#why are there no impactor tags
daylesspax · 2 months
IDW Impactor pinup? I love your work <3
Thank you!
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I don’t know a lot about Impactor, but from the few panels I saw when finding reference, I figured he’d be a bit pouty and angry doing this pose… I think he was forced into this
Man… he’s very hard to draw… especially his weird ass knee caps but let’s pretend I didn’t screw the perspective on this one (just look at the pretty lighting! Be blinded!)
I hope I did him justice! Thank you for making me learn to draw more Transformers! <3
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Please help crown the Most Attractive Transformer!
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Round 1, Group A will start at 12:00 PM EST 7/1!
By popular request each round will last a week so you'll be seeing me a while. If you'd like to block these, please block this account directly or black the tag "most attractive transformers poll".
The candidate list was created entirely from submissions. If a character wasn't sent in as a poll candidate they weren't on my list. We did have some pre-qualifiers with certain popular characters to eliminate repeats.
I will be adding links to this pinned post when the polls go live. Each poll options is listed with name of character (specific continuity) as these are the specific versions listed. I will have a beginning propaganda post linked on each poll for both characters. Please feel free to submit any arguments/propaganda for the characters to my ask box before the poll goes live and after either through asks or reblogs or comments. I will try to update daily with new propaganda whenever possible.
Cosmos (IDW1) v. Nightbeat (IDW1)
Sunstreaker (IDW1) v. Dead End (Cyberverse)
Blurr (IDW1) v. Swindle (TFE)
Megatron (IDW1) v. Galvatron (G1)
Overlord (IDW1) v. Fortress Maximus (IDW1)
Astrotrain (Cyberverse) v. Blitzwing (IDW1)
Springer (IDW1) v. Impactor (IDW1)
Deathsaurus (IDW1) v. Cliffjumper (IDW2)
Krok (IDW1) v. Kup (IDW1)
Thundercracker (IDW1) v. Thunderclash (IDW1)
Sunstorm (DW) v. Skyfire (G1)
Airachnid (TFP) v. Arcee (TFP)
Nightbird (Cyberverse) v. Slipstream (IDW2)
Strika (IDW2) v. Shadow Striker (IDW2)
Firestar (IDW1) v. Flamewar (IDW2)
Drift (IDW1) v. Roller (IDW1)
Dreadwing (TFP) v. Skyquake (TFP)
Predaking (TFP) v. Heatwave (RB)
Getaway (IDW1) v. Sunder (IDW1)
Nickel (IDW1) v. Velocity (IDW1)
I hope everyone has fun rooting for their favorite and remember vote the Transformer you find most attractive!
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neveralarch · 2 years
Hello this is @sauntervaguelydown and @decepti-thots fault. Welcome to rare pair hell
Stretched Lace Fandom: Transformers IDW Rating: adult (see tags for content notes) Characters: Impactor/Sunstreaker Wordcount: 6200ish Summary: Sunstreaker and Impactor aren't a thing. They just hook up sometimes, try some stuff out. Impactor's not that into it, it's just that he's stuck on this ship and there's no one else worth doing. They'll probably get bored and stop soon.
Anyway, that's why Impactor's spending his precious station time buying lingerie.
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ashleybenlove · 1 year
So I saw your tags about not understanding how something can be corgi sized and be as heavy as 4 baby elephants
Well it comes down to two things
One, the article title is written to grab attention, so unless said thing is made of a material so dense that it would weigh that much, they actually mean the force it would exert on the earth.
Because that's what weight is, a measure of force exerted on the earth (actually our scales measure the force that the earth exerts on you but lets not go into that unless you want a real rant). [this is the second point]
While we in the land of burgers and cowboys and 'freedom' use weight, it's a lot more subjective than the metric system of mass. Mass is the amount of stuff an object is made of. Weight is the mass multiplied by it's acceleration.
Earth's gravity accelerates things within it's field at a rate of 9.8 meters/second. So the object gets faster and faster, and from that far away, that far up, the meteor gets really fucking fast. So it hits the Earth at the same force that four baby elephants would be putting on the earth just standing on a scale.
(Post in question)
Thank you for explaining this! It's really great. And that's why impact craters are usually way bigger than the actual impactor? Like, the Chicxulub impactor is figured to be 6 miles across, whereas the actual crater is over 100 miles.
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outlier-roddy · 4 years
ratchets face care routine was so good it made impactor switch sides
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bitegore · 3 years
@prophet-9 tagged me! thank u
NAME: Red or Taz or Spider or Ossifrage (don't use that one so often these days but it's still there) or CJ or [redacted]
NICKNAMES: "gecko" or "redacted" i suppose. all my names are short enough to be nicknames already but real enough for me to canonize them, so i don't really accumulate nicknames.
HEIGHT: five human feet tall
FAVORITE COLOR(S): ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i like when colors sit next to other colors. I don't really care that much about them in absentia. Contrast is king in my eyes.
TIME RIGHT NOW: 12:54 AM, you can figure out the time zone if you want to try.
LAST THING I GOOGLED: "chest man", for an art reference. i needed to figure out where the pecs went LMFAO
NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH: anywhere between 1 and 10, depending on what is and is not clean. usually like. six
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): currently partial to Mr Vor Tex the Transformer, my terrible little helicopter. also Megatron of the Transformers and Impactor from the Transformers and fuckin. Dasta Raspellov from my friend's serial Bell Clock and Candle who i can't even talk about because he's not in any of the public stuff yet
FAVORITE BANDS/SINGERS: Dear Agony (the band), probably the longest-running band that i have ever listened to over and over and not gotten sick of yet
DREAM JOB: Layabout and Craftsperson For Fun
WHAT I AM WEARING RIGHT NOW: very stained sweatpants, black t shirt. one sock, which is tiger print and green. these are my pjs.
WHEN DID I CREATE MY BLOG: may 2018 for this one, to avoid the "you are too young to see this content" blockers tumblr instituted around that time for NSFW stuff
CURRENT AMOUNT OF FOLLOWERS: 1173. i should do something about that, that's about five hundred too many. the fuck. where are you all coming from
DO I HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: yeah i have @ooze-and-goo-and-bone-shards for aesthetic posting, @red-the-dragon-writes for writing, @licanius and @malshash for licanius trilogy stuff which i don't really do any more but i want to sit on the urls anyway because i Will get back to it someday, @fr-scrybox because i made it before fr let us save scries so i put them there when i wanted to keep them instead, and then two defunct blogs that i am just sitting on
WHEN DID YOUR BLOG HIT ITS PEAK: objectively no idea, subjectively that one megatron rickroll post.
WHO IS YOUR MOST ACTIVE FOLLOWER: it is not my business to spy on those who follow me and even less my business to tell other people that
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO GET A TUMBLR: years ago i had a friend on ao3 i wanted to talk to on tumblr + a different writer i wanted to keep up with the posts of
DO YOU GET ASKS ON A DAILY BASIS: no. like. every other day usually. i have to ask for them. i think i put people off. this is fine by me but i do like the attention
WHY DID YOU CHOSE YOUR URL: i am Ne Called Red and my fursona is a dragon. it is a very difficult question to answer, i'm sure
TAG YOU’RE IT: uhhhhh good question. if you see this i am going to pretend to have tagged you. enjoy
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WFC: Siege watch!
