allowed you to still remain near the rest of your combined pack, but also gave you a haven of privacy. Gone were the days of sharing his childhood bedroom and trying to stay quiet while in a house full of wolves with keen hearing. Now you had your own space to do whatever you pleased together. 
Although moving into your own space was a very big milestone for you, it was nothing compared to what was coming your way. 
There was a very special and celebrated time that took place between werewolf couples. Much like regular wolves, werewolves had a mating season. The first season shared between mates was pivotal in their relationship. 
You and Rhett had yet to experience that season yet. On your own, you had endured heats before. It was only a natural occurrence. But you had heard that the heat you experienced on your own was nothing compared to that first one you would experience with your mate. 
Secretly, in your own mind, you had fantasized about what it might be like. You were already insatiable enough as it was during heat. The thought of it being increased tenfold was unimaginable for you. 
You knew the pattern of your cycle. It was easy to follow. You would enter into heat twice a year. Once in the springtime, and once in autumn. Each time it would last around 7 to 14 days. 
Your marriage to Rhett took place in early summertime. Which meant, along with the changing of leaves and the cooling of the air, you would soon be entering into that heat stage. You knew it was coming. It was marked in red on your calendar. 
You were nervous, to say the least. While you were eager to experience it with him, it was all so new. Sex was not a foreign concept between the two of you. You’d had it plenty of times since your marriage. But this was different. This was a primal, instinctual ritual. One that could potentially result in your bloodline being continued. 
You were entirely unprepared for just how intense it would be. As the season turned, your body prepared itself for another cycle. It started subtly at first, but soon grew into so much more. 
Possessiveness and protectiveness over your mate was the first thing you noticed, increased even more so than usual. That possessive streak reared its ugly head when an unsuspecting human girl tried to flirt with Rhett. You found yourself pulling him against your side and quite literally growling at her. It was not your proudest moment, but you could not control the wolf inside you. She did what she wanted. 
The protectiveness came when anyone disrespected him. It didn’t matter who. Although Perry generally tried to steer clear of running his mouth at Rhett in your presence, there were times when he slipped up. And this time around, you found yourself with your claws at his throat when he made a comment under his breath. 
“Say it again,” you hissed, baring your sharp canines. “Go on, say it!”
It took both Rhett and Royal to pull you off of him. That instance, however, you were not sorry for. You would never be ashamed of defending your husband. 
Soon, the irritability and possessiveness melted away into something else. Your every sense was heightened. Your already keen wolf senses were increased to the point where you could hardly even bear it. 
And then came the desire. 
Nothing in the world could have prepared you for how all-consuming it would be. It hit you like a freight train, slamming into your body and sending you into orbit. It started as a dull ache that very quickly began to spread throughout your body. 
The first day you woke up with it, you were animalistic. It drove you out of your slumber and sent you shooting upright in bed, growling as you pressed your hands against your lower abdomen, where the ache had settled. 
Much to your utter dismay, Rhett was not in bed beside you. He was more than aware about your approaching heat, and he tried to spend as much time with you as he could. But that morning, his father had called him out of bed at an ungodly hour to handle an issue with an injured calf. That took him away from you, and when you discovered he was gone, you let out a pained yowl, curling into a ball. 
“Rhett!” You desperately cried out, hoping he was still nearby. But you were met with no answer. 
Groaning, you dragged yourself out of bed, and you gasped sharply, placing a hand over your mouth when you realized that your need had soaked straight through the panties you’d worn to bed. They weren’t just damp. They were drenched. 
When you stood, your knees almost buckled, and your hand shot out to steady yourself against the bedpost. “Holy fuck,” you whimpered. You had never in your life felt such a sensation. 
It was an ache so strong that there were no words to describe it. An agony that was not quite painful, but maddening nonetheless. And there was only one way to soothe it. Rhett was the only one capable of easing the burning fire. The only one who could act as a soothing salve. But he was nowhere to be found. 
How could he just leave? In your agitated state it only served to upset you all the more. He knew you were coming up on your heat. He knew you needed him. How could he leave you all alone to deal with it?
Of course, he hadn’t done it on purpose. That morning when he’d woken before the sun, he could smell you. Your scent had increased, its spicy sweetness making his head spin. But he knew how Royal would get if he refused to help his father with the issue at hand, and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with the man’s contrariness. 
Leaving you in bed that morning had been incredibly difficult. But he left with the hope that this project wouldn’t take long, and he’d be back with you before you ever woke up. 
But that was four hours ago, and he was still dealing with an injured calf, a distressed mama cow, and one irritated Royal Abbott. The situation had given Rhett a distraction, but back at home, you had none. 
You swiped your phone off of your nightstand with the intent of calling him to see where he was. However, when you dialed, you were alerted to the sound of ringing coming from his own nightstand. He’d left his phone at home. 
You growled in frustration, tossing your phone onto the bed, just as another surge of molten need vibrated through you, sending you to your knees. Your body trembled, and the intensity was so great that you could feel yourself beginning to shift. 
Your claws lengthened from your fingers, ripping shreds into the side of the duvet as you held onto the mattress for support. You felt out of control, and it was a scary feeling. You hadn’t felt this way since your first full moon, and even that wasn’t comparable to how intense it was now. 
The full moon didn’t leave an agonizing ache in your cunt like this. No, this was solely the result of your body’s natural drive to mate. But how on earth were you meant to do that if the one you were mated to wasn’t even here?
Tears welled in your eyes, and you forced yourself to rage deep, ragged breaths. Maybe if you could just get to the bathroom, you could put yourself under a cold shower and hopefully snap yourself out of this feverish state. 
You stood on unsteady legs and stumbled toward the steps, which you rushed down until you made it to the main floor area below the loft. You burst into the bathroom and immediately turned on the shower to a cold spray, stripping out of your shirt and panties and jumping in. 
You hissed as the chilly water enveloped you, cascading down your heated skin. It provided a small amount of relief, but it didn’t take the discomfort away completely. 
You knew that you couldn’t relieve the ache yourself, but that didn’t stop you from trying. You reached a trembling hand between your thighs, running your fingers over your center, your legs nearly giving out as you brushed against your swollen, thrumming clit. 
You let out a sharp whimper and jolted forward. You tried to soothe your need to be filled by using your fingers, but they were nothing compared to Rhett. His fingers, his cock. They didn’t reach that spot inside you that made you see stars. You were left feeling unsatisfied and even needier than before. 
In frustration, you leaned back against the shower walls squeezing your eyes shut and trying to steady your breathing. You imagined this was how wolves felt in the wild. You hardly felt like you could exercise your human control anymore. You’d heard of werewolves shifting permanently into their wolf bodies and giving in to their wild nature. It didn’t seem that far-fetched that it could happen to you. 
In the midst of your plight, Rhett had just looked at the sky and realized that the sun’s placement must mean it was nearly 10 o’clock in the morning. His eyes widened. He hadn’t realized how much time had passed since he’d left early that morning, but it had been almost five hours. He knew you were awake by now, and probably desperate as all get out. 
He patted his jeans for his phone, but found his pockets empty. And then he remembered, he’d accidentally left it behind that morning. “Shit,” he cursed. He snatched up his Carhartt jacket that he had draped over one of the stall doors. “Dad, I gotta go,” he called out to his father.
“Hang on,” Royal replied, but Rhett shook his head, already halfway out the barn door.
“M’ wife needs me, I gotta get back. Ask Per for help if you need it.” And then he was gone, scrambling out into the cool October morning. His mind was spinning as he pictured you home alone. You were likely at your wit's end. 
Sure enough, when he finally made it to the house, it was your scent that nearly knocked him flat on his ass as he walked through the door. He grunted as if he’d been kicked in the gut, stumbling back against the wooden door. 
His every sense was overwhelmed by you. Deep, spicy, sweet. Irresistible and divine, all at once. His heart rate began to quicken in his chest, and he gasped as he straightened, hastily kicking his boots off by the door. “Little wolf?!” He called out.
At the sound of his voice, a sob of relief tore from you. You had just climbed out of your cold shower, towel wrapped around your body. “Rhett!” You wailed, your voice coming out as a desperate, animalistic yowl. 
He knew exactly where you were, he could hear the pounding of your heart, the shallowness of your breath. He was drawn straight to you like a moth to flame, and within seconds, he was at the bathroom door, just as you flung it open.
“Rhett!” You wailed again, throwing yourself into his arms as sobs wracked your body. “Wh-where were yo-you?! I needed you and you were gone! Why did you leave me?” 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby. Dad needed help and I didn’t think I’d be gone that long, but that was five fuckin’ hours ago. I’m sorry.”
You clutched at his shirt, and he gasped when he heard a rip, only to find that your claws had torn through the fabric of his flannel. “Shit, okay, hold on,” he told you, pulling you back to look fully into your face. Your skin was damp, but it wasn’t from the shower you’d just taken. You were sweaty but also hot to the touch, as if you had a high fever. 
Your eyes were glowing gold, and through your parted lips he could see your fangs. And oh, how you trembled. So much so that he had to hold you steady so you didn’t fall. “Please,” you whimpered, “it hurts so bad, please, I-I can’t take it anymore! I feel like I’m on fucking fire!”
Rhett was overwhelmed. You smelled so good, like the natural scent that had drawn him to you when you first became mates. But there was something else, something that could only be described as sex. It felt like it was altering his very brain chemistry.
Then he growled, deep and low in his throat, and pressed his nose to your neck, breathing in deep before he began trailing lower, in search of the source. He ripped your towel away from your body and nuzzled at you until he finally stopped between your thighs, pressing his nose against your cunt and inhaling. 
You gazed down at him, and his own eyes flashed yellow to match yours. Possessively, he nipped at your inner thigh. “I’m here now, little wolf,” he assured you, “I’ll take care of you.”
“Please,” you sobbed, “I can’t…I don’t know if I can…” but the words died in your throat. 
He straightened back up, leaning in to kiss you deeply as he quickly shrugged out of his shirt, tossing it aside before you reached for his belt, trying to unbuckle it, but quickly growing tearful and frustrated. He shushed you with another kiss and unbuckled the belt himself, shoving his jeans and underwear down his legs all at once, freeing his already hardening cock. 
As soon as you saw it, you mewled, dropping to your knees and rubbing your face against the velvety skin. Rhett grunted, his head spinning at the sight of you nuzzling your cheek against his dick. You were so far gone, and it was dizzying to him. 
“Need it so bad,” you whined, kitten licking the tip as the shaft hardened. “Need it so deep inside me.”
“I’m gonna give it to you, promise,” he rasped. Then he hauled you to your feet, with the intention of pulling you up to your bedroom in the loft, but you never made it. You couldn’t wait another second, and in a flurry of desperation, you grabbed onto him, tugging him hard and sending you both to the floor. 
He landed on his back as you climbed on top of him, but in true wolf fashion, he snarled, wrestling you until you were the one lying on your back on the floor. In this way, he showed his dominance over you, securing his right to be your mate.
“Gettin’ big for your britches, little wolf,” he muttered as he ran his nose over your flesh, inhaling you. You had very quickly turned to putty in his hands, especially when you felt his cock against your inner thigh.
“Need it! I need it, please! Please, please, please!” You wept, entirely forgetting your little fight for dominance that had taken place moments earlier. The ache between your legs had increased all the more. A throbbing, burning, crushing ache that made you feel like you were suffocating, as if you’d die if you didn’t become one with him in the next few seconds. 
Rhett looked down and he saw why you were so desperate. Your cunt was puffy, and with the sunlight that was streaming in through the windows, he could see how wet it was. You’d only been on the floor for a few moments but your arousal had already dripped down onto the hardwood. “Oh my god,” he whispered in amazement. 
He couldn’t contain himself if he tried. He placed his hands on the floor, at either side of your head, and nudged his hips forward. When you felt the blunt head of his cock against you, you whimpered. It burned, it burned, it burned. Until, suddenly…
“Oh!” He was inside you in one fluid motion. Every last inch of him, filling you to the brim, fitting inside you like he was created to. Because he was. You were two unique souls made perfectly for each other. 
“I’ve got ya, sweet baby. I’ve got ya,” he assured you as you whimpered and whined at the fullness. 
And suddenly, all at once, that terrible, gnawing ache began to fade. It felt like a healing salve to a grave wound. You gasped, your eyes widening as you gazed up at your husband. “Rhett,” you squeaked.
“I know.”
Tears filled your eyes as you finally felt relief for the first time that day. Those same tears began to track down the sides of your face, and you couldn’t help but let out a breathless sob. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and clung to him as he began to slowly move. 
With each push and pull of his cock within you, your body reacted accordingly, providing you with even more lubricant until he was moaning, gasping at the feeling. “Shit, darlin’, you’re dribblin’ all over me.”
“S-sorry,” you peeped, squeezing your eyes shut. “Ca-can’t help it. Feels too good. Feels…oh, feels so fucking…good…”
You threw your head back as he built a rhythm, slow at first, but the pace soon quickened. Back and forth, faster and faster, until it could only be described as rutting. You felt so fucking full, and he kept you that way, barely pulling his hips back, instead fucking you in a pulsing motion. It was too much and not enough. You started to grow desperate again. The ache was gone, but it had been replaced with molten heat, as if your insides were melting. 
