#whos afraid of the djd
robokisser2000 · 6 months
Tarn x reader (date night)
It was a rather romantic evening for you and Tarn, a calming one. Tarn took it upon himself to set up a little romantic dinner for you two, to celebrate your conjunx endura bond.
And so far the date was lovely. The engex was smooth as silk as it slid down your intakes chamber, it had a sugary taste that left a good feeling on your glossa. Soft jazz music played in the distance, it resonated off the walls as it served as background music, something tarn chose for the romantic evening.
The table was set up beautifully as well, a truly remarkable gift from Tarns handiwork for the date. Tarn went all out, even setting up a candlelit dinner with dim lighting. The smell of roses and lilac drifted across your senses, wafting about the atmosphere.
Tearing your gaze away from the beautiful candlelit dinner your optics locked with your conjunx’s.
His optics a gorgeous ruby red, the pretty orbs were filled with adoration and oozed with sickeningly sweet love as his optics bore into yours.
Tarn has forgone his mask for the night, now a mere decoration to the side. It’s deep purple glistened in the dim lighting, the mask merely a reflection of your lovers beliefs. His scarred faceplate on display, just for you.
Your conjunx was a truly handsome mech, his chiseled chin all the way up to his dimples and scarred brow. A remarkable mech really, your remarkable conjunx.
He caught your stare and formed a gentle smirk, his optics gaze took in your form. He drank in your gorgeous looks as if it were the finest engex in the galaxy, maybe it was.
He shifted in his seat, propping his helm on his servo as he locked optics with you, not an ounce of shame for being caught staring. 
As the jazz music played Tarn finally spoke, his voice a soft yet gruff whisper, a polite tone; “Ah, darling. Are you enjoying this little.. getaway for us..?”, he asked, rather curious on your opinion on the little date he set up.
You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, feeling pleased and delighted by the nights topic. You answered his question, wanting to tease him a bit; “it’s lovely Tarn, truly.”, you answered softly. You caught Tarns chest puffed up with a bit of pride, pleased he delighted you with the lovely dinner.
“Good, that’s lovely to hear, dear.” He spoke softly, love dripping from his tone as he did. 
After a few moments of quiet Tarn spoke again, not minding the lack of conversation but rather wanting to share a dance; “may we.. dance, dear?” He asked, rather sheepish of desiring such a thing.
The question surprised you a bit, you never really.. took tarn as the sappy and romantic type, but then again, how could you ever refuse such a handsome and loving smile..?
You could help the smile tugging at your faceplate, nodding your head as tarn stood from his seat and waltzed over to your seat, he pulled it out and helped you up to your pedes.
He changed the music to something more.. appropriate, the sounds were now slow and sensual for the romantic setting. Now that Tarn was pleased with the music genre he stood in front of you, his once opposing frame now a welcome one.
He shuffled a bit, one servo softly cupped her lower back strut while the other intertwined with your servo, gently holding it as your frames swayed side to side, your movements matched the to the sound of the musics tempo.
Your frames would glide across the cold metal floor of the peaceful tyranny, tarn taking the lead of the dance as he twirled you around, spinning your frame with his digits as you two danced. 
You gently rested your helm on his broad chassis, the two of you close together as your frames swayed with one another. 
As the song slowly came to a end Tarn dipped your frame, the light of the stars of the glass look out alighted your frames, outlining you two as he leaned in for a kiss, his lips soft against yours.
He held you close as your lips danced together, softly swaying. His servo pulled away from yours to cup your chin, further deepening the kiss..
What a romantic night.
Erhm<3 👉👈 I might do a part two
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lickoutyourbrains · 4 months
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Tried my hand at doodling Kaon on my tablet and I think it went pretty okay! Especially with no reference lol.
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sunoflegend · 5 months
usually my rule of thumb is if a bad thing can happen to starscream it will like some sort of fucked up murphys law but im thinking about her mtmte verse again and thinking about how she managed to dodge like the biggest bullets of her life by joining team getaway its so funny. she managed to sidestep the like worst experiences she could've dealt with ( the fucking DJD, she was Literally on the list at a certain point ) ( functionist universe she'd want to explode ) and i dont even think she had a bad time on getaways lost light cause he only fucked with the life cords of people who were hesitant on joining and she absolutely wouldnt have been so. she did manage a win this once and sidestep my rule of having the worst possible reality.
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maikhiwi00 · 9 months
shadowplay and slaughterhouse arcs my beloveds
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tinydefector · 17 days
Hi hi am that Anon that send about Rung x MC (who got fucked by said God).
And I love it the story specially when Tyrest and MC just fighting each other 😂😂 and honestly I may not have read mtmte or lost light series (I wish though) but i wish i could see Getaway reaction from this because I saw a YouTube video about Getaway and let me tell you he's also a god fanatic and just imagining his reaction of MC just saying "I got fucked by Primus" 😂😂😂
Oh there's so much you can do with it. And it gets even better if you use it in AUs. I happen to love writing different Aus and making new ones too. And just the thought of Rung being out here finding a human he falls in love with and just the whole primus thing doesn't really come up but the moment it's out, it's like a free pass to his human.
