#who woulda thought id ever tag these two together?
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I've lowkey been rocking the coolest wallpaper and lockscreen combo for a few months now, well since Elle dropped

But lowkey wanna do eminem themed ones since the new album. But like. Stray kids new album drops tomorrow and this is lowkey sick. Also it was this for a while vvv I wanted My old wallpapers to fit but I couldn't get my lockscreen to work, only my home screen.

So there for people who want a more subtle wallpaper. Just like and reblog I guess if you use it.
Is it crazy to believe a lifelong eminem fan is a kpop fan? Who knows.
Edit- oh shit forget the og photos too

#eminem#stray kids#hyunjin#who woulda thought id ever tag these two together?#wallpaper#lockscreens#homescreens
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Lighting a Candle, Ch. 11
Read on AO3
Summary: Tony takes matters into his own hands, and elects to get Steve and Bucky together by any means necessary. Steve and Bucky, who have been married twice already, are amused and slightly concerned.
“Anthony? Are you unwell?�� Thor put a hand on Tony’s shoulder, who was still staring at Steve and Bucky, gesturing somewhat wildly between the two.
“He’ll be fine,” Sam snorted. “It takes a second to get over the shock,” he explained knowingly.
“Get over the…” Tony trailed off. “You knew!” he accused, pointing his finger aggressively at Sam. Sam shrugged and hid a grin behind his hand. “Who else knew?” Tony demanded, looking around the circle. Bucky half-raised his hand before Steve snorted and put it back down for him. “Not funny, Barnes!” Tony pivoted away from Sam, still pointing. “Ok, that’s it! We’re going around the circle!”
“Around the circle?” Natasha questioned, raising an eyebrow and smoothly pouring herself another drink.
“Yes!” Tony insisted, looking around at everyone. “We are going around the circle and everyone has to say what they know and when they found out!”
“Good idea, I’ll go first,” Bucky offered mildly. Steve ducked his head and snorted, looking to the side.
“Barnes!” Tony barked. “Sam! Go!”
“Uh, okay,” Sam looked amused. “Hi, I’m Sam, and my best friend got married twice without telling me.”
“Hi, Sam,” chorused Natasha, Clint, and Bruce, causing Thor to wave at Sam, looking confused.
“Sam!” Tony sounded way past indignant at this point.
“Ok, ok,” Sam waved him off. “Um, ok, I thought they both had a secret thing for each other, so I warned Steve about your plan. I thought it might make things awkward. Then, after the debacle that was movie night, Steve comes to me the next day, tells me that he and Bucky are married.”
“Twice,” Steve tacked on the end.
“Yeah, twice,” Sam amended, rolling his eyes fondly and holding his hands up in resignation. “Then I thought it’d be funny to see how long it took you to figure it out,” he added, grinning at Tony, who started spluttering for a second before recovering.
“Ok, we’re skipping the apparently happy couple,” Tony glared at Steve and Bucky. “Nat, you were in on the plan with me, so you didn’t know anything. Clint?”
Natasha coughed pointedly and looked down before Clint could respond. Tony immediately jerked his head back to her. “Nat!” he protested, looking put out. “What did you know?” he pointed accusatorially.
“Not that they were married,” she snorted. “Not until about five minutes ago, anyway. That probably doesn’t say anything good about my next performance review,” she mused, tilting her head to one side.
“But you knew something?” Tony pressed further, eyes narrowing.
“Yeah, I figured they were a couple,” Natasha shrugged. “I don’t see either of them being huge on PDA. Add some old-school homophobia from when they were young, I figured they were just a little more subtle than people nowadays.”
“Why’d you do the plan?” Tony questioned, looking put out.
“It was funny,” Natasha said, like it should’ve been obvious.
“Worst partner-in-crime ever!” Tony complained. “I guess Clint was on the same page?”
“Pretty much,” Clint chimed in. “Tasha told me what she thought was going on after movie night. Though she didn’t mention Bucky and Steve were also messing with you.”
“Didn’t know,” Natasha grumbled, giving Bucky the stink eye.
“Bruce? My buddy, my amigo, my fellow scientist, please tell me you weren’t in on this?” Tony pleaded, pressing his hands together in supplication.
“I wasn’t,” Bruce confirmed.
“Good,” Tony sighed and relaxed his shoulders.
“Although…I sort of knew they were together,” he offered meekly, adjusting his glasses as he spoke.
“Bruce! Why didn’t you tell me?” Tony questioned, looking lost. “Wait! You were the one who kept saying to leave them alone about it! You totally didn’t know,” he decided.
“Bruce knew,” Steve interjected, turning a deep shade of red.
“Um, ok, what’s with color, Capsicle?” Tony laughed, turning to Bruce and raising an eyebrow when he found Bruce a similar shade of red.
“There was…an incident,” Steve chose his words carefully, grimacing. Bucky snorted and nudged Steve slightly, who turned even redder.
“An incident?” Tony sounded bemused.
“Yes,” Bruce agreed. “An incident. Basically, I found out about their relationship. But the way Steve reacted, I thought nobody was supposed to know, so I kept it to myself. And tried to get you to leave them alone,” he finished, avoiding eye contact with Steve.
“But what was the incident?” Tony pressed. “And if it wasn’t a secret, why did Steve act like it was?”
“I wasn’t acting like—” Steve started before stopping himself. “I was just embarrassed. About the…incident.”
