#why does my header load for everyone except me and why does it always look like shit on desktop
bloodyethanol · 2 years
girl uses tumblr 6+ years, still doesn't know how tumblr works
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mygangtome · 5 years
Five BBCRH Things We Can’t Stop Talking About, and One We’d Really, Really Rather Not Ever Have Mentioned
You Knew This Was Coming
Okay. Okay, dear tumblr user, if I’m going to do this post, I’m going to need a drink [and someone to pay for said drink -Nell]. Hang on.
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pictured: @nettlestonenell, left, and the author, right
Okay. Proceed.
There’s a lot to love about this show; the fact that we’re doing this day, thirteen years later, proves that the fans never shut up about it. But there are also things that we don’t talk about, things we deny ever happened, things that are, for whatever reason, collectively retconned. Whether it’s bad writing, or poor decisions, or a good story choice that just bums us out will always be up for debate. But what’s not up for debate is that they are incredibly angsty.
And we all know how Tumblr loves angst. 
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[visual representation of the above condition. - Nell]
So hey, maybe this is the thing that’ll spur you to watch it. Maybe you’ve already watched it (in which case, WHY AM I STILL WRITING THESE) and we can all remember and grieve together; a sort of collective catharsis. But let’s take this moment, on the day we remember the outlaws, to remember the ones we lost along the way.
Here be so many, many spoilers. Cue the music.
I’m Not Being Funny, But This Isn’t Funny
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pictured: i’m not sure i can do funny captions for this tbh [That’s okay, I’ve stopped reading since my brain fails to recognize this event as ever having happened, and I’ve actually blacked-out -Nell]
Oh, Allan, sweetheart, you deserved better than this.
If I’m being honest, many fans refuse to admit that any part of Season 3 happened - which is a shame, as it means that you miss out on Kate and her exceptional hairstyles, and David Harewood as Tuck, and most important of all, Toby Stephens as the best, hammiest, campest Prince John ever cast - due to What Happened At The End Of Season 2. More on that later. But even those brave folks who do enjoy Season 3 shrink at What Happened To Allan.
ALLAN: None of you? … Not one of you believes me?
A young man trudges through the forest, alone and afraid and abandoned. His friends are convinced he has betrayed them, due to scheming by the new sheriff - and aren’t they quick to jump to conclusions, suddenly? Nobody will take his word that he would die rather than betray them; angry and hurt and unwilling to stay here and be punished for a crime he didn’t commit, he escapes. In his attempt to get somewhere safe, he stumbles across something that could change the course of the battle - something Robin cannot possibly know.
Nobody would blame Allan, here and now, at the end of things, if he just left. Robin doesn’t trust him - why should he help Robin?
But he doesn’t. He turns, and he runs. His first thought is of his friends.
It is also his last thought.
Arrows fly over his head from a force we do not see. One hits him in the calf. He cries out in pain and staggers, but still he runs, desperate to save the gang. Another hits him in the shoulder, and still he runs. Then finally, one final arrow hits him in the small of the back, and he falls to the ground, gasping for air.
And still he tries. He crawls on his hands and knees, dragging his dying body - though he must know it is hopeless now. He is still crawling when a pair of boots step in front of him, and he looks up into the face of his killer.
We do not get to see the moment of his death. He gets no final speech; no chance to say goodbye. We do not even know if is the arrows that kill him, or if it is a blow from Vaisey’s sword, or some other, crueler trick. We know simply that Allan died alone, and he died bravely.
And he died in the penultimate bloody episode. [Pretty sure that’s both a literal and idiomatic use of ‘bloody’, there. - Nell]
Now, this is supposed to be a day for celebrating Robin Hood, so I’ll hold back on my anger. Suffice to say - while his death saddens me, the manner of his death and how it is treated saddens me far more.
