#why does he look like he could be played by Timothee Chalamet (sorry)
whos-tanya · 3 months
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
T.H| My Mortal Enemy
Summary: you really dont wanna dance with him
Warnings: uhhh language per usual other then that idk-
A/n: I actually wanted to create a series with princess!reader but i wasnt sure.
A LOVE TRIANGLEEEEE OMFGGGGG prince!tom x princess!reader x timothee chalamet
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“Y/n suck it up” “suck what up?” “Your stomach” you took a deep breath in and grunted when she pulled thhe strings of the corset.
“Fuck you” you sighed, holding onto your stomach while she laughed “you have to dance with him, theres no way around it” zendaya said, tying the strings together while you complained.
“Im not dancing with him! Ill just dance with timothee” you commented, wiping the sweat from your forehead before she grabbed the hoop skirt, telling you to step into it.
“You’re becoming queen and toms becoming king. There’s literally nothing you can fucking do” she muttered, picking it up and putting it on your hips, quickly closing it. “Im not happy with that”
“Honey please. Clearly” she glared at you, and you smacked your lips and raised your hands in the air, the detailed white skirt, small roses and small patterns, coming over your head and down ontop of the hoop skirt.
“Beautiful” she smiled, looking at you in the mirror while you stood there shoulders slumped. “I look like one of those creepy baby dolls”
She hit you in the back making you stand up straight “you wont get anywhere with that attitude, you go in there with confidence and your head held high. For tom..... i dont know what hes gonna do but dont let that ruin your mood”
“Thanks that means so much-“ “shut up” she ordered, eyeing you as you kept your lips sealed tight. She grabbed the heels and bended down on her knees, snatching your foot making you almost fall.
“You know i couldve had someone else doing this for me. You dont have to-“ “i need you to look your best, princess” she muttered, slipping the shoe on and doing the same with the other.
“Im not marrying that scoundrel, harrison” he said, his helpers helping him while harrison watched, laughing at him. “If you wont i will,” “shut up” “you dont even like her” “so?”
He stared at harrison with daggers, while harrison played with a smirk on his face. “It cant be that hard. Just a dance and youd never have to make contact again” timothee shrugged, swirling the ice in his glass.
“You dont know i feel towards her” tom whispered. “Well you obviously hate her, but shes the most beautiful woman in this palace, everyone thinks so!”
“Eh id rather marry zendaya” “zac will kick your ass” harrison said, “thats besides the point” “tom just be quiet” tim said and tom furrowed his eyebrows at him.
“You literally talk about her all the time. If you have such a problem let one of us dance with her” he offered. “Why would i do that?”
“Because you hate her!” They both shouted at him. “I-i dont hate her....i just have se negative feelings about her”
“Then why do you talk about her all the fuckin time?”
He didn’t know how to answer that. He didnt know if he loved you or hated you. It was whatever he felt in the moment.
And that left him with a sigh and a shrug “i dont know”
“You look absolutely stunning!” Zac said, his arm wrapped around zendaya while Had a smile in her face. “She thinks she looks like a doll, a creepy one”
“Welp that isnt gonna get you anywhere...” “exactly what i said!” “Can i please take off these heels?” You asked hopping on one foot to scratch the back of your ankle.
“Nooo! Come on!” Zendaya urged and you groaned, walking with them following behind you.
The ball room was.....beautiful. Fancy tables and chairs everywhere, the special table on the other end of the room for the king and queen.
The room was filled, cheers and glasses clanking, laughs leaving people lips. And then someone cleared there throat loudly, when you looked over it was your beloved mother, “the queen is here!”
She walked over, the room quiet as gasps left people lips, muttering things like “since when does y/n wear ball gowns” “she looks stunning” and things like that.
Her hand found yours and you did a small smile, letting her pull you wherever as zendaya and zac found thier table.
She pulled you to your fancy table. “Now y/n i need you to behave” “but maaaa!” “No excuses! Make everyone proud okay, i know that boy can be a handfull”
“How do i look?” He asked, running offly late. “I mean you arent trying to impress anyone-“ “you look great” tim cut harrison off, patting toms shoulder “so can we please leave”
And you sat there, bored, for once in your life time crossing a leg over the other and helping yourself with cherries while tom watched from afar, his mother walking him over.
“You look wonderful y/n, both of you do” she smiled, rubbing toms shoulder and looking at you. “Thank you ms. Holland”
“Please- call me niki. Were gonna be a family after all” she said, making tom roll his eyes and bite his lip, looking away then looking back. “Yeah we are” you smiled and like that it was only you two.
“I dont like you” “and what makes you think i do?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow while he crossed his arms “the least you can do is act like a gentleman, as far as anyone knows we are happy together” you said making him nod, sitting up and clearing his throat.
“Sooo.....wife” you cringed at his words but let him continue “how are we gonna do this?” You only shrugged “we can sleep in separate rooms or something” “sounds like a plan” he genuinely smiled at you, handing you another cherry as you squinted your eyes at him.
“I dont know if you poisoned this” you flicked it back at him, making him let out a small gasp before throwing it back “you arent worth my time, i would waste a dime trying to kill you” “i dont know if i should take that as a complement or not” your eyebrows furrowed and he sighed, looking away from you.
“You know, i dont know why they have such a problem with each other” harrison said to tim, currently at their own table, throwing grapes at one another and cracking jokes. “I dont think we’ll ever find out” he said in response, eating one of the grapes.
AnD iT WAs TiMe TO daNCE
The strong piano played, filling the halls as everyone watched you and tom.
You both maintained eye contact, his hand tight on the side of your waist as yours was tight on his shoulder, squeezing each others hand that was shared in each others.
“Im never doing this again” he whispered, basically nose to nose with you. “Do you think i want to?” You rolled your eyes. “I dont care if you want to! I just know im not doing this”
“Well grea-“ he dipped you and you almost gasped, frightened making tom silently chuckle before lifting you back up, now chest to chest.
“Your a fuck-face” you muttered. “You love it” he shrugged, “why are we doing this anyway”
“I dont know, why do you hate me?” He asked making your jaw drop. “Why do you hate me?!” You aggressively whispered.
“They look happy” zendaya said, zac, haz and tim all circled around the same table as they watched intently “ehhh” they all let out at the same time, in their own bubble, tim leaning back in the chair and Harrison slump with his legs open, zac resting his face on his knuckles as he silently blowed spit bubbles.
“I hate you because you hate me!” “I only hated you because you hated me!” “Bullshitttt” he bit his lip and you aggressively stomped on his foot with the edge of your heel.
He let out a small whimper and a fuck you making you have a smile on your face. “Dont cuss at me” “im pretty sure my foot is bleeding, fart face” “shut up” “but you literally called me a fuck face!”
“Shush!” He still whimpered in pain when he moved, “im sorry” you said, feeling guilty. He did a small smile “that isnt gonna make my foot better is it?”
“Well what the fuck do you want me to do! Kiss it?” “That wouldn’t be so bad” you groaned and looked away from him, to keep yourself from looking at him you easily pressed your head on his chest, making his breath hitch and his heart spead up, the piano relaxing a bit so you both moved slowly.
“Awwww” everyone said together making tom blush hard, your arms came up to circle his neck while his silently made its way to your waist. “Y/n why are you doing this?” He asked, whispering in your ear as you let out a small “i dont know”
“Well- can you n-not?" “Not what thomas?” “Be all bubbly with me!” You looked up at him with your eyebrow raised “im not being bubbly”
“Yes you are!” You sighed in response “but dont you feel better! Not everything has to be so negative” “well this is bluntly awkward” “well then stop making it awkward!”
“Yeah they are in love with each other” zac said, everyones eyebrows furrowed as they looked at you both, a different look and vibe coming from the both of you.
The piano slowly ended, you and tom panicked.
“Kiss me!” He ordered. “Why would i do that! We barely even get along!” “As far as they know we are a happy cuddle” he mocked your voice. “Im still not kissing you” “if you dont kiss me im gonna kiss you”
“Fine-“ “hurry up!” “You sound loke you really wanna kiss-“ before you could finish he pressed his lips on yours, his hand pulling you closer as his other hand came up to the side of your face, and SUPRISE you fucking kissed back!
Although you both you never would never admit it, you both loved the kiss.
Your lips where soft and to your suprise his lips werent chapped, his hands were gentle on your face as you also pulled him closer, your arms still circled around his neck.
Everyone at the tables jaw dropped, zendayas more but that didnt change the subject that you both kissed, and it looked like you both were gonna sit like that till end of time.
“No fucking way” haz muttered, looking at everyone else’s expressions and they were the same.
An audible noise came when you both pulled away. “That- that uh....wasnt s-so bad” he did a small awkward chuckle. “Yeah.... i uhhhhh”
“Uhhh” you both looked away from each other before tom pulled you back to your private table.
“Im still shocked” tim said, everyone agreeing as everyone else clapped for them. “So they just decided to love each other” zac shrugged, “yeah something like that”
After that whole thing was done, daya, tim, haz, and zac locked you all in toms bedroom for questions. “What is this about?” You asked, taking off your heels and getting undressed infront of everyone.
“You and tom” his eyebrows furrowed as he started to get undressed himself. “What about it?”
