#why didn't I get into hair stuff in high school like everyone else lol?
aruuspewswords · 6 months
Bleached my hair for the very first time today!
...It turned out awful lmao it's really patchy and I barely got to an orangey gold color, though I did start from black and it doesn't feel damaged so yay? At one point my hair got so hot (not my scalp thank god, tho it did itch a bit lol) that it felt like actual burning heat under the bag 😬 I rinsed it off then so that's probably why it's not lighter :p I'm planning on buzzing it all off for summer, so I'm going to put fun colors in it until then XD
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thewritersofdeceased · 3 months
HELLOO!! Soooo I so love your Tbp content!! And This is my first time ever requesting anything, and I'm so excited for tbp 2 anyways enough of my rambling :>>
Can you please make a Vance x Reader, like for example Vance is like very into Reader but reader is terrified of him bc of his reputation and all yk? If that makes sense lol
Hey, hey! No worries about the rambling I love it! This was a blast to write!! (please anyone request more Vance stuff I love writing him so much)
Gender neutral pronouns ! 
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Vance was in love.
That’s right. For once in his life, Vance Hopper was in love. It felt weird. He saw how this sort of stuff affected his parents, but he hoped this wouldn’t end up the same. His parents were a terrible duo. At least his father was. He worked with the law, and he was usually the one to show up and drag the blonde into the station. He always got annoyed. Not like Vance cared what his father thought. Let alone how many times he got dragged to the station.
No. Vance cared about what someone by the name of Y/N thought about him. That's who he was in love with. But Vance was a violent kid, a kid with a hot-temper and a couple records in the cops record book. The amount of fights he got into and the amount of times he got arrested because of them. Or the threat of charges. Now that was hell when ever a parent of a kid would threaten him with charges, let alone when it was Moose. He hated Moose. Moose was a bully, everyone knew this. Though he despised the man whenever he would go after Y/N. The amount of times those two fought and got sent to the principles office was crazy.
Way too many times could Vance recall that. But here he stood again, leaning against his locker and standing beside a couple boys. They were younger than him, he could see that. Vance was around fourteen, the oldest of the group. He was the one about to go to highschool whilst the others entered their separate grades. That was fine with him. The boys would still have connections to him, they didn't live that far and the middle school wasn't a far walk. So if any of them got hurt or in a fight, Vance could run to the middle school and help 'em. Until Billy finally hit his own Freshmen year. Griffin was the youngest, so of course it would take a bit of time for him to reach High-School.
But what if y/n and him went to different high schools? What if y/n's parents decided to leave Denver and go somewher else? A soft sigh escaped Vance as a voice to his right rang out. "C'mon, Vance. You have to talk to them sooner or later." The voice to the right of him was Bruce Yamada, the second oldest of the group. "Right. They're scared of me, dumbass." Vance commented, rolling his eyes as he leaned his head against the locker. It only stiffed a laugh out of Bruce, who raised his brow and gently nudged Vance's shoulder. Bruce knew why people were weary of the group, and it was all because of Vance's reputation. But he wasn't the one to speak up next, no. Griffin did. Even if the boy hardly spoke, being selective Mute. "It's your reputation, Vance." The youngest boy thought of the blonde like an older brother.
Which, Vance didn't mind. He would protect the youngest kid with his life. He'd protect any of these kids with his life, even if he died. Well, he didn't want to die, that was for sure. A sigh escaped him as his arms crossed. "Well, then I've gotta pick up my act, ain't I? If I want a chance with them?" This surprised the younger and second oldest. "You really plan on changing your ways, Vance?" Bruce asked as he stared at the blonde with messy hair. It'd be a challenge for the fighter. He knew that for sure. But he needed to change if he'd have a chance with Y/N. A low sigh escaped Vance as he crossed his arms and hummed. "I have to. I like 'em, you all know this." He reminded, trying to keep himself calm as he watched y/n interact with their friends.
This may take a while, but if he wanted to talk to them? He had to do it. He had to stop getting into fights, as bad as that would be. Specifically when it came to Moose. Or Buzz and Matt, and even Matty. He was a fighter, but he'd stop for his crush. Lower his reputation one way or another.
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danketsuround · 10 months
sunday six!
typical monday six for me cause i forgot yesterday was sunday lol i was tagged by @four-white-trees and @overdevelopedglasses woo! thank you! i will tag everyone else i usually tag @c-cw-f-saeko @fire-tempers-steel @futilecombat @passthroughtime (think that's everyone? lmk if u want to be tagged/untagged) (share if you want don't if you don't as usual HI)
sharing something different cause i wasn't feeling well this weekend and i have this written already. little extra thing from two birds that expands on the letters kuwana and reiko wrote to each other. kind of long but i don't like it enough to post so just take the whole thing gosh!
To Kusumoto-san,
How are you? I'm sorry I haven't written yet. I just figured out how this works in the midst of moving around. Ehime is a nice place. Far, temperate. The people in Masaki are a little too friendly. Not sure I could say the same about Matsuyama, though, I guess that's the city to a stranger. It seems silly to say, but I hope you're making some friends, if you can.
When we first drove in, a seagull shat on my car. Right on the windshield! I almost killed us both. I know you just jumped at the thought, but we're really okay. Mitsuru made fun at me for getting so startled. He's a good kid. He's a lot like you and nothing like me. Thank God. Despite our differences I think we're getting along.
We came to Matsuyama for a bit. We wanted to pop in and see you but they told us it doesn't work that way. That day it really hit that you were in prison, and not just away on a terrible vacation. I guess I'll never get over missing you. It really upset Mitsuru, so I took him to do tourist stuff instead. It was nice because a lot of people visit those areas, so the wheelchair wasn't really a problem like it is on these gravely rural roads. We met the mascot, Mikyan, and took a picture with him. I'm sure it fell out when you tore open this envelope. Did you know Ehime is famous for its mandarins? They really won't let you forget it! The photo was just going to be of Mitsuru, but this lady behind me said she could take a photo of the both of us, and I got too shy to say no. I'd never do that! Maybe I'm a changed man after all. Anyways, you have the both of us now—though it wasn't like you didn't before.
Mitsuru gave me a haircut. I look ridiculous. You can see it in the photo, right? I would have done a better job blindfolded, but he seemed proud of it, so I kept it. His hair looks pretty choppy now, but not out of revenge. I just suck at cutting hair. Did I tell you that he's trying to get his high school diploma? What a dedicated young man you've raised. I technically still have my teaching license, so I've been helping. Feels good. It's weird. Whenever I help him, I remember why I became a teacher in the first place. Ironic, isn't it? I want to tell you everything but I'll save it for the next time we see you. I'm sorry for cutting it so short, but I have a favor to ask you.
The nurses in Ijincho explained a bunch of stuff to me about Mitsuru's condition and printed it out. It's expectedly massive. Sorry to be a pain, but would you mind taking a look at it and tell me what to do? Advice? I can't make sense of it all. Or maybe I refuse to believe it. Is he really hurt so badly? What does he think of all this? I wonder about it. I wonder about it a lot. He seems fine, but then I look at all his X-rays and blood tests and I don't know what to think. How do I get him too eat? To grab things? To smile? I'm taking it one step at a time, but these technical terms are a big hurdle. You can read it, right? You've always been so much smarter than me. I'm sorry again. I'm lost. Thank you. I'm running out of room. They've got a limit on paper for prison letters. Seems strict.
