#whosebaby makes things
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
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uwus your war criminal
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 11 months ago
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been doing some speedy practice sketches lately to get various characters down a bit better, have a scribble of ricky at thirteen or so that turned out alright. he's babey your honor protect him
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
[three-sentence fic that went over the limit; Ricky-centric, for the prompt 'future.']
You've got a bright future ahead of you, said his mother to his small self, stroking his hair with tired, gentle pride. He remembers that.
These kids will have no future, bright or otherwise, thanks to him. Oh, god, he wants to say forever, I'm so sorry. But he won't get forever, and neither will they.
Five minutes, though. He picks up the sword, testing its weight in his hands. He can give them that much.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 5 months ago
writing exercise i have decided to start doing, since it's much easier for me to set writing goals based on sentences than on word counts: the 1d10 challenge. just roll 1d10 and write that many sentences on your WIP of choice for the day. if you feel like you're not tapped out afterward, but you don't want to keep going without a goal, roll 1d10 again. rinse and repeat until you decide you're done for today. you're welcome
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
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so recently i decided to roll the 'what will my human!pericles look like This Time' roulette again, only this time in color for once! it's always itched at me how his design looks like a totally different person before and after the timeskip, having been through the wringer aside, so i thought i'd take a shot at combining my interpretation of the two. (the creators pretty obviously took cues from his voice actor for his present-day design, and it's been fun to draw on that too while still keeping the design my own.)
i mostly like how it's turned out, as far into it as i managed to get before i had to take a break and my executive function stalled out; i kept putting off posting it, meaning to come back and finish it later, but i finally decided to go ah fuck it i'd rather it be out there unfinished than disappear into my sketch folder forever. or get fucked up by my trying to continue it while Not in the Groove, especially given how difficult the painting tools i've got available are to wrangle with. Sometimes You Just Gotta Call It
there's a lot of things i'm eyeing to hammer out more next time--i can never seem to figure out what the hell to do with his hair, for one; for another they did a great job at getting across 'babyface that has become aged/haggard' with his designs, and that balance can be difficult to nail when the art app i use really brings out the Everyone is Soft and Babyface in my artstyle. it's a real bastard, but i liked drawing him with this brush a lot and i'm looking forward to working it out more if i can.
the upshot of this is Lo, Cunty Grandpa Be Upon Ye
bonus flats, including an early-to-mid-twenties edit, as well as a couple speed doodles from the same page:
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
OKAY. I finally managed to carve down an actually simplified version of the offline pocket edition I made for the excellent RPGSolo system. I definitely have more things in mind to expand on as options for players who want them, and this draft is Rough and near entirely unedited because I pounded it out in like half an hour during a migraine, oops, BUT! It should be fully functional as it is currently, and I hope people enjoy it as much as I have been.
(Also, if you like it I encourage you to go give the creator of the original site some support! This wouldn't exist without his work, and there's all kinds of neat extra tools and in-depth explanations to be found there and on the forums. Go check it out!)
To play, you will need a d100 (percentile dice), a d10, and a Likelihood table. One is provided below, but you may substitute your own percentages if you want to tweak your chances.
• A way to record the events of your game and/or to keep track of bonuses and penalties is recommended, but not required.
RPGSolo runs on the Yes, And/No, But system.
• Yes, and...: Not only is the outcome successful, but it's better than you expected; you are even better off than you would have been from achieving what you meant to do. Situations you are observing turn out to have some extra good news involved, or you gain even more thorough insight than you were looking for at first.
• Yes: You achieve your goal.
• Yes, but...: You achieve your goal, but there's a hitch or it comes at a cost.
• No, but: You fail your goal, but not completely. If you are making an observation, the situation isn't great, but there's a silver lining.
• No: You fail your goal.
• No, and...: Not only is the outcome a failure, but it's even worse than you thought, and/or you're worse off than if you had left it alone.
The Likelihood of a given roll dictates how likely you are to receive one of the above six outcomes. Each Likelihood lists the corresponding results on a scale from 1 to 100.
• No matter the Likelihood you are rolling from, there will always be a chance no matter how small to roll each outcome. Almost Impossible has a tiny chance to roll 'Yes, and...' and Sure Thing has a tiny chance to roll 'No, and...'