Part 1: Episodes 1, 2, and 3
[Part 2] (Linking because Tumblr isn’t even showing the post on my blog or on my dash 🙄)
As a side note: every single person in this fandom is horrible at tagging their spoilers, you guys really need to do a better job at that because I’ve got a bunch of blockers on and I was STILL almost spoiled multiple times. Come on you guys...it literally came out today, be better about this.
Alright going to try and keep expectations low because I feel like the target audience for this is G1 dudebros who take a series about transforming cars way too seriously, but I’m still cautiously optimistic because a friend vetted for the dudes working on this show so WE”LL SEE
Episode 1
Aw man there’s only 6 episodes??? Bummer, I wonder if they’re already working on Season 2 or if they’re going to see how this does and let it die in the water if it’s not popular enough.
Things I know going in: Skyfire / Jetfire is in this, Megatron has big lips, and Elita is in it. That’s literally it, I’ve managed to avoid spoilers thusfar (though a few of the promo images implied Skyfire’s a Decepticon, so you KNOW that’s gonna break bad eventually)
The transformation sequences look so reminiscent of those stop-motion videos people do of their Transformer toys transforming. This isn’t a dig at the animation style, I think that’s rather charming and I wonder if it’s intentional.
Wow Bumblebee sounds like a jerk. I’m instantly on-edge, please don’t make all the characters ~hyper-masculine mean guys who don’t know how to have fun or talk about their emotions~
“The Autobots aint paying you for attitude” YOU TELL HIM WHEELJACK
Yooo Velocitron exists!
Ahh so Bumblebee IS just a mercenary, not an Autobot
Wow Jetfire you’re really going the bad dude route huh
Ayyyyyy there’s Starscream
Thundercracker I appreciate that you’re using fancy tech to identify wheeljack but his Autobot badge is literally Right There
WELL THAT DIDN”T LAST LONG HUH...that’s a bit disappointing
huh so they’re making Skyfire the target of Starscream’s desire for power. hmm
WHY ARE YOU GUYS RUNNING JUST TRANSFORM INTO CARS unless they’re too low on energon to do it??
There he is...Mr. Big Lips
Well that’s a surprising take Megatron
Isn’t that Cybertron and Luna 1 in the sky though?? Are they on Cybertron rn or not??
Megatron’s voice is really throwing me off, if it weren’t for his helmet and color I’d really think that was Overlord
Why does bumblebee have lips too
“What do you know of slavery?” Alright that line did make me go “OHHHH”
“Alpha Trion would be ashamed!” “Of us both, I think” ouch, but nice to see Alpha “Grandpa” Trion back in a series
Megatron PLEASE don’t say “I’m enjoying this, Prime” in that voice while I can hear Optimus groaning in the background
Why are the Seekers chasing these guys, who are running on foot, ON FOOT??? CHANGE INTO YOUR DANG ALT MODE
man I’m only like a few minutes in and I’m already bored. I’m going to watch the whole thing, but I feel like this is really lacking soul or personality so far. It very much feels like the script was written by people who aren’t familiar with these characters, so they’re writing them how they EXPECT them to sound, not writing them as they actually are. It’s more than a little disappointing, but this is only the first episode, so I’ll keep going and see if this is consistent throughout the series.
Oh man, just listening to Elita you can tell she was written by a dude. Oof.
There’s the Ark!
Dang everyone’s running low
Jeez Optimus and Elita wouldn’t just walk by all these injured Autobots!
And Optimus wouldn’t brush off his officers!! Agh!!!
YO Ultra Magnus!
oh my gosh is THAT Red Alert??
Hey where’s Ratchet though
Gosh the writing is so STIFF!!!! I can’t stand this, if I wasn’t a die-hard Transformers fan I would’ve bounced a few minutes ago
 It might also be the way the VAs pause between words, please speak normally, these constant pauses between words are frustrating
Ok but where the frick is Soundwave
“His arrogance I actually like” pfft
Annnnd here comes Ultra Magnus to accept the treaty on Prime’s behalf, where he’ll get held hostage and probably wind up beefing it.
Episode 2
And Shockwave!!! 
I want to know where Megatron got all this fabric for those stupid flags and where Ultra magnus got that cloak
Is. Is that Prowl with a weird paint job
Wow bad aim dude
Ultra Magnus you dummy....
Ok but if it was a battle then who were they fighting against???
Wow you’re really just gonna stand there and take that Magnus?
I know they’re on a time-crunch because they only have 6 episodes, but they have to do more to make me care about the characters. I’m inclined to care about them already because I’m familiar with the series and because as a stand-alone, even I’m like “Ok. So?” whenever new problems come up for them. I’m not invested!
Not to compare the two, because I feel like this entire liveblog will turn into a comparative essay, but Cyberverse got me invested in characters within the first episode! They were on an even TIGHTER time-crunch because their episodes were only 10 minutes, and yet they did a great job weaving a tight narrative and making good use of their time to tell a story and have characters charm the audience.
Optimus: Til All Are One Rodimus, coming out of nowhere: TIL ALL ARE ONE
WELL THAT”S NOT THE VOICE I WAS EXPECTING FOR SHOCKWAVE he sounds a bit reminiscent of his TFA version
What does de-rez mean
Ok but that’s assuming that this thing will automatically reprogram them?? Reformatting doesn’t automatically mean someone will turn into a Decepticon!
You know, there’s a lot of talking in the show but the dialogue doesn’t actually say a lot. It doesn’t reveal much about the characters or tell me who they are.
It really annoys me that characters always pause after saying “I”. It’s always “I.........[long pause] rest of their sentence.”
what do you mean “Teams” Optimus there’s like 5 of you guys
I love you Soundwave!!!
Whoa wait was that Impactor in the background?
Again, it feels very much like the writers read the wikipedia page for Transformers and maybe the first sentence of each character’s bio page and then wrote the entire script from there. It’s frustrating. I hate being so severe in my reviews because I hate dunking on my fellow writers because they don’t always have final say in what happens, but this is astonishingly poor writing.
Like, I can see what they’re TRYING to accomplish, but it feels like they whiff so badly.
oh thats Barricade that’s why I thought that was Prowl
Chromia!!!! My darling!!!! I can’t believe there’s only two girls in this show so far
Oh that’s Cog, I wasn’t sure if that was Beachcomber or what
Nice one Chromia
Oh is that Mirage?
Ugh ANOTHER WRITING PET PEEVE: Constantly having characters start to say something but then then their dialogue gets cut off. It’s fine if it’s once in a while but over and over it’s annoying
I also feel like a lot of the VAs lack...emotion. They don’t emphasize the lines. Like, “Get him into the repair bay” is one example. Depending on how you emphasize certain words in that sentence, you can infer a lot! Emotion, the state of mind of the character, etc. But when it’s delivered in such a bland way, it’s a bit like “ok whatever”, which is how I’m starting to feel about this whole show. This doesn’t go for all the VAs or all lines, but it’s consistent enough that my mind’s wandering.
RAVAGE??? RAVAGE???? RAVAGE?!?!?!??!?!