“Harder, harder, harder!” You cried out.
He obliged, grunting laboriously as he drove into you harder. You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him close as he plunged his cock into you repeatedly. The sounds escaping both of you were animalistic. Growls and snarls and hisses, the wild animals caged within you trying to claw their way to the surface. 
He was so deep inside you, every ridge and vein of his cock creating such divine friction within you that it felt like you were being burned alive in the most wonderful, indescribable way. 
Your claws dug into the tender flesh of his back, and he gnarled, snapping his teeth at you, but not in a threatening way. He nuzzled into your neck, the sharp tips of those fangs pressing against your pulse point, and you whined, leaning into the pleasurable pain. 
His teeth drew blood, and as soon as the crimson blossomed against your skin, he used his tongue to soothe over it, licking up your lifeblood. The bite mark healed quickly, as injuries normally did, but you could still feel the sting even after it was gone. 
And then, something else happened. It was common for werewolves to shift partially, where their eyes, fangs, and claws became visible. But it was also common for them to grow a little in stature, too. 
You could feel it. His muscles rippled beneath your touch, expanding. His shoulders grew broader. And something else, grew, too. When you felt it, you let out a wolfish yip, jolting against him as his cock swelled within your cunt.
“R-Rhett,” you squeaked, and he shushed you, kissing you languidly.
“You’re okay, little wolf. Feels good, don’t it?”
You managed to nod despite yourself. Your tears kept falling and they wouldn’t stop. But they weren’t tears of pain. Quite the contrary. It didn’t matter that he was growing inside you. Your body was designed to accommodate it. The feeling was incredibly pleasurable, and it sent an intense shudder through your body.
You screwed your eyes shut and mewled as he kept rutting into you, stretching you, filling you, completing you. This felt right. This felt good. This felt like the most natural thing in the world. And it was. Your bodies were joined as one. One force, one soul, one heart. 
“You feel so good,” you repeated yourself, unashamed of the tears still streaming down your cheeks. “So good, so good, so good.”
His hips quickened within you. His hands remained at either side of your head, and you could hear his claws gouging into the hardwood. He’d be pissed about that mark later, but right now, he couldn’t be bothered to care. Nothing else mattered but this. Fulfilling this natural, primal, raw desire to claim, and be claimed. 
The intensity mounted, like a kettle beginning to boil. You held onto him so tightly, encouraging him to go deeper, faster, harder. And he did, until it felt like he was fucking you into the floor. 
He leaned back to watch you, admiring the way your eyes rolled back in your head, the way you shuddered so powerfully, as if you’d just been struck with a bolt of lightning. It felt like you had, because each nudge of his cock in your slick walls sent sparks surging through your core. 
His eyes flickered further down, to the place where your bodies met. Where your cunt clasped him in a vice grip. “Takin’ me so well,” he gruffed, at which you whimpered. Then, you felt his big, warm hand splaying against your lower abdomen. “Gon’ fill you up, little wolf.”
“Please,” you squeaked. 
“Yeah?” He leaned in close, and you opened your eyes, finding golden irises gazing back at you. “Yeah? Want me to get you full of me? Take all my seed like you were made to?”
You cried out, jolting against you when he thrust forward particularly hard, sending your body vibrating with ecstasy. “Need it so bad!” You practically shrieked.
“I’ll give it all to you. Get this pretty tummy nice an’ round. Full of my pups.”
At his words, your entire world tilted on its axis. Your brain went blank with white-hot pleasure. All you knew was “yes, yes, yes!” That was what you wanted. That was what your body was begging for. To mate. To be bred. 
Rhett kissed you again, swallowing your babbled pleas. You felt as if you were not of your body. Like you were floating over yourself, watching your husband fuck you. It was unlike anything you’d ever felt before.
Your body shook and shivered. Your eyes rolled back in your skull. You couldn’t speak. You could hardly breathe. It was immeasurable. Indescribable. You were certain you were going to pass out from the ecstasy. It surged through you from head to toe, sizzling and sparking, illuminating the very edges of your soul, sending you into orbit.
You swore you did black out for a moment. How was it possible that something could feel this good? You had experienced all-consuming pleasure before, multiple times. Rhett was a generous lover who always made you see stars when he fucked you. But this was different. This was mind-bending, soul-shattering, earth-shaking.
You didn’t realize you were repeatedly chanting his name. It left your lips like a prayer, breathlessly whispered up to the heavens. He spoke to you, but you couldn’t hear him. You were deafened by searing pleasure, ringing in your ears, rattling your very bones to their marrow. 
You barely registered his mouth at your neck again, teeth nipping into tender flesh. All you knew was that you were existing on an otherworldly plane. And then you felt it. That flame that had been burning inside you was growing. Hotter, bigger, more intense.
Rhett could feel it. You were trembling uncontrollably, body convulsing as if you’d been struck by raw electricity. Your cunt kept pulsing around him, tightening so intensely that he almost struggled to move within you. 
“Let go,” he rasped, knowing that he, too, was nearing his end. He could feel it, crackling to life at the base of his spine, thrumming within his heavy, aching balls. He was driven by his need to fill you with his very essence. 
“I-I’m c-co-” but you couldn’t speak. The words wouldn’t come. They were impossible. So you simply cried and wailed beneath him, so certain you were about to burst into flames, reduced to nothing but ash.
But you didn’t burst into a fiery inferno. Instead, every nerve, every neuron, every atom of your body was consumed with something you could never, ever describe with mere mortal words. 
Your eyes went wide as you locked your gaze with Rhett’s. Mouth open, chest pressing into his as you jerked forward. And then it hit you. Hard, deep, stretching over every inch of your body. You let out a carnal howl, which surely echoed for miles outside of your home. 
You fell apart around your husband’s cock, keening, sobbing, consumed by blazing euphoria. You felt as if you were part of the universe, an explosion of blazing stars, scattered brilliantly across the universe in a blinding, breathtaking array.
You thought it would end, but it didn’t. Your eyes flew open when you realized you were still coming. “Rhett!” You shrieked. “I-I c-ca-can’t stop!”
His mouth fell open as he gasped sharply, grunting as your body continued to undulate beneath him. But he couldn’t reply, for suddenly, he was overcome. His own release rushed through him in an overwhelming surge, and his grunt turned into a yowl. The heat of his release flooded the very core of your being, filling you until it spilled out around the edges of his cock, dripping down to the floor beneath you.
It took what felt like an eternity for you both to come back to yourselves. You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but once Rhett regained feeling in his extremities, he gingerly lifted himself from where his body had fallen against your own.
His eyes were back to their familiar human blue, so brilliant and comforting all at once. His face was soft with concern, and he lifted his hand to gently stroke your tear-dampened cheek. “Y’ okay, little wolf?” He asked. 
You couldn’t find your voice, so you simply nodded, sniffling softly. He soothed you, leaning in close to kiss you deeply. “That was…fuck, that was a lot,” he continued on. 
“I-I know,” you whispered, barely audible. 
Gently, he eased his cock out of you, and you let out a heartbreaking cry at the emptiness. One that he soothed with another kiss. He brought his hand down between your legs, cupping your dripping cunt, soothing any pain he might’ve caused. But you weren’t in pain. Far from it. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here. Got a call from Dad this mornin’ about a calf that got hurt, had to go deal with that and it took all fuckin’ mornin’, and by the time I realized what time it was, it was too late. I know I shouldn't ‘ve left you all alone like that, and I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, reaching up to cup his cheek. “It’s okay. When I was crying at you about it I…I don’t think I was in my right mind. I’ve never felt like that in my entire life. Felt like I could crawl out of my own skin. Hurt so bad, I needed you somethin’ fierce. I’ve had heats before but nothing could ever compare to this.”
Rhett hummed, lifting his own hand to place over the one you’d rested on his cheek. “From now on, I ain’t leavin’ you. Don’t want you goin’ through that alone again. I’ll stay with you until it’s over.”
You nodded. “I’d like that.”
You spent a few more moments on the floor, catching your breath and processing what had just taken place. Rhett glanced at the claw marks he’d left in the hardwood and groaned in annoyance. “Next time you wanna fuck like animals, let’s do it in bed, where I can’t mess up the woodwork I broke my back tryin’ to get perfect,” he grumbled.
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Noted,” you said. 
You allowed him to help you up off the floor, and he pulled you to him, naked bodies pressed together. His gaze grew serious. “I love you, little wolf. I’m gonna take good care of you while you go through this, alright? Don’t want my darlin’ sufferin’ on my watch.”
You beamed at him and bumped your nose against his. “I know you will. You always do.”
Again, he kissed you, and then he guided you back to the bathroom from whence you’d come. There, you showered together, cleansing yourselves of your previous activities. For the time being, you were sated, and that terrible, gnawing ache was gone. What followed was this strange sort of floating feeling. Your bodies were producing special pheromones which intensified the bonding process immediately following sex. 
You felt so connected to Rhett, even more so than you ever had before. It was a little overwhelming. After your shower, you refused to part from one another. You stayed close, curling up in bed for a little rest after such an exhausting morning. Rhett lovingly wrapped you in his embrace, your still bare bodies intertwined. 
He traced patterns on your skin with his fingertips and told you all the things he loved about you. He confessed how grateful he was that you were his mate, and how he’d been lost before he met you. You spoke of your future together and what it might entail. Including the little ones you might add to your family if the Fates smiled down upon you.
You connected on an entirely new level, and it only served to knit your hearts closer together. And then, you drifted off into a peaceful slumber, cuddled in each other’s embrace.
But your body would soon wake you again, and you would be reacquainted with that all too familiar ache. This time, however, Rhett was with you. You found yourself whimpering, crying for him as you shook him awake. 
He remained perfectly calm as he soothed you, kissing you so lovingly as he arranged your body into position. Slowly, steadily, he eased himself into you again, joining your bodies as one. 
“You’re okay, little wolf. I’m right here. I’ll always be right here.”
And you knew he would.
tagging (a mix of those already on my taglist/those who might be interested):
@cdauni @gothamrots @happyrebelruins @bobfloydsbabe @myfandomchangesalot @mikpieboo @petersunderoos96 @eighthwvnder @yanna-banana @bradshawsbaby @bradshawsbitch @sebsxphia @basiccortez @thesluttyarchivist @rhettabbotts @milesmillergf @briseisgone @laluneveillesureux @gohnspants @bobfloyds @wkndwlff @damrlova @withahappyrefrain @michaego
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scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
Heaven Says You Are In Danger
Lucifer Morningstar x GN!Reader
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TW:HORROR AND DARK THEMES. Lucifer is not nice. He is mean and scary in this. You have been warned. Possessive behavior, talks about religion, choking, breaking bones. 
A/N: I WANT TO SAY I HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING ALL THIS CAUSE I  DONT KNOW SHIT. PLeASE BARE WITH ME. Once again a big thank you to my Lovely, @kurosstuff!!
You walked through the dark forest, flashlight in hand as you walked down the beaten path that mother nature was slowly reclaiming. The winds and rain started to pick up almost unnaturally which wasn’t your first concern. If you stayed out this much longer, your equipment was going to get soaked and there’s no use in having a backpack that was soaking wet weighing you down. You covered your eyes and looked around, allowing your flashlight to illuminate through the darkness easily. Your flashlight landed on an old broken statue of what looked like an angel, walking closer to it you noticed the lack of wings and how the statue almost seemed familiar but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. Was that supposed to represent Archangel Michael?
You shook your head and followed the path behind the statue walking up to a door, you looked at it confused, your flashlight shining on the words, “Church of Saint Michael, guidance and Protection is around the corner.” You shook your head at the silly words but pushed open the heavy doors before making your way inside. You were being extra careful to close them behind you, so there were no chances of wolves or bears or whatever was in the woods could get you. You looked around the old church, expecting the roof to have holes and the place to be completely ransacked but everything to be seemingly in perfect condition. Well..everything except for the few pews that had been knocked down and a few sticks had made its way inside. You slowly walked around the place making sure there were no animals or surprises waiting for you before you even settled down for the night.
After making sure everything was cleared you put your bag down and go through it to find warmer clothes and your supplies to at least start a fire. There was nothing to be afraid about changing into different clothes in a church- especially an empty church at that but you hide behind a pillar just to calm your anxious mind, as you pulled your soaking wet shirt over your head that’s when you heard it, the smooth yet deep voice sent a thousand razor sharp pricks down your spine and caused you to freeze up. “Changing in the middle of Church?” It echoed around the church causing you to grab your flashlight and flash it around the empty room, one arm covering your chest as you tried to calm yourself but you didn’t see anyone else. You held the flashlight in your mouth as you put the new shirt on, it was your imagination right? You were anxious and it was your mind playing a trick on you.
