#who kisses on the metro it’s so nasty in there
buginateacup · 2 years
7 and 8 for the fic writer thing? :0
I just want you to know that this ask gave me SERIOUS trouble trying to think of which parts are my favourites
Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Okay so my other thought was Megamind's slow reveal to very not human in Presentation but I have to give it to this one. Its a nasty one but I think that's part of why I love it. Its from the absolute nadir of the hell arc in Tea with Topsy and also the turning point from this is bad to we can't climb out of this without something drastically changing.
You wouldn't call it a kiss. It had too much desire to hurt, to inspire fury and incite pain to make it anything other than a clash of teeth and blood and rage. There was anger and frustration and every hateful thing they'd ever said to one another tangled up between them and it took Roxanne far too long to remember she still had one hand curled tight into his collar and pulling him closer before she wormed it between them to shove him off.
These two are having just the WORST time for reasons both of them are responsible for. The friendship they'd been tentatively building was breaking down, the UST was through the roof, all the "safe" flirting they'd been edging with suddenly wasn't so safe after all because surprise! Roxanne hasn't been dating the hero. Everything is in flux and there is too much tension and pride and frustration for them to even think about apologising and when you can't use your words your actions wind up being the only way to communicate.
It's absolutely horrendous and hot and feels perfectly in character for who they are and where they're at.
Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Okay this one was a challenge between the dirty talk monologue in Topsy and the pillow fight in Ricochet, Recoil, Rebound. And its got more than just dialogue going on but its the first proposal in Rings.
Roxanne stares from the ring in her hand to his grin where he's still kneeling in front of her and she's been clutching this rage that is mostly aimed at herself that she's spent three thousand dollars over five years just because she likes the time before the cameras come on and its just the two of them talking (and that is so fucking embarrassing he is a supervillain, she is a damsel,  god what is she doing with her life). And she obviously loses her mind a little because she surges to her feet, balls the ring in her fist and flings it back at him shouting “I wanted to get my shoes replaced! Not for you to ask me to marry you!”
The ring bounces off Megamind's chest and he catches it automatically, then he's on his feet yelling as well, “I wasn’t asking you to marry me!” 
Megamind did not think this through at all, kneeling in front of her handing her a...oh wow is this the cursed one? Whoops. He was just trying to pay her back for all the damages he's apparently caused her and he feels frankly pretty terrible about that. How had he never noticed he was causing her physical and financial distress?  He just really likes seeing her and kidnapping her is the only way to do that. Minion has no idea what he's talking about suggesting they go for coffee.
Elsewhere in Metro City Metro Man aka Wayne Scott’s super-hearing just picked up the words “Marry me” coming from his little blue buddy and yes finally things are happening its about time.
“Well, good!” the formal but unofficially endorsed damsel of Metro City snaps. Why didn't she keep her mouth shut? This is utterly humiliating. Why did she even mention marriage? Of course he wasn’t proposing he doesn’t even like her. They just talk sometimes during the kidnappings and try and make each other laugh which is kind of fun. This was the worst idea ever, she just wanted to not have to worry about the blisters from breaking in another pair of shoes when she’d rather pay attention to the giant lasers or talk to him about how the brain-bots AI works or see if she can make him laugh unexpectedly during his monologues.
“No, not good! Not good at all! Evil!” What was he thinking? He wasn't thinking  of course which is what happens every time he kidnaps her. What use is his giant blue head if his brain dribbles out his ears every time she smiles at him? This is the worst, this is the absolute worst. “As if that’s the kind of ring I’d ever propose to you with!” 
“EXACTL- wait what?” Roxanne blinks. He’s thought about a ring? He’s thought about a ring specifically for her? That is not a normal thing. That is something people only consider when things get really serious. Why has he thought about a ring for her?
“What?” Megamind just keeps making things worse for himself doesn't he? How many years have he been designing and redesigning the perfect ring? Not for Roxanne of course, just as a completely random nonspecific example of what a true engagement ring should look like. “Of course I wouldn’t propose to you with some possibly cursed ring! You deserve sapphires as blue as your eyes!” Sapphires for her eyes and because they remind him that there is some good blue on this planet and maybe that balances out some of his evil.
