#why is there a lot of shuu here
tatatatatara · 1 year
Idk thinking about what if the ships in tokyo ghoul has ship name format like game fandom. Yknow, the abcshipping thing
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I'm probably going to do a terrible job of articulating myself here but every time I think about the worldbuilding in Hatoful Boyfriend, I think about the implications of having the birds simply have adopted the structure and policies of human society and go insane.
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It's clearly originally just for the ridiculousness of it all for the players, but AGH it explains so much regarding the extremely rampant classism/racism/speciesism and how apparently normalized it is. It also, to me, adds a bit of moral nuance to the Dove - Hawk Party conflict.
(Long post under the cut. I'm so sorry I just kept going.)
First off, I'm obsessed with the concept of the birds becoming sapient and simply... taking over a society that was not structured for them. It leads to difficulties in universe! Bird wings are not made for doing tasks that human hands can do naturally - there's a couple instances where the characters ask for Hiyoko's assistance or express envy since she can just do the task more easily than they can. The birds are outright disadvantaged in certain areas of life, and yet, the society is in such turmoil due to the newness of it all that there still aren't really any workarounds for stuff like this.
Not that there haven't been any suggested solutions, such as the Labor 9 series, put forward initially by the Dove Party. Yeah, you know, that one throwaway line about how the party that up until this point have been the "good guys" wanted to take still semi-conscious human brains and make robotic slaves out of them Cyberman-style? What the hell. And what gets me is that Shuu was able to find the initial proposal, which he really only made tweaks to, which means that the project was at least close to being finished on the conceptual/planning/design phase before somebody went "hey this is a little fucked up actually".
The Dove Party wants peaceful coexistence with the humans, while the Hawk Party wants to eliminate humanity entirely. But we don't really go into how these two lines of thought evolved. I believe I have a suggestion for at least one part of the puzzle though.
Of all the birds in Hatoful, who enjoys the most privileges and the highest status? Fantails, it would seem. A breed of pigeon that is popular as a pet, considered beautiful and sought after, and achieve high accolades in shows and competitions - for clarity's sake, fantails were valuable in human society, and this status appears to have transferred when birds became sapient and took over. Conversely, which birds are ranked lower and often blocked from entering certain higher class places? Rock doves, who, in human society, are given an unfairly bad reputation, and considered anything from unclean and dirty, to nuisances, to pests. Again, this status transferred over when the birds took over.
So, while we don't know too many of the birds who make up the agents of the Dove and Hawk Party, let's take a look at who we do know of.
Fantails (Yuuya, Dove Party) are considered valuable over other doves and pigeons for being specially bred for their striking tail feathers
Cockatiels (Leone, Dove Party) are some of the most popular and beloved companion birds, kept as pets and considered very friendly
Rock doves (Ryuuji, Hawk Party) are considered unclean pests who receive a bad reputation, and are generally not treated with respect or appreciation <;- notable thing to mention here is that Ryuuji actually does like humans - I think he was only Hawk affiliated for the grant money and research facilities, which... fair enough man.
Chukar partridges (Shuu/Isa, Hawk Party) are game birds, specifically bred and released to be killed and eaten, and considered a delicacy
...do you... see what's going on here?
(I haven't mentioned Tohri as he's a special case. Give me a minute and I'll get to him!)
The birds we see in the Dove Party are those birds that were already viewed in a more favourable light by humans, a favourability that transferred over to their new society. Of course they are more likely to advocate for coexistence! They have less to lose, overall. And the Labor 9 series, and how that could've ever been suggested in the first place, suddenly makes a lot of sense. For many of these birds, society the way it exists now benefits them. Some of these high ranking Dove Party folks may be less about actual peace and justice (like Yuuya or Leone) and more about maintaining the current order of things - humans coexisting under their control, while they get to maintain their status... which is itself a product of human invention.
The birds we see in the Hawk Party, by contrast, are looked down on or hunted. Historically, even before bird sapience, they did not have a harmonious relation with humans - and it's likely this status carried over to their new society also, with many of these birds being more likely to have been disenfranchised. Their goal of elimination is therefore reactionary towards perceived threat. After all, the people who suffer when things go wrong aren't the ones at the top - it's all the people who sit at the bottom of the social rung; the vulnerable members of society who do not enjoy the same advantages as others.
Of course, the Hawk Party has built itself up into such a powerful group that they may have lost touch with this starting foundation - the only thing that remains is likely that reactionary fear. After all, people caught up in the actual conflict - Nageki, Hitori, Ryouta, and Hiyoko - see this kind of horrible bloodshed firsthand (firstwing?) and just want it to stop.
Again, it's not usually the people in these political factions who are the ones caught up in their conflict. It's the individuals who lack power or influence.
But that's just the political groups themselves. On an individual level, it's kind of interesting to look at and theorize where along the spectrum our core cast falls based on their species/breed.
Ryouta (rock dove) is actually rather indifferent towards humanity as a whole - he just likes Hiyoko. However, his witnessing of the Heartful House tragedy led him to abhor violence and unnecessary loss of life, and I'd imagine his mother's later illness solidified this. Ryouta doesn't seem overly interested in political struggles or the broader implications of a lot of things - he's actually a rather self-oriented character when it comes down to it (this is not a judgment, nor a bad thing! I love my boy!). Ryouta just doesn't want to lose people, really. A conflict would mean more loss, and rock doves seem to have to struggle enough as is.
Hiyoko (human) is the daughter of two diplomats, but interestingly, we don't get to see much of her political views on things - perhaps because even if she expressed them, it wouldn't really matter - she's not herself a diplomat, and humans are the lowest of the low - her going to a fancy school doesn't really change that. Social-wise, except with her friends, she is tolerated, not accepted. Yet, it's safe to say that Hiyoko strongly disapproves of people who flaunt their status - she's quick to not take crap from Sakuya, to get angry on behalf of Ryouta and herself over the gull clerk's assholery, and also to defend Miru and Kaku as living beings worthy of respect. Interestingly though, she also uses Okosan's status as a fantail to get Ryouta to let go of him and let him do whatever he wants so... it's kind of unclear what her firm beliefs are. Perhaps, as a human, she still values fantails more highly. I don't know honestly. Implicit bias?
Sakuya, Yuuya and Okosan (fantail pigeons) may share the same breed, but their experiences are highly different. Sakuya is largely separate from the human-bird conflict, as he is unlikely to be directly affected by it. As such, a lot of his story and development has to do with actually learning and un-learning about the world outside of the limitations of his "father's" classist views, which he simply mimics without understanding the larger implications. Yuuya and Okosan, on the other hand, may be fantails, but are also looked down on and often treated as inferior - Yuuya for being a "half-breed" and for his reputation, and Okosan for being closer to feral than a lot of other doves. Interestingly, these two show more interest and respect for the individual than Sakuya does, who often makes sweeping generalizations based on status - which makes sense to a degree, as they've been on the receiving end of this kind of treatment, whereas Sakuya hasn't. Okosan believes that each person has their own "wonderful names" (read: identity outside of breed or status), while Yuuya is a genuine fighter for justice who is able to get to the heart of people, especially in Holiday Star. However, even though they have experienced classism, they still have certain privileges with regards to species/race - take Okosan's shock when Hiyoko and Ryouta are barred entry from his favourite store. None of them are quite as out of place in everyday society as some of the other birds here, and it's notable that "diverse" St. Pigeonations still apparently has a significant fantail student population.
Shuu (chukar partridge) is really interesting, as he doesn't particularly care for the politics of the Hawk Party, and yet his role as a killer/hunter of both his fellow birds and humans is an interesting reversal of the chukar being a game bird. Shuu also has a disability (his semi-paralyzed right side) which hinders him in bird society even more than most. His extreme, yet coldly logical solution to kill all humans to stop the fighting between them, could be as much his rationality, as his joy in the sadistic, as a reactionary survivalism (remember he was caught up in a human terrorist attack as a child - while overall he considered this beneficial to him, he also did lose much of his colour vision and the use of his right side, so it did leave him weakened). Shuu attains control by "flipping the script" as it were.
Tohri (golden pheasant) starts out in the Hawk Party, but much like his colleagues, doesn't seem to care much for their politics. Golden pheasants are game birds whose eggs can be eaten, but are more often bred and kept for their plumage - they're not prey, but they're not exactly pets either. All this puts Tohri in this interesting position of being somewhat in the middle of this conflict, and indeed he goes on to be a part of (found?) the Crow Party - an opportunistic group that seeks to benefit from the overall conflict. Golden pheasants are birds intended to be admired for their beauty and intelligence more than anything else, benefitting in some ways from humans without a strong connection or a reliance, and Tohri's opportunism fits nicely with that. (As an aside, our sole crow character, Albert, is also something of an opportunist, being an assassin on the fringes of society.)
Hitori and Kazuaki (button quails) are somewhat interesting. It would be both expected and understandable if Hitori held hatred for humanity after the Heartful House incident, or even before then, considering they were all war orphans. Instead, he doesn't seem to harbour any particular ill-will - he seems totally fine around Hiyoko, and her being a human has nothing to do with his reticence with letting Nageki hang out with her in the shrine universe. Kazuaki, too, doesn't seem to mind Hiyoko being human and isn't afraid of her any more than he is anyone else. While quails are game birds, with both meat and eggs being eaten, button quails are too tiny for that and are mostly kept as pets - they are considered cute, silly, and entertaining, though a bit too jumpy to be outright companion birds. The quails don't seem to experience too much in the way of speciesism (except arguably with the whole mistaken identity of Kazuaki's corpse... there may be a bit of an "all quails look the same" thing going on perhaps). At the very least, they are able to occupy teaching positions at a renowned school as respected intellectuals, and did go to university. Still, it's kind of a known thing that you don't put button quails with bigger, more dominant birds, since larger birds will often pick on them or even outright try to kill them simply because they're small and shy - this may, in hindsight, explain some of Kazuaki's demeanour.
