#whoooo that took me a while!!!
Foolish love, but damn if it isn't true
Fool!Guy and Fool!Honey
It's really fucking bad yall
They were bored.
They were the only one awake at 6:30 AM, and they hated it. Years of waking up early out of fear that they would be late for some sort of event or that if they didn't wake up early enough, they wouldn't be as productive was biting them in the ass.
So they decided to bother their adorable, grumpy, currently asleep boyfriend.
"Flour. Egg. Butter. Vanilla extract. Baking soda. "Salt. If you don't answer me, the pet names are just gonna get weirder, Guy."
"Nothing? Alright."
Radio silence.
"My oatmeal cream pie. My tomato soup."
"My honey-"
It only took a second for Guy to grab the back of their head and shove their face into a pillow and lay on top of them. Rendering them immobile.
"First of all. I call you honey, not the other way around. Second of all, It's too early and you should go back to bed. Third of all, why were almost all of those "pet names" food related?"
"I'm bored... and I can't go back to sleep, and also, I'm hungry, and who said that you trademarked the nickname 'honey'?!"
He replied dryly. "I did."
They squirmed for a minute before giving up under him. "Can you get off of me now?"
He questioned them slightly, still mildly crushing them under his weight. "Are you gonna chill out?"
"....Okay I'll calm down... lame-ass..."
"Did you say something?"
"Nothing, sweetheart~"
"That's what I thought." He got off top of them and laid on his side while Honey wrapped their arms around him so he could nuzzle his face in their chest.
They eventually started scratching his scalp, and they made a small smile at him leaning into their touch. "Your roots are kinda showing. Do you want me to touch 'em up for you?"
Guy scrunched his face in confusion and slight judgment at their behavior, still mumbling into their neck. "Honey. Did you just sniff my hair?"
Guy buried his face in the crook of their neck and wrapped his arms around them even tighter, mumbling a tired response. "Yeah... Tomorrow."
Honey slightly shivers at Guy's warm breath on their neck, smirking at his clinginess. "Okay." Letting out a soft confirmation before burying their face in his hair, taking a deep whiff of his natural scent mixed with his coconut and mango shampoo.
Honey smirked at Guy's convicting tone. "What? You smell good."
Guy scoffed at honey, finding their fascination for his smell odd. "You're such a weirdo..."
"What? You want me to say you smell bad? 'Cus I could."
"I mean, you could, but then you'd just look like a liar..."
"Do you want me to appreciate your smell or say you smell gross?"
"You could just... not smell me. That's an option." He says, throwing out the proposition, knowing full well it won't be taken into consideration.
Honey, fake-considers his suggestion, very obviously not actually thinking about not smelling him. "Mmmmm nah I'll pass."
Guy rolls his eyes and holds Honey tighter, wrapping his legs around them like a koala. Squeezing them tightly while they play with his hair.
This was the life to Guy. Silence and cuddles, Honey's fingers tangling into his hair and Guy secretly taking in their scent. (Hypocrite) Who wouldn't love this serene, still moment...
"Has anyone told you you're absolutely perfect?"
Guy was stunned to say the least. For Honey to say something so out of the blue and something so sappy had his heart skipping a beat.
"Um... no? What's up with you?" Guy was confused. Confused but not that surprised. His Honey was always one to speak their mind, but sometimes they said things that had him flustered. And he wasn't exactly the best at preparing for their unaware sweet words.
"Just sayin'. You're adorable, you're sweet, you smell amazing all the time, and you feed me. That seems like perfect boy behavior to me."
Whoooo boy. Yep. This is how he dies. Four years of being together, and he still turned into a bashful mess whenever Honey was all mushy with him... which was most of the time.
"God you are so..."
"Sooo...? What?"
Guy lets out a soft, resigned sigh and leans into them. "Charming."
Honey snorts at Guy somewhat dropping the tough-guy act and admitting he finds them charming, their ego rising at his simple word of affirmation.
"And that's all the sappy shit you're getting out of me today. No more."
"Ahhh I knew it... you're no fun..."
"Not my problem."
"But you know what is your problem?"
Guy groaned, clearly not excited for whatever was about to come out of his Honey's mouth. "What?"
Honey spoke up with a smirk in their voice. "Breakfast~"
"Soooo. What should we have for breakfast? We could have waffles, hashbrowns, Omelettes, grits? Ooh! We could have French toast and sausage?"
Guy rolled his eyes as they rambled about various breakfast foods, but deep down he knew he'd make a four course breakfast meal for his Honey. Because they deserved it. They deserved the world after dealing with his sass and sarcasm and monotone, lackluster personality, and his absence of... everything for years and even deciding to date him after putting up with all of it.
So he'll gladly make them breakfast.
And gladly give them the whole world if they asked.
Anything for his Honey.
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dee-writes-smut · 13 days
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Hopping, Hopeful Hounds (Eris Week Day Four)
FEATURING Eris Vanserra x Reader
SUMMARY Eris' peaceful proposal doesn't go as planned thanks to his excited pack of hounds
CONTENT WARNINGS just people getting tackled by dogs, the only pure fluff you'll ever see from me LMAO
AUTHORS NOTE happy day four @erisweekofficial!!! I'm early today, gotta give myself a pat on the back for that one. Any whoooo, today is tradition and hounds, hope you enjoy!
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The crisp air of the Autumn Court was scented with the rich fragrance of falling leaves, the last hues of daylight casting everything in a golden-orange glow. You stood at the edge of the forest, arms wrapped around yourself as you watched the gentle sway of the trees, the ground beneath your feet blanketed in amber and russet leaves. It was peaceful, almost too quiet for a place so alive, but that peace settled into you, grounding you in the moment.
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Eris had invited you here, to this quiet part of the Autumn woods, and while you didn’t know why, you didn’t question it. There was always something calming about the time you spent together, especially here, in the forests you both loved. His presence brought you comfort, a warmth that wrapped around you just as gently as the autumn breeze.
Footsteps crunched softly behind you, and you turned to see Eris approaching, his red hair glowing like fire in the golden light. There was something different about him today—a certain nervousness in his step, a glint in his amber eyes that had you tilting your head in curiosity.
He stopped a few feet away, giving you one of his crooked smiles. “You’ve always loved this place, haven’t you?”
“I have,” you said softly, letting your gaze drift around the forest again. “It feels like home in a way.”
Eris stepped closer, his hands sliding into his pockets as he watched you. “It’s always been that way for me too,” he murmured. “Especially with you here.”
You raised an eyebrow, sensing the weight behind his words but unsure what he was leading to. The gentle teasing he usually employed was absent, replaced by a sincerity that made your heart beat just a little faster.
But before you could ask him what was going on, he took a deep breath and, to your shock, dropped down on one knee. Your breath hitched, your eyes widening as you realized what was happening.
“(Y/N),” he began, his voice warm and steady, “I’ve spent my whole life thinking I didn’t deserve happiness. That love was something other people could have, but not me. But then… then you came into my life, and everything changed.”
Your heart fluttered as you stared down at him, a million thoughts racing through your mind, but you were frozen in place, overwhelmed by the weight of the moment.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he continued, his eyes soft and filled with an emotion that took your breath away. “I love you, and I can’t imagine a future without you by my side.”
Just as he reached for something in his coat pocket—presumably a ring—you heard a sound that broke the solemn air. It was a deep bark, followed by the unmistakable rustle of paws against the forest floor. Your head whipped around just in time to see Eris’s hounds barreling toward him at full speed, their large bodies moving with all the grace of excited puppies.
“No, no, wait—!” Eris barely had time to shout before the first of the hounds tackled him, knocking him flat on his back with a loud thud. You gasped, your hands flying to your mouth as the rest of the hounds eagerly joined in, piling on top of him in a flurry of wagging tails, wet noses, and happy barks.
The sight was so absurdly comical that you couldn’t help it—you burst out laughing. Eris, his face somewhere beneath the mound of fur, let out a groan, though there was no real frustration in his voice.
“I was in the middle of something important, you little terrors,” he muttered, struggling to sit up as one of the hounds licked his face eagerly.
You couldn’t stop laughing, tears forming in your eyes as you knelt beside the pile of dogs, doing your best to help Eris untangle himself from his furry companions. The hounds, completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation, only seemed more excited by your laughter, their tails wagging even harder.
After a few moments, Eris managed to sit up, his hair a mess and his expression somewhere between exasperation and amusement. “This wasn’t exactly how I pictured this going,” he said, a smile tugging at his lips despite the chaos.
You finally managed to stop laughing long enough to speak. “Maybe it’s better this way,” you teased, brushing a lock of his tousled hair out of his face.
His amber eyes softened as he looked up at you, still on one knee, even with the hounds clumsily nudging at him for attention. He held out the small box he’d somehow managed to keep safe during the ambush and opened it, revealing a simple yet elegant ring, sparkling in the fading light.
“Will you marry me?” he asked again, his voice quieter now, more vulnerable.
Your heart swelled as you gazed down at him, surrounded by the love he had for his hounds, the love he was offering to you. And in that moment, nothing felt more right.
“Yes,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “Of course I will.”
As soon as the word “yes” left your lips, the smile on Eris's face was brilliant, almost blinding in the soft light of the Autumn Court. Before you had time to fully process the moment, he pulled you into his arms, still kneeling, wrapping you up in a warm, firm embrace. The hounds circled around, their excitement palpable as they barked and wagged their tails wildly.
You barely had a second to savor the feel of his arms around you before something heavy collided with your back.
Another hound—then two, then three—threw themselves against you, tackling you both in their joy. You let out a surprised yelp as you were sent tumbling forward, right on top of Eris. The two of you collapsed onto the forest floor in a tangle of limbs and fur, laughter bubbling up from deep within your chest.
Eris groaned dramatically beneath you, though you could see the laughter twinkling in his eyes as he lay beneath the weight of you and his boisterous hounds.
"Really? Now they go after you too?" he teased, his voice strained under the pile of dogs enthusiastically licking your faces.
You were laughing so hard you could hardly respond, your sides aching from both the impact and the hilarity of the moment. One particularly large hound licked your cheek, its tail wagging so hard that it nearly knocked over another one of its companions. The pile of fur and limbs wriggled with excitement, completely oblivious to the fact that they had just interrupted one of the most important moments of your life.
“I guess they wanted to make sure I wasn’t getting away after I said yes!” you managed to gasp between giggles, your face buried against Eris’s chest as the dogs continued their excited assault.
Eris chuckled, his arms wrapping around you tightly, pulling you closer despite the chaos. “You’re definitely not getting away now,” he said, his voice soft but full of warmth. “Not from me.”
One of the hounds let out a happy bark as if in agreement, and the rest of them seemed to settle down, content to simply be there in the moment with the two of you. You finally looked up at Eris, your face flushed from laughing so hard, and saw the way he was gazing at you—like you were his entire world, chaos and all.
With the hounds still playfully nuzzling into the two of you, Eris leaned up, brushing his lips against your forehead with a tenderness that made your heart swell.
“You’ve made me the happiest male alive,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sounds of the forest and the contented huffs of his hounds.
You smiled, resting your head against his chest as the weight of the hounds pressed down on both of you, the forest quieting around you as the last traces of sunlight filtered through the trees.
“I think I’m the luckiest,” you murmured, glancing around at the mess of dogs and leaves that now surrounded you both.
Eris let out a soft laugh, brushing a strand of hair from your face as he looked down at you. “Welcome to life with me and the pack,” he teased.
And as you lay there in the cool autumn breeze, tangled up in love, laughter, and fur, you knew you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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@littlest-w01f @mp-littlebit
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~ the way she tells me i'm hers, and she is mine ~
kappa x reader
a/n: whoooo! It's finally back, pookies! I'm so, so sorry that I haven't updated this in a while - life has been exciting and hectic to say the least! Yes, I used one of Kappa's quotes in this, sue me.
summary: after the eventful weekend with your family, all you can do is wait for your cult leader to come home to you
warnings: SMUT (mdni), unprotected sex, breeding kink, swearing, slight religious imagery (sorry to my church), my first ever smut, yikes
taglist: @ithinkitstimetonap @greenxgloss @angelsanarchy
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The night air carried a gentle breeze, brushing against you like a sweet caress - sitting outside in your garden, sipping on a mug of herbal tea. The breeze was a sweet contrast - the chill on your skin and the warmth of the mug in your hands. The music from your record player washed over you, wrapping around you like a comforting blanket.
Kappa saw you. Wanting so badly to come and sit with you. To touch you. Though the fear of your family still lingering about held him back. His eyes fixated on you in an almost painful longing.
You heard a twig snap in the distance, making you jump. How cliche, you thought. You held your mug further to your chest, closing the door of your garden behind you as you went inside. With a sigh of relief, you watched as Kappa sauntered from behind the bushes.
Kappa emerged from behind the tree, his eyes wide and curious when he saw you turn around.
"Scared me to death." you giggled, opening the doors to let him in. "You want a warm drink?" you offered, walking into the kitchen.
Kappa stepped through into your home, his heart racing with excitement and anticipation. He felt the warmth of your home envelope him, pushing away the bitter chill of the night. He smiled at your offer, but shook his head 'no'.
"I have a door, y'know, no need to go lurking around my bushes like a creep." you teased, sitting down on the living room floor.
Kappa chuckled at your remark, tilting his head to the side as he watched you sit on the floor, an almost predatory look in his eyes. As you sat down, he followed suit, sitting across from you and staring at you intently.
"I'll keep that in mind for next time." he joked, a hint of amusement in his words.
"Not like I'm not happy to see you... but what are you doing here? You can't keep leaving the family like this." you asked, concerned about how often Kappa seemed to leave them unattended.
Kappa sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping over as he ran a hand over his face.
"I know... I know I shouldn't leave them like this.... but how else would I see my girl, sugar?" he smirked, shifting closer to you on the floor, his fingers teasing the skin of your inner thighs. "It's a lot sometimes... I think I deserve an escape every now and then hm?"
"I understand... I think..." you said, trying to find the right words, "I mean... I don't. I'm not a cult leader..." you snickered, "But I want to try and understand... to help."
Kappa nodded, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "I have to maintain order... I have the weight of responsibility. Sometimes... I get so caught up."
"Well... we don't want that now, do we?" you hummed, placing a soft kiss on his ear, trailing them down to his jaw. "Can't have you forgetting who you are." you murmured, holding onto his shoulders.
"No." he whispered, his voice low and hot in your ear, "No, we don't want that."
You took another moment, sighing deeply before your eyes met his. A look of determination in them.
"I wanna join, Kappa." you spoke lowly, almost as though you didn't want him to hear you say it, "Wanna be with you..."
You knew this was a huge commitment. You knew that. You were seriously asking your cult leader lover to join his hippie family - you'd officially gone mad.
Though, Kappa was taking this surprisingly well. You assumed that he'd tell you it was a spur of the moment decision. That you were foolish and should be ashamed of even asking. Instead, he brought your hand to his lips, kissing the tips of your fingers.
"Together... we can create something beautiful... meaningful." Kappa spoke, his words filled with conviction.
You nodded eagerly, your eyes clouded over with twisted love and sickening desire. God, it would be true what they would come to say. That you were just as sick and twisted as he was - and you didn't even know it yet.
"We'll build a new world together..." you added with a soft sigh, "Like the Garden of Eden... paradise on Earth...that we shaped... together."
"Our children will grow up in paradise...a world that we created... just for them..." Kappa leaned forward, holding your hips tightly as his eyes pierced yours.
Your heart fluttered, leaping when he mentioned children. You could see it. Your children. They would be beautiful. Built on nothing but love and devotion - bred on passion and raised with loyalty. Symbolic of everything the world should be - and would be.
You nodded at his words. And you'd allow Kappa to see this side of you. The deluded, passionate and possessive side that he knew he was responsible for creating. You were everything he'd ever wanted. And you were all his.
And you just couldn't help yourself. You leaned forward, pressing a deep, fiery kiss to his lips, locking with heat and pent up desires. You didn't want to pull away - like a thirsting man from water. All love and lust was poured into the kiss, and it was warm and full of light.
"They'll grow up knowing unity... paradise.. freedom. Knowing that defying Earth... defying nature must have a cost."
A sense of profound contentment washed over as Kappa wrapped his arms around you, kissing and nipping his way down your throat. The whole image. The whole talk of children, of building a new world built for paradise sparked something in you. Something primal that made you want to have Kappa in the most natural, intimate way.
You pushed him gently so that he lay on his back on your floor, the crackling from the fire cast a soft glow over Kappa as he lay looking pretty under you. You popped the buttons of his shirt open, one by one, peppering kisses down his chest and abdomen as you went. You could feel Kappa's beating heart under his skin, the thumping had your mind swirling.
"Want you to give me your children." you hummed lowly, moving your hands to his thighs as you lay your head on his stomach. You peered up at Kappa through your lashes and the seemingly innocent act only fuelled his aching want.
"Fuck." Kappa gritted out, holding you so tight you knew it would bruise. He tilted his head with his lips parted, staring up at you. God. How he hoped for a little girl that looked exactly like you.
You laughed lowly, almost manically, as you shifted positions, swinging your legs over his in a straddle. You smirked softly, reaching your hand back and down to firmly grip Kappa where he needed you. The warm, throbbing feeling in your palm had your mind spinning.
"F-fuck you... that's.. that's unfair." Kappa spat, groaning at the friction.
Your smile widened when Kappa gave the reaction you so desperately wanted. You knew that in any other situation, he'd be angry. Embarrassed that you had so much control over him.
"You like that, sugar, hm?" you cooed mockingly, moving your hand up and down with a firm, slow grip.
"You're... such... a bitch." he groaned, "Don't you dare stop, sugar."
"Or what?" you teased, slowing down your movements ever so slightly but keeping the grip on Kappa firm and tight. You felt your own need growing by the second, but you were too engrossed in seeing how far you could push Kappa before he snapped.
"You're a fuckin' tease... If that was anyone else... I'd beat the fuck outta you, yeah?"
You raised a brow, challenging Kappa with a small, satisfied smirk on your face. You knew you had him exactly where you wanted him. And, God, did Kappa know that too. You removed your hand, making Kappa growl lowly at the lack of contact as he felt the building pressure die off inside him.
Instead, you rocked yourself back and forth slowly, tossing your head back with a pleased sigh. You felt your eyes clouding over, and you reached down to interlock Kappa's fingers with your own - a strangely intimate gesture that only added to Kappa's aching want.
Kappa swallowed hard, the rough grip on your hips tightening.
"I need you so damn bad...get the fuck on me, sugar." Kappa grunted, moving you up roughly so that your dripping core was positioned right where he needed you to be.
You hummed, satisfied with how eager Kappa was to beg for you. Watching as his knuckled turned white with how hard he was gripping on to you. You moaned softly when you felt Kappa twitching beneath you, the obvious sign of the lust that was pooling in his stomach.
Kappa growled, pure animalistic need radiating from his body as he lowered your hips down onto his, throwing his head back on your floor as he was enveloped by the warm, wet feeling of your core around him.
"How'd you want it, sugar?" you hushed out between pants, resting your intertwined hands on Kappa's chest.
Kappa grunted, squeezing your hands tighter - feeling the need to cling to you. To anchor to himself like this was the last time he'd ever have you like this.