It was probably Bumblebee.
Not to be nitpicky but it should be “Neither we nor the Autobots”
Episode 3
Lmao love your lipgloss Megatron
Ohh is Ratchet going to fix Impactor??
Gosh please, please don’t have humans in this show
lmao Skyfire called Starscream a tool
I’d like to see who was on the writing team of this show
Isn’t that Mirage?
Again with the sentences consistently being cut off....
Is that Sunstorm?
Points to Chromia and Mirage for showing the first bitof personality in this show.
Yooo Ratchet! Oof he’s not chummy with Prime huh
Oh Mirage come on
Actually no, don’t shut Impactor up he’s right
“I didn’t patch you up just so you could blow a valve here” *snorts*
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Wouldn’t it be frickin hilarious if Magnus just popped open a panel and Minimus came out and just dipped outta there
lmao nice lightsaber Jetfire
Ratchet is the ONLY character they’ve given personality in this show so far.
Jeez Mirage cool your jets
Oh for frick’s sake Optimus be cool
Megatron please stop torturing your ex boyfriend
Ok but who did they rise against??? Were there Quintessons in this universe too?
oh come on you guys
Oh boy something tells me Skywarp isn’t going to survive the rest of this episode
Oh jk, Skyfire just let him go. Well alrighty then
I’m not sure how they found the Autobot base, they implied that it was because of Impactor but that doesn’t make sense
This post is getting long so I’m going to spit it between two posts
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servingsmoothies · 5 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Megatron/Starscream Characters: Starscream (Transformers), Megatron (Transformers), Impactor (Transformers) Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sticky Sexual Interfacing, Sub Megatron, Young Megs, Older Star, Pole Dancing, Megs was also young and innocent once, Starscream ended it, Impactor deserved better LOL, I call this one "Spotify why?" Summary:
Everyone had been young and stupid once, even the oh so mighty Megatron, and this is how he meet the renowned Prince of Vos just… not the way you might believe it was.
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ralphlayton · 4 years
Five Key Elements of SEO
As a premier eCommerce SEO expert, we know a thing or two about how SEO works, including best practices and what search engines are looking for when they crawl your website. Pay attention to some of these features when you are building your website. They may not seem important, but they can have quite an impact on your search engine optimization.
H1 Tags
H1, or header 1 tags, are one of 6 different HTML tags that mark text as a header on a web page. H1 tags are more important than others because they are one of the first things a search engine will evaluate when crawling a page.
If you have already developed a keyword strategy but fail to include targeted keywords in the H1 tags on your web pages, you are leaving a lot on the table.
First, of course, you need to do keyword research and develop subsequent keyword and marketing strategies, but with that information, you can create perfectly optimized H1 tags for every page on your website. For example, the H1 tag for our client’s blog post, pictured below, can be seen with the tag highlighted in green with the text of the title following:
One thing to note is that the other header tags are important, too, just not as important as your H1 tags. If you can only devote so much time to optimization, make sure you update your H1 tags first.
Meta Titles
A meta title is similar to an H1 but not the same; H1 tags are written in HTML as via the tag in the image above whereas the meta title is coded via a separate tag. These tags sometimes match, but not always – though they do always impact your SEO.
You should infuse your meta titles with relevant keywords and ensure that none of them are duplicates. The title tag should not be too long, as Google only allows a little bit of space to the meta title display, about 70 characters. If you type “eCommerce SEO agency” into Google, the SERP page will show you the following among the rankings:
The arrow indicates the meta title, and if you click on the link and look at the tab at the top of your page, you will see the following, which also shows you how the meta title appears.
When optimizing your meta titles, use relevant, targeted keywords, create unique titles for every page, and keep the length beneath the character limit.
Meta Descriptions
A meta description is a brief summary of what a given page contains, as evidenced by the portion within the red box of the image below.
The meta description provides insight into what the page is about. It is short, concise, and includes your target keyword. It also gives potential readers some insight into what we offer – namely, services for data migrations to platforms like BigCommerce, Shopify, and Magento.
Meta descriptions, like meta titles, can only be so long. In 2020, the best length for a meta description should be somewhere around 150 words and should do two things. On one hand, it should contain genuine, relevant information to help viewers make an informed decision about whether to click a link or not and, on the other, it should contain keywords that you want to target.
Onsite Content
Besides these little features that can impact the SEO value of your online store, the content you feature on your eCommerce website will impact your SEO as well. As Google crawls your website, it isn’t only looking at the code. It’s also scanning the content.
This content includes everything from product page descriptions to category page content to blog posts and everything in between – including the alt text for the images you include on your website.
Your content should do two things – it should provide valuable, original information to visitors, and it should contain a good mix of target keywords to attract the attention of search engines.
Link Building
Everything we mentioned up to this point concerned onsite optimization, and all of these points represent an opportunity to increase the SEO value of your website. However, there is one huge impactor of SEO that occurs off your website – backlinks.
The value of backlinks to SEO is central. High-quality backlinks are one of the main ways Google ascribes authority to your website, and an assortment of backlinks can greatly improve your rankings.
The question is, how do you get backlinks? Some businesses trade for them and others generate them slowly over time as visitors and customers link to their site for the value of the information the website provides.
However, waiting for these organic results can take a long time. As a part of our SEO process, we develop backlinks for businesses to increase site authority and push more organic traffic to your website.
Keep all of this in mind as you are updating your website, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. Just knowing what keywords to target and how and where to use them is a full-time job. You also have to be wary of keyword stuffing, where to place content and how to disavow toxic links while at the same time generating new ones.
That’s why proven SEO campaigns like those entailed by our eCommerce SEO services have generated such great, long-term results for eCommerce businesses in so many industries. If you’re interested in generating higher traffic, sales, revenue and conversion rates for your eCommerce site, get in touch with a rep from our eCommerce SEO agency today at [email protected] or by calling 866-462-3588.
The post Five Key Elements of SEO appeared first on 1Digital®.
Five Key Elements of SEO published first on yhttps://improfitninja.blogspot.com/
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whydoesfireburn · 5 years
Chap. 11 Emeny Fire
Sorry for the mistakes, enjoy!
Shoto stood next to Yaomomo and Yoarashi as they waited to be dismissed to head to their internships. All of his classmates seemed to be buzzing with excitement. Glancing over at Yoarashi, it seemed like the taller was going to explode with anticipation. Shoto was looking forward to internships too, but he was most looking forward to the gift Etsuko had given him this morning. He’d have to text Shiki about it on the train.
Aizawa gave them the necessary instructions, things along the line of being respectful and representing the school. Shoto couldn’t help but notice a few times when Aizawa’s eyes were trained on him for more than a second. It weirded him out.
As his teacher talked, Shoto’s eyes drifted over to Iida. There was something about him that seemed off. Shoto didn’t know how to describe it. There was just a look on his face that reminded Shoto of something. Yourself, a small voice whispered. It was a look of resentment, anger, and maybe even a hint of bloodlust. Shoto could only guess what Iida was thinking about. Odds were the Hero Killer.
Before Shoto could think any more in-depth, they were dismissed, and Iida was walking away, Midoriya and Uraraka following him along while pulling him over to talk. Shoto sighed and reminded himself that Iida had friends to talk to if something was genuinely wrong. He turned to look at his friends.
