#who was turgut alp
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Turgut Alp, Resurrection: Ertuğrul {Diriliş: Ertuğrul} (2014-2019) VS. Sihtric Kjartansson, The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Turgut Alp, Resurrection: Ertuğrul {Diriliş: Ertuğrul} (2014-2019) Portrayed by: Cengiz Coşkun Defeated Opponents: - Elendil [Lloyd Owen], The Rings of Power (2022-) - King Edmund the Just [Mark Wells], The Chronicles of Narnia (2005-2010)
“The shit this man GOES THROUGH. It would be impossible not to love him anyway, but on TOP OF IT ALL he looks like THAT. LOOK AT HIM. The height, the physique, hair, the gaze, the nose. THE AXE. FIND ME A MORE **PERFECT** SPECIMEN OF M A N. He unites every extreme in the most attractive way – gentle with the women he loves, so brutal when he inevitably has to avenge them; incredibly loyal and also just ADORABLE with kids.”
Sihtric Kjartansson, The Last Kingdom (2015-2022) Portrayed by: Arnas Fedaravicius Defeated Opponents: - Robin Hood [Russell Crowe], Robin Hood (2010) - Ser Bronn of the Blackwater [Jerome Flynn], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
“Sihtric is my no.1 rn, my ride or die homie. think of me as his sapphic wingman in this tournament. he's a sweetheart who has and will kill Multiple men, and also has rlly cool hair and makes lots of fun comments 💪💪"
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
Additional Propaganda
For Turgut Alp:
For Sihtric:
“God he’s pretty. His feral edge and his loyalty have bewitched me.”
#medieval hotties round 2#turgut alp#sihtric kjartansson#resurrection ertugrul#dirilis ertugrul#the last kingdom#cengiz coskun#arnas fedaravicius#fuck that medieval man
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Turgut was Alp of Ertugrul. Turgut Alp was the first Chief of Army Staff of the Ottoman Empire who conquered Anadolu, the first city of the Ottoman Empire.
Read more: https://mediaray.blog/turgut-alp-died-with-his-legendary-battle-axe-in-his-hand/
#turgut #ertugrul #season
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তুরগুত আল্প কে ছিলেন?
তুরগুত আল্প ছিলেন একমাত্র উসমানীয় যোদ্ধা ও আল্প, যিনি আর্তগ্রুল গাজী, ওসমান গাজী এবং ওরহান গাজীর পাশে থেকে যুদ্ধ করার মত একটি লম্বা হায়াত পেয়েছেন। ছবি : ইতিহাসের তুরগুত আল্প। জেদি ও গম্ভীর স্বভাবের তুরগুত আল্প ছিলেন যুদ্ধক্ষেত্রে একাই একটা বাহিনী। কুড়াল দিয়ে যুদ্ধ করার এ��� বিশেষ দক্ষতার অধিকারী ছিল এই বিখ্যাত অটোমান যোদ্ধা। তার কুড়ালটি লম্বায় ৯২ সেন্টিমিটার এবং ওজনে ছিল ১ কেজি ৬৫০ গ্রাম।…
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Turgut Alp in Kurulus Osman 3?
Millions of fans who have been eagerly awaiting the third season of “Kurulus: Osman” have been left ecstatic after the show’s producer offered a sneak peek at some of the new episodes.
While no official release date for the third season has been revealed, a Turkish television channel has stated that the highly awaited show will return in the near future.
Since the first trailer for the new episodes was released online, people have speculated over whether Turgut Alp will return to the Kayi camp or not.
The teaser reveals the entrance of a mysterious visitor to the Kayi tribe. Turgut Alp, a long-time aide of Ertugrul, is expected to make an appearance in season 3 of the television series “Kurulus: Osman,” according to rumours.
It was reported that Cengiz Coşkun, who played Turgut Alp in “Dirilis: Ertugrul,” would not take on the role of an elderly Turgut in “Kurulus: Osman.” This was not confirmed.