We don’t talk about Allan’s death. [Just try making a gifset about it and watch as no one reblogs it. - Nell]
We Were Fighters, And I’m Proud
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pictured: i do love this dress [And yet it sends me looking for the lint roller everytime. - Nell]
Marian is, as I’ve said before, a hero. She is as much as a hero as Robin - she has been fighting for the common folk long before Robin even thought of camping in the woods and becoming a nuisance. She is kind and brave and strong, and she is stubborn and hotheaded and reckless. She shows love to everyone, even those who hurt her. And she will never, ever back down from a fight.
It makes sense, then, that she would die the same way she lived - but that doesn’t make us any happier about it.
A man - a king - lies bleeding on the ground in Jerusalem, at the mercy of a man in black, who advances on him with sword drawn. A young woman, clad all in white, her hair loose about her shoulders, screams his name, and stops him in his tracks. She throws herself in front of the king.
MARIAN: Stop! It’s over, Guy!
GUY: Get out of the way.
MARIAN: All of this time, I’ve been fighting for England. Do you think I’m going to let you kill England?
GUY screams in anger and slashes his sword towards her. She steps back, but remains in front of the king.
MARIAN: (defiant) You’ll have to kill me first.
The man bellows at her; he is mad with rage, and he tells her with fire in his eyes that she needs to stand aside so he can do his job, that he’s doing this so they can be together - that she needs to be a good woman, and let the men fight. And Marian - brave, brilliant Marian - laughs. Her face lights up as she thinks of the man she loves.
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pictured: i can be your hero, baby
MARIAN: I would rather die than marry you, Guy. I’m going to marry Robin Hood. I love Robin Hood.
MARIAN laughs again, quietly, and looks proud.
I love Robin Hood.
And Guy of Gisborne stabs her in the stomach.
It is not important what Guy does after that, or what happens with the King. We don’t remember that. What we remember is the sound of Robin screaming her name as he watches her fall. We remember that the first thing she says when he cradles her in his arms is ‘Where’s the King?’, because her mission is the most important thing. We remember her realisation that this is a death sentence, and the look in her eyes as she learns that Djaq cannot save her. And we remember that she tells Robin to keep fighting.
The lovers wed, there on the dry earth of that town square with tears in their eyes, and they have their first kiss as man and wife. It’s beautiful, and powerful, and devastating. And Marian pulls out the sword, screams in pain, and she dies.
And for a lot of people, so does the show. [Frankly, Robin would also agree with this sentiment. - Nell]
Again, I’m not here to preach, or to hate on this show that we love so much. But if there’s one thing we’d like to forget, every one of us, it’s that the female lead was killed - and the two male leads got a big load of angst for the next series. Whether they intended it or not, there’s a term for that, and it’s not a complimentary one. And there’s also a fair amount to be said about the fact that the BBC broadcast this pre-watershed at Christmas time, and a lot of children were devastated.
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These are not the only deaths in Robin Hood. [But] They are the ones that get ignored the most, because they’re generally considered to be the most unfair - not just upsetting, but genuinely wrong for the show. [It’s a show that] massacres the cast with tremendous enthusiasm - from Roy’s death in the first few episodes to the deaths of virtually everyone* [Dan Scarlett, my Templar husband, Carter - Nell] (Guy, the Sheriff, Isabella, and even Robin himself) in the finale. But as sad as all of those (well, most of those) were, they don’t get us the same way these two do. It certainly doesn’t help that Will and Djaq, two other fan favourites, disappear along with Marian.
There’s a lot of things we’ll never shut up about with Robin Hood. There’s a reason we love it.
But there’s a reason for all the fanfic.
Happy Robin Hood Awareness Day, one and all. May the year be kinder to us all than 1193 was to the outlaws.