Optionally: you may add modifiers to increase or decrease your chances in a given scenario. Your character might be a trained fighter; they might have a sprained ankle; they might have found a flashlight; they may have a bad reputation in town which makes interactions with the townsfolk more hostile.
• Each point on a modifier counts for +1 or -1 Likelihood. A +1 turns a 50/50 into a Somewhat Likely, a -3 turns a Likely into a Somewhat Unlikely, and so on.
• Some modifiers make a bigger difference than others. A friendly demeanor might add a +1 bonus to checks involving interactions with the surly townsfolk, where that sprained ankle might be a -3 penalty to attempts to move quickly.
• Optionally: you may also add modifiers to change the outcome of a roll, not the Likelihood; a 'No, but...' becomes a 'Yes, but...' for example. These have a much stronger influence on your game, and you may want to use them sparingly.
• You may assign modifiers to your player characters--or other characters, or locations, or anything else--ahead of time, or you may add or remove modifiers during play as you feel they are appropriate.
At the beginning of each turn, decide what action you want to take, what observations you want to make, or what happens in the world around you.
Roll 1d10 to determine the difficulty of an action.
• 1: Almost Impossible
• 2: Very Unlikely
• 3: Unlikely
• 4: Somewhat Unlikely
• 5: 50/50
• 6: Somewhat Likely
• 7: Likely
• 8: Very Likely
• 9: Sure Thing
• 10: Reroll with +1 bonus (or just reroll, if you'd rather)
Add any appropriate modifiers to determine the Likelihood of the roll.
If you check the Likelihood of a roll and don't like your chances, you can choose not to pursue it.
• If there are any rolls you might want to come back to and try again later, you may want to make a note of it on the side. You might decide to leave a door with an alarm alone until you can find some tools to disarm it with, for example.
If you decide to proceed, roll 1d100 and consult the appropriate Likelihood table.
Add any appropriate outcome modifiers to determine the result.
Decide how to interpret the result.
• In case of wording you're not sure of ('do the guards notice me?' for example), a lower outcome is generally negative. You may want to write out the translated result next to the 'yes, and/no, but' result, for the sake of clarity.
• If you're rolling to decide between multiple options instead of for negative/positive outcomes, you may use your d10 as a yes/no oracle, or use 'yes, and/no, but' to roll for the degree to which the result falls between the presented options.
• Oracle between 2 options:
• 1-5: No/First option
• 6-10: Yes/Second option
• Oracle between 3 options:
• 1-3: No/First Option
• 4-6: Neither/Both/In-Between/Second option
• 7-9: Yes/Third option
• 10: Reroll, or secret fourth option
If you want to make more than one roll to determine what's going on before you continue the narrative, feel free to make as many in a row as you want before you describe what happens.
Optionally: you can use a Do-Over to redo a roll, or directly choose your outcome, if you really don't want to continue with what you got.
• It's recommended that you limit the number of these you have access to, if you want to keep some challenge in your game (5 Do-Overs per scene, for example), but you don't have to. You can do it as many times as you want; it comes down to what's most fun for you.
Write out what happens as a result of the outcome you rolled, until you reach the next point where you want the dice to show you the way.
Happy roleplaying!
Likelihood Table
Almost Impossible/Sure Thing:
-No, and...: 30% (1-30) [...] 1% (1)
-No: 50% (31-80) [...] 3% (2-4)
-No, but...: 11% (81-91) [...] 5% (5-9)
-Yes, but...: 5% (92-96) [...] 11% (11-19)
-Yes: 3% (97-99) [...] 50% (20-69)
-Yes, and: 1% (100) [...] 30% (70-100)
Very Unlikely/Very Likely:
-No, and...: 20% (1-20) [...] 3% (1-3)
-No: 40% (21-60) [...] 5% (4-8)
-No, but...: 20% (61-80) [...] 12% (9-20)
-Yes, but...: 12% (81-92) [...] 20% (21-40)
-Yes: 5% (93-97) [...] 40% (41-80)
-Yes, and...: 3% (98-100) [...] 20% (81-100)
-No, and...: 15% (1-10) [...] 5% (1-5)
-No: 30% (11-50) [...] 10% (6-15)
-No, but...: 20% (51-70) [...] 20% (16-35)
-Yes, but...: 20% (71-85 [...] 20% (36-55)
-Yes: 10% (85-95) [...] 30% (56-85)
-Yes, and...: 5% (96-100) [...] 15% (86-100)
Somewhat Unlikely/Somewhat Likely:
-No, and...: 10% (1-10) [...] 10% (1-10)
-No: 30% (11-40) [...] 20% (11-30)
-No, but...: 20% (41-60) [...] 10% (31-40)
-Yes, but...: 10% (61-70) [...] 20% (41-60)
-Yes: 20% (71-90) [...] 30% (61-90)
-Yes, and...: 10% (91-100) [...] 10% (91-100)
No, and...: 10% (1-10)
No: 20% (11-30)
No, but...: 20% (31-50)
Yes, but...: 20% (51-70)
Yes: 20% (71-90)
Yes, and...: 10% (91-100)
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
hey there, LL fandom!
