#wholistic magic box
damian-lil-babybat · 1 year
So what do DC fans do when they are six-feet down frustrated with DC's decisions..they make fix-it headcanons and fanarts! (Only Wayne Family Adventures can save us, apparently...huhuhu, I was so hopeful for DC Dawn but it has to happen)
Sooooo, here's a suggestion, one major problem of DC is the Robin Mantle.
We have Tim Drake, who with the ambiguous ending of his Robin run '(2022) Tim Drake: Robin', he said he doesn't want to be Batman, nor Robin?? So is this a call out of his possible new path? But come on, he is still very active in Batman donning his Robin Suit, so maybe it's just the usual 'finding your own path' narrative of a Robin while still doing the status quo.
Aand Damian Wayne has just finished his Lazarus Tournament Arc phase on the '(2021) Robin' series, and has made up with Batman (in Lazarus Planet Event), and has rightfullly refused the offer of both his mother and father to follow their footsteps.
So now having known what we know...it is simple. DC should just hammered in the difference of the two, coz they are very very different strengths and flaws NOW. (It has always been, but their skillsets were practically interchangeable, with Tim having the edge of experience, wholistically-trained with a cool head but is insecure, and Dami having talent for the job but is overconfident and has a temper and trust issues).
But now, Dami has been hinted heavily to have 'magic' in his blood. This should be a big deal.
I mean, what is stopping DC in making Damian the Robin who focuses on the magical and voodoo cases of Gotham?
It would not only let the two Robins continue to operate with Batman, it would make them have separate jurisdiction on Batman's case files, with Tim helping Batman on his usual detective work, and Damian learning more of his powers, building immunity (coz how many times has been that he was used by demons, devils, and dark forces of the multiverses, like srsl? Batman, this is a literal threat to everyone and this is not even a discussion in your training book?). Also different specialization makes it easier for the two to find and ground themselves again. Like, it has been high-time to have one resident-batfam who focuses mainly on THAT, aside from Azrael. And with Azrael being the Angel of Death, and Dami being the grandson of the Demon Head, the tandem and potential is there?? Hopefully, it is still Michael Lane, coz having an underground trained-to-be-Batman's-replacement who eventually got insance and became Bat-Devil only to convert into a lliteral incarnation of an Angel....the parallel>>>to DAMI? So good. The resurrection and salvation bit for the two would be so nice to put in comics.
Hecck, Dami training under Constantine and Zatanna woould be sick.
And it doesn't have to make Damian more OP with magic on his arsenal. It could simply just his magical powers are limited to immunity from the dark arts (coz he trained the fuck out of it, *intro, training montage). So he is still a badass mini-Batman but just highly trained against the supernatural. (IF this happened, please don't let this be his whole personality coz it'll boxed Dami in a one-trick pony, that's why it should be just immunity/dispell skills...or a one-off channeling of his superpowers when he resurrected before...the possibilities are nice to play with. Just give him a flaw...like he can study on academic levels the magics but he cannot sense them the way a magically-gifted person could).
And this is only until Tim Drake finds his own superhero-persona. Coz 'til now, there's no organic way for Tim to move forward to.
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So we have the colorful Robin, and the monochromed Robin. I say, let's return Red Robin to Tim, and make Damian the White Robin...
...or Dark Robin, or Bat Robin...but they all sound like the DC Metalverse Robin Versions, so I still lean in to 'White Robin' coz they are rare and is good call-out when he got resurrected and was in all white clothes.
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Also when Damian first appeared, he was in a black and white overall which could easilly be interpreted how he is blanced on the weighing scale on good and bad. Now, he is good, just that, he does not let his father, or anyone at that matter, dictate the colors he would wear...he is still figuring it out, after all.
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A sweet witch took a photo of props from the First Lady and the Halloween Box :) The Moptus Potion was in the First Lady and is an extremely dangerous potion. One can see the future or loose eyesight ! The Chelidonia Miniscula was sized from Malfoy Manor and is a dangerous poison ... of course, from the Halloween Box The black candle was for Halloween and is engrave with Hogwarts seal 🌚 The wand in the background was crafted by Archibalde Mede ;) a special prop from the Potterverse for Halloween 👻 Lastly, we found the Wishk Dreamer, a mysterious object from Borgin & Burkes !