"Fuck... fast. And hard." he gritted out, his voice strained with primal need. Kappa let out a guttural sound, groaning lowly as you did as he requested, moving on top of him fast and rough. The tightness of your warm body around him sends shock waves of pleasure through his body, Kappa's head spinning with ecstasy.
"That's it... just like that...f-fuck, sugar." he panted, his voice rough and ragged.
You laughed breathlessly, the sound turning into a broken, choked back moan as you kept the steady, rough pace. You wanted to make this last as long as possible, not caring at all about how irritated your neighbours would be - at three in the morning.
"Jesus, sugar... I'm getting close. You gotta... slow the fuck down." Kappa said, his voice shaking as he teetered on the edge of release.
You rolled your eyes, pressing a light slap to his cheek - not enough to hurt, but enough to sting just right and to make Kappa's eyes widen at your audacity.
"Don't you dare." you hissed through your pleasured state, "You can go longer than that."
"F-fuck... you're goddamn crazy.." Kappa breathed out, his eyes screwing shut as he tried to hold back his desperate release that was tightening in his abdomen.
"I'm crazy... you're crazy... we'll be crazy together." you whispered hotly in his ear, lowering yourself down all the way, taking Kappa as deep as you could.
"Y-yeah... but you, sugar... you're a whole other level of unhinged. You're batshit crazy...and that's why I love you so goddamn much." Kappa said, his voice nothing more than a gruff, low grunt in your ear.
You gasped loudly, your eyes fluttering closed as Kappa hit that beautiful spot inside you that had stars exploding behind your eyes like a colourful kaleidoscope. And Kappa could see it. Imagining you beside him, joining the family, life being like this all the time.
"Jesus, fuck... you close?" Kappa panted inn between short, shaking breaths.
"Uh-huh." you whimpered, clutching Kappa's hands in yours and pulling them to your chest as you felt that all too familiar coil tightening in your abdomen.
"S'so close, sugar, fuck... made for me, weren't you?" you cooed lowly, desperately seeking the release that threatened to wash over you any moment now.
Kappa couldn't respond. His mind already too blissed out to even think about forming a coherent response.
"M' gonna cum, Kappa... and you're gonna cum with me. Deep inside, yeah?" you hissed, gripping and clutching at his hands like they were your last tether to Earth.
Kappa nodded frantically, a little too eager for what he would've liked. But he couldn't help it. Not when you felt like this around him - tight and clenching as the band inside your abdomen snapped.
"Y-yeah, sugar. I'm gonna cum... deep inside, just like you want." Kappa grunted, wrapping his arms around you as he felt you collapse against his chest as your release washed over you like a tidal wave.
You let out one last shuddering gasp when you felt Kappa paint your insides with thick ropes of hot, white release, burying your head in his neck as you tried to regain your breath. You truly hoped that this would be it. That your baby, symbolic of the new world you'd build together, would be created.
After a few moments of silence, only being broken by your panting breaths as the flames of the fire - you spoke up again.
"When can I come meet the family?" you asked, making Kappa chuckle breathlessly as his fingers traced invisible patterns up and down your back.
"As soon as you're ready."
You nodded, humming against his chest as you lay down beside him, intertwining your legs together - a soft mess of limbs and naked flesh.
"I'm ready now."
If this had been a book, it would've ended badly. You'd both get lost in the lust for power and passion in creating the new Eden - paradise on Earth. You'd go crazy together and would encourage each other's madness until the very end. Though we have yet to reach this part of the story...
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graysie01 · 4 months
Whoooo! First page done it took a while to figure out the story line and if I want to either do it in color or grayscale (I chose grayscale cause a whole full color comic would legit kill me) but here we are! :]
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Page 2:
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timemachineyeah · 8 months
I really, really need you to elaborate on this note you left on a post. I'm fascinated.
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If you don't I'm sure I'll survive but this is an absolutely intriguing concept.
Whoooo, yeah, let's talk about Mormon theology and cosmology!!!
In response to me saying that this is basically Mormon theology, because it absolutely is
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(I swear, being raised Mormon, and especially the studious and serious kind, and then leaving the church is like that bit in the first episode of The Office where they think they might be getting shut down and Jim says something like, "I know so much about paper. What I am supposed to do with all this knowledge if I don't work here any more." Like I never got very far in The Office, but I think about that feeling all the time.)
From the book of Mormon, 2nd Nephi Chapter 2:
22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end. 23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin. 24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things. 25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
Also worth noting that Mormons are so opposed to original sin that it's actually the second of the 13 Articles of Faith, which I had to memorize in grade school. The only article that comes before it is the one saying we believe in God, Jesus, and The Holy Ghost.
"2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression."
And stealing from the church's official current website on the topic
President Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972) said: “I never speak of the part Eve took in this fall as a sin, nor do I accuse Adam of a sin. … This was a transgression of the law, but not a sin … for it was something that Adam and Eve had to do!”
Adam's fall is considered an unequivocal good to Mormons. So this whole take on theology taps into two very import Mormon principles.
The first is "agency", "free agency", or "free will". This basically boils down to: you can't grow, your actions can't matter, if you don't have a choice. The ability to choose is power, and we are here specifically to experience that freedom and to learn how to use it.
This was actually the basis of a premortal war (don't ask how folks without bodies who can't die do a war, I've no idea) between Lucifer and Jesus, because Lucifer wanted to guarantee everyone's salvation by eliminating the ability to choose wrong. The losing side was cast out of heaven and that's where Satan and demons come from!
Here have a musical number about from a VHS I used to watch constantly (in case the link malfunctions, relevant song starts at 10:55)
The second is, "opposition". Basically, things can only exist in contrast. You can only truly recognize something in comparison to something else. Ergo, a world without suffering or sin is also a world without joy or virtue. It is a nothing world. Here, a worse song from the same musical! (starts at 8:57)
By this principle, the Garden of Eden, while wonderful from the outside in retrospect, was not wonderful from within, because Adam and Eve had no frame of reference for it. To them it was just Existence, and as an existence was fairly bland.
Another thing to understand here is that Mormons believe in a premortal existence. We are all, spiritually, as ancient as God is. We've all always existed. Another Mormon principle is one of "Eternal Progress" - the idea that we are always on a journey to improve, and are capable of improving to even the state of Heavenly Father.
I remember asking once if Heavenly Father was done progressing, and told we can't possibly know, but it's possible that even He has more progress to make. But if so, we can't possibly comprehend what he is progressing towards and it's not relevant to us now.
It's important to realize that "As man is, God once was. As God is, man might become" is, like, central to Mormon theology. We aren't lesser things than God, just not as far progressed. He's among the first caterpillars to figure out how to make a chrysalis and become a butterfly and he's trying to show us how to do the same.
Regardless, a necessary step to this progress, to growth, is to live a mortal physical life in a body. A body is so important that Mormons believe at the second coming everyone who ever lived will be resurrected into "perfect" eternal immortal bodies. (This ALL creates MANY logistical and theological problems but we don't have time for all that!)
Other necessary steps include compulsive heterosexuality, marriage, and having children. Because of course.
But if God's power is not innate, but rather something he has gained by being Perfectly Good And Noble - which is like the Force or something - then he isn't truly omnipotent. He is so powerful and omniscient that to us mere mortals the distinction is meaningless, but God cannot endorse harm or cruelty without potentially losing his Godhood. Godhood is conditional upon good behavior. Morality is a natural force in the universe that can be utilized, but! See above about opposition! And free will! To utilize it, you have to be capable of knowingly being bad and choose good anyway!
This puts God in kind of a bind when it comes to guiding humanity.
He needs people to have knowledge of good and evil, but if he gives it to them directly, he'd kinda be doing a bad thing? Like, he'd be causing suffering to just force knowledge of good and evil upon us. The suffering can't be something inflicted upon humanity, it has to be a product of human choice. And choice is essential, but to learn to make choices, first you must be presented with simple ones.
Like Adam and Eve are immortal, physical, useless baby adults who cannot progress. They need to progress, and they also need to get to boning or else all the other spirit children waiting in heaven to be born will not have bodies.
So God sets up a little trap. A little trick. Just a fun little -just a fun little game.
He puts a tree in the garden and he's like, "Just leaving this over here. Don't touch it. But it's right here. See it? Right here. Just making sure you saw it. Yeah, don't touch it. In fact, two commandments for you.
Go have kids
Don't eat that fruit"
And Adam and Eve are like, "cool, great, awesome."
And God is like, really loudly in front of Lucifer/The Snake like, "Oh noooooooo. I sure hope they don't eat from this treeeeee. That would be terrrrrrible! They'd learn about SIN and BECOME MORTAL." and Satan is like "tehehehe I have a great idea!"
Meanwhile Eve, who is currently a metaphysical biological immortal, does not know what sex is and has no sex drive. She's like, "Sooooo? The kids part? How that?"
And the snake is like "You can find out, but you gotta eat this fruit" (true! this is Eden, it is still free from sin. The snake cannot lie here, yet. Because folk Mormon theology - Satan can't lie! That's a fun fact about him. He twists and manipulates truths, but lying is a Mortal gift we got from the whole Fruit thing that Eve is about to do)
And Eve is like, "Yeah, sure, I want babies. God told me to have them so...." and eats the fruit exactly as God intended her to, tempted by the snake exactly as God planned. And she was like, "Oh! I WANNA BONE ADAM. ADAM EAT THIS SO YOU KNOW WHAT BONING IS SO I CAN BONE YOU."
But then they were materially and metaphysically changed, so they couldn't stay in the Garden anymore. Less about casting out, more about God having to follow the Moral Metaphysical Laws that give him his power.
I was even taught it's not even that childbirth/periods/menstrual pain were punishments from God. They are just natural results of sexual reproduction and the part where God says that's gonna happen now isn't him giving Eve a curse, just kinda God giving Eve some sex ed. Since she'll need it.
Basically, God couldn't tell Adam and Eve to eat the fruit, and in fact was morally obligated to tell them not to, because doing so would cause suffering and death. But the suffering and death aren't a punishment from God, they're just facts about the world that become real when you know about them, but you have to know about them and experience them in order to know and experience good things also, and become closer to being a god yourself, and God wanted us to have good things, so he wanted us to eat that fruit. Which is why he put it there.
So very much like leaving water out for a cat who thinks they're being naughty but actually you just want your cat to be hydrated.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles observed: “This suggested contrast between a sin and a transgression reminds us of the careful wording in the second article of faith: ‘We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression’ (emphasis added). It also echoes a familiar distinction in the law. Some acts, like murder, are crimes because they are inherently wrong. Other acts, like operating without a license, are crimes only because they are legally prohibited. Under these distinctions, the act that produced the Fall was not a sin—inherently wrong—but a transgression—wrong because it was formally prohibited. These words are not always used to denote something different, but this distinction seems meaningful in the circumstances of the Fall.”
And before any baby Mormons come in here like, "nuh uh!" about any part of this, your "eternal truths" have been so watered down in the past several decades by leadership trying to seem mainstream and cling to hemorrhaging membership. Y'all don't even know your theology anymore half the time, and what's worse is it's just as toxic as ever but like 200% less interesting. I like Mormonism better when they're proudly declaring Bigfoot is Cain and talking about how John the Beloved already has an immortal body and has been wandering the world for 2000 years and confidently claiming he was the stranger who helped them fix a tire that one time.
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m-musings · 1 year
Winging It: Buggy The Clown X Winged! Fem! Reader Pt. 1
A/N: bless the one piece fans for getting me into the show and introducing me to this man because he is just so FJSCBKGHLKDGW, like you feel me? anywaysss, first time writing for one piece, let's do this whoooo!
(part 2 here! :] )
Word Count: 2.7k Summary: Buggy asks (Y/n) to help out with an unusual task, chaos ensues. Warnings: a dude being a creep to reader later on and a little bit of ooc on Buggy's behalf, but other than that, just some good ol' fluff!
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It all started out as a perfectly normal day.
After another busy day on the Big Top and another successful "show", Buggy had given the majority of his crew the day off to do whatever they wished.
As soon as (Y/n) was able, she unfurled her feathery wings and flew up to the crows nest, needing to get away from the madness down on the deck for a while.
Closing her eyes, (Y/n) took a deep breath of the refreshing ocean air as the breeze blew softly against her face.
Having joined Buggy's crew a few months earlier, she had never expected her life to change as much as it did as fast as it did.
(Y/n) originally came from a life as the sole inhabitant of a tiny island in the middle of the East Blue. One day, the Big Top and its crew happened to be sailing by and stopped to search the island for any supplies they could find.
Fearing the worst, (Y/n) grabbed her baseball bat and and flew out of her hut to stop the pirates from getting any closer.
After fending off a few of the crew members, Buggy swiftly stepped in to try and diffuse the situation, being unusually calm and level headed as he addressed (Y/n).
Realizing her wings could be useful to him in shows and in pillaging, Buggy invited her to join him and his pirates instead of struggling to keep herself alive and entertained on her little islet.
With a hesitant but quick decision, (Y/n) agreed, asking for some time to pack some personal items before Buggy and the rest of the crew led her back to the boat, intent on celebrating a new member of the gang.
Quickly learning the ropes of pirating and climbing up the ranks of the crew, (Y/n) eventually became a high ranking member, just behind Mohji and Buggy himself.
She even managed to become friends with the quirky captain, to the the slight disbelief of the rest of their crewmates. In addition, after getting to know each other a bit more, that friendship slowly turned into a (huge) crush on (Y/n)'s part, but neither Buggy nor anyone else needed to know that part.
And even though the start of her pirating adventure was a little strange, (Y/n) could never say she missed her old life. Being apart of the Big Top Crew gave her the family and friends she was sorely missing on her island.
Reveling in the quiet of the air, (Y/n) smiled to herself as she thought of her new existence as the Big Top's resident trapeze artist, grateful that she now had the world at her fingertips, plus people to fight beside and fight for.
As she reminisced upon the past, her eyebrows perked up when she heard ropes creaking from somewhere down below.
"Hey doll! Figured I'd find you up here!" Grunted a voice from beside her.
She cracked one of her eyes open to see Buggy climbing up the rigging, the tail of his bandana flowing behind him.
"Hey, Cap! Did you need something?"
"Nah, not right now. But I might once we get to the island we're headed to. If the winds are good, we should get there in the next 2 days."
"Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot! What's so special about this island anyway? Isn't the stop just for us to stock up again before we head out to meet Alvida?" (Y/n) questioned, sitting down on the floor of the crows nest as she scootched over to make some room for Buggy.
"That's part of it, yes, but the main reason we're stopping is because a couple of our cannons were destroyed in our last fight with the Marines. There's a few weaponsmiths in a city there that are willing to sell us a few new ones if we can negotiate a good price for both of us."
"So we need them to agree to our bargain so we don't get demolished by another battle on the way to meet Alvida?"
"Exactly! You're one smart cookie.
"Hmm, I try." She shrugged with pleased grin, her wings fluffing out in sync.
"You sure do, (Y/n/n). Anyways, I came to see if you would be willing to come with me, just to make sure nothing fishy happens while I'm not paying attention. Maybe pretend to be my arm candy to trick them, y'know?"
"Me? Can't someone, like, Cabaji do it? He's got way more experience with this stuff than I do."
"He's gonna be in charge of the ship while we're gone. Plus, I mean, you're the only one who would make spending time with dumbasses like these smith guys bearable. You would save me of literally dying of boredom."
"Pfft, I doubt that" Answered (Y/n) as she rolled her eyes at the clown's exaggeration.
Buggy chuckled, smiling softly at the girl as he rested his arm atop her shoulder.
The action causes a very subtle blush to appear on her face, which she tries to keep hidden by scratching at her neck.
"So whadya say, huh? Wanna go on a little adventure with me?"
(Y/n) sighed with a sputter of her lips before turning to answer the blue haired man.
"Sure, Captain, I'll come along. It could be kinda fun."
"Aww, thanks (Y/n), you're the best! Even better than Mohji! But don't tell him that." Whispered Buggy as he jokingly cupped his hand over his mouth.
"You're ridiculous, Captain." she laughed softly, bumping her shoulder with his.
"And I take pride in that. It's all I got goin' for me, after all." Chuckled Buggy, who shrugged and leaned back in reply.
(Y/n) gave him an amused grin in reply before shifting her eyes back towards the big blue ocean that surrounded them.
The two then sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before the voice of another crewmate called out for Buggy from somewhere on the main deck.
"Well, sweets, duty calls. See you later, huh?" Buggy said with a salute before he made his way back down the rigging.
As he disappeared from sight, (Y/n) bashfully put her head in her hands as she tried not to overthink the nickname her captain had given her.
"Oh, damn.... what have I gotten myself into?..." (Y/n) questioned herself as she placed her head against her knees.
After a few more minutes of sitting by herself while she scanned the horizon, Buggy yelled out, calling the crew back to the deck for another show.
With a small shake of her head, (Y/n) stood up, stretched, and flew down to gather with the rest of the troupe.
Just as Buggy had said, the Big Top had reached it's island destination a couple days later. Thankfully, there wasn't many Marines in this town, meaning the crew could go into town to stretch their legs on land and get any supplies they might need for the rest of the trip.
Still on the ship, (Y/n) sat below deck as she tried to find something other than her circus costume to wear, wanting to be able to blend into the crowds better or just in case a high ranking Marine or someone from the World Government showed up and recognized her alongside Buggy.
Rummaging through her chest of clothes, her wings fluttered as she finally found a simple black tank top and a pair of jeans.
After placing the clothing on her bed and gliding over to a nearby vanity to do some basic makeup, she heard a knock at her door while she applied some light rouge to her face.
"Come in, it's open!" She announced as she grabbed another brush from the vanity drawer.
Looking behind her using the mirror, she saw a familiar orange pirate hat pop into view.
"Are you decent?" Buggy said as he entered the room, his disembodied hands floating in front of his face to cover his eyes
"Yes, Captain, you can open your eyes if you want." (Y/n) giggled as she put on some finishing touches of makeup.
Popping off one of his fingers to glance at the girl, he gasped lightly as he finally saw her face.
"Wow, you look fantastic!" Buggy said with an impressed nod.
"Really? It's not much different than my usual casual looks..." Claimed (Y/n) as she timidly placed a hand upon her cheek.
"Either way, angel, you look good. But I suppose that's beside the point. I just came to tell you to be ready to go by sundown. I'll be waiting on the dock, Don't be late." He winked before leaving the room.
With a huff as she tried to compose herself, (Y/n) stood up to get dressed and mentally prepare herself for the night.
Within just a few short hours, the sun had finally set upon the island, and right on cue, (Y/n) left her quarters and strutted over to the deck railing to see Buggy down on the pier waiting for her.
"Ah, (Y/n) there you are! I was worried for a sec, thought you were gonna chicken out on me!"
"No, I'm here. Someone has gotta keep an eye on you!"
"Well, I'm glad that someone is you. Shall we go?" Buggy motioned as (Y/n) climbed down to meet him.
"Yes, we shall, mon capitaine!" (Y/n) quipped as he held her head up high with a light giggle.
"C'mon, let's get going." Chuckled Buggy in response as the two made their way out of the marina.
After a minute or so of idle chatter about their days, (Y/n) spoke up with a question she had been meaning to ask.