Mitsuru wanted to say:
M iSsyou Mo M
- Mi Tsu ru
He's got a damn strong grip on his pencil. You'd be proud.
Until then,
It's good to finally hear from you. I'm doing as well as I can. You seem to be the same. I checked a map of Masaki to try and place you two. It seems like a nice town. Are you getting used to the short buildings and the little beach?
I've been friendly with some of the other inmates, and the seagulls here do the same, but I've been safer than you.
I got your picture. How cute. Your haircut isn't so bad, he did a good job.
I looked at the documents. I know what you mean. I expect you already know to use the feeding tube and how to bathe him. It's not surprising he did not respond well to the catheter. I wouldn't either.
Firstly, Mitsuru has anterograde amnesia. That means he has a very difficult time forming short term memory, even if his long term memory is intact. Remember when you told me he didn't know your name, even though you told him earlier? That's why. I'm not sure why he doesn't remember your face from before. I suppose that's a fortunate mystery. You may have noticed the nurses doing this, but if you tell him the same things over and over again, he'll have an easier time forming new memories. He knows what to call you now because you said it so many times. I'm sure he knows I'm in prison because the nurses told him many times, too. That's what I get.
I'm sure you're well aware of his mental health. He seems to go up and down a lot, I bet. Like his body, his brain is suck at seventeen. Doesn't he seem so... frozen in time to you? He's like an old doll, destined to be a kid forever. I'd be jealous if that was the end of it. The nurses observed that he sometimes behaves like a much younger child. Have you seen him suck his thumb? Does he tug at you when he wants your attention? Hug you at night? It's an acute stress response. He's defending his body from his mind—that's what that means.
Lastly, his food. It's not very difficult to do. Steam it for thirty minutes. If you lose track of time and think you've cooked it for too long, add another ten minutes. I did that when he was little. He hated vegetables until they weren't shaped much like vegetables anymore. He'd swallow his food whole to hurry up and play outside again, so boil it thoroughly. It should be the consistency of chewed gum or silt. Try it yourself, add salt if you hate it. He doesn't like broccoli. No broccoli. Like everything else, he's still relearning how to chew. Don't push him. He’s sensitive. You know that already, just like you know how to do all this other stuff. You have good intuition, and great memory, and it helps that Mitsuru seems to love you. Even still, don't push him. No broccoli. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Don't expect me to say anything else, I'll see you soon.
Kusumoto Reiko
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
hi :') i see that people come here to vent n stuff so i want to do the same if that's okay. it's long, so you don't have to reply to this immediately, or at all!
okay, i have 2 best friends and we've been close since high school so it's been like Years (we're a trio and we're all in uni now). i'll label them as bff1 & bff2. bff1 invited bff2 and i to sleepover, and later on, bff1 invited our friend group from high school for a dinner/party at her house (bc we were all classmates but the 3 of us are rly a trio) and yeah, bff2 & i went, and 2 out of 7 from our friend group went, and so did bff1's cousins and their friends. we all had dinner and we were drinking as well. i didn't drink much bc i'm a lightweight lol but everyone else was drunk.
we were pretty much catching up until the whole night turned to them trash talking our other friends from our friend group (which were invited by bff1 btw but they weren't able to go...). i was just listening bc i rly didn't have any dirt on anyone, and even if i did, i don't care so much to need to tell people abt it 😭 everyone thought it was okay but idk it just threw me off... it's one thing to talk abt life and ur preferences n shit but to talk abt ur friends to ur other friends AND to ppl u just met??? fucking bitches fr..
the worst part is, AFTER all that shit talking, they video called our whole friend group gc and when one of them answered (aka one of the ppl they talked shit about, including her bf and their relationship tgt bc they, esp bff2, think their dynamic and even the way they dress is weird), bff2 was telling her "u should've come here!!!" ??? GIRL..... PLASTIC AS FUCK.... i just know that if i didn't go, they would have taken that opportunity to talk shit abt me too 😭 it's one thing to have an opinion and hate or dislike smth and to have preferences, but to be SO bothered to the point u talk shit, esp abt ur own friend AND EVEN HER BF (which is actually nice btw) to ur mutual friends and other ppl is another... like, ok we all judge, but why do u care so much to talk so much shit LMFAO... ik we were having dinner and we were drinking and having fun, but omg that's just fucking mean...
but that's not all of it, bc later on, bff1 & bff2 mentioned that they did talk shit abt me before, and they mentioned it at the dinner/party in front of everyone thinking it was okay like omfg.. i didn't even ask if they said anything abt me back then, they just straight up brought it up😭 it was about when i liked a guy a few months ago and we were talking abt him at the dinner/party, that's how they brought up that they were talking abt me to each other... yk talking stage w ur crush will get u twirling ur hair n swinging ur feet, and i'd tell the 2 of them "guys pls i'm delusional" as a joke when i update them abt it. we all say that about ourselves and to each other btw even when it comes to our celeb/fictional crushes when we're gushing over them... but anw they were telling each other "oh my god she's so delusional!" and they demonstrated it to everyone with rolling eyes... like... okay, i know? and even if we're open about it, why talk about me when i'm not there if ur just saying the same thing anyway?? just bc u can say it to my face doesn't mean it's okay to do it behind my back?? bc that's Entirely different. and what's the need for it anyway when u know you can tell me?? 😭 i mean, ik they didn't rly like him bc he was sus but still? and later on, back when i eventually found out that he's just not it, bff1 was like "so i was right..." like, okay?? is that something ur proud of? dude i mean sure, ur right, i'm not gonna deny that. but u gotta let me figure my own shit out on my own pace😭 like, i never even berate them or talk shit abt them to either one of them when they have their crushes or when it comes to their vices or flaws... i just let them do their own thing and if smth good or bad happens, i make sure that i'm there for them. but they were rly being bitches abt it... ik they just wanted the best for me, but that's just not it. i don't even know what else they said abt me bc they only mentioned the "omg she's so delusional" part of their conversation😭 but i'm sure they definitely said other things...
rmr in the all too well 10min version mv, that shot of when sadie was trying to just smile on her 21st bday in front of her cake and while everyone else at the table were having fun, but deep down she was sad.. i literally had that moment... i rly just sat there in silence while everyone else was having fun bitching abt our other friends.. i just smiled and went along w everything but deep down i was realizing how 2 of my bffs and the rest of my friends were people i can't trust anymore. they rly just don't know how to mind their own business and let people be... i alr knew that my friends have the hater personality (esp bff2 jesus christ) but this was like the meanest i've seen them bc they rly went all out with the way they talked shit, and it involved me this time.
i'm honestly more pissed than hurt. i couldn't bring up the issue during the moment bc i didn't want to cause a scene in bff1's house and in front of her cousins, and i was going to sleepover there with bff2 after the dinner/party, plus her parents live there too and they allowed us to sleepover, so no... i'm going to confront them for sure one day but tbh idk how exactly lol.. i don't want to end up fighting bc we were rly good together but ugh... i don't even trust them enough anymore to feel like we'll be fine if we talk about this... ngl i feel like they'll be defensive😭 but whatever i guess. if they do get defensive and just not admit and apologize for how wrong that was, i guess it's the end, bc i cannot tolerate a friendship like that. i literally just want to be happy...
and idc if they were drunk during that dinner/party... bruh i know what it's like to be drunk, ur still conscious😭😭 this wasn't the first time they talked shit abt ppl, like they Have done that sober when we hung out from high school until before this dinner/party.. but this rly was the meanest i've seen them fr and my 2 bffs confirmed that they were talking shit abt me so i'm rly pissed lol...
