#why is she allowed to be a receptionist; to own a small business; and I'm not?
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Honest to god might go nuclear and just drop out of university.
Like fuck that noise I tried it didn't work out now it's time for plan "I get to live my life."
#but people are always like 'nooooo you can't do thwt you need to grind this you're so promising aha'#like ok well what if I don't want to be a promising young woman. what then.#like what if; and get this; ive always wanted to be unremarkable working an okayish#8 to 4 job that's kinda boring and mediocre and allows me to go home and do my own thing when my shift's over?#what if my ideal life is one where I'm a cashier or an office worker or a graphic designer or whete i work in a smokes shop#and i work with a few people and it's kinda boring but kinda fun and the pay isn't good but it's enough to live#and i don't have to take my work home and I don't have to worry about the safety or health of others#what if i said that every time I expressed this people just laughed at me and said that that isn't true#as far as the world is concerned my desires are simply not real. not allowed to be real.#I'm a 'promising young woman' and as such i have to perform to others' satisfaction and do what they think i have to do#get that degree and get it on time. get a move on you should have been married by now. try harder you should have had a good#job in your field by now#it's always have to have to have to. supposed to supposed to supposed to. and i keep doing that and i keep bending my back#but what is left of me? my ex once told me that if i keep going on and on about what i have to do then i actually want to do it#i don't think i do but it left a worm in my head. now i keep wondering if i do want this life.#I'm sick and tired of it all and I've always been and it's like a pressure on my shoulders that says 'this is how you earn your life'#'want' is a dirty word. a sinful word. so i just keep going. 'want' is something my mother spits out mockingly#'Wanting isn't a valid reason' she always says.#'I want a lot of things and i never do them and i never have done them. I do what I have to do; even if i hate it. That's life. That's#responsibility;' she says whenever she's in a bad mood (always)#i hate that I'm the failure of the family and yet I'm expected to try harder. i hate that I'm not allowed to fail.#what if i want to?#why is my mother allowed to have a high school diploma and nothing else and I'm not? why is she allowed to be a graphic designer;#why is she allowed to be a receptionist; to own a small business; and I'm not?#why can my aunt be a cashier? why was my grandma allowed to be a factory worker?#why is it always 'you have to take care of other people' 'you have to bear the suffering of others'#'you are not a human being' 'you have to'? what have i done to deserve that?#what if i want to be a person? what if i want to have the right to live? what if i want a life? what if i want to be#an unremarkable unimportant useless nonessential member of society?
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Welcome, my loves, to another Joel Miller fanfic! Please be sure to read the trigger warnings before reading this story since this one focuses on the traumatic past of y/n ❤️ it shows how she’s able to push past the trauma to find love in a man again. This is something I have personal experience with, and I know how hard it can be. So, I’m hoping that it may be a comfort to anybody who needs it. It certainly was comforting to write 💕
She is a successful 25 year old lawyer, and Joel is a successful 35 year old dad who owns his own carpentry business and seeks out y/n for help! This was a story suggestion from a good friend of mine, and I hope you all enjoy it.
Part two is here
18+ only
Tw: smut, talk of sexual assault, trauma flashbacks, anxiety, panic attacks, age gap, talk of death of loved ones, talk of drug abuse
Word count: 7,500
"Ms. Y/l/n, your three o' clock is here," my receptionist says gently over the intercom.
I let out a preemptive sigh, squaring my shoulders as I adjust myself in my chair. It's not common for me to take on male clients, being that I'm not particularly fond of them.
The only man in my life is my dad. Even though he lives about an hour away, we still talk every day with the occasional FaceTime chat so that we can see each other when our schedules are too busy for in-person meetings. He's my rock. He got me through the most difficult times in my life, and worked two jobs just to put me through college.
Thanks to him, I'm now an accomplished lawyer at twenty-five years old. I owe my life to my dad, and I know that no other man could ever live up to everything he's done for me. It doesn't matter if they tried. I'd never trust them, anyway.
"Send him in," my voice barks.
It's not Cynthia's fault that I'm on edge about a man coming into my office. It's only that he's the first man I'll have been alone with since...him; the name that I never allow to pass my lips, the name that any time I hear it out in public it makes me cringe and spark that bit of fear in my chest. He is the reason for my total disrespect and mistrust for men, because he showed me how truly evil they can be.
There's a knock on my office door, and I let out a short, clipped entry to the client. He steps in and closes the door behind himself, the lock clicking only promoting my apprehension for accepting his case. I wish my boss wouldn't have talked me into it; wish he wouldn't have made a fuss about me not accepting a male client and how it's not ethical. I can accept whatever client I damn well please, and I don't want a man telling me otherwise. But I have to keep my job. It's always been my dream to be a lawyer. It was my father's dream, too, but he could never afford the schooling. That's why he worked so hard to make sure I got in. He wanted it for me as badly as he wanted it for himself.
"Hi, I'm Joel Miller," the man's voice interrupts me from mindlessly shuffling through papers on my desk.
When I turn my gaze up to his I feel myself gulp, flicking my eyes briefly over to the shut door before having them settle back onto his. They're soft and brown, inviting, and seeming wholly innocent. His skin is tanned and smooth, only having slight wrinkles at the creases of his eyes. He has dark hair that's a bit longer, resulting in small, half-curls scattered sporadically on his head.
His hand is extended to mine, and I stand, reluctantly taking it to maintain professionalism. I never should've accepted a male client. My heart rate must be through the roof at this point, my palms a sweaty mess that he probably took notice of. God, get it together, y/n. It's your job.
"How can I help you today, Mr. Miller?" My voice projects smoothly, not having a hint of anxiety in it.
How did I manage to pull that off?
He shifts a bit in his seat before his eyes meet mine, still having that magnetic, gentle demeanor to them. "Well, I just wanted to say thank you for seeing me on such short notice."
I smile with a nod, even though I didn't really have a choice. My boss was so heavily insisting that I chose a male client, that he basically threw this guy into my lap.
"Of course, Mr. Miller."
"I own Miller Carpentry over on Hugh street," he gestures a tanned finger in the general direction, "and recently I hired a few new people to go do some jobs independently without me being a shadow. Well, that was a mistake. One of them took the money from a few jobs and never gave me, the company, a percentage of it."
My pen glides across the paper as I take notes of his claim, trying not to focus on the fact that we're alone in the room. I make bullet points of everything I'd like to incorporate if this gets brought to court, adding potential selling points beneath each sentence.
"And I'm assuming you tried to reach out and you had no luck?"
Joel shrugs. "It's like he's a ghost. Can't find him anywhere."
"How much did he make off with? Do you know?"
He exhales sharply. "At least five grand."
My eyes flick to the closed door again, letting out a gentle sigh as I try to relax. "I'll contact a friend at the police station and see if he can't find your worker. If he doesn't pay, he'll go to jail and end up having to pay you back one way or another."
"I contacted police, and they said to find a lawyer in the meantime because he most likely won't just give it up."
I scoff as I roll my eyes. "People are untrustworthy."
Joel beams at me once I stop scribbling, my tense body shifting again. "In the ten years I've had my business, this is the first time this has happened, so I'd like to say that's not true."
"Ah, so you're a carpenter and an optimist. Sounds exhausting."
He laughs heartily, the sound slightly relaxing me. "I think it's only normal for lawyers to be pessimists. You deal with criminals for a living."
"I like to avoid taking on cases that make me uncomfortable, Mr. Miller. So, no. I don't normally deal with criminals."
His fingers scratch at his slight facial hair as he continues smiling. The hairs are gray mixed with mostly black, like a medley of salt and pepper.
"I don't blame you. I couldn't do it. It's mentally demanding, I'm sure."
My mouth twists up slightly. "It entertains my therapist."
Joel chuckles, my shoulders relaxing a bit more. "I wanted to discuss cost with you. How much will you cost if we go to court and we win?"
"When you win, it'll be about two and a half grand."
He breathes out heavily. "Okay, I can swing that. I'll be able to use the half of what I'm owed from him, then."
"There's cheaper lawyers out there, Mr. Miller. If finances are an issue, I can refer you to someone else."
He shakes his head vehemently. "A friend suggested you to me, and she said you were great. So, I thought it would be best to go to someone that has a good reputation."
I beam. "I'm glad to hear good things about me."
Joel grins back, flashing a neat, white smile. I'm ashamed to admit that I find him incredibly attractive. It's been years since I've looked at a man in any way other than a predator, but Joel seems—kind. I'm immediately putting an end to those thoughts, shaking my head in disgust for betraying the promise I made to myself when I was seventeen. I'll never let a man in again, and I intend on keeping that promise.
Clearing my throat, I pick up my pen again. "May I have your home and email addresses, please?"
He recites them to me and I scribble them down, nodding my thanks.
"I'll keep in touch via email with any updates on what I hear back. Could I also get the man's first and last name?"
"Kevin Bridges," Joel says bitterly. "Bastard."
I chuckle, a sudden buzzing interrupting the meeting. Joel pulls his phone out and gives me an apologetic look before he answers the call.
"Hi, honey, I'm in an important meeting. Are you okay?" Joel hums sweetly.
Must be his wife, right? I glance over to his left hand and notice an empty ring finger. Okay, his girlfriend, then.
"I'll be home soon. Just stay with Mrs. Cheshire until I get there, okay? I don't want you home alone." His eyes briefly flick to mine and I smile. "Okay. I love you too, Sarah. Bye." Joel sighs with raised brows as he beams. "I'm sorry, that was my daughter."
"Oh," I grin, for some reason feeling relieved. "How old is she?"
"Ten. She thinks she's a full-grown adult who can stay home unsupervised. I just have her go by the neighbor's when I don't make it home in time after school. She's an old lady that loves my Sarah to death."
My chest aches when he talks about his daughter, so much enthusiasm and evident love in his words. It reminds me of my dad and I, and it makes me miss him desperately.
"Sarah seems like a lucky girl to have you as her dad," I smile. "It's just me and my dad, too. My mom left the picture when I was very little. Drugs."
Joel's brows knit with what I can only describe as sympathy. I don't want him to pity me. "I'm sorry. Sarah's mom died when she was a baby, so she doesn't really know what it's like to have a mom."
"I'm sorry for your loss." My voice is robotic, as I always have to be to detach myself from my clients. "Poor girl," I say with a hint of my genuine emotion.
"Ah, she's wonderful. Highest grades in her class, and quick as a whip," he laughs fondly. "Definitely gets it from her mom."
I chuckle, clearing my throat as I stand, holding my hand out. "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Miller. I'll be in touch."
He stands, too, taking my palm into his and giving a firm shake. "It was very nice meeting you, Ms. Y/l/n. Thank you again."
I nod, practically sprinting to the door to allow the fresh air into my suffocating office. Joel walks out with a grin, my eyes briefly following him before I disappear behind my desk again. It feels like I can finally breathe now that he's not here. It's not that I felt unsafe or uncomfortable in his presence, but it's exactly that fact that concerns me. Last time I felt comfortable around a man, horrible things happened. I can't let a man force his power over me ever again. I won't let it happen.
My house is empty as it always is when I walk in, the crisp air greeting me in the delicious way it does to alleviate my warmed body from the scorching summer weather. It's July, and I'm convinced the sweltering heat will be the death of me.
I kick off my heels and strip off my stockings from beneath my skirt, laying them on my neatly made bed before walking naked to the shower. The hot water is a welcoming feeling after the stress of the day.
Joel Miller is the first male stranger I've been alone in a room with since I was seventeen, which was eight years ago. He was friendly and handsome, but he also needed something from me. Men are always nice to you when they need something. I can't think about his soft brown eyes and expect them to be just as inviting when he no longer needs my help.
How am I going to continue meeting him in private until his case is solved? I'm so damned anxious the entire time, and it eats me alive. Yes, he seems kind, but so do all men until it's their time to strike and you instantly become their prey.
Panic consumes me, reliving the horrible, violent memories that I've experienced as I fall to the shower floor, holding myself tightly in my arms. I was so young, and somebody that I loved and trusted took advantage of me. Of course I've somewhat moved passed the sexual abuse, but there's always my days where something triggers my brain, and I'm in a rough state for the remainder of my time awake.
Today is one of those days. Joel's presence set me into a downward spiral of all-consuming panic. I'm tempted to plead to my boss about it, and beg for him to be reassigned elsewhere, but I know he won't have it without an explanation.