Published in Lahore Herald #lahoreherald #breakingnews #breaking
#Kurulus: Osman#turgut alp#turgut alp axe#turgut alp diriliş: ertuğrul#turgut alp real name#turgut alp season 3#turgut alp wife#Entertainment#Latest
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Portrait of Ertuğrul Bey / Ertuğrul Bey portréja
Who was Ertugrul Bey?
Ertugrul is a mytical, legendary bey of the early Ottoman Empire. We know nothing exact about his life, and his existence is independently attested only by a coin of his son Osman. These coins are undateds, supposedly from the time of Osman, with the text "Minted by Osman son of Ertuğrul", suggests that Ertuğrul was a historical figure and father of Osman. And there is another coin saying: "Osman bin Ertuğrul bin Gündüz Alp". This one means Osman is the son of Ertugrul, who is the son of Gündüz Alp.
How is that possible?
According to the tradition he was from the Kayi Tribe, and was the son of Süleyman Sah and Hayme Hatun, not the son of someone called Gündüz Alp. These legends says that Gündüz was Ertugrul’s son and not his father. This clearly shows us, that we know so little about him and what we know or what we may know about him, were written centuries later, so nothing is really sure about him.
Maybe he never even existed then?
Well most probably he did, because of the coins, but everything else about his life is a total mystery and most probably just legends. And at this point some people always say „but his grave is in Sögut so his wife Halime’s grave”. How could they be not historical characthers? Yes, there are graves, and not just even Ertugrul’s and Halime’s, but there are Hayme Ana’s and Turgut’s etc... But these are not the original graves. They were built by Abdulhamid II centuries later, in the 19th century. He wanted to show his respect with building their türbe.
But then who was Ertugrul Bey? What do we know about his life?
Legends say he was the son of Süleyman Sah and Hayme Hatun and was born around 1200. He married his love in his youth, Halime Hatun. Actually the legends don’t say Halime was a Seljuk princess, so this was most probably add into the legend (and into the series about Ertugrul) later. After his father’s death Ertugrul became the leader of the Kayi tribe. He had at least three sons: Gündüz, Saru Batu Savci and Osman. According to these legends he died around 1280. Of course there are legends about his fights and conqests, but none of them are historically accurate.
Was he really the father of Osman?
He could, since the coins suggest this, but there are questions here. Most sources and legends agree that Osman was very young when became a bey after a bloody family fight. This would suggest he was born around somewhere 1250-60 but legends say Ertugrul was born around 1200, which means he fathered Osman when he was around 50-60. It is possible totally for a man, but legeds says, his wife, Halime was around the same age as Ertugrul. This is clearly not make it possible that Halime was the mother of Osman. Maybe Ertugrul had more wifes? Maybe Halime was younger than him with so many years? So all in all yes, it’s possible that Osman really was the son of Ertugrul, but we don’t know enough to say anything more.
Used sources: Kate Fleet - The Cambridge History of Turkey; Colin Imber - The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650; Caroline Finkel - Osman’s Dream - The History of the Ottoman Empire
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Ki volt Ertugrul Bég?
Ertugrul egy misztikus, legendás bég a korai Oszmán történelemből. Nagyon keveset tudunk az életéről, még létezése is kérdéses. Közvetett bizonyítékai létezésének két érme, amelyek feltehetőleg fia, I. Oszmán uralkodása alatt készülhettek. Az egyik érmén az áll, hogy “Oszmán, Ertugrul fia által veretve”, egyértelműen utalva a két férfi rokoni kapcsolatára. A másik érmén az áll "Osman bin Ertuğrul bin Gündüz Alp", ami annyit tesz, Oszmán, aki Ertugrul fia, aki Gündüz Alp fia. Ez pedig arra utal, hogy bár Oszmán valóban Ertugrul fia volt, Ertgurul maga pedig Gündüz alp fia, a legendákkal ellentétben.
Egyáltalán hogyan lehetséges ez?
A legendák szerint Ertugrul a Kayi törzsből származott és Szulejmán Sah és Hayme Hatun fia volt, nem pedig valami Gündüz Alp fia. A legendák szerint Gündüz Alp nem Ertugrul apja volt, hanem a saját fia. Ez a kavarodás is tisztán megmutatja nekünk, hogy Ertugrul személye mennyire kevéssé ismert számunkra. Minden amit tudunk, vagy úgy hisszük tudunk róla, évszázadokkal később került leírásra, tehát egyáltalán nem biztos, hogy ezek megbízhatóak.