(if u made it here, thank u for taking ur time to read/listen 😭🫶 and sorry for any typos haha)
for the other friends on here:
TLDR: anon was invited to a sleepover with her best friends, anon's other friends in the group didn't show so her best friends (and the friend that invited everyone over invited her cousins/their friends) start talking shit about the other friend groups and admit to anon they talk ahit about her behind her back.
it sounds like you just found out who they really are. and the fact they admit it and are proud of it is yucky. it's common for them at this point.
it's okay to gossip a little and talk shit, we all do it. but there's a difference between:
'omg, i'm lowkey glad katy couldn't come. she always cries when she gets drunk and i couldn't handle it tonight!'
'omg but for real! last time she sobbed for ten minutes in the bathroom over a song!'
'god, she's so delusional. he's a piece of shit guy and she actually thinks she has a chance.'
it's up to you on what you do next, but i'd never be able to relax or open up fully knowing i'd be a laughingstock when i'm not around. like- if you're gonna talk shit, do it to my face. at least then i'll respect you.
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goofyhoffy · 3 years
Chapter 1
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Fanfiction : My First Kiss 'just a kiss'
Genre : best friend to enemies to lovers! Roommates au! Classmates au! Romcom.
Pairings : Taehyung × reader
Series: a drabble fanfiction of 3 sets.
Word count : 2.9 k
Summary : you shifted to a new city for your best friend Taehyung. He's your bestie since birth. You admitted to his school where you find life difficult. Taehyung being a fuckboi and you being is bestie he shares everything with you even his sex life and moves. But your character is far more different from him. You always looked for your comfort person. You dreamt of spending time with your future partners. Summary : you shifted to a new city for your best friend Taehyung. He's your bestie since birth. You admitted to his school where you find life difficult. Taehyung being a fuckboi and you being is bestie he shares everything with you even his sex life and moves. But your character is far more different from him. You always looked for your comfort person. You dreamt of spending time with your future partners. Even you're in high school you haven't kissed anyone as you want to secure your first kiss for your special one. What happened when Taehyung seized the chance from you of your first romantic kiss! you're in high school you haven't kissed anyone as you want to secure your first kiss for your special one. What happened when Taehyung seized the chance from you of your first romantic kiss!
Warnings : fuckboi, bestie bad words, private talks, best friend sharing sex life, abusing, angst, misunderstanding, bullying, kissing, smut, fluff, explicit, student life, dirty talks, wet dreams, hitting on, making out, Dom,sub, yandere.
Author note: here you go again, I loves writing this fic as it's have Loads of dirty talks we shared with our bestie, so just enjoy and read. Tell me your opinions then.
Chapter 2 ∆ CHAPTER 3
(๑♡⌓♡๑) (๑♡⌓♡๑) (๑♡⌓♡๑) (๑♡⌓♡๑)
Sitting on your couch you were unfolding the clothes you took from home last weekends. The purple frill short dress of your sister is now yours as she already left for her higher studies at aboard. You were  happy but missing your family a bit more these days cause you were new in this high school where only friends of yours is Taehyung. The dumb. Your bestie since ages.
Yesterday, you came back from your hometown Daegu to Seoul for the studies. Or you can say to help your best friend Tae in his studies. As his mother forced you to stay with Tae in Seoul because of his poor academic performance. You're not so happy staying in Seoul leaving your family far miles away. But only for your bestie you were there. The last high school year you were gonna spent with Taehyung. You haven't met him since so long but he was the only one you keep on texting, calling every day when you both live far away from each other.
Here the academic things are quite different. Taehyung was helping you in all of that. He was so happy that you were accompanying him there. Living with eachother was both of your childhood dreams and now it's fulfilling. You and him live in his two storey building. You were on the ground floor and he was on the top. You were stressed but happy that Tae was still the same here. Nothing between you two have changed. He still baby care you like he used to during middle school. You were on the random thoughts of memories.
Suddenly someone patted from the back and you looked "Tae how are you?" He hugged you.
"You already home? I missed you." Tae replied.
"Yes, I'm. Unfortunately only for you here. By the way where were you?" You asked.
"Umm... Just Making out!" Taehyung sighed
"You're life is cool. Making out with Seulgi your girlfriend as much as you want." You smirked.
"Wait, no. I'm not making out with her. Apart from that also Seulgi is just my contract girlfriend. We have nothing like that stuff. We didn't even kiss. Soon our contract being a couple will end. Understood!" He scoffs
"I know. Then whom did you make out with?" You asked.
"Umm... Uhh.. actually I don't her name. But she's also new student in our school like you. But she's junior. But  tomorrow I will ask her name!" Tae frowned .
"You're such a dick. Didn't even know her name. Only God can save you." You eyed.
"I'm an angel. Huh. She's the one kissed me first. I just kissed back. But her plump red lips taste like watermelon. God I want to kiss her again." Tae excitedly said.
"Stop. Maybe she use watermelon taste Chapstick. You never know." You chuckled.
"Whatever she uses is delicious. But she bite me in my lower lips so hard. It got redness and swell so much. See." He point out his lips to you.
"Aha! My poor baby got hurt. Use my lip serum or else it will get lump, you stupid." You handed over him your lip serum.
"Don't call me your baby tomorrow at school please. I'm the most popular here. Only your baby bestie at home." Tae smiled.
"Well, I got something to tease you. Baby bestie." You giggled.
"Stop now." Tae frowned.
You chuckled and put the clothes on your shelfs. And arrange your study desk. While you're doing all this Taehyung was sitting there and looking at you all the way. He was looking at your long dark hairs, pale fingers, thin postures and your beautiful small face. After completely setting up all the necessary changes you sit at the couch.
"You have changed a lot. Huh!" Tae asked.
"Me? Why!" You eyed him.
"I mean.. nothing. It's just when I saw you two years ago at our hometown you're so different. Now, everything about you changed. You're not my lil baby bestie anymore." Tae sighed.
"Shut up. I'm still your baby bestie for ages. Might be I'm little more glowing here. You know good looks matters." You smirked.
"Yeah, good looks. You got so much prettier. Now you have curves and boobs-" you cut him off.
"Of course. Got so much wiser too. I'm not 16 anymore. I'm a 18 year old girl with beauty." You said proudly.
"Leave that. You have packed your bag for tomorrow school?" He asked
"Yeah. Pretty much. You've plan for tonight?" You pinned.
"Umm... Yeah. If you're asking me to stay then I can actually. What's your plan? You probably should sleep!" Tae said.
"No, I'm just gonna watch something. You're good to go but remember your mother send me here to look after you. So, don't be late or either I will call Mrs. Kim aunt." You glanced.
"Okay, okay. Don't be so demanding. I'll be back at midnight after clubbing. You can do whatever you want in this home. With whoever you want-"
"Wait. What?"
"Sorry, my mistake. You're single. No one is there to do any fun with you. Poor _____, you can probably drink milk and sleep." Tae laughed so hard.
"You! Fucking Kid. I'll kill you.  Stop." I screamed.
"Catch me if you can. Meet you at the morning. Byee." Taehyung said as he gone for clubbing.