“Well you deserve emeralds to match yours!”  Oh my god Roxanne shut up shut up shut up, you are not admitting that you've thought about those eyes. A lot, a lot a lot. A lot a lot alone at night and after a couple of drinks and... “Why are you giving me a cursed ring?!”
“Possibly! Possibly cursed!” Ahahahahaha help oh evil gods help, “Any ring I did propose to you with would be one hundred percent not cursed! I'd give you a sapphire in a platinum band framed by baguette cut diamonds!”
“That sounds like a ring I would be happy to accept!” Stop talking Roxanne please. Please for the sake of whatever shreds of dignity you have left please stop talking before he realises you're the one who made such a mess of this situation and why you're so embarrassed.
“Fantastic! I’ll make it for you tonight!” Oh no. Megamind why?
“Wonderful! I cant wait to wear it!” Oh fuck. Roxanne why?
“Brilliant!" He throws his hands up in exasperation, "Now are we engaged?” Of all the ways his plans have backfired over the years this is definitely the most unexpected.
“Yes! I don’t know! Sure! Fine! Absolutely! Yes.”
Babies! Look at them! Again, high tension moment but this time with words! And they've gotten carried away and there's no stopping this runaway train and everything is drama and somehow they're suddenly engaged?
How happen?
What now?
The first chapter of rings is still my favourite and was the most fun to write and this was a big part of it
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l0vesapph0 · 3 years
to me, Valentine’s Day is playing Nobody by Mitski on repeat while pretending not to see half of Paris making out on the metro
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ssa-pretty-boy · 4 years
Love and Thunder
Summary: When a thunderstorm rolls in and the power goes out what will Spencer and his girlfriend do to pass the time?
Word Count: 4.4k
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smuttttttt - fingering, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT KIDS), penetrative sex
The smell of coming rain had been in the air for days. So when dark clouds rolled in, threatening to open up at any given moment, no one really gave it a second thought.  But as the day progressed the normal hustle and bustle of the city grew into something more palpable, its people trying to get indoors before the torrential down pour that was sure to come. 
Spencer Reid was no exception. Though there was something about a good thunderstorm that he found extremely relaxing, he didn’t want to be caught outside in one. Like the rest of the city’s inhabitants he was speed walking down the concrete sidewalks, eternally grateful that his apartment was only a couple of blocks away from his metro stop. 
He managed to make it into the lobby of his building just as the first drops of rain started to sprinkle down. With a grateful sigh, he shucked off his rain coat as he watched the droplets slide down the glass door. The drizzle was slow and lazy, honestly more like a fine mist than true rain. Maybe this was just going to be an average summer rain shower after all.
Taking the stairs two at a time up to the fourth floor, he made it to the last landing with an astonishing amount of grace. For someone who was as uncoordinated as Spencer tended to be, it was a surprise even to himself he made it without so much as stumbling. He unlocked the door and was greeted with the sound of pots and pans clinking together coming from the kitchen. Rounding the corner into his tiny kitchen he saw Y/N at the stove, stirring what smelt like pasta sauce with one hand and holding an open book up to her face with the other. She was mouthing the words as she read and Spencer smiled, he found it incredibly endearing and told her as much as he left his satchel and raincoat on the small table tucked into the corner of the room.
Y/N laughed, glancing up over the top of her book with a warm smile as he came over to her. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and settled his chin on the top of her head. “Wasn’t expecting you home yet.”
The book forgotten, she tossed it to the counter and leaned back into him, tilting her head up to place a soft kiss on the underside of his jaw. “I was just extra help today so I got cut loose early because of the storm.”
He hummed again, certainly not complaining that his girlfriend was home. “What are you making?”
