#why are all the mcsm designs so confusing
mushyfart · 9 months
rough sketch of ninja ivor while I try to figure out his design‼️
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After the small incident yesterday, I feel I should clarify a few things for you guys regarding the user darkangelvos/dark-angel-vos/askmoegachalife/ask-ghost-sammy-mcsm/jack-phetus-mcsm/askthespirits/eevee-sisters-and-mimikins (you may have also heard of her under such (now deactivated after being reported) names as elsienator, kawaiighostgirl, wereguardian-gina, etc.)
1, the reasons behind me pointing out that all these blogs are owned by the same person despite her denial.
The "so much evidence" that she claims "proves" she's not the same person: her screaming that she's not.
The evidence that she is: all her blogs type exactly the same way, all have exactly the same obsessions with ghosts, Gacha, etc., all make "art" and design characters in exactly the same way, all go out of their way to be obnoxious and harass RP blogs/ask blogs, all try to tear down other people's headcanons, ideas and designs for not lining up with what she personally thinks.
2, the reasons behind me (and other people) saying that just blocking her blogs is the best idea.
Apart from the whole "making-blog-after-blog-just-to-pester-people-who've-blocked-her-other-blogs" thing, here's a list (with evidence) made somebody who was persistently harassed by her a while back that provides a rundown of the kind of crap she's been pulling and continues to pull and shows why she should not be welcome in the fandom. Since I do not condone harassing her no matter how much of a rotten cucumber she is, I really suggest just blocking and moving on.
I hope this clears up any confusion and I'm sorry you guys had to see that on your dashes. All being well, this should be the last you hear of it.
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shielddrake · 7 years
Rebel of Sky City Ch. 2
Author’s Notes:  So, I’m a sad person.  MCSM Season 2 isn’t available for Mac users, and that’s the only platform I have that the game (supposedly) was released on.  So, I’m still avoiding spoilers as best I can.  To make up for this, I spent my time editing this chapter.  Enjoy!
Chapter Two
 "Come back here!"
 "Freeze, criminal!"
 Three of the Sky City guards were very busy chasing a thief.  Or, at least, they thought he was a thief.  Really, he had just been trading some building materials with another person who had been at the supervised crafting table earlier that day. He hid the sticks he received close to his chest, and made sure that his head, face, and neck were completely covered by the black hood he wore to conceal his identity.  It was no problem making the trade without anyone seeing them, but once the guards saw a hooded man carrying crafting items they were sure he wasn't permitted to have they immediately chased after him.
 Unfortunately for the guards, this man was used to ducking and weaving between the iron buildings of Sky City, and he knew some of the secret passages and tunnels that Build Club had prepared for just such an occasion.  He took a right and then a left before ducking into a small hollow next to the outer wall of the city.  The young man waited, staying completely still until the thundering footsteps of his pursuers disappeared and the street was quiet.
 Once he was sure it was safe, he lowered his hood, causing his blond hair to tumble over his ears. His piercing blue eyes peeked out for just a moment to watch the guards head down the wrong direction, and he smiled, showing off a set of bright teeth to absolutely no one.
 "That was close," said Lukas.  He tucked the sticks he had traded into the front of his jacket and zipped up the front, holding them close to his chest and keeping them well hidden from prying eyes. "Guards could still be around. Better lay low for a bit."
 Lukas knew exactly where to go in this situation.  His father had taught him to keep his head down if there was any chance of someone catching him carrying crafting supplies.  And what better place to hide out for a while than at his best friend's home?
 Trying to walk as naturally as he could with a bunch of sticks jabbing into his chest, Lukas made his way through the streets until he came to a small, two-story building. Technically it housed two separate homes, with his friend living on the upper floor.  He climbed the stairs to the entrance and knocked, glancing back down the street one last time before turning his attention to the door as it was opened.
 The tall redhead stared at Lukas for only a split second before she let him inside.
 "Let me guess," she said, smirking.  "You were chased by the guards and need a place to lie low for a while?"
 "And someone to be my alibi just in case they followed me here," Lukas replied with a grin. "Thanks, Petra."
 Petra shook her head as she closed the door and locked it.  "Sure thing.  Just don't get dirt on my couch this time."
 Lukas knew he was welcome to make himself at home in Petra's little flat.  It was a simple place, just like many of the homes in Sky City, with a single floor and a living room, dining room, and kitchen that were all connected in one space.  Only the bedroom and bathroom had their own separate doors.  Petra was never one to have extravagant things, even by Sky City standards, but her place was comfortable enough, with its own couch and tables.  Petra wasn't a big reader, but she had a small bookshelf with a few books she managed to gather over time by petitioning The Founder.  Most of the subjects were benign enough, focusing around history and law, and Lukas had read each one at least three times within the first year she owned them.