“Good luck, I guess,” Shoto said.
“Thank you,” Yaomomo said, “I hope both of you have a wonderful time.”
“Text me about your guys' first days, okay?” Yoarashi asked, looking like a kid on Christmas morning.
Shoto nodded. Then, a voice on the speaker called out over the station. He had to get going. He waved Yaoyorozu and Yoarashi goodbye. Shoto noticed he was running late for his train, so he started running, the case for his new and improved hero costume in one hand and his school bag in the other. Luckily, he reached it just in time and found a seat on the train.
When he got settled in, he pulled out his phone.
Shoto: Hey, you have any plans the week you come home?
Shiki: Not really, why?
Shoto:Etsuko gave me two tickets to the show we talked about.
Shiki: You mean the tin-foil hat, conspiracy panel?
Shoto: no the other one.
Shiki: oh
Shiki: Oh! Oh, hell yeah!
Shoto: I know. So you want to go?
Shiki: Yeah, we can tell Baba we're going to the library
Shoto: There’s no way she still buys that
Shiki: You better believe she does.
Shoto shook his head and smiled. He was excited for July and for Shiki to come home. School in the US was done, but Shiki stayed for a little while for the start of the summer Basketball League and her strong desire to go to San Francisco Pride with a few of her friends and teammates. It worked out well because then, when she did come home, Shoto would be on break, and the two would get to hang out.
Shoto had a strong feeling that when Shiki did come home, there was going to be a lot of sitting on the roof and running around doing odd jobs for pocket change. At least they'd both be too busy to get the summer jobs they had last year. Working at CVS, ugh, Shoto still got shivers thinking about going back there.
Shiki being gone was still weird to Shoto. They used to see each other every day, and now they could hardly find time to talk. Shoto missed her, sure, but thinking about it; maybe it was better than they were apart right now. With all the trouble starting back up in their neighborhood, Shoto knew if Taijo wanted to hurt him or his siblings in some way, there was a chance of him going for Shiki and her grandmother too. Shoto knew there wasn’t a high chance of that happening, but it was still something he worried about in the back of his mind.
For the rest of the train ride, Shoto just pulled out his phone and watched cat videos. When he got to his stop, he quickly got off the train and hurried to the address on his assignment sheet.
After a short walk, Shoto reached the five-story building that was the BAI Hero Agencies. Shoto had seen the gray and white building only a few times, having stayed clear of the hero agency for obvious reasons. It wasn’t the flashiest place ever; in the windows of the third floor, Shoto could see fake cobwebs despite Halloween being nowhere near.
There was a weird twisting feeling in Shoto’s stomach as he took a deep breath and walked up the stairs into the agency.
The lobby of the building was a warm, canary yellow with dark blue and red furniture. Shoto saw a receptionist with blonde hair and pink butterfly glasses sitting behind a desk in the middle of the room. When he got to her, she looked up and smiled.
“Are you the UA student?” she asked.
“Um, yes,” Shoto said, “I’m interning with Banshee.”
“Well, that's wonderful!” she exclaimed, “Let me see where she is right now.”
The receptionist typed on her keyboard for a minute before saying, “It seems that she is,” she leaned closer to the screen, “Right behind you.”
Shoto blinked, “What?”
At the sound of the voice behind him, Shoto jumped in surprise and looked around but saw nothing. He could hear a laugh, and then, Banshee slowly appeared behind him. She floated down to the ground and smiled.
“Sorry 'bout that,” she said, still laughing, “Couldn’t help it, it’s what I do to every new intern and sidekick we get.”
Shoto, whose heart was still beating so had it was almost coming out of his chest, nodded and bowed, “Thank you for having me.”
“Oh, of course,” Banshee said, “Honestly, I’m a little surprised that you picked to intern with me. With how you did at the Sports Festival, you had to have gotten better offers.”
Shoto shrugged, “I felt like this was the best for me at the time.”
Banshee smiled and said, “Well, I’ll show you around the offices. Once that’s done, we’ll have you suit up and go from there.”
Shoto nodded. The first floor was just the wash and locker rooms along with some sleeping quarters for late-night shifts. The second level had a different atmosphere than the first. The walls were electric blue and had photos and clipped out newspaper articles hanging from them. Shoto could also hear music playing almost a little too loud. There were a handful of desks on one side of the room with people working at them. On the other side, there was an open space with a few chairs and the news playing on a big TV hanging from the wall.
“On this floor is were all the sidekicks work,” Banshee explained, “We also have out medical and first aid bay here too.”
“Whose office is that on the end?” Shoto asked, pointing to the visible office behind the wall with a TV.
“Mine,” a new voice said. Shoto turned to see a man with bright blue hair that went to his shoulders. His costume was made up of jumpsuit the shame blue as the walls, white boots, and gloves.
“Impactor,” Banshee said, “This is the UA intern I told you about.”
“Nice to meet you,” Shoto said.
“You’re not gonna let this one get broken, are you Banshee?” Impactor questioned. His tone and face told Shoto that he partly joking- not really a comforting factor.
“Oh, stop it,” Banshee huffed, putting her hands on her hips, “That was one time and you act like the kid was killed. He broke his arm.”
Impactor smiled and nodded, “Sure, okay.”
Banshee rolled her eyes and pulled Shoto along to the next floor.
Once again, the feeling of the area they were in was different. The walls on this floor were all black, and Shoto saw the fake cobwebs in the windows that he saw from the street.
“Here’s where we train and practice,” Banshee said, “There are a weight room and dojo. It helps us stay on our toes.”
“If I could ask, why are there so many fake webs?” Shoto asked.
“Ah, that would be thanks to Arachne,” Banshee said, pointing to a woman at the end of the hall Shoto hadn’t seen before.
“We told her she couldn’t spin her own anymore, so every Halloween, she stocks up on fake webs and hangs them up. She says they calm her down. Her office is on this floor, so based on the contract her, Impactor, and I have, she can have them up here.”
The white-haired teen turned his head to look at Arachne better. She was a tall woman whose hair and make-up was done like Morticia from the Addams Family Sora had shown him when he was little. Shoto could also see that her scleras were light purple and her irises were red. He also noticed that she had two extra, smaller eyes above her first pair, more towards her temples. Arachne's hero costume reminded Shoto of Midnight’s in the sense that it resembled what a dominatrix looked like. She had thigh-high black boots with silver spider webs on them, a long-sleeved black leotard covered in little spiders, and finally, there was a black cape wrapped around her waist that went down to her ankles.
Just then, Arachne turned her head and saw Shoto. Her lips pulled up in a smirk as she asked, “Is that your intern, Banshee dear?”
“Yep,” Banshee said.
Arachne nodded. The way she was looking at him made Shoto briefly wonder if she was thinking about eating him. It was a stupid thought, but it's what came to mind.
Then, there was the last floor that looked most like an office building-no bright colors of anything else.
This is the floor that our conference room is on,” Banshee explained, “We use that is we need to speak with the commission or meet with other heroes to plan a raid or something. Also, my office is on this floor.”
Banshee looked at Shoto and said, “That’s about it as far as where everything is. Any questions?”