I’ll have that drink now. [Oh, I’d started just after reading the header... - Nell]
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
Yu-Gi-Oh GX for the fandom thing!
why did i expect this lol
Favorite Male Character: Judai. he’s my kuriboh bby boi and i luv im to bits his growth as a person was also interesting to see but in terms of my favourite favourite there’s 1% competition cuz my bby is my favourite
Favorite Female Character: probably either tania or bursty (burstlady/burstinatrix) Tania is p much the urbosa of Gx a strong cool And beautiful tribe leader. (except she’s also a tiger) and well she’s great.bursty i like cuz she’s a badass lady spirit in ep 20 and welp i just like her
Least Favorite Character thats a hard one. i got a load of characters i have a disliking to (mostly S3 jackasses that got what they sorta deserved)but if i had to pick someone it’d be satou/ professor stein mostly goin by dub logic here because the voice really backs up the point. his voice is just so..monotone and boring that really you cant find any or much interest in him. and he wonders why everyone slept through his classes..
Favorite Ship: my blog name is an anonym for it it’s even in my blog title header it’s spiritship.
Favorite Friendship: another hard one.. there’s a lotta good friendships in Gx although im probably gonna be an odd one out saying i enjoyed the sorta friendship rei had with martin (before the whole yubel possessed martin stuffu) it was nice to see rei fussing over someone who wasn’t ryo or judai. plus it’s someone who looks about her age (whatever her actual official jap age is)
Favorite Quote ooo thats easy. yknow where haou says to judai “to be willing to become evil to defeat evil..” it just has more of a deeper meaning to me sorta questioning the whole can the hero always win in the end? plus it has a nice tone to it.
Worst Character Death: in terms of brutality/darkest id say Cobra’s was the worse. i mean paralyzed into walking off a platform 20feet high and falling to his death…that’s pretty dark. literally
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: im just gonna mark this as a moment that is never not gonna be funny to me-
where manjoume calls sho and kenzan judai’s lil baby duckies which in it’s context makes 100% humorous sense
Saddest Moment: i still gotta get through a few major angst episodes but i think in 146 where judai’s just wondering round the remains of the villages and that in darkworld after the destruction he caused as haou and keeps flashing back to when he caused it. and then ends up returning to where he dueled brron and keeps seeing images in his mind of the suffering the 4 friends killed 4 super poly and is just really torn about what he’s done and wants to know how does he repent for the sins he’s caused and then that bao guy shows up wanting to beat judai so he can be seen as the new ruler and obviously his whole PTSD has limmited how effectively he can duel and the most sad bit is he sees it as the answer to what to do about his sins and accepts almost in hopes of duelicide (basically a suicide duel) with very little hope of winning and finds it fitting that his life should end where his friends did.
honestly that’s like how he feels at the time and its kinda heart breakin
Favorite Location: Orisis\slifer red dorm. no questions asked.
but thats p much it.
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legion1993 · 6 years
The Time For Secrets is Over
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A/N: this is my new fave story header!!! i mean he looks so hot!!!! anyway this is for another write challenge!!! happy birthday @thinkwritexpress-official!!! this is #2 of 3 for ya...
pairing: jensen x reader
prompt: possessive
my city is Shadowhaven, my name is Y/N. my home was originally New York, but i moved for my work... what happened after i moved was the way things happen, the way i ended up standing beside my very double-sided possessive Fiance. although before i should probably tell you how we got into this situation before continuing. 
~let me take you back to before we got into the danger~
as a artist, song writer and author i move around alot and always end up staying in a different place every few months or so.. depending on work, concerts, conventions, etc.
this project was taking me to the far regions of Europe. yay we are close to my ancestral grounds but i had never ever heard of a place called Shadowhaven till i was told to go record and spend time there... my manager told me it would be good for my rep... 
so i booked my flight and left the USA behind, flying my way to Shadowhaven a decent sized town in the deep end of Scotland (my home ancestral grounds). it was a nice relaxing flight, course i knew my history, but Shadowhaven had never been mentioned anywhere at all.
i could tell that this was the start of a new adventure, immediately making my way through the airport, through customs, towards the inner of the airport, i decided to shop for a new wardrobe that might help me to blend in, i knew my family crest colors so i used my skills in shopping to inconspicuously find a blend in outfit.
you approached this one boutique upon arriving inside this shopkeeper approaches you, and notices that you look like your seeking something specific. 
