#why is it always a sliding door that refuses to stay closed 😭😭
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I had a nightmare last night like what the actual hell 😭😭
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acatnamedkitten · 6 months ago
RadioHusk: I missed this
Look, I know I'm a day behind 😭 but here's my Monday contribution RadioHuskWeek Prompt: Communication Reverse Trope Prompt: Too Much Communication 850words
Alastor had a habit of always saying what was on his mind.
Good. Bad. Disturbing. It didn’t matter. The man would talk until your ears fell off.
As it was, the bar cat had perfected the art of half-listening to Alastor as he rambled on. Most of the time, Husk didn’t want to know what the overlord had spent his days doing, so tuning in and out had become a necessity. 
Husk didn’t mind. If Alastor was talking, it meant he was staying out of trouble. It was usually only when the deer fell silent that you had to worry for your safety. 
And so, when Alastor fell silent one night while sitting at the hotel bar, every alarm bell the cat possessed went off. Husk mentally went through the story Alastor had been telling, searching for the cause of his sudden silence, but he came up empty.
It took everything in him not to shudder, but Alastor’s tone wasn’t angry. It was… Frustrated? Uncertain?
“Yeah, Boss?” Husk cocked his head, studying the way Alastor was swirling the dregs of his whisky, staring into the glass like it held all the answers in the universe.
The deer didn’t say anything for a long moment, which just made Husk more and more tense. Just when the feline thought he would explode, Alastor looked up at him.
“Would you… like to have a nightcap with me?”
Husk visibly sighed with relief. Not at all what he had been expecting, though he had been wondering if/when Alastor would ask. “Yeah, Al, sure. Just let me close up quick.”
Looking much more at ease himself, Alastor nodded, throwing back the last of his drink and sliding it over. 
Husk took it, washing and drying it quickly, before turning off the lights and locking up the good liquor. He came around the bar and stood beside Alastor as the deer got up from his barstool and straightened his jacket. 
It had always been hard for Alastor to ask for things, which is why they had come up with the code in the first place. Granted, it had been over seven years since they had last done this, but Husk was surprised at Alastor’s hesitancy.
Then again, if he had demanded Husk come up with him, or acted like no time had passed, Husk would have refused outright. It was only because the deer had asked nicely, not assuming he already knew the answer, that the bar-cat accepted. 
The walk was long, but it passed in seconds. Alastor opened his door for Husk, letting the cat enter first. 
As always, Husk went straight to the bathroom to get ready. Opening the medicine cabinet, he found Alastor had put his things right where they’d always been. 
Smiling to himself, Husk went through his routine. Though he was always more thorough on these nights, he still came out in only a few minutes. 
Alastor, already changed, was sitting on the bed, fiddling with the brush. He looked up as Husk came over, clearly waiting for him to back out. 
But he didn’t. The bar-cat just crawled onto the bed, stole a pillow, and laid down. Spreading his wings out, Husk got comfy and gave a content sigh. 
Alastor didn’t move for a long moment. 
Husk was just about to turn and raise an eyebrow at the deer when he finally felt the bed shift. 
Cautiously, Alastor shifted around, gently maneuvering Husk’s wing. Finally, he set to work brushing the feathers.
Husk started purring immediately. 
Despite hating everything about his sinner form, the cat couldn’t deny how good it felt to have Alastor’s claws scritching through his feathers. 
Between brushing, preening, and oiling, the whole process took over an hour. Both of them were silent throughout, leaving the soft music coming from the radio on the nightstand and the crackling of the fire in the hearth to fill the room. And the purring and radio static, of course.
When Alastor finally set the brush and oil down, Husk rolled onto his side. While he rearranged the pillow, Alastor came over to lay in front of him, facing away, just as he always did.
Unlike usual, Alastor left a good foot of space between them. Grunting with annoyance, Husk wrapped his arm around the deer’s middle and pulled him close. Alastor squeaked in surprise but didn’t pull away, even when Husk started licking his ears. 
Alastor would never admit it, but this was what he really wanted. To be cuddled and groomed and safe. And if Alastor needed to preen Husk’s wings before he allowed himself that comfort, that was fine by Husk. 
After a few minutes, Alastor’s voice carried through the dark room, “Husker?”
Husk stopped grooming his ears to nuzzle between his antlers. “Yeah, Al?” 
Sounding like he was already asleep, “I missed this.” 