first off i have been gone for a while, whoops, hello
second, i have been on a huge tabletop dev kick lately, and i am considering whipping up something for lorien legacies! i'm not sure yet how much of it would be its own system vs how much of it would be a supplement for an existing, larger game, but LL has some worldbuilding that i think would adapt really well to RPG format and i thought it'd be neat to give it a shot.
right now the main things i'm planning on adapting in some form are:
legacies, Of Course
the Goop, especially augments and vatborn
garde vs non-garde
species (where relevant and appropriate)
whatever is going on with the entity, the spark, and how they relate to different planets' alive-or-dead status
staying undercover vs strategically revealing information
establishing bases, resources, and backup vs being ready to make a clean getaway
guidelines for making/tweaking new legacies, charms, etc while keeping them balanced and fun, as well as leaving room for people to use their own interpretations of the worldbuilding
And So On
it might take me a while to get around to it, and it might turn into a Huge Complex Thing of Its Own, or might just be good for some flavoring and small mechanical twists added on to an existing game. but i think it'd be a lot of fun to work on, and if anyone has suggestions for systems you think it might work well with or other things from the books to adapt, feel free to weigh in!
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 4 months ago
me: i'm feeling Itchy to write some solo stuff, but i'm also having trouble with feeling gummed up by mechanics from a bunch of different systems i'm tempted to start all at once. i think i'll get out my RPGSolo hack again, i just came up with a good simple way to handle a couple things like multiple-choice questions and points of interest and i could use something loose. it'll probably be brief and bare-bones, but hopefully there'll be enough guidance to keep me from running out of steam
me: immediately writes a full 1K-word first scene for a completely new story i pulled out of my ass, am hooked in and already have Ideas forming
me: well damn
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
[three-sentence fic, Pericles and Ricky-centric, for the prompt 'forest.']
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, thinks Pericles, as the withered forest around him claws at the smog-filled sky. It had been one of Ricky's favorite poems once. It must have served him well to forget.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
so i decided to check out The Lighthouse at the Edge of the Universe after seeing it mentioned around a few times, and a) it's Pretty Neat! b) because i am me it immediately gave me Ideas for hacks/tools/some possible refinement of an original system i've been rotating for a while. hell yeah
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
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been working on a nowhere-near-complete design of beast!ricky for an AU where he's an asshole wizard who's been cursed, and i like it so far, so have a sketch in case it disappears into my WIP folder for eons. it started out as a toa changeling AU design (because they're fun to make and it was bound to happen sooner or later), and then recently my furry monsterfucker ass decided to take it further and make it into its own thing. not least because toa changelings don't tend to have coats and beafte ricky needs to be Fluffy
it's been fun so far trying to translate things like his body type onto a different framework without losing the integrity of Him Shapes, and i'm both dreading and looking forward to doing the same for a fantasy setting version of his outfit. (i am so bad at outfit design. i am So Fucking Bad at it. but by god i'll do it for him)
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 7 months ago
wheezes i made. a game! a functioning playable game that i've had a lot of fun playtesting so far! sat down and made the core rules in one session yesterday, wrote up another few chunks for guiding/prompting the roleplay part this morning. and i have a bunch of variants drafting and those are definitely still in the works lmao, but the rules as they are are 100% playable and i am extremely proud of having gotten them down this fast.
there is definitely going to be further drafting etc, and i'm hoping to be able to format it with an actual graphical layout at some point. and also make like an actual proper intro post for it instead of just dropping it hot on my blog for whoever happens to be following me. in the meantime though here you go, if anyone decides to try it out have fun and i'd love to hear how that goes. enjoy!