Nageki (mourning dove) and Anghel (luzon bleeding heart dove) are the two who are uncommon bird species in Japan. Nageki is another war orphan, who would be forgiven for harbouring resentment for humanity, but instead is appalled at the violence and made a huge sacrifice to get it to stop. It's kind of unclear how Nageki fits into this society, as mourning doves are not prey or pets - they're wild birds. They live on the outside of the human world, and while Nageki exists within current bird society, he likely doesn't have a designated status within it. Nageki is unfortunately also alienated from much of the action due to his illness and later his untimely death - this is why a lot of Nageki's thoughts are somewhat from an observer's perspective, with his most emotional moments being derived from his rare direct experiences - specifically the Heartful House tragedy and the human killings he was forced into, which solidified a really firm stance of not wanting anyone to suffer like that. Anghel is another outsider, this time genuinely a foreigner, as opposed to Nageki. Again, Luzons are wild birds, not prey or pets, and so it's a bit unclear what his status is. This might explain why Hiyoko repeats Sakuya's remarks towards him without apparently realizing they're actually insults - Anghel is removed enough from the conflict she is familiar with that it seems she doesn't quite... get it. Again, Anghel's role is as this strange kind of omniscient observer, whose perspective is closer to the player's than to the rest of the cast. He definitely frowns on the Hawk Party's overall goal - the Demon Spores are evil to him, and his main objective is to stop them from spreading, as they would cause damage to both birds and humans. I attribute his morals to his mother having raised him right lol. The lack of a clear status for both of them may be why they appear to take the stance of judgment based on individual actions, but are not heavily involved in the conflict itself - while humans tend to like mourning doves and luzons, there isn't much interaction that goes on between them. Nageki and Anghel are simply less embroiled in bird society's human-derived status conflict, which makes them both outsiders and observers.
As a bonus note, Azami, Rabu and Kenzaburou are all species of birds that can be kept as pets (java sparrow, budgie, parakeet), which may account for some of their friendliness towards Hiyoko, and Kenzaburou's willingness to hire her. Kenzaburou is even a bit old-fashioned it seems - he sleeps in a cage, which implies his ancestors were probably pet birds themselves. It's likely he, in particular, has more positive views on humans.
...Please tell me I'm not the only one who spent ages thinking about the implications and workings of a fictional post-apocalyptic bird society. Also I hope this made sense I kind of went off the rails here.
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tsubakimilktea · 8 months
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Just another study with Reiji and Shuu, them sitting in a banquet. Wrote a story about it because it was needed..
For me.
Memories of a maid in castle:
“Young masters weren’t always bickering with each other when they’re not in front of anyone actually.. I often saw them having little conversations with each other without somebody’s presence.
It wasn’t a secret that Lady Beatrix like better her firstborn. Her motherhood was preserved to the heir, her schedule and attention were only to the apple of her eye.. but also it wasn’t unknown that Young Master Reiji was also very talented young boy. He was able to catch up his brother with his hard-work even though he was comparing himself with a golden child whom claimed child prodigy.
Lady Beatrix’s love and attention separated her sons from each other with the aspect of affection. But Master Reiji was one of the few people who could hold a conversation with Master Shuu. I always thought that he was quite lonely, since his presence made obvious for us servants that he enjoyed independence and solidarity but Master Shuu always sneaked in to Young Master’s spots.
He was perpetually lonely, outcasted, Master Shuu enjoyed being around with him when Young Master wasn’t trying to get under his skin which is consistently yet when they were alone they acted otherwise. I witnessed by accident when i was running errands for other side of the castle since The King wanted to have banquet for a holiday he learned from humans. Lady Beatrix was insisting that Master Shuu learned from the Banquet to impress His Majesty, nevertheless The Heir threw tantrums at tailors and his instructress. He must have run away after his caprices since i saw him approach to library in the second wing. His majesty had private collections in this library, very often we brought the important books to Master Shuu for his studies to other wing of the castle by his instructors orders. It’s known that Young Master spent his time in to study here all but himself to catch up on his brother but it was a rare sight see brothers together.
However it wasn’t an unusual scene they bicker, so i got the impression that they will quarrel again yet Master Shuu was persistent about not wanting to answer his brothers usual harsh remarks. He wanted to be out of sight… being around him was the perfect choice. I must have lost my mind or had a death wish since i have chosen to eavesdropped disrespectfully than doing the errands that ordered.
Yet i don’t felt regret; it was worth to witness. Master Shuu entered in nonchalantly but with caution, he saw Young Master turned back to reading his book since his comments weren’t effective. “I have read that book.” said simply, “I know you’ve read it that’s why i am reading it.” said Young Master, like he was stating an obvious fact that Master Shuu is so oblivious to understand. I thought he must be taken aback by Master Shuu’s pampered statement, but it might be both.
After was an awkward silence, I thought it was a message for me to get back to work but Master Shuu started to watch Young Master read, seem to wait something or himself, i stayed, “Did you read his manuscripts?” Master Shuu asked, he seems oddly curious, interested in conversation, it made me approach them to take a closer view. “Yes, i did read it of course, do you really think second son of sak-” Young Master was offended by his words again but i knew better, Master Shuu (even though he tease his brother a lot) trying to make conversation, painfully awkwardly even. He cut off the young one’s mechanical response and asked, “Did you read Plato?” again simple, clumsily, “I am reading it on the side,” Young Master slowly answered, still on edge yet gawky.
Master Shuu waited, he let young one finish, “since Socrates wrote nothing but his pupil Plato wrote his speeches in thought i could learn more about Aristotle since he rejected Plato’s theory, his mentor.” said slowly, he must find odd too that Master Shuu is initiating a conversation that doesn’t involve harsh remarks. Master Shuu slowy, advanced towards the desk and, “Hmm, you’re still on first part, it’s in original language after all… The legal self-defense part is very intriguing since it demonstrates the nature of the trial-…” he stopped mid sentence to look at the young one, “what do you think?” Simple, very clumsy way to communicate and ask for opinion, “huh?” Master Reiji seemed off by awkwardly pointed question, as well as myself.
“What do you think about the first act of the book?” He asked, seemed apathetic but his eyes said otherwise, “Pluto is reveals that Socrates, not the judges who condemned him, is the representative of the truth?” answered Master Reiji, after.. silence.
“What do you think?” asked Young one, equally clumsy but visibly curious. “I think his manuscript was biased since Plato was very fond of Socrates but given to consequences of bias and resentment among the jury it is probably not the best legal and criminal justice case.” said, turned to Master Reiji, “You should read Xenophon too.” he said.
“Another pupil of Socrates? Why should I? He wasn’t even there when the trial happened..”
“It is interesting to see that a military commander gives a manuscript about the ethical opinions on death sentences and moral corruption-..”
Young one cut him, “even thought he was an elected commender of one of the biggest Greek mercenary armies?” he smirked playfully, it made Master Shuu laugh, “Yeah..” he smiled.
It made me realise how unusual scene was I witnessed it. I returned the way i needed to go and couldn’t forget the interaction i just observed. It made me self aware, after that i payed attention more and more when they were together, alone or not. Their relationship was my sole joy, i am a mere servant after all…
I realised their interaction happened in Banquets and social gatherings in later years.. as i said Master Reiji was one of the few people who could have conversations with Master Shuu, it must have got to the point where both of them only enjoyed each other’s conversations more than other vampires. But besides these conversations their harsh remarks with each other developed as well.
Yet they never seem to realise that even they argue they use each other’s vocabulary or mannerisms. It is very strange watching children grow up after all.”
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frozenmoonshine · 9 months
Headcanon - Hanma Shuuji as your boyfriend
Ok, I hate myself for writing this, 'cause I hate this bitch just as much as Pissaki, but I've been fighting my intrusive fluffy thoughts about him and they won, sooo here they are:
Beware of insinuated hetero relationship, f!reader, and common terms of endearment.
He's a flirt, definitely. He knows he gets lots of attention from the fairer sex simply for being tall and good looking, but he also loves the fact that he's a smooth talker and can get pretty much any girl to fall for him. And he's not better than doing just that, simply because he needs some amusement in his life. Talk about being a piece of shit, going around breaking hearts for fun.
‌However, if he genuinely falls for someone, he basically does a 180⁰ turn and is the most loyal lover you could get! He will, most definitely and undeniably, try to make his SO jealous by casually flirting left and right, just because he can, and he enjoys seeing your frustrated, annoyed, jealous face. However, if you get jealous or hurt for real, he will genuinely freak out, and will try his best to reassure you that he loves you and that he was just messing with you. You are the only one for him, after all, his safe haven and his light! If he realizes that he stepped overboard with his "jokes", he will change his behaviour immediately. Idk why, but he just gives me the vibe of someone who perfectly understands boundaries, and he will choose to honor his commitments.
‌He himself is not jealous at all, and no matter what you may do, he wouldn't get jealous. The bastard is just so cocky and aware of his desirability (even tho he overestimates himself quite a lot), it's unnerving! But unless he straight up catches you "red handed" with another guy, he won't be jealous in the slightest. And if that happens, if you do cheat on him, then he might just beat your side piece to a pulp, and walk out on you like you never even existed. He will be heartbroken about it for a long time, tho.
‌Don't do him dirty, even as annoying and flawed as he is, he is still worth it! He can be super loving and affectionate in private, and he will be your no. 1 cheerleader, in whatever you're aspiring to achieve. Tell him all about your adventures tho, he loves a good story!
‌He gets too easily bored, so he would fall head over heels for someone who can engage him in deep and interesting conversations, and be a bit of a tease as well, just enough to always keep him on the edge of his seat, but not to overdo it. After all, he is the tease one in the relationship, and he doesn't like the idea of giving up that title.
‌Speaking of him being a tease... yes, he's absolutely insufferable! In every sense. (Yes, that too!)
‌Dates with him are always so random and spontaneous, like, he'd take you on a bike ride to the beach at 3 AM, and you'd make sand castles in the dead of the night, just because. It's totally not because he's secretly a hopeless romantic and wanted to watch the sunrise with you, btw. Or he might get you out of your school/work just to take you to the rooftop of the highest building in his neighborhood, where you guys can throw water baloons on the passers-by down there, and photograph their reactions. Or you two would be in a middle of a rollercoaster ride and he'd scream into your ear: "Babe, let's go have a picnic in the woods, this ride is boring!" The worst best part - his idea of a "picnic" is pranking hikers by making weird noises. At least one thing is for sure with him - there is never a single dull moment!