You walked around once more and checked between every pew whilst collecting all of the random twigs and sticks you could, sitting down in front of your bag you started to collect the sticks in a small bundle before you, searching around for the firestarter and kindling, did you forget it in your car? The same car that was a two day hike from this location? You growled and grabbed your flashlight to look around thinking you had misplaced it but as you got up a soft thud hit the floor before the firestarter slid across the floor. You watched it and started to feel your hands tremble, your gaze snapped up to see a pair of eyes watching you as you slowly moved the flashlight on the walls but you couldn’t manage to fully shine the light on whatever that thing was, you were so fucking scared. 
“Go on Little Lamb..get warm for me. You wanted to seek salvation from the rain and you’ve found it..do not be afraid. I’m simply..watching.”  The voice called out, you couldn’t move towards the firestarter, why was it paralyzing you? “oh..my poor lamb frozen in fear..it’s okay, I don’t bite. Go on, take it. I found it just for you.” You swallowed down the fear and anxiety that was telling you to just run out of there. Slowly crouching down you reached over, grabbing the firestarter and quickly lighting the small campfire you made trying to ignore how the eyes watched you from the darkness. Come morning, you’d be out of here. Just focus on warming up. “Don’t ignore me, Little Lamb…come on can I not hear your voice?” You gulped and shook your head moving to lay your soaking wet clothes around the growing fire. “Such a shame..maybe I can figure it out in other ways.”  The voice cooed out before the eyes disappeared completely leaving you alone in the darkness.
You sit in silence for what felt like hours before you gulped down any fear, “Who are you? You can’t be Saint Michael..or God..” You called out into the darkness afraid of what would happen next. “Who am I?”  The voice called out as footsteps echoed around you before a singular apple rolled in front of you, “..Do you have any guesses?”  You stared at the apple for a moment racking your brain before it hit you, “Seems like you figured it out, Little Lamb. Say it. Say. My. Name.” The voice hissed out as your mouth went dry, your heart hitting your chest and with every breath you took it felt suffocating. “You’re…Lucifer.” You watched as the fire went out and clawed hands grabbed your throat pushing you down onto the ground. Flashlight flickering as a dark chuckle left his lips, sharp teeth on full display as you got a good look at his face.
The pale skin, the rosy red cheeks, the way his golden eyes glowed in the darkness. “Such a smart lamb you are. You’re cuter up close too..maybe I should drag you down into hell with me and make you all mine. My little human..my lamb.” He growled out his snake like tongue licking at the rows of fangs as he started to slowly squeeze your neck. You gasped and teared up, this is not how you wanted to die. “Oh no more tears, Lamb..you're safe here with me..God can’t save you now..he doesn’t care to listen.” You closed your eyes before the suffocating squeeze of his hands around your neck disappeared and he cradled your face, softly cooing at you. Like he wasn’t just choking you out five seconds ago, his face unnaturally close to yours. He smelled like a campfire and..apple cinnamon? Well apples were-..are his thing. 
“What do you want from me?” You sobbed out flinching from how close his sharp talon-like nails were close to your eyes. He clicked his tongue and held your head still in his iron-like grip, you couldn’t fight him off if you tried. “I think you already know what I want, Lamb..I want you to worship me like you worship God and I promise..not to lead you astray, my own little Bishop.” He cooed out his soft voice giving you a sense of comfort yet a part of you yelled to fight back, claw at his eyes and run out of the church. Those eyes couldn’t be trusted, not when they are looking past you..deep into your soul. You clenched your jaw, his thumbs soothingly rubbing at your jawline unconsciously making you slowly unclench your jaw, “All I need is an answer, Lamb and I’ll make your dreams come true..even the ones that you're pushing away from the forefront of your mind..” You felt your face heat up at that but let out a calming breath as you tried to ignore how his soft voice sent shivers down your spine as you opened your mouth watching his eyes light up in glee as you whispered out a soft, “..yes..” His red pupils dilated even more as he stared down at you, like he had just won one last prize.
“Good..Now there is one last thing for you to do for me, little lamb. You think you can handle that?” His thumbs moved down to force your lips into a smile as he chuckled as he looked down at you..was he undressing you with his eyes? The thought sparked something aflame deep inside of you as you watched as bright red horns protruded from his head. You blinked and tried to look away but found it harder than it seemed, your eyes kept drifting back to his. Allowing your eyes to finally get used to the darkness surrounding you both, as you got a good look at him your eyes widened in horror as your heart threatened to beat out of your chest. He was too perfect.
He was the first fallen angel, it was to be suspected. It was too much, you needed to run. Forget everything in this place and run, in a flash you had snagged the flashlight and smashed it across his head, easily backing up as you tried to escape. The flashlight immediately shattered as glowing golden blood dripped down onto the floor below, a loud shaking snarl echoed through the chamber. Scrambling to your feet you tried to beeline it for the doors but suddenly a fallen pew moved slamming into your legs and making you fall face first onto the stone floor. A sickening crack filled the air before your senses were filled with the familiar metallic taste of your own blood. 
You coughed and spit out the blood whimpering before you felt two clawed hands wrap around your ankles and pull you back closer to him. “Now now, Little Lamb. There is no reason to be attacking your God.” He snarled out easily snapping one of your ankles in half, his smile growing as he heard your sobs and screams. “You aren’t my god.” You replied between tears before his clawed hands wrapped around your neck squeezing easily cutting off your oxygen. “I am and you will obey me as such. He won’t listen to you. I will. Think about it, Lamb.” He let go of your neck allowing you to gasp and choke for air, sobbing out as you tried to claw away pathetically. 
“What is it that you want, Lamb? Do you not want to be my Bishop..do you not want to worship me?” He pulled you back towards him, “I want to go home- please..I just want to go home.” You laid your head on your arms, you could feel your own sanity slipping. The whispers in your head got louder, you could just let go..he’d take care of you right? He promised you. “But you are home, Lamb..” He purred out and easily pulled you to sit up onto his lap, “You are my Bishop..my sole worshiper and I take care of my people.” His lips brushed against your ear as one of his hands cupped your jaw, he could sense your doubt and he hated it. 
“Tell me…does your god listen to you when you call for him?” He asked, watching as you sobbed out shaking your head, making him click his tongue in thought, his eyes scanning your blood and tear stained face. “But I will..I’ll listen to your every whim and desire..to your plea for a better life. All you have to do for me, Lamb..is..submit. Tell me your mine, my favorite little Bishop.”  His hand tilted your face towards him, “I will never ignore you..never throw you to the side like that FALSE idol has, my sweet lamb.” You had stopped crying by now, hands shakily clinging to his arms, “Just..give in, Little Lamb.” His voice sent a shiver down your spine as you slowly nodded at his words, his thumb rubbing your bottom lip.
“Now..one last test for you, Lamb..are you ready?” He asked as you stared up into those golden eyes, those perfect golden eyes that felt like you were staring into hell itself. “Let me have one taste, Lamb..”  You looked at him confused, raising your head up towards him as his serpentine tongue licked at his teeth. Oh..Oh..that kind of tasting.
A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger. I might do a part two where it’s just smut but I wanted to make this part purely horror esque. Let me know if you guys want a part two.
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theemporium · 1 year
Omggg you know how wolves can take others pain & feel it themselves instead?
Werewolf Jack🐈‍⬛ taking your pain when you have cramps bc he hates seeing you cry :(
- 💋
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
You hadn’t been answering his messages all day.
Jack hadn’t expected you to be up at the god awful time he woke up for practice, but it hadn’t stopped him from sending you a quick good morning message to wake up to. He had dragged himself out of bed, thoughts about seeing your message back and maybe a little picture of your morning being the only thing that really gave him the energy to drag his ass to the rink for practice. 
Except, when he had come out after practice, showered and changed, he was disappointed to see no reply from you. 
He tried not to worry about it. He tried to reassure himself that it was still fairly early and you were probably busy running around, trying to get ready for work because you woke up after your alarm (as you usually do). He tried to convince himself that the second you had a moment to breathe, you would send him a quick message and all would be well. 
But the clock struck twelve and Jack still hadn’t heard a single word from you. 
He caved pretty quickly and tried dialling your work number, hoping he could just reassure himself you were busy and—selfishly—hear your voice. He liked the way it made his stomach flutter with excitement and nerves.
However, that feeling never came and he was instead left with a nauseating amount of concern when your coworker informed him you hadn't shown up at work today. 
Jack was out the door before he even hung up the phone. 
And usually, he was a fairly laid back guy. He was chilled, never one to get too worked up or bothered by stuff. He was a go-with-the-flow kind of guy, and it was something you adored about him. But when it came to you, all of that went flying out the window. 
His brain was overwhelmed with worst case scenarios and ‘what if’s. His heart felt like it was ready to beat out of his chest. He didn’t even pick up his keys, instead needing to burn the energy burning inside him by running to your apartment because he was convinced he would get there faster on foot than by car. 
By the time he reached your door, he thought he was going to vomit from nerves alone. When you didn’t answer his knock, he was about to pull his own hair out because he was pushed so far to the edge. And when he walked into your apartment using the spare key and found you curled up on the couch, his whole body deflated in defeat.
“Oh baby,” he murmured as he rushed to your side, kneeling down by the couch beside you.
“Jack?” You sniffled, blinking slowly like you were almost convinced he was just a dream.
“I’m here,” he said with a small smile tugging on his lips. When he reached towards you to push some hair behind your ear, he frowned a little when he realised how glossy your eyes were. “What’s wrong, bub? Why didn’t you call? I could’ve come help.”
You just shook your head. “Just some cramps. I took something for it anyways.”
But the wincing, teary eyes and hot water bottle pressed against your abdomen didn’t have Jack all that convinced. 
He didn’t say a word as he stood back up, shrugging off his jacket and shoes before he manoeuvred himself onto the couch. He slid in behind you, pulling your back against his chest and winding his arms around you. You didn’t even say anything as he slid his hands under your shirt, just enjoying the feeling of his warm palms against your skin. 
But when the stabbing pain started to ease, your eyes widened in realisation. 
“Jack—” You started but the boy just shook his head. 
“Please, baby,” he muttered out, the words short and pained as he kept his eyes transfixed on the black veins running up his arms. “Let me help.”
“But—” You started again, however, he just cut you off.
“It’s the least I can do for my girl,” he stated simply before he lifted his head, leaning down to catch your lips against his in a short but loving kiss. “Let’s take a nap, hm? We can order something later.”
He was relieved to see how relaxed you looked beneath him, smiling at him in the way that made his heart clench. “Pizza?”
“With pineapple,” he promised, even if his nose scrunched up. “Just the way you like it.”
“You’re perfect,” you sighed as you nuzzled yourself against him, enjoying the heat radiating from your boyfriend. 
“Maybe I’m just obedient,” he joked as he watched you fight the urge to close your eyes. 
And you could only huff out a small laugh before you passed out.
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0v3rcast · 1 year
You, Great Creator of Teyvat, in the life before returning to your loving creations, contract lycanthropy. Beneath the moon, your body breaks and reforms as a great beast of the hunt.
Upon returning to the world you made, that power is now within your grasp, instead of the other way around. You don't need to lock yourself in a secure place every month or desperately resist the allure of raw animal meat - you can just toggle the Mighty Awoo Form whenever you please.
The people of Teyvat don't really understand what it is about a child raised by literal wolves that has their Creator so enamored, but it's kind of something they envy.
All the money in the world means nothing, flying is a vague passing fancy, walking on water or making bonfires from nothing or summoning lightning are just kind of given a pat on the back for.
But this dog boy who isn't even fully literate is constantly being given little favors, like randomly getting steaks or a bunch of animals coming into the area his pack lives in so they don't go hungry.
Speaking of dog boys, Gorou is more than a little flustered by the fact that the Architect of Eternity favors him.
(It's the one thing he can hold over Yae Miko when she's terrorizing him, and he's all the more grateful to you for that protection.)
At some point, one of your very envious and flustered acolytes come to you and ask just what it is about the pair that has given them such favor in your eyes.
Your response is an invitation to all of your acolytes to a special room of the palace on the night of the full moon.
They're all very excited to see this room, which up until now has been off limits.
Upon entering, that excitement becomes concern because of the massive claw marks in every wall and also the heavy scent of blood and the fainter scent of rot.
Once they've gathered, and the moon has reached its apex in the sky, you reach back in your soul for the Wolf Within.
It reaches back, tail wagging a thousand miles an hour, eager and happy to be free to roam.
And you undergo the change.
They watch in something like horrified reverence as your mortal form is warped and ravaged by something from within, something making their Divine Creator into a beast.
And you stand again, the shift over, now completely towering over every other being in the room.
(Because I love Okami, I'm gonna say your holy werewolf form has the cool swirls and red outlines that Ammy does
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but with a twist- instead of red, glimmering blue starlight adorns your fur, and the massive disc hovering behind you is made of perfect moonstone, connected stars softly drifting up from it, briefly forming constellations, and then vanishing.)
Razor BEAMS. The All-Maker was Lupical before, but now you're like Ultra Lupical! You are a wolf-person too, but, like, up to 11! You even have your own moon!
