hellphrog · 2 years
Taxi drivers are so nice. Like i cant speak for all of them but to go out and drive people places and deal with traffic and be nice about it and strike up a conversation. Like. Wow.
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lingerieluvva · 22 days
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Well she is just a lovely Asian fuckdoll with a sense of innocence. I decided to be just kind to her the first time so that she'd remember the nice man whogave her a first orgasm and the urge for more another time. My conquests seem to like my bushitting style
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aria0fgold · 6 months
AU EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT AND OHMUYGOUFUCKING GOD CAIN AND OEWEN AND SHYLOCK AND AJSSDFHRTTGTKB ojhmyggodd........ whogave who-- WHO--- whogave- ohmygod who gabvvve gave cain the right to smirk like this help me i cant yall...... losingmy mind yaaalllllllll ohnooooo owenh is so preetty too ohmygod
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bettyist · 9 months
guess whogave herself a fever over yellojackets
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mikesteeden · 21 days
A strange poem based upon a worn out man, a friend as it happens, whogave up living. For the record, I know he wouldn’t mind me penning this simply because he wanted to leave something, anything at the darkest hour. Please ignore his swear word.In active life he used it rather a lot!~ So whatis the any point of breathingwhen there’s fuck all to breath for?goodnight my ladies of the streetI’m…
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aunnokokyuu · 3 years
i love when love is compared to religion in media like… there’s something so breathtaking about the way an author writes how someone will turn their back on god for their lover. reject the highest entity in the world because they love someone so much they make them a god. give up an eternity in heaven to live a decade in sin or whatever. especially false religion like ‘i’ll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies’ ‘religion’s in your lips even if it’s a false god we’d still worship this love’ how even a fake religion is more worthy of worship and devotion because the god is their lover……..
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lifewithpiper · 7 years
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When you wake up from your nap looking like this! The sad part is both Darryl and I second guessed removing that book before her nap. #parentingishard #toddlermoment #whogave her a pen.
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user0126 · 3 years
Fuck it intro post
General bigot
Pro ED
Exclusively traumacore blog. For some reason it’s a trigger for me.
Porn blogs.
—- bio under the cut
I, our host, Cas, am a writer. My work can be found on Ao3 under the username “User0126”
We’re the Undead System/collective.
Because the Ghost System would’ve been to cliche
Be patient with us. We have tone issues from time to time. We may ask for tone indicators.
We’re an undiagnosed DID system of 13 (one is not named yet)
We also are:
Diagnosed ADHD
Semi diagnosed autism (the doc whogave the ADHD diagnosis said it was probable)
We use the collective pronouns they/them.
Syslist (only of those you’ll ever have a chance of seeing here)
Cas -
Host, they/he/ghost/void
Indie - she/they (don’t have a role, twins with Alaska)
Alaska - she/they (doesn’t have a role, twins with indie)
Cillian - she/they (physically nonverbal, loves to dance)
Ethan - he/him (introject, your local Italian) (Må fans don’t ask me shit please. IRL Ethan and system Ethan are very different people.)
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miaclemeverett · 3 years
whho the fucjgjk is cumulonumb whogav e you the rifught to come in here "burns like mint in your lungs" idONOT need to think aabt how painfully good YSWR is again,,.,.,...,
@cumulonumb what you said really resonated like
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honhonluigi · 3 years
As someone whogave your blog a cursory glance before, I didn’t get what you meant about Chiaki. But now that I’ve had to RP as her, I definitely see what you mean. I had to manufacture a personality and background for her myself because there was literally nothing to work with. I gave her flaws like naivete and holding grudges and a judgmental nature. People in my RP group loved her a lot because I gave them something to like instead of just being a ditz. I don’t hate her, but I get it now.
Yeah, I have to write as Chiaki a lot, and in order to make her even remotely interesting, I have to invent everything about her plot and personality. I mean, I've already gone into it before. She has nothing going on. There's nothing interesting to her. She has no flaws because she's a Mary Sue, and she has no personality traits because she's nothing but Waifu Bait, so...What is there to work with? Even the 'strengths' they give her don't make any sense. She's supposedly hopeful and kind but does nothing hopeful and actively does harmful and mean things to other characters throughout the games. She's supposedly super-smart but she only knew about the murders because she had access to Monomi's security cameras. So you can't even give her strengths. She just has nothing. She is nothing. She is a nothing character.