“What was the incident?” Tony was getting more and more insistent, furrowing his brow.
“Let’s move on,” Bruce said hurriedly. “Thor’s next.”
“Thor didn’t know!” Tony argued. “Anyway, about the incident—”
“I knew,” Thor interrupted calmly.
“You knew?” Tony was incredulous. “You told him?” he questioned, turning back on Steve, who shook his head.
“You mean you knew like Nat did?” Sam questioned. “You figured they were a couple, but didn’t know they were married?”
“No, I thought they must have been wed,” Thor stated.
“Why?” Tony quirked his head.
“I thought Midgardians had a custom of exchanging rings to signify a marriage,” Thor explained. “Although, I believe there to be only one such marriage, as I only saw one ring,” he added sagely. Everyone’s eyes snapped to Steve and Bucky’s hands.
“They’re not wearing rings!” Tony protested. “And Barnes’ left hand is metal, how would that even work?” he started wondering aloud, staring off into space.
“Left hand?” Thor questioned.
“Yeah, you wear a wedding ring on your left hand,” Sam explained. “At least, here we do,” he amended, gesturing at Thor.
“Usually,” Steve added on, pulling a chain with a gold band and doglegs on it out from under his shirt. Everyone looked expectantly to Bucky, who snorted and pulled out a similar chain, but without the ring or tags.
“So…?” Clint trailed off, making an odd face. “Where’s yours?” he finished, when Bucky just stared at him. Bucky scowled and tucked the chain back under his shirt.
“HYDRA took it,” Steve explained for him, leaning his shoulder against Bucky’s, who relaxed slightly.
“I’ll get it back.” Bucky stated flatly, a clear threat in his voice.
“Course you will,” Steve agreed, pecking him on the cheek, which seemed to calm him down a bit.
“Wait, so if you two weren’t supposed to be a secret, what’s with the hidden wedding rings?” Tony pointed out, looking victorious.
“It was more secret before the war,” Steve explained, ignoring Sam when he picked up the ring and started looking at it. “Then, it was fine in the war, but it was harder to lose on a chain. Now, it’s just our thing,” he shrugged, smiling at Bucky.
“Ok, these say James Barnes,” Sam pointed out from where he was leaning over to look at the chain around Steve’s neck. Steve rolled his eyes and tugged the necklace out of Sam’s grip.
“Yeah, we switched after—when we met up,” he changed course mid-sentence, looking at the ground.
“Weren’t those supposed to ID your body if you were unrecognizable?” Sam had a note of clear judgement in his voice. “I had a very recognizable outfit,” Steve pointed out. “As well as a virtually indestructible, very well-known shield. Besides, everybody knew we wore each other’s,” he shrugged, tucking it back under his shirt.
“And it’s romantic,” Bucky added on, staring Sam down with no emotion in his face.
“Barnes is talking about romance now,” Tony observed to Bruce, eyebrows drawn tightly together.
“Yes,” Bruce conceded after a second.
“You said it was fine during the war?” Clint interrupted. “Everyone knew?”
“Yeah, they were all fine,” Steve explained. “They woulda been fine anyway, but the first time I met the Commandos, I ended up saving their lives, so they probably would have been fine with a lot of things,” he snorted. “Plus they already loved Bucky,” he added.
“So you just told them?” Clint asked, curiosity evident in his voice.
“No, they figured it out pretty quickly,” Steve laughed, sharing a quick look with Bucky. “I mean, within ten seconds of meeting me, quickly. And Bucky wasn’t even there,” he grinned, knocking his knee against Bucky’s.
“Ok, fine,” Tony nodded, still looking lost. “Why the two weddings then?” he questioned.
“Well, the first one was cause we were in love and wanted to get married,” Steve explained.
“Yes, obviously,” Tony waved him on impatiently. “The second one?”
“The Commandos thought it’d be nice. They knew we had the rings, but they thought we’d never gotten to actually have a wedding, so they threw us one as a surprise,” Steve remembered. “We figured it’d be cruel to refuse, so we just went with it,” he shrugged. “Besides, we all really needed it with everything going on in the war. Anyway, you can all come to the next one if you want?” he offered.
“The next one?” Tony asked, incredulous.
“And last,” Steve confirmed, nodding.
“Why are you having a third wedding?” Tony questioned, gesticulating wildly.
Steve raised an eyebrow at him and waited a second for Tony to get it. When he didn’t he sighed and said, “the first two weren’t exactly legal, Tony. Now that it can be, we’re gonna make it official.”
“I’m on James’ side. Sorry, Steve,” Natasha added as an afterthought. Steve just shrugged back.
“We already put you there, anyway,” he explained. She nodded in response and fist bumped Bucky, both of them looking straight ahead.
“Don’t worry, man, I’m with you,” Sam clapped Steve on the back.
“Already decided, Wilson,” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“Where am I?” Clint asked excitedly, pointing at himself.
“Dude, that was my question!” Tony protested, reaching over Bruce to pull Clint’s hand down.
“What, where I am?” Clint snorted.
“No, you idiot—”
“Guys!” Steve interrupted both of them. “We haven’t started planning planning yet. And we do have some time before we’re having the wedding,” he pointed out.
“How much time?” Sam asked.
“As much as it takes,” Bucky responded flatly.
“For me to get my ring back.”
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