Gorou's smiling, his tail wagging rapidly. You know what it's like to have instincts like his, no wonder you were so considerate of his sensitivity to sound and smell, to his urges to chase- you had them all too.
Others range from 'absolutely flabbergasted' to 'weeping with jealousy' to 'a little worried why they're attracted to you being A Magical Wolf Person'.
You howl, and every other canine thing on the continent howls with you (including Razor, who is a wolf in spirit at the very least).
Andrius is having a big puppyish field day over the fact that the Celestial Packmaster is so close to his own form.
(He brags constantly to the other spirit animals of the world about how You definitely made him in Your image and gave him Razor to pass on the way of the wolf to, even if you didn't directly or indirectly do this.)
(The Adepti, for the first in probably millennia, feel their heart rates pick up in animal fear because if you so desired, they would be Back On The Menu, and no amount of running or flying would save them from the stamina of an enhanced human body mixed with the strength and speed of a divine wolf.)
You make sure your other hybrid or supernatural followers are well aware that you have nothing against them and that if you decide to go on a hunt, there's always space for them in your pack.
It becomes common for shrines to you to have guardian animals, dogs or wolves especially, and for hunters to bring your shrines the first kill they make under the light of the full moon every month.
(Maybe thanks to you 'accidentally' saying things out loud when you think you're alone, rumors start spreading that those with nonhuman traits (horns, animal ears and tails, nonhuman limbs) were descended from your favored servants or perhaps even your children.
And maybe that action means that those who've been ostracized for their nonhuman traits can live safer, happier lives, without the fear of rejection or the enmity of their neighbors.
But that's your little secret. They don't need to know.)
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Where Is He
TW - Survivors Guilt, Inversion mentions, Character Death
WC - 1021
A/N - I'm getting better at writing in the first person!
I stepped out to get Xavier a drink. Just a soda.. That’s all he wanted not one of those cheap stomach ache-inducing ones they sell at the concession stands. He didn’t want one of those. He wanted one from the 7/11 across the street. I was gone for longer than 5 minutes. And when I came back that ward was up. I was gone for 5 fucking minutes. 
Xavier was trapped on the other side. And I couldn’t get to him. I was begging anyone with the power of the situation and all I was getting was shut down after shut down. No one wanted to tell me anything. Maybe after 10 minutes of me hassling Jett he caved. Shades. Fucking shades. Creatures that crawl their way from death escaped. 
Into one of the biggest empowered events front down. My legs nearly gave out. How did this happen? Who would do this? Why would they do this? I had so many thoughts happening at once. But the only thing I cared about was Xavier. I know I should have been concerned about the others but I couldn’t be. My Boyfriend was on the other side of that ward. 
With those CREATURES! And I know how shades work. People have to die before anyone can do anything to them. And knowing how they work. I still hoped Xavier lived. Do you know how many people would have to die? Too fucking many, for me to be wishing one person survived. I don’t know what happened on the other side of the ward. 
And I may never know. Because I was at a goddamn 7/11 getting a fucking soda. Well, Xavier and the others were fighting for their lives. I was trying to figure out what type of soda my boyfriend wanted. It doesn’t even take me long to grab something as simple as that. But that night it did. Sleeping without him at my side has been a nightmare. 
And the nights I get to sleep, I’m haunted by his voice asking why I wasn’t there. Im haunted by the fact I’ll never hold him again. I’ll never hear him call me Snowangel again. I can’t even face his parents. I haven’t seen them since the funeral. There wasn’t a body to recover. No one got to say goodbye. Not even his teammates. 
I haven’t set foot in DAMN since the inversion. There are more people im not ready to face. There was a whole student body that was affected by the inversion. An entire student body missing friends and family. And I can’t go back knowing I made it out alive by pure chance. While their family and friends didn’t. 
There are times when I wonder. If I was there maybe I could have given my life. So that Xavier could be here. Perhaps had i said no. or just made some excuse so I could watch him get the award that he deserved. But I didn’t.. He used his puppy dog eyes. And I crumbled like a cookie in his hands.  
When that ward went down. Whenever it went down. I ran in there, I didn’t care who was in my way. I was going to find him. Pushing the thought that I wouldn’t out of my mind. But I couldn’t find him. The pack of wolves who were managing security didn’t remember Xavier coming down. To the makeshift hideout they had. 
Though most of them weren’t able to talk. They all had pretty bad injuries. When I ran into Huxley I wanted to know where was he. But he was holding someone else who had a bad scar going across his chest. But the thing was.. I had searched up and down, everywhere, and hadn’t found Xavier. And my worst thoughts were becoming true. 
I waited. I let the department search just in case. I was just looking for any reason to believe he was still alive. But he wasn’t. My Xavier was gone. Taken away but whatever let those shades lose. He went out like a hero, doing what he did best. Helping others. After the department declared the place safe. 
I went over to the place where all the injured were going. I was trying to keep my hopes up. But when I saw the look on Huxley’s face when he saw me. I knew.. I knew Xavier was gone. I don’t I can ever forget that moment. He just kept saying he was sorry. And I was just numb. He was gone. The truth was finally starting to set in. 
And the realization hit both of us. Xavier was dead. DAMN no longer had a team captain. Huxley no longer had a bestfriend. And I no longer had a partner. And i didn’t even know i was crying. Huxley was just hugging me. We would miss him. His family would miss him. Everyone he helped would miss him. 
He was the light of my life, the light in a lot of people's lives. So hearing he was gone just hurt.. But when things calmed down. I got to meet the person he saved. An incubus named Gavin. I asked Huxley to tell me. And he also helped make a meeting with him.  I’ll admit I was upset with Gavin. For a while.. But meeting him and actively talking to him
Helped me realize, that Xavier knew he was gonna die one way or another. He had to make a choice. And a daemon could do much more. I just wish his death wasn’t the required part. But we can’t change things.
And one of these days I’ll step back onto the doors of DAMN. maybe one day my dreams won’t be plagued with his voice. One day.. But today is not that day. 
I will always miss you, Xavier.. And I plan to avoid 7/11 as well as sodas now. They send me back to that night. And those memories hurt too much to relive. But I have someone to talk to now. And maybe with their help things will get better. 
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Hints that Q!Quackity might actually be K!Quackity:
Quackity used this image, a K!Quackity one, to pormote the stream.
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2. Sapo Peta, a character played by Maximus, already made several cameos on QSMP. In Karmaland he was responsible for erasing k!Quackity and k!Luzu memories of each others, and also he is one who opened the portal to K4 at the end of K5. Portal that would send everyone to the previous dimensions they had been in (before Karmaland 5). For most of them that would mean Karmaland 4, but for a few, like Quackity, it wasnt clear where the portal would send him. And he even expressed his concern of not knowing where he would end up, before going through the portal. The final scene of Karmaland 5 shows everyone on K4, that includes not only Quackity, but also Vegetta and Luzu (And rubius too but we dont know if the angel/demon are infact k!Rubius). So is still a mystery why would the be on QSMP if they are indeed the same characters.
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3. This Quackity ONLY speaks in spanish, just like k!Quackity
4. "What if we kill the president?" "What if we put mines on his house?" Both things were also said by k!Quackity when he tried to killed k!Luzu.
5. Look at how many servers he has open now. Servers or... worlds?
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6. They way Quackity ended stream yesterday is the same way in which he would end up stream on Karmaland.
7. Trust me on this one…. When K!Quackity started planning the revolution against k!Luzu he got distracted and spend the whole stream watching memes involving wolves. It ended up being a pretty iconic stream for the hispanic community…. and guess what? Yesterday Quackity change his profile picture and tweeted this:
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8. Quackity said a time ago that we might actually see Cochi and Beni again (K!Q cousins on Karmaland). Both character are represented by the colors Red and Yellow and it's was thought that maybe the spanish and english account had some connections with them
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10. Q!Luzu seems to rembember Q!Quackity
11. When Quackity mentions the Olympics to Forever out of the blue, he could be referring to the Olympics that were held in Karmaland.
11. This last point is not about k!Quackity, but rather about the other Quackity characters. In the stream of August 22 Quackity gave us various references to not only karmaland, but also other projects. From "Minecraft Extremo" with the waterdrop, to his speedrun with Rubius when he started sharing tips on how to build a house towards the end of his stream. (And also the lava mention. This also could be a reference to this speedrun or even Karmaland again, since Quackity burned in lava the last thing that connected him with K!Luzu)
So.... He might indeed be lost after all
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liannelara-dracula · 1 year
Shin’s Wolf Form Hcs
Description: Hcs about him being a wolf & what he does in his wolf form with you.
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Requests are open
🐺 🧡In general Shin is a handful but in his wolf form, it is even worse. But in this form, he can be especially kind to you as well.
🐺 🧡What I will first say is that his wolf form is quite large, bigger than the average wolf.
🐺 🧡He stands quite tall and holds a rather unapproachable look in appearance as he is a wolf but a viscous-looking one even if he’s not exactly growling at you.
🐺 🧡However, what doesn’t scare you away is his eyes, they never look at you in anger.
🐺 🧡 He only looks angry towards those that are a threat so as you can imagine he has saved you from other wolves which have tried to hurt you.
🐺 🧡
🐺 🧡And what makes you love his wolf form is his fur because he is very fluffy.
🐺 🧡He really loves nature and has a huge connection to it as a wolf and even in his human-like form, he is still connected to nature.
🐺 🧡So you will find him in the forest a lot whether or not he's in his wolf form.
🐺 🧡 This leads me to think he is able to communicate well with other animals even if it's not verbally.
🐺 🧡And he can command other wolves so it's very easy for him to get what he wants and for animals to flee if he pleases.
🐺 🧡He is quite vain about his power though.
🐺 🧡Though with being a wolf you have come to realize how rough he can be, of course, he's learned to be gentle around those he cares for.
🐺 🧡Still, you have yet to learn of his antics as he still loves to mess around, no matter the form he possesses.
🐺 🧡When Shin first turned in front of you, you had no idea what was in store, nor what he’d look like.
🐺 🧡Shin pulled you by the hand as he guided you to the forest as you looked around before saying, “I still don’t understand why we're here.” You’d look at him confused.
🐺 🧡 He looked at you and sighed, “There is something I’ve been meaning to surprise you with as you’ve been wondering.”
🐺 🧡 “Shin, what are you planning?” You asked a little concerned seeing he was prone to joking harshly with others.
🐺 🧡 “Just wait here, love.” He’d smile, letting go of your hands and walking off.
🐺 🧡 Waiting around you got a little bored and wondered if he had just ditched you. “Shin, how much longer are you going to—“ you’d yelp, falling forward onto the ground.
🐺 🧡“Ouch—uh oh." You’d gasp, completely frozen in your spot as you saw the wolf before you.
🐺 🧡Swallowing hard you’d try to remain calm, "Shin, where are you . . ." You looked around a little worried as the animal approached you as you thought about what he said, you knew he had a wolf form just never seen it. And strangely enough, this wolf looked oddly familiar as if you had seen it before--before you had come to know him.
🐺 🧡Then the realization hit you, the wolf was Shin.  "Oh my--you knew me before--you were that wolf from a while ago!” You’d gasp with shock as he was quite close now.
🐺 🧡Hesitantly you’d outstretch your hand before retracting it to ask, “Do you mind if I?” You looked at the wolf as he seemed to not care and only came closer.
🐺 🧡Getting comfortable you began even to itch the back of his ears and he got very comfortable. To the point where you also feel the fur on his neck too and he’s just so fluffy.
🐺 🧡You’d smile at him, “You’re so fluffy.” You’d giggle causing him to growl slightly.
🐺 🧡“What? It’s not like you aren’t. I didn’t expect you to be so soft. Why didn’t you show me this form sooner?” You’d ask pulling your hand away from his fur before he looked at you.
🐺 🧡“Ah!” You’d shriek, as he’d lick your cheek before pinning you down with his paws.
🐺 🧡“Shin. Stop it, it tickles.” You’d giggle turning away to hide but failed to do so with his strength and only twist and turned.
🐺 🧡In this situation he made you catch your breath and admired your figure and heaving chest with a slight smile if it was possible, his nose touched yours for a moment. Who knew he could be so sweet.
🐺 🧡After letting you be, you sat up smiling and thinking of walking but he already planned on leaving, “Wait, Shin.” You’d sigh. Not before long did you hear your lover's voice again who was putting on a shirt.
🐺 🧡“Well love, I take it you enjoyed my surprise? Though I didn't imagine you'd be scared at first." He teased, leading you to avert your eyes.
🐺 🧡"I wasn't scared, I was alarmed that's all. Especially because you have known me longer than I thought."
🐺 🧡"I had to get to know you, love. If a girl isn't afraid of a wolf I think she's worthy enough of my trust." He said looking at you, making you flustered as you looked down trying to ignore his sincerity.
🐺 🧡“Well, after I figured you weren’t the biting type I was able to trust you.” You stated.
🐺 🧡Once he had shown you his form, you got to bond with him differently but you also learned a lot.
