#why do you keep drawing lancelot will long hair and black shirt? you ask
kairennart · 2 years
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he totally got like that because he's clumsy not because he partakes in illegal activities ahah
for @merlinbingo
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Viking warrior made
Merlin is kidnapped to be sold/forced to be a gladiator
Magic suppressing chains
Nordic/viking captors
Use black paint across their eyes to disguise their features
They teach Merlin how to fight so he can out on a good show
In season 4 season 5 gap
Lancelot is alive, because we love Lancelot
Lancelot was visiting Nemeth to see Princess Mithian, for trade talks and because they're courting, when Merlin is taken
Word gets sent to the kingdoms that a powerful sorcerer has been caught and any interested in purchasing him is invited to attend a tournament where he will showcase his skill
Knights are invited to participate as opponents
Merlin has been missing for a year by the time the tournament is held
A few Knights of the Round Table are interested in competing
Merlin suffered a lot during his captivity, not being able to be free from his chains more than an hour every day
The kingdoms all arrive, pavilions are set up for each for their knights, servants, and royals
Arthur is determined to question everyone present if they have seen Merlin
The servants and knights do the same
When the kingdoms all gather in a makeshift hall, the leader brings Merlin out, still in chains, so they can get a glimpse of the product
Merlin's hair has grown out and curls over his ears, his face has some stubble, and the dark eye paint keep him fairly unrecognizable
He keeps his head down and only growls once when one king touches him; he is rewarded with a swift lash, and he manages to only wince slightly
His breath rushes out when he hears some familiar voices: Arthur and Gwen
When they approach he tries to stay still but his body starts to tremble just barely
He'd been marked with large tattoos crawling around his arms
Arthur asks him what his name is and he can't breathe for a second
Another lash for stalling
He growls out the name Myrrdin half hoping he's recognized, half hoping he's not
When the royals all retire for the night, Merlin is locked back up in his cage
A couple Camelot Knights come to check out the competition
Merlin keeps his head down, until he hears Lancelot's voice
His head snaps up and their eyes lock, and Lancelot's breath rushes out as he grips the cage bars
Merlin shakes his head just enough to keep him from revealing who he is
When everyone is asleep, Lancelot comes back desperate to get Merlin out
They talk for a short time before Merlin hears his captors approaching and begs the knight not to tell anyone who he is
Merlin is brought to the arena just before dawn and is stripped to a pair of tight fitting trousers
No shirt no shoes
The woman in charge recites while painting his face with another stripe down his cheek and presses a needle through his ear and securing a metal loop leaving faint traces of blood on his lobe and down his neck
A symbol is painted on the back of his neck and he feels hands grazing over his shoulder blades
They pull his hair into a few braids, leaving his bangs to cover his forehead lest he be too noticeable
His scars are on full display, but his time in captivity has made him less self conscious
Merlin is glad he hadn't seen Gaius as he would have recognized Merlin from them
He kneels and awaits his orders
The kingdoms are all situated in the various seats surrounding the arena
Two or three knights stand in front of each kingdom as competitors
Merlin was still looking to the ground, so he didn't know which of his friends he'd be fighting
The kingdoms were allowed to go one-on-one or to go all at once, they chose the former
With a harsh command, Merlin rose to his feet, gracefully, standing to his full height, chest out, shoulders back
He fought two from Gawant, and two from Nemeth, all falling quickly
He tried to cause as little damage as he could, but his training had been harsh so he didn't hold back
Amatis and Mercia put up good fights, able to draw blood, though Merlin didn't feel it
Essetir was taken down easily, and there may have been some broken bones because he may have known one of the knights from when he was young, and he had been bullied
Camelot was last, and Merlin was tense as Gwaine and Percival circled him
Merlin made their defeat quick so as to avoid being recognized
Lancelot stepped forward when the others stepped back
Merlin had blood on his face, and blood dripping from his bicep and a small slash on his stomach
Lancelot decided to talk, but Merlin was strung tightly having fought for a few hours now
He told Merlin that he didn't need to fight, that he could stop
The Woman shouted a command at Merlin who attacked
Lancelot defended himself, barely
Merlin had him on the ground in no time, blade pressed to his friends throat
Lancelot looked up at him with sad eyes
He reached a hand up and touched Merlin's face, who leaned into the touch
"I'm so sorry, Merlin. You didn't deserve this." Lancelot told him
Merlin is dragged back then, and forced to his knees while the woman approaches, whip in hand
She speaks to him in her language, and he responds in kind
She walks behind him telling him, in her tongue, this was his own fault
The lashes start and Merling tries to hold in his cries, knowing that will only earn him more
Lancelot tries to stop it, but is forced back by the vikings
The Camelotians don't understand why Lancelot is so agitated
After 10 lashes, the woman relents and tells Merlin, in her tongue, to use his magic to prevent an infection and to heal the wounds to scars
One cuff is removed and his magic flows over him, easing his pain
Once the wounds are just scars, Merlin feels the manacle being put back on
Lancelot yells for him to fight back
Merlin locks eyes with his friend, seeing the pain there, he nods almost imperceptibly
His magic forces his captors back, and he runs to Lancelot, who crushes him in an embrace
Lancelot is whispering to him and then forces him back behind him, away from these savage people
The woman tuts at Merlin and raises her voice
Merlin tenses, but stays behind Lancelot, hand grasping the knights arm tightly
Arthur tries getting Lancelot's attention, but the knight won't move his gaze from the vikings in front of him
Lancelot tells the vikings they can't sell someone who doesn't belong to them
The woman laughs
Merlin growls
The woman then suggests a battle, one final duel and then the little birdie can fly free
This phrase catches the Camelotians attention
A whispered Merlin comes from Gwaine’s lips
Merlin turns sharply, meeting the long haired knights eyes