Man-- I don't even think she's a ditz. They don't go into her being silly or stupid enough for it to count. Because that would be-- *Gasp!* A flaw? For CHIAKI!? Couldn't be! She's just...overly cutesy. That's all. Forced 'cuteness' that's actually just annoying. I mean, if she was a ditz and her flaw was being absent-minded and stupid, I would like her better. I like ditzy characters like Angie and Gonta and even Sonia to a degree. If she was really pushed as a ditz, I'd probably think she was cute. Because then she'd have a flaw, and she wouldn't be toted as this all-perfect all-important character. But they try to make her act super cutesy and tired and dazed, and then turn around and try to have her be a super genius. It doesn't work. You can't have both. None of her traits make any sense. You can't give her strengths, flaws, weaknesses, or a personality because it all changes on a whim whenever the story feels like it, and it gets taken away and replaced by/contradicted by something else. And as far as personality goes? She wasn't given one at all. (It's because she's a Mary Sue and they want her to have all the 'cute waifu traits' and also all the 'strong smart important perfect heroic character' traits at the same time, even if those are mutually exclusive.)
Anyway, I like the flaws you've given her. I think those will be very interesting to work with. I give her my own flaws/plot, but I won't spoil it here.
But also, if you don't follow me, I'm not sure why you're here having deep conversations with me in my inbox. I mean, you do you buddy. I'm not gonna turn anyone away. I just don't see how my opinions would matter to you at all if you don't care about me/my stuff enough to follow me. Plus, I'd prefer if people gave my blog more than a cursory glance before they decided to make opinions about my opinions and criticisms. You really won't have a full understanding of where I'm coming from otherwise.
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hovercraft79 · 6 years
Are you still a multishipper for tww?
I am. I am primarily a fan of Hicsqueak,but I also enjoy Mumbroom, Starbroom, the PHB&J’s that I’ve read and Hackle. I’m loving the new young Gwen and Algie series by @emiline-northeto  Heck, if someone wanted to write an Ada/Pippa fic (couple name: Pickle), I’d probably give it a read. There are more than two ships in this sea.
However, due to recent events, I thinkyou are really asking me about the Hackle ship, so I’m going to address it in more detail. The short answer is yes, I still enjoy and can ship Hackle. Forthe long answer, keep reading below the cut. But be warned, Nonny, for below the cut there be spoilers, Hackle and a cauldron full of my own opinions about this season.
So, Brave Soul, you stuck around for the long answer. Good for you. Keep in mind that all of this is my own opinion,shaped and refined from viewing, many discussions with @hiccuphardbroom as well as what I’ve read from others. In fact, @marvellouslymadmim has posted a fantastic essay on the workings of insular societies and how this season reflects that. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do.
 Also, I’m delighted to hear what otherpeople think, whether you agree or disagree with me (just a note that I doteach government and civil discourse is a must - I have a lecture and I’m notafraid to use it, lol). Now, here we go:
Did the writers use some plot pointsthat could be problematic? Yes. I don’t think anyone is denying that. However,they left so many gaps in the storyline that a healthy, supportive relationshipbetween equals is not only possible, it is possible within canon. I’m not just blowing smoke with this, I’ve plotted the story in my head already. It wasn’t even hard to do. For the rest of my answer I’ve tried to organize my thoughts into three sections so you can skip anything you don’t care about.
The Confinement
What exactly was the punishment? Whogave it to her? How long was it meant to last? The show doesn’t explicitly say.We know she was confined for leaving the grounds and risking exposure to thenon-magical world. Was she immediately given a lifetime confinement or just one for while she was at school? Was she really confined for life or for 30 years? Or as long as Indigo was stone? Did Alma give her the first confinement? If this was the highest law at the time, that sounds like Magic Council business to me. The episode didn’t specify any of these things.
We know Hecate broke the Code again to get to Indigo, give her magic and bring her to the school. Did this involve Hecate leaving the grounds again, with the help of the Wishing Star? Was Hecate’s punishment extended when Indigo turned to stone? Seems to me like it would have been. However, Gwen ‘so you got a girl turned to stone’ Bat and the fact that Mirabelle knew the spell to undo it off the top of her head, makes me think that maybe that isn’t as big a deal to the witching world as it is to us. Was the confinement extended because she broke the Code again while she was essentially on probation for the first violation? Heck, yes, I think it was. I think that is where the lifetime confinement comes into play, but again, the show didn’t say so.
I don’t think for a minute that theheadmistress of a school would have the power to impose a lifetime confinement on anyone. Did the show say Alma couldn’t? No, that’s my opinion, but there’s not a single person in my school district with that kind of authority. Can a headmistress do that in the witching world? Maybe. Maybe not. Again, they didn’t bother to fill in that gap. Who handed out that punishment? I think the Great Wizard/Witch at the time and the Magic Council did.
Was confinement the only punishment on the table? I wonder. Hecate was already being confined when she broke the Code again. What if the next step was stripping her of her magic entirely? Is it possible that Alma Cackle isn’t the bad guy? Is it possible that somethingworse was going to happen to Hecate and she or someone at Cackle’s talked the Magic Council/Great Wizard into lessening the punishment to confinement? Yep. It’s possible, because the show doesn’t address any of that. Did Hecate’s parents agree to this? Abandon her? Fight to keep her magic? Have her taken away from them because they didn’t teach her better? Were they even alive? Who knows?The show acts like Hecate doesn’t even have parents.