🐺 🧡For example, he likes to be in the forest and sometimes there is a lake nearby, and if you are arguing with him in his wolf form or you're just mad at him while you two are walking, he’d shove you into the lake.
🐺 🧡This is because he loves teasing you but also enjoys water, in fact, he sometimes swims in the lake, and pushing you in is his way of inviting you to join him.
🐺 🧡He’s ripped your skirt because you two have argued and has even gone as far as tripping you too.
🐺 🧡Oh when you’re mad at him, like really mad he tries to snuggle with you and practically whines while you try to push him off even though he knows you can't resist the fluff so he wins.
🐺 🧡You play tag with him and at first, he looks at you like "You're joking right?" but then gets into it. And he’s a lot faster so he’s always chasing after you and tackling you down.
🐺 🧡He’s licked your thigh sexually to catch you off guard, mostly just to hear you scream so he can tease you about it later.
🐺 🧡Rest his face against your thigh and sometimes nuzzles into it when he wants attention or he’s trying to get you to not be upset at him.
🐺 🧡If you’re out in public and a guy is looking at you he guards you and will growl to which you have to shush him.
🐺 🧡Can sense arousal and he tells you about it after he turns back.
🐺 🧡“I may not be able to say anything in my form but I have to say your arousal is my favorite scent from you.” He smirked standing behind you with his hand on your hips which causally went up your dress to play between your clothed crotch.
🐺 🧡“Shin-“
🐺 🧡“I was suffering our whole walk in the forest, you should give a prince what he wants.” He'd whisper, biting on your earlobe teasingly.
🐺 🧡Gives you rides, it's not always but sometimes.
🐺 🧡Went under your skirt once when you were too occupied with something because he thought it’d be funny.
🐺 🧡Even tho you just got embarrassed.
🐺 🧡"That's not funny!"
🐺 🧡You’ve cuddled with him to go to bed and it's the only time he allows himself to be pampered because his brother hasn’t walked in.
🐺 🧡However, if he senses that he will be bothered or whatever he makes sure he is the big spoon, simpling by putting his paws over you to not have you move.
🐺 🧡If you’re having a nightmare and he notices he cuddles with you.
🐺 🧡If you shiver in your sleep from the cold he’ll put a blanket over you by grabbing it with his teeth.
🐺 🧡Puts his paws on you when he doesn’t want you to get up.
🐺 🧡Sometimes rest on top of you in the morning so you can't get up to go to school.
“Shin, I have to get ready for school.”
🐺 🧡He literally puts his paw on your boob to keep you from leaving.
🐺 🧡Growls when you call him cute or sweet. He’d also do this if you were out in public and said you were his dog.
🐺 🧡Doesn’t like being compared to a dog so don’t even think about getting him clothes or accessories for dogs he’s going to hate you!
🐺 🧡And don’t put a collar on him even if he gets lost, he will not tolerate it.
🐺 🧡You tried to put a leash on him once because you couldn’t take a pet into a store without a leash but he hates it.
🐺 🧡He literally growled when he saw it and just kept turning away to not have it be put on.
“Shin, I can’t take you unless you have a leash on, the store won’t allow it now if you don’t want that change back and come in your real form.”
🐺 🧡Of course that statement made you regret what you said because when he turns back he’s naked.
🐺 🧡This is probably his favorite thing because of your reaction and how you push him away or leave the room because of it.
🐺 🧡“Oh c’mon love, don’t ignore me. This isn’t the first time you’ve seen me” He smirked, finding your reaction to be cute as you were still turned the other way, waiting for him to change.
🐺 🧡“Just get dressed!” You sassed.
🐺 🧡He got closer, now standing behind you, moving your hair away from your neck. “As you wish my queen.” He said teasingly, before placing a kiss on the nape of your neck.
🐺 🧡So he turns back to his advantage so like sometimes he wants you to give him baths, this actually happened in the games with Yui he came back dirty and told her to wash him when he was in this form. And yes he turned back while in the tub.
🐺 🧡When you’re washing his fur he loves to get you wet on purpose.
🐺 🧡Turns back in the shower or bath to pull you in.
🐺 🧡Steals your bra or underwear from the drawer with his teeth. He even takes your diary away.
🐺 🧡“Shin, that’s personal now give it back!” You’d argue, waiting for him to come back in his fluffy form but instead, you were met with a much more taller and founder-like Shin. (he had clothes on in this scene lol)
🐺 🧡“So although I am your lover, you still deem as a mysterious man . . . “ He trailed flipping through the pages as he continued while you tried to shut him up. “and you used to find my brother attractive.” He teased, whilst you jumped to reach the book. “Quit it!”
🐺 🧡He’d laugh but then give it back to you, “I never would have thought as much, what made you choose me then?” He’d ask, still laughing a bit as he had a smug grin on his face.
🐺 🧡You averted your eyes as you fought back a blush and a smile, “That question is personal.”
🐺 🧡“So personal, you wouldn’t even tell me, love?” He’d ask, lifting your chin to face him.
🐺 🧡You’d look at him before answering, “It’s in the book.”
🐺 🧡He’d look at you confused before you’d add on, “My answer--the reason why I choose you, it's in my diary.” You’d smile before kissing him.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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moonmaiden1996 · 1 year
Summoned Part Three
Discretion Advised 18 ++
Warning smut of minor characters.
In total, eight golden apples had been given, including your own. None of your fellow beings hung around, either insulted by their lack of an apple or not wanting to outstay their welcome. Lord Morpheus had not always been known as the most hospitable of Gods. For most it was the first time that they had be graced with a visit to the dreaming. 
Without the crowds, the palace was empty, isolated. In the distance, the vivid prairies of the Dreaming seemed almost magical, like the time before the first war and every so often, the winds would carry to sounds of the visitors, the pureness of humanity as it had once been. Yet it gave you no comfort. You were trapped out on the edge of billions of dreams, trapped by wolves, vipers and vultures, ready to attack in one swift movement.  
After all, that is what you would do. You had been a Goddess long enough to know how it worked. The King wanted that; of course, he did; how better to discover his new consort than in a thinly veil battle between his chosen candidates. Why you, though? You prided yourself on your skill and knowledge but were humble enough to know you could not compare to the others. So why was it that you received one?  
The apple still tasted sweet in your mouth; even after a few bites, the taste lingered, swelling magic within you. Yet, trapped here, the apple seemed so insignificant. What use of magic against an Endless being? Before you might have used your cauldron to poison the whole court or to bring about the humiliation of some of the snobby upper-ranked Gods or Goddesses but being stuck here with the icons of war and nature was concerning. You had always prided yourself on surviving; it is why you were still here after all. For how much longer, though, was not certain.   
For the most part, you could cling to the outside of the group. It was not too difficult, the others had a way of demanding attention, and when the King graced the assembly with his presence, it was partially easy. Though he never spoke without good need, he seemed content to simply listen to the gushing's of the other deities. And they sort constant attention from the King.  
Tired eyes scanned the current assembly, all dressed in finery.  
Kratos was a figure you had only known by name before this; he was seven feet of God, his face a stoney canvas of cruelty, which certainly lived up to the rumours. Tonight, his outfit covered very little, it was a low toga, which left little to the imagination, but it dominated the room with his bulging muscles. Much to Indra’s chagrin. The King of Davas, Indra, whose dark skin glistened with the rain that followed him; his physical was not as impressive; yet his power made the skies shiver as he sent lightning bolt after lightning bolt into the air. Much to the dismay of the God of Sparta. 
Aphrodite was Aphrodite; even in her previous demised state, she still retained that air of beauty that allowed her a degree of trespass that no ordinary creature might take the liberty of. Olive skin shinning out against the baby pink of her gown, wrapped in a gold lifted crown, but now she had consumed the apple, she gave off a blinding shine, as was the shell she had been draped over. Which was dangerously close to the throne. You did have to give it to her, though; she had to position her just so that it gave her a rather wonderful outline.  
Next to Aphrodite’s shell Bastet, sat tall, will all the regal bearing which one would expect from a cat, slender and aloof, just as you would expect from a God of the Old Kingdom. Unlike their Greek and Roman counterpart. Bastet exuded royalty, much like the Spring Goddess Ostara.   
Ostara was the most well-known to you; after all, she had many guises, like most deities. She had been known as Eostre and often sorted the knowledge of the cauldron from you or your mother. That was after she had been Persephone, of course. She had finally become sick of Hades and his many nymph lovers, Leice, Minthe and, of course, Theophile, the stupid girl who claimed that Hades loved her better than Persephone, which was the finally straw before she completely abandoning the underworld for life as her own goddess, as the Spring Equinox.   
To see all five of the supreme gods together made the remaining choice all the more questionable. They at least had carved a mark on humanity; they had prestige, power and a pedigree. The rest of you did not.  
Spriggan was the strangest choice, stranger than you; they had spent their entire life in the remote lands of the British Isles. It preferred to peak out from one of the pews, and closets to the King, never talking, just watching.  A tree spirit that was neither man nor woman or at least gave the impression of it. Moss covered its skin, making it impossible to tell its age; wizened like an old man or woman, but what skin you could see was smooth like a child.  
Like you, Puck lingered at the side, or as many knew him, Robin Goodfellow. His dark, mischievous eyes darted from side to side as he strummed lazily at his lute, occasionally stopping to tune the strings.  You had been travelling through the pit of desire that had become London when you stumbled upon the sprite teasing Shakespeare. You had been friends; you even helped him make his name with a simple one of your potions. After all, how better to immortalise yourself by putting yourself in a play by the bard himself and becoming the epitome of fairy kind. That had been before he betrayed you. 
You really wished Puck had kept his mouth shut. Perhaps he wished to deliver you some favour with the King, or perhaps he saw this as an opportunity to direct the other god's attention away from himself and onto you so he could make his move. Either way, it would bring you no end of trouble. You did not like how the burning eyes of Lord Morpheus fell on you so intently they seemed to pierce right into you, more so the way the others glared at you.  
"... it's true...little witchy, tell them it's true," Puck giggled as he twirled around, the material of his ridiculous costume fluttering in the air around him.  
You bristled at the nickname. Narrowing your eyes at this little fiend as he twirled around you.  
"...did the fae really trick this John Dee to allow another man to bed his wife and father her children?" Bastet's voice purred, whiskers twitching in the air.  
"He was only meant to pretend to let the pompous old fool believe he was talking to the angels... but like always, Puck took it too far." You hissed as the fairy pirouetted away.  
"And the meany witch put a stop to it...but I got you back! Did I! I got you back good." You hated the child like glee that filled his voice.  
"If having me hanged as a witch class at that." you snapped.  
"Hung by humans...how quaint." Bastet perfectly sculpted eyebrow arched, amused.  
"That's not the best bit, Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble..." he cackled "I made her and her silly cauldron the centre of Shakespeare's best plays."  
"And in doing so spread the propaganda that condemns many.' You snapped.  
'So, a few little humans died. They breed like rabbits, kill one, and seven more take their place."  
‘’A few....’’ You growled. 50,000 people, men, women and children burned, drowned or hung. 50,103 to be exact. 
‘’This is boring,’’ Aphrodite pouted, ‘’can't we have music? I adore dancing; Fae plays something! I wish to dance for My King."   
The eyes shifted and you were forgot once again as the music filled the air and Aphrodite began to sway. Enticed b the way her hips shimmed. All eyes except Ostara’s, who abandoned her seat to stand next to you. 
"Nicely played, but don’t think this aloof fair maid act will get you somewhere. But it will not work. Watch yourself; those here will not hesitate to get rid of a little thing like you. Watch your back, little one."   
The gathering had long since broken up. Ostara's warning, or threat twirled over in your mind. Puck has put you in a stupid position. A dangerous one. One that made walking the halls alone a night dangerous. If they are though you a threat, one that could be easiest gotten rid off, your life would be in peril. But you had grown tired of staring at the four walls of your rooms. You did not want the companionship of the others, not that there was any to take, especially with Ostara and Puck seemingly disserting you. Puck, you could understand, but not Ostara; she had been once your surrogate mother.   
"Good evening, My Lady." the familiar pleasant tone cut through the silence.   
The dark skin elf from the gather stood at the side of the hallway dressed in the same immaculate dress suit. Buttons polished to a soft gleam. The flower still pinned in their buttonhole. 
"What are you still doing here? Will not the King be annoyed that you have not departed with the others?"   
You were aware that some of the Gods had disappeared into the Dreaming to revel in the pleasure of the place a bit longer, but if the King found an unwanted being still lingering in the castle, there might not be a pleasant outcome.  
"I fear he will be even more annoyed if I leave, My Lady; I am Lucienne, the chief librarian and guardian of the Dream realm. Forgive me; I should have introduced myself earlier but did not wish to trespass on the gathering." She smiled.  
Now that was something unexpected. Many creations graced the place, attending to the gods that currently had taken up residence. But not one that was trusted enough to be a Guardian. Now that might be useful information.   
You returned the smile. "You still wear my flower. Has it bloomed yet?"  
