#who wants Chuuya soup
petitesmafia · 7 months
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let him cook ?! (inspired on by this tweet)
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i-eat-mold · 2 months
He was a kid living in a container he was a kid he was just a child. He was a child and he lived in a cold metal container in a dumpster. He lived alone in a container, a child. Even if he was feared and respected in the mafia not a single person thought “this is a child, living alone in a container in a dumpster, that’s fucked up”. Did no one else think of him as a child? Did they simply think he was a monster? Was he not just a child alone in a cold abandoned dump? Not even mori, who actually saw himself in this little kid? Did he not bother to make him live in a warm home? Eve chuuya got his own apartment. “Nooo but it was probably his choice” yeah since when can you trust the choices of a child who has been alienated by every adult in his life and treated like a monster, when he’s so obviously in pain and alone and needs help whether he likes it or not? I don’t care what he wants to do, hes a child and he needs a home, what the fuck? God, someone give this kid a bowl of soup, hot chocolate and a tv to sit in front of. Someone give him a couch and a blanket.
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
hiii! can i request for fyodor, dazai, and ranpo hcs about "the romantic things they would do to win your heart" ty!
— how dazai, fyodor and chuuya try to win your heart
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a/n: i went through the five stages of grief writing this UHOFHO also sorry I didn't include ranpo; I hope you like it nonetheless <3 up next is husband!sukuna
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so, I wouldn’t say extravagant BUT I would say that it is pretty loud
like gives you a huge bouquet in front of literally everyone kind of loud
also literally shouts your name whenever he sees you, “AHH BELLADONNA, MY BEAUTIFUL Y/N HOW GORGEOUS YOU LOOK TODAY!”
the way he brightens up in your presence is also so obvious like eugh take your lovesick self away bro
he also has a special sixth sense that tells him that you’re close by
when he does get to you, he literally showers you with affection
also, you know when he ditches meetings? he would literally attend them just to be with you, if you’re there that is
same case is when he is running away from kunikida, my man chooses to live his last moments gazing at your beauty and then happily suffer kunikida’s wrath
exhibit a:
“atsushi, have you seen dazai?” kunikida asked as he and atsushi patrolled the streets.
atsushi shook his head, but quickly went to get you, who was busy finishing the taiyaki you got as a treat for yourself after a day of hard work.
however, looks like this travail won’t end so you look up at both of them and tilt your head lightly, “do you guys need something?”
atsushi doesn’t answer, but instead inhales deeply and screams, “DAZAI-SAN, Y/N IS HERE!” which you could bet that the entirety of the city heard.
it’s quiet for a while, but then you hear the sound of rapid steps and panting. the moment you look back, you’re tackled by the bandaged man who merely chirps a happy ‘belladonna!’ as the both of you land on the ground.
“here he is, kunikida-san,” atsushi says with a smile and kunikida nods thoughtfully then proceeds to scribble something in his notebook.
you do hear, amidst getting yourself squashed in a hug by dazai, kunikida mumbling something along the lines of “scream ‘y/n is here’ so dazai can appear”.
he literally doesn’t try to hide it, but that’s like in the very beginning of him falling for you
when he realizes that ‘crap it's serious’ and that he really did fall for someone
I feel like his way of trying to win your heart will change to be much more intimate and quieter
like he is still loud and chaotic on daily basis, of course
but you will find yourself sharing a lot of quiet moments where you just bask in each other’s presence
he gets protective as well, but like people can tell he IS being protective, but YOU can’t
not because you’re dumb, oblivious or anything, it’s just that dazai doesn’t want to make you feel like your relationship changed and low-key doesn’t want to make it awkward
a protective that makes you go ‘what’s wrong with dazai’ and makes the other person go ‘I need to run’
I also see him still getting you bouquets, but they will be accompanied with small notes
they could be like the following:
“you are so beautiful that I swoon for you.”
“I hope your day was as lovely as you are.”
“how can someone be this effortlessly gorgeous?”
of course, they still include comical ones
“I accidentally knocked the tomato soup on kunikida’s pants yesterday, and his face was as red as said soup from anger. you could say that ‘the time of the month’ was a bit harsh on him ;)”
I also feel like he will try to initiate conversations a lot more (idk how because like y’all already talked A LOT)
It’s just that he becomes curious about what you think of everything and purely wants to know more about you, your views in life and whatnot
you could be talking about the silliest things and he would still be so interested and fully indulge you
I see him also sharing with you places with beautiful scenery that he often goes to; it’s just so intimate and he WANTS to make you know that you’re special
he jokes and still flirts loudly, but there are quiet moments because he wants you to understand that you having a hold on his heart is no joke
hm, it’s been a while since I wrote for him
so remember how I said dazai is kind of subtle in showing his genuine interest?
well, with fyodor you can’t even tell whether he changed or not
it’s just a normal everyday fyodor
BUT there some stuff he does extra
he gets protective, but just a little
so before, he used to glare at anyone who gets near you to hurt you which makes them quickly stop in their tracks, now he just instantly grabs their hand and threatens to kill them
another thing I see him doing is like taking you to places that he finds amusement in or like enjoys lol
that’s to show you off or show you a part of him in a more obvious way
he wants to show you his interests and see if they appeal to you as well or not
if they don’t then fak you, I mean then it’s fine cause variety is key
“couldn’t we go to a more entertaining place?” you inquire as you sip your drink and stare at the man who got you here in the first place.
fyodor smirks lightly, “whatever do you mean? this is highly entertaining.”
“1 year olds eating chess pieces is not my kind of entertainment, but okay.”
literally does stuff like this for giggles and his actual entertainment
loves messing with you but like lowkey
I also see him starting to compliment you more, like just smol compliments and sometimes you even have to read between the lines to get it
but sometimes he doesn’t even try to hide it
like nikolai could be doing god knows what, but just know it’s chaotic and sigma is trying to stop him but it just results in more chaos
and fyodor would just sigh and say something along the lines of “truly, an intelligence similar to y/n’s must be hard to achieve especially for you two.”
nikolai just laughs a laugh that screams bro stfu
sigma is just offend cause like why insult me while flirting with y/n?? tf did I do???