You're sitting there getting bored so you watched some shows. Watching webseries is a whole mood. Romantic movies and your imagination for your loves one just increases. You were still searching for that special one who can get you butterflies in your stomach. The show was on climax where the protagonist gonna kiss his lady love. But suddenly you heard someone open the living room's door.
"You're watching porn?" Someone screamed after slamming the door. You can't see cause it's dark in the room and only the television screen light makes the person slightly visible. But you recognized the voice. It's Taehyung.
"What the fuck! You scared me asshole." You screamed.
"What's are you watching, is it porn? I haven't expected that from you."  Taehyung sighed.
"Shut up, you ruined my moment. They're gonna share their first kiss. You know how much first kiss mean actually?" You gritted.
"First kiss! Lol! Is there something you should highlight like first kiss?" Taehyung eyed annoyingly.
"Yess! Fucking yes! You don't know how much first kiss mean for everyone. Most importantly for me. I want to share my kiss to my favourite, trustworthy and love of life. I have huge dreams for my first kiss." You explained.
"Ugh! I never thought about like this. My first kiss was... Um.. uh.. I don't even remember who it was! And you're still dreaming for your first kiss?" Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Is dreaming is prohibited here? If no then shut up. I live in hope and imagination. One day, at the sunset into the sea shore, me and my love gonna share ourselves." You smiled.
"Ew. It's so cringe,______. Your lips gonna die virgin. You get it." Taehyung arrogantly said.
"What's so ever. But you're so early at home? Any special reason or were you missing me?" You asked giggling.
"Ah! That girl. She's the worst. I mean she runied my whole mood. She didn't even know how to moan." Taehyung sighed.
"I see. You were making out again and she wasn't good at it.?" You asked.
"No,she was good but she didn't moaning my name. That's the thing. Moaning is important." Taehyung said.
"Why? You want to hear her screams? Ew." You chuckled.
"It's the best thing. The pleasure in hearing your name when you're getting pleasure is insane. But she's just so silent. That's so important. That motivates me to go hard you know." Taehyung gritted.
"Well, you're just overreacting and nothing. How even moaning matters if anyone is good.!" You yawned.
"Huh. You will not get it. You still are a huge Virgin. Moreover your lips are too virgin. You have such a sad life,_____" Taehyung chuckled.
"I'm not like you. The one who got my lips will be special. Huh." You exclaimed.
A deep silence between two of you turned. Taehyung gazed on your orange plump lips with his pointed eyes. And then he smirked.
"How your lips will taste?" Taehyung smirked.
"Umm.. stop your flirting skills at me. You dickhead." You growned.
"Just kidding. I know it will taste like your peach Chapstick. I used it infinity of times. So I don't need to know." Taehyung chuckled.
"Now, go upstairs and sleep. Tomorrow it's my first day of school. I don't know how the kids gonna treat me there. I'm worried." You sighed.
"Don't worry, I always got your back,____" he pinched your cheeks.
"Thanks for always. Good night, bye. Sleep well, baby Kook." You wished him and went to your bedroom and slept.
Walking down the streets for the school. You looked at Tae , he was playfully kicking the rock across the road and he seems really happy. But on the side, you're super nervous for your first day of school. The hands keeps getting wet of sweat. You again remembered if you have take all your books and stationary in place. You dressed well and you look great as a high school kid. You keep on calculating things you need to tell others to befriend with them. And finally with handful of step counting you arrived on the front gate of your new school. It was huge, big then your previous school. Paintings, article and quotes all over the wall. The names of the top grade student at the board. You were excited to go inside and explore more but your nervousness can be seen.
"____,you look so nervous. Don't worry. I'm here. Student are quite friendly. You gonna love this place. Trust me." Taehyung smiled.
"Y-yeah. I have to love this place." You confidently answered and both of you entered the building.
With entering Tae just left you and went to a group of boys. You decide to find your class on your own and explore the school. The walls were coloured in yellow and purple. Neat and cleanliness all over. You look for the twelve C class at the school map and make your way there. Student are quite disciplined there, sitting at their places and making zero chaos. Looking at all the classroom you finally find yours. Not many student are there. Only some girls sitting at the last benches goosiping about something. You find a known face out of them. It's of Seulgi, Taehyung's girlfriend. He have quite a many times send you her photos. But in reality, she looks more hot and gorgeous. With out interacting with anyone you straight up choose a bench and sit. Few minutes after, the empty classroom get filled with student. You saw Tae with his group of boys. Laughing and kidding with each other. A chaos shifted when they entered. But at your surprise, Tae even didn't look at your face or talked to you. He completely ignored you. But then the teacher walks into and everyone settles to their place.
"Good morning kiddos. I think you probably have seen our new student,____. Introduce yourself to the class,____." Teacher asked me.
"Hey, I'm _____ from Daegu. Your new highschool classmate. Please treat me well." You introduced.
Everyone just rolled their eyes, pretending like they didn't even care about me. No one even came up to you to befriend. The class was horrible basically the kids there. But Tae's behaviour is the most shocking, he didn't even asked or introduce any of his friends to you. You felt really guilty to be there only for Tae. The teacher was kind to gave you enough attention and praising. You answered well in the class as no one other than you was interested in the class. For the first few classes you didn't speak to anyone but at last you thought of talking to Tae.
During the lunch time,you went up to the last few benches which were covered with boys. There your bestie was also present. You walked to him, but all the boys were looking at you. They were making laughing faces or most probably mocking you for talking to Tae.
"Tae, you want to have lunch with me?" You asked him.
He felt a little uncomfortable while speaking to you. "umm.. actually I don't really eat with anyone. We boys gonna eat together. Go help yourself." He rolled his eyes.
You just can't processed what he said. You still were blank. You thought of yourself what he mean by not eat with anyone. He was your fucking bestie and why he was pretending that he don't know you. You felt regretted asking him and walked out of there.
"Another gold digger, Taehyung. Don't let the girl trap you."
"I don't know that she also will be like everyone."
"Taehyung, she's hitting on you. Your pretty face always traps everyone gaze."
"This little nerd also have a taste to ask the most popular guy like Taehyung for lunch. Huh."
Everyone started to speak trash about you. You were just hearing everything carefully. Trying hard not to cry or fall a tear. Tae is literally standing there and hearing all that shit about you and not letting them stop. He just hummed with everyone. You were keep on cussing your self for thinking about anyone betterment. Those tear can't hold but fall from your eyes. You let out a sigh and ignored all of that and ate your lunch.
You were so distrubed that you decide to take a break from the classes and sit on library. You started to read a book comfortably.
"Taehyung, What's I'm hearing? The new nerd is hitting on you?" Seulgi asked
"Ya. You know, perks of being the most popular kid." Taehyung smirked
"Basically I came up to you, cause I just want to tell you that our contract of being a couple is gonna end." Seulgi said.
"Thank god. At last you get the boy you were looking for? Then let's post that officially. Taehyung and Seulgi broke up." Taehyung excitedly said.
"But before that you have to do one thing. That boy whom I'll be dating should know that we broke up because you cheated on me. Okay?" Seulgi said.
"I cheated, why? Then how would we show that I cheated? Any plan." Taehyung sighed.
"Kiss the new girl,____" Seulgi smirked.
"What? No way. She's my bes-" Taehyung stopped mid way.
"She's hitting on you. Then if you kiss her, then probably she also get happy. And you're for sure a fuckboi. So go for it." Seulgi said.