Shopkeeper: “good day lass, can i help ye with somethin’?”
you smile and turn to face this shopkeeper.
Y/N: “yes, what would you recommend for someone whose first time being in her ancestral grounds and wanting to experience some of her heritage?”
the shopkeeper was very impressed, but immediately had a thought. so she went around the desk again circling through some of the stuff she had back there, and as you watched you realized that it wouldnt be long before someone over here recognized you.
Shopkeeper: “what are your families colors?”
Y/N: “would this help i don really know how to describe it...”
you pulled out your smartphone and showed her a picture of your families colors. she comes up to you again a few moments later with a dress that looks like it was made for royalty, but yet it also looked surprisingly comfortable.
Shopkeeper: “come with me darling, let me help you put it on...”
you follow her to the back of the store storing your suitcase & backpack behind the counter, you knew that there was someone who was kind enough to help you. 
as she helped you get into that dress you started to feel like a normal person. almost like this was your destiny. but thats when you got to look at yourself in the mirror. upon seeing yourself in that dress you felt something inside you change. 
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you looked at the lady and were instantly grateful.
Y/N: “thank you so much i appreciate this...”
Shopkeeper: “your welcome deary, its on the house... welcome home!”
you walked back to your bags and smiled as you left the store now blending in. you went to hail a cab and find somewhere to stay at a reasonable price.it wasnt until you got out of the cab in mid town, that there was a voice hailing you down...
a gentleman wearing a suit was now approaching you... it wasnt till he got alot closer that you realized how hot he was... 
Jensen: “excuse me ma’am, may i help you? you look a little lost.”
Y/N: “well yes i am a little lost, i dont really know the city too well... and i very well dont know how to find myself a place to stay so i can start working on my vacation! well actually it was my boss who said i work too hard and told me to just go back to my roots... so here i am on my ancestral grounds.”
Jensen: “well how does staying with me in my castle sound...”
Y/N: “you know supposedly my family also has a castle somewhere but i hath no idea where... its really quite frustrating...”
Jensen could only smile as he moved closer to you... he extended his hand and bowed...
Jensen: “my name is Jensen Ackles! and what is your name mi-lady?”
you were so flattered that you slid your hand into his and curtsied.. not being completely away that he had just marked you... a mark of possession it is something that has been passed down between your 2 households for ages...
Y/N: “my name is Y/N Y/L/N it is good to meet such a fine handsome fellow...”
Jensen: “its my highest honor to have you stay with me for the duration of your stay... no exceptions no constitutions... but some nights i do have things to do, extra work loads and stuff... so on those nights ill be gone shortly after dusk... so will thee join me as my guest, fair lady!”
you smiled at him nodding, but then before you had a chance to say another word your bags were being loaded into his car...
Y/N: "sir, are you sure its fine for me to come stay with you, i really dont want to be a bother..."
at the sound of your lips calling him sir something inside him stirred... as if some sort of dark force on the inside was trying to push out his darkness and take control...
Jensen: "sir seems too formal just call me Jay... everyone does..."
Jensen smiled darkly as you threaded your arm through his and both of you walked to his car... getting in you happened to see the heading of a newpaper.
《《Ethereal Phoenix claims another woman as his own》》
but Jensen rook notice of how your eyes flitted immediately across the headline on the newspaper. Jensen also knew he would have to be careful with where you would wander off too...
Jensen: "those colors are a representation of one of the original founding families of Shadowhaven... it is actually a funny thing our 2 households have always had good relations!"
the dark twisted sound to his voice made you shiver but it was almost like that good kind of shiver...
Y/n: "well i hope that i can learn some history while im here... i honestoy can say i knew i was from scotland but i didnt know where.. it really is beautiful here..."
Jensen: "when we arrive at my castle we shall take a walk through the country side and ill show you where your families castle stands!"
