#why do I keep making Takemichi suffer?
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 7 months ago
Tokyo Revengers manga spoilers! Do NOT read if you're anime-only and haven't read manga yet or haven't finished it yet!!
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Summary: Curse of Sano family, Dark impulses, how Takemichi is able to break the curse, what is Takemichi to Mikey and why.
What is Dark Impulse exactly? It's the curse that was given to Sano family by previous timeleaper, who was killed by Shinichiro then. Old man's curse wasn't only affecting Shinichiro but the whole Sano family--especially Mikey.
Shinichiro got his karma, but "Dark Impulses" aim wasn't to ruin Shinichiro only, but also his siblings, everyone Shinichiro held dear to his heart.
Dark Impulses are called Dark Impulses because Mikey introduced them as that, since the curse was violent and pushed its owner to the embrace of evil and wickedness.
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The most interesting thing about it is that Dark Impulses are also introduced as another Mikey, ANOTHER HUMAN and living being. Just in one body. (I thought it was DID reference ngl)
I just think that it's interesting way to introduce a curse because it's usually introduced as someTHING and not as someONE ("there's SOMETHING inside of me that I cannot control" for example) but I think this shows how Mikey thought that Dark Impulses were HIM, that it was Inseparable from him and it was part of who he was. Which makes sense because he has had it since he was very young and learned to live with it. Mikey has been struggling to keep his darkness away but that just caused it to bottle up and get harder and harder to control.
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His Dark Impulses got so much worse because of the loss of his loved ones, since his mentality got so much weaker to the point that he wasn't able to fight back dark impulses and Kisaki's manipulation, he has fallen victim of them. He managed to appear calm about it and pretend that everything was alright but there's a limit to how much one can take.
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Many people thought that Takemichi was stupid for this and I've even seen the comments saying that they didn't get this part at all. But Takemichi, in fact, was the ONLY ONE who could break the curse and it's because Shinichiro transferred his powers to Takemichi, but not his curse. Let's note one thing that Shinichiro died few days after giving his power to Takemichi, which could be interfered as that he was alive (after his time leaping) because of his powers. Which means that the power to timeleap can and will break the curse of previous timeleaper. In order for Takemichi to do that, Mikey had to completely give in his Dark Impulses and placed his trust in Takemichi to break the curse.
Which is why Takemichi actually was Mikey's hero, because he was the only one who could break the curse that he has been suffering with for a good while. Takemichi is indeed a hero. Mikey's hero.
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just-sp-in-inginthevoid · 5 months ago
Is there any reason why fandom love to put Shinichiro Sano on a pedestal. I rarely see people discussing shin flaws and mistakes as much people do with Mikey or Takeomi. Shin is always seen as this nice dude who can't do wrong vibes with many shin fans. You are the first one who enjoy his flaws point out his mistakes and even use them to explore more as a Shin fan. I love him to the core but it is pretty staggering to see no one talk about his flaws and examine in details
*happy clapping* It's been so long since I last ranted about Shinichiro (and tr..) this ask (and the other one) makes me so happy-
Thank you for the compliments! Those are really big ones, I'll do my best to deserve them and keep being up to it
I think, mostly, it has to do with the fact his mistakes are never addressed by the characters directly (because themselves are unaware of them). We discover the story through their eyes and so we are easily influenced by their perspectives - and not only do we assimilate him to the 'dead mentor' archetype very quickly, the characters keep on telling us how great he was. That, and they're constantly making comparisons with Takemichi, our protagonist who cannot do wrong (whether we like him or not, people are likely to think Takemichi cannot - intentionally or not - hurt someone. I say likely because we do know there are timelines where he is indeed a criminal, and if he stops fighting solely people stronger than him then more readers would realize he's physically strong).
Speaking of which, we do transpose our vision of Takemichi on Shinichiro (albeit more idealized) since Mikey and Inui and others keep telling how alike they are (but their speeches are more idealized when talking about Shinichiro) - so Shinichiro is a weak fighter, is a loser in the love domain, and is a crybaby. That's... not how we would imagine a 'bad' guy, a deeply flawed one, especially not in TR where all of our antagonists are threatening in some way or another. But Shinichiro was loved by everyone and followed by everyone and -
Shinichiro was loved. Shinichiro is loved.
He's loved by characters we love, and we only have very few words to have a depiction of him in mind if we don't look at him more closely - so we know little of him, but we know he's basically Takemichi but cooler and acclaimed. And since he's dead - by accident too because he didn't do anything wrong *cough* - it's so easy to see him as a Saint. There's also the fact brains like simplicity (easier to maneuver) so we love to put characters (as well as real people) in boxes to ease our understanding. Happens in a lot of fandom - when characters get reduced to the sole archetypes of 'girlboss' or 'malewife' or 'soft uwu boy'. Stripping them from their personality and imposing one we know well is tempting: doing the Shinichiro=dead mentor calculation is not only natural but ease the mind. Who doesn't like a kind and reliable big brother type of characters? I personally didn't expect (while simultaneously wishing for it) Shinichiro to have a defined personality outside this archetype and I know my first understandings of him got biased because of it.
And even when reaching Original Timeline (which re-contextualizes the story) our vision of Shinichiro doesn't get altered on the spot. It does add to his character, but. it's too easy to think Mikey's state in Original Timeline is the reason why Shinichiro lost it so much (and it was definitively a big part of it, that's not deniable). The arc was so short I wonder how many people actually linger over it instead of taking information to face value. It's very, very easy to see him as only a Victim of Circumstances : he suffered so much to keep Mikey alive those four years. And, yeah, he did suffer, yeah he is a victim, but it's really not all there is to it. He was desperate to keep Mikey alive (which has even more depth if I may say when we link that information to the fact Shinichiro witnessed his mom die away in a hospital for years too. And between their mom's death and Mikey's accident there's like. four months?) and he had had to study to be a nurse to take care of him; how noble, how tragic! Sure Emma ran away but that's not His Fault. What else can he do? Look at his life, the narrative was against him for that timeline! And what if he killed someone, he had his reasons?! (a homeless person on top of it. The story makes us pity Shinichiro so much nobody seems to be outraged at the fact he beat a marginalized person to death. Shinichiro could've killed a kid and we would have gone 'oh but he lost he's brother, he's so sad :(((' - or perhaps not. perhaps that would have pushed more people to noticed There's Something Wrong with him.)
- That could be another point honestly. Shinichiro as a 'person' is never focused on, so much that we can unintentionally forget all of Mikey's tragic family life is also Shinichiro's (and Emma's), and how that must have affected him. So much that his actions don't appear like they have a reason behind them (from dragging kids into delinquency to naming his gang the way he did (after an irl ultranationalist yakuza-like organization that extended on several continents if I need to remind someone)) - he just did those
So, 1) he's dead, he's a martyr even, 2) his acknowledged flaws are presented as endearing, 3) he's a victim at most, not an oppressor.
I'm not better than anyone about that; I thought about Shinichiro this way for some time before I got to detach myself from the characters' biased view and question more his actions. If I recall well, that happened after I did the same for Takeomi because sure Takeomi sucks whatever but why do you hate him so much people- Pretty funny thing looking back at it haha: always paralleling each others those two smh
Also, a part that shouldn't be neglected I think: TR being a story about delinquents makes it so we easily accept they are - we do wonder why (because we want information and credibility!) but we get to normalize it for the characters, because that's how TR world works, they're all delinquents! We tend to forget they're in a realistic world, time leaping powers and curses aside. But Shinchiro very much is the one who dragged sooo many of them into delinquency: sure, with Inupi and Izana they could've ended up delinquents by themselves, perhaps, but at the end of the day Inui joined for him and he showed Izana how to be one. His idea of bonding with his estranged brother was showing him the Delinquent Way. But all we know is that Shinichiro is loved, including by Izana (who was so, so happy to have him), and that we are reading a story where 95% of the characters are delinquents. It doesn't surprise. Not until you don't think about it - but shonen are way too good to make you take everything at face value.
Figuring out why people easily point out Takeomi and Mikey's flaws is easier. Their wrong deeds are explicitly shown that way in the story. Mikey's such a prevalent character that it'd be hard to not notice what he messed up, hard to not focus on when he has to be saved by the protagonist. Mikey is shown as responsible for actions he takes, and is aware of taking such actions whereas Shinichiro has never any ill-intents and his actions are never perceived as harmful by himself or the other characters. Mikey knew telling Kakucho "you think [Izana] died for that?" would hurt him, Shinichiro never realized telling Haruchiyo "I'm not saying you should forgive Manjiro right now* but if you want you can still be his friend" (*implying Sanzu could forgive Mikey now or later but he will forgive him) - which pushed him even more to accept Mikey's apologies (which he'd have done anyway, but he has also severely been harmed and that cannot be brushed off that easily, Shinichiro) - would have had harmful consequences. The only scene he has where he shows complete animosity toward someone (saying 'shut up' to Wakasa) gets justified by Mikey's death. The gravity of Shinichiro's action then goes unnoticed. Also, Mikey intentionally physically hurts other, where Shinichiro has 'only' ever killed a man because he was desperate
Takeomi... he gets hated for two factors I think and that's 1) being a bad big brother in a story where sibling relationships are a important part of its core, 2) being Sanzu's (bad) big brother. His additional flaws (ex: debts years, arrogance) would've been excused had he known how to raise his siblings, but since he didn't they get added to the reasons why he's a 'character who sucks actually'.
I said 'Sanzu's brother' specifically, because Takeomi was less restrictive with Senju, less harsh - and because Sanzu's fans are far more numerous, albeit Senju is fairly liked too. It's simple for Sanzu fans to hate Takeomi (no hard feeling about this, I just wish more people were willing to understand Takeomi as a character)
Him being Shinichiro's direct opposite makes it worse. Because they're distorted mirrors of each other, they're the same and the total opposite at the same time, they both keep on contrasting each other in a way that makes Shinichiro appear Exemplary and Takeomi Bad; as brothers but as people too. I think the scene in Original Timeline where Shinichiro goes to pick up Haruchiyo from juvie and explains Takeomi isn't there because he's still on 'non-speaking terms' with him is a good example of that(readers seeing Shinichiro as Good, Perfect even and Takeomi as Inexcusable, Wrong) (and that's without mentioning the fact Takeomi isn't the one that should necessarily come. He's not Sanzu's legal tutor and we know the Akashi father is alive. 'oh but he's working' so what you're finding excuses for their father's absence but not Takeomi's now?)
And the chapter from his point of view doesn't help!! Why? Because it's just showing 'unlikable' flaws. He brought doomed upon himself - he's the arrogant one, he's the indebted one. He still have qualities, but they don't get depicted in his chapter and for some readers they get erased by the You're Such a Bad Brother part. Honestly, I wish Sanzu and Senju would've been present in the flashback and we would've seen how Takeomi felt being stuck to raise them. (But I know it was on purpose. Every Akashi avoids home one way or another, and not putting it in the chapter was a way to show that - the same way not showing how Inui handles his grief for his own sister's death and focusing on Kokonoi's is telling us Inui silenced his hurt for Kokonoi to process his. That's talent right there, I love Wakui's storytelling so much for that)
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There are people who don't understand Takeomi and honestly I think some wouldn't care to bother, he's just,, easy to hate on, same way for Kisaki or Osanai or Taiju for some people. I also saw people picturing him as a confident, powerful man (and sexy) and I don't get how you can read chapter 230 and not pick on the fact Takeomi has an inferiority complex. Guess it's not hard to fall for the mask a character puts on (same for Mikey acting all resilient and powerful but needing so badly to be vulnerable ; albeit, there again, Mikey's case is far more exploited in the story)(and same for Shinichiro, albeit he is likely to not know how people perceive him and how the impact his actions have on them don't match - he's just as blind as others as to the consequences of his actions)
There may be more reasons why it's simple to idolize Shinichiro, but that's all of what came up to my mind and it seems enough to answer haha
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screechingnebula · 2 years ago
TR panels that haunt me
Under the cut coz manga spoilers
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Just the way Mikey looks...like a child and asked Takemichy to help him, to scold him when he does something wrong, Takemichy who is an adult who had just helped two other children (Yujuha & Hakkai) who were suffering in silence for years. The whole of chapter 109 hits me too hard every time I read it.
