#whumptember day 21
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iwritewhump · 2 years ago
"take me with you" + stumbling + too weak to move
day 21 of @whumptember
692 words
warnings: captive whumpee, signs of abuse, neglected whumpee
Hero’s house is cold and dark, keeping Villain on edge as he sneaks down the basement hallway. He pushes open a door and peeks past the door frame. 
Hero sleeps soundly in her bed, blanket drawn up to her chin and a calm expression on her face. Villain rolls his eyes and closes the door again, making sure he doesn’t make a sound. 
He moves down the hallway and pushes open another door, frowning when the light from the moon reflects off a toilet. He sighs and starts to close the door again, but stops when he sees a thick chain across the floor. 
Cautiously, he opens the door enough to walk into the room. He closes the door behind him and turns his flashlight on, shining it through his fingers to dim the light as much as he can. Following the chain, he looks behind the shower curtain and nearly gags. 
Curled up in a small ball, Henchman stares up at him. The chain is latched to a cuff on her ankle and the skin is rubbed raw. She whimpers and tries to curl more into herself, the chain rattling noisily against the marble tile. 
Villain shakes his head and squats down in front of her, “I’m not gonna hurt you, but you need to stop moving. You’ll wake Hero up.” 
“No, no, no,” she murmurs, staring blankly at him. “I didn’t know, you have to-you have to trust me. I didn’t know.” 
He reaches out to wipe the tears from her face, but stops when she tenses and closes her eyes, “Know what?” he asks gently, “What didn’t you know?” 
She doesn’t answer. 
He takes a deep breath and shakes his head to clear it, then looks at his watch. “Shit,” he mutters. He stands up and looks back at Henchman, eyes lingering on the bruises littering her skin. “I’m running out of time.” 
“No,” she begs, reaching out to him, “Take me with you.” 
“I will, I just…have to get something first, ok? I’ll be right back. Don’t make a sound, Hero needs to stay sleeping.” he whispers. 
He turns the flashlight off and opens the door again, leaving it open enough so he doesn't have to turn the handle to get back in. 
The next room is locked, Villain curses and kneels in front of the handle and picks the lock as quickly and quietly as he knows how, just loud enough to make it take twice as long with him stopping after every click and scratch. 
Suddenly, the lock clicks open and Villain coaxes the door open, wincing as it creaks. Once it’s open enough for Villain to slip past, he walks into the room and turns on the computer and plugs the flash drive in. After an absurdly long thirty seconds, the computer beeps and Villain pockets the flash drive. 
He leaves the room and pushes back into the bathroom, barely waiting for Henchman to open her eyes again before grabbing her ankle and finding the lock. She winces and tries to pull her leg back, but even with the loose grip he has on her, she’s too weak. He swiftly picks the lock and lets the cuff clatter onto the marble before taking Henchman’s arm and helping her stand. 
She falls, hands gripping Villain’s shirt to keep standing. He mutters quietly and wraps an arm around her waist, ignoring her grunt of pain when he presses his hand into a scab. Her cheeks puff out from her trying to keep quiet and she buckles over in pain. 
“I…I don’t think I can walk,” she whispers. 
Without a word, Villain puts his other arm behind her knees and lifts her up. He runs out of the bathroom, not worrying about the noise. Up the stairs and out the front door before Hero’s nightside lamp turns on, Villain huffs with effort to put Henchman in the car without jostling her anymore than he already has. She stays quiet, only making a noise when he’s too rough. 
He mutters apologies and closes the door, then jumps into the driver seat and speeds away just as Hero’s door opens.
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whumble-beeee · 2 years ago
Whumptember 2023, Day 21
“Take me with you”
Failed escape | Stumbling | Too weak to move
The Bee's Whumptember Masterlist
~1080 words
CW: (implied) inhuman whumper, knife to throat, brief passing out, claws, blood, death threat
Whumpee felt the cool steel of a blade pressing into their throat, not quite enough to draw blood, but more than enough to keep their rigid back pinned to Whumper’s chest as the beast’s other arm snaked under their armpit, clawing into their chest with unbelievably sharp nails and barely restrained strength. Whumpee held their arms out shakily to the sides in a show of surrender, stock still so not to agitate the various sharps threatening their bite.