Nobody knows what happened to me when I was seventeen besides my dad and a few police officers. My ex-boyfriend who abused me, Justin, got a few months in jail since he was also seventeen. The man who helped him, however, was twenty-four at the time and got sentenced to one year in prison. I wanted the judge to grant a lengthier sentence, but since it was their first offenses, he cut them some slack.
Being a lawyer, I've had several opportunities to defend sexual assault victims, and I have. I've always advocated for lengthier sentences, and almost every time I'm met with a judge who takes my suggestion. I can't help but wonder if Joel's friend who suggested me to him was a woman who I've helped with a sexual assault case.
I'm glad that it's not common knowledge amongst the public about my past. It's not something I want people knowing and pitying me for, or thinking I'd be too emotional to do my job. Never once have I lost my composure in a court room during one of those cases, and I never will.
Before anything else, I'm a professional, and I don't let my emotions get the best of me at work. I'm not the type to express my feelings, either, not even to my dad. He always knows when something's bothering me, but I normally change the subject and brush it off as to just being tired. It's just hard to open up. I hate doing it.
Later as I lay in bed, slightly wine-drunk and ready for sleep, I'm reminded of the gentle burr of Joel Miller's voice. His hand was heavy and calloused in mine, making me feel as if someone had just given me a massive weight to hold. His tanned skin flashes in my mind, and I can't help but wonder what he smells like. Does he have a specific scent that smells just as manly as he appears?
Without realizing, I'm grinning with my eyes closed, picturing my fingers in his loose, soft-looking hair as I inhale whatever aroma lingers on his neck.
My eyes scan the document in front of me, nodding as I copy a few pieces of information and type it into my email for a client. A slight ding hums through my computer, and I instantly click on my email notification.
To: Y/n Y/l/n
Subject: Rat Bastard
Hi, Ms. Y/l/n,
I was just reaching out to let you know that the son of a bitch was finally caught. He agreed to give me back what was owed to me, and wants to avoid court and jail at all costs. I decided to not press charges even though he's still a bastard. Thank you again for all of your help so quickly. I really appreciate it. I know that you don't need to be paid unless you win the case, but I still took up your time. If you ever need some carpentry work done around your house, I'll do whatever you need for free. Please don't hesitate to call or text if you ever need anything. My number is 276-555-0909. Thank you again.
Joel Miller
A little sigh leaves my curled lips, my heart drumming in my chest. I'm relieved yet saddened that Joel won't be joining me in my office anymore. Of course I know that I can contact him at any time, but I don't need any carpentry work done around the house even a little bit.
My washer has been on the fritz, leaking a bit almost every time I do laundry, but I was just going to buy a new one. The one I have isn't old, there's just something wrong with it. Should I ask Joel for help with it?
No, that's ridiculous, right?
How insane am I that I'm letting a strange man into my house just because I want to spend some time around him? No, I'm crazy. I can't do that. What if he hurt me? What if he tried to attack me?
I immediately halt my racing thoughts, closing his email and resuming my other one. Just because I find Joel attractive, doesn't mean that I can just start letting my sky high walls down. He's still a man, and that makes him dangerous.
At home, I finish my call with my dad. We caught up on our current work lives and anything new that's happened. It's luckily all the same as usual, and we made plans to see each other soon.
My bare feet patter into my laundry room, seeing that there's a puddle on the floor, making me scoff and curse. It feels like the universe is telling me to call Joel and have him come over to help me, but I'm too afraid.
If I invite him over, he'll be the first man ever in this house, and I don't want to forsake my promise. Deciding to throw caution to the wind, I let out a sharp exhale, pulling up the email app to copy Joel's number, pasting it into my phone. My thumb hovers over the "call" option, my heart feeling like it's about to leap out of my chest.
Before I realize what I've done, the line is trilling, and it's too late to hang up now.
"Hello?" he answers curiously.
"Hi, Mr. Miller. It's y/n y/l/n."
"Oh, hi!" Joel says brightly. "I take it you got my email, then."
"Yes," I say shyly, clearing my throat. "Um, are you busy?"
The line is quiet for a moment, then he speaks. "No, actually. I just settled into the couch with Sarah to watch some show that she likes, but I don't think she cares whether I'm here to watch it or not," he laughs. "What's up? Is everything okay?"
"How much do you know about fixing washing machines?"
Joel chuckles. "I'm a very handy man, Ms. Y/l/n."
"Mine has been leaking for a bit, and I just walked into my laundry room to find a huge puddle. You think you can help?"
"Definitely. I'll grab my tools. Could you send me your address? I'll leave now."
I clear my throat, panic constricting it. "Uh, if you're comfortable with it, you can bring Sarah. I know you said you usually leave her with the neighbor if you can't supervise her."
Joel laughs lightly. "I'm not sure if she'll want to come, but I'll ask her. Thank you for thinking of her. That's sweet of you."
I giggle, the thought of Sarah being here comforting me. "Of course. I'll see you soon."
"Bye." I hang up.
I'm suddenly scrambling to my bathroom, drying my wet feet on the carpet that lays in front of the sink. My fingers run through my hair in an anxious manner, attempting to tame it a bit. I opt for throwing it up into a messy bun, reapplying my subtle makeup just a bit to my eyes.
Why am I trying to look good for Joel? God knows. I haven't been this way in years, but something about him just draws me in. Everything in my mind is screaming at me to not give in, and to stay alone as I had planned to. It's safer when you're alone. There's no one here to hurt you. It's just you and solitude.
When I hear my doorbell, my heart picks up its pace, and the panic has settled in to my bones. I'm letting in deep breaths, breathing them out slowly. Joel won't hurt me, right? He's only here to fix my washer. He wouldn't do anything else...right?
I swing open the door and see Joel with a smile fitted onto his face, and a large toolbox in his right hand. He's wearing dark blue jeans that hang from his hips, a white v-neck shirt and large brown work boots on his feet.
My eyes search for his daughter, desperately hoping that she's here. "Hi, thanks for coming by." I gesture him inside.
Joel nods and steps in, standing in the living room. "Your house is beautiful. When did you buy it?"
"Last year," my voice croaks, making me clear it. "But thank you. I like it a lot. It's my favorite home I've ever lived in."
He chuckles, his eyes briefly on the floor before they meet mine again. "Care to show me to your flood?"
I laugh, beginning to walk toward the laundry room. I open the door, revealing the several towels that I've laid out to clean up the mess. Joel steps right onto them, his boots leaving a distinct print in the fabric.
"Did you turn the water off to the house?"
I nod. "Yes, actually. I figured that might be a problem."
Joel settles down onto his knees on the damp tile, opening the washer door. "Just don't want to be sprayed."
My eyes linger back to the closed front door, shifting in the entryway of the laundry room. "So, Sarah didn't want to come, I take it?"
"Nah, she wanted to watch her show. I told you she didn't care if I was there or not."
I giggle, admiring the flex of his biceps as he stretches into the washer. "I'm sorry to pull you away."
"No, don't be," he beams at me. "I'm more than happy to help you."
"Would you like a drink, Mr. Miller?"
He chuckles. "Water would be fine, and please call me Joel."
"Right," I smile, my cheeks feeling hot.
I leave the laundry room, making my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge, walking it back to Joel where half of his body is inside of the washing machine. My lingering gaze admires the strength of his thighs in his jeans. He's such a man.
God, what is he doing to me? I never think like this. Not even about handsome celebrities I see on tv.
"Here you go," I finally say, setting the bottle down beside him. "Is there anything else you need from me?"
"No. I think I see your problem, though."
"Oh, yeah?" I ask hopefully. "What is it?"
"There's a bit of a hole in your water connection. I'm not sure how that happened, but you'll need a new pipe."
I sigh, shaking my head. "How much do those cost?"
He leans out of the washer, standing up. "Free, because I'm buying it."
My eyebrows fit together. "Joel, I can't have you purchase the part and install it. It's too much."
"You helped me. Now I want to help you."
"I barely did anything."
He smiles vastly. "But you were willing to do everything."
"It's just my job." My voice is small.
Joel eyes me. "Do you not like people doing things for you?"
I sink in to myself, my cheeks feeling hot. "I don't know. I guess not."
"Hm," he smirks. "Would you like to go to the supply store with me for a new hose?"
"Sure," I say before even thinking.
Joel beams as we exit the room, my hands shaking as I slide on my shoes. I grip my keys, feeling them jingle more than necessary from my trembling as I lock the front door. I turn around to see a large black truck, relaxing a bit at the roominess of the cab.
Why did I agree to having Joel drive me around town? The last man who ever drove me anywhere was Justin, and I was stuck where he took me, having horrible things done to me with no escape. The memory makes me wince as panic twists in my chest.
Joel opens my door for me, and I look to him with a shocked expression. He holds his hand out for me to grab and surprisingly I do, loading myself into the passenger seat of his truck.
He steps into the driver's seat, my eyes adverted away from him as I buckle my seatbelt. My leg is bouncing anxiously, my gaze fixed out the passenger window.
"Are you okay, y/n?" Joel asks gently from beside me as we drive down my road.
"Yeah," I say breathlessly. "Sorry, just a long day."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
My head turns to look at him, and he's giving me a gentle smile back, the wrinkles by his eyes deepening. His eyes are still that puppy-dog style brown that is alluring and comforting all at once. He isn't looking at me any differently than he was in my office, and he no longer needs anything from me.
"Oh, uh, just a difficult case, I guess. I can't give too many details, you know," I fib.
He nods, "Of course. Well, from what I've heard, you're a wonderful lawyer. My friend raved about you."
"Who's your friend?"
"Vivian Meyers. You helped her with her sexual assault case."
My body stiffens. Damn, I knew it. "Oh, yes. I remember her."
His eyes soften as they look to me. "You really helped her get justice."
"It's just what should've been done. Too many of those creeps get away with light sentences. I don't let that happen, if I can help it."
He beams wide at me, turning his gaze back to the road. "You're an incredible woman, y/n."
My cheeks warm to his compliment, my body wiggling in my seat. "Thank you."
After the supply store, Joel gets right to work on the washing machine, shoving his body behind it to unscrew the faulty hose on the outside to replace it. My stomach turns with hunger, my hand flying to it to grip it tightly. I was far too anxious to eat earlier, and now I'm suffering the consequences of that decision.
"Can I treat you to dinner?" I ask Joel, gazing at his legs since it's the only part of him I can see.
He laughs. "You don't have to repay me for this, y/n. I really don't mind."
"C'mon," I laugh, "please? You've been so kind."
Joel lets out a loud, dramatic sigh, making me giggle. "Fine. What did you have in mind?"
"Ooo, something simple. I'm not much of a cook."
He laughs. "That makes two of us. I'm good with anything. I'm not picky."
"Chinese food?"
"God, my stomach is growling just thinking about it. Yes, please," he says loudly.
I chuckle as I pull out my phone, adding a few things to the basket that I want. "What do you like? I ordered chicken and broccoli, egg rolls, pork fried rice, and steamed dumplings."
"Oh, god," he groans playfully, the sound stirring something unfamiliar within me. "Yes. All of that sounds perfect. Maybe just add a general tso's chicken and that'll be good. That's my favorite."
"You got it."
"I'll be done in about five minutes. The old hose is almost off," he grunts as he exerts himself. "Forgive me for not being dainty for dinner."
I laugh, watching him reach his hand out for the new hose. "Please. I'm just in my comfy home clothes. You're fine."
"I'm a mess and I smell like old water. You sure you want me to stay?"
"Joel, please," I almost scold. "Yes, I want you to stay."
My eyes widen as I realize what I've just said. I've broken so many of my rules today, and I don't know what to make of it. I've let him in my house, let him drive me around, and now I'm insisting that he stays for dinner. What is this man doing to me?
Joel pops out from behind the washing machine a bit later, the Chinese food saying it'll arrive in twenty minutes. His white shirt is dampened on the side, causing it to be a bit see through. His body looks soft, but still in shape. I'm not even sure how old he is, but I know he has to be older than me by at least a few years since he has a daughter that's ten.
My eyes linger on his wet shirt. "I'm sorry, I don't have anything for you to change in to."
He shrugs with a smile. "If you don't mind, neither do I." His eyes look around as we leave the laundry room, making our way to the living room. "So, you live alone, I take it?"