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J'ai enfin reçu ma Wholistic Magic Box de la campagne de financement participatif Wholistic Wizards. Et bien c'est bien cool ! Moi être contente. On a deux fiches de révisions de Minerva McGonnagal 4 badges, deux ronds et deux carrés. Deux étiquettes à bouteilles Bierraubeurre. Deux étiquettes à bagages pour rejoindre Poudlard. Une lettre manuscrite sur un joli papier et sa jolie enveloppe. Une fiole de « Potion pour voir le futur » et une fiole de Poudre de cheminette. Le prospectus du Ministère de la magie pour les échanges interscolaires. Un t-shirt « Vigilence constante » Je n'ai pas voulu dérouler le poster du MACUSA parce que j'avais peur de ne pas le ré-enroulé correctement. Et comme je ne l'afficherais sûrement que dans mon appartement, ce serait dommage de l'abîmer avant.
Résultat des courses : Ce qui faut se dire avant de lire le pavé c'est que je suis plutôt contente de mon investissement bien qu'un brin déçue. Mais c'est un début, un financement assuré de justesse et puis c'est un jeune projet.
La totalité m'a coûté 42€. J'avais envie de soutenir un projet à la fois Français, sur mon fandom préféré et artisanal. C'était réellement tout bénéf donc le prix me semblait cohérent.
Mais, c'est pas tout à fait ce à quoi je m'attendais. En effet, en voyant les photos présentes sur le site ou sur la campagne de financement, je m'attendais à des objets fais à la main par des artisans. C'est probablement le cas de l'imprimeur qui a du faire les goodies et le t-shirt. Je suis plutôt déçue par les fioles. En les voyant je m'étais dis que c'était peut-être une recette X ou Y de l'univers façon « préparation pour cocktail » ou autre. Ou bien quelque chose de réellement... utile. Là il s'agit simplement de deux fioles à poser sur une étagère.
En dehors du Crowdfunding, la box coûte 33€. Si on fait le décompte finalement, la box seule ne contient que : le prospectus du Ministère de la magie, les deux fiches de révision, les deux étiquettes à bagages, les deux fioles, le poster et le t-shirt. Et j'ai totalement conscience du prix que ça peut coûter, d'autant que les papiers et les finitions sont belles et que le t-shirt à l'air solide.
En vrai, je m'attendais à un partenariat avec un artisan français qui aurait réalisé un objet décoratif en bois / cuir / tissue / autre qui aurait pu figurer dans un salon. Je m'attendais à une gravure sur bois d'une citation, d'une scène, d'une infographie sur x ou y chose de HP (ce genre de tableau qu'il y a beaucoup sur leur site / projet kickstarter : https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/…/b72c2b3c56e2d110537a77ee1d6eb9e… ) ou même un simple cadre un peu gravé. Une sculpture d'un animal fantastique, petit format. Ou je sais pas, un partenariat avec un artiste qui aurait pu réaliser une image spécialement pour Wholistic Wizards qui aurait pu être sérigraphier sur quelque chose. Sincèrement je sais pas exactement, et je suis persuadée que ça aurait probablement coûter plus cher. Je suppose que je sous estime complètement ce genre de projet mais voilà.
Verdict : les goodies sont biens sympas, je saurais jamais quoi en faire mais c'est cool xD La présentation est vraiment soignée, la lettre est super jolie, le papier explicatif est cool aussi. En soit c'est un joli produit de qualité. Box Harry Poter : Check. Réalisation française : Check. Réalisation artisanale : Bof.