“Uhhh helllooo! Are we gonna act like that fucking kiss DIDNT happen?” Daya waved her hand in the air, before crossing her arms. You and tom silently looked at each other “it was his fault”
He smacked his lips and threw himself on his bed, throwing a tantrum, kicking air. “I thought we werent gonna tell anyone!”
“So you admit it!” Haz said, a wide smile on his face as he clapped his hands. “Zendaya the corset please” you said, she came over and undid it for you. “Can i have a shirt please?” You asked, looking back at tom and he nodded getting up, searching through his drawer.
“SINCE WHEN WERE YOU BOTH BUDDY BUDDY?” Tim said, and tom shrugged “I guess we just feel differently about each other”
“And it was because of that kiss wasn’t it?” Zac smiled while daya had a childish look on her face. “It’s happening! Give me my money!”
“You guys betted on us?” You asked, thanking tom when he handed you a shirt. “Wait wait wait wait, what the actual fuck. What in the fucks is going in here because this is confusing!” Haz said, getting a headache “i swear if that kiss never happened they would be ripping each others head off”
“Zendaya more loose please!” You said and she eyed you, “help her tom” she said, crossing her arms. “Uhhh...okay” he shrugged, walking over to loosen it more.
“HUH?” Everyone shouted, watching as he loosened it and then made you turn around to loosen the front. “Somethings not clicking-“ “no because this isnt adding up”
You put the shirt over your head and pulled the corset off of you under your shirt, he helped with the hoop skirt since you already took off the actual skirt.
“Im really confused” zac said, sighing as everyone who betted gave zendaya 100 bucks, including him.
“We all are, zac” tim muttered, crossing his arms as he watched you both communicate. “Tom when your done lets talk!”
And timothee and tom went outside of the room, tom leaning against the wall as he waited for him to speak. “Youre only doing this because we said something about her, right?”
“I dont know what you’re talking about, timothee” “yes you do. Youre only doing this because you know i have feelings for her” “I actually didnt know that but okay”
“Yes the fuck you did” tim pushed him, toms eyebrows furrowed as he pushed him back. “No i didnt” tim pushed him to the floor, a large thud heard making you all whip your heads to the door, hearing a punch made you walk slowly to the door.
“You knew i had feelings for her and you took her away from me, you dont even like her!” “What?” You whispered, looking over at zendaya before they all rushed to the door, ear hustling.
Tom tackled him to the ground, aggressive punches thrown at his face until tim rolled both of them over, now his turn. “I hate you! You were never there for her! Made her mad- sad- and everything that she doesnt fucking deserve!”
You decided it was time to come out, opening the door and telling them both to stop, Zac pulling tim off of tom and Harrison holding tom back.
Tom sent daggers at tim while tom did the same. “And now she likes you. Ive been working so fucking hard to win over her heart but you- you have to ruin everything” tim finished, pushing zac off of him before turning to you.
“I hope youre happy” he scoffed and walked passed, flipping tom off. “Wait!” You said, chasing after tim while tom looked back, jaw clenched as he watched you run off.
“Y/n leave me alone” “i just want to talk” you caught up to him, both of you power walking. “I never knew you had feelings for me timothee! If you would’ve told me sooner I would’ve never done the thing i did today” you said, looking at him while he still looked ahead, before he looked at you.
“Im not mad at you y/n. He-he knew that i had feelings for you and he took advantage of it, i-i” he sighed and you pulled him into a hug, “im sorry”
I dead ass dont know if i should do a part 2 or not. THIS IS WHY I SAID I WANTED TO MAKE A SERIES- IM SO MAD AT MYSELF-
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For @lfg1986-backup I saw the bob dylan post and I couldn't help it I got inspired and wrote this.
Summary: “You have to promise me that you aren’t going to fucking laugh at me.”  Timmy says with a shaky voice his nerves shaking within his very body as he tries to come to the reality of what he is about to do. 
“T how long have we known each other since call me by your name hm?”  Armie asks before bringing the glass of whiskey to his lips, sitting down on their couch in the small hotel room they shared together. 
“You have to promise me, that you aren’t going to laugh at me.”  Tim says with a shaky voice his nerves shaking within his very body, as he tries to come to the reality of what he is about to do. 
“T how long have we known each other since call me by your name hm? Armie brings the glass of whiskey to his lips, sitting down on their couch in the small hotel room that Timmy and himself have been sharing for the past week and a half. So that Armie could be the supportive friend, and be there for Timmy during his movie just so that he could see his best friend shine. While also trying to get past the devorce and ignore the constant texts that were coming into his phone so he put it on silent to concentrate on his friend who was standing there guitar in hand, and the sleeve of his sweater in his mouth, hair in his face. a nervous habit that Timmy does but sometimes doesn’t realize that he is doing it until there is either a wet spot on his sleeve or the fuzzy material is on his tongue to which he is gagging a second later.
Timothee has been dreaming of his moment for what seems like a life time and now, it has arrived. He had always wanted to play a famous musician and now we was getting to play someone that he admired and enjoyed as an artist. He wanted to do this wonderful humanbeing justice and hoped that he would be able to breath life into this actual person, to make him come across on the screen and prayed that Dylan would like it. 
“No sweat man you got this! You are going to kill it! I just know it so stop doubting your abilities and just jump feet first and run with it Timmy.”
Armie told him once over the phone, when they were thousands of miles apart, it was easy for Timmy to control his emotions and relax knowing that the object of his affection was away from him. But...
As of right now however, he was going to play a song for Armie that he had been working on for weeks now. It was “Make You Feel My Love” by Bob Dylan himself and Timmy was petrified of the thought of having to sing in front of his best friend. 
Why? The very words to the song were what he was feeling and had been feeling for quite some time. Since 2017 and now here it was 2020 and those feelings had only gotten worse with time, in the sense that Timmy was constantly waiting, biding his time until he got the news from Armie himself and now here they are. 
‘You can do this Timmy you have practiced this song fowards and backwards, morning, noon and night, and this is Armie he isn’t going to make you feel like shit if you mess up! Just sit your ass down and play damnmit!’
“Would it help if I didn’t look at you?”  there is a soft teasing to Armie’s tone that makes Timmy look up underneath his eyelashes at him, his cheeks warming slightly but he shakes his head and laughs when Armie tilts his head back and looks up at the ceiling, chin tilted up to the sky, while his glass remains in his left hand while his right rests on his right thigh. 
“Alright, bring on man. Give it to me show me what you got.” 
With a deep breath coming out in a soft woosh, he sits down on the edge of the bed, resting the acoutsic guitar on his thigh, his fingers shake with nerves as he places them on the fret board, he closes his eyes and gathering up his courage he begins to strum and his fingers move to each chord as he sings. 
His voice is unsteady at first but the more he gets into the song the more confident he becomes and his voice though still soft gets Armie’s attention, before he even realizes it he can feel the other man’s eyes on him. 
Armie is speechless but his mouth soon turns into a grin and his whiskey becomes forgotten as he slowly sets it down, his full attention stuck on that beautiful voice that sounds so... full of emotion and sincereity. Yet, there is pain in it and when Timmy finally opens his eyes the emerald pools are filled with unshed tears and suddenly he feels this ache in his chest that makes Armie want to cry. 
He keeps listening for maybe a few seconds more before he hears his friend’s voice crack and sound watery, thats when he realizes Timmy’s has stopped singing altogether. Timmy is actually crying not full on sob crying but that quiet cry that comes out has shuttered breathed at first before the full hit comes. 
Without a word Armie beckons Timmy over with a come here motion of his index finger, and without fight he goes walking hunched over, curls bouncing lightly, his nose pink, sniffing, his left hand clutched tightly on the neck of the guitar as he drags his feet across the carpet, eyes down staring at the floor. 
The stops dead at Armie’s legs, his socked toes land on top of the older man’s bare toes and then he hears the soft, calm, register of his voice say,  “Give it to me.” and for a moment Timmy is scared to let go of the guitar, he’s afraid that if he lets go the dam is going to break open and all of his feelings are going to drown them both. 
He feels Armie’s gentle caress on the back of his hand. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m right here buddy all you gotta do is let go.” 
When Timmy loosens his grip the guitar goes into Armie’s hand and he sets it aside laying it down carefully on the far side of the couch. Then his eyes fall on the heartbroken features of Timmy’s face the way his mouth is twisted into a frown, the lines in his forehead, the twisting of his fingers. 
And there on his face Armie can see it clear as day without even saying a word. He knows everything that Timmy is thinking. 
“I-” is what Timmy allows himself to say but before he can even turn around Armie untangles his fingers and gives a tug, the small body awkwardly falls forward into the awaiting lap. Where strong arms embrace him in the biggest hug his skinny body is swallowed up by warmth and his ear is up against a very strong thudding heartbeat, a large hand gently stroking his curls as lips kiss his hair. 
What Timmy was going to say was “I’m sorry for turning on the waterworks.” but Armie sort of beats him to it by saying, 
“If you say your sorry for that incredible trip of emotions that you just took me on and gave me. So help me I am going to toss you onto your back, pin your ass to this sofa and tickle the shit out of you until you are screaming like a little girl.”