The amount of times they have just shut bots down with the. "I'm fucking your gods what's your next move" it stuns so many Bots.
Tarn monologueing talking about the DJD and their cause. Trying to sound menacing and Scary.
MC: HA nice try buddy, but if you think I'm scared of you, you're delusional.
Tarn: I could squish you liken insect
MC: yea and I could take your God for another round in the sheets, pick up your game I'm more afraid of his spike than I am you!
Tarn's just stunned bafflement as he tries to process.
Getaway finding out about Rung and just trying to get up in his business to the point he walks I on Rung and MC and is just baffled over how the fuck.
And MC just flips him the bird and continues riding Rungs spike.
Megatron having a deep moment trying to talk some issues out with MC and being rather polite about it.
MC: have you ever thought about therapy.
Megatron: consider hos that went for you, I'd rather not find myself getting fragged by a God.
MC stunned not knowing where that came from before laughing.
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in1-nutshell · 10 days
I have a really dumb idea for Fearless.  Getaway happens, again.  The crew is trapped on the necroplanet with six hours before the djd comes knocking down the door.  When Megatron goes off to talk to Tarn, Fearless follows because why the fuck not.  Maybe they make their presence known the moment that Megatron offers to exchange himself for everyone elses safety with a loud objection.  Maybe they wait until a fight starts and Megatron gets the shit beat outta him to try and (fail) stop Tarn.  Either way I want the angst to the max.  Tarn taunting Megs for his hypocrisy, from wiping out organic planets by the dozen to practically begging for Tarn not to hurt Fearless.
Side note, not sure how this would fit into the angst but I'm laughing at the idea of Tarn having an almost a one-sided rivalry with Fearless because he went from being Megatron’s favorite student to second to a tiny fleshling.
Instant Angst coming right up!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless VS Tarn
SFW, Platonic, ANGST, Familial, mention of wounds and some injuries, nothing too graphic, Human reader
Fearless wanted to go on the planetary mission with the Rod Squad.
But Megatron simple said no.
So, they tried asking Magnus, with a report too!
Still no.
They even went to Rodimus to ask to go.
Even he said no!
Fearless already was processing a sick note for the Co-captain when they saw the squad leaving.
They quickly got into their battle suit (similar to Verity’s in Last Stand of the Wrecker’s) and hopped into one of the larger med kits.
Getaway transmission inside the Necrobot’s dome. Getaway: “And now Rodimus what are you going to do? The entire crew on this ship voted mutiny. All you bots will die like pathetic fools along side Megatron. I’ll make sure to say something to Fearless for you.” Rodimus: “I swear if you lay a digit on them—” CLICK! The call had declined. Rodimus looked stressed while Megatron looked like he was going to have a stroke. Everyone who heard suddenly got worried about their little human on the ship. It wasn’t any news about Getaway behaving certain ways around organics, especially after the incident. Megatron clenching his servos. TAP! TAP! One of the larger med kits Swerve had brought in suddenly moved. Swerve: “Oh great! The med kits are possessed now!” The tap opens and Fearless pops their head out. Fearless: “Who was carrying the medkits!? I swear I nearly lost my lunch—what’s everyone looking at? Did someone die?” Megatron looks like he is about to faint. Magnus sure did. Megatron: “WHY ARE YOU HERE!?” Fearless puts their hands up in surrender. Whirl: “Megs I think you need to get your priorities checked. This is great!” Megatron: “And pray tell why having one of the most vulnerable crew members on the ship, well what’s left of the original crew, here in the same place we are going to get slaughtered by the DJD is great!?” Fearless: “…what in the world did I miss…”
Fearless wordlessly as Megatron explained their situation.
By the end of it they swore they were going to kick Getaway’s tin can so far, he would be forever drifting in space.
The small human had never met the DJD in their life.
They heard stories about the group from other bots around the ship, but it was almost like they were too scared to even speak their names.
They tried one time talking to Megatron about them, it earned them a weeklong silent treatment.
To Fearless, they were more bad guys that had made their family miserable and deathly afraid of.
They didn’t truly know what DJD did.
Fearless decided to make themselves a bit useful and tried to help more panicy bots calm down.
Apparently, it helped the bots calm down when they held/petted/cuddled them close, and they were going to bare it for their sakes.
They noticed that some bots were going to need more durable things to hold and fidget with.
Thankfully they spotted a couple of loose bolts inside a bright pink scooter.
Too bad that the scooter started up knocking them out for a bit.
When Fearless eventually comes out of their ‘nap’ they immediately open up the compartment and sees a bunch of blue flowers.
They hop off and see Megatron standing in front of a statue… of himself?
Suddenly a new bot came out of nowhere and transformed in front of Megatron.