Akkor talán soha nem is létezett?
Nos, valószínűleg létezett, hiszen ezek az érmék erőteljesen erre utalnak, azonban minden vele kapcsolatos információt kritikusan kell kezelnünk. Tudom, Ertugrul létezésének kapcsán nagyon sokan hozzák fel a sírját és mondják, hogy “Dehát ott van a sírja Sögutban, sőt mellette van a neje, Halime sírja is. Hogy lehetnének akkor nem történelmi személyek”. Igen, ott vannak ezek a sírok, sőt ott van Hayme Hatuné és még Turgut Alpé is sok más emberé mellett. Ám ezek egyike sem eredeti sír. Évszázadokkal később, a 19. században építtette II. Abdulhamid szultán, hogy kifejezze tiszteletét ősei iránt.
De akkor mégis ki volt Ertugrul bég? Mit tudunk az életéről?
A legendák azt mondják, hogy Szulejmán Sah és Hayme Hatun fia volt, aki 1200 körül született. Fiatalon elvette szerelmét, Halime Hatunt. Érdekes, hogy a legendák maguk nem állítják, hogy Halime Seljuk hercegnő lett volt, így ez a rész valószínűleg később lett hozzáadva a legendához és került bele a r��luk szóló sorozatba is. Apja halála után Ertugrul vette át a törzsük vezetését. Nejével legalább három fia született: Gündüz, Saru Batu Savci és Oszmán. A legendák szerint 1280 körül hunyt el, idős korában. Természetesen persze vannak legendák a hódításairól is, azonban egyikük sem történelmileg alátámasztott.
Valóban Ő volt akkor Oszmán apja?
Lehetett, hiszen az érmék egyértelműen erre utalnak, azonban itt több kérdés is felmerül. Azt a legendákból és konkrét valós leírásokból is tudjuk, hogy Oszmán kifejezetten fiatalon lett a törzsének vezetője egy véres családi harc után. Ez arra utal, hogy valamikor 1250-60 között születhetett. Mivel Ertugrul 1200 körül született, Oszmán születésekor 50-60 éves volt, ami természetesen lehetséges, hiszen egy férfi lényegében bármeddig nemzőképes lehet, de a legendák szerint Halime hasonló korú volt, mint Ertugrul. Ez már nem lehetséges, így ha valóban Halime volt Oszmán anyja, sokkal fiatalabb kellett, hogy legyen Ertugrulnál, ami a kor szokásai szerint egyébként teljesen logikus korkülönbségnek tűnik. De az is lehet, hogy talán több felesége is volt Ertugrulnak?
Felhasznált irodalmak: Kate Fleet - The Cambridge History of Turkey; Colin Imber - The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650; Caroline Finkel - Osman’s Dream - The History of the Ottoman Empire
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My thoughts on Ertugrul S:1
So I finished watching the first season of Dirilis: Ertugrul a few days ago and i’m a couple of episodes in season 2 already and i just wanted to write down my thoughts about the first season. before i forgot them! I was just reflecting on how i started watching this show and how I was so omg too many episodes!!! and yet i still watched and still am right now, because it’s just that good. anyway, first season was good.
We got to see the beginnings, by being introduced to the Kayi tribe and Suleyman Shah and Hayme Ana
and then their children or rather their sons, Gundogdu, Ertugrul and Dundar.
There’s Sungartenkin too but he’s just mentioned because he apparently went missing during the Mongol wars and his mother still believes he’s alive even though it’s been years. I have a feeling he’s going to make an appearance in later seasons though.Then there’s the adopted daughters, Selcan and Gokce. With Selcan being married to Gundogdu.
