Not posting anymore!
15 posts
I will send in asks to other blogs, but I do not write on this account anymore.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
laeserle · 6 years ago
im so in love with dwight fairfield rn im quite literally buzzing and I don't know if it was the energy drinks I drank but MY BBY
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laeserle · 6 years ago
oh dear.
It's seems I've forgotten about this account!!! I'm super super sorry!
For the time being, send in requests if you want. I'm working on a few pieces that weren't requested, so they may get done on the side.
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laeserle · 6 years ago
Okay so I basically grew up on Dragon Ball.
I remember when vegeta was the strongest villain. I remember when frieza was, when RADITZ was, when Cell was.
I remember whenever they first introduced Broly.
The new movie will obviously be like any other dragon ball movie, but the song in the trailer sounds soo good and I just
did I mention I always loved broly and all I want is for him to be happy
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laeserle · 6 years ago
okay, I know I haven't been as active on here as I should (mostly because I'm too lazy sometimes ) but I'm writing a lot of fan fiction
Like I said, I don't really write a lot of ships but I'll write things for feng min x (character) because I main her and just love her,,
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laeserle · 6 years ago
I'm crying bc I just
I love the survivors so much
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laeserle · 6 years ago
I just bought Laurie and Quentin. Haven't played a game with them yet, but hey hey,,,,,, who cares. I also bought a shirt for Feng Min.
Also, if you play Dead By Daylight please tell me and what platform you play on. <3
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laeserle · 6 years ago
I'm a feng min main and because of this I now ship her with virtually everyone because I love seeing content of her help me
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laeserle · 6 years ago
how bout some .. fluffy amanda and/or evan macmillan x gender neutral s/o hcs?? nothin specific just maybe some cutesy stuff they do to show each other affection n stuff 👀
I did Amanda for this as I've never written for her before! Hope you like it, and be sure to request again anytime.
◇ Amanda is actually a HUGE cuddler. Whenever you two have the time, it can be traditional cuddling, too tangled up in each other's arms to get up (or maybe it's the blankets?) but that's only occasional. Most of the time she can be devising plans or designing new traps and you'll just come over and plop down into her lap. Then she'll rest her head on yours(if she's taller)and continue with what she was doing. That is, unless she deems it too dangerous for you to be around and she'll kinda scoot away and THEN cuddle you.
◇ Amanda can get jealous as much as the next person, but it's not too extreme. She'll make it a point to hold your hand sometimes whenever you're out, though, to show you're hers and she's yours. There are times, though, when she'll get extremely jealous and just kinda wrap you in her arms and just DEATHGLARE the other person. Otherwise, she'll kinda let you do your own thing, but she doesn't trust you with being around any of the other killers. She may be small, but she's always ready to bust some kneecaps if they so much as look at you wrong.
◇ Gifts, gifts, so many gifts! While you like to give her occasional presents to show your love she will have a mountain of presents for you. She never seems to run out, because whenever she gets too stressed when working on something and you're not there to calm her she'll switch to working on small trinkets and presents to give to you later.
Amanda will take the mask off when you two are alone. It's not like she likes having it on (it kinda stinks, you know) but she keeps it on because 1, she doesn't really trust anyone else and 2, she's not that scary looking underneath it and in order to be taken seriously she keeps it on. Whenever she does take it off, she'll give you little pecks here and there (which are always returned ) and sometimes you get carried away but hey, who can blame you? She likes it when you run your fingers through her hair, and get all the knots out. It's not like she doesn't care for hygiene, but brushing her hair Is the last thing on her mind in this twisted world.
Whenever you two are cuddling, she tries to keep her head as far as possible from you. She doesn't want you to be repulsed by the smell and move away. She's also saddened that she can't give you proper kisses, but she'll give you little nose boops from time to time, which she'll tolerate for now.
◇ She likes to tease you sometimes by crouching in random places and waiting for you to enter. She doesn't make any move to get up, because she doesn't want you to get really scared, but you do give little jumps and screams which she finds absolutely adorable.
◇ You two are almost never seen without the other. The only times you two are apart is whenever she gets put into a trial. She's made sure to be extra ruthless in trials in order to keep you out of them, which seems to be working so far. All she wants is for you to be safe.
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laeserle · 6 years ago
Friendly reminder I'm not ignoring your asks, I'm just trying to find an efficient way to write them! 💞
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laeserle · 6 years ago
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i’m dying over my own memes
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laeserle · 6 years ago
So as of right now I can't really write because as I've shown, I broke the laptop I use, and if I were to write it would have to be on my cellphone and my fingers are too stubby >:(( so everytime there's a chance to write I will, but requests may be delayed))
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laeserle · 6 years ago
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laeserle · 6 years ago
So, I can't write for today because I'm out and about right now, but I will start soon!
also it's canon that Anna can't read btw ;)
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laeserle · 6 years ago
Madame Zeroni was my childhood idol, actually!
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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laeserle · 6 years ago
Requests open!
I will now be taking requests!
I write for slashers and DBD characters (survivor and killers alike!)
I will NOT do ships. On a rare occasion I'll do something like the Huntress x Jake or smth but for the most part it's hard for me to write for ships I don't ship. You can still send in requests for ships, just make sure that's not all you send in because you may not get as much as you ask for.
Gender Neutral/female reader only please! I'm a (cis) female and have absolutely no experience with anything for the opposite gender or any transgender requests. Not because I do not like them, but because I do not want to fail at writing them. I may still do requests such as so and so reacting to you coming out to them as trans or gay, but when it comes to pretty much anything else I will fail. Sorry!
Not to mention, I do roleplay as the Huntress and may make some random posts for her in between writings, so stay tuned for that.
I'll write for many slashers but if it's one i haven't seen before and an idea I really like it may be a bit before I get the request out as I'm probably watching the movie to get a feel on them.
I'll do head canons, as well as scenarios and one shots from time to time. I'll rarely ever do two or three part stories, but they may happen.
NSFW is an iffy subject for me. I may not be able to write for it well because I'm severely inexperienced, so I don't typically do it but if it's something mild I'll most likely take a shot at it.
Last but not least, please please please don't be shy! Whether it's yelling at me in my dms, or sending in a request, making small talk, or sending weird cryptic things into my inbox at three am I want to hear everything you have to say!
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