"What do we do if they don't agree to give us the cannons for the price you set?"
"Well If that happens, I guess we'll just have to... wing it!" Buggy quipped as he gave the girl a sly grin.
"Oh, ha ha, very funny!" (Y/n) fake laughed as she playfully smacked Buggy's back with one of her wings.
"Thank you! I am funny!" Buggy declared as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, careful to avoid the feathers on her back.
(Y/n) bit her bottom lip in reply as she moved her gaze to the cobblestone ground beneath them.
"So where exactly is this weapons store at?"
"Not far, we come to this place every so often so I know the quickest way to get there."
(Y/n) nodded in acknowledgement as Buggy began to tell her some fun stories about his past adventures here.
About 15 minutes later, Buggy made an excited noise as he realized where they were.
"Ok, (Y/n/n), the weaponsmiths store is just up ahead, I'll lead you there." He announced, taking her hand until they found the place they needed to be.
As the door swung open, a little bell rang overhead, signaling to the two workers that someone had entered the shop.
"Gentlemen! How's it going, am I late to the party?!"
"Ah, you must be the guy that contacted us the other day! Nah, you're right on time! Did you bring cash?" Asked one of the men who (Y/n) assumed was the shop owner.
Buggy rolled his eyes as he pulled out a large stack of berry from his pocket and placed it onto a nearby counter, in front of the younger man with black hair.
"Perfect! If you follow me, I can show you the canons we currently have on stock." the older of the two men said, leading Buggy past a few rows of shelves and cabinets to another part of the store.
Just before they rounded the corner, Buggy and (Y/n) gave each other a reassuring nod.
After a brief moment of looking around at the various weapons and items scattered across the room, (Y/n)'s attention was grabbed by the sound of someone behind her clearing her throat.
She slowly whirled back around to see the younger of the two shopkeepers looking her up and down.
"Hey gorgeous, how ya doin' on this fine evening?" The man who stayed at the counter smirked, looking at (Y/n) with something dangerous flashing in his eyes
"Fine, thanks..." (Y/n) giving him a polite smile
"So, you uh, doing anything tonight?"
"Just getting those cannons, then we're headed back out."
"Aw come on, you couldn't stay for... say, one drink with me at the bar in town?"
"Um, thanks but no thanks, I've got stuff to do back on our ship." Responded the girl as she took a few steps backwards
"Are you sure? I could give you a real fun time, cutie!" Chuckled the man as he walked around the counter to stand in front of (Y/n) with his arms crossed.
"Yeah, positive. Sorry." (Y/n) finalized as she started to walk away, but was near-instantly stopped.
"Oh, come on, pretty birdy, leave that idiotic clown guy and spend the night with a real man huh?!" The man cackled as he grabbed onto (Y/n)'s wrist and pulled her into his chest.
"Ow! Let me go!" Hissed (Y/n) as she began to tug against the mans grasp, flapping her wings slightly to give her a bit more leverage.
The man laughed crudely before grabbing her other arm and trapping her against a shelf.
"Hey, maybe that stupid pirate will let me keep you! Who knows, maybe we can see all of the things those pretty little wings of yours can do!"
With a disgusted scoff, (Y/n) went to grab a small dagger she had hidden in her left pocket, but before she could even find it, a white-gloved hand shot across the store to grip the black haired man's collar.
"What exactly do you think you're doing?!" Buggy inquired, his voice menacingly low as he appeared back from the other side of the store.
"Uh, well, you see I- it's um-"
"Answer me!"
"C'mon, It was a joke! I didn't mean anything by it!" The man tried to convince the Captain as he let out a nervous laugh.
"Didn't seem very funny to me..." Buggy stated as he glared daggers at the shopkeeper.
"You're right, it wasn't, I- I apologize-" he stammered with a fearful whimper before Buggy pushed him back against the counter with a growl.
"If you ever try to touch anyone on my crew again, I'll personally make sure you lose both of your hands, got it?!"
"Okay, alright, I'm sorry! It won't happen again, sir!" The man agreed with a frightened look at the pirate.
Buggy scoffs irately, throwing the man onto the floor before picking the berry back up and stuffing it back into his pocket.
"C'mon, (Y/n), we're getting the hell outta here." Buggy spat as he gingerly grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the shop.
Confusedly sputtering as they clambered back down the road, (Y/n) stared at Buggy with wide eyes.
"Slow down a little, please!" (Y/n) said, stumbling as she tried to keep pace with Buggy.
With an apologetic and upset glance, Buggy released her hand before she hurried over to walk side by side with him.
"Buggy, what the hell was that about?!"
"Don't worry about it, we just needed to leave that shithole before I killed someone."
"That hasn't stopped you before!"
"I'll just say I'm feeling generous tonight then." Snarled Buggy, growing more and more enraged as the pair walked.
"We need to go back, we need those canons or we're screwed!"
"We can get the canons somewhere else, we need to go."
"But what was that all about?! Sure, the guy was a douche, but I could have easily just pushed him off with my wings or cut him with my dagger. Why are you being so weird about this?!"
"Because no one fucks with my girl!" Buggy shouted, spinning around to come face to face with (Y/n).
"W-wait, wait... Your girl?..." (Y/n) asked quietly, freezing as the meaning of his words sunk in.
Buggy halted his rant as he turned to fully face her, finally realizing what he had said. Running a palm through his blue locks, he dejectedly shook his head as he struggled to find the right words to say.
"Just forget about it, okay?! We have to get back to the ship..." Buggy muttered as he continued to stomp away.
As the blue haired pirate angrily marched down the street, (Y/n) stood frozen on the edge of the town, not knowing how to feel about what her beloved captain had just revealed to her.
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b3llawr1tes · 3 months
THE HEIGHT OF SUMMER matt sturniolo.
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summary : you meet a boy at a party under not very nice circumstances. ! angelina's character is you, i hate the y/n thing. imagine you're her !
disclaimer : no nsfw content, just some fluff, alcohol & drug use (not heavy), smoking, swearing, everyone is over 18
it was a very hot summer evening in california. today i went to the beach with some of my friends. just hung out then came back home. i’ve always loved the beach. the sound of the ocean and the waves always made my mind calm down. i’ve been living alone for a year now and honestly, it wasn’t at all what i was expecting. i was doing great.
i had troubles with depression and addiction ever since i was young, but somehow it got better now. and my bad mental health wasn’t because of my parents, don’t get me wrong. and not because of my siblings either. i love them all very much. i’m beyond grateful for everything they’ve done for me.
but enough about my past. i got back from the beach around 7 pm and i was waiting for my friend natalie to come over. we had a party we were invited to, lucas, one of our friends decided to throw a huge back to summer party, as garduates. i was so excited.
i took a shower, i walked up to the bathroom’s sink where my phone lit up, revealing a text message from natalie, by bestest of by best friends.
hey girl are you ready for this??
i looked at the message and chuckled. nat could always make me smile no matter the circumstances. she was always so hype, i became excited too.
yesss!! when u coming?
be there in 10 put on some music xx
i closed my phone and got dressed. i was already blasting my music from the big speaker in my living room i bought when i was 16. back then i felt like i was the coolest and honestly i was. and i still am. i was listening to some 2000’s girl music like britney spears, nelly furtado, rihanna etc., one of my favorite types of music.
i sang along to the lyrics while i chose my outfit for the night which consisted of a pair of baggy jeans, a brown belt i got from my dad and just a basic black shirt. my makeup wasn’t anything worth mentioning, but i felt good about myself in it and that’s what matters.
natalie arrived, i greeted her with a big smile, showing off my outfit before she did too. we took a few shots, talked about some random things, then i got my shit together and we were ready to go. natalie texted jake, one of our friends, who was supposed to pick us up, that we were ready and in less than 10 minutes we were blasting music in the car, with him, feeling the party spirit.
“are you girls ready for this? whoooo!” jake yelled and we both yelled back a ‘yes’.
i looked outside the window when a slowed song started playing, looking at the flashing lights, all the people we were passing by, thinking about how beautiful life is when you have people you can have fun with. and how excited i was to meet so many new people tonight. we were just a few minutes late, and when we got there we all got out of the car which was parked perfectly between two others.
“this is sooo fun. do you have a cigarette jake?” nat asked. i just laughed while the blonde haired boy handed her one.
we walked up to the house, and there were people already passed out on the front garden, some still drinking. thank god we weren’t surrounded by so many neighbours. when we got to the door, jake opened it and my eyes widened. there were people everywhere. mostly in the living room on the so-called ‘dance floor’ dancing to some 2010’s music.
now this is a party.
“this is fucking insane. let me find drew.” jake said then walked to the back and out to the backyard.
“i think he likes you.” i said to nat, trying really hard not to yell so loud, but that was nearly impossible.
“what? no he doesn’t.” said the girl.
“i saw the way he looked at you. you should make a move.” i said.
“nah, you’re delusional, but thanks. let’s find the alcohol shall we?” natalie asked and grabbed my hand, leading me towards the kitchen.
louder music filled my ears as we found the place we were looking for, many bottles of many things in front of our eyes. to be honest i wasn’t the biggest drinker, only occasionally like this time. only when there was a party going on. so i let my friend choose whatever she wanted to drink.
she wanted to take shots.
so we took a few more shots before going to the living room. one of our favorite songs started playing.
“oh my god this is our song you hear that?” i yelled to my friend who looked at me with the biggest smile i’ve ever seen jumping up and down in excitement.
“yes, let’s dance!” she said.
so we did. we danced our heart out to be honest, i danced until my feet couldn’t handle it anymore, drinking whatever nat was drinking, feeling like this night will last forever. i went outside to have some fresh air fill my lungs, while natalie went to find jake who was smoking somewhere in the backyard.
i took a deep breath and let the air fill my lungs. i opened my eyes and realized i couldn’t really stand on my feet anymore. i could still feel the alcohol in my system but not as much as i did an hour ago. thankfully. i tried sitting down on one of the chairs out there, but my legs said no so i almost fell backwards, into the house through the big glass door.
“woah! you good?” someone asked from behind me, balancing me back on to my feet before i could fall.
“yeah thanks.” i said, sitting down, finally, with the help of this someone.
i brushed my hair out of my face, and looked up at the person.
“are you really drunk?” he asked, before i could even process his presence.
“a bit. i was just dancing for so long my legs gave up on me.” i said, laughing. he did too.
i tried focusing my eyes on him. he had brown hair, kind of falling in front of his face a little bit. fluffy. good. he also had blue eyes, and what i liked about them is they looked tired. so hot. he also had a sculpture-like face, his jawline sharp. he had a beautiful smile, i felt lucky i could see it.
“that’s cool. are you alone?” he asked.
“why you wanna kidnap me?” i asked back.
“no, no no no, sorry that came out wrong. i just don’t want you to get lost or hurt you know?”
that’s cute. but i just couldn’t take my eyes off his tattoo’s covering one of his arms.
“yeah, thanks. i’m with two of my friends. i also know quite a few people in there.” i said, pointing inside with my head.
“who are you here with?” i asked.
“my brothers.”
“i love that. well, have fun mysterious guy, maybe fate will bring us back together. i’m going to find my friend. have a nice night!” i said, standing back up, going inside.
“try not to fall next time!” he yelled after me, and i smiled to myself.
that was what you call a meet-cute? i have no idea, i just wanted to find natalie. i found her talking to jake in one of the living room’s corner. i went up to them.
“what you got there?” i asked them looking at their cups.
“straight up vodka girly, you want some?” the black haired girl asked, handing me the alcohol.
the cup was almost full, so i decided to down it. i thought ‘when if not now? also we only live once don’t we?’ so i just handed the empty cup back to her with a big smile on my face trying to hide the fact that vodka by itself tastes terrible.
“i just met the hottest boy outside. you won’t believe it.” i yelled.
“what? really? who is he?” my friend asked.
“i don’t know. mystery guy. couldn’t ask for his name.”
before nat could speak up, jake did.
“then snort this and you’ll basically see him everywhere.”
i thought for a second. i knew it was cocaine. have i done it before? yes. twice. once i didn’t want to, once i did. one time it was good, one time it wasn’t. but it was a back to summer party, everyone’s only goal was to get drunk and high. and who was i to decline that? plus nat always tries to include herself so that i wasn’t alone in all these.
so we both did a line.
i inhaled, then exhaled. i grabbed my girlfriend’s hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. my legs felt sore, but not too sore to the point where i couldn’t dance. i could always dance. so we did. for another hour. i felt the drug hit me, bright lights everywhere. the music filled my whole body. i was loudly singing the lyrics. it felt like what i imagine heaven to feel like.
then i opened my eyes and didn’t know here i was.
i knew i was still at the party, but i was outside. the last thing i could remember was me and nat walking out of the house into the front yard, but now i was alone. i tried calling her phone. no answer. i felt horrible. i think was even standing next to my own puke. i tried calling jake. no answer. what the fuck? where are they?
then i turned around to see three people walk out of the house. one of them i could recognize as the mysterious boy i talked to ouside earlier. but then… i could recognize all of them. all of them looked like that one guy. wait. what? i thought i was hallucinating thanks to the drug i took before, but no. i wasn’t.
“do you guys seriously look the same?” i asked, walking up to them.
“yeah?” the one in the middle asked with a focused look on his face.
“that’s crazyyyy.” i added.
“oh hey, you’re the girl who was dancing until her legs gave up right?” the guy i “knew” asked.
“yeah, yeah.”
“you know her matt?” the third oy asked.
“oh yeah we met earlier what’s up?” matt asked.
“my friends ditched me. i don’t know where they are they aren’t picking up the phone and i’m panicking a little bit.” i said the truth.
“hey it’s okay. maybe we can give you a ride home. you live far?” asked matt again.
“not really. i would really appreciate that if i’m not asking too much.” i just wanted to go home at this point.
matt looked at his brothers. both of them nodded and started walking towards where the cars were parked. i stayed behind with matt.
“so matt is your name.” i said.
“is this fate then?” i asked, looking at him with a smile.
“i guess so.” he chuckled, unlocking the car.
i don’t even know why, but even that simple action, the way he did it was attractive.
i opened the car’s door and got in, closing it behind me. matt was the one driving. wait. am i getting into a car with someone who just drank alcohol?
“are you sober matt?”
“yes. i don’t drink alcohol. nice you even thought about that.” he said.
“sorry, yeah, just making sure.”
the boy with the longest hair sat in front of me, next to me the third brother. triplets. that’s cool. the guy in front was talking to matt, while next to me, the boy was on his phone, not paying attention. i wasn’t either. i was really tired.
i was looking outside the window. watching the lights pass by, as well as the people, and all the shops. i tried thinking about something that won’t put me into sleep, i mean they didn’t even knew where i lived.
but i guess i failed because i woke up in a room i didn’t even recognize. at all.
. . .
thank you guys so much for reading the first part of my
matt story! i hope you like it! it would mean the world to
me if even just one person liked it! i hope i can continue
with this soon, until then don’t forget to be happy and be
kind! love you all <3
© every character besides the sturniolo triplets are mine, as well as the story. anything remotely similar to this is purely coincidental. thank you.
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fandomtherapy44 · 3 months
Castiel x reader Chapter 16
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Summary: SEASON 5 WHOOOO!!!!!!!! LET's GO! So I am so excited for this season so many great episodes. There are going to be a lot more Cas and Y/n scenes. And more chapters too. I do recommend that you read my first book so you get the full Y/n Winchester build-up. Okay with out further due enjoy the second book of Love War and Grace.
Paring: Castiel x reader
word count: 4.4k
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season five of Supernatural, Guns
AN/ Hey Ya'll so I did notice that it's been a month since I've updated this series sorry for that. This is the longest I've written in a while so that's part of the reason why it took so long. Anywho hope you enjoy especially Cas's and Y/n Renion.
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Chapter 16: Good God Ya'll
POV: Y/n “Alright, it looks like you can go home.” The doctor said while putting her supplies away. “Great thanks doc.” She stops and seems to peer into my soul. “You know I have never seen a heart attack like yours I mean you're twenty-four, fit, don’t smoke it just doesn’t make sense.” Yeah I know but it's not like I can tell her that Angels exist and that they all pretty much hate me. “Uh yeah crazy.” I walked to the door. “You must have a guardian Angel.”  She jokily said. Oh, you have no idea.
I stepped into Bobby’s doorway to his room he was in his wheelchair just staring out the window. “Hey, what did the Doc say?” Sam asked me. “All good thanks to Cas.” Speaking of him where the Hell is he. Dean comes to us carrying an envelope. “It's been like three days now?” Sam and I both sighed. “We got to cheer him up. Maybe I'll give him a backrub.” “Dean” Again Sam and I both said. “Look...we might have to wrap our heads around the idea that Bobby might not just bounce back this time.” I mean he’s right this kind of news you don't just get drunk and forget about it.
“What's in the envelope?” I nod at the paper. “Went to radiology.” He pulls out the X-ray. “Got some glamour shots.” It was his ribs and it had Enochian engraved in his bones. “Is that why I feel like I have the worst heartburn ever.” I pointed to the picture. “Yup, curtsy of Cas apparently no demon or Angel can find us” Okay does not mean him too? Then Sam’s phone rings. “Hello? ...Castiel?” CASTIEL! “Speak of the devil.” “Ah, St. Martin's Hospital. Why? What are you—Cas?” Cas had hung up on Sam. And the Angel walks up to us. “Castiel…” I just got lost in my thoughts staring at him.
“Y/n I'm glad to see that you're doing well.” That’s it! He must have something on his mind. “Cell phone, Cas? Really? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?” Dean questioned. “You're hidden from angels now—all angels. I won't be able to simply—” He tried to explain. “Enough foreplay.” Bobby announced from his chair. “Get over here and lay your damn hands on.” “I can't.” What? “Say again?” He spun in his chair.
“I'm cut off from heaven and much of heaven's power. Certain things I can do. Certain things I can't.” What about me then? “You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life?” I can see Castiel is sad that he can’t help. “I'm sorry.” “Shove it up your ass.” I feel terrible for Cas and Bobby.”At least he's talking now.” Dean commented to Sam and me. “I heard that.” “I don't have much time. We need to talk.” Cas directed to Dean. “Okay.” “Your plan to kill Lucifer.” “Yeah. You want to help?” “No. It's foolish. It can't be done.” Cas does really not have any fucks to give.
“Oh. Thanks for the support.” “But I believe I have the solution. There is someone besides Michael strong enough to take on Lucifer. Strong enough to stop the apocalypse.” We are wondering who he’s talking about. “Who's that?” “The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane. The one who began everything. God.” Okay God right I mean why not. “I'm gonna find God.”
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Dean closes the door so people don’t think we're insane. “God?” “Yes.” “God.” “Yes! He isn't in heaven. He has to be somewhere.” Cas sounded so sure. “Try New Mexico. I hear he's on a tortilla.” Dean said and poor sweet Cas did not get the joke. “No, he's not on any flatbread.” “Listen, Chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead—and that's the generous theory—” “He is out there, Dean.” “—or he's up and kicking and doesn't give a rat's ass about any of us.” Cas just glares.
