meisanimam · 5 years
Words fell silent at her sudden declaration, drink reddened eyes begging for some sort of mercy. The last thing any self respecting man wanted to do was chase a woman down the street, but Graham had left his self respect behind him at the bar - in fact, they had more than likely been disconnected for a few good hours by that point. “Emma - please.” Hands raised, palms outward in a gesture of supplication as he fought a war within himself, determined to make his feelings known, no matter what she might say. “I don’t feel anything.” 
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Head shook sweat dampened bangs out of his eyes, blue shining all the brighter in the moonlight as he struggled to make her see, to make her understand. Someone had to understand. “You’re the first person whose made me think maybe there’s something real, that maybe I’m not crazy - “ Tentative fingers reached towards her, brushing the barest edge of her shoulder before returning to his side. “ - The stuff with Regina, it doesn’t mean anything. I don’t feel anything with her. With anyone.” Perhaps he should have stopped talking, perhaps he should have simply let her shouted command foretell the night before them - but once started, the sheriff found he couldn’t stop  .. words as soft and pleading as the night breeze around them. “Only with you.”
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“Despite what you may think, your mother and I do trust you. We just don’t trust who you .. “ Words trailed off as he cleared his throat, blue eyes searching for any means of escape from a particularly grueling conversation that might present itself in the middle of Granny’s diner. Finding no citizen in danger, David turned back to his daughter, fingers rubbing at tired eyes and words finishing up in a lame excuse at humor. “ Let’s just say we know our fair share of pirates - and there are no good ones.”
@whoneedsfairygodmothers s.c
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piraticalarchive · 6 years
‘ society doesn’t care. society sucks. i don’t even consider myself a part of society. ’
“What do you consider yourself a part of, Swan? All of your time here, your experiences ... you’ve still yet to fully embrace this rather charming town of ours as yours, your home.” Tongue pressed to the inside of one cheek as words faded into silence, curved steel drumming a restless rhythm on the table between them. Granny’s had become a sort of safe haven of theirs, a place they retreated to as if by instinct whenever the pressures of their latest venture became too much. They had seen the worst the town had to offer, aye ... and yet still they both stayed. Determined as ever to be by the other’s side, to protect their quaint little haven no matter how much they were loathe to admit it.
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“Your family is here, love .. and as ... eccentric as they may be, their still yours.” One brow quirked as blue eyes studied his companion’s expression, voice dropping lest the other rather intrusive denizens of the diner take it upon themselves to eavesdrop. “Society or not, the world is waiting. Bloody hell, you’re the bloody savior and believe it or not, while I can completely understand the desire to be a pariah of your own volition, this town needs you Emma. The people in it, daft as they may be .. they need you. We all need you.”
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leolaceria · 8 years
                                         CHARACTER FLAWS
bold the ones that apply! italicize the ones that may apply! strike ones that could have applied in the past!
absent-minded    //    abusive    //    addict    //   aggressive   //    aimless    //    alcoholic    //   aloof   //   anxious   //   arrogant   //   audacious   //   bad  liar   //   big mouth  //   bigot  //   blindly obedient   //   blunt  //   callous    //   childish  //   chronic  heroism    //   clingy  //    clumsy    //    cocky    //   competitive   //    corrupt    //    cowardly    //    cruel    //   cynical    //    delinquent    //   delusional   //    dependent    //   depressed   //  deranged    //    disloyal    //    ditzy    //    egotistical   //    envious   //    erratic    //    fickle   //    finicky    //    flaky    //    frail    //    fraudulent    //   guilt  complex  //   gloomy   //    gluttonous    //    gossiper   //    gruff    //   gullible    //    hedonistic    //   humorless    //    hypochondriac    //    hypocritical    //   idealist  //    idiotic    //   ignorant    //    immature    //   impatient   //    incompetent    //    indecisive    //   insecure    //    insensitive   //    lazy    //   lewd   //   liar   //  lustful   //    manipulative   //    masochistic    //    meddlesome   //   melodramatic    //   money-loving  //    moody    //   naive   //    nervous    //    nosy    //    ornery    //   overprotective  //    overly  sensitive  //    paranoid    //   passive-aggressive  //    