‌But even as the chaos elemental that he is, he is actually looking for (inner) peace. He would want to feel safe and taken care of in a relationship, and I can picture him falling for his childhood friend. If not that, then he'd definitely go for the cozy, domestic, girl-next-door type. Despite what he shows to the outer world, he just craves familiarity and warmth.
‌His friend-turned-girlfriend definitely calls him Shuu-chan. He pretends it annoys him, but there's nothing he loves hearing more. And I will die on that hill if need be!
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anzulvr · 3 months
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader I| Chapter: 06 ୨୧
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— After hyping herself up in the bathroom mirror for half an hour this morning, [Name] concluded she was capable enough to pull off her plan and manage to get demoted to E-class.
[Name] worried she might get herself expelled but looking back on Karmas situation put her at ease. They practically bring equal academic value to the school and Karma was able to get away with a lot because of it. They'd let him off the hook for fights, pranks and persistently cutting class. If anything this might not be enough to demote her.
A few days prior Gakushuu informed her that his father had a meeting to attend later today. The Chairman is constantly praised for his input during board gatherings, which is why [Name] decided she would sneak into his office and replace his notes for some fake ones written with Karmas assistance. She'd make her switch careless enough he could trace it back to her.
Karma also suggested switching Gakuhō's papers for some questionable magazines would be an easier, more impactful trick, he could get Okajima to give him a few, he probably wouldn't be super-compliant about giving them up but when was anyone ever compliant to anything Karma plotted? He got them but he didn't tell her how he convinced his friend to let him have them.
[Name] had never done anything that could get her into trouble at school, what if it went on her record?
"[Name]? You're here earlier than usual."
She jolted back in surprise and nervously held her hands behind her back, "Yeah, I thought I'd have a change of pace today." She was anxiously swaying back and fourth.
"You? Change? That's rich."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Last time I called you at 7 AM you blocked my number for a month."
Gakuhō came up behind Asano and rested his hand on his son's shoulder,"Gakushuu fix your posture."
Asano straightened up, The chairman looks over at [Name], "It's nice to see you again [Name], how have you been?"
"Im doing good, and you?"
"That's great to hear, I would like to talk more but I need to speak with my son for a moment, if you don't mind."
"I’ll leave you to it then, see you around Shuu!"
Perfect opportunity had risen, he was down here, that means his office would be empty this early in the morning.
[Name] opened his drawers and found many, many folders filled to the brim with papers. She wasn't sure how she was going to find the one she was meant to trade out.
She drew out her own papers along with the magazines, she couldn't help but question what kind of perverted friend Karma had that just has these lying around.
She was digging through them when she knocked into one of the opened sliding shelves a file titled "Confidential" fell out from a compartment hidden underneath the cabinet. She got the feeling she really wasn't supposed to open, the forbidden feel to it only enticed her more.
[Name] wasn't sure what she expected to find but it definitely wasn't government files about the moons explosion. They never disclosed this to the public, why would Gakuhō have this? Her eyes rushed through the pages, there was a picture of the culprit, a price on his head, and way too many details to take in. The documents alleged that End class students of Kunugigaoka High would be the main individuals with the responsibility of assassinating the out law. Failure to assassinate him by the end of the year will result in the extinction of the human race.
There was so much to process, she was going to die? In any other situation she’d doubt the authenticity of these papers but everything lined up with the moon explosion. She couldn't even humor the idea anyone could kill that thing based on description of his abilities alone. The files mentioned the creature being 3 meters tall, and a very long list of his documented capabilities such regeneration, super human speed and strength. It would be stupid to believe some high schoolers could assassinate a monster with the power to destroy the earth in seconds. Her future was essentially gone, and Karma, he knew about this all along.
'Did he expect me to go on living, knowing there's a good chance I'll die before I even graduate?’
How could he? He never mentioned this. This whole time he'd let her believe everything was fine. That he liked his class? The stupid bounty on the monsters life was giving him false hope.
She has good grades, sure, but that's pretty much all [Name] has going for herself. Now that she was thinking about how her future was over this all made her realize she never really had much of a future. Nothing made her stand out from the rest of her peers.
The members of the student council are everything she is and more. Not only are their grades outstanding they each have individual talents that set them apart from the rest. That set them apart from [Name]. The students definitely saw it that way, people often talked badly about how she didn’t deserve her spot with the rest of the student council.
In contrast Karma definitely has a lot going for himself. He isn't just smart, he's great at anything he touches. He has a good reason to live. Maybe that’s why he kept it a secret? He didn’t think it mattered in her case?
She felt herself tearing up, not knowing what to do with herself she kept flipping through the documents. Karma let her continue living so ignorantly, for what? So she could die soon without warning?
"[Name]. What are you doing here?"
Just like that she was taken out of her entranced state, "Nothing! I was waiting to speak to you, sir." She hid the file behind her back, ironically all she did was make herself more suspicious. Kaho did always tell her she was a horrible liar.
Gakuhō wasn't supposed to return to his office this quickly, then again she isn't supposed to be poking around where she's not welcome.
"There are serious repercussions for sneaking into my office and going through student files, you know that right? We place value in the privacy of our pupil."
"Principal Asano, It's not student files I'm interested in. I'd like to be transferred to End class."
“End class... What makes you suggest such a thing?"
“I know the truth.”
"You'll have to get more specific [Name], what truth?" He walked over to his desk, looking straight at her, she hands him back the classified file.
[Name] is taken aback when the chairman laughs.
He was being so casual about it still, for some reason, she felt like there was a knife against her throat.
"[Name] you're a good kid, I'd think about this twice if I were you. You'll have to renounce your position in the student council if I go through with your transfer. We really can't afford to have word get out either. You'll either forget everything you just read or you'll have to deal with the consequences."
His eyes scared her, she was in over her head.
His eyes shift to the messy table top, thanks to [Names] disorganized snooping. The duplicate papers and magazines were front and center of the clutter.
"What are these strange magazines doing here?"
"Those are, uh- not mine! I'll dispose of them regardless!"
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bubblespalace · 2 months
(😷: sensitive topic)
What would be the reaction of the Sakamaki brothers when they themselves discover that their partner has an eating disorder?
P.S.: I wanted to ask, what is a Moodboard? I can't figure out what it is hehe 🥲
Bubble: Hi, love! Nice to see you again! First off, I heavily relate to this request. So I'll actually be doing you one better and making a reaction for each Sakamaki with headcannons attached. This is a special ask because I have deep connection with it 💕
And a moodboard is basically a collection of aesthetic images with a prompt! 😉 💕
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"Why are you so worried about this? Tell me the truth, because whatever reason you give me won't be valid anyway."
🎻-I honestly think this would worry Shuu. He's kinda used to women chasing him and trying to entice him with their looks. So finding out that you actually don't think you're attractive, to the point where you stop eating, will confuse him.
🎻-To help, I actually think he'll be one of the healthiest of the boys in dealing with this with you. He'll probably either encourage you to eat or make sure you're not over doing it. He might even offer some kind of a reward for doing the healthy thing here. Like hearing him play the violin.
🎻-Overall, one of the best to have in this situation.
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"Oh? Well, I shall be trying my best to guide you towards the right path, my dear. My lady shouldn't be in an unhealthy place on my watch."
🧪-So Reiji might have a less gentle approach at first. He'd probably be strict, making you sit down and eat a certain portion at certain times to get you on a schedule. And he would probably pull out the whip when you do something unhealthy as a result of this disorder.
🧪- But when he notices he isn't helping, he'd probably try something gentle. Or at least gently for him. I can see him doing some of the same things Shu does, rewarding and all. He'd probably try to buy you clothes that make you feel good about yourself too, if the eating disorder affects your body image.
🧪 He'd be a little kinder. Maybe her wouldn't point out anything food or body related, even during a punishment. Reiji would love his S/O, so he wouldn't be that mean.
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"Well, jeez, chichinashi. No wonder you got no boobs... That was a joke! But hey... You should know besides being titless, I do like you. I deserve the best after all!"
🏀-Meet the worst boy to have in this situation. (You thought I was gonna say Kanato- Hahaha!) Honestly, Ayato will probably be okay still. Just not the best. He would offer you something all the time, whether it be popcorn, chips, or whatever. He'd probably even offer you some takoyaki, just a bit.
🏀 He'd also randomly do something in public like grab you around the waist turn you around and kiss you to show how hot he finds you, of your body image ties in with the disorder. He'd try to make you feel desired.
🏀-But he'll still be calling you chichinashi.
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"What? Dolly, why? I picked you to be my doll. Therefore I do find you deserving of quite a lot. Do you doubt me? Come here, please eat some sweets with me."
🍭-I am gonna project what I want here because I love Kanato so much, and I have an eating disorder so don't mind me. Okay, Kanato would actually be another one of the best to have during this situation. Due to his relationship with food, particularly sweets, I think he'd want to get this silly idea out of your head.
🍭-He's going to sit you down all the time, have you eat with him. And he's going to tell you what a beautiful doll you are like this, satiated, not hungry. If you don't listen and don't eat, he'd throw a tantrum and maybe forcefeed you.
🍭-But he'll be treating you well if you accept his help. He's going to make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. And if you ever start to think overwise, or start to think he wants you thinner or thicker, he'll be telling you otherwise.
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"Huh? Bitch-chan, but why? I don't understand. Could you explain, please. I'm quite serious about this."
🎩-Laito will have you eating happily without a thought in the world after some time if this disorder ties into body image. Both in public and private, he will be worshipping your body. Not even in an NSFW way all the time. Sometimes it will just be soft, sweet touches around your waist or thighs.
🎩-The good thing about Laito is he really isn't picky when it comes to looks. He truly believes everyone is beautiful and will make you feel that way. If it is a disorder that doesn't tie into body image, he will be making sure you are eating right. You'll definitely see a more realistic side of emotion in him during this time.