"It's enough. I'm not going to kiss anyone. Shut up." Taehyung arrogantly said.
"Well, then I think I should reveal your secret to everyone. Huh? Do you want it?" Seulgi rolled her eyes.
"But it's totally wrong. I ca-" Tae frowned
"You have to. Or else your secret will be no longer a secret." Seulgi giggled devilishly.
"Umm.. uh.. Fine. I will." Taehyung sighed.
He thought about you so much. He even know that you have high expectations for your first kiss. He knows you haven't kissed anyone. That's you're pure. But he realized that after all you were his bestie. The one you trust the most. The one you love the most. Starting from the birth you were with each other. He realized that you were gonna accept his mistake to take away your first kiss.
Reading your favourite novel of all time. You feel someone call you from behind. You take a look at the back and see it was Tae. You make a annoyance face at him cause he was acting like he don't know you.
"Hey." Tae underconfidently said.
"What?" You growned.
"Umm.. can you lend me something?" Taehyung said and looks at Seulgi and her group who was watching you both.
"Why are you acting so weird today? Don't you know me?" You asked.
"I said can you lend me something?" Tae arrogantly bunched the table Infront of you. It's like he desperately need you.
"Ya!" You screamed.
He walks closer enough to close his dark eyes. He softly breathed across your soft cheeks. You hitched and took a back from the chair. But he pinned you with hand on your arms. You were just going to tell him to stop. But he quietly plant a kiss on your smooth peach lips. For some seconds the moment was out of control, you can feel his plump red juicy lips of your. He again pushed you further to kiss back. Without your knowledge, you can't resist his lips and kissed him back. His soft delicate tongue hit your teeth, you just asked him to enter all along your mouth. The kiss you first shared with your own bestie. But as you gather the knowledge of what's happening, you just pushed Tae so hard with all your strength. He hit across the wall. The moment was shabby, you never thought something like this you have to face in your entire lifetime.
The anger of your first kiss going away, gives you severe pain. That pain turns to anger. You got panic how your own best friend can do this to you. You realized he's isn't trustworthy anymore. He was the same men like everyone who just want to get into your pants. You shuttered to even remind the memory. You looked at Tae with your anger and panic face, he was looking dumfounded.
You walks up to him and straight up slap him in his golden cheeks.
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truthisgoldenau · 4 years
for a moment there I accidentally had Pierce's photo under Marian's name oop
Time to officially confirm some AU canon LGBT stuff! Each character is their own pride flag but I'll add in other stuff that's canon in universe plus some bonus stuff at the bottom.
First up is Freddy Fazbear Jr! Gay all the way.
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He's definitely the "move I'm gay" type
Was honestly super freaked out to tell his dad but went with the bold approach of bringing home his first boyfriend and blatantly announcing their relationship as such as a challenge and was honestly surprised his dad wasn't bothered by it
He was around 13 at the time and so the twins and Fred were still in touch with Maddie's parents and brother. All three were incredibly supportive (and still would be)
He absolutely had a crush on Bonnie Burnette even though he had never talked to him. Since the twins and Bonnie went to the same high school he knew of Bonnie, thought he was a dreamboat, but because Bonnie was somehow in with the popular kids (it was the money 100%) Freddy didn't even bother
Frankie Fazbear! My ace son! (The ears are wrong blame the app lol)
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Honestly doesn't even know he's ace until much later
He's had crushes before but he's never been in a relationship (part of it is the attempt to communicate since he's mute sort of stops him)
He wasn't even sure it was worth mentioning to his dad so Fred never knew
This boy can hold so much love in his heart but he's not a very physical person that's all
Fred Fazbear Sr! YES. HE'S BI.
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Only Maddie even knew he was bi. That he knew of. Some people probably figured it out with his over the top always on personality.
Fred was constantly sure that Pierce picked up on it particularly after the Christmas mistletoe fiasco but if Pierce gave a shit he never said anything.
Frankly it was amazing that more people didn't pick up on it. He was over the top about everything until a point.
While he didn't overreact to his son very blatantly announcing he had a boyfriend, he was very proud of him. It was a very Fazbear family way to come out. Even though he got so distant, he was always proud of his boys.
Bonnie Burnette! Also bi!
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Being constantly surrounded by the popular crowd and always being the sort of stand out with purple hair and stupid purple bunny ears didn't do much to make Bonnie feel like he could even tell anyone he was bi.
Really the only reason he was even in the popular crowd was he was rich.
It made him less of a target for bullies at least cause the jocks wouldn't stand for anyone messing with him.
Knew Frankie from math class and honestly wished he could have talked to the quiet kid with bear ears as an alternative to the entirety of the popular group
Sort of in the background of the AU story very quietly develops a crush on Freddy and then thinks "oh God I like the troublemaker NO"
Chandler Cicily! Lesbian!
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Would absolutely describe her sexuality as "girls"
She's starting to discover it during the AU (even if it's not a topic that comes up but that's why there's this post about stuff lmao).
She's the baby of the group since she's 16 when the story starts and relationships aren't important to her yet
But the crew still support her when later she's like "maybe I just wanna bake things for a cute girl and let her put flowers in my hair is that too much to ask" (Marian always chimes in with "mood")
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Marian Mengele! An absolute bi icon!
Listen, her one goal in life may be to find her lost childhood friend, but that doesn't mean she's solely interested in this one Irish redhead
That said she's definitely only dated redheads
She's not afraid to be open about her orientation. It doesn't bother her. She's seen as weird already what can it hurt.
That said she falls for Finn so goddamn fast when she finds him that she questions herself and then is like "no wait I'm definitely not straight"
She's very upfront with Finn about it. There's no reason to hide this from him (or anyone) and if they're a thing she wants him to know.
Finn being the wonderful human being still loves her and it doesn't bother him. Why should it? He's just happy to be with someone who loves him.
Chetana might be Chandler's fake big sister but Marian is like fake mama when it comes to Chandler finally coming out.
God bless Finn for being the kind of person to sit and let Marian braid his hair with flowers because that's one of Marian's favorite things to do when her partner has longer hair and Finn's never really bothered with keeping his hair short THESE TWO ARE ICONIC I love them
Pierce Graves! A shitty pansexual icon
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First off he absolutely knew that Fred wasn't 100% straight he had no idea how it wasn't immediately obvious to everyone
That said Pierce literally did not give a shit who knew about his sexuality
As shitty as his whole personality was he could turn on the charm easily
His parents definitely knew but he was already a punk ass rebellious teen at the time so they have him the "be careful, don't get anyone pregnant" talk and worried from afar. If it bothered them, Pierce never knew because they made sure that he could still count on them (even though at the time Pierce didn't really talk to them much about anything)
Fred absolutely knew though I mean they were good friends
He's not a romantic. He's never really had a meaningful relationship because he's not that type of person. To be honest, there's a piece of him that saw relationships that worked and wondered how that would feel but he knew that wasn't for him. He figured that out way early on when he asked his granddad why he didn't have a grandma and Mortimer Graves didn't sugarcoat the answer. "She wasn't happy with me. I gave her the choice. She could stay and be miserable with my lack of a decent personality even though I was already struggling to not be such an ass or she could go and find someone who actually made her happy. She chose happiness, and while it sucks that she drifted out of my life and your dad's, she's better off."
