#why did i decide to write a time travel story about fucking. FAIRY TAIL
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arbitrarycategories · 11 months ago
trying to figure out what ages my time traveled fairies are and im DOING MY MATH RIGHT but my numbers do not MATCH. if natsu is 15 in x781 and 18 in x784 when the series starts, then if we assume he has a summer bday he is still 18 when they get time frozen at tenrou (in december x784), which according to canon lasts five years (they get free march x791), then in september x792 when the final battle is he should be 20. but if i count from x781 (age 15) to x792 that's eleven years, so he SHOULD have been 26. which doesn't make sense if they were on tenrou island for 5 years! where did this extra year come from. what is it doing here. is it because of the summer bday?? is he actually 14 in the beginning of x781
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laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years ago
10 + 10
I realised after I had posted this that I did it on a reblog that was already pretty long... so I have now done a separate post to try and make it smaller! Sorry! 
I was tagged twice to do this and was writing out my answers when Coop tagged me AGAIN!! So I am sorry to all of you, this is long and you're going to learn more about me than you probably wanted to!!
Answer 10 questions then add 10 of your own: 
@lucynnamonroll thank you for the first Tag flower!
1. A dream that you still remember?
I dreamt once that someone was chasing me and my dog and they bit me, took a big chunk out of my arm. And then my dog gave me this big blue fruit and my arm grew back. My dreams are always very strange.
2. What job did you want to do when you were younger?
I wanted to be a vet but I am way too emotional around poorly animals and also not smart enough to learn how to treat them haha!
3. And now? Did it has changed?
Yeah, I don't think I was ever cut out to be a vet. I'd like to work with animals though, maybe kennels or something? Zoo Keeper would be cool.
4. A favorite game?
I'm gonna take this as video game... There are a lot. I love Mass Effect and Dragon age, Gears of War... but Horizon Zero Dawn was amazing. I loved every single thing about it. Beautiful game, great story – just.. chefs kiss
5. Where did you have traveled? (Either it’s in your country or not)
I've been a few places- France, Spain, Somewhere else hot but I can't recall where... Ireland, Scotland. I was supposed to have gone to Bulgaria at the beginning of May but Coronavirus done fucked me over.
6. Did you have a totem animal/a favorite animal?
Ever since I was about 6 wolves have been my favourite animals. I originally started drawing so I could create a wolf fursona …. siiigghhh
7. Did you/Do you have a teddy bear to help you to sleep? How it was looking?
Yes, a little dog called Custard. He is a beige colour with brown ears but is still in pretty good condition. He sits on my desk chair when I'm not using it.
8. THE animated (or not) serie of your childhood/teenage years?
TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES – heroes in a half shell, turtle power!! I was also hella into Dragon Ball Z on Toonami when I was a kid. I remember we went to see some family up north and they didn't have Toonami and I cried because it was mid way through the Buu arc and I was gonna miss it.
9. Do you have anime/series/movie/whatever things merch?
I have a few bits. A Hatake Kakashi figure, one for Katakuri and Zoro. A heart Pirates hoodie. I think I have Kid's wanted poster somewhere...
10. How was your day?
Oh. It was a day. I slept through most of it. My energy/motivation levels are pretty low at the moment. But it was sunny, so that was nice.
@luffytarhoe thank you for my second tag!! 💙
1- What’s your favorite show/anime of the moment ?
I don't watch a huge amount of anime despite the focus of this blog. So probably One piece on that front. Otherwise I am watching Outlander atm, which is pretty good but there is sooooo much sex. An ungodly amount of sex.
2- What type of music are you into?
My music tastes are quite varied. I like stuff that you can listen to and put into a situation, so usually sad stuff where I can imagine I am the main character weeping over the bodies of my fallen comrades. Also Goo Goo Dolls!
3- If you could have one superpower , what would it be ?
Probability, or luck. Like Domino in Deadpool. That's always been such a cool concept to me.
4- What’s your favorite color ?
Blue and all it's hues. Maybe teal if I had to get specific.
5- Do you prefer animated or live action shows/series ?
I am happy with both. Though some animated shows should stay animated – looking at you ATLA...
6- Do you believe in ghosts ?
I believe that energy never disappears, only changes forms and I don't think that's any different for whatever happens to people energy once we die. I'm a big wimp though so it's easier for me not to believe in them!
7- Do you speak any foreign language(s) ? if yes which ones ?
No, sadly I never had a talent for languages. I'd love to speak Gaelic though.
8- Your n°1 fictional character ?
Probably Stone from the Raksura book series. He's just a fun grumpy old shapeshifting man.
9- Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?
Definitely an introvert. I like me time. And all my hobbies are single person hobbies so that doesn't help haha.
10- What was the best vacation you ever took and why?
I haven't been on holiday in over 10 years but we went to a zoo in Spain once and a Monkey sat on my head. That was pretty rad.
@doctorgerth and finally, thank you for my 3rd tag!!
1. What are your zodiac signs (sun, moon, rising, if you know them) and do you think they fit you pretty well?
I am an Aries and that is pretty much the extent of my knowledge on the subject. Aries are meant to be pretty hot headed and outgoing and I can only really claim to be one of those thing and only when I need to be. So no, I'm not sure it fits me.
2. What is your favorite clothing item and/or accessory?
I don't reallllly care a lot about clothes and or stuff. So I guess either my glasses because I need them to see long distances (and to drive) or my phone if that counts as an accessory because that has all my crap on it.
3. Any future children or pet names?
Noooooooooooooo and no
4. If you could meet anyone (can be past, present, future, real, or fictional) who would it be?
I would have liked to have met Steve Irwin I think. He seemed pretty chill and I grew up watching Crocodile Hunter on TV so he was a big hero of mine for a long time. Also the Rock or Jason Mamoa because of reasons....
5. Brag on yourself! What’s something you love about yourself?
I am passably amusing and guess I write okay too haha
6. What is a movie or show that you could rewatch a million times and never get tired of?
The film Evolution is endlessly funny to me and it makes me laugh every time I watch it. I used to have it on VHS and I kept a video player in the house to watch it until my cousin got it for me on DVD (Yes I am old.)
7. What is your favorite album of all time?
I haven't listened to it in a long time but I really loved Maroon 5 – Songs about Jane.
8. Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens? If you have stories to back up, plz share.
I want to belllieeveeeeee! Ghosts, yes, hesitantly but I think I answered that in a previous one. Aliens 100% because I refuse to believe that we are the only sentient life the universe. It's just... statistically impossible.
9. What do you do/who do you look to for inspiration?
I guess human being wise my mum is my inspiration for a lot of things? She's just a lovely person and she's very kind and sweet. I am very aware that we are not much alike, but I look to her as the sort of example of a good person. Creativity wise it's just a clusterfuck of books and badly organised pinterest boards.