They glared at the mysterious mech.
Something was wrong.
Something was definitely wrong…
The human’s eyes nearly popped out of their skull when they heard Megatron address Tarn about surrendering to keep the crew safe.
What was this!?!?
They were still processing what Megatron had said when Tarn started beating him up.
Fearless was ready to see Megatron completely annihilate his metal behind.
They just stared in horror seeing their father figure not even attempting to defend himself.
The tiny human was FURIOUS!
Fearless runs, jumps on Megatron’s chassis, raises their blasters up at the purple Con with fire in their eyes. Fearless: “GET AWAY FROM HIM!” Megatron feels his spark stop seeing Fearless on his chassis YELLING at TARN! Tarn was surprised to see a human DEFENDING Megatron. Tarn: “What is this? Oh, I see. You truly have changed Megatron. From making every organic life form quake in your presence, to having to rely on them to fight your battles?” Tarn laughs as he takes a step forward. Fearless readies their blasters. Fearless: “I’m warning you! Stay away from us!” Tarn: “Ha! What is the little organic going to do? I am Tarn! Leader of the Decepticon Justice Division! Megatron’s chosen one!” Fearless: “You sure about that? Cause last time I checked my names on the adoption papers and not yours.” Tarn is in a slight stuttering mess, not expecting to hear that comment. Megatron tries to move his servo but can’t: “Fearless don’t provoke him!” Tarn: “You are a peculiar organic, aren’t you? Sadly, you won’t be remembered.” Fearless glares at Tarn. Fearless: “I’m not going to repeat myself Tarn, but I’ll do it for you so your tiny processor can comprehend. Stay away from us or I WILL—” Tarn: “What are you going to do? Blast me in the face?” Fearless with a determined smile: “Yes.” BLAST! Fearless had indeed blasted Tarn in the face, then proceeded to JUMP on his chassis and started punching and shooting. Tarn was too startled to properly think what was going on as the human started climbing and tearing parts of his armor. Fearless looks behind them and straight at Megatron. They had a desperate look on their face. Fearless: “GO!”
Megatron laid down on the floor for a couple of seconds stunned at what his organic child had just done.
He scrambled up and attempted to get Fearless.
Sadly, Tarn had gotten to his senses and grabbed Fearless harshly.
The leader of the DJD’s armor was dented and some holes sprinkled around.
Fearless had a scowl on their face and thrashed around in his clenched servo.
Tarn just flexed his digits and made Fearless stop and gasped hearing something snap.
That’s not good…
Megatron yelled at him to spar Fearless.
Tarn felt disgusted… and a bit jealous.
How come Megatron cared so much about his puny organic when he had him!?
Tarn sadistically laughed and threw Fearless into his subspace.
Megatron was about to demand Fearless back again when Overlord suddenly descended from the sky and demanded Tarn to hand Megatron over so he could terminate him.
Megatron slipped away with a heavy spark to the dome.
When he returned to the crew, Megatron told them what happened and who had taken Fearless.
Whirl was about to exit the dome at that same second if Cyclonus and Magnus hadn’t tackled him down.
Rodimus did his best to calm the crew, despite the sinking pit in his tank.
Everyone knew the chances Fearless had alone with Tarn.
They were slim to nonexistent.
Meanwhile, Tarn had just arrived with the rest of his group.
He opened his subspace and carelessly tossed the human aside.
Fearless yelped when they landed on one of their legs.
Another snap.
Oh, if Ratchet ever found out about this…
Well good news was that he wasn’t even here… yeah… good news…
Tarn just gave them a simple order to stay put.
He wanted to destroy them in front of Megatron.
No one else was to touch them under his orders.
A silver lining, now all they needed to do was figure out a way to get back to the crew and not die in the process.
Just two things.
While Fearless was starting to worry about the shortness of breath and hot/cold flashes they were feeling, they barely noticed much of the battle happening around them.
It wasn’t until Tarn and most of his group had gone to personally fight that Fearless realize that they had been left in the ‘care’ of the light blue minibot that had been giving them the stink eye since they snapped their leg.
Suddenly the minibot told them that she didn’t see them escape before head to Deathsaurus.
Fealess suddenly realized they had no one guarding them.
They yelped and grunted as they tried getting up.
Thankfully they didn’t need to stand up for too long thanks to a familiar looking felicon racing to them.
Ravage: “Fearless!” Ravage skid to a stop in front of the barely standing human. Fearless managed to give him a tight smile before leaning on him. He smelled them a bit. Ravage: “You’re bleeding.” Fearless: “That’s probably from the broken bone.” Ravage: “What is broken?!” Fearless: “Yeah and I think something in my chest snapped too…” Ravage kneels letting Fearless struggle to get on. He flinches hearing their labored breathing and yelps. Ravage: “This isn’t going to be a smooth ride Fearless. Hold on tight and don’t let go.” Fearless gripping part of his armor: “Wasn’t planning on it.”
