#why not have amelia and arizona canon after their divorces
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taylorsverz · 6 months ago
thinking abt what could’ve been (amezona) (tedstina) (jolex)
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thearcanachronicles · 8 years ago
Another rant about Grey's Anatomy s13 writing...
I am so done with Grey's putting women against each other because of men. It's so childish, and even thought it happens in RL, I don't think it's a good presume for a show that is known for writing Strong Female Characters.
S12 ended setting the tone for the triangle between Riggs Meredith and Maggie, hinting that the sisterhood could be damaged because of him. Meredith lied to one of her closest friends because of Riggs, and not only this, but it started a massive bad reception against Maggie, who since s11 was set to be an independent and secure person. Suddenly she became this clingy and whinny person in order to promote Meriggs.
After this SL was finished, they started hinting at a possibility of Maggie and Jackson growing closer, with him being her mother's doctor. After this, not only Jackson called her "Family" (his words, not mine), but helped her completely platonic. His attitude towards her was completely of a friend/brother, it's just to compare it to his towards April. Not only this, he actually slept with his ex-wife, mother of his children, who is currently living with him, a woman he knows the principles she follows and that no sex is without meaning. And in the Finale, he shares a look with Maggie that April assumes ir romantic, even thought they had not shared one moment of non-platonic friendship before, and she looks completely shocked after April's assumption.
This was created only and Only to shock the Japril fans, especially because we were already freaking out with the lack of answer of what Montana meant. It was a trap in the best way, only not.
Maggie suddenly became the most despised main character on the show. This was soon after the entire crew of the hospital turned their backs on their FRIEND because she assumed a position for a short time, exceeding at it. Maggie, the person that said that April liked everyone; Jackson, Arizona, Riggs, and Owen, her closest persons... And after the patch towards Japril reconciling having been exposed. Maggie because a target for hate because April assumed her friend, whom she hangs out after work with, is in love with her ex-husband, who has been divorced for almost two years. No one else knows about Montana apparently. She could completely be in love with him (She is in love with Riggs people, it's the same episode in which she said it) and she nots deserving of A n y hate. She is a single woman, so is Jackson, they could have sex, get married, anything they wish. To me, it would be weird because Jackson said that they are family, and they never had one single non-platonic moment, but okay, fine, whatever. So I hate the position Maggie is put on. She does not deserve any of this. She deserves a decent storyline, and if she needs a relationship, create one in which she will get less than what she deserves, the love of her life. It doesn't matter if the shows make them canon, Jackson and April's love story is epic. He stopped her wedding, they have two kids, they fought hell and back and are still drawn to each other. This is a once of a lifetime love story. Maggie deserves better than to be the second choice. And being the second choice, that means that she will be used merely as a plot device if they do go down this route. It's Stephanie all over again, and this pattern is shameful. It's not only disrespectful for women in general, but especially for WOC. So the writers could make them last? Sure, except that Maggie would still be the most hated character on Greys and Jackson' second choice. Forever.
Also, if there's someone to blame on this mess, it is Jackson that apparently lead April on. He started, he bed her, knowing how well April and sex works. He hinted at their past, at their first time, at their elopement. From our POV, there hasn't been any talk between them, which is insane. I think that if they had decided not to keep together, they'd need boundaries, and their relationship would not be like on the short screen-time they shared. Also, if they were together, are they still having sex with no strings attached? Is this why April is hurt? Because she thinks Jackson is leading her on just like before serving her papers? Because at the same time, if the point was for them to move on, why not show Jackson actually making a move towards Maggie? Or why make JTS happens? A trap.
So please, Grey's writers, I understand that you need the audience, but at least show us some respect. I loved this show not because of my favorite couple ever, but because of strong female friendships. Mertina, Calzona, Callina, Kepzona, all of them. I want to see Meredith, Amelia, Maggie and April hanging out. I want to see them bonding just like that episode ending. I want this sorority, and most of all I want back the show I fell in love with. Thank you.
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