"Yes," I breathe. "Being alone is one of my favorite things."
Joel chuckles. "Not me. I couldn't stand it if I didn't have Sarah. She's a blessing for many reasons."
I smile as I walk into my kitchen, bending down into my fridge to pull out an amber bottle. "Beer?"
He nods. "Didn't take you for a beer drinker."
"I keep them around for my dad, actually," I chuckle. "More of a wine drinker, if I'm honest."
Joel twists off the top and discards it on the counter, leaning against it as I take out my wine that I was drinking just last night, thinking of the man standing before me as I fell asleep.
"Where does your dad live?" he asks.
"Oh, about an hour from here. We see each other when we can since we both work like crazy."
He grins wide at me. "What does he do?"
"He works in a warehouse. I'm always worried he's going to hurt himself, but it keeps him in good shape."
"I'm sure he'll be fine. How old is he?"
"He's forty-five. My mom and him had me when they were both young."
Joel's brows furrow, seemingly wanting to say something upsetting, but it looks like he decides against it when his face changes. "Yeah, my wife and I had Sarah when I was twenty-five."
He's thirty-five?! God, he's still so young, but older than me by a decent amount. Why do I find that so attractive?
"You said your wife passed away," I begin cautiously, "how did she die?"
He gives me a soft, small smile. "Car accident. She was on her way to work and someone t-boned her on the driver's side going sixty miles an hour. They told me it was quick and she didn't feel anything."
My hand reaches out and grips his forearm. "God, Joel, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. It was nine years ago. I've come to terms with it and learned how to cope. It took a long time, but—" his voice trails off. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be depressing."
"No! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." I suddenly move my hand, realizing that it was lingering against his skin.
"Y/n," he chuckles, shaking his head, "you can always ask me anything."
We stand there smiling at each other for a moment, the air feeling electrically charged between us. I take a sharp breath in as the doorbell ding rips me from my little daydreaming bubble, and I slightly jump before scurrying away to the front door.
The young girl hands me the food and I thank her as she leaves, gathering the bags in my hands and settling them down gently onto the coffee table.
"Not the dining room?" Joel asks with a slight chuckle.
I grab the remote and flip on the tv. "Thought we could do with some entertainment."
He leaves to go to the kitchen, returning with my wine and his beer, placing them on the table beside the food. "I'm good with anything."
Joel sits beside me on the couch, and I'm hyper-aware of how close he is. I pull out all of the food, quickly finishing the wine in my glass before I pour myself some more.
I turn on a random movie that's playing, not really knowing what it is. "Chopsticks?" I hand him a pair.
Joel takes them and breaks them apart, giving me a slight smirk. "Do you want me to grab a plate?"
"Only if you want them. I'm fine with just eating out of the containers. Doing dishes might be my least favorite thing to do."
He laughs loudly, his head cocked back. "For someone who doesn't like doing dishes, your house is extremely clean."
"Well, I'm a bit of a control freak, I guess. I'm lazy, but my brain doesn't let me be."
Joel chuckles, flashing that gorgeous smile of his. "Being a control freak probably comes from being a lawyer."
No, it's because I don't trust anybody and I must do everything that I can myself.
"Yeah," I lie, chuckling slightly.
I dig my chopsticks into the chicken, pushing the meat and broccoli between the thin wood before bringing it to my lips. I groan at the flavor, my stomach growling in delight.
"This is so good," I moan, nodding my head.
Joel takes a bite and rolls his eyes in enjoyment. "This is exactly what I needed. I usually eat dinner by now."
"Me, too. I was just too distracted with the washer. I'm sorry for dragging you out here."
He shakes his head. "I wanted to help. Please, stop apologizing. You don't ever have to apologize to me."
I swallow the dry lump of attraction that has formed in my throat, leaning forward to pour myself more wine, quickly downing the glass.
Joel laughs as he glances at me. "I guess today was really tough, then?"
No, being near you is next to impossible.
"Yes," I lie again, pouring myself another glass. "I'm glad you got your money back. I'm surprised he was so willing to give it back once he was caught. Most people would fight it."
He shrugs. "He's stupid."
I laugh, shoveling some rice into my mouth with a hand beneath the chopsticks to prevent any rice from falling onto the floor.
"Most men are," I blurt out.
Joel laughs. "I'd love to say you're wrong, but you're not."
I laugh with him, the alcohol lightening my anxieties. "You're not, though."
"Oh, that's not true," he chuckles. "I've done some really stupid stuff."
"Like what?"
He leans back slightly, wiping his mouth with one of the provided napkins. "When I was a teenager, probably about sixteen, I really wanted this girl to like me. So, I thought the cool thing would be to light fireworks off in front of her house. I swore she would think it was the most romantic gesture she's ever seen. Well, turns out that the tree she had in her front yard was incredibly flammable."
I gasp with my hand to my mouth. "Oh, my god!"
Joel nods with a vast grin. "Yup. Tree burned to the ground and she never spoke to me again. Damn thing nearly fell onto her house! I was lucky her parents didn't try to get me in trouble for that. They were furious, but they knew it wasn't my intention."
I laugh loudly, my head cocked back. "I can't believe that. That's hilarious!"
"She did not think so."
"I've never had anyone do something so crazy for me before." My laughter fades, flashing back to Justin and his friend cornering me in that unfamiliar room.
Quickly, I down more wine, my leg beginning to bounce again as I attempt to push away the negative memories that are replaying in my head. No, no, no. This can't happen now.
"Are you okay, y/n?" Joel asks, cutting me back to reality.
My body is trembling, and I'm doing my best to remain calm, but the terror in my mind won't stop. "Yeah, I'm fine."
"Y/n, you're shaking." Joel goes to reach out but I quickly retreat. "Was it something I said?"
"No!" my voice answers quickly. "No, Joel, you're fine."
He lets out a sharp sigh. "You're having a panic attack, I can tell. I had them all the time after my wife died. Talk to me, y/n. What's happening?"
"I can't tell you, Joel. It's—too much."
He backs away a bit as he nods. "Okay, how about I tell you another story about how I'm stupid?"
My eyes squeeze shut, nodding my head. "Tell me."
"When Sarah was born, I hadn't gotten much sleep that night before my wife went into labor because I was so nervous about being a dad. I hadn't been eating or sleeping well for a few days, actually. Anyway, she finally goes into labor and I'm wide awake, running through the house to collect all of her things and get her to the hospital. Well, when we get there, and she's finally having the baby, I faint."
I laugh, my heart rate beginning to settle. "You fainted?!"
"It wasn't the blood, the screams, or any of that. It's because I freaked myself out so bad that I couldn't sleep or eat! So, I basically missed my daughter's birth because I'm an idiot."
My lips quiver up. "You were scared to be a dad?"
"Oh, definitely," he nods, beginning to smile, "but once I held Sarah, I knew being a dad is what I'm meant to do with my life. I loved her from the second I saw her, and I still get that feeling every time I look at her. That girl has my whole heart with her."
My brows slant, emotion welling up in my chest that I force down. "Joel, you're an amazing dad. I can already tell that."
"Thanks," he laughs shyly. "I do my best. It's hard being two parents."
"My dad has been two parents from the time I was Sarah's age. He's everything to me, and I know you're everything to her, too. My dad got two jobs just to get me through law school, something he wanted but never had the money for."
"He sounds like an amazing man."
I nod with a small smile. "He is."
Joel's eyes flick to my legs, then back up to my gaze. "Your legs stopped bouncing. Are you feeling better?"
"Yes," I breathe out slowly. "Thank you, Joel."
He nods. "You're welcome." His eyes flick between mine. "Do you get those often?"
"Not super often, no. Just lately I've been having some triggers, I guess."
Joel frowns with furrowed brows. "What I always tried to do was just take deep breaths and distract my brain by watching something light. Have you tried that?"
I nod with a smirk. "Therapist recommended."
He chuckles. "Mine too."
"You helped a lot, honestly. My dad is the only one who was ever able to help talk me down from an episode."
Joel looks to me with those soft eyes, my living room light shining off the velvety brown of them. "That's a very nice compliment. I had to go through them completely alone. I only had my one year old daughter when they were at their worst. If you ever want to reach out when you're panicking, you can. You shouldn't have to go through them alone."
My gaze softens, those tears trying to make their way to the surface again but I shoo them away. "That means a lot, Joel. Thank you."
"You're welcome, y/n."
After the movie ends, and I'm tipsy from the wine, I lean onto Joel's shoulder, my eyes beginning to flutter closed. I feel calm in this moment beside him, and I'm not sure if it's the alcohol or just Joel.
"Y/n?" he whispers.
"It's getting late and I have to get back to Sarah. Will you be okay if I leave?"
I nod, lifting my head to look up at him. "Of course."
His eyes search mine, concern etched into them. "Promise me you'll call or text if you're panicking again. I don't want you going through them alone."
"You're sweet to care, Joel," I beam at him. "Thank you."
He grins as his slightly glares at me. "You didn't promise."
"That's because I can't. I don't open up or express my feelings to anybody, not even my dad."
Joel goes to touch my face, but stops himself. "I was that way too. I promise it's better to not face whatever you're going through alone."
With a steady hand, I grab his and place it on my cheek. "I'm sorry for freaking out earlier. I'm embarrassed."
He tucks some hair behind my ear, cupping the side of my face. "No, don't be. I'm glad I was here to help."
I lean into his touch, my eyes closing a bit to savor the feeling of his skin on mine. When I open them, I see Joel gazing at me, giving me a look that I know is want. Normally it would completely freak me out, but the tipsy affect of the wine mixed with Joel's gentle aura have me feeling incredibly—safe.
"You can," I say softly, my eyes on his lips.
Joel cocks his head. "I can, what?"
"Kiss me. I can see that you want to."
He chuckles slightly, rubbing his thumb against my cheek. "Do you want me to?"
I nod. "Yes."
Joel slowly leans in, my heart suddenly pounding in my chest as he gently takes my lips against his. His mouth is gentle and eager, my own mouth parting to allow him to slip his tongue into it. He does exactly that, eliciting a quiet moan from my throat. He tastes of beer and Chinese food, mixed with his own unique flavor. It's intoxicating, making me feel more drunk on him than the wine.
My fingers go into his hair, gently tugging to control the kiss as our tongues swirl together. My body is alight with a passion I've never experienced, and there's an ache between my legs. Joel's right hand stays on my face, the other at the small of my back, pulling me in closer to him.
I part our lips and kiss his stubbly jaw, moving down to his neck and throat. He lets out a small groan of approval, the sound further arousing me.
"Y/n," he breathes out, stopping me in my tracks. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but we should stop."
My lips come to a halt from his bobbing Adam's apple, moving my face into view of his. "You want to stop?"
He strokes my face, his gaze having a bit of heat to it. "I've thought you were beautiful since the moment I walked into your office, and I've wanted to kiss you all night. That being said, you drank a bit, and I don't want you doing something you'll regret."
I stare at him with a dumbfounded expression, the rate of my heart only increasing from the realization that Joel might actually be a good guy.
"I—" my voice trails off, "I can't believe you said that."
Joel cocks his head as he chuckles. "Why? Who the hell would take advantage of a drunk woman?"
"A lot of people."
"A lot of fucking creeps," he mutters. "It makes me a bit sad that you're impressed by the bare minimum from a man. Have you ever had a decent boyfriend?"
With tears filling my eyes, I shake my head. "No."
Joel's eyes soften as he pulls me in to a tight hug, my body weakening in his hold. He embraces me for a moment, the tears finally spilling over my lids and onto my cheeks. Is this the way men are supposed to treat women? Am I supposed to feel this safe and cherished? I barely know him, yet I feel like he'd go to war to protect me.
"Joel," I say through my sniffling.
He pulls away, swiping my tears away with his thumbs. "Yes, y/n?"
My shoulders sag as I let out a large sigh. "Would you like to go on a date with me some time?"
Joel beams, nodding his head. "Definitely. This Saturday?"
I giggle, "I'd love to."
When Joel leaves, he gives me a soft, lingering kiss at the front door, smiling as I watch him walk away with his tool kit in his hand. My body stays leaning against the doorframe until he drives away, letting out a sigh of pure contentment.