Was Ada there when all of this happened? Again, the show didn’t say. She would have been in her 30’s, so could she have been one of Hecate’s teachers? Yes. Would that be a major problem if she was? Yes. Would it be the equivalent of the ‘aging Mildred up’ fics that sometimes pop up? To me, it would be, and I’ve been extremely clear on my views of that. BUT the show doesn’t say that Ada was there. Is it also possible that Ada was somewhere else? Yes. Ada grew up at Cackle’s and knew that she would never be able to do anything else once she took over. Could she have done something elsebetween college and Cackle’s? Yes! It’s canon that witches are extremely long-lived. Could their gap year actually be more of a gap decade? Could there be a whole bucket of fics about the adventures of young Ada? Yes! Could Ada have been teaching at another school to get outside experience? Absolutely yes! In fact, that’s how it actually works in education, in the states at least. One doesn’t typically become the principal of a school you taught at without getting outside experience first. It’s entirely possible within canon that Ada never even met Hecate until Hecate was an adult. Which brings me to the next bit…
Hecate’s Adulthood
What happened to Hecate once shegraduated? We know she became the potions teacher and deputy head, but that’s it. How did she get qualified for that? Hecate’s school record showed she went on to higher education. How? One of the writers mentioned correspondence courses in an answer to a question from @reginleif420 The books tell us she was tutored by Broomhead. Who paid? Being confined to Cackle’s would only mean thatAlma had to provide room and board. She could, and would I think, put Hecate to work to earn her keep and I think Hecate would have wanted to do that. That doesn’t mean sending her to college, though. Or that she would teach. She could have been a kitchen witch or groundskeeper.
Did Hecate even stay in the castle? Shewas confined to Cackle’s – but the academy’s grounds are extensive. Did she live in Darkwood Cottage? Hecate offered to go there with Ada, so it must have been on the grounds. Indigo was still on the grounds but in the forest. Could Hecate have been some sort of forest witch healer or recluse or whatever in the woods? Yes. Did she ask to work at Cackle’s? Did Ada seek her out? Did Alma offer her a teaching position? Did Alma treat her like a prisoner or like every other kid/staff member? It sounds more like Alma did what she could to make Hecate’s life asnormal as possible. Once again, we don’t know how that happened because the show didn’t tell us. Instead it left gaps waiting to be filled.
Why did Hecate go into potions? Why did she even want to go to college? I think she might have studied potions hoping to free Indigo, trying again and again for years. Becoming potions mistress at Cackle’s gave her access to the lab, ingredients and the library – a good way to keep trying to save Indigo.
How did she go about getting the job?Did Alma hire her? Did Ada once she took over? Did Hecate want it or was she talked into it? Did she have the ability to say no? I think she did – not being able to leave doesn’t take away every kind of agency she has. Was she already a teacher when Ada came back to Cackle’s? Maybe. It’s possible. Almost anything –good and bad – is possible here because there is so little in canon.
However Hecate got the job, we do know that she must have excelled at it. At some point, Hecate became the deputy headmistress and there is no logical reason for that if she was truly viewed as a prisoner by Alma or Ada – or any of the staff. Hecate doesn’t just have agency at Cackle’s, she has authority. When Ada is gone, she is in charge. How did that come about? We don’t know, but there’s no way someone viewed as a prisonerwould ever be put in that position. We know the staff trusts her. Ada trustsher. When something was wrong with Ada, Dimity went straight to Hecate. When Ada is feeling inadequate and down, it’s Hecate she listens to. It’s Hecate she trusts to save them when the castle is freezing. Are those the actions of people who see Hecate as a prisoner? Are those the actions of someone who sees herself as a prisoner? I don’t think so.
What about Hecate’s social life? We don’t know much from canon, but we do know that she attends staff nights and her company is welcome there. She has friends. We know that there are many other adults who work at Cackle’s but apparently don’t live on premises (who are all those other witches in the teacher’s lounge?). Does Hecate socialize – or even have romantic relationships with them? What about any other teachers that may have come and gone over the years? Are there friends or lovers there? Maybe. Allof that is possible. Is it possible that she wouldn’t be involved with anyonebecause of the confinement? Also, yes. She might not think she deserved it orthat it was fair to chain anyone to her. Would she cling to the people in thecastle because she had no options, or keep them at arm’s length as long as she was confined to the castle? Either one is possible. But here is where I willcut the writers a tiny bit of slack. I don’t think the writers intended to create a storyline where Hecate is a wretched husk of a woman who was kept aprisoner until she developed Stockholm syndrome. That’s just not something that’s part of a tv show aimed at 12 year-olds. Which leads me to the finalthought…
Lifting the confinement
Here is where I am most frustrated withhow the show portrayed events. The most important scene regarding this confinement happened off screen and there is no excuse for that. The episode also seemed to span more than one day, which leaves even more gaps. The first time we hear Hecate talk about leaving is with Gwen, but she has already made the decision and it’s happening. How is that?