BREF. Je ne sais pas si je prendrais la prochaine box pour l'instant mais, j'y reviendrais parce que je suis sûre que le projet va se développer et devenir plus gros et, donc, plus intéressant dans le contenu ! :D (Bon en vrai l'arrivée de cette m'a donné le smile et je suis comme une gamine après Noël donc prenez pas ma critique trop à coeur Wholistic Wizards u_u)
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Nature Persists: Embodying Nature’s Magic For Urban Well-Being
I delivered a workshop at an amazing black-owned pecsatarian and vegetarian food spot called KataKata on Brixton Hill, South London, on an August Sunday afternoon. The weather was patchy, which allowed me  the peculiarly experience of the garden at the back to have the fullness of Nature’s possibilities present - a cool UK breeze rustling the leaves in the trees, sun beams breaking through the branches and mists of drizzly rain fall that mimicked that of a rain forest.
Nature Persists is a workshop I devised to explore KataKata’s  flourishing new community garden as stimulus to ignite your intuition and spark the imagination for radical well-being. This can be achieved by reconnecting with the body with its a few elements of its defence against urban energy drain.
The focus is not so much the biology of white blood cell and the immune system, but more on how taking care of the mind by listening to the body and how it hears nature, gives us better odds of caretaking of the body. Let me explain.
City dwelling is notorious for causing high stress levels and major causes of anxiety. 
The body can be compared to an antenna and memory bank - it picks up and holds positive and negative energies. Where the mind is brilliant is when it protects the body from the shock of relentless noise and toxicity. It tells the brain to tell the body disconnect or disassociate from the overwhelming nervous energy that triggered by aggressive urban environments. Any disconnection from it denies us access to the body's inner wisdom to heal and maintain a healthy personal balance. 
Nature also competes for space to be. 
Trees and plant life are social beings living with intelligent root systems exchanging nutrients with neighbouring trees to help them out. But trees and plant life can also go into shock when they are young planted in harsh highly polluted areas. They need tending to and local councils have tree officers especially for this caretaking. 
However, despite the discouraging conversations around how difficult it can be to live in cities, human nature and plant life persists, pushes through. It creates the cracks through the tarmac, through the brickwork, and it does not passively wait for cracks in the concrete to appear, or sneak out through the gaps in paving stones.
"Creativity is the immune system of the mind."
Using creative prompts an curated art rich oracle cards to stimulate wonder, play, creative/poetic writing, photography and sketching, participants are guided to tune into their intuition and  view the body as a wholistic vessel that can hold the duality of nature and the man-made environment.
This exploration session creates a space where participants can park their city living hyper-vigilance for a more subtle (and suppressed) set of instincts that respond to the tune and call of nature. Participants are guided toward being more ‘heart open’, to revert back to the 3 of the 5 senses, to close their eyes and go into the primal senses of hearing, smell and touch. Finding balance between the extremes of these realities builds a flexibility and resilience that can be nurtured/cultivated to find a sense of peace of 21st century city dwelling.
Undoubtably, there is nothing like having blooming green space, fantastic views that stretching into beautiful horizons and being able to ground oneself next to a large body of water. But many of us do not have the luxury of this. Many only have access to allotments, maybe a house plant, maybe a flower box on a balcony. But the point is to be able to tune in to a side of yourself that recognises that we are made of the same stuff of plants, trees, flowers, the Earth…
Nature Persists: Embodying Nature’s Magic For Urban Well-Being @ Katakata -  was a Poet’s Tarot Corner Creative Session for Come We Grow Sustainability, Performance, Permaculture, and Creativity event. This event is the brainchild of Ian “KMT” Solomon Kawall, The Freedom Teacher, Musican, Rapper Mentor, Gardener and founder of  May Project Gardens.
Nature Persists is also looking at ways of embracing technology as a tool to aid the facilitation of this connection between nature, humans and the urban environment.
Using guided meditation, creative prompts and tasks that can be shared amongst a group online, Nature Persists creates space to cultivate, nurture, and maintain a sense of community that engages in discussion around reconnecting with nature, well-being and the relationship we have with the urban environment. 
Created innovative online platforms allow participants  to ground inspired by nature, to develop a strong trust their intuition about what taking care of the emotional, mental, and spiritual self means, as well as learn strategies on how to take care of the city-bound body.