The interesting thing was despite Selcan being brought up by the family, she has her own vendetta against them since Suleyman Shah killed her father who was also his blood brother. So most of the evil plots that befall the tribe were orchestrated by her and Suleyman Shah’s other blood brother Kurdoglu - who just wanted to be lord of the tribe because envy is a powerful motivator. Selcan was cunning and underestimated because she was a woman and as Kurdoglu said if she had been born a man she would have been frightening to stop. But she also goes through her own little transformation around the end where she repents for her ways and turns a new leaf. Sad thing though is those closest to her namely her husband and sister and who had been hurt by her the most don’t give her the chance to “be good” by just avoiding her altogether. As one of the inner villains who later turned good, i liked her immensely. She made me hate her with all the plotting she was doing and later feel sorry for her when no one was giving her a chance.
Meanwhile, poor Gokce is portrayed as this little meek, lovesick girl who has her eye on Ertugrul but he doesn’t even see her (except as being a little sister to him) but Selcan fills her younger sister’s head with thoughts that she should and will get married to him and be the lady of the tribe. Much to Ertugrul’s annoyance even if he doesn’t know of the full extent the brainwashing Selcan’s doing to her sister.
Conversely, I really loved Ertugrul’s alps though and their beautiful comradeship; Turgut, Dogan and Bamsi. With Bamsi being my favourite after Turgut because of his mannerisms and wild behaviour. He was also something of comic relief during certain serious moments.
Turgut and what happened to him with the Templars although being long and somewhat annoyingly boring helped shape his character more and kudos to the actor who showed us the difference between “drugged” Judas and actual Turgut. Badass ax-man, Turgut was awesome when he recovered once again.
Then there’s a little love thing going on between him and Aykis who is the blacksmith Dil Demir’s daughter.
Aykis’ character in the start was lovely with the way she was welcoming of Halime Sultan who ends up being Ertugrul love interest. Once Halime and her father and brother come to the tribe is when problems emerge for the Kayi tribe, as Selcan more than once mentioned. Aykis is one of the only people who took Halime in and the bond that grew between them was delightful to watch until we reach later episodes and nice and welcoming Aykis turns into mean and vengeful Aykis because of Turgut being taken hostage by the Templars and she even releases her venom on her once friend Halime and much to her dismay too. But because of that time and shift in her character, we also got to see how badass she is with her archery skills and apparently sword fighting too. To which Dil Demir mentioned in passing how she had been taught by her brothers while growing up.
My all time favourite has to be Suleyman Shah in the first season and even his passing at the end of the season had me tearing up because of attached I’d grown to him. He was that warm, loving father that everyone would want to have but was also firm and strict when he had to be. And his death in the river was the best scene for me, what a peaceful way for him to go with his sons holding him and a smile on his face. I also liked how they showed Hayme way over at the tribe getting these premoniations of her husband’s death despite him already telling her before he left that he may not make it back alive. So the moment he passed away, she knew and bid him farewell as well. That was a good symbolic show of their bond.
I didn’t like how they made the Ayyubid El Aziz in Halab seem like a clueless idiot who needed someone to rule for him when he was supposed to be the grandson of Salahuddin Ayubi. He was a total failure of a poet, that was weak and liked women and Ertugrul even insults him to his face that he’s such a weak man that can’t take care of his own kingdom. How he also just suddenly fell in love with an ailing Halime was kinda dumb too.
The other thing I didn’t like was how Halime’s strong willed Seljuk Sultan father gave up at the end and allowed himself to be manipulated because he just “couldn’t take it anymore”. So when both Halime and Yigit were giving him such disapproving looks I was so with them. Then he gets killed off by his own once guard because, dude, you’ve strayed and you need to stop NOW!
All in all, season one was action packed and enjoyable but good grief does season two make all the trouble the Kayi and those characters go through seem like an absolute stroll in the park. The Templars are nothing compared to how savage and ruthless the Mongols are and we get to see that right in the beginning of the first episode.