10. What is your happiest memory?
Practically anything that has my nephews in it I guess. They're just... hilariously weird little dudes and I love them so much. They always make me laugh.
And here are my questions!!
1. What is your favourite book?
2. What is you most loved item and why?
3. If you got the chance to travel to another planet (knowing you would never see your friends or family again) would you do it?
4. One song that makes you cry?
5. Do you believe in supernatural stuff? Ghosts and Monsters and Fairies? Any experiences with it?
6. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever witnessed or had happen to you?
7. What one thing would you buy if you had the money?
8. What is your worst habit/personality trait?
9. If you could alter your body with one cool feature, what would it be? (camera eyes, monkey tail, etc)
10. Do you have the patience to play a full game of Monopoly with no breaks?
I'll tag @pinkhatlizzy @nakunakunomi @lirulee @one-piece-dumpster-fire and anyone else who wants to answer my dumb questions!! Tag me because if you decide to do it so I can see your answers 💙
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honeymoonjin · 6 years ago
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Chapter One
Summary: When you hear that your recently deceased grandmother left you her property in her will, at first you think that a dinky old cottage in the middle of nowhere isn’t going to mean much for you. But after spending a night there, you discover something far more valuable than the house itself: a hidden door that leads to another time, the same place but over 200 years in the past. In the late 18th Century, there is a king who will die before his 21st birthday unless you can save him. Will you help him, even if it means leaving your own life behind?
A/N: It’s here! Please enjoy the first chapter of my new fantasy AU, Sovereign! It’s been a joy to write so far and I hope you love it as much as I do!
“Okay, what time was it again?” You adjust your cellphone, clamping it between your ear and your shoulder as you rohjdojwiggle a worn key into the front door.
“Come on, Y/n, we’ve been through this! It doesn’t matter what time you come over as long as it’s before 2, because that’s when I have to get ready for work. Maybe like ten? That should give us a decent block of time to hang out.”
You smile at your boyfriend’s lilting voice and finally get the door to unlock and swing open. “Okay, can do. I just got to my grandma’s old place, so I’ll be spending the night here, and then I’m all good to go this morning.” It’s musty inside, but not actually that messy or dirty. You tug your overnight bag in behind you and close the door, wandering around the cramped cottage aimlessly as you chat on the phone.
“Oh, yeah, what’s the big idea with that? I don’t get why I couldn’t come with and keep you company.”
“Something in the will,” you mumble half-heartedly, “it makes no sense, but she wanted me to come here when I received the rights and spend a night alone. I don’t know, she was a pretty superstitious and sentimental lady. I’m sure she had a reason.” You come to a stop in the poorly-lit hallway, staring at a strange sight on one of the walls. “Anyway, this house is so far away from uni and it’s not exactly prime living. I’ve already called mum to get her to give me the details for our real estate agent. Maybe whatever cash I make off this dump will help put me through my last year of med school.”
Jimin laughs on the other end. “From what I’ve heard, you’d be lucky to get a couple coffees in exam season for the price that place is worth. You’d be better off keeping it, maybe one day you and I can move in together.”
You squat down as he talks and run your hand along the wall. For some reason, embedded no more than two feet off the floor, is a crystal doorknob. You had assumed it was for a cupboard, but there weren’t even any seams in the wooden panels of the wall where the door could be. You try twisting it experimentally, but it doesn’t give.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, Jiminie, that would be really nice.” You stand up again and continue down the hallway, dismissing the architectural oddity. “How about you come out here tomorrow night and see what you think of it? It would need some serious renovation, but we could make it work.”
You pause as you hear shuffling on the line. “Fuck. Sorry, baby, one of my classmates just text to say our grades for the midterm have been put up, I’m gonna go check.”
You smile softly. “No worries, I’ll see you when I come over tomorrow. Should be there around ten, like you said. I love you.”
“Love you more. Bye, baby.”
When the line goes dead, you put your phone away and decide to not bother with cleaning the place up at all before retiring. It’s nearly midnight, and you came straight here after a day of classes, so you’re ready to go set up the spare room.
You hadn’t really visited this place often in recent years; truthfully, you hadn’t seen your grandmother much since you grew up. You did have faint childhood memories of listening to her rambling for hours about what flowers fairies liked to grow in their gardens and how to listen to the trees whispering. Your parents quickly realized all her stories of magic and fantasy were making you a very dreamy young girl, and from the age of around eleven or twelve they stopped taking you out to the countryside to visit.
But now here you were, full circle. Lying in the narrow guest bed you had frequented as a child, one year away from graduating from medical school, something you had no doubt she would’ve found cold and absurd. She had liked to tell you you’d become a princess or a witch or something wonderful like that. Doctor didn’t sound nearly as exciting.
The exhaustion from the day as well as your reminiscing pulled you quickly into unconsciousness, and you slept well enough until a loud thud awoke you.
You shot up in bed, heart racing. There were no other houses for miles with the cottage being so far from the city, and it was untamed forest rather than farmland, so if the racket was an animal that had somehow gotten in the house, it was probably wild. After waiting a few moments, three similar thuds resonate through the small building. With one hand clutching your phone, torchlight on, and the other rubbing at your sternum in an effort to calm down, you sneak slowly out of your room and into the hallway. Blinking to adjust to the glare of your phone light, you barely pay attention to your surroundings, fully focused on the racket coming from the kitchen.
Upon arriving, you relax with a great sigh when you’re confronted not with a fox or a rat or a burglar, but an overly fluffy black cat sitting delicately on the kitchen bench, licking a paw. Below him is a misshapen pile of candles, another one of your grandmother’s obsessions, that the cat has apparently pushed off the counter.
You click your tongue and hold out your free hand gently. “Here, kitty kitty. Here, kitty kitty. Oh, you’re so cute! Where did you come from, kitty?”
You recoil when what can only be described as a scoff comes out of the creature’s mouth. But, like it could understand you perfectly, it leaps gracefully onto the floor and leads you back the way you came, tail swishing impatiently. You follow dumbly, until the cat comes to a stop in the hallway, in front of an open door.
You frown and stare at the black shadowy square in shock. The doorknob, which before seemed so absurdly placed, was now attached to a door of the same wood paneling as the wall, swung open to reveal an open space behind it. You swear just earlier today, or perhaps at this point it was yesterday, that doorknob wouldn’t move at all, and now a cat was sitting in front of it moodily, licking a paw and whipping its tail against the carpet.
What was odder still was the height. It wasn’t a full doorway like the rest of the house; really, were it not for the apparent depth of the hole, you would’ve called it a cupboard. Nevertheless, the cat blinks up at you with baleful silver eyes and slips into the blackness, completely disappearing from your view.
You patiently wait for a few moments for it to have a look around and come back out, but there’s no sign of it. “Kitty,” you call out awkwardly, “come out of there. Where did you go?”