Fearless didn’t know what was worse.
Focusing on the pain in their chest and leg or focusing on the battle around them.
They definitely needed to apologize to Ravage for how hard they were clenching his armor.
Most didn’t even take notice of the felicon being used to move the injured human.
Sadly, there was one mech on the battlefield that had taken notice.
Fearless sees the giant shadow dwarfing them and Ravage. All they see is Tarn’s large servo reach for them. Fearless raises one of their arms and starts blasting. Fearless: “GO BACK TO THE PITS WHERE YOU BELONG!” It only slows down Tarn a bit. It wasn’t enough. Tarn slaps hard at Fearless’s smaller body. To Ravage’s horror he sees the smaller body get plunged into the fray, swallowed by the fire and smoke of the battlefield. Ravage: “FEARLESS!” A pair of mechs had just seen the act from the screen. One of them immediately ran out.
Time skip after the battle…
The bots who were well enough to walk started rounded up around Terminus and Megatron.
Megatron was trying to recruit a search party for Fearless.
When Megatron had gone out, it was impossible to find their tiny body amongst the chaos around.
Even right after dealing with the DJD and Rodimus pulling him out of the place, there was still no sign of Fearless.
Hope was dwindling fast.
Megatron: “All right, in 5 minutes we depart.” Skids (yes, he lives): “Count me in.” Rung holds Skids back: “With the low energy you have, I don’t think that’s wise Skids.” Skids: “Fearless is out there, we need every bot on deck.” Whirl hobbling over: “He’s right Eyebrows. My Amica is out there and needs us.” Terminus looking at one of the monitors. Terminus: “Your human is small, correct?” Megatron not looking: “Yes.” Terminus: “And in some form of armor?” Megatron still not looking: “Yes.” Terminus: “They leak a lot of red fluids?” Megatron pauses before looking at the screen. Fearless was INSIDE the dome and staggering to the door. Megatron: “Sweet Solus Prime!” Megatron sprints to the door faster than he ever had in his life.
No one knows how Fearless got this far.
Ratchet tells them that it shouldn’t even be possible for them to move with the amount of blood loss and broken bones.
But he wasn’t complaining.
No one is.
Ratchet doesn’t leave Fearless’s side for a couple of hours.
Ratchet stands up with Fearless, bandaged up and limp. Ratchet: “I need someone to hold Fearless, very still, for a while.” Megatron: “I’ll do it.” Ratchet: “No offense Megatron, but you’re shaking like a new recruit. Any harsh movement is not what they need right now.” Whirl hobbles over and opens his cockpit. Carefully he reclines the seat and pulls out one of Fearless’s blankets from his subspace. Whirl: “I’ll take them Doc. I’ll even sit down in the corner.” Ratchet hesitates, but the determined look in Whirl’s optic finally made him gently lay Fearless inside. As soon as Ratchet finished putting Fearless down, Megatron came up and carefully tucked them in. Fearless slightly snuggles closer to the blanket. Terminus peaks over Megatron’s shoulder. Terminus: “They mean that much to you?” Megatron watches Whirl carefully hobble to a corner and sat down. He didn’t miss the Ex-Wrecker carefully adjust their blanket. Megatron: “Yes, yes they do.”
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wifetomegatron · 10 months
Imagine Cybertronians trying to understand the concept of motherhood when they are, as a species, sterile. I would assume Cybertron, was born with an individualist culture, even before the war. Spark brothers exist, but that doesn’t carry the same gravity as being a mother. Conjunxes, friends, companions; they make the Cybertronian vernacular less lonely, less cold. But they ring empty next to the word mother — giver, carrier. How painfully gentle must the word be, the role even more so.
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One of the human liaisons is a single mother, and she had no choice but to bring her child with her, well aware that the ship was no place for her son. And yet, circumstances were difficult: no one was surprised at the lack of equal treatment for working mothers — and so she never lets the child out of sight. And this had sparked a few curious questions from the crew. 
Tailgate, specifically, found the idea weird. Why does the little human struggle with feeding themselves? Or why can't they accomplish basic, ordinary tasks? The minibot knew he could be dependent, but this was just overboard. She had to explain to him that humans were different.
If Cybertronians were forged and welded, humans were moulded. They need to be shaped as they mature.
Humans don't come with a series of pre-programmed instructions. Those are nurtured into us. And no, Tailgate, they are not transferred through the umbilical cord.  
(Pregnancy was another complicated — if not terrifying — phenomenon for Tailgate.)
He's old enough to feed himself. I just don't want him to be alone, the mother smiled, bouncing the giggling toddler in her arms. That's why he has his mommy.
After that, Tailgate found the concept rather convenient, if not unfair: why is it that the small human gets to have someone to care for them, hold them, and love them all day long, and Cybetronians don't? The liaison had laughed, noting that the bot still had a long way to go to understand if he continued to dumb down the idea of ‘motherhood’ as simply being someone’s daily caretaker. 