“I mean, look around you, man. The world is in the toilet. We are literally—at the end of days here, and he's off somewhere drinking booze out of a coconut. All right?” “Enough. This is not a theological issue. It's strategic. With God's help, we can win.” he really believes. “It's a pipe dream, Cas.” Cas gets very close to Dean. “I killed two angels this week. My brothers. I'm hunted. I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you, and you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world—and I lost everything, for nothing. So keep your opinions to yourself.” Damn, I don't think I've ever seen Cas like that before.
“You didn't drop in just to tear us a new hole. What is it you want?” Bobby voiced. “I did come for something. An amulet.” A necklace? “An amulet? What kind?” “Very rare. Very powerful. It burns hot in God's presence. It'll help me find him.” “A God EMF?” Sam questioned. “Well, I don't know what you're talking about. I got nothing like that.” Bobby shrugged his shoulders. “I know. You don't.” Cas turns to Dean. He looks down at Dean’s necklace. “What, this?” “May I borrow it?” Cas asked politely.
“No.” “Dean. Give it to me.” Dean is silent, he looks at me and I nod my head. “All right, I guess.” He takes it off. And hestionly gives it to Cas. “Don't lose it. Great. Now I feel naked.” Cas now has the necklace. “I'll be in touch.” He goes to walk out of the room. “CAS wait up!” 
He is very quick on his feet I guess having wings would help with that. I caught up to him and grabbed his wrist to pull him into a room ironically it was the chapel. We just stood staring at each other a little. I couldn't believe that he was here. I finally shake out of my trance-like state. And go to hug him tight like he would disappear in my fingers. And he does the same. “Cas were you really …. Dead?” I say right next to his ear. An answer came that I never hoped to hear.
“Yes.” A tear slips down my cheek and I squeeze him harder. We let go of each other slowly. We sat down on the pews. “So do you really think God will help us?” “I'm here aren't I” I sigh and process everything. “Ok, we will get God’s help then.” “Y/n do you really believe in this plan?” He wasn't just asking as a tactic to win this war but as my friend.
“I believe in you Cas yes God brought you back but you are the one who is fighting actively with us so no matter what remember that.” “Thank you Y/n, I must go start the search.” “Ok but now that you can’t just pop in where I am please use your phone that I gave you for that very reason” I finish with a smile. He gives me one back and files off.
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When I was gone Rufus had called Bobby sounding really in trouble and something about Demons. We drove up to this bridge in Colorado and it looked like a tornado had walked through. “This is the only road in or out.” Great. “Looks like we're going to put those scout skills that we never learned to use boys. Let’s Go!” I grabbed my pack and gun and we were off.
We walked into the town slowly and lets just that tornado had walked over and full on ran through. Cars flipped over store doors open … blood in lots of places. Sprilikers on for hours. I had been in haunted places before but I have never felt a chill in my body like this. We are checking out this car when we hear a gun cuck and we turn around. It’s Ellen.
“Ellen hey!” I go to hug her but she raises the gun to my face. Dean gets in between us. “That’s far enough.” “Ellen, what the heck's going on here?” And in response, she throws holy water at Dean. I have to hold back my snicker. “We're us.” He says annoyed, whipping off his face. We walked to a church where the survivors of whatever happened held up. When Ellen knew we were safe she threw herself onto me first for a hug. When she hugged Dean and she pulled back she slapped him.
“You can't pick up a phone? What are you, allergic to giving me peace of mind the only one to call is Y/n. I got to find out that you're alive from Rufus?” Dean seems surprised by her care. “Sorry, Ellen.” “Yeah, you better be. You better put me on speed dial, kid.” “Yes, ma'am.” All of us go to the church basement and theirs a demon trap in front. “What's going on, Ellen?” I ask. “More than I can handle alone.” “How many demons are there?” Sam asks in almost bewilderment. “Pretty much the whole town, minus the dead people and these guys.” Holy shit Demons are having super bowl parties.
“So, this is it, right? End times? It's got to be.” Ellen states. “Seems like it.” Sam replies back. Ellen knocks on the door and the makeshift peephole cover gets moved. “It's me.” Someone opens the door and we're let in, the people in here look like they've been through… war. They all look normal and one of them is pregnant. Peachy just peachy.
“This is Sam and Dean, Y/n. They're hunters. Here to help.” A guy who looks like he's the most confident out at of everyone comes up to us. “You guys hip to this whole demon thing?” “We have some experience.” I answered laughing inside. There was another man in glasses sitting at the table who looked especially like he had seen something. “My wife's eyes turned black. She came at me with a brick. Kind of makes you embrace the paranormal.” Yeah, I would too.
“All right, catch us up.” Dean told Ellen. “I doubt I know much more than you. Rufus called. Said he was in town investigating omens. All of a sudden, the whole town was possessed. Me and Jo were nearby—” What? Now that’s a surprise. The last time I knew she would rather have Jo be a Barmaid than a hunter! “You're hunting with Jo?” “Yeah, for a while now. We got here, and the place—well, the place was like you see it. Couldn't find Rufus, then me and Jo got separated. I was out looking when I found you.” Well, that’s great.
“Don’t worry Ellen we’ll find her” I touched her arm in a comforting way. She gave me a small smile in return. “Either way, these people cannot just sit here” Sam said looking at everyone. Especially the pregnant woman. “We got to get them out now.” “No, it's not that easy. I've been trying. We already made a run for it once.” “So we just reverse the plan-” Ellen stopped me. “Sweetie we used to have twenty.” My eyes widened. “Well, there's four of us now—” Dean tried again.
“You don't know what it's like out there. Demons are everywhere. We won't be able to cover everybody.” “What if we get everyone guns?” Sam suggested. “Sam you want to give walking nursery over there one she won’t make it five feet without going into early labor.” I said to him hoping to slap some sense into him. “More salt we can fire at once, more demons we can keep away.” Of course, it didn’t work when did my brothers ever listen to me!? “Fine everyone but her I'll carry two guns” I could tell Sam was ashamed but he was right, unfortunately. Dean broke our tension.
“There's a sporting goods store we passed on Main on the way in. I bet they got guns.” “All right. You stay. We'll go.” Sam said to Ellen. “What about—” I pulled Ellen into a hug. “Ellen if she’s out there I promise to bring her back.” She had tears in her eyes but kept them back to be strong. “Thank you Y/n.” I squeezed her arms and followed my brothers. 
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We stop outside the door well Dean stopped us. “Why don't we just go?” Dean directed to Sam about him and I. “What? Just you and N/n?” Sam clapped back. “Well, yeah. Somebody's got to stay here and start giving them Shotgun 101.” “Yeah. Ellen.” Sam starts to go but Dean stops him again. “No no no. It's gonna go a lot faster if you stay and help, okay?” “While you and Y/n split up to go get guns and salt and look for Jo and Rufus? That's stupid.” “Dean We’ll be okay.” “Thanks N/n.” But Dean was stubborn. “You don't want me going out there.” Sam realized. “I didn't say that.” “Around demons.” “I didn't say that.” “Fine, then let's go.” Sam stopped upstairs and Dean gave me an uneasy look.
Dean and I had gone to go look for Guns while Sam was getting salt. “Ok come on let me have it.” Dean said to me. “I don’t know what you're talking about.” I looked at the shotguns not looking up at him. “Y/n I know you, your silence speaks louder than your words so spit it out.” “Dean, I can't tell you how to feel about this.” “But you're judging me.” “No, I'm not.” I put the bag of guns on the table and filled it. I could tell he was still thinking that.
“Dean I think you're feelings about this whole demon blood situation is right but Sam deserves our sympathy with him.” “But he!-” “I know what he did I was there. But he’s our brother and I am going to choose to believe that he can handle this and if he can’t then I'll be with him every step of the way.” I stopped to take a breath. “I hope you choose that too.” I picked up the bag and walked out.
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We went to the store to check on sam and when walked in the scene was not good. Sam was bent over a body looking at the blood dripping off the blade like it was liquid drugs. “Sammy?” He drops the knife. 
The basement air had grown stronger with tension more and more the longer we were stuck down here and now seeing Sammy Dean was on edge. Teaching everyone shotgunning quickly is harder than it sounds. “Miss, can you show me?” It was the pregnant woman. “Mahm what’s your name?” “Caddy.” “Caddy, do you know the gender and name?” she smiled looking down at her bump, and that right there I knew I wouldn't be able to live if I let her out there. “A girl and her name will be Andra”
“That’s a beautiful name and Andra is the reason why I can't let you go out there.” She looked shocked. “But I can fight.” “I know you can Caddy but if you got hurt then you may never know your kid and I won't allow that.” She sat down tears in her eyes. “I'll fight for you double-fisting it so don’t worry the demons will get it no matter what.” I tried to add a little humor to it. “Thank you.” “Don’t mention it.”
“I'll be back.” I overheard Ellen say. I got straight up. “Where are you going?” “I can't sit here on my ass. My daughter's out there somewhere. I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get these people out of here.” Before I can say anything Sam speaks up. “No, wait. I'll go with you.” “Whoa, hold on. Can I talk to you for a second?”  My two brothers walked out. And I could hear the arguing. Suddenly the door pops open. Dean is up against the wall and Sam is holding him there. “If you actually think I—” Sam was getting emotional and they were talking about the demon blood.
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With Sam and Ellen gone the pastor was reciting prayers like crazy. And Dean was thinking, walking back and forth. Someone pounds on the door Dean goes to open it and there is Ellen. “Ellen, what happened Where's Sam?” I asked, seeing her state telling me that she had taken a punch. She doesn't answer me and just sits down.
“They took him? Demons took him? Oh my god. What if they're in here? The demons?” Caddy got very worried. “Caddy don't worry they can't get past that door.” I pointed. Dean grabbed a shotgun and was going to leave. “Everybody sit tight. I got to—” He glanced back at everyone and saw their faces and knew he couldn't leave them like this. “Okay, we need to get a plan together. Tell me everything.” He sat down and tells the pastor and he gave me a nod of his head like, don’t worry.
“Guys, one of them's in Jo. We got to get it out without hurting her.” Well, now it's personal. Ellen snorts, laughing at something. “It called me a bitch.” “Ok no offense Ellen but I've been called worse because I took the last hot dog at seven eleven,” I responded. “No, that's not what I meant. It called me a black-eyed bitch.” Dean and I hear and either these demons are looking in mirrors or something fishy is going on.
“What kind of demons are these? Holy water and salt roll right off. My daughter may be an idiot, but she's not stupid. She wears an anti-possession charm. It's all kind of weird, right?” Ellen commented putting the pieces together. “The whole thing's off.” Dean finished. “What's your instinct?” Mine would be call Cas but I know he’s trying to look for God or whatever. “My instinct? My instinct is to call Bobby and ask for help. Or Sam.”
“Well, tough. All you got's me and N/n, and all we got's you. So let's figure it out.” “You know I agree with Ellen Dean.” “All right.” “Ellen do you know why Rufus came was there a specific sign or?” I asked. “He said something about water. That's all I know.” Water? “Padré, you know what she's talking about—the water?” Dean asked the pastor. “The river. Ran polluted all of a sudden. Last Wednesday. And the demon thing started up the next day.” Interesting. “Anything else anything at all?” “Maybe, but it's pretty random.” “Trust me Austin in this life nothing is random.” he takes in my own words. “Shooting star—does that count?”
The three of us look at each other in knowing. “Real big. Same night. Wednesday.” “That definitely counts.” Dean goes over to the bookshelf and grabs one of the many Bibles. And flips through the pages till he finds the right one. “"And there fell a great star from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell upon the river, and the name of the star was Wormwood. And many men died."” I leaned down on the table thinking about it.
“I don’t know about you guys but that sounds like a giant ass warning sign of the apocalypse.” “Y/n’s right.” Dean agreed with me. “And these specific omens, they're prelude to what?” “The Four Horsemen.” The pastor responded. “And which one rides the red horse?” Dean questioned. “War.” war!? War. “Dean that sweet ride that was parked on main street the red Mustang.” I pointed out and he shook his head in agreeance. “If War is a dude and he's here, maybe he's messing with our heads.” “Turning us on each other.” Ellen concluded. “You said Jo called you a black-eyed bitch. They think we're demons, we think they're demons. What if there are no demons at all and we're all just killing each other?” I asked everyone in general to everyone. 
“So now you're saying that there are no demons and war is a guy.” Austin vocalized and he was right, our lives sound like they were ripped from a cheesy early two thousand TV show. “You believed crazy before.” Dean voiced back. Then there was another slamming on the door. It was Roger which is weird because I don't remember leaving.  “I saw them, the demons. They know we're trying to leave. They said they're gonna pick us off one by one.” “Wait wait wait. What?” Dean proclaimed our thoughts.
“I thought you said there were no demons.” “Austin there's not, okay.” I told him. “I thought someone should go out and see what's going on!” Oh come on! If I did not know about the supernatural world I would be pissing my pants right now! “They're gonna kill us unless we kill them first!” Roger responded in panic. “Guys please hold on!” “No, we got people to protect. All right, the able-bodied go hunt some demons.” Austin said straight back at me. He grabbed the shotguns.
“Whoa whoa whoa. Slow your roll. This is not a demon thing.” Dean tried to stop him.  Out of t the corner of my eye, I see Roger twist a ring on his finger. Fuck it's him. “Look at their eyes! They're demons!” He pointed at us and I'm sure we looked like demons. Caddy gasps. No no! “Caddy!-” But before I could get another word out Dean pulls me out of the room and a gunshot almost hits us.
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“Okay this is plan you and Ellen get Jo and I'll get Rufus.” Dean whispered to us. We nodded and went to them.Ellen sets off the bomb. Jo walks a little close to window and Ellen grabs her and pins her to the wall. Of course she tries to fight. “Now you listen up, Joanna Beth Harvelle.” Ellen pulled the full name card. “Jo its us!” “Get off of me bitches!” “Jo if we were demons we would have disaboled you by now!” I try to reason. She listens. “N/n?” “Yes!” 
Now both of them didn’t want to kill us we could talk. “We all on the same page?” Ellen asked. Rufus and Dean nod. “Good.” “Hi, Jo.” “Hey.” Ok sensing tension between these two I'll pin that for later. “Okay, we got to find War before everybody in this town kills each—” Gunshots. Everyone ducks. “Damn it! Where's Sam?” Dean yells. “Upstairs.” I let him go, I had a feeling that Caddy needed help. They have the horseman and I have the people.
Ellen and I tried to sneak out to the battlefield but it was pretty hard with bullets flying through the air. “Caddy! Caddy, you have to get out of here!” “No, you're a demon!” “Caddy if I was a demon I would want you out here!” she was going to say something else but I saw a person behind her holding a handgun.
“CADDY!” I push her out of the way and a bullet goes into my arm and I'm pushed back on the ground by the force. I don’t even have time to look at my wound before the guy gets on top of me with a knife. He’s about to stab me in the heart but I catch his wrists before he can slam down. I'm slowly losing strength and the knife is slowly going down. I’m sorry guys, Cas.
The blade is about to go in my chest when the guy stops. “What the fuck!!” He gets off. “Yeah me too dude.” I breathe deeply. “Y/n! Are you okay?” CAddy asked me. “Nothing a little dirt won’t fix.” I simled to hide my pain. “You saved me.” “It was nothing.” She pulls me into a hug. “Yes, it was.” 
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It feels surreal to be at such a wonderful beautiful place when the day was so ugly and stressful. I was sitting at the picnic table with my brothers twirling the ring in my hands. “So, pit stop at Mount Doom?” Dean broke the silence. “Dean—” “Sam, let's not.” “No, listen. This is important. I know you don't trust me.” Dean looks away and I nudge him to bring him back. “Just, now I realized something. I don't trust me either.” We both look at him.
“From the minute I saw that blood, only thought in my head...and I tell myself it's for the right reasons, my intentions are good, and it, it feels true, you know? But I think, underneath...I just miss the feeling. I know how messed up that sounds, which means I know how messed up I am. The thing is, the problem's not the demon blood, not really. I mean, I, what I did, I can't blame the blood or Ruby or...anything. The problem's me. How far I'll go. There's something in me that...scares the hell out of me, Dean Y/n. In the last couple of days, I caught another glimpse…” “So what are you saying?”
“I'm in no shape to be hunting. I need to step back, 'cause I'm dangerous. Maybe it's best we just...go our separate ways.” I think he's right if he needs time. “Well, I think you're right.” Dean responded and Sam and I were both surprised. “I was expecting a fight.” “Me too.” “The truth is I spend more time worrying about you than about doing the job right. And I just, I can't afford that, you know? Not now.” I feel like Dean is still avoiding his feelings but that's up to him. “I'm sorry, Dean.” “I know you are, Sam.”
“So Y/n which one of us do you want to go with. I thought for a minute and then I came back with an answer. “I think a little separation will be good for us all to sort through our own feelings without anyone else's opinion mixing in our own.” I want Dean to really think by himself. “Where will you go?” They both ask me. “With Ellen and Jo if they are okay with that.” Sam stands up and hugs me. “But you better still call me that threat could still happen.” I tease. “You too Dean.” “Yeah, I know my little sister can kick my ass.” He said as he hugged me. 
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Jo and Ellen are packing up a truck. “Hey, N/n came to say goodbye?” Ellen asked. “Um actually the opposite and I totally understand if you don't want to but I was wondering if you had space for an extra hunter for a while.” Ellen throws me a pack in response. “Well come on we just got word on a possible vamp nest in Texas.” Jo smiles and we get in the truck. I roll down the window and just hope that this time apart will bring us together. 
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AN/ Hope you all enjoyed and don't worry the siblings will be back together soon enough. See you Ya'll next time Xoxo Gossip Girl:)
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vee-beeee · 11 months
(Part one) Robo Road Trip
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This is PART ONE BABY (edit I FINISHED COOKING right here)
Okay the last dbh post was KINDAA giving depression so heres a FLUFFY fluffy one thats been bouncing around my brain for a couple days, part one as im going to make a continuation that shows what camping is like with the boys.
Premise: Road Trip to the West coast with Conner, Nines and Sixty
Imagine those roads with trees surrounding them, thats the vibe
Also first time writing for SIXTY whoooo hope im not trash, he acts like a smug dramatic guy so idk
Conner, Nines and Sixty x reader
I believeee this is around 3k lol i went ham
Warnings: maybe a bad word because sixty, fluff with a capitol F, part one
I also recommended listening to ANY Lord Huron song while reading this, that is basically the road trip music
(Hey sidenote, I know some of the ecosystem is TRASHED in dbh but lets pretend thats not happening LOL)
You were so happy to get out of the city.
And into the car for a 35 hour drive.
You really wanted to show your boys the mountain you would always camp at when you were on the West Coast. They all hadn't been outside of Detroit, being made to do one job IN Detroit, but now they were all deviant.
And you wanted to show them a taste of the outside world.
It took a while for you all to get packed, the droids really wanted to try experimenting with their wardrobes on this trip. They sought to explore their inner human as much as possible.
You all needed the appropriate gear, so you guys went on a little shopping spree to find a tent and basic camping stuff. Hank had actually tagged along to coach you guys on what to get, having gone camping a couple times himself. (he mostly talked with you and Conner while sending glares to Sixty and Nines)
You ended up getting a pretty fancy tent that was big enough for all of you, and some essential equipment for cooking and cleaning. You also snuck in some board and card games, even though you knew they would beat you. But you could probably win ONE time...
