#why is it so terrifying to post a drabble tho
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splataii · 2 years ago
so uh @b1ueprinc3 made a post and i was inspired to make this drabble.
pervert manager dabi x male reader
cw: sub/bottom male reader, top/dom character, dacryphilia, degradation, minor exhibitionism, groping
anyway dabi first meets you an just thinks ur so fucking cute. he just loves your enegry and attitude, and becomes a lil too eager to train you, always being a lil touchy. hes down horrendous, always grabbing ur ass to congratulate you for a job well done at the end of the day or whatever.
insists he a “hands on learning” typa guy. always grabbing you by the waist so he can grind his obvious boner against your ass as he scoots behind you. always grabs u by the back of the neck, rubbing a thumb up its side as he leans over your shoulder to look at whatever work has you occupied. grabs you by the beltloop when youre passing him so he can spin you around and tell you about this “important work related thing” while he keeps his fingers pressed into your hips.
he already thinks you look pretty good in the assigned uniform, but one day, he has the genius idea to spill some water or something over you so you're forced to change into a top that's a couple sizes too small (which he insists is the only available uniform, yes it's mandatory, no you can't go home and change).
he promises it was an accident, and that he’ll wash it for you (despite the fact you insist you can clean it yourself) but instead spends his time dropping random shit on the ground so he can see your pants strain against ur ass and the way your shirt rides up your back.
the liar also takes your old shirt to the backroom to fist his cock with, pretending it's ur fucked out face he's cumming on. you ain't never getting that shit back
speaking of jerking off, this bitch does it all the time. specifically does it when youre getting off break and heading to the break rooms, so you can hear the sound of him shamelessly moaning your name as he finishes to another one of his gross fantasies of you laying spread out for him in his bed. he exits the stall and smiles when he sees your face like its no big. always makes sure to give ur ass a nice slap and some half assed “work hard” crap before he leaves you totally embarrassed.
nyway he also a bit overprotective, never stepping more than a couple feet away from you while you're working with a customer, and even other coworkers. he knows people know how cute you are. why would he leave his sweet boy to deal with those random mofos? he just stands behind you glaring when he feels someone is getting too close. you get a little confused, when they eventually leave, terrified, but he's always there to comfort you. your ass is his, you don't need no one else baby<3
he can have a bit of a mean streak sometimes tho, stretching you thin. whenever you (expectedly) fail to meet his impossible deadlines, he’s teasing you. talking about what a dumb little boy you are. he could probably fire you, if he wanted to. but he wont. if you could do this one little thing for him.. he pulls you into an old storage closet, freeing his cock from the confines of his pants so he can slap it on your face and spread his pre all over your cheek and nose. he can't help it, you just look a lot cuter this way. besides, he knows you can take it. dumb little boys like you are only made for one thing. since you're such a bad employee, show him what a damn good whore you are.
dabi claims he's only mean cause he cares. boys like you need to be taught a lesson so no one can take advantage of you. but sometimes, he plays like he's gonna make you answer calls while hes spearing you on his dick, just so he can see your pretty tears as you shake ur head no.
once again, he can have complete one eighty's, giving you all these bonuses and gifts at work saying “you deserve it” and all that shit, but everybody at work knows the reason you get all this special treatment is cause he slutting you out behind closed doors.
at the end of the day, you’re really just dabi’s personal whore. and everyone knows it.
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mattstrahm · 3 months ago
ah but it's past 2am
diary posting again bc why wouldn't i be. i was so ill for most of november. here's some stuff on my mind.
first idk my blog looks so fucking sad with how little im posting and reblogging and i know this is on me because i don't follow enough sports blogs to feed this blog more, but finding new blogs to follow is such a nightmare. i've bitched and moaned about this before but wow it's hard. i really made a post in october complaining about the state of my blog and ellipsus not having curly apostrophes. ellipsus now has curly apostrophes but i've failed to do anything to fix the blog thing. oh well.
secondly i'm trying to put in place life changes creatively. i'm trying to think of a solution to doing dumb little ficlets/drabbles more often. i feel like i lost a really good outlet when i stopped doing twice a week drabble workshops on discord even tho it was 100% the right decision to quit. but the way i used to roll dice for pairings was really fun and pulling a 100 words out of my ass was great creative exercise. i miss that. i'm also doing a new thing for long form where i go in with a Real Plan. i know that sounds silly but listen... not a big planner lil ol me. and i don't know how it's gonna work out. it has enabled me to write out of order more which is fun, i don't really need to worry about it because i know i have a plan. and then as a third note i guess i hope to start painting again, like actually. getting paint to canvas.
thirdly (?????) yuletide thoughts. i am going back to calling what my family and i celebrate yule, it does make conversing with other people about the general time and holiday really complicated but what i do is yule. calling it christmas feels disingenuous bc christ is literally in the name but our celebration isn't religious, we exercise pagan traditions for it and i resigned from the church years ago... anyway. i feel like i wish i was more of a yule person and then every year i'm a little disappointed that that's not me. but then i do think i am for the first time in my life experiencing seasonal depression which is interesting, so i think that's kneecapping me too. i don't have any decor up, i had a phone call today with my mom about presents and i do have a buddy coming over which is exciting. i guess there's still time. i'll get my tree and shit out of storage and try.
fourth... i don't know. i haven't been watching sports at all which sucks a little but i've been holding a somewhat normal sleeping schedule which doesn't really... lend itself to USAmerican sports. but that's what i watch. i guess i am messing the sleeping schedule up right now considering it's nearly 3am, oopsie? i'm honestly too scared to watch sharks games again, mikke is showing that maybe love is enough in san jose and i'm terrified i'll open a broadcast and like his leg will fall off or some shit... (trust me im knocking on wood) so that's got me worried... i guess i'll look into the nfl schedule?
this won't make a difference to anyone who reads my tumblr posts but i am thinking i'm gonna start posting more about music i like on instagram (stories) and that's also exciting to me. that might be all though. uh thanks for coming to my diary talk again. love you. it's 3am now.
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coconox · 9 months ago
just a little coco redesign :3c
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link if you wanna see the old design
not gonna post the full details of the design here cause i dont think that rlly matters lol also don't mind the boots i cannot draw anything past the knees like at all 💀💀
ik i wrote lil drabbles of them from time to time but this post will be the "official" one introducing them since i never rlly gave a proper introduction
as a heads up i'll be using both commandant and skk interchangeably bc i'm consistently inconsistent 👍
basic info
name: coco
prns: they/them
vocation: cerberus commandant
always carries chocolate wherever they go and would even snack on it while carrying out missions on earth.
most people would often know if coco is around by the sudden scent of chocolate in the air. vera, 21, and noctis are the only people constructs that associate coco's scent w smth other than chocolate
is often hidden away in their squad's lounge area when on standby for missions, usually handling any sort of files or paperwork
if they're not in the lounge, then they're in the library either working or conversing with noan or simultaneously doing both
expresses their gratitude through actions and gifts rather than words
often seen as very reserved due to only speaking when spoken to when around most people that aren't in their squad
with that being said it's rumored that if you bad mouth any of the cerberus members, whether you noticed their presence (during the bad mouthing) or not they will haunt you in the worst ways possible
another rumor has it that while their smile is generally more comforting than the uh... other members of cerberus.... their smile when confronting those who slander cerberus is more terrifying than the trio combined
how they became cerberus' skk
formerly gray raven's skk, vera carried out her plans of kidnapping coco and make them cerberus' skk, tho rather than coco trying to fight against it, they willingly complied and offered to help w the coverup, even as far as talking to murray directly abt transferring him to be gray raven's skk so that he can finally be alongside lee in the closest way possible. this whole plan took place right around chapter 15, the last spark, after skk successfully returns from atlantis
tl;dr rozen's secrets 10 and 12 came true, murray and gr skk just switch places lol
relationship w vera
vera would always try to tease and make lies to see some sort of idiotic expression on coco's face, but they picked it up rather quickly and would either play along or tease back
vera tends to give most of the paperwork to coco just cause she doesnt want to do it
even tho the two of them have looked at each other's files and vera even going as far as hunting down every little detail abt coco's past, neither of them could really understand each other, nor do they really have the social skills to get to properly have that conversation
despite not really knowing each other to the fullest, the both could at least agree on maintaining the existence of cerberus and their teammates
vera often worries abt coco, but would never outright say it. its not everyday you see an f.o.s. chief be so willing to break every rule they learned when training to be a commandant. she often thinks they're just as reckless as noctis at times if not more than him
despite everything, its still a mystery to vera of why coco was so willing to transfer out of gray raven
relationship w 21
took the most time to adjust to coco
given cerberus now has an on-field skk and 21 needing to be more closely monitored than the others, it took a while for her to be comfortable w having constant m.i.n.d. connections w coco
once 21 fully became comfortable w their presence, she'd ask them to join her to watch animal documentaries
indulges 21 in her story writing, giving her books and movies from the wgaa for inspiration
coco basically semi-treats 21 like she's their daughter
relationship w noctis
they're married :) /hj
noctis was the most excited out of the 3 when coco officially became cerberus' skk
also was the least obedient when it came to listening to coco due to his very "lone wolf" mindset at times
to get him to listen, coco decided to attach a leash on him, in which vera's initial reaction was of both amusement of coco's stupidity and disbelief that it'd actually work
much to either of their surprise, it did work 💀 which made vera and 21 laugh their asses off over how noctis could be easily tamed w a rather small and albeit dumb trick
nowadays coco carries the leash as an intimidation factor for noctis to behave
out of the 3, noctis is the one that spends the most time w coco, considering his reputation of being obnoxious has led to him being held back on quite a few occasions and have coco watch over him while vera and 21 go on missions as per nikola's orders. during those times, coco would need to do a remote connection and would update noctis over what's going on
calls each other "partner" when not on missions/formal occasions
cerberus on-field
while coco is on-field alongside their teammates, they tend to let the trio complete missions in whatever method they're most comfortable w, only intervening when asked by the members or if a certain method will create too drastic of a casualty
coco's main job is to give a brief overview of the mission and clean up the trio's mess/deal w the aftermath, they'll often do other small tasks in the meantime while the trio handles the bigger (and supposedly more "fun") tasks
a lot of other commandants would comment abt this tactic being "lazy" since coco doesn't appear to do all that much on the surface, only for coco to retort w "ok so why don't you be cerberus' commandant for a day and show me how i'm supposed to act" with a shit-eating grin on their face which makes the others immediately take back their statement and shut up abt how coco operates as a commandant. the trio (if around) would also chime in and scare the others even more than what coco initially intended
some other bits that idk where to categorize them in
earpiece would almost always have music playing
coco's reputation slowly deteriorated over time. a once beacon of hope now often seen as someone who's fallen from grace
the unapproachable nature of cerberus made people believe that coco, as a former gray raven commandant, would try to "fix" them, only to find out that coco fully embraces and encourages cerberus' behavior, which made the whole squad more terrifying than before
coco now often refuses to partake in any sort of mission that would make them go solo (i.e. constructs from cerberus wont be joining directly alongside them), stating things like "there are many other commandants out there that can easily perform just as well if not better than them" and "only cerberus can fully guarantee their safety"
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novemberdevils · 3 months ago
I’m stuck waiting for my train to come so I will be answering your answers and then comment about the chapter for a bit.