But silence is your only response, so you just sigh and hunker down on your hands and knees, gingerly sticking your hand into the cupboard, which, judging by the way your arm disappears down to the shoulder with no back end in sight, is perhaps a room more so than a cupboard. You wave your outstretched hand back and forth, but the only thing you come in contact with is roughhewn brick, scratching your knuckles as you pull your hand back.
Whatever it is, it isn’t a room or a cupboard. It’s a hallway of sorts. Your grandma has a secret hallway in her house. “Okay, you got me, I’m coming in now, kitty.”
After no response, you prop your phone up so that the light splays as far into the darkness as possible and begin the crawl. Your shoulders scrape against the sides and your hair keeps catching on the rough edges on the ceiling, but you crawl on.
It must be no more than five or so meters that you travel before your hand knocks against a solid wall instead of more open air. Fuck. You’re at a dead end, with no space to turn around. But just before you can start to panic at your situation, you remember the cat. It must’ve gone somewhere, so you tentatively push against the solid wall, only to feel it give way beneath your fingertips. It’s another door.
A warm light greets you, but it’s such a change from the pitch black of the tiny crawlspace that you squint, pulling yourself free finally. When you do open your eyes again, you look around in confusion. The walls are lined with bookshelves, some filled with incredibly ancient-looking leatherbound books, and others with glass jars containing unidentifiable powders and herbs. Some of them even have objects floating in some strange clear liquid. In the middle of the room is a table covered in papers and rudimentary laboratory equipment, like thick glass beakers and iron crucibles.
You don’t recognize this part of the house, but even if you did, something’s clearly not right. Because to the far right of you, in the corner of this rather large room, is a hearth with a roaring fire blazing inside it. And directly in front of that is a tall man. Your instinct is to scream, but the stranger seems awfully calm for having broken in and started a fire, so you just clear your throat awkwardly.
He turns around, and you’re taken aback by how young he is. You never expected good-looking young people to stoop to thieving, but there’s a first for everything. “May I help you?” he questions pleasantly.
You frown at his patronizing tone. “Uh, yeah. Maybe start with why the fuck you’re in my house.”
He brushes down his hair, a startling silver that glints in the firelight. “This isn’t your house yet, actually.”
You tilt your head in disbelief, finally standing up off the ground to be a little more on level with him. “Are you serious? Yes, it is. The will was signed two days ago. Who are you?”
His eyes soften as he stares off into the middle distance. “The will? So, she’s passed away then.” His gaze flickers back up to you. “I hate to break it to you, Y/n, but you don’t own this house yet. In fact, you won’t own it for another two hundred and seventy years, give or take.”
You feel your blood run cold. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Welcome to seventeen-forty-three, Y/n.”
TAGLIST Message me or send an ask to be added to the taglist for Sovereign, and never miss a new chapter!
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dark-gothic-lolita · 5 years ago
Where have I been?
So, I’m well aware that many people have been wondering about my whereabouts, and it’s time I explain to everyone where I’ve been and why I accidentally took a hiatus unannounced. Maybe I should have actually stated that I would be taking a hiatus instead of just leaving you guys out in the dark.
So last year, I finished university. After 3 long, tiring, hard and stressful years, I failed. I actually only failed one module, but I failed it continuously to the point where I had run out of tries. Our lecturer was strict and extremely unlikeable. The way we had to pass the exam was so stupid that I’ve heard all the students after me now have complained about it and now she’s changed the structure (with the new structure, I would have passed). So instead of receiving a Bsc in psychology, I only have a BA. The annoying thing is, I passed the 2 modules that make my degree a Bsc with flying colours, just not one module that literally no one cares about.
Yeah, so because of that, I stopped writing. I wouldn’t say I fell into depression as I’ve never been diagnosed, but it really did get me down. I stopped writing, just losing my will to write because of my fucking grade. I’m not great at anything vocational like art, media, photography. I felt like I had nothing to fall back onto and I was just spiralling into a dark place. Coming from an African household, I just felt like I let the family down. I let myself down. I wanted to do psychology and get into the field to help others, but I was too useless to do so.
I had a part time job while at university, so I decided to go full time. It’s not so bad because I earn more money than an average graduate. I get free travel on top, but the hours are extremely unsociable. My shifts range from starting at 4:45am at starting at 5pm but with 1am finishes. Sometimes I only get 1 weekend off a month, Sometimes none. Luckily, I do have 10 weeks of annual leave, but because I’m constantly working, I’m always on holiday unwinding. 
By last year September, I finally started doing something that I love. I’ve always had a passion for the East Asian languages, but didn’t have money or good resources. With my full time job, I started learning Korean. I Skype with a Korean teacher at least once a week and I found a passion, a hobby. In fact, this July just gone, I went to South Korea for 2 weeks. I even got to meet my Korean teacher and she let me stay with her for 3 days. I even met up with the Korean pen pal that I had made on the same website I had found my Korean teacher (for anyone interested, it’s italki).
Not once did I forget about writing though. I just knew that I had to take a step back from the one thing that helped me in university. I associated it with my failure, also thinking that maybe I should also give up writing. It didn’t help that Fairy Tail (the main manga) had also finished, and usually when a manga series finishes, I lose quite a bit of motivation to write. This didn’t mean that I actually stopped writing though.
I’ve been very stuck on the final chapter of ‘5 years and counting’ so I decided to give myself a break until I got some new inspiration. I even started looking at other pairings that maybe I could write and I now have a one shot that has actually been ready since the beginning of the year that I’m yet to release. I have been writing down new story ideas as well. I have a very big Navia story coming soon, but I would like to write a lot of it (maybe even all of it) so that I can release it weekly like I used to do back when I first started writing fanfics.
So yes, I am indeed back, and I am a lot better now, finding new things to do with myself. I have decided with a friend that from 2021, we’ll go to Korea and become English teachers for a year. That means that I will have to study for my TEFL qualification (the one I want to do takes like 6 months to complete), so I’ll announce when I’m going to start that and how that might also affect my writing.
Once again, many apologies for where I’ve been. I know this was a very VERY long read, but I really needed everyone who’s been asking where I am to understand exactly why I haven’t been writing. It’s so nice and sad to see people asking if I’ll be coming back to the site and the answer is yes. Last night, I made sure that I didn’t go to sleep until I finished the final chapter of ‘5 years and counting.’ 
I love all my readers and I hope I don’t let you all down when going into the new decade!
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magpiefngrl · 7 years ago
Drarry AUs: mermaid
A few days ago I asked for prompts for drabbles to kickstart my creativity, which is slumbering for months now, and you responded and gave me some fab ideas <3 However, the fact that I’m, apparently, completely unable to write anything under 500 words means that these “drabbles” are going to take me a while. 