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Alexa, play Bohemian RhapsodyđŸ„č
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Do I even need to say why? Sanzu here ofcourse but even Senju brings such a strong emotion out of me... Just the wobbly speech bubbles, her expressions and hands all of it makes you feel how strong emotions she is feeling at that moment...chills everytime
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I don't really have a reason... I love his smile here but it also makes me so incredibly sad because it's not really a real smile. I just want to hug him and keep him safe
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All the panels where a character shouldn't be smiling but they are. Tora oh tora...the pain, the fear đŸ«Ł
(i might do a part 2 coz oh boy there are many more)
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bibibbon · 1 year ago
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Thank you for the ask and no, no one has asked me this before.
I must admit Iam someone who doesn't really have favourite characters in a way I can rank them but I like talking about every character I find interesting which tends to be majority. Also my opinions about what characters I like change very frequently.
I find it hard to rank characters I like from different media so here's the list in no particular order
Katara (avatar the last airbender) - ever since I watched atla I have always loved katara and the premise of her character. Katara is someone who lost her mother at a young age due to abilities that she possessed of being a water bender. She was then forced into a motherly role after her father left for war so she definitely struggled coming to terms with a lot of things and probably felt a sense of isolation being the only bender in her tribe. I love how katara is tough and femine at the same time, how she also has her own complex feelings about things and how she is the glue to team avatar.
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Pidge (Voltron) - no I was never active in the Voltron fandom but even with the wasted potential of the show pidge will always be my favourite character in that series. Pidge is a character who would do anything for both knowledge and family. Her knowledge is what ends up saving voltorn a lot of the time and I loved her motivations and the character conflict she had where she wanted to prioritise her family over Voltron. (Ps I don't recommend watching voltron the story writing went out the window in season 2)
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Itadori yuuji (Jujutsu kaisen)- I think you kinda tell the type of characters I like by now all are moan characters (I guess I just have a soft spot for MCs). To me yuji is a very fascinating character he can bring out the best people and honestly his character arc is very satisfying to see. The boy who was cursed to try and save people failing to do so and then going on to develop ideologies like how he is just a cog within a system and how his only purpose is to be a vessel and die but then all of that being broken Infront of him and he ends up causing the people he wanted to protect pain just by existing is something so heartshattering. The losses he goes through and how he always viewed himself as a lonely guy but now he finds strength in community and ends up viewing his only purpose is to save megumi.
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Izuku midoriya (my hero academia)- Iam not sure if this counts but Iam more in love with the wasted potential and the what we could of had when it comes to izuku. Izuku isn't the regular shonen MC kinda guy there are many scenes of him analysing and overthinking things easily. He is also someone who isn't afraid to show and express his emotions and I truly wish he was handled by a better writer because there are some very small things I like about his character that don't get explored. Izuku is a very emotionally intelligent character who is able to realise a lot of things about people he usually spots and sees what people want to keep hidden and he isn't afraid to point these things out and actually do something about it.
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Takemichi hanagaki (tokyo revengers)- This was the first series I actually started to make theories for and I loved takemichi as an MC. He was someone who made a lot of mistakes in the past and got the chance to change everything so he did and he tried to become everyone's saviour but sometimes not everyone can be saved. I just also really love the idea of a character who was lonely and got a chance to escape from that lonieless and surround himself with the people he loved just to slowly lose them and then goes on to blame himself and views that his only way of redeeming himself is to help another person suffering the same fate as him (I think the TR ending could of been improved a whole lot more but Iam not mad with what we got it's pretty good for a time travel and deliqunent manga)
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Mao Mao (the apothecary diaries)- honestly I love how relatable and adorable she is. There is also the fact that she grew up in a bath house where her emotional needs where neglected so she grew up quite apathetic and slowly her character is used to explore the female world in china and how broken and unfair the system can be to people all make me love her character. Also who doesn't want to be a cat and spend their days doing nothing.
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Violet evergarden (violet evergarden)- oh how much I hold this short series dearly. Violet was always used as a tool her entire life the series follows her journey of her learning love she goes and writes letters for people trying to capture what they want to say and understands their feelings learning about different types of love whole she slowly starts to incorporate that into her life. I do have some mixed feelings about the ending considering that Gilbert and her share a nine year age gap and some of the controversial stuff that goes with the ship but overall violets story is really beautifully executed and her character development is beautiful.
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Eren Yeager (attack on titan)- Yes another MC I love. If you're wondering no I don't believe Eren was right for what he did but i understand why he did it. I understand why he wanted destruction and viewed the world as a rotten place I also understand why he wanted to abandon his duty and live out his life in peace with the person he loved. I love how isayama wrote his character and I especially love how he humanised Eren in chapter 139 and actually showed us that Eren is still a 19 year old who was exploited and used as a child soldier, a child who saw too much when he was too young in a world that was too cruel for him to survive.
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Genya Shinazugawa (demon slayer)- he definitely deserved more screentime but I love genya he is an absolute menace all he needs is some demon flesh and a gun and he is sorted. I loved his character arc with sanemi how the manga explored his confusion of what happend to his mother, him naturally growing to become cold hearted to survive, him wanting nothing but his brothers love and the tragedy behind his character how he could never hear his brothers last words to him.
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Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)- loved this series and I read it when I was young. I mainly love how Percy is just a little confused meance to society who has a fatal flaw of being too loyal to the ones he loves. His story of not fitting in and his relationship with his mum Sally is everything to me. I haven't read the series in a long time but I still truly love Percy.
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Yeah my liking for characters is actually very basic. Majority of these characters are main characters but that doesn't mean I don't like talking about other characters I just like thinking about and analysing these characters way more also this list changes a lot of the time. Again thank you for the ask
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bittercandysweetrain · 2 years ago
Tokyo revengers x reader with mental illness Draken {Pt1}
Illness - Bipolar disorder 
(warning mention of suicide, drug use) 
(y/n)'s pov - I am Bipolar I've had it for a long time now. I hate people who romanticize it like it's such a dream to have. They love the intensity of it they love the mania because they love excitement. that's why movies always have those doped up people their life like there is no tomorrow. As if it's something so simple to handle but it’s exhausting. it's tiring to be in your own skin, the best I can describe it is having a high nothing can compare to. you feel Invincible have you ever seen a picture of a club aesthetic a hazy picture or a person dancing and having fun the night will never end. you do things and say things that could be very unintentional your not thinking of the next day you make promises you can’t keep. To do things you regret fucking who you want putting yourself in danger cause it gives you a rise and your at the highest peak of everything you could ever reach. and suddenly you crash hard falling from the heavens you become this person you don't even know. smiling hurts, laughing hurts, being awake hurts. constant thoughts of how worthless I am fill my mind, I am unloved, unwanted, alone, and I deserve to sleep forever or die. seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks turn into one giant mix up that I don't keep track of. Did I sleep for two days? was I awake for four? did I shower? did I eat? am I alive? that's all I feel but amongst all that I wish people would understand It isn't a decision it's not like I wanted this, I can't just make it go away.
Author's pov - (y/n) walked next to Inui dressed nicely it had been the first time in a while that she had been out. suffering from her lows for four months now she finally started to hit her highs. "Where are you taking me Inui?" she asked "I want you to meet someone," he said "eh? why?" she asked "because he is my friend and you owe him an apology," he said. "an apology for what?" she asked clicking her arms with his "for punching him on new years eve." Inui said "New years? I didn't punch anyone the hell are you talking about I was dancing with someone had a few drinks made snow angels snowball fight and Uh?" "let me correct you before the 31st you went on a drinking binge remember you got kicked out of 2 clubs. I told you to meet me on the rooftop for the new years eve party you came high on coke yes you were dancing and it was all fun until you wanted to dance on the edge of the rooftop. Draken pulled you down twice and the second time you were mad and punched him in the face. After you made snow angels in the parking lot. tried trading your panties for mitsuya's bike which you ended up stealing. you didn't get far but yes we had a snowball fight until you threw a shoe at takemichi and bruised his eye." he said "also you got mouthy with Mikey you called him a midget" he said before showing up to the Garage.
Draken opened the door seeing Inui and (y/n) "Hell no" he said trying to close the door "wait she is here to apologize" Inui said. (y/n) crossed her arms "I never said I was" she said "(y/n)" Inui gave her a warning tone (y/n) sighed she loved inui he was her best friend and the only one who stuck around in her moments "Okay, okay." she said Draken let the two in Inui sat down on the couch while (y/n) took a look around at the photos and stuff. Draken walked over with some drinks setting them down on the table "(y/n)" Inui called over he usually acted like a older brother sometimes a father when need be. (y/n) walked over sitting next to him "well Inui tricked me to come here but I will apologize for" she dragged the word on as she looked at Inui trying to remember what she did wrong. "punching him in the face on new years eve." he said, "Punching you in the face on new years eve even though it is your fault" (y/n) said. Draken stared at her blankly. "how was it my fault? I was just trying to keep you from falling over the damn railing" Draken said sternly. "so" (y/n) said "so?" Draken asked "who cares if I would have fallen" she said. "Do you really think no one would care." Inui looked down getting up his hand and bawled into a fist. slamming his hand on the nearby wall "h-how could you say something like that I would fucking care!" he shouted, "if you died I would definitely care your my best friend!" he shouted, "we have so many memorable days spent together!" he shouted before pausing he looked at her empty eyes just she gave him a sweet smile to reassure him "your not in your highs yet are you." he asked (y/n) remained silent as she sipped her hot drink. Draken glanced at Inui he had heard many stories about (y/n) especially when it came to him dealing with her depressive episodes. "I wouldn't want you to die" Draken said as he sipped his own drink "honestly even though you punched me it was nothing really, I've been punched countless times you made that night pretty memorable." he said with a smile "Inui always talks about you and that night wasn't the first time I met you. we actually clubbed together a few times that's why I didn't want you to fall it would be really boring you remind me of someone I use to hang out with all the time. you kind of took his place and it made me really happy." draken said
(y/n)'s pov - Sometimes the haze can make your brain foggy. Like with the time jumbling all together everything around me did as well. I thought I was getting better I was looking forward to those highs. I wanted to die, I really did I was blindly following Inui cause I don't have the strength to make my own decisions. this man who I don't remember who do I feel different I feel content around you Draken who are you?
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braindeadbaddie · 4 years ago
The Ghosts That Haunt Us
I know you hear me when I cry
I try to hold it in at night
When you’re sleeping next to me 
But it’s your arms that I need this time
Chifuyu bites his lip, trying to swallow down the sobs that threaten to climb out of his throat. He grabs a pillow, stuffing his face into it and biting to muffle all the sounds that threaten to leak from his overflowing heart. 
The pillow is stained with his tears, his body shaking in silent sobs, and from the ghost of a cold cold body that he once held in his arms years ago.
Besides him, he can feel Takemichi twitch awake, shifting to wrap an arm around him. He feels him hesitate before settling his arm across his waist, pulling him into the warmth of his embrace.
God, what a terrible boyfriend he is. 
Up late, picturing a black sea and a grey sky, when he has the warmth of the sun and a bright blue sky right besides him. 
But he can’t help it. 
Tonight, he misses Baji.
Tonight, he needs him.
Look at the cards that we’ve dealt 
If you were anybody else
Probably wouldn’t last a day 
Every tear’s a rain parade from hell 
He loves Takemichi.
Their relationship isn’t laced in beauty or innocence. It was originally a partnership bred from the need to save the future. But he’s understanding, and kind, and always there to help. He’s sweet and dedicated, fiercely loyal, and so so loving. 
They sought comfort in each other because they understood each other. Better than anyone else. 
He knows Takemichi doesn’t blame him for the days that he can’t reciprocate his love, because his heart is somewhere else. He knows Takemichi understands more than anyone why he can’t share his food sometimes. He knows that Takemichi understands, better than anyone. 
Mistakes were made and there were casualties of Takemichi’s battle against time, and even though they managed to find a future where everyone could be together, the ghosts of the past still haunt them both. 
But sometimes, he wonders if their love is born out of necessity rather than true love.
Baby you do it so well
You’ve been so understanding, you’ve been so good
And I’m putting you through more than one ever should
And I’m hating myself cause you don’t want to
Admit that it hurts you
Chifuyu knows it’s hard. He cries over Baji often. 
The night of his birthday and the day of. The week of Halloween, the days before when he didn’t have his friend. Sometimes, he cries when he sees a black cat or a stray. He cries on dates they had made special memories of.
Some days are a light rain, other are storms that flood.
Chiufyu thinks that he must only exists in tears and in numbness. There are days he can feel, so all he feels is pain, and days where he can’t, so he feels nothing. 
Takemichi seems to be able to handle it so well. But Chifuyu knows. He knows this is too much for him to bear. 
Takemichi already saved the future, so he should be able reap the fruits of his labor. 