No because cunty jack is the best thing that could happen to anyone and please let him out a lot more me and nico would be appreciative of it, I feel like jack being the only narrator also gives the fic a sense of being a reality rather than a fic because irl all of are unreliable narrator’s because we have no idea what other people think-look it’s 3 AM you will be getting a 3 AM wisdom from me ignore them- but jack not being able to trust that what the other person is telling him is kinda heartbreaking; he thinks that everything that is said to him has to have a gain to the other person and he cannot believe that someone would compliment him simply because they wanted to, STOP TEASING IMOLA AND MONACO you are torturing me!!!, oh yeah like duh they want to swap seats what do you mean they could be making out they would never, ok good I was terrified that carlos would be a Bad Man and betray jack so good to know they are at least on the same page with this, im THIS close to bribe you to stop teasing imola and Monaco like please my poor heart cant handle it especially with imola, jack being unreliable is the strongest bond love that for him, making trevor an indy driver is the best decision like he embodies the chaos and help make it even more chaotic so it feels the best decision rather than have him a Regular Guy, (unless nico told somebody in his corner who knowsssss) omg PLEASE post something with nico pov I will do anything you want please im begging you, what do you mean he will finally blow up about how the people are ignoring? How stressed he is PLEASE post it NOW!!!!. 
Please tell me about the inertia playlist I genuinely would love to hear about your thoughts and who do you think fit which song, it. i will be forreal i think i did say in the last of your asks i answered that i won't write nico pov because narrative reasons i would only make an exception to write some dumb shit like that and post it on tumblr. I will annoy you until you either hate me or post the nico pov so I apologise in advance, oh yeah the buying food was established so we can have even more fights and the loser have to but food and it’s the best thing we did, please I would do anything I can to throw perez from the rb seat and get Oscar to be there but I can’t abd I have to settle for being happy and unhappy when he wins, OMG what do you mean that you talk about me I blushed genuinely like my face is so red it’s not funny 😭😭 I got so happy reading that and believe me I cannot stop talking or thinking about your fic it’s taking too much space in my life; my friends were telling me that I was close to getting fined every time I talk about it but they are also invested in it, but yeah genuinely this made me so happy, car accident are a vital part of an f1 race so I know that this is not going to be the last one but don’t put them all in jack’s home race he needs to win one.
As a punishment for you for posting that snippet I will not put the comment about the chapter here but you will have to wait until I decide I punished you enough then I will send it.
Please post the chapter I will bribe you im not above bribery 
i yam still here. Hello. cunty jack my beloved... he is definitely here to stay, even if jack keeps going back on it in his head. he still thinks he should Not act like that to the media, then he keeps doing it. womp womp. i love 3 am wisdom... and you are right + that's another part of why i intend to keep the entire fic as jack's perspective, even tho i've had more than one person ask about a nico pov lol. like i said i am not against doing a silly little tumblr drabble from inertia!nico's pov or something but as far as the main fic goes it will be all jack all unreliable all the time. he is on the struggle bus. cannot read nico for shit. but he tries. he is just wrong a lot. oops! jack Is in fact a big fan of assuming the worst in everyone and assuming that everyone thinks the worst of him (a little bit of egocentrism there). even when nico is being genuine towards him he just cannot fathom why nico would ever want to be genuine towards him, so he refuses to consider that as a possibility. obviously it must be some kind of game or ego trip or something that nico gets some type of pleasure/gain from because he would never just be genuine with jack. they're rivals that would be stupid!
i will never stop teasing imola and monaco... well maybe imola bc hopefully i will post that soon. but monaco is still a big old work in progress i think i paused writing to do imola editing in the dead middle of a scene lmao that was definitely a choice. that's so a later me problem though... hopefully i will remember all the scene plans i did not write down anywhere! brain notebook
i just htmled one of the Jack Blows Up scenes. so you will find out soon. evil laugh
i do srsly want to go into unnecessary detail about the playlist i will probably make a google doc that has like viewing access and just post the link at some point in the interest of it being easily editable (bc i am still making changes to that playlist lol i probably will be forever). i do love to yap. and i listen to that playlist A Lot and am often thinking about the implications of a lot of the songs on there so i likely will get into it. and post said link. when doc exists. that doc is still just a vague thought
hey i Am a certified yapper and most of the people in my life are aware that i write some kind of fanfiction tbh so i really cbf with my dignity or anything when it comes to admitting that. i was in the creative writing program at my college for a while and fun fact like Every creative writing major writes or has written fanfiction... i would be in class talking about this shit. and getting super long asks/comments/messages/anything about my fics (i mean getting Any Anything about my fics tbh) makes me super happy so i could not help but be like. omg look at how much this anonymous internet person has to say about a thing i wrote! it brings me a lot of joy so thank you for that
oh haha yeah my evil snippet. as repirations for taking so long on this chapter. BUT IS ALMOST DONE well not really almost i'm Nearly halfway through the html i think (it gets hard to tell) and then i'm just gonna post it. whenever it's done. we're trucking
:( i will post soons
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jakkuvian · 5 years ago
Okay here we go....this is sort of an au
What if future Rey found a way in the force, projected back in time and appeared as a vision to ben (perhaps somewhere between the events of tlj and tros), during his training days, ballancing out snoke’s manipulation, and reassuring him, telling him to hold on, to be strong and swears to be there for him.
She appears just when he needed someone who would understand him, she talks with him at night, but usually just the simplest things, and only about him. When he's the one to ask, she usually just turns the conversation back in the wisest way possible.
He notices she has a tender voice, the way she speaks to him, that puts him to ease in a way he needed the most. And then one day the visions and the voices stop (cue when either Rey "kills" Kylo, or when Rey "dies"), Ben tells himself that the mysterious girl from his dreams will come back, she has to.
Snoke is getting persistent, pressuring him, and he becomes more and more desperate to reach her. Then one night his master betrays him, he's terrified, surrounded by fire, and the pull to the dark is almost unbearable. He’s trembling, and screams for her to come back, to not leave him alone, but the voice he needs to hear the most, never comes. Thats when he realises it’s true that everyone leaves him, and he’s all alone, so he does what he needs to do, kills the past.
Years pass by, then one day he recieves a report about a girl who took vital information about the location of his past master, and he gets intrigued. He finally meets her, and hears her voice, then something clicks in him. “It was you.”  This girl is different, she doesn’t know him, her voice is not tender when she talks to him, there’s just so much rage in her, she despises him, and in a way he understands.
Yet he just desperately wants to understand the reason, she was the only light, the voice in his head and how after all...she found her way, back to him.
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beanswrites · 3 years ago
Headcanons for characters Part 9: MC being heavily injured, The Main 6 from The Arcana
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Hello guys!!!
Okay so I woke up today and chose pain. But somebody did request this tho!
Requests for headcanons, fics and drabbles are open! If you have any wishes or ideas, check out my rules for requesting (pinned post) or just pick anything from my prompt list!
Todays headcanons part will be The Main 6 (Asra, Julian, Nadia, Portia, Muriel, and Lucio) reacting to MC being heavily injured/at the brink of death. Again, I'm sorry, but angst is sometimes needed.
Warnings: injuries, blood, mentions of death, really angsty
Enjoy, and here's my masterlist full of luff in case you want to recover from this angst!
masterlist | rules for requesting | prompts list
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Asra Alnazar ☾︎
A loud gasp fell from his lips. It wasn't, no, it couldn't be true. This kind of a sight only appeared in his darkest nightmares. He must be dreaming! That's right, he's dreaming, and this is all a bad dream and he'll wake up next to you. Only if that were true...
The huge bloodstain on your stomach made sure to tell them that you were hanging on by a thread. A second, a moment more and you'd be cold, lifeless. At the though, they screamed, running to you as fast as their legs would let them.
He blamed himself. If he never let you fight in this battle, in this war, if he never involved you in this entire mess and actually protected you like he promised, nothing like this would've happened! And to think that you've trusted him, and he let something like this happen.. A spear stabbed you in the stomach. Asra had his back turned, busy with fighting two other people, and at first, he didn't see what happened to you.
You were semi-conscious from the blood loss, as they fell on their knees in front of you. He went over your injury with his hand, and you could hear him muttering through tears: "Work, c'mon! Please, work!" He begged and pleaded for his magic to fix his mistakes. Suddenly, a light glow appeared. It meant that your cut was sown, but if you are going to be okay was still the question. You did lose a lot of blood.
"Oh Gods, MC.. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I.. I should have been there- I should have protected you! MC, please, I'm begging you, wake up!"
Julian Devorak ♥︎
He saw you lying on the ground, a couple of feet away from him. He couldn't believe it, nor understand it. What were you doing? What was wrong? Why weren't you moving? "MC, darling, what are you doing? Why are you laying there?"
Taking a couple of more scared steps towards you, he examined you top to bottom. This wasn't good. From a medical side, it wasn't good. You were acting like his patients when they were very, very sick, or injured. Or worse. "C'mon MC, this isn't funny anymore! Why are you-"
He was cut off by his own actions, as he touched your shoulder. Ice cold. In panic, he turned you around, realizing that your face was pale as a ghost. The red-head quickly unbuttoned your shirt, only to find a fetal, bloody wound spreading all the way across your ribs. Shit. This is the kind of a wound not many of his patients would survive. How could he help you now, when you are so far away from his office?
In absolute desperation, he shouted: "Please, somebody, help! Please, we need a doctor!" And looked around, to find something, anything, that would help you. Once he realized that nothing would work, he took off his coat and placed you in it.
"MC.. Doll, I.. I'm sorry... It could've been me, it should've been me! You didn't deserve this! Gods, MC, I couldn't protect you.. Please forgive me.."
Nadia Satrinava ♔︎
It happened on the square in front of the palace. Many people gathered to look at you, horrified. Everybody murmured and whispered about it, waiting for the doctor to come. However, the countess arrived first.
The second she saw the gathered people, she hurried to see what was going on. The frown on her face became a terrified look once she saw you lying on the cold tiles, bloody and almost lifeless. As soon as the people saw their countess staring at her consort, at her lover, in despair, they silently moved so she could get to you.
Nadia was too scared to speak. She carefully aproached you, kneeling next to your aching body. Through your fogy eyes you managed to see the outlines of her purple hair, and carefully asked: "N-nadi? Is it.. Is it you?" She placed a hand on your cheek, and through her own tears whispered: "Ohh.. It's me, sweetheart.. It's me.. You'll be fine, darling, I promise nothing will happen to you.."
She didn't know if she could keep that promise. Even though she would do anything to protect and help you, maybe there was nothing she could do. But, of course, she didn't want you to worry. If she couldn't actually do it, she at least could've given you hope
"Guards! Get me a doctor, perhaps Julian, or Asra, anyone! Please, MC.. Hold on darling, just a little bit longer.. I swear it'll be fine, you'll be fine.. I would rather die than let something bad happen to you.."