After buying the gear, you guys got planning. You could only stay camping for 5 days, as the station didn't necessarily enjoy losing 4 cops. Especially 3 of the 4 being advanced detective androids. But it had worked out, (the boys having saved an astronomical amount of sick days) and you planned on going sometime in the fall. You decided on a week and you remember hurriedly running to your calendar and circling the date and also drawing a bunch of small doodles around it. The boys had all watched you fondly, getting excited themselves.
It all lead up to this moment, where Conner sitting next to you in the driver seat and was setting the location in his new GPS, Nines and Sixty where packing the car, and you were making a road trip playlist. (Hey that's very important!)
"Hey Conner?" He hummed in response and didn't look at you, too busy trying to figure out a new gadget he got for his car.
"Do you like Lord Huron?" You were trying to decide what the perfect music to play was and realized that Lord Huron existed. You weren't really sure how androids experienced music so you thought of asking. He huffed out a sigh directed at the troublesome device and turned to look at your phone, where you also had your eyes glued.
"I don't really listen to music as such, but Hank has introduced me to heavy metal. Is it like that?" You giggled remembering Hanks music taste
"No its more gentle, relaxing. It reminds me of walking in the woods." Out of the corner of your eye Conner looked away, LED blinking amber and blue. He looked back at you with a soft smile and this time you met his gaze.
"That sounds delightful, my dear. Perfect for this occasion" You flushed at the nickname, and he chuckled seeing your reaction. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before exiting the car, hearing Sixty's call that they were almost done. You sat in the vehicle, skin heating, and raising a hand to graze the place he kissed you. You loved when he did that. A steady knock at the window startled you and you whipped around to see a familiar face (sixty) smirking at you, seeing that you were flushed. You stuck your tongue out at him and he reciprocated, sticking his tongue back at you.
"If you two would stop behaving like children, we would be done much sooner." A booming voice cut through your contest with sixty, and you watched him roll his eyes and face an annoyed Nines. You got out of the car to go help the RK900 with what he was carrying. He was still grumpy so you smiled softly at him and mouthed an apology. He relaxed slightly, but still shot a glare at sixty, who chuckled and went back into the apartment and get more bags. You then took the time to appreciate Conner's awesome Bat Mobile car. It had a huge trunk that managed to fit all of your stuff, tent included. It was truly a miracle machine.
You walked over to the car and gave the suitcase to Conner who situated it nicely in a perfect space. You were also lucky to have android boyfriends who were amazing at managing tight spaces and fitting things into them.
After a couple of minutes, Sixty emerged with the last of the bags. He informed you all that he locked the house up and engaged the security systems. The final step. You were really going.
You all piled into the car, both Nines and Sixty insisting you take the front seat. You accepted, but promised to swap with them when you got to the next stop. Most rest stops would be for you, needing to get food or use a restroom. The droids didn't need anything but told you they needed to get up and stretch their legs once in a while ( but you think that was just their excuse so they could follow you around and make sure you were safe at suspicious gas stations.)
After a while of driving through the city, Conner was getting on the highway when you announced that you would be playing a Lord Huron song and see how everyone liked it. You turned on "Meet Me in the Woods" and leaned back to look out the window.
"I took a little journey to the unknown,
And I've come back changed I can feel it in my bones
I messed with the forces our eyes cant see
Now the darkness got a hold on me
Oh, the darkness got a hold on me"
You had closed your eyes and started to quietly sing along, and realized you should see what the others thought about it. You turned your head slightly to Conner staring out at the road ahead, his LED blinking yellow and blue. He had a soft, lingering smile on his face and his posture was relaxed.
Sixty had his eyes closed, leaning his head all the way back on the seat and seemed to be absorbing the music.
Nines was also leaning back, arms crossed. He was staring out the window with his LED a soft, stable amber. He turned slightly to just catch the end of your gaze and his lips twitched in a cute, endearing way. It was a Nines smile. You smiled back at him and turned around to look out the front windshield. It was raining slightly, and you were just leaving the city and into the unknown. It was perfect.
After the song had finished, you tore your eyes away from the road
"Did you all like it?" you hopefully gazed at each individual and noticed they all looked at peace. Conner spoke first
"Do you have more music of that energy? I think I enjoyed it."
"I agree. More please"
You looked around to see everyone nodding their heads and you beamed. And so, your playlist made it past the android enjoyment test. You settled in as it started the next song, feeling content. You could totally do 35 hours.
(4 hours in)
Update: why would you do this to yourself. 35 hours? Were you crazy? You loved road trips as much as the next guy, but you were dying. You guys were currently stuck in traffic, and the boys had gotten involved in a pretty intense "dad stuck in traffic" fight.
"Nines, going on I90 would have taken us to the heart of Chicago, do you want more traffic?"
"No it wouldn't if we took the round about. Whose the more advanced android here Conner."
"Woah, low blow"
"Be quiet Sixty"
This started as Nines getting mad at Conner for taking them down a road that had high traffic at that hour, and Conner defending himself. Sixty had no argument, he just liked being included.
"I took 294 because I knew it would keep us out of the worst of the traffic. No matter what, traffic is inevitable."
"It could have been avoidable had you followed my instructions"
You were sitting in the passenger seat, eyes squeezed shut listening to them argue. It was infuriating.
So you did something.
"Guys I'm going to jump out of the car and sprint down the street like a crazy person if you don't stop arguing. I'm dead serious" You snapped and stared them down. Or a least you tried, because your face betrayed you and you broke out into a smile giggle.
Conner looked guilty at first, but saw your grin and started chuckling, envisioning you running down the street like a madman. Nines bristled, still annoyed. Even if your giggle made his lips quirk. You made eye contact with Sixty and he was smirking at you, taking out his coin to mess around with.
You eventually sighed, a couple minutes having passed. You turned around to address Nines.
"Traffic was inevitable" then you turned to Conner "No arguing". You took Conner's hand in yours and held it. Another smile broke out onto his face and he turned to look out on the road. You felt a hand graze your neck and you twisted around to see Nines reaching out. He moved forward to peck your temple and then quietly apologized to Conner.
Mission Successful.
But that was mission one. Mission two was figuring out how to go to use the bathroom. Because you were currently stuck in traffic. That wasn't great. After a couple minutes of fidgeting your legs, Conner took his hand away from holding yours and looked toward you. His gaze was steady, as his LED blinked and you knew in the back of your head that he was scanning you.
"Do you have to use the lavatory?" You gasped and shoved his shoulder, watching him bite back a laugh, and then started sinking in to your seat.
"Conner! That's so embarrassing."
"Did maybe someone tell you to go before we left? Oh wait, that sounds like something I would say" Sixty spoke up from the back of the car. You turned around to gape at him, and he just sat there looking smug. You could hear Conner and Nines subdued chuckling behind the music that was playing.
You ended up holding out, absolutely refusing to go in the woods by the road, insisting that someone would see you. Conner pulled over at a gas station and you all but flew out of the car and bolted through the store until skidding to a stop right outside the bathroom.
When you got out, Sixty was buying your favorite snack and you saw Conner and Nines fueling up the car out the window. They were seriously so thoughtful.
After Sixty was done paying, you came up behind him and hugged his middle. He laughed and held your hands still on his middle, and spun you. You squeaked and he laughed harder. He stopped and unwrapped you to kiss your head and hand you your prized snack. You pecked his lips and left, both of you saying good day to the amused employee working there.
(17 hours in)
It started getting really late so you guys stayed at a motel for the night. You guys all relaxed on a fluffy bed, all party's included were happy to stretch their legs. You and Nines had been switching front seat and back seat, and Sixty had repeatedly old you he was fine where he was. Nines had revealed to you later that Sixty just wanted to sit next to you.
You got up from the bed first, eager to get ready and sleep. When you came out 30 minutes later, Conner was laying still under the blankets, staring at the celling. Nines was also under, and had rolled over to face the window. And Sixty had apparently, at some point while you were in the bathroom, been knocked off the bed. He was currently face down on the floor. You giggled and nudged his side. He rolled over, clutching his heart.
"They, (fake coughing) their so mean. They shoved me off the bed" you shook your head and leaned down on your knees to kiss his cheek. He accepted and rolled back over on his face. Conner then spoke up from the bed
"I wouldn't kiss his face, this floor is filthy." You stood up and laughed, making your way to the bed and crawling over him to slip between him and Nines. Nines stiffened until he got comfortable, and Conner wrapped his arms around you to spoon you.
"Just say your jealous she kissed me Conny" came a voice from the floor. Conner scoffed and replied with another rhetorical comment hidden in a nice tone. Nines joined in just when you started slipping into sleep, and the last thing you heard before you left to dream world was Conner whispering goodnight into your ear.
In the morning you woke up covered in androids. Very snugly droids. You all then got packed up and set off. During the drive, You found out Sixty had crawled into bed after you and shoved Nines off when he was in rest mode. Nines woke up very alarmed, and decided to continue his rest in one the the chairs in the room the motel provided. You had felt so bad afterwards, but he insisted it was fine.
You guys were driving through North Dakota today, and you were currently knitting. The boys were discussing a case that was giving them a hard time. You would have joined in but you believed in not talking about work on your precious vacation time. You were sitting in the back seat now, Sixty at your side, and it was very domestic. You felt a hand wrap itself around your knee and you smiled, continuing your stitch.
(30 hours in)
You were totally knocked out. The boys wanted to continue driving to beat traffic, and were currently talking through their android Verizon service (using their minds) as to not wake you up.
But you still accidently woke up with a start when Sixty had rolled his shoulder, unintentionally dropping your head off him. You had apparently drifted off resting your face on his soft puffy jacket.
To which he did NOT mind.
You squeaked awake, being surprisingly shoved off your pillow. Sixty immediately said a quiet apology, but it was too late. 2 angry droids turned there seats around to glare down the accused RK800.
"We told you to stay still" they said that almost in synch
"I was reaching for a blanket! I didn't know a small movement would wake her!"
You sleepily giggled at their little argument and passed out against him once again.
When you woke up for real, you were informed that you guys were almost three hours away. You breathed a sigh of relief, but still begged to pull over so you could get some air. You were in a beautiful parts of the woods and you desperately needed a stretch after sleeping on Sixty. No offence, but snuggling with androids is like snuggling with a very sturdy pillow. Your happy for it, but its not very squishy.
Nines had chuckled at how desperate you looked and obliged. You popped out and basically ran halfway down the road and back. You were huffing when you came back to the car. Conner rolled his window down, eyebrow raised. You wheezed
"Sorry, needed to run" He nodded in understanding, and actually got out himself to stretch his android joints and put on his cute little beanie. Sixty got out and straightened his tie, and Nines choose to stay in the car and work on coordinates. Sixty walked around the car to join you and Conner, and looped his arms around your waist. You yelped as he picked you up slightly to sling you back in forth.
"How are you enjoying the road trip?" He punctuated each word with a swing of your body. You were laughing when you responded "Good, but I'm excited to get there" Conner had been watching you fondly when he stated
"Nines says its 3 more hours, but we might get delayed depending on traffic." you nodded and Sixty set you down. You then went up to go hug Conner, making sure he wasn't missing any affection.
After more standing and stretching, you got in the front seat with Nines next to you, setting the car to auto drive. Conner and Sixty were sitting in the back, playing one of the card games you brought and starting to get very competitive with each other. You beamed and turned back to look at Nines. His eyes weren't on the road, however. He was staring at you with an expression of absolute love. You both sat and stared at each other until he leaned over and grabbed the back of your head, threaded his fingers into your hair, and kissed your temple. You shivered as his fingers rubbed your scalp and he grinned against your temple.
(5 minutes away from campsite)
You were bouncing off the walls excited. It had been years since you visited this spot, having been to far away after moving to Detroit. The boys had been enjoying the scenery outside the city, but now the were enthralled. The woods were huge, and the air was fresh. Moss hung from the arms of the trees and you could see your mountain peeking over the top of the forest. You guys were waiting in line at the entrance of the campsite to check in, and you were gushing about how pretty your spot was. It was nestled in the corner of the campsite, leading into a trail into your own personal forest. Complete with a little stream.
The androids were amused watching you talk about the park, but they were almost as excited as you. When you were sleeping, all they talked about was this new experience, and how happy they were to share it with you. It was interesting seeing all the new environments and experiencing what its like outside of the city. Detroit was so advanced, and they had never really been deep in the woods.
After patiently waiting, you finally got all checked in and remembered to buy some firewood.
Then, you were off.
Starting your very first camping trip with your wonderful android boyfriends
Hope its okay, had to really crack at this one to fit all my ideas in. Its also hard to write the dynamic between 4 people LOL
Hope I managed to capture their personalities okay
Part 2 is all about them camping so stay tuned
It might take a bit so hang on and let me cook 🔥
Sorry for plot holes or if this has been done beforee
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Oh snap, it’s another beta huntlow drabble. This is my HC for a William/Paulina meetcute. It’s pretty simple, they meet and it’s cute. 💚💛
“Greetings, bird tube beast… thing, I am here to speak with the girl.” William said in a huff as he approached the Owl House, grumpy and slightly out of breath from the long walk.
“And whoooo may I say is calling?” Hooty said sweetly, twirling his neck around.
“Prince William,” he said crisply. “I’ve come to continue our conversation about proper etiquette and to speak with her guardian about her reckless behavior.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure her guardian is the one who taught her that behavior.” Hooty said. “But aaaaanyways, she’s not-.”
“I’m afraid I must insist, it is an urgent matter that I cannot prolong.”
“Okaaaay, but she’s not-.”
“I understand she will not want to face me given her poor manners, but it is a matter we must resolve like civilized people. Now, may I speak with her?”
“I shall get someone to speak to you,” said Hooty, turning his head inside and William could hear him yell. “THERE’S AN ANGRY LITTLE MAN AT THE DOOR!” he turned back to face William and offered him a smile. “She’ll be right with you, m’lord.”
“Right… thank you.”
He had worked on his speech the whole way over. He needed her help, he could not deny that, but he also needed to ensure her decorum did not continue. The door opened and a William prepared to launch right into his monlougue, but the girl who opened the door was not the girl from before. No, the girl who stood before him now was surely an angel.
“Oh, hello,” said the angel. “I’m sorry, Luz and Eda aren’t home right now. I’m watching Hooty and King while they’re away, I’m Paulina.” She reached out her hand to him and William found himself speechless for possibly the first time in his life. She was so effortlessly graceful, so delicate, so vivid. The way her peridot eyes reflected the sun made him feel as though-.
“I think he’s broken.” Spoke the bird tube and William shook himself out of his trance, realizing in embarrassment that he had been staring.
Remembering his title, he carefully took her hand in his and brought it to his lips. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, fair lady.” He said trying to make his voice low and mature sounding as he gently pressed a kiss to her to top of her hand.
Now it was Paulina’s turn to stare as the princely boy before her continued to hold her hand as he raised his eyes to her. There was no sarcasm in his words or insincerity in his smile, a gap in his front teeth adding to his charm. He seemed as though he was genuinely pleased to meet her which was not something Paulina was used to feeling with confidence. She felt like her heart was about to-
“Hey! Who’s at the door? Did we order food? We don’t have any money! Take the food and run!” King’s voice beckoned as the little creature pushed past Paulina only to be disappointed with the lack of snacks in William’s arms. “Oh, it’s you. Why are you kissing my servant?”
“King I told you, I’m not your servant I’m your babysitter.” Laughed Paulina, her had still in William’s as he froze in place.
“Well I guess that would be an appropriate title, IF THERE WAS A BABY HERE!” King exclaimed standing between her and William, extending his arms to her eagerly so she could pick him up. “Uppies! Uppies!”
Paulina sighed as she picked up the little creature and rested him on her hip as she turned her attention back to the handsome stranger in front of her. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
“My name? Oh yes of course how terribly rude of me,” he said reaching for her and yet again. “Prince William, at your service m’lady.” He placed another kiss on her hand, prolonging this one as he held her gaze hoping to create the perfect first impression.
“A prince? Really?” Giggled Paulina. It was a throaty, airy giggle she had never heard herself make before. “Oh… wow.”
He was so… tall. Like, not ridiculously tall but tall enough that when he stood back up and Paulina looked up at him, he cut off the sun perfectly so that it looked as though a halo surrounded his golden hair. She didn’t remove her hand from his this time and and could’ve sworn that he tightened his grip.
“Oh! Oh! Kiss my hand! Kiss my hand!” King sang, entering their line of linked vision and reminding them they weren’t the only two people in the world as he waved his hands in William’s face. The prince didn’t know what else to do and so took King’s hand and quickly kissed it. King laughed and clapped his hands in delight. “Haha ew, you have no idea where these have been.”
“Right, anyway,” William tried to continue, now with an odd taste in his mouth. “I’m here because-.”
“-you’re soaking wet.” Paulina finished, noticing his state for the first time.
“Huh? Oh, yes that’s why I’m here,” he said, remembering the reason he came all this way. “I uh, had a run in with the human and I needed to-.”
“Here.” Paulina said, handing him a green cloth she took from her pocket.
“Oh, uh… thank you,” he said, taking the fabric from her and he suddenly realized how uncomfortable he actually was. The human had “borrowed” his sword and when he insisted of its immediate return, she forced him to chase her and he ended up falling in a barrel of some odd smelling liquid. He was suddenly very self conscious of this and hoped Paulina did not assume that this was how he usually smelled. He wished they had met under better circumstances, and he could show her the full extent of his charm. But for now, he gently dabbed his sleeves with her small offering .
“Don’t mention it,” she said sweetly, scratching King’s head. “I always keep them with me, abomination goo is hard to clean off, especially when it gets in your hair.”
“That’s only one of the reasons my hands are sticky!” King declared in delight.
“Right,” said William, taken back by the way kindness came so naturally to her. Typically when people were this kind to him, they wanted something from him. But he sensed her sweetness was constant. “Um, well if the human isn’t here then I guess I should be going…”
“Oh, right yeah.” Paulina said, remembering he hadn’t come here just to see her. “Um, did you want me to give her a message?”
“Oh, yes if you could,” he said. “Just uh, let her know that I’ll be back tomorrow. Will… you be here tomorrow?” He added as nonchalantly as he could.
“I will!” Hooty chimed in. They had forgotten he was there.
“It’s possible,” she said with a smile. “Is there anything else you want me to tell her?”
“Yes, uh tell her that while I’m less than thrilled with her actions… I’m rather impressed with the company she keeps.” He went to return her cloth to her but she held her hand up to refuse.
“Keep it,” she insisted. “I have plenty.”
“Thank you,” he said, tucking it carefully in his breast pocket for safe keeping. He tucked it close to his heart, hoping she somehow sensed the romantic sentiment. He assumed she did, as entrusting a handkerchief to a prince was a key part in every royal romance he had ever read about. Oh, this girl was perfect. Finally, someone who appreciates and understood the importance of etiquette. “I shall keep it safe.”
“Um… okay?” She said, not seeing the big deal as it was just an extra rag she felt he needed more than she did right now. “Well, William it was very nice meeting you.”