🎩-Another good boy to have here.
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"Whoa, why? Did I make you feel this way?"
🌹-First thing Subaru will think is it's something he did. He'd probably not believe you if you say it's not because of him too. Eventually he's going to be trying to help too. Making sure you're at least eating something sustainable a day. He feels the need to make sure you're okay.
🌹-If it gets better for you, first thing Subaru is going to do is breathe a breath of relief. He loves you, although being tsundere as hell, and would just die if this disorder got worse.
🌹 He'll also give little compliments here and there, but will turn into a blushing, stuttering mess right after and deny to anyone he ever said it.
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sebluvsmetal · 4 months
Hiya! You think I can please request Reiji and Shuu fluff headcannons, like before they started their fight? (My favorite brother pairing <33)
i believe the fight you were referring to was before reiji burnt down edgar's village. and i agree, these two would seem so wholesome if they didn't have so much beef lmao
Pairing: Reiji Sakamaki, Shuu Sakamaki Headcanons
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"Reiji, come on! Let's play," whined Shuu, tugging on his younger brother's sleeve. "I have to study," Reiji replied, magenta eyes emptily scanning over the book page. Though, he felt more inclined to join his brother in a game of tag. "Come on, just one game?" Shuu pleaded, as Reiji heaved a sigh and wordlessly put down his book. At his brother's agreement, Shuu jumped up and down in excitement and pulled him away.
These two were inseparable. Despite Reiji's stoic demeanor, he clearly loved his brother.
They often spent their free time playing games together in the great expanse of the dense forest surrounding their manor, usually when their mother was away.
"Found you," the dark-haired boy smirked, putting a hand on his elder brother's shoulder as he shrieked in surprise. "Reiji? How?!" Shuu exclaimed, puffing his cheeks as Reiji chuckled.
Even as Beatrix attempted to pull the blonde back into his studies, he dared defy her when he was spending time with his younger brother.
Sometimes, when Shuu did have to study, he dragged Reiji along with him for help.
"Wait, Reiji. Why is this wrong?" Shuu pouted in confusion, tilting his head as he pointed to his answer marked with an X. "Substitute x as 11," Reiji replied, writing down all the steps and patiently explaining the process to his brother.
Whenever Shuu had exams, Reiji would always help him review and get better results. Being levels ahead of his elder brother benefitted both parties a lot.
"Reiji, look! I got perfect because of you!" Shuu grinned, flashing the A+ in front of the magenta-eyed vampire's face as he embraced the younger boy in appreciation.
Surprisingly, Reiji did get nightmares. Some shaking him up to the point where all he could do was pace in his room and ponder. He was still a young boy, after all.
At these moments, he'd teleport into the blue-eyed boy's room, though with reluctance. He always ensured he was unseen and that Shuu was alone.
As daylight poured in through the windows, Reiji rushed to shut the blinds. His bare feet padded on the wooden floor as he put a finger in front of his lips, Shuu's face curled into a confused expression. "Reiji? What are you doing here?" The taller boy frowned. Reiji only stared into his ocean blue eyes intently before walking to the bed quietly. As the cogs in his brain turned, Shuu gasped and leaped onto his bed next to his brother. "Ah! Did you have a nightmare?" He asked, as Reiji's eyes widened. He furrowed his brows, letting out a whispered 'shhh' as Shuu nodded. "Okay, got it. You can sleep here. Wanna cuddle?"
With Shuu's energy and Reiji's cold front, the two were an unlikely pair.
They were like peas in a pod; wherever Shuu was, Reiji followed, unnoticed by all. Almost like his own shadow.
The brothers' bond, however, was unfortunately fragile.
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MASTERLIST i really wanted to blend some mini scenarios in! it doesn't really fit the format for headcanons, but i hope you enjoyed anyway : )
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gunkbaby · 2 months
i think, on being ‘over critical’ of tg - i do feel like a lot of people have confused ‘ability to criticise something in a few different ways’ with the overall product being objectively bad.
What I mean by this is that - I think TG lends itself to criticism in multiple ways. For example, a lot of characters have arcs - they have their own story in this bigger story. And not all of those stories are perfect, or delivered in ways that we’re all comfortable with. The criticism of this (ie, I’m quite critical of Shuu’s handling post Tsukiyama extermination, and of Kanae’s death and postmortem handling), is good and valid and definitely needs room within analysis.
But I think the issue is that people maybe view these arcs in a vacuum - without taking the overall story into mind. When we look at a very small part within a big story - or one character in a large ensemble - I think we might open ourselves to nitpicking - tg is objectively bad, and ishida Sui hates us all, because this specific arc, or this specific character, was handled in a way that can be criticised. There are lots of points like this where they do affect the greater story, so become narrative flaws more so than the smaller ones. I think lots of us are in agreement that TG really falters in the latter half of :re - but I think where things diverge is how I’ve seen the previous story be categorised because of that dip in quality.
Personally, I think a story can be good and have flaws, and maybe a pretty shite ending - read literally anything by Stephen King. But no one really is out here saying that IT is objectively a bad piece of media because of that one scene, or the ending - it’s a shit scene. It’s a shit ending. But is IT shit overall? That’s what I think is being ignored.
With TG, I don’t think it’s so much over-criticism that’s the problem as such. Because like I said, TG has so many characters and so many arcs - none of them are perfect, and we’re all looking at different characters, different arcs, with different eyes. So when you have this sort of community where everyone is criticising these different things - so of course it kind of doesn’t look good? Because no one’s looking at the overall product, the overall effect - I think a lot of us have been here a longer time, we maybe have become a bit jaded. We know what’s good, maybe even forgotten it, so now we’re analysing deeper and maybe things aren’t so perfect - but that doesn’t make it bad.
I don’t think people aren’t entitled to the opinion that TG is bad - using the IT example before, plenty of people think IT is bad. I don’t even like Stephen King books - so I’m hardly innocent in the old ‘popular thing bad’ camp. But what I thinkI’m maybe having trouble with, is how sort of widespread this belief is on here. I feel like the ‘TG bad lol’ take has sort of been accepted uncritically - because maybe the jokes are funny, or something. I do think sometimes that people just think it’s cool on tumblr to like flop media, to have these ‘unpopular’ opinions - because let’s face it, everyone on tumblr is a smidge up their own arses because they use tumblr - so tg maybe has been unfairly categorised as bad? maybe a hot take, but that’s how I feel - of course you guys are more than welcome to disagree.
I’ve mentioned this plenty in smaller posts where I was taking the piss, but I genuinely think a lot of us in the fandom can benefit from re-visiting tg. You know, we all know the anime isn’t a 10/10 - that’s not the TG bad take I am referring to, I mean specifically the manga - and I feel like I see a lot of people getting takes and ideas about the story and characters that maybe aren’t exact, because people use the anime or the wiki - instead of re-visiting the text? We all know the manga is very different, so why are we basing our opinions on the lesser of the media we supposedly love?
I think re-reads should be encouraged, personally. We could host like, re-read parties - TG book club, where we all read say, 10 chapters a week and discuss. It could be something really fun, and even community based. I think a lot of people don’t want to re-read the manga because it’s long, and a lot of us are neurodivergent (i have audhd girlies I literally get it!!!!), but like I said - reading 10 chapters a week, with friends.
I’m planning my own reread myself - normally I just reread the Shuu bits for his character analysis - and I’m so excited! Part of why I haven’t re-read the entire story in the past six months is because when I tried before, I had only just realised that my mother had been abusing me for quite a long time, and I had always sort of defended her from that title before. So I wasn’t mentally ready to relive that through Kaneki? But now I am, and I’m excited to seeing how the story will look for me - now that I’m older, and I have the knowledge of what I was put through, I’m sort of excited to see what new takeaways I’ll have from places I haven’t looked at, and what the story will make me feel. And of course, I’m excited to look at a certain beautiful autistic man for so many pages…
That’s another thing too though. A lot of people read TG when they were younger, or didn’t have certain experiences. So when you don’t reread, you’re remembering what you read when you were 14 and maybe a bit stupid - so of course, it might not look good if it’s been 5 years since. Age changes people, experience changes how something feels - if we’re engaging with this media critically, I think re-reading it becomes incredibly crucial. And yeah, maybe afterwards you still think TG is objectively bad - maybe that’s just how you feel, and that’s valid. But I do wonder if a lot of people would reconsider this POV if they were to re-experience it - the manga specifically.
Like I said, we can make it fun too! I’m strongly considering hosting this ‘tg reread’ in my discord server (ironic bc i did initially intend my discord server as a book club lmao) - lots of you guys have discord servers too, we have those tumblr communities, don’t we? Group chats? (Omg…WhatsApp group…) - so why not? Why not make it a thing? TG book club could be so fun!
I hope this kind of makes sense. I know I am quite critical of this fandom, and maybe a lot of people don’t like that. But I’ve said it before, I don’t really like echo chambers. I think we can question popular opinions or analysis, and it should be allowed. I’ve seen so many analysis lately, where people aren’t really analysing? I mean, they are, but it’s under this bombastic umbrella, where anyone that even respectfully tries to discuss is shut down. That’s not discussion. That’s creating an echo-chamber.
It’s important to reflect, to ask ourselves why we think certain ways. To look at a past take or analysis we’ve had and realise we no longer agree, or it’s just so so wrong - God knows I have had some beyond terrible Shuu takes. And God knows, I didn’t listen to criticism of them that well either - when I definitely should have! But that was before, and this is now. And now I think about these things differently, with more research and behind-the-scenes study, and I’ve been through more, and I’m just…not 17 anymore! And that’s okay.
I don’t know. I see issues, and I’m a cunt, so I like making my opinions heard. I don’t fucking like echo chambers, if I see something I maybe disagree with, why not try and articulate why? If I think I know enough, and if I think I can have a good discussion with someone I don’t agree with - why not? It’s good to be challenged. It doesn’t feel good to be wrong about something, but it’s better to fail and learn.