I haven't felt this giddy since Justin and I first started dating, but the fuzzy feelings towards him were short-lived. We didn't date for very long before we slept together for the first time, and after that it was like something switched in him. I was upset that I gave him my virginity, but I trusted him when I did. It was probably about two weeks later when him and his friend took me to his house and had their way with me.
My eyes close as the vivid images of them come back, doing my best to shoo them from my mind. I'd like to be honest with Joel and tell him just how scared I am of being intimate with him, but I don't want to freak him out.
Maybe I will after our date this Saturday. I was more than ready and willing to jump his bones tonight, a feeling I never thought I'd get again. But Joel seems to be changing me, and though I'm terrified, I'm somehow also hopeful that it'll be okay with him.
#pedro pascal smut#pedro pascal fic#smut#yn fanfic#pedro pascal#joel miller smut#joel miller#joel miller fic#tlou fic#tlou smut
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𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 | 𝐌𝐒𝐁𝐘 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Chaotic vibes only!
Hope y'all enjoy reading!
Pairing (s): MSBY Four - Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu, Hinata Shoyo and Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn! reader
Genre: fluff!
Warning (s): None!
Bokuto Koutarou

The grocery store is packed during the weekend, and the two of you are only free during the weekends to do your grocery shopping.
You knew that you would easily lose him during such busy days, so you insisted that he never let go of your hand.
Obviously, he is more than happy to hold your hand because he loves how big his hand is compared to yours.
You pushed the trolley around, filling it with fresh vegetables and fruits while he looks around the mart.
While you were busy choosing the watermelon, unknowingly, Bokuto decided to explore the supermarket on his own.
He just went to the snack aisle and got a few snacks and heads back to the fresh produce section, and you were not there.
Bokuto reached out to his pocket to find it empty.
His phone was with you, and you were nowhere to be found.
So, what does he do?
"The caretaker of Bokuto Koutarou, your child is currently at the customer service counter. Please come and pick him up." A loud announcement rang through the store, and you wanted to hide your face.
Everyone around you started whispering about the professional athlete Bokuto Koutarou really lost, or was it another child with the same name as him?
You asked a kind soul for you to help you look after your trolley while you went and go collect your lost child.
"Baby! You're here!" He ran up to you and threw his arms around, slightly lifting you up.
Your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and you apologised profusely to the receptionist at the counter while pulling your giant boyfriend away.
The young kid that was waiting with your trolley was excited when he saw Bokuto with you. He was a big fan of your boyfriend. You helped them take a picture, and he wraps his arms around you.
"That was so embarrassing...Kou, can you just hold onto my shirt and never let go?" He shook his head, and you tilt your head in confusion.
Did he want to get lost again?
"Nope, I'm going to hug you and never let you go!" He got behind you and wrapped his arms tightly around you.

Miya Atsumu

Normally, you did the grocery shopping alone since he is tired after training and doesn't drive.
So, the grocery shopping chore became yours.
He has a rest day and offered to pick up the groceries with you on this rare occasion.
It was a pleasant surprise, and you were glad to have a helping hand to help you.
You brought him to Costco, and it's going to be easy to lose him, a new-timer who has never been to Costco.
You warned him and told him to stay close to you and don't stray away from you.
He just nods his head and proceeds to ignore your warnings.
Atsumu was kind of upset that you were treating him like a child, but he overestimates himself.
Because within 15 minutes of entering the store, he has already lost you.
So, instead of calling you and asking where are you, he got another trolley and proceeded to do his own shopping.
Since you were busy with the shopping list, you didn't even notice your boyfriend was not following you anymore.
He was fascinated by the big store and got lots of stuff, ones that you two don't really need.
After a while, he realised that you have actually forgotten about him and literally went and did your own shopping.
When he was about to make a quick call to you, his phone died.
So, he went and paid for his stuff first and head to the customer service counter.
"Y/l/n Y/n, your child Miya Atsumu is currently at the customer service counter; please come and pick him up." Everyone heard it, so did you, but you continue your shopping.
This man, even after you warned him, still went and got separated from you.
So, you deliberately took your own sweet time and went a few rounds around a particular aisle.
You purposely lined up at the longest queue for your payment.
By the time you were done, he has been waiting with other lost kids for an hour or two.
"That was mean of ya! It was so embarrassing!" He buried his face in the crook of your neck; you awkwardly apologised to the cranky receptionist that was grumbling about how youngsters were so irresponsible.
Atsumu recounts his tale of how the lost kids there were laughing at an adult who got lost and has to be sent to the customer service, but he voluntary went himself.
"Serves you right. I told you to stick right next to me. Tsumu, why did you buy all of these? We have it at home..." You gaped at the amount of stuff that he bought.
"Really? I didn't see it. Oh well, it's just more stocks then." He grinned playfully, expecting you to laugh, but you let out a deep sigh.
"This is why I have a shopping list for a reason; it is so that we don't overbuy! Tsumu, you're such a hoarder!" He opened his mouth and tries to explain himself, but nothing came up.
You loop your arms around his neck and kisses his cheeks.
"It's fine; I can deliver some to Samu. Don't worry." You reassure him when you notice his crestfallen expression.
"Stop pouting. You did well today, but next time, just stick close to me?" He nods his head and you two head to your car.

Hinata Shoyo

It was all a small mistake that leads to you two in the current situation.
Hinata knows the danger of losing you in the grocery store because your purse has his phone and his wallet.
But he holds your hand tightly as you two entered the store.
At first, it was going well, there were not many people in the store, and you two were out on a date.
Until the sudden increase of patrons in the store.
Hinata was sure to hold your hand tightly, but you heard of some discount from the housewives nearby; you let go of him and head towards the frozen aisle.
Oh no, he is left alone, and there was nothing he could do.
His fans came up to him and asked for photos and autographs, so he stayed and interact with them, hoping that you would come back for him.
Yeah, you were definitely not going back to find him as you made friends with the housewives as they give you tips about discounts.
Even the butcher chatted with you for a while.
So, he went to the customer service counter and requested them to make an announcement.
"The guardian of Hinata Shoyo, please proceed to the customer service counter to pick up your child." That was when you realised that Hinata was no longer beside you.
You picked up the remaining items on the lists and head to the register to pay for the groceries. Gosh, you felt like an awful significant other, losing him and not realising earlier.
But, the new knowledge and tips that you've gotten might be worth it, just kidding.
You were going to make a delicious meal for him to make up for your mistake earlier.
He looked relieved when he saw you walking towards him.
"Sho-chan! I'm so sorry! I lost you and even forgot about you. Can you forgive me?" You apologised profusely, and he chuckles, seeing your guilty expression.
You buried your face into his chest, and he pats your head to tell you to not blame yourself. It was all good, but still, you felt awful.
"Let's go home. I have picked up some good cuts of beef; I'll cook a good meal for you!"
"Sure, let's go." He kisses the top of your head and you two head towards the parking lot.

Sakusa Kiyoomi

Alright, Sakusa would make the perfect housewife. He is good at household chores, cooking? He is the perfect husband in the making.
He does the grocery shopping, and you would stay at home.
But, you felt like accompanying him to the store, so he allowed you to follow him.
You were wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of black sweats, and he was wearing similar attire to you.
He made sure you held his hand since you were short and could easily blend into the crowd. (a/n - omi is just a giant.)
It's been a while since you came out shopping with him, and it was fun getting out once in a while.
You can't help but want to explore the supermarket on your own.
So, you went on your own; after all, you're a grown adult. Nothing bad would happen.
Oh ho ho, Sakusa turned around, and you were gone.
He starts to panic because you were not behind him, and he couldn't see you in the crowd.
Sakusa calls you and felt his left pocket buzzing.
It was your phone buzzing in his pocket.
He sighs and decided to finish his list before finding you.
Meanwhile, you had enough money for a popsicle, and you got your favourite flavour and head to the customer service counter.
"Excuse me, can you please make a lost child announcement?" The receptionist immediately sat up in her seat and apologised for not noticing you earlier.
"Where's the lost child?" You pointed at yourself. She nodded her head blankly.
"Yeah, Sakusa Kiyoomi is my guardian. Thank you." This whole situation was bizarre, but she made the announcement for you anyways.
"Sakusa Kiyoomi, your child is at the customer service counter; please come and pick up your lost child."
You were literally chatting with the receptionist when he rushed over to the customer service counter. He sighed, relieved that you were safe. He apologised for the inconvenience he caused.
"You got me worried. Just stay at home, okay?" He kisses your forehead. You shook your head.
"Nope! I'm coming with you from now on!"

Oooh, my first headcanon where I did four characters at once! It was quite fun and I might write more of these in the future!
I hope y'all enjoy this!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
#bokuto koutarou#miya atsumu#hinata shouyou#sakusa kiyoomi#msby headcanons#msby four#msby fluff#bokuto koutarou headcanons#atsumu headcanons#hinata headcanons#sakusa kiyoomi headcanons#sakusa fluff#bokuto headcanons#hinata x reader#bokuto x you#atsumu fluff#sakusa x you#sakusa hcs#sakusa x y/n#atsumu x you#atsumu x y/n#bokuto x reader#bokuto x y/n#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu fluff
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I SEE YOU – chapter II
pairing – arthur fleck x female!reader
wc – 2.4k
warnings – none, just some rude people. It's gotham.
a/n – I'm late with this chapter, I know... 🙃 but I hope you like it!
chapter one here:
English is not my first language. I am getting help from google translator and he is not always a good ally, so I apologize for any typos or grammar errors.
Y/N – your name
Y/L/N – your last name

A week has passed since Y/N met Arthur Fleck. It was a long week for her – with TV appearances, some biased rumors about a possible affair with her co-star and problems with the city's main NGO. The place was invaded and looters took what little they had to offer to the population. Gotham police were doing their best to find those responsible, but it would take some time.
Despite the problems, Y/N constantly found herself thinking about the brown-haired man. At some point he was always in her thoughts. Since the day she left him in front of a building on Winslow Avenue, they haven't seen each other anymore. Y/N would like to know what he thought of the movie, but the man never came.
Maybe he didn't like the movie, she thought. And that was totally fine. What was not right was this desire to find him again.
On Wednesday, Brian asked if 'the guy with the big shoes' had called her, but the actress confessed that she had not given him her phone number. What the young actress didn’t know, was that Arthur had crossed the city – more than once – just to tell her what he thought about the movie, but his attempts were marked by misunderstandings.
"The entrance for employees is on the other side." The receptionist informed, attracting the attention of Arthur, who was walking through the luxurious hotel lobby. He didn't know if she was talking to him directly, but he approached the counter anyway.
"Huh... Y-You talked to me?"
"You are the new janitor, right?" The woman stopped what she was doing and finally looked at him, repressing the urge to roll her eyes.
Arthur shook his head and with a small smile, he said:
"I'm looking for Y/N Y/L/N." The mere fact of saying her name made his heart run so fast. Arthur could not explain, but since he met Y/N, his days have become colorful. He still suffered from the brutality of the citizens of Gotham, but everything became more bearable.
"Y/N Y/L/N? The actress? Are you sure?" The receptionist asked incredulously and at the same time seemed to hold herself back from laughing. It really seemed like a joke to her. What could this strange man want with Gotham's Golden Star?
"I need to deliver this to her." Arthur showed the VHS tape, hoping it would guarantee his free pass. "What room is she in?"
"Listen, I don't know how you got through security... but you certainly saw all those people out there. Everyone wants to talk to Y/N or just ask for an autograph. The problem is that none of you are allowed to be here."
"Autograph? I'm not here for the autograph! She wants to know m-my opinion about her new movie."
"I'm sure the only opinion that matters to her is that of the Academy of Oscars."
"You are not understanding... We are practically friends, she saved my life in that alley! Ask her! Say that Arthur Fleck is here... S-She... She will remember me!" While Arthur was stuck in his own words, the woman called the security guards.
The moment two men approached, Arthur realized that things were going very, very badly. In his mind everything seemed easy. He found Y/N and she was happy to see him, but in practice he hadn't reached the elevator yet and the security guards were already putting him out.
"Wait! You got it wrong..." He tried to explain and get rid of the men who were holding him, but the receptionist just shook her head, telling them to get him out of the lobby before the residents showed up to see this show. This would not be good for the hotel's image. "I just want to see Y/N..."
"That's what everyone wants." One of the men said, laughing.