And yet here he is, fighting a losing battle to save Chiufyu. 
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
Over him
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
‘stead of ghostin’ him
Takemichi, more than anyone, hurts seeing Chifuyu cry. And yet, he has to deal with it the most. 
He feels the most guilty, the most responsible. Because he knew and he still couldn’t do anything about it. 
Chifuyu sees it in Takemichi’s eyes when he wakes up with a start after dreaming of black and grey, and red. So much red. The look in Takemichi’s eyes, screaming that he shoudn’t be here. That there should be someone else. 
Someone to go to the pet store with him every morning. Someone who helps him fight his battles. Someone who will split his yakisoba with him. Someone named Keisuke Baji. 
And Chifuyu wants to comfort him and tell he loves him and loves having him around.
But it feels pointless when his tears later that night wash away all his words. 
We’ll get through this, we’ll get past this
I’m a girl with...a whole lotta baggage 
But I love you, we’ll get past this
I’m a girl with...a whole lotta baggage
On good nights, Chifuyu will lay his head in Takemichi’s chest, curled into his side, letting him run mindless patterns into his back.
Takemichi tucks his head under his chin and whispers sweet nothings to him.
On those night, they feel like a normal couple, instead of a pair cursed by time.
Though I wish he were here instead
Don’t want that living in your head
He just comes to visit me 
When I’m dreaming, every now and then
Its hard to count the amount of times Chifuyu has woken up screaming another man’s name.
But the nightmares are so frequent, it’d probably be easier to count the times he didn’t.
In his dreams, he’s always a first-year in middle school, walking through the hallways to find a nerd who can’t spell or write properly. So he helps the poindexter write a letter and in return, he gives him a friendship with so much love that it’s enough to last his whole life.
And in the dream, he spends so many days on the floor of his or the other boy’s bedroom tutoring him and teaching him all sorts of things. And they play with stray cats that come through the boy’s windows. And there’s so much peyoung yakisoba. And at the end of his dream, he’ll get to hold him at night, and he feels warm

until the warmth starts to feel wet too.
And suddenly he’s back in a junkyard, holding the boy he loves as he bleeds out.
Helpless and useless.
So he screams.
And after all that we’ve been through
There’s so much to look forward to
What was done and what said
Leave it all here in this bed with you
“Thank you,” Chifuyu whispers into the dark bedroom.
Takemichi gives him a confused look. “What for?”
Chifuyu draws patterns into Takemichi’s chest. Tonight is a good night.
“For saving me. I can’t even imagine what I was like in that first future. I probably didn’t have anyone to rely on, y’know. In Toman, I’ve only really been close to you
and well
y’know.” He doesn’t want to say it, lest he break the peaceful spell his mind has cast on him today.
Takemichi tightens his arm around Chifuyu. “Ah, well. You don’t have to thank me. I just did it to get out of my apartment. I’ve been stuck there like every future.”
Chifuyu chuckles, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s torso, and rests his head on his chest. He breathes in Takemichi’s body wash and the scent of lavender from their detergent, counting his heart beats.
He’s still here. He’s still alive.
Cherish him.
“Thank you for saving me, for saving all of us,” he whispers as he turns to look up in his beautiful blue eyes.
There’s a flash of sadness in Takemichi’s eyes, before it’s replaced quickly. He smiles softly, though it seems a bit forced around the edges.
“It’s the best damn thing I’ve ever done,” he whispers before planting a soft kiss on his forehead.
Baby you do it so well
You’ve been so understanding, you’ve been so good
And I’m putting you through more than one ever should
And I’m hating myself cause you don’t want to 
Admit that it hurts you
On the days after bad nights, Takemichi makes breakfast. He developed cooking skills at some point in this future, he tells Chifuyu.
But on those mornings, he can badly stomach anything so Takemichi will make him a smoothie and pack a light bento. He makes him fresh green tea that warms him up, and turns on the diffuser mixing eucalyptus and peppermint.
He kisses Chifuyu on the head, never on the lips. He gives him a tight hug and whispers “have a good day”, never I love you. He tries so hard to be a friend, like he knows he isn’t the one Chifuyu loves on those days.
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
Over him
I know that it breaks your heart when I cry again
‘stead of ghostin’ him
They both have ghosts that haunt them.
Takemichi’s exists on high rise buildings, in truck crashes, and a building in another country with no ceilings.
There are nights that Takemichi wakes up screaming Hina’s name or Mikey’s name or Akkun’s name. There are even days where he screams Chifuyuïżœïżœs. There are days where the pots will bang together and Takemichi will collapse in fear. Takemichi avoids fires, loud noises, and lives his life as if he’s apologizing for living.
On the rare occasions he’s opened up to Chifuyu about those other futures, they’re usually about the first one, the one before he ever time-leaped. He opens up about how pathetic he was and how he was always apologizing.
And even though he’s a lot more sure than the man-boy in his stories, Chifuyu can’t help but think that old habits die hard.
We’ll get through this, we’ll get past this
I’m a girl with...a whole lotta baggage
But I love you, we’ll get past this
I’m a girl with...a whole lotta baggage
Takemichi takes care of Chifuyu so well, it almost seems like he’s apologizing.
For Baji, for not being Baji, for not being able to time-leap again to save him.
For being here when he feels he shouldn’t be.
He doesn’t ask, but he can suspect that there was a future where things went really bad for him and Takemichi feels responsible.
He doesn’t ask, because Takemichi won’t tell him the truth.
That this relationship is all just one big apology. That Takemichi’s love for him is just one big savior complex. That all of this is out of a sense of responsibility.
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blackdrgns · 3 years ago
MY thoughts on the recent popular analysis
shinichiro throughout the series has been painted positively by everyone and it’s normal to be suspicious but to accuse him of something as serious as that while reading too much into the dialogues when you know yourself that translations aren't reliable? and that the some dialogues aren't that deep in japanese? anyway im gonna debunk some stuffs because as a shinichiro stan i know his character a little more
‱ Mikey and manjiro
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Mikey created that name for himself because he wanted emma to feel welcome. In a country like japan where you’re supposed to blend in, I promise you it can feel very uncomfortable when you’re the odd one out. Before he knew it, it became his whole image, ‘the invisible mikey’. I think it’s similar to Senju where she had something like a stage name. In his little world of delinquency well of course he’d want to keep that cool name. This brings me to my next point
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it seems like the kawata twins weren’t that close with mikey. honestly? idk if mikey even wants to own a restaurant at all. i know draken was the closest person to mikey (maybe same as baji) but i feel like draken himself didn’t know exactly what manjiro, the real person behind all that image, wanted and what exactly were his dreams. sure, draken probably just came up with some random lie on the spot but i found it interesting that he didn’t say anything similar to mikey owning a motorcycle shop or working something related to motorcycles. Then again, it’s possible that mikey does want to own a restaurant and he told draken at some point. Maybe when all of this is over he’ll own one in the future. I’m just bringing up the possibility that mikey never revealed much about himself and that no one knew manjiro which is why when takemichi called out his real name, it meant so much to him.
‱ Trauma
Mental illness doesn’t have to stem from trauma. Mikey could’ve been born that way and that’s NOT his fault at all. If it did come from trauma, I’m 100% sure shin didn’t cause it. We know his parents died shortly after mikey was born so the chances of them directly causing it are low. But what about shin’s trauma? he was around 10 when his mother died and he had to see his dad get married w another woman not long after that. Wakui have said that his dad is a mischievous man and I think he was surrounded by women a lot. We don’t even know if his parents had a happy marriage. This connects to the next point
‱ Izana and Mikey
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shin definitely suffered from not having a whole family and from that, he wanted to unite his siblings badly. trauma can push people to want positive things, it doesn’t always have to be negative. it’s possible that he also thought izana was related to him by blood and only found out later. regardless, he knew izana was connected to his family and maybe he thought he wanted to fix his dad’s problems.
‱ Bad Influence
why do delinquents join gangs in the first place? I saw this one documentary about bosozoku gangs and it seems like they took a lot of pride in it. shinichiro didn’t have a strong parental influence growing up, and from what we know about his character, he hates endeavor. he also likes to fight. i guess being in gangs gave him a place to be free from responsibilities (you know? the one that was thrown at him at such a young age where he had to raise his siblings?) it was like his safe place. it makes sense that he would want to share that with both izana and mikey. also his influences on gangs have been positive for generations, he didn’t like picking fights with people weaker than him so it’s not like he influenced mikey and izana to bully people.
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he said that with sincerity in his eyes and wakui could’ve drawn him in a different light.
‱ haunting
 your screen?
dude was literally just in his house hanging out with his friend where his friend brought his siblings over for a playdate. what else could’ve he said in this chapter? You want to see him talk about motorcycles or something??
do i have to remind you that we don’t know what happened after the incident with sanzu? We can't say anything more about this incident because we don't know!!!!! It will be revealed either in the side stories or the main manga but I know for sure shin didn't encourage that behaviour. why would takeomi still want to be friends with shin if that was the case?
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if you read a lot of mangas, that panel on the right could imply that there was some time interval. also you can see the living room in that second panel. takeomi and shin could’ve went somewhere else to smoke or something idk they had their own lives.
‱ Takeomi and takemichi
bruh this is a whole new level of reach. manjiro was just using honorifics
sanzu using quotations: bonten was HUGE. definitely feared among other criminals. quotations were probably used as a way to emphasize how feared mikey’s name is. it’s not like the criminals who were about to be killed knew who mikey is. you know it’s like how in mangas where they refer to someone as “the king” or something like that.
emma herself said that mikey never listens to her. mikey probably just shrugged it off and didn’t care enough to think too much on it. mikey was young anyway, emma probably could’ve told him in a vague way like “I had a brother but he was sent away”
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Why would it be stated that shin is one of the people who held his impulses back if he was the one to cause it? that would be shit writing if they suddenly switch up on it
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Izana and shinichiro. Izana told shinichiro directly that he didn’t like manjiro. Shinichiro knew he needed time to bring his siblings together. When he asked mikey about having another brother, it seems like he was happy that at least mikey was willing to accept it. but it still wasn’t enough for him to put them in the same room together. shin needed TIME. but it was too late because izana found out they weren’t related and felt betrayed. you still think it would’ve been good for shinichiro to force them in the same room??? I have this feeling that if he hadn’t died that night, he would’ve still tried his best to reconcile with izana and finally bring them together, maybe when mikey was older. We don’t even know if grandpa sano knew about Izana. It’s possible he didn’t want to accept Izana, since he’s not blood related to grandpa sano at all. Emma at least had half of the sano blood.
SHINICHIRO DID NOT ISOLATE IZANA ON PURPOSE. He could’ve handled the izana situation better I know that and he messed up by not telling izana sooner but it was most definitely not on purpose. I mean not having a parental figure? how would he know to handle the situation perfectly.
shinichiro was probably not a prodigy or genius like kisaki. how would he do that. kisaki only became a gang member because of a girl. if shin was such a genius why would he join gangs. also we would’ve seen mikey mention it.  why would he be smart about evil stuffs and not his studies that’s so weird
His harmless joke to emma in chapter 123 was just to lighten the mood up and show that he was THAT confident in himself. Mikey said the same thing to imitate shin, it was supposed to be wholesome. ‘I wanna make her smile’ was just to show that mikey has a human side and that he wanted to help make emma smile too not because of some other sick reasons. no it wont come back to haunt you.
if kazutora knew about shin, why didn’t he ever mention about it to takemichi in any of the timelines? it’s important info???
draken didn’t have suspicions about shin at all. he admired him like everyone else. my guy has street smarts you can’t deny this, he would’ve suspected something weird but instead right until shin lying on his grave, all the impressions he had about him were positive
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There's more I can debunk but I'm tired. AGAIN Im aware that shin might be different from what we’ve seen. but accusing him of something so terrible? worse than taiju? that’s insane. your last note saying you hate shin made it clear that you just wanted to paint him in the worst way possible using small crumbs
Lastly, if there are errors, sorry english isn't my first language (but also not really) and I probably could've worded most of it better but you get my point
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anonymouslosersworld · 4 years ago
Toman's s/o saves Emma (contains spoilers)
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This one-shot contains a lot of spoilers for the tenjiku arc. so please don't read it if you haven't read the manga or don't mind spoiling Tokyo revenge for yourself.
So I reread the Tokyo revengers manga to make myself suffer and I honest to goodness can't get over my girl Emma's death and Baji's death. so to console my broken heart I decided that I would write a one-shot of Toman's s/o saving Emma and Baji. This one-shot will be about saving Emma and another one will be solely dedicated to saving our pretty boy Baji.