Until an incident rocked the ship, and the Lost Light had a close encounter with the DJD. Only then did they see it : the teeth and claws and fear behind her usual, gentle eyes — how the liaison had carelessly thrown herself in front of Tarn, defiant and loud, mustering more courage than her trembling body could hold to put herself between his blaster and her child. The DJD leader’s optics had widened with something akin to shock, melting to interest as he faltered, just for a few seconds, at the blasphemous show of courage. That was the distraction Ultra Magnus needed to land the blow to save them. And once the crew was back in hyperspace, lightyears away and safe and quiet — she wept in relief. 
She tried to soothe her cub, choking on her tears to pretend she wasn't afraid. And it did not matter to the child whether her strength was tangible or not. He was in his mother’s arms. And to him, it was enough. Always, it was enough. 
Magdalene and the sword of grief; Loss decorated the long history of this million-year war between Autobots and Decepticons. And yet they never ring heavy with the cry of a mother who had lost a child. It had been a close call. Too close. Rodimus immediately ordered tighter security, and there was a shift in the air as everyone returned to their stations.
Mommy’s here. The mother crooned, stroking the hair of her child as the baby sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. And something sad and heavy tugged itself against the strings of Tailgate’s spark.
He finally understands. 
inspired by this post &lt;3
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blackmambaboobs · 11 months
hello everything is fine? I saw that requests are open! I would like to know if you can write headcanons for MTMTE (rodimus, tarn and overlord) with a cybertronian reader who they fall in love with? Is the reader a powerful former gladiator? she has the ability to heal her injuries without needing a doctor or technology! If you don't want to write, ignore it
MTMTE Rodimus, Tarn, and Overlord (Separate) X Gender Neutral Former Gladiator Self-Healing Cybertronian Reader Headcanons:
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Rodimus: -He couldn't help but fall in love with you, I mean, you were strong and kind and help protected the crew even with your own life. -The fact that you're a powerful former gladiator doesn't help that he's fallen deep in love with you. When you show off your strength and use it in protecting him or the crew, he falls deeper. -When he finds out that you are able to heal without Ratchet or even Brainstorm's technology to heal you, he's amazed! And he's grateful that you can heal, he's afraid of losing you, but this helps his worries a bit. -He often brags about you and your strength and how kind you are. Everyone around can tell how much he loves you, some even try to convince him to court you, but he doesn't feel worthy enough for you. He deals with a lot of self-doubt, so please be patient with this 'bot!
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Tarn: -He kidnapped you to use you against Rodimus and the others, he didn't expect to fall in love with you if he's gonna be honest- -But once he saw how you genuinely cared for him and the rest of his crew, his cold spark couldn't help but melt. Hell, even Nickel was going soft on you! -When he finds out you were a former gladiator, he can't help but feel his spark beat at the thought of you being so powerful but yet being at his mercy. -When he figures out you can heal without Nickel's help, he can't help but be selfish and think of the many possibilities that you can be used for the DJD. But a part of him also knows that he doesn't want you hurt and would rather have you by his side. -He honestly doesn't know what to do with himself when it comes to you.
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-He wanted you and kidnapped you when he found out you were a former gladiator. He knew he could use you in for his own deeds and would use force if he had to, to make you compliant. -But even when you didn't give up (even after he basically broke you down physically and mentally), you still continued on, and for some reason, in his dark spark, he couldn't help but fall for you. -His love for you is twisted, so he won't let you go, but he'll treat you like an S/O in his own way. He honestly doesn't care about confessing, you're observant enough and have been around him long enough to know how he feels, so why bother? -Once he finds out about your healing ability, he can't help but use it to his advantage. Not listening to his orders? Oops! Cut your arm off! It's okay though, you can heal yourself, after all!
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petitelepus · 1 year
Unsure if this kind of crossover is allowed, but I had an idea. Merformer reader somehow (through various shenanigans) ends up with the regular DJD, confused because they look just like the merformer DJD??? But they’re regular giant robots??? Meanwhile the DJD don’t even know what the reader is
You were so confused. Where were you and how you ended in here? What were these creatures that looked like your pod members, but with two legs?
Meanwhile, while you are gawking at the members of the Decepticon Justice Division, they are staring at you with their crimson optics wide open in shock.
"What the frag that is and where the Pit did it come from?" Helex thoughts out loud, but his teammates knew just as little as he knew.
"The question is, what are we going to do with it?" Tesaurus asked.
"Ah, it looks like a water mammal." Kaon pointed out your long tail, fins, and gills, "It might need a generous source of water."
Vos said something and Nickel nodded, "Vos is right. What do you think should we do with it Tarn?"
The leader of the feared DJD looked at you long and hard. It made you feel uncomfortable so you started yelping and crying out, trying to call your own pod members and Tarn's optics widened.
Primus, you were maybe organic but the sounds you made were pure and so beautiful to his audials.