"And I wanted her to dance for me." The other security guard confessed, sighing sadly, while that desire would remain only in his dirty imagination.
Near the main door of the luxurious hotel, they treated Arthur like trash, throwing him on the sidewalk. The poor man managed to maintain his balance and remain standing with the little dignity that remained, but that disappeared as soon as a painful laugh cut his throat.
"Go back to your filthy home! You are too old for this fan and idol thing."
When the elevator doors opened, Brian left the metal box accompanied by two officers. Because of the police's satisfactory commitment in this case – obviously Y/N's status contributed to this – the actress received good news. The stolen supplies from the institution were found in a shed and a man was caught in the act. Other suspects are still being sought, but the only piece that doesn’t fit, is that the owner of this shed is Thomas Wayne, candidate for mayor and also owner of WayneCorp.
"Tell Miss. Y/L/N that we will capture the responsible."
"Or those responsible." The other officer added, reinforcing his commitment to the citizens of Gotham.
As soon as the officers left the building, Brian intended to go back to Y/N's room and check on her, mainly after receiving new information about the case, but his plans were interrupted by Susan, the receptionist. She showed a big smile, waving, and he approached the counter trying to look friendly.
"Hey, Susan! How was your day?"
"You know, check-in, check-out... The same things." She laughed, shaking her head. Her job was not exciting, but it paid her bills. That was enough. "I saw the cops... Do they have any suspects?" Curiosity was plastered on her face and Brian sighed, fully understanding why she had called for him. Gossip.
"Unfortunately I can't give too many details, but they are doing a good job." He stated, satisfied with the investigations.
"I don't know if that can help anything, but maybe he participated in the theft..." The woman murmured. The words seemed to be directed at herself, like a loud thought, but the bodyguard was unable to ignore and asked:
"What are you talking about, Susan?"
"A man was here looking for Miss. Y/L/N. His insistence scared me. He was determined to go into her room, only God knows what he intended to do, so I called the security guards, they put the man out. But Carl saw him across the street for three days straight."
"You did the right thing. It's unbelievable how Gothan became a fucking asylum!"
"Do you think I don't know? Sometimes it feels like we're living in hell... But the freak left his name. Arthur Fleck. I don't know if it's real, but you should check with the police."
"I will do this... Wait! Did you say Arthur Fleck?" Brian questioned, as confusion appeared on his face. That name was familiar to him.
"It's a strange name for a strange guy."
If it were possible, a lamp would be shining next to Brian's head right now. Arthur Fleck is the name of the guy with the big shoes.
Without any explanation, Brian ran for the elevator, leaving Susan extremely confused behind. When he arrived at the actress' room, he found her talking on the phone. She didn't look happy.
"Oh, he does not want to talk to me? Very busy, huh? You know I don't like to get involved in these problems... but he started it, Alfred!" Y/N had crossed her limit. The only thing she wanted to do was talk to Thomas Wayne about the NGO supplies that magically appeared in his shed, but that would be impossible. Alfred insisted, saying that the billionaire was at an important business meeting and that he had no connection to the theft. "Okay, I will not insist. Maybe when you regain your senses, you understand my side. Have a nice day, Alfred!" She ended the call and looked at Brian.
"I can't believe you called Thomas..."
"Likewise when he called the mayor’s office trying to ban the showing of Midnight Seduction." The actress argued, showing a fake smile. "These NGOs that I help, they are hindering his path, it is not very difficult to see. You know how men like Thomas Wayne build their empires. It's not pretty."
"God, I know... but be careful what you say. It is a very serious accusation." He advised, concerned for her safety. Y/N just walked over to the table in the center of the room, picking up her glass of scotch and drinking all the amber liquid.
"Don't worry, I'm used to white-collar men."
"Oh, I can see it, but I hope you're used to clowns too, because I have news about the guy with the big shoes." Brian started, capturing her attention immediately.
"Arthur was here?" Y/N's voice took on a hopeful tone and a beautiful smile formed on her lips. For a moment it was as if all her problems were gone.
"Well..." Brian cleared his throat, choosing the right words to tell her, but deep down he knew it wouldn't work. "Arthur was committed to seeing you, but Susan did not allow his entry."
"Why she did it? Usually she talks to me first..."
"It is the protocol, but in this case she considered his behavior to be atypical. I don't know if he was nervous and had another fit of laughter in the middle of the lobby, but she believed that he could present you with some danger or even be involved in the theft of the NGO... The security guards kicked him out."
For the first time in this conversation, Y/N didn't know what to say. The words were stuck in her throat. She felt stupid for not giving Arthur her number or simply putting his name on the reception list. Any of these options would have avoided the embarrassment he went through.
"Maybe you should talk to him. Do you know where he lives." The blond-haired man suggested. It was clear as the day outside that Y/N was silently blaming herself for what happened and that was not fair to her. "What do you think?"
"Arthur possibly hates me now..." She murmured, walking across the room. First he was beaten in a dark alley and now humiliated, practically compared to a criminal. All Y/N wanted at the moment was to go down to the lobby to clarify some points with Susan, but Brian was right. Talking to Arthur is the best she could do. "Prepare the car."
"What? Now?" The surprise was tangible in his voice.
"I don't know, maybe next month?" She rolled her eyes. "You have an appointment?"
"No, but you have." Brian added, crossing his arms. It took a few minutes, but as soon as the actress finally remembered, her mouth opened in a perfect O.
"The dinner with Charles is today! I completely forgot!"
"And before that I need to get Misty. If she gets here with the makeup artist and you're on the other side of town, we'll be in big trouble."
"Maybe not." Y/N smiled.
"If Misty finds out where we are..."
"First: You need to calm down. Second: She will only know if you open your mouth and tell her." Y/N listed it on her fingers and then took off her sunglasses, looking at the building across Winslow Avenue. "Just trust me."
"I think I will regret this later." He whispered to himself, leaving the interior of the car and opening the door for her. Y/N accepted the help and together they went to the entrance to the building. The next step would be to find out which floor Arthur lived with his mother. "And now what do we do, genius?"
"I confess I didn't think about that part..." The actress replied, looking around curiously. The place was nothing like the luxurious buildings in downtown. There was no lobby to ask for information and the reality here was completely different.
"Do you need help?" Brian and Y/N were surprised by a female voice and found a woman near the building's front door, holding some groceries from the market.
"Oh, hi!" Y/N smiled as the woman approached where they were. "We are a little lost... Do you know which floor Arthur Fleck lives on?" After that question, a mixture of confusion and surprise appeared on the woman's face.
She didn't believe it when Arthur said that a downtown girl saved his life, especially when that girl was the Gotham's Golden Star. It seemed impossible, but now Y/N Y/L/N was here, asking to see him.
Abandoning these thoughts, Sophie smiled, agreeing immediately.
"You are lucky. Arthur and I live on the same floor, I can accompany you there."
The actress smiled appreciatively and Brian offered to help with the bags from the grocery store. As soon as they were inside the metal box, the woman pressed the number 8 button and looked at Y/N, saying:
"By the way, I’m Sophie Dumond."
"Nice to meet you, Sophie. I am..."
"Oh, I know who you are." She stated, dispensing with the introduction. "I mean... Gotham breathes you!"
"Sometimes it is strange to open the window and see your own face on a billboard or on TV." Y/N confessed. The fame was glamorous, but sometimes suffocating.
"It sure is better than opening the window and seeing a pile of garbage. This is the privileged view we have here." The woman argued, laughing at the situation and the elevator stopped on the eighth floor. "Well, Arthur lives there." After leaving the metal box, she pointed to the end of the hall and while Brian helped her with the bags from the grocery store, Y/N thanked Sophie for the information and walked to the location indicated.
Looking at the "8J" sign, she took a deep breath, wishing she had a mirror nearby to check her appearance. She wanted to be presentable to finally meet Arthur again, even though he might be mad at her. Gathering courage, Y/N knocked on the door. To her disappointment, no one came. The apartment continued in absolute silence.
"Don't tell me there is no one at home." Brian appeared beside her. Realizing that the actress was anxious, he knocked on the door again, with more insistence this time. "We can come back another day..."
Without a better option, Y/N was ready to go back to the elevator, when the door was opened unexpectedly, revealing a woman on the other side.
"Hello, you must be Arthur's mother! I'm Y/N and this is Brian, we are friends of your son."
a/n – I really don't know if anyone is going to read this, but I would be happy to know what you think of the story :)
#arthur fleck#arthur fleck imagine#arthur fleck x female reader#arthur fleck x you#arthur fleck x y/n#arthur fleck x reader#joker imagine#joker#joker 2019#joker x reader#joker x female reader#joker x y/n#joker x you#phoenix!joker#arthur fleck headcanon#joker headcanons#joker arthur fleck#joaquin phoenix#joaquin phoenix x reader#joker movie
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Two-Faced Jewel: Session 1-A
I've been playing tabletop games for TOO LONG without actually playing any D&D, and the time for that to change is now.
Zero and @eternalfarnham are Looseleaf and Saelhen du Fishercrown, a mothfolk animist and a half-elf conwoman whose travels take them to Blacksky University, where the discovery of an unknown magical artifact sets them on the path to discovering the secrets of a shattered world.
Oyashio, 親潮市, is known as the Crossroad City. It sits on the closest point between the two major continents of the world, alongside the swift currents of the fierce river-ocean that separates the two. People from all over the Jewel come here to find their fortunes.
Looseleaf is a new arrival to Blacksky University, the institution of higher learning that terrorizes the city with its warball hooligans and dangerous magical experiments. She's left her reclusive village to learn more about the cultures and peoples of the world, and has enrolled in the School of Natural Arts to pursue her dream.
The Lady Noeru de la Surplus is the down-on-her-luck scion of an elven noble family, here to complete her rite of succession and restore the good name of her clan.
Saelhen du Fishercrown is a half-elf disgrace who fled the stifling elven capital of Kanzentokai to escape its byzantine social order- and strike it rich by pretending to be the down-on-her-luck scion of an elven noble family and conning a bunch of elfaboo suckers out of their hard-earned gold. She's out to get rich and prove that elves can be assholes too, dammit!
Looseleaf leaves her room to discover- not her roommate, but a large half-orc woman rummaging through her oven.
She asks where Looseleaf keeps the swords.
It becomes clear that Bud Chestplate, here, is a friend of Oyobi Yamatake, Looseleaf's roommate, and Oyobi sent her to pick up some swords from the dorm. They make some small talk while searching, but Looseleaf fails her Investigation roll and can't find the swords for her. She leaves Bud to her business, since she needs to catch her meeting with the Dean.
Benedict I. (GM): So... you get to the Dean's office. It's a pretty large room- not because the Dean is particularly showoffy, but because Dean Mogher is a loxodon, and his office sort of needs to be big. Them elephant people, y'know. You've been asked to meet for an "academic consultation", and aren't sure what to expect.
Seems like Looseleaf needs to do some sort of independent study- and the Dean has something lined up for her, if she's interested. It's an artifact they recently got their hands on thanks to a rich donor, who wanted to learn more about it. It's super magic, so he had to pull some strings to keep it out of the hands of the School of Arcane Arts.
Looseleaf is excited about this!
Looseleaf: Looseleaf vibrates, shaking her wings kind of in the way that a dog might shake their body to remove dirt. This is moth body language for 'FUCK YES I AM SO READY FOR THIS I WAS BORN FOR THIS'.
Meanwhile... Saelhen has arrived in town. She's set herself up with a room in the city, made some public appearances to sell the story, and...
Saelhen has a plan. She'll pretend that this object is rightfully hers, as part of an arcane elven ritual to succeed the headship of her family- and hopefully badger the school into letting her get her hands on it.
She enters the school grounds via the student village, and meets a half-orc woman carrying a bunch of swords around for some reason- who she asks for directions. Bud obliges, despite being preoccupied.
Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were occupied by all those weapons." She bows at the prescribed angle for a small favor asked from a foreigner. "Your words are as 出鱈目外人向け. Thank you." Benedict I. (GM):出鱈目 is like, nonsense, bullshit, 外人 is gaijin, 向け is a suffix that means "for" bullshit for foreigners i love it
(Elven is Japanese here, for reasons.)
Saelhen follows the directions to the School of Arcane arts, and asks the receptionist- a tired-looking goblin girl named Two-Brains- where the Dean's office is.