@go-to-helvetica said: “a mermaid au because mermaid!Harry is my jam” 
Thank you for the prompt! I hope you like what I did with it :)
(No warnings, rated Teen, 1.7k, beta’ed and preread by the lovely @nerdherderette at a moment’s notice! I’m so grateful <3)
Customs of the land and the sea
Sunlight tickled Draco’s eyelids, tugging him out of a deep slumber. Licking his dry lips, he tasted sand and jerked awake. With wakefulness came the feeling of heavy, soaked limbs and burning lungs. He turned to his side and retched saltwater. Coughing, he wiped his face and attempted to sit up when a hand touched him lightly on the back.
‘Are you OK?’
Draco flinched with an undignified squeak.
Startling green eyes met his. The green eyes belonged to a face more handsome than faces had any right to be. Draco felt another part of him burning. Somewhere lower than the lungs this time. The man’s naked torso was glistening and tan and Draco swallowed hard as his eyes travelled down the planes of his chest and stomach—and came upon a silvery tail, twitching in the surf.
A merman! The legends were true, then.
Draco shook his damp hair out of his eyes and sat up. A quick glance told him he was in a small cove, not far from his town. He dimly remembered a storm breaking out during the night, the waves slamming into—oh fuck. They’d been out on Theo’s yacht.
‘Where are the others? Are they OK?’ He rasped, his throat hurting.
The merman shrugged. ‘Maybe? I don’t know what happened to them. Perhaps my friends saved them. Or ate them.’
Draco shuddered and shuffled a little back onto the beach. In the stories, the merfolk weren’t kind people. ‘Are—are you going to eat me, too?’
The merman tilted his head. ‘No, I don’t eat on the land.’
Draco’s shoulders refused to relax. ‘Well, why did you save me then? It was you who brought me here, right?’
The merman’s gaze travelled all over Draco’s face, then his body, making Draco’s cheeks heat up, his skin tingle. It was a predatory gaze, curious and greedy, but also tinged with a sentiment that Draco couldn’t discern.
‘I’ve seen you before,’ the merman said.
‘You have?’ Draco spent a lot of his time in the sea, usually taking one of his family’s boats for sailing or fishing in the bay. ‘What’s your name?’
‘In my country I’m called—’ here the merman made a screeching sound that pierced Draco’s ears. It sounded like Haerrrr and a long vowel eee at the end.
Draco gave it a try. ‘Harry?’
The merman mouthed the word as if tasting it. ‘Harry is good,’ he decided. ‘And you’re Draco. I heard your friends call you that.’ He blushed and his tail stirred in the surf.
Draco let his gaze wander down Harry’s torso and he burrowed his fingers in the sand to stop himself from reaching out to touch him. He’d heard of the merfolk beauty but he also knew it was more than that. ‘Charming like the devil, they are. They lure you in,’ his grandfather used to tell him on winter nights when the sea outside his window raged and swallowed ships whole. ‘And then they have their way with you, down in the murky depths of their world.’
In those days, ‘having their way with you’ conjured images of torture. Now, Draco could think of another interpretation that made his mouth dry.
Harry didn’t make him feel unsafe. He made him feel quite a lot of things, but fear wasn’t one of them. Draco stretched his hand out. The merman looked at it but made no move to take it.
‘In my country it’s custom,’ Draco explained, ‘to shake the hand of the man who saved your life.’
Full lips stretched into a smile that almost made Draco’s heart stop. Death by supernatural beauty: that’d be a first. Harry took his hand and Draco squeezed it lightly. Harry squeezed back. His hand was large and warm, and felt wonderful wrapped around Draco’s.
Draco didn’t want to let go. ‘Thank you for saving me.’ For a brief moment, an impulse to follow Harry to the sea overwhelmed him, and, startled, he dropped his hand.
The tide was coming in, the water reaching Harry’s waist and nearing Draco’s legs. He pulled his feet up, even though every part of him was damp.
Harry gazed out to the sea. ‘I need to go back in.’ His tail flopped impatiently. ‘I wish—I wish I could stay longer.’
‘I wish you could, too,’ Draco whispered.
Harry turned his back, his tail splashing once in the water, but he seemed to change his mind. He turned back to Draco, bit his lower lip and reached out. He buried his fingers in Draco’s hair, caressing white-blond strands, running down Draco’s skull in a way that brought shivers to Draco’s spine. ‘I’ve always wanted to do that,’ Harry smiled wistfully. ‘It’s… it feels nice.’
Draco’s heart pounded as loud as the sea. ‘It does.’ His voice came strangled and he coughed to clear it. ‘It feels really nice.’
Harry’s fingers trailed down Draco’s face. ‘You feel different, too,’ Harry whispered. ‘It’s so hard—to leave you. Now that I know what you— what you feel like to hold.’ Face swiftly turning red, Harry shifted down the shore. A second later, his tail flapped in the surf, and then he was gone.
Draco returned to the town to find it in unrest and mourning. Fishermen had gone missing since the storm and Theo and Vince had yet to be seen, but Blaise had found his way to the shore riding—according to the stories he told everyone who’d listen down the pub—a giant turtle. Blaise had always had a tendency to tell tall tales, but how could Draco doubt him ever again? The legends were true; perhaps turtles let people ride them to safety just as mermaids touched people’s hair. He didn’t tell anyone about his experience. Let Blaise have the attention and give interviews to the county’s paper. Draco wasn’t in the mood.
He felt listless after meeting Harry. He ate little, slept little and thought of the merman constantly. He had no idea how he could go through life without ever seeing him again. He went fishing several times in the next two weeks, but Harry was nowhere to be seen. Of course, Draco had never noticed him before. Perhaps Harry saw him and stayed away. That made Draco feel worse.
When at home, he spent all his time in his workshop carving wooden figurines; but whereas in the past he carved dragons and serpents, he now carved sea creatures, fantastical and fanciful—creatures that drew the admiration of friends, even though his father disdained them as he held no respect for anything that wasn’t useful.
Draco’s favourite wooden animal was a half-dragon, half-dolphin that was small enough to hang around his neck with black string.
A fortnight after the storm, on the night of the new moon, his mother caught him at the front door.
‘Going fishing again?’
‘Just here in the bay,’ he told her. ‘I’ll take the Narcissa.’ It was the small green boat Draco’s father had gifted to his mother when they were engaged.
She laid her hand on him. ‘You’re different. It looks like grief, but it’s as if someone has cast a spell on you. You seem distracted all the time. Oh! Draco…’ her eyes lit up and she took a step back to take him in. ‘Are you in love?’
Draco had no idea what he was except that he felt as if he was drowning in a longing he could never satisfy. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and opened the front door. ‘I’ll see you later.’