Shoto shook his head and Banshee then reached in her pockets and pulled out a key with a tag on it. She tossed it to Shoto and said, “That will be your locker for your time here. You go down and change into your costume. Cool?” Banshee asked.
Shoto nodded and turned to go back to the first floor when Banshee stopped him.
“What’s your hero name?” she asked, “Forgot to ask earlier.”
Shoto looked at her and said, “Ryukori.”
Banshee’s face broke into a smile and she nodded, “Nice. Go get changed then, when you get back while start.”
Shoto nodded and went to change.
That night Shoto laid on the cot he was given. The day had been eventful. First, there were his custom updates. The Support class apparently had a field day with his custom according to the note he got. The design was split down the middle. The lift side was the same, the only addition being a cooling system. Now the right side of his custom was admittable cool. His right boot was black and made to look like there were sparks rising up. Then the vest. Again the right side was black and instead of frost designs, it was made to look like cracks that reviled lava. The facets alternated from the old ice looking ones and the new ones that looked like pieces of burnt charcoal. The right armband had the same design as the right side of his vest. Also on the right side, his heating system was adjusted.
Shoto usually would hate changes made to his custom without his permission, but this worked. Sure it was a little flashier than he would have liked but it was still closer to the idea that he and his siblings had come up with.
After inspecting his new costume, Shoto went back up to the fourth floor. Banshee had started with the more mundane things, like filling out paperwork, how certain call systems worked, different powers heroes and sidekicks had. All things Shoto’s classes touched upon briefly but never dived into. After that Banshee had Shoto show her of his moves in the agency's dojo. She hadn’t said much. He only nodded and told him he was talented. Then Banshee took Shoto on parole with her. Nothing happened but it was still fun to go out and experience. They got back to the agency around ten, and after he showered and ate, Shoto headed to rest for the night.
Overall, the first day of his internship was pretty good. Nothing major but it was still very informative. Before he turned him for the night Shoto pulled out his phone.
Rich, Loud, Soba Group Chat:
Chaotic Soba: hey you guys up?
Neutral Rich: Yes
Chaotic Loud: What’s up?
Chaotic Soba: Not much, how were your guy’s first days?
Chaotic Loud: It was AWESOME!!! I don’t even know where to start! I got to patrol today and everything! There were no villains or anything but I did help an old lady across the street!
Chaotic Soba: I got patrol too. Nothing happened but it was still a good learning experience.
Chaotic Loud: What about your day Yaomomo?
Neutral Rich: Well Kendo from Class 1-B in interning with me under Uwabami. It’s been a, testing experience so far.
Chaotic Soba: What does that mean?
Neutral Rich: I tell you about it when I see you next.
Neutral Rich: We should get to bed. It’s best to be well-rested.
Chaotic Loud: She’s right. GOod night you guys!
Chaotic Soba: Night
Neutral Rich: Good Night
Shoto left the group chat and then scrolled through his contacts. He landed on Midoriya’s number and looked at it. It was getting late, maybe he shouldn’t text until the morning. But the desire to talk to the green-haired teen was too strong and Shoto caved.
Ryukori: Hey.
Deku: Hey, how was your day?
Ryukori: It was good. Your’s?
Deku: not what I thought b>t was going to be but it was good.
Ryukori: Cool.
Ryukori: Well I should let you sleep. It’s getting late
Deku: Okay, night Yukitomo
Ryukori: Good night Midoriya.
Shoto closed out of his phone and then dropped it on his chest. He looked up at the ceiling and sighed softly. Then he moved his phone to charge. Then he rolled over and closed his eyes and was lulled to sleep.
Getting back to the apartment, Dabi was in a pretty good mood. It was almost enough to make him forget that Fuyumi was going to be braiding him with questions when he walked through the front door. Wonderful. Dabi told her that he was going to be late, and Fuyumi was usually fine with it as long as she knew where he was going to be.
But having spent the night at Keigo’s, and not telling Fuyumi he wasn’t come home was sure to bite him in the ass. If she wasn’t going to yell at him for worrying her, there was a good chance Fuyumi was going to ask him countless questions, like “Did you have a good time?” or “When you gonna bring him over?”.
The thought of it made Dabi groaned as he reached the door. Walking inside to a quiet apartment was, weird to say the least. With his two brothers gone the apartment was too big and silent for anyone to bear. Maybe that’s why Fuyumi was talking about going out on her own last night. Being alone here at night sometimes was borderline punishment.
After not seeing his sister right away, Dabi guessed Fuyumi was in her room getting ready for work. Maybe he could hide out in his room until she was gone, or leave before she noticed he was even there.
Dabi had showered at Keigo’s place so all he had to do was sneak to his room and get ready for work at the record store. Once he found his red and black striped polo he wore for work and his name tag he got dressed.
After getting fully dressed, Dabi quietly grabbed his bag and head for the door, still hoping Fyumi hadn’t heard him.
When he reaches for the doorknob it moved, and it swung open revealing Fuyumi, in the same black turtleneck and pants from the night before. Huh, well this was a change in roles.
The two siblings looked at each other for a moment and blinked. Finally, Dabi his hands on his hips and said, “And where have you been young lady?”
Fuyumi’s shoulder fell and her eyes rolled, “Don’t you even start,” she said pushing past him to get in the apartment.
“Oh, no, no, no, no, no,” Dabi said following her black inside, “Do you even have any idea how long I’ve dreamt of this moment?”
“Shut up,” Fuyumi said going to her room and shut the door behind her. This didn’t stop Dabi as he waited outside her door.
“So you went to Etsuko?” he asked threw the door.
“No,” Fuyumi answered, “I went to Sora’s, and waited till Etsuko got home.”
“Right, yes, cause you're friends with Sora.”
“Stop it.”
“What? I’m just trying to make sure my ducks are in a row here.”
Dabi could hear Fuyumi groan and smirked.
“So what did you do last night?” he asked.
“Not telling you.”
“What?! Fuyumi, I’m wounded,” Dabi said with a mocking voice, “I tell you everything that I do.”
The door opened to show Fuyumi with her hair brushed and dressed for work in a gray skirt, white long sleeve shirt, and light blue sweater vest.
“If you tell me everything that I'm Mt. Lady,” Fuyumi said walking over to head out the door.
“Come on,” Dabi said, “You tell me what you did and I’ll tell you about my night.”
“I don’t think I want to know.”
“Probably right, I can very detailed.”
“Eww,” She said looking at him, “What is wrong with you?”
“Lots of things, Yumi, a lot of things.”
Fuyumi huffed and looked at her brother. The two smiled at each other and Dabi said, “Have a good day.”
“I will,” Fuyumi responded grabbing her own bag.
“Want me to walk you to the station?” Dabi asked.
“Sure,” she said and then the siblings took off.
“We’re getting called into Hosu City,” Banshee said at Shoto lunch break. He looked up at her, his sandwich, still halfway to his mouth. Shoto put his food down and asked, “What’s in Hosu City?”
“I’ve been called in by another agency to help with a mission. They haven't sent us other details so we’ll find out when we get there,” Banshee explained.
“Are you allowed to bring me if they called for just you?” Shoto asked.
