#who knew i'd ever draw them lol
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definetelynotavampire · 6 months ago
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starstruckmiraclekitty · 2 years ago
I've had a bit of brainrot today and have to share so I can get it out of my head (maybe) so feel free to ignore lol I've been thinking of 141 having a civilian spouse (separately, just in case there was confusion) that only ever refers to them by their call sign/rank during an emergency situation. Using it just immediately sets off sirens and they see red. - 🐍
Yesss. Got a bit carried away with this one, lol. Only did 141 specifically, lmk if you'd like to see anyone else! Also tried my best to make this GN!😊
141 With Reader Who Uses Their Callsign in Emergency Situation
Warnings: mentions of guns, violence, unwanted advances/touching, stalking, swearing, injury, crying--- I promise it has a good ending😅
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Simon Ghost Riley-
"Golly, aren't you a fine looking thing." You heard a voice say behind you, as you were standing at the bar getting you and Simon another drink. Simon had just gone to the bathroom, so you knew you were on your own for this.
You turned around and were met with a man double your size, a sickening smile making its way on his face.
"Oh, thank you." You mustered a small smile before turning back to the bar, praying the man would take the hint and leave you alone.
"No, I mean it. I could take that little ass of yours home right now." The man came closer, and you could just start to feel his breath on your neck, making you cringe.
"I have a boyfriend, I'm sorry." You tried softly. You were desperate at this point, your eyes searching for Simon.
"I don't see him anywhere." The man smiled, his teeth were yellow, and his breath reeked of cheap booze.
"He just went to the restroom." You mumbled.
You felt a hand grope your ass slightly, squeezing at the flesh there. "Mmhmm, if I were your boyfriend, I'd never leave you unattended like this."
You cried out, moving to swat the guys hand away, to no avail. Nobody around you seemed to notice your predicament, and you were starting to grow scared.
The man pushed you up against the counter, his hand now gripping your waist. "Be a good little pet and come with me, okay?"
You struggled against his hold and screamed out, "Ghost!"
Simon, who had just exited the restroom, heard the wail and immediately started to run to you. What he saw had him seeing red.
He forced himself between you and the man and grabbed his hand roughly. "Who the fuck do you think you are touching them."
The man looked as if he was about to piss himself, as Simon was nearly a half foot taller and twice as bulky. "Sorry, man, they acted like they wanted it."
Simon seethed and twisted the man's wrist with such force that you swore you heard bones cracking. "Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here. Before I decide to do something that'll end with me in jail."
The man let out a small whimper, grabbed his now bruised hand and ran for the door.
Simon watched as he fled, then turned his attention to you, his eyes softening. "Y/N? Sweetheart, are you okay?"
Your eyes filled with tears as you threw yourself into Simon's chest. "Thank you, Si."
"You don't have to thank me. That's what I'm here for, yeah? Why won't we go home, I'll draw you a bath." He pulled away and cupped your cheeks, carefully pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
You nodded your head slowly and let Simon lead you out of the bar, not expecting him to crouch down on the ground once you made it outside. "Si?"
"Cmon, get on my back. Long way to the car." He gestured to his back and helped you on it, holding your legs tightly as he walked you to his car. He'd be damned if he ever let anything like that happen again to his person.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
You were walking around your local department store one afternoon with Kyle, looking to find him some new dress shirts. The two of you had a friends wedding to attend that weekend, and Kyle didn't have many outfits to pick from.
"What about this one?" You picked out a light blue stripped dress shirt, holding it up for Kyle to see.
"I'll look like a grandpa with that one, babe." He joked, waiving away the shirt.
"You'd be a hot grandpa." You countered, putting the shirt back.
"Oh hush. I gotta run to the restroom, I'll be right back." He chuckled as he gave your arm a squeeze. You watched him walk away with a small smile before returning to the racks in front of you.
Unbeknownst to you, there was a gentleman who'd been following you and Kyle around the store for some time now, and now that Kyle was gone, it was the perfect opportunity to strike.
You were just rounding the next row of racks when the man came up behind you and started to pull on your purse. You cried out, trying to pull back, but the man was too strong. He yanked with one mighty tug, ripping the purse from your arm, and shoved you backward, sending you toppling into the racks behind you.
"GAZ!" You screamed, as the man stared at you, frozen, before turning the other way and running.
Kyle was walking toward you when he heard you scream, and his blood ran cold. He immediately sprinted in your direction, running right into the man with your purse. The man fell backward, and Kyle looked down to see him clutching your purse.
He put his foot on the man's stomach and pushed down hard. "Give me the fucking purse, asshole."
The man refused and tightened his grip on your bag. Kyle saw red and promptly punched the man square in the jaw, knocking him out cold. He grabbed your purse as a few workers finally came to check on the commotion.
Kyle looked to see you clutching your head in pain. He ran over to you, sliding to a crouch position once he got to you. "Baby! Are you okay?"
Your bottom lip trembled as a strangled cry escaped your throat, and Kyle grabbed you, pulling you to his chest. He had to talk himself down from going and giving the man another few punches.
He tucked his arm underneath your legs and lifted you up bridal style. "I'm so sorry, babe. I've got you. Let's go home. Yeah?"
Kyle spent the rest of the night watching over you and icing the bruise that formed on your head. He made a silent vow that day, that he'd beat the ever loving shit out of anyone who dared touch his baby again.
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John Price-
You looked up from your computer in your home office at the sound of the loud noise. It was late at night, and John was asleep, so you were concerned as to what caused the sound. You grabbed the pocket knife out of your drawer and made your way quietly to investigate.
Peeking your head around the doorway, you saw a large man making his way through your shared home with your husband. It appeared he'd somehow broken in through the front door.
You let out a small whimper, the confidence you had before now fading. John was fast asleep upstairs, and you had no way to get to him without revealing yourself.
You watched silently as the man started to rummage in your drawers, trying to find anything valuable he could take.
He started to draw closer to where you were, and as you slowly crept backward, the floorboards creaked underneath you.
The man was immediately notified of your presence and caught a glimpse of you as you tried to hide around the corner.
"Hey! You!" He shouted, immediately running toward you.
You sprinted in the other direction, narrowly missing his outstretched hand. You ran into the bathroom in the hallway and tried to close the door before a hand came out to stop it.
"Nowhere to run now." He said, a terrifying smile lining his face.
"PRICE!" You screeched, your heart beating rapidly.
John's eyes flew open at the sound of your terrified cry. With adrenaline coarsing through his veins, he flung himself out of bed and grabbed his handgun from his bedside table. He slowly crept down the stairs and took in his surroundings.
He saw you right away, crouched in terror before a man, who had you at gunpoint. John swiftly made his way behind the man before hitting him hard on the back of his head with the butt of his gun.
The man fell limply to the floor, and you let out a strangled sob. "John."
"Hey love, it's alright. I'm here." He approached you slowly, his hands raised up to show you he meant no harm. You held your arms out to him, and he pulled you into him, holding you tight. "I've got you. Nobody's going to hurt you."
He pulled away for just a moment to call the cops but held a grip firm on your waist, letting you know he wasn't ever going to let anything happen to you.
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
"Alright, babe, I'll run and grab the stuff at the bottom half of the list. You grab top?" Johnny asked, eyeing your fairly large grocery list.
"Sounds good, thanks, love." You smiled at him and tore the list in half, sending him on his way after a quick peck.
You watched as he strolled away, basket in hand, and made for the toiletry section of the store.
You were comparing toothpastes when you felt two men staring at you. You subtly turned your head in their direction, and they quickly looked anywhere but your direction.
You felt a slight sinking feeling in your belly and quickly threw one of the toothpastes in your cart. You made for the next aisle, looking around deoderant for you and Johnny, when the same two men appeared again, walking slowly down the aisle toward you.
Trying to brush off the occurrence as a coincidence, you threw what you needed in the cart and started to make your way to the shampoo aisle. Your resolve quickly crumbled when you now realized the men were following you.
The store was rather empty, so there was nobody close by for you to turn to. You sped your cart up and headed in the direction you thought Johnny might be. The men were hot on your tail, making it clear they were trying to get to you.
You felt one of their hands touch your back, and you let out a cry. "SOAP!"
Johnny was just finishing up his portion of the list when he heard your scream. His heart was beating rapidly as he dropped the basket and ran to you.
"Y/N?" He called out and was met with a horrifying sight. You were cornered in one of the aisles by two men and were crying, your hands up in a defensive motion as you crouched on the floor.
Johnny immediately approached. "Leave my partner the fuck alone."
The two men whipped their heads in his direction, rubbing their hands together. It was clear they were looking for a fight. Johnny lifted his shirt slightly, revealing his sidearm strapped to his waist. "Try it, I fucking dare you. You won't like the outcome."
The men clearly knew better than to create such a scene in a store and decided to flee.
Johnny watched as they ran and crouched down to your level. "Baby. Are you okay?"
You choked out a sob and wrapped your arms around your husband. "I was so scared, Johnny."
Johnny gritted his teeth in anger, he hated that anyone made you feel this way. It took everything in him not to go chasing after those bastards.
"I know, baby. I'm here now, though. Why don't we quickly finish up this trip and grab some takeout, yeah? I'm not really feeling up to cooking anymore." He pulled your face away gently and stroked your tears away. "I've got you, always, okay?"
You nod slowly and let him help you up. He grabbed your hand, lacing his fingers with yours, not letting go until you both reached the car.
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tamelee · 1 year ago
pls bottom naruto is disgusting stop drawing this ooc cringe
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Eh? And it hadn't even been a full day.
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Anyway, do you know what this means?:
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It means… that I don’t give a damn about your whiny gibberish about this top/bottom bullshit, because it sounds incredibly silly. (And wrong because I draw both?)
It’s fine to have a preference, good for you (I have one too!), but if all you care about between a character-dynamic is the single notion which establishes a rule within a fandom that demands only this particular dick in only that particular booty and nothing else, while dividing yourselves between "us and them" while seeing the people who like the same exact characters as your "enemy" and treating them as such— well, 
I have nothing to say to you, I couldn’t care less what you think about me and I don’t know you. 
