#why schedule me on the till n then tell me to work the delivery jayne!!!
notquiteaghost · 10 months
one thing at work today was. we are a smaller store (for a supermarket), we have three tills & five self checkouts, and only one till open unless it's Busy. like, there's only ever two people scheduled to be on tills, one on the till n one watching the self checkouts. and for most of my shift today i was the till guy.
except. for some reason. the two managers in today who seemed to think after 3PM no one comes in, which is blatantly untrue, and who both told me to come off the till n go put stock out but listen out for the person watching the self checkouts' SOS call. which meant i spent half an hour just managing to put out one single box before having to go back to the tills. half an hour cuz that was my Actually I Know More Than You limit n i went back on the till n decided i was staying there until my shift ended.
fascinatingly i think a lot of our customers if they see a till open will go there instead of thru the self checkout which is. so strange to me. i am less likely to go in a store at all if there's no self checkouts, for groceries. ideally when grocery shopping i dont even make eye contact with another person. but anyway this is a vague post @ my manager cuz 'a full minute btwn customers' is not slow, i worked the opening shift in a shop way more out the way, i used to serve three people in my first thirty minutes. that is slow.
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