perfectionist   //   pessimist   //    petty    //   power  hungry   //   proud  //    pushover    //   reckless    //   reclusive   //    remorseless    //    rigorous   //    sadistic    //   sarcastic  //    senile    //   selfish    //   self-martyr  //   shallow   //    sociopathic    //    sore loser   //    spineless    //    spiteful   //   spoiled   //   stubborn   //   tactless   //   temperamental   //   timid   //   tone-deaf  //    traitorous    //    unathletic   //    ungracious    //   unlucky    //    unsophisticated   //    untrustworthy   //   vain    //  withdrawn   //  workaholic tagged by: @needlcd tagging:    @twisted-but-pretty, @motherofwolvcs, @childlesslioness, @mmeserpent, @herunfailingkindness, @trickstercaptain, @dxdger, @whoneedsfairygodmothers​, @atinkleofbells​
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drdreamy · 9 years
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            “ Emma, Emma, listen to me. You’ve got to listen.. “ Derek’s voice rose louder in his insistence, trying to be heard, trying to make her listen. He couldn’t say why this was so important, why the young woman in the bed beside him was any different than  the other countless women who had once been in her place .. but she was different. Or maybe just Derek’s professional opinion had finally lost the battle between his own feelings.. either way... Fingers tightened on the railing of the bed as blue eyes glanced over his shoulder to the still crying baby in the nurse’s arms. A boy. With a head already covered in dark hair.                 “ You can still change your mind, do you know that? Its                    fine if you don’t want to, but you don’t have to do this.” He could feel the eyes behind him, the older nurse’s gaze no doubt boring a hole into the back of his skull.. but he didn’t care. To hell with professionalism. How were you supposed to stay professional day in and day out with a job like this? The mother in front of him thought she was doing the right thing –– and that was fine, for all he knew, she was –– but he had had to listen to too many women who regretted their decision afterwards. Who hadn’t been told that it wasn’t too late. Gaze flickered back down, arms gesturing to the wailing infant behind him and words muffled through the mask he still wore over the majority of his face.                                         “ Do you want to hold your son?” “                   
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meisanimam · 6 years
‘ wow, it’s a little early for ice cream, don’t you think? ’
“Its never too early for ice cream, Emma.” Palm pressed flat against his chest, blue eyes widening and mouth agape in mock horror. The quickly rising sun, however, left little to the imagination when it came to thawing out things which were frozen, so it was with quick attention that the sheriff turned back to his treat, momentarily taking a moment to suck vanilla liquid from his fingers.
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“Most people tend to think the donut cliche is true... “ Graham paused for a moment as if thinking it over, spooning another bit of sundae into his mouth. “ .. and it is, probably. But this is just as good. And if you get it before 8 am - well then its a real surprise.”
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meisanimam · 6 years
‘ just pretend like we’re talking until the cops leave. ’
“Emma -” Fingers made a grab for her own, voice lowered and hushed lest he spook her further. “I am the cop.” 
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The snap of handcuffs around her wrists was accompanied by a roll of blue eyes, arms steady on hers as he led her outside. There would be stories about this come tomorrow, Sydney was probably already writing a bit up for his newspaper .. but for now the woman needed nothing but rest, and maybe a bit of strong coffee. “The Rabbit Hole? Really? I have to say that Granny’s better suits your usual style.”
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piraticalarchive · 6 years
"Hello, Princess."
He hadn’t tripped, the stair in question had just happened to be rather tricky .. Blue eyes closed against the fall, muscles tensing in preparation for the thud that was to come. His journey came to an abrupt end however, one eye peeking open the slightest bit only to see the smug grin on Emma’s face. Bloody hell.
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Long legs once more found the ground, hand pushing her arms apart the slightest bit as he and limping pride his made their way the rest of the down, gaze careful to not take notice whatever expression was currently on the savior’s, quite fitting moniker in this case, face. Lips pulled a grimace, fingers of his one hand reaching to pop free the flask at his waist. Wounded pride warring with the new found respect for the woman. How bloody strong was she?“Apologies, Swan ... but the tumble down and its ensuing headache would have been much preferred.”