Two-Brains directs her to the Moon Annex, a wing of the building identifiable by the river of moon symbols flowing along the floor. She reaches what is clearly the Dean's office, and hears a conversation within, that she opts to sneakily listen in on.
Benedict I. (GM): That'll do- you hear a whispered argument, fairly clearly. "...is he blackmailing you? Bribing you? This is clearly our department!" The voice is old and slightly screechy. A younger but still mature voice replies. "Please don't attack my character, Variable. Is my reasoning really that hard to understand?" "Yes," the older voice says. "It's the most magically powerful artifact that's ever come into our possession! How is this not of immediate concern to our department?" "You're failing to consider Coast's concerns, and those of our continuing research," the younger voice says. "Yes, this object is powerful- but learning its magic will scarcely tell us where it comes from. If we could find its source, we could find many more specimens of its kind for study."
It seems like Dean Variable Velocity of Arcane Arts (an elderly owl aarakocra in a wheelchair) really wanted to get her hands on the magic item, but Dean Coast Mogher of Natural Arts got this person to decide in his favor, instead.
Saelhen eventually opts to knock, and sees in the room with the Dean... an elf. Very tall, adorned in jewels, and wearing a very very large hoop dress that goes all the way down to the floor. This would be a problem for Saelhen, because actual elven nobility would see right through her disguise- but luckily, this woman- the provost of the university- is a drow, and not exactly welcome in the circles of elven high society.
The provost takes her leave, and Saelhen spins her sob story for Dean Velocity:
Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Madam Dean, I am sure that any matter requiring your attention might very well overrule my own. If your affairs require that you delay our discussion of the provenance of your college's recent acquisition, then my honor demands that I comply." Benedict I. (GM): "The provenance of our recent acquisiton?" "Wait- are you here about that thing?" "The bracer?" Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Ah, yes." Saelhen ducks her head a bit sheepishly. "I can come back." "Perhaps I have misunderstood what time I was meant to arrive." Benedict I. (GM): "No, no, come in! Come in, I'm sure we can address your concerns." "What time you were- you mentioned an appointment, who told you there was an appointment?" "Never mind, no, it's- please, come in." Saelhen du Fishercrown: "I spoke with a Madam Two-Brains? But information may have been lost in the shuffle -- I gather it was a busy day." Saelhen sits. Benedict I. (GM): "...The student receptionist? Why would- no, never mind. What's this about the bracer?" Saelhen du Fishercrown: Whoops. "I have neglected to introduce myself, and for that I apologize. I am the Lady Noeru de la Surplus, sixth of her name." Saelhen lowers her head. "Your... bracer is an item of some significance to my family." Benedict I. (GM): Her eyes light up. "Is that so?" "What significance, would you say?"
After a little more bullshitting and some great Deception rolls, she has the dean completely sold on her story. It helps that she quite badly wanted to believe it- since if it were true, her rival wouldn't have legitimate claim to it. Dean Velocity offers to help recover the item, if Lady Noeru would agree to let her study it briefly.
Meanwhile, below the School of Arcane Arts, Looseleaf is shown a special hands-free containment device for the magical item.
Benedict I. (GM): Inside the glass case hovers what looks like a stone bracer. It's inset with thirteen large sapphires, at seemingly random locations, little rhyme or reason. There's one region of the bracer that doesn't have sapphires- a flat, circular raised bit with a symbol engraved on it. It's not one you're familiar with, but matches the pattern of the emblems of the gods. Looseleaf: Is it a divine symbol? Yeeeep. Benedict I. (GM): A circle, with horizontal lines across it, growing denser towards the wearer.
Looseleaf makes some investigation and history checks to find out more about it. She observes that the sapphires are connected to one another, and that its craftsmanship doesn't match anything she's ever seen or read about. She's still taking a look at it when Saelhen and Dean Velocity show up.
Dean Velocity badgers Dean Mogher into hearing Saelhen out, and she continues to knock her deception checks out of the park. He doesn't want to give it up without a fight, but he believes her intentions are true. He proposes a compromise: Looseleaf will represent both schools (as she's taking courses in both and is undecided on a major) and accompany Saelhen on her supposed succession rite, asking lots of questions and writing a report that they might be able to publish.
This compromise is more or less amenable to all, and Saelhen is allowed to touch the bracer.
It immediately jumps onto her arm and sticks there, and projects a holographic wayfinding arrow out of one of the sapphires. The bracer begins pulling her arm in that direction. She can't get it off- and can't just run. She's forced to keep up the charade, and let Looseleaf try some magic on it.
Looseleaf is a homebrew class Zero found called the Animist, a caster themed around the idea that all things have "spirits". One of the things it can do is called Soul Glean, which basically lets you... read the mind of an inanimate object.
Lesser Soul Glean: You may peer into the things the soul of an object has witnessed. Make an int (arcana) check to determine the amount of information gleaned from the object. The more recent or emotionally volatile the event, the easier it is to glean information from, while the more distance the harder it is. Senses of emotions, vague intentions, and the sight of auras of can generally be gleaned from this reading.
And what she gets from that is...
Looseleaf:“It’s lost,” Looseleaf says. “It has a purpose and has been unable to fulfill that purpose for a very long time. It’s not epistemologically correct to assign emotions to items through divinations, I think, but if this thing had an emotion I imagine it would be sad.” ”Most importantly, it does not feel fulfilled. It is not behaving the way that objects reunited with their lost owners would be have.” “Given this, I hope you will forgive me for my indiscretion in this next act.” Looseleaf... shifts her arm, the arm touching the bracer, sliding off it and onto the elvish lady’s arm, and Lesser Soul Reads her.
Now Soul Read is for living things, and only sort of gets you mood and general intentions- for now. Saelhen, though, won't be having any of that- she passes her dex save to pull away before Looseleaf can read her. (This, of course, only makes Looseleaf more suspicious.)
Tumblr has new post restrictions that force me to keep these posts short, so here's:
[Part B]
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Serial Kisses. One: An Off Encounter.

Paired up with Kim Jong-In aka Exo's Kai.
Genre: Spicy Fluff
Rated: PG-13
The hollow scrape of your nameless black heels off SM's public sidewalk was the only thing keeping you focused. You took a deep breath through your nose and let it chill in your lungs for a second as your hand grabbed the SM logo door and pulled it open. You stepped into the main lobby with all the confidence of a someone who was actually supposed to be in this building. As your grandmother had always said, 'Fake it until you Make it.'
You forced your eyes to zone in on the Reception Desk. With strong, eased, steps you broke the distance between the door and the receptionist. Idol mode kicked in automictically, a pleasant smile pulled at the corners of your naturally pouty lips.
The receptionist greeted you kindly in what you assumed was English and began to ask you questions.
"I don't mean to interrupt you," your voice was in polite mode, "I don't speak English," you offered with only half an ounce of gilt. You were usually mistook for a foreigner, "I'm Korean." You presented.
The receptionist was instantly apologetic. You ignored the skeptical gleam in her blue lensed eyes. You learned early on even if you prove you were born and raise in Korea no one believed you.
"I'm Kang Dal-Rea," you smiled with confidence, "I have an appointment with Park Hyun-Woo."
In her embarrassment, she lowered her gaze and quickly started to tap at the keyboard before her. She was about to pick up a phone, when you felt a soft tap on your shoulder.
Your eyes moved from the receptionist to the individual. It was a man in his early thirties with a welcoming smile on his kind featured face, "Kang Dal-Rea?" His bow of acknowledgement was barely a nod. "I'm Park Hyun-Woo."
You turn to face him. You bow at the waist a slightly. The movement pulled a few loose strands of two toned hair from your low bun. The purple based black fading into white tipped hair framed the sides of your face, "I'm happy to meet you." your smile only slipped of a moment, "I am Kang Dal-Rea."
"We are very excited you agreed to meet with us," he offered as he gestured in the directions of the secured employee only entrance, "We know you've been busy after that amazing performance." He began to lead the way.
You followed while keeping your eyes fixed on the side of his face. You honest didn't want to see or be drawn into the riches of the building or the people with in.
"I personally want to thank you for giving us this time," He continued.
It occurred to you he was laying it of thick, "No, It was nice to be considered for the opportunity," you counter feeling slightly uncomfortable by the overly politeness. You were led to believe this was an audition to be a backup dancer.
He barely led you past the security barriers when his phone began to buzz. He flashed you a apologetic grin and took out his phone looking at the screen. "I'm sorry," he offered a small bow of his head, "I have to take this."
Your hands flash a quick 'no problem' motion as your eyes glanced back towards the main entrance. Maybe this wasn't going to be worth being nervous about, you thought while finally taking in your surroundings. The lobby was flashy.
"Oh," Mr. Park voiced a bit too loudly for a phone call, "I mean if you aren't in a rush."
Your eyes found their way back to Mr. Park who was approached by a cute women in her early twenties who seemed to be a little too into fashion. Your eyes narrow slightly as you recognized the petite trendy Idol as BlackPink's Jennie. Why would she be in the SM building? Maybe a collab?
You were brought from your thoughts by her voice, "I would be happy to take her to the meeting room for you." Her polite smile didn't reach her eyes. "Which meeting room?"
"Three." Mr Park answered with worry lacing his smooth voice. He then gave you a little wave, "I shouldn't be long. The contract is waiting for you though, so please look it over." He smiled while walking away and answering his call.
"I was surprised to see you here," Jennie's voice demanded your full attention. Her eyes were dragging down your frame. Her facial expression was sour as she took in your no brand high-waisted black pencil skirt and men's black long sleeved button down tucked in.
"My eyes are up here." You flashed her a sly smirk as your four inch heels made you tall enough to look down at her.
She blatantly ignored your words and started for the elevators, "Did your little group finally break up?" Her voice took on a mockingly sympathetic tone. "Too ba-
"No," you voiced with pride while you approached the elevator. You stamped the up button with your finger since Jennie made no attempt, "We're just waiting for our brothers to come back from enlistment." you admitted a bit more information than you normally would in an effort to stop her from talking.
"Hmm...What was the groups concept again?" Jennie seemed unbothered by your bluntness.
"We're mythical creatures swore to protect Dynasty." You answered.
"Oh. I see. And what are you supposed to be?" She gave you the side eye.
"Aren't you giving yourself a little too much credit?" Her gaze roamed up your frame again.
The ding of the elevator was the soul reason you kept your composure, "I would agree with you," You spoke honestly nodding slightly as you followed her on to the elevator. You positioned yourself behind her, "but I did get a few compliments from Top and G-dragon on Show Me the Money." You hoped that would shut her up since rumor has it she was G-Dragon's new girlfriend.
You watched her shoulders tense up. She pressed the number you needed, "They must've been being kind." she offered with a sharpness you couldn't ignore.
A satisficed expression took hold of your features. You were never the one who needed to have the last word to feel validated. Just getting her slightly annoyed was enough for you.
The rest of the elevator ride was quiet. The doors opened up on almost every floor, filling it up.
"Jennie," an acquaintance of hers entered the elevator. The conversation was hushed, but you tried your best to ease drop. "Are you here to see Kai? I heard he was looking for a new dance partner. Is that why you're here as his muse? Are you back together?"
"Shhh...People might hear you." Jennie sounded like she was smiling and wasn't being hushed about it. As if she wanted people to actually be intrigued enough to listen in. "Kai and I aren't together." she confirmed, but left everything else open ended.
You couldn't help roll your eyes.
Jennie got off at the next floor after saying her goodbyes. You politely had to squeeze out of the back and apologize for hitting your duffle bag off someone arms. You bowed to the whole elevator as the doors closed.
"It's down that hall," she scuffed, "It's clearly marked three."
You bow your head slightly, "Thank you for your guidance. Hope the day sees you off well." you overlook her silence and began down the hall not caring which direction she went in.
You found the door. You softly knocked on it then entered when you didn't hear anything. The large room was fitted with a table that ran it's length. The chair's looked modern, but comfortable. The lighting was a bit over kill, but you guessed if you had money to blow on light fixtures, you would too.
You walked around the table to the white envelope on it's surface. You pulled out the chair in front of it and the one next to it. You took off your duffle and set it in the empty chair then sat yourself in the one with paper work. You instinctively slid out of your heels stretching your ankles while your fingers undid the envelope. You slip out the paper work and started looking it over.
You were on the tenth piece of paper when you heard the door click open. You instantly straightened you spine and slipped your heels back on as you stood.
