#why did you open the door pisaeng
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thebroccolination · 1 year ago
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In workshops, Waa told Krist and Gawin to think of Kawi as a cat and Pisaeng as the cat's human, and what ensued onscreen is why Waasuthep Ketpetch is a hero and deserves ten thousand awards for Be My Favorite.
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invisiblegarters · 2 years ago
Be My Favorite Ep 6
This is the road to idoldom for Kawi, isn't it?
Okay this dad thing is hitting me right in the feeling. Is that...sympathy for Kawi I feel? Me? Yes, because the dad stuff is mostly out of his control and it sucks. And I really do love how much effort he's making with him this go around.
I also think it's telling that for all he goes on and on about Pear being The One for him, it's Pisaeng he keeps turning to for comfort. I guess he could just be trying not to burden her, but also...he wants a relationship with her, yes? Yes. That includes communication about things like his worry over his dad, etc. I guess we'll see if he opens up to her this ep.
Max and Pisaeng boyfriends era!
Oh, that's Piseang's mum isn't it? I bet it is.
I agree, Pear's dad. What's the point of opening a bottle of wine if you don't finish? /lush problems
Oh, Pisaeng, babe. You didn't.
(he did)
I get why he did, I do, but he really should have let Kawi open up to Pear himself. That said, he also should have maybe told Pear the situation before the dinner, too, not just shown up and then dropped the bomb on both of them. If he had told Pear, maybe they could have worked out a strategy rather than her just dropping the bomb herself.
Max continues to be an icon. Knew he'd figure out about Pisaeng's crush. He probably would have cottoned on even without Kawi being extremely panicky about it all over him. And I'm with him on feeling sorry for Pisaeng. I think that that man has some hurting in his future due to Kawi because Kawi is a hot mess wrapped up in a lot of confusion and (often) irrational anger. I give Kawi the credit that he does respond well when his dumbassery is pointed out to him, but the thing is that for every step forward he takes, he often slides two backwards. And Pisaeng seems to be the one who gets it in the teeth the most.
What kind of tree is this in the apology scene? It's so pretty.
I actually really understand Kawi feeling like he has to pay Pisaeng back for all the help he's been giving him, because I get like that too. That said, I work hard not to do that to myself or other people. Because most of the time the kind of help that Kawi is getting is given free of charge, and often people will get insulted if you keep acting like friendship can be tallied.
However, I am not entirely sure that Pear's dad is going to give him any.
Ew Not get away from Pear. I still don't like you. I swear to god if Kawi winds up somehow getting Pear and Not together in this timeline I will never forgive him.
Okay I have never seen Krist give actual kiss before. To be fair I've also only ever seen him in SOTUS and the less said about that the better, really. I do not have fond feelings for SOTUS.
I think it's pretty obvious that Kawi has some very conflicted feelings about Pisaeng. I do hope that the show makes it clear that it's not just Kawi's being swayed because hey, this is a person that likes him and it feels good to be liked. Currently I have hope that it will - it does seem like there is effort being made to show that Kawi keeps unconsciously choosing Pisaeng over Pear. He ditched dinner with her and her dad to go yell at the guy, ffs. And then when that was over, he could have at least called or texted her, but he didn't. Instead he chose to go get drunk with bestie and obsess over - who else - Piseang. So I am hopeful that it won't feel too much like "I like you because you like me."
Oh no mom, don't. She's not wrong, but at the same time, the fact that she's not wrong is what's wrong! Not being straight should not close doors for anyone! And if she were less concerned with image and more concerned with her son that wouldn't be her first priority. Do. Not. Like.
NOT WHAT THE FUCK. Kawi's sexuality is absolutely none of your business. Good on Pear for immediately shutting him down though. Ugh that one continues to suck.
Well. Must say I did not expect a crystal ball reveal in episode 6. Is Pisaeng going to believe him?
Heh, Kawi is two for two with awkward family meals. Maybe he can invite someone for dinner with his dad next. I vote both PIsaeng and Pear for maximum amusement. By which I mean mine.
Dammit Kawi, let Pisaeng have this one little thing. He already knows what you're gonna say. You don't need to do it that quick.
Oh yay Pear's dad came through! Or Pear nagged him into it. Either way, good.