But for the sake of other creators who are often a target also, some which I know quit because of this… there is a little something I'd like to say about these servers:
You don’t think I (we) know what is said in there and by who? 👀 That your rules of "what is said on here stays here" with a bunch of people online that you don't know, is actually respected? Why do you think I never join any. And bet your ass that I'm not the only one. This constant fighting between NS/SN is such an embarrassment for this fandom, seriously. I hope you realize that.
Because, instead of encouraging a (new) creator to share something about the characters you claim to love (for fucking free) you go off chastise them for not “doing it right”/“your way”, pretending it's some unspoken commission no one knew of or was paid for. Instead of being happy there’s still so much creative contribution for characters from a story that ended years ago, you go complain under fanfics and dishearten writers, often grinning away with your little server-“friends” and make fun of work someone poured their heart in. Or, you huff, puff and breathe fire as you make plans to cancel them out of pure bitterness, to the point (especially new) creators are too scared and dispirited to ever share anything again. It's easy to do anonymously, aye? And if you think that doesn’t affect their lives and sends them right back into a crestfallen pit of dark hell because it prevents them to do/share the single thing in life that gave them a bit of joy, then...
Congratulations; you’re a heartless bastard.
And you, as a fan, did yourself dirty too.
Do you know how many people don’t want to share anything at all for this fandom because you people leave comments, tags, asks, tweets constantly complaining about an incorrect portrayal of the (in your opinion) only acceptable dynamic, like a bunch a brats? Do you? Because I’ve talked to quite a few of these discouraged creators, they have to hope for the best and pray they’re spared from your scrutiny. I receive it from both sides every now and then.
Again, congratulations: you’re the reason there’s less chance of you getting what you want in the first place. 
Do you... really not realize?
The more you squabble with "your enemy" (lol) the more it affects the "us" you care about while the rest of us just bask in the glory that is SNS/NSN and couldn't care less about what you think/have to say. So, keep everyone else out of it and go mope elsewhere.
But, between you and me? There are better ways to share what you think is right. Make something yourself, because what's stopping you?
You’re perfectly capable, it doesn’t have to be art or a fic, maybe there’s just something in the story that you really enjoyed— write about it. Make a meta. Post the panel, show the moment that determined your undying love for this single dynamic and why— whatever.�� Because, wouldn't it be nice having someone encourage you to create something you like? 😬 Especially because you and your server feel so strongly about it? And then you don't have to depend on others either?
Wouldn't it be nice?
Try it, ffs.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 months ago
Just out of curiosity, how many WIPs are you working with right now? And what makes you abandon one? Do you write when the 'inspiration' hits or do you see it as a task to be done? It gets too much for me sometimes, I'm quick to abandon them.
You are such an inspiration though, keep sharing your brilliant mind!!
Not including the Witcher, which I now consider on "hiatus" with the potential of going back when/if the Witcher 4 and new book heal something in me - twenty-five. I have a bunch of prompts with semis (lol) where I have an idea but I haven't started it yet.
I write when inspiration hits and to relax. My job drifts between a 55 and 75 hour week, so I have my fill of tasks to be done. I will never really abandon anything, I'll keep it because sometimes I can repurpose a part of it for another project (like yanking out spare parts from a car for your current one). I'd really recommend doing the same, Non.
The only way I'll abandon something is if I am harassed on it, or the fandom does something that gives me the ick. I have one (1) officially abandoned piece of work on AO3 and it's on Anonymous.
And because you've been so bloody lovely, here's another for Red Leaf 🍁 Anon who asked for a Part 2 (official) of hair pulling Nikpriceghost (rough, unedited).
Simon drew in a shuddering breath and rich cigar smoke flooded his tongue, the warm familiarity of it settling his heart, the calm rolling through his muscles as he closed his eyes. Nik smoked Cohiba. Smooth, rich. Simon couldn't dissect the flavour profile, his palette blunted by cheap roll ups and scorching cups of tea, but he could pick out the familiar notes of coffee beans, cocoa and leather, with just a hint of sweetness at the back of his tongue, as curls of wispy grey drifted by his face. Price said Cohibas were a smooth smoke, with a nice draw. All Simon knew was that he only ever smoked them when Nik was over, and so Simon had come to associate that smell with the roiling desire in his gut as he watched Nik's hands circle a scotch glass.
What had started out as a mild fascination since Nik's fingers had slid into his hair was now an all out infatuation. The series of events that had led to this moment were a cacophony of noise and images fading slowly into the back of his mind. All that mattered was the now. The smell of expensive cigars, the slow, calm breaths of the man before him and the other somewhere in the shadows of his peripheral, and the feel of strong fingers stroking up and down his neck, urging his face close to the warmth of the solid body in front of it. 
Simon knelt at Nik's feet. They had taken his shirt and his pale nipples had peaked in the air conditioning. He could feel it prickle over the hairs on his arms, over the sensitive, bare skin of his face, so unused to being without his balaclava even at the height of summer. And yet, despite being so exposed, Simon felt utterly grounded. Safe. Nik wore a blindfold, unable to see the vacant, soft look on Simon's face as he gazed up at him, the slow way Simon blinked as he focused on Nik's fingers stroking his hairline, tracing the groove at the centre of his neck and the top vertebrae of his spine. 
Simon was desperate for Nik's touch, to feel his hands and body against every inch of his own. He ached, like he would crack open if Nik took his hands away. But showing his face had felt like a step too far in these early days when the connection was still new, untested; his desire like a raw nerve. Nik hadn't even questioned the insanity of Simon being more comfortable showing his dick than his damn face, standing calmly as Price had tied the blindfold behind his head. Simon had worried that it would diminish Nik in some way, make him uncertain, but the big Russian hadn't even broken his bloody stride. He oozed control in the same way he breathed oxygen; natural, unthinking, effortless.
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brandytusk · 4 months ago
The following thoughts, or maybe confession, contain Arcane spoilers. Please keep that in mind should you continue. It's a long story, I apologize in advance.
Now I will say, I am no LoL player, thus unfamiliar with its lore with the exception of what I search for, or what education I get from others. I had a passing interest in Arcane due to my best friend's insistence, rambling on about its beautiful art style, symbolism, and compelling writing. It was one of those things I did in fact, try and make a habit of to sit and watch at dinner, see what all the rising hubbub was about. I'll admit, I don't know where I stopped in season one, but I didn't finish it. As I recall, the plot felt too grim. To me, it felt like it was a show getting praise for being artistically depressing. When season one's ending was spoiled for me, I was glad I hadn't got as invested as other people I knew. To have developed characters so sincerely in a season's time, just to end it the way it was done…I disapproved, and I shook my head. Forgot it all at the time.
I'm a millennial who has lived through recession, through pandemic, and I am not middle class. I'm anxious, and there are days that feel hopeless and painfully long. I want to escape into the media I consume, let characters take me on a journey with them, far away from the oppressive, hanging air of everyday life in late stage capitalism. I don't want a tragic story, no matter how much it is praised for its art direction. Moving forward every morning can be bleak enough. Maybe others like these kinds of harsh stories for its relatability, and that's fine! I am happy for those that can appreciate it in that way, but I cannot. I'm tired, and perhaps not just as a struggling individual, but as an LGBT+ person with a husband.
Mainstream, popular shows (that get shown to American audiences, at least) don't often get obvious queer representation, or when it does, the show is often cut short. I felt baited in what I did see of season one, and rolled my eyes that fanfiction writers were fed enough to work their magic and fill the holes, as per usual.
Then, the next season of Arcane releases, and my social media feeds became flooded with screenshots and spoilers. I didn't block said spoilers and told myself I was no longer invested in Arcane -- only to see the most alarming screen captures I'd ever seen.
I especially liked what I'd seen of Viktor and Jayce in the past. I enjoyed seeing two intelligent, determined male creatives share screentime and share their story of a growing, deepening friendship. As far as I was aware, Jayce and Viktor were well bonded colleagues, if not each other's 'ride or die', once mutually and deeply invested in a greater outcome to benefit the whole. Compared to the rest of what I'd seen of Arcane's first season, it still hadn't gripped me enough to stick around as I wanted to save myself from heartache. Long story short, season two's spoilers revealed to me Jayce making a frantic, truly desperate effort to revive his fallen, disabled partner Viktor after the explosion. While he's successful, this fuses Viktor with tech Jayce once swore to destroy. Jayce draws close and is just relieved Viktor, in his birthday suit at this moment mind you, is alive, while Viktor is disappointed Jayce didn't keep his promise. They go separate ways, and the scene felt like an intimate argument, a break up. Well, at this point with that much revealed to me, I was relieved to see the two of them alive after the first season's ending. I was curious again, so I continued to look at screen captures and gifsets.
Viktor develops magic skills to heal others, and in his new body things, seem to fall into place for him. He is appreciated, and maybe it's suggested he gets a following. While its unclear how 'good' the arcane is, what he's doing with it seems right for the character. It looks like a victory…until Jayce comes along and puts a hole in Viktor's chest, keeping his promise. Viktor only meant to talk to him. Jayce, who had fought so hard to revive this man, kills him, as far as I'd seen it. It felt like petty shock value. Not knowing there was more episodes to come, I thought that was it. More tragedy, more pain.
My husband knows me well. I very rarely get affected by the shows I watch, and when I do, I am reserved about it. Instead, I sobbed, the kind where you can't see passed the tears and the snot. I felt so betrayed by my curiosity, by my hopeful feelings. I spent days ranting to my friends and my husband, offended and angry. How dare these writers throw around this disabled character and give him no relief, and what was more, develop two men in such a way as to suggest one simply cannot exist without the other only to shoot down one of them, by the hand of their partner? I had let myself be baited again, and I was feeling it. It burned, it hurt, I raged. I gave up.
A day or two ago, my best friend chimed in again: I should check in on Arcane. There had been more episodes, the season had finished. Trusting they knew how sensitive I was about all of it, I did. Again, I was moved to tears, but for different, much better reasons.
What was this?