Y/N: "that sounds wonderful in fact i had hoped to get to know the man whose house im staying in tonight. for its my undying gratitude that i give to thee."
Jensen could only smile for in his mind, his other side was getting ready for its time to reveal itself.
the rest of the ride was calm and peaceful! Jensen suddenly felt something come over him... he had the driver stop the car and he stumbled getting out he started into the trees, you followed you had to make sure he was ok...
<< The danger is revealed>>
After a bit of running you found yourself in a clearing, you stopped to admire your scenery, but someone else was there too. for the sound of bushes rustling, branches breaking and heavy footsteps scared you frozen in your tracks..
Y/N: "Jensen... Jensen where are you?"
it wasnt till you screamed that, a dark deep laugh came out of the trees. it showed through the trees a golden blur... it kinda startled you but at the same time made you wonder, what kind of creature might be able to move like that...
you kept a steady pace and slowly continued to now wonder the dark wood in search of Jensen. but you were startled once more qhen a voice spoke out of the darkness.
Ethereal Phoenix: "have you lost something mi lady?"
you tried to track where that voice was coming from but debated on answering it but felt like you could trust it. but as if natural you pulled out your best scottish accent.
Y/N: "a friend of mine ran into these woods a few moments ago and i have not been able to locate him. who are you? where are you?"
ethereal phoenix didnt answer right away instead he raised up in a gold blur and placed himself in a tree.
Ethereal phoenix: "i am the one that those papers in town speak of, the one who takes those women away from their men, i am he who makes women feel like they are worth something. i am Ethereal Phoenix. Miss, may i say you look new, how long have you been in Shadowhaven?"
Ethereal Phoenix said with a dark twisted tone to his voice. you shook off the bad feeling that suddenly plagued you.
Y/N: "only a few short hours... look i really dont mean to be rude but im really scared and i need to find my friend, so please excuse me.."
you started to retrace your steps back to the car, but once more the ethereal Phoenix spoke as thought he had been following you.
ethereal Phoenix: "why are you in such a rush to find your friend dont you want to be with a real man..."
you stopped dead in your tracks, almost feeling more scared of the voice that was talking than that of the dark wood. thats when you saw it standing there a shadowy figure in the little sunlight shining in between the trees. 
Y/N: “excuse me, you have no idea how much of a decent hot man Jensen is... trust me he is better than you... mr im gonna be that creepy ass voice hiding in the shadows... that preys on innocent women, raping them, at least Jensen is man enough to show his face...”
at that moment Ethereal Phoenix rushed in a golden blur and pinned you to a tree... the sunlight reflecting off his face made it clear that he was nothing good... 
Ethereal Phoenix: “you need to learn some manners little girl... how bout i teach you some manners. you know i feel a little possessive of you, now lets go somewhere where i can stand over you, while you scream... while you scream for a rescue that will never come. now hold still and let me see what kind of goodies you have under these clothes...”
at that moment it was like something out of an erotic rape novel... for this creature teleported the both of you to a fancy castle bedroom. where he got off of you after laying you on the bed... he then shackled you to the bed... 
with one evil laugh he snapped his fingers and your dress tore in 2... this exposed your breasts and your lace panties and well everything. there was nothing good happening, there was a creature of some kind that looked human but yet wasnt... 
for it was the thoughts of Jensen, the mystery man that had disappeared that kept you squirming, that kept you screaming... for it was then that you screamed louder... that you tried to break the chains that now held you down.
Y/N: “if i survive this you son of a bitch i’ll kill you...”
Ethereal Phoenix: “oh you will survive this, you will just be my slave... my pregnant slave...”
your mind was now clouded, your mind was scared... hell your physical form was scared... your emotions were running higher and higher, but your form was screaming but all it did was echo over the walls, bouncing off of them like soundwaves off a pond of water.
Ethereal Phoenix: “keep screaming no one will ever hear you...”
this thing seemed to be very sly & very very demanding... that of course is till you started to think back to when you fist met Jensen. it was pretty well a similar nature but this was probably your minds way of making you think about something else.
this of course also seemed to be the bane of your existance... just as you watched your captor walk around it seemed like he was now addressing someone else...