The evening was calm and his boat bobbed quietly in the dark water. Draco sat back on the stern and let his right hand trail in the ocean, while he looked at the stars. They held as many secrets as the ocean. The breeze whispered softly and he’d almost dozed off, his hand still trailing the cold water, when something brushed against his fingers. Draco’s eyes shot open, body tense and mind alert.
His hand felt the stirring in the water again and the feel of something warm, something that wrapped around it. Draco’s heart drummed fast and loud as he turned to the starboard side and saw a dark shape in the water. Two hands grabbed the side of the small fishing boat and Harry pushed himself up, water dripping down his face and naked chest. In the starlight, he looked as fanciful as the creatures Draco carved; a figment of his imagination, a dream made real because he willed it so.
Draco wrapped his fingers around the dragon-fish he wore around his neck and knelt on the side. ‘I thought I’d never see you again.’
‘I thought I could stay away,’ Harry murmured. ‘I couldn’t.’
‘So you saw me all those times I came out here?’
Harry gazed in Draco’s eyes. ‘I looked for you every night.’ He reached out and touched Draco’s hair again. ‘Your hair reminds me of the stars,’ he said.
‘”Fairy hair” they call it in my town,’ Draco murmured and leaned closer, feeling Harry’s breath on him. ‘I’ve missed you. I-I brought you something.’
He pulled back a little and took off the wooden animal. ‘I made this,’ he said. ‘I’d like you to have it. Something from the land.’
His eyes startled, Harry nodded, and Draco put it around his head. His fingers traced the cool, wet skin and rested around Harry’s neck.
‘In my country it’s custom,’ Harry said in a low voice, ‘to kiss the person who gives you a gift.’
The force of Draco’s desire squeezed his chest and made his breath come shallow. He leaned closer and felt Harry’s breath on him. ‘It’s a good custom.’ His lips played on Harry’s, his heart thrumming a wild tattoo against his ribs.
‘Customs should be observed,’ Harry murmured and rose an inch, his tail flapping below him, and kissed Draco. He tasted of the sea and of something feral and untameable and utterly enchanting. Draco deepened the kiss, one hand cupping Harry’s face, the other holding him tight around the shoulders. The feel of his ocean lips, demanding and insistent and increasingly more ferocious, made his blood sing. He could spend eons kissing Harry and he knew with a certainty as final as death what it meant to give your heart to the sea.
Dare Dating (8th year)
Pirate AU
Durmstrang!Harry and Beauxbatons!Draco AU 
Royalty/Arranged Marriage AU 
Musicians AU
Medieval AU
Fae AU
Adventure AU
Firefly/Space AU
Magical Flower Shop AU (canon universe)
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callitfreedom · 7 years ago
Leaving Borneo was hard for me. Really really hard. This place was like home. I had family there, people I trust, people I love and truly care about. Malaysia was in familiar in a way I can’t really explain, it was a feeling like I belonged there. Heading to Thailand was a big deal, bigger than it should have been. And I remember not wanting to go at first.

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Things didn’t get easier when I checked my mails the day before my departure and I saw that my flight was delayed so much that instead of just changing the plane in KL I had to stay overnight. This was something I didn’t expect at all but it was actually doing me a favour. Some of you might remember Andy (wildlife photographer, married to Maureen, stayed with them for a couple of days in the Owl House in Ba’Kelalan). Andy happens to live in KL so I asked him to stay at his place for the night. He and one of his friends (who happens to be a uber driver) picked me up at KL Central, we went for some nice Indian food and chit chatted for what felt like a couple of hours. That evening (mostly spent at that Indian place and later at his apartment aka “the batcave” where you have by the way a stunning view over KL) was full of laughter, great stories and really good conversation. It was like reuniting with an old friend and was exactly what I needed before leaving Malaysia for good. 

Thank you Andy, for giving me those last couple of hours in that beautiful country! And I’ll stick to my word, it is still a see ya and not a goodbye
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Phuket gave me a rather unpleasant welcome. As soon as I stepped out of the airport (again massive delay of flight. If anyone of you ever plans a trip to Asia NEVER take Malindo Air!!! they are rude, always late and I think I never had less space in a plane) I immediately wanted to go back. Outside of the airport were like a billion people, Thai and foreigners. It was horrible. Taxi drivers yelling at you and following every tourist that was stupid enough to slow down for a sec. Tourists pushing their way through the crowd. HORRIBLE! It was just too much for me as I was never a big fan of crowds but after the peace and quiet I enjoyed in Malaysia it was downright terrifying.
Anyway I managed to get away from the busiest spot and tried to find the cheapest way to Phukets pier where my ferry to Koh Phi Phi departed and where I was finally meeting the family friend I was supposed to meet a day earlier. Because of my delay and too many people I made a big mistake. Dumbest thing I’ve done so far. I forgot there was an hour difference between Malaysia and Thailand which meant I had one hour more to get to the pier. However, I thought I had one and a half hours for a way that’s supposed to take one hour with the bus (cheapest way to go, 150 Baht) which departure was 40 minutes later. So I figured I had to go there on the fastest way (and most expensive, 700 Baht) and took a taxi. Fuck me, I spent almost five times more than I had to just because I was being stupid. Here’s my advice for you: always let your phone set the time zone automatically and you won’t make this stupid mistake!! I assure you my day got better as soon as I was on that ferry. I met my travel mate, we chatted for a while how everything’s going and arrived on the stunning Phi Phi islands! We didn’t expect so many people to go there but it was still a breathtaking view.
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We shared a nice bungalow in the hills with a pretty good with over the island and far away from the loud beach parties at night (you can hear them on the whole island). After exploring our accommodation we went swimming on a smaller beach. The sea was stunning, almost hot and really clear. That day we watched one of most the beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen from the beach with some nice fruit shakes and me trying Pad Thai (Thailand’s national dish) for the first time.
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The second day we started exploring the small city and decided to go out at night. Well, I decided to get really drunk. Which I did. We went to a pretty cool rooftop bar, wandered around in the town and ended up at the beach parties where we enjoyed watching the fire show, Limbo and dancing. 
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My body thanked me for the mixture of delicious cocktails, beer and (free) shots with a massive hangover the next day. I cured it at a nice beach bar with a mango shake and some really good fried noodles. I ended up staying at that place for more than two hours because that one Thai (former tour guide) working there started telling me about Thailand’s main attractions, where to go an what to see. He’s a funny guy, always smiling and joking around. I went to that bar again in the evening or rather night after I got my first bamboo tattoo! Funny thing: I went there by myself, a little bit nervous and ended up chatting with a really nice american guy for the whole procedure who joined me for a drink after that.
The following day we continued our trip to Koh Lanta. I’d really like to tell you something about that island but I’ve been sick for the whole time we spent there. Yeah, had a really fun time there! But at least now I know that you can just walk into a pharmacy and buy some penicillin without prescription. Oh, I actually have one thing to say: I watched Dark while I lay around in our hotel room (almost dying) and I strongly recommend watching the show!!! That’s it for Koh Lanta, sadly.