“You’re my intern,” Banshee said, “I’m supposed to show you what being a hero is. As long as you do what I say you’ll be safe.”
Shoto nodded and once Banshee left he finished his lunch with his mind still racing. Hosu City. Iida was interning there if he remembered right. But that’s not why the name sounded familiar.
Then Shoto remembered the first time he heard of Hosu and he wasn’t very hungry anymore. Hosu City is where the Hero Killer: Stain was last seen, after attacking Ingenium.
Briefly, Shoto wondered if it was the Hero Killer, Banshee was being called to help with if they allow him to go. Yeah he was an intern, yeah he had a strong Quirk, but Shoto didn’t A: have hero license. And B: was still in his first year.
Then his mind drifted to another thought this time about Iida and the Hero Killer. Who was Iida inturning with again? It was Manual, right? Why was Iida inturning with him? He got better offers and it’s not like the hero and he had similar Quirks.
Did Iida go to Hosu for-?
Shoto shook his head. Just because Iida was angry about his brother, didn’t mean he’d do a 180. However, Shoto knew that thirst for justices did things to people. It did things to him once. His brothers too.
Shoto swallowed. No use in worrying about things he couldn’t help. But he did anyway.
Upon hearing they had been called by the Endeavor Hero agency, Shoto had to stop himself from jumping out of the train window. He wasn’t sure if Banshee noticed his clearly on edge behavior because if she had she didn’t say a word about it.
After taking a few deep breaths Shoto tried to convince his mind that all would be fine, he also did this while pulling both his hood down and mask up.
When they got off the train and to Hosu it was near 4 o’clock. Shoto was doing everything he could to be as calm as he could but from his clenched palms came frost and sparks.
When they arrived at the police station, Banshee told him to wait outside, due to the fact that Shoto was unlicensed and couldn’t be there for the briefing.
“I won’t be long,” Banshee said, “This is something they want to deal with quickly so they’ll tell me what I need to know and then we’ll meet up with the other heroes we're working with.”
After a quick nod from Shoto, Banshee then walked into the building. Realizing that he was getting a little too warm Shoto pulled off his hood and mask. He didn’t need them yet. Looking across the street he noticed something that set him on edge. Quickly crossing he found that what he saw was a little girl and she was acting like she was lost.
She kept looking up and down the street with tears pooling in her eyes and she looked so confused. Strangely enough, Shoto noticed all her hair was tucked in the bright red bucket hat she was wearing and that she was wearing a face mask. Now Shoto wore his mask for his custom, however, it was summer he couldn’t think of many reasons a little kid to need a mask. She could be sick but she seemed okay health-wise. Shoto walked a little closer to her and asked, “Are you okay?”
The girl gasped and turned around. Once she looked at Shoto her fear seemed to melt away as she said, “You’re that boy from the Sports Festival!”
Shoto blinked before cracking a smile of his own and nodding. A few people had recognized him since the festival and normal that set him on edge, but with a little kid like this, it was more amusing.
“Your Quirk’s really pretty,” she said, looking down at the skirt of her sundress, almost embarrassed that she said it.
“Thank you,” Shoto said, “But I noticed that you were alone. Are you okay? Where are your parents?”
The girl’s eyes became watery once more as she said, “I walked away from Zu-chan and Nii-chan for a second and then when I turned back they were gone.”
“Who’s Zu-chan?” Shoto asked.
“My cousin,” the girl said rubbing her eyes, “He’s on braking so he took us out for the day.”
Shoto nodded. How did he handle this? What would Dabi or Fuyumi say if this was him as a kid? “Okay,” he said “We’re gonna try and see if we can get you back to them. Can you tell me your name?”
The girl let out a big sniff and said, “Harue.”
Shoto smiled trying to relax her and said, “That’s a very pretty name. You can call me Ryukori, okay?”
She nodded and though, Shoto couldn’t see Harue’s mouth, he could tell by the look in her eyes she was smiling. He then noticed that there was something strangely familiar about them. He shrugged. Shoto offred Harue his hand and the two of them walked back over towards the police station.
When he walked in the first he saw was Banshee who was on her way out to rejoin him. Harue was clutching his hand tightly and her eyes were wide with wonder at the sight of Banshee. After explaining the situation to her Shoto they handed Harue off to a female officer with cat ears and then rejoined his mentor.
“So before we talk about the kid, I want to go over this case with you,” she said, “The Hero Killer has been stopped around this area. We’ve been called in by the Endeavor agency to help with a church of the city. I want you to be fully aware that you are to do everything I saw and if at any point in time I feel that the situation is too unsafe and out of your capability level I’m sending you back here to this station. Overall stay by my side unless I say. Got it?”
Shoto nodded, “Got it.”
Shoto looked down at his feet for a minute and then he asked, “Are we leaving now?”
Banshee gave him a smile and said, “You’re worried about the girl, aren't you?”
“She’s just really little,” Shoto said, “She can’t be that old.”
“Don’t worry,” the purple-haired woman said, “We can be a little to make sure the girl gets back with her family. She’s in the back room asking about you. Why don’t you go bright her out here why I go make some calls, deal?”
It wasn’t a hard choice and soon Shoto was sitting on a bench with Harue in the lobby of the police station. She was still wearing her mask, but she was talking a mile a minute. Shoto had never really been around kids younger than him, so he wasn’t quite sure what to do.
“That hero lady is really pretty,” Harue said.
“Banshee?” Shoto asked, “Yes she is.”
“Am I gonna grow to be like that?” Harue asked.
Shoto’s eyebrows knitted together. What did she mean by that? Was she asking Shoto is she was going to grow up to be pretty? How did he answer that with out come off kinda creepy?
“What do you mean?” he finally asked.
“Will I be a hero like her?” Harue asked.
“Do you want to be?”
Harue looked down at her hands, “I think so. I’m not sure.”
“Well that’s okay,” Shoto said, “You’re little yet. You don’t have to know just yet.”
Harue looked at him threw her arms around Shoto’s waist making him freeze. What was happening right now?
“Thank you,” she said very quietly. At that Shoto's whole heart melted, and he was now ready to die for this child.
As soon as Harue let him go the doors of the police stain burst open and a guy around 19, dressed in black jeans and a t-shirt ran to the desk.
Very quickly, all at once, he said, “Hi, I lost my little cousin. She four-years, this tall, dressed in a yellow sundress, red bucket hat, and I need to find her or I’m deader that-”
“Zu-chan!” Harue cried running over to the boy and hugging his leg.
“Harue!” he yelled picking her up and holding on for dear life, “Oh, my gods' kid, don’t wander off like that! I thought you were dead and Akito and I didn’t know where you went. If I didn’t find you Aunt Kouke would have killed me. Are you okay?”
Harue nodded and gripped the teen’s neck tighter. The black-haired man let out a sigh of relief and then put Harue down again.
“I’m okay Zu-chan,” Harue said, “Ryukori found me.”
Shoto waved and Harue’s cousin walked over to him and said, “Thank you, for finding her. If she had gotten hurt or found by someone else-”
“It’s my job to help people,” Shoto said, “I was only doing my best.”
“Thank you still.”
“Now that this is settled,” Banshee said joining them, “We should get going now.”