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fesahaawit · 8 years
My Accidental Side Hustle: Making Frozen Meals!
[Got another one for our Side Hustle Series today! This one comes to you from Dan and his wife of PenniesAndDollars.com who stumbled across a great opportunity by putting themselves out there and really just being *nice*. Two magical ingredients that can take you pretty far in life :) Hope this inspires other food lovers and cooks out there!]
My wife and I make 5 frozen meals a week for $100.
We never set out to make this a side hustle. A friend of ours recently had a baby, so we made her a (free) frozen meal to help her out in the first couple days, and it turned out she really liked our cooking!
My wife was originally looking to do some baking on the side for money, but when she reached out to friends and family it didn’t seem like any of them were really that interested. However, the friend that had previously liked our frozen meal said right away that she’d be willing to buy more meals from us! Both her and her husband work full time and have 3 kids, and they just don’t have the time or energy to make dinners themselves.
My wife and I are such cheapskates that it just blows our minds that someone would be willing to pay to have meals made for us!
But after asking our friend several times if she was serious about the service, and receiving an absolute affirmative each time, we settled on $20 a meal.
How It Works
Each week, we offer 5 meal options. Almost every week, she’s chosen all 5 options. A few times one won’t sound good, so she’ll ask us to make a double batch of a different one instead.
We have all the meals ready by Sunday, and then she swings by and picks them up, or we drop them off at her place depending on what’s more convenient at the time.
This hustle really works out well for everyone. Our friend gets a home cooked meal every day of the (work) week, and we make some side money in the process. We also make the meals big enough for her family so that there’s always leftovers for lunch the next day, although apparently her husband likes to do a second supper at midnight :)
Our schedules are all over the place, but since we give ourselves a whole week to make the meals, we can whip one up whenever our schedule allows. And whenever we make her a meal, we usually just make a double batch so we that we have one for ourselves too with little additional effort!
The Types of Meals We Offer
We try and keep a good variety of meal options coming for her, which has actually been a good exercise in broadening our own cooking and eating horizons too! We’ve gotten out of the pasta and casserole rut now, and are currently trying out Chinese cooking (or Chinese ‘inspired’ cooking) for the first time with some sweet and sour chicken balls and orange chicken. I’m looking forward to giving chimichangas a shot next! The recipe looks easy, but we’ll see.
We’ve also asked her to give us a 1-5 rating each week so we know what to offer again. Maybe she’s being a little too kind with her reviews, but 26 of the meals so far have come back as a ‘5’, four came back as a ‘4’, two as a ‘3’, and two as a ‘1.’ Since so many of the meals come back as 5, we don’t re-offer anything less than a 5 now.
Keeping Everything Easy Prep
Before our friend started buying meals from us, she had gone through a company that offered a similar service. Her biggest complaint with them was that they still had her doing some of the prep at home.
From a culinary standpoint, I definitely understand why they had her do this. Some parts of meal prep almost have to be done right before it’s time to eat. But I also understand why she didn’t like this. If she’s paying $20 for a meal, it’s completely reasonable for her to expect 100% pre-prep, and no dishes!
With this in mind, we have turned every meal into a casserole or something that can be reheated in a casserole dish. This way we can package it in a disposable aluminum 9×13, and all she needs to do is throw it in the oven and thaw it out. Once she’s done, the 9×13 can go into the trash. The only exception is the soups, where we’ve frozen them in the bag and she does need to get one of her pots dirty.
How Much We Make
While we bring home $100 a week for these meals (5 x $20), of course it’s not pure profit as we have the expenses of the food. Our goal is to at least make $10/hr of profit though, so we try to stick with meals that cost less than $10 to make in under one hour or less.
We’re paying Midwest food prices and not New York food prices though, so sticking to the $10 food cost is fairly easy. We did make some chicken spinach artichoke lasagne the other day that did cost $15 with all cheese and special ingredients (and took over an hour), but that was averaged out by the Mexican soup that cost $6 (beans are a cheap filler) and barely any time at all. Each meal also costs an additional 50 cents for the disposable casserole pan. Leave a comment if you know where to get them cheaper – .50 a shot adds up!
