#who tf is selling you drugs😭
not to be like "the youth of today" but I'm genuinely disturbed every time I sit next to middle schoolers and overhear what they're talking about. why tf are you having sex, getting blackout drunk and smoking weed??? sir you are 12????
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frankenruth · 1 year
(2/4) Details I remember from when I saw Ride the Cyclone
This is going in order, if you want pre-show details up to “I love you guuuuys” then I already have the first part posted
Ocean played a dog (?) in the Christmas nativity pageant
Taco Bell picture being photoshopped (it would’ve been so funny if there was a Taco Bell in the same mall as the theatre though)
Jane Doe : “What is a Taco Bell?”
Constance : “Canada’s best laxative”
An actual sound clip of Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” played on the bagpipes (Everyone hated it, Ocean loved it. Probably because it caused Noel’s misery)
Someone catcalled Monique the second time I went?? You know who you are.
I think Ricky actually played the squeeze keys instead of it being pre-recorded!
Girls wore red crochet berets, the other two had black ones (Monique had no hat)
Monique actually stabbing her pimp ten times in the back
The second time I went, the same person who catcalled Monique also yelled “SLIP OF THE TONGUE” at the kiss (but what can you expect, they were selling adult beverages to people before going in)
Ocean glaring at Constance when she was talking about doing and dealing recreational drugs.
I don’t remember much from in between here and the next part
Constance jamming tf out during TSIA
Karnak was a DJ!
Ocean with the fan that’s not even turned on, and RTC classic
TALIA HAD HER OWN ACTRESS ON STAGE! (She also played Virgil)
Group hug at the end of Talia ❤️
Karnak doing the sassiest, most unimpressed pose before “would you like to know the future that could have been?”
I once again do not remember much from in between here and Ricky’s intro
Jane Doe being fascinated by Zolar 😭❤️
Ricky spinning Ocean while talking about the gravitational pull of Zolar’s seven suns
Ricky then boops her on the nose at “monkey love drop”
The cat dads having these super cool mask/helmets!
The way Ricky said “hehe.. okay” and “….sure?” (Y’all know which part I’m talking about, right?)
Ok I have to do homework now I’ll split this into another post. I will see you all in maybe an hour or so idk we’ll see
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mevekagvain · 2 years
Chapter 404 - Suyi having 0 trust in Ikhan and Shinwoo,,, yeah me too.
- As always, Shinwoo gets mad when his bff is about to be beat up even though he didn't react at all to himself being treated badly. Love this trope.
Chapter 405 - Right, this was the time the Ye Ran kids were targeted because of the two :/
- The upper classmen seeing Shinwoo and going "wtf why would you mess with him of all ppl" ajsjjsjs. Boy's got one hell of a reputation.
Chapter 406 - Wonder how much of Aris' missing memory is due to Frankenstein's drug and how much is due to Crombel giving her a lobotomy.
- ... Is her evangelion suit actually just her skin and it looks normal usually because of chameleon shit? Because uh, some of the details are... Yeah I'll stick with my magical girl theory. Her breasts keep flopping around and uh. Men shouldn't be artists.
Chapter 407 - Takeo and Tao just spectating as M-21 beats them up sjisoso. Also how they just left Seoul for the middle of nowhere 😭
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- Raizel's look after Frankenstein sneezed in his tea,,, baby
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- Ah yes Tao's comrades... Karias and Muzaka. He'd get along with mvp lord too.
- ...Seira appearing out of nowhere with Death Scythe as Aris wants to get a subject is meant to be more Seiwoo material ig? It is very cool though. Best girl.
- Hi Garda.
Chapter 409 - M-21 straight up following Kentas for a day and a half... okay king.
- You know what would be funny? If Juraki just went "Lord Maduke was overreacting. Kentas just sneaked out to meet his human boyfriend :/ Like yeah that's bad too because humans are inferior beings but it has nothing to do with the traitor Muzaka" and went back and reported that abjjsjs.
Chapter 410 - Burger scene. Food is truly the way to one's heart. I can be bribed with food too if you're insistent.
Chapter 411 - Mama, Ignes and Maduke are being evil again. Please come pick me up.
- Ah Mirai and Urne... and their horrific clothes
Chapter 412 - "We don't do promises on our honour anymore, Kentas," is not something you'd think they'd say but they did 🤡
- I love funny comments
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Chapter 413 - I know Kentas is just trying to cover for Lunark and make sure she's not seen as a traitor either but the second hand embarrassment... It took me like ten minutes to get through these panels.
Chapter 415 - Glad you're finally realising your people are just as bad as humans, Kentas.
Chapter 416 - I'd sell you out for a can of pepsi Muzaka. I don't even drink carbonated drinks but I'd still do it. Be glad Frankenstein is doing it for M-21 and not a can of pepsi.
- Ah yes the werewolf modifications... having four glowing eyes, having whiskers like naruto, having emo black hair- wait a moment. Are we sure they aren't just weebs?
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Chaptet 417 - How tf did you not realise you were experimenting on fellow werewolves from the start nameless scientists? Also I'm not sympathetic to them because they wouldn't be feeling any guilt if the victims hadn't been werewolves.
Chapter 418 - M-21 knowing how to strategise and deal with tough situations because of his experience in the Union is very nice to see. Especially since Kentas explicitly comments on it. You can also tell he doesn't know how to deal with the situation because he's just a warrior who dealt with things head on always. No need for thinking.
Chapter 419 - Gotaru! Yeah he's a Maduke stan when he first appears but still.
Chapter 420 - Killing a valuable subject just because they harmed you... okay Ignes. If I was an evil scientist I'd only get more motivated to use them if one of my victims managed to hurt me but I know not everybody's like that.
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