Muriel ❁
He searched for you for hours. Running around the palace, the town, everywhere... Where were you? His heart pounded in his chest as he ran and ran, trying to find you through the crowds of gathered people. The war was over, for everyone. However, the war won't be over for him as long as he doesn't see you alive and well.
The last place he searched was near his own home - in the forest. Where were you? Suddenly, something made him stop instantly. There was a body on the ground, not far from where he was standing. Was it..? Oh no.
Fear washed over him, as he ran towards you. Not you. Not the only person who cared about him, who understood him. Anyone else, just not you! He kneeled in front of where you almost lifeless body was, and gathered you in his arms. "MC... I'm sorry.." He breathlessly cried.
He was usually the calm one, the one who wouldn't get upset easily. But now, Muriel was breaking. He tried his magic, which only sealed the cut, but didn't help with your bloodloss or the infection. Gently, he picked you up from the ground and started carrying you to his hut. He'll take care of you. And make sure something like this will never happen again.
"It's okay, MC... It's going to be okay... I'll take care of you..."
Portia Devorak ☼︎
She couldn't believe it. When the doctors told her you were gravely injured, she didn't know how to process it. What does this mean? Would you be okay again? Would you even survive?
Walking up and down in the hallway in front of your room, she waited for her brother Julian to tell her what your state was. She feared the worst. The war truly was a horrible thing, and it took many souls. Just not your soul. Anyone else, Portia begged.
"Hey, Pasha... I just checked up on MC.. They.. They are doing fine, but their chances of surviving are not really great.." Tears slid down Portia's cheeks as she heard her older brother's words. "Can I see them..?" Julian simply nodded, giving you two privacy.
She entered the room, and saw you laying on the bed, you shallow breaths filling the room as you rested. The red-head couldn't see you injuries, but by the stitches and bandages that spread around your torso, she guessed it wasn't very good. She sat on the bed next to you, and placed a feathery kiss on your cold cheek.
"Rest, MC.. And please be okay... I promise, I'll bake you all of your favorite cookies and pastries! Please, just be okay..."
Count Lucio AKA Montag Morgasson ♕︎
His eyes filled with terror. How could this be? Why was he caring so much about you? Something inside him snapped once he saw your bloody torso. His heart sunk to his feet once he saw you on the hard ground. How did he let this happen?
He ran towards you as he saw red in front of his eyes. The sun was setting and the sky was red, his blodshot eyes were red, the blood on your chest was burning red. Lucio doesn't remember ever feeling that desparate, that scared.
The count looked at you, not knowing what to do. "MC.. I-" Never has such sadness washed over him. He fell to his knees, crying out in fear. His hands roamed your bloody body, wondering why he ever let something like this happen. What was this feeling? Why didn't he tell you earlier?
He picked you up, struggling to hold your limp body because of his metalic hand. He ran as far and as fast as his legs would let him with you in his arms, silently praying for you to be okay.
"Shit, MC- I.. I don't know why I didn't tell you.. Fuck, I love you, don't go.. Please don't leave me.."
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years ago
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where we find it 
✮ tags ; fluff, anthology? of drabbles, lovesickness, mild angst, character study (?), should be gn!reader, scenery related to feelings, super SUPER fluffy tho fr
✮ wc ; 4k
✮ a/n ; can’t stop thinking about oikawa like at all lmao
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The hotel shower soaps smell like eucalyptus and mint. 
It’s an intrusive scent on his nostrils - so strong it feels like his eyes might water. He only ever brings his own hair products when he’s out on the road. He would bring his own soaps too but with all of the creams and medicines he needs - there’s rarely enough in his suitcase to fit something like soaps. He likes something more delicate than this.
But he puts up with it and lets hot water beat down his skin. He can feel it bead down the muscles in his back and it relaxes him, relieves the little headache he had from yesterdays extra drills. He puts up with the smell, invasive, and comes out of the shower  dripping wet. Steam billows from the bathroom - big and luxury, meant for more than one person. It sticks to his forehead, so he pushes all of his hair back with his hand. 
When he’s dry enough to walk around, he goes to the little garments hung up in the corner of the room. It’s next to a bright lamp but he unzips the whole thing with something warm in his gut in the sight. His highschool uniform sits inside on one of the hangers. 
He stares at it for a long time, brown eyes warm at the sight. It’s a yellowed mesh now, but the bright teal colors look just like how he remembers. His chest gets this ache of nostalgia, striking like lightning in a deserted black sky. He reaches his hand out to touch it, and laughs because it feels just like how he remembers. He touches it and closes his eyes and thinks of humble beginnings.
Behind his eyelids is the memory of the court, salonpas, teammates and practices. There’s failure but it’s overshadowed by the feeling of livelihood, of friendship and Oikawa takes a deep breath and thinks about highschool with a weird feeling. Amidst all the chaos, he thinks of you. 
He thinks of you, again and again like little flashes. The memory of you rests in his mouth, heavy like iron. Memories of your face wound up, screaming his name. Of your feet in the sand on impromptu beach journeys, of your flushed face when the first year boys confessed to you. You show up in every single memory he has left of his hometown, and you live inescapably in his sight. 
All these years later and Oikawa Tooru cannot help but think of you. He wonders if you still have the uniform - if you’ve outgrown those clothes. Oikawa wonders if you outgrew chasing boys who barely payed you any mind. He wonders where you are, what you’re doing, in that very moment. On the other side of the world and nowhere in his line of vision. He remember why he left without telling you his feelings and he can’t help but wonder. 
Not once has he second guessed himself on anything. Not leaving. Not for anything or anyone. 
But he can’t help but wonder what it would’ve been like if he told you just once. Oikawa has known you were different with innateness you could never expect from him. For the man who polishes his skills, who works so hard - the way loving you had felt so terribly effortless terrified him. He still remembers how you smelled - delicate like sunlight, the weight of your head on his shoulder when he was nothing but an 18 year old kid on a bus ride home from a school trip. 
And now he’s here, in a hotel room, about to accept an award as a charitable player and he’s still thinking about you like it was just yesterday you’d seen each other. He thinks this is what they mean when they say you never stop loving someone. He tries and fails and thinks of you, again on a lonely night.
He curls the mesh fabric in his palms and reaches into the pockets of the jacket. He isn’t expecting to find anything special - the last time this had seen the light of day was over 10 years ago. Maybe he’d find some post-it note with assignments on it. 
He does find something. A note, crumpled but readable. He unfolds it, not expecting anything. 
For Oikawa Tooru - love finds him with trembling hands. It’s a crumpled note, over ten years old with a confession written in black pen. Nothing romantic about it, or even anything special other than the signature of your name. Love finds him like this, when he succumbs to his own yearning - alone in this hotel room, halfway across the world. 
“Dear Tooru, 
Congrats on your grant. I’m gonna miss you. Before you leave.. I want you to know I like you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same. No pressure. Make us proud,
Forever Yours, Y/N” 
Oikawa Tooru stares at the note for long he feels like he’s dreaming. How it feels to know that the person he loved for long had loved him back. It sends his stomach churning, an aching in his throat. Ten years later and something in his body shakes him. Tells him to run, to find you now. 
His phone rings twice when you pick up - your voice is groggy and it makes his chest ache. A grin dances on his face and his firsts words to you are
“Sorry,” ― but it feels so heavy, so loaded. You don’t question it or him ― “Did I wake you?” 
It’s silent for a moment on the other end of the line. He wonders if he was wrong but then you reply. So easily, seamlessly. 
“No, ‘sokay,” ― you yawn a little ― “How’ve you been” 
“Good,” ― he tells you, a hand in his hair and a smile that hurts his cheeks ― “Great,” 
Despite how many years this diner has stood in this very place - the sign outside still doesn’t flash correctly. 
One of the kanji flashes just a few beats after the rest of it and it always catches his eyes. It doesn’t bother him, he doesn’t think.. He’s come here so many times, and it was only after about a year did it really occur to him. Now he checks every time he comes  in, just to see if they decided to fix it. They never do but he thinks it’s worth it anyway. 
The door way of the restaurant is not built for a man of his size or stature. If he doesn't duck his head, he’ll hit it on the red paint and knock into bell just above. He’s only 5′10 but that’s enough for him to be taller than the average guy in Japan - just 3 inches over. He only remembers that because he googled it in highschool. 
His hood is pulled just over his features, and there’s a big white bandage on the side of his cheek from when he was in the gym yesterday. He used some equipment that was janky and cut his cheek. He probably looks like a hoodlum but he doesn’t think anything of it, just ducks and takes his seat - pulling his hood off his head. It’s quiet when he comes here, at 5am the whole world is mostly sleeping. The only people here are some folks working the nightshift, ready to go home and people who work early hours. 
Iwaizumi has come here everyday for almost 5 years. After he graduated from his undergrad and moved to live on his own, this was the only place that suited his macros within in walking distance. The food is good and it’s quiet. The old couple call him by his first name and they’re good people. 
He gets to eat to his hearts content in the quiet. It’s a Sunday morning and the skies still so dark, even at this hour - Iwaizumi looks out the window across from his seat and he thinks it’ll probably rain. Maybe he’ll have to run home today. 
“Hey stranger,” ― a yawn leaves your mouth and a warmth enters his body ― “Woah, you look beat up. You okay?” 
Iwaizumi is more than familiar with the sound of your voice. When he comes at this hour, it’s always a little groggier than on days when he comes around 7 or 8am. It’s 5am and you’re smiling. Iwaizumi pretends not to look. 
“Some of the equipment at the gym gave me a hard time,” ― he shrugs as he informs you ― “It’s fine,” 
You still frown like he knows you would. It makes him suppress a smile to see you like that but you pour him his hot coffee anyways.
“Be careful. Shouldn’t damage your pretty face,” 
He laughs at that, a genuine laugh. You’re the only person who can pull the sound out of him so easily, and it always makes you smile to see it. He rolls his eyes but can’t help the way his mouth curls up, shaking his head. 
“Yeah, yeah,” ― he covers his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket ― “Whatever you say,”
“The usual for you?” 
He gives you another polite nod and with that - you waltz off towards the kitchen. It’s empty other than the old man who’s always here at this hour, and the woman that does construction nearby. His foot hangs off the edge of his seat and the world feels lonelier than it does after the sun rises.
He thinks it’s part of life, a natural and recurring thing. To remember people you love when you can’t be with them and forget about them when you’re off to experience life. He tries not to think too hard about any of it. Not about the way the loneliness settles when he sees you or why he keeps coming here and only here. 
You come back to him not even 15 minutes later with a hot plate of food and a grin like eden on your mouth. Iwaizumi briefly understands the fact that he spends most of his life passing through the lives of others in the moment you leave the kitchen. Old sneakers and parted lips, sticky from chapstick and something sweet hanging off of your collar. 
Iwaizumi Hajime doesn’t give these things second thoughts. When you stand across from his at the counter, drying cups and engaging him in small talk - he simply eats quietly and responds every few words. The normalcy is grounding. Sometimes love fits so perfectly, we forget it’s there to start with.
“What’ve you been up to,” 
He asks you this every week. He listens with increased effort every time and never thinks about it more than he has too. Normally it has something to do with school, or your noisy neighbors, or drama with your parents. Every detail is ingrained him like how one might get invested into a story. The thought of him being another character in your life makes him chew slowly. 