[cws: horror, mentions of death, gore, and injury, possible themes of stalking. it's a game where you're being hunted down and have to prepare for what happens when you can't run anymore, so it has the potential to get real dark depending on how you play it lmao]
Core Rules
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Guiding the Fiction
(this section is probably a lot less coherent and has more repetition going on than i'd like, definitely is going to need a redraft or two, but i think it gets the mechanics across in a usable way as-is. meant to get further into the last set of examples, but i had to catch myself before i got carried away and ended up just filling out a d100 table. that'd be fun to do at some point but not by dropping it in the middle of the rulebook lmao)
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and that's the game so far! if anyone reads these and finds any specific bits to be confusing, please feel free to ask questions; i want to do my best to make sure my games fit together and are as clear as possible, with or without graphical gamebook format for visual aid, so fresh eyes are always welcome. in the meantime thank you for your time, and should you check it out may you have fun being chased by a Funny Little Guy
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 10 months ago
So I've been trying for a long time to figure out a good, simple way to substitute dice for a deck of playing cards. I made this primarily for the sake of accessibility--I am disabled in such a way that I can't use physical cards, and it is much, much harder to find good offline digital card decks than dice rollers--but I'm hoping it will also be useful for people who don't have playing cards on hand or space to use them.
You will need:
A d10 and d6.
Preferably a way to record which cards you've drawn to which pile.
How to draw a card:
You will be rolling from 1 of 9 tables; the d10 is your table die, and the d6 is your result die. If you roll a 10 on the table die, reroll.
If playing without jokers, reroll on a 5-6 result from Table 9. If playing with jokers, roll normally.
The default order of suits is Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs, though you may change this if you want.
The order of numbered cards is Ace to King for each suit, followed by the black joker and red joker.
Roll 1d10 and 1d6.
Table 1:
1: Ace of Spades
2: 2 of Spades
3: 3 of Spades
4: 4 of Spades
5: 5 of Spades
6: 6 of Spades
Table 2:
1: 7 of Spades
2: 8 of Spades
3: 9 of Spades
4: 10 of Spades
5: Jack of Spades
6: Queen of Spades
Table 3:
1: King of Spades
2: Ace of Hearts
3: 2 of Hearts
4: 3 of Hearts
5: 4 of Hearts
6: 5 of Hearts
Table 4:
1: 6 of Hearts
2: 7 of Hearts
3: 8 of Hearts
4: 9 of Hearts
5: 10 of Hearts
6: Jack of Hearts
Table 5:
1: Queen of Hearts
2: King of Hearts
3: Ace of Diamonds
4: 2 of Diamonds
5: 3 of Diamonds
6: 4 of Diamonds
Table 6:
1: 5 of Diamonds
2: 6 of Diamonds
3: 7 of Diamonds
4: 8 of Diamonds
5: 9 of Diamonds
6: 10 of Diamonds
Table 7:
1: Jack of Diamonds
2: Queen of Diamonds
3: King of Diamonds
4: Ace of Clubs
5: 2 of Clubs
6: 3 of Clubs
Table 8:
1: 4 of Clubs
2: 5 of Clubs
3: 6 of Clubs
4: 7 of Clubs
5: 8 of Clubs
6: 9 of Clubs
Table 9:
1: 10 of Clubs
2: Jack of Clubs
3: Queen of Clubs
4: King of Clubs
5: Black Joker
6: Red Joker
Methods to efficiently keep track of a deck are another story, and will be one of my next projects, but for now have this in case it's helpful to you. Enjoy!
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months ago
god i need to finish up that pokemon polyhedral hack, i left it to cook for a good long while and have gotten a lot of restructuring done recently that i think works a lot better. it does still need some work though, i had a lot of fun with even just the early versions of it and i'm excited to get to play a complete one
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 9 months ago
anyway this song fucks me up eternally about hermes and meteion send tweet
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 1 year ago
having a lot of allie X and similar in my hoard of songs that inevitably end up going in my playlists for abusive ship dynamics is wild, because then you get haunting high-voiced trauma pop but it's just like, scranky scooby doo villains. anyway pericky blast
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