Pierce could frankly always tell that he was more like his granddad and as much as he sometimes wanted to know if he could even out up with a meaningful relationship, he avoided it. Better to not hurt anyone and wonder than to become the catalyst for someone else to overcome, right?
Fritz Smith! Gay!
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The shy bumbling mechanic of the early 90s Freddy's ? Gay? It's more likely than you think
He was still far in the closet in the 90s He was young, living at home still because he had just gotten out of school, and while his parents weren't super conservative, he also didn't know how they'd take it
Found a friend in the day guard Mike Schmidt early on. Mike was looking for a roommate since his last one had moved out and Fritz jumped at the chance
They are like totally boyfriends by the time they cameo in the story though
Mike Schmidt! Another gay icon!
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Mostly invited Fritz to live at his apartment because he felt bad that this poor shy mechanic was getting constantly harangued about the animatronics having problems
Was glad to let Fritz complain about it and even cry it was very stressful but Fritz needed the money
Mike liked him. It would be hard not to really. Fritz was a sweetheart.
Mike didn't ask him out till much later though he wasn't quite sure that Fritz was gay and didn't want to ruin their friendship.
Luckily it didn't and as it turns out they worked well in a relationship.
Fritz's parents had to take some time to get used to it when finally Fritz got the nerve to tell them but as soon as they did there was no end of support from them
Mike's parents were the opposite which was mainly why he already lived by himself but oh well he got a cute boyfriend and cool parents-in-law later it was kind of a win
Daniel Hartford-Dunn! Gay!
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Presenting Maddie's older brother!
outside universe fact, he's loosely based in my actual cousin who lives in California with his husband.
He's 7 years older than Maddie was. Despite that, they were still close. Maddie's parents wanted more kids but struggled to get the two they had.
He's an accountant for a corporation and his boyfriend (and later his husband) is a pilot.
Last time he saw his nephews in person was at Maddie's funeral. He misses them terribly but over the years less and less contact came from his brother in law
Sometime in 2006 though he ends up getting a call from his nephews and there's this great reunion.
He's just. This chill older guy. Who loves his family. And doesn't care what people think.
Since I can't put anymore photos, here's the bonus content!
-as mentioned last night Dr. Phillip Guy is on the ace spectrum. I don't have anymore details about that at the moment unfortunately.
-Charlie Emily is a lesbian. The Emily twins were born in 1980. They haven't appeared in the AU yet even as cameos but they exist. Considering in AU canon the Emily family is alive and well in Hurricane, Utah without an Afton to be found, Charlie's dating her childhood friend Jessica at around the time the AU events are happening.
-Sammy Emily is trans and bi. Both Henry and his wife (who I know I at one point named but don't remember what it is anymore) love their two daughters to pieces.
That said I'll make a post at a later point introducing the Emily family because so far I've only officially given the design for Henry and not the rest.
In line with canon, Spring Bonnie/Springtrap can be counted as gay.
While Fred kept the shows at the diner pretty simple and straightforward, there was definitely this subtle underlying idea that Spring Bonnie and Fredbear were a content gay couple although if asked it was easy to present them as friends. At least, that was during '81-'82
Fred also had Henry help him program in a special one time only song called Springtime for his and Maddie's anniversary in 1983, which was of course a love song. Fred always thought of that as being mostly for his wife, and partially as a turning point thematically for the two characters.
Henry was on board with this. They still kept it subtle, but there were clear moments where it was pretty much certain that the only way to interpret Spring Bonnie and Fredbear was as a couple. It was either so subtle that no one was bothered or Spring Bonnie's chosen voice was so ambiguously non-binary that no one thought it was odd.
Fred had plans for it to become more "canon" but never got to implement them since Spring Bonnie got damaged before he could.
Springtrap, being sentient and able to later interpret his emotions, is very confused about how he as a machine was meant to feel about this character he knew but the more sentient he becomes the more aware he is that he misses Fredbear and that he loved him. It's the cause of a lot of internal conflict for him. But he can be counted in the category of LGBT characters in the AU.
Happy pride month ya'll! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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linphd · 5 years
husband!kirishima x wife!reader | wonderful, wonderful
eijiro kirishima x reader
female reader
Eijiro dances with his family at a wedding, remembering everything he's been through with his current wife.
no warning
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the lyrics are from wonderful wonderful by johnny mathis
the entire one shot is based on this shot of the solis family dancing together at the wedding cause it's my favorite scene from the whole scene??? yeah lol you thought you were on a bnha book/blog, you didn’t expect so many desperate housewives stuff, right 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sometimes we walk hand in hand by the sea,
and we breathe in the cool salty air.
You turn to me with a kiss in your eyes,
then my heart feels a thrill beyond compare.
When Kirishima was in the 1-A class, his sensei invited a hero that could see in the future. One perk of this quirk was that the hero could also show what he was seeing to the others. The students were allowed to ask any question they wanted, even though the hero could refuse to show them. Most of the students decided that they didn't want to know anything ; maybe in 10 years, they will be dead because of a fight during a hero mission, right ?
But Kirishima had a much brighter idea. ''Will I get kids ?'' He asked. The hero showed him ; one boy and one girl, having his natural black hair, and they seemed rather young. They were dancing with him, and that's when he noticed ; the vision also showed the mom. And it was the one and only (Y/N) (L/N), the girl Kirishima already liked.
''I'm going to have kids with (Y/N) ?'' He muttered. ''But crybaby hates kids.'' Bakugou commented. And yeah, 'crybaby' was the girl's nickname. ''I know...'' Kirishima answered, still staring at the vision. He took a video of it, so he won't forget about it. (Y/N), the mother of his children, and those two, dancing all together. ''Where are we ?'' He asked the hero. ''At a wedding. I won't say whose wedding, though.''
Then your lips cling to mine.
It's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
Kirishima decided not to tell the girl, in case she would be scared and avoid him. And the hero say it himself ‘this future still can change'. So, he decided to keep the video of his future family, and not to force the girl to date him. Things would've happened whenever they wanted, so the future won't be changed. The boy didn't even check the future ever again ; so he still didn't know, nowadays, if he was going to be with (Y/N) forever, or if they were going to have another child.
            And actually, things worked out well, since they ended up dating. Kirishima asked her out during a party at the dorms, but he didn't expect her to agree, at all. However, for everyone else, it was obvious that she had developed a crush on him too. Indeed, she fell in love with him later than he had with her, but everyone was happy for them when they finally started to date.
          Once, they were late to class (they had missed the whole morning) because they had decided to sleep together, and had forgotten to put on their alarms. They got house duties for 5 days ; students weren't supposed to share their dorms. They had just spent those days joking with each other and goofing around, so it was a win-win.
Sometimes we stand on the top of a hill,
and we gaze at the earth and the sky.
I turn to you and you melt in my arms,
there we are, darling, only you and I.
They actually kept dating in high school, and even after they graduated. They were 20. As they started to work as sidekicks, they already became quite famous. (Y/N) was known to be a scary hero, because of how serious she looked while fighting. Moreover, her quirk was kind of intimidating, and many villains didn’t want to face her, already. But, when she was with Kirishima, she was the cutest person he had ever seen.
After their days of work, they liked to just lay on their couch or their bed, and cuddle for hours until it was time to eat. They would talk about their day, get each other a massage -since Kirishima had made that a tradition- and giggle together. Of course they were fighting sometimes, but it was really complicated to find a reason to be mad at the boy.