This is basically a giant Fuck you to Kisaki. which I 100% agree with the said idea.
In this one-shot, you have some uncanny ability to basically be a mary sue. There will be mentions of saving Baji as well.
warnings; Violence, inappropriate use of a motor vehicle, and distracting the diver, some driving violations were committed here.
I'll try to keep this gender neutral as I can but I freaking love making strong female characters.
characters could be a little too OOC
{Masterlist 1} {masterlist 2}
Back story
On February 22nd you accompanied Mikey and Emma to Shinichiro's grave like you did every year ever since his death. Honestly, you had no idea why they had insisted you come since it seemed a little too personal for them. I mean not even Draken was here and he was close to Mikey than you. But you guessed that it was just because you were basically bosom buddies with them since you were little. while you did feel sadness for his death nothing could compare it to Mikey and Emma.
When you finally arrive you see Takemichi with Inupi along with Izana having a very heated argument.
" Takemichi, y/n take Emma away."
"Okay, be careful," you say as you trail behind Emma and Takemichi. you look behind you as Takimichi and Emma speak.
In all honesty, you didn't have much to say. your mind was a jumbled mess and really you couldn't say anything that would make a difference.
"Wanna Drink anything?" Emma asked
" No, I'm fine thanks"
"sure" Takemichi accepted and Emma went to get the drinks. you stayed on the sidewalk under the shade of a tree and you stay quietly in thought as Emma comebacks.
The sound of a motorbike interrupts your thoughts. you look up to see if any motorbikes were around you.
Sounds pretty close.
and then you see it a motorcycle barreling through going high speed with two people on it and one is waving a bat.
Takemichi or Emma? I never would have thought someone would stoop so low.
"Move!!" But you know they would be too slow.
Your body moves before you could think. Running as fast as you could and dropped kicked Kisaki and Hanma before they reached Emma. Their bike skids on the road while Kisaki hits the concrete wall behind them.
" I'm okay!"
you look around and you don't see Hanma anywhere near where Kisaki is or his bike.
"Takemitchy take Emma out of here!"
you see Hanma on the corner of your eye about to hit Emma with the bat. you rush over and take your extendable staff out and counter Hanma.
"Takemitchy do as I say! Do you think these dick heads won't try to attack you again? " you yell as you fight Hanma
" I can keep Hanma busy but if you stay here you give Kisaki a chance to follow through!" you can feel arms shaking as Hanma's bat struggles to free itself.
"oh, you ganna keep me busy, better make it fun for me.♡"
"Shut the fuck up, Zombie," you say as you two began swinging at each other.
You can hear Takemichi's and Emma's footsteps recede into the background.
" let's play a little game eh zombie?♡"
Manjiro Sano aka "Mikey"
"Emma!" Mikey heard from inside the graveyard
That single word made his heart stop and his blood run cold. He ran out to the street only to see a pool of blood and you, his beloved s/o panting as you sat on the ground.
" Y/N! what happened?!" rushing to meet you
" Damn that Kisaki and that dumbass Zombie!" you yell and punch the floor . "they tried to attack Takemichi and Emma! those fucking cowards!"
"and Emma'' he asked
"she's fine. I told Takemichi to take her somewhere safe. while I dealt with those fucking menaces. Fuckers couldn't chase after them even if they wanted to"
Mikey tries to check you over but you stop him.
"I'm fine."
Mikey froze as he looked over you.
"your bleeding."
"huh? no, I'm not. I'm barely even injured"
" y/n you're bleeding from your legs. and the back of your head"
" oh! that's from-''
and then you fainted.
Turns out in the fight with Hanma, Kisaki decided to be a little bitch and hit you from the back with the discarded bat hanma left behind. It was the adrenaline and shock that was keeping your body going. when all the adrenaline ran its course your body finally shut down.
manjiro fucking panicked. he could barely keep himself in check when he was taking you to the hospital. he never left your side till the doctors told him that there was no brain damage and that you only had some blood vessels that had ruptured.
he kissed your forehead as you slept and went to fight Izana.
After the fight, he found out that it was Emma they were targeting and had intentions to kill her.
he thanked his lucky stars you were there. when you finally woke up Mikey basically become a lap dog to you in your recovery. You wanted food? you got it! hugs? kisses? Of course baby anything for you. Mikey is eternally grateful to you for the rest of his life.
"hmm?" you hmmed as you played with his hair as you cuddled on the bed
"thank you so much for everything you did."
"well, they're my friends too. I'll do it again if I have to."
he smiles and hugs you tighter.
"I love you so much. let's get married!" man went 0 to 100 real quick.
but you decide how you respond 😘😜
Ken Ryuguji aka "Draken"
when Draken arrived at your hospital room you were getting dressed. he could see all the bruises, scratches, and bandages the fight with Kisaki and hanma left.
Without a word, he stepped into your room and made his way towards you.
"Oh Draken, can you-" you got interrupted by him suddenly pulling you into a hug. you could feel him shaking a little bit as he hugged you. you smile softly and wrapped your arms around him. it stayed silent for a while before he spoke
" When Mikey called me... I thought of the worst. he sounded so unlike him. I thought you died, or Emma died" he hugged you tighter
"But you're alive, Emma's alive too, takemitchi is just fine." he sighs " never fucking worry me like that again!"
"I'm grateful you saved Emma and takemitchi. but you could've died!" you just let him speak out his frustrations
"what would happen if you died? that fucking Kisaki could've killed you! I...I" Draken stammered on his voice cracking "Fucking Kisaki!"
you pull Draken down to your lips and kiss him. The both of you silently kiss the only sound that can be heard is the sound of your kisses.
"But I'm not dead Draken. whether I did or not doesn't matter. I'd do it again if it meant saving them. you would do the same ." you say when you part ways. " besides it's a nice change that I worry you for once." you grin at him
"I'm proud of you. Thank you for saving them. it means a lot to Mikey."
"And you"
"And me"
"Now get out of here, Takemichi is going to need you and Mikey to kick Kisaki's ass," you say
" Yeah, yeah," he says and kisses you
"For good luck?" you say
Draken was wayyy more brutal than he had ever been in that fight. not that anyone in toman was complaining of course well except tenjiku. During your" recovery",(honestly, even if you were a bit injured he'd still make you take a break) he was dotting in his own way. He made sure you ate, slept good and provided you with a great amount supply of affection.
Keisuke Baji
This man is a menace to society 24/7. the moment he heard you were injured saving Emma and takemitchy. This man rode his bike like a mad man. red lights? he doesn't know them, not when his baby is hurt at the hospital.
he basically runs upstairs because "elevators take too much time." His friends? ignored. when he finally gets to your room he slams the door open.
"Hi baby"
"Don't you hey baby me! what's wrong with you? where are you injured?" he basically probs you for your injuries.
he knows that you saved Emma and Takemitchi but he's so angry that Tenjiku would even target family and in the end, you had to pay the price.
"honestly babe its just some bruises. I just passed out beca-"
"you passed out?!"
"oh no you fucking don't, I'm going to make those bastards pay for what they did to us!"
"I'm fi-"
"they hurt MY Boo! the fucking audacity first one down is fucking Kisaki! that rat fucking bastard!"
"First he tries to kill Draken, then Me and now Emma! that uppity bitch has it coming to them."
"Baji!" you try to reason with him
" No, Y/n I have to get him back for this. that midget has gone to fucking far. '' he leans down where you are to kiss you like he normally does to greet you
" I agree but I'm trying to tell you that I'm fine. I just passed out due to exhaustion. "
" It means I passed out because I was tired. We had to fight tenjiku before remember. now come over here and give more kisses baji"
Baji straight up told you not to go just in case Kisaki tries to kill Emma and you. so to put him at ease you told him you would stay at Emma's house on the condition he doesn't do any of his self-sacrifice crap or else you would raise him from the dead to kick his ass.
baji fucking terrorized tenjiku. He was the biggest fuck you sign to Kisaki ever.
he gave tenjiku's men a run for their money. Basically zeroed anyone who dared get in front of him. honestly seeing him in action terrified all who opposed him.
once he got back he mostly spent his time with you at his mom's house cuddling you. Baji's mom gave him the third degree when she saw you with bruises. When he sees Mikey and Emma he remembers what you did and he's like "damn, my s/o is badass."
Chifuyu Matsuno
first off wow! you're so cool in his eyes like how did you do it? did you use a super cool move? did Hanma's non-existant soul leave his body??
chifuyu is too distracted fangirling of you to notice anything. he would bring you basically any snack, drink, and manga you like to entertain you.
He heard from Mikey that you beat the ever-living crap out of hanma till he stopped you. Mikey literally had to tear you away from Hanma's body because at some point Hanma was just turning into a walking bruise. Which gave hanma a chance to escape.
This man is high key proud of you, literally, brags about you to anyone, and if baji says anything?
" she saved your sorry ass to Baji" That shuts Baji up real quick
he obviously gets good luck kisses and chifuyu is on cloud 9.
he'll brag even to his opponents. he's just too proud.
you helped takemitchi even without knowing what takemitchi was or what he was doing.
what you did set the future in the right path he just knew it.
he lets you play with his hair and tries new hairstyles on him as he gets better. he always looks at you with sparkly eyes wherever you go.
Mikey comes and goes to check up on you two every once in and while. Chifuyu can tell how grateful Mikey feels toward you and he can tell that Mikey is happier more than usual.
Takashi Mitsuya
Another person that can really understand how Mikey feels and how grateful Mikey is towards you. Mitsuya heard small whispers by the haitani brothers about what happened before he became unconscious.
Apparently, you put a world of hurt on hanma and Kisaki and landed yourself on house arrest due to passing out of exhaustion. You had beaten them till you knocked yourself out tired. Mikey carried you all the way to your home and made sure you were all set out before he left. he called Emma to take care of you as you slept.
Because Mitsuya was injured he left to stay with you and Emma. he could see your chest rise and fall as you slept throughout the day.
" do you think They'll be okay?" Emma asked
"They'll be fine. they always are." he said as he kissed your forehead "they just need sleep."
when you wake up mitsuya makes you eat and drink tons of water. You aren't allowed to get out of bed. Emma's orders . it took weeks to get the both of them to stop doting on you. Emma would buy you clothes, bring you missing homework, food, and basically anything you needed. All in all, it was funny to watch Emma and Mitsuya get into a competitive steak for you
"I'm glad you're okay."
"aren't I always?'
"yeah," he says softly as he hugs you from behind.
Hakkai Shiba
Hakkai feels helpless its like Yuzuha situation again. he knows how Mikey must feel at this very moment. the feeling of helplessness.
the fact that he couldn't protect his own sister and had to rely on someone else must be killing Mikey. he knows that Mikey will probably just admire you from now on and be grateful that you saved his sister.
hell, he would too. he just couldn't believe they target Emma and you had gotten in their way. meaning that Kisaki could plan to take you out just for that.
he's worried for you.
it took him so long just to talk a little to you and get used to your presence.
he's scared he'll lose you.
when he goes to visit you, you aren't on your bed and he automatically panics. Thinking of unparallel situations where you got kidnapped and beaten within an inch of your life. well, that's until he hears the sink turn on from your bathroom. he waits a bit before you enter the room.
"Hakki! baby!" you say happily as you basically skip to him in joy. you pull him down to get his cute face to give you kisses. " gimmie a kiss"
All that tolerance he had built went up in flames as he blushed. He wasn't used to you being so...so forward.
"what's wrong?"
"aww you got shy didn't ya? I'm giving you kisses for good look."You're going to need it while fighting those dirty skanky underhanded hoes."
Hakki laughs as you curse tenjiku. he's happy your okay enough to roast your opponents.
you naturally ended taking care of Hakki after the fight as he was injured because he's a baby that needs to be taken care of.
Nahoya Kawata aka "Smiley"
When Nahoya heard the news that you had been injured when protecting Emma and Takemitchi, you could have mistaken him for his twin brother angry, he's whole life his life revolved around protecting Souya, and that now included you. He's so fucking pissed that you even had to defend someone from getting attacked by a coward.
opening the door to your room he sees you sleeping on your side. he goes closer to you and observes you.
usually seeing you sleeping brought him a peace of mind and a feeling of ooy gooey goodness. this time it was a bittersweet feeling. he sat next to your bed and held your rough and bruised hand. he kisses your bruised knuckles and rubs his face against them. He could feel the bloody broken skin on your knuckles.