He surprised his teammates as he took a step towards you and kneeled before you, offering his hand to you as if he was the Prince of your dreams.
"I don't know if you can understand me, but if you let me, I will ensure you won't miss anything in life." He grinned behind his mask, "Provided that you start singing to me?"
You didn't understand what he thought so you tilted your head in confusion. Tarn understood that you didn't really get what he was saying so he started to hum with that gorgeous voice of his and you absolutely beamed in joy as you recognized his voice and you started to sing alongside him.
As you sang, you took the hand he offered and Tarn nodded as he gently picked you up in bridal style.
"Amazing!" Tesaurus gasped and the rest of the DJD nodded as they admired their leader who barely had to work to gain your trust.
"Kaon and Nickel, take Helex and Tesaurus and go prepare a tank big enough for this creature with water," Tarn ordered and his men did as told, leaving you alone with the masked Con.
You looked at the familiar mask curiously and gently touched the material. Feeling that it was metal and not wood, you peeped when your webbed hand touched the cold metal.
"Curious little thing, aren't you?" Tarn chuckled, and despite being in a whole new place, you didn't feel that afraid when you heard his voice.
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tfdaycare · 24 days
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Who’s afraid of the DJD? Well no one here! This group of kids were the last bots found on Cybertron, all given nicknames based on the fallen city they were found in white Nickel was found by one of the older sparklings on another planet.
We have Nickel and Damus (or Tarn as he likes to be called) who are both in their teen years, which is why we have two pictures of Damus, to show you how much he’s grown!
Then we have Crucible (Helex), Forestock (Vos), Scissorsaw (Tesarus), and Amp (Kaon) who are in scattered age ranges of 8 to 10 years old. What a bunch of silly scamps, messing around and making things interesting here at the daycare! It’s a miracle that Megatron can get them to calm down at all!
Oh dear- looks like Helex has something in his mouth he shouldn’t have- we’ll be right back!
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
Okay another instance of "fuck canon" that's not just Pharma-related, but Ambulon related. I keep thinking of Luna-1 where Ambulon called Pharma "Doctor DJD" and I feel like that's such a total "he would not fucking say that" moment. Obv JRO controls the characterization so what's in the comics is canon/right, I just think that it doesn't make sense for someone in Ambulon's position with his backstory to be that petty towards Pharma?
Ambulon's a Decepticon traitor, he's on the DJD's List. Moreover, he's stationed on Messatine which is the DJD's home planet and is (was?) still an active battle front until very recently.
Proof that Messatine being the DJD's territory is common knowledge: not only First Aid, who's stationed at Delphi, but also at least three Autobots on the Lost Light, know that the DJD make Messatine their home. And this is long before Pharma does his monologue to Ratchet about his t-cog blackmail with Tarn.
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Proof that Delphi/the nucleon mines were in an active warzone at least until Pharma started his plague: Pharma wouldn't have had any t-cogs to harvest if there wasn't a continuous stream of soldiers/war-dead coming in to use as his supply.
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So then, Ambulon knew fully well that he and all of the rest of them were right next to the DJD's home base, and as an ex-Decepticon he knows he would be on the list. Probably not very high on the list, since Ambulon was a mere MTO who got turned into a failed combiner experiment, but he IS on the list; just because the DJD only proceed through the list in order of importance, doesn't mean that Ambulon wouldn't know that they'd come for him eventually.
And this is a really fucking neat idea to play around with! We don't ever get a canon/explicit explanation for why Prowl decided to station those three medics on Delphi, especially one who's an ex-Con on an execution list. Did Ambulon have a choice? Or was he told to go there with no argument? Either way, I think Ambulon deserves some major kudos, because he must have ball (bearings) of steel to be an ex-Con in DJD territory without constantly being on the verge of a mental breakdown or panic attack. I could honestly write a whole post on the question of "why were these three stationed on Messatine" in itself, but that's for another time.
The point I'm trying to make here is basically that Ambulon of all people should've been sympathetic to the circumstances that drove Pharma to do what he did: they were ALL stationed in the DJD's territory and they knew it, they ALL knew that the DJD's playbook is horrific torturous murder, they ALL knew that Ambulon was a former Decepticon. It wouldn't take a genius for everyone at Delphi to piece together the fact that the DJD would come for Ambulon eventually if either he wasn't evacuated or Delphi as a whole wasn't evacuated. But I mean, this is wartime, right? Every soldier is risking their life, everyone could die at any moment. They can't close down Delphi or evacuate all of the personnel in an active war front battling over a mine just because a medic or three might feel unsafe. Nowhere in war is safe. If High Command let everyone abandon their posts who was afraid of being killed, nothing would ever get done because war comes with inherent risk of death that all soldiers accept by participating, as well as accepting the obligation to follow orders on threat of punishment. (Almost as if Pharma couldn't have just evacuated or run away like Ratchet suggested, but JRO clearly isn't a military expert so I'll digress/chalk it up to "wasn't plot relevant to bring up".)