I also think that he will be more recognizing or acknowledging of your talents?
like with fyodor, I think the biggest sign of him liking you is accepting you as an equal and not treating you as a pawn or someone less than him
exhibit a:
“fyodor, shouldn’t this arrangement be discussed without someone like her present?” the man sneers as he looks you up and down, “she doesn’t seem trustworthy nor intelligent enough to keep up with our conversations.”
you hold back from responding and merely look at fyodor, who looks at the man in silence. he clears his throat lightly after he sips some tea and speaks up, “my apologies, but if anyone lacks in intelligence then it’s certainly you.”
both your eyes and the man’s widen at fyodor’s reply; the man is angered and he stands up abruptly, “how dare you say that?! It is more than obvious that I possess more intelligence than your subordinate here!”
fyodor raises an eyebrow in inquiry, “who said that she is my subordinate?”
the man is confused, and so are you, but fyodor pays no mind as he continues, “about the trust part, the only reason you’re going to do your end of the deal is because of the information I hold against you,” a smirk takes its place on fyodor’s lips, “meanwhile, her, I can give her a knife and she wouldn’t stab me, even in a million years.”
lmao if that ain’t down bad and blindly in love then idk
also, as we all must’ve guessed: he is pretty classic in terms of ‘flirting’ with you
but I do see him gifting you a rose of some sort and saying a smartass line like “even with its thorns, the rose is considered a sign of love and romance; is that to imply the hardships that come with loving someone?—“
boy shut yo ass and give me the damn flower
chuuya is someone really honest so I think he will be really obvious and clear about wanting to win your heart
albeit a bit on the tsundere side sometimes but oh well
it’s still a lot more open that the others I have mentioned and feels very genuine
I also believe that he would want you to know that he likes you
plus I don’t think he can hide it well anyway
so he gets teased by everyone along with yourself
“ooo, who caught the heart of our badass mafia executive?”
and he would just grumble, “wow, i wonder who.”
of course, it’s a given that he would buy you souvenirs and gifts cause HEYYYY YOU DESERVE THE BEST
exhibit a:
“y/n, I need to give you something!”
you perk up at the voice and smile at chuuya, “yeah?”
he looks you in the eye for a moment before grumbling, face a soft hue of pink, and getting out the gift he got and placing it on your desk.
“aww, chuuya, you shouldn’t have!”
he crosses his arms and looks to the side, cheeks burning slightly, “yeah yeah, but I wanted to get you something.”
the smile never leaves your face and instead gets bigger as you see what’s inside. the thing about chuuya’s gifts is that they are always thoughtful.
“do you…like it?” you hear him mumble softly and just to hug him tightly.
“thank you so much! it’s amazing! I really love it!”
he stumbles over his words before yelling, obviously flustered, “t-that’s good! but you don’t have to hug me!”
“you don’t want me to?” you ask, slightly sad and chuuya wants to kick himself for making you like that.
lmao, I love the guy
when you guys do get into a relationship, he is a lot less shy and open for affection but we are still not there yet hehe
something to add is that he also loves taking you anywhere you like
like either drive you there with his very cool motorcycle or you guys hanging out at some place
and like the places are…very extravagant to say the least
“so what do you think of the place?”
“chuuya, the walls are painted gold.”
“chuuya, the fountain is dripping gold.”
“you don’t deserve anything less.”
Idk about you guys but I also think chuuya is a huge tease when he wants just not as horribly or as big as dazai
like just light teasing in general but it’s still so flustering; they’re things like:
“did the doll forget her keys again?”
“poor baby, want me to kiss it for you?” (but a lot less derogatory than when he said it to dazai 🤡; he really does want to kiss the pain away for you <33)
chuuya is rather protective by default so I feel like that won’t change, maybe amplified? but you can’t tell the difference because chuuya was always willing to beat some ass anyway
I see him being pretty attentive to your needs as well
like he has a bottle of water for you ready and maybe some food along with any personal essentials. he is a little grumpy when giving it to you, but it’s just to mask how nervous he is because of your smile
another thing, i think he does is write you letters
and they most of the time have poems? since you had told him about how he somehow (he did take offense to the word) has a good way with words
he also loves getting praised by you so it’s worth it even if it makes him a bit shy
now to end this on a cute note, the beginning phase of his confession included one of his poems accompanied with a rose
and its last lines were:
“once I believed love poems were foolish yet now I do nothing but dream about love”
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @kryscent @kunikida-simp @whoami-72 @waosobii
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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deonsx · 1 year
If They Take Care Of You When You Get Sick
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Fyodor, Nikolai
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Dazai Osamu
He really is very cautious in taking care of his one and only bella, He will hug you and give you lots of kisses regardless of your sickness, we know how bad he is at cooking but what will he do in a situation where he has to cook right now?
He thought about ordering food but didn't think it would be healthy so he tried making soup on his own from the cooking videos he really gave him full attention just to look at you, he ditched his job
"My beautiful bella, if anything happens to you, I would never be able to live" He's a real drama creator “Osamu I'm fine you're exaggerating"
I can imagine him holding you in his arms and not letting you walk "My love I can walk" You were told to him, His eyes were squinting looking at you "Still I will take care of you in the best of circumstances"
While you were sleeping, the moonlight hit your face and he watched you sleep, his eyes searched everywhere, he couldn't believe that he had found that true love and that she was lying in his bed like an angel right now "My beautiful angel"
Chuuya Nakahara
He's truly a masterpiece and he's a master at these, I can tell you he's the only man with excellent taste. He cooks with show even when You sick, which makes you smile, She takes her temperature every 10 minutes, pays a lot of attention, water bag and many things, pills, injections, serums, they are all here just for you now
He does 2-3 jobs at the same time, when you don't have control at home, things are only balanced by his power. You offered to call a doctor to the house, but he refused, "I'm the one who wants to take care of you, no one else is needed"
Of course he doesn't care if you're sick to kiss you too, he just lays you on his lap and watches you sleep, You rested your head on his orange hair and you fell asleep with his beautiful harmonizing perfume "My princess, I will always take care of you"
Ranpo Edogawa
No matter how cute and frivolous your boyfriend is, everything stops when it comes to you "I'll give you candy if you get better dear" you laughed at what he said "Ranpo I'm not a kid"
"I'm sure you will love it my love"he left kisses on your head, stroked your hair with his hands and tried to tell you a fairy tale "Once upon a time a princess..." He chose a beautiful story to put you to sleep
He can be very distracted while he cooks because you are the reason for making the food here, if you leave the room he is in and try to do anything while he is cooking he will scold you "Where were you s / he while I was cooking" he really asked you with a stupid seriousness on his face
"My love I just went out on the balcony" Ranpo shook his head disapprovingly "My wisdom instinct tells me you stood up for the laundry" He's not really serious at all. "If you try to get up again, I'll have to tie you to the bed in handcuffs, honey, be nice"
Fyodor Dostoyevski
He may indeed be the most normal lover among them, but just because he's normal doesn't mean he doesn't care about you, But of course he was interested in your illness and he wasn't that indifferent. "You still have a high fever, you need to take medicine dear"
He wasn't the best at cooking, he only cooked when it was absolutely necessary, but he wanted the best for you and brought home a chef who never took his money into consideration, yet you know how rich he is "The chef will make you 4-5 different main courses, if you don't like any of them just tell me my love"
He also considered calling a doctor home but didn't want to put you at any risk afterward because he had too many enemies, He left his job halfway just for you and took the best precautions for your recovery He tried every hour to heal you with special pills and serums "I don't know if you have any medical experience?"you asked him with a laugh. "Just for you, my dear”
Nikolai Gogol
"Darling please don't die yet we'll live a long life with you" He said stroking and kissing you "Ohh I'm fine please let me mind my business" "This is not possible, my love, I hired servants for you.." he spoke to you "Servants??" As soon as you asked, the door of the house opened and two women and two men entered. "People here will take care of your food, cleaning and your illness."