Gwaine rushes forward, but Merlin has been captive for too long and he quickly retreats letting go of Lancelot, trying to avoid whatever punishment he thought was coming
As soon as he's away from Lancelot the captors have him again, cuff slammed shut on his wrist, held in place by his throat
Merlin growls out in the woman's tongue that he'll accept her final duel if she ensures the Camelotians will be unharmed
She acquiesce's and the vikings begin forming a circle around Merlin and one other man
The one who trained him
The fight is brutal, but Merlin has much to fight for now
He knows that the others have figured out who he is now when he hears shouting
Merlin is quick, but has also already fought many other battles beforehand
He feels his magic straining to get free as he loses ground
As the man is standing over him, crushing his windpipe, his magic breaks free and the manacles shatter
The vikings never stood a chance against the onslaught of magic
The visiting kingdoms are all unharmed
But Merlin lay unmoving on the ground
Lancelot is by his side in a heartbeat, with Gwaine right behind him
Merlin mumbled something that only the vikings would understand
His eyes shot open, blazing gold, as he moved to stand
He collected the vikings with his magic, bringing them in the center of the arena
He spoke viking words, funerary rites, and set them ablaze as he knelt before them
He stayed there for some time before he heard the arguing
When he went to its source, he found the visiting kings ready to face off and declare war, until they noticed his presence
The Mercian King was trying to argue that he agreed to the fee requested by the woman and he intended to take his new property back with him
Merlin stopped the man talking with a flash of his eyes
He started to talk but stopped when he felt Lancelot's hand on him whispering in his ear that he needed to speak common for them to all understand
Merlin nodded, not realizing he'd spoken the other tongue, and informed those gathered he was not for sale
He'd been held prisoner for too long and he would not do so again
If they valued their lives or kingdoms they would leave and not retaliate
When the kings tried to argue more, Merlin told them they're free to challenge him to a duel if it would make them feel better, but since he'd already defeated their champions, the odds weren't in their favor
When the only kingdom remaining was Camelot, Arthur reached over as if to grab Merlin’s shoulder, but Merlin flinched and scrambled out of reach, dropping into a crouch as if prepared to fight, eyes wild
When he looked up and saw the concerned sad look in the King's eyes, he straightened up and came back to stand in front of him, slowly
His King apologized for everything that happened to him, but Merlin stopped him
It wasn't his fault, it was just bad luck he'd been captured and they had figured out some of his power
Merlin held his arm out to his King, who grasped it firmly
Merlin gave him a small smile
He hadn't smiled in a long time
When they returned to the Camelot delegation, Gwaine walked up to him slowly as if he'd spook him again
Merlin ran to him and wrapped his arms around the knight
Everyone cleared away to let hem have a moment, though they didn't go far
The trip back to Camelot was easier than the trip out
Though Merlin didn't help with camp set up, he did cook
He shared a horse with Gwaine, and barely spoke the whole way
When they rode through the lower town heading for the castle, several stared at Merlin, thinking their King brought back a powerful weapon, not recognizing him as Merlin
He was still shirtless as he'd refused to wear a spare
Most of the time he was captive he'd not had a shirt
When they arrived at the castle, Gaius was there waiting as were the courtiers
Gaius recognized the scars almost immediately and rushed to Merlin
Merlin let him inspect him, knowing he was fine aside from new scars
Arthur came over and instructed Gaius to make him take a bath and give him a thorough check up before looking in Merlin’s eyes once more, nodding, and returning to his counselors
Lancelot told Gaius he'd have a bath sent to his chambers so he could be inspected better
When Merlin was stripped down and sitting in the water, his gaze was distant
Gwaine came in and began to carefully wash him, making sure to get all the war paint off
The water was nearly black by the time he was done
Gaius was tense while checking over each new injury and mark, before he finally relaxed, only slightly, and sent Merlin to bed with a sleeping draught
The next day was full of council meetings and Arthur and Gwen were both getting frustrated
When Merlin walked in, clean of the war paint, but not really Merlin anymore, braids still in his hair, tattoos on his arms in view in a short sleeved tunic with his old brown trousers and boots, the council stopped and stared
Merlin addressed them, said he would never cause harm to Camelot, his home, nor his King or Queen. And he was prepared to swear oaths of fealty if necessary to prove such
The council jumped at the idea and within days, Merlin knelt before the King and Queen of Camelot swearing his life in service of their kingdom
He tried to adjust back to being a manservant, but was ill suited for it after his captivity
Instead he became a blade master and taught the knights new techniques
He would often get a far off look in his eyes like he was back in the arena, and would sometimes jump to defend himself when startled, but he was getting better
When he spoke, sometimes it was in the viking tongue, not realizing he'd done it
Gwaine would wake in the night to Merlin shouting and would force him awake and reassure him he was safe
They became inseparable
When they finally married almost a year after he'd been back, Arthur gave Merlin a hard time for waiting so long
Merlin rolled his eyes and reminded the King how long it took him to ask Gwen to marry him
He still didn't smile as much, but that could be because he'd discovered after several years, his friends were aging and graying, and he wasn't
He knew what that must mean and knew he'd have to live on long after they were gone
Everyone was confronted with this fact during a council meeting
Some blustery old noble pointed out that he wasn't aging and that he must be there to take Camelot when the royals passed on
That was when everyone really looked at Merlin and saw he hadn't aged a day in nearly 15 years
His eyes were full of pain and regret, but he told them that he would never take over Camelot, it wasn't his place to be ruler, not when he would live for eternity
The room fell deathly silent
Eternity? Gwaine asked heartbreaking soft
Merlin only gave them a short nod
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