She took the wooden spoon out of the pot and held it up to Spencer’s mouth for him to taste, smiling when he groaned and nodded his approval. “My mom sent me a new recipe for a creole Alfredo sauce. Everything else is ready so I just have to it throw in and let it simmer for a few minutes. Why don’t you go wash up and I’ll start setting the table.”
When Spencer and Y/N were in each other’s company, they had a habit of blocking out the rest of the world. Spencer had always thought it sounded lame and cheesy when he heard couples say such things but when he met Y/N he understood it instantly. They were just so comfortable around each other, so…compatible, that nothing else mattered to them as long as the other was happy. Especially when they were in the comfort of their own home. 
They had been so wrapped up in each other, in fact, that they failed to notice the changing atmosphere outside. It wasn’t until they settled into bed for the night, when Spencer finally flipped on the TV and mindlessly turned to the weather channel in hopes of seeing a sunny forecast for the following day, that he realized just how intense this storm was going to get. So much for that picnic in the park with Derek, Savannah, and Hank they’d so been looking forward to. Spencer studied the swirling diagram of colors, noting that area which he and his girlfriend called home was already far into the red and it didn’t look like they would be in the green any time soon.
A flash of lightening brought his attention away from the television and towards the window on Y/N’s side of the bed. Pushing the thick duvet back, Spencer climbed from the warmth of the bed and padded towards the window. He reached out with a little hesitance and pulled the curtains back, eyes widening at what he saw on the other side of the glass. Several of the small trees lining the street had been blown over, the street itself in front of the building was flooded, and a few blocks away it looked as though the power had gone out. 
“It’s nasty out there,” he mumbled more to himself than Y/N. She was so preoccupied with painting her toenails, a shade of deep red that Spencer secretly found incredibly sexy, that she hadn’t even noticed him get out of bed to walk over to the window. 
“Is it?” She wasn’t really paying him any mind as she finished painting her left pink toe, the very tip of her tongue sticking out between her lips in concatenation as she did so.
He mumbled a soft ‘yeah’ as he sat down in front of her. Grinning at him, Y/N leaned back against the headboard of the bed and screwed the cap back onto her nail polish before tossing it into the small canvas bag sitting on her bedside table. 
“You like?” The question was rhetorical, she knew how much he liked the color on her and maybe she picked out specially for that reason. She lifted her foot just in front of his face and wiggled her toes to show off the color of the polish. 
Smirking at her, Spencer grabbed ahold of her ankle and pulled her down the bed closer to him, laughing at the squeal that the action got from her. Holding her foot up to his mouth, he pressed a kiss to each toe before slowly beginning to kiss up her foot to her calve then her thigh, all the way up to her waiting lips. “I fucking love it.” 
He let put a playful growl as he dove into the crook of her neck and began to place sloppy wet kisses all over the exposed skin, his fingers ghosting over her sides to start tickling her relentlessly. Her giggles ringing out through the small bedroom were like the most beautiful music he’d ever heard. Their playful fun was cut short though by a bright flash of lightening that washed the room in a bluish hue, both of their head snapping towards the window. Holding his breath, Spencer began to count in anticipation for the clap of thunder that was sure to come. 
There was the deafening crack of thunder he had been waiting on. It sounded like it was directly over head, the very walls of the building seeming to quake. Y/N let out a squeak, clutching onto Spencer’s biceps for dear life as she hid her face in his chest. 
Trying to lighten the mood however he could, he laughed and and pulled back to look at her face. “It’s alright, sweet girl. Just a little thunder and lightning, nothing to be scared of. Well, there’s no need to be afraid of thunder, anyway, seeing as though its really just a sound caused by the lightning. Lightning, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous if-”
With a playful swat to his chest, she silenced him. “As much as I usually love your facts and tangents, that one really didn’t help. Like at all. You know how I am about bad weather! It just freaks me out a little." She admitted the last bit sheepishly, no matter how many times he assured her she had no reason to be embarrassed by her fear of storms, she still hated to admit it. Everyone is afraid of something, he always told her. 
Brown eyes flashing, he looked down at her with a