Your eyes really opened in surprise, you were expecting something, but you didn't think that he would exaggerate everything so much, He did make you feel like you were a princess in a castle, he was constantly teleporting around the house bringing you a water bag, ice cloth and a lot of things
He told you about his childhood while you were lying on a bed and you memorized everything he said word for word, he was saying it to sleep you, but when he turned his head to you he saw that you were not sleeping "My beautiful love is still listening to me?”
I want to write them more as a father the time he spends with his children and his wife
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ruified · 9 months
I realyyyy love angst :D
There's a oneshot or a scenario that i've been thinking about that's been rotting all over my head where what if reader / s/o is in their deathbed and about to die soon to a uncurable illness and (character) (i guess chuuya or sigma? idm) who thinks of reader as someone special to them is watching over them until their very last breath
Haha my silly little idea is getting the best of me i just wanted to share this idea because i want my feelings to get hurt
❝ until your last 𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 ˎˊ˗
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warnings: death . characters: dazai osamu, atsushi nakajima, sigma, fyodor dostoevsky, chuuya nakahara . synopsis: their s/o is on their deathbed, they all have their own ways of coping with it . a/n: sorry this took me so long to get to, i was thinking very hard! i hope this is to your liking and you don’t mind little ideas like this instead of a scenario ^^;
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— Dazai doesn’t know what to exactly make of the whole situation, you are so incredibly important to him and now he’s going to lose you? It’s sending him into a downward spiral.
— He refuses to touch you anymore, he just can’t do it
— He wants to make the most out of what little time you have left together but he also has an urge to cut ties with you and make it easier on both of you
— He eventually decides that he can hold your hand at least while you lay in that hospital bed
— After you pass, he tries his best to take care of himself because he knows that’s what you’d want, but that doesn’t mean it’s not hard
— He visits your grave frequently at first, then it dies down to your birthday, anniversaries, and holidays
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— He has been keeping a close eye on you since he first noticed you were sick, and he’s been taking great care of you ever since! However, that doesn’t stop the inevitable
— When he heard the news, tears welled in his eyes and he had to excuse himself, he didn’t want to cry in front of you
— He kept you company as much as he could
— On days where he had a lot of work, he’d ask someone else like Kyouka to go check on you
— He would prepare little lunch boxes for you every day and bring them to you
— He brings a lunch box to your grave for you
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— He paced around a lot in the hospital room, especially after he heard the news
— He tried so hard to think of a solution but nothing realistic came to mind
— He had you come stay in a room at the casino so he could at least still be close to you even when he had work
— Your room was kept away from any other visitors and was close to his office, making it easy for him to check on you
— He asked his staff members to change your glass of water frequently and give you a new warm blanket when you needed it
— He kept himself busy with work to try and keep away the dread of your passing
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— After hearing the news, he decided it would be best to care for you at home instead of being kept in such a dreary hospital
— He would read books to you to keep you entertained
— He’d bring his laptop into your room sometimes so that he could at least keep you company even while he worked
— He’d cook soup for you frequently, sometimes even feeding it to you
— He asks you if you have any wishes before you go, he doesn’t want you leaving with any regrets, and he does whatever he can to make it all come true
— He attends to any possible unfinished business you may have before your passing so that you can go without worry
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— He really doesn’t believe it at first
— He contacts Mori and asks him to look over the medical records and tell him the truth; Mori tells him that it is in fact all real
— He’ll often sit next to you and squeeze your hand, refusing to let go
— He’ll fall asleep with you in your hospital room, draped over you in your bed
— He sits next to you and cuts your apple slices into bunnies, or sometimes other, more intricate shapes
— He asks you often if there’s anything you need him to do for you, also wanting to fulfill any last wishes you may have
— He makes sure you have a proper funeral, he’s tired of those he cares about not getting one.
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gyu-ine · 5 months
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Sick reader x Chuuya
This is my first time using Tumblr so I really dont know how to use it, also englidh isnt my first lenguage, so expect this to be kinda of bad.
Cw: none, probably occ
You had just woken up, and... you felt like shit, you dont know how you got so sick, but it felt like you were dying, your head and throat hurt, and you didnt have the energy to move, or at least move to do more than to hug Chuuya, who was laying next to you, you thougth he was still asleep, but you felt him move, and saw him open his eyes- [name]? Your boiling...- he mumbled, worried- are you sick? Your sweating a lot too- he said, while carresing your forehead, he got up, and you started complaninh, wanting for him to come back with her, making Chuuya laugh- dont worry, I'm just going to get you some medicine- he promised, before leaving the room.
You lied in bed, sure you were dying, in part because of the fever didnt let you think well.
Chuuya finally come back to the room, with pills and a glass of water, he sat next to you, smiling softly.