When they became pro heroes, they moved in only together -since they had moved in with Bakugou and Mina as well, after high school- and Kirishima had chosen an house with extra rooms. ‘’Why for ? You know I don’t want kids.’’ (Y/N) had said. But her boyfriend smiled at her. ‘‘No worries ! There’s an extra room for your artistic stuffs and one room in case we’re having a huge party and people have to sleep here !’’ Well, he was a party guy, so (Y/N) didn’t mind it. And they were getting paid very well, so they could afford a big house.
What a moment to share,
It's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
They were really young when they married, since they were 22/23. Actually, (Y/N) didn’t expect it at all. They were having dinner together -Kirishima was planning dates actually quite often- and once they were back home, Kirishima proposed. The former Bakusquad was at their house, throwing flowers and playing music so it would be a wonderful proposal. (Y/N) had laughed, agreeing without even thinking. They had started to date at 16, why would she say no ? It wasn’t early, whether they were young or not.
Their wedding ceremony was perfect, because it was exactly how (Y/N) had planned it. Kirishima had let her choose the song for their dance, and he had let her choose most of the decorations. ‘’I’m the one who proposed, so you’re the one who’s getting exactly what she wants. I’m happy with whatever makes you happy.’’ He had said, a bright smile on, showing his pointed teeth.
Many heroes were invited, including their former classmates and teachers. Kirishima had forgotten about this video he had taken of his future, and that’s why he didn’t talk about it to (Y/N). Sure, he had kept it for many years, but after they moved in together, he had other priorities than daydreaming about his future family.
The world is full of wondrous things it's true,
but they wouldn't have much meaning,
without you.
3 years after their wedding, things weren’t so well. They both almost couldn’t see each other, even though they were living in the same house, because of their jobs. They were both too busy about being in the top heroes, that they had forgotten to relax like they used to. And even if for them it was a routine they used to have, they both didn’t know it was this important to them.
They broke up for a few weeks. Yes, a few weeks only, maybe it wasn’t even for a month. Indeed, Mina had organized a party, and being almost as heartbroken as both Kirishima and (Y/N) after their breakup, she wanted to hook them up again. They hadn’t divorced, anyway. They both had laughed, talking about each other’s experiences with being single.
‘’I didn’t change the lock of our house.’’ (Y/N) had finally said. ‘’And I didn’t throw my keys.’’ Kirishima had answered. Yeah, they both knew that they weren’t going to divorce ; they just needed some time by themselves. They both didn’t try to meet someone else and didn’t plan to. But after they got back together, they promised each other that they wouldn’t put their spot in the hero ranking at the top of their priorities anymore.
Some quiet evening I sit by your side,
and we're lost in a world of our own.
I feel the glow of your unspoken love,
I'm aware of the treasure that I own.
They got back together like nothing had happened. They had been together for 10 years, it wasn’t their jobs that were going to tear them apart. They even got stronger, actually. Indeed, (Y/N) was brought into a huge fight, and came back home with a scar on her upper lip, that was expending a bit to her cheek. She had cried, so bad. But Kirishima found her even more beautiful. ‘’And now, we’re matching !’’ He had said, after he had tried to calm her down for a whole hour. But he had convinced her that she didn’t have to mind her scar. That was when Kirishima remembered about this vision of the future he had seen ; (Y/N) had a scar, yes. He didn’t want to tell her that neither, and he had even forgotten about it, too.
And in the same year, it came out as a surprise when (Y/N) turned out pregnant. ‘’I know you don’t like kids, but... We could give it a shot, I mean, I know I’ll be a good dad and you’ll be a good mom, and we’ve been together for so long, but I won’t force you, babe.’’ They talked for hours, but (Y/N) actually didn’t seem against the idea. ‘’I mean... I really want a mini Eijiro running around the house. Spiky baby teeth must look very cute.’’ And Kirishima had never been so happy -or maybe on his wedding day, though.
The first child was a boy. Yes, the first, because 2 years later, the second child was a girl. This one wasn’t planned neither, but they remembered how they both felt a bit lonely as children because they didn’t have any bother nor sister, so they decided to keep it as well. Both children turned out with black hair and spiky teeth.
And I say to myself,
it's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
And I say to myself,
it's wonderful, wonderful.
Oh, so wonderful, my love.
And here they were, at 32, at (your fav ship)’s wedding. Kirishima looked at his family, as they were all dancing with the other guests and the newly married couple. He was imitating his son’s dance to make him laugh, while (Y/N) was dancing with their little girl. (S/N) was 6, and he had the same quirk as his dad. (D/N) was 4, and her quirk was brand new ; she had a mix of both her mom and dad’s quirks. Kirishima stared at his wife’s smile.
She didn’t want any child at the beginning, she didn’t even think of getting married someday. But here she was, enjoying the moment. She picked up their little girl, as she giggled in her mom’s arms. (Y/N) looked at her, a bright smile still on her face, and Kirishima was mirroring her expression.
Yes, it really was the scene he had seen when he asked for his future, in high school. And Kirishima couldn’t be more pleased ; he wasn’t the number one hero, but he was living what he used to daydream about all day long, in high school. And he couldn’t think of something more wonderful.
yeay, for once it’s a husband x wife and it’s not an angst lmao
I wanted to write that with shouta at first, but I wrote so many one shots of him already so I thought of kirishima, momo, shoto and even katsuki but I thought of kiri first after shouta so he won.
in case you wanna see the video :
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franeridart · 7 years
Can we also talk about how Bakugou went from "weird haired guy" to "Kirishima. Change of plans". Oh man I didn't realize how much I missed the anime *cries*
BOI CAN’T WE I just spent the whole morning crying over seeing the moment Bakugou recognizes Kirishima as an equal animated nbd at all r i p me - I think this might be the first time Bakugou calls anyone by their name, actually, and I just!!! that’s because Bakugou heard Kirishima’s words and recognized him as a good partner and a worthy hero and someone whom he could respect and I’m gonna be grateful for chapter 133 for the insight on this for the rest of my always I !!!!!! have feelings g a h
Anon said:ok ok ok ok but but listen what about BAKGOU AND OCHAKO they are the most popular couple and the most cutest , i think you should try to draw them once i would love love to see this !!! of course just if you want hehe thanx
Ahhh sorry anon but I really don’t ship that - I mean, it’s true that I ship Bakugou with a bunch of people aside from my main two, but if they’re part of Deku’s group you can fairly assume they’re not between my Bakugou ships? And I only romantically ship Uraraka with Deku, Tsuyu and Iida anyway so! You’re probably not gonna see any romantic baku/ocha from me, sorry o
Anon said:Since we know what Bakugou’s parents are like, what do you think Kirishima’s parents are like?