I just think lots of us are maybe jaded. Maybe we’ve forgotten things. And maybe we just need to look at these things again. I think we should all start questioning things more - especially ourselves.
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eternalchiyo · 1 month
Millennium Summer
People have been asking about baby Chiyo especially and I can finally proudly present to you my two little babies ;-;
I decided to talk about both of them as kids a little below the cut~
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Your eyes are not deceiving you, we have here: long haired Chiyo! Chiyo has been quite girly even as a child. Readers of my story <<Everlasting Spark>> might remember it being mentioned how she only cut her hair down after Shuu and she broke things off. Her hair has always been rather unruly and curly. Since she looked up to Beatrix in a way, she used to try and imitate her hairstyle on multiple occassions. It never really worked that well. Child Chiyo was easily excitable with a lot of things, her eyes always having a certain curious glimmer to them. It was only later that she grew more apathetic and stopped being interested in most things.
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Shiori has always been a bit of a tomboy, enjoying climbing trees and running outside as opposed to learning how to play instruments or reading, which is why she is wearing these cute little shorts instead of a skirt~ Being the youngest of the lot allowed her a certain freedom, which is why you would catch her playing with familliars rather than studying. To this day she finds indoor activities boring.
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lurkerwithcomputer · 5 days
Ichika WIP
Heyo everyone, I've finally got that Idea about Ichika's kagune going somewhere!
She's across the street just in time for the light to change behind her. As soon as she steps from road to sidewalk, sudden rain pours down, soaking into her clothes. Which is mostly fine - it washes away the summer heat that feels like her skin is slimed with hot glue. It does stick her hair to her face, which is less nice, and forces her to kick off her now squishy, slippy sandals, which is pretty gross - but the rain-cooled pavement is kind of nice to walk on. It's nice to cool off a little, and she needs it more than usual today.
Her back throbs and wriggles under her skin, a silent pop of heat rippling outward from that spot on her back she just can't reach, no matter how much she stretches her arms behind her shoulders. She can feel hot prickles of sweat all over her body, even though it's washed away by the rain.
Squirm. Wriggle. Hot prickly pop.
She rolls her shoulders to ease the feeling, and her shirt sticks to her back. Now her back crawls like there's bugs on her and goosebumps shiver down her arms. Yuck. The hot pop and wriggle has grown to clenching muscles she didn't know were there. It's not that this is a mystery to her. She knows why.
She just wishes it wasn't so uncomfortable - and maybe that people would stop making such a big deal over it. Or, maybe, part of why it's so uncomfortable is people making a big deal over it.
If she could've brought her kagune out when she first started to feel like this, she would've. And she tried. She tried so hard, clenching her back and shoulders till her body ached. Her head drifts into remembering sparring every day with Mom, and Uncle Ayato, and Hinami-chan, and Yomo, and Shuu, and even Dad - although he took a lot of convincing.
She came out of that very sweaty and very sore, and much more confident if someone picked a fight with her - but still no kagune.
Mom and Dad took her to see Kimi.
Ichika remembers the the too-clean, harsh and bitter stink of the clinic, the papery mask that blocked it out just a little. The air-conditioned, cool air on her back, and the wax paper the clinic table was covered in, even colder against her front. The machines, humming and buzzing that drilled into her ears until one of the nurses - a ghoul - offered her earplugs. The cold goop spread on her back, that made goosebumps rise all over her, the buzzing thing sliding over her skin right under her shoulder blades. The relief for a moment, the wriggling under her skin, the hot pop and then a feeling like a sudden, fast heartbeat in her back. Almost, something in her knew.
All that to find out... not a lot, really. Her kakuhou is big for her age and body size, Kimi said, but there wasn't anything wrong with her. So here she is, with her back squirming uncomfortably and no kagune yet.
She's lost in her head enough that she's home, closing the front gate behind her, without even thinking about it. Getting her keys is awkward and slippy with wet hands, but the lock clunks open, and the front door opens with the loud squeak it always gets in damp weather. She shuts it behind her as fast as she can, dulling the sound of pouring rain, and the truck rumbling down the street in the distance.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" she calls out, not loudly, because Mom and Dad can hear from anywhere in the house.
Mom's footsteps pad down the stairs.
"Welcome back, Ichika-chan," Mom makes a face, as Ichika drips onto the genkan tiles, "peel off your soaked clothes, and I'll get you a towel."
Her skin stops crawling as she peels wet fabric from her back. Her skirt rubs stickily against her legs, and her underwear feels like fighting her way out of a soggy tangle of seaweed. Her clothes flop to the tiled floor with a wet, squishy slap. She starts unsticking hair from her face and wringing it out, when Mom's footsteps reappear. Mom follows, with a fluffy white towel.
Mom crouches down, reaching out with the towel in her hands. It looks wonderful despite the summer heat.
"Here we go, Ichika, this'll feel bett--"
There's a hot pop from her back. It's not silent this time. A wet, metal-on-metal noise fills her ears. A scent like the scent of sharpening knives, warm and metallic, fills her nose. Hot, smooth, somehow hard while still bending with her, she feels it wrap around her arms, around her ribs. Feels it touch her body, and feels her body touch it. Her eyes prickle, hot and watery even though she's wrung the water from her hair.
She's crying.
Finally. Kagune.
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vellichorom · 2 months
(My signal was shitty last night so I dont even know if my ask about Shuu even went through or not, pfftt)
Get positive beamed because now I'm fueled.
Shoutout to Thierry for being snarky but oh so silly, shoutout for him not being ashamed of his body build because that was HIS CHOICE and it reflects off how HIS ROSEMARY TREATS HIM. We cant have our Narrators starving themselves around here, nope, that is a SHAME and it is UNACCEPTABLE. Shoutout to him having creative timing and making me genuinely laugh with him THAT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE, LAUGHING WITH A CHARACTER IS MORE ENJOYABLE ANYWAYS!
Shoutout to Thierry for being socially anxious and still trying to keep conversation. I see you and I love it. Shoutout to him having the mushiest, sweetest soul that even the most simplest compliment sends him bouncing out of his seat. Shoutout to him not judging people for anything that may come up because that's not how you behave in game or the real world.
Shoutout to him being willing to learn more on a topic he knows nothing about just because a friend loves it. Shoutout to him loving autumn and Halloween and being so dorky about it because his excitement just fuels my own and makes life less boring if I followed his lead.
Shoutout to his comfy as shit cardigan with his little gold chain clasping it together like its the grandest cape but in reality it is blanket for Wife to Steal.
I still don't understand where they came from or why, but this seemingly group of little haters who think trashing on people's characters, for any reason, is okay, are literally juvenile in behavior and need to go outside and play in some dirt. Good for character. They need to go dig some holes and bury some leaves, sticks and acorns.
I know that its not as simple as "ignore the hate" because its so massive and near unending, but please dont forget that they don't get to decide what you create or how you do it. Because if they did, I wouldn't have an awesome mutual who's inspired me to draw fatter characters. :3
One day, I will achieve peak Twinkie fat men,,,, it will be my magnum opus.
I will make my men fat because they deserve it.
I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF WORDS FOR THIS ONE EITHER but god. GOD !!!!!!! it's harder times like this that i can't forget i have loving friends who KNOW my intentions & KNOW my character far better than anyone else with their gross little jokes ever will have the FUCKING PLEASURE TO UNDERSTAND
how unspeakably happy i am to know what you've picked up on & what of his character lingers with you or anyone else, it's extremely important to me & reminds me of what i love about this character - or moreso what i've / we've put into him through our silly little roleplays & imagines & whatnot
IT MIGHT NOT WIPE AWAY EVERY BIT OF BULLSHIT but it earnestly does help & i genuinely appreciate your input more than i can say. thank you ghost i love you so much ❤️
( also i didn't get that ask please send it again )
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DIABOLIK LOVERS GRAND EDITION Yoyaku Tokuten Drama CD “A Heated Battle! The Ball-Game Competition’s Preliminaries!?”
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Original title: 熱闘! 球技大会前哨戦!?
Source: Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION Yoyaku Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke, Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kondou Takashi, Takahiro Sakurai, Kimura Ryouhei, Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: This is definitely one of those CDs which would benefit a lot from visuals. There’s the background noises - of course - but those can be rather vague. During the dodgeball sequence, you can constantly hear the boys making random ‘hah’ and ‘ugh’ noises as they throw the ball. I didn’t actually translate all of it though because at times other characters start talking on top of it and it would just become a mess. ^^;; Overall this was a pretty fun CD though. Personal highlights being Shuu doing a slam dunk and the MC outsmarting the boys not once, but twice. She’ll probably end up regretting it afterwards though, poor girl. 
Laito: Hey, Bitch-chan! Have you decided which event to join at the upcoming ball-game tournament? (1)
You shake your head. 
Shuu: You still haven’t made up your mind? Still the same old Slowpoke, huh?
Subaru: They’re all mixed teams with students across all three different grades, right? So why can’t we just let the people who want to participate do their thing and call it a day? 
Reiji: If this was a normal school, the different classes would be facing off against each other. However, Ryoutei Academy does not have a large enough number of students to apply said system.
Shuu: They should just cancel it already then. What a drag…
Kou: Per usual, you guys lack any kind of motivation, huh? Oh well, that only plays in our advantage, I guess.
Ayato: Keh! Those Mukami bastards…!
The Mukami’s approach them. 
Ruki: What a rude way to greet someone. 
Azusa: Good…evening…
Kanato: What brings you four here today?
Yuma: Isn’t that obvious!? ーー Oi, Sow! You’ll be joinin’ our team for the ball-game competition!
Azusa: I’m sure…you’d have a much better time with us…than if you were to join the Sakamaki’s team…Justin wants you to team up with us as well…
Kou: I’m sure you would want to make the best of the day, right? We’re actually going to try our best so I’m sure you’d be able to enjoy the different events as well!
Ruki: There you have it. If you understand, come with us. 
Ayato: Che…Don’t be decidin’ that by yourself now!
Ayato: Chichiashi’s gonna be on my team. …Right? 