"Yes, my lady, it is rather beautiful, and I cannot bear to take it off."  
Pride blossomed within you; you had made it yourself nurtured, tended it, till it was just right before picking it. It was appreciated.   
'Well, with such praise, I hope it inspired you."   
"Indeed, My Lady...it inspired me to start my own account of the King."  
Information that was defiantly intriguing and could be helpful. Any information on the King could make the difference between making it back home or being scavenged for a bit from the vultures that circled above.  
"I am glad; perhaps you can tell me about it again. I do so enjoy seeing the fruit of my inspiration." Even more, if they get me out of here.  
"While you're here, My Lady, could I tempt you to a book? The library is just down the hall, and it has been years since I have had a visitor."  
"I would be honoured."  
When you returned to your room sometime later with a book. The missing Shakespeare plays seemed worthy of your reading and apt.   
The leather creaked as you opened the page, your eyes finding the formed ink before a moan halted you. It was not the haunting noise of the wind. Instead, it was gruntal, deep and masculine. Waiting, you heard it again, this time longer, louder, tilting you heard as you listened intently, other noises now filling the air. You knew those sounds, the deep moaning, the rhythmic thud of skin, the groan of furniture bending to the force of thrust.  
Staring out of the balcony, it was dark, as it often was at the palace; even with the shining white stone it was made of, it was hard to decipher where one body ended, and the others started. Your view from your room was obscured by the thicket of ivy clinging to the balcony column, but you could see enough, the giant frame of the Greek god, face twisted in pain and pleasure as he was being pounded from behind. The dark locks of the King Morpheus were just visible in the light. There was another, maybe, it was so hard to tell, thin arms of women, maybe even a sprite, dipping between the two male bodies, roaming and squeezing, and from the shuddering roars that filled the space, they seemed to know what they were doing. As in jerked the God of Strength back and wrapped slender fingers around the thick cock that swayed in the air, jolting with every thrust of the slender but powerful hips of the Dream Lord himself. 
You knew something like this was going to happen. This was very bad. Very. Very. Bad. Gods were jealous beings and power hungry. If the others found out, there would be bloodshed, or God forbid Kratos, and this other being saw you. It didn't even bare thinking about.  
The slick sound of flesh slapping against flesh jolted you directly into the eyes of the Dream King himself; how long the King had his eyes set on you didn't know; his eyes had this strange ability to not be on you but see right through you. His eyes stared across the balcony to where you stood behind the pillar. They were bright but different.... paler somehow than usual.  
His thin lips curved up at the side as his moonlight fingers curled around the thick hips of the Greek God, jolting his back against him, allowing the King to push him down, shoving the war-beat face down and renewing his thrusts with an almost punishing vigour. The muffled cries of the Kratos were all you could hear, and the simpering sighs of the other who wrapped tight around the King’s shoulder as it sucked on his neck.   
You gasped at the sight. Gulping as the eyes shone across at you, you waited for a second for something to happen. You are to be smitted or thrown into the waking world for trespassing on something so intimate. Yet, nothing happened. Instead, the smirk grew to near wolfish proportions.  
Cowering back, you fled down the hall and did not stop till you were safely away from your rooms, but not from those glowing eyes that followed you. 
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So what do you think? Got to love dark Morpheus playing games :P I know not everyone is into MxM but I only wanted to use it in this one chapter so to showcase the ambiguous nature of the Gods. Hopeful it was okay. More smut next chapter to come for the reader... maybe ;)
As always please let me know, your comments make my day.
Also- Claiming his Queen fans keep your eyes peels for an epilogue update....
@crispyduckpirate @musemaniac42 @aralezinspace @boofy1998 @cipher-needs-2-sleep @avatar4eva (couldn't tag) @sassenach-the-pie-maker @ella33 @suszanne @ladyredstar1991 @alexander-arcturus-black @maripositanoctruna @xushisuxi @imaginovator @dotieeee @honeybeezgobzzzzz @cryban6 @lonelyladyghost @isitstilldarkout
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hellameyers · 1 month
S1E1: "Wolf Moon"
The Wolf Moon in 2011 was on January 19th. The episode starts on the Sunday night before it, January 14th. That was the day Scott's life changed forever.
I rewatched this episode and tried to stay as objective as possible. I already know what I think. I wanted to observe it and see maybe from a new perspective, see what others might see. I mean, I'm still going to feel how I feel, but I might get a new angle or lens to view it through.
In the beginning, Scott is getting ready for school the next day, specifically lacrosse practice. He tells Stiles he wants to make the first line, he wants to play, he wants to be different this year. Perhaps he wants to be more popular, more visible, more appreciated.
Stiles mentions the body in the woods, and he wants to go find the "other half". The question I end up asking myself is, why did Scott agree to go, because he complained the whole time. Maybe he just did it for the sake of his friendship. In the end, Scott made a choice to go with Stiles when he didn't have to. Despite the fact that, as Scott brings up, they don't know which half of the body they're looking for, and the killer could still be in the woods. It was dangerous. He acknowledges that, but he still went. Then again, Stiles said that Scott always complains that nothing happens in that town. So, maybe Scott really was intrigued and wanted to go despite his complaints. He let Stiles take him there.
Stiles made a very questionable decision to put them into that situation, and clearly didn't think it through properly, but Scott went right along with him. Then, when Stiles was discovered by his dad, the Sheriff, he made the decision not to "tell on" Scott and not reveal he was there, so he didn't get in trouble. He unknowingly put Scott in a vulnerable position. But there was a moment when Sheriff gave Scott a chance to respond, thinking he had to be there. Scott decided not to reveal himself, he choose not to get in trouble, unknowingly putting himself in danger. Because we all know what happened in those woods.
Scott explains what happened to Stiles after he left the night before. Stiles tried to dismiss that Scott heard wolves because he knows there's no wolves in California. But, while Stiles felt a bit dismissive and gaslighting, Scott still knows what he experienced, he's not swayed.
He meets Allison and falls into puppy love.
He notices all the changes in himself and just takes it all in stride. He prefers to see it as a good thing, a boost to help him in lacrosse and get the girl.
But as Stiles starts to put it together, Scott doesn't want to hear it. While Stiles is concerned for his best friend and wants to help, Scott attacks him. Scott immediately apologized, twice, as soon as he saw how brutal he was with Stiles. But he somehow didn't acknowledge that there was an issue, or even pause to rethink his plans. He just feels that Stiles is trying to hold him back. And perhaps there is an element of that. Maybe Stiles is afraid he's going to lose his friend as he becomes more popular for being good at lacrosse. It was already acknowledged that Scott didn't always respond to Stiles, with the mention in the beginning. Stiles went to Scotts' house because Scott didn't answer the phone, when Scott was only hanging out in his room, no reason not to answer his phone for Stiles. Maybe there is a legitimate concern on Stiles' part. Maybe Scott is just projecting.
The introduction of Derek is interesting. It is incredibly obvious that they [writers, director, JD] want you to think that Derek is a bad guy. They wardrobed him in all black and a leather jacket. They placed him in the woods while Scott and Stiles were looking for Scott's inhaler. The boys were even talking about the body, and how the killer might've moved it. Then, Derek steps out as if on cue. He warns them off the private property.
Stiles identifies the man, and, in my opinion, seems a bit in awe of him. Stiles knows his backstory, who he is, what happened to him, how old he is, vaguely. He clearly knows things, keeps his finger on the pulse because his dad is the Sheriff. Maybe there's another reason he knows so much about Derek and his case.
I get why many people were suspicious of Derek. He was made to feel suspicious. Later, when Scott sees him at the party, out of sight, he recognizes Derek's behavior, how he's able to calm a dog, like Scott did previously. He puts it together that Derek is "like him". But the dark way that Derek was presented made him think werewolf=bad. He thinks that since Derek is a werewolf and he keeps hanging around, and he hasn't met any other werewolves that Derek must've been the one to bite him. He thinks Derek is the one trying to ruin his life. By picking up Allison, he thinks Derek is trying to "target" Scott.
While I know now, in hindsight, that Derek was trying to protect Scott, as he illustrated by saving him from hunters, I can definitely see why some thought Derek was the big bad guy. He was meant to look that way. This show revolves around Scott, most of it is in his own perspective. He is an unreliable narrator because he only sees at his level of understanding.
Scott's motivations are exactly that of an normal teenager; date the girl, get on the team, become popular. He has the normal level of teenage egotism.
Stiles' motivations, besides Lydia Martin, are to support his friend, even if it's to protect him from himself. He's the first one to put a name to what was happening, even if he was just joking, he figured it out. And when it turned out it wasn't a joke anymore, he immediately went until research mode for his friend. He needs to protect him, so he arms himself with knowledge to help in the best way he knows how.
We see the beginnings of Allison thinking that experiencing emotions makes you weak. I wonder where she got that misbelief from.
I will also admit that Derek not immediately denying that he bit Scott definitely didn't win him any prizes. And I can see where some people draw the conclusion that Derek is on the spectrum because he's not very good at connecting with people, which is a known quirk of autism. Or maybe it's because he's a different species who communicates differently. Maybe it's trauma. All valid points.
Another observation that comes as no shock to anyone, Lydia is focused only on elevating her status. A complete social climber, who even eyed up Scott as a prospect after he knocked Jackson down a peg.
And Jackson, of course, wants to be the best. He wants the attention. He wants people to look at him as if he's better because he wants to be better, feel better than other people. It gives him a sense of importance.
All of them pretty typical teenagers so far.
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goodnightmemes · 24 days
❛ There she is, the Almost Birthday Girl. ❜
❛ That kid smelled like narcotics. ❜
❛ Just relax. I'll go take a look. All right? ❜
❛ Half-psychic is better than not psychic at all, I'd say. ❜
❛ You can read about it in the file. ❜
❛ I'm telling you, she's not ready for this. ❜
❛ It's hard to explain. It's like something tapping me on the shoulder, telling me where to look. ❜
❛ Anything like that ever happen to you before? ❜
❛ Well, maybe we'll just call you "highly intuitive". ❜
❛ You know, there's such a thing as looking too long. ❜
❛ I must have lost track of time. ❜
❛ You didn't call to say goodnight. ❜
❛ Even veals grow a little. ❜
❛ Is it scary being a lady FBI agent? ❜
❛ Do you have to let the phone ring so long? ❜
❛ I'm okay. I just can't sleep. A lot on my mind. ❜
❛ Somebody's birthday's coming up. ❜
❛ Still your only daughter. ❜
❛ I don't think the Bureau has a division for nice things. ❜
❛ Are you still saying your prayers? ❜
❛ Xs mark the spot. ❜
❛ I know you're not afraid of a little bit of dark...because you are the dark. ❜
❛ I don't know what that was supposed to be. ❜
❛ I've seen you before, ain't I? ❜
❛ Gosh, I don't ever wanna forget him. ❜
❛ If'n he told me to kill you right-right here in this room with my bare hand, I'd surely do. ❜
❛ Just happy as peaches to watch your heavy heart go pop-pop, and your eyeses to go all to blood. ❜
❛ Yeah, that couldn't be anything but a coincidence. ❜
❛ [name] is just a man, not a witch doctor. ❜
❛ What aren't you telling me? ❜
❛ I never said my prayers, never once. They scared me. ❜
❛ All our prayers don't help us. Prayers don't do a goddamn thing. ❜
❛ I can't believe it's gonna be your birthday again so soon. ❜
❛ What a day that was. I bled...bled... bled...bled… ❜
❛ No one ever came to visit us. Not any family. No strangers. No big, bad wolves. No anybody. ❜
❛ But these are things a little girl shouldn't know. ❜
❛ I'm not a child anymore. ❜
❛ You're not a child because you were allowed to grow up. ❜
❛ This is a cruel world. Especially for the little things. Not all of them are allowed to live. ❜
❛ I might have forgotten everything I possibly could, for both of our sakes, but I never threw anything away. ❜
❛ You really don't remember this guy? ❜
❛ You sure you wanna start a manhunt with this? ❜
❛ I mean, he worships the Devil, that's for sure, but in the United States of America, he's allowed to do that. ❜
❛ I'm more concerned about the fact that he knows who you are. ❜
❛ He's downstairs. Right under your feet. ❜
❛ I'm a friend of a friend. ❜
❛ We had such a big laugh about it. Although, it was only me who laughed, not she.❜
❛ You don't work alone, do you? Someone's been helping you. ❜
❛ I knew then that the work we were doing was immaculate. ❜
❛ But your work's over. It's done, and you're gonna be in here for the rest of your life. ❜
❛ Well...I'll let you get started now. ❜
❛ Hail Satan. ❜
❛ We had the guy, and now we got nothing! ❜
❛ You didn't have to come with me. ❜
❛ I wasn't gonna let you drive after what you saw today. ❜
❛ It's okay. It's...it's done now. ❜
❛ You could've made nice with me, but you didn't...and now that has led to all of this. ❜
❛ That was the deal that she made. ❜
❛ Why are you doing this? ❜
❛ If they don't die, then we will burn...and twist, and burn, and twist, in hell, forever and ever. ❜
❛ I'm doing this for you just like I've always done. ❜
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ruckystarnes · 11 days
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Author: RuckyStarnes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Wanda Maximoff (WinterWitch)
Words: 1,830
Forbidden Healing Masterlist
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Bucky remained still in the dimly lit room, the pain in his abdomen was borderline excruciating. The only thing that kept him from passing out was the image of the witch with sienna hair and emerald eyes. His mother always cautioned him about spellmen, saying they were like the dragonfolk: they will help you but will betray you when their own kind is at stake. But Bucky didn’t get that vibe from the petite woman. Judging from her accent, he gathered she was from across the ocean, and she did state she was a hearth witch, one of the few spellmen that will help anyone that is willing to pay. He made a mental note to make sure he got her what she was owed, as long as he didn’t die.