“Wait!” Harue cried. She pulled on her cousin’s pant leg and asked, “Zu-chan can do you have a notepad?”
The person behind the desk handed him a notepad that he handed to Harue. The little girl rushed back up to Shoto and asked, “will you sigh this for me? Pretty please.” Shoto blinked. What?
“Look like someone’s asking for your autograph,” Banshee said grinning at him.
Shoto looked down at Harue again, before carefully sighing the page and handing it back to Harue. Once she had it she held it to her chest and said, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“You’re very welcome,” Shoto said, his voice dipping into a whisper. As he followed Banshee out of the police station a smile pressed his lips. He tried to hold on to it. Now he was on his way to help look for a deadly killer with a monster of a man.
The minute Shoto’s eye fell on Endeavor, he did all he could to keep his composer. His hood was down and his mask pulled flushed. He waited, heart, beating a mile a minute, as all the heroes took. No one spared him a glance and Shoto was thankful. He stayed towards the back of the group right behind Banshee. He quietly hoped in the back of his mind that nothing was going to happen tonight.
Then the nomu attack happened. And all fucking hell broke loose. The group got split up and then it was just him Banshee, Endeavor, and a few of the number two hero’s sidekicks.
They were chasing after a Nomu when Shoto his phone bing. He didn’t know why but he stopped and pulled it out of his pocket to check it. It was a message from that location app, Ashido had told them all about. You sent out your location and whoever was closest to you could find where you were. Shoto saw that it was from Midoiya and that Iida was with him.
Why the hell was Midoriya in Hosu? And Why was he sending Shoto his location-
Could Midoriya and Iida be in trouble?
Banshee yelled at him, “Ryukori come on the monsters are going this way!”
He turned to look at her, “My friends are a few blocks away and might be in trouble. I have to go help!”
“Not alone! I’m responsible for you remember?” she said.
“This is important,” Shoto cried, “It’s what has to be done! You go after the nomu. When I and my friends are safe we head back to the police station. I swear!”
Banshee looked at her. She was thinking about as hard and as fast as she could. Then she shouted, “You get your friends out and run. Don’t fight unless it gets you out and the heroes will come as soon as I can get them to you.”
“Thank you!” Shoto yelled run towards where he knew Iida and Midoiya where.
The last thing Shoto exposed to find was the Hero Killer. But there he was about to stab one of his friends. Naturally, Shoto launched a wave of fire at him.
The look in Stain's eyes were horrifying but Shoto pushed threw.
“Midoriya,” Shoto called, “The next time you call me for back up maybe you can add in a few details like We’re being attacked by the fucking Hero Killer.”
“I was a little busy!” Midoriya yelled, “Also, how did you get here? And are you using your left side?!”
“There will be time for questions later!” Shoto yelled shooting ice from his foot towards the Hero Killer and also lifting his friends and the injured pro hero, who was also there, off the ground and then behind him.
“You’re just like they said you were,” Shoto said looking at Stain, “But you’re not going to take any more lives, Hero Killer.”
“Yukitomo don’t let him get your blood! I think if he swallows your blood he can control your actions!” Midoriya yelled.
“He takes in blood and keeps people from moving. That's why he has all the blades. Then I stay away!” Shoto yelled.
The knife came hurtling towards his face cutting his mask and hitting his check.
“You have good friends Ingenium!” Stain yelled at Iida coming at Shoto. He was going to take a swing at Shoto but the white-haired teen blocked it with a blast of ice. Looking up Shoto saw a whole ass sword flying up in the air. Stain had to have thrown it at the same time as the ice. Stain the grabbed Shoto collar and was going to lick his blood. Shoto let the left side of his face lit up with flames, sending the Hero Killer back and setting his mask ablaze. He ripped it off and tried to think of something to throughout the Hero Killer off.
Stain was about to say something right as Shoto yelled, “I’m HIV positive!”
Stain blinked, “What did you just-?”
Right then Shoto set another big blast of ice towards the Hero Killer but he dodged it. Well, that plan didn’t work. Shoto let off another blast trying to send the villain farther back. But Stian was cutting through his ice with his sword.
“Just stop it,” Shoto hear Iida say through gritted teeth, “Why are you doing this? This fight is with me, I’m doing this in my brother’s name. I should be the one who’s trying to stop him. The Hero Killers mine!”
Shoto knew that at this time he should say something to help Iida with the stress and heavy emotion of the situation they were all in but what he said instead was: “Iida I say this to you as a friend: Bitch, you are bleeding on the ground paralyzed! What are you going to do!?” Shoto yelled before setting off a wave of fire towards Stain’s face.
“With that, you’re becoming Ingenium now, but the thing is the Ingenium I knew never had that look on his face.”
Shoto heard Iida’s gasp and went on, “You have a dark side and it coming throw now. I guess my family, not one who’s fucked up.”
“Careful Yukitomo!” Midoiya yelled.
“I’m trying!”
Then there was a shot of cold air as Stain managed to cut through all of the ice Shoto had made.
“You put your enemy out of your sight when he was faster than you,” Stain said, “That was a mistake.”
“Well then come and get me,” Shoto yelled. Right before a set of claw blade plunged into his forearm. Welp.
“You’re good kid,” Stain said from above, sword raised high “Unlike him.”
Shoto realized that Stain was going for the down Pro Hero and before he could move, a flash of green knocked Stain back.
“Midoriya!” Shoto yelled.
“I don’t know how but I can move again!” the green-haired teen yelled.
“So he was a time limit,” Shoto guessed.
“No,” Pro hero, Native, that what Shoto thought his name was, “That kid should be the last one free. I still can’t move a muscle.”
Shoto looked and saw Midoriya and Stain fall to the ground and once they were there he yelled, “Midoriya dodge!”
Once the other teen was out of the way,” Shoto shoot a wall of ice towards Stain again.
Midoriya was by Shoto's side now and began to say, “His Quirk wore off on me first and I have three guesses why. The first is his Quirk works less effective the more people he uses it on. The amount ingested could play into how long it works. Or it as to do with blood type.”
“If it’s the last one, my blood type B,” Native said.
“I’m type A,” Iida said.
“Yukitomo?” Midoiya asked.
“So you figure it out?” Stain asked grinning wickedly, “Very impressive.”
“For the sake of this fight undisclosed,” Shoto said.
“Even though we know this now it doesn’t make this fight any easier,” Midoiya muttered.
“I was hoping we could do this quickly and carry those two out but it’s not going to happen is it?” Shoto said, “He’s too fast. He can dodge ice and fire. Our best opinion is to hold until the pros come. Avoid close combat.”
“No,” Midoriya said, “You’ve already lost too much blood. I’ll distract him while you support me from behind. Sound like a plan?”
Shoto looked at him, “That is a very big risk.”
A beat.
“Okay. Let’s try and protect them”
While the fight was going on Shoto’s mind wandered a little. He thought back to Iida and the worry he had felt ever since talking to him that day in the hall. He knew the look, he knew the feeling. He knew how obscure the world view was of someone who had a person they loved scorned or hurt.
