#why do people always bring up ww2 whenever theyre discussing silly shit??
submission i got
“I mean if you mean the Joker for “did you want him to SHOOT the mentally ill?” then yes I guess I do? This is a false dichotomy let’s be honest.”
not what i meant. the og post said something about bruce punching mentally ill people and that he was a pussy for not killing like Jason-ergo did you want him to shoot the mentally ill? 
“Like I could say hey its good that the Allies killed Nazis in WWII, and at the same time say many Allied soldiers did awful things to civilians especially in Japan and that’s bad. Do you think I would want Allied soldiers to kill everyone?”
i feel reallly uncomfortable talking about real world issues in relation to fun time comic fictional lets have fun stuff. discussing the issues of how we should handle “justice” is fun but not some much when in relation to the real hardships experienced by actual real people. 
“Maybe what people are really trying to say is Batman is an imperfect person who needs to adjust his methods based on who he is facing. He far too often uses extreme excessive violence when it isn’t needed. At the same time there are stories where he rejects any kind of violence even when used as self defense by people who do need it to protect themselves. As was the case in the Batman story with the woman who used violence to kill a serial rapist murder  that was abducting her. “
theres also plenty of stories where he equates rapist to inhuman monsters and does nothing about the people (like the birds of prey) who do murder them
i think batman’s biggest error is his inconsistent writing and bad faith interpretations rather than his methods. 
“You and I both know its a bad faith argument to say people want Bruce to murder mentally ill individuals. Maybe you could try to actually meet people with compassion and understanding and try to talk to people about their issues with comics. You may find a compromise. For example I think a lot of people would not care about the whole killing not killing thing if DC let the heroes actually rehabilitate villains and have it stick or provided better safety for civilians so that it was more elaborate thefts and less mass murder when it came to Batman stories.” 
okay again this whole argument is about fun silly comic drawing about characters soooo 
anyways yea I agree- we’ve seen a lot of success with harley quinn in relation to this. I think dc should start writing actual interesting stories about bruce that doesn’t paint him as absolutely terrible person/father. cause its a disservice to his character and the legacy of that character. 
if i was writting for dc theres a couple of things i would do! the joker needs to be fixed- his character is all over the place and im tired of it being written off as him being a twitsed cycle path-its boring. We the audience shouldn’t want the joker to die, and we should feel the same weight and guilt bruce does when faced with jason’s anger. i think making harley quinn an anti-hero is a step in the right direction ESPECIALLY if she was a villian villian (just as bad/worse than the joker himself) before. if we see a person finally take the chance that the batman gives them. Rehabilitation over death-theres always a chance. if one bad day can turn you into a villian one good one turn you into a hero. etc etc etc
on a more philosophical note- this whole discussion is really about what justice IS. and what it ISNT.
contrapoints (i know she has had controversies but not to due with this particular topic and i find she does a good job articulating her point but pls keep any biases she might or might not have when watching) has a video about justice that i would really recommend. 
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