"I'll kill them," he whispered as he intertwined his and your hands together.
"my, my a bit dramatic aren't we babe." you tease him as you pull him closer for a kiss
his face goes back to the signature smile he always portrayed. Feeling relieved that you still had your sass in you despite being tired.
" I heard you kicked ass today and then you got your ass handed to you." he teased you
" not true! I won fair and square!"
"sure, whatever you say sweetie."
"Rude!" the two of you bask in silence before you break it.
" Nahoya?"
" I know you have to fight against tenjiku and can't stay with me but can you promise me that you'll be careful. these people .. they don't fight fair. if they attacked Emma ...they could do something to you too."
"I promise, I'll be careful, and once this is said and done well go on that date you wanted."
"that's enough for me." you say " As long as your careful. "
sadly though nahoya couldn't keep his promise as he was attacked by tenjiku. so you mostly stayed at his side taking care of him. so he mostly stayed with you and mitsuya outside doing random things while the tenjiku war went on.
"I know I couldn't keep my promise."
"we'll get next time," you say and kiss his cheek " but you still owe me a date"
Souya Kawata aka "Angry"
they protect, they attack, and most importantly they break that bastard back.
Souya didn't know the whole story but he already had his blood pumping when he heard you had to protect Emma and takemitchy. He was sad he couldn't visit you but you called ahead of time and told him that it was fine and that he could visit later after the fight. Mikey had put you on house arrest with Emma.
"Just be careful okay babe? I love you and I want you to be safe."
"I will, I love you too,"
"I'll be waiting for you in your room okay? we'll have a home date thingy going on. So don't get too hurt."
Souya flushed red "o-okay,"
"I'll miss you. I'll keep Nahoya busy since I just brought him home"
"I'll miss you too."
poor boy didn't know how much damage you caused till Hatani Rindou told him.
"eehh your significant other is Y/n right?"
that threw Souya off completely.. like how did they know you?
Turns out you threw a fucking motorcycle at Hanma and then decided why the fuck not break a couple of his bones!
you broke Hanma's nose, tailbone and dislocated his arm. Not to mention you had left hanma a bunch of deep bruises.
"They got' em real good. we couldn't recognize him when he came back." Rindou laughs " all he did was bitch about how they caught him off guard."
" Well good riddance, I'll tell you what once we finish here, we'll make them join us. I wanna see how good they are. Maybe they'll cause me to sweat a little. they may actually be a good opponent"
shellshocked cant cover the shock Souya felt.
You threw a motorcycle at someone? you broke someone's bones? what in the world?? is Rindou sure? His s/o did that? the same one waiting for him at home? was it you? did you?
but you did that all to save Emma, he wasn't close to her at all but you had but your life on the line... gave it all that you had to make sure Emma got away with Takemitchi. Even if it meant fighting Hanma and Kisaki together. you'd do the same for him and nahoya.
"They... that's my baby. Always protecting what they can. Consequences be damned. its what I admire about them."
"so I'm going to make it back to them no matter what."
After the whole fight, he had to get checked by a doctor so he could get casts on his arm and leg. once he got home, he saw you there waiting for him with nahoya.
" Guess it's time I played nurse for my baby," you say as you kissed him softly.
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todoroki-waifu · 3 years ago
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Chifuyu x GN!Reader Warning: Based on the manga chapter 82 and anime episode 24! Mentions of death and gender neutral reader. Word Count: 958 Genre: Some angst, but ends in fluff. --------------------
Everything fell from Takemichi's mouth, his heart collapsing under the burden he's been quietly suffering for some time. He confessed to Chifuyu about his time leap secret, disregarding how it would affect the future. He didn't care anymore. He felt like he was drowning. He mentions something important to Chifuyu, not knowing how it would change fate, but he felt like his friend needed to know.
"I'm sorry, Chifuyu, but....but __(y/n) di-dies in the future. Th-they saved us both when Kisaki attacked us." Hot tears dripped from his blue eyes, the distressed scream of his partner never leaving his memory.
Currently, you and Chifuyu aren't dating, but years later you're both planning a wedding. That piece of information was the only thing that Takemichi kept to himself.
Chifuyu stares at his friend in shock then clenches his fists in frustration. The person who unknowingly made him happy gets murdered in the future? Because of one bastard that seems to keep slipping away?
"Is that true?" Both boys freeze in their spot at the third voice. Takemichi and Chifuyu were too immersed in their conversation that they didn't notice you approaching them.
You heard Chifuyu's motorbike when you were doing a quick run to the convenience store. You went to greet them until you heard something that you felt wasn't for your ears.
"Is it true?" You ask again, stepping closer to your friends.
"Do I really die but Chifuyu-kun gets to live?" Your __(e/c) eyes give off an unreadable expression but Chifuyu could detect the slight distress in your voice.
"I-I was just..-we were ummm..." Takemichi struggles to produce an answer.
"I promise, __(y/n), I'll never let anything happen to you. I swear!" Chifuyu is immediately in front of you, grasping your arms gently.
"No! That can't happen!" This time you remove yourself from Chifuyu's slight hold, now gripping the shoulders of the man who came from the future. For some crazy reason, you believed him.
"You can't allow that, Takemichi!"
"What!?" They're both confused at what you spouted out.
"It doesn't matter what happens to me as long as Chifuyu lives. Please, promise me that!" He could feel your fingers tremble.
"Don't promise them that!" The first division vice captain sends a slight glare at Takemichi, as if warning him to not obey you. Chifuyu then turns to you. 
"__(y/n), what the hell are you saying? I'll never allow that!"
"Well, I'm sorry, but I don't agree with you."
"Why are you being so stubborn?”
"Because I care about you!" With every reply, your voices seemed to compete on who could be the loudest.
"You only care about me, but I care and like you! I've liked you for over a year! So, please think of how much it would kill me knowing that the person I like gets murdered because of me."
"Then what about me? You don't think I feel the same?" Your eyes are filming over with a layer of tears. In a sad attempt to hide them, you quickly wiped your lids then stared into his gorgeous, teal eyes with determination. You weren't going to allow him to switch fates with you.
"You....like me?" A light pink dusts his cheeks.
"Yes, for a while now." Normally you'd be a blushing mess, but the future was looking pretty shitty right now so you didn't have time for any regrets. You place a hand on his cheek, your thumb caressing his skin as you look at him differently than you usually did.
"___(y/n)." Chifuyu whispers your name as he also lays his hand over yours. You both suddenly jolt at a loud wail ringing in your eardrums, Takemichi sobbing sloppily with tears and snot pouring out like a fountain.
"I swear on my life, I won't let either of you die! I'll make sure you both get your wedding!"
"W-w-wedding!?" He ignores your and Chifuyu's comment, but neither of you pressed further. You just confessed your feelings for one another so maybe one surprise at a time was enough at this point.
"Here." You dug into your bag and pulled out some pocket tissues. You handed Takemichi the entire pack, knowing he needed it more than you did.
"Maybe we should stop talking about future stuff for now. I don't know much about time leaps, but I'm pretty sure the less we know, the better. I don't want to mess anything up."
The three of you agreed to keep the secret among yourselves and promised to create a more ideal future where everyone is alive and happy. Takemichi departed from the small group first, Chifuyu lending his motorcycle for him to use. The three of you couldn't fit on the bike so you and the other blonde decided to stay behind.
Chifuyu and you walk slowly to your home enjoying each other's silent company. There was so much to address, but neither of you brought it up. You both had finally opened up about your feelings and apparently your relationship will be taken a step further later on. He didn’t know how to start it or what to do, but there was one thing he wanted you to know.
"__(y/n), no matter what happens, I swear that I'll protect you no m-" A hand interrupts him suddenly. The blue eyed vice captain feels your warm hand engulf his.
"Let's promise to protect each other. There won't be an us if you're gone." You knew he could make hasty decisions when danger would arise. "Ri-right." "Can't have a wedding without the groom, right?" You joked slightly, enjoying his cute, embarrassed expression as you walk hand in hand down the road. 
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mickules · 4 years ago
I feel so bad for Michi. Not only does he lose another brother, but he has to be told about why Mondo was executed and the lie he told the gang. Would he ever forgive him?
ANGST TIME! USE YOUR DISCRETION! dark themes ahead - canonical character death, injury and pink blood
Takemichi is smart, and more than that he knows the brothers. I've no doubt that he never took the accident at face value, never quite believed the narrative that Daiya got greedy and stupid and lost his life over it, but I don't think the would have realised the extent of Mondo's secrecy. Discovering the truth, and what Mondo was willing to do to run from it would be a cold, devastating shock to the system. But worse than that, Takemichi knows that had Mondo ever revealed the lie to him or the gang before the tragedy, He might not have been able to forgive him. Might not have been able to be there for Mondo the way he needed him, and Takemichi hates himself for it. Because now, he'd do anything, forgive anything if it meant he could have Mondo and the Diamonds back.
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[from one of my angst comics] When Takaaki and Takemichi first cross paths in the demon hunting game, Takaaki was less than lucid - injured, paranoid, angry and a hair's breadth from giving into despair, latching onto Takemichi as a facsimile of his son was something of a defense mechanism. He moved beyond that quite quickly, bolstered by just how different Michi was compared to Taka, but still would suffer lapses of judgment after the more gruelling days. Once the game is over, and Takaaki has regained what little stability he could, he no longer gets the boys confused, but it takes longer for him to realise quite how much of his behaviour Michi had internalised.
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@mypeacockfeathers (!!Takaaki connoisseur is HIGH PRAISE!! :D) Taichi surviving the game would definitely throw Takaaki for a loop. He knows the too kind, too trusting, too soft Taichi might be better off if he passed away, his injuries life altering and the world a nightmare; but Takaaki desperately wants him to live. He'd hate to admit it but he wants Taichi to survive for the small comfort to know there's someone, just one who might share Takaaki's pain, the loss of their child. Almost as a penance for the self-centred desire to be understood Takaaki takes it upon himself to tell Taichi of Chihiro's fate once he has healed enough to bear it, and he keeps a vigil so that he does not have to wake up alone.
Takaaki would hold no grudge against Fujiko, but he would also make no effort to reach out preferring to keep to himself and the very few that he instils any trust into (really only Takemichi, Taichi and Hiro. Hiroko is another matter since she has trouble forgiving any loss of life, and struggles to come to terms with the deaths that occured at Takaaki's hands whilst surviving the game) Fujiko in turn would find Takaaki absolutely terrifying and would avoid him at all costs. If they could bridge that gap, they might get along, but it also might take more effort than it's worth.
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(GODDAMN @hawklanthebard , you are genuinely responsible for a decent chunk of my angst content XD) (EDIT: [EXCELLENT FIC OF THIS CONCEPT])
Oh boy, Takaaki would never forgive him. He might even do something he'd regret. . . ON A LIGHTER NOTE; I don't believe Mondo would ever have the forethought to check for a pulse, especially when he's panicking - maybe Taka is totally fine! . . . maybe. . .
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in reference to the asks under the read more of [this post]
we really just gonna put Takaaki through the wringer ain't we
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Haiji as a counterpart to Takaaki works far better than I'd like: Takaaki: a good man who has had to do bad things, and Haiji: a bad man who just so happens to have done good things (of course Dangan, you coulda done ANYTHING ELSE to have made it clear Haiji was a wrong'un but you had to go and make him a NONCE)
As such, unfortunately, when it comes to imprisonment with no evidence of the crime, it comes down to their own consciences to condemn them. Although Takaaki would stand by his actions and, if he had to do everything over again might even have repeated them; he would not refute his crimes. Even though he believes them absolutely necessary, if demanded of him, he would serve his punishment since he would be weighed down in a way that Haiji never would be.
In a world of despair, it's not those who actually deserve to be punished that get their just rewards (and lord knows Haiji bloody deserves it)
You're absolutely right; Takaaki's life has been a constant battle against a rising tide and when that dam bursts, the one thing that's been holding him together- anything getting in the way of the torrent that's unleashed, would be cataclysmic. It's just as well none of the Warriors of Hope actually had the misfortune to find him.
You have my apologies my good anon! But it hurts so good: Like a nut-shot to the HEART
(previous set of angst asks [under this illustration])
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laurabeatriizz · 3 years ago
Warning: unrequited love (Draken), a "good" Kisaki, suicide
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The wind blew against her face making her hair ruffled. The smell of the cigarette shared with his gangmate made the air unclean. Up on that bridge as they stared at the running water talking about random things you felt him uneasy.
"Have you ever loved anyone?" He whispered almost as if it was a secret that shouldn't be shared with anyone else.