It was Mr. Park with another man in tow. "Oh please," Mr. Park tone was melting with his apologies, "forgive me. We had a little miscommunication. I'm completely at fault."
"No worries." You made sure to bow to the new man, "Sincerely, I was reading over the contract."
"Oh good," Mr. Park's cheerful voice came back in full force, "is there anything you have questions about?"
"How long is this offer open for?" It was quite a bit of money and you didn't want to sign without your fathers' lawyers looking it over.
"If you could have your amendments in by the end of the week so we can adjust accordantly. We would like to hire you for the performance. Is there anything you see that needs immediate attention?" Mr. Park's asked while seeming to get more nervous with each word that left his lips.
You glanced over his face, "Of course not." You tried to ease his worries, "I will hand this over to our lawyer today and if there is any issues I'll contact you."
"I was under the impression you were an independent group." The man beside Mr. Park spoke up. He seemed more of a manager with his laid back fit rather Mr. Park's suit. "Did that change?"
"No, it hasn't. I am an in an independent group." You confirmed. "But my father own an independent personal security company. He has his lawyers look over everything before he allows me to sign."
"A smart man." Mr. Park commented trying to ease the unexpected tension. "Has he been hired to guard anyone we would know?"
"I honestly don't get too evolved in his work." You answered as casually as possible.
Mr. Park nodded simply, "Oh, excuse my rudeness," He gestured to the man beside him, "This is Manager Jun." he paused and you bow your head again to the man, "If everything goes as smoothly as we hope. He will be your go to man."
"It's nice to meet you." You raise your gaze to meet his, "I'm Kang Dal-Rea." You glance back to Mr. Park, "Oh, I am confused on one thing."
"Do I not have to audition for the spot?"
A gently chuckle left his lips, "Of course not K-
"You were personally requested by the talent." Manager Jun butts in. His gaze is narrowed on the side of Mr. Park's face.
If he felt it he didn't seem to care and so you tried to ignore it as well. You let those words sink into your skin. Someone asked for you and that was why Mr. Park was acting so sickly sweet.
Suddenly your chest felt light with pride. You almost excused the buzzing in your ears as excitement but Manager Jun's narrowed gaze fixed on you. It was your phone. You quickly ripped open your duffle and fished for you I-phone. You pulled it out. Wow was it already this late? An image of Hiro was on your screen. "Excuse me." You answered it. "Hiro, I'm still in the meeting."
"Still?" His deep voice was annoyed, "I'm out front."
"It's night time." He replied as if you were an idiot.
You nodded and looked back to the two man, "Is there anything else you would like to talk over?"
"Boyfriend?" Manager Jun asked bluntly.
Hiro heard and began to laugh, "She wishes."
You could just imagine the sinister smirk on his handsome features. He would look even more like a real life anime character with his freshly dyed pink hair, "Manager Jun," You look the man dead in his obsidian narrowed stare, "I'm not your concern yet," you reminded in a calm tone. "but no."
"I'm waiting." Hiro remarked then there was the click.
You tossed the phone back in the bag and zipped it back up. You slug it over your shoulder and started to gather your contract. "If that's all for today. It was a nice to meet both of you."
"Don't you want to meet the person you'll be dancing with?" Mr. Park asked. He received another death glare from Manager Jun.
"I'm sure they're busy." you commented as you stuffed the papers back into the envelope, "Please tell them I'm looking forward to working with them."
"I will," Mr. Park promised, "Mr Manager Jun, would you please escort Miss Kang back to the lobby?"
He nodded.
You rounded the table and Manager Jun snatched your duffle bag from you once you were in reach. You were about to protest, but the serious look on his face made you reframe.
You made it out of the building in fifteen minutes. Hiro had his back to you and seemed to be staring off into the city life.
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What if Marinette had a Retired Police Dog Part 2
I've have had so many request for more Captain, so here you go. Also I just want to say thank you to the maribat community for adopting Captain into the community. Hopefully I do him justice.
Damian really did not want to say goodbye to Marinette yet, but as the sun dipped behind the buildings Marinette had to return to her hotel
Standing in front of the doors of her hotels they said their goodbyes
Marinette: Thanks for the great time Damian. Captain and I had a blast
Damian: I'm glad to hear that and really the pleasure was all mine
Damain bend down giving a kiss the the back of Marinette's hand
Marinette felt the blush grow on her face
Marinette: Will I be able to see you again?
Damian: Of course Angel maybe we can meet again tomorrow I can bring my dog Titus.
Marinette: Sure here's my number I can text you when I have free roam
Damian: I'll be waiting Goodnight Angel, Captain
Damian gave a little salute to the german sheperd
Captain gave a bark in goodbye while Marinette gave a little wave before heading into the hotel
Damain watch her walk away with a dreamy smile on his face until he couldn't see her any more.
Turning around Damian was met with the sight of his brothers all with teasing smiles on their face
Damian now scowling: Shut up morons
Dick: We didn't say anything baby bird
Damian: Your face did
The rest of the way home was spent teasing Damian about his lady love and Dick dramatically called her
Once Marinette had settled down after their day out she settled on her bed and made a call that was meant to be made earlier in the day
Dialing the number she looked up earlier she waited for the person on the other end to answer
Receptionist: Hello thank you for calling Wayne Enterprise, this is Cheryl how can I help you?
Marinette: Hello, I'm sorry for calling you so late, but I'm going to be in the French school trip group coming to tour the building tomorrow and I just had a quick question
Cheryl who was told by Dick earlier about Damian's little girlfriend knew exactly what to do
Cheryl: No problem sugar let me transfer you over to your tour guide. He can answer any question you might have.
Cheryl put Marinette on hold before she could protest about bugging the tour guide and made a call to Dick's cell phone
Dick: Hey Cheryl what do you need
Cheryl: Hey Dick so that girl you were telling about called me, with a question
Dick: No way. Connect her
Cheryl: Right away
Dick to his brothers: Guess who's on the phone
Jason: Damien's girlfriend?
Dick: Ding ding ding we have a winner
Marinette from phone: Hello?
Dick: Yes hello this is Mr. Grayson. How can I help you?
Marinette: Hello I'm Marinette and I'm so sorry for calling so late, but I had an important question to ask.
Dick: Don't worry Marinette, what's your question
Marinette: Well you see thanks to unforeseen circumstances my dog is actually with me on the trip. He's not a service dog, but he's really well trained and well behaved, and I was wondering if I could bring him with me on the tour. If the answer is no that's totally okay
Dick *thinking*: Omg she's adorable
Dick: That's completely fine. We have employees bring their dogs to work all the time. One more dog in the building won't make any more trouble
Marinette: Really thank you so much. And again I'm soooo sorry for calling so late. Have a goodnight
Dick: You too, I look forward to seeing you and your dog tomorrow
Dick: omg Baby Bird your girlfriend is sssooo adorable she was so sweet and shy and polite. I swear if I was talking to her in person I would have squeezed the life out of her
Damian: Don't you dare. You would just freak her out and make her never want to talk to me ever again
Tim: So you want to see her again?
Jason: It's sound like our Demon Spawn has found his true love
Damian could feel his face turn red
Damian: Shut up you idiots
Marinette: Good news Captain you're going to be able to come on the tour tomorrow
Captain gave Marinette a lick on the cheek to show that he understood and was happy about it
Marinette: Goodnight Captain. Goodnight Tikki
Tikki: Goodnight Marinette. Goodnight Captain
Marinette wrapped her arms around Captain snuggling her face into his fur as Tikki laid down on top of Captain
The next day
The class all gathered down in the lobby Marinette and Captain came down last but on time
And of course since Marinette looked happy and had Captain with her Lila had to throw a hissy fit
Lila: What are you doing Marinette. They probably don't allowed dogs at Wayne Enterprise
Ms. Bustier: She's right Marinette you shouldn't bring your dog with you. Captain will have to stay here.
Marinette: But Ms. Bustier I made sure to call ahead of time to make sure it was okay. And you wouldn't want Captain to be locked into a small room all day would you
As Marinette said that Captain looked to Ms. Bustier with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster
Ms. Bustier looking into Captain eyes and just couldn't say no
Ms. Bustier: Fine, but he's your responsibility Marinette, and I don't want to see any funny business between either of you. If I see either of you step a toe or paw out of line Captain will be spending the rest of his time in your hotel room. Am I understood?
Marinette: Yes Ms. Bustier! Thank you so much.
Marinette gave a big smile to her teacher before heading back to the class. Standing in the back of the group little away from every one.
Marinette: Dont worry Captain we just have to get through the tour then we can go meet up with Damian again, and we get to meet his dog Titus this time.
Captain gave her another quick kiss on the cheek when he heard somebody approach them
Adrien: Marinette why do you have to cause so much trouble. Captain would have been perfectly fine in the hotel room for a day
Captain forced his body between Adrien and Marinette not wanting the rude boy near his girl
Marinette: well good morning to you too Adrien. I don't see how having Captain with me is causing any problems. He literally only interacts with me. And for your information Captain would not be okay in the hotel all day today and then have to do it again tomorrow. Yesterday I made sure to call all the places we're going to over the trip to find out of Captain could along or not. Since we're spending all day tomorrow going to different museums he won't be able to come with us it would be cruel to lock him up all day 2 days in a row
Adrien: But he's still upsetting Lila, you know could happen if she gets too upset.
Marinette: I don't think a butterfly could fly across the Pacific Ocean Adrien, much less in the time frame we'll be here
Ms. Bustier: Okay everyone let's all get on the bus
Marinette: you better go ahead Adrien. You probably want go sit with your FRIENDS
Adrien catching onto what Marinette was hinting at gave her a small glare, but still ran to catch up to Nino, Alya, and Lila
Captain pressed his head into Marinette's side and tikki did the same.
Marinette: Thanks guys I'm okay
Marinette put one hand on Captain's head and the other on top of her purse
Damian checked over him and Titus one more time to make sure they both looked good
Bruce: I don't suppose your suddened interest in how you and Titus look have anything to do with that little French girl you met the other day
Damian: Don't be ridiculous father-
Dick: It totally does! You should have seen how those two looked at eachother. It was like love at first sight
Damian: GRAYSON!
Jason: it was so ridiculously sweet and she evan has her own dog, a german sheperd
Damian: TODD!
Tim: I did a bit more research, you know to make sure she wasn't a villian in disguise, and according to the adoption records his name is Captain and he use to be a police dog
Damian: DRAKE!! Would you all just stay out of my love life!
Bruce: They just care about you Damian. Weither you like it or not. You should have seen them when Dick first brought home Cori.
Once they got to Wayne Enterprise the family went their separate ways to complete their duties
Damian and Titus hung around Dick waiting for Marinette, Captain, and her class to arrive.
Cheryl: So I heard that you met somebody special yesterday Damian
Damian: wait how do you know about Marinette? Dick???
Dick: Well I had to tell her in case Marinette called yesterday I wanted to be the one she talked to.
Damian: Do you have to share my love life with everybody you know
Cheryl: It's just because we love you Damian. Now tell me everything.
Damian was about to respond with a sarcastic comeback when the class arrived
Dick: Hello welcome to Wayne Enterprise, I'm Dick Grayson I'll be your tour guide today. And this is my little brother Damian and his dog Titus. I hope y'all don't mind but he'll be joining us on your tour today
Ms. Bustier: Not at all it's always nice to make new friends when you're some where new
Damian made his way towards the group his eyes set on Marinette who just walk in after making sure Captain did his business before the long tour, but was intercepted by Lila.
Lila: Hello I am Lila it is nice to meet you
Lila began to speak with a heavy Italian accent.
She was the worst at speaking English in the class
The rest of the class finished introducing themselves when Marinette made it to the group
Damian: It's nice to meet you all, Marinette mentioned she was here with her class.
Alya: Marinette?
Marinette: Damian?
Damian flashing a charming smile: Hey Angel, I hope you don't mind but I found out my brother giving the tour for your class and asked if I could come along.
Damian walked over to Marinette and Captain with Titus following him
Damian: Hello Captain, how are you doing buddy?
Damian slowly lowered his hand giving Captain plenty of time to move away incase Captain didn't want to get a pat from him
Captain decided he would allow it partly because he had to admit he kinda like this kid, and partly because he knew it would freak out some of her class
Kim: Ah he touched Captain
Kim sadly learned the hard way that it took a while for Captain to warm up to someone new
Marinette: And this handsome boy must be Titus
Marinette held her hand out to let Titus sniff her.