Armie hears a sniffle and a swallowing of breath, feeling the slender fingers curl around his shirt tightly, Timmy shaking a little with laughter. 
After a beat. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” The question causes the curly head to pop up and the boys tear striken face is met with Armie’s thumbs lightly sweeping over his cheeks, sweeping away the rest of the tears that come out so freely now. 
“Tell you what?” Timmy hiccups. 
“Don’t play coy with me T you very well know what. No body sings a song like that to someone who is just their friend. I know you have feelings for me, and from the looks of it you have been hiding them a long fucking time.”
“Instagram mostly. You think I don’t pay attention to what you are doing a lot of the time, but Timmy I do. I have been following all the clues from day 1 whether you realize that I was or that I wasn’t. From the first time that we were in Crema together sitting on Luca’s couch holding each other while Sufian stevens was playing to the subtle hints of you wearing the same color clothing or the same brands. Or like that time you put “mystery of love” on your story need I go on?”
Timmy is awe struck.  ‘So he was paying attention this entire time! Oh my god! He knew this entire time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did you think was going to happen goofball! You put your feelings for him on blast in a time when he is devorcing his wife and was also sending you signals and you failed to see it!’
Armie smirks. “Not bad for someone who supposively “doesn’t pay attention” as you put it.”
“I don’t know whether to be mordified or grateful that you know how I feel about you.” Timmy replies sheepishly sitting up, his eyes focused on Armie’s. 
“Then allow me to put this in a way that may ease your mind a little and reflect my own feelings back to you.”  Armie takes him by the hands and laces their fingers together, and offers Timmy a warm sincere smile. 
“Oh to see without my eyes the first time that you kissed me. My heat has made it’s mind up and I’m afraid it’s you and if you can’t be signed up this year, next year will do. I will hold you for a million years, I’ve known from the moment we met. I will make you happy, make your dreams come true. Go to the ends of the earth for you no, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to make you feel my love Timothee Chalamet.”
“Nothing you would’t do huh? Well, then Mr. Hammer you can start by pressing your lips to mine and we can see where it goes from there.” 
When their lips do meet in the sweetest of kisses they both pretty much have the same thought 2021 hurry the fuck up and get here. So the sweet falling fantasy can begin.
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spidxysense · 5 years
Back to You | 10
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Timothee Chalamet
A/N: Happy 2020 everybody!!!!! Sorry I was MIA for a while! I decided to take the rest of 2019 to calm down, get some writing done and plan out and decide what I wanted to do with this series and I’m honestly so glad to say that I’m back with a rejuvenated and enthusiastic place to finish this fic! Sorry I didn’t tell anyone, but I thought it would be best to get away form tumblr for a while and the less time I spent on it the less I would feel guilty for not uploading. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I had a hard time picturing the reunion so it was written then rewritten about a dozen times probably! I wouldn’t expect weekly updated on this either sine I am also rewriting anf reuploading an old fic of mine from another account, but I promise I’ll get this fic done too! As always send in your asks, and comments I love hearing from all of you!!
Word count: 3,676
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
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You had your eyes set on the road, tense, while the feeling in this car just screamed tension as you could feel Timothee's worried gaze looking over at you to the road and back at you only to repeat that cycle. You notice the slight twitch in his hand on the steering wheel as he keeps himself from grabbing your hand, the same one picking the skin off from the side of your fingernails again.
And before you could hear it, you see the smoke in the air, you were probably about 25 minutes away from the station and the whole time before then, you and Timothee had just been driving around, visiting your usual places to eat and hang around. It dawns on you while you two were sitting on the hood of the car, watching the sun go up, silent but comfortable, that this was your new familiar. It was no longer a lazy Sunday afternoons with Tessa, or a visit to the docks with Troye or Tom, it wasn't reading a book at the breakfast table while Tom read the newspaper or his script as he held and squeezed your hand from across the table. No. This was your new constant, Timothee, everyday it was him, and a part of you wished it would always be him, nevermind the role he played in your everyday life, as long as he was in it. 
"You seriously need to calm down and breathe." He says ironically as he takes a deep breath himself, this somehow felt akin to when Tom first met your family. A shaking water bottle in front of your face takes you out of your thoughts and you can't help but laugh because Timothee was noticeably very nervous himself.
From the way you understood Timothee, he wasn't the type to really care what other people would think of him, but why for goodness sake did he care what Haz and Tom would think?
The car comes to a halt suddenly as he pulls over to the side. You lean over to look at the hood, expecting to see smoke, a sign God had given you two that maybe you two weren't meant to pick up the two from the station. But you're met with Timothee bent over, as he clutched his knees in desperation. You hurriedly step out yourself, gently placing your hand on his back but he slaps your hand away just as fast as when he got out of the car.
"No…" he heaves heavy breathes in between, "I can… I can do this." He tried to stand up straight only to go back to his bent over position and you knew just from seeing him what this was. Timothee was having a panic attack.
Timothee Trivia: He had panic attacks too.
But even when he pushed you away, you stood your ground, "No." You grab him by his sides, he was kneeling on the ground now, so you sit down and sit him down as well, setting him up straight, looking him straight in the eyes, "Look at me." You say with a steady voice.
He takes a few seconds but he manages to keep his eyes open, blinking back the tears from the painful choking feeling he must have in his throat, but he looks into your eyes nonetheless 
"Breathe with me." You say as you inhale and exhale in deep breaths. He tries to mimic you, but he still has some trouble.
You bit your lip as he started to have trouble breathing again. You speak in a quiet voice, despite the train noises that would reach your ears every now and again, "When I was growing up, I used to trace the lines on my palms." You chuckle to yourself and you know Timothee wanted to snort in laughter, but all he could manage was a pained smile, "C-can you trace them?" You stare into his eyes, "Slowly, I’ll be here. You just focus on tracing them."
He nods silently with difficulty but looks at them, hands shaking as one traces and the other is held out, but you grab his wrist, stopping him, “Here.” You offer your hand, “You can trace mine. So it isn’t shakey.”
He points them out with his index finger, your hand wrapped securely around his wrist as he starts tracing. By the 17th line he traces, he's breathing normally again, his pupils no longer dilated.
It's a calm silence between the two of you, almost all of your quiet moments together a calm silence, as he keeps his head down, thinking.
"I'm sorry you had to witness...that." he calls it that with such disgust that it hurts even you, and you remember back then.
You were sitting in the closet, your first week of living with Tom and while putting away the laundry you felt it crawling up your spine. So you drop the basket and run up the stairs and into the closet, sitting at the very end behind the coats. You clutch your hands together and press it against your chest as you tried to get it to stop beating so fast, while trying to even out your breathing.
The door creaks slightly open, "Y/n? Sweetheart?" 
This was a panic attack but it wasn't a severe one, you knew that much since you could still kind of focus on Tom when he pops his head into the closet.
You expect him to close the door when he finds you with your head to your knees and hands pressed against your chest, a common practice in your family, even for Troye, they'd leave you alone to handle it because they knew eventually, you could. And he does. But not before he steps inside. He sits next to you, but when you flinch, he opts to sit across from you as he watches you catching your breath slowly as you wring your hands together, calming down the excessive beating in your chest.
You lift your head slowly, looking up at him, eyes brimming with tears, "Sorry." You both say at the same time. He chuckles, letting you go first.
"I'm sorry…" you speak in a quiet voice, "That you had to see that. I can understand if this isn't what you imagined-"
"You're beautiful." He smiles calmly at you. He leans his head back against the wall as he lets out a sigh of relief, "I was so scared, I had no idea what to do!" He pounds on his chest slightly, "Any longer and I think I might've joined you." He laughs aloud, but the laughter dies down, a soft look on his face as he stares at you, tears streaming down you face and he brings himself closer, "I love you." He leans his forehead against yours, closing his eyes, as he synchronizes his breathing with yours.
"You're beautiful." You mumble softly as you stroke his cheek, knowing that when Tom told you that, everything felt at peace, someone finally accepted you. He looked a little shaken at first, but he relishes in the feeling, closing his eyes as he leaned his cheek into your hand.
He was just like you.
"It's heavy, right?" You smile sadly at him, he doesn't answer but you know he hears you, "It's heavy feeling all alone. Having to be you and all alone." He nods quietly, "I'm here." You say calmly, "I'm here with you. It'll become a lot lighter." You blink back the tears. 
He was just like you.
You two were standing at the station, albeit slightly awkward as a space between the two of you appeared ever since you two stepped onto the platform.
You clutched your right arm, your left arm across your torso as you kicked an invisible speck of dirt from the platform. Passengers started flooring the place as you hear loud calls of your name that has the two of you jumping in surprise.
"Y/N!!!" You see a pale hand from behind all the smoke, "Y/N! Over here!"
You walk towards the voice, and you stop when you come face to face with Tom, who had yet to see you and was pulling his cap down so nobody got a good look at his face. He turns his head, right in your direction and despite all the anxieties you had earlier, his face breaks out into a giant grin and he runs over to you, picking you up and spinning you around. It wasn't awkward. It would never be awkward with Tom, before all else he was your friend. Well he'd fight tooth and nail with you on that. To him, you were never his friend, he was always sure the two of you would be together. But to you, he was a friend first and this was exactly how it was between you two.