We got all of like, two pages that showed Pharma and Ambulon's working relationship, and the best we have besides that is JRO's word of god that Pharma and Ambulon had 'mutual reluctant respect' for each other. It's highly unlikely that the two were best buddies regardless, but I don't think you need to be friends with someone like Pharma, while sharing the same situation as him, to be a little more sympathetic to him? Like I get that Ambulon would be offended by the idea of his boss trying to frame him for murder to cover up his own murders, but the "Doctor DJD" line always seemed weirdly callous and petty to me. "Doctor DJD" implies that Pharma was some sort of willing collaborator or servant to the DJD which clearly wasn't the case. And I find it hard to believe that Ambulon, who knows exactly what kind of people the DJD are, would have an opinion of Pharma that was just "oh he should've tried harder/been less of a coward and resisted." Hell, Ambulon's reaction to Sonic and Boom showing up at Delphi asking for refuge was to instantly take pity on them and offer them shelter immediately; if he feels protective/sympathetic towards literal random nobody Decepticon soldiers, shouldn't he have at least as much feeling (if not more) for another Autobot who he worked with and supposedly had respect for?
Assuming that Ambulon got the full details of Pharma's blackmail deal. I mean, there's no reason to assume that Ratchet would've lied to First Aid and Ambulon about what Pharma told him (unless??? conspiracy theory!!!!) , so Ambulon should've heard about the t-cog deal and how it was the only reason the DJD didn't raze Delphi to the ground so long ago. Then again, maybe Pharma's story got explained to him and First Aid via Ratchet's extremely judgemental take on events, so who knows how much of Pharma's side of the story Ambulon would've actually known.
But wouldn't it be so much more interesting if, instead of sneering at Pharma as "Doctor DJD", Ambulon had a more conflicted perspective of Pharma's face-heel turn? Would he wonder how it is that someone who he had such respect for could've been so despicable? Or, more sympathetically, would Ambulon ever wonder if Tarn threatening Delphi was his fault for being there? Would Ambulon wonder what he would've done in Pharma's position, being forced to bargain to postpone his own horrific execution? Would he be angry at Prowl or the higher-ups for stationing them all in such a dangerous post to begin with?
I mean, the answer is that Ambulon was a tertiary cast member at best, to the point that half of his appearances on the Lost Light literally are shown in retrospect after he died, so there would've been no room to explore this in the plot, and Ambulon and Pharma were way lower priority compared to other, more important protagonists. I just think it would be interesting to explore these questions in other metas and fan works.
And yes, I do think Ambulon would not fucking say that ("Doctor DJD") regardless of what canon actually says lmao.
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thefoulbeast · 7 months
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whos afraid of the djd? i only have the big boy designs down but i will do kaon and vos eventually.......
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lickoutyourbrains · 7 months
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I am pleased as punch with the new set-up 💜
(Isn't Trailcutter so lucky to be part of the line-up? :3 )
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cozzzynook · 11 months
What’s the rest of the DJDs opinion on M!Bee? And does Bee tolerate any of them?
(Also ayo Tarnbee 😳😳🤯🤯🤯)
Tarn as you know, is helm over struts for Bee. He loves how deadly such a small bot can be and he truly loves how curvy bee’s frame is. He regularly tries to sneak off to corner Bee so they can “fight.” Its really just him flirting and dodging Bee’s attacks and chasing the bot who is trying to get away from him. Hs won’t take no for an answer until Decepticon law interfere and Blitz has full courting claim on Bee. He’s so pissed he missed his chance.
Helex isn’t about to go against Megatron who said to leave Bee alone in exchange for getting a Starscream free solar cycle. He’s thankful for the mini simply because of that.
Kaon likes Bee because Bee was nice to his turbofox. His turbofox likes to jump at Bee and lick his palm and rub against him. Bee is still slightly afraid of said pet but has warmed up to them. In turn he’s cordial with Kaon who reciprocates it.
Tesaurus likes sparring with Bee. He enjoys clashing blades with the mini and is always enthused when the mini can stand his ground against his powerful blows. Tesaurus enjoys the speed Bumblebee poses and actively seeks out sparing with the mini whenever Bumblebee brings Starscream back.
Nickel gets easily annoyed whenever she sees Bee because she knows he doesn’t like going to the medbay for any ailments or injuries. So she actively hunts him down whenever he’s on board a Decepticon ship and forces him into the medbay. She doesn’t care if Bee is around the best medic ( Ratchet ) she wants to check him over for herself. Truly she just wants the mini to take care of himself.
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richard1005 · 11 months
Phase Sixers Season 1 Episodes List
Just the begging of the series. The Phase Sixers crush on the planet with Rodimus and Sixshot and him encounter Chromedome and Rewind. Headmaster flashback ensues
1x02-The Transmitter
Tarn takes Rodimus and Overlord (for some reason) to get back the transmitter of the Peaceful Tyranny. They find it, only to be discovered by a swarm of Pteraxadon.