Fortiche and its writing team had bothered to weave together and tell a story of two men ultimately destined for each other through every timeline, the kind of trope reserved for romantic movies and literature? They held hands, kept each other close, were honest with each other in the starry nothing. Hand to nape, forehead to forehead, and colorfully blinked out of that current existence, together? Such intimacy didn't need a kiss or a sex scene to feel real, there was love there. Their fated, interwoven existence, their deep and complex relationship, saved the world. In the end, there was hope.
You can tell yourself that it wasn't romantic if it makes you feel better, but in all its passionate details it very much was. To this stressed, exhausted LGBT+ person in these real uncertain times, I needed to see it. I felt deep relief, satisfaction, and most of all a need to pursue the Arcane fandom, a desire to enter. To at the very least, gush about my impression of it all, and what it means to me to see two men tenderly portrayed in ways they typically aren't. Fortiche, well done. You did give the Caitvi shippers something to blatantly feast upon, you also gave lesbian characters depth and variation, but this isn't about that.
You let two male characters show dedication, affection, and softness. Thank you. Jayvik folks, I am with you. Arcane, let's start over at the first episode, I can't wait to watch all of you now.
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separatist-apologist · 7 months ago
At this point I just like your posts with just skimming through it because I know your big, mature brain won't let me down with your opinions
And I need people know sjm is NOT a good writer lol. Just because she's famous doesn't mean she's the best one out there. Acotar is a missed opportunity at best. And most people who are hard-core fan of these book thinks these books are perfect and not because sjm keep retconing and changing and forgetting her own goddamn plot so they take everything for what it is. I've seen people criticised Mor and Feyre for leaving some dreamers at CoN and they don't care about them. No babes sjm just forgot about it all fkn together!!!
Okay I have thoughts about this. I'm once again slapping it under a cut just because its long. These are just my thoughts, feel free to disagree
There is nothing wrong, just to be clear, with SJM being a person's favorite writer. I think she is an entertaining writer and I think begrudgingly everyone in this fandom needs to admit that. I think she creates very interesting characters and places that people want to know more about and her writing is very accessible which feels like a burn but I swear isn't.
I don't think she's a bad writer, personally, but I do think she's just not interested in her own details or worlds the way her fans are, and I think this is true across every book series she's written. I think her problem is she writes the way I do- she knows how her stories end, she has a few key scenes in mind, and she figures the rest out as she goes.
This felt pretty evident in TOG, too- you could watch in real-time as her plots changed and she undid things it felt like she'd been building toward. ACOTAR isn't any better in that regard because I GENUINELY do not think she knew what she was doing plotwise when she started the series and it came to her as she went which is why the whole Amarantha things feels so ?????????
Even in TOG, SJM is not interested in the political maneuverings of her characters, the governing process, her political landscape or ANY of the things that a lot of people get frustrated by, to circle to your CoN plot. I think she relies very heavily on "x says they care and I'm telling you they're a good person, so the assumption is they're also a good ruler and we don't need to explore that any further". SJM drops these little pieces of lore like about Mor's cousins or the women of Illyria or whatever and then doesn't do anything with it or even recognize, in my opinion, the conclusions her readers are drawing.
And I think its because to her, she's told you what you need to know. Rhys is a GOOD ruler because the people of Velaris love him AND because she tells us so. Tamlin is a bad ruler because he exacts taxes on his decimated population AND she tells us so. And when people examine those statements, it starts to crumble, in my opinion, which is why I think people get defensive. They don't CARE about the political workings of this world, they just want to read about hot people doing hot people shenanigans.
I do think that going to a SJM book for thoughtful worldbuilding and an interesting magic/political system is a mistake. Having read every series she's ever written, I do not think this is her strong suit and I'm tired of being told I only think so because of internalized misogyny. I think SJM is a good character writer- her characters are compelling, and even anti's typically have a favorite character they wish had been better fleshed out or had been done more with or would be better explored in future books.
This is all over the place- I'm just writing my thoughts as they come to me. Ultimately, I think SJM's books typically don't stand up to heavy scrutiny and that depending on what you're looking for in a book, you're going to come away with different levels of enjoyment. For me, I hadn't read anything fiction in like, six years because I'd been knee deep in academia and it was the first thing I read just for fun and it WAS fun. It IS fun, even now. It's a brain off read. For better or worse, ACOTAR isn't complicated or hard to understand- SJM tells her readers what to think AND feel all the time, so you don't really need to think about any of it.
But when you read other fantasy in her genre, it becomes clear that like...oh. This is just mediocre. In some places it feels like a poor retelling of other stories (TOG has HEAVY LOTR moments, for example) and thoughtless culture stealing that feels offensive in places (CC feels especially bad in this regard given how she's stitched together like, 3-5 different cultures without a good understanding of any of them).
I'm not saying anti's shouldn't still discuss their issues with it. But I will say that if you're looking for a well fleshed out world and a political system that is interesting to read and characters who are consistent and don't bow to the whims of the author and plot, you're probably going to have a hard time with ALL of SJM.
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fitzs-space · 2 years ago
I absolutely love ur mer designs for Etho, Grian and our lovely sea monster ofc lol. Do you have any more in depth refs for their designs, id love to see more of how they look if possible! /nf ofc
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only really had the couple rough sketches for their designs unfortunately! given its how I work with most of my stuff with just quick sketches like this. But I'll give the couple details I remember adding into their designs! Main notes will be I spent more time on Etho because I knew they'd be seen the most,, also that this this Is a default of how I've always drawn mermaids, with the whole dark eyes and covered in scales and fins, more siren esk in a sense.
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with Etho the main things I remember adding is chancing the headband and gloves to be more like kelp being wrapped around/ braided, because In general I like drawing mermaid outfits with a more found object type vibe to them. the other main thing was intentionally giving them 9 fins in their design, 6 on the tail, 2 on their fourarms, and the one on the back. Cause I enjoy drawing Etho with the kitsune vibe. even though I;ve only ever drawn them with the full ears n tail like,, once or twice? who knows.
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Also! points points, finally had an excuse to draw their tattoos!
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only notes I really had for Grian was wanting him to have the rounded Fins cause feather vibes. and I never really looked up actual fish or animals when I draw quick designs, so I go off pure vibes and vague memory of what I think the animal looks like,,, and we end up with stuff like this.
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and drew them with the void damage again! thought it would look pretty to have a tail and scales that looked like a void/spacelike. and It wouldn't have been a good colour pallet to have him in just pure red with the poncho and tail bein the same colour. I did also try the white hair too, even just being streaks like my s5 Ex design, but It wasn't really working out.
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I looked at my old design of Xb and went, "what can I do to make this being even prettier." and here we are /hj the full sea monster style Is something only like five of the hermits would have seen, so its not a common thing. I'd like to think Xb also like triples in size when like this, but its hart to show that when its just a single character shot like this. the default Xb design I will use is the "just some guy" kinda thing with only a couple fishy details if you look close enough. the whole a couple scales around the eyes like freckles and a vague impression of gills that are mostly covered up buy the hoodie anyways. the third eye is something Xb always keeps closed, and is normally hidden behind bangs
yada yada, I draw my Xb design as a character who just does everything to act as "Just some guy" and not as a full on monster of the deep sea kind thing only other design notes would be me adding the runes into Xb's horns, cause I've got some random magics lore Ideas, and I've been meaning to also add some to Tango's design as well and I originally had drawn Xb's earrings as a way to match with Hypnos, forgot that I drew this one with just a teardrop,, but I know my Hypno design does have both a eye and a bell on his earrings. Silly reference to a cool fic that was a good chunk of inspiration to how I characterize my Xb
Idk, not as many thoughts behind these designs as I had in the ties comic, but still a couple none the less!
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owmylasagna-blog · 3 months ago
Hey Garfield Lasagna! I was looking at some old posts and I remembered you mentioning a "school teachers AU" at some point! But I can't remember if you ever expanded on it... were there any particular ideas you had in mind for the characters? If you don't mind my curiosity hehe, just thought I'd ask for fun 👀
Aw hey MB what’s up?? It’s been a minute, hasn’t it. Thanks for the ask and sorry it’s taken so long to reply to it. As you’ll see it took a while to respond because I wrote a lot. Lol.
For context, this extremely hypothetical school teacher AU was inspired by @doubledyke ‘s post about Edd being a school choir director and @mar-saturn ‘s fabulous drawing. The AU exists as a few comments there and some deep part of my memory. But I’ll try to remember what I can and it will be fun to fill in the rest! https://www.tumblr.com/mar-saturn/730274033161125888/i-had-to-take-this-out-of-my-system-thanks
Generally the premise of the AU is to take the cast of Ed Edd n Eddy, age them up, and turn them all into employees at Peach Creek Jr. High. I’d only fleshed out the Eds and Kevin so everyone beyond that I’m spitballing.
Edd - Music teacher and choir director
In any AU I have to make Edd a grad school burnout, so let’s assume that. Our little Renaissance Man maintained an affinity for music even as his dreams of curing mosquito bites were dashed by his declining mental health. As a teacher he’s a real stickler and can be a pompous pain in the ass, so most of the kids don’t like him. Despite that he loves to teach and revels in breakthrough connections with the band geeks and aspiring Broadway singers who see his vision.
Eddy - PE, Health, Sub
@gettingfrilly had suggested a coach McGuirk type gym teacher and that’s. Yes. And also a smattering of Coach Fredricks from Freaks and Geeks and Jack Black in School of Rock (again, fans like @hermes-running have made these parallels). Also only a little inspired by his cute little coaching outfit in One Size Fits Ed. The kids genuinely like him because he lets them do whatever during PE. Eddy is both super down to earth and honest with the kids and they respect that. When he subs they know it’s movie time.
Kevin - PE, Football Coach
Kevin on the other hand is a bit more of a hardass with the kids and will blow the whistle to shake the lead out of their sneakers when running laps. He and Eddy have a bit of a rivalry and often butt heads. Their beef runs deep: in this AU I imagine both Kevin and Eddy grew up in PC and went to school together where they were friends until they weren’t. Kevin got popular and stopped hanging out with Eddy. Eddy became the class clown and pranked Kevin and his in-crowd friends every change he got. The cycle continues to comical effect.
