#why was it so scary aaaaaagh
the-bren-system · 2 years
the tic attack was so weird last night. bonked my head. almost puked. I'm fine tho
- Sonny
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 18 - The True Assailant
Chapter Index
Forest Plaza - Katanashu Camp
Aoi: ...Commander Hanabusa still hasn't returned. Just how far did he chase after Mizuchi?
Uta: Come to think of it... Have you seen Commander Kasane and Madoka around, either?
Aoi: Commander Kasane said he'd look for Commander Hanabusa. I don't know what Madoka's up to. Maybe he's taking a look around the food stalls?
Uta: Hmm..? If they're not back soon, the fifth match will start without them.
Aoi: How troublesome.
Uta: It's finally time for our last stand... We're gonna settle this assault thing once and for all.
Uta: And the last match is Momiji versus Ungaikyo, huh... Momiji's gotta win this one.
Aoi: Ungaikyo isn't that strong of a yokai. We shouldn't have to be as cautious as against Kyubi-no-Kitsune or Mizuchi... But he's too much of a mystery.
Aoi: We can't even predict if he can be fought head on, or if he's going to have some sorts of bizarre attacks...
Uta: Right. He might come out with something completely unexpected. ...Like in that last match.
Aoi: The fourth match...
Aoi: ........ Hey, Uta. There was something off about Commander Hanabusa and Mizuchi's match, right?
Uta: Yep... They were arguing about something afterwards, too.
Uta: ...I've been thinking for a while now that there's something fishy about this whole tournament. That we might not make it through without taking special measures.
Forest Plaza - Stage
Karasutengu: At last, it's time for our final match! At this point, there's no telling whether the victory will go to the yokai or the katanashu.
Karasutengu: ...I never thought they'd be this closely matched. This is an unforeseen outcome... My blood is boiling and my body is jumping..!
Karasutengu: Scream your hearts out! Let's stay fired uuuup!
The Yokai: Aaaaaagh...!
Onibi: Yeaaah!!!
Kyubi-no-Kitsune: ...Hmph, he's so calculating. Almost like he wasn't just totally disappointed that Mizuchi lost.
Karasutengu: Here are our final contestants! From the yokai, we have Ungaikyo!
Ungaikyo: ........
Karasutengu: From the katanashu, we have Momiji!
Momiji: ........
Karasutengu: For better and for worse, this is it. Are you both ready? Give us a real show to wrap things up!
Karasutengu: Begin the fifth match!
The Yokai: Uwaaaaah...!
Ungaikyo: Phew... Alright. Let's do this.
Momiji: You've finally shown yourself, Ungaikyo. I've been waiting for a chance to speak with you.
Ungaikyo: ...Don't point a sword when you talk to someone. And you're giving me a scary glare, too...
Momiji: Because you keep running away from me.
Ungaikyo: ...I hate being chased. Especially since you had to come all the way to a place like this.
Ungaikyo: Anyway... I guess you're still just as scary as when you were little.
Momiji: ....... I knew it... We've met somewhere before.
Ungaikyo: ...Yeah, we have. You were just a little kid back then, though. You wandered under the big maple tree with that kaleidoscope in your hand.
Ungaikyo: ...Don't you remember? You looked like you had some reaction to the kaleidoscope.
Momiji: Huh..?
Ungaikyo: You were staring at it the other day. ...Under the maple tree.
Momiji: Yeah... It made my whole body shiver. I couldn't take my eyes off the kaleidoscope...
Momiji: ...Even now that you're in front of me... My body is shivering in the same way...
Ungaikyo: ...I see.
Momiji: ...Tell me. How are you related to me..?
Ungaikyo: ...We'll talk later. Right now, we gotta fight. Or else I'll try to run away again.
Momiji: ...A sword..!? From inside his mirror..? Why would a yokai like you use a blade..?
Ungaikyo: I told you... If you wanna know, you gotta fight me.
Ungaikyo: ........ I feel like you'll just remember if you fight me, anyway.
Momiji: ...Huh..?
Ungaikyo: Sigh... I really don't wanna do this...
Ungaikyo: ...I hate your guts. If you hadn't come here, none of this would've happened...
Ungaikyo: But there's nothing else I can do. I need to cut you down with this blade... Or else, they'll never forgive me.
Momiji: ...Forgive you..?
Ungaikyo: The truth is, I should've followed the others... And cut open my stomach.
Momiji: ........!
Forest Plaza - Katanashu Camp
Aoi: He took a sword out of a mirror..!?
Uta: ...What's going on? He's going to fight with a sword, even though he's a yokai?
Uta: And... What are Momiji and Ungaikyo talking about?
Aoi: ...They're so quiet, we can't hear them. But they seem tense...
Uta: ........ Ungaikyo... He's got a sword.
Aoi: ........
Uta: Us katanashu were suspected of the attacks because the yokai who got jumped all had sword wounds, right?
Uta: Could that mean...
Hokuto: Hello there, gentlemen of the katanashu! How are you feeling now that the final match is about to begin? We've brought you gifts for all your hard work!
Uta: ...Huh? What now!? We're kind of in the middle of something...
Aoi: ...Who are you people?
Hokuto: We keep books for for all the bets made on this tournament. You sirs have been a great help for us, so I thought I'd gift you a little pick-me-up.
Hokuto: You both put up a great fight! Just a little drink won't hurt.  
Aoi: ...So you've been betting on our matches... And of course we can't drink in the middle of the tournament.
Hokuto: Now now, no need to be so shy. ...Hey! Bring it in, boys!
Hokuto's Underlings: Yessir!
Aoi: ...Wait! Don't just barge into our camp!
Uta: Ah, that's kamigoroshi. It's at its best when you warm it up and chug it on a cold day...
Aoi: Uta, help me stop them! They just keep on coming... How many of them are there!?
Sana: ......... ...Hokuto-san!
Azuma: We're done. The sake's all here.
Hokuto: ........ I see. Well then, let's not overstay our welcome.
Hokuto: Do your best in the final match! We'll be rooting for you.
Aoi: ........ They left as quickly as they came...
Uta: What was that about..?
Aoi: Who knows..?
Near the Forest Plaza
Madoka: ........
Kamaitachi: Brace yourself, Madoka!
Madoka: .....!?
Kamaitachi: ...Tsk. You really are a quick one... Deflecting my attack like that..!
Madoka: ...Phew. That's one hell of a greeting, Kamaitachi. I wasn't expecting you to attack my back with your sickle.
Madoka: That was dangerous. What if I'd gotten hurt?
Kamaitachi ...Ugh.
Madoka: ...What do you want with me, anyway? You've been following me ever since the first match.
Madoka: I'm guessing you were trying to stay hidden, but all the bloodlust coming off you gave you away immediately.
Kamaitachi: ...You idiot. You noticed me following you, and you still came to the woods all alone?
Madoka: That was the only way I could get you to come out. It's pretty annoying to have someone tailing you everywhere.
Madoka: ...So? I did all this preparing for you. If you've got something to say, you should spit it out.
Madoka: Right, Kamaitachi?
Kamaitachi: ........ Do I really have to tell you?
Madoka: .....!
Madoka: Sigh... So you did see me back then?
Madoka: I thought you'd been acting strangely ever since our match... So I did have my suspicions...
Kamaitachi: ...Hmph. I'm not the kind of coward who stays quiet after a loss.
Kamaitachi: I, Kamaitachi, may have lost in the tournament! But I'm about to pay you back for that loss.
Kamaitachi: And for attacking me on the street, too!
Madoka: ........
To be continued...
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