Ethereal Phoenix: “stay down little boy, the girl is not yours... I’m about to claim her... stay away...”
you at that moment wondered who the hell he was talking to...
Y/N: “hey ugly ass if your gonna claim me you should just do it ‘nstead of making small talk with yourself.”
thats when you heard it, a voice it came out of the shadows... a voice that was a delight to hear, for you had no heard it for hours.
Jensen (voice): “phoenix you will not lay another hand on her cause i already marked her... not in the way you were about to but a mark of claiming that i placed on her when i first held her hand... now i say again, let her go...”
the voice, there was only one man you knew to speak with such a dark fire... but ethereal phoenix started to stalk towards you again, this time he was removing his shirt... it seemed like everything you held dear was about to be taken from you but the panic started to set in...
Y/N: “Jensen help!!!!”
Jensen (voice): “hold on Y/N I’ll explain in a few... but first embrace your inner Scotish heritage, you have to try and seperate yourself from those chains...”
Ethereal Phoenix: “insulent fool if you think that you can help this young girl escape... ha, you are really demented... soon she will have the sperm of a god thrust inside her, while you Jay will never ever see the light of day again...”
Jensen at this point had enough and started trying harder to take control back of his own body...
Jensen (voice): “Ethereal Phoenix you have made an enemy of me... as soon as my girl is free you will die asshole.”
you kept doing what Jensen said trying to embrace your scotish heritage... after a few moments it turned out that Jensen had been right the entire time... for you felt this surge of energy loosening the chains... 
Y/N: “Jay take control, bring him towards the mirror...”
the closer to you that phoenix came the louder that he screamed it was almost a war cry...
Jensen (voice): “Y/N keep doing what doing... he doesn’t seem to like it...”
Y/N: “thats fine but i dont know what im doing... or how im doing it...”
thats when it occured to jensen... he had to say something...
Jensen (deep dark voice): “Y/N, listen the mark i told him about its a mark of possession, it is always passed between our two houses when 2 people of the same age range find eachother... its passed through to show the other posers that the 2 people are... well its like a promise ring... or a betrothal of sorts... anyway its got powers, it is how your breaking the chains.”
Y/n: “ok so how does it work...”
Jensen (deep dark voice): “you have to think about what you want and you will have it so...”
with a few more thoughts your feet were free this made Phoenix look over at you... with a few more seconds and a loud crash your hands were now free... it was then that you were once more able to move... 
you didnt bother trying to cover up cause this fight was more important than what ever was left of your decency... 
Y/N: “hold on Jay... i’m gonna try to seperate you guys...”
you grabbed both arms, the screams got louder and louder the mirror started to crack... but you looked at the mirror coming face to face with Jensen, it was Jensen you could see him but you were hold Phoenix back... 
Jensen (deep dark voice): “okay you need to think about spliting me and Phoenix apart... think about 2 seperate physical bodies... i promise once i am in my own body seperate from this evil son of a bitch i intend to be possessive of you in the right way...”
the way that Jensen said that sent a fire deep into your core it was unlike anything you had felt before... you suddenly like it was beyond your control found yourself holding 2 different arms pulling apart 2 different bodies... but it was only the beginning... 
finally after one more good pull you had them split apart but when you did ethereal phoenix went flying out the window... it was not a pretty sight... Jensen however landed on the bed... 
you knelt down to catch your breath for it felt as though you had been running and running continuously.. but in truth it was just your physical body being exhausted from all the magical exertion...
Jensen who was laying still on the bed only breathing from what you could tell he only started speaking in a dark deep tone...
Jensen (deep dark voice): “it is said that when 2 has become 1 that they will fight the evil that plagues the world... they from the moment of marking shall be known to the world as Dark Archer & Dark Mistress... may they serve their powers with the same courage and shattering loyalty as their ancestors...”
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