He sets you down, crossing his muscular arms across his chest, "Jesus, is Marvel making you lift weights even during the read throughs?" You laugh, poking his biceps, "Those has gotten bigger." 
Tom shrugs, bashfully, but you and Haz both know he crossed his arms only for that purpose, even though it was a habit of his, you guide them towards Timothee, who still had his feet planted in the spot you left him in, "This is Timothee!" You introduce them. You were slightly nervous in introducing them.
Haz was no problem, he was a guy's guy. Very bro-like and could get along with anyone. Tom was more of a wildcard. You've never actually seen him get jealous but that was because you never gave him a reason to be, but now you were single and Timothee was definitely not just a friend. 
Tom grabs Timothee's open hand first, Timothee chuckles nervously, "Quite a grip you got there." You look down at their hands, Timmy's hand going slightly red.
"Great to meet you man." Haz does that strange bro hug thing, "You've been taking care of Y/N here, yeah?"
Tom clears his throat, "So, how has it been here in Italy?"
You scratch the back of your head, "Well, Italy's Italy. It's freaking hot here."
You look over at Timothee, grinning over at Tom who wasn't paying any attention to him.
"Man, this is great. I'm meeting fucking Spiderman." This catches Tom's attention, "I almost got cast as him, you know."
"Huh." Tom chuckled, "What could have been, yeah?" He pulls along his suitcase as Timothee and Haz lead the way to the car.
Even though it was just some stupid thing he said, you can't help but believe there was something more the what Tom said, "And what cat got your tongue?" He pokes your cheek and you shake your head.
"No cat." You pull back his cap, "but your cap is distracting me." You laugh, "Literally nobody here will recognize you."
"I've been meaning to bring this up, but just haven't since we've been in a group till now, but is everything alright?" He grabs your wrist, bringing your hand closer to your face. Of course he'd notice. Tom always noticed, no matter how small. He saw you, and he always made a point to ask about it.
You smile to yourself, "There have been bad days." You sigh, "But nothing I can't handle."
"Without me?" 
He doesn't look over at you, afraid of the answer that would come out of your mouth.
They place their baggage into the trunk. But you're still stuck in your head even when you're sat in the passenger seat, staring out the window. To a degree, you could understand how Tom was being and how he was feeling. He had questions. But he was never the type to force for amy of his questions to be answered if you didn't answer them yourself. It was almost like a guessing game if you weren't used to how Tom was. So whether he'd get the answers he seemed so desperate for on this trip was fully and completely in your court. Was that why he came here?
A soft graze on your shoulder brings you back from your thoughts. It was Timothee. You notice he didn't touch your hand this time. 
He chuckles nervously, "Tom's been calling you for a while now." He keeps his eyes straight on the road.
You shake your head, laughing, completely fake, "Sorry! You know how I am, Tom." you look behind over at him from your seat.
He has his arms crossed in front of his chest, tense, his gaze was out the window but there was a sadness to his eyes and an irritation in the way his lips formed in a tight line, he laughs with you, fake as well, "Totally! Classic, Y/N. I swear if no one's around she'd walk into traffic." She chuckles, "In fact I remember during the last City of London Festival, I nearly lost you in the parade."
You giggle, remembering the whole thing. You'd seen a dog that strangely looked like Tessa so you followed it only to realize you lost Tom and that the dog wasn't Tessa. And you'd spent the morning looking for each other. Since it was such a huge parade there was no cell service, and Tom was in a panic because he was scared that the amount of people would trigger a panic attack. But knowing he was looking for you kept you grounded. Eventually you found each other at the Van Gogh section of the fair grounds because Tom remembered Van Gogh was your favorite. You remembered how tight he hugged you then, how you two could laugh about it now but Tom was practically sobbing when he found you, shaking and scared that if he didn't find you, someone would find you having an attack, something you told him you wanted to be kept an absolute secret. But all you remember feeling that day was like you found your way back home, you were never scared because Tom would always find you.
But now things were different. Tom still felt like home but at the same time he felt like a stranger in the skin of someone you used to know everything about.
The car comes to a stop at a quaint hostel, they were apparently able to rent out two nights here, but knowing how charismatic Haz was it was definitely no surprise.
Timothee taps on the steering wheel, "Well, we've got a couple of scenes to shoot but hopefully by 6 we'll be finished since we're doing day shots today so we could probably have dinner." 
Haz peeks into the car, having just taken their luggage out, Tom pulls them along to the entrance and slowly approaches the passenger seat, "Yeah sounds great, mate." Haz shuts the door, tapping Tom and motioning towards the hostel as if to say we'd be getting them checked in.
Tom had an arm on top of the car while he leaned down  towards your window, "I'll see you later, alright?" His voice is soft and so are his eyes as he pleads that you follow through with your plans. He'd probably been sensing you'd make up some bullshit excuse not to see them that night. As sad as it may be, you never even thought of making excuses not to see Tom, not until this very moment at least.
You give him a reassuring smile, "Yeah, we have a lot to catch up on."
He nods silently, tapping the hood of the car twice before he lifts a hand to say goodbye to you, but nothing for Timothee.
You were sat on one of those foldable chairs with your name on it as you watched what Luca said would be "usable" for the final cut when the seat next to you gets filled, "So, I was thinking Santorini."
You notice the lack of touching and the increased distance between the two of you as he leaned forward towards the screen but not towards you where the screen was closest.
You hum, "Santorini? You must be trying to impress then."
"Exactly who is Timothee trying to impress?" Luca's thick Italian accent fills the space between the two of you as his hands find purchase on the back of Timothy's chair, "Has he met someone? I do not approve."
Timothee gives Luca a look, "You KNOW it's not that." He sighed, "I'm just trying to-" he sighs again, pounding exasperated, "Tom Holland is in town and he just doesn't seem to like me. I'm just trying to get on his good side."
"Tom Holland? That brute of human muscle? Appeasing him should be easy enough like appeasing a dog-" Luca realizes exactly who he's insulting before sneaking a look at you, "I mean, he must be a sensitive soul, a humanitarian-I'm sorry, Y/N, you know where my loyalties lie." He shrugs.
You wave a hand, giggling, "It's fine really. When you really get to know him, he's a lot more than what he looks." You ponder for a minute, "But if you really want to impress him, he like wine and steak. He has a cigar every now and then and he likes places where you can go walking after eating."
Luca blinks, "Well, you won't find any worthwhile places here for steak, wine, there probably is, but I would recommend going out of town for this one, I'll have my assistant text you the details." He shoots Timothee a looks before scurrying away to talk with Armie.
"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Timothee's nervously tapping on the steering wheel as you tried to figure out whether you chose the right destination that Waze was navigating yu towards.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Seems like it.” You notice the slight tremble in his fingers, and then it hits you all at once, the lights are in your eyes and the cameras are flashing against the windshield, “Fuck.” You muttered, “Luca said there would be more people here than the town we’re flming in but for fuck’s sake I didn’t expect this.”
The car comes to a stop in front of a fancy looking restaurant with a red stanchion and a red carpet leading to the entrance, “We’ll need to leave the car with valet, are you okay with stepping out with those people around?”
You sigh, “Well, we’ve got no choice, these guys aren’t leaving anytime soon and there’s nobody who would drive us to the back and take care of parking.” You shrug, taking a deep breath you open the door and then you’re bombarded with questions.
“Y/N! What are you doing at a restaurant like this with Timothee Chalamet?” 
“Is there something brewing between the two of you?”
“Y/N, we saw Tom going inside a while ago, are you two on a date?”
“Have you two kissed and made up?”
“Who are you really on a date with tonight, Y/N?”
“Is this a date night? We have the two of you been this whole time?”
“Did Tom come to Italy to visit you on set?”
“You and Timothee look quite close, does Tom already know about this? What did he have to say?”
You feel an arm wrap around your back and instead of finding Timothee next to you with his arm secured around your back, it’s Tom, pushing past the paparazzi with one arm while the other was tucked behind your back all the while Timothee was still speaking with the valet, one of them apparently asking for pictures and autographs.
Tom slouches, leaning his head closer to yours as his hand grips your arm reassuringly, “I heard a commotion outside, and I thought it would be you.” 
You appreciate the hold he has on you but you try to get it to soften up even if just a bit, “Well knowing these guys they’ll make some bullshit article about how we’re here on a date and we’re getting back together so maybe ease up a bit on your grip.”
You two step inside, Timothee following closely behind, Tom faces him and holds out a hand, “Thanks for getting Y/N here in one piece.” He finally shoots Timothee a smile, “And really, thank you for looking out for her this whole time. I can’t tell you how worried I’ve been about how Y/N was managing here, but she seems to be doing alright thanks to you and Armie.”
Timothee’s smile is practically glowing as he reaches over to grab Tom’s hand and shake it enthusiastically. While the two of them are chatting by the front desk, you walk over to the table where Haz was sat all alone, “I take it you had a talk with Tom?” You snort.
He sighs, “Yeah, it wasn’t an easy conversation but he came around soon enough. I told him you wouldn’t want him fighting with a close friend of yours and he eventually calmed down.”