He gave you the pill, looking as you put the pill in your mouth, and put the water next to you- drink- he said, pressing it against your mouth- I can drink from a glass myself- you complained, at what Chuuya smiled softly- I know, but I want to do it myself, come on, drink- he repeated.
You drank the water, and swallowed the pill, to then rest in the pillow, complaning- it hurts so much, I'm actually going to die- you cried, at what Chuuya rolled his eyes- dont be dramatic...- he mumbled.
Some hours passed, Chuuya lied with you the whole time, even if you told him he was was going to get sick, Chuuya just laughed and said that he would gladly get sick to not leave you alone.
He leaved to make you some soup, so you would eat something, he insisted in spoon feeding you, and after some complaning, you accepted.
As he fed you, he also carresed you, smiling softly and mumbling sweet nothings, you felt sligthly better, the pill had made the pain subside, but you still had no energy- you're so sweaty... do you want me to bath you after you finish eating?-he asked softly- Chuuya... I dont need need you to do everything for me... - you said, at what Chuuys smiled- maybe I dont have to, but I want to, your the one who's always taking care for me when I come home lste and hurt from missions, I want to do this for you, once at least- he said, and you couldnt help but smile and blush, he was being so sweet...
You accepted and kept eating the soup he gave you, and then snuggled with hkm, wanting to get closer to him and feel his warmth, even if the least thing you needed was to get hotter.
Chuuya picked you up, using his ability to make sure you wont fall, and helped you undress to get into the bath, thr water felt really good against your body, and Chuuya's hand gently massaging your shoulders felt even better, you cleaned your body yourself, as his fingerd gently strokes your scalp, cleaning it with shampoo.
You were smiling, it all felt so comfortable, the moment was so intimate and cleaning the sweat off make you feel a lot better too- Chuuya...- you muttered, and he answered with a soft "hm?", inviting you to talk- I love you- you said, you both had said it a million at times, but it still felt special, as the first time you said it.
It didnt even matter if next dat Chuuya woke up sick next yo you, you were still happy.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This is really bad, and it also has not proofread, but I hope someone enjoys it anyway
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a-random-weeb · 1 year
BSD men x reader sick headcannons
im sick as well as my friend so fml I'm writing this
Warnings: le sick, this is kind of self indulgent in a way but at the same time your sick so... you have the right while your sick.
Autre warnings: this is my first fic, it's probably gonna suck ;-;
also soup is the food of the gods in this for some reason
•he bursts out laughing at first, making fun of you (in a friendly way)
•Once he's done with his laughing fit, he does (try to) take care of you
•ok he's not the worst at taking care of people, but I feel like the worst part would be him making fun of you
•he won't let you go to work/school (if you're a student like in highschool pretend you're older), just because he's laughing at you, doesn't mean he doesn't care.
•he'd cuddle you, then end up getting sick, then you take care if him and cuddle him, then you get sick and so on until one of you realizes you can't cuddle (aka you, and he complains. This is the same for Nikolai)
•he pisses you off, but he loves you
"how did you get sick?!" He laughs as he hands you a bowl of soup, as you lie in the silky sheets of your shared bed with the worst cold of your life. You shoot him a glare as you take the soup in your shaking hands, making sure not to drop it.
"I already told you, my coworker got me sick!" You begin to eat your soup, frustrated and pissed. He plants a kiss on your forehead
"I'll call your work and tell them you're taking the day off!" He skips to the other room. You lie there, thankful for your lovely boyfriend.
(I don't simp for dazai so it was hard to write for him. This is my first fanfic EVER, be quiet. I only put dazai at the top for a friend.)
•He's easy to anger, so when you get sick, he knows you probably did something stupid to get yourself sick.
•Unlike Dazai, he's a good cook, but still he makes you soup, and angrily holds it out to you.
•he takes care of you, but acts angry the whole time. I say acts, but he really is angry, but he also cares about you. But is still angry.
•he's not Bakugou level angry, he's still calm(ish)
•he does verbally abuse you the whole time though.
•But it's not actually abuse. I feel like he just calls you dumbass and idiot.
•he's very forceful with everything he does ("eat! Or I'll force feed you!") ←(this is my fav head cannon for him, he would)
•He cuddles you, but somehow this man does not get sick, until he does, then you take care of him, but he doesn't let you touch him while taking care of him so the same thing that happened with dazai doesn't happen with you. There will be no cycle.
•He also buys you a lot of expensive medicine
•you piss him off, but so does everything
"You idiot! How the hell did you get yourself sick?!" He hands the bowl soup to you.
"I was playing in the rain with a cat." You give him an innocent look as he shoots you a glare.
"Why?! You knew it would get you sick!"
"but... there was puddles... and a cat who liked water..."
Chuuya facepalms. "Seriously?!" He sighs, calming himself down. He sits next to you on the bed as you eat your soup. He's rich, and I feel like you begged him to buy a tv for he bedroom. You guys watch my hero academia. Even though I said he cuddles you while sick, I don't think he'd actually unless you cling to him, then he'll let you sometimes. But he just sits on the other side of the bed as you watch anime together, and pass out in eachothers presence.
(I cringed at this one, it wasn't as good as I hoped. I made him a tiny bit ooc too ;-; idk I feel like it's good for a first time.)
✧.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆✧˖°.✧˖°.✧˖.𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆°.✧˖°.✧˖°..𖥔 ݁ ˖𖦹⭒°。⋆
•He's nicer than the rest of them
•He's the only decently normal one of the boys.
•he makes you soup and blah blah blah
•He doesn't cuddle you, he has common sense
•You don't want to get him sick either, so....
•He buys you medicine, he knows the best kinds
(I couldn't think of a scenario. Sorry)
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
•Has no idea what to do
•He thinks you're gonna die so he makes this whole dramatic speech
•All you have is a common cold 😭
•after he figures out you're not gonna die, he asks what he can do
•He goes to the store to buy you medicine
•He doesn't know what else to do
•you tell him it's fine and all you need is a few days off of work
•He feels too bad, so he goes on one of those weird websites
•Next thing you know he comes in a skateboard and circling around you, chanting these weird, demonic words 😭
•"Wa bubu shaaaaaa qut epeu turu!"
"Aku wth are you doing?!"