I missed you
Husk almost couldn’t believe his ears. His old, battered heart tripped over itself as he buried his face in Alastor’s hair. 
Eventually, he managed to mumble, “I missed you too, Bambi.”
Alastor gave a happy hum and promptly fell asleep.
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moxleys-darlin · 2 years ago
Can Beauty Come Out Of Ashes?
Pairings: Bryan Danielson/Wheeler Yuta, Bryan/Yuta/Regal, implied Shield/BCC/Renee
Summary: Bryan wakes up cold and alone. Sequel to "I'll Show You Disrespect"
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
CW: temporary death, temporary suicide, self-harm (while sleeping), blood
(The only gif I could find of that trio 😭🤷🏻‍♀️)
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(Gifs aren’t mine)
Bryan wakes up freezing and alone, he hates when nobody is home to sleep with him. Only Yuta and Renee are home but Bryan is still working for his lover’s forgiveness, and Renee sleeps alone unless Mox or the Hounds are home. He sits up and rubs his neck where Mox bit him a few weeks ago, swearing the healed spot hurts more now than when it was caused. The spot feels wet and pulling his hand back, he’s alarmed to see blood covering his hand. He reaches for his discarded shirt, putting pressure on the wound. 
He shivers violently when he slides out of bed, wondering why it is so cold. Deciding to check on Yuta and Renee to see if they are as freezing as him, he takes the shirt off his wound and is shocked that it was still bleeding. He makes a detour to the bathroom and covers the spot with gauze and tape.
He shivers violently when he slides out of bed, wondering why it is so cold. Deciding to check on Yuta and Renee to see if they are as freezing as him, he takes the shirt off his wound and is shocked that it was still bleeding. He makes a detour to the bathroom and covers the spot with gauze and tape.
He leaves his room finally, a sickening feeling in his stomach that refuses to go away the closer he gets to Renee and Yuta's rooms. He checks on Renee first, staying for a moment to watch her sleep peacefully. Closing the door quietly he walks toward Yuta's room with the nauseating feeling getting stronger. It had been months since he had been to Yuta's room, between his obsession and everyone but him sleeping in the big bed. He places his hand on the door, hesitating a moment before opening it and his knees buckle, but he stays upright somehow.
“Yuta? Yuta, no!” He runs to the bed, finally dropping to his knees to clutch at his lover’s head. “No no no baby, where’s the wound? Where’s the fucking wound, Wheeler?!” He scrambles on the bed trying to find where Yuta is bleeding from so much. He feels slickness running across his shoulder and neck, his blood dripping onto Yuta, adding to the gore. Bryan can see Yuta’s mouth moving, trying to speak.
“What? What is it, baby?” He uses the sheets to wipe the blood away but more seems to replace it, he doesn’t understand.
“I-I’m sorry, Bry. I was-wasn’t enough, d-disrespected you.” He mutters, losing strength and getting paler.
Bryan shushes him. “No baby, no. Stop talking like that and tell me where the fucking cut is.” He can hear himself screeching hysterically but he can’t find the wound.
“I lo-love you, Bry.” Yuta’s hands weakly grab at his face, leaving blood across Bryan’s cheekbones. “I-I’m not worried, Da-Danny will take care of y-you. You c-can finally be happy and f-free of me. You wanted him f-first so now he can be yours. But I love you, Drag-.” Yuta’s hands drop lifelessly from his face and he clutches onto his younger lover’s shoulders, shaking him.
“No, Yuta NO! I don’t want him, come back please! I want you! Please baby, no no no! YUTA PLEASE!”
Yuta’s POV
“I am so glad we can do this Yoots.” Renee says, looking up at him from her spot in his lap. “I feel like we never get time to hang out just us. Mox always hogs you and you’re such a comfy pillow.”
He chuckles, running a hand gently through her hair. “I’m glad we could too; Netflix, popcorn, and candy with my favorite Canadian.” He sighs, remembering the man asleep upstairs and Renee sits up.
“I know that sigh, how’s all that going?”
Slowly, which I’m thankful for but damn it, I miss him Renee. He’s been so sweet and attentive ever since the bite healed. We run together, he helps me with submission holds, he cooks meal as with me, and it’s like it used to be.” He sighs again.
“But?” She drawls out.
“How long will it last? It took Mox biting him, Renee. Why did it need to come to such extremes? I want to trust him and his intentions but I’m scared.”
“Well, that’s fa-.” She’s cut by screaming coming from upstairs and Yuta shoots up off the couch.