“The crowd out there was crazy, I honestly thought Italy was a pretty quiet place but it’s pretty bad.”
He shrugs, “Well you three are pretty up and coming, especially since we’re with Tom, the current Spiderman and Timothee who’s certainly been making headlines lately, then add you to the mix and it’s even bigger.”
Haz flags down a waiter making his rounds around the dining area, “Hey man, sorry about this but if it’s not too much trouble, could you maybe handle the crowd outside, my friend has problems with her anxiety and getting rid of them would be a lot of help.”
The waiter nodded calmly before proceeding out the front to ward off the photographers as Tom and Timothee come to sit at the table, Tom’s face unreadable with his mouth set in a thin line and his eyebrows coming together approaching the table seriously as Timothee looks like he’s optimistic about the night.
Timothee clasps his hands together, “How about we get this dinner started then?”
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overwhelmsion · 5 years
Oooooooh what did you think about little women 2019? I had some big likes and big dislikes about it myself (also @ me in the post so I can find ur reply!) tumblr so annoying to navigate sometimes
my THOUGHTS are PLENTY milady @when-did-this-become-difficult
I did not like it.
my main gripe is the timeline... not using a LINEAR timeline is the WORST "twist" for this type of story like... the whole POINT of the Little Women story is seeing them go from girls to young women to women. The flashback bullshit detracted and muddled so much. Minus a million points for that.
Second, the casting. This is gonna be long.
Saoirse Ronan could have been the perfect Jo. Could have!!!!!! Was not. I hold Greta directly responsible for this. And it has been literally forever since I read the book so I don't remember how her storyline actually went but some of the things that Jo did in this movie had me like... "Would she tho?" The other thing is Timothee Chalamet. See, those two LOOK perfect together. He looks younger than Florence Pugh, who was probably pitch perfect as grown up Amy and who unfortunately reads and sounds older to me. Florence is like, what, 22? Her face and voice give me 36. Sorry it just does. And Timmy boy reads like a teenager so them together was NOT good. Jo and Laurie need a good contrast. I would have swapped the actors of this movie with the PBS adaptation from 2017 and pair Timmy with Maya Hawke and have our future "Prince Eric" Jonah Hauer-King play Laurie to Saoirse's Jo. Now THAT would have been interesting.
The hardest thing to sell with any Little Women adaptation is ALWAYS going to be Laurie and Amy's romantic relationship. The 1994 version failed, partly due to the actors. This movie tried much harder but you're still left grasping for more. One of the things I liked best was how we're introduced to Amy and Laurie, with Amy being so excited and practically jumping off the carriage and Laurie taken so aback but pleasantly surprised. Their chemistry was ON that day on set. And at the beginning of the movie I thought, bold move, introducing these 2 couples straightaway, it would certainly help the audience swallow Lamy (I'm a genius). Also aging up Amy so that she's 13 in the flashbacks and 20 when she marries Laurie certainly helps. BUT young Amy is a fail. Florence tried, but just making her voice more high pitched and squealing and talking fast and making pouty faces doesn't erase the fact that she looks almost 40. It's unsellable.
Then the movie makes it first sin. It introduces us to married Meg and John Brooke, and it assumes we know this story!!!! Otherwise you're in the movie theatre going what?? who is this guy??? Remakes NEED to still explain the story. I was also very displeased with the 1994 version because it does not feature one of my very favorite moments in the whole book which is Aunt March pulling a Lady DeBourgh on Meg and telling her she cannot marry John Brooke and Meg going "I wasn't going to??? but thanks for your unnecessary opinion" and Aunt March going SERIOUSLY I FORBID YOU FROM MARRYING John Brooke and Meg going "Bitch now I'm gonna!! The fuck" and reverse psychologying that marriage into happening like... Chef's kiss, truly. Meg and John's is such a behind the scenes relationship and I always loved it and I HATED what Greta did to their relationship here. Meg had valid points but she would NEVER TALK LIKE THAT and their make-up would never be that basic and John is a fluff ball and Emma Watson playing the haughty version of Meg is a NOPE from me.
Pacing was awful!!! I was bored!!!!!!!! Almost every significant moment falls flat and I blame it on the writing and directing. Meg being bimboed out, Jo discovering Amy burned her book, Amy falling in the ice and almost dying, their dad coming home for christmas, Beth almost dying, Beth dying, Amy going to Europe instead of Jo, etc.. there was no nuance, there was no pace, dialogue was rushed most of the time for... impact??? To show emotion???? How and WHY do you rush through the "my hands are empty" "no they're not." Whatever the direct opposite of galaxy brain is, that's what that exchange was.
Laura Dern played Marmee too cheerfully, too saintly; Meryl Streep added nothing to the character, and having the guy who played Saul Goodman on Breaking Bad play the girl's father was... a choice. Also, how do you cast Eliza Scanlon and have her do NOTHING as well, like, anyone who's seen Sharp Objects knows what this girl is capable of and YET greta had her play a red-headed Beth for NO REASON. Like Eliza played her just fine but Claire Danes got a lot more to do with the script like... Greta you're not a screenwriter so just stop trying. Also IT MUST BE MENTIONED each sister had legit a different hair color????? Saorise and Eliza look too much alike so greta couldnt have anyone confuse them hence she had to make Beth a literal fucking REDHEAD????? stupid.
Timmy boy looks like a psychopath to me like his "acting" can be okay at times but otherwise he's a red flag on legs.
Friedrich.... first off he's supposed to be older like, that actor was, what? 27, 28 tops???? And the romantic relationship with Jo was not developed, shown, felt, at all???? I HATED Jo's rant at him when he said her writing wasn't good, it went too long and the dude doesn't say anything else??? And he is somehow in love with her, and months (years???) go by with absolutely no contact between them but he shows up and we're supposed to believe these people are ready to commit to each other? Oh wait he plays the piano *LiKe BeTh* FETCH THE FUCKING CARRIAGES. Exhausting.
I think Greta banked on people having already known the story and bringing their OWN feelings and emotions to it to supplement the film like, the film itself provided so little emotion, so little impact. She thought she wouldn't have to work for it. WRONG, LADY.
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kimnamjooonz · 6 years
Blank Space - Episode 4
Welcome To New York
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Songs that inspired this Episode:
 Welcome To New York - Taylor Swift 
Delicate - Taylor Swift 
Empire State of Mind - Alicia Keys ft Jay Z
Headlights - Robin Schulz 
''When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors, took our broken hearts , put them in a drawer''
It was like magic. Amanda, or better said Morgan, took one step outside and almost everything about her persona seemed to change. The way she walked, the expression on her face and even the way her black hair moved. She was every inch the star she was supposed to be. Taylor wondered if she had this rehearsed, she was an actress, after all. She was still in awe about how Morgan had changed her personality in seconds. ''Taylor!'' even the way in which she spoke had changed. ''What are you doing? You haven't moved in like a minute. We have to find a taxi.'' It was like magic again. She had only said that words when five employees from the airport carried all their luggage to a taxi that a sixth employee had found for them in record time. Taylor was starting to think that there was witchcraft involved. Morgan walked after the employees with dignified small steps. She had put on a pair of sunglasses that made her look even more majestic. People were staring at her which was weird as five minutes ago no one had paid any attention to her. But being surrounded by a troop of employees and displaying the personality of a beautiful but intimidating tigress was making its effect. That wasn't sarcastic but quirky Amanda Ward-Prowse. That was Morgan Llewellyn, the star. And there was a huge difference between both of them. Taylor walked behind her, passing completely unnoticed while the employees placed the bags inside the car. When they finished Morgan tipped them all generously and Taylor could have sworn that at this moment she had all of them wrapped around her finger. ''My Lady...'' one of them opened the taxi door for her. Taylor slipped into the taxi without anyone calling her 'My Lady'. Goddamned Morgan. She had stepped in New York ten minutes ago and she was already stealing hearts. ''What was that?'' asked Taylor after giving the direction to the taxi driver. ''You caused mayhem back there.'' ''Really? I didn't notice.'' And it seemed genuine. But this was coming from the same woman who had changed her personality in five seconds. They were too busy taking pictures of the city to keep with the same topic. These pictures would look great on Morgan's Instagram (her new verified account not the old Sebastian Stan fan account, thankfully that account was safely hidden with no chance of coming back to haunt her). ''Here we are'' said Taylor when the car parked in front of an elegant apartment building. Morgan had only seen the place in pictures but she wasn't disappointed at all. Taylor paid the driver and went straight inside the building to talk to the administrator who had to give her the keys. ''Miss Llewellyn!'' said the woman behind the desk, with a cheerful voice. ''We were told you were arriving today. Here are your keys. You're allowed to have pets but I'm sorry if you wanted to bring children. They're not allowed for more than a five hour visit.'' ''So, yes to pets, no to kids?'' Morgan asked and the administrator nodded. ''This place is paradise.'' ''You also have a parking place. I genuinely hope that you are comfortable here. It's an honour to have you here, Miss Llewellyn.'' Morgan's day only got better as they got to the actual apartment. It was big, beautifully furbished and a luxury to live in. And it was paid by the producers. It couldn't get better. Even Taylor seemed to have forgotten Josh and Caernarfon and was over the moon with the new place. She was exploring the rooms like a little kid. ''I can't believe I'll be living in an apartment on the West Side of Manhattan. What is my life'' she threw herself on the enormous couch. Morgan was looking through the window. The apartment was on the third floor and the view was pretty nice, All the buzz of the city was exciting to her and she couldn't wait to get out there and start conquering. Or at least take pictures at Time's Square or go to a Broadway show. ''Third floor on the West Side, me and you, handsome you're a mansion with a view, do the girls back home touch you like I do?, long nights, with your hands up in my hair, echoes of your footsteps on the stairs, stay here honey I don't wanna share, cause I like youuuuuuuuu'' she was mumbling that particular part of Taylor Swift's Delicate, a song that by some reason always reminded her of Sebastian Stan. Maybe she just wanted to recreate this particular scene. Well, she now had the apartment on the third floor on the West Side, she just needed the guy. It was better not to think about that. She didn't want to add more embarrassing thoughts to the list just in the case she ended up working with Sebastian any time soon. ''Morgan!'' Taylor shouted making her jump. ''I was talking to you.'' ''Sorry...'' she shook her head. ''I was falling asleep. I didn't rest very well on the plane.'' ''Why don't you go to sleep? I can wake you up at night in case you want to have some pizza.'' Morgan took her advice seriously and when she touch the bed she fell asleep immediately.