“Oh, the pleasure was all mine,” he said with a grand flourish. Once more, he reached for her hand. “Until we meet again.” He kissed her knuckle once more. He gave her one final now before turning swiftly on his heel to leave her with the perfect farewell. Any anger he came here with had since been washed away and he felt lighter than he ever had before, it was almost like he was floating back to the castle.
“Is there like jelly on your knuckles or something? Why did he keep doing that?” King wondered aloud as he examined her hands and Paulina watched William walk away with a grand sigh.
“That’s the prince Luz said was whiney and scrawny?” Paulina said, thinking he was just the opposite. Luz never mentioned his piercing eyes or the elegant way his voice flowed. She was perplexed that anyone could be anything other than charmed after meeting him. “Oh wow, I can’t believe I just met a prince.”
She hasn’t panned on visiting the owl house tomorrow, but now her mine raced with a dozen reasons to stop by.
“Pshh, big deal I totally outrank him!” King declared. “And my crown is way better!”
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eddieloverr · 2 years
Forbidden Love ( Eddie Munson x Female Reader)
Series summary; You need to prove you can dump a guy in 10 days, Eddie needs to prove he can make a girl fall in love with him in 10 days. The clock is ticking, what could possibly go wrong?
Authors note; This is my first fan-fic series so I'm pretty excited to publish this & please ignore any errors if you spot any, I've tried my best to revise and edit any errors I saw. If you couldn't tell by the summary, this series is heavily inspired/based off the movie 'How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days'. I will be adding my own scenes and this will have smut in the later chapters so please, 18+ only. I really do enjoy feedback so if you'd like to say something, please do! :) On that note, enjoy this little series! - Jess <3
Chapter word count; 6.2k
Chapter warnings; Mentions of sex, mentions of death ( believe that's all, only read if you're 18+)
Comments, feedback, and reblogs are very appreciated!
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"God, Nancy, I busted my ass in grad school to be this magazines "How to" girl and write articles like, 'How to know what color looks best on you' or 'How to use the best pickup lines.'"
"I want to write about things that actually matter, like politics and the environment, the earth - things I'm interested in, things I want to write."
It's true, you worked hard to get into a magazine like this. More to get a name for yourself, to get more offers and opportunities for your writing career. You wanted to write about stuff that mattered, stuff that you cared about, not about shoes or clothes.
"Keep busting your ass, you'll get there." Nancy replied as she gave you a tight lip smile. "Hey, I've got something to help cheer you up.. you know that guy from sports illustrated that you've been recklessly flirting with on the phone for like whooo, a month now? He made a very special delivery this morning." She said, holding up and waving what seemed to be a piece of paper while smirking at you.
"Oh, ha ha, let me see." You then replied, trying to snatch whatever she was waving in the air.
"Don't- no!" She practically yelled, attempting to hide the piece of paper in her hand.
"Hey!" You eventually got it and looked at your now tickets for a basketball game you always end up watching on tv. "Whoooo! Tomorrow night" This was exciting. Guess your 'reckless flirting' paid off.
"What happens tomorrow night?" Nancy said while smirking even more now.
"Only the most exhilarating and artistic display of athletic competition known to mankind."
"The lce Capades are in town?" She questioned.
"No, the NBA Finals are in town, and l got tickets!" You said loudly for your other coworkers to hear. "Nance, come with me?"
"All right, i'll go. But l am not putting out." She said, eying you up and down.
"Oh, please nance two stale jumbo dogs and a couple of beers, you'll be whistling a different tune." You said seductively while walking to your office right next to hers. Only a couple of little grey walls separating your small workplaces apart.
"You know what l like." she smiled.
"Ohhh mmmmwah" you sent a kiss her way.
"Good morning, ladies. Don't forget, staff meeting in 30 minutes." Your very nosy and slightly annoying coworker, Michelle, says as she walks by. Only a couple offices down and you can still hear her loud gossiping.
You and Nancy exchange a look as she walks away. Yep, Michelle was definitely made for this business.
"Robin, I haven't seen her all morning. Have you?" you asked. Robin, your best friend, going all the way back to college. She was your assigned roommate, who knew all it took was for her to spill soda all over your white rug and start rapidly apologizing to form an unbreakable friendship. Ever since then you'd bonded, especially since you both had a passion for writing and were pursuing a degree in that field. Obviously a magazine wasn't a first choice - hell not even a choice at all but this would open many opportunities for you and Robin and you both just couldn't pass up on it.
"Ten to one she's wallowing."
"l'll get her, you get the coffee and meet me in the corner in 20." You said rushing towards the door.
"Wait, Wait, Wait." Nancy shouted as she reached below her desk and pulled out a black bag and stuffed it with samples scattered all over her space.
"Take some samples." She said as she handed them to you.
"Samples! Great idea." You smiled at her, rushing out of there.
"Oh boy. Drama, drama, drama." Nancy said to herself as she stood up, grabbed her purse and also made her way out of the office area.
You rushed down the stairs, grabbed a shirt off a clothing rack that Robin would definitely like and made your way out towards the apartment you shared with Robin.
Arriving at his designated workplace. Of course this wasn't even a choice for him, if you asked the old Eddie where he'd see himself in a couple years he'd most likely reply with "Traveling the world with my band" or "Living out the rockstar dream". He'd never thought he'd be an advertising executive. It was either this in the big city of Indianapolis or a cashier at a local gas station back in Hawkins.
How could he turn down this job though? Steve, his best friend, who also happens to be one of his coworkers, talked to his dad, basically begging to let Eddie have a job given Steve's dad owns the business.
Luckily, although it took a lot of convincing, Steve's dad finally gave in and offered Eddie a job to work alongside Steve.
Eddie's grateful towards Steve for the opportunity, it helped him get enough cash to stop dealing, move out of his uncle's trailer, and move to Indianapolis to his own apartment.
Life was great for Eddie, he has a decent job, great friends, he even traded his rusty old van for a much better motorcycle. Everything was going well but yet he longed for something more.
"Hello Eddie." Chrissy, Eddie's coworker said as she walked past him parking his motorcycle not even sparing him a second glance
"Hey, hey, good morning, Cunningham" Eddie replied, now getting off his motorcycle and walking towards Chrissy. Who's now reading a magazine.
"What are you reading, girl? You catching up on your current events? ''Turn-On Tricks: How to Make Him Hot.'' You know, if you want to try those out sometime, we should get together." he said jokingly.
"Victoria and l have an appointment at Composure, the fastest growing magazine in the country, and seeing as how our clients run a lot of our campaigns in their nationally-syndicated little girlie magazine, it wouldn't hurt you to do a little reading."
As if on cue, "Hey Eddie" Victoria said as she walked out the building towards Chrissy and himself.
"Good morning, Victoria"
"You finally decided to show up today?" She asked.
"Yes I did."
"You ready?" Victoria asked Chrissy.
"Ready. Later Eddie." Chrissy said as both of Eddie's coworkers walked towards a taxi.
"Have a nice day, ladies." He said walking into the building.
You knocked on your apartment door, since you knew Robin was home there was no need to search for your key.
"Hi!" Robin said, laughing nervously as she opened the door. You could tell Robin was holding back her tears. You knew her better than yourself and it hurt seeing her like this.
"Oh.." She said as she started sobbing the closer you walked in.
"Good morning, sunshine. Don't cry, go get dressed. Staff meeting, 15 minutes. Let's go" You said as you walked by her to open the living room curtains. As much as you wanted to comfort her you knew she would turn into a sobbing mess if you started asking questions. You only had 15 minutes and getting her ready for her job seemed better than for her to be heartbroken and jobless.
"l'm going back to bed. l have no reason to live." Robin said as she jumped on her bed pulling the covers up.
"Sun's out. Oh..." You said as you walked towards the table and grabbed the little black bag that Nancy handed you.
"Okay, just..." She stopped talking as she harshly blew on her nose with a handkerchief.
"Okay, now..." you said as you sat down on her bed and tossed her the shirt you grabbed on your way home.
"Cashmere?" She asked with a slight smile on her face. You knew she'd like it.
"Put it on. It'll make your eyes look fiercely blue." You smiled at her.
"Oh!" She said as she clutched the shirt tighter to her chest.
"Get up Robin. l'm not going to let you lose your job on top of everything else."
"Oh." she said as if she was on the verge of tears.
"Come here." you extended your arms to pull her in for a hug.
"Oh, Y/N." she got up and pulled you into a tight hug.
"Okay." you said.
"Okay." she replied.
"You only dated the girl for a week."
"It was the best week of my life." She said as she bursted into tears.
"Sweetheart." you squeezed her tighter.
"Good morning, Ladies! What's up, Jonathan." Eddie greeted as he walked by his coworkers' offices, making his way towards his own office he shared with Steve.
"What's up, kitty cat?" Eddie said to Steve as he walked into their shared office, towards his side of the room.
"What's up, daddy? Big night?" Steve asked as he removed his headphones.
"Not bad." Eddie said as he placed down his helmet on the side of his desk.
"Orgy?" Steve asked.
"Where were you man?" Eddie snorted.
"Not at an orgy." Steve said as he walked to Eddie's desk.
"Did you hear?" Jonathan asked as he suddenly walked into the room.
"What, that my Knickerbockers are now in the championship series and Jonny 'the bone' here owes me 20 bucks?" Eddie said as he removed his leather jacket.
"Pay him." Steve said to Jonathan.
"Oh, man. Well, you were right. DeLauer Diamonds is looking for a new ad agency. Mr. Harrington wants to move on it aggressively." Jonathan said as he pulled out a 20 and gave it to Eddie.
"Yes! Oh, this is a good day. This is a good day! Guys, did you know that diamonds are about as common as taxis on Fifth avenue?" Eddie said as he pulled off his black Metallica shirt to put on a more work appropriate shirt. He felt eyes on him outside his office, probably his other female coworkers he always catches staring at him. It still surprises him that he somehow turned his title from "Freak" to "Ladies man."
"The value is entirely sentimental, maintained by a supply, demand and advertising." Eddie said as Jonathan showed him two shirts to choose from.
"Stripes." Eddie said, pointing to a striped shirt and catching it as Jonathan threw it at him.
"Now, DeLauer dominates the world diamond market. Meaning if l represent them, l basically represent the entire industry." Eddie said as he flicked a little ad of Mrs. DeLauer.
Steve and Jonathan then gave each other a look and muttered something only for them to hear.
"What?" Eddie asked.
"My dad gave it to the judys." Steve said.
"Chrissy and Victoria, they're already on it." Jonathan added.
"No way!" Eddie said disappointed.
"Yeah, well, you know, Mr. Harrington is kind of partial to hot leggy chicks, for some reason." Jonathan said as he looked towards Eddie who was now looking out the glass window at the three girls who were staring this whole time. They quickly looked away as Eddie gave them a glance.
"Yeah, we're the, you know, the sneakers and beer division. Precious gems aren't exactly our forte." Jonathan added.
Eddie, who was now fully clothed, pointed to the window as he made his way towards the door "Lips and Hips are over at a chick's magazine right now. I gotta get to Mr. Harrington before they sink-"
Jonathan got in the way of the door before Eddie could walk out "You can't. You can't. He's on a plane."
"Easy pal, my dads at a Chicago meeting." Steve said as he patted Eddie's shoulder and slightly pushed him back.
"And it's too late anyway 'cause Mr. Harrington's meeting them for drinks at Mullin's tonight to discuss their idea-"
"This isn't happening. You know why?" Eddie said, interrupting Jonathan.
"This was my tip. It's gonna be my pitch, my account, my campaign. This is my baby." Eddie said with determination.
"That's what I'm talking about." Said Steve.
"They will not ace me outta this." Eddie said as he fist pumped Steve and Jonathan.
"I heard that!" Jonathan added.
"Okay.. Mullins tonight." Eddie confirmed as he walked back towards his desk.
"I heard that!!" Steve mocked Jonathan.
You walked out the taxi and walked towards the other side to Robin blowing her nose and Nancy running towards you both with coffees in her hand.
"Hi!" Nancy greeted Robin as she handed her a coffee.
"Hi. I don't really wanna talk about it okay?" Robin replied as she discarded the handkerchief in her purse and closed the taxi door.
"Okay." Nancy replied, handing you your coffee.
"Okay." Robin replied as you three walked towards the entrance of your work before stopping abruptly.
"Why does this always happen to me?" Robin said as she started tearing up again. "Things are going great for like a week and a half, and then all of a sudden it's over and I am mystified. Seriously, I am mystified because it always starts out so well." She rambled as she walked away from you both and towards the entrance.
"Poor baby." Nancy said as you both tried to catch up with Robin.
"Let's just roll with this" You said.
"Vickie and I had such a connection." Robin said as she stopped again in front of the entrance and turned to face you both.
"The first time that we had sex... it was so beautiful, I cried." She smiled and walked away into the building.
"You cried?" Nancy asked as you both tried to catch up with her again.
"You mean like one glistening year on your cheek, right?" You asked now side by side with your best friend walking towards an elevator.
"No, I was really emotional. I even told her that I loved her." She said.
"After how many days?" You asked.
"Five.. Two. It was how I felt. I just wanted to express myself. You know how my brain and mouth work."
"Okay. Well, what did she say?" You asked.
"Oh, Vickie didn't have to say anything. I know that she felt the same. But then she started getting really busy and I didn't know where she was. I kept calling her, and calling her but she was never home."
"You kept calling her?" You asked looking into her eyes with a "Really robin?" look.
"I didn't leave a message. She didn't know it was me.. my numbers blocked."
The elevator dinged and you all walked toward the opening doors.
"Oh. I'm.. I'm sure she thought it was one of her friends." Nancy said as you all walked into the elevator.
"Anyway I know why she dumped me. I'm too fat."
"You're not fat!"
"You're not fat!" You and Nancy said in sync as the elevator doors closed.
Arriving at your floor, the three of you walked into the doors and towards the staff meeting in your bosses office.
"Robin, if the most beautiful woman in the world acted the way you did, any normal partner would still go running in the other direction." You said.
"Oh, no. Nobody would go running from you, Y/N. You could barf all over them and they would say 'Do it again.'" Robin replied.
"That is both incredibly disgusting and categorically untrue. If I did the things you did, I'd get dumped too." You said as you three entered your bosses office and sat in the main area's couch, joining all your other coworkers.
"Okay, family, shoes off..." Your boss Linda entered the room and sat in a chair that faced everybody. Your coworkers, including yourself, proceeded to remove their shoes. "And breathe." She said as everybody inhaled.
"And out." Everybody exhaled.
"Okay Michelle let's start with you." Linda said.
"Well, the "Botox For Beginners" piece is done. Now, it's a little scary, but mostly upbeat. Now I'm on "What your Gyno Won't Tell You," which is also pretty scary but you know, upbeat. I finished my research on "deadly pedicures," about the woman who contracted that fungus from the unsterilized tools. It's a terrible story.. although surprisingly..." Michelle looked towards her boss and noticed her "terrible story" mistake.
"Upbeat." Nancy finished.
"Marvelous. What's next for "How-To with Y/N?" Linda asked. Now all eyes were on you.
"Well, I've been working on something that's kind of different." You said as your boss nodded confused.
"It's.. it's a political piece and it's-"
"No. Y/N. you work at Composure magazine. We are fashion, trends, diets, cosmetic surgeries, salacious gossip, that's Composure." Linda said.
"Okay, but-"
"Look, Y/N, okay. The column is new for you. When you turn it into a must read then you can write about whatever you want. Until then you can write about what I want. Understood?"
"Yeah." You said dissatisfied. You saw this coming. Your boss wouldn't let you write about what you wanted but hearing that once your column gets popular she'd let you write about whatever you wanted certainly catches your attention.
"Robin, what have you got?"
Nancy turned to Robin and gave her an encouraging nod. But there was an awkward silence waiting for Robin to answer.
"Um. I'm sorry, Linda. I wasn't feeling very well" Robin said as she looked at the ground not wanting to see the looks shared amongst others and the disappointed look on Linda's face.
"She got dumped." Nancy quickly added.
"Oh, no, Robin. What a hellish ordeal for you. But I gotta say, you are looking fabulous. Are we loving the way she looks?" Linda said, turning to the others trying to lift up the mood.
"We love the way she looks."
"Oh, you are so right."
"She looks great."
"She looks so great!"
Everyone said as they talked over one another.
"I haven't eaten since the split." Robin said.
"Good for you! Write about it."
You looked at your boss very judgmental. Obviously Robin feels uncomfortable throughout this entire conversation.
"I can't use my personal life for a story." Robin said as she lifted her head and was now looking at Linda.
"I understand completely... who will use Robin's personal life for a story?" Linda ignored Robin's protest and looked at the other workers.
"Oh I will." Michelle said proudly as she raised her hand.
"No, no, no! Linda, with all due respect, Michelle has no business mucking around in my personal life, and I can't... I can't let her. I'm-"
"I'll do it." You suddenly interrupted a rambling, distressed Robin. Of course you wouldn't actually put the heartbreak of your best friend's life in a magazine for the whole world to see but knowing Michelle and Linda, they obviously won't respect Robin's boundaries anytime soon.
Nancy and Robin both turned to you. "What?" Robin blurted out.
"I'll... I will sort of do it. It's- You will be my inspiration." You said looking at Robin.
"For?" Linda asked.
"Look at robin. She's a great girl, right?" You pointed towards Robin looking straight at your boss.
"Yes." Linda replied.
"An amazing woman." You said now looking at Robin. "But.. she has a problem hanging onto relationships and she doesn't really know what she's doing wrong, which is a lot like our readers."
"Uh-huh" Linda nodded for you to proceed.
"So, I was thinking that.. I could start dating a guy, and then drive him away, but only using the classic mistakes most women, like Robin.." You gave her a sincere look and turned back to your boss "make.. all the time. I'll keep a diary of it and.. it will be sort of a dating how-to in reverse." You said looking at Robin and Nancy who were now chuckling.
"What not to do." Your boss says smiling.
"Yeah." You smiled back.
"How to lose a guy in Ten Days." Linda said, looking at the wall, probably envisioning it in her head. "Yes. Go. Alice, what's new in the shoe?"
"Wait, wait, Linda. I'm sorry. Why ten days?" You asked.
"Five days is too short and we go to press at 11. Yes?" Linda turned her attention to Alice.
"Ten." You whispered to yourself. It's a lot longer than what you had hoped for given you only did this to save Robin from humiliation and to stop her from actually hiding under her covers for the rest of her life but then you remembered what Linda had said about you being able to write about whatever you wanted if your column made it big. Could this possibly be a ticket there?
You looked back at Robin and Nancy who nodded in approval and Robin mouthed the words "Thank you". You smiled at them with the big question flying around in your head. You were in for a long ride.
"Maybe toss in something spiritual as well." Linda said to Nancy walking towards the lobby with you and Robin right behind them.
"Ah, here's my ten o' clock. Welcome." Linda said as you all followed her as she walked towards a blonde and a brunette who seemed to be waiting for her.
"Hi." The blonde said with a smile.
"Ladies, Chrissy Cunningham and Victoria Green from Warren Advertising. We're going to cook up some fabulous tie-ins for the fall." Linda said, turning to you, Nancy, and Robin.
"Nancy Wheeler, Fashion and Trends. Robin Buckley, Fitness and Health." She said as Robin loudly blew her nose.