“Shit, Bryan!” He doesn’t wait for Renee, just sprints up the stairs to Bryan’s room, throwing the door open.
He sees Bryan throwing his head side to side, screaming for Yuta, and clawing his shoulder where Mox bit him. Yuta climbs into the bed with him, holding the hand to stop him from hurt himself further. He hears Renee enter the room, gasping at the scene.
“Hey, hey Bryan, wake up baby, you’re okay.” He looks back at Renee. “Can you grab the first aid kit from the bathroom and call somebody? Anybody please.” He turns his attention back to Bryan as he starts thrashing and screaming again.
“Yuta please! I’m sorry, Yuta! Come back please!” Tears are streaming down Bryan’s face.
“Bryan! Bryan, wake up! It’s just a nightmare Bryan, come back to us.”
He shakes Bryan, finally getting desperate enough and slapping him hard. Bryan’s eyes shoot open, sitting up and nearly hitting Yuta. He pants harshly, covering his eyes and trying to calm down. Yuta places a hand on Bryan’s arm softly, humming a random tune. He can hear Renee on the phone, telling someone to hurry home and coming back into the room with the medical kit.
“Thank you, Re, I appreciate it.”
“I called Regal, he’s the closest with Jon and Claudio visiting Roman and Seth. I’m gonna give you two some time alone, text me if you need me.” With that, she walks out the door, phone to her ear again, no doubt calling the Shield boys and Claudio.
Bryan is calming down as he unpacks the things he needs to fix the bleeding shoulder. He continues to hum lightly as he gently grabs Bryan’s shoulder.
“Turn to the side for me so I can see your shoulder, you made yourself bleed and it looks like you clawed it pretty deep.” Bryan hisses as the peroxide hits the open wound and Yuta shushes him, humming a different song. “I know I’m sorry, just bear with me, baby.” He blows gently on the spot.
“Is that Ashes by Celine Dion? The song you’re humming?” Bryan mutters.
“Oh, uh yeah. Renee made me listen to it and it’s been stuck in my head.” Yuta continues to treat Bryan’s shoulder, not wanting to say he’s been listening to it on repeat because it reminds him of their situation.
“I guess it fits huh? You and me with our problems?” He curses under his breathe, swearing Bryan could be a mind reader. “Yeah, I figured.” He chuckles darkly.
“Do you want to tell me about the dream?” He asks after the wound is taken care of and he’s sitting with his back on the headboard.
Bryan sighs. “I have no right to ask this, but can we lay down? I-I need to hold you, or you hold me. Please? I swear I won’t cross the line again until you tell me, but I just- I need this. I’ll beg if I have to.” Yuta lays down and pats his chest, opening his arms.
“No need to beg, ever. Come on, come lay down and tell me what happened. You scared me, I’ve never heard you scream like that and I don’t ever want to again.”
Bryan hesitates only for a moment before he gingerly lays down, careful of his bandaged shoulder. He seems to collect himself, burying his nose in Yuta’s neck, like he’s trying to convince himself of… something. Yuta shivers when he feels Bryan’s hot breath on his neck, memories of better times flooding his mind.
“You promise not to be upset?”
“I swear Bry, I won’t be upset.”
He listens as Bryan tells him his dream, crying as he hears “his” last words. He runs his hands through his Dragon’s hair, trying to calm him down as he shakes in his arms. The door opens, revealing their older lover quietly entering the room. He sends a questioning look to Yuta and he waves him over, looking to the other side of Bryan, telling Regal to sandwich Bryan in. He dresses into sleep clothes quickly, molding himself to Bryan’s back, kissing his neck and the back of his head gently.
“Don’t leave us, Wheeler, please. I promise you’re enough. I’m the one who messed up. Just please don’t leave us baby.”
“Oh Bryan-.”
“Promise me that no matter what, you won’t leave us that way.” He pushes himself up, Regal moving to allow it, “Promise me baby, please, even if it’s a lie to appease me.” Yuta grabs his face, pulling him down to kiss him deeply for the first time in months and both men groan.
Yuta breaks away, chuckling as Bryan follows him. “Hey, I swear I’m not going anywhere, okay? I promised Mox and I’m promising you; I’m not giving up on us, ever. Okay Dragon?” He kisses Bryan again, then lets him lay back down, burying his face in Yuta’s neck.