(Editor’s note: I wonder if you could just invest in some nice solid containers that you can just have her return each week to not only save $$$ in the long run, but also the environment? I feel like that wouldn’t be too much trouble for anyone? Maybe give her a box to throw them all into too that’s completely sealable so she doesn’t have to smell or clean anything, haha…)
Also, some of the prep time doesn’t require our full attention. While we’re boiling pasta, for example, we can take 5 minutes to do a few dishes or start work on another meal. Furthermore, since we usually end up with a meal for ourselves as well, it is often time we’d spend on meal prep anyway. And if our hourly pay is low some weeks, the flexibility of the gig still makes it well worth it in the end.
All told, we typically spend $40-$50 of the $100 on buying her share of the groceries. We started this gig at the beginning of this year, and so far have just put all the profit back towards our own groceries allowing us to not have to tap our own grocery budget at all. We have been drawing down our pantry a little though, so we’ll see what happens there.
Is It Scalable?
We’ve discussed growing this side hustle by advertising for more customers, but for now we’ve decided to just stick with our one friendly customer. Scaling it into a ‘proper’ business requires pursuing licensing and needing a separate kitchen along with all other kinds of costs and requirements, and that’s not something we’re interested in at the moment.
Can Anyone Do This?
If you have some spare time anywhere in the week and know how to cook, you can probably do this gig too. You do need enough freezer space to store 5 casseroles though, and as an FYI you can’t stack them (or anything else on top of them) as you’ll then tear the aluminum cover.
When you’re just starting out, you’ll probably want to find customers among people you already know who won’t care that your kitchen isn’t licensed and inspected, though obviously you still need to use common sense and keep everything clean and all the food safe. Your friends might also be more open and tolerant as you figure out what works and what doesn’t when starting out. On the other hand, a stranger might be more honest in rating your meals. And if your meals don’t actually taste that good, you’ll avoid pissing off a friend by selling them subpar meals at $20 a piece!
For us, finding a customer just took a single Facebook post. It may be that easy for you, or you may need to turn to Craigslist or classifieds. Just keep your ears open, and next time you hear someone complaining about meal prep, jump in and make them an offer!
****** Dan Palmer aims to take a wholistic approach to personal finance by blogging about everything from the underlying ‘why’ of personal finance, the every-day nitty-gritty hacks of frugal living, and the ‘how’ of investing and growing your wealth. You can find him at penniesanddollars.com.
Editor’s Note: For all those who do like cooking for themselves, a friend of mine recently launched a meal plan service that helps with planning cheap meals if anyone’s interested… It’s called “$5.00 Meal Plan” and they’ll email you a weekly meal plan that contains ten recipes to make each week. The plans are easy to prepare, don’t use exotic ingredients, and will cost you less than $5 a meal if you plan and use coupons. More info can be found here: 5DollarMealPlan.com.
***Enjoy reading about side hustles?*** Check out the 68 others we’ve featured over the years! :)
My Accidental Side Hustle: Making Frozen Meals! posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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heliosfinance · 8 years
My Accidental Side Hustle: Making Frozen Meals!
[Got another one for our Side Hustle Series today! This one comes to you from Dan and his wife of PenniesAndDollars.com who stumbled across a great opportunity by putting themselves out there and really just being *nice*. Two magical ingredients that can take you pretty far in life :) Hope this inspires other food lovers and cooks out there!]
My wife and I make 5 frozen meals a week for $100.
We never set out to make this a side hustle. A friend of ours recently had a baby, so we made her a (free) frozen meal to help her out in the first couple days, and it turned out she really liked our cooking!
My wife was originally looking to do some baking on the side for money, but when she reached out to friends and family it didn’t seem like any of them were really that interested. However, the friend that had previously liked our frozen meal said right away that she’d be willing to buy more meals from us! Both her and her husband work full time and have 3 kids, and they just don’t have the time or energy to make dinners themselves.
My wife and I are such cheapskates that it just blows our minds that someone would be willing to pay to have meals made for us!