The door slammed closed downstairs startling him, waiting for the authorities to come up the stairs but instead it was the pretty, young witch instead. What was her name again? Did she even tell him? His head was swimming now as he couldn’t keep the pain at bay with willpower. He let out a groan that probably made her think that he was dying because she rushed to his side, coat still on, as her hands struggled to open the box she held. She was at the basin by the bed, fingers shaking as she readied the remedy he could assume to stop the pain.
“I am so sorry sir,” she rushed out, dumping the contents into a small glass bowl he hadn't seen before and added what looked like tea. “I never had to treat anyone with spindrel blood before, and I really should have asked. My babka would be yelling at me, but she is probably working her way here to haunt me.” She turned towards him, looking at the towel that was on his stomach, fear washing over her as she noticed it was starting to be more red. “Anyway,” she kept going, moving to grab a new towel to dip into the new concoction she made, removed the one he was holding, and held the new one to the wound, “spindrels are deathly allergic to bergamot, that’s why this feels like I stabbed you with a fired iron.”
“S’not so bad,” he managed out, hoping he didn’t sound as weak as he thought he was. “Been worse.” He closed his eyes as relief slowly washed through his veins as the new potion started to work.
“I can see that,” she whispered, and he knew she finally noticed all the other scars he had, now that she didn’t have to concern herself over his wounds because his relief was apparent. “Were you…”
“I fended for myself,” he interrupted her, hoping to ease her curiosity, but it didn’t.
“These are hunter marks,” she gasped, her fingers tracing a line of scars along his left arm, “you were hunted.” The way she stated the fact made Bucky open his eyes and look at her with intensity. “In my country, wolves and bears are hunted for sport. Not to kill, no. That would be a waste in their eyes. These horrible humans seem to get more pleasure from torturing. Marking with their own brand.”
He could hear the hurt in her voice, unsure why a spellmen was taking pity on him, especially since she could have left him outside to die.
“This barbaric ‘tradition’ was something done every week. My mother treated many bears and a few wolves. Ghastly cuts and burns. Shifters heal fast, but the act has to be torturous.” She finally looked away from the line of scars to look at his wound under the cloth, her shoulders finally falling in a relaxing stance apparently pleased with what it looked like it should be now. “Hold this here. I’m going to get some dressings and make a salve, then you can get home.”
“Home?” Bucky said under his breath. Home was a word he hadn’t known since he was twelve, when hunters killed his mother to get to him. He was the best sport for them. Sure he had the speed and agility of his mother’s wolf, but the spindrel in him was deadly, and at a young age, it was easy for Bucky to feel cornered or threatened. Now it wasn’t easy for anyone to bring that side out of him, a challenge that other shifters were willing to accept. No one fought a spindrel and lived.
“I haven’t been hunted in a long time,” he whispered. He didn’t know if he said that to ease her mind or to remind him. “I’m not sure if you are familiar with laws here, but if a shifter is arrested we have to state our heritage for ‘safety’ reasons. The first time I owned my paternal side, I was forced into a lab for months, subjected to tests and…you don’t need to hear it.”
The witch remained silent as she gathered the things she needed before sitting next to him again. “I am a stranger,” she nodded, “I haven’t earned your trust to get your life story. Humans are just…”
“Despicable,” she laughed. Oh god, it sounded like faeries sang: light and beautiful. “Besides, when you’re a spellmen, people come to you when they need something, but you’re the first one they blame for something going wrong. Even if you weren’t even around for it.”
“Is that why you moved here?” Bucky noticed the hesitation in her hands, even if it was just slight. “Your accent is…European?”
The woman nodded and went back to tending to him, never meeting his eyes.
“The way you say that humans are despicable makes me wonder if you…”
“Yes,” she interrupted him, “I am European. Slovak actually. I’m what humans call a gypsy, but I’m not. I’m a witch, and last time I knew, gypsies don’t do spells nor are they spellmens.” She licked her lips before she readied a needle with thread, dipping the sharp end into the mixture she had made. “I apologize for almost killing you when I was trying to save you…Bucky. I never tended to a spindrel before, never met one to be honest.”
“Most haven’t,” he replied, eyes closing. “I didn’t catch your name.”
“Never offered it to you,” she huffed, making Bucky frown as he was afraid he annoyed her. “It’s Wanda.”
“That’s a pretty name,” he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Now hold still so I can stitch you before patching. Then I can see if you should stay here for a bit.”
“Yes, you seem to not have a home. I cannot let you out of here knowing you aren’t going to take care of yourself after leaving. Sure the dracaena will help ward off infections, but this wound could open if you get into another tussle.”
“You make it seem like I like getting beat up,” he groaned. He could feel her small hand on his abdomen, making him tense under her touch only slightly until he could feel the keenness of the needle pushed into his skin; he sucked in a sharp breath as he felt the thread pull through.
“Take slow breaths. Tell me about yourself. It’ll take your mind off the unpleasantness.”
“I thought there were things to numb the pain,” he growled, fixating his gaze on her. Wanda flinched at him, making him realize that his eyes must have changed from his usual umber brown to crystal blue.
“I already applied it,” she whispered, her voice shaky as were her hands now. He placed one over the hand that didn’t hold the needle and gave her a reassuring smile.
“I apologize.” He tried to make sure his voice was soft and light, swallowing the pain. “Maybe you can apply some more, please?”
She nodded, slowly removing her hand from his to reach for the bowl with the resin mixture. After setting the bowl down next to him, her fingers moved to apply some to the gashes, trying to be as gentle as possible even though her hand was still shaking. Bucky wanted to kick himself for making this self assured witch nervous.
“Let me,” he whispered, “that way you get the spots that actually hurt.” His hand covered hers, guiding them to the areas that were burning. He noticed her cheeks flared, making him wonder if she wasn’t used to being touched or being scared.
“Both,” she replied as if she read his mind. Did she? “Yes,” she added, taking her hand back to wipe it on the cloth before continuing her stitches. “It’s the reason why I ran away here. It’s one thing to be a spellmen, but it’s another when you can read thoughts and predict the future when it’s horrible.”
Bucky fell silent, not asking for her to elaborate, but she did. She recounted the events of seeing a dark force coming to the small village that she resided next to, people dying horrifyingly. She tried to warn the villagers but they brushed it off as a bad dream, but when a plague hit and took more than half the children’s lives and tore families apart, they raided her home when she was out, setting it on fire before she returned. Bucky listened quietly, her voice distracting him from the slight pinches of the needle and the tugging of the thread.
“So, I came here. I advertise as a holistic healer, using only human terminology and playing dumb when a shifter or another spellmen comes to the door,” she went on. “There. Now, I should let you rest. I’ll make you some tea, and find something to eat for you.”
She stood, but his hand caught hers, her face soft as she looked down at him.
“Thank you,” he replied.
She nodded, taking her hand back slowly, making him notice that this time she seemed reluctant. “You would have died if you weren’t treated. And you said you didn’t trust most people.” She placed the items she used into a small basket she kept under the bed and turned towards the door. “Get some rest, Bucky,” she said over her shoulder, giving him a bashful smile, but it disappeared once there was a knock on the door.
“Wanda Maximoff!” A voice hollered, making her drop the basket. “We have suspicions that you are housing a spindrel.”
“Do riti!” she cursed, looking at him with a nervous look. “I didn’t tell, but the man at the store…dracaena isn’t used often.” She gathered the bin and shoved it into the cabinet and motioned him to follow her. “Basement has a secret door under the stairs. Hide there and I’ll come find you.” She motioned to the door for the basement before moving to strip off her shirt, tossing it on the couch and messing up her hair before grabbing a blanket to hold it to her chest, making Bucky blush before he descended the stairs, hearing her answer the door with a labored breath.
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 9 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 14
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Chapter 13
Ciri laid in the tub, steam rising from the water, which worked wonders on her aching muscles. The water itself was scented with special oils which were meant to help her relax, but given the situation she was in right now, relaxing was nearly impossible right now.
After the young girl had disclosed to the king, prince, princess, and small council who she really was, there was silence followed by a short uproar by the council.
Some had questioned if Ciri's claim was true, and thought her as just some common girl in rags, others believed she was who she said she was, but then became concerned if word got out that the royal family was now hosting Ciri when there were people out there who were looking for her.
Viserys luckily shut down the commotion with a single word. He ordered the council out of the throne room and had you, Ciri, and Aemma shown out to your rooms. Daemon stayed behind, mostly likely to get scolded by his brother, and Daemon meanwhile would try and persuade Viserys to proclaim Aemma true born so she could bare the Targaryen name.
As soon as Ciri was shown to her room, the servants came later and prepared her a bath. Despite being in a foreign land, this aspect of life was still familiar to the girl.
In the present, Ciri laid in the tub, grateful that she was able to get cleaned. She fully submerged herself into the water and stayed there until the need to air was too great. She popped her head up to the surface, taking in a deep breath before leaning back. 
She heard the doors open, but she didn't think nothing of it, assuming it was the servants coming in to bring extra towels.
"Princess Cirilla?" Ciri flinched, hearing that voice call her name. She recognized it to be Rhaenyra, "May I come in?"
Ciri thinks about it for a moment before making her answer, "I guess that would be okay." Ciri wasn't all that shy about being naked in front of others of the same sex, and even if she was, the water was blurred enough to shield her from view.
Rhaenyra walks in,  a plate of fruit in hand, "the servants were bringing this when I decided to visit," she explains, taking a grape and popping it into her mouth before placing the plate at the table by the tub.
"Thank you," Ciri nods, reaching to take some fruit herself. There was some awkward silence after that. Ciri was new to this whole place; she didn't know what to do or what to say. She must've made an impression though if the king's daughter wanted to come visit her at this time of day.
"I uh, had to wait for the water to cool a bit before I got in," Ciri admits, "do they always make the bath water this scalding hot?" "Force of habit I'm afraid?" Rhaenyra admits, "dragons prefer heat."
"I'm not a dragon," Ciri mutters, more to herself, though Rhaenyra heard it, "I'm a lion cub."
"You grandmother is Queen Calanthe, right?" Rhaenyra asks, "the Lioness of Cintra?" "Yes she...was," Ciri nods, sadness in her voice from re-living that particular memory. "Oh, I...I'm sorry, " Rhaenyra says when she takes notice, "I didn't know. I heard what happened in Cintra...with Nilfgaard...but I didn't know how bad it was."
"My grandfather died in the battlefield," Ciri explains, "my grandmother died during the siege; she was already gravely injured from fighting during the initial battle-" "You grandmother fought?" Rhaenyra asked, "she wore armor and everything? Carrying a sword?"
"She did," Ciri nods, "She could wield sword as well as any man. Very few men actually ever bested her in combat." Rhaenyra smiled to that, "I wish I could learn to wield a sword. My father won't allow it. I don't know why, my forebear Aegon the Conqueror, his wives were warriors themselves; they were skilled sword fighters in their own right."
"It sounds like you admire my grandmother," Ciri notices.
"I'd like to think of her as my inspiration," Rhaenyra admits, "for when I become queen."
Ciri looked at the Targaryen princess in confusion, "my father named me Heir to the Iron Throne months back," Rhaenyra explains, "it happened shortly after my mother passed." "I'm sorry to hear that," Ciri says, "I never got to know my own mother, she died when I was still a babe. You must miss her dearly." "Yeah, I still do," Rhaenyra nods, "it hasn't been easy, even less after my father decided to marry my friend."
"Oh...so the woman that was next to your father was..." "Alicent Hightower."
Ciri nods; she had taken notice there was tension between those two back in the throne room earlier. At first, she would've chalked it up to tension that came between a girl and her new stepmother, but she didn't know those two were friends before that. It must be quite an awkward situation.
"Do you think, you'll still be heir, even if the new queen ends producing male heirs?" "I will be," Rhaenyra insists, "my father swore that I would, no matter what."
"Is there another reason you came to visit?" Ciri asks, "while I'm bathing of all things?" Rhaenyra couldn't help but laugh a little. "Well," the Targaryen princess answers, "since you'll be staying with us for the time being, I was hoping we could be friends."