Titus being the loving goofball he is gave her hand a big lick before snuggling his head into her hand
Marinette giggling: Well he's a friendly boy huh
Alya: You two know each other?
Marinette: Yeah we met yesterday at the park and just hit it off
Lila with a strained voice: Well isn't that great that you were able to make a new friend.
Damian and Marinette noticed the strain in Lila's voice but it didn't seem like anybody else had or if they did they ignored it
Dick: Alright everybody with introductions out of the way let's get started
Damian and Marinette fell to the back of the group so the can walk side by side with their dogs
While this was going on Titus and Captain were sniffing eachother out as they walked together
Captain: Hello I'm Captain
Titus: I'm Titus. I have just met you, and I love you
Titus gave Captain a big lick on the side of his head
Captain: That's great... So he's your boy
Titus: Yep he's been my boy for years now. He acted like he didn't like me at first but I knew he loved me
Captain: Is he your first human?
Titus: Yes, his father gave me to him when I was 7 months old. What about you, is she your first human?
Captain: No, my girl didn't find me until I was 3 years old. Before her i was a police dog. My partner was my first human. He was a great man and a great police officer. He always made sure I was well fed and when it was a slow night he would take me to the park and play fetch with me...
Captain trailed off his mind going back to the night he lost his partner
Titus: What happened to your first human?
Captain snapping out of his memories: I don't like to talk about it
Titus: Well what about your girl, how do you like her?
Captain: My girl is the best. She saved me from the pound. Her parents brought her there for one of the adoption events, at the time I didn't even know if I wanted another human. I was there for a couple of months, and didn't really have much hope to find a new family. Most people just go for the puppies. So I was just sitting in a corner away from everybody else when this girl comes walking towards. She seemed so sad at the time, like me. She asked me if I wanted to be alone together with her, and i looked into her eyes and something just clicked you know? Like she was also suppose to be my person. After that life turned around for me. My girl just has so much love to give.
Titus: I know what you mean it was the same with me and my boy. Do you have any siblings or a mate?
Captain: No my girl and her family live in a small apartment, so one big dog is their limit. I wouldn't mind having a mate one day though. I do have a couple of friends in Paris and the local dog park, and there's Fang, who's crocodile
Titus: you have a crocodile as a friend cool. I have one older sister Ace, no mate myself yet. I do also have a cat and cow as a friend
Captain: Nice
During the tour Damian noticed that some of Marinette's classmates (Alya, Adrien, and Lila) kept shooting dirty looks back at his Angel
He did his best to not glare back at them, but when Adrien did it for the 10th time on the tour when Marinette wasn't doing anything but softly giggling at stuff Damian whispered in her ear Damian had enough
The next time Adrien looked back at her Damian gave him the scariest look he could muster, which is very scary
Adrien widened his eyes and turned his head around quickly not looking back for the rest of the tour
Dick seeing about half of the interaction assumed that Damian glared out of jealousy and shot him an amused looked when he caught Damian's eyes
After the tour Marinette convinced Ms. Bustier to let her go off with Damian for their free roam
Ms. Bustier let her but made sure she wore the tracking bracelet so incase something happened she would know where Marinette is at
Damian and Marinette decidind to go to a near by dog park to let the dogs roam free
On the way out Damian noticed Adrien quickly walking over to them with a determined look on his face
Not wanting to deal with the annoying blonde Damian quickly guided Marinette outside and into the car
Marinette already figuring out whi Damian really was didn't question it and just let Damian lead her into the car
Damian: I thought you'd be a little more shocked about it
Marinette: I kinda figured it out when Mr. Grayson said you were his little brother
Once they made it to the park the dogs started to run around together and seem to play a game of chase even though Captain seemed a little more reluctant to act a bit crazier like Titus
Marinette: Well it seems like they like eachother
Damian watching Titus give Captain a big lick on the side of his head before running off leaving Captain with what could only be described as disgruntled look on his face.
Damian chuckling: Yeah they sure do
The pair spent another 2 hours at the park going back and forth with sitting in the shade watching their dogs run through the nice dog park and playing fetch with a stick the dogs found
They spent the rest of the afternoon wondering around Downton Gotham Damian showing Marinette all the best sites
As sunset came Damian found himself once again standing in front of the hotel holding Marinette's hands as Captain and Titus watch the interaction
Damian blushing: I've had a great time today Marinette
Marinette: So did I
Damian: I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night, like a date?
Marinette also blushing: I would love to, but can Captain come along
Damian: Of course beside Captain is going to be stuck in your hotel room all day tomorrow it wouldn't be fair to make him stuck in a small room for even longer.
Marinette gave him a beaming smile: Thank you for understanding Damian
Damian: Of course I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 wear whatever you like.
Marinette hugged Damian goodbye giving him a peck on the cheek as she pulled away
Marinette: I can't wait! Goodnight Damian I'll see you tomorrow
Damian in a dreamg voice: Goodnight Marinette, Captain
Once Marinette and Captain were out of site Damian jumped up and gave a whooped of joy completely forgetting that Alfred could still see him from the car.
Alfred on the phone with Bruce: It looks like Damian just asked her put and she said yes
Bruce on the other side of the phone silently fist bumped the air mouthing yes over and over again
Bruce in a monotone voice: That's good
Dick: omg you guys I wish you were there! They spent most of the time quietly whispering to each other and Damian glared at a boy who kept glancing at Marinette it was the cutest thing.
@mikantsume @carrisarune @strudelqueen @Aloha_Posts_Stuff @shmowl @maxdark158
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Warmth II Chapter Three
Chapter One I Chapter Two
“I uh...I suppose I should have realized who you were by your nickname.”
Her voice broke through the silence that had drifted over them after they ordered their tea. Gold raised a brow at her, the confusion of her statement penetrating his nerves.
“Your pseudonym. Jefferson called you ‘Rumpelstiltskin.’ He's the one that usually does the nicknaming.”
“Ah. Yours suited as well.” The Beauty. Belle. Isabelle French. Really, he was a fool for not seeing it sooner and running when he had the chance. Come tomorrow he’d kill Jefferson.
Their tea came, and the warmth of it in his hands did comfort him a bit. Across from him, Isabelle French seemed just as nervous, sipping her tea with a fruity aroma as her eyes darted around to take in the scenery of the cafe.
“This is my favorite place.” She said finally. “It's family owned. It reminds me a lot of Storybrooke. But I don't feel like a bug under a microscope.”
“Storybrooke does enjoy talking.” Gold said. His tea was herbal, and he vaguely remembered ordering Camomile. His muscles relaxed as he drank, though it did little for the flock of butterflies in his stomach.
“I suppose you hear a lot of things.”
“It depends on what people are willing to tell for whatever they want.” He paused. “I never hear anything about you.”
Isabelle French smiled, and Gold’s chest swelled. Somehow, he’d made her smile. And they were alone. Like a real and proper date and not two strangers that had met because...He swallowed, his tongue suddenly feeling heavy in his mouth again, and he took another sip of his tea to calm himself down.
“I don’t, uh, do this often.” Isabelle French’s voice came. “I’m not sure what Jefferson told you about, uh, arrangements.”
“Nothing.” Gold blurted. It wasn't a total lie. “No, uh, details.”
“Ah. Good. Good thing. I didn't want you to think…”
The look she gave him from over her cup was almost sheepish, and Gold wondered if she could hear his heart as it pounded in his chest. Probably not. He was wearing three layers of clothing.
He cleared his throat “How did you come to find this place?”
Her eyes lit up as she launched into an explanation about getting lost one day after a real book signing and stumbling across it. Immediately, Gold relaxed. This was better. Isabelle French was across from him, and even though his tea was disappearing from his cup and the hotel was still looming over them, she was talking, babbling endlessly as she always seemed to do. She stopped only to ask him about his day and how his trip to New York went. Gold opened his mouth to reply, but then the check appeared, and it all became far too real for him.
Isabelle French was across from him. They'd just finished tea. A date. And he wasn't going back to the looming hotel with some stranger off a business card. He was going with Isabelle French. And then he would disappoint her with his lack of experience and she'd never talk to him again.
He couldn't do this.
“Miss French…” He started, trying to sound firm as he fumbled out his wallet to pay for their tea. “I…”
“Isabelle.” She corrected immediately. “You can call me Isabelle. Or just Belle. Whichever you prefer.”
“Right. B-Belle.” Oh but the name felt perfect on his tongue. “We, ah, don't have to...do anything, if you prefer. This was great. This was...enough.”
Isabelle Fr - Belle’s - brows furrowed. “Did you not want to?”
“No!” He blurted, running his hands through his hair as her expression turned even more confused. His stomach churned as one by one his nerves were frayed by the way her perfect blue eyes searched him. “That's not what I meant.”
Belle nodded, but her gaze held no pity or mal intent. “Jefferson said it might have been a while. For you.”
Gold’s bones went cold. “What else did he say?”
“Nothing. That was all.”
He only nodded, trying to steady his heart and keep the trembling out of his hands. Belle stood, offering him her hand to help him stand without his cane.
“I got you something, though.” She said. “Why don't you come to my room so I can give it to you? Then we can, uh, see how things go?”
There was that sheepish look again. And the way she took her bottom lip between her teeth to chew on it had something flare in his core. Deftly, he nodded. Because he was powerless to do anything else. Because her eyes were on him and even if he didn't end up getting the experience he thought he would be getting today, Isabelle French was allowing him to call her ‘Belle’ and that felt more intimate than sex ever could.
Belle intertwined their fingers as she guided him out of the cafe. She didn't let go as they waited for the street light to turn so they could cross the street. She even held their conjoined hands up proudly as the doorman of the hotel opened the door and the receptionists gave them a greeting. She didn't let go as they got to the elevator, or even when they got out of the elevator. Gold was so enraptured by the fact that she was holding his hand so easily as they walked, not even having to change her pace or stop to account for his limp, that he had barely noticed when she led him into her hotel room and finally let his hand go.
“Hold on I put it in my bag.”
All at once, his chest gave a clench. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to meet a friendly business card woman and then go home with all the confidence that came with experience to sweep Isabelle French off her feet. Instead, now, he was standing in the middle of her hotel room, beside one of the perfectly made beds as she rummaged through a duffel bag that was on the other bed. He was ill-prepared for any of this. He couldn't do this. He could live with disappointing a stranger with his inexperience but not Belle. Never Belle. He'd run. He'd tell her he wanted to but he wasn't feeling well and thank her for the opportunity and--
When he blinked, she was standing in front of him again, her blue eyes searching him, looking concerned. He managed to clear his throat, and that satisfied her.
“Here.” Belle said easily, holding up a white, sandy ball wrapped in a plastic baggie.
Gold didn't move, only looked at it lamely. “What is it?”
“It's a magnesium bath bomb.” Belle said. “I'm not sure how often you take baths, so I only got a couple. But it's supposed to help with muscles and you're always complaining about your leg so I thought, if you use this on rainy days it would help. The ingredients are all natural, and you can find them in…”
Belle continued, her perfect accent diving and sliding over something about natural herbs and warm water and maybe seaweed? Gold, however, was only fixated on one simple fact: Isabelle French had come to New York to meet with a man for a one night stand, and had first gotten him something for his leg. She'd thought of him first.
“Belle…!” Gold stammered, reaching out to catch her around her waist and pull her to him. She gave a soft gasp, her hands coming up to rest on his chest. He froze before he could bring their lips together, his nerves suddenly frazzled. He'd moved to fast. Gone too far. He shook his head, letting her go. “I'm…”
Belle, miraculously, was smiling. “It's alright.” She said. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to babble.”
He shook his head again. “I don't mind.”
“I know.” She took her lip between her teeth again, and that was enough to distract him from her hands, which had moved to play with the knot of his tie. “Do you want to maybe...try out one of those bath bombs together?”
The thought of Belle, naked and wet in a tub of warm water with him had his mind flashing back to the previous night’s fantasy. He gave a small whimper, only nodding lest his swollen tongue betray him.
“Yes?” She coaxed patiently, the sound of his tie sliding off mingling with her voice.
“Yes.” He managed. “Yes I would like that very much.”
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