Kanato: Ayato. She will obviously form a team with me. That was your intention all along, wasn’t it? You’re always so indecisive, so I’m being so kind as to make the decision for you. You belong to me after all. … Right, Teddy? 
Laito: Look who’s Miss Popular all of a sudden! What will you do? The choice is yours~
Shuu: Haah…What a drag…Then why don’t you just participate in all categories? 
Ayato: Oh! Mr. Sloth actually has a decent idea for once!
Reiji: I suppose that would fix the issue. 
Laito: Nfu~ I like the sound of that. I can’t wait to pamper you after you’re all worn-out and exhausted from having to participate in all games~
Ruki: Heh…You guys never change, do you? 
Kou: You should just leave these tyrants and come with us instead! We’ll treat you much nicer, you know?
Subaru: Fuck off…Oi, come here!
Reiji: You should team up with us. …If the message is clear, thenーー
You make a suggestion. 
Reiji: Haah? We should all form one big team together? …Are you out of your mind? 
Shuu: …Hah. You really have a few loose screws. 
Kanato: You really think our families would gladly team up together? You can’t even figure out that much?
Laito: I’m impressed, Bitch-chan! You’re being loved by so many different men! …So, what will you do? Will you choose us? Or the Mukami family?
You frown. 
Azusa: You can’t…make up your mind…?
Laito: You really are indecisive, aren’t you? 
Kou: In that case, why don’t we use the different categories of the ball-tournament to decide on the matter? Whichever team wins gets to have M-neko-chan on their team!
Ayato: A showdown, huh? I like the sound of that!
Reiji: If we’re going based on the ball-game tournament, that would be five different sports in total, being  basketball, soccer, table tennis, softball and dodgeball, correct?
Kou: Exactly! We’ll hold five different rounds for each category with one member of each respective family participating at a time. Whoever wins a total of three rounds first is the winner! The rules will be the same as during the actual tournament. That’s fair enough, right?
Reiji: I see. That does sound reasonable. 
Ruki: It’s settled then. 
Shuu: Pwaah…Whatever. 
Ayato: Hehe…I’ll make you regret challengin’ me!
Reiji: Well then, to keep things fair, let us decide who shall play which sport by pulling straws. 
Ayato: Haah!? I’m goin’ for basketbal, obviously!
Kou: It wouldn’t be fair if you get to choose the sport you’re best at, right? I figured we’d have to decide it this way, so I’ve already prepared a lottery!
Kou: Voila!
Laito: You thought of everything, didn’t you. Well then, I suppose I’ll draw first.
Kanato: Excuse me!? Who said you could go first!? I’m going before you!
Ruki: No redraws. You have to settle with whichever event you pulled on your first try. Am I clear?
Reiji: Well then, let us start with the table tennis competition. Subaru, Azusa. Please get ready.
Subaru: Che…Why me!? 
Azusa: Good luck…
Subaru: Tsk…I’ll get this over with real quick. Hah!
Laito: Wow! Look at that ball go!
Subaru: Hell yeah!
Ayato: Keh…Don’t just send the thing flying!
Reiji: Haah…Subaru. Do you know the rules of table tennis? When you serve, the ball has to bounce once on your side and once on the opponent’s side of the court.
Subaru: Wha…!? O-Of course…!
Ruki: So you were playing without even knowing the rules? 
Subaru: N-No…! I just went a lil’ overboard, that’s all!
Azusa: Well then…My turn next…There!
Azusa: Ah…It got caught in the net…
Reiji: That’s minus one point for the opponent as well. I suppose that covers for Subaru’s blunder from earlier.
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! Don’t mess up on the serve this time!
Subaru: Fuck off! Just you watch! …Hah!
Ayato: And there you go fuckin’ up again right as I warned you!? 
Azusa: Then…I’ll try one more time as well…There. 
Yuma: In the net again!? 
Ruki: Haah…Azusa as well, huh? 
Subaru: Che…This time I’ll get it right for sure! Hah!
Azusa: This time for sure…I’ll get the ball to the other side…
Subaru: I’m only just warmin’ up!
Azusa: Why can’t I get it over the net…? …There.
Subaru: Hah!
Subaru and Azusa continue to fall to land a proper serve.
Shuu: …Say, what is this sport called again? 
Yuma: Table tennis…I think? 
Laito: Heeh~ I had no idea that in table tennis, both parties just continue to exchange serves forever and ever~
Ruki: At this rate, a winner will never be decided…
Reiji: I suppose that leaves us with no other choice. Let us decide on a winner through rock-paper-scissors.
Subaru: Hah!? Don’t decide that without us!
Kou: What’s the point in continuing at this point? We’re all bored of watching you two, Subaru-kun. Azusa-kun, you’re good with rock-paper-scissors, right?
Azusa: Mmh.
Ruki: It’s decided then. 
Subaru: Fuck…! 
He tosses his racket away. 
Subaru: Guess I have no other choice then. …Oi, let’s hurry up and settle this score.
Azusa: Oh…Sure. 
Subaru & Azusa: Rock…! …Paper! …Scissors!
Subaru: Fuck yeah!
Azusa: Ah…
Yuma: Azusa lost, huh? 
Azusa: I’m sorry…If this was a fist fight instead…I would have gladly taken the L…
Yuma: No you should win that one!
Laito: Well then…Basketball is up next, right? Let me think…I guess we can make this a one-on-one shooting show-off? 
Ruki: Yes. Each person gets three attempts and whoever lands the most shots wins, okay? …I am up next. 
Reiji: From our side…It’s Shuu. 
Shuu: Haah…Why me?
Reiji: It was decided in a fair manner. Go ahead and make use of your height for once.
Shuu: What a drag…
Azusa: Ruki…Try your best…
Ruki: Yes, I will. …Well then, I shall go first.
Kou: Wow~! Nice shot!
Ayato: Tsk…That bastard, I can’t believe he landed from far away like it was nothin’! ー Oi, Shuu! Don’t you dare miss now!
Laito: Good luck, Shuu~!
Shuu: Haah…What a drag…
*Thud thud thud* 
Shuu: …
Laito: …Ah.
Kou: …Ah-ah~ He missed. 
Ayato: What are you doin’, lazy-ass!? 
Reiji: Haah…You’re putting us to shame as the eldest son of this family.
Ayato: Lame-o!
Shuu: Shut up. Why must I even do this? ーー Besides, why would you even try to land from far away? It’d be much easier to just put it straight through the ring, right?
Azusa: Eh?
Shuu dribbles towards the ring and performs a slam dunk. 
Ayato: Oh…!
Azusa: Wow…
Kanato: I think…this is the first time in my life…I’ve seen Shuu move around this much…
Reiji: I suppose miracles do happen after all. I just hope this isn’t a bad omen for what’s to come. 
Kou: However, Ruki-kun takes the victory here, right? Slam dunks are forbidden according to the tournament's rules after all. 
Ruki: Yes. …Too bad for you, Sakamaki Shuu. 
Ayato: Haah!? That doesn’t matter right now, does it!?
Azusa: We’ll hold five different rounds for each category with one member of each respective family participating at a time….and the rules will be the same as during the actual tournament…That’s what we decided on, no?
Ruki: Breaking the rules leads to disqualification. I am fairly certain we established that beforehand. 
Reiji: We most definitely did. We take this loss. 
Laito: Nfu~ Shuu tried so hard too. What a shame. 
Ayato: Tsk…!
Kanato: I do not mind. We just have to win the next one, that’s all. 
Laito: So, what should we do next? Soccer? Softball? 
Ayato: I’ll go next! ーー Oi, Yuma! Compete with me in soccer!
Yuma: Heh! Ya sure have a big mouth! I’ll crush ya real quick!
Reiji: ーー Listen carefully. You will compete in a penalty shootout and alternate to take single-shots at the goal in a penalty format. Whoever has the most points after five turns is the winner. 
Ayato: Bring it on!
Yuma: Hell yeah! Gimme yer best shot, mate! …Ey!
Ayato: …In your dreams! 
Ayato: How’s that!? I won’t let a single one of yer shots through!
Yuma: Che…
They switch places. 
Ayato: How’s that!? It’s my turn next! …Ugh!
Yuma: Heh! Ya think ya stand a chance with a weak shot like that!? 
They switch places again. 
Yuma: I’ll show ya what a real shot looks like!
Ayato: …Ugh! Yours is just as weak!
Ayato: The way you talk like you’re the shit really gets on my nerves!
Yuma: …Ugh! Ayato…You can kick like ya mean it, ya know!?
They continue switching places and successfully stopping each other’s shots. 
Reiji: …They’ve long surpassed the five shot mark. 
Laito: This back-and-forth is giving me flashbacks…
Shuu: Just having to witness it feels like a chore…
Azusa: Should we resort to rock-paper-scissors again?
Ruki: We already had to rely on it earlier, so it wouldn’t be ideal. 
Kou: In that case…Ah! Look! There’s takoyaki over there!
Ayato: …What!?
Ayato looks away. 
Yuma: Hah! You’re wide open, mate!
Ayato: Aah…!!
Kou: Goal~!
Ayato: You bastard…Kou!
Shuu: Who is even so stupid to fall for that…? 
Subaru: Oi! Doesn’t that go against the competition’s rules as well!? 
Ruki: There is nothing in the rules which mentions it is prohibited, therefore Kou’s actions are perfectly legal. 
Reiji: Haah…With Ayato’s loss, it is now 2 against 1 in their favor. We cannot afford any more losses. 
Azusa: Fufu…Aren’t you glad, Eve? You should be able to take part in the ball-game competition together with us…
Kou: Pwaah~ I want to go home already…So let’s quickly take the victory home. 
Kanato: Ugh…I do not like this one bit. Whether it’s Ayato’s sheer stupidity…or the way those Mukami’s are acting as if they have won already. Softball is next…I shall turn the tables by winning this one.
Ayato: Haah? Kanato, you can play softball? 
Kanato: It’s your fault for losing! That’s why I have to step up now! So let’s hurry up and get started already! Who is playing from the Mukami team!? 
Kou: That would be me~ 
Kanato: Okay. …Please watch me, okay, Teddy? 