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Star of "Ertugrul," Cengiz Coskun, marries: images
Star of “Ertugrul,” Cengiz Coskun, marries: images
Star of “Ertugrul,” Cengiz Coskun, marries: images Fans of the show Diriliş:Ertugrul are overjoyed The show’s star, Cengiz Coşkun, who plays the role of Turgut Alp in the renowned programme, recently tied the knot in a sweet ceremony. Cengiz Coşkun has been with his Romanian lover Beatrica Lorena for eight years During a ceremony attended by a plethora of famous people, the actor, who is now 40…
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Cengiz Coşkun Age, Wiki, Biography, Wife, Height in feet, Net Worth & Many More – Trend Setter LIVE
Cengiz Coşkun Age, Wiki, Biography, Wife, Height in feet, Net Worth & Many More – Trend Setter LIVE
Cengiz Coşkun is a famous Turkish actor and model who mainly appears in television shows and series. He is a popular actor who rose to fame for his role as Turgut Alp in the show Diriliş: Ertuğrul. Cengiz is a talented actor who began his acting career in 2005 with the TV Series “Rüzgarli bahçe (2005)”. Later, he appeared in the series “Candan öte (2006)” (2006), Doktorlar (2007) and “Hicran…
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Turgut Alp was one of the warriors and alps who fought for Ertuğrul, a Turkic leader and bey, and Ertuğrul's son Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.[3][1] After the establishment of the Ottoman Empire, he became one of its military commanders, serving Osman I, as well as his son, Orhan Gazi.[4]
2Burial place
4In fiction
5See also
During the early Ottoman Conquests in the reign of Osman I, Turgut Alp was sent to Angelacoma (present-day İnegöl) in 1299 and he conquered the area.[5][6] This area consisting some villages, was given to him by Osman I and his territory was called Turgut-ili (Land of Turgut).[7][8] During the Siege of Bursa, Turgut Alp, along with Osman's warrior Mihal Gazi, participated in the conquest of Atranos Castle (later known as Orhaneli) in 1325, which played a key role in leading to the Ottoman conquest of Bursa during the reign of Sultan Orhan.[1] He was also with Orhan during the conquest of Bursa (1326).[9][10]
Burial place[edit]
His tomb is located in the cemetery of Turgutalp (Genci) village, İnegöl, Turkey.[11] The grave outside the Ertugrul Ghazi's mausoleum is an honorary grave, not the real burial place.[12]
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Ertugrul famed Cengiz Coskun aka Turgut Alp shares loved-up snap with partner to mark Valentine's Day - Proiqra
Ertugrul famed Cengiz Coskun aka Turgut Alp shares loved-up snap with partner to mark Valentine’s Day – Proiqra
Turkish actor Cengiz Coşkun, who played the role of Turgut Alp in the historical Turkish drama series Dirilis: Ertugrul, has shared a loved-up photo with his partner to mark Valentine’s Day. Taking to Instagram on Sunday, the Turkish actor shared a stunning picture with his sweetheart. In the PDA-filled photo, the couple can be seen getting cozy while enjoying the dreamy moments together. He…
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ILHAN ERSAHIN'S ISTANBUL SESSIONS "Hurri-Mitanni (Güzel Haber)" [official video] from Gökalp Gönen on Vimeo.
TR/ ENG(below)
Sokaklarda dolaşan bir grup anonim. Her yer çok kalabalık ama kimlikler bir o kadar az. Birisi olmaya çalışmak, ismini, hızla giden bu dev geminin suda bıraktığı dalgalara yazmak kadar zor. Herkes, herkes ve herkes artık hiç kimse. Kendine kuytular bulduysa bile bu sessizlik, parlayan ekranlar üzerinden var olabildi ancak. O bas bas bağırılan ekranlarda, iktidarın aslında kimde olduğunu hatırlattılar o girilmez denen yerlere girerek. Ama bu güç umurlarında bile değildi. O üzerine günlerce ateşli konuşmalar yaptığımız alanlar bizim için ''artık böyle'' bir yerdi ama onlar, ''hayır aslında böyleydi'' demek için şöyle bir göründüler ama çok da ses etmediler. Bir kedinin çekiciliği vardı onlarda. ''Bakın burası böyleydi'' derken onlar da orayı ''artık böyle'' yapan her şeyin bir parçası oldu ve kaldırım taşları gibi fark edilmez hale geldiler. Sadece biraz olsun eğlenmek, kaygılanmadan birkaç yıl yaşayabilmek istiyorlardı. Beş dakika içinde, en fazla on beş saniye var oldular ve gittiler. - Gökalp Gönen
Director's Statement A group of anonymous wandering the streets. Everywhere is very crowded but identities are very few. Trying to be someone is as difficult as writing your name on the waves left by this fast-moving giant ship. Everyone is everyone and everyone is nobody anymore. This silence could only exist through glowing screens, even if it found itself nooks. On those loud screens, they reminded who actually had the power by entering the places that were said to be inaccessible. But they didn't even care about this power. The areas where we had passionate conversations about it for days were a "now like this" place for us, but they looked like this to say "no, it was actually like that" but they did not speak much. They had the charm of a cat. When they said, "Look, it was like this," they became part of everything that made it "like this" and became unnoticeable like paving stones. They just wanted to have a little fun, to be able to live a few years without worry. In five minutes, fifteen seconds at most, they existed and left. - Gökalp Gönen
"Hurri-Mitanni (Güzel Haber)" being the first single of Ilhan Ersahin's Istanbul Sessions' new album "Bir Zamanlar Şimdi", is crowned with this fantastic video created by young talented director Gökalp Gönen.
Ilhan Ersahin's Istanbul Sessions, the genuine quartet of the eurasia, melt their original sound with modern jazz forms, eastern beats and spices. The band’s 5th studio album is co-produced and recorded by Grammy awarded Italian producer Tommaso Colliva.
Ilhan Ersahin - tenor saxophone Alp Ersönmez - bass, effects Turgut Alp Bekoğlu - drums İzzet Kızıl - percussion
Video Credits: Video designed, directed, shot and animated by Gökalp Gönen [see Director's statement below] Visit: instagram.com/gokalpgonen/ & vimeo.com/gokalpgonen Dancing Girl with Red Scarf: Burcu Uçatenik Walking Girl with Striped Scarf: Dilara Akbal Camera Equipment: Çatı Moderntimes
Album Credits: All songs composed and performed by Istanbul Sessions. Produced, recorded and mixed at Laboratori Testone, Milan by Tommaso Colliva Mastering by Dave McNair Cover art concept and design by Ertaç Uygun vimeo.com/nublurecords Contacts Management / Booking (Except EU): Artistic Ideas from Istanbul [email protected] Booking (EU): Benjamin Levy [email protected] Label: Nublu Records [email protected]
℗ & © 2020, Nublu Records , All Rights Reserved.
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TR/ ENG(below) Sokaklarda dolaşan bir grup anonim. Her yer çok kalabalık ama kimlikler bir o kadar az. Birisi olmaya çalışmak, ismini, hızla giden bu dev geminin suda bıraktığı dalgalara yazmak kadar zor. Herkes, herkes ve herkes artık hiç kimse. Kendine kuytular bulduysa bile bu sessizlik, parlayan ekranlar üzerinden var olabildi ancak. O bas bas bağırılan ekranlarda, iktidarın aslında kimde olduğunu hatırlattılar o girilmez denen yerlere girerek. Ama bu güç umurlarında bile değildi. O üzerine günlerce ateşli konuşmalar yaptığımız alanlar bizim için ''artık böyle'' bir yerdi ama onlar, ''hayır aslında böyleydi'' demek için şöyle bir göründüler ama çok da ses etmediler. Bir kedinin çekiciliği vardı onlarda. ''Bakın burası böyleydi'' derken onlar da orayı ''artık böyle'' yapan her şeyin bir parçası oldu ve kaldırım taşları gibi fark edilmez hale geldiler. Sadece biraz olsun eğlenmek, kaygılanmadan birkaç yıl yaşayabilmek istiyorlardı. Beş dakika içinde, en fazla on beş saniye var oldular ve gittiler. - Gökalp Gönen Director's Statement A group of anonymous wandering the streets. Everywhere is very crowded but identities are very few. Trying to be someone is as difficult as writing your name on the waves left by this fast-moving giant ship. Everyone is everyone and everyone is nobody anymore. This silence could only exist through glowing screens, even if it found itself nooks. On those loud screens, they reminded who actually had the power by entering the places that were said to be inaccessible. But they didn't even care about this power. The areas where we had passionate conversations about it for days were a "now like this" place for us, but they looked like this to say "no, it was actually like that" but they did not speak much. They had the charm of a cat. When they said, "Look, it was like this," they became part of everything that made it "like this" and became unnoticeable like paving stones. They just wanted to have a little fun, to be able to live a few years without worry. In five minutes, fifteen seconds at most, they existed and left. - Gökalp Gönen "Hurri-Mitanni (Güzel Haber)" being the first single of Ilhan Ersahin's Istanbul Sessions' new album "Bir Zamanlar Şimdi", is crowned with this fantastic video created by young talented director Gökalp Gönen. Ilhan Ersahin's Istanbul Sessions, the genuine quartet of the eurasia, melt their original sound with modern jazz forms, eastern beats and spices. The band’s 5th studio album is co-produced and recorded by Grammy awarded Italian producer Tommaso Colliva. Ilhan Ersahin - tenor saxophone Alp Ersönmez - bass, effects Turgut Alp Bekoğlu - drums İzzet Kızıl - percussion Video Credits: Video designed, directed, shot and animated by Gökalp Gönen [see Director's statement below] Visit: https://bit.ly/393W4cW & https://bit.ly/36Tu4pE Dancing Girl with Red Scarf: Burcu Uçatenik Walking Girl with Striped Scarf: Dilara Akbal Camera Equipment: Çatı Moderntimes Album Credits: All songs composed and performed by Istanbul Sessions. Produced, recorded and mixed at Laboratori Testone, Milan by Tommaso Colliva Mastering by Dave McNair Cover art concept and design by Ertaç Uygun Contacts Management / Booking (Except EU): Artistic Ideas from Istanbul [email protected] Booking (EU): Benjamin Levy [email protected] Label: Nublu Records [email protected] ℗ & © 2020, Nublu Records , All Rights Reserved. - - - - - - - - - - -
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Turkish Drama Ertugrul Ghazi Star Cast In Real Life
It is actually a Turkish drama, which is based on historical fictional story, which is gaining popularity in Pakistan as well. This drama is now on-aired on Pakistani drama channels. It is actually based on history of Turkish Muslims. It is in fact a fictional story, which is gaining popularity day by day. The real story was actually taken place in 13th century, this is also the reason it is an interesting fictional story. The story is based on Ertugrul Ghazi, who was the father of Osman and also the founder of Ottoman Empire. This series gained much popularity in Pakistan when it was on-aired in Urdu language but before that many people where interested in this series, that was also the reason to translate in Urdu. So, here I am showing the list of the talented stars who showed wonderful performance in this series.
EnginAltanDüzyatan (Ertuğrul Ghazi)
EnginAltan had played the role of Ertugrul Ghazi, who was actually the son of Suleyman Shah and HaymeHatun. He was the man who was the founder of Ottoman Empire. He has played the best or the central role in this series which is gaining much popularity among the viewers. Engin was born on 26th July, 1979 in Izmir. He is a wonderful actor, who showed his acting skills in many Turkish dramas and movies as well. He has also won the award for the best actor for his movie named as, Bir Avuc Deniz. He also got married 5 years ago and he has a very beautiful baby boy as well.
Serdar Gökhan (Suleyman Shah)
Serdar Gokhan has played the fantastic role of Suleyman Shah, which is also the central role of the story. He was the father of Gundogdu, Ertugrul, Sungurtiken and Dundar. Also, the grandfather of Osman Ghazi I. he is indeed a very popular and senior Turkish drama star, who is associated with this industry for many years. He is also married and has worked in many Turkish serials and also famous for his acting skills.
HülyaKorelDarcan (HaymaHatun)
HulyaKorelDarcan is a very popular Turkish drama actor; now as she has played the role of Ertugrul, Dundar, Sungurtiken and Gundugdo, she has gained much popularity and we can say the reward of her acting skills. She has played the role of wife of Suleyman Shah and also as the grandmother of Osman Ghazi. She was born in the year 1951, in Izmir. She has played many roles in Turkish dramas but Erturgral is the drama that is unmatched and is famous around the globe. She has started her acting career in 1970.
KaanTaşaner (Gündoğdu Bey)
KaanTasaner is indeed a very famous and talented actor and in Ertugrul series his role is also very important, as he has played the role of the oldest brother of Ertugrul. He, in the series, is the son of Suleyman Shah. He has played a negative role in this drama but his role is central as he is played an important role to draw the story forward in many ways. In fact, we can say that many of the viewers are attracted to the story because of his acting skills and his role in this series; as negative roles are the very important part of any story.
Nurettin Sönmez (BamsiBeyrek)
He has played a very important role in the series also his character gained much importance in the series. He has played the basic role of the guard of HaymeHatun, Ertugrul Bay and Suleyman Shah. As before Ertugrul, he has shown his acting skills in many Turkish dramas and movies but the fame he gained from Ertugrul is unmatched. He has indeed played the very loyal role of Alp of Ertugrul. Actually, Ertugrul Ghazi and his chemistry in this series is worth-watching and is liked by the viewers as well.
EsraBilgiç (Halima Sultan)
She is a very beautiful and charming Turkish drama actress, she has also worked in many Turkish movies as well. In the serial Ertugral, she has played the fantastic and a major role of Halime Sultan. She is working in this serial as a wife of Ertugrul Ghazi and the mother of Gündüz Alp, Savci Bey and Osman Ghazi I. She got much fame for his role in Ertugral series. Her role is very strong in this serial, she worked very hard to protect her tribe and she was a very sincere as well as loyal wife of Ertugrul.
Cengiz Coşkun (Turgut Alp)
Cengiz Coskun has played a very central role in this series. He is also very sincere to his tribe and a strong person. He basically played the role of the Alp of Ertugrul but he has two brothers by blood; BamsiBeyrek and Dogan Alp. Cengiz Coskun has played very serious roles in many Turkish series but as this series is related to Muslim’s history, he got much fame from it.
DidemBalçın (SelcanHatun)
She has played a central role in this series but her role starts afterward in the story. She is basically the adopted daughter of HaymeHatun and Suleyman Shah. But later-on they got her married to one of their sons. So, in this very her role starts in this serial. She is a very attractive Turkish actress, who has shown her acting skills in many dramas but Ertugrul is her blockbuster serial.
BurcuKıratli (GokcheHatun)
She has also played a central role in the series. She is the adoptive daughter of Suleyman Shah and HaymeHatun in the serial. She is actually the youngest sister of SelcanHatun. In this drama Ertugrul, she is in love with Ertugtul Ghazi but could not get to marry him as she tried to. Her character is layered but heer role in this series is positive as well as strong. She is very beautiful actress in Turkish series, also very talented.
HandeSubaşı (AykuzHatun)
She has played the central role of the wife of Turgut Alp and she is very beautiful since her childhood. She has played a very positive and strong role in this drama, which the viewers liked the most. Her acting skills are also very amazing and attractive. She has performed her character deeply as well as with great sincerity. Read the full article
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Turgut Alp, Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014-2019) VS. Elendil, The Rings of Power (2022-)
Turgut Alp, Diriliş: Ertuğrul (2014-2019) Portrayed by: Cengiz Coşkun
“The shit this man GOES THROUGH. It would be impossible not to love him anyway, but on TOP OF IT ALL he looks like THAT. LOOK AT HIM. The height, the physique, hair, the gaze, the nose. THE AXE. FIND ME A MORE **PERFECT** SPECIMEN OF M A N. He unites every extreme in the most attractive way – gentle with the women he loves, so brutal when he inevitably has to avenge them; incredibly loyal and also just ADORABLE with kids.”
Elendil, The Rings of Power (2022-) Portrayed by: Lloyd Owen
“The fandom calls him ‘Elendilf’ and there's a reason for that!”
Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
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For Turgut Alp:
For Elendil:
#medieval hotties qualifiers#turgut alp#elendil#diriliş ertuğrul#dirilis ertugrul#the rings of power#cengiz coşkun#lloyd owen#fuck that medieval man
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Ertugrul Ghazi Urdu Drama Latest Episode No. 25 | Season 1
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