I have a similar ask somewhere asking about Kaminari’s parents as well, so I guess I’ll answer both here?? As a general rule I don’t really like making headcanons over stuff I’m sure the manga will give me in the future, so I can’t say I’ve thought about this too much - there are a few things I work under the assumption of while drawing, like for example I’m taking for granted they both have at least functional families, considering Aizawa personally visited their homes to ask their guardians about allowing them back to school, and if anything had been weird he would have noticed
I like to think Kaminari got his quirk straight from one of his two parents with no mixing happening, and got the Kaminari surname from them as well, but that’s all I ever allowed myself to settle on as far as Kami’s family goes, everything else changes based on what I need for the current scenario I’m thinking about… I do often end back on him being an only child, though - in the same way depending on how angst or lighthearted I want it to be my ideas for Kirishima’s family change a lot, but generally I think I mostly fall back on the idea of him having a big family? In a scenario like that his parents are kind and love him a lot, but having many children and needing to split their attention on all of them might cause them to overlook him a little (it would explain his obsession with being flashy, for me) then again, who knows? I don’t know how canon you can consider the infos SMASH gives, but in one of the strips Kiri mentions working part-time, and the fact that he doesn’t seem to have problems with money kinda makes me believe he might be independent from his family like that (unless he’s a rich kid, also very entertaining as a possiblity)
I’ve seen a lot of headcanons floating around about both of these guys’ families and possibly being related to villains, that would be cool too, though I’m not sure how much I believe it
I’m sorry this ended up being little to no useful at all lol as I said, I just shift between scenarios a lot - imagine settling on one and growing attached and then having to let it go once Hori proves it wrong, that’d be terrible for me
Anon said:Oh my god…we had a black cat called nitro !! He was super affectionate and high strung. Thanks for reminding me of him. great art as always !!!
You’re!!! the second person telling me they have/had a cat called that!!!! °O° is it a popular name for cats? I just called her that for Baku’s quirk tbh hahaha
Anon said:I would L.O.V.E to do a BNHA art collab with you my lord!
BOI THAT’S FLATTERING!!!!!! I’ve never done collabs before though, so I dunno if I’m comfortable with this? I’ll !!! have to think about it!
Anon said:Not only is your art adorable but how much you babble on in the tags is absolutely precious, you’re like a sunshine who always brightens up the day just by being yourself!
Way to make me blush anon oh my g o d!!!!!! I’m??? glad I can make you smile with my incoherent blabbering??? It’s super nice to know because tbh I just have way too much to say about everything hahaha (read: I dunno how to shut up. ever. rip)
Anon said:I just wanted to say your asks posts and doodles and literally just your whole blog in general brightens up my day so much no matter how sucky it’s been. I had a rough day today but the first thing I saw when I got on tumblr was one of your bakugou drawings and it made me smile when nothing else that day did and I just wanted you to know that. Also you seem like one of the most honest and heartwarming people ever. I hope you have a good weekend. ❤️
gODS what’s up with you guys trying so hard to make me a smiling and blushing mess here aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! thank?? you???? I’m really, really, really happy I could make you smile!!! That’s the reason why I post my stuff to begin with, knowing I could help you even just a little bit means a lot!!!
Anon said:I’m really sorry if I reposted anything!!!!! Its truly out of habit….😌 But really, I’m sorry. (By the way, your art is amazing!!)
Thank you!! And as long as you took down whatever you reposted, your apology is more than accepted! Thank you for being understanding! But that kind of habit is something you should really grow out of, anon - for most artists, if they wanted their art on other websites they would post it themselves, and as long as it’s about sharing it here on tumblr a reblog is more than good enough! It’s nice of you to want to share my things, and I’m happy you like my stuff enough to want more people to see it, but since I don’t have accounts anywhere else on the internet I don’t really want my stuff there either - a link back to the original post would suffice if all you want is share, wouldn’t it? 
About this, thank you so much to all the super nice people telling me they’re sorry about my stuff being reposted! There’s a lot of you and posting all the asks here would make this post insanely long, but know that I read all of them and I appreciate every word! To those mentioning they do tell people to take my stuff down when they notice it being reposted, thank you so so so so much, and to those worrying I might stop posting, for now that’s still not going to happen - I might reduce the amount of stuff I post for specific fandoms or ships, but I love it all too much and I love sharing my love for them too much to just stop. And thank you for all the nice words and compliments too, you’re all so kind to me !!!!
Anon said:I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dave and Buster’s (it’s a big arcade/restaurant for mainly adults) but I went the other day and all I could think about was “holy shit, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Terushima would have the time of their lives here” anyway, just thought I’d share that with you since I know you ship them as well cx
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we don’t have those in Italy so I can’t say I am, but this sounds interesting and if it’s bo kuro and teru I’m always up for hearing more! What kind of place is it? How does it work?? *O*
Anon said:Not a question or anything but I just found your blog and it is so nice??? Like all your art is amazing and you’ve made bakushimanari my ot3 and you bakusquad doodles are just perfect too. Just thank you for existing and your art and ideas just give me life. That’s all
THANK YOU OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!! I’m so so so happy you like my squad stuff?? Lately they’re the most entertaining thing to draw tbh, I’m glad there’s actually people who like all the silliness hahaha I wish you the best weekend, anon, I know this ask just made mine, tbh!!
Anon said:LMAO when did Allen strip I don’t remember that
It’s in an extra! God I can’t remember what they were talking about so I can’t find it, I’ve been trying to since I got this ask (if??? anyone knows??? that’d be much appreciated???) but anyway they were hosting something? It might have been a character poll or something similar but I’m not sure, and Allen was The Host™ and at some point he started stripping and talking about added prices for it and if I remember right Reever and/or Johnny might have started crying for his forever lost and now non-existent innocence (was that a pun? possibly)
Anon said:OMG!!! I get so excited every time I see you posted something and now you just !!! uploaded !!!! all !!!! these !!!! BAKUGOU !!!! BIRTHDAY !!!!! COMICS !!!! AND !!!! I !!!!! AM !!!!! SO !!!! HAPPY !!!!!! (and they are all so adorable!!)
I’M GLAD YOU LIKED THEM HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!! Every time I post so much all together I always worry it’s too much haha I’m sorry for clogging all your dashboards now and again rip
Anon said:I was so excited this chapter of bnha because I thought we’d finally learn Kirishima, my babies, backstory but then we didn’t and now I’m sad (im still holding out for him having met/seen Bakugou in middle school for some reason and being inspired or something).
That’s tbh a good headcanon I’ve seen around now and again, and until Horikoshi will finally stop holding back all the Kiri infos you!!! keep on doing your thing!!!! he for sure already knew of him because everyone did thanks to the sludge incident, so why the heck not 
(I can’t say I share the hc though, since until they fought together during the USJ attack Kirishima did think of Bakugou’s quirk as Everything He Ever Wanted™, but he didn’t seem to be much into Bakugou himself? I dunno I dunno Kiri’s very gay and got around to sticking to Bakugou like glue in something like fifteen chapters I can’t say we saw much of how he used to think of him before deciding he wanted to marry him lmao)
Anon said:I love Kirishima so much it’s genuinely confusing, like this boy is literally sunshine and I want him to be happy with his explody bf. The latest chapters gave me life because he is shining and I want the world to love him like I love him. Your art of him is beautiful and the best thing ever.
BOY THANK YOU!!!! I’m glad I can do him justice in your opinion? He’s SO MUCH and SO BRIGHT !!!!!!!!!! It’s kind of hard, making him just as good as he is in canon, but that’s cause he’s perfect how is he that perfect how does he even do that I 100% share all of your confusion anon when did I even fall this hard for that child
Anon said:I’m most into the voltron fandom tonight so if I followed every blog that was suggested I would be burried in more discourse than I can handle lmao so I will just try to dig through tags to find weeks
……that’s really one messy fandom you decided to stick with, anon, I admire your strength - but!!! as far as ship weeks go, since the voltron fandom is pretty huge maybe there might be a blog dedicated specifically to letting you know when fandom events are supposed to happen! You should try digging around for that!!! 
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