Laito: Kanato-kun, huh? …Do we think we have a chance at winning? 
Reiji: It’s not like we have much other choice, do we? 
Laito: I know but…Do we consider it a win for Kanato-kun if he can hit one ball?
Ruki: Yes. The other competitions already took far too long after all. If Kanato gets three outs, Kou is the winner. However, if he can hit one ball, Sakamaki Kanato takes the W instead. 
Laito: You heard him! Kanato-kun, what do you think? Do you think you can hit it?
Kanato: Oh, shut up, Laito! That would be a piece of caーー 
Kou: Here it comes!
Kanato: Ughー!
Ayato: A miss right away?
Kanato: Shut up! I 
Kou: Here comes number two!
Kanato: Wha…!? 
Kanato: Ugh…!
Shuu: Pwaah…I guess this competition is as good as over, huh? Which means I finally get to go home, thank god. 
Reiji: What do you mean, ‘thank god’!? Good grief…The Sakamaki house must never lose to the Mukami’s!
Laito: Right? They’ll take Bitch-chan away from us as well. …I suppose I have no other choice. ーー Kanato-kun! Subaru-kun just told me that he’ll throw Teddy out if you don’t hit the next ball!
Subaru: H-Haah…!? The fuck!? I never said anythin’ like that!
Kanato: I won’t let you…lay a single finger on Teddy, Subaru!!
Subaru: But I never said I would!!
Reiji: Not a bad provocation coming from Laito…Kanato! If you don’t want to lose Teddy, you better hit the ball and end this showdown!
Kanato: Hic…Throw away Teddy…Uu…Outrageous…
Kou: That’s three outs for you!
Kanato: Not in a million yearsーー!!
Kanato hits the ball.
Kou: Hah…!
Ayato: Oh!
Laito: A homerun~!
Kanato runs up to Teddy. 
Kanato: Teddy~~~!!
Kanato: How foolish of me to leave you alone with that brute of a Subaru, Teddy! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you are never in danger again…by locking that guy up!
Subaru: For the millionth time, it wasn’t me!
Reiji: We’re not even with two points each.
Ruki: Only dodgeball remains. 
Reiji: How about all ten of us compete in this one? 
Azusa: All of us…? So four against six…? Shouldn’t we get some kind of handicap then…? 
Reiji: Oh dear? Are you implying that you stand no chance against us otherwise? 
Yuma: Haah!? Don’t be spoutin’ bullcrap! 
Kou: Exactly! That sounds a bit unreasonable, doesn’t it? …You agree, don’t you, Ruki-kun? 
Ruki: Like the others are saying, I do question the fairness of it. However…Right. We are willing to compete under those circumstances but if we do manage to win despite the disadvantage, I assume we will be rewarded accordingly? 
Reiji: Very well. If your team wins, not only will she join your team but we will grant any one of your requests. 
Ruki: Hmph. Deal. It’s settled then. 
Ayato: Heh! This time we’ll crush you for sure! 
They start playing dodgeball.
Laito: Ahーah~ Everyone’s totally fired up…
Azusa: Ah…The point of this game…is to avoid getting hit by the ball…right? …That seems really difficult…
Yuma: Oi, Azusa! Don’t ya dare jump in front of the ball!
Ruki: Kou, Yuma, Azusa. We should aim for Sakamaki Shuu first since he is the least likely to try and dodge. The middle triplet is second on the list. 
Kou: Roger!
Yuma: Let’s get this over with and settle the score! …Take this!!
Shuu: …Ah. 
Yuma: Hah! Bingo!
Reiji: Ah! The ball’s in the opponent’s hands again!
Yuma: Next!
Kanato: Ah! Teddy, watch out!
Kanato: Guah!
Ayato: …The fuck, Kanato!? Why did you let yourself get hit to protect that stupid bear!?
Reiji: We’ve lost two members because Shuu failed to claim the ball…I cannot believe he allowed himself to get hit so easily. Pathetic…Good god.
Ruki: It’s four against four now. We’ve evened the playing field. …Let’s go!
Azusa: …Woah. That was close…
Reiji: Hah…!
Yuma: Wait, you little…!
Shuu: Pwah…I’m sleepy…
The remaining eight boys continue playing dodgeball. 
Kanato: Nobody’s getting hit…It will be morning soon. Just how much longer until this is over with?
Shuu: You really think there will be an end to this? 
Kanato: There better be! We can’t even return to the manor like this! …You feel the same way, don’t you? ーー Ah!
Shuu: Hm? 
Kanato: …She’s gone!
Subaru: Hm? What’s wrong, Kanato?
Yuma: …!! The Sow’s gone! What’s going on!? 
*Thud thud thud* 
Ruki: This is…? 
Ruki: A letter?
Ayato: ‘...I’m sorry. I just can’t.’ ーー Chichinashi! She made a run for it! 
Ruki: Kou, Yuma, Azusa. Split up and search for her. 
Reiji: You lot as well. Hurry up and find her!
Subaru: Don’t tell me what to do!
Yuma: Che…Who does that damn Sow think she’s dealin’ with, huh!? 
Laito: Haah, haah, haah…Bitch-chan! We finally found you!
Yuma: Sow! Explain yourself!
Azusa: Haah, haah…Exactly…I tried so hard…to stay in the game…and not let myself get hit by the ball…
You explain. 
Ayato: Haah!? You already decided to join the girls’ team!? 
Ruki: …!? 
Reiji: What do you mean!? 
Azusa: So…We can’t get hurt together at the…ball-game competition…? 
Kou: No, I don’t think that was ever the intention…
Ruki: I see…If she has already submitted her application to the school, then there is nothing we can do about it. Let’s go home. 
Yuma: Tsk…I can’t believe we got played like this…
Laito: Ah-aah~ I never thought you out of all people would do this to us. I guess today was just a wasted effort then. I better get plenty of blood in return to make up for it, okay? So, Bitch-chan, why don’t the two of us ーー Hold up…She’s gone again!? 
Subaru: Where did she go!?
Shuu: Guess she ran away? Actually doing the smart thing for once. 
Reiji: She sure has some nerve to run away from us not once, but twice.
Kanato: Kuh…I can’t forgive her. I better punish her thoroughly after this!
Ayato: Fuck! You best believe I’m suckin’ you dry next we meet, Chichinashiiiiーー!!
ーー THE END ーー
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amelikos · 2 months
Another interview.
This time by Chili's VA, Mitsuki Saiga (translation here).
Lots of various stuff here. Apparently, lots of people wanted Mitsuki Saiga to voice Chili before she was actually officially announced as her VA. I also kind of felt she would be a good match for the character since Mitsuki Saiga sometimes voices handsome and cool women (like Shalala in Hirogaru Sky Precure).
I also liked her talk about Liko (and how she calls her Liko-chan) and her view of the battle in HZ056 (how Chili going all out against Liko made Liko want to try her best in turn too), and the mention of wanting to see Chili in a more casual setting with Liko instead of having her act as a battle opponent. That'd be fun.
The part I found most interesting is when Mitsuki Saiga said she feels like the series isn't about winning battles or becoming the best anymore. (Which is why I love Horizons so much, it's not about the competitive stuff anymore, characters have different goals, the direction is different etc, I just love it. And it was neat seeing it pointed out and worded that way by someone who voices a character in the anime itself.)
Also, Shuu and Haruka mention in the year 2024! It's nice seeing how Mitsuki Saiga feels about her previous role as Shuu in AG (and that the character is still appreciated).
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navigatewithchiku · 7 months
Overlord - verse
Sky Fox Office
Shu: …tldr, we’ll be the closing performance at this “TAR Fes” thing or whatever
Sosui: Exactly. It’s a band festival for teens. This year’s “TeenAgers Rock Fes” will be the biggest ever recorded. Among the participants, Shu is going to be the youngest, leading EpsilonPhi…
Being the closing act of such a legendary event is an unparalleled honor. They’ll all be looking at you, it’s a prestigious role.
Reiji: Thinking about it, one of SkyFox’s partners is sponsoring the event. So we need to appeal to that as well, I think…
Sosui: That’s why the performance of this new song has to become our new business card. You have to get it ready.
Shu: sure thing, we became pro after all, I heard what you said. I was thinking of writing a new song anyway.
Sosui: I’m glad we’re on the same wavelength. For the song sure, create what you want
Shu: Duh. It goes without saying
Reiji: This is our first performance since our real start with SkyFox. And the first impression is the most important.
Shu: We’re all talking about what we have to do but, old men what about you? You working?
Sosui: thank you for your concern. The response from the fans is positive, and the tickets are already sold out….there’s just one thing.
Sosui: Sincerely speaking, your reputation amongst the other bands is not good at all.
Reiji:  but it’s all bands we’ve never met before, so why?
Sosui: first of all, it’s because Shu is the son of Duck River’s CEO. Even if we say that they are not in good terms, during LRFes it was the talk of the moment, right?
Shu: Ha? That’s so stupid.
Sosui: also, all the accidents that happened at the Fes. The rumor that you’re the cause of all the troubles got around, and there are many people who don’t have high opinions of that.
Sosui: even if it we say that it’s all water under the bridge, rumors grow bigger. “What if they do the same thing to us?!” And stuff like that.
Sosui: this and that, I think it’s better to act fast, but…I don’t really know how it’ll go.
Shu: lets just leave them be, such stupid stuff
Shu: …either way, I’ll start working on the song.
I leave the schedule to you, old man, and Reiji. You decide it.
Shu: ugh, I got in a bad mood. I’m going on a walk and play somewhere before going home.
Epsi Sharehouse
Shu: I’m back. What are y’all doing, sitting there in silence.
Reiji: Shu, I was just about to text you. …some stuff is going down online.
Kanata: Shuu-Kun listen here!! We’re getting cancelled! It’s so baddd~~!
Tadaomi: Kanata-Kun, what does “cancel” mean? Are they deleting something?
Kanata: We’re getting a lot of focused attacks online, in short people are hating us online
Haruka: …bulls*it
Kanata: Rumors and anonymous reports are fueling it all. Look at all these posts! 