“I’m supposed to go on a blind date this week,” ― his whole body locks up like something has gone terribly wrong ― “Don’t know what the guy looks like but apparently my friend thinks we’d be a good match,” 
For Iwaizumi Hajime - love finds him in his local diner, and knocks him so hard on the chest, he almost falls on his ass. When love becomes apart of the routine, it’s hard to remember that it’s not already permanent. Love must be sand - if we don’t hold on it long enough, it will simply slip between our fingers. It’s hard for Iwaizumi to do anything but gape when you tell him the news. A sense of restless washes through his whole body, a baptism of longing. Like swallowing swords. 
Maybe it’s predictable of him, really. That he didn’t notice that his heart was a few beats off from the rest of him when he sees you. Maybe seeing you every day was a way to keep his heart in check. To see if anything had changed or if it ever would.
It’s panicked at best, the way he looks at you. It’s 5am and the suns not out. Not very romantic, he thinks.  
“Don’t..” ― he rushes, heartbeat rapid ― “Go out with me instead,” 
It’s too hot in the dining room
He knows the MSBY dinners that Meian throws are going to be this big. They’re grand charity events and they get the team more sponsors. Hundreds of people pile into a rented out space. Covered wall to wall in team photo ops, merchandise, and shirtless photos. There’s an auction for a date with all of the members including thee Sakusa Kiyoomi, tons of biddings on donated art, and a whole slew of other events that take place. 
In the years he’s been on the team, they've consistently been this grand. Sakusa isn’t allowed to skip them - he’s asked every year. Even now, he hates crowds of this size and the way everyone gathers around each other after the first few rounds of champagne really drive him up the wall. Bodies on bodies, rich socialites - all the things Sakusa would prefer to stay away from. 
He’s here anyways, despite his protest. Meian is strict about the attendance, says drills are the punishment for no shows. His drills are too brutal to disobey so Sakusa is here by proxy. Dressed in decorated purple suit, curly hair styled up and back. He tugs a little on his collar as he steps outside in the garden. A gust of wind cools his skin, paler in the night. This years location is a mansion that seems like it stretches for miles - with too many rooms for this many people. Everyone is in the dining room where the auctions for a date with one of the members is happening. 
He sneaks and stumbles out into the courtyard, head feeling heavy on his shoulders. It’s always exhausting. While most of his teammates enjoy the attention from all the patrons of the night, Sakusa grows increasingly uncomfortable. He knows he’s being sold off but they’re always touchy and want Sakusa to give them the boyfriend treat me. He’s just not the kind of guy who can fake stuff like that. He can be polite and kind but not charming. Not what those people want from him. 
Right now, it’s Atsumu on stage. Sakusa watches him parade around and finds himself admiring his confidence - it’s unfortunate for him to be admiring Atsumu Miya of all people but he can’t help but feel like it. It’s not that Sakusa likes to dwell on anything, it goes against his nature to do as much. He leans back into the bench, letting his head hang. His eyes open to the broad night sky, pitch-black and littered with white stars like flicks of paint on a blank canvas. Everything is quiet. 
“Aw head up, Omi,” ―  your voice cuts through the silence of the night sharply ― “You’re gonna fuck your hair up,” 
He sighs, brows knitting together in frustration. It’s an effect only you have, not even Atsumu can bristle him in the same way. In the back of his head, he knows you’re not doing it on purpose. He knows he’s the only one who feels this specific way about you, and this instance is just one of many in which you’re trying to connect with him. Hinata has explained it to him a million times, that you’re the nicest manager the teams ever met and Sakusa should be more open to your friendliness. 
He lifts his head up, body straightened out with a scowl that you don’t even flinch at. You’re dressed in your most formal attire, it hugs your shape and shows off skin in places he didn’t think it could be shown. The neckline is a little deeper than he would think of you wearing, a necklace hangs between the dip in your chest. 
“Why are you out here,” comes out more snappy than he intends, his kips pressed into a thin line. You shrug and sit next to him even when he doesn’t ask. It’s not awkward nor is it comfortable - it just is. The little bricked flooring in this big courtyard makes the tapping of your feet sound rhythmic. It echoes a little before disappearing into the night. Rows and rows of flower bushes all perk up, almost like they could bloom in moonlight. 
And it’s just the two of you - you and Sakusa alone out here with no one else. He knows you did it on purpose - it’s something you would do after all. 
“Needed some air,” ― you shrug, not adding much else ― “I promised Atsumu I would buy him off and I’m pretty sure I’m the highest bid,” 
“We’re allowed to do that?” 
You laugh at that, harder than you mean too. You nod your head, fiddling with the skin on one of your nails. 
“Yeah. ‘tsumu begged me, said he would take me on the date and everything,” ― you muse, voice light and airy ― “I said sure and told him he better give it his best at next weeks game,” 
For a while, he isn’t sure what to say. Doesn’t know what to do with the discomfort in his chest. He doesn’t want you to stay but he thinks he’ll feel worse when you leave. He thinks it’s all weird and uncomfortable. It’s not that Sakusa has ever disliked you, but you overwhelm him like rich socialites and big crowds do. Sakusa feels unusually hot under his collar.
“You sure this isn’t just his way of flirting with you?” 
You laugh. 
“Maybe it is. That’d be nice,” 
And Sakusa surprises the urge to ask why you feel like that. For Sakusa Kiyoomi, love finds him on a bench with the person he thought he hated up until now. What’s the difference between confinement and love anyway, if both make your heart stop in the end? The realization makes him shake. Makes him freeze. 
“Can you.. do that for me, too? I.. don’t like being with strangers,” 
It’s the first time he’s ever asked you for anything. It makes you smile and it makes his heart race. He must be just as dense as his teammates. 
“You gonna take me out on a date too?” 
He pauses. The night is quiet. He feels warm under his collar but it’s all for different reasons. 
“If..you want,” 
The concrete keeps scraping against his palms when he sits on the curbs. 
He knows he’s supposed to be watching you dance, the way you mirror the moves and show him the stamps but he’s focused on the feeling of it on his palms. He’s always taken care of his hands, claims it’s a setter thing which isn’t a lie but it’s not the truth either. Part of it is that, for sure but he also likes having nice hands. Likes when cute girls come up to him at bars and hold their fingers up to his big ones. The attention is nice. 
It’s 8:36pm and it’s the heat of summer - July seeps into the air around him like a fog. It smells like sunlight leftover on concrete, sweet and sweltering in his every breath. Sweat beads down his neck, on the side of his forehead as he leans back. He’s watching the sun with closeness as you carefully go over the moves in front of him. He’s not paying attention, not at all. 
He just keeps noticing that the sun is close to sunset but seems to be bright. Darkness normally has a gradual element to it so he can’t understand this at all. He keeps staring a the sky with something absent in his mind. Maybe the heat is making him frustrated, moreso than usual. It’s probably stupid to be upset about the world not getting dark fast enough and it’s not like he’s really upset. He isn’t sure how to describe it, he just thought things would turn out different. 
“t’sumu,” ― you frown, lips curled downward and frustrated ― “You’re not even trying to pay attention,” 
The sound of your voice catches his attention like how fireflies blink. Atsumu isn’t sure how to describe that feeling either, hearing your voice so he ignores it all together and gives you a smug smile. You’ve known it well now - so mant years later and you know it like the back of your hand. 
“Sorry, sorry,” ― he leans forward, elbows on knees ― “Still bright as shit out.. kinda distractin’,” 
You let your whole head fallback to look at the sky like you couldn’t just look up. Sometimes he swears you’re just as dramatic as he is. He traces the outline of your neck, the little swallow you do as you realize. The first thing you do is mutter a little “woah,’ at the sight and it makes him laugh. 
“Oh, you’re right,” ― you confirm, still staring at the sun liek you could make him move ― “I know it’s cause it’s summer but that’s crazy,” 
You give him another look after you’ve taken in it, smiling at him. 
“Maybe the universe is trying to give you more time to learn your moves?” 
He groans that turns into a gradual laugh. He runs his hands through his hair, all platinum blonde. His knees are bruised from hitting the floor so many times this week. He knew he was gonna get asked to dance for Kita’s wedding, it was bound to happen but learning the moves has never been so frustrating. And the reminder of his failures are plastered on his body. It’s supposed to be sexy for the purpose of messing with Kita - he knows it. 
Atsumu is the best dancer, then Suna, then Ojiro with Osamu dead last but he’s the only one who can’t seem to get the routine down. He asked you to practice with him but he can’t seem to focus. Not at all. 
“I normally don’t suck shit this bad, yanno,” 
You press your lips into a thin line and sit right next to him. The proximity is close but not close enough. Atsumu doesn’t think anything of the little warmth in his skin, the pink across his cheekbones. 
“Mmm, I’ve seen you eat shit pretty bad, ‘tsumu,” ― you tell him with a little laugh ― “And I mean, I’m still here, so whatever,” 
He shoves you for the comment but he can’t really deny what you’ve said either. Atsumu Miya has spent most of his adult life getting to know you. From neighbor, to friend, to best-friend - to this, so close to each other without even realizing it. When your knees bump against each other and his heart races, but he doesn’t think all that much about it. It’s getting a little darker, just now - it’s that part of the day where the whole world turns into gold. 
It falls over you like a veil. For Atsumu Miya love finds him on the curbside of a neighborhood in Hyogo prefecture, his home-town. It’s the scratchy feeling on his palms, the way the darkness never seems to come during the summer. Love finds him like this, sweaty and uncomfortable but content. Still there despite every last detail of it. Atsumu eyes go wide at the realization, blinking before averting his gaze. Swallowing the lump in his throat. 
“You okay?” you ask him and it sounds like July, like cicadas and whistling wind. Like home. 
“Y-yeah,” ― he tells himself ― “I’m.. fine,” 
He rests his head on your shoulder and it gets dark, and Atsumu doesn’t mind it at all. When you rest your cheek on his head, he wonders only about how he didn’t realize it earlier. 
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miscelunaaa · 3 years ago
spin cycle 2 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: drabble series, slow burn, idiots to lovers, fluff, lil bit of angst, eventual smut
summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.
rating: 18+ for eventual smut
word count: 488
warnings: Reader is still a mess and no one is surprised, though she’s also had a long week so she’s kind of fucking done. Swearing. Metaphors about office coffee pots. Sleepy Jungkook smiles. We still haven’t talked to him yet tho so that’s weird. And reader is beginning to feel weird about it all. 
notes: We’re back again with another drabble! I’m deeply humbled by the amount of love that the first one got???? Like, holy shit, I legitimately wasn’t pleased with it at all and posted it on a whim only after my husband read the first few and thought they were good. (Note: my husband, husbeard, is my editor and beta-reader. He reads everything I write before I post, even the thirsty shit! What a champ.) I now have a general idea of how I want the story to go, so strap in, it’s looking weird. Thank you so much for your support and thank you for reading!!
series masterlist | read on ao3
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So fine, this stranger is now invading your extremely late night laundry time, and you’ve yet to elucidate why. At least he has the audacity to look that handsome in his gray sweats and a hoodie, whereas you’re sure you yourself look like the coffee in the bottom of the communal office pot; lukewarm and watery and tired.