“Seems we’re at a crossroads, then, doesn’t it Leader?” Whumper drawled, eyes flashing. Scientist cowered behind Leader until only their eyes were visible, trembling, staring straight at Whumpee. 
Leader crinkled their nose at Whumper, putting a hand out protectively to shield Scientist while the other leveled at Whumper, blue sparkles and lightning bolts dancing threateningly across their fingers.
“We aren’t here for Whumpee. We’re here for Scientist.” they said through clenched teeth.
All the air left Whumpee’s lungs. “W-wait, wait… Leader, you’re not… You…”
Whumper tilted the blade of the knife upward, and Whumpee’s chin was forced to follow suit. Whumpee felt Whumper’s own chin tilt up in regard to Leader, snarling, teeth bared.
“You would trade the life of one team member for the intellect of another?”
Whumper’s hold momentarily relaxed on Whumpee, but they were too busy fighting off the throbbing in their ears and sudden encroaching darkness at the edges of their vision to take advantage of it.
The knife hit the ground with a deafening clatter. A quiet growl sounded from Whumper's throat, primal and all-consuming as it rumbled through Whumpee, straight through their bones and into the core of their being. Their claws bore into the soft flesh of Whumpee’s chest, and Whumpee cried out, arms flying up to clutch at the huge arm now squeezing their sternum so hard their ribs may as well just shatter.
“Leader! Leader please!” they screamed, broken out of the stupor that had previously enchanted them, tears mixing into the blood now streaming down their. “Don’t leave me here! I can’t–”
Whumper’s arm tore out and toppled Whumpee to the ground, somehow landing them on their hands and knees at Whumper’s feet. Whumper grabbed their jaw before they could even hope to recover and forced their gaze into their own.
“If you’re going to beg,” they growled, eyes filled with what could have been actual fire. “Do it right. On your knees. Get me my scientist.”
They shoved Whumpee’s face away and Whumpee swiveled around on their knees to face Leader. Leader just stared at them, eyes as steely as if they were still glaring at Whumper, save the slight wince when Whumpee let out a whine. The sparkling magic at their fingertips had turned a dangerous dark purple, still aimed right at Whumper above them. Why hadn’t Leader just left yet?
They strained to face Whumper again, which earned them a kick in the side that made them double over themself, a new wave of dizziness blanketing their consciousness.
Whumpee forced their gaze back up to Leader, not even bothering to uncurl from their ball of misery.
“Leader,” they wheezed, shuddering. “Y-you can’t just–”
“You knew the risks when you came on this mission, Whumpee. This was always a possibility.”
“I didn’t know, I didn’t know…” Tears dripped off their chin and soaked the floor under them.
“Whumpee,” Leader commanded, as if their very name would convince them that this was the best and only way. They prompted: “The needs of the many…”
Whumpee knew this. Knew this by heart. “... outweigh the needs of the… the few,” they squeaked. Their arms burned. The cold floor bore into their knees. They wanted to go home.
They sobbed to the floor. “Please… Please do-on't leave me. Fight for me. Take me with you”
No answer.
Whumpee looked up. Their breath hitched. The door swung closed softly. They couldn’t tear their gaze away.
Whumper screamed and grabbed them by the scruff, and Whumpee howled out, hands flying up and around to the back of their neck to claw uselessly at the iron grip. Whumper just grabbed their wrists and slammed them face first into the nearest wall, arms pinned above their head while Whumper’s other hand still squeezed into the back of their neck, pulling at their windpipe slightly as Whumpee hunched their shoulders as high as possible to try to accommodate the amount of skin Whumper held within their grasp. Whumpee finally stopped screeching when Whumper pulled them back and slammed their face into the wall once more. They could swear they saw droplets of blood flying through the air as their eyes bulged and they gasped for breath.
“This is all your fault.” Whumper hissed into their ear. “Make this any more difficult for me and I’ll kill you where you stand.”
Whumpee nodded as much as they could. Whumper’s hand effectively braced their head from moving much more, squeezing on either side so hard they started to feel lightheaded. 