"Yes" You muttered simply leaning against the bridge's backrest.
"Have you ever loved someone who doesn't love you back?" Kisaki's whispered question took you by surprise.
Blowing the smoke between his lips Vice sighed closing his eyes. Maybe it was just the cigarette taking effect or maybe the tiredness, but something about that made you feel sick.
He knew about his love story gone wrong. He knew his heart belonged to Draken and Draken's heart belonged to Emma.
"Maybe" You whispered finally hearing Kisaki sigh laughing. "Why do you laugh?" You questioned passing the cigarette to him.
"Just don't imagine." He responds by pulling on his cigarette while still chuckling.
"Didn't think I'd say maybe when vice knows the answer?" You questioned facing Kisaki.
"I didn't realize you felt this way, as broken as I do." Something in his speech bothered you.
"Broken?" You weren't broken, or at least you didn't feel that way.
"We love people who don't love us. This is terrible." Kisaki lamented.
"It's not terrible, it's life."
"Well then, life is terrible. I would kill for her, and yet she doesn't love me."
"Stop it, you mustn't think about it." That conversation made you feel sick all of a sudden.
"I swear, I'll still kill the bastard she fell in love with. I'll make every person he loves suffer." Kisaki said gritting his teeth and squeezing his hands
"Why did you come here alone?" He said changing the subject.
"I'm not alone, I'm with you."
"I'm not good company."
"Stop it, Kisaki."
You muttered hoping he would keep quiet, turning back to the bridge you faced the water again as you heard Kisaki sigh.
"Draken is an idiot." He said after a long time of silence.
"No, he can't be forced to feel the same way I do." You muttered knowing what Kisaki was referring to. "Don't be so hard on yourself Kisaki, you're just a teenager. There are other girls in the world."
You approached Kisaki touching his shoulder while smiling at him, he didn't look at you just nodding while facing the water. "I am going." You sentenced getting just a nod from Kisaki.
You walked away from the bridge heading for your house, night was already falling and the cold began to take its toll on you. His footsteps became lighter as his house approached.
When you were less than a block away from your house you felt your phone vibrate. Fumbling in your pocket you read the message on Mikey's screen.
"Meet me at TOMAN's place."
You sighed tired and upset, it was less than a block to your house and the wind was now getting stronger. Forcing herself to follow Mikey, her steps picked up again.
When you arrived you could feel Draken, Mikey and Takemichi's heavy eyes. The environment seemed heavier as you entered it.
"Hey." You greeted by sitting at the table.
None of them answered you, just staring at each other as they exchanged muttered words.
"Kisaki." Takemichi let go. "I'm sorry, he-he."
"He jumped off the bridge." Draken competed.
For a moment, you laughed. Thinking what kind of joke they were telling. It was late at night, you should be sleeping and not listening to such nonsense.
But then the conversation from earlier made you really understand what was going on.
That moment, those questions, those cigarettes.
It wasn't a Kisaki wanting to spend more time with his colleague, it was a farewell. It was a farewell to the only people who could understand him.
It was a parting with you, a parting with a broken heart.
"Y/n I'm sorry." Mikey whispered.
"It's all right." It was all that could come out of his mouth at that moment.
You know, it was that or else he would do something worse against people Takemichi loved and consequently people you loved.
Either you deal with pain by hurting yourself or you deal with pain by hurting others.
You were right, Kisaki.
life is really terrible
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wearepurplejackets · 3 years ago
Tokyo Revengers 239+ toughts. To be fair,
in the manga, Mikey was... down the cliff since Baji died.
I mean, yeah. In Bloody Halloween, Takemichi won that time in the end...
But not really.
(This is another long post of Tokyo Revengers. With spoilers and emotion and how you doing? last day of january wtf)
Mikey lost his brother, (He had no parents) two years passed, he lost Baji, he could not see Kazutora or Pah-chin, he almost lost Mitsuya, then in only months, he lost Emma, brutally. Takemichi came back to the future and leave him, and he separated the rest from himself to protect them. He lost the Toman.
Then two years after, Draken...
Let's resume: Too much.
Just two months after losing Baji, in the Black Dragons arc he was acting so strange. He didn't want to fight because he was afraid of losing anyone again. He let Taiju punish him for everything. He f*cking talked with the ghost of his brother and his friend while riding the bike. Takemichi and Mitsuya keep saying all this time in this arc: "f*ck he is not okay, he is sad,he has lost too much, he is saying weird things, he is f*cking gone, I lost him..."
And he not even lost Emma that day. Cause before Izana died, he told him: "I guess there is no way to help me in the end, right?"
That, for Mikey, a person who carries all the burden of others is an entirely loss. Because even if he came to help his friends, even if he was suffering for losing his sister, (for losing Draken in the midpoint to be honest) while he was fighting Izana, he realised again his brother wishes. Mikey wanted to save him so, even if he didn't know him, he is that way, it was a promise with Shinichiro. To himself, it was like he let him down. So... another loss too.
Is pretty interesting that Mikey still wears the charm that Baji left him. And while he squeezed it in the BD arc, he said: I'm taking everyone with me, all of you in my heart. And that's what make me stronger." And he meant it.
After that, he have a talk with Takemichi. And he told him "he was weak, he was not like his brother." That means Takemichi is stronger at the eyes of Mikey, because Takemichi's heart is stronger than Mikey's.
The intentions of both of them are to not lose anyone, yeah. But they are different. While Takemichi struggles not to give up and admits that he is weak physically, Mikey knows that physically he is strong, and since he has never lost, when he loses, when he loses someone. In the inside, he gives up.
But not really. Not to the others. Cause he keep lying to himself, to everyone, he keeps being the leader. He keeps the facade. And what's more important, he keep losing himself. That's the darkness, and the dark impulses. And everything.
The truth is: Mikey doesn't know how to lose. Do you get it? Cause losing means... When you lose, you fall. And your loved ones help you to stand. And you get stronger to stand again by yourself. That's what Takemichi does. Mikey lost, but he never heals from it. That's his coping mechanism. He never stand up from it. He never gets over it. He never gets stronger from it. He doesn't know how to, he doesn't know how to open up or maybe he doesn't want to because he is the pillar of the Toman. So if he loses. Everyone loses in his head. And he can't stand that. (Remember what he told to Pah-chin when they fought Moebius?)
While Takemichi accepts help and keep healing with all the gang, Mikey just doesn't accept the fall. To fall. Even if he has been losing since the beggining. That's what Draken told Takemichi before dying, that's the clue to win.
Baji wanted a gang where everyone would risk their lives for each other. But Mikey just accept that in a way. He has never let anyone help him, that's why Takemichi is his hero. He is the only who come to the rescue even if no one asked for it, even if he never asked for it. But he needed it. He needed him. So it had to be him the one Mikey begged for help in the first place in Bonten arc. The first person he let see his heart after Shinichiro maybe...
Draken was Mikey's heart in a way the dragon was the one who was more close to him than others, who had more trust and respect from him than others. Draken tried to talk with Mikey about this, he took care of him and taught him to forgive and be nice to others, but... I guess Manjiro never forgave himself for not being enought to protect the ones he loved.
He is empty not just because of the loss of them, but because the more you restrain what you feel, the more you insist in never let the pain go away, well, the pain always find a way to destroy you anyway.
Takemichi believed that Mikey knew he was going to lost it, just noticing how he talked to him when they were alone. Mikey knew but he never say anything. Until he asked Takemichi for help. Even Mikey asked Takemichi to take care of him after BD arc ended. Takemichi knew everything...
That f*cking emphat boy was just breaking, and breaking with every loss since, forever...
And his heart too.
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hajimeiwaswife · 3 years ago
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Warnings: anxiety attack, angst, violence.
The room was lighted in dim light, pink and purple fluorescents giving it the ambience of party the group needed. There, in that small room with a television and a couple of mics they would perform the best concert ever given.
Kazutora was sat next to you, one of his arms placed lightly on your shoulders while observing how the other four tried to sing a song to see if the machine was working. He knew the group of Mikey and all of those were coming and he didn't like it one bit. Yes, he was friends with Baji, and he had nothing against Chifuyu, but the rest of them were scam to his eyes.
All of them decided to keep that information away from the girl next to him. You knew Draken, Takemichi and Mikey were coming, and he was sure you wouldn't mind for Baji and Chifuyu to appear, too. But they had learned recently thanks to Yuzuha what happened between you and Mitsuya and he wasn't sure how you would react at seeing him. Emma assured them that if she had known before about your past she would have asked Draken to please not invite his friends.
He turned his head to gaze at you. You were beautiful, he knew it, he had known for a long time now. He always joked about how he would never fuck you, but he wished it was true because for the last few months you hadn't gone away from his mind and he hated it. You were friends, he liked the dynamic you both had, so why did he had to start liking you? And why did Mikey had to appear? Why did you invite that shrimp to comfort you instead of him? Oh, yeah, he remembered. He had been too busy and he needed to keep a distance from you. He had been doing so for a few weeks. The worst of all? It seemed like you hadn't noticed. But was it really that bad? Wasn't that what he wanted? For everything to turn back to normal? He didn't know anymore.
And now Yuzuha told him an asshole had broken your heart. How could anyone mistreat such a kind soul? That's why he didn't want to be with you as anything else than friends, he wasn't the best man out there and hurting you more than what you had suffered already didn't seem like an option to him.
"Are you going to sing, Tora?" your sweet voice took him out of his thoughts.
"No." he answered simply, feigning boredom.
"Oh? Why not?"
"I won't be here long enough to sing, I have a... date."
You nodded, understanding what he meant. That's how he called his encounters with people he had fucked with.
The sound of the door brought your attention to the group entering. Takemichi first, going straight to Hina to hug her. Next, Draken, who had been thrown to the floor by his girlfriend. Baji and Chifuyu entered together, nothing strange. Mikey stepped next, his eyes wandering around to find... you. He smiled, running to where Kazutora and you were, ignoring his rival's presence.
"Hello!" he greeted, teeth showing and eyes bright as stars.
"Hi." you smiled, a real smile. It was true that you didn't consider yourselves friends yet, but Mikey was a good guy and you couldn't help but feel lighter at his presence, "I'm glad you could make it."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," he nodded, taking a sit on your other side, his body turned to yours, "I love singing! And I was thinking that maybe... and just maybe, we could make a duo?" he asked, nervousness in his voice and hand scraping the back of his neck. You thought about it, it's true you didn't want to interact with boys with romantic intentions, however, it was a great way to bond and form a friendship.
"Yeah, why not? What type of music do you like?"
"Really? Cool!" Mikey relaxed, "I'm good with whatever, pick the song you want."
"Perfect then."
Kazutora watched the interaction with a grimace, hating the way Mikey had made you smile. But, as he saw Mitsuya entering the room, he thanked that at least you were distracted, even if it wasn't because of him.
But Mitsuya wasn't happy. Ever since Mikey had taken a liking to you he's been looking for the way to talk things with you. He understood what he did wrong and he was ready to try again, but how could he when Mikey was in between? His friend, who didn't know about you and Mitsuya, was trying to woo you and wasn't very subtle about it.
He could feel Yuzuha's gaze burning on his back and making him shiver. She hated him and she had all the right to do so, as she was the one having to help you go through what he did to you. He knew he wasn't welcome there, but he had to talk to you, he had to explain to you everything he had realized and show you he had changed.
"If I were you, I wouldn't go near her." a deep voice whispered on his ear, Hakkai towering over him from behind.
"I just want to talk." Mitsuya excused himself, making sure no one's attention was on them.
"Stop being selfish and leave her alone. First warning." and like that, Hakkai walked away and met with his sister, Hina, Emma and their respective boyfriends.
Baji and Chifuyu were singing 'Baby it's cold outside'. The baritone and tenor voices perfect together. You and Mikey were cheering them both, still sat and forgetting about Kazutora. The latter surprised that the girl hadn't seen Mitsuya yet.
"Do you like Taylor Swift?" you asked.
"Uh... I know a couple of songs," mumbled Mikey, afraid of singing I Knew You Were Trouble.
"Hum, then what about One Direction?" Mikey just nodded, he liked to see you talking, but he had something to offer.
"I know I told you you could pick, but can I suggest a song?" the boy asked, flustered.
"Yeah, sure. Which one?" your eyes were curious, genuinely waiting for him to propose a song, his heart bursting on his chest.
"What about Don't go breaking my heart? It's a good song to sing in a duo."
You fell silent. What now? Mikey saw your expression, and quickly explained himself.