This week has been heinous. Your computer keeps crashing and you’re terrified of loosing your work. The late fall weather has been all over the place and as a result, you’ve had a throbbing headache on and off for the past week. Your roommate has a new friend with benefits, which, fine, but also it’s been extremely disruptive to your sleep schedule. On top of all that, your parents are already bugging you about the holidays. Halloween hasn’t even happened yet!
You’re setting up your computer and plugging the flighty bastard in when in walks your laundry friend, his black hood pulled up, looking tired and yet still handsome. A little rumpled, maybe, as if he’s just woken up, but he manages to find a little smile to give you from across the way.
Your heart stops.
He’s never acknowledged your presence before. The two of you have, up until this point, elected to pretend the other doesn’t exist. At least, when you’re facing each other. When he turns around, all bets are off.
The little smile he gives you is blinding. If you’re the gross, tepid remains in the office coffee pot, he’s the person turning the burner on beneath you, letting you come up to temp gently to preserve whatever flavor (or in this case, sanity) is left. Just enough attention to make sure you both get by. How long has it been since someone last smiled at you unprompted, let alone a young and attractive man?
You don’t have time for this.
Catching feelings is the last thing you need. Conceal, don’t feel. Show nothing, give nothing.
You smiled back.
Fuck. You dumbass! Why are you like this? Where’s your usual stone cold facade? The sleep deprivation must be beginning to get to you.
Thank god he doesn’t come over and try to chat. You watch from the corner of your eye as he begins to unload his wheeled plastic hamper, placing all of the contents in one washer before adding detergent and feeding it quarters. Once that’s started, he walks to his usual table, one on the other side of the laundromat, and pulls a tablet and a stylus from his bag before starting to work on something. He’s too far away for you to see what.
You turn back to your computer, and continue where you left off.
Thank god he only seems to be interested in being civil, giving you nothing but a greeting and then ignoring you to work one something in peace.
The feeling is mutual, you lie to yourself.
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Thank you for reading! Find me in various places at my carrd :)
© miscelunaaa 2021. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work. Thank you.
posted: 12.27.2021. (updated: 4.2.2022. front matter clean up.)
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bluesylveon2 · 3 years ago
Creator Spotlight # 1
Ahhh let's start off strong! The first writer this month is.....
About the Author:
@djmarinizelablog or RK is a fanfic writer for AOT (levihan) and JJK (gojohime). She also helps run events in the levihan drabbles server and the levihan baryo server. Did you also know that she is a talented rapper? (RK if you are reading this, then you should rap for me wink wink).
Any personal experiences?
So RK was the one who actually reached out to me one day after I reblogged one of her posts. I remember being so terrified too 😂. I kept thinking "who is this person and why are they dming me?" She is also the one who invited me to join the levihan drabbles server. I honestly cannot thank her enough for it. I have made so many new friends and it has been such a blast. I enjoy talking to her about levihan or random topics in general like filo stuff or other fandoms. She also binded a few of my fics and the book is currently sitting in on my shelf in my room. I'm amazed that I have the actual thing in person and not on my phone lol.
Fic recommendations:
I'm gonna be honest here, but I have not read all of RK's fics because I like to jump around to different ships and fandoms (sorry Ate RK!).
But for the Lovers: link (rating: mature)
Okay this one is good. Call me a nerd, but mythical stuff is chef's kiss for me. Omg I love that stuff. It's kinda sad but the ending is perfect.
Like a Phoenix: link (rating: mature)
FASHION FICS!!! Nothing else needed yall! Reading Hange's breakdown is ugh so sad. Her and Levi's relationship tho! Omg it is just kilig. That is all I'm gonna say.
Free-Falling: link (rating: explicit)
Ahhh one of Ate RK's famous fics. I'm gonna be honest, I was kinda lost with the skydiving parts (never have been, never will. I am afraid of heights and falling) but RK writes it well enough for me to picture what is going on. Oh and let me rant a bit. Hange and Levi kinda pissed me off. Yeah they get their redemptions and the 104 helping Levi's tea shop was the best, but omg I was so mad about the angsty part. Overall, it is a really good fic and the smut is mngh (is this the right word? Idk I see it used in the server tho lol). I loved the blonde squad tho. THEY WERE THE BEST!!!
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heybeybey · 4 years ago
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
Pairing: Rivetra | Levi x Petra
Summary: Forced to retire from the Scouts due to a major injury, Levi thinks he'll be spending the rest of his days in domestic solitude. Petra, however, has another idea.
Loosely based on The Way of the Househusband.
Or: Captain Petra x Househusband Levi canonverse AU
AO3 Link
A/N: Okay I've had this outlined for WEEKS (no ending in mind tho) but I never got around to actually drafting it. But....... I had some time this morning and the inspiration after seeing this post so yay.
Thanks to @sleeperswakewriting for introducing me to The Way of the Househusband. It's cute and funny and DEFINITELY RIVETRA in another universe.
This is going be a drabble series btw but no assurance on when I'll be updating each chapter (My Royalty AU draft is glaring at this fic rn tbh). Some chapters will be based on the Netflix show but Levi's condition is a bit different from Tatsu's so it'll probably be loosely based at best.
And yes, the title is from the song My Girl. But I like this version since I think it fits Petra the most :3
Also also, we all know deep down that Levi wants to be a househusband so here you go.
- - -
Chapter 1: The Ceremonies
There was a time when his mind wandered to how his career in the Scouts would end. Levi always thought he'd die on the battlefield, just as he witnessed among his comrades. He'd accepted that reality, sometimes even waiting for it despite his will to continue fighting on.
For some reason, retiring has never crossed his mind.
"Honorably discharged due to major leg injury, incomplete spinal cord injury, and loss of right eyesight."
He can still hear the pity and sadness from Erwin's voice from that day in the hospital when they talked over where he will go from there. The doctors mentioned that his spine will heal over time, but his leg is broken way beyond repair. It's worse enough that amputation was considered at one point. He'd be good as titan food should he retain his current position in the scouts.
At first, he wanted to scream. He wasn't the type to show some outwardly emotion (except for when he's beating down new recruits or the three males in his squad) but being a part of the Survey Corps is what gave this shit of a life some meaning after he was pulled out of the underground.
Frankly, he didn't know what's next.
"Hey, Captain." Petra's sweet voice snapped Levi out of his thoughts and he forces himself to get out of his bad mood. This was her day and he'd be damned if he ruins it for her.
Levi takes her in and the corner of his lip quirks up. He feels pride fill his chest as his eyes strays a bit on the insignia freshly pinned on her uniform.
"I think I should be the one calling you that, Ral." He replies. "Congratulations."
Wheelchair-bound for what may be the rest of his life, Levi and his squad had to sit down and talk over what's next for the Scout's elites. The obvious choice was Eld, but Levi and the rest of the team were surprised when the blonde man turned down the promotion. He says that while he had the leadership skills and the years of experience that makes him more than qualified, he knew that he didn't have the same burning dedication to the cause as much as he'd witnessed in others.
Eld said that he'd be glad to support the next team captain instead. Oluo, while skilled, had often been too focused on his kill count. Gunther has a strategic mind but didn't really have the charm to bring people together.
So they all turned their attention to Petra.
To be honest, Levi had always wanted to promote Petra as his second-in-command. However, Scout regulations demanded a certain number of years that she didn't have yet at the time he first chose his elite squad. He'd never had a problem with Eld, but his and Petra's ability to synchronise on the battlefield is the reason why he'd always turned to her when he needed a second hand.
It makes sense in his eyes and to the rest of the team, even when Erwin and the other soldiers were doubtful of his choice. They've seen how ferocious Petra is during expeditions, but still had the heart to cry alongside her dying comrades. She's kind and helpful, but knows when a hard decision is needed to be made. She'd pitched in her ideas and opinions every time she accidentally passed by the officers' meeting sessions (she always brought them tea so she sometimes hear the conversations). This was often met with a surprised look from her higher-ups but having worked with Petra for quite some time, Levi would just smirk at his fellow veterans.
She's still rough around the edges and she definitely still has more room to improve, but the potential is there. He wouldn't have chosen her as part of his team in the first place if he didn't see that fire.
He wasn't surprised that Eld, Gunther and Oluo supported her, even when Petra was terrified to accept such a responsibility. Levi was firm in his decision.
In the end, Erwin stamped on his approval.
Levi was the one who pinned the insignia on her signifying her new position during today's pinning-on ceremony.
- - -
"Hey, Captain!"
"I think you should stop calling me that, Petra."
"Sorry. Habit." The ginger blushes slightly as she steps closer inside the apartment, basket in hand. "I bought something for you."
She brings out a few fruits from the basket, laying it down on the dining table in his humble apartment. "The farmer's market was on sale today and I had the chance to pass by before they closed."
"You didn't have to buy me all these, Petra."
"I had to use my pay raise for something, Captain," she jests. He wheels himself towards her to assist her with unloading the basket and they both work in silent contentment.
"So, how's your first day?" Levi asks after washing the fruits. Petra's face lights up at his question and the whole room seems to come alive as she chatters on.
"Holy Maria, Captain. I didn't know the team can be this stupid. No wonder you had dark eyebags after training us for years!"
- - -
It's been three months since he resigned from the Scouts. The new captain never fails to come home to the apartment he's renting near the Scout HQ everyday.
Come home? Tch. How delusional can you get.
He'd welcome her back every expedition and every training day. A part of him feels a bit of guilt gnaw on him when he sees how tired Petra is whenever she comes home, thinking of the time when he was her direct commanding officer.
"Captain, can I sleep here tonight?"
Now, he sees the sorrow and fatigue in her eyes. "You're always welcome here, Petra."
He offers to give up his bed for the night but she declines, saying that she'll be fine on the couch. She's unnaturally quiet, but he knows that this is how she typically is after expeditions.
They're both on the couch right now and she snuggles closer to him. Levi motions for her to lay her head on his lap, their boundaries thinning with every single visit.
He's quiet when he sees the tears start to fall from her eyes. Soon, Petra's sobbing and she wraps her arms desperately around him. His hand starts to slowly run through her ginger locks, hoping it gives her some comfort.
"She was the last in my and Oluo's batch." She starts, voice shaking and he gives her space to talk and mourn her comrade. "I wanted to save her... but it was either her or compromise the mission. I had to give the order."
"I'm sorry." Because if someone understands her better, it's him.
- - -
It's the scout's day off today and they're all allowed to leave the vicinity to visit friends and family, or simply just to fuck around if they wanted.
Petra, not surprisingly, decides to spend another weekend with him.
"Hmm?" He's currently preparing their lunch, wheeling himself around the kitchen area.
"Did you ever think about settling down when you were still in the scouts?"
He cocks an eyebrow at her question. "And leave a widow crying on my grave? I didn't even have the time to date, Petra."
And he didn't even want to date someone else. Not when he kept having wet dreams about his own subordinate at that time.