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piraticalarchive · 6 years
‘ why are you the way that you are? ’
“What? Devilishly handsome? Exceedingly charming? Or perhaps you’re thinking more along the dashing rogue part ... “ Tongue pressed to the inside of one cheek as the pirate cocked his head, blue eyes studying Emma’s expression in an effort to determine whether or not he should take offense to such questioning. Storybrooke had grown quiet as of late, a brief respite from the constant battle for survival against whatever latest foe had decided to make their peaceful town its target. Perhaps the vacation, as it were, had left their savior feeling more than a bit surly.
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Curved steel gestured vaguely in the woman’s direction, one brow quirking upwards as lips twitched in the corners. “What about you then, Swan? What makes you the way you are?”
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piraticalarchive · 7 years
The movement had been expected if not entirely undeserved and one brow quirked upwards in amused inquiry as the pirate shifted, catching tightly clenched fingers into a grip of his own. “Ah, Ah, Swan ... Bad form.”  
Cocking his head slightly, gaze running over her furious expression, Killian shrugged, letting go of her fist with a cautious step backwards lest she try the tactic once more. There had been more than one way to break the news, aye... and he no doubt had chosen the less fortuitous route ... a fact he was mentally kicking himself for even as lips curved upwards in what he hoped was his best disarming grin. 
“ The lad’s fine, aye? Fine.” There was an added emphasis on the word, hand reaching up  and palm facing outwards in an effort to quell any forthcoming attacks. “ It was just a slip of the hand.. steel, really.. “ Laughter faded as fast as it began and Killian shook his head, speaking more quickly in an effort to cover up the mishap. “ Bloody hell ... Guy said he would be fine with a stitch or two. Just going to have a bruise or two .. “ 
Stepping quickly so that the table was between them and glancing furtively around lest any of Granny’s current clientele witness his imminent demise ... the pirate licked his lips, backing slowly toward the door with a determined effort to not appear as if he was fleeing. “Tell me something, love ... what exactly did you think would happen when I said I’d spend time with the boy for the day? ... Pirate.” 
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piraticalarchive · 7 years
[ chin ] for your muse to gently grab my muses chin.
The touch was unexpected, the sensation of gentle fingers along his jawline one he hadn’t experienced for 28 bloody years .. and the fact that it was Emma Swan doing it ...
Bloody hell.
Blue eyes lingered on the woman’s face as she held him there, rough fingers moving upwards to eventually rest against her own. The ocean roared behind him, the waves crashing on the beach in a rousing crescendo that the once pirate could only believe was meant for him. The sea was a fickle lover ... and she hated others stealing his attention.
Things had been going rather badly (aye, that was a way to put it) and the dawning realization that they and the lad might fail - that there may not have been a truly definitive plan to topple Regina ... it left a grip around his heart that threatened to crush with every breath.
“ He’s out there.” Head gestured to the town behind Emma’s back, fingers pulling hers away as he allowed himself a rueful grin. “And my ships out there .. “ He nodded once to the docks, blue eyes lingering on them in thought before turning back to the lass’ face. “And neither are in my reach.” 
The Savior.
“ Aye, I’m afraid you and that lad of yours have got your work cut out for you, love”
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piraticalarchive · 7 years
@whoneedsfairygodmothers liked for a starter
“ Emma ... “
Her name was a sigh, breath catching in the back of his throat at the touch of fingers along his arm. His bag was in the chair by the front door - his phone tucked carefully inside, forever emblazoned with the messages he had sent to his latest distraction. He had said things he had never expected to tell anyone, had never expected to feel .. and as the Irishman finally turned to face the woman behind him, he smiled sadly, only momentarily surprised at the absence of guilt.  
Blue eyes darted over to the living room, one brow rising at the expletive let out by the lad no doubt deeply involved in another one of his video games. This was his life at the moment - it was time to don the mask and play his part once more. Turning back to Emma, Killian smiled once again, wrapping one arm about her shoulder as lips pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. 
“Apologies, love ... I suppose me work just got the better of me tonight.” Teeth chewed on the inside of one lip as he stepped forward, leading her into the room with Henry and away from the phone ever present in his thoughts. His fingers itched, yearning to type out another message to the man on the other end - but instead he flexed his palm into a fist, listening to the satisfying pop of knuckles as his other hand gentle squeezed the nape of his girlfriend’s neck; expression sliding into a mask of contentment. Only you, Emma Swan. You’re the only one I’ll ever need.