Ed - Janitor
Originally I thought art teacher would be a good fit (as did gettingfrilly) but I changed my mind. Instead, Ed gets the janitor job through his sister Sarah who already works for the school. Ed is sort of a mythical creature in the school, and the kids make up lots of lore and rumors about him. Mysterious, whimsical, pretty rubbish at his job, but genuinely friendly and sweet when you do run into him. He makes sculptures in the woods behind the school from the trash he collects which gets him some attention from other teachers…
Nazz - Guidance counselor
Nazz always knew she wanted to help kids. She has multiple degrees and certifications in children's psychology, social work, and counseling. She’s way too qualified for her position at PC but wouldn't change it for the world because damn do these kids really need her! She is genuinely liked by pretty much all the staff and kids, the cool and hip guidance counselor with great style and a laid back, approachable attitude. But don’t be fooled - she is also a fierce advocate for better teacher wages which can make her a thorn in the administration’s side. You can find her every Thursday night at the local watering hole organizing workers for labor unions.
Rolf - Science teacher
Before immigrating to the US, Rolf was a renowned surgeon in his home country. But as soon as he set foot into the Land of Opportunity all his credentials went out the window and that, along with his remedial English, left him with few options. For a few years he works as a butcher - it's what he did on his family farm growing up, afterall, and he knew his way around cutting flesh. But then an opportunity to teach science at PC gave him more time to care for his aging great Nano so he takes it. Despite improving his English, the students have no clue what he is saying because of his thick accent and foreign analogies. For the Rolf the job is just… fine. The football coach hits it off with him as does the nice blonde regardless of their cultural differences which makes it a bit more tolerable.
Jonny - Wood shop
Need I say more? Just imagine your classic stoner type, Bob Ross energy guy. His favorite song to play at the start of every year is “Everything That’s Made of Wood Once Was a Tree”. Plank is his teaching assistant and will come and give the most scathing critiques of the students’ birdhouses. Not Jonny. Plank. “What’s that, Plank? Not even a rabid ferret would crawl up and die in there… Gee, buddy. Go easy on poor Nelson, would ya?”
Jimmy - Art teacher
Freshly graduated with a shiny MFA in hand, the Chelsea galleries weren’t clamoring to represent Jimmy. This job is just a way for him to start paying off the debt until he makes it big, and he means BIG - he’s the next Warhol as far as he’s concerned. The rest of the art world just needs to catch up. His daring art projects and student shows scandalize the school admin and the parents. They don’t know that good art is evocative. One lunch on his smoke break he stumbles upon the most evocative artwork he’s ever seen in the woods behind the football field. And he just must - MUST - find the artist behind them.
Sarah - Assistant principal
Sarah is the right-hand-man to Principal Antonucci, keeping the chaos of PC in check. Without her, the whole school would have fallen apart at this stage. Young and ambitious Sarah isn’t afraid to run a tight ship to improve the reputation of the school. She quickly latches onto the new art teacher who also loves a good gossip session at lunch time - and boy does Sarah have plenty of opinions, and Jimmy is the best fly on the wall she could ask for. The worst trouble isn't even the students - it’s the drama between the PE teachers.
The Kankers
Lee and May Kanker are both single moms whose kids go to the school. Lee has a monopoly on the PC real estate and May is training to be a dental hygienist. Marie is the local mechanic who is often called in to repair the boiler at the school when a pipe inevitably bursts every January, and will also pick up her little nieces when either of her sisters are working overtime or studying for a big exam. The anklebiters love it when she rolls up in her hotrod, top down. And so does a certain guidance counselor.
That covers everyone!
In this AU the Eds aren’t childhood friends, but become friends from working at the school. The general sort of plotline I imagined was that the school musical sort of brings these three loner staff members together. Edd is directing the production and realizes that Eddy is actually a gifted dancer (lol I’m so cringe - indulge with me) and quite musically inclined, and that Ed has a real talent for making stage props and backdrops. And while this is happening, Edd and Eddy probably strike up a secret little romance because, if you know me, you know I can’t help myself. And the rest is history!
Wow okay that was a long winded answer but it was really fun to come up with! Thanks again for asking (:
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honey-beann · 1 year ago
I'd Burn Every Soul I Knew (If I Thought the Fire Was Warming You)
rk boys (Nines, Connor, Sixty) x Reader
Chapter "One" - In Medias Res
Word Count: 3,169
Welcome to the first part of my new series, the title of which is listed above (and is also a quote from an unreleased Hozier song lol).
This series will be all three rks x reader, except unlike a normal series, we'll be starting things off randomly from the middle! As the series goes on, we'll go both backward and forward in time to give exposition and make sure there's clarification in various parts! I'm super excited for this, since I've never done anything like it before, and I hope you all enjoy!
Note: For some initial context, know that the boys were never detective androids in this universe, but were rather created for another purpose entirely :)
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"We shouldn't leave her alone right now, but she needs to get cleaned off and warmed up, so do you want to stay out here with her, or go draw a bath?"
You could hear Connor's voice distantly, as if he were underwater or several rooms away, and the thought made you scowl, the idea of being any closer to alone than you already were instantly causing your anxiety to spike.
Damn, you really had gotten too used to having them all around.
In front of you, you could scarcely see a thing despite your eyes being open, your vision unfocused and blurry as you tried not to look too closely at either of the men in front of you. You had no interest in taking note of just how blue their usually white shirts were the way you had on the car ride back to your apartment.
"A bath? Have you been paying any attention to her since we got back? She's half delirious, you're basically asking her to pass out and drown in there if she takes one now."
Sixty's voice sounded even further away than Connor's, and you buried your head in your hands at the sound, a persistent and gnawing reminder of the one voice you hadn't heard.
"She needs a bath, Sixty. Put her in a shower and she could end up falling over, which is a far more likely outcome with her in the state she is now."
You heard Sixty scoff in response before footsteps that you felt more than you heard faded away as he presumably made his way towards the bathroom.
Connor on the other hand, walked towards you so gently that you scarcely would have noticed him if it weren't for the way he said your name, quietly and with caution, as if afraid you would shatter at the sound.
You shook your head indignantly, not wanting to look up and see all of the blue blood that had gotten on him earlier, desperate to escape to a reality where none of this was happening.
Connor sighed, his hand coming to rest gently on your shoulder as he spoke,
"I changed already, you don't have to hide."
He murmured, his tone ever so slightly amused but mostly just cajoling as he tried to persuade you to see the truth of his words for yourself.
Slowly, as if the speed of your actions might change the outcome, you lowered your hands from your face, slowly allowing your eyes to glance over the room a few times before finally coming to rest on Connor, who was giving you what you imagined was supposed to be a supportive smile, that just so happened to look much more like concern.
You sighed shakily, murmuring a gentle thanks in response to his thoughtfulness regarding his bloodied clothes. You hadn't expected to be so upset by them, but then again, you'd never expected to see them at all, much less on your androids, and far less from them.
It was a staggering experience to see that they truly weren't invincible. You wished you'd never had to find out at all. At least not the hard way, not like this.
Connor hummed in response to your soft words, reaching down wordlessly to tug at the hem of your shirt, pulling the white button up out of your dress slacks with ease before he raised a questioning brow, asking without words if he could keep going.
You nodded.
It would be far from the first time Connor had seen you mostly or even entirely naked, in fact, they all had at this point, having taken care of you for so long.
You were better now, less weathered by pain and illness thanks to their lingering support, but you couldn't help but almost wish the suffering back to take away the dull ache of fear and uncertainty in your chest.
You had only just finished questioning whether or not the constant discomfort would truly have been worth it when you realized that Connor had removed all but your undergarments from you, folding your stained clothes over his forearm before he took a silent step towards the laundry room just down the hall.
You said, your voice quiet but stern, causing the android in question to halt all movement almost instantly. He turned to face you soon after, his head tilted slightly but his expression one of patience, as if he were willing to wait all day to find out what you were thinking.
You sighed shakily,
"I want you to burn them."
You said, watching as Connor's brow rose before he looked down to the clothing in his hand, clearly not understanding.
You elaborated.
"I don't want to see them again, I couldn't bear to be reminded of..."
You trailed off, but Connor took the opportunity to nod in understanding regardless, placing the clothes on a nearby breakfast bar stool before he approached once more.
"Okay, if that's what you want then I can do it while you're resting later in the evening."
He reasoned, not giving you any time to argue about details before he switched topics entirely.
"Sixty just notified me that your bath is ready. Is there anything you want to bring in with you?"
He asked gently, and you shook your head, far too eager to have the remnants of today washed from your body to care about your comfort.
When you entered the bathroom, Sixty was waiting for you, his hand skimming across the top of the water as he checked the temperature to make sure it was the way you liked it.
"It should be between 99 and 102."
Connor stated matter of factly, causing Sixty to hum dismissively in response.
"I know."
His gaze shifted up from the water's surface to where you were standing.
"Any better?"
He asked, his words brief but their meaning heavy, as per usual when it came to him.
You shook your head silently in response, reaching your hands backward to unclasp your bra as you did so.
Suddenly, without warning, Connor's LED lit up a bright yellow, and he straightened up a bit, brow raised, before making eye contact with Sixty, his tone calm despite how obviously little he enjoyed saying what he was about to say.
"They want someone to come down and answer some questions about Nines. Can you stay with her?"
Sixty seemed to falter for a moment, hand no longer skimming the top of the water as he contemplated the meaning behind what Connor was saying.
If he was considering leaving you here with him alone, than the situation was likely dire enough for it to be worth soothing their emotional human companion.
He nodded.
"Where else would I go?"
This reaction immediately caused Connor to shake his head in response.
"No, I don't just mean at the house, I mean here in the bathroom with her. She has some bruising on her ribs that I didn't notice earlier, so she shouldn't be left alone in the tub."
Sixty's gaze shot over to you, scanning your body for signs of injury until they landed on your left rib cage, where they lingered for quite a few moments before he finally nodded again.
"Yeah, we'll be fine. Just don't let Nines find out or he'll blow a fuse."
The joke was in poor taste, but Connor did little more than roll his eyes in response before his focused returned to you, his hand reaching over to unclasp your bra for you before you could find your way back to earth after hearing that Nines was bad enough for the medical staff to need some questions answered.