But after asking our friend several times if she was serious about the service, and receiving an absolute affirmative each time, we settled on $20 a meal.
How It Works
Each week, we offer 5 meal options. Almost every week, she’s chosen all 5 options. A few times one won’t sound good, so she’ll ask us to make a double batch of a different one instead.
We have all the meals ready by Sunday, and then she swings by and picks them up, or we drop them off at her place depending on what’s more convenient at the time.
This hustle really works out well for everyone. Our friend gets a home cooked meal every day of the (work) week, and we make some side money in the process. We also make the meals big enough for her family so that there’s always leftovers for lunch the next day, although apparently her husband likes to do a second supper at midnight :)
Our schedules are all over the place, but since we give ourselves a whole week to make the meals, we can whip one up whenever our schedule allows. And whenever we make her a meal, we usually just make a double batch so we that we have one for ourselves too with little additional effort!
The Types of Meals We Offer
We try and keep a good variety of meal options coming for her, which has actually been a good exercise in broadening our own cooking and eating horizons too! We’ve gotten out of the pasta and casserole rut now, and are currently trying out Chinese cooking (or Chinese ‘inspired’ cooking) for the first time with some sweet and sour chicken balls and orange chicken. I’m looking forward to giving chimichangas a shot next! The recipe looks easy, but we’ll see.
We’ve also asked her to give us a 1-5 rating each week so we know what to offer again. Maybe she’s being a little too kind with her reviews, but 26 of the meals so far have come back as a ‘5’, four came back as a ‘4’, two as a ‘3’, and two as a ‘1.’ Since so many of the meals come back as 5, we don’t re-offer anything less than a 5 now.
Keeping Everything Easy Prep
Before our friend started buying meals from us, she had gone through a company that offered a similar service. Her biggest complaint with them was that they still had her doing some of the prep at home.
From a culinary standpoint, I definitely understand why they had her do this. Some parts of meal prep almost have to be done right before it’s time to eat. But I also understand why she didn’t like this. If she’s paying $20 for a meal, it’s completely reasonable for her to expect 100% pre-prep, and no dishes!
With this in mind, we have turned every meal into a casserole or something that can be reheated in a casserole dish. This way we can package it in a disposable aluminum 9×13, and all she needs to do is throw it in the oven and thaw it out. Once she’s done, the 9×13 can go into the trash. The only exception is the soups, where we’ve frozen them in the bag and she does need to get one of her pots dirty.
How Much We Make
While we bring home $100 a week for these meals (5 x $20), of course it’s not pure profit as we have the expenses of the food. Our goal is to at least make $10/hr of profit though, so we try to stick with meals that cost less than $10 to make in under one hour or less.
We’re paying Midwest food prices and not New York food prices though, so sticking to the $10 food cost is fairly easy. We did make some chicken spinach artichoke lasagne the other day that did cost $15 with all cheese and special ingredients (and took over an hour), but that was averaged out by the Mexican soup that cost $6 (beans are a cheap filler) and barely any time at all. Each meal also costs an additional 50 cents for the disposable casserole pan. Leave a comment if you know where to get them cheaper – .50 a shot adds up!
(Editor’s note: I wonder if you could just invest in some nice solid containers that you can just have her return each week to not only save $$$ in the long run, but also the environment? I feel like that wouldn’t be too much trouble for anyone? Maybe give her a box to throw them all into too that’s completely sealable so she doesn’t have to smell or clean anything, haha…)
Also, some of the prep time doesn’t require our full attention. While we’re boiling pasta, for example, we can take 5 minutes to do a few dishes or start work on another meal. Furthermore, since we usually end up with a meal for ourselves as well, it is often time we’d spend on meal prep anyway. And if our hourly pay is low some weeks, the flexibility of the gig still makes it well worth it in the end.
All told, we typically spend $40-$50 of the $100 on buying her share of the groceries. We started this gig at the beginning of this year, and so far have just put all the profit back towards our own groceries allowing us to not have to tap our own grocery budget at all. We have been drawing down our pantry a little though, so we’ll see what happens there.