“ What were you saying?”
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piraticalarchive · 8 years
“Will you please tell me who did this to you?”
“ Its nothing, Swan. Just - “
Brows furrowed in a scowl as the pirate shifted, raising himself up to stand on shaky legs. Hs naked left wrist stuck out like a sore bloody thumb and Hook scowled further, gritting his teeth against a sudden rush of desperate frustration. He had been daft to get that drunk ... to think that some part of their planned little mutiny hadn’t somehow found its way to Regina ... and now they were both going to pay the bloody price.
“ Apologies, lass. I - “   Teeth bit at his lip, eyes flickering from her face to the asphalt below their feet. He had failed ... and now his heart was sinking at the prospect of what getting curved steel back once more might entail... like a bloody coward. “ It - It was Regina.” Palm pressed against his chest, seeking the steady thumping of his heart? Could he feel it? Was it indeed still his own? Voice cracked in desperation as fingers moved to curl around her wrist, tugging slightly in his insistence. She had just started trusting him, had only recently began bloody finally opening up ... to have something such as this happen - bloody hell. She would think he planned it, that he had somehow ran the risk of being caught for his own nefarious purposes and Hook grimaced at the thought, willing her to believe him with every ounce of strength he had. “ I’m sorry, love. I don’t know what she could have wanted - “
Eyes widened in sudden thought as it struck him - the image of the lad Emma had entrusted into his care popping into the forefront of his vision. Bloody hell. Henry. “ I don’t - The lad... is he with you?”
The damned woman was going to bloody kill him.
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piraticalarchive · 8 years
Swan (continued from x)
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For just a moment there was a complete absence of thought in her head, only a quiet hum that she felt as much as heard, along with the rapid beat of her heart against her ribs. She realized only after the fact that the hum had come from her, a sound far too close to genuine pleasure for her own personal comfort.
Dipping her head to hide the blush that she could feel spreading across her cheeks, Emma cleared her throat and gave Killian a sideways glance, one corner of her mouth twitching as if a smile threatened to break through despite her best efforts to control it.
“That was…I…um…” She paused, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear self-consciously, face still flushed. “Are you feeling alright?”
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He stepped backwards as she spoke, opening up the slightest bit of distance between them and raising one brow in appreciation of her sudden ... modesty. The former pirate had come to recognize emma Swan as being many things and bashful was not one of them ... a fact that made lips curve upwards in a smirk of relish.
‘ Aye, love ... why do you ask?’
Teeth chewed at the edge of one lip as he regarded her carefully, doing his best to hold back the laughter he could feel building within lest she turn tail and run. He stepped forward, closing the distance once more as curved steel reached for a strand of hair on her shoulder, gently brushing it off. 
‘ Apologies, Swan ... perhaps I simply like watching you squirm. Revenge, I hear, is quite the bloody compensation. ‘
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piraticalarchive · 8 years
@whoneedsfairygodmothers liked for a thing
“ Careful, Swan.”
The words were hissed through clenched teeth, meant to slow the woman in front of him lest she get them both caught. The moon overhead cast a bright light over the docks and Hook shifted, pressing himself closer against the rough brick at his back as a means of staying out of sight. 
Bloody hell.
He wasn’t the least bit sure of what they were doing, was even more skeptical of the reason he was following such a bloody lunatic in the first place ... but Emma had sworn it was something she needed to do, something she needed to see ... and Hook would be damned if he let her go at it alone.
“ Swan, Swan...” Teeth chewed at the inside of one cheek as the muscles along his neck and jaw clenched in frustration. She was gone, hurrying over the docks to whatever destination had tickled her fancy ... and the pirate groaned as he took the only option left to him: to give chase.
Curved steel hooked around one belt loop as he got closer, pulling her into the shadows once more; voice rising with increased incredulity.
“Tell me something, love ... have you completely lost your mind? What part of The Evil Queen needs explaining for you? Do you think she’s just going to bloody hand you a candied apple and thank you for blowing her secrets?”
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“Emma? Its me. I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” Maybe he did need a life alert contraption.
@whoneedsfairygodmothers s.c
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