"I don't mean it as in a romantic way! I promise! It's just a good song. My brother usually sings it on the shower." he had just exposed Shinichiro, but it was all in the name of love.
That reasoning seemed fair to you, who just nodded and smiled again.
"Okay, then."
Mikey couldn't stop jumping on his place, excited to sing with the girl of his dreams. Too good to be true. Draken observed the both of you, Emma had told him she was planning on helping Mikey, and he had been dragged into her plan. He wasn't against the idea, though, Mikey had never been interested in anyone romantically, and you looked like a good girl. It was in that moment he saw Mitsuya, jaw tightened while he looked like he could bury Mikey at that exact instant.
"The fuck?" he asked to himself, confused.
"I have something to tell you." he heard Emma say.
That's how Draken was told about Mitsuya and you, surprised to know what his friend had done, Mitsuya didn't seem like that kind of guy. Then again, he would like to hear his version, at the end of the day they were friends.
It was yours and Mikey's turn to sing. You had to admit you were feeling like it, Mikey had an aura that invited you to be closer to him and to feel like everything would be alright by his side. Emma had told you a lot of people used to look up at him when he was at high school and you understood why, he had a leader's soul.
You took her mic and Mikey his, looking at you in a way that took your breath away. You hadn't been looked at like that in a long time, memories coming back to you and a knot forming on your throat. No, he wasn't him, and you weren't going to let his memory ruin your duo with your future new friend.
"You okay?" asked Mikey, frowning as the music started.
"Yeah, perfect!" you diverted his attention, signalling him it was his turn to sing.
He had a beautiful voice, melodic and angelic. You felt as if you had had been ascended to heaven and sang your part lost on his performance. You loved karaoke, and you had just found your perfect karaoke partner: Mikey.
Unbeknown to you, the whole room was looking expectantly at you, each of them for different reasons. Chifuyu, Takemichi, Emma and Hina were rooting for you to kiss; Baji and Draken were half smiling half huffing at the sight of a good performance and chemistry; Yuzuha and Hakkai were worried for you, wanting you to be happy but afraid of another heartbreak, the song sounding as an omen; Kazutora was suffering on the inside, it had been his decision to not step in and he promised to never confess to you, but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt to see you getting closer to another man, specially his rival; Mitsuya was fuming, he never thought you and his friend could look that good together, and worst, gain chemistry in a shitty Karaoke room.
"... I gave you my heart, Oh, I gave you my heart." you sang, suddenly looking to the left and seeing Mitsuya.
Your mic felt off you hand, you couldn't hear the music anymore. What was he doing there? How much time had he been there? Why was he there? Your legs trembled, you starting shaking and you felt an anxiety attack building on your chest.
Mikey noticed the lack of your voice, that voice that had him on a trance. When he looked at you, he saw you trembling form. He approached you, worried.
"Y/n?" he asked, posing his hand on your shoulder, "What's wrong?"
He followed your gaze when he didn't obtain an answer, and he saw you looking at Mitsuya. He was confused, why would Mitsuya cause you to look as if you had just seen a ghost? Your chest was raising and falling at an unnatural pace, and the three lovesick boys surrounded you in less than a second.
"Y/n, hey, it's okay." Kazutora reassured you, taking Mikey's hand away from your shoulder.
"What the hell do you think you're doing." asked the blond, frowning at Kazutora.
"Calming her, what else?"
Forgetting the panic attack of the girl, they started bickering, not too long after throwing fists at each other. Half the room was focused on trying to stop the fight, and the other half was worried with Mitsuya being so close to you.
"Y/n, breath with me, c'mon love." Mitsuya mumbled, his hand touching yours.
In that moment, you reacted. You took your hand away and shook your head, getting away from the man in front of you. Why did he had to ruin your afternoon with your friends? You started searching for an escape route as Mitsuya neared you again. Why wasn't anyone helping you?
You looked around, gaze misty, and you saw two figures... fighting? What was going on? Your breathing got worst and, before Yuzuha or Mitsuya could stop you, you run to the door, opened it and rushed away from there.
"Y/n! Wait!"
The sound of the door got everyone's attention again, Mikey and Kazutora stopped fighting and noticed that you weren't in the room. Had you left?
As Mitsuya was going to rush after you, Hakkai took the collar of his shirt and stopped him, looking furious.
"I told you to leave her alone."
That action caused Baji to interfere, why was a guy trying to pick a fight with Mitsuya? Specially with Mitsuya, who was the calmer of them all.
"Take your filthy hands off of him, pretty boy."
Like that, Kazutora approached Baji, trying to explain him the situation, but Draken got to him before he could reach his friend and another fight started. Emma wondered in that moment why she had to invite his boyfriend and his friends, regretting ever wanting to fuse both groups into one.
Hina watched how Takemichi went to stopped the fight, earning a punch from he didn't know who. He ended up fighting -pathetically- too.
Yuzuha was trying to contact you, but you weren't picking the phone. What if something happened to you? You were in a very vulnerable state, and she couldn't help but blame Mitsuya. And Mikey, too. Didn't he know? If he was as smitten as he was with you he sure would have stopped Mitsuya from going to the karaoke.
But Mikey was as lost as an octopus in a garage. Why did you leave? Did you know Mitsuya? Why had you reacted like that? He had so many questions, but his priority was to find you. He ran out the door, sending a message to Draken so when they stopped fighting, he would know where he went.
Kazutora left him leave, he would have loved to be him who went to look for you and who comforted you, but Mikey seemed to have done a good job that time at your house and maybe, just maybe, he could do as well this time. It was time yield to his enemy.
Tag list: @mizumellon @wakasagurl @sseorin @konigasaki @chaoticyuna @akqshie @sunahyejin @lagrimasdeglitter @q-the-rockaholic @akisrandom @rorobaijifuyu @invaderzia1 @massivebde @annonymous-writer-wannabe
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imaginationmess · 3 years ago
Together Until Death Do Us Part - Manjiro Sano X Fem!Reader
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Manjiro “Mikey” Sano X Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst 
Warning: Gun Violence, death, ambush. 
Word Count: 2,100+
Author’s note: I am posting this mess of a writing piece. It could be OOC for Mikey but honestly. I don’t know. I am just gonna post it regardless perhaps there are people who would like it. I am between of hating it, but liking it at the same time if that makes sense. 
The sound of the exhaust engine echoes through the quiet streets of Tokyo and speeding down on the road. His knuckles were turning white, how tight he was holding it, but he could feel the adrenaline running through his veins.
“WHY AREN’T YOU WITH [NICKNAME]?” Takemichi screams, his facial expression turns to horror. His eyes widened in pure fear at the sight of Mikey standing in front of him with a bag of your favorite sweets.
“They got into an argum-” Draken glanced over to the usual nervous boy to only be shaking to take out his phone frantically to see what time it was. As much he tried to keep the two together, knowing Mikey would protect her and it was capable of doing so.  
In the future, Draken will mention Kisaki framed Mikey, making him seem like an obsessive lover. A breakup gone wrong. A girl was shot by her gangster boyfriend due to  trying to break it off with him. 
Your parents had connections within the police and hospital. They had faked domestic abuse reports from a hospital that frame, Mikey, to be a possessive abusive boyfriend. Your parents hated Mikey ever since you introduced him to them. They thought he was a bad influence around their daughter who might get her killed from being involved with him. 
Despite your parents persisting to break up with him. You stayed with Mikey until the very end. 
The future self of Draken, who was on death row says, “They dragged his name through the dirt and make his life miserable in prison. They did everything in their power to make him suffer. Mikey died from a stab wound after multiple attempts to kill him. They bride various criminals by killing Mikey in exchange for their freedom. Her father was an amazing lawyer who is one of the best when it comes to defending criminals.” 
He looks at Takemichi while clutching his fist. “Kisaki was on the stand telling oblivious lies about what happened due to being there. That's all they need as a witness. But everyone who knew those two. Mikey would never lay a hand on her. I could say he would be willing to exchange places with her if he could. He loved her so much for her to only pass away in his arms. He wasn’t the same afterward. He was in a hopeless situation where her parents were powerful people. He carried the guilt of not protecting her.” 
Takemichi snaps back to the current present, which was still in the past and blurts out.“She is gonna get killed by Kisaki!”  He knows it’s out of his hands. He isn’t god. He is a human being who was trying his best to stop events from happening. 
You were walking home from cram school looking through your missed voicemail. There were a bunch of missed calls from Draken and Takemichi. You thought to yourself it was odd. You pressed the correct buttons to listen to your voicemail box from your flip phone but stopped at the sounds of footsteps behind you. 
You turn around to see who it was to be met with a cold pistol against your face and making eye contact with Kisaki underneath his black hood. You could still recognize him despite wearing a mask. 
“Scream, I wouldn’t hesitate to shoot your brains out.” Kisaki glances down at your hand that was in the skirt pocket of your school uniform. You were holding the pocket knife inside of your palm.
“Don’t even think about pulling that pocket knife.” 
You aren’t surprised that he knows about your pocket knife that was given by Mikey as a present. You would often take it out and play with it swiftly moving it around your fingers. You were good at handling any kind of knife due to having a weird hobby of doing wood carvings. 
Kisaki was expecting some kind of fear in your eyes, but you have shown none. This is what he hates about you and why you need to take you out. You have never shown any kind of vulnerability in the eye of danger. 
“I know you are gonna kill me. I know too much about your future plans with Toman.” You say to only step forward, letting the pistol pressed against your forehead. You also know he is a coward who would prefer others to do his dirty work. It seemed like no one was gonna do it, so he had to get his hands dirty. 
“Shoot me!” You screamed at him as expected. He took a step back due to not expecting this bold action from you, but still kept the gun pointed at you. You don’t believe he is capable of actually shooting you seeing how his hand was shaking from seeing your bold actions. He was not expecting you would be still confident and bold despite seeing you holding your ground in the eye of danger numerous times. It is what it comes to dating a gangster always having yourself in dangerous situations. 
You were scared, but you refused to show it, especially to the likes of him. A coward. A trashy human being. 
“Why are you so loyal to Toman? You are knowingly risking your life to dig around where you aren’t supposed to do?!” Kisaki questions.
You stared at his eyes. “At least, I am not a coward of pulling the trigger instead of chitchatting.”
You could see the veins popping out of his forehead out of rage. “You-”
The sound of a familiar engine echoes through the streets causing Kisaki to tense up. It brought relief knowing you aren’t gonna be alone. 
“Hanma was supposed to keep him occupie-”
You took the moment when he took his eyes off of you to look behind him where the sound was coming from. You took out your pocket knife from your pocket with a quick motion to slice his wrist deeply, causing him to scream out of pain. 
You took your hand pressing into his wound and pressing your back against his chest to attempt to disarm him. You slam your elbow in his face repeatedly, but he wasn’t letting go and even tightening his grip as you tried to take the gun out of his hand. 
“[Nickname]!” You glance over his shoulder to see Mikey is not slowed down one bit. Only to escalate even more. 
You dropped down to the ground and jumped out of the way before the sound of metal crashing on the ground and scratching across the pavement from the hit. You looked back surprised that he used his beloved bike as a weapon, using it to crash Kisaki with it. 
Mikey rushes over to you with minor scratches when he lifts the motorcycle to be on one wheel and lets himself fall backward as the motorcycle crashes into Kisaki. He helps to lift you from the ground and check over your body to see if you got any wounds or injuries. 
You could see his hand was trembling. You could see how scared he was, but he put on a brave face. 
“I am ok-” You were cut off by painful pain in your abdomen. 
There was the sound of three gunshots shooting echoing through the streets. One of the bullets scratched Mikey’s arm, but all three bullets hit you. Two in your abdomen and one in the shoulder. You look down on your stomach fully surprised. Mikey snapped his head and almost experienced whiplash. He thought he had knocked him out from the brutal hit with his motorcycle. 
Kisaki was pinned behind a motorcycle, but had a bloody hand due to a deep cut on his wrist holding the gun above the bike. 
You fall forward into Mikey’s chest, snapping him out of his shock and he puts you down softly to the ground. Before rushing over to Kisaki who shot him in various places and hitting the building behind him due to losing his aim from the pain in his wrist. Mikey still kept running at him despite being shot at. It was not stopping him or slowing him down. It did the opposite reaction of what he wanted. He pissed him even more. 
He tried to pull the trigger, but nothing was coming out. There were no more bullets in the gun now. He comes to the realization why Manjiro's deadly force was called the invincible Mikey, because if he has the desire to do it. He will. He makes it his mission to do what he puts his mind to. Especially when it comes to revenge for his loved ones, his reputation follows him for good reason. 