"Well, you have a chance now, right?" Petra starts to help with laying down the dishes on the table. He looks at her, eyes taking in her body language. She's doing that thing with her hands again where she tries to occupy it with things to do whenever she's nervous. She's too tense for this to be some absent chatter.
"Just spit it out, Petra."
"What I'm trying to say is that I'm always here. In this apartment. Whether I'm back from training or meetings or expeditions," she starts. Levi wheels himself forward to grab their food from the small kitchen but he attentively listens to each of her words. Seeing that he won't be replying, Petra decides to continue.
"I like coming home to you, Levi. And I'm still devoted to you." Petra nervously says, the redness on her cheeks intensifying. Levi feels his heart thump at her last sentence. He stops what he's doing and looks straight into her amber eyes, the same moment as she reaches out to delicately hold both of his hands. "I'd like to continue doing so... if you'll have me in another way."
Bold as ever is the first thing that fondly came to his mind. He feels emotion start to climb up his throat but he never wavers in staring back at her. The next thing that came to mind wasn't exactly a thought, and the answer leaves his mouth with a certainty he didn't know he had.
"Okay," he quietly replies. Not much of a talker, as usual. Still, his sure answer was quite a surprise to the both of them.
Was it loneliness? That fear that he'd most likely die alone because of his automatic ability to push people away? Maybe it's some deep hidden desire to live a domestic life with someone—something that he allowed himself to fleetingly dream of while he was still in that underground hellhole—that he has since accepted wouldn't be in his future.
Until now.
He and Petra decided to have a shotgun wedding that same afternoon.
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aelin-queen-of-terrasen · 5 years ago
“I want my best friend back.” - “Kevin is over there.” “Tell me what I can do to help.” - “Sing me to sleep.” Any one of these for the otp drabble challenge! I love your writing and saw that you needed a prompt so here it is! ❤❤
I decided to do both of them because I had time on my hands. I'll post the second one later tho! Thank you for the request btw! You're the best. 💖
Waiting For You
Pairing: Aelin X Rowan
Genre: Fluff
Summary: When Aelin ditches her best friend Rowan at a party, he is upset with her but is that the only reason Rowan is mad at her or is there more?
Aelin Galathynius stumbled around in the Havilliard mansion, more than a little bit drunk. She had not planned on drinking so much tonight since she had work tomorrow and gods knew Aelin was going to be no use to anyone if she was hungover. She had planned to stick by her best friend Rowan's side, have a drink or two and call it a day.
Then the two of them had run into Dorian, an old flame from back in high school and Rowan had excused himself from the conversation, having never been a fan of the guy and Aelin had gotten busy catching up with Dorian to check in on the buzzard.
Aelin hadn't seen Dorian for years after the breakup and she had been more than a little surprised when Dorian had rang her up to invite her for a party he was throwing. She had known the two of them had a lot of mutual friends and if she wasn't already excited to go, Lysandra and Aedion would have convinced her anyway. It was Rowan who had needed real convincing.
So far, she hadn't found him anywhere.
She did however spot a dark-haired girl making her way towards Aelin. Lysandra grinned at her. "Looking for someone?"
"Have you seen Rowan?" Aelin asked.
Lysandra cocked her head, made a show of trying to remember where she had last seen the silver haired male. Then the confusion was replaced with a knowing grin. "I heard him complain about it being too crowded. If I were you, I'd check the backyard. It's the most secluded spot here."
Typical of Rowan to hide from people during a party.
Aelin murmured a thank you before making her way over towards the gardens. Like Lysandra had claimed, she found him sitting in the soft grass, overlooking the pond and the well-kept gardens. Dorian's father may be an asshole but she couldn't deny the man had impeccable taste.
"You know, parties are supposed to be for mingling, right?" she joked, sitting down beside him.
Rowan promptly ignored her.
Aelin huffed. She had never taken well to being ignored and her best friend knew that. She poked him in the stomach. "Are you mad at me for ditching you?"
The bastard remained silent.
Unfortunately for him, Aelin was the most stubborn person. She said, "So here's a joke: What do you call a man with a rubber-toe? Roberto!"
Rowan ducked his head to suppress a smile, the harsh features softening under the moonlight. Aelin took a minute to admire the way her best friend looked out here in the garden, sitting beneath the twinkling stars. She shut that train of thought out soon enough though, not wanting to ruin things between them.
"Get this: What do bees do when they need a ride? Wait at the buzz stop!" She chuckled at her own joke.
Rowan was shaking his head but his mouth curled upwards ever so slightly. Aelin felt terrible for ditching him. She had assumed Rowan had excused himself so he could catch up with Aedion or something. If she had known he would be so miserable, she won't have left her best friend's side for a minute, let alone an hour.
When Rowan still didn't crack, Aelin nudged him softly. "Come on, buzzard, shut me up or insult me! I want my best friend back."
"Dorian is over there," he said dryly, pointing towards the house.
A slow grin spread across Aelin's face as she realised why he might be so upset. It couldn't possibly be that Rowan was jealous, could it? Then again, they had always been close to each other. Maybe he was just upset she was talking to Dorian seeing as he had never liked him back in high school either.
Maybe it was the alcohol that made her so brave, maybe she would have done it even if she was sober but Aelin leaned towards him. "Rowan?"
Her eyes flitted towards his lips, hinting heavily enough that Rowan had plenty of time to back out. When he didn't move a muscle, Aelin crashed her lips onto his. For a moment, she was terrified that he would back out, would run away or something. Rowan only kissed her back, his hand sliding around her waist, supporting her as she leaned into him, one hand holding her up and the other running through his silver hair. She had never believed in fireworks but good gods, everything inside her came alive as she kissed Rowan.
She was kissing Rowan—her best friend, the guy she had liked since middle school. The idea was insane enough on its own.
"You were jealous?" Aelin breathed out grinning as she pulled back.
It was not a question but Rowan hummed in agreement, eyes still wide as if he couldn't believe this had just happened. She didn't blame him. Aelin could hardly believe it herself.
"You-You like me?" Aelin knew she was grinning like a fool but she didn't care.
Rowan nodded again, cheeks flushed. She frowned, "But I-I don't understand. How did-When did you-"
"Later," Rowan said finally. "Can we talk about this later? Because I have wanted to kiss you for so long and I don't think I can wait anymore."
Aelin had so many questions for him, so much to ask, so much to tell but as she looked over at him, at the glazed look in those familiar green eyes, the scent of pine and snow enveloping the two of them, she decided all of that would come later. Right now, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was as happy as she'd ever been.
@thesirenwashere // @judexcardanxgreenbriar //@fangirltrash74 // @the-dark-swan // @julemmaes // @rowaelinforeverworld // @mymultiversee // @queen-of-glass // @strangely-constructed-soul // @mijaldraws // @http-itsrebecca
Let me know if you'd like to be added/removed from the taglist! Thank you for reading.
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years ago
I read your story Tapetum Lucidum and I got shook from it!! like damn I wish it was true! tell more about any headcanon you got?? also hello nice to meet you
hello, nice to meet you too! Im glad you liked it!!! So for headcanons I have these ones right here, that I posted earlier, but because I am always ready to scream about creepy devil fruit users!!!! here’s some more
With Tapetum Ludcidum, chopper’s bounty is a bit higher initially - 500 instead of 50. Why? 
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This image looks at you and beats you up with its hooves thats why this is fcking terrifying.
Actually no that should be canon Choppers a deer in canon @ Oda why did you not take this opportunity.
- Garp comes back from Marine business post Shanks visit and finds his grandson can stretch and can have glow in the dark eyes. He can’t decide what he feels but if Luffy turns around one more time with those god damn eyes Garp is going to scream.
- Buggy  doesn’t know about it at first - as far as I know, he is the only one aboard Roger’s crew that has a devil fruit - so picture this: You are Shanks, and you are going to shake your fellow apprentice up from a nap. Its dim in the cabin, and when he wakes up the light flashes in his eyes. You are now vaguely sure that your cabinmate is a demon and start screaming. Chaos ensues. Years later, some kid accidentally eats a devil fruit under your watch, and later that night a bar maid is screaming into a pillow in order not to wake the kid she believes is demonically possessed before her. You are shanks and you are very sure you might have signed your death warrant.
- Tho!! Going off of this, the lore behind the name “Devil Fruit” might stem from tapetum lucidum rather than the current  explanation. Thats pretty cool.
I mentioned this before but Brook does have the eyes except they just look like flashing orbs and its 100% more terrifying
Boa Hancock and her sisters have a lot of potential with the Tapetum Lucidum 
The whole gorgon myth is upped to 11 with the eyes 
“The Sisters became blessed with the Gorgon’s power!
“Did you see how their eyes shined in the dark?
“Perhaps the one on their back shines ever more brightly- the sisters are so wonderful for keeping it hidden!”
And throw luffy into the mix who has it
“Perhaps he has been cursed by the gorgons as well?”
“That must be why The Empress allows him to be here!”
And off Kuja Island it can grow to - “the empress’s eyes flash when she is displeased with you!” 
Of course, its a myth as like, actual science behind tapetum lucidum doesn’t work like that but - rumors are cool.
Kuja corrected to Kuma when I typed this so anyway - Kuma’s eyes don’t do the thing after his … agreement with the WG.
All of Perona’s ghosts have it!! Super cool! Super Terrifying!
Wanted posters are a pain, because depending on the pirate they will either 1) want the scary eyes to show how fearsome the pirate is and warn marines do not go fcking near this person you will absolutely PERISH or 2) want the non scary eyes so that there is less fear among the public - no, this pirates normal, the marines can handle it!
However, thats more common in the Grand Line where Devil Fruits are more common. 
Therefore - the East Blue doesn’t have that technology yet, or have the need for it, since it is the “weakest sea” and devil fruits aren’t common. So Luffy’s wanted poster, with his eyes open and with the smile, has the eyes and every marine privately goes wtf.
When coby first talked with Luffy down in the storage of that cruise ship, Luffy turned around and with the dim light his eyes flashed and BAM Coby is scared for life rip its okay, we all know you still love him.
Crocodile with this… In impel down Luffy looks to the right and sees two orbs emerging from the dark… he doesn’t give a shit but all the non-df users down there? Terrified.
OH! MR 2 !!! BON CLAY!!! You can tell its him because his eyes still flash when he has a different face on - very convienent.
Doffy whips off his glasses for one second but the only thing any one can see is the shine off of them and its more menacing than the glasses.
The eye -flash test in universe could actually be a very good way to see if someone’s a devil fruit user or not actually. Huh. World building!
When Luffy does the pull on his hat and obscures his eyes, but then you see the edges of one… but shiny… heck yeah…
Also to think about: hordy fighting Luffy under the seas but his eyes flash. Cool. 
Im gonna end this here, because this is getting long and it won’t let me format posts well on asks so!! Hope you enjoy!!
For everyone else, here is the original tapetum lucidum Drabble ft. eldritch prankster Robin and Zoro going wtf at his new captain!
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atiny-ahgase · 4 years ago
Rules : it’s time to love yourself. choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc. you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works !
(This took me forever but I really wanted to do it so...I’m doing it lol).