Is It Scalable?
We’ve discussed growing this side hustle by advertising for more customers, but for now we’ve decided to just stick with our one friendly customer. Scaling it into a ‘proper’ business requires pursuing licensing and needing a separate kitchen along with all other kinds of costs and requirements, and that’s not something we’re interested in at the moment.
Can Anyone Do This?
If you have some spare time anywhere in the week and know how to cook, you can probably do this gig too. You do need enough freezer space to store 5 casseroles though, and as an FYI you can’t stack them (or anything else on top of them) as you’ll then tear the aluminum cover.
When you’re just starting out, you’ll probably want to find customers among people you already know who won’t care that your kitchen isn’t licensed and inspected, though obviously you still need to use common sense and keep everything clean and all the food safe. Your friends might also be more open and tolerant as you figure out what works and what doesn’t when starting out. On the other hand, a stranger might be more honest in rating your meals. And if your meals don’t actually taste that good, you’ll avoid pissing off a friend by selling them subpar meals at $20 a piece!
For us, finding a customer just took a single Facebook post. It may be that easy for you, or you may need to turn to Craigslist or classifieds. Just keep your ears open, and next time you hear someone complaining about meal prep, jump in and make them an offer!
****** Dan Palmer aims to take a wholistic approach to personal finance by blogging about everything from the underlying ‘why’ of personal finance, the every-day nitty-gritty hacks of frugal living, and the ‘how’ of investing and growing your wealth. You can find him at penniesanddollars.com.
Editor’s Note: For all those who do like cooking for themselves, a friend of mine recently launched a meal plan service that helps with planning cheap meals if anyone’s interested… It’s called “$5.00 Meal Plan” and they’ll email you a weekly meal plan that contains ten recipes to make each week. The plans are easy to prepare, don’t use exotic ingredients, and will cost you less than $5 a meal if you plan and use coupons. More info can be found here: 5DollarMealPlan.com.
***Enjoy reading about side hustles?*** Check out the 68 others we’ve featured over the years! :)
My Accidental Side Hustle: Making Frozen Meals! published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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The Halloween Box is coming soon :D
What do you think is this for?
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Clue #2 - what do you think this is ? It’s in the Halloween Box and if you missed it - now is the time to order one - they won’t last long !
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An American witch took this photo of the Halloween Box. Borgin & Burkes were the stars and it was fun to make wands with certificate of authenticity ;)
Now, imagine what we planned for the Xmas box ...
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Halloween is already gone and it’s time to look forward to the Holiday Season 🌲 Don’t wait to secure your #XmasBox - we will be shipping early December! You can always consider a Wholistic Box for another Potterhead of your knowing, people say it makes a perfect gift for our kind: unique and original 🎁 www.wholisticwizards.com
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For the 19 days, Poudlard.org hold a giveaway for all potterheads who wanted to expose photos of crafted ( or not ) items. 
The winner would get a Wholistic Box :)
There’s a selection of participants and the winning photo :D Poudlard.org is a french website for all the french-speaking potterheads over the world. It is a nice website with a forum too, we are happy to be partners with them.
Congrats to everyone who participated !
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The FIRST Wholistic Box aka the First Lady :D
We saw photos and reviews from the lucky firsts who received it :)
Inside they discovered :
4 badges - 2 squared and 2 rounded. They have something more than any other badges around, they have a "matte" look and a soft touch. It feels like velvet. It makes them stand out :) Designs that are subtle but still fun and easily recognizable. The square ones got more love - either because people remember Zonko or because they all want to be "Extremely Dangerous" ...
As promised in the kickstarter campaign, the box contains :
2 Butterbeer labels. The one that has been stolen ( let's not talk about that now ) and one more: special Broomsticks butterbeer. On textured paper combined with the old-looking graphics, these labels give any bottle the look of true butterbeer forgotten in a cave.
2 Hogwarts Express tags : good for everyone. Just what most of them needed before going on vacations. After all, it is a tag for leaving Hogwarts. 2 tags for luggage and backpacks. Look for the Hogwarts Express logo on the back !