Whumper let go of Whumpee’s wrists and slammed their head down into the ground. A flash of all colors and a metallic taste shooting silver strings through the top of their mouth, leading straight into the adrenaline fuelled black out filled with nothing but lightning bolts of agony shooting through their body. Their ribs screamed out in agony. And their stomach. And their legs. And everything. They tried to scramble back, but their back hit a wall. The basest of primal urges told them to claw out, to fight back, scratch into whatever was hurting them and don’t stop until it’s dead. But a louder voice screamed at them to just curl up into a ball and take it. Fighting back would only get them killed. Or maybe that was Whumper’s rage-fuelled yelling. Whatever. Whumpee stayed half curled in a catatonic stupor on the floor, and Whumper kept up the assault.
Eventually, the beating must have stopped. Whumpee was pulled to their feet by the back of their shirt. They stumbled and fell back to their knees in a daze as Whumper pushed them forward. Another growl. Intense pressure on the sides of their neck again, pulling them up, pushing them forward. Had their hands always been this red?
“You had better pray to whatever gods your kind believe in that you can fix your enormous botch up.” Whumper snarled in their ear, leading them further into their lair. There was only half a chance Whumpee even heard them.
“Or pray to those gods that you keel over before I’m done with you.”
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usaonetwothree · 1 year ago
Whumptober came and went and I posted nothing (as expected).
However, the juices are flowing again and here are three pieces ready to be posted in Whumptember.
No 6: Made to Watch. Cobra Kai. Silver finds out about Johnny's healing powers (from With Great Power...) and uses Robby as leverage to get Johnny to heal him.
No 20: Found Family/No 15: I'm fine: Cobra Kai Mexico AU, where Johnny had to fight for Miguel's freedom (and lost), leaving Robby and Miguel in charge of getting them/him to a safe place.
No 20: Found Family/No 21: Restraints/Alt 9: Drugging: Supergirl. Childish Things rewrite with more whump, and in the dark!Winn, fostermom!Cat Grant universe (side note: when was the last time you saw bangs [!] in a character description? Forcibly returning us all to 2012... :D)
All are finished and ready for their last edits! Will probably post one a week leading up to Turkey Day!
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bluegreenamber · 2 years ago
Whumptember 2023 Masterlist
Since I'm mostly posting my fics on Ao3 now and only really cross-posting them here for BTHB, I've decided that a masterlist with links to my Ao3 works would be simpler for Whumptember 2023 (partly because I actually understand Ao3's tagging and warning system, which are crucial to the event). Also, since I'm combining Whumptember prompts with the remaining prompts from my BTHB card, I'll still post the fics fulfilling BTHB on Tumblr, but all of the remaining Whumptember fics will just be linked on this masterlist.
Here is a link to my Whumptember 2023 series on Ao3 that has more info about how I'm tackling this writing challenge. Links to individual fics are under the cut and will be updated as I post. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Day 1: The Hubris of Our Forefathers
Day 2*: Like an Answered Prayer ch. 1
Day 3*: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 1
Day 4: Blood of My Blood ch. 1
Day 5: One Foot In
Day 6: Blood of My Blood ch. 2
Day 7*: Blood of My Blood ch. 3
Day 8*: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 2
Day 9*: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 3
Day 10*: Like an Answered Prayer ch. 2
Day 11*: Lavender Tea
Day 12*: Home and Bodies
Day 13*: Talking Ghosts
Day 14*: To Steal and Steel a Heart
Day 15*: Absence and Adhesion
Day 16*: When the Caught Fly Spins a Web of Its Own
Day 17: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 4
Day 18*: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 5
Day 19: How to Play a Pair of Kings
Day 20: Empty Isn't Nothing
Day 21*: Like an Answered Prayer ch. 3
Day 22*: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 6
Day 23*: Quicksand
Day 24: Living Metamorphosis
Day 25: Like an Answered Prayer ch. 4
Day 26*: Bury Us Together
Day 27*: Fading Visions of Grandeur
Day 28*: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 7
Day 29*: We Were Out of Time
Day 30: Between the Shoulder Blades ch. 8
*Days demarcated with an asterisk also fulfill my BTHB card prompts and can be found on Tumblr and Ao3
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 2 years ago
I am BEGGING YOU to please write a follow up of Whumper being rescued- pathetic whumper turned whumpees are the absolute best >:)
It is done! Thank you for giving me an idea for day 21 because I was struggling goodness. The link is HERE
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