Morgan woke up the next morning feeling better than ever. She had slept through the previous evening and the whole night, not even waking up to eat. She was hungry but with a feeling of pure happiness. She found Taylor in the kitchen, surrounded by a wide variety of things: papers, pretty looking bags, cups of tea and a wide variety of cakes. ''Finally, you're awake. Many things happened while you were asleep.'' ''Tell me'' she grabbed a cronut and started eating it. ''You were officially announced.'' Taylor showed her an article on Rotten Tomatoes. ''You're the only confirmed casting choice for now.''
Morgan read the title, smiling a little.
The highly anticipated movie by Oscar winning director Damien Chazelle (La La Land, Whiplash, First Man) finally has a lead in Morgan Llewellyn a relatively unknown Shakesperean actress. At 25, Llewellyn, will be making her debut in a big Hollywood production although her credits include numerous plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, the latest of them earning national acclaim with her portrayal of Lady Macbeth almost getting her a Laurence Olivier nomination. ''I literally crossed the Atlantic to see Morgan in action and I was left speechless.'' Chazelle explained. ''It was an absolute sham that she wasn't nominated to the Oliver back in 2016. She'll be a strong Oscar contender in the near future, I assure you of that.'' Chazelle didn't comment about the choice for Llewellyn's co-star but rumour has it that Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan and Timothee Chalamet are shortlisted for the role. 
''Well... I just hope is Tom or Timothee. I don't think I could bear working with Sebastian.'' Taylor was really surprised. ''Wasn't that your dream?'' Morgan, or back then Amanda, never said anything out loud about her obsession with Sebastian but Taylor just knew. ''Yeah, it still is but... I'll embarrass myself in front of him.'' ''How could you embarrass yourself?'' ''By existing!'' Morgan exploded. ''I've been drooling for him since 2013, I had a fan account dedicated to him, I read fanfiction about him and... yes, I was bloody jealous when I learned that he had a girlfriend, it's also true that I listened to Beyonce's angry songs imagining I was dedicating them to him. My whole existence is a joke''. It was hard for Taylor not to laugh. ''Look, he has no idea about all of that and he has no way of knowing. He can't read your mind. You just have to pretend that nothing happened and that's all. At the end of the day you'll be good friends or good castmates at least.'' Morgan made a dismissive gesture with her head and kept eating her cronut. ''You got sent this'' Taylor handed an envelope to Morgan who lazily opened and read the note inside of it.
Dear Miss Llewellyn, I have been noticed of your recent arrival to New York City and I hope that you are settling down nicely. I was hoping that we could have an interview as soon as possible to talk all things Vogue. I am looking forward to finally meet you. Notify me with your agent whenever you have a free evening. Wishing you the best, Anna Wintour.
Morgan almost fell from the chair. 
''How does she knows about me?'' was the first think she could think of.
''IMG Models. They are hyping you up. You're Hollywood hottest newcomer, everyone wants to be the first media outlet of your career. For what I see, Anna has your heart.'' ''It's Anna Wintour. If I get in her good books now I'll probably get an invitation to the MET Gala next year. And I really want it. Get me an interview with her.'' Taylor wonder how much time would take her to land her first Vogue cover. A couple of months, or maybe less, knowing Morgan. She was quietly strolling through her Instagram when she suddenly gasped. ''What happened?'' Taylor asked, hoping that Morgan hadn't choked with the cronut. But she just looked dumbfounded. ''Tom Holland just followed me on Instagram''. ''Maybe he got the role.'' Amanda didn't say anything. She was probably working with Tom Holland, holy hell. But the surprises didn't end up there. ''Or maybe Timothee got it'' she said with a shaky voice. Morgan showed her phone, with the notification that Timothee Chalamet had just followed her. ''Dammit'' now Taylor was curious. ''Maybe they're competing for the role trying to win you over. Don't expect Sebastian to get in the game. He's older than these two kids, he's doesn't need to pull these kind of tactics.'' Morgan had to admit that Taylor was right. Sebastian was social media numb and he probably still had no idea who she was. Well, maybe he knew, he was up competing for the role, after all so he probably was aware of who had been cast as the lead. Morgan wanted to sing. She was finally having her moment of glory. Her phone kept buzzing. She was getting hundred of followers and mentions so she decided to turn the notifications off before she went crazy. And she was about to do it when she saw a notification that almost made her drop her phone. She had to check thrice that it had the tiny blue mark beside the username because she still couldn't believe it that this was real. So, Sebastian Stan was in her list of followers and he definitely knew who she was. Her 2013 ass was shaking. ''What were you saying, Taylor?'' she showed her the phone. ''He's an idiot'' she glanced at the screen and winced. ''By the way, he's liking your pictures.'' She couldn't understand a thing of what Morgan was saying. It was a sort of gibberish. Then she shut up and smiled. Taylor had no idea what Morgan had on her head but she supposed it was nothing good. ''I'm going to have a shower'' she said with an innocent smile and Taylor immediately guessed her intentions. ''Don't you dare to start posting sexy after shower pictures for Stan to notice. Be decent for once.'' ''Do you think I'm missing this awesome opportunity?'' ''Yes, you are. Remember that the guy has a girlfriend.'' That didn't affect Morgan a little bit. ''And?'' she shrugged her shoulders with a gesture of indifference. ''Morgan! You're not going to go around New York stealing boyfriends. You're going to be nice and ethical.'' She just rolled her eyes. ''Why couldn't he wait two weeks single? He could have had this'' she pointed at herself. Taylor was speechless. ''Now everything is more complicated.'' ''Morgan! Stop.'' she took the phone from Morgan's hands. ''Remember that your co-star can be Timothee. Or Tom. Are you also mad at him because he's apparently dating Zendaya?'' ''Gosh, no. Who doesn't love Zendaya, she's awesome. You're just being wild, Taylor. Tom is a boy. He's not my man like Sebastian is.'' ''You're messed up.'' Taylor blurted out. Then she took a couple of tickets from Morgan's mountain of presents and showed them to her. ''What are those?'' Morgan asked. ''US Open tickets. To see Rafa Nadal tonight. I won't give them to you unless you stop with this madness and start behaving like a serious person.'' That seemed to get Morgan's attention. She could miss many things but not the US Open with Rafa Nadal involved. ''Okay, I'll stop. For now.'' That was enough for Taylor.
The next days passed in a rush. Morgan had been invited literally everywhere. From the US Open to Broadway shows and meetings with important people. Everyone wanted a share of Hollywood's hottest newcomer. Morgan was enjoying the attention but hardly had time to do anything. It was rare to find a moment to go shopping or simply go sightseeing. And she didn't want to think about what was going to happen when she started filming. She'd have to add extra hours to her day. The last day before the read through, Morgan decided to do something relaxing. The next day she was finally meeting the entire cast and she couldn't wait. For Morgan 'relaxing' meant buying a car for herself. She didn't listen to Taylor's advice about New York's traffic or about keeping it simple with her car choice. She had gone and bought the latest model of Porsche. Keeping it humble with Morgan Llewellyn. ''I can believe you bought this. You can't be more pretentious, seriously Morgan.'' But Taylor didn't have any intention of spending her evening trying to give lessons of humility to Morgan as she wanted to go to Central Park. In two weeks they hadn't had the time to go there yet. Morgan took this as a chance to drive her new Porsche around the City. ''Do you have any idea who my co-star is?'' Morgan asked for the millionth time in the last two weeks. ''They are announcing him tomorrow evening. You'll find out first though, at the read through. The odds are saying that Timothee is getting the role as Tom Holland looks way too young and Sebastian Stan's agenda is more messed up than your head.'' Morgan felt a mixture of relief, excitement and tiny bit of disappointment. She liked Timothee and wanted to work with him but Sebastian was her ultimate celebrity crush. Maybe it was for the best. They walked around for a long time until they ended up at the zoo. Unlike Morgan, Taylor liked to see the animals. ''Poor things.'' Morgan had a pained expression on her face. ''I'd set them all free if it were in my power. They deserve to be in their natural habitat not exposed for our entertainment.'' Taylor had forgot lesson number one: never go to a zoo with Morgan Llewellyn. ''I feel bad because I like these ones'' they had reached the Serpent Section. ''They are so majestic, just look at them.'' ''You don't really want to set the snakes free...'' that wasn't Taylor's favourite section. Snakes always crept the hell out of her. She couldn't understand why Morgan liked them. ''Maybe. They are not so bad, they are misunderstood'' there she was again, justifying the villains. ''They are quiet unless you step on them. Then, they'll send you to hell. Literally. Is there any snake merchandising around?'' ''No. But you can always go to the Taylor Swift merch site. Or to the Bvlgari store. You know better than I that their designs are heavily inspired by snakes.'' Morgan's eyes lit up. ''How could I have forgotten about that? Let's go. I need a lucky charm for tomorrow.'' ''Tell me you're not showing up with an snake necklace.'' ''Who knows. It's Bvlgari after all.'' she winked at an snake that wasn't even looking at her. ''One of these days you'll star speaking Parseltongue.'' ''I wish'' Morgan said with the biggest smile on her face.