I am not generally a proponent of emotional blackmail, but in Kawi's dad's case yes, please Kawi leverage your dad's love for you against him. Get him to that doctor any freaking way you can. Although my goodness, during that phone conversation I begin to see where Kawi gets some of his issues from. Pride for sure. Not wanting to be a burden.
Oh my gosh was Kawi at the dinner with Pear's dad dressed in Pisaeng's clothes? Makes some sense since I doubt Kawi has a lot of fancy wear and you can't wear your school uniform when you're trying to make an impression.
This was not the angst I expected! I'm not disappointed, just surprised. I thought it would go differently. And it looks like next ep is gonna have a lot of cute, too. Nice. Although the more cute we get, the more I expect that other shoe to drop (probably right on Pisaeng's head).
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myshipshipsitself · 2 years ago
What You Wish For || A Be My Favorite Fanfic
Title: What You Wish For Rating: G Pairing(s): Kawi/Pisaeng (pre-relationship), Kawi/Pear (mentioned), Max/Pisaeng Character(s): Kawi, Max, Pisaeng A/N: It’s angsty, y’all. Idk how I got here, but now I fear I’m doomed.  Summary: Kawi took a glimpse into the future, and got everything he wished for. But what if he wished wrong? Read on Ao3 here
One peek into the future couldn’t hurt, right? Everything was perfect. Max was talking to him again, his dad was going to the doctor and getting his treatments, and best of all, Pear was leaning more and more into him every day.
Sure, they weren’t officially dating or anything, but close enough that Kawi was pretty confident on what he would see when he went back to the future.
That’s what he convinced himself of anyway, when he twisted the engraved wood, watched the glass bulb on top shine with a bright light, and found himself in the same chair, surrounded by the same room.
Except it wasn’t all the same. The first thing he did was shuffle around the desk looking for the wedding invitation.
It wasn’t there.
Why wasn’t it there?
Kawi shoved papers aside, looking at every one of them and discarding them to the floor. He dug through desk drawers, flung open the closet doors and dropped to the floor to look under the bed.
“What the hell are you doing?” An angry voice made Kawi’s head shot up. The sharp movement threw him off balance, and he landed on his back with a heavy thud.
“What are you doing here?” Kawi asked. Max groaned out an annoyed breath and reached down, grabbing Kawi by the arm and pulling so hard Kawi was certain his arm would be ripped from its socket. “Ow!”
“What kind of best man would I be if I let you be late to your own wedding?” Max asked, none too gently. “The hell are you still doing here anyway? You were supposed to be at the beach an hour ago.”
“I was just—um—wait, best man?” Too many things were happening too quickly, and Kawi’s brain was trying to catch up. His wedding—Max was his best man—Did that mean—
“i was just as shocked.” Kawi looked back towards the doorway, where Pisaeng was leaning against the doorframe, shaking his head at the pair with a slight smirk on his face. Pisaeng broke eye contact and looked towards Max. “See? He meant to ask me to be his best man. Sorry for the mix-up. I’ll take over as—“
“Like hell you will,” Max said, though there was no coldness to his tone despite the words. It was almost teasing, softer than his frustration at Kawi. He turned back to Kawi, but his gaze dropped and he huffed out another frustrated breath. “You’re hopeless,” he said, crouching down and picking up something kawi had knocked from the desk in his panic to find the wedding invitation. Kawi’s eyes locked onto the small velvet box.
“Is that—“
“Pear’s ring,” Max said. He shook his head, then tucked the box into his own pocket. “I’ll hold onto this. Make sure it actually gets to the wedding. Now come on, we’re going to be late.”
“Um, can you just—I’ll meet you outside. I just need—um,” Kawi’s eyes cast around the room for any distraction, any momentary thing he could grasp at to convince his friends to give him just a minute to catch his breath. His eyes latched onto the partially open bathroom door. “Bathroom. I just need to use the bathroom, then I’ll be out.”
“Fine, but hurry,” Max said. He crossed his arms, leaning back against the desk.
Pisaeng laughed, then stepped inside, grabbing Max’s arm and tugging him towards the door. “We’ll wait out by the car,” he offered, and Kawi couldn’t have been more grateful. Pisaeng definitely should’ve been his best man.
Kawi went into the bathroom and shut the door behind him, but waited until he heard the outside door shut before he let himself take a breath.