Still, out of little more than habit, you shrugged the garment off of your shoulders before shimmying out of your underwear, stepping over them afterward with a blank expression as you worked persistently to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror.
Connor noticed this, and shot a glance towards his successor before he nodded to the both of you in farewell.
"I'll be back soon. If you don't hear from me for a few hours, assume everything is alright. I will keep you updated on the important things."
He promised, reaching over to offer a hand for you to hold as you stepped into the tub before finally letting go a few moments after you were sat down, his eyes trained on yours as he did his best to convey that everything was going to be alright with his actions alone.
It did little to quell the growing anxiety in your heart, but you appreciated the effort nonetheless.
Meanwhile, Sixty reached forward to turn the water on once more, filling the tub further now that you were inside of it in order to ensure it was at the perfect temperature for you in the moment.
Connor and Nines rarely let you choose things like this, since the warmer the water the higher the chance of you feeling faint afterward, but Sixty was always far more concerned with your comfort the very second you were experiencing it than he was the future. From his perspective, he could fix whatever issues your body threw at you as long as you actually bothered to tell him what they were.
In fact, in his eyes, it would be worth it to rend his artificial skin from his artificial bone just to ease the unwavering pain in your eyes.
Just to make you smile.
Whether or not he really knew that he felt that way, was an entirely separate issue.
And the only one he was truly concerned with, was whether or not you did.
That, and the way your eyes stayed fixated on the now slightly blue tinted water that you had sunk your body into, afraid to look up and see your reflection staring back you, to see how the life giving vitality of another had changed it.
Sixty sighed at the sight of your obvious struggle, knowing all too well the feeling of being unable to look at oneself in the mirror.
Or, to see yourself so physically in another who was so clearly superior.
He got up without a word, and, making a show of it so you knew what was about to happen, flicked the light switch off.
With that persistent glow from overhead gone, the only thing illuminating the room was his LED, which made it nearly impossible for you to know whether the blue in the water was the light, or the blood of a loved one.
"Can you get in with me?"
You voice rang out so suddenly and with so little warning that Sixty paused as he stood near the closed doorway, his mind searching for an easy answer that would not come.
He was not usually the one you went to for comfort, Connor knew your heart best, Nines your mind, and that had left Sixty with your body, and he had learned to understand that with as little physical interaction as possible.
The sight of his hands resting upon your skin unsettled him, as did the way you trusted him so easily, as if you weren't so readily aware that he had been built for violence, brutality in the cases where it became necessary to protect you from some unknown evil that you had grown to fear but never to name.
It confused him, how comfortable you were with hands that had maimed and killed so many and gently touched so few.
Confused him, and left him wishing he were capable of holding you the way that the others were. So gentle, not for fear of harm but rather to convey a message of understanding, of comprehension far beyond what Sixty worried he could manage.
Built to look so similar, it was a shame to be so different.
He wordlessly got into the tub behind you, watching and undressing on approach as you scooted forward silently, the water sloshing around your fragile form as you made room for his threatening presence in that way no one else ever did, or he imaged ever would.
You knew his intentions regardless of his still mouth and tensed hands, always so good at seeing, so good at understanding.
Blessed be the hands you touched your monsters with, blessed be the eyes you saw them through.
If he could make them permanent fixtures on this earth he would, but instead he knows he'll simply have to shed his own consciousness the very moment you do the same.
Loyal brute, loyal fool, loyal follower, anything if he is yours.
Everything if he is yours.
He settled in behind you so easily that it almost felt like he belonged there, a thought so foreign that it did not even register until long afterward, while he was watching your hair dry by the smoldering flame of the tinder you had provided Connor with earlier.
The air had smelt of thirium when he realized it, burning gore and rose shampoo, which came from where you stood beside him.
He had thought of the petals of the flower as he stoked the flames rising off of your still burning shirt, thinking of the way that they all folded together so perfectly, so completely, that he could surely be nothing more than the thorn on your stem.
But then he had thought of the bath tub, and the way that your back had felt slotted against his chest as the warm water lapped at his synthetic skin, and how your hands had felt on his arms as you used them to keep yourself from slipping slightly on the slippery porcelain while the water settled.
Even as a well fitted thing, he had still caused a disturbance. When did he not?
But the future was still unknown for the moment, so he did not think about these things as he settled into the water behind you, instead choosing to ask if you were comfortable, only to be met with silence when you simply nodded, head tilted back in what the android took as a request, a gentle invitation, to make sure it was clean.
Sixty ran a few gentle fingers through your hair, doing his best to de-tangle what he could without hurting you before he began to cup water into his palms, using it to cleanse your locks of any dried thirium that had begun to grow thick and clotted there, so ironically similar to blood for all that it was not.
When he was done with that, he found the bottle of shampoo that he liked the scent of best beside the tub, and massaged it into your scalp, being careful not to pull.
He truly did know your body best of all, no matter how frightened of it he was.
You leaned into his touch slowly, as if hesitant to do so, and he said nothing about any of it, choosing instead to warn you to close your eyes as he used his hands to gather water once more, rinsing your hair of anything that had remained stuck on after it's de-tangling earlier on.
Your body came next, and you stood for that part, shivering in the cool air as it came in contact with your warm body, allowing him to not only feel your frailty, but also see it even clearer than he already had.
It was remarkable how much power something so fragile had.
Once you had been thoroughly cleansed of any traces of the day, Sixty was cautious in turning the light on again, eyes trained on your reaction thoughtfully all the way up until he had you wrapped in a towel and leaving the bathroom entirely, bound for your small room of soft robes and a plush mattress, one he had picked out (with the help of his "siblings" of course. Nothing ever got past them otherwise).
Sixty's thought regarding his counterparts had him faltering slightly as he guided you over to the edge of your bed to sit you down as he searched for clothing comfortable enough for you to sleep in later that evening.
He had seen the exhaustion in your eyes, and if Connor had been here, he would be insisting that Sixty was keeping you awake for all of the teary tired present in your gaze, but the younger android knew better. He knew you would fight it off until Nines either walked through the door himself, or was carried through in a bag of miscellaneous parts by his predecessor.
Not wishing to dwell on that thought, he soon settled on a large t shirt you had bought him at a concert a few years prior. He hadn't particularly enjoyed the music, didn't even really know how to back them, but you had seen him looking at it and bought it without a second thought.
So giving no matter how much was taken, he worried you might one day lose yourself to the pull of selflessness.
A selfish concern to be sure, how ironic.
Helping you get dressed with particular care being given to your bruised rib cage, Sixty was sure to scan your vitals multiple times throughout the process, always convincing himself that it was more for Connor, who could see the live data, than it was for him.
He was a liar, but he didn't need to admit that to himself, much less to the world.
Once you were finally comfortable and ready to relax for the evening, Sixty silently followed you out into the living area, setting you up with your favorite blanket on the couch (despite pretending to be surprised when you mentioned to him that it was your favorite when he laid it over top of your still vaguely shivering form) before he tried to think of something you could eat.
He had just come up with a few ideas to present to you when he noticed your shoulders shaking as your head rested heavily in your hands, and without a sound, he approached, sitting down beside you.
He let you cry for a little longer after that, so unused to comforting you in favor of his counterparts that he was rather unsure of what to say until finally, he simply said the only thing that came to mind.
"He's going to be okay. None of us are ever going to leave you, not as long as you need us."
His tone was firm and far less compassionate than the one Connor or even Nines may have used, but it must have done the trick, because you looked up at him weepily soon after, eyes wet and hands shaking as you took a deep and unsure breath.
"So you'll always be here?"
You all but wheezed, so desperate for comfort that the straining in your lungs was nothing if it meant receiving reassurance from someone.
Sixty responded without hesitance, his tone deadly serious as he spoke,
"We are yours. We won't leave unless you ask us to."
Connor called about Nines exactly 9.86 seconds later.
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mysteriawrites · 1 month ago
Hi miss ma'am❗️❗️ I'm gonna ask for a Arcane matchup so get ready❤️❤️❤️❤️
for a run down; my names Luna, AFAB girlie and bisexual.
Personality wise, I'm a ISFP if that helps, I'm genuinely more quiet and observant but I warm up to people pretty quick, I like making people laugh and have an almost mom/wine aunt quality to me (witty much? Its all out if love), I'd say I'm a pretty optimistic person overall- I'm willing to listen to everyone and get an idea of other people's pov :)
For appearance, frame wise I'm pretty short (5'1") but plenty of muscle with added lean-curves, with that I do have chubby cheeks, dark brown eyes, pale skin, medium length wavy/curly black hair, i love wearing false lashes and ive got plenty of piercings (most of which I've all done myself), I'd dress pretty casual (I feel like I'd be from zaun) but I love any kind of jewelry (go to: hoop earrings+dangy ones, layered star and hamsa necklace) i thrift a lot of my clothes so I end up with a lot of 2000's-2010's pieces.
hobbies/likes i got; i love pot, if I'm gonna learn to cook/bake you better I can make mean edibles, I like drawing (getting into tattooing soon), i thrift like a menace, listening to music (I like everything but rn I'm really into bôa, jack off Jill, kali uchis, Bjork and Tyler the creator), knitting & crochet, and I used to do sparring/boxing (haven't had much time now).
Hope that's enough info, and remember 2 take your time mama. Xoxo
Hello thx for the request! I got a little carried away lol. Enjoy!
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You and Jinx have a sort of opposite attracts kind of thing going on. You may be more on the quiet side, but that’s what attracted her to you.
She feels as if you won’t judge her for being who she is and can have an actual conversation with you.
Ever since Jinx came to live with Silco, you and her have been inseparable. Best friends and rulers of the under city.
You protected her whenever Sevika would get mad at her, you would get into hi-jinx (hehe pun) and shenanigans together, you would hold her when the nightmares were too real or the voices were too loud.
However, eventually she started to push you away and shut you out. She was afraid you would leave her old family did and the thought of losing you hurt her more than anything.
And when her sister came back with a strange woman she didn’t know what to think.
You tried so hard to patch things up with her, but you couldn’t seem to reach her. Until the night she almost died.