"Curing your sick"
𓍢ִ໋✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡✧˖°~∆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𓍢ִ໋✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚♡✧˖°~∆⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𓍢ִ໋
I too lazy to write for anyone else, this is a quick drabble and my first fanfic. I hope you liked it!
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kaeyx · 1 year
Poly!Skk with s/o who is always scared of everything they are facing, like overthinking about their ex, education, future, themselves, their relationship, and family. How would they comfort them? (I am always overthinking about everything and it makes me have a gastritis problem.)
Oh anon me too, holding your hand and making us soup
First off skk both have the ability to make most of your problems disappear, if you let them. Tuition? Payed. Debts? Not on Chuuya's watch. An ex trying to get back into your life, or you contemplating where you went wrong with them? Time to go on a nice double date, and don't mind that Dazai takes a detour on the way home. Come home too tired to cook? Dazai has made.... something, and Chuuya is on damage control with actual food. If your family gives you problems they'll talk to them, or you can just introduce Chuuya as your boyfriend and it'll resolve any concerns they might have.
They'd hold your hands, cuddle you one on each side after a long day. Coax you out of bed when you have to get up early for work or class and you really don't want to. Learn your favourite snacks and favourite shows, go with you on walks to clear your head. Or participate in your hobbies (think about Chuuya raging at knitting or Dazai making a silly painting and insisting on hanging it up in your living room.) They might not be able to take your problems away, but they can sure as hell alleviate them.
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
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To Be Human; Paul Verlaine
Format: Oneshot
Possible warnings: spoilers for Stormbringer and Age 15
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"How do you pronounce your surname?"
Verlaine looked up at you, mildly confused as he tilted his head. He didn't know who you were, nor what your intentions were. You looked like you could have been a mafioso, but something about you was off. You seemed cheerful-happy, even. Verlaine didn't know what to make of it.
Only a few moments ago you had entered the basement with his meal for the afternoon in hand. It looked slightly better than usual. What he was normally given was bland food; rations if you wanted to label it as such. But what you held in your hands was a tray that consisted of a bowl of tomato soup, a small loaf of bread, and herbal tea. It looked beyond appetizing.
"Do you want the English or French pronunciation?"
You placed down the tray of food on the nearby coffee table that was within arms length of the couch that Verlaine was sitting on. After a moment of hesitation Verlaine picked up the tea first and smelled it. It didn't smell like cinnamon, so he thought that it was safe to drink.
When he joined the French government before he ran away, he was taught various things. One of these things being how to determine if a drink was poisoned or not. Things like this soon became second nature to him after years of nonstop practice.
"English, please."
Verlaine took a sip of his tea. It was raspberry, one of his favorite flavors. He let out a soft hum of approval before speaking again.
"Ver-layn," he spoke. He then made eye contact with you. "If I may ask, who are you? You clearly aren't my normal assistant."
You avoided eye contact and started to fiddle with your hands. "They were sent on a mission and was killed in action. I'm their replacement, (Name). It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Verlaine."
Verlaine looked at you skeptically, then reached out his right hand while keeping the tea in his left. You took this as a signal to shake his hand, so you promptly done so albeit a little shakily.
He didn't seem to care about his old attendants death. He wore the same bored expression he always did, but this time with a little bit of uncertainty laced into it. To say the least it was off putting by quite a lot. Though, who were you to judge him? Verlaine was a powerful mafia executive after all; one that even rivaled Chuuya Nakahara.
His grip on your hand was tight, so you made sure that your grip was almost as tight. His hands weren't all that soft, but that was likely because of time in the field. The two of you then shook hands quickly and took back each of your hands. It seemed like the both of you would rather not shake hands.
"There's no need to call me "mister" You're my new assistant, so I'll treat you as my equal," Verlaine spoke as he took the bowl of soup. "Alright?"
You blinked a few times before responding. "Alright... But are you sure? You are my superior after all."
He waved his hand dismissively. "I don't mind at all—I'm sure."
Verlaine took the spoon that you left on the tray and scooped some soup onto it. He then brought it to his mouth, blew on it, then took a bite. A ghost of a smile appeared on Verlaine's features before he immediately went back to his usual poker face. Who knew that the King of Assassins liked warm soup?
"The soup rather good. Did you make it yourself?" He asked after taking a few more bites.
"Oh! Yes I did. I'm glad you like it," you spoke with a smile. You then reached into your pocket and grabbed a pear. "I heard that you liked pears so here you go. I hope you don't mind me not putting it on the tray; there was no more room left for it.!
He took the pear after a moment of skepticism. "Thank you. I do not mind in the slightest." He then paused for a moment.
"Though, who told you that I liked pears? Was it Kouyou?"
"Yes it was. She was the one that recommended that I should work for you," you said as you shifted your weight onto your left leg. "She also said that I should give you a pear to get into your good graces."
Verlaine smirked a little bit. "Well, you already accomplished that."
"Really? That's surprising...”
The man let out a short chuckle before taking another bite of the soup. After he swallowed he started to speak once more. "Why it so surprising? You've done nothing to set off any alarm bells in my mind. If anything you've been really nice to me."
"Ah well I'm really glad," you said with a faint smile. "Anyways, shall we discuss what my duties are as your personal attendant are or do you already have a good grasp on it from your old attendant?"
"I think I'm quite alright."
You nodded as you took out a piece of paper. You then handed it to Verlaine. "Then I'II leave you to enjoying your food, sir. Please call me if you need anything. I'm more than happy to help," you said, attempting to be courteous.
Verlaine internally rolled his eyes as you said your last sentence. You? Be happy to help someone like him? He's not even human. He doesn't deserve nor need your help in the slightest.
"I'll be quite alright. Though, thank you for the offer," Verlaine muttered as he checked his watch. "You best be on your way now. It's getting late."
"Alright. Goodbye, Mr. Verlaine."
And with that, you started to head up the stairs to leave the basement. As you were doing so, Verlaine rolled his eyes at your words. He told you not to address him as mister, but yet you did so regardless. Were you just being kind, or trying to get onto his nerves? The executive honestly couldn't tell at that current point in time.
Verlaine let out a loud sigh and leaned back into his chair.
Day turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months eventually turned into a year. For you, time had flew by rather quickly considering that you somehow managed to have fun while being Verlaine's attendant, though you couldn't tell if you could say the same for Verlaine himself. He had remained the same all through out your services; his stoic expression never once faltering. But you knew it was to be expected from the once King of Assassins.
