lasagachrisly-blog · 5 years
When we talk about life, all of us have our own meaning about it. We give meaning to it based on our own experiences and learnings in our own life.
For me, life is meant to be explore and treasure. We are so very blessed that our creator give us our own life that is full of happenings and lessons. Eventhough there is some situations that we conquer everyday, at the end life goes on. Make our life meaningful and enjoyable. Do what we want and try to influence other in a good way.
Life is short. We did'nt know what it takes after tomorrow. Grab every opportunity that awaits in you so that we don't have any regrets if death is already came to our life.
Lasaga,Chrisly M.
GAS 11-Honesty
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lasagachrisly-blog · 5 years
How does society change humans and Vice Versa?
Society change humans in a way that society makes human feel different and change through their belief system. Human change because of the society that makes them feel unwanted and not belong to the society that he/she may live. For example, the LGBT community the society make them feel disgusting. Other than that the ethic groups that came to urban areas to search for money and work but the society that they are adopting makes them not belong to the society and feel them that they are poor.
In other cases, human change society in a way of influencing others in a good or bad manner. One example of this are the politicians who govern our country or one particular place. Politicians may be a good or bad influencer depending on what they are doing. Other than that, drug user and pusher that influencing each people in the society to use or be a dealer of prohibited drugs.
Those following scenarios are example of how does society change us and vice versa. It may have a good or bad effects on both perspectives.
Lasaga,Chrisly M.
GAS 11-Honesty
Group No.5
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lasagachrisly-blog · 5 years
All of us can share thoughts, feelings and opinions to two or more individuals and that is intersubjectivity.
It is relating to the way a person experiences something in his or her own. It is usually based on feelings and opinions rather than facts.
We want to know what it takes to experience the "other" as "the other".
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lasagachrisly-blog · 5 years
Freedom of Choice
Everyone of us has our own choice in our life for our selves, people around us and etc. It is our own decision and will to make a choice.
There are things which we do not have to control or decide to such as: Height, Genetics , Family/Parents and the Weather. And there are also the things that WE MUST DO in order for us to survive. Like Breathe, Eat , Drink , Go to Bathroom and Sleep. This are the things that inevitable and we need to do this for our own self. Our choices in life affect us everyday, because sometimes the consequences of it may become good or bad. In order to make a good choices there are 7 steps to follow or guide with:
Say something positive (e.g I can do this! I can deal with this)
Identify the problem
What are your choices?
Consider the consequences of your solutions
What is important to you?
Make the Decision
•The choices we make can either bring us closer to or further from our dreams•
Chrisly M. Lasaga
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lasagachrisly-blog · 5 years
The Human Person in their Environment
God gave us our environment in order for us to see the value of it, taking care of it and use it meaningfully.
As a human, we should see the value of our environment like we value our own self. We should see it in the very beginning before its too late. We should value it because there are many benefits that every human use. We should use it meaningfully so that in the near future generation they can also experience the essence of our environment. After we value and use it we should take care of it with love. It is our own job to take care of it because in the first place we are the one who benefits the environment.
In short, before its too late, start now to realize the essence of our environment. We should reflect our own activities into the possible effects of it to our environment.
Chrisly M.Lasaga
GAS 11-honesty
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lasagachrisly-blog · 5 years
Reflection No.4
When I heard the word "Transcendentalism" I have no idea about it since we didn't study it before. On the other hand, when my teacher in Philosophy discuss it with the class, I got a background about it.
Transcendentalism is a spiritual belief system and was a philosophical movement. It has some basic premises such as: an individual is the spiritual center of the universe, all knowledge begins with self-knowledge, nature is symbolic and spiritual and lastly intuition or kutob. Also, it has four categories such as: To thine own self be true, Au Natural, Fight for your rights and Welcome to the Dark Side.
The word transcendentalism may be hard to understand when you heard it for the first time however, when you dig deeper with it you will know the meaning of it. Thus, it is on your own self if you will believe with this kind of spiritual belief system and if you let yourself going beyond in everything since that's the real essence of transcendentalism.
Lasaga,Chrisly M.
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lasagachrisly-blog · 5 years
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Reflection No.3
Global Warming
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lasagachrisly-blog · 6 years
It is a fact or an opinion?
Recognizing a statement if it is a fact or opinion is difficult for me to analyze. It is confusing to determine whether if it is true or not. But as I studied our lesson on how to recognize the fact or opinion, it is now easy for me to recognize whether the statement is fact or opinion.
 To recognize a fact, it should be done or anything that is actually existent (Webster's Dictionary). To determine it you need to ask yourself "Can this statement can be proved?". A fact should be strictly true. It is not just a belifef, a feeling of a person. So generally, our beliefs in life is an opinion. It is possible that our own beliefs in life is not accepted by the others.
 With the help of this lesson, I now already know that those ugly words that other people talks behind my back is just their own opinion. It is my ownself that knows what exactly the truth. 
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lasagachrisly-blog · 6 years
Reflection #1
Why there are Holistic and Partial Point of View? Why do we need to consider the whole picture of one situation? What could be the effect if we are not able to see the wholesomeness of one situation? These are some of the questions which ponder on my mind for everytime I'm in the situation which I need to think clearly the next step that I'm going to take.
I never expect that our Philosophy subject would be so much exciting and a lot of realizations to gain. I already learned that we need to be a holistic person. Being a holistic person teach us on how to see the complete thought of one situation. I realized that sometimes I'm a partial point of view person whereas I did't know that I'm being selfish because I only focus on my own thoughts and feelings . I didn't consider the opinions and feelings of the others. We know that all of us are having a condition like that. But in the end we should realize that this is wrong. Is it possible that we hurt someone or maybe our decisions may become wrong.
All in all we need to see the perspective of everything. We should think carefully on the actions and decisions that we will make. I'm hoping that there are a lot of realizations and knowledge to gain with. #nashsphilosophy @teacherjoysblog
Group No.5
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