"Excuse me. Hi." Robin interrupted.
"And Y/N L/N our resident How-To girl." Linda continued.
"Oh, I've seen your column, Y/N. What are you working on now?" Chrissy said as she pointed at you.
"Oh-" You began but you were quickly interrupted by Linda.
"How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. She's actually going to start dating a guy and then drive him away in a week and a half." Linda said proudly as her, Chrissy, and Victoria started laughing.
"Sounds needlessly vicious." Victoria added.
"It's going to be fabulous. Now all she has to do is run along and find the lucky guy." She said turning to you. "Go, go, go." She pointed towards the exit and turned back to the two girls.
You, Nancy, and Robin both started walking towards the exit.
"Nice to meet you." You said to the two girls.
"Ladies come." Linda said as all three of their footsteps started to reside.
You grabbed Robin's shoulder from behind. "Find the guy. Find the guy." You said distressed.
"Okay." you whispered to yourself.
"Oh you are never going to pull this off." Robin said as you, Nancy, and Robin walked across the street towards a bar, arms linked with Robin. Moonlight reflecting on your dresses and Robin’s suit.
You put on a cute grey dress with enough cleavage to be shown but to still keep the guys wondering what you looked like with your top off. Matched with high heels and a cute purse. Normally you wouldn't wear this out especially to a bar but tonight, you were on a man hunt.
"Watch me. Tonight I'll hook a guy. Tomorrow, pull the switch. Before the ten days are up, I'm gonna have this guy running for his life." You replied as all three of you laughed.
"You're not gonna burn his apartment down or bite him or anything, are you?" Nancy asked.
"No. I'm gonna limit myself to doing everything girls do wrong in relationships. Basically, everything we know guys hate. I'll be clingy, needy."
"Be touchy-feely." Nancy added.
"Yeah." You said walking towards the bar's entrance.
"Ooh. Call him in the middle of the night and tell him everything you had to eat that day." Nancy said as you both chuckled.
"What's wrong with that?" Robin asked, looking at you both. You both looked at her with concern.
"I'm.. kidding" She then said.
A waitress escorted Chrissy, Victoria, and Mr. Harrington towards a table.
"There we are. He's waiting." The kind waitress pointed at Eddie waiting for them at a table.
"Hello, Eddie. What are you doing here" Mr. Harrington asked.
"Tom, I'm here for the meeting. Ladies." Eddie replied as stood up, shaking Tom's hand and nodded towards the girls.
"But you weren't invited." Victoria said.
"Yeah, but I should have been. I mean, It was my tip that DeLauer was shopping for a new firm." Eddie said as he passed by Chrissy standing in front of Tom.
"Yes, it was, but I have to think in terms of who's best suited within the company." Tom said, looking at both Chrissy and Victoria.
"Yes, sir, and that's me. I wanna handle this pitch." Eddie replied as Chrissy chuckled.
"Eddie, you sell Joe Blow better than anyone else in my shop, including Steve, but these girls sell luxury better than anyone else in the business." Tom said proudly as he gestured towards both the girls.
All four of them sat down as Tom proceeded.
"We have to put our best foot forward on this pitch. DeLauer would be our biggest account."
"Yes, sir, they would. Annual advertising billings of 50 to 60 million dollars. And I am the man that's gonna bring this home for you, Tom." Eddie said as he poured himself a glass of champagne.
"Why this place?" Robin asked as you three entered the bar.
"Because it's perfect." You said grabbing onto Robin's shoulders and giving her a squeeze and walking further into the bar.
"Mullins is the apres-work watering hole for the upwardly mobile." Nancy added with her smart ass vocabulary.
"Now, to date, the diamond industry has always targeted men..." Eddie said as he poured champagne for Chrissy, Victoria, and Tom as he continued. "Sending the message that the woman needs the man to buy her the rock. All right, they say 'A diamond is forever.' We say, 'A diamond is for everyone.'"
"I like that." Tom said grinning towards Eddie.
"Yes." Eddie says confidently.
"Uh. We don't." Chrissy said laughingly. "'A diamond is for everyone?' It sends the message that diamonds are everywhere. Which means that they're not rare, and if they're not rare, they lose their status." Chrissy said while looking directly at Eddie.
Eddie rolled his eyes as Chrissy continued. "Status is the reason to buy them in the first place, which Edward would know if he understood women, which you don't." Chrissy finished as they all laughed at Eddie, including himself. Not because of what she said, but the fact that she's so confident with her words.
"You can't feel bad about that, Eddie. No man does." Tom said grinning.
"Here. Here." Robin said as she handed both you and Nancy a Martini.
"Dum, dum, dum, dum." Nancy mimicked a clock ticking while looking around the bar. You honestly forgot the real reason you were here for a second.
"Don't pressure her. She's perusing." Robin said, looking directly at Nancy.
"Yes, exactly." You said as all three of you scanned the room.
"Selling a diamond to a woman is like making her fall in love." Victoria said to Tom while dragging her fingers along her long diamond necklace starting from her neck to her cleavage.
Eddie scoffed but smiled at this knowing exactly what game Victoria was trying to play at.
"She has to feel giddy, desirous, adventurous and desperate." Victoria continued.
"Take a look around this room Tom. Most women in this bar are looking for just that." Chrissy added.
"Exactly. The skills required to market diamonds are the same as those needed to make a woman fall in love, yes." Eddie said, interrupting Chrissy.
"I'm not talking about lust Eddie. A woman in lust just wants chocolate. A woman in love wants diamonds."
"Yeah, I'm not talking about lust either, ladies. I'm talking about deep.. meaningful, head-over-heels, his-and-her towels, let's grow old together L-O-V-E. Look, I love women. I do. Whether they're four or 40."
Chrissy sighed at his little speech. Looking around the room she spots you.
"I respect women. All right. And I also listen to women." Eddie continued.
Chrissy's still staring at you. You're laughing at something your short hair friend said and she slowly gets an idea.
"And that's why I can sell myself to any woman.. anywhere, anytime." Eddie finished.
"Make a woman fall in love with diamonds, Edward.. or with you?" Chrissy asked, moving her attention from you to Eddie.
"Uh. Either one." Eddie replied slightly hesitating looking at Tom.
"That's cocky, Eddie." Tom said while drinking his champagne.
"No, not cocky. Confident."
Chrissy laughs at this. "I'd like to see you prove that." Chrissy said, raising her eyebrows at him.
"You would?" Eddie questioned looking at Chrissy then at Tom.
"The agency's co hosting a party for the DeLauers at the Astro museum. The party's a week from Sunday. Do you think you can make a woman fall in love with you by then?" Chrissy challenged Eddie.
"Ten days?" Eddie asked.
"Any woman, anywhere, anytime?" Victoria added mocking him from before.
"Any single, available, straight woman, yes." Eddie said.
"Yes. I'm not trying to trick you, Eddie. In fact, we'll choose a woman right here, right now in this bar. And then you'll decide." Chrissy said as Her, Victoria, and Tom laughed.
"So who's the lucky girl?" Eddie said as he adjusted himself in his seat to face the rest of the bar.
"Okay. Let's see here." Victoria began. "Ooh there's that blonde babe in the leopard print." Victoria said as she laughed and pointed to a woman with a messy pointy tail in a leopard dress that was worn out and way too tight on her.
Tom and Chrissy joined in on her laughter. "She looks like fun." Victoria added.
"Be nice, ladies." Eddie said as a little chuckle escaped his lips.
"Or, well, Miss Babylon 5. Now she's on the prowl." Victoria said talking about a curl headed curl with colored hair and mean stare.
"No. Her." Chrissy said.
"Her who?" Eddie asked as he turned to look at Chrissy.
"Her in the grey dress, cute hair, pretty smile." Chrissy added.
Eddie turned away from her looking around the bar for Chrissy's description, then he saw you. Laughing at something a curly headed girl next to you said. Eddie smiled as he saw you laughing.
"Her?" Victoria asked as she removed her gaze from you to Chrissy. Chrissy only held a finger to her mouth not sparing her a word.
Eddie was still staring at you, you're now laughing at something else another short haired girl says.
"Done." Eddie says not removing his gaze from you.
"What?" Chrissy asked.
"Done." He confirmed again, finally looking away from you and now looking at Tom.
"Done." Tom said as he nodded.
"See the guy next to the horrible guy in the green shirt that I would never even consider?" You said pointing at a guy with short curly hair, wearing a blue button up shirt with a black blazer over it.
"Very cute." Nancy said.
"Right? Good." You chuckled and squealed, making you way over to the cute stranger leaving Robin and Nancy together.
"Oh." Robin said as her and Nancy chuckled at your cute excitement.
"Okay, you're on. But here are the stakes. After I win this bet, this pitch is mine." Eddie said, looking at all three of them.
"Agreed." Chrissy added.
"Tom?" Questioned Eddie.
"Agreed." Tom said as he nodded. "You come to that party with a girl that's really in love with you, Eddie, you can make the pitch to the DeLauers."
"But, Tom, you can't-" Victoria was cut off by Tom.
"Nope. I've made up my mind." Tom said, raising his glass. "To the DeLauers."
"To the DeLauers." Eddie said, clinking his beer bottle to Tom's glass.
"Cheers" Chrissy and Victoria said, raising their own glasses towards Eddie's bottle and Tom's glass.
Nancy and Robin are laughing at how adorable you look laughing at whatever bad joke the guy next to you said.
"I was just wondering if you found..." You said talking to the cute stranger next to you making eye contact with your friends.
"She doesn't seem that interested." Robin said to Nancy who only hummed in reply.
"Exciting." You said looking at the guy in front of you.
"Yes. My wife and I love Indianapolis, especially this time of year." Oh shit, he has a wife. How did you not notice the ring on his finger? What do you do? What do you do?
"She'd been here before and I-" He'd been cut-off by a brunette wearing a pink and white dress grabbing onto his shoulder giving you the smile.
"Hi. Hi." She said, now showing her pearly whites.
You felt so awkward and wanted to leave.
"This is Y/N" The guy introduced you to his wife.
"Hi. Um." You said standing up while grabbing your martini. While his wife took the spot you were just leaning on. "You guys enjoy Indianapolis." You said slowly backing away.
"Okay." The guy said chuckling
"Thanks" The wife said straightforwardly.
"Nice meeting you." The guy said as you walked away, not even passing them a second glance.
Walking away, you glanced at your friends who were already staring at you, presumably the entire time, you mouthed "he's married" holding up your hand.
"Good luck." Tom said, patting Eddie's shoulder as he walked by him.
"Thank you, Tom." Eddie said as he left, leaving him with Chrissy and Victoria. Eddie took out a 50 and put it on the table paying for their drinks. "Now if you'll excuse me, ladies.. I have a bet to win." Eddie said, turning around and immediately looking for you.
"Ta-ta" Chrissy said as Eddie walked away.
"Now do you wanna tell me what's going on?" Victoria asked Chrissy.
"You don't recognize her?" Chrissy asked as they both stared at you.
Eddie pushed himself through the sea filled with people and began walking towards you. He smiled when he could finally reach you.
"Hi!" A man with long black curly hair walked up to you, stopping you in your tracks. He had bangs that framed his face perfectly and was wearing black jeans with a black blazer to pair it.
"Hi." You replied back with a slight smile.
"Hi." He said looking at the top of your head to your eyes. He had the biggest pair of brown eyes you'd ever seen.
You chuckled and waited for him to say something but he only chuckled back. He was obviously nervous so you tried to make it less awkward. You extended your hand with the little space that was between you both.
"Y/N L/N"
"Eddie Munson" He said as he gently took his hand in yours and shook it.
"Thank you." Eddie replied.
"Mm I meant your name." You said, offering him a closed smile. He looked away and smiled when he looked at you again.
"Thank you two times."
"Unattached?" You asked.
"Currently." He answered.
"Psycho?" You questioned.
"Interested?" Eddie asked.
"Perhaps." You looked away but then looked back at him.
"Starving." You said looking deep in his chocolate eyes.
"Now?" You asked.
"Okay." He replied.
"One second." You said pointing a finger and walked past him.
"I'll meet you at the door." He said loudly.
"Hey, guys." You said now standing in front of Nancy and Robin
"I think I got one."
"He was married!" Robin said.
"No, not him. It's the guy by the door. But don't look!" It was already too late, their eyes were scanning the door. "No, guys!"
Eddie smiled at your friends who were both staring right at him.
"He is really cute." Nancy said as they both looked at you again.
"I'm gonna check this one out and see if he's the keeper." You said as you handed Nancy your martini.
"Okay." Nancy replied.
"And if he is?" Robin questioned.
"Tomorrow night I'll.."
"Flip the switch" Nancy finished your sentence as she took a sip of your martini.
"I'm doing this for you." You said directly to Robin handing her your apartment keys
"Well, good luck. Be safe. Call me!" Robin said as you walked towards Eddie.
"Mm. Drama, drama, drama." Nancy said as her and Robin watched Eddie gently hold you by the waist and open the door for you.
Chrissy and Victoria, on the other side of the bar, were also watching the entire interaction and smirking at one another, clinking their glasses together knowing that you and Eddie were both secretly playing each other and how badly this was bound to end.
Authors note; If you enjoyed this please leave some feedback and consider reblogging! It would meant a lot. Thank you so much for reading! <3
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baby--b4t · 4 months
guess whoooo
it’s fishie again !! :3 writin this req while tiny so apologies if it doesn’t make sense >_<
ftm!reader who recently got top surgery, and is insecure about his scars from it, so s/o itto (or baizhu) who is also ftm helps comfort reader and take care of them after the surgery
(transmasc headcannons make me so happy djdjdjdjdjdjnf ^^) dis is similar to the req I put in b4 dey closed but they’re the sillies so i’m requesting a bunch of things 4 em
HI IM FINALLY GETTING AROUND TO WRITING YOUR REQUEST !! (sorry it took forever). I think I made a Baizhu bot out of this request but I cannot remember. Ill make this Itto because hes so silly and honestly ftm!Itto makes me giggle /pos. Hopefully this is good >:3
(Its not exactly agere BUT he does call the reader little beetle :3)
You had finally gotten the surgery you spent a lot of time saving up for; Top surgery! You felt so proud of yourself for saving up all of the Mora and working so hard to feel comfortable in your own body, so proud for doing something nice for yourself… So why did it feel so terrifying now?
You laid in your bed, staring down at your chest and the way it was all wrapped up. Maybe it was the medication, or maybe it was the feeling of your chest from being operated on, or maybe-… Who were you kidding? You didnt feel right because you knew you would have scarring afterwards. Two very noticeable lines under your chest that would tell everyone you werent a “real” man. Just the thought of it made your eyes fill with tears.
And as if his himbo senses kicked in, Itto emerged from the doorway.
“Hey, hey, heyyy~” He greeted, casually walking towards your bed. “Guess who just scored the best and most delicious noodles for dinner tonight? This guy right here!!” He pointed his thumbs towards himself, not yet noticing your teary face. Somehow his carefree attitude always managed to make you giggle, but once Itto heard you giggle, hearing the off tone of your voice, he knew something wasnt right.
“Huh? Hey, why is my little beetle all sad?” Itto asked as he gently wiped the tears off of your face, being careful with his nails. “Are you in pain? Did you take the meds?” He seemed like such a nervous puppy whenever it came to you, making sure you were comfortable and happy. Once you explained to him that you were scared of the scarring the surgery would have, he just smiled at you.
“What? Thats it? Youre scared of having these super awesome and amazing scars right here?” Itto asked, showing off his own slightly faded scars. He was never shy about them and always explained what they were to curious people. “You mean that youre totally not going to be proud because you went through a big surgery and lived to tell the tale?!” Itto added on, his tone becoming more playful and teasing. He gently ruffled your hair as he saw you smiling again, finding the way he described everything to be funny.
“But seriously, are you in pain? You know you can-“ Itto started to go on again before you shushed him. You reassured him you werent in pain and had taken the medications given to you for recovery. It felt so funny to see such a big and sometimes intimidating guy become such a worried person for you. Thats when Itto finally calmed down and went back to talking about the noodles he grabbed for both of you, even talking about making them soon so you could eat. He just wanted you to have an easy recovery.
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I have no clue if anyone has offered up this song before. (Or if you're still taking them) But Des Rocs - Nothing Personal Reminds me Sorry, Its locked. Specifically how Alex treats Jay. (I hope you see my vision)
Oooooo i haven't heard of this song before. It's fun. I'm definitely still taking songs, i'm always taking songs, i fucking love getting new songs for sorry it's locked lol. its the best way to think about the fic while i can't actually write it for whatever reason.
The way the dude sounds like he's losing his mind as the song progresses is so perfect honestly, because yeah, Alex is slowly losing his mind.
Okay, shitty sleep deprived lyric analysis whoooo. Enjoy lmao, if this makes no sense blame my going to sleep at 4am last night.
I found you sleeping in my coffin Pale white and in your favourite party dress I start to feel a little nauseous Bloody tears, they are falling as I wept
Okay, but like, this whole thing makes it sound like the singer is a vampire, right? Alex feeling like he's undead. He's dead but his body just keeps going.
The first line is like when Alex woke up after he and Jay had sex at his house. He woke up to find Jay in his bed (i know he didn't actually wake up in the morning with Jay in his bed, he found Jay in the laundry closet, but he can have woken up in the middle of the night or something and saw Jay), in his coffin if we're going by the whole undead thing, which i am, and he feels like he must have drained Jay dry (of energy not actual blood, but you know) hence the 'paleness,' and he starts to realize just how badly he's fucked up by doing all the things he refused to in college.
And it makes him feel sick and really upset because in the back of his mind he starts to realize he's going to have to drive Jay away, otherwise it'll cause all sorts of issues.
You could use a little action Run away and lead a life without consequence Reaching for a book of matches Strike a light and you'll see the real mess that I am
Alex want's Jay to leave of his own accord, he wants Jay to take action and leave so that he doesn't have to kill him, and if he makes Jay think he's making the decision to leave on his own he's more likely to stick with it. If Alex just told him to leave, Jay would more likely try even harder to get answers and figure out what's happening.
Alex is going to show Jay just how nasty he can be, just what a mess of a person he can be, in hopes that it'll scare Jay away and keep him safe.
I swear it's nothing personal (X8)
Alex is desperately trying to remind himself that it's not anything to do with a personal dislike for Jay (it's literally the exact opposite lol), he is doing everything to keep Jay safe, and if Jay was anyone else he'd have done the same to try and save them (as long as he liked them the same way he liked Jay)
I'm gonna take you home 'Til the morning comes I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
Self explanatory, he took Jay home and they had sex at his house, in his bed, for the first time. And then in the morning he did a full 180 from being lovely to being a dick, but it wasn't personal. it's not because he hates Jay or anything like that and he's desperate to remind himself of that and prove himself.
I, I see your collar bone And wanna lose control I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
Gay. Lmao. Sorry, anyway, yeah, Alex saw Jay again in that parking lot and he just wanted to, like, let things go back to how they used to be even just for a little bit. He wanted to 'lose control' and just ignore all the stuff he's meant to be doing (killing Jay) to do something enjoyable instead (fucking Jay), and that 'loss' of control would actually be him taking control of the situation, and taking control of Jay again, like back in college.