 He sat on the light brown couch, making sure he didn't prop his feet up on the small table in front of it. (He already made that mistake once, and he wouldn't again.)  He pulled the sticks out of his jacket and placed them on the table, before leaning back into the couch and letting out a loud breath.
 "The guards are getting more and more tenacious," he commented as Petra brought him a drink of water.  Thankfully, The Founder never limited anyone on the amount of water they could have. The various pools around the city were apparently designed to be infinite.  "I think the ones in this part of town might be onto me.  I might need to avoid trading around here for a while."
 "Your dad won't be happy about that," Petra stated, taking a gulp of her own water. "Some of those deals are the main sources of resources for Build Club."
 "I know, but I doubt Dad would want me caught for it," he said.  He scooted over to give her room to join him on the couch. "After all the time he spent in jail..."
 "Yeah, no kidding," the redhead agreed.  "So, those sticks are what you traded this time?"
 Lukas leaned forward and started moving sticks around, putting them in positions she knew would make something, but without being on a crafting table, they would simply remain a pile of sticks.  
 "Yeah.  Dad said he'll show everyone some things we can do with them.  He promised me weeks ago, but we haven’t been able to get sticks in a while.”
 "Well, that stinks. I can’t wait for the day when we don’t have to bed to craft the simplest little thing.”
 “Tell me about it.”
 “Speaking of which, that reminds me.”  Petra put her drink down on the table.  " I’ve got something to show you."
 Petra rose from her seat and headed to her bedroom.  Lukas folded the sticks back into a straight pile while he waited.  He certainly knew better than to poke around Petra's room, even if she was there...or perhaps, especially because she was there.  That was another mistake he wouldn't make twice. Petra was his best friend and he had known her for years, but she liked her privacy, and Lukas could appreciate that.
 It didn't take long for Petra to return with a couple sheets of paper.  She handed them to him with one of her trademark small grins. Whatever this was, she was proud of herself.
 “I think I might be able to make your life a little easier, Lukas.”
 Lukas took the papers and spent a moment looking them over.  His eyes went wide as the repercussions of this sank into his mind. He waited a long moment before he responded.
 "These are acceptance papers into the Guard," he said.  He tried to keep his breathing even.  "You're joining the Guard?"
 "Yeah, I passed the tests and The Founder found no problems with my background check," Petra explained.  "Turns out all those visits to Build Club never got put on my record, and all the other guards in charge of supervising crafting or building never had anything bad to say about me."
 Lukas was quiet again for a long while, long enough that Petra's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Seeing her puzzled look, he handed the papers back to her.
 "So, I guess this means you won't be coming to Build Club anymore?" he presumed.  "And you're going to have to arrest me if you find me trading resources?"
 Lukas could have sworn he heard Petra snort as she put her palm to her forehead.  “No, you blockhead.  I'm not going to do that."
 "But won't you have to if you're in the Guard?"
 "Sheesh, Lukas. I know you're smarter than this." At this comment, Lukas glanced up at her as Petra rolled her eyes.  "Members of the Guard have access to the palace, and all the inventory The Founder keeps in there.  I’m going to smuggle resources out for you and your dad."
 Lukas blinked a couple of times.  "What? Really?"
 "No, I'm going to turn in all of Build Club so I can become the next Captain of the Guard." Petra's voice was as flat as a pancake. "Of course I'm doing it to help get supplies.  Why else would I join the Guard?  Not because I like the idea of keeping people from building, I’ll tell you that."
 Lukas let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.  "Oh man.  You had me worried for a second."
 "If you weren't my best friend, I'd feed you a fist for having so little faith in me," she said with a scowl.  "I hate the no building laws as much as you do.  My joining the Guard won't change that."
 Lukas chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.  "Sorry, Petra.  I should've known better."
 "Yeah, you should've."  Now Petra's tone was more sarcastically playful, and Lukas immediately knew he was forgiven.  She sat on the couch again.  "I don't know how much I'll be able to get out of palace, but I can give it a try."
 “It’s really risky though. Are you sure you want to do it?”  he warned.  “If you get caught, who knows how The Founder will punish you?  It could be worse than what happened to Dad!”
 “I’ll just have to not get caught.”
 Lukas shook his head but smiled nonetheless.  Petra’s always been braver than me.
 “How long before I have to call you Officer?”  he joked.
 “Oh god, I don’t think I’ll ever get comfortable with that idea.  Makes me feel like I have to be formal or something.” Petra leaned her head back to stare at her ceiling.  “Not for a while.  There’s basic training first. That’s not for a few weeks.  And then I’ll be enlisted for real.”
 “And I bet you won’t be allowed access to any resources for some time after that.”
 “Probably, but what’s a few more weeks when we’ve been stuck waiting a lifetime already?”
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