He thought back to his conversation with his own mother. How he told her about his life after she was taken. He told her about who he’s become. Shoto, remember how she told him to move forward. To not let the past hold him back. That would be her salvation. If he hadn’t talked to her, he may have never asked Dabi to show him how to use his left side. Dabi wasn’t a hero, but he had been trained to be one. He could show Shoto what to do and how to grow into his own.
But still, none of that would have happened if it weren’t for Midoriya. Just two short sentences, that’s all it took for Shoto opened his eyes and see that he was being a moron. Yeah, he also risked his family's safety, but still. Now he had to try and help Iida see. While trying to not die.
A cry from Midoriya snapped Shoto out of his thoughts. His leg had been grazed by Stain’s swords. Shoto quickly shot out a blast of fire. Stain was changing his fighting style. Fuck.
“You need to run,” Shoto heard Iida says, “I can’t watch this.”
Frustrations build inside Shoto and he said the only thing he could think to say, “You wanna make your brother proud?” In the corner of his eye, Shoto saw Midoriya knocked down with a cut from Stain, “Then stand the hell up and be Ingenium! Be the Hero he wanted you to be!”
With than Shoto aimed more flames toward the villain doing everything he could to keep him back.
“On your right!” Midoriya yelled, just in time for Shoto to dodge another attack from Stain. Shoto kicked the hero in the stomach sending him back a good couple feet.
Try dodging this! Shoto thought, freezing the ground and creating several ice spikes that rise up from the ground as Stain ran towards him again.
“Has anyone told you, you rely on your Quirk too much?” Stain said, “Makes you a careless fighter.”
Shoto then saw the sword come at him, too close for him dodge or move. He was going to cut his left arm clean off. He couldn't do anything
But then there was a rush of wind that came from the side and Stain’s sword never meet Shoto’s body. He looked up and smiled just a bit. Iida could move again.
“Your free now,” Shoto said, “I guess his Quirk isn’t all that strong as first thought after all.
“Yukitomo, Midoriya” Iida said, “This has nothing to do with you. I apologies”
“Not this again,” Midoriya said.
“I’m okay,” Iida said, “But I won’t let the two of you shed any more blood for me.”
Shoto looked up and saw that Stain was getting back up from Iida’s attack. “Oh, my gods, can we talk about this later?!” Shoto said, lighting his arm on fire to get ready again.
“It is no use trying to pretend you're a hero,” Stain said, “A person’s true nature hasn’t changed in a few minutes. You could never be a fraud the priorities his own desires. You’re the sickness that affected society, ruining the name hero. Someone must teach you a leans.”
Shoto’s eyes rolled so far into the back of his head they were lost. For the love of hell, stop talking! He thought. Stain was the last person who got to say what a hero was. “You’re a fundamentalist lunatic, bitch,” Shoto said. Also thank you Dabi form teaching him to insult his enemies on the brink of blood loss. This wasn’t going to backfire at all.
“Iida, do not listen to anything murderer is saying,” Shoto added.
“No,” Iida whispered, “He’s completely correct. I have no right to call myself a hero at all. So there is no way I can back down.”
Shoto watched the trailer of blood run down Iida’s arm dripping to the ground like tears.
“If I give up now,” Iida said, “Then the name Ingenium will die.”
“Pathetic,” Stain said moving to charge again. Shoto moved Iida out of the way just a bit so he could come at Stain with another fire attack.
“Idiots!” Native yelled, “The Hero Killer’s only after me and the kid in the white armor! Get out of here!”
“I don’t think he’d let me even if I wanted to!” Shoto yelled back, not sure what else he could do. There was a new look in Stain's eyes, it was almost rabbit. Shoto just kept trying different combinations of attacks. Moving between fire and ice. Think he told himself, what should he do? What would his brother advise him to do?
“Hey, Yukitomo” Iida called. Shoto looked over to him as he unlisted a wall of fire between him and Stain.
“Can you regulate your temperature?” he asked.
Shoto called back, “Not well with my left, but my right I’m good.”
“I need you to freeze my leg! Without getting to the exhaust” Iida said. Shoto looked at him while he was distracted Stain tossed another knife at him, but Iida moved in front of him, getting the blade logged into his arm.
“Iida!” Midoriya cried.
“Why won’t you stay down!?” Stain yelled plunging another knife into Iida’s arm.
“Iida are you sure-?” Shoto began.
“Just do it!”
Without wasting another second, Shoto carefully froze the back of Iida’s calf. Once he was gone he stepped back and began shooting fire up towards Stain.
But then there were two bright flashes that went up and Shoto stopped firing. It was Iida and Midoriya. Shoto smiled, and whispered to himself, “Fuck, yeah.”
Because what happened next was pretty impressive. Iida managed to kick Stain in the gut and Midoriya landed a smash right into his jaw. All while in midair.
Stain landed with a hard thud, while Midoriya and Iida landed like cats gracefully on their feet. Shoto walked over and the three of them looked over the body of a knocked out Stain.
After a minute or so, Shoto swallowed and asked, “Anyone got some rope?”
The got all of Stain’s knives and blades, once he was all tied up and securer. Native was able to move again and Midoiya was able to help him. Shoto was the one who held on to a tied up Stain.
“Midoriya, Shoto asked, “Can I borrow your mask?”
“Why?” the green hair teen asked.
“Please?” Shoto asked, “I’ll give it back, I promise.”
“Okay,” Midoiya said handing the mask over to him. Shoto placed it carefully over his face. They talked among themselves as the group walked out of the alleyway into the street.
“Come on,” Shoto said looking up and down the street, “I know where the police station is let’s get him there.”
“What are you doing here?” the gruff voice called from across the street.
Shoto looked up and saw an old man giving Midoriya a hard look.
“Grand Torino!” the green-haired teen said, a little fear in his voice. While Midoriya was still talking the man jumped up and kicked him in the face.
“I thought I told you to stay on the bulted train,” The man yelled. Oh, Shoto thought, this must be who Midoriya was interning with. With Grand Torino more heroes came, Banshee was one of them. One look from her and Shoto got the feeling he was in for a tough lashing later on.
“Are any of you hurt?” she asked walking up to them, her hands on her hips.
“Yeah,” Shoto said, looking down at his forearm.
“You were injured because of me,” Iida said, at both Shoto and Midoriya. The taller teen bowed and said, “I’m truly sorry.”
Shoto could hear the tears in Iida’s voice as he went one, “I couldn’t see through my anger…”
“Pull together Iida,” Shoto said, “You’re class rep, remember?”
Iida wiped his eyes,” Yeah,” he mumbled.
Shoto let out a sigh. It was over now, he told himself.
“Get down!” Gran Torino yelled. Everyone looked up and in the air, they saw a winged Nomu. Before Shoto could process anything else, the monster swung down and snatched up Midoriya.
“No!” Shoto yelled.
“Midoriya!” Iida cried.
“There’s blood,” a hero yelled, “Did he escape after being beaten?”
“Who cares?” Shoto yelled, “Someone just get him down!”
Once again, Shoto was not ready for what happened next. Stain had jumped up, licked the nomu blood of a heroes' face and ran towards it, breaking out of his binds. He jumped up, landing on the falling nomu and stabbed it to death.
And at that moment, Shoto like everyone else was frozen with fear.
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