Kisaki’s eyes widen instead of seeing Mikey. It was a demon towering over him as a tall shadow and punching Kisaki until he was unconscious or dead. Mikey didn’t care. It was the sound of a weak cough and a voice snapped him out of it. 
He starts to stumble over to you with tears welling in his eyes and falls on his knees grabbing your hand into his. Something was coming up his throat. 
He covers his mouth as he starts to cough up and looks down to see blood on his hand. He stares down to his stomach to see multi-gun wounds in various places. He didn’t feel them, now he is starting to. He falls to his stomach as you turn your head towards him with a weak smile.
With tears in both of your eyes, meeting with his dark abyss eyes. “I am sorry-”
“Don’t apologize. I don’t regret falling for you. Please don’t regret ‘us’ because I don’t.” You spoke as blood was starting to fall from your mouth. 
Mikey weakly crawls to you and holding your hand and pressing his lips against your ring finger where there was a silver ring that matched with the one on his ring finger. A promise ring.
You could feel him trembling. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you too.” You turn to your side weakly to stare at each other knowing the two of you are probably gonna die before help arrives. The two of you press your foreheads against each other. 
“We were gonna get married.” You spoke with a weak smile, letting out what future that you two have talked about before. 
“With two kids and a big dog.” He smiles weakly. 
“You become a lawyer.”
“You become a badass mafia boss.” 
The two of you were envisioning what the future would have looked like. Two children who shared similar traits from both of you smiling while holding the hands of your adult selves. A happy family comes to your mind. 
“Forever until-” Mikey coughs out with a smile with tears running down his face lying on the ground. 
“Death do us part.” You finish his sentence and tighten your hand against his before your grip loses when you close your eyes with still a smile across your bloody lips. Mikey closes his eyes and envisions the good times where the two of you had over the course of your relationship and the friendship the two shared together with everyone else in Toman. 
The two of you were starting to lose consciousness, hearing motorcycles and frantic shouts. The police and ambulance sirens were close by.  
Draken and Mitsuya dropped on their knees trying to stop the bleeding, knowing it won’t do anything. They had to try. Both of you had a weak pulse. 
They found the two of you curled next to each other with smiles on your faces as if you guys accepted your guy’s fate. 
Maybe in the next life, you would have happily ever after. 
Bonus Scene: 
In the future, everyone from Toman was visiting the tombstones of their fallen commander and his girlfriend. Manjiro and [First Name]. 
Your parents were generous enough to let Mikey rest beside you. He killed, the murder who killed their daughter in exchange for his own life being taken away as well. As much, they disliked Mikey is dating their daughter. They could see how much he cared about her. 
He took revenge on their daughter. Your parents took care of the funeral and hospital bills for Mikey’s family. 
Everyone was living there happily ever after at the cost of a massive impact, making everyone’s life with no more sorrow. It was tradition to visit their graves every year, which was a get-together majority of the time. Draken and Emma had a son who acted too similar to Mikey. Emma cried when their son did something that Mikey would do. They named their son after him. Takemichi and Hinata had a daughter who acts the same way as you. 
The two children gave their respects unknowing to their past selves.
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inupibaldspot · 4 years ago
Be With You
Pairing :Sano Manjiro x Reader
Request :Open!
Warning : MAJOR SPOILER for anime onlyss
Note : This time skip refers to the same one as the pictures where Takemichi goes to the Philippines to meet Mikey . I’m writing a Mitsuya fix but it was getting to long so I wrote this while taking a break :D
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You smiled as you heard the numbers to your apartment were being put.
You put down the coffee that you had taken only a sip off,along with that you also placed your iPad down. The screen displaying Takashi Mitsuya -Top Admin of Toman- Found dead!
Ever since you heard the news of your friends being killed,you always mentally prepared yourself. You knew it was going to be your turn sooner or later as now only you and Takemichi were left.
But you knew,he’d never kill Takemichi. He reminded Mikey too much of Shinichiro. It was a surprise that you were left alive for so long.
The door to your apartment opened as faint footsteps were then heard. Despite the fear,even your hands were shaking,you walked towards the man.
“Long time no see
” You smiled,despite knowing what was coming you left happy to see him after so long. He looked thinner and definitely sleep deprived. His hair was also grown out which reminded you of Baji.
“Im glad you still remember the password.” You had shared the number to you apartment lock when you guys were dating several years back. “Remember that my doors are always open for you Mikey
” Mikey breathed out. “Do you know why I’m here?”
You smiled as you walked towards him,as your shaking hands then cupped his face. “Why are you so thin? Have you been eating well?”
Mikey’s expression remained blank as your expression started to distort more. Despite you smiling,your eyes started to water. “Do you want to me to make you dinner?”
“I killed Mitsuya yesterday.” Mikey replied.
You sighed. “Your hair has been getting to long
You should at least tie it.”
“I killed Hakai and Chifuyu aswell.”
“Your dark circles make you look so scary Mikey
“And now it’s your turn
” Mikey continued as he takes out a gun from his jacket pocket.
Your expression finally dropped. “Will that stop you from suffering?”
Mikey did not reply as he then places the gun pointed towards your head.
 Please stop suffering alone.” You reached out your hand and grabbed his hands. They were warm just like how you remembered. “I want you to stop keeping everything to your self.”
“I’ll help you and try to give my side of advice.” You intertwined your fingers with his. “And if that doesn’t work
I’m sure Takemichi can give you a good scolding.”
Mikey but the inside of his cheeks. “Good bye,Y/N.”
You smiled at him. “I want you to be happy
With that a loud bang was heard. You were still for a few moments before you body then fell on the ground. Every muscle in your body refused to move as if the body did not belong to you.
Breathing was hard and you vision was getting blurry. “Mikey
” You spoke yet you couldn’t hear your words. “My door is always open for you
Mikey watched your eyes slowly close and the final teardrop rolled from your eyes,blood was beginning to pool around you.
He bend to as he placed his finger on your neck. There was no sign of your pulse.
It was only then that his emotionless facade he put on finally broke as tears finally started falling. “I’m sorry
I’m so sorry Y/N.”
His heart was being ripped apart,as he was still near you. You were always so kind,always by his side but he continuously pushed you away and when he stopped all contact with you.
Even though he wanted to be with you so bad
He wanted to have a future with you. He wanted to do everything cheesy thing he would dream of when he was yet to confess to you. He wanted to do everything he dream of when he imagined his future with you when you guys were dating.
But Staying with him would ultimately lead everyone to doom. Kisaki would make sure of that.He sucked in a breath as he finally steeled himself to walk away from your now cold body.
“I won’t keep you waiting
I’ll be with you soon enough,Y/N.” He looks at you one last time. “I don’t plan to live any longer
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lazysublimeengineer · 4 years ago
Bye Bye Baby
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Summary: I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Characters: Takemichi H. & Manjirou (Mikey) S.
It wasn't just like a movie
The rain didn't soak through my clothes, down to my skin
I'm driving away and I, I guess you could say
This is the last time I'll drive this way again
Lost in the gray and I try to grab at the fray
'Cause I, I still love you but I can't
The roar of the CB25OT rang against the road as he swerved ferociously into the right panel of the street. Nonetheless, the sounds were being swallowed by the heavy rainfall and the clap of the thunderclouds. His clothes were soaking wet and clung heavily into his skin. But Mikey didn’t care. All he cared right about now was to get rid of the heavy thoughts around him ever since Takemichi left and went back to the future. He wanted to stop Takemichi from leaving that day. But the words got stuck into his throat. He didn’t have any right to stop him. Takemichi needed to go back to the life where he belonged to. And it wasn’t in his arms and in this past.
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
Bye, bye, baby
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Bye, bye, baby
Bye, bye, baby
Takemichi always possessed a heart bigger than himself or any of them really. His honesty and sincerity towards them were pure as a snow. His promises to save all of them from their tragic fate was a beaming hope for their bleak and gray futures. It was one of Takemichi’s biggest strengths yet also one of his glaring weaknesses. Mikey could’ve take advantage of it. He could’ve stitch up lies about an impending danger to the gang or to anyone else just to make him stay. But all he could say to him was, “Go back to the future, Takemitchy. Go back to that future where Hina is waiting for you!”
Because Mikey can’t make him stay here if Takemichi’s heart doesn’t belong here and all he can give him was his sympathy.
He’s not cruel like that.
The picture frame is empty
On the dresser, vacant just like me
I see your writing on the dash
Then back to your hesitation
I was so sure of everything
Everything I thought we'd always have
Guess I never doubted it
Then the here and the now floods in
Feels like I'm becoming a part of your past
Takemichi stared at the picture where he stood beside Mikey and the other members of Toman. It felt like a long time ago yet it doesn’t. A month, a year, a few weeks or even a few days
where it all seemed like a minute or second had passed when he came back to the future. To the current present. Where he actually belongs.
But why does it felt like his heart was empty? A vacuum of nothingness?
He should be satisfied right?
But why he couldn’t shake off this feeling of emptiness?
The smiling face of Mikey before he returned to the future made his heart soar previously.
But now it also brought his heart down shattering into a tiny, million pieces.
How ironic.
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
Bye, bye, baby
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Bye, bye, baby
There's so much that I can't touch
You're all I want but it's not enough this time
And all the pages are just slipping through my hands
And I'm so scared of how this ends
They still meet up through a quaint cafĂ© or in a nearby bar downtown to catch up. Mikey has been laughing and exchanging crude, childish jokes with them until Draken became annoyed at him as usual and they were beating up each other’s asses once again.
It felt normal. Yet it wasn’t.
There’s a lingering emptiness there that he could feel but avoided thinking about it further. Or even bringing that up.
Takemichi’s absence would seeped quietly into his veins when he was finally alone with his own thoughts and emotions.
Mikey stared at the ceiling numbly. A devastating ache started to fester inside his heart.
But he has to grin and bear it right?
Since he can’t drag people down with him.
And he already promised to Takemichi before they parted ways that he’ll protect everyone’s futures as well.
So, he’ll fulfill his promise no matter what it costs.
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
Bye, bye, baby
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side
Bye, bye, baby
I want you bad but it's come down to nothing
And all I have is your sympathy
'Cause you took me home but you just couldn't keep me
Oh, you took me home, I thought you were gonna keep me
Bye, bye, baby
Bye, bye, baby
Draken told Takemichi that Mikey was managing a restaurant overseas so that’s why he couldn’t attend Pah-Chin’s wedding.
Relief and disappointment flooded Takemichi’s veins at the news.
He should be relieved right? Everyone’s doing fine. And Mikey was having a great future as well. So why does it feel like there’s a pang in his chest from the moment he didn’t saw Mikey at the reception hall previously?
Takemichi couldn’t hold on too long for that niggling thought as Hina has called him from afar, letting him know that there’s already a cab waiting for them outside the hall to get into.
Maybe he should let it go

And focus on his impending wedding soon

Since he promised Hina back in the past

And say goodbye to these ideas and thoughts of wanting to see Mikey soon just to ease his anxieties and doubt

But his heart told him otherwise.
Meanwhile in an obscure bar hidden in one of the alleys in Tokyo

“You sure you don’t want to gatecrash and invite yourself boss to their wedding?” Sanzu asked idly as he sat down in a barstool holding a glass of whiskey into one of his hands.
Mikey continued to read silently about the latest reports on his former friends and comrades. Even though he already cut off his ties with them, he made sure that he was carefully keeping tabs on them and ensuring that their futures were secured and normal.
All except for one.
Takemichi and Hina’s impending wedding.
A blank expression was still on his face yet his hand automatically tightened its grip on the paper.
It’s the best future isn’t it?
So why did the news made his heart break down into tiny pieces?
“It’s not my style to gatecrash a wedding where I’m not invited in the first place. Besides, events like these are a waste of my time and utterly boring.” Mikey replied in a monotone voice.
As he said those words, he knew that he already said goodbye to his feelings about the blue-eyed crybaby hero that tried to save all of them in the past.
This was for the best even if his heart disagreed with it vehemently.
(A/N: I don’t own any of these characters from this franchise nor Taylor Swift’s Bye Bye Baby song. While waiting for chapter 213 of the manga to come out soon, have some Takemikey angst for your daily suffering needs. Currently listening to the Fearless Taylor Swift’s version of the album and Bye Bye Baby is just screaming of pain and angst hence the inspiration behind this one shot angsty fic. Reviews are amusing. So, let me hear them from you.)
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