Though, little did you know that the mafia executive has become quite fond of you.
Verlaine would often look forward to your visits, making sure to clear up his schedule just to spend time with you.
At first his actions shocked even himself. Why wouldn't they? He never thought that he'd become attached to another person ever again after the realization of Rimbaud's significance to him once he passed, but here we was, enjoying your conversations about rather mundane topics.
Then the realization hit him like a storm. He liked you more than a friend. In fact, he loved you. He was very surprised that he could even feel something like this.
He tried to get you out of his life once he made this realization, he really did. At one point he even considered killing you, but he just couldn't bring himself to it. He thought he was growing soft, but in reality he was just in love.
So, after a while of internal battles, he decided to ask you out on a date. He has never been on a real one, the most he has done was take out an attractive person somewhere out on a "date" so he didn't look suspicious while going on countless missions. He had no real experience with romance up until this point because of this.
When he did ask you out though, it was rather sudden. He honestly wasn't expecting his words to come out so suddenly like that while conversing with you.
As of now, the two of you were sitting in his office. Verlaine was filling out some paperwork, and you were simply reading a book, ready for any orders he would give.
Eventually after a while he looked up at you and gave you a small smile. "Dear?"
Dear. It was a nickname that he gave you a while ago. He insisted that it was to show his platonic relationship with you, but you didn't buy it one bit.
Verlaine hesitated. "Have you ever been on a date before?"
"I have. It was when I was still a teenager, though I barely remember who it was with," you said with a small chuckle. "Why do you ask?"
"May I take you out on one? A date, I mean."
You froze. “I beg your pardon? Did I hear that right?"
Verlaine's cheeks slightly flushed; it was barely noticeable. "You heard me right. I want to take you out on a date."
"Are you sure? I mean I'll accept but-"
"(Name)," he chuckled under his breath. "I'm sure. I've been thinking about it for a while."
"Ah well, I'm glad!" You said with a smile.
"Where should we go?"
"Wherever you want."
"You know I'm not good at making decisions, Mr. Verlaine."
"Right, sorry. But my statement still stands. I think it would be best that you choose where we go," you spoke gently.
Verlaine sighed. "Alright, l'll choose the place. When are you free?"
You thought for a brief moment. "Any time, really. I don't have much going on outside of work."
"Is that so? Then... how does tonight sound?"
He asked with a soft smile. "Is that alright with you?"
"Really? Alright then! That's alright with me!" You said enthusiastically. "What time? Should I dress formal or casual?"
Verlaine chuckled once more at your enthusiasm. He seemed happy that you were happy. "How about six o'clock? And you can dress formally if you so wish."
"Alright! Wait, what time is it?"
Verlaine rolled up his right sleeve and looked at his watch. "A quarter to five."
You shot up out of your seat. "Really? Oh, I gotta get ready... May I go home early?"
"Of course you may," Verlaine spoke dreamily.
"I'Il see you later then!"
You went to go up the stairs then paused. "Wait, one last thing."
"Hm? What is it? Is something wrong?"
You walked over to Verlaine's side then lightly grabbed his chin. You then brought your faces closer and have him a quick kiss on the cheek. Once you pulled back you could see how Verlaine's face flushed even more.
"Alright. Now I'm ready to go. C'ya later, Paul!"
And with that, you jogged up the stairs. Verlaine silently watched you leave, putting a hand to his cheek where you kissed him. He seemed entranced as he watched you go up the stairs.
Maybe, just maybe, you could make him feel like the human he was supposed to be.
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this is my apology for not updating in 9 days
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dazai-fan-page · 7 months
‘Tis I! Rambling anon once again >:)
On the topic of Dazai’s love language-
His love language as quality time and acts of service does not go without reason. As someone who had spent his developing years in an environment where threats are the new compliments, where surviving meant compliance, where affection was a social death sentence, what else could he do? And to find people like Chuuya and Ango and Oda who expected nothing of him, who let him be a kid when everyone else only saw him as the mafia’s terrifying young executive, what wouldn’t he do to keep that? He had no coercion to help them, to stick around them when he was much higher in the ranks than all three combined. And yet here were these people who saw him as a boy. A human boy. But Dazai, who was never formally taught how to use words, spoke gratitude through actions. Through the little things- New Years cards, questionable soup, protection from other mafia members and especially Mori, and everything else that wasn’t explicitly in the series. Even when Dazai did learn how to use words it never quite stuck with him. Why would they? Who uses arbitrary sounds that could be lies and tricks to express something so genuine? Actions cannot lie. And for once Dazai didn’t want to lie for the people who kept him a little more sane.
While it’s understandable that people would consider physical affection as his primary love language, it only feels as real for certain people. Namely Chuuya. Because as much as he touches other people and gets to their core, how many people does he really allow to do the same for him? When he joined the agency using his silly little blank slate persona he saw so many more people hugging and giving each other light brushes- people who were much more normal than him. So he adopted that too- letting himself touch strangers in a way that wasn’t so rough. It became a part of how he presented himself- this careless little guy who had totally never seen or used a gun in his life, much less a semi-automatic. This man who loved to be careless and physically affectionate and probably had nothing more than a bachelors in interdisciplinary studies for all they knew. But god forbid someone tries to hug him just as seriously. And the more he learns to love humanity, realizes these new people care about him past his act, that even though he’s annoying as hell, they still care about his well being. And when he tells them about who he was, they say- “oh, damn. And?” They don’t yell at him. Don’t coddle him or kick him out. Don’t lose their trust in him. Because that was then, this is now. And so what wouldn’t he do to keep that? So he does the most genuine thing he knows. He saves them all.
Stay safe and take care! <3
I agree with most of this, but Chuuya became an executive before Dazai. Dazai holds the title of youngest executive in history because he's younger than Chuuya, who had the title before Dazai took it.
Also I don't know what Dazai would've been protecting them from Mori for, because while he did get Oda killed it wasn't out of any malicious intent it was just the best thing for the Mafia.
But much love dear anon, I enjoy your takes <3
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slow-slug · 2 years
Okay we all heard about Dazai being terrible cook, but what if we turn the tables, and somwhere out there there is a Dazai who can cook.
I think he learns quietly watching Chuuya cooking in their partnership era, he likes watching him preparing meals, it's relaxing and he can turn off his mind for sometime.