You screamed and cried and held her in your arms until Silco arrived. When the doctor operated to save her it made you sick to see her through all that pain but you stayed and held her hand.
The first thing she saw when she woke up was you. And that’s how she knew you were the one and vowed to never leave you again.
It was also what gave into part of her decision to lay low after the attack on piltover. She didn’t want to jeopardize your relationship and just wanted a quiet life with you.
After the events of season 2 (we’re gonna pretend no one died) you two start a quiet life in the under city and try your best to make things better.
You, her, and echo work on inventions and fundraisers to help the people of Zaun.
You guys adopted Isha and now she’s your daughter.
You braid and color each other’s hair and isha’s too.
The three you have family baking days. Sometimes you bake edibles but only when Isha’s out with her god mother Sevika or her Aunts Vi and Caitlyn
Yes Sevika is the godmother fight me
You guys get high together on dates sometimes.
Make out while being high.
You spar together which sometimes end in make out sessions.
You teach Isha some self defense moves to protect herself.
You make crochet gifts for your little family and they wear them with pride.
You all go thrifting together and play dress up pretending to be royalty.
You have little dance parties in the street blasting your favorite songs.
You and your wife Jinx shall lead Zaun to a brighter future.
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ramblingzombpossum · 5 months ago
I keep going back to something from therapy today. During morning check in we have to write how we're feeling, it's literally "What is your mood today?" and today, I just didn't know. I was flipping from one mood to another so fast that I couldn't wrap my mind around one emotion or mood.
When I wrote "I don't know" I expected a bit of push back, someone to tell me that's not acceptable, there is no way I can't know. We all know how we feel right?
Well, instead the therapist smiled and said "That's ok." They know I have schizophrenia, and apparently I've lived with it all my life. When I apologized she insisted I didn't have a reason to, it's ok to not know how you feel.
One of the points my one on one therapist is hammering home, is when I say "I don't know" people are going to be confused. People who aren't schizophrenic DO NOT understand. I grew up with it, I've learned to adapt and hide it.
Hallucinations are weird? Ok, I'm not going to talk about it, or I may draw attention I don't want. Hearing things isn't normal? Alright, we chalk that up to 'keep to yourself and hide.' Oh, the random moments of "Lol I could just die" or "Man I could sleep and never wake up" aren't necessarily normal? Cool, that will not be spoken about. (That last one is common in a lot of things, but it's thoughts I can remember having as young as sixish.)
But the phrase "I don't know" has always been demonized to me.
"Why did you do that?" "I don't know" "NO you absolultely know why, so why did you do that?!" It was a rather common reaction, from everyone. For years, because in most people's minds, they know.
Before I got medicated, I didn't realize how bad it was, how I would sit there, and just not know what I was doing. I'd have moments of full unawareness, and I still do at times. I dissociate, something I never knew what it meant until I was forced to acknowledge it. I go off into my own world and completely disconnect from life, going on basically auto pilot.
Sometimes I'll do something, and I will have a reason, but after doing it, I have no idea WHY. My brain doesn't work right, it never has, and I learned the easiest way to avoid it, was withdrawing. I could just not talk, I could just live in my mind and be fine. As an adult this doesn't work, it makes life harder, it makes everything harder. I literally sit at home sometimes and just lose time. I've become obsessed with time checking, to make sure I wasn't off in my mind for hours.
Even now I have an aversion to "I don't know" even if it's the truth. I find myself scrambling for a believable lie because "I don't know" is unacceptable, it is very much a sin. No one has a brain so broken that they don't know.
But I do, I don't know why I do a lot of things. I don't know why I say things sometimes, or why my brain jumps to something completely out of left field.
Someone asked me to describe my thought process on something, and it went a little like... A needs to happen for B to happen, but if C occurs then A will be ruined, and B can't happen, so obviously I need to do Y, D, F, G, and L before anything else to make sure that A can happen.
None of it makes sense, none of it comes together, but my brain is so loud and jumbled, even with anti-psychotics I have auditory and visual hallucinations. Not as bad as it once was, but it happens. I can hear voices as if someone is standing over my shoulder, telling me just to stop. Give up. Let my body crumble, and cease existence. No one will ever care, no one will miss me.
I know this isn't true, I fight against it daily.
Sometimes I turn around in my house while I'm alone and think someone is standing in the kitchen. Nothing solid, a shadowing form in the vague shape of a person that catches me off guard, but I've learned not to show my fear. How can I react to things when others don't see them? That's weird, and society says we should never be weird. How does one explain when they want to just hunker down, grasp their head and scream to drown out the voices? How does one explain what it's like to be plagued with things, delusions of being immortal, delusions of everyone hating you. The idea that in this life you'd be more of a contribution as a memory than a living being. The paranoia of what everyone wants. The paranoia of not knowing what is and isn't actually happening. The Paranoia that you're going to say the wrong thing, and wind up hospitalized because 'you're not normal.'
There is nothing fun about this, there is nothing easy. I've been fighting a silent battle for who knows how long, and a lot of people say I'm strong for being open. I'm not being strong, I'm being weak, because I'm tired. I'm so very tired, and I don't want to be strong anymore. I want to lay down, I want to have a day where I'm not constantly shifting through my thoughts, where I'm not trying to decide if the person next to me is talking to me, or if its one of the voices trying to tear me down. I don't want to be convinced that everyone is out to get me, that everyone will leave, everyone is just using me in some way.
I'm just tired, I'm tired and I don't know what I feel. I keep going because I want Bean to know it's ok. I want her to never worry about asking for help. I want her to realize, sometimes we all have battles we don't share, and that's ok, but it's also ok to ask for help.
In the end, I'm tired, confused, and I will never be able to answer everything, unless I'm allowed to be honest and say "I don't know."
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igncrxntripley · 2 years ago
So I have a bunch of storm coming in. I don't know if you are comfortable can I have a female who has a fear of thunder and Rhea Ripley "comforting" female!reader by making reader focusing on Rhea?
headcanons: thunderstorms
a/n: making this into headcanons bc i haven't done any for rhea yet, also i hope this is what you were looking for!!
mentions: SFW, fear of thunderstorms, mentions of thunder/rain/wind, use of rhea's real name, reader’s gender isn’t specific
taglist: @ripleyswhore @babybatlover @thesithdiaries @auburnwrites @neptune-lover @i-have-issues-lol @ares-athena @bunnysmyname
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demi wasn't scared of much - she threw herself through tables and hit people for a living, she didn't have time to be scared of something like a thunderstorm; but she knows when her partner is scared of something and she immediately is going to jump into action to make things better.
with the changing seasons and temperamental weather, thunderstorms were getting to be a more common ocurrence and were your actual nightmare. they were so loud and scary, and sometimes it felt like no matter what you did nothing eased the fear of the storms.
your girlfriend, demi, took quick notice of this the first time a storm rolled through during your relationship. she spent the majority of the time calming you down and didn't even think twice about getting you to focus on her instead of what was going on outside.
"baby, look! i made a blanket fort! i have all the snacks and a movie, and our chargers in case the power goes out, and i even grabbed those headphones in case you need them again!'
there's no doubt you and demi are spending the entire storm in that exact fort; she only used the best and thickest blankets in the entire house so it covered up the sound a little better, and the two of you would be huddled under another blanket for an extra sense of security.
i'd be a fool if i didn't specify that the two best guard dogs in the world, barry and luna, are protecting the fort through the storm to make sure both you and demi were safe.
with each crack of thunder, your body jumping and a quiet whimper leaving your lips, demi's arms would tighten around your body and she'd whisper the sweetest things she could manage; "shh, i'm here. we're safe right here in the house, yeah?"
you had to give demi credit, as she was trying her hardest to make sure you were feeling safe and comfortable. but she had no clue how deep this fear of thunder really went, and she knew she needed to start getting more creative.
the next time the thunder rolled, demi could see the tears building up in your eyes. it didn't help that the power was flickering and the wind was picking up outside. but she was determined to make sure you were okay throughout the rest of this storm, and she decided that she needed to go back to basics.
demi would turn you in her arms so you faced her, only able to look into her stunning eyes as she tightened the blanket around your bodies. what she said next took you by surprise, but it most definitely made you focus on anything other than the storm outside.
"you ever have that one thing as a kid you thought you were really good at but in reality you were just a kid and your parents wanted to keep your confidence up and made you think you were good at it?" she'd ask with a smile, taking amusement in the somewhat shocked look on your face.
demi wasn't done there; "in year 7 there was a talent show at school and i was convinced that i needed to showcase my insane hoola-hooping abilities." demi would smirk, her fingers drawing patterns on your back as she held you close.
she'd continue to go on about these silly stories, holding you close the entire time and smiling every time you giggled at her. demi's tactics work so well that you don't even notice the storm wrapping up outside and the only remnants being some light rain and wind.
the terror on your face was replaced by shock when you looked at demi, and she would giggle at you as if she'd accomplished the biggest thing possible. "i told you we'd get through the storm."
needless to say, every thunderstorm after this was not nearly as scary as they used to be - that is, as long as demi was home.
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binuwe · 4 months ago
Maybe I'm not good enough at reading the plot’s underlying messages, but it wasn't until the lake or birthday preparation episode (22nd to be precise) that I understood the menace Fukiko's insanity is.
Because what the actual hell. I knew she was manipulative and a liar. I knew how she pretended to be a mature and responsible girl to the eyes of the Sorority and the Academy. She had previously behaved with cruelty towards Rei (I'd like to talk about her masochist tendencies one day), but what happened in this episode did shock me.
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In prior episodes we saw how aloof these young women could be. The threatening to Mariko with razors, the strange pointy instrument used for flower arrangement on Rei's hand, or even that time when Fukiko locked Nanako up in the Sorority's basement. Now, each and every of these actions are horrendous... But to see an attempted murder was truly something else.
I do believe Fukiko didn't want to kill Nanako (I hope lol), just scare her. To remind her who was in control, who stood above everyone else. She took such drastic measures to ensure Nanako thought twice if she was ever to do anything that could reveal her vulnerabilities... WHAT?! I know we all know how these girls are insane, each of them due to their personal and diverse reasons. Nonetheless, this case is the one that struck me the most.