When Ada lifts the spell, they have obviously already talked about it because Hecate interrupts Ada’s goodbye to tell her that she has changed her mind and isn’t going to leave after all. Also, everyone has changed clothes from the wedding, Julie is gone, and Algie mentions that it’s prizegiving and the end of term. The real proof for me that time has passed is that some sort of announcement has been made about Hecate’s departure. We know this because Dimity has claimed Hecate’s rooms, planned to redecorate, and already bought the paint.  Could all of this have happened on one day? It’s possible. Could it have happened over the course of a couple of days? Yep, much more likely, in fact.
What does this time frame mean? For starters, it opens the possibility that Ada or Hecate had to get permission from the Great Wizard or the Magic Council to lift the confinement. Was Ada able to do it? Yes. Did Ada have the authority to do it? It didn’t say. Was theconfinement tied to Indigo being stone? Maybe. Was it a set 30 years? Theythrew that number around a lot, so… maybe? But if Ada could do it whenever she wanted or whenever Hecate asked her to do it, why would there be a gap at all? That leads me to think that the decision to break the spell wasn’t totally up to Ada or Hecate.
I agree with @saltbroom that by the endof the season the whole confinement thing just feels like a throwaway plot device. It felt like a line tossed in to make the situation more dire in Bad Magic, even though nothing in previous seasons had indicated Hecate wasn’t free. It wasn’t mentioned again until the end of the season, and then 30 seconds are devoted to lifting it? It’s like one of the writers said ‘oh hey, we’ve still got Hardbroom confined. Should we maybe do something about that? Oh yeah! Forgot about that, have Ada say this.’ In my opinion, it had no purpose or meaning to anyone - not even Hecate, apparently for all it seemed to bother her. Do I want more explanation? Yes.
And there you have it, my rambling thoughts on the whole thing. As you can see, I have way more questions than I have answers about those gaps in the story. That’s why am I still shipping Hackle. Because I know that there are some incredibly talented writers who write for that ship and I have every confidence that theycan fill those gaps. And I can’t wait to read how they do it.
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mirrorballparkers · 5 years
my tik toks are so funny whogave me rights
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kingswoodhq · 6 years
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                                  “The party don’t start ‘till I walk in.”
I see everyone has made an effort with their costumes ( some more than others, alot more.) So far i’ve seen Lara Croft, Marylin Monroe, Robin Hood and even Where’s Waldo. As soon as the Penthouse in New York was full with enough students that was when our Birthday girl Max made her entrance dressed as the one and only Paris Hilton -- accompanied by Miss Windsor whogave us her version of Audrey Hepburn ( someone said that Max didn’t want to attempt the stairs alone, HA!) 
Anyway, now that you’re all here. The party may begin -- so please indulge yourself in the food prepared by a Michelin star chef and underage drink until your hearts content -- but please be careful, this is a penthouse suit remember and if you fall off the balcony, it wont be pretty. 
OOC INFO: The event starts now! I ask that you put any threads that you have on hold and start interacting at the party. Remember to tag your starters with KINGS:EVENT and have fun! The event will last from now until TUESDAY. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
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mikesteeden · 21 days
A strange poem based upon a worn out man, a friend as it happens, whogave up living. For the record, I know he wouldn’t mind me penning this simply because he wanted to leave something, anything at the darkest hour. Please ignore his swear word.In active life he used it rather a lot!~ So whatis the any point of breathingwhen there’s fuck all to breath for?goodnight my ladies of the streetI’m…
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babyawacs · 4 years
ivanka your father is broken. despite enthusiastic speech. betterbe there forh im @potus @vp @ivankatrump  tomorrow on @potus means @joebiden. allthebest //// imcurious whogave trumpthe advice to raid washington and holy democratic proceedings  or wasit renounce a n y advice to mess something outof ignorance
ivanka your father is broken. despite enthusiastic speech. betterbe there forh im @potus @vp @ivankatrump  tomorrow on @potus means @joebiden. allthebest //// imcurious whogave trumpthe advice to raid washington and holy democratic proceedings  or wasit renounce a n y advice to mess something outof ignorance
ivanka your father is broken. despite enthusiastic speech. betterbe there forhim @potus @vp @ivankatrump tomorrow on @potus means @joebiden. allthebest //// imcurious whogave trumpthe advice to raid washington and holy democratic proceedings or wasit renounce a n y advice to mess something outof ignorance //// @all @world speak after me: “independent means he is not my pet. my priorities may be…
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