This time when Alex swears it's nothing personal he's doing it in a desperate attempt to tell himself that it's not because he likes Jay, he's just pent up and frustrated and anyone would do. But it is personal. It is because it's Jay. He knows he'll have to kill him at some point, but he's trying desperately to find a reason not to do it yet.
I, I wanna drain you of the mourning I wanna tear away the shadows brick by brick I know you could've used a warning You thought I kissed you just to borrow some lipstick?
Alex hopes that taking Jay back to his house and having sex with him there will kind of make it so that Jay's less upset by having to make the decision to leave. Logically, he knows that's not how that works and fucking Jay at his house and in his bed just made it more painful for Jay to leave, because he finally got a taste of everything he'd been hoping he could one day have with Alex, but then again Alex isn't thinking straight, so.
Jay definitely could have used a warning when it came to everything Alex did, like, all the stuff the morning after, but Alex couldn't give him one. If Alex had given Jay a warning that he was going to be lovely to him and then turn a full 180, that would have worked against Alex's goal of making Jay hate him.
Also, the last line, about the lipstick, to me kinda sounds like the singer is saying that he didn't just kiss his partner for some stupid reason, like to borrow their lipstick. He kissed them for a real reason. Alex kissing Jay on the forehead and cheek and all that wasn't for no reason, Alex did it because he likes Jay and he knew that'd be the last chance he ever got to do that.
Go be a stranger at a party Reading lips across a room of empty space With a secret you keep guarded Like a funeral buries all our past mistakes
Again, Alex needing Jay to leave and hate him and become a stranger.
I swear it's nothing personal (X8)
I'm gonna take you home Until the morning comes I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
I, I see your collar bone And wanna lose control I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
I, I'm gonna take you home Unil the morning comes I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
I, I see your collar bone And wanna lose control I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
I... (X4)
I'm gonna take you home 'Til the morning comes I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
I, I see your collar bone And wanna lose control I swear it's nothing personal I swear that it is nothing personal
All repeated lyrics so same as above because i'm too tired to come up with anything else, i keep going to bed at 3am
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hi...it's me and um i just want anything...anything at all for lobo, theres like no content for him💀
sorry this is awkward for me, this is the first time im requesting something while not anonymous, and i just feel weird😭😭😭😭
Whoooo sorry it took so long to get to this I have been incredibly depressed and unmedicated but hey. I got to it. Merry Shitscram <3
Content warning: alcohol, smoking, swearing, mosh pit violence, shitty exes, vauge mentions of abuse, vauge mentions of mental health issues
The metal scene on stations is not for anyone. Lobo, however, wasn't just anyone. Since he was semi-dating you, he thought you weren't just anyone too. That's why he'd brought you to this surprisingly nice bar, to watch one of his favorite bands play a show.
You weren't exactly big into metal. Sure, you listened to Metallica every once in a while, but Lobo was constantly touting the musical skill of bands with names like Aborted Second Coming and Spider Vomit. Sure, the technical skill these guys had was impressive, but it was intimidating too.
Still, you loved him, so you'd agreed, and now you were sitting at the bar with earplugs in, sipping on a beer. The cold was nice on your tongue contrasted with the heat of the packed bodies, and you considered ordering another once you were finished, but decided against it. Lobo would probably be in no state to drive at the end of the night, and he couldn't well sleep at the bar. One beer was probably good enough.
Lobo, meanwhile, was barely in your sight, since he had jumped into the middle of a mosh. From what you could see, he was having a hell of a time, bodyslamming people and getting his nose broken. His mouth and chin were covered in his blue blood, and it was getting on his shirt, too. He caught your eye then, and flashed you a grin and a thumbs up. You smiled and gave him a thumbs up back. It was good to see him have fun.
After a few more minutes, he managed to extract himself from the mass of sweaty, girating bodies to make his way over to you.
"Babe, hey! How's th' beer?"
"It's good, Bo, you should probably- ah- here let me just get that."
You grabbed a couple of napkins and gently wiped at his bloodied face, much to his disappointment.
"Babe, baby, c- noooo, c'mon, lemme alone, 's fine! I'll clean it off later!"
"Lobo, angel, sugar, if you bleed too much on their floors the owner is gonna kick us out."
He sighed, finally ending his struggle and letting you wipe his face off. Once you'd finished, you kissed his nose, which made him much less sulky. He kissed you back, and the next thing you knew you were making out.
At this point, the previous band had moved on and the band that Lobo had come to see had finished setup. The moment the frontman announced "We are Bloodfuck!" Lobo pulled back excitedly.
"Sorry, hon, they're on, I gotta go!"
"Ok, ok, have fun!"
"Yer so cool I love ya."
Once he left, you ordered some water and went back to chilling. If you were being honest, the guitar in this band was pretty cool, very technical. You could see why he liked it, since Lobo was an avid lover of technical guitar skill.
And then you saw him.
You didn't notice him at first, since his hair was blonde now, not blue, but there he was. Your ex. The one who'd... god you could barely remember. You'd dated him in a really bad patch of your life, and he'd taken advantage of that to totally isolate you.
Then came that feeling. Rage? Hurt? Nausea? The feeling that came when you thought of him. So you took your water and sped to the bathroom.
Once you spent afew minutes of deep breathing and pacing around, you started to feel better, and went to go back to the bar, but were stopped by the door opening.
"There y' are..."
Lobo stepped in, leaning back on the door to give you both some privacy. He looked... worried. You were still getting used to that. He never seemed to get worried over anything else, except for maybe dolphins. And now you.
"Ya dissapeared, sugar, don't do that."
"Sorry, sorry, I just saw... just had some bad memories stirred up. I'm better now."
"... I saw my ex. You know, the one I told you about."
"Oh! Jackass!"
"Yeah, Jackass."
"D'you... need anythin'? A hug, a murder, break his kneecaps a lil?"
"A hug would be nice. Don't do the other two things please."
"Awwwww, y' never lemme have any fun."
He did oblige though, pulling you into his arms. He was damp with sweat and smelled like salt and spilled beer and BO, but it was comforting.
"Y'wanna leave? Just so ya don't hafta see him."
"Babe, no, that band you like isn't done playing."
"And? I got th' CD and th' hoodie n junk. I can jus' catch em next time."
You pulled back and looked at him. He LOVED going to live shows. He got excited whenever he heard one was coming in. And he was going to leave in the middle of a set for you?
... That felt... nice. Like he cared about you. You weren't sure about exactly how he felt about you, but him offering that? It was nice.
"Lobo, I promise. We can stay."
He smiled at you, and then you both left the shitty bar bathroom. He stayed with you at the bar for a good while, but when the band announced their final encore, he made his way back to the pit.
And so did your ex.
Lobo noticed at the same time you did, and immediately shot you a look. You saw the question in that look, and nodded a yes as an answer. He smiled, then jumped on the stage, looking back to time his leap juuuuuust right...
His drop coincided with the last note of the song, and he quickly got up and rushed over to you.
"C'mon c'mon we gotta go now 'fore the cops get here."
You took his hand, tossed the bartender a tip, and then sprinted to the door.
You knew he cared now.
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boydepartment · 2 years
Pizza Parlor- Lee Felix: Chapter Five!
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Description: Y/n is a stressed-out college student who has no idea what she is doing with her life. She is always wrapped up in nostalgia and her friends seem to know exactly what they're doing. Feeling insecure one night she decides to go on an old website. Club Penguin. Little does she know; she would encounter a certain penguin who was also having a rough night.
Stray Kids are idols, TXT is not.
Partial smau, mainly written.
Warnings for chapter 5: cursing!
WC- 2.1k
back next
Song for Chapter 5: Crush - Tessa Violet
Chapter 5: What does my sweet look like?
“YYYYY/NNNNN!!!!!” You woke up to the sound of Kai practically shoving plastic in your face. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, totally forgetting the reason why he was here. Looking at him and laying back down you kept your eyes on him.
“Did the eggs knock you out that badly?” Kai asked, you sat up again and smacked him with a pillow. You now remembered the horrible events of last nig- this morning.
“HEY! I BOUGHT ALL THE DYE AND BLEACH AND STUFF!” He ducked, your eyes lit up and you quickly hopped-up yawning.
Kai followed behind you to the kitchen and set the stuff down.
“Breakfast well lunch I guess?” You asked facing the fridge, when he cleared his throat, you turned around and saw on the counter he brought takeout.
“KAAAI! You didn’t have to do that; I was supposed to pay for the dye too.” You ran over to the bag, he had gotten hashbrowns and a breakfast sandwich. He also already had two water bottles out for you both.
Kai let out a small, ‘pshhh’ then started talking, “who said you were paying for the dye, plus after what happened with the whole egg thing, I figured you are deserving of takeout.” You grinned at him and grabbed some paper plates so you two could eat on the couch and put on some cartoons or something. This was a Sunday morning ritual for your guys’ little household.
                “So, I wanted to ask, who is Felix?” Kai asked suddenly.
                You choked on your water and looked at him, “what do you mean?”
                “Well, Yeonjun said you were talking to some guy named Felix… Soooooooo Y/n whoooo is heeeeee?” Kai taunted you with a hashbrown in his hand.
You swiftly took a piece of it and popped it in your mouth, “he’s just an online friend, keeping me company while you guys were gone.”
                This grabbed Kai’s attention, “where does he live?”
                “I have no clue.” You took a bite of your sandwich and Kai looked dumbfounded, usually in highschool when you guys met people online you two would just spew information like that (of course then being scolded by Yeonjun) and the recipient always gave the same information. This was truly shocking to Kai.
                “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?”
You jumped at the sudden outburst, Futurama long forgotten you turned to him, “he is just more I dunno! He is really nice though.”
                “He didn’t even give you a COUNTRY?” Kai took a big bite into his sandwich.
                “Well… He has an accent… He sounds Australian so I just assumed I guess.” You realized how truly crazy you sounded.
                “Y/n… Where did you meet this Felix guy...?” Kai side eyed you from his spot on the couch.
                “Club Penguin…”
                “Y/N!” The boy now sat back laughing at the situation.
You threw a piece of hashbrown at him, “I know other things about him! He is 22 and has a job where he works at a venue! And he has roommates, and his job is pretty serious!” You said in a matter-of-fact tone.
                “Okay okay!” Kai stopped teasing and looked at you, “what does he look like?”
After Kai teasing you more about your very mysterious friend you two headed to the bathroom. You guys had a mission, at the moment Kai had light brown hair that was growing out past his eyes. He was always bothered by it.
                “I think we have to dye your hair first and then cut it… Or is it the other way around.” You mumbled.
                “I thought we had to cut first then dye it.” He asked and sat down on the edge of the bathtub. You had to think for a second then you nodded. You went under the sink and fetched your hair cutting shears. Standing up you went back.
                “So, Mr. Kai what are we feeling today?” You put your hand on your hip.
                “Oh! Barber Y/n!!! I NEED THESE HAIRS OUT OF MY EYES! They’re like little daggers!!” Kai fake cried and you quickly got to work. It was mainly just a trim for him you weren’t licensed or anything so it’s not like he could ask for something crazy. You hummed to different songs on his playlist as you trimmed away.
                “What color are you thinking?” You made sure everything was even.
Kai contemplated and kicked his feet a bit, “ummm how mad would you be if I said I wanted to go platinum again?”
                “Like in senior year?” You asked and were impressed by his hair if you were being honest. You did good. It was even. Maybe you should’ve went to a trade school for hair or something.
                “Yes! Exactly like senior year!”
You took a deep breath, “we can try that!”
You were going to have to stock up on hair oils and hair masks after this. You grabbed the bowl and the dangerous bleach and activator and started to mix like you did when you made potions in your mom’s bathroom. You and Kai made small talk and then your phone buzzed. Deciding to ignore it you just continued bleaching Kai’s hair, it’s not like it was a Discord notification.
                “Oh, I wanted to talk to you about something…” Kai mumbled and looked up at you. You looked down on him and wrapped his head with the heating cap.
                “So, my family was planning on taking a trip yaknow…” He started prolonging whatever he was saying. You turned and walked to the mirror starting to bleach your own hair. Secretly you prayed this wasn’t going to be the day where you went bald due to noodle hair.
                “And they want to see yaknow… So yaknow…” Kai fiddled with his pants, you looked over at him with a small laugh.
                “No, I actually don’t.” You leaned against the counter and continued with your hair.
                “Well, Lea has really enjoyed working with you and becoming close with you and yaknow…” Kai sounded like he was really nervous. You turned to him; you were just about done with half of your head.
                “Kai, I love you but jeez man spit it out.” You started to laugh a bit.
                “They want to go to Seoul to visit my sister and Lea and I want you to come too.” He blurted out. Your jaw dropped.
                “Wait actually??” You looked at him with wide eyes. Kai frantically nodded. You grinned.
                “I will pick up more shifts!!!” You turned to do the rest of your hair.
                “Wait does that mean you’re gonna come with us?” Kai asked hopefully. You smiled at yourself in the mirror, then slightly turned to him.
                “Um DUH!”
After finishing your hair, you washed out Kai’s. Then came his toner, which you were going to split with him. Kai had ever so graciously bought your favorite color for your hair dye. You were excited. Hanging out with Kai was always something you did cherish; he was really nice and really saved you in high school and now college.
You two looked at yourselves in the mirror, hair now all done and you two dripped like wet dogs.
                “Wow.” Kai said and he touched his hair.
                “DO NOT PULL ON IT!” You said quickly and slapped his hand away from his head. He started laughing and grabbed a soft towel to squish his hair and yours.
                “So, when is this trip anyways?” You asked. You had to know so you knew how much time you had to save up money. You followed Kai into the kitchen.
                “Mmm.” Kai mumbled as he ate a piece of bread from the pantry.
                “Mmmarch? Mmmmay?” You perked up. He started laughing at you.
                “Maybe for Spring Break. But they also might schedule it in the summer, we still have school remember?” Kai said, “oh and please don’t tell your weird Club Penguin friend unless you have like facetimed him or something.”
You pretended to zip up your lips and put your pinky out. He rolled his eyes and completed your pinky promise. “I pinky promise that-" there was a ping and you started sprinting to the bathroom, it was a discord ping. Quickly unlocking your phone, you opened Felix’s message.
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You froze, wait he wanted to see a PHOTO!? This was a little nerve-wracking. Okay wait y/n THINK! What if you just showed a little sliver of your hair? That sounded pretty okay, or maybe like a mirror selfie with your phone covering your face. Wait you wanted to see his hair too… Before you went to take a photo, you texted him saying you wanted to see his hair too. To your surprise he said okay. NOW YOU WERE REALLY NERVOUS.
You quickly looked up and took like 80,000 mirror selfies to only fear sending all of them. Finally, about another couple minutes you just decided fuck it, you took one you thought was nice and sent it! No other second thought!
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Oh my god his eyes are so pretty, and you could see a hint of his freckles... WAIT! HE HAS FRECKLES. UGH! Why does someone so mysterious have to be so attractive to you?
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You found yourself giggling at your phone, he was so cute. You really did love talking to Felix, and you couldn’t wait now that you’d get to call him again.
                “Is that Felix?” Kai asked leaning over your shoulder.
You jumped and looked up at him with a bashful grin, “yeaaaah…”
Kai rolled his eyes and smiled back, “I am gonna make dinner, do you want me to make that soup you like?”
“Yes!!!” You quickly followed him to the kitchen. The rest of the night you two decided to put on some random reality TV show then hit the hay. You figured since Felix was on a plane it would take a while for him to call so that would be good sleep time. Plus, you had a shift the next day with Lea in the afternoon, sleeping early and getting to call Felix before work sounded really nice. Just in case… you decided to be ballsy and text him your number too. You did your nightly routine and snuck into your covers, you made sure to keep your ringer on in case he calls you. That night you went to sleep with a smile on your face, eager to hear his voice again. It was so crazy to you how quickly and easy it was to want to be around him.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Taglist: @bloofairyfox @yellowroses-world @g4m3girl @forevrglow
Taglist is always open :) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: Hi everyone! I wanted to post this right now because I am going to campus today with a friend. It's technically her campus not mine but we will ignore that lol. I am hoping to finish up to chapter 8 of this story while I am there, on top of homework!
Ugh also, I am literally so SORE. I really need to learn to pace myself when it comes to working out. Plus practicing what I preach lol! Instead of having coffee today my mom got this like plant based energy thing??? Idk what it is but it tastes really good! Remember to give healthy alternatives a shot sometimes! You never know what you will find or taste!
I hope everyone is doing well today! I still feel bad about yesterdays .5 chapter being really short! So once again I apologize for that! I am actually starting to write them a lot longer. The word doc to this story is over 50 pages! How crazy is that! I am really thankful to everyone who loves this series, it really means a lot to me and I haven't gotten this much enjoyment from writing since middle school. Thank you guys for igniting this spark again, I will always be forever thankful <3 Have a good day or night everyone! I love you!
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ahedderick · 1 year
I’m in violation (maybe)
   I spent quite a while on the phone with the Motor Vehicle Admin yesterday one the subject of my late father’s car. He had signed the title over to me after (reluctantly) accepting that he couldn’t drive any more. However, I didn’t know what to actually DO about that to finalize it with MVA. Then, the next month, he ended up in the hospital and passed away. In the pressure and hustle of taking care of EVERYTHING for my house, his house, the hospital, his finances, our farm, two kids, and so on - the car issue fell completely out of my mind.
   Then I (technically HE got it, but I continue to monitor his email) got an email notice for updating registration, along with a snippy notice that there was a problem. Apparently, they noticed (16 months late) that he was dead. 
   Well. Kiss me on the forehead, I guess. (sardonic)
After quite a while on hold, two trips through the automatic phone menu, and two human MVA folks, I ended up with an appointment for this morning at my local office. Also a splendid headache and some chest pains. This morning I woke up my heart literally thudding in my chest. Honestly, the folks at the local MVA office are head and shoulder above the ones in the state office when it comes to getting stuff done and being helpful. Other that That Thing with Evelyn last year, they’ve always been unusually nice. I have just -  come to DREAD these estate details*
   I drove up there trying very hard to listen to the radio and not think. The guy at the main check-in desk was brisk and friendly. I literally didn’t even get completely seated in the waiting area before my number was called (first appointment of the morning!). The lady behind the desk was quite stern at first, then unbent enough to smile at me and josh a bit. The car will need an inspection (oh, dear), but all the paperwork bullpucky is done and the inspection can be done anytime in the next 30 days. I’ll probably let my husband handle that part.
   I took my Dreaded List to the appointment with me, and nervously asked her what to do about the other vehicle, a wrecked truck. We still have it properly registered and insured, but it will certainly not ever run again, and I’d like to just turn in the tags. She explained the process for that to me, and I picked up a form (of course there’s a form!) on the way out the door.
   Whoooo. I have plenty of other things to do today. But that feels like a Big thing off the list, and I’m going to take a moment to be grateful. And scroll Tumblr. Thanks again to whoever taught me to use Ublock to block ‘elements’, because there’s a wacky little thing on the side of my dash that I don’t want to see. I have, I must say, the BEST followers.
* Also got a note two days ago that we owed $21 extra to the state for taxes for 2022. Jeeeez Holy Hypotenuse Christ
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