Less than a week ago I spent three days in Krabi, exploring the cute city and area. On my very first day I discovered a beautiful buddhist temple! Think I sat there for two hours just enjoying the sensation of finally being alone. It was very peaceful. That and having a full body massage that night made me sleep like a baby and fully recover.
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The next morning I went for a day trip to Rai Leh. It’s really close to Krabi, you go from the city to Ao Nang Beach where you take a long-tail boat to the Rai Leh. This place is stunning. Just beautiful!! But way too crowded in my opinion. Which made me go climb up all the way to the viewpoint and later to a small lagoon on top of the hill.  Climbing up to the viewpoint is exhausting but manageable. Going to the lagoon is not for the weaker hearts. There are some points where you only got a rope to hang on or some bamboo-ladders (not trustworthy at all!) to climb down. Good for me, tho. Cause that meant not a lot of people went down there. That lagoon was magical. Like a home for fairies. Probably the most beautiful thing on Rai Leh, definitely worth a visit.
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Truly shattered I fell into bed that evening and woke up to a morning full of excitement. You wanna know why? Well, I decided to try something new. That morning I started hitchhiking. Usually not a big deal, but it turned out to be rather difficult because where I started (Ao Luek) NOBODY spoke english. So i had to write down some useful phrases in Thai (took me ten minutes for like four sentences). That actually helped even though it led people to the conclusion I had no money at all (Thais are not familiar with the concept of hitchhiking). 
So I ended up in a truck with Bunsong and his sleeping daughter who took me home to his family to offer me accommodation. He lives near a town called Surat Thani. This area was so originally Thai that they don’t speak a word english except for “hello” and “thank you”. How did we manage to communicate? Google translate for the win. Just try to imagine spending nearly 24 hours with a bunch of people and the only way you can talk to them or explain yourself is via a translation app. They didn’t really understand me, were really concerned and started buying me food and cooking for me even though I insisted they should not. Everybody wanted to take some pictures and talk to me (how??) and was really really kind. 
I would say first time hitchhiking in Thailand went good. Strange and complicated but good!
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The day after I got to the airport nearby to meet Raf (a guy from couch surfing who wanted to join me). We met up and started half an hour later and had a lucky strike!
David, a cute old guy from the UK who happens to live in Thailand for seven years, picked us up and gave us a lift. He brought us to a small temple in the middle of nowhere (Amphoe Lang Suan - Na Phaya) right at the sea and even offered us to give us his bike as long as we are around. We asked the monk if we could stay for the night and he agreed immediately. To be honest I never met a stranger person than that monk, he was just downright crazy! Whatever, we stayed at the temple for a night. A night full of bugs and spiders and two hours of sleep. 
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David came to see us again and offered that we could stay at his house if we want and now I’m here in Lang Suan, exploring the area (hot springs, luminescent plankton, temples and beaches) with Davids bike and babysitting his dog, Charleen, for two nights because he is on a business trip. Funny where you end up when you’re hitchhiking, I quite like it. We’ll see where I end up next.
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This world is getting bigger and bigger. Basically it’s not, it’s still the same no matter how much time flies by. But for me it is. Every decision brings me closer to exploring, every day gives me a thousand opportunities to see and understand the things that are so different than back home. It’s scary sometimes but what would life be without overcoming your fears and go further and further from where you started.
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lightdark18-blog · 8 years ago
Fairy Tail: Non In-Universe Questions
Was Anna?Was Zervis planned? Was Zeref always planned to be completely evil?So @ac-fairytail posted some Fairy Tail non in-universe questions (all credit goes to her) and I figured: “Maybe I could attempt to honestly answer these questions and reverse-engineer Mashima’s thought process!” Of course, no sane person would ever attempt this, but here I am, so...
WARNING: Spoilers for the entire Fairy Tail manga.
Did Mashima base Stardresses off of Bravely Default’s Conjurerclass? Or was it Dresspheres? Or both?
Never played Bravely Default or Final Fantasy X-2 (even though they’re on my list of games to play), but if I had to guess after a quick wiki search, it would be Dresspheres. Problem is that the Stardresses are far less interesting, balanced, or explained. Oh well; Mashima trying to replicate a franchise with the writing quality of Final Fantasy is like an ant poking a dinosaur with a stick.
Was he always planning the time travel plot? If so, why did Erik refer to second gen dragon slayers as a “new” generation? There haven’t been dragons for centuries.
Considering that the “dragons vanished seven years ago” plot-point was established at the beginning of the series and further cemented by Natsu meeting Gajeel, I’m guessing he was planning to include time travel once he decided to continue the series past Tower of Heaven. 
As for Erik, I’m guessing that he just declared himself as second-gen because a) he heard about Natsu and Gajeel as traditional dragon slayers from the Fairy Tail-Phantom Lord war (which caused ripples across Fiore) and assumed himself to be superior because dragon lacrima were invented after the age of dragons, and b) he never heard of Sting or Rogue.
If Irene was always planned to be Queen of the Dragons, why did he barely integrate Dragnof Kingdom into anything? And why didn’t Acno realize?
I think that once Mashima created Irene’s concept, he tried to integrate her into the stories of the Dragon King Festival, but failed to create anything even remotely interesting or new, so he just quickly scrapped together a kingdom and called it a day. Yes, it’s infuriating.
As for Acno, well...he’s Acno. He don’t give two flying fucks about anything.
Was Natsu always planned to be END? Why is there no foreshadowing for it prior to the Tartaros arc?
When Zeref mentioned that Natsu specifically couldn’t kill him back in Tenrou, he was alluding to an ability that Natsu would gain in the future to beat Zeref. However, when Mashima realized that nakama bullshit wasn’t a valid ability (yeah, he went back on that in Alvarez, whatever), he solidified this ability in the form of END around Tartaros. So yeah, I would refer to Zeref’s line in Tenrou as “shot-in-the-dark” foreshadowing.
Was Zeref always planned to be completely evil? If so, why was he established as sympathetic in his introductory arc? Was this bad writing on Mashima’s end?
See, this is what really intrigued me about Zeref in Tenrou. He was established as sympathetic, but he couldn’t remain passive because that would kill people. He was FORCED to be malicious and completely evil if he ever came into contact with people until he could find someone that could kill him because that is the nature of his curse. For him, it was better to intentionally than unintentionally kill if the person or life were to die anyway. It’s why I really fell in love with him as an antagonist.
However, what is bad writing on Mashima’s end is how completely Zeref flipped to Ruthless Big Bad in Alvarez. Him being “excited” about his battle with Natsu is inexcusably inconsistent writing, and him gaining Fairy Heart just to rewrite time for his own selfish reasons should’ve activated his Death Magic on the spot because of his optimism towards a life where he won’t kill. Plus, his loss due to nakama bullshit.
