#why aren't healers in this universe using this methods for their wounded!
fairydust-stuff · 2 years
Dragon prince
Honestly the flaw of this show for me is how its up its own butt about how sacrificing animals to use life-saving magic is evil!  Humans kill animals to eat, I don't see how using them to perform magical surgery is that much worse.
 Furthermore, Soren seems fine there's no negative side effects of  Claudia's magic affecting him.  So it seems like a very effective way to use magic.  The show never gives any consequences  for something that was painted as an easy fix but ultimately has a price. 
No it doesn’t there’s not even the explanation that it reduces the animal population and effects the eco system or reduces humanities food supply. Or even have Claudia’s dark magic unable to fix Soren showing it has limits. 
As it is  if  Dark magic is this powerful and consequence-free, why are healers in this universe not tapping into it?  Think of how many wounded they could of saved in that big war? 
Its not like Callum’s culture was anti  Dark magic the king employed dark magic users and Callum himself even wanted to be one. 
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