Something that freighted me was her behaviour during the act, she was smiling as if it were her daily cup of tea. Fukiko could have ended with Nanako's life and she never dealt with any responsibilities, which shows how her social status gives her once again unlimited elusiveness to punishment. 
Fukiko saw Nanako as a threat to everything that maintained her power. Is ironic how she wanted to mock and humiliate the younger in the first place, how the naive Nanako indirectly opposed her values and beliefs. It amused her in the beginning, a source of humor. But when she saw how this girl could A) Help Rei, and B) Dismantle her image, Fukiko acknowledged she had to take the matter into her own hands. 
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Now, let's analyse the true horror of this scene:
• The apparition: 
On a small boat, impulsed by absolutely nothing for the oars are motionless, Fukiko makes her apparition to Nanako. She carries a parasol, as if she had prepared herself for an actual aquatic stroll. We must remember that instances earlier she had fired a service worker and looked agitated, making her casual and "peaceful" appearance so... creepy. And if you believed it couldn't be more odd, she proceeds to jump off the boat into the lake.
• In the water:
Nanako, to the sudden action, becomes worried and approaches herself to the water. Just like a mermaid, Fukiko emerges gracefully from the water. Out of nowhere, she grabs the younger's ankle and pulls her into the lake. Fukiko draws Nanako deeper with a sadistic expression on her face, completely conscious and aware of her actions. Meanwhile Nanako fights for her life, because one her foot got caught between two branches, the Sorority's President swims away to the surface. But not yet. She stays and observes the other resist until she's almost unconscious.
• Outside the water:
From the middle of the lake, Fukiko emanates with Nanako between her arms. She becomes the saviour of the girl she had condemned. 
The abusive behaviour of Fukiko is concerningly accurate. She asks for forgiveness, she excuses herself, and she feigns preoccupation. Fukiko wants Nanako to understand how powerless she is against her. She's not only older, richer, more astute and influential, but also physically stronger. She threatens her subliminally, for she doesn't have to express what she wants, she knows Nanako will understand. It's utterly terrifying.
Anyways, love this show. 
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stepswordsen · 5 months ago
【Magi】 Judar Wearing Hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
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【Magi】 Judar wearing hanfu 🖤❤️🐈‍⬛
【マギ】 漢服(ハンフ)を着るジュダル
Judar is my fave Magi chara, and JuAli is my fave Magi ship, so I REALLY wanna create plushie designs of them one day, as well as a Tegaki fan-animatic MV... It's my dream 🙏
My unhinged gremlin black cat son who's Black Sun, Moon, and Eclipse themed! 🐈‍⬛☀️🖤🌙
1st Judar doodle is a planned concept art reference sheet I wanna do for my headcanon design of him wearing black and red hanfu 💞
2nd Judar doodle is based on a Vocaloid song parody with JuAli (Judar/Alibaba) x Unfriendly Hater by Meddmia (drawn by WOOMA) 🖤❤️💛
In my HCs, Judar wears a type of hanfu called Ruqun (襦裙). Ru (襦) is the cross-collared top of a hanfu, and the wrap-around skirt is called Qun (裙). The coat jacket is called Da Xiu Shan (大袖衫)
He'd look great wearing black and red hanfu with white and gold accents~ The black outer coat jacket is slightly translucent, so it'll show the cross collared top's red sleeves through it.
I drew some tentative rain drop earrings for now, but I imagine he would wear gold and red hanfu earrings, and/or snowflake/icicle ones (since Judar is an ice magic user) ❄️
I've been forgetting to post my doodles from my side account onto main, so here you go. I missed talking about my son and drawing him.
I think my art style is getting more refined 🥰💖 The way I draw faces/eyes has been improving steadily! The first Judar doodle was the first time I experimented with an eye style with thicker eyelashes and underlashes! I love the new eye style a lot, so I've comfortably settled into it for the rest of my arts.
I want to draw him in different styles of huafu too, but I made the main hanfu he wears in my HC version, simple to draw (black coat jacket, red cross collared top, black wrap around skirt) with simple patterns, just for my own sake.
I'm obsessed with Meow meow mf charas. Black and white colour scheme and design aesthetics. Black and/or white hair. Black Sun & Moon themed. Sharp tsurime eyes. Eyeshadow. Causes problems on purpose. C*nty Sen-core bastard cat. Smug chaotic edgy evil asshole character. Violent, unhinged, bloodthirsty and murderous. Arrogant with a huge ego that distances them from humanity (or social interactions).
I love "Sen-core Meow meow mf" and "Cunty Sen-core" bastard cat Annoying Nyam Nyam types like him /pos <3 🐈‍⬛💗
Judar's long black hair with braids, and black + white + red + yellow design hits my fave aesthetics 💗I love his braids sm
Judar is my fave Magi chara. No one is surprised LOL. Judar is a perfect Sen-core character.
Especially since I KNEW I have a history of being obsessed with Kuroha (KagePro) since I was 12. I knew exactly what would happen
The fact that my evil unhinged meow meow pipeline has led me from Kuroha (2013) to Judar (2022) is really not surprising at all.
It's so funny rereading my messages from 2022 when I first read Magi and guessed that he'd be my fave after seeing his 1st CAMEO appearance 😭😂 It's like watching my downfall in real time /lh
My friends mainly associate me with my meow meow mf faves like Douman, Xanxus, Judar, Idate, Kuroha, and Hibari. To be known for them is an honour ✨ It makes me very happy (❁´◡`❁)
Judar's a fun chara and a perfect squishable gremlin it's natural I'm devoted to him. I love my son
I wanna draw even more of him cuz he's just so fun to draw. I need to practice more cuz I have trouble drawing his spiky hair at times
I put the rest of my doodle WIPs, and talks of my headcanon design for him, and my art process under the cut ✨ Cuz I don't think I ever talked about how I got obsessed with this chara in full? I'll put that too
WIP Shots
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The last one is an older doodle. I still like aspects of it but I'd redraw it (also the above doodles are just better drawn versions of it)
Headcanon Design
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Judar wears hanfu and hanfu earrings in my headcanon design.
I imagined that he would wear gold and red hanfu earrings, and also snowflake/icicle ones! Silver snowflake ones, and glass icicle earrings would be cool...
So I think I may wanna put snowflake/ice and dragon patterns on his hanfu. The silhouette of a Chinese dragon (ice dragon) would be rad 🐉
I want Alibaba to wear traditional Arabic clothes (white and yellow). I've been looking into it for now, but I wanna draw it soon... I also HC Alibaba to have tanner skin in my HC design
Ohtaka is really good at harmonizing colour palettes (seen with the volume covers). I loooove using teal/cool tinted black when colouring my meow meow mf faves, so this is a treat hehe
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Since Judar is from the Kou Empire, which is based on China, I wanted to project Judar's ethnicity onto his design more (since many friends who I've spoken to from my other interests didn't know he was even CN inspired until I told them)
I always take aspects I like from canon and imbue it with my own tastes! I base my drawings on my own headcanons/interpretations of my faves.
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I agree with the above post <3
Magi is in my top favourite series ever in terms of art and writing. It's generally peak imo
Magi's biggest flaws are the whitewashing, colourism and racial stereotyping (ex. racially stereotyped clothing in the character designs) and some parts of the setting being bastardized takes on SWANA and South Asian cultures, and I've always been critical of that.
Of course, it's totally normal for cultures to do cultural exchanges with each other, but that's not what's going on here.
A lot of EA media feeds into insensitive/distasteful racial stereotypes on non EA cultures, we don't need more of it being perpetuated in fandom spaces. I personally won't be drawing certain Magi charas in their canon clothing designs.
Ohtaka's drawn him (Judar) in hanfu before, it should've been his canon clothes instead.
I love his hair design with the braids sm. I draw him in huafu in my HC design instead as a fix-it for the obvious colourism going on in Magi's chara designs, and also, the charas' clothing designs and parts of the settings too, being bastardized and racially stereotyped takes on SWANA and South Asian cultures.
WIP Shots (Art Process)
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I drew these, which I like, but I liked the original best (up top). A few of them have slightly more curled hair strands! I think 1st and 2nd are the best in capturing the vibes, but the others are also interesting to see. I might incorporate some aspects from them when I refine this doodle
I think there's a lot of improvement from my past doodles. I still like this but I'd redraw it (since I feel like my recent doodles are just better drawn versions of this)
Admittedly I'm MUCH better at drawing meow meow mfs, so I haven't gotten the chance to draw Alibaba yet.
I find Judar's spiky hair hard to draw so I'm still trying to decide how I want to draw it...
I love how Ohtaka draws the shape of his braids. I didn't get the time to refine the sketch yet so I just blocked in the shape of his braids roughly with a silhouette (so I'll go fix it later)
I wanna redraw and refine the hair and clothes later 👍
I think when I actually get to colouring, though, I'm gonna desaturate the teal tinted black colour slightly
On the 1st sketch pass, I just care about making the face and eyes look good (since it's usually the main focus of my pieces)
Then I just scribble whatever for the clothes.
And then when I go back to clean up the sketch, then I fix everything else, including the clothes
(Magi: Kou Empire Arc - Ch. 255 Spoilers)
I was rereading the Judar vs. Aladdin fight in the Kou Empire arc and I love how dynamic Ohtaka's art is. I'm in love with the compositions
Judar's ice dragons and the the last page with Judar being themed with the moon!!! That's so cool. My son is so cool and iconic
Judar’s leitmotif is the Black Sun and Moon ☀️🖤🌙
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I reread the Kou Empire arc so many times cuz it's SO good art/writing wise and just in general like WHDSHDHSH
But this is why I want Judar's hanfu to have snow/ice and ice dragons on it. I'll make it an easy pattern/silhouette and use a stamp brush probably cuz uh I don't want to have to draw that by hand every time
Ohtaka is one of my main art inspirations of what I wanna draw like someday in terms of technical skill. Her inking is godly.
Ohtaka is BRILLIANT with inking, dynamic battle compositions, perspectives, and colours... Her art is soooo good, it's such visual eye candy.