Thanks for the tag @yungidreamer
Will You Let Me? -I LOVE this fic, it is in my opinion the best fic that i’ve ever written. IDK I just think that it’s so cute and I like the characters and idk... I just really enjoyed writing it so yeah.
Ice-Cream Kisses - This was the first drabble that I’ve ever written and I was incredibly nervous about it. Looking back idek why I was so scared to post it but I was terrified lol. Past me was over reacting...future me will also over react...
Long Day -  This was “First” fic that I ever posted here...and by that I mean that I wrote something else maybe months prior but deleted it because of some reason which I cannot remember soo yeah this was my first fic. I wrote it on a whim because I was really stressed and sad but I couldn't find any comforting Ateez fics (I didn't look that hard tho...) so I decided to write my own. I’m not sure how “comforting” it is but I really like it so...yeah
If You Can’t Stand The Heat - The idea for this fic was in my brain for weeks if not months and I couldn't write it (that was around the time that I had injured my wrist) but when I was finally able to write it, I enjoyed doing it soo much. I felt like I really captured everything that I wanted to portray so I’m really glad
The Magic of Love - I honestly don't remember where I got this idea from or honestly anything that happened when I was writing this fic. I remember the intro and after that I think I just got lost in the moment and wrote the fic lol... I tried not to make it too long but like :How long is too long?” Idk so I just kinda went where the story took me...
Tagging: @etoilefilm @lovely-kpop-writer @moongaera @moonlightlino @vocalyunho
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echo-inthevoid · 5 years ago
Season 2 q&a and overall reaction
Jonny stealing everyone's names XD 
Is martin going to be ok!? I also need to know! 
He said no;-; 
ok ya, no one's gonna be ok. 
Ya, he must do sooo much research. 
Ya, except for "fatigue" lol.
Eyyy the mechanisms!! 
What's the red string brigade? Ok, I guess a group of fans theorizing about stuff. 
Oh ok so someone else did martins poetry. Ooh, there's more martin poetry out there! *grabby hands*
Ok ya, Alex clarifying that Jon isn't stupid he just makes poor decisions. Probably if he'd paused and thought about it (like I did lol, I had to go do some stuff in the middle of that ep and thought about it a whole bunch lol) instead of immediately going out and buying an axe and further isolating himself and panicking immediately he probably would have figured it out. This is why it's bad to panic in a crisis guys. 
Eyyy! Jonny's parents voiced Gertrude and Leitner! That's so cool. 
XD Jonny grumbling about having to work with his parents. 
Hmm, I hadn't really thought of Gertrude being like a mother figure in the story? She just seems very cut-throat I guess from what Leitner said. Idk so far I've been very suspicious of her. Especially since that one statement where her photo burned a whole bunch of people or something. She just seems very shady... 
Alex chortling over Jonny's pain. XD
Side note, Every time there's a q&a I just can't stop noticing Jonny's voice going in and out of archivist range? Like most of the time I'm just listening along and then he'll say a sentence a bit grumblier and my brains immediately like "ARCHIVIST! That's THE ARCHIVIST!!" 
Martin would be the last one alive in Friday the 13th! It's official! 
(Is it bad that this gives me hope)
Jon likes Nonfiction, documentaries, and probably collects something just a little bit weird. *writes down for use in potential fics* 
also while im at it I remember jon saying he dislikes coffee at one point,  and so many people have him liking coffee in their fics! This has been your daily reminder of that fact because ever since then it keeps bugging me lol. (But also do whatever u want.)
Alex's spluttering sounds so much like Martin.
Yes!! I want to hear jon sing!! Yes! Musical Episode When!!?
Ah yes yes yes! All the characters are so unique!!? How does he do it!! 
Ya, it being in audio format sometimes makes it hard to understand what's happening in the live-action bits. (Live-action is the wrong word but u know what I mean.)
Oh ok ya, how he mentioned he got a pipe was quite clever I didn't realize that that's why he mentioned it at all. 
Ooh, there's a manga where there's something similar to Michael? I'll have to look that up later...
XD Alex and Jonny arguing about apples. 
Ok, so all the statements we're hearing ARE for reals. I kinda assumed but good to have it confirmed.
They used to hang out together!!? Work function curry nights!! ;-; 
Ya Ya! Who made the leitners!?
"You are assuming a book needs to be written" ...ok then. (but it has to have been created somehow??? Did they just spring fully formed from the powers? why? And why take the form of books?)
Alex's mischievous laugh about whether jon has friends *trembles in fear*
Yes!! Micheal is so good! I'm so happy they love him too! Yesyes! His laugh! 
Ah Yes!! Mary kaey was so creepy! 
XD yes yes yes fatigue was written on zero sleep, I knew it! 
Akskdjdkd I love them so much. Also, I've looked up Michaels voice actor luke booys and he does some other horrory type sketches n stuff and I kiiinda want to do a little animatic with some of those but it's Michael like annoying some poor soul lost in his halls... I think that'd be fun. I wonder if anyone's done that yet? If so someone send me the links I neeeed iiitt :3
Season 2 summary:
Uuuuu ya so this season was really good. I kinda listened to it in bursts of about ten episodes every couple weeks and then have been saving up the reactions to post later so these are usually going up about a week or so after I actually listened to the episode just FYI. 
I also do have a lot of spoilers cause I can't keep myself away from fanfic and people don't always tag for spoilers and I kiiinda wana know what's coming beforehand anyway? Idk it's hard man I get very stressed about what might happen and then also listening to too much at a time is too spooky for my poor little heart so I gotta read the less spooky fanfic to fulfill the hyperfixation you see. (If anyone has fanfic with spoilers only up to season 2 that'd be great btw) 
Anyway, I try not to take spoiler type stuff into account unless I'm just so sure of it I can't really not acknowledge that I know about it. 
Also, can I just talk about Michael for a minute?? Cause he's such a unique character? And I guess maybe there are other characters like him but I haven't ever seen one -tho to be fair tma is only like the third horror thing I've ever really got into (the other two are the SCP Foundation in its various forms and Little Nightmares. Hence why I keep making reference to SCP it's really the only thing I know similar to this.) But he's such a cool concept!!? Like someTHING that still has a personality? He's so not human? Like I get what he says but also I don't really? Idk im pretty sure he's an avatar right? Right?? Idk if that means he was a person at some point? But all this to say that he is probably the most inhuman character I've come across so far and I'm trying to figure out what it is about him that's so "other" to me? Like... I don't really know what Micheal's deal is? he seems to want to be sort of a neutral mischief-maker but also it seems like he keeps getting invested. But also I just love the way he talks about himself. Like he's a monster that has a personality and is fully intelligent but isn't just evil but isn't neutral either and certainly isn't benevolent. Like he's so complex and just,,,, the idea of a "thing" that's got a personality?? I love it? Kind of like dryads or spirits of things? Like the idea that after a long time things gain personality just by existing? Not that that's what Michael is necessarily? but that same sort of concept applies to him I think. Like the way he IS the maze and wants to help but wants to just watch but wants to kill them all. He's just so interestinggggggg. (And another vision of what jon could become?)
 also "es Mentiras" is a beautiful name 💕
So are him and not-Sasha avatars? Not-Sasha also seems completely inhuman and I was under the impression that avatars were (or used to be) human? Or are they like personifications of their power? Do all the powers have personifications of themselves. not-Sasha seems even less human than Michael? Like she seems to just really genuinely enjoy causing fear? Tho I guess we didn't really get to hear a lot of her. She just seemed kinda gleefully angry most of the time we heard from her. Was she... Human once!???
Anyway. Also, can I just talk about leitners line about jon belonging to the eye!!? Just..*chefs kiss* hnnnngg I need more jon grappling with that. I just need more everyone dealing with the fallout post all of the finallies ok? I still need more of jon angsting over his worms scars and stuff and now I also need jon freaking out about belonging to a fear god power thing. 
Also Martin! Is Martin ok? He sure did a lot of yelling which he doesn't usually? Look I love him and he actually thinks before he acts (unlike SOME people *looks at jon*) and he writes poetry and it is pretty good poetry ok!! And he cares about everyone and just wants a happy ending and aaaaa😭
Petition to get some statements from Martin's pov tho? I mean that's not gonna happen cause Jon's the archivist but I want more martin pov!! Maybe we can get some of his poem tapes??? Pls????? 
I feel so bad for Tim. It sounds like he's kinda fallen into despair.
Also Elias!!? Is showing his spooky side!!? He can control cameras and beat a man to death with a pipe!!? This is his "place of powerr"!!? I am afeared!!? At least jon knows he shouldn't trust him now. Oh jeez, I wonder if jon will listen back to the tape and know what happened. Thhhatsss rough. Oh dear, I hope he doesn't feel guilty cause Leitner did keep trying to hurry him and now everyone thinks it was him. Even martin thinks he did it? Wich like I kinda want to hear more of his thoughts on that? How much does he believe that jon did it? Tim certainly seems pretty certain but he's a bit biased and cynical right now so. 
And they were in the maze for DAYS? 
Now I need martin recovering from being stuck with Tim in Michaels maze for days being angry and worried and hungry etc... Dksjdksa knowing jon could be dying RIGHT NOW and there's nothing he can do. Please someone give me the fic links if this exists!! I've already written like 5 drabbles based entirely on spoilers/other fics (which I'll probably post (w/ links to their inspirations) once I'm caught up and can make sure I'm not just completely demolishing cannon lol. 
Leitner didn't even scream or yell or anything when he was murdered. Literally the chillest dude ever. F
Overall super great, Elias is terrifying, let's dive into the next season!!! I've got 2 seasons to finish in like, less than 2 or so weeks(?) if I wana be caught up by season 5 hhhh,,,
Better get started I guess. 
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So Far Away -Five. (Nolan xReader)
A/N: This is the second time i try to post this things eye- 
Anyway, in case you couldn’t tell I messed up the timeline and let’s just pretend Nolan found out about Liam’s ability in a different way okay? k’, you’ll know what I’m talking about when u see it lmaoo also, I won’t follown the plot of the show exactly as it went partly cause I don’t remember well and I don’t have the time to rewatch it all, still I hope you like it tho! 
P.S. Also, what do you guys think about doing blurb nights? or drabbles? I just want to interact with you more ^-^ they’d be about all the fandoms I have on my bio obvsly, not only teen wolf lol let me know what you think! :D -Danny
Words: 1,745
Warnings: bad writing my dudes. Also a bit of blood.
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missing you is a slow burn Every time the earth turns I'm reminded that night is only half the time
The next week went by slowly, from one class to another Y/N was forced to stand there and have nothing but a glance from Nolan every time he walked past. He wasn’t his old self anymore, dry and rough he was nothing but a shadow that followed those boys around. 
One day she decided to pay him a visit, he said they weren’t dating anymore but he never mentioned anything about not being friends and the girl was holding onto that little gap, hoping it wasn’t a bad moment Y/N knocked on his door but no one answered. She knocked a few more times still with no reply. Disappointed she turned around and walked towards the street when a noise on the second floor caught her attention.
Nolan was there, looking directly to Y/N. He wasn’t exactly intimidating, but what scared her was that she couldn’t read his expression.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” He asked without moving.