Ciri regarded Rhaenyra with intrigue; the silver blonde princess was a few years older than her, and despite how she felt about the princess's uncle, there seemed to be a kindred spirit among the two.
And even if she had you, Ciri knew she was going to need a friend who knew this place if she was to survive and protect Aemma. "I would be honored to be your friend, princess," Ciri answers, "assuming His Grace allows me to stay."
Rhaenyra smiled at that, "if he doesn't, I'll change his mind. I don't imagine my father would be callous enough to toss you back to the wolves."
----------meanwhile in the small council chamber-------
"With all due respect, your Grace, this girl cannot be allowed to stay here any longer then she needs," Otto states.
Since the start of the meeting, the small council had been bickering amongst one another about little Ciri remain a guest under the king's roof.
"So you would have me cast this young girl out," Viserys counters, "thrown back to the place she was held captive in perhaps?"
"Of course not," Otto says, "but she certainly not stay here."
"She is the princess of Cintra," Lyonel Strong speaks up, "If the tales in the Continent are to be believed, she was the sole survivor of the siege by the armies of Nilfgaard. To survive that along with being held captive by a pack of mutants, she's been through a lot." 
"Armies that are still looking for this girl as we speak," Corlys adds.
"What could they possibly want with the likes of her?" Mellos frowns. "That...is not known," Corlys admits, "but since her grandmother had reportedly perished in the siege that makes  princess Cirilla next in line to inherited the Cintran throne. One could only assume Nilfgaard means to capture her so as to further secure a claim to those lands." 
"All the more reason that this princess must be sent away," Otto says, "if foreign powers across the sea discover we harbor their highly sought after treasure, they may have cause to lay siege to King's Landing."
"You speak of the girl as if she were an object to possess, not some girl who's probably been through more then any of us could ever imagine," Corlys argues.
"She is a pawn in a foreign game we have no business getting involved in," Otto argues back,  "the longer this girl stays here, the more we risk putting the peoples lives in danger should Nilfgaard come looking for her." 
"if you ask me, I think Prince Daemon knew who she was this whole time," Otto continues, "probably brought her here to cause trouble." "Daemon has assured me he did not know of Cirilla's true identity before he brought her to King's Landing," Viserys assures, "I see no reason why he would lie about that."
"What would the prince even hope to gain by provoking conflict with Nilfgaard?" Lyonel asks. "What other reason then for glory?" Otto points out, "abduct the girl, bait their armies to come this way, all to come out of it as a hero for the people to see?"
"Enough!" Viserys shouts, bringing the room to complete silence, and receiving the council's undivided attention, "regardless of the circumstances of how and why Cirilla was brought here, she is a guest in my house, and will be treated as such. As far as we know, no one outside these walls knows we are hosting the princess, therefore, I see no threat from powers outside Westeros."
"Your Grace-" "Princess Cirilla will remain here for the time being," Viserys states above Otto, "I will not cast her onto the streets or anywhere else to fend for herself just because of the remote possibility of conflict with an outside threat. That is final."
Otto was left with nothing else to say; clearly the king was not going to change his mind on his matter. Now the Hand was wondering if he would convince Viserys to change his mind on the next matter, "very well," he says, "and what of the other girls you currently play host to? Daemon's whore...and his bastard?"
While the small council argued over this next sensitive subject, unknown to them, Daemon was listening in on this part of the conversation.
The prince wanted to make sure that whatever arguments were going to be made, Viserys would make his decision that would be in Daemon's favor.
If it wouldn't be the case, then Daemon would do everything in his power to make his brother change his mind.
 But considering you had named his daughter after the late queen, Daemon wasn't too worried.
Meanwhile you were holding onto Aemma, rocking her as she started to fall asleep. 
After the council had been dismissed from the throne room, you were shown to your old rooms. Not much had actually changed, except the stuff you left behind had been removed.
Some time afterwards, several nurses had come to attend to Aemma while servants came to prepare your bath. You were a little surprised they would go to this much trouble for a bastard born baby, but apparently it was on Daemon's orders.
You were hesitant to leave Aemma in the care of strangers, but the bath did sound enticing and if anything you at least trusted that Daemon wouldn't put his daughter in harm's way; if anything he would've taken precautions to avoid that.
Aemma fussed though the moment you handed her to one of the nurses. She continued to cry as they took her away. You felt guilty, but you turned to the tub and undressed so as to clean yourself.
At least the servants were nice enough to bring food while you bathed.
They were also nice enough to leave you alone, which gave you enough privacy to cry your eyes out; something you didn't have the luxury to do since arriving in King's Landing, since being taken away from Kaer Morhen and from Geralt. You were ripped away from the life you had built for yourself and for your daughter, back to the place you were trying to keep Aemma away from in the first place.
Now that everyone in the Red Keep knew about Aemma, it was only a matter of time before the political games started, games that would use put your daughter in the center as a pawn, especially if Viserys had her proclaimed true born.
At this moment, this castle, despite its comfort, was feeling more like a prison compared to Kaer Morhen.
You needed to somehow get away, get your daughter away from all this. And Ciri too; who knows what kind of drama the small council would try and get Ciri involved in should they decide to for whatever reason to make Ciri a pawn in their games.
When you finished bathing, you got dressed and went to Aemma's room. A nurse had been holding her, apparently trying to get her to sleep, but the girl had been screaming and crying the whole time you were gone.
Much to the relief of the poor woman, you took Aemma and started to rock her; the babe calming down almost immediately.
As she started to fall asleep, you kiss the top of her head and sing her a lullaby.
There once was a lord in dark woods
Wearing a strange silver band
Around his hand
The band was charmed with ore from stars
Bidding all monsters away
On that quiet eve
Among these trees
A bandit slew the good lord
Stealing that band
Off a dead man's hand
For the bandit also feared
"Quite a morbid tune from someone such as yourself, Little Lark," you hear Daemon's voice.
You sigh, turning around and holding a sleeping Aemma tight as you face the man who had stolen you from the safety of your old life and into the jaws of a new, dangerous life.
Chapter 14.5
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maverick-werewolf · 11 months
Werewolf Fact #71 - Book Review: Sabine Baring-Gould's The Book of Werewolves
While it may not be a "werewolf fact" of the traditional nature, it's very important when studying folklore to know and understand one's sources.
One of the very best sources for werewolf folklore - and indeed other folklore and mythology besides - is Sabine Baring-Gould's The Book of Werewolves (or The Book of Were-Wolves as he called it), written in 1865. However, like any academic/rhetorical source, it shouldn't be taken at face value. Let's dive into why it's such a useful source - and why you shouldn't always take to heart everything Baring-Gould attempts to assert.
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Already a scholar, Baring-Gould was a skeptical guy. It all began when, during his travels, Baring-Gould encountered several people terrified of a werewolf. He was baffled they truly believed in such a thing, and that it would stop them from wanting to traverse a road at night...
“If the loup-garou were only a natural wolf, why then, you see”—the mayor cleared his throat—“you see we should think nothing of it; but, M. le Curé, it is a fiend, a worse than fiend, a man-fiend,—a worse than man-fiend, a man-wolf-fiend.”
Baring-Gould, not intimidated, walked the road alone. However, along the way, the words of the others got to him, and he found himself frightened. The manner in which such preposterous superstition (naturally, he wasn't exactly a believer) would actually make him afraid at all made him very curious about such things and why people would believe in them...
This was my first introduction to werewolves, and the circumstance of finding the superstition still so prevalent, first gave me the idea of investigating the history and the habits of these mythical creatures. I must acknowledge that I have been quite unsuccessful in obtaining a specimen of the animal, but I have found its traces in all directions. And just as the palæontologist has constructed the labyrinthodon out of its foot-prints in marl, and one splinter of bone, so may this monograph be complete and accurate, although I have no chained werewolf before me which I may sketch and describe from the life. The traces left are indeed numerous enough, and though perhaps like the dodo or the dinormis, the werewolf may have become extinct in our age, yet he has left his stamp on classic antiquity, he has trodden deep in Northern snows, has ridden rough-shod over the mediævals, and has howled amongst Oriental sepulchres. He belonged to a bad breed, and we are quite content to be freed from him and his kindred, the vampire and the ghoul. Yet who knows! We may be a little too hasty in concluding that he is extinct. He may still prowl in Abyssinian forests, range still over Asiatic steppes, and be found howling dismally in some padded room of a Hanwell or a Bedlam.
Baring-Gould has his biases, but he also has an open mind about some topics, even if he's shut tighter than a bear trap on others, especially where anything scientific is concerned, as he was a big believer in the science of his time (not all of which is applicable to today). He's a complicated bag of tricks, and reading his work is quite an experience.
Whatever his biases and whatever one might think of his occasionally very judgmental and overly authoritarian words (i.e., he can sometimes think he knows better than everyone, including the people who actually lived during the time periods he's discussing), he is nothing short of phenomenal at his work of gathering and examining sources... even if he isn't always right. He contradicts his own research at least once, namely in relation to berserkers, but I won't go into all that (unless you read my edition of his book, of course; I discuss it extensively there).
He even spins some of his sources into thrilling tales. He honestly isn't bad at narration, able to paint an impressive and thrilling picture when retelling various werewolf (and other) legends...
But when dusk settled down over the forest, and one by one the windows of the castle became illumined, peasants would point to one casement high up in an isolated tower, from which a clear light streamed through the gloom of night; they spoke of a fierce red glare which irradiated the chamber at times, and of sharp cries ringing out of it, through the hushed woods, to be answered only by the howl of the wolf as it rose from its lair to begin its nocturnal rambles.
Something to note with Baring-Gould is that some of his sources are actually no longer with us. They did clearly exist, and he could access them during his own time, but they've since been lost, especially in such original formats (or they might be gone altogether). This is just another reason why Baring-Gould's work is irreplaceable as a source for many, many fields, not just werewolf studies. He cites and discusses works about many kinds of folklore, mythology, and even history, and he even provided the first English translation of the trail of Giles de Rais, a famous killer (and basis for the fairy tale Bluebeard). It's a fascinating read, even if you're just there for general folklore and mythology or if you're there specifically for werewolves or, broader spectrum, all manner of shapeshifters - he even talks a little bit about dragons!
However, when reading, bear in mind that Baring-Gould is not without his biases, as I mentioned before. He can be very judgmental of other scholars, especially from the past, but that isn't exactly uncommon even in modern scholarship. It's easy enough to read around, as long as you don't take everything he writes as fact. No scholar is perfect, no matter how impressive their work is, and that certainly includes Baring-Gould. He also approaches his work with werewolves specifically with the determination to relate them to "madmen" and serial killers, which is a consistent theme throughout the book. He will discuss werewolf legends and detail them well, but toward the end of each section, when providing his own assessment, he will generally offer how such things could be rationalized in his own mind. In doing so, of course, he does offer interesting discussion and food for thought, regardless of whether you agree with him (I agree with him at times but can also find him very disagreeable; it's like that with most everything one reads, so no shocker there). And, of course, his work even if only used for informational purposes is still impressive.
Biases is no reason to pass on what might be the best single source on these many topics. Besides, reading around potential biases is a skill everyone should learn.
One of his biggest downsides is that he doesn't provide English translations of all his quoted passages and sources. This was a problem in the original publication from the 1800s, and it continues into today with nearly all editions...
However, if you do want translations of nearly all of his quoted passages from various sources (as well as extensive annotations discussing werewolf studies, mythology, and more, and putting his scholarship into a modern context and even pointing out his errors, such as when he contradicts himself), then you need to see my edition of his work!
I personally translated and annotated The Book of Werewolves this year, and it's now available for purchase both through Amazon.com and my personal website, with a cover that's a different take on the book's original 1865 release...
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Be sure to check it out at Amazon.com and my personal website!
If you buy it directly from me, I'll sign it for you, too. You can also download an ebook, if you prefer.
I assure you it's the best edition of this book you'll find. I know because I've bought nearly all of them trying to find one that's at all easy to reference. My edition even includes a bibliography that will assist you with further related reading, among other useful things. I've made sure the formatting is easily readable, so it's good for both casual reading and citation/quotation in research/academic projects. This was a lot of work, and I'm very proud of how it turned out, especially as I myself have worked with this book for years.
Final words: even with all my own personal biases about werewolves, the study of werewolf and other legends, and my opinions on some of Baring-Gould's assertions, I have to give Baring-Gould's work a 10/10 for being a must-read for anyone interested in werewolves. Trust me - if you love werewolves and studying their folklore like I do, you won't be able to put this book down, and you'll walk away with far more knowledge than you had before. Reading this book alone will give you a decent foundational knowledge of werewolf studies, while also touching upon other fields.
However, of course, I do recommend reading mine. Obviously. Especially because Baring-Gould is just so wrong about berserkers (hence, my own assertions)! But anyway.
That's all for now. Until next time, and be sure to check out my newsletter linked below!
( If you like my blog, be sure to follow me here and elsewhere for more folklore and fiction, including books, especially on werewolves! You can also sign up for my free newsletter for monthly werewolf/vampire/folklore facts, as well as free fiction and nonfiction book previews.
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