P.S. Taylor is so done with Morgan. I’d be too, to be honest. My girl is a pain in the ass. 
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spidxysense · 5 years
Back to You | 07
Summary: He broke your heart, but you’d always love him. Two souls that not even the universe could tear apart, even if you wanted it to at times.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader x Timothee Chalamet
A/N: This is for all of you beautiful people who were patient enough with me to wait for chapter 6! and this especially goes out to all of you who have been leaving asks!!!! I love you guys!!!! Team Timmy or Team Tom?
Word count: 3,678
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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A few months later
You standing by the doorway to your room while looking at the couch, deciding whether you'd sit there or not, it was a Saturday and Luca had made it a rule to not film on the weekend to keep some of your senses intact unless absolutely necessary, so everyone at the villa was just hanging around. Timothee was sprawled on the couch, a bag pistachios by his lap as he cracked them open and ate them while he watched some foreign movie in French without subtitles. Armie was sat at the table, trying to eat a salad as he answered some business emails as well. You lift your eyebrows, intrigued.
His eyes snap to you, wide and unknowing you'd been looking at him, "What?" He starts to play innocent.
Armie glances every now and then at you two but keeps his focus on his phone.
You give him an 'I know what you did' look, but he doesn't budge, "Timmy… come on." You try to persuade him.
He shrugs dramatically, "What?!"
By this time, Armie's attention was on the two of you before he realizes what you were talking about, "Oh come on!" He stands up from the table, "Really Timothee?" He crosses his arms in front of his chest, "Right in front of my salad?"
Timothee is sheepish but still unrelenting, "Man, I don't know what the two of your are on about!"
"Timothee…" Armie approaches him with intent, "You just stuffed your hand that's full of pistachio shells in between the couch cushions!"
Timothee busts out laughing, "At least your couch is gonna smell like pistachios!"
Armie taps his foot impatiently looking like a fed up father, "Dude, that is disgusting. That's gonna smell like you breath."
He grabs his phone from the table and the salad and scoffs before letting it fall into the sink, "I'm going out. Maybe grab a burger instead. I can't be within proximity of you right now" he points at Timothee before grabbing his keys, walking towards the door, "Do you want to come along?"
You start to move your mouth to speak but Timothee beats you to it, "Nah, we'll stay here." He dismisses Armie.
Armie rolls his eyes at Timothee, before slamming the door. Timothee has a dopey smile on his face before he scoots over, patting the seat next to him, calling you over. You shrug, noticing he was patting a space very close to him, so you walk over and sit a little over an arm's length away from him. Within a 5 minute window, he seems restless, looking from his seat to the tv over to you before he sighed and just falls over, his head landing exactly on your lap as he gets comfortable in his lying position, his eyes glued back to the television.
"Timothee." you call out.
He hums in acknowledgement that he heard you and you find your fingers playing with the wisps of his hair, "What are you even watching?" The television was showing some girl dancing in cabaret.
His eyes are still on the television, "It's called Lola" he crosses his arms, his eyes never leaving the television, "And she's this Cabaret dancer. She's still in love with her ex lover, Michel and along comes this guy, Roland who's completely in love with her."
You snort, "I never took you for an old movies kind of guy. I always thought you're like more of a 21 Jump Street kind of movie fan."
He shrugs, "I am. I'm just watching this for future reference." He smirks.
You stiffen, was he trying to say this was a reflection of your life?
You clear your throat, "Who does she end up with?"
You feel your heart beat faster, this wasn't a movie, this was real life, but a part of you also didn't want to know who she ended up with.
He sighs, looking up at you, his eyes seemingly changing color every time you look into them, "That jackass Michel. It should have been Roland. Michel already fucked her over."
You wanted to stay quiet, to let him watch the movie in peace but, "Well, why not Michel?"
He scoffs, "Y/N, why the heck would anyone go back to what broke them?"
And his words hit you all too much, "Sometimes, love is worth getting hurt over." You say so calmly and quietly that you wonder if he even heard you at all.
He ponders this over for some time, he shrugs, "Good point. Roland better try harder then." His grin is boyish and charming and before you can give a witty retort he cuts you off, "Let's go out tonight."
You pause, the gears turning in your head, "Sure! Armie probably won't be pissed at you by that time."
He chuckles nervously, "I thought maybe we could watch a movie or something."
You laugh aloud, "That's what we're doing now though?"
"Everything's better in the actual theater though… and I want popcorn."
Things between you two get quiet when your mind drifts of to Tom, you take a deep breath, "Maybe next time-"
"He hasn't called you since?" He sounded worried but he couldn't hide the giddiness in his voice.
You shrug, "Well I did kind of tell him that he had no say in my life anymore. He might just be giving me space."
"I mean I guess." Timothee shrugs, placing his hands at the back of his hand and suddenly all you can think about is the back of his fingers grazing your thighs, "Or he could be mad, maybe he doesn't want to talk to you."
You blink a few times, "It could be." Now you felt bad, did Tom not want anything to do with you anymore? Not even as friends?
You snap your head in the direction of your phone ringing on the table and you jump up and run over to it, it wasn't the yodel ringtone set for Tom, but who knows, it could have been Harrison, it could be Tom with a different number, you quickly answer it not bothering with looking at the caller ID.
"Heeeeeeey bitch!"
You sigh, your shoulders dropping in defeat, "How are you up at 6 in the morning, Troye?"
He laughs on the other end, "My walk of shames aren't the same without you here, boo. Which is why I called you."
You rub your neck sheepishly, "Sorry I hadn't called in over a month, I was really busy."
"With Timothee's tongue down your throat maybe?"
You scoff, looking over at Timothee who turned his attention back to the tv as you walked to your room, shutting the door behind you, "You wish."
You practically hear him nodding on the other end, "Actually I do. You need to get dick-"
"Oh god, please don't reference my friend's dick."
"I saw your lousy ex at the party I was at last night." He laughs probably thinking about it, "He looked miserable."Did you by any chance have anything to do with that?"
You plop down on your bed, "I did, actually. At least I probably did. I ended up telling him that he had no say in my life anymore and he hasn't called me since."
He takes a sharp intake of breath, "Well, that just sounds like you're waiting for him to call."
"He's also my friend you know."
Troye laughs humorlessly on the other end, "Y/N, you and Tom will and could never be just friends. Trust me."
A knock at the door gets your attention as Timothee's head pops into your room, "Hey, I'm gonna go shower and then we can go, Armie said he'd meet us there."
You nod, "Sure, just tell me when you're done so I can get ready too."
"ARE YOU GOING OUT TONIGHT?" Troye's voice is filled with assumptions and pride, "WITH TIMOTHEE CHALAMET? ON A DATE?" He emphasizes the word date.
You laugh, "We're going with Armie and his wife-"
"Oooh, a double date? How domestic of you, Y/N."
"As friends!" You laugh into the phone, "You're salivating over my love life like a cartoon hobo and a pie on the window sill."
Troye sighs, "Clearly, being in a relationship for 3 years is a complete bore, seeing you this oblivious. Honey, I'll tell you how this ends alright? Armie and his wife are gonna end up having to go home earlier and Timothee is gonna pull some major classic cliche moves and you two will kiss tonight. Preferably over spaghetti, Lady and the Tramp style." 
You sigh, "Troye-"
Timmy pops back into your doorway, already in pants, without a shirt, "Hey, I'm done. So you can go ahead and use it." He shuts the door behind him.
Your mouth is agape, "What just happened?! Y/N?" Troye sounds frantic.
You take a big gulp, "Troye… Timothee has abs." You hang up, grabbing your towel and running over to the bathroom.
You walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, as you laugh at Troye's texts.
"Alright, just take a picture."
"Y/N if you come back here without having licked his abs you'd have failed as my best friend."
But right before you open your door, you hear a quiet melody through the hallway and you follow it to Timmy's room. Without knocking, you open his door to find him at the piano playing a melody that seemed like you'd been looking for for a long time now.