Was Zervis planned?
As much as I hate to admit it, probably. The light and dark love relationship is about as cliche as you can get, and Mashima is certainly not one to dodge cliches or subvert tropes in his writing.
Was Anna?
Hell no. However, I did think that Layla was planned. When Hades was ranting about primordial magic to Team Natsu during Tenrou, Lucy, in thought, said, “I think I’ve heard of this primordial magic somewhere. Mom?” Even though Zeref had no interest in primordial magic (as proven in him killing Hades in anger), Eclipse and the Heartfilias did. Hence, I assumed that Layla would play a huge role in the final arc of the series. Boy, was I naive and optimistic.
Was Clear Heart made so OP because Mashima knew he’d fucked up managing Requip?
No. Because fanservice. Duh. Although, I did think that Clear Heart was perfectly balanced in her fight against Azuma, with her magic power bring directly converted to her Crimson Sakura blade. Any other use just feels unnecessary.
Why did Erza never use Nakagami Armour again? Too OP?
Mashima’s reason: huge audience backlash from its magic-breaking abilities and pulled-out-of-its-ass reveal. Erza’s reason: she..doesn’t want to use it because of its magic draining properties???
Why introduce the bunny armour?
The bunny armor isn’t the armor Mashima introduced that made me mad. The Seduction Armor is. Seriously, isn’t the whole point of seducing a man to take off clothes? Does that even make it armor? At least the bunny armor is cute and cosplay-ish, which fits with Erza’s happier, more playful side we see of her outside of fights; the Seduction Armor is just flat-out nonsensical.
Why did Mashima specifically want 12 Spriggans? There was apparently a reason for this, but Mashima never revealed what it was.
Originally, he wanted six and Zeref to be the seventh member, since Mashima is obsessed with the number seven. However, I think that he wanted to get a few character concepts out before he copped out of the series, and he had too many to just have six. Thus, he probably got up to nine or ten, but then he remembered that Tartaros and Avatar had the same amount of members, so he just said “fuck it” and moved the number to twelve. This would explain why Invel and Bloodman were shoehorned in with no original magic whatsoever; Mashima just threw them in to get the number to twelve.
Were Lisanna and Loke sidelined because they were threats to NaLu, or because Mashima couldn’t be bothered writing them?
Both. The first goes without explaining. However, I have theories on why Mashima didn’t bother to write either of them.
Lisanna: Mashima’s absurd obsession with redemption arcs, nakama bullshit, and fake-out deaths prove to me that he follows by the “heroes can’t die” code of writing, something which I hope no mature, aspiring writer follows. Thus, he brought Lisanna back into the story to follow this code and thought, “Maybe I could do something with her later.” Turns out he couldn’t think of anything when he was developing each new arc. The closest we ever came to Lisanna getting in the spotlight (besides that god-awful scene from Tartaros) was when Azuma “killed” Mira. Originally, as much as I like Mira, I would’ve loved to Lisanna fill in Mira’s shoes and dedicate herself to become a stronger person because of the death of her sister. But no, Mashima didn’t have the balls to really kill Mira and the Nalu shippers were clawing at his door, so she ended up as a void of nothingness.
Loke: Once his arc was done, Mashima wanted to develop the rest of the Zodiac Spirits. Not that he really did, but he didn’t want to single out Loke too much, as much as I like Lolu. However, Loke being the key that Lucy sacrificed rather than Aquarius would have worked a lot better in the grand sense of the narrative, and would’ve really hammered in a new dimension to Lucy’s potential character arc in Alvarez. So much failed potential, Mashima. So much.
Why did Mashima skip to having Mira being fine using her Satan Souls all of a sudden in the Tenrou arc?
Because since the cause of Mira’s initial stress and reluctance has been completely retconned by the narrative, she’s perfectly able to go all out again, guys! I mean, it’s not like real-life victims of PTSD still suffer for years and years on end even with achieving social and financial success, getting married, and having children, right? RIGHT!?
Seriously, fuck Mashima.
If Key of the Starry Skies and Eclipse Celestial Spirits are canon, why weren’t they just written into the manga?
Because Mashima didn’t care enough about these arcs; A-1 just pitched the filler arcs to him and said, “this is what we’re gonna do, kay?” and he was like, “Oh, these are cool. Canon.” He couldn’t be bothered to write them because he was ready to launch into GMG and Tartaros, respectively. Also, while Eclipse Celestial Spirits works well into the show’s canon, Key of the Starry Skies doesn’t. GMG was effective in setting up the future of the series after the timeskip and NEEDED to happen right after it (doesn’t make the arc necessarily good, though). Plus, the Neo Oracion Seis feels unnecessary since they canonically are released from prison in Tartaros.
Why completely change what Wendy’s capable of in the last arc? Possession? Really?
Problem is, though, her arc was finished the moment Doranbolt saved her and Carla from Face. Her facing Sherria proved that she is willing to fight for her guild regardless of her moral issues with fighting, her going Dragon Force proved that she has gained the experience to become a tactical and efficient fighter, and her resolve to be with Carla and protect the people she loves by choosing to die when Face is about to self-destruct solidifies her developing outgoingness with the new people that she loves. As a character, her arc was concluded before Alvarez began. In my opinion, she wasn’t capable of anything more in Alvarez.
As for the possession, it’s infuriating because of the pedophilia implications, not ruining Wendy as a character. I see possession as a tool for character growth only if the possessed person is able to grow in strength and become a stronger person to overcome the weakness that allowed them to become possessed. Take Aoi Zaizen from Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS. I really hope that her upcoming character arc will be based around the possession that corrupted her in her very first on-screen duel and how she can overcome the weakness that the Knights of Hanoi exposed from her. Wendy’s possession...did not have that potential. Once Irene left her body, Wendy went right back to her fighting as usual and didn’t seem bothered by the possession. Why? Because her arc was finished and the show was nearing its end anyway. You can be mad about that, and I won’t blame you, but any further growth from Wendy would feel redundant in my opinion.
Was he planning on doing an arc about gods?
Yep. I have a theory that Avatar was supposed to be his “god” arc, but I’ll talk more about that later.
Was it really Ankhseram that cursed Zeref?
I...guess? Mashima never introduced him as a character, but I guess he can still exist. Makes Mashima a bad writer, but it doesn’t make Ankhseram invalid.
Why bring Rogue’s shadow back as a minor plot point in Avatar? He had no intention of addressing it in Alvarez.
Okay, in Mashima’s hardly-deserved defense, Alvarez would not have been the best time to discuss Rogue’s shadow; to me, Avatar was a good point to address it because it was our first full arc with Devil Slayer Gray. To me, it makes sense that Rogue’s shadow would possess him after the dragons emerge through the Eclipse Gate and Gray would become easily corrupted by Devil Slayer Magic without his friends for support (since they’re dead in the alternate timeline, though that raises the question of does Tartaros still exist there). There was really no better time to address it.