Ohtaka is brilliant with complex dynamic perspectives and inking. She draws GREAT expressions. Her colours harmonize really well. She's a brilliant author/story writer.
Her inking style is so unique. And it fits thematically too with how Magi is mainly in black and white (black and white rukh)
Since Magi was loosely based on 1001 Nights for the charas' names and parts of the setting, the roc/rukh is a giant legendary bird.
It's apparently a reference to Rukh/Rok (A mythological bird) and Rūḥ ("Essence/Soul")
Source: (X)
The way her inking stands out on its own with minimal screentone usage (except for BG effects and lighting) is a testament to her skill
Misc Rambles
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These are my top fave meow meow mf faves.
My top main faves are all very important and personal to me, just in different ways. So I tie them all as no. 1 ✨
Irt Judar and Kuroha/Saeru, they're completely different characters personality wise, since Judar is mischievous, bratty and playful, childlike and emotionally immature (due to his personality and context), but they have similar~ish designs and a couple similarities, in terms of their basics.
As in, they're both evil black haired meow meow mfs with similar expression ranges, who are bloodthirsty, sadistic, and love causing violence for fun. They have the same Sen-core character type.
They have similar~ish hairstyles (black hair with braids in the back, unique eyes (Kuroha's snake eye pupils and the rings in Judar's eyes), and are unhinged bloodthirsty meow meow mf core charas
My History
(Magi: Ch. 15 - Judar's 1st Cameo Appearance)
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Ok I don't think I ever told in full my origin story with this chara, I guess. Basically I was going off the mutuals/blorbo osmosis and just my friends' rambles at this point before I read the series.
And I was reading back my messages of what I sent to my friends at the time
I first read Magi, I think around Sept 2022, two chapters, then started again in Oct 2022 read to Ch. 15 saw Judar and was like. (.) 🧍 This design is Sen core. Don't let me go down like this.
When I first saw Judar’s CAMEO in Ch. 15... I had a feeling.
Cuz I sensed Sen core meow meow mf.
I felt my doom. I knew it... I sensed it with my instincts 😭
And then I was like, "Well I made my bed, so time to go lie in it 👍"
Since I saw the charas from my friends' tweets before, can you believe that at this point I was like "Wow I wonder how my would be ship interact together. They're on the same page!!!" 🤸
My friends were like "I can't believe you're shipping them this early 😭 Even before they actually interact omggg"
And I started shipping JuAli by Ch. 15. So before they even interacted. So when I JUST saw Judar. And then I doodled them right after (it was my first doodle of them!) 😭😂 LMFAOOOO
Good god me getting obsessed with charas/ships is like my insanity speedrun
Me with JuAli and KuroEne... Insanity speedrun x1000000
Like I had a feeling that he'd become my fave by his first CAMEO appearance... He makes his first major appearance around like ~Ch. 44
Douman took 5 days for me to be obsessed with after I found out about his character/writing.
Judar just took me seeing his 1st cameo appearance in the manga.
Kuroha/Saeru took just seeing the Outer Science MV when I was 12 (Tbf, Outer Science is peak KagePro and is one of the best KagePro MVs in terms of visuals and storytelling)
Judar is extremely important and personal to me, I feel this as someone who comes from a similar cultural background to him as well, Judar is EA/CN inspired and so his background and backstory context really makes me feel for him… Speaking personally, as someone who is Viet/SEA diaspora.
Considering Judar's backstory context, and his character arc themes of resentment and grief… Wahhhh ;__; I can mildly relate to him.
Like, ahhh, this character makes me so emotional… He makes me want to cry (in a good way). Emotional tears, cuz this chara is so healing and cathartic for me. I'll punch him out of love! 🫶
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ryuichirou · 5 months ago
Some replies! Mostly about Skully, but also a headcanon-y one about wrestling, and also one about song lyrics.
thestarlightfae asked:
I love the lighting! The jack-o-lantern really looks like fire!
Thank you!! I am happy it looks good! <3 I love playing with lighting hehe.
Anonymous asked:
Oh he looks very lovely in your style. And the colors and his face tooooo ughhHhhhhHhHhhh
Love him so much 💚 (;∀; )
HEHEHE thank youuuu!! I’m happy you liked it so much!
Skully is very fun to draw, so we enjoyed the process a lot as well. I would love to draw his other facial expressions too at some point…
lusetmv asked:
Just wondering, now that the event is over, how do you see Skully, top or bottom?
We haven’t finished it yet, but from the get-go he gave us top vibes. The boy has a bunch of qualities we like in tops 🤔 We most likely won’t change our mind as well, so it’s a safe bet <3
Anonymous asked:
Have you ever thought about a wrestling au for the twst boys where one of the bottoms does the funny sexual distraction moves such as shocking the other by rubbing on them then taking them down after catching the opponent off guard?
Sorry for the abysmally late reply, Anon; it’s a very old one and I wonder if you’re still here…
I’ll be honest, I haven’t thought about anything like that before you sent your ask, but I can see a couple of twst boys sabotaging others ilke that in a wrestling match.
Epel would be a champion of that, considering he excels at making men around him all confused and smitten and then punching them in the gut LOL He would be so hesitant to use sexual distraction tactic at first, but if one little rub down there is enough to make his opponent lose focus, he’ll do it!
Vil is probably the one who told him that in the first place, so of course he uses it too, but not as often as Epel. Vil doesn’t really need to do it – he fights very well even without that lol
Jamil is also very good at seduction, but uses it extremely rarely and very sneakily, this is why whenever he does that, it’s almost traumatisingly good. The poor guys never know what happened…
Also… you know what? Deuce might use sooome form of that. Even less often than Jamil, and it’s always a “I don’t know, I acted before thinking” thing, but damn this boy has good instincts?? His opponents would never expect that from him…
The world of wrestling is so exciting and vibrant lol I wonder what everyone’s “stage names”, signature technique and other stuff would be like! It could be such a fun and massive au, but unfortunately we’re not into wrestling enough and don’t know enough about it to come up with any interesting thoughts…
Anonymous asked:
Can you think of any character who fits these lyrics?:
I fucked the reaper cause I knew
My time was coming can't you see
I was either gonna die
At 12 or 90-fucking-3
I'd do anything for twenty bucks
I'd sell my sour soul
Cause lemonade is bitter till you
Sweeten up the bowl
And I'm sitting in the bathroom
I'm crying citrus tears
Everything I used to love
Decayed over the years
You know, Anon, for some reason I thought too hard about this lol As if there is a correct answer.
In actuality, I just couldn’t pick one option, so here are three of my thoughts: Ciel, Idia and honestly either Malleus or Lilia depending on how you look at it.
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yuseirra · 5 months ago
My brain keeps running on its own trying to formulate a way to make sense out of it all but at this point, I wonder if it'd be worth theorizing(If I can think of something good I'll still love to share :) )
Believe it or not, I'm very, very, very stern about trying to stay true to canon.. Because working with existing characters, they have their cores don't they? I really do want to care about portraying them in ways that are true to how they are in their respective stories, that's what makes them, them
With onk.. I'm starting to wonder...(yeah I just started;) this may be the first time where I may go oh let's just ditch canon I'll do whatever I want depending how it goes. Maybe I still believe some sort of miracle may happen in the remaining chapters that'd wrap everything together at may it be cluttersome(sorry but there is literally no room left for it to be able to meet its closure in a beautiful and graceful way with a deep sense of nuance and depth the way this work deserves. It's INCREDIBLY SHORT. It cannot happen within that amount of space it needs at least ten decently lengthy chapters.) but..I don't know~~.....
Oh I'm more concerned than hyped and it's been that way ever since I started vigorously drawing for this series again this July tbh 154 was GOOD, how come everything went downhill from there haha😂.. That chapter had me so hooked and I felt I knew all the answers that were to come from that point forth. I really had a huge intuition of how things would play out(and surprisingly, the possibility is actually still there)
I don't think I'm the type of fan who can ignore canon and do what I want, I've never been that way and I can't bring to convince myself of what's not there (this means, I sincerely believe in all the things I've been drawing o<-<) but... Let's see how it goes. I was so stressed and tense ever since I started drawing hikaai...I don't like being unsure of things...what if they're totally different from what I make of them...but seeing how CANON's going, maybe I don't have to care so much either if it's doing whatever it wants, canon feels so unhinged, was there ANYONE who was able to predict what were to happen 100%? What are they doing?; So yeah.
Oh;; I hope Aqua's okay. It's just...so cruel. I've been annoyed with him but that's because I wanted him to live!!! Why doesn't he- why did he HAVE to do THAT?? Hurt his dad and everyone he loves and even himself, I'm trying to find a reasoning that's convincing enough for me to comprehend just how this could make sense and hold some kind of message although it's downright horrifying; I kept asking in my posts all yesterday right? What message are thet trying to send with this and what could be the point? I can understand if they do a good job with it, I've been putting my effort in order to make out what good may come out of it but I guess only the author would know for now
I don't know where this post is going myself, I'm just writing out my thoughts, this series may have taught me a lot about myself that I wasn't so aware of...
I guess when conflicts appear I end up going, "they couldn't have had malicious intent, could they?" on many occasions, you really don't know what the other party can be thinking so for most cases, it just feels better to believe they didn't mean harm or evil. Maybe I'm being that way about Hikaru but AI LOVED THAT GUY. I didn't have a lot of thoughts about him before that dropped! I couldn't make a clear judgment so I just left my interpretation of him on hold. Oh ;v;).. It's been REALLY ROUGH holding out for him after that happened pft will that pay off.. That guy's still so ambiguous. I rather him be a good person. The story is better if he were. I guess believing in someone is hard but I'll.. Do that till I can. I think Ai would have?
You know, if I were Ai, I'd end him with my own hands if he became that messed up. That's how I drew that one comic after 162. I'd give him a hug and then end him lol because I'd feel responsible in a way. It's ridiculous and tragic how things turned to be the way it is but it doesn't feel so resolved either
I'm afraid about the fate of this series but at least not long left now. Hopefully I can still draw Ai and her bf in a wholesome manner, I really cared for those guys and I'd love to stick around and do more for it at least for awhile
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