He did it. He really, truly fixed it. It wasn’t Pisaeng and Pear’s wedding anymore. He wasn’t a bystander, and he wasn’t Pisaeng’s best man.
He was the groom. He was Pear’s fiancee. Soon to be her husband.
Kawi leaned over the sink, splashing water on his face, then looked in the mirror.
The face looking back at him didn’t smile. The eyes looking into his didn’t shine with pride or excitement. He was tired. And something just felt…. Off. He couldn’t place how, or why.
But it didn’t matter. Because he’d fixed everything he’d meant to. His father would be at the wedding, his best friend was his best man, even Pisaeng was still a part of his life, and he was marrying Pear.
Everything was perfect.
Even so, when he stepped out of the bathroom, his eyes went back to the desk. To the old antique trinket that had started the entire thing. That had given him everything he wanted.
So why was there a pain in his chest? Why did it feel tight, and uncertain?
Kawi shook his head. He was just nervous. That was all. He was now marrying someone that, while apparently he’d somehow had an entire relationship with her, he couldn’t remember anything since the day he’d left the past. That’s all. He was just nervous about seeing her again, about having to fill in all the gaps, and learn what he’d missed.
He took a deep breath, and left.
To go to his wedding.
Even thinking about it was surreal. Everything was surreal.
But it would be ok, because he had his two closest friends in the world by his side, and that would make everything easier to deal with.
Kawi finally felt a smile pulling at his lips as he stepped out of the building, eyes scanning the parking lot for Max and Pisaeng. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them, but only for a moment.
Max was leaning against the side of a black car, smiling as he said something Kawi couldn’t hear. Pisaeng was beside him, turned to face Max, with his forearm against the roof of the car. He laughed at something, shaking his head at Max. Before Kawi could register what he was seeing, Max’s hand was on Pisaeng’s jaw, and he leaned in to kiss him.
It was brief. So quick that if Kawi had blinked at the right moment, he would’ve missed it. But he hadn’t. And he felt his stomach drop to the ground. The tightness in his chest became a vice grip. The colors around him flooded and spun, not unlike how it did when he was traveling between timelines, but he wasn’t. Not this time.
The timelines felt like they bled together, and Kawi wasn’t sure if he was seeing past Max and Pisaeng or present. All he knew was that he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t think.
He didn’t realize his feet had started moving until his back hit the glass door with a loud thunk, and the shaking rattled the windows around the door. Pisaeng and Max turned towards him, and he was going to be sick.
The world still spun, everything was blurry, except for the two men running across the parking lot towards him.
“What happened? Are you alright?”
“Come on, we have to go.”
“I can’t, I can’t,” Kawi muttered, over and over. He turned towards the building, pulling at the door desperately, but it wouldn’t open.
“What are you doing? Come on, we’re going to be late,” Max said.
Key card. He needed a key card to get into the building. Where the hell was it? Hands pulled at his shoulders, at his sleeves.
“Come on, you can’t leave Pear waiting at the alter,” Pisaeng’s voice sounded like knives stabbing him, over and over again.
“I have to go back,” Kawi said.
“You can’t go back inside, you’ll be late,” Max said again.
“Have to go—“
“Kawi, we’re not letting you get cold feet and back out,” Pisaeng said.
He didn’t understand. Neither of them understood.
“I fucked it up. I fucked it all up,” Kawi said.
“Fucked what up?” Max asked. “Come on, we don’t have time for this. Pear will forgive you being late, as long as we actually show up.”
“I fucked it up. I fucked it up.”
“—fucked it up.”
He had to get back inside. He had to—It was the only way to fix it. He had to go back again.
“Come on.”
“Kawi, calm down. Let’s just go.”
“We’re going to be late.”
“You can’t keep Pear waiting.”
Fucked it up. Fucked it up. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t get inside, couldn’t get away from Pisaeng and Max. Couldn’t marry Pear. Couldn’t go back. Couldn’t—
Kawi’s body dropped to the ground, knees bearing his weight against hot, unforgiving concrete. His head leaned against the warm glass, and tears fell from his eyes. The words of his friends drowned out into a hum of white noise. The only sound he could hear was his own desperate whispers, words he couldn’t stop spilling from his lips if he tried.
“I fucked it up. I fucked it up.”
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