2 notecards from Professor McGonagall : her notes on Arithmancy and Astronomy ... As you may know, a Hogwarts teacher goes to each Muggle-born so they know what is happening after receiving their Hogwarts Letter ...
McGonagall surely has those notes to briefly explain some school subjects. Signed by her with a small Hogwarts crest in the bottom, the notes couldn't be more real. The back of each card is printed with the design from the front, without notes. They are beautiful and were well received.
2 posters of the MACUSA ... Posters from the circa 1920 - when it was important for American witches and wizards to not be seen by no-majs and the American government would watch over every magical being. 2 posters for 2 different tones.
As the last paper craft, an exclusive item from the Potterverse : the DAEDALUS Program is a big 3-fold from the International Congress of Wizards. They offer to study abroad for a year. Inside are presentations of different schools along with specificities relating to each of them. On the back, a word for parents and students on the seriousness of the program :D
2 potions were also delivered in the Wholistic Box : the Moptus Potion and a Long Distance Floo Powder ! Both have the look and feel of curiosity cabinet and could come from Barjow & Burkes or Snape's shelves.
Secret ingredients and strange writings on the labels. Don't fear for your pets or to get poison in your sleep: good old Corks seal them.
Finally, to complete the box, 1 T-shirt we had already shown and ask for your opinion with Mad-Eye Moody moto : Constant Vigilance ! Don't be fool by the eye, it is not the same as the badge's one. It is Moody's eye ! And only “the-one-who-knows” will understand you wearing that t-shirt. :D
here : The Wholistic Box
photo : Wizards Halloween Party
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Busy Busy but Free Bees are here again !
Opus, our house elf ( unionized of course ... the french magical law won't allow it otherwise ) makes us work day and night on the Wholistic Box. Orders here, creations there, files verification to the left, confirmations to the right ...
Opus is uncompromising on quality. We know that you wait with impatience. 
While waiting why don't you change your wallpaper ? There are free ones at www.wholisticwizards.com/freebies.html
All wallpapers are 2560x1600 pixels :D
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We are often asked what's in the potions. Opus, our free house-elf, could answer this more easily than us but he's currently busy on the potion for the #XmasBox - it is bigger than usual and requires a subtle balanced between charm and ingredients ... what do you think it is? Anyway! Let's answer the question: what's in the potions? The Moptus potion ingredients are quite simple for a powerful potion. It is a delicate mix of mandrake powder, pieces of wild liquorice from Tropea, dried cloves from Koani and Dugbog hair. The potion is complete once a vanishing spell is cast at the last stage of brewing. It is important to cast the spell on a dark moon and to combine the ingredients in a dark room with very little light for 2 weeks and 3 hours. If all process is respected, the Moptus potion will grant visions of the future when inhaled. Be careful not to use it too often, the potion will grant visions but steal your eyesight in exchange ... Chelidonium Miniscula sized at Malfoy Manor is a dangerous poison. We don't know the effect or the specific process to create such a potion but we thought it was perfect for Halloween :) After lengthy research, we found that the Chelidonium Miniscula contains purple belladonna fruits collected when they are sweet, dandelion seeds picked from a graveyard, leaves of biting mustards and winter-egg yolks. The Ministry of Magic couldn't define which spell was used to consolidate the poison. Both potions are still available and are useful in every potion maker, potion master and potion professor supply. Opus really likes the Moptus potion and have one on display in his place!
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It’s Black Friday!
We are grateful for the support of the Potterheads community. With your support, we could launch the Wholistic Wizards and we hope to continue for a long run :)
We can’t do much since we haven’t completed a full year yet but to show our gratitude, we are offering 10% on all the Wizards Boutique from Black Friday to Cyber Monday. All weekend, get 10% off when completing your order, use the discount code NIFFLER. Yes, that means you can get the Wholistic Box with 10% off - if ever you were considering the XMas Box ...
Thank you all :)
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Looking for true vintage props from Harry Potter's Magical World? Try the Wholistic Box! www.wholisticwizards.com
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