"Did you make that?" You touch his bare back softly as to not surprise him, but he jumps anyway.
He takes one look at you and becomes a stuttering mess, "I mean, yeah, I uh, I mean, it's just something I've been playing with."
You nod in understanding, "I like it. I really do." You back out of his room and the music comes back, over and over he plays that melody.
You’re standing a few blocks from the cinema with Timothee near an alleyway as the two of you waited for Armie and his wife, you look at your watch, “What time was the movie again?”
Timothee coughs, looking nervous, “It’s in like 5 minutes.”
You frown, “Oh no! I wanted to watch the previews. We might not make it anymore.” Your frown turns into a pout that has Timothee grinning from ear to ear.
“Jesus, if only there were paparazzi here, they’d think you were in love with Y/N the way you were staring at her.” You snap your head in Armie’s direction, not noticing the redness on Timothee’s cheeks when he was caught staring at you, Armie approached the two of you, his wife in tow, “wuh-pshhh!” Armie imitates the crack of a whip before laughing at Timothee.
You raise your arms in exasperations, “Armie, we missed the previews!”
He shoots you a sympathetic smile, “You’re gonna really hate me after this then.” He gives Timothee this unreadable look before continuing, “We’re gonna have to head back, I’ve had a little too much to drink to even be in public-”
You grab hold of Armie’s neck in your arms as you catch him in a headlock, “I missed the previews just to hear you say we could have gone in already?!”
Armie’s laughing his ass off at this point as Timothee points a camera in your direction while Armie’s wife pointed her phone to catch the three of you.
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You get off of Armie, dusting your clothes off, “You’re lucky that we need you for a few more weeks, or else I would have ended you.” You joke with him.
You notice the sudden click of a camera going off from Timothee’s direction and you raise an eyebrow at him.
Timothee trivia #9: Timothee was always taking your pictures. If he took your pictures more than others was very debatable.
You follow Timothee to the entrance of the old time looking theater, with the ticket booth at the front, “Armie didn’t look drunk, I thought Armie couldn’t even get drunk.” You follow him past the ticket booth but you stop, “Aren’t we supposed to pay for the tickets?”
Timothee just looks behind at you, shrugging, “You tell me.” He jumps over the counter at the snack bar, grabbing whatever he wanted and what he thought you’d like, and you watch him in awe.
“What’s happening?” You stare at him confused while following him to the Cinema.
He leans down near your already reddening face and winks, “Well, you’re not gonna miss the previews is what’s happening.” He pushes past the doors, sitting down wherever he wanted while you stood frozen at the aisle.
He’s already sat down in the middle of the theater, “I thought there would be a lot of people and you can never risk people seeing us, so I rented the whole theater.” he looks at his watch, “For about, like 5 hours.” He shrugs.
You let out a small laugh, “Timmy, I’m pretty sure this town doesn’t know us.” You look around, “Let alone go the the movie theater.” You remember all the instances you saw anybody around, all the people here seemingly forty years old and above.
He scratches his head while laughing, “Yeah, I guess I kind of forgot that part… but at least we’ll be able to watch the previews!” He pops an m&m in his mouth, you sit in the seat next to him, he turns to you, “How do you feel about The Dark Knight series?”
You look back at him, “Christopher Nolan is a genius.” You say simply, Timothee looking like he had stars in his eyes as he stared at you. He put some popcorn in his mouth, wordlessly turning to the screen, grinning to himself.
“This pizza is the best.” You munch on the slice in your hand while Timothee sat across from you, poking his slice, looking over at you every now and then.
“Is it the biggest cliche that I took you to a pizza joint in Italy?” He laughs.
Instantly, you shook your head, “No way! I love pizza. Thanks for this. I owe you one. I had no idea that we were gonna eat so I didn’t even bring money since I thought we were gonna guilt Armie into paying for us.” You snicker to yourself.
He shrugs nonchalantly, taking his knife and poking the slice with it, “It’s fine, you can pay for the next date.” He smiles to himself coyly and looks back at his pizza slice when he sees you stopped chewing all together.
You clear your throat, trying to ignore the fact that he literally just referred to this as a date without actually telling you that this was a date, “You know… Troye had the craziest theory about this.” You gesture between the two of you.
You’re shocked when he gives you this serious look, like he was drawing you in and he leans forward, his elbows on the table, and his hands held together in front of his face, his voice deep, “Enlighten me, Y/N.”
You gulp, what happened to the giddy Timothee you had been with moments ago? This was a different side of Timothee that you weren’t familiar with, you laugh nervously, “Troye thought this whole thing was planned out, he even told me Armie would bail last minute, that you’d pull some kind of romantic move and we’d end the night by having a meal and… that’s it.” You decide to shut up about Troye telling you that you two would kiss by the end of the night.
Timothee crosses his arms in front of his chest, lifting the two front legs of his chair from the floor and leaning, “I mean… It makes sense.” He chuckles, “If I’m being completely honest, it is.”
Timothee Trivia # 10: Not only was he cheeky, he was witty.
You two walk inside him following you to your door as you laugh to yourself, he was making this seem like an actual first date that two normal people would go on, “Thanks for the date… even though I didn’t know that it was a date.” You smile at the floor, “And I’m sorry I dressed like this for a date.”
He looks at you, “I think it’s great.” He gives you a thumbs up, “It’s you and that was the person I wanted to be with today.” He shuffles in his pockets, pulling out a sheet of paper folded into a tiny square, “I thought this might make up for the whole not telling you it was a date thing.”
You open up the folded paper to find sheet music, “It was that piece you heard me playing earlier.... I’ll play it for you tomorrow, if you want.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets as you smile at the sheet music.
You open your door wider, “You can play it for me now, if you want.”
He practically trips over his feet, and rushes inside, he finds the piano and sits on the bench, you following closely behind, you set the sheet music on the stand, even though he probably didn’t need it and you sit next to him, he tenses up but begins playing anyway. As he finishes the song, he plays it one more time, “I want to hear you sing.” He says softly.
You look at his long fingers, playing the piano, like sift gusts of wind and you start singing
Dirty tissues, trust issues
Glasses on the sink, they didn't fix you
Lonely pillows in a stranger's bed
Little voices in my head
Secret keeping, stop the bleeding
Lost a little weight because I wasn't eating
All the songs that I can't listen to, to tell the truth
Loving you was young, and wild, and free
Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet
Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound
A steady place to let down my defenses
But loving you had consequences
You would always remember better times with Tom, how being on top with him during your relationship made you feel like you could handle anything and everything as long as he was with you, how he made everything better. Your mind drifts to the warmth that Tom just had around himself, how you both found yourselves in each other. When you were together, it was just the two of you, nobody and nothing else mattered.
Hesitation, awkward conversation
Running on low expectation
Every siren that I was ignoring
I'm payin' for it
But good times always end, they started small. Small arguments here and there about not being able to see each other, or how one or the other never had any time for the other, just small spats you found normal that would just as fast as they started. Until it was like I ruined my life and I shut myself in just to make his life with me perfect.
Loving you was young, and wild, and free
Loving you was cool, and hot, and sweet
Loving you was sunshine, safe and sound
A steady place to let down my defenses
But loving you had consequences
No, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Said, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Hey, no ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Loving you was dumb, dark and cheap
Loving you will still take shots at me
Found loving you was sunshine, but then it poured
And I lost so much more than my senses
'Cause loving you had consequences
Loving you
You don’t even realize you were crying until Timothee stops playing and is already wiping your cheek. He looks at you with a sadness in his eyes that you’ve only ever seen in Tom’s eyes. Like he was feeling the pain you were feeling in the moment. You start sobbing, finally coming to terms with your truth, as he embraces you.
“He never called me.” You cry into his shoulder, “And I feel like it’s my fault because I pushed him away so much.” You hiccup, “But the more we’re together the more we hurt each other… We just never paid any attention to it because it was like the be all, end all, like we made all the good so good that it was as if all the bad was worth it, and now I don’t know if I can just live a life without him in it.”
He’s rubbing your back when you feel the vibrations from his chest. He grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you back, staring straight into your eyes, “He’s an idiot if he’d rather live a life without you in it, because life without you is just no good, Y/N.” He sighs, letting his arms fall to his  sides, “Nobody could ever compare to you. Not when you smile, not when you laugh, not when you’re being you, not even when you cry.” He wipes your cheeks from your tears again, “And everybody in this whole goddamn world knows it, Y/N. There’s nobody like you around. Tom is a fucking idiot for thinking he could ever treat you like this.” There’s a light in his eyes when he talks about you.
You feel a tug at the corner of your lips and you bring you hand to his hair, patting it gently, “Thanks Timmy, you’re a great friend...or guy.” you giggle.
But he isn’t laughing, not even smiling. He’s just looking down at the bench as he shook his head, “I don’t just want to be some guy, Y/N. Not even you’re friend, I don’t want to be any of those things. Fuck that, I like you too much to ever want to be just a friend to you.”
Your eyes widen, not expecting him to tell you that he liked you and before you can even get a word in, he’s already leaning down.
Timothee Trivia #11: He has very soft kissable lips.
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