This gossip is burning hot
Shu: what the heck……
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mushi-shield · 1 year
Ascendance of a Bookworm Part1 vol.1 Prologue lets talk the foreshadowing and about the growth of Myne/Rozemyne
Urano was even interested in old tales and myths from foreign  countries, as she felt like they gave her a glimpse into different cultures of ages long past. They were rich with history and she couldn’t count how many hours she had lost to unraveling their mysteries.  
this is why Myne/Rozemyne is so good at learning about the culture she was reborn into so fast because she already find that stuff to be interesting, that why she was so good at just accepting too believe in the gods when she was an atheist at the time because she notice things in the world that when she was Urano there was no magic.
It not only too keep her alive by fitting in it also help her in making books, she had too figure out what was already made like with the ink she did not know what type of ink was made at the time.
Urano she would always head straight for the back rooms of whichever libraries she visited. 
Urano loved the smell of new paper and ink. 
In order to survive she always kept a book close at hand, whether she was taking a bath, using the bathroom, or even just walking  around. She had lived this way from childhood to her college graduation,  clinging to books with such fervor.  
when Urano woke as Myne and she kept failing at making paper so she could make books she wanted to just give up and die.
it was Lutz who give her the will to keep going because she made a promise too him.
“Urano, c’mon, that’s dangerous. Stay close to me.” “Mmm...” Urano pushed up her glasses and gave a lazy response, focusing more on the words in front of her. She noticed that her rustled hair was getting in the way and quickly brushed it aside. An exasperated sigh drifted into her ears and she felt someone pull on her arm, a little hard. Her brows furrowed. “Shuu, that hurts.” “Complain all you want. A little pain is a lot better than getting hit by a truck and dying, yeah?” “That’s true. I wouldn’t want to die from anything but an avalanche of Books.” 
who is this Shuu (Shuu is Lutz if you stop to think about) when we first meet Lutz he was the one too take care of Myne he was the one to know her the best he is the one that could tell if she is about too get sick , he also was the one who could control her the best, he was also someone who would make sure that she was kept safe.
Urano wanted to live her entire life surrounded by books. If possible, she  wanted to spend her whole life inside a book storeroom .
Myne and Lutz made a promise Lutz will make anything Myne thinks up and Myne will have so many books that she could not read all of them. and when Myne become Rozemyne and got engage Lutz had to remind Rozemyne there promise they made as kids.
Even if people said her skin was gross and pale and laughed at her for being weak due to lack of exercise, even if her mom yelled at her for forgetting to eat, she had no intention of ever letting go of her books. 
When Urano got born as Myne, it seems like she was already weak from the start and this is when we first see when Urano/Myne say they forget too eat when they read books. and how she also said she will never let go of books.
If she had to die somehow, she may as well die getting crushed by an avalanche of books. That’d make her a lot happier than a slow death in a hospital bed. Urano sincerely believed that. 
is it not funny that Myne has the Devouring which can cause something call the crushing, but she did not want to lay in a hospital bed but she ended up in a very sick body which make her spend a good about of time resting in bed.
“I’m always telling you not to read while you walk. If I weren’t here, you definitely woulda walked straight into the road and died in no time. How about a little thank you?” “But I say it all the time. I’m so, sooo thankful.” “That don’t sound too sincere to me.” “I am, I am. It’s thanks to you that I can read books while doing chores, Shuu. But even if I did die, I’d ask a god to reincarnate me so I can keep reading books in my next life. Isn’t that smart? Ahaha.” “Life ain’t that convenient, moron.” 
If not for Lutz keeping Myne on a short leash when they first started going too the woods, she would have not make it, like how Shuu kept Urano on a short leash she would have died by getting hit by the truck.
but both Shuu and Lutz did something that most people would not they stick with a person when most would have left them. because they care for them
and just As shuu, Lutz was the Reason why Myne was able to read, but she was the reason why she got adopted by the nobles which made her get a third death even if it's fake.
Shuu entered with her rather than going into his own house next door. As they were childhood friends and went to the same daycare, they had been raised like siblings practically since birth. He always referred to Urano’s place as home, and nobody questioned that. “Mom, here’s what you wanted. I’ll be in the book room. Call me whenever dinner’s ready.” “Right, right. What about you, Shuu? Is your mother planning on making anything?” “Nah, I’m eating here tonight. She’s got work.
Just as Shuu who Grow up with Urano, Lutz Grow up right beside Myne they know each other for ever.
Urano smoothly sat onto the desk chair without looking up from her book, and kept on reading. Suddenly, her vision shook. She concluded that an earthquake was happening and kept on reading as always. The shaking was harder than usual, which made it difficult for her to read. Her brows furrowed and she looked up, frustrated at the earthquake, only to see books dominating her vision. “Hyaaah?!” 
This is the first time we learn that Urano/Myne is not aware of things when she is reading, she feels a earthquake taking place but she kept on reading till it started to getting harder which was making it hard for her too read.
(we learn so much about her in just a prologue
that people miss, and there still some people who think she has no growth,
she started out just thinking about herself, she was not thankful for all the things her best friend did for her or how she talk about just being around books and never letting go of books even if she should die she wants books to be the reason why she die.)
but as we read and grow with Myne and then Rozemyne we start to see her start to care about people, start to put people above books, how she was willing too choice her family over books, and how she give up her happiness with her family to save them so the nobles will not kill them.
how she willing to start a war for person she cares about, that is not a person who only thinks about themselves that is a person who learn to care about others and learn to also love books at the same time.
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tg-headcanons · 1 year
Hello! I don't know if you still do headcanon questions, but I'm curious if you have any for mutsuki x kanae. There's pretty much no content for these two but I like the T4T disasters a lot.
Mutsuki and Kanae meet twice, once as combatants and again as people. The first time they “meet” is when Kanae issues a preemptive strike against the quinx. They’re a powerful potential enemy so he’d rather kill them while they’re still green before they can be a threat to the estate. He’d probably get pretty close to killing them too, but leave a lasting impression. He’s much stronger than he looks.
The next time they’d meet (at least in my au) is during a tentative peace. Probably very early into negotiations between humans and ghouls for some less violent route forward that no one there is very happy to be at. The Tsukiyama family, being some of the most powerful ghouls, will naturally be here wither their guards as representatives of the ghouls and Kanae came with them as the single best weapon they had. The day is long, everyone is uncomfortable, and he and Mutsuki end up on a bench together in between talks. They’re both awkward and tired, but complaining together about how insufferable the negotiators are breaks the ice
They’re a solid fifteen minutes into this conversation when they realize that the other isn’t on their side. Mutsuki thought Kanae was human because he’s so proper, Kanae thought Mutsuki was a ghoul because he smelled like one and had a whole lot of shit to talk about his bosses. It’s only here that they go “HEY YOURE THAT GUY WHO IMPALED ME” and yet by now, that’s not a dealbreaker because god damn it between bureaucrats and a guy who tried to kill you a few times, I’d pick the ladder too. The conversation awkwardly turns more towards who they are and why they were fighting in the first place, and Kanae offered him his number for “in case you need help understanding ghoul culture and points for the negotiations”
What actually ends up happening is them just hanging out. Fortunately for them they are equally bad at cultivating a life outside of work, but that ends up being better for them because they’re in it together when they do anything at all. After a few meetings at a stuffy cafe that Kanae picked out, they got on well enough that they tried doing more normal activities. Seeing movies, going to attractions, visiting each others houses, Kanae thought it was Mutsuki showing him regular human activities but honestly Tooru had never done any of that on his own, this is his first time having a non-ccg friend and doing non-ccg activities with him
Mutsuki loves learning about the ghoul social stuff and Kanae likes sharing it. It’s a whole new world to him, the piles, the rituals, the way more lax view of gender that is far more accommodating to him than humanity was, it’s all so nice to be a part of. Kanae is embarrassingly excited to share it, for once he can drop the high society stuff and see a whole new appreciation for things he took for granted, and it’s nice learning about humans too. He doesn’t like them, but he can make an exception for this one because the way he talks about it is captivating
Kanae doesn’t even realize he’s doing boyfriend things to Mutsuki until Shuu calls him out on it. Rubbing up against him to scentmark him, sharing meals without getting territorial, letting him in his room, that is pretty intimate by ghoul standards and by the time Tsukiyama refers to him, unfortunately, as his cousin’s “little plaything” he’s in too deep. He is down horrendous
When they make it official it’s after everyone and their dog already assumed they were together. They were the last to find out. They are so weird about it because neither of them has every dated before and their only references for how partners worked is rich people arranged marriages, whatever the fuck Shuu is doing with his men, movies, and Mutsuki observing Kaneki and Hide like gay little insects. Mutsuki gets a habit of bringing him little trinkets and Kanae sends flowers since Shuu has taught him the meanings of them. He doesn’t think Mutsuki is that into flower language but he likes sending them even if he doesn’t understand
Tooru learns that if you’re dating Kanae, that means you are going to have to let Shuu get involved. Shuu LOVES that his cousin is finally in a relationship and insists on inviting Tooru to things. Unfortunately 90% of those things are fucking with him and trying to see how he reacts to various inconveniences. But once he decides that he likes him he takes Tooru and his cousin along on one of his many attempts to get them clothes he thinks would look better on them. He is shocked and disgusted that BOTH of them wear the Dysphoria Cargo Pants when not in uniform and needs to fix it
A fairly common date for them is just sort of roaming the city and climbing the buildings in their ghoul masks. Kanae used to patrol territory this way and hunt from these vantage points, and it’s become something of a routine for him that he can’t kick even now that he’s not supposed to be hunting anymore. So now it’s a weird Ghoul Mask Romantic Parkour Event they do, and it’s helped Mutsuki with his kagune motor control skills
Once they’ve been together awhile Kanae tends to grab Tooru and groom him like a dominant mouse. He’s so in the habit of tending to Shuu and the other servant and making them look presentable that he will trap his boyfriend with his kagune to fix his hair and clothes then let him go like a sheep that’s been sheered and tossed back out to the pasture. It’s so normal to them but it’s hilarious for anyone else to watch
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