Did he give up after Tartaros?
Well, the anime gave up after GMG, that’s for sure. For Mashima, I’d say it was in the middle of writing Avatar. I think that he was planning on fleshing out Avatar as a cult, since their existence was the whole reason that Hades formed Grimoire Heart and “awakened” Zeref’s malicious heart. In addition, since they had enough influence to convince countless wizards that Zeref could be revived with keys and/or Towers of Heaven, they would have the influence to interact with gods and God Slayers. As a writer, Mashima could’ve killed two birds with one stone and be ready to tackle Zeref’s big final arc. What probably actually happened was him waking up after a drunken tirade and realizing that his series was being more and more ridiculed for its poor writing decisions, his fanbase was becoming one of the most toxic in all of anime, and he was just running out of ideas. He questioned every life choice he ever made, decided to trash the remainder of Fairy Tail just to start over with a new work, burned through the rest of Avatar, and threw Alvarez together haphazardly just to prevent himself thinking about potential endgames any longer.
Thank you again to @ac-fairytail for these questions. The channel’s all about Fairy Tail critique, analysis, and salt; go there if you’re interested in that stuff. It really pains me to see Fairy Tail crashing and burning towards the end, but for what it was worth, I enjoyed it. It’ll be harder for me to go back and enjoy it because of my investment in much better shonen manga, such as HxH, JoJo, and YYH, but it holds a lot of memories for teenage me, and I’ll certainly treasure them. 
Also thanks to Mashima for teaching me what NOT to do as a screenwriter. Helps a lot.
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lalelilolusworld · 8 years ago
Ep. 13 isn’t thought through at all
So the 143h episode is out on the German servers also. I missed the opportunity to slap Miiko :/ Like I understand her and all but that shit was a dick move.
Well at least I could slap Valkyon (why does he betray me this much come on (but his pic is the best in my opinion)).
But I’m like: If we have to wait for the next full moon, why didn’t we try to talk to the other humans?? I mean it’s like the most obvious of possibilities. Maybe they could’ve gotten us home??? I mean they have to go home some way. And if we know it we could like help Eldarya and tell them the method because if it’s easy we could just go back again and again and again and bring food and like fucking cooking books. How hard can it be to boil noodles (yes i’m looking at you Ez and Karuto).
Miiko is all like “Uhh we have to talk to everyone, so there is peace in Eldarya and we can defend ourselves”
what makes this whole thing worse is that I know, it won’t get better next episode because I know that the Gardienne won’t have the opportunity to say fuck you all, gonn fuck Jamon now (why isn’t Jamon a possible love intrest? I mean look at him! look. at. him. He’s like the cutest and best of all if them. he actually cares!!)
And I still want Guardienne to say fuck you to everybody, study the portals really good in the library and  find things no one else did (like Sam in GoT S7 with the dragonglass, maybe a secret portal opening minerals mine) then always chose missions that will lead her into areas where she can get the stuff, then leave when she got everything she needs, leaving everything behind (I’ve got a whole fucking scene layed out in my head for especially this; skip the next paragraph if it bores you; and it’s everything with Val betraying her because he is my favourite)
- She gives cryllis back the talisman in his room he made/will have made for her with a little note saying that she doesn’t need it anymore and that maybe he could use it sometime and that she’s very thankful for it - gives Karuto a receipt for dunno cooking fcking noodles (because I like Karuto and the others don’t deserve to eat uncooked stuff, even though I like uncooked noodles quiet a bit) - leaves at the night and Jamon has guarding duty and opens the door for her even though he knows she has no mission; when she is about to go out he asked her if he is ever going to see her again and Gardienne says hopefully not, hugs him tight, whispers thank you in his ear and kisses his cheek (you can tell I really like Jamon, really like that big buffon) - before that Ez/nev meets her (I tend a little more to Ez but nevra would make more sense because he is more likely to be somewhere at night and maybe a little more observant? but i like him the least so i go for ez) and they suspect something (because he looked up which books gardienne lent from the library and read a little in them to find out what they are about because obviously gardienne is like normal to everyone but really, reserved and doesn’t show her true feelings anymore (especially the boys and miiko and maybe everyoine she finds out about being involoved in that gloris potion idea). I mean she’s been betrayed c’mon) but don’t say anything about it and acts normal (they believe it when we say we go on a secret mission for Miiko) -Chrom our little fella kind of knows whats up when we leave the room in the darkest our, with traveling gear and follows us to the beach where we already have a boat hidden. He tries to convince us to stay and fights with tears, we tell him we love him hug him tight and cry. (Chrom is really a sweatheart, that little troll, he’s nr2 right after Jamon, if he’d be just couple years older.... :DDDD) -we take that boat and sail to kappa island, maybe meet elliot and just leave that fcking place. -in our home world we see that there is nothing left for us and we remember the people in Eldarya that were nice to us (not you Valkyon, Miiko, Leiftan, Ez, and Nev) and the party they threw us and that maybe we should help the innocent because we see that there is nothing left for us on our world (ofc we check on our parents and see that another daighter/child in our age has taken our place, so we leave them be without trying to contact them or anything. -we collect stuff we know the people would like - Yhkar: fairy tail books? - alayeah: pretty pearl necklace - kero: something about time or so . Chrome: many hugs and the story Hans in Luck - Karenn some story book about spies - Jamon: a nice dagger from the human world - ewelein: books on medicine that could work in Eldarya - Karuto: a nice think cooking book -  Purrekos would get some ordinary human world items to sell (I bet that would give us a good discount because of it) - Merry: stuffed sheep plushi- Cryllis: dram catcher as exampel of a human world talisman - even Miiko gets something: hentai Ahri pictures just to annoy her (if you don’t know ahri just google it :D) -and of course loads of food, well at least as much as we can carry in a really big back  (we could dress as Mrs. Clause) -after we come back (using the same mushroom circle again and landing nect to the crystal) we give miiko her present wordles, get to our old room (it’s like when we first arrive or nobodx touched it, haven’t decided yet) sleep a night, give everyone else their present -tell only Chrome and Jamon where we are heading to, leave the HQ and go to either the Kappas and try to help them by having similar books to Ewelein’s and healing minor wounds or just providing goods or sth. -we eventually become their kind of queen/protectionist goddess and get sick -even though we forbid them to tell the guard where we are they see no other possibility to bring us to them because they fear we die -oh and chrome visits us sometimes (he’s a good almost son) 
Whew so that’s a bit. If someone wants to make it into a fanfiction please do (can change anything you want) because I’ll probably never write it.
TL;DR -stupid plan of Miiko; better possibilities (talk???) -we leave Eel -come back again -become the Kappa Queen
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