“I-I just wanted to talk,” She rubbed her hands to get away from the cold, it was almost night time and she’d brought nothing but a thin blouse and a pair of jeans, naively trusting he’d let her in, “Can I come in?”
“I’m... I have homework,” He replied, and just then Y/N saw something close to worry.
“Me too,” She smiled shyly, “maybe we can finish all faster together?”
“I don’t think is a good idea Y/N, I don’t wanna get distracted but... t-thanks, see you,” Without waiting for a reply, Nolan stepped back and closed his window, Y/N didn’t even get the chance to wish him a good night.
Walking back to her car it felt like a bizarre walk of shame, and Y/N wasn’t exactly the type to give up to things she cared about just like that; in her mind a plan was already forming, she had nothing to lose at that point, and her friends could say she was overreacting and that she should let him go and move on. If it had been any other guy, maybe she’d have agreed with them, but this was Nolan, the same boy she convinced to join the lacrosse team. The same team that helped him beat up innocent kids like Liam and she had to do something about it.
She drove through the streets still distracted by her own thoughts, the town was quiet that night and it was lacking the usual traffic, not that she minded, all she wanted after her disappointing evening was a warm shower and her bed. Maybe snacks. And binge-watch romantic movies so she could finally sink in the miserable feeling around her chest.Y/N drove in silence until Muse ave came into view, a few cars were parked in the middle in the street and people stood around curiously. Assuming it was a car accident, Y/N slowed down, from her side she was the only car, so she could see the scene in front of her. What she saw would change her life forever.
Two bodies covered in blood were laying on the ground, standing in front of them, there was a person. Or at least it looked like one for the most part, it had to legs and two arms, though those arms ended in big, ugly hands with massive claws, and the face was covered in thick hair and his eyes had a golden, savage glow. Not to mention the gigantic fangs coming out of the mouth. 
She had to be dreaming. She was totally dreaming, right? There’s no way that was actually happening, there in front of her. A... a big dog-person growling in the middle of the street.
Then the person turned around and he recognized him. Liam.
“Oh my god,” She gasped, her voice muffled by the hand that went up to cover her mouth in shock.
Nolan’s voice came back to her, almost as if he knew what she was looking at right on that moment.
“You have no idea of what he is, what he is capable of!”
She sees it now, in all his scary glory she sees what Liam is and she wants to lock herself in the nuthouse just for thinking about it. Liam’s a werewolf.
The thing is, even now that she sees his true form, for her Liam still looks... like a scared boy. She can see it on his body language, the way he’s ready to attack but not because he wants to, it’s because he’ll do it if he feels like he needs to.
And what about the bodies? They aren’t mangled, their clothes are okay and the blood is coming from their heads, like someone hit them hard. 
Like a car just ran them over.
She finds it quickly, the blood all over the front of the car of that man. And he’s fine, he doesn’t look scared, in his eyes, Y/N sees a sickening warmth, like he’s pleased with his actions.
Hidden in the boy’s chest she sees it: the girl’s hand. Although is not a normal hand, it has claws. What did they do to be killed in such a cold manner? They were kids. Couldn’t be older than her and Nolan. And still this man decided to finish them off simply cause they were different. 
Granted, it was a terrifying look, a scary kind of different. But she had talked to Liam before, she saw him getting beaten up for the exact reason this man killed his friends and Liam never tried to fight back, for all she knew, they were the real victims.
It was then that even against her better judgement and all that scary movies ever taught her about monsters that she made a decision. 
“Liam!” Almost as if things weren’t weird enough, Scott McCall appeared followed by a girl she remembered as Malia from school. She didn’t know from where did they come from but it didn’t matter, apparently, they knew about Liam’s condition cause they walked straight towards him and surrounded him so no one could see his face. Unfortunately, they were now trapped inside the circle of curious people, and Scott looked around, they had nowhere to go. Or so they thought.
“Scott,” Y/N got out of her car and spoke loud enough to get the young man’s attention, “hey, McCall!”
He found her in the middle of the mess and his eyes went wide, surely thinking she was about to freak out and attack them. “Y/N, I’m sorry-”
“Get in the car,” she cut him out, very aware of the looks people were giving her.
“You’re not gonna let them get inside your car with that... thing, going with you, right?” A woman asked from her left.
“I’m sorry, but last time I checked that ‘thing’ was a human being and the people with him were too”
“They’re monsters!” The man in front of her, the same that had killed the other two spoke up, “they’ll kill us at the first chance”
“You’re crazy,” Y/n replied in disgust, “can’t you see what you did? You killed them! They were kids!”
“Monsters!” Repeated the stranger, and the crowd joined, screaming threats to Liam, who was still covered by Scott’s body.
“Scott, I won’t repeat myself” She insisted harshly, opening the back door of her car and stepping aside so Scott could put him in.
“Thank you,” He sighed, and the three of them quickly got into the car and shared no words while Y/N heard a woman next to her calling an ambulance for the other kids that laid inert on the ground.
Y/N went back to the car and turned on the engine once more. She didn’t look back until she left the busy street, and even then a few minutes went by before she realized she had no idea where she was going.
“D-do you want me to drop you all off at your place?” She asked Scott, her voice now a lot shakier than before.
“No, take us to Liam’s”
“Alright,” She replied, still shaking, “Can someone tell me where’s that?”
Scott proceeded to give her directions until the house came into view, she parked right outside the house and watched as Liam and Malia got out of the back.
Liam glanced at her with fear, and she wanted to let him know that it was okay, that she didn’t judge him or that she wasn’t afraid. But it was a blatant lie. She was scared shitless and she had no words for what was going on. Y/N was in for big, big trouble.
“You can go home now,” Scott told her once his friends were away, waiting for him at the doorstep.
“You don’t need a ride home?” She inquired, trying to sound as calm as possible, “I mean, a bunch of people just saw you walking out next to... him, you could be in danger”
“Believe me, I’m used to it by now,” He gave her a sad smile.
“I insist”
“Why?” Scott eyed her up and down, a frown now appearing on his face, “you saw what happened there, right? How come you’re not screaming and running for your life”
“Because, like you said, I saw what happened. And they didn’t have the fault. Liam isn’t dangerous”
Scott nodded, She saw his train of thoughts going for a few seconds before he spoke up again.
“Fine, give us five minutes and you can drop us at my place”
“Okay,” Y/N sighed, finally letting go of the steering wheel, not even conscious that she was holding to it like her life depended on it. “I’ll be here”
“And Y/N?” He added once he was out, bending a little so he could see her through the window, “thank you for helping”
“Scott?” She didn’t want to ask the next question, but she had to, if she wanted to save Nolan, she had to know everything, “the reason why Nolan and those guys were beating Liam up that other day... was it because they knew what he was?”
He hesitated for a moment but after sharing one look, he couldn’t lie.
“We think so,” And with that he walked towards Liam and Malia, leaving Y/N with a pit in her chest.
If she didn’t stop him before things went too far, Nolan was going to make some huge mistakes.
Taglist: @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @im-planning-something-look
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gifsbysimplysonia · 6 years ago
End of Day Sh!t post - July 30, 2019
I love the fact I can be looking up ONE obsession (a quote about Bucky Barnes’ “inherent goodness”) to try and find the source, only to have ANOTHER obsession stare me in the face
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Hi A7X. Hope while you’re busy hockin’ your wares and highlighting fans on your IG story every 30 seconds so that I get a notification and it’s NOT band content (but of course I don’t turn them off cuz what if I miss a certain cute stupid face?) ... you’re relaxing and enjoying the time off! *waves* 
Out of absolutely NOWHERE, I took a look at the prompt list for a Writing Challenge that’s popped up on my dash a few times. I didn’t want to commit to participating because I still haven’t finished my Dare fic for @valkyrieofsmut that was due LAST NOVEMBER because I am a failure of a human and apparently too afraid to write smut with Thick Bucky? I hate myself. 
BUT, for some reason yesterday, when I clicked to see what prompts/scenarios were left on the list, something sent my mind spinning and I ended up writing a Steve Rogers drabble. I was enjoying myself when I wrote it but then I had a couple of people read it and besides the fact I couldn’t come up with a good ending, I think I just hate it now lol. I was telling my NorCal bestie, what an awful thing, to be my friend AND have to be my editor cuz I’m forever needing coddling and reassurance AS A WRITER on top of needing it as just, like, a whiny person *smh*
These are the docs I have saved in Google as of now
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And this isn’t even counting the EXTREMELY LONG ideas/prompts/beginnings of something Note I have in an app on my phone cuz that is also chock full of stuff that randomly hits me so I have to hurry up and open the app on my phone so I don’t lose it. What’s SUPER hilarious is me going back to that file and being like, “Oh wow, that’s a good idea. I wish someone else would write it cuz I know I can’t” lol *headdesk* 
It does feel good to create again, though. Kevin Smith tweeted something the other day that hit my heart cuz it described how I feel about writing
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The feeling after I actually FINISH a story is SO AMAZING! I feel SO GOOD about the fact that I could take something that started as an INKLING and bring it through to a conclusion. But as you can see *gestures wildly around me*, my track record of finishing vs. not finishing is PA-THE-TIC :( I don’t know how I can start super excited about an idea, get started on it, and then get STUCK. And the longer I get stuck? The more convinced I become that I should just trash everything immediately and set it on fire. I DON’T because I also happen to be a packrat lol so what IF I do get inspiration some random day in the future? 
And that sh!t ACTUALLY  happened cuz I found a fic from like 2010 in my email drafts and suddenly took the 3 paragraphs I had and took it all the way through to a conclusion and I was like ............ WTF?!? WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?! So, I know I’m CAPABLE but that almost makes it WORSE cuz then it’s like ... well then, why can’t I just make this happen for EVERY one of these ideas? 
Siiiiiiiiiiiiigh. I wish there was a way to jump start the creative mind. 
Since I haven’t done a writing challenge before, I’ve been informed I can go ahead and post it whenever I want, just tag it properly/as it was requested. I’m terrified tho. Like, I tell other authors/writers to write for themselves and to be able to feel fulfilled on their own. But when it comes down to it, if I don’t receive SOME validation for something I’ve written? My heart BREAKS, man. And Marvel was the WRONG DAMN FANDOM to try and start writing for after a decade plus hiatus cuz there are SUCH HIGH QUALITY WRITERS! I feel intimidated ALL THE TIME and like a dummy for even TRYING to participate and think I’m in their league? Which I don’t, but it’s like ... I dunno. I’ve also come across fics that aren’t high quality but have ALL THE NOTES so I don’t think I understand how it really works with fic.
If my bestie likes it and anyone else I trick into reading it likes it...I need to get into a mindset of “That’s enough.” So how do I trick my own stubborn mind? LOL
Ugh, I’m such a mess. If you somehow made it to the end of this, you’re awesome and I’m sorry I stole those minutes of your life away
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but I thank you for taking an interest and I’m wishing you love and light!
PS Tomorrow Red Sea Diving Resort premieres on Netflix and I could totally watch it at work but I feel TOO GUILTY about lusting after Evans in a movie that’s about a serious religious / political issue and is based on a true story >.< I don’t know how my own mind works, I swear. 
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