When he deflected from mafia, he naturally started living by canned crabs and sake, but maybe at some point he wanted to try curry rice, that Odasaku loved so much and by that he learned that he in fact can cook. He remember Chuuya's quick movments and his mind naturally knows what to do, how much add, for how long etc.
He never eats what he cooked tho, he isn't able to stomach it, so always giving the meal to somone else (look Odasaku I've changed!) or just throw it out. It's not about food, it's about the process, calming process.
And then ADA times came, and Dazai slowly heals, or atleast he is in better place, at day it's okay he doesn't feel bad, but his nights are filled with cooking diffrent meals, baking pastries, cleaning dishes and gently scrubbing area around baking space.
His little secret you can say, he doesn't think this is special or anything, like I've said he rearely eats what he's made.
At some point Atsushi or Kunikida, just visits him, and sees full packed fridge, like loads of ingridients. On the counter there are boxes filled with sweets and cookies, all ready for delivering to orphans or something.
So ya, next Dazai is moving into Chuuya's apartment and they cook together, having competitions who will make better ramen, doing together groceries (now that Dazai actually has money he can buy high quality products) and making chicken soups when one of them is sick. Waiting with warm meal when Chuuya is coming back late and all this cute stuff.
Now that they reconnected, Chuuya tries to do reaserch on easy and gentle food, something that Dazai would enojy, and could slowly learn how to eat again.
Just thinking
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Any thoughts on Beast!Dazai?
He's wrapped up like a blanket burrito with an odasakuman and warm soup in my living room.
My thoughts on Beast Dazai is he is the version that was negatively impacted by Oda's words. Now canonically we know Dazai is not particularly stable and I have already discussed at length why Oda's words were actually not that well thought out. Oda broke something in canon Dazai which made him go from a hopeful but severely depressed suicidal child to an almost hopeless martyr. But canon Dazai is the best case scenario of the words affecting him. He is trying to be better and has a support system of people who are slowly but surely undoing the damage those words have done.
Beast Dazai on the other hand is the worst case scenario of how Dazai took Oda's words. Beast Dazai is often seen as being madly in love with Oda because he "created a world for him". No, well, aside from the love part because I do think Dazai loved Oda dearly (platonic, one sided and romantic whatever) Dazai did not go through so many universes to save Oda. He went through so many realities to save everyone including Oda. Because Dazai did not believe he deserved to live if Oda dies because he believes that Oda is better and more deserving.
Beast Dazai, under the worst possible interpretation of Oda's words decides to actively ruin so many lives and hurt so many people because the end justifies the means, he ensures that he is isolated and despised by every single person but keeps Chuuya around cause he needs to survive till his plan is complete. He tries to ensure that his death would be a relief to people so that it doesn't inconvenience anyone.
And the tragedy of beast Dazai is that when all of this is said and done, he genuinely believes Oda would understand him and his perspective. He thinks Oda would approve of him to a certain degree. Look, I did what you wanted me to, I saved everyone. Isnt this what you wanted? Did i do good?
But he is saying this to a man who is not his Oda, this man is a proactive, good guy who has never known a Dazai, never projected on him or indulged him. This Oda sees Dazai as a bad person who has done nothing but hurt people Oda cares about.
And that is when Dazai breaks completely. Its the point at which Dazai is forced to confront the fact that the Oda in his head is the idealized version of him, its the ultimate blow confirming that anything he wants in life will be ripped away from him.
In the end Dazai dies believing that nobody would be affected by his death negatively because he made everyone miserable. However, it was all for nothing because his death did affect one person negatively: Chuuya. He had completely isolated the guy leading him to develop a seriously toxic codependency on Dazai. And in trying so desperately to save this world where everyone but he survives he has sort of made his own villain in Chuuya who is trying to destroy the agency for causing Dazai's death.
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Can I ask for a story about Chuuya s/o, who is scared of the doctor but needs to go? Like they refuse the doctor to treat them. For example, they had to lie down but refused, but Chuuya forced them as the doctor treated them. And yeah the reader cried a lot during the examination, but Chuuya comforted them while at it.
Hello! I hope you enjoy.
Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Pairing: Chuuya x Reader
You had dismissed the call as soon as you saw the number on your phone. Chuuya looked up from his own phone with a raised eyebrow.
"No." You dug back into your soup. "I think we should start getting stuff for flower viewing. I think we'll actually make it this year."
"I'll see what I can do. They've got some stuff going on at work, but if I get off early we should make it." He went back to his phone, only to look up sharply when your phone rang and you clicked ignore once more. "Did you block it?"
"Well..." Chuuya reached for the phone, only for you to scoop it up and pocket it. "Look, whatever's on there is your buisness. I'm just curious."
You nibbled your bottom lip. "Well... I have a doctor appointment today."
"This late?"
"I missed it."
Chuuya's frown grew deeper at that. "Why? Didn't you say it was important?"
"I just..." You looked down with narrowed eyes. "It scares me. Not in the 'needles and white robes ah' sort of way. My gut freezes and I just wanna hide."
"That's it?"
"You can laugh now."
Chuuya sighed and shook his head. "No, I thought you were-... Well, doesn't matter what I thought. Look, if you need to go you shouldn't put shit like that off."
"I know but..." He whipped out his own phone. "What are you doing?"
"Calling in a favor. I can't promise to be with you at a doctor any other time than now, so we're going now."
His expression settled into a far more deadpan one as someone on the other line answered the phone. When all was said and done he snapped his phone shut, and grabbed his coat as he stood up.
"C'mon. We're heading out."
Tou did as instructed, your eyebrows furrowed. "Where are we going?"
"To the best doctor I know," He said. "My boss agreed to treat you."
"M-Mr. Mori?"
"Yeah, so let's get going."
You nibbled your bottom lip, but you couldn't help the slight smile that threatened to appear as he helped you into your own coat.
It was hardly ideal, you wanted to cry into his shoulder, but you were thankful for him anyway.