1x03-The Lost Light Attack!
Yes some title are inspired by the Japanese ones. The survivor of the Lost Light attack the Phase Sixers, only to realize the war has ended (much to a lot of people dismay) Family issues between Nautica and Tarn and Sixshot meets his ex, Ultra Magnus. Oh and Overlord meets Fortress Maximus again I guess.
1x04-A Whole City Of Opportunity
Black Shadow takes Rodimus to the Lost Light City and pisses everyone off. B.I.R.D. appears and Shadow can't stop being himself. he also gets hit with the meta-bomb. (Yeah he's the swerve of the team)
1x05-Who's Afraid Of The DJD?
Tarn finally finds his old team. DJD or Phase Sixers who is better for him? Also Fortress trying to not implode thanks to the war criminal that land every day on his planet.
1x06-Attack From Outer Space! (Inspired by the RID episode) Gigatron arrives to Antilla to reunite with Overlord and see who's the strongest. Fortress is again trying not to explode.
1x07-The Scavengers
Rodimus meets the Scavenger, normal adventure with a treasure to find and a giant monster to beat. Skyfall appears.
1x08-My Friend Sixshot!
(From Headmaster) Chromedome disappears, Rewind gets help from Sixshot, both don't want to, but Rewind needs to find his husband and Sixshot doesn't want to just let Chromedome die like that.
1x09-A Spy Among Us Part 1
Mid-Season finale. Makeshift creates chaos around the Lost Light City, It's like among us but better.
1x10-A Spy Among Us Part 2
Mid-Season Finale. The same as part 1, Makeshift isn't going to last long.
1x11-Space Bridge Adventure
While trying to repair the space bridge, Whirl and Rodimus accidentally activate it, random teleportation around the galaxy happens.
1x12-The Mysterious Warrior
(Not Greatshot) Blue Bacchus appears and Black Shadow and him have married couple problems.
1x13-Expiration Date
If you watched the TF2 video than you know what this is.
1x14-A Murder Weapon and A Warden
Finally, Overlord and Fortress Maximus have an adventure! It's as bad as it sounds.
1x15-Enter The Nightbird
Our favourite ninja girl arrives! Sixshot has to do the adult of the situation.
1x16-Family Bonding
Problems in paradise. Sixshot with Nightbird. Oh and Drift apparently decides to do something since the start of the season.
1x17-Unleash The Beasts
The Terrorcons have finally found Sixshot, he's not that happy. Neither is Defensor.
1x18-Teamwork Makes The Dreamworks
The Terrorcons and the DJD have to work together. It's as bad as it sounds.
1x19-Stormbringer Part 1
The Phase Sixers found about their original mission, the Stormbringer. They travel to the destroyed Nebulon to fight him. It doesn't end well.
1x20-Stormbringer Part 2
With Thunderwing now approaching Antilla. The Phase Sixers must find a way to return to the planet and stop the Stormbringer.
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angelfoodcake222 · 8 months
Could you imagine if Megatron, from any & nearly EVERY continuity, had a grandma or Grand Carrier & she was nicknamed Grannytron? Wouldn't she be the cutest, sweetest, scariest thing to ever exist!? I bet she could scare IDW Sunder & IDW Overlord straight (no pun intended), even the DJD wouldn't be able to stand up to her. This doesn't help the fact that she shares details similar to Optimus; finials, waistline, protective nature, face details (TFA & G1), etc. Wanna hurt her grandchild in any way, shape, or form? Fight her. Wish to wreck whatever Megatron is working super hard on? Fight her. Courting him? Fight her.
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Besides, look at the mechs!
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But, y'know, gently with all the respect her grand sparkling is owed & has earned. I can see Bayverse's/RID's Fallen/Megatronus finding her just as threatening as Solas Prime if not more so, head cables & all with a (comparably) well-portioned amount of Starscream & Knockout's
He NEEDS a stronger older figure in his life who isn't an ex-ally, backstabber, or thirsty fake follower who turns out to be a rabid Yandere (no hate or names Tarn) & is likely already well-versed in how to handle any & every enemy of theirs because she skull dragged/throttled those enemys' predecessor(s) throughout her life. She will most likely give them the bare aft whooping their superiors should have done in their youths. These mechs need a break if possible with a kinder, more maternal servo to guide them through it. Possibly a slight major attitude adjustment AKA Vibe Check from someone who isn't afraid of him besides their archivist-turned-archenemy would do him some good. I'd be so, so happy if she was just the right size to handle him like:
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I bet she could & would absolutely smack some sense into the Cybertronian Cains'/Judas' heads & laugh when they threaten her followed by a right beating even Vector Prime couldn't dish out. TFA Grannytron is probably more amiable, esp to OP. Look at that baby face! Ooooh, & those expressive finials!
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