Regal lays himself back against Bryan’s neck, muttering declarations of love and pride softly into his ear until he is breathing deeply, fast asleep against Yuta’s neck. Regal lifts his head to check in with him, and he knows he sees the tears streaming down his face.
“What happened Sunshine?”
“He dreamed that he woke up alone and went to go find me and when he opened my door, I was bleeding out on the bed. He said he tried to stop it, but he couldn’t find the source. I died apologizing to him and telling him that at least Danny would replace me, I died right in front of him.” He sniffles, wiping the tears away, and accepting the hand that Regal offered him. “I had to slap him to wake him up and I bandaged his shoulder where he ripped it open with his nails.” He is interrupted by the buzzing of Regal’s phone.
“It’s Claudio, the others must be worried.” Yuta nods, gently covering Bryan’s exposed ear so he is left undisturbed.
Yuta listens to the phone conversation, throwing in an “I love you” at the end to his other lovers. He continues to lovingly stroke Bryan’s hair and face, pushing his fingers gently into his beard, still as soft as he remembers. He can feel Regal staring down at them before kissing Yuta goodnight and telling him how much he loves him, cuddling into Bryan and drifting to sleep. Yuta stays awake long enough to watch his lovers a moment longer and send a selfie to the group text of the sleeping arrangement. He relaxes, taking in Bryan and Regal’s calming scents, letting himself join his lovers into more pleasant dreams.
Let beauty come out of ashes
Great! Awesome! I don’t feel burned or poked with pitchforks so I’m assuming we all survived the story (including Yuta, yay!)
I hope you all enjoyed!! Thank you for reading! I love you all and hope you still love me 😘
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rosenallies · 3 years ago
okay lemme type that again since my phone decided to abort mission, can u do a phone sex au cute lil soft prompt where maybe it’s rosie’s first time catching nali really crying and nali tries to hide it so rosie has to give her the “it’s okay to cry” talk and just makes her nice n comfy and lets her cry it out w/ momma 😭💗💗💗💗💗💗
Writing sad prompts when I’m sad? More likely than u think
Rosé stepped outside, closing the sliding glass door behind her after she had followed Denali out to her parents’ backyard, the younger standing with her back to the door.
“Denali,” Rosé cooed, placing a hand on her shoulder to get her to turn, but her feet stayed planted.
“Go inside,” she managed through hiccups, her words clipped, so obvious she was crying and trying to hide it.
Stepping in front of her, Rosé’s heart broke. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she refused to make eye contact with Rosé, staring at her shoes instead.
“I don’t want you to see me like this.”
Rosé sighed, lifting her chin with a single finger so she’d look her in the eyes. “Why, honey?”
Denali angrily wiped at her tears, nearly hitting herself in the face in the process until Rosé gently took her hands and led her to the porch swing. She sat down and pulled Denali into her lap, the warm summer breeze swinging them gently.
“It’s embarrassing,” Denali muttered under her breath, hiding her face in Rosé’s chest.
“Where would you ever get that idea, sweetheart?”
Denali glanced inside at her mother standing at the sink doing the dishes, the reason she would rather shrivel up and die than show her emotions. She remembers being a child and getting in trouble every time she cried, and she kept that with her, feeling weak and inadequate every time someone caught her crying.
“My love, it’s ok to cry.”
Fisting her hands in Rosé’s cardigan , she shook her head. “It’s not,” she squeaked, “I feel stupid.”
“You’re the furthest thing from stupid. Baby, I don’t know what happened with your mom, but with me, you can cry all you want. You’re safe here with me, I won’t ever judge you.”
Denali looked up at her with big eyes, wet with pain. “I’m safe with you?”
“So safe, honey, I want you to let it all out. Can you do that for me?”
Lip wobbling, Denali nodded, hiding her face back in Rosé’s neck as sobs wracked her body. Rosé cooed at her softly, rocking her back and forth until her cries were only short sniffles.
“Darling, I’m so proud of you.”
Denali frowned. “Proud? For crying?”
Rosé nodded, petting Denali’s hair back. “It’s hard to be emotional and vulnerable and I’m very proud of you, momma’s good girl.”
Denali’s cheeks flushed red. “I used to get in trouble for crying too much.”
Frowning, Rosé pressed a kiss to her cheek. “That will never ever happen with me. Any emotion you feel is safe to feel with me, okay?”
“Okay. Thank you, I love you.”
“No need to thank me, lovely, I love you and I’m here for you always.”
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