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breadandblankets · 11 months
Ask game!! 🫶 💞
Top 5 foods and top 5 non dc characters!!! (yes i’m copying you bc i wanna see ur version)
yay! compare notes and such
1) Flourless chocolate cake, the perfect passover dessert it is probably my favorite type of cake mostly cause it doesn't sit in the stomach, hence the no eggs
2) Reuben sammich, you start with the high note of rye bread (the best kind of sammich bread) and you finish strong with the bright notes from the sauerkraut and corned beef (or pastrami if u lean that way) it's a perfect sandwich and I love it so much
3) Saag paneer, I love fucking SO many indian dishes I would be here all week if I tried to list them all so i picked this one cause i like spinach, I grew up in an area with a pretty large Punjabi population so this is a classic comfort food
4) Matzo ball soup, lord this is such a jew-y list, it's a classic for a reason! it's the ultimate Jewish comfort food!! last time I made it was for a friend with covid who is no longer my friend ;-;
5) Falafel, this I added just cause I'm craving it ngl, I made my own recently and it was fuckin amazing, with hummus is just 😋😋 I'd say tzatziki as well but my gf would skin me (affectionate) (my beloved ur vendetta against the Greeks is adorable and I love u so much)
this got long I'm gonna Cut
Fav non DC characters:
1) He Xuan, I have to start out here they're still the home screen on my laptop, I love One Fish with a complex relationship with their bestie/enemy
2) Chuuya, he's a god, he's a bitch, he's in the mafia, what's not to love tbh, he's the deus ex machina of his canon and I want to see him beat the fuck out of dazai and do more dope shit forever
3) Deacon, he's funny, he's lying 25/8, he will just walk around naked, he's my favorite fo4 companion and he's just fun to be around, I wish streamers would stop shooting him ples and thank u
4) X6-88, unfortunately losing points because of shitty racist writing but! he's one of my favorite characters cause x6 and chuuya have a lot in common with the whole "built to be a weapon, learning to be a human" thing, there's so much potential for unlearning cult brainwashing and such and I just love him so much lmao
5) Mobei-jun, one of the characters that got me to open my trap and not shut up in fandom, he's a great character with a fun backstory and the Most Some Guy husband (who is actually god) I love his boobies and I love his dumb old man loving ass and sealbei-jun is probably the most fun ive ever had reading scientific papers for fandom
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bnesszai · 7 months
for the ask game!
Hi Rohini!<3
juice box: Share some personal lore you never posted about before
uuuhh. i don't find myself particularly interesting but uuuhhh i lived on a military base until i was 8 years old
idk i can't remember any facts about myself rn opatgsiophgspijg
Saturn: name three good things going on in your life rn
ahhh. i'm Big Sad rn but um. 1) i just started my second to last term of uni. 2) the non-profit I'm part of is planning a lot of cool events and 3) i have really amazing friends
rollerskate: describe your latest wip with 5 emojis
i did this for 1 wip already here but, since i have a billion, here's another
avocado: you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@squidsandthings and @osameowdazai <3
mushroom: share a hc for one of your fave ships/pairings
Chuuya always takes of his gloves when he knows that he and Dazai will be hanging out. he wants to be able to hold Dazai's hand and touch his cheeks and just generally feel Dazai's skin under his fingertips
teddy: what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
honestly, whenever someone follows me, i look at their blog and, in a lot of cases, end up following back. otherwise, if someone is in my notes a lot I'll look at their blog to see if i wanna follow them
candy: post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
answered here, kind of
knife: what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
if it's possible to brand an eyeball without just. destroying it. like if you could actually see the brand on the eye or not. definitely would be weird but (and no i don't remember the results of this research. it was for an of novel i was writing in high school a long time ago opaehsghshea)
tooth: share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
don't be a dick to people who are trying to help you
leaf: give advice on writers block/low creativity
Read all about it
croissant: name one Internet reference that will always make you laugh
"Why are you buying clothes at the soup store?" "FUCK YOU" the Code Geass version
desert: what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Answered here!
tomato:give yourself some constructive criticism on your won writing
I tend to start different ideas within the overarching plot and then abandon them. I need to either not include them at all, or remember to circle back to and expand upon them
cloud: what made you choose your username?
well, the bnessz comes from my irl name, my husband's irl name, and my nickname Ness. the "zai" is cuz of Dazai brainrot
Asks Here
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littencloud9 · 8 months
yosano and/or itadori for the character ask game?
omg the specialest people ever…
heres yosano
first impression: i watched bsd anime before i read the manga… so i thought she was that powerful sexy woman archetype 😞
impression now: AUGHHHHHHHHHH. HER STORY HURTS ME SO MUCH. also her ability is beautiful and more people should talk about it
favourite moment: her and chuuya’s fight was so funny to me. mlm wlw hostility. they should let her swing her big ass knife around more often
idea for a story: oh god its in my wips but basically its ranpo&yosano centric (for an event Haha) and yosano vows to never use her ability again, but one day ranpo gets hurt really badly and she uses it again and she spirals because shes afraid the same thing will happen with the soldier and ranpo will end up resenting her and. yeah
unpopular opinion: i. i think she would absolutely hate kouyou actually. and people should stop depicting her as the mom of the agency (shes 25 she should be at the club!!!!)
favourite relationship: her and ranpo are the most special siblings ever god i could CRY. i also really love her and chuuya. not in the way that i think theyd be friends but i want to lock them in a room together and see what happens
favourite headcanon: she has a belly button piercing!! also she brings kyouka and naomi on girl errands together and loves them both like theyre her little sisters <3
and for itadori
first impression: pink!! so precious!!
impression now: SCREAMS AND THROWS UP. someone put him in a slice of life anime NOW. i need to wrap him in a comfy blanket and feed him soup thats my SON
favourite moment: not animated yet but when hes in that bathrobe sipping from a wine glass but its just juice… thats my boy
idea for a story: ive never watched the movies but spiderman!yuuji lives in my head rent free. i think itd be funny if he could swing around everywhere
unpopular opinion: he is the Best mc in jjk ever everyone who says he isnt should shut up. hes so kind and so strong and aughhhsvsh
favourite relationship: i cant say itafushi thats cheating so. him and nobara i MISS them please please please gege give them back. ALSO HIM AND NANAMI. IT MAKES ME SO SAD. but honourable mention to him and todo #bruzahh4ever
favourite headcanon: hes a really good cook and enjoys cooking for his friends! i also think acts of services would be his love language. eg he organises megumi’s bookshelf for him, he carries nobara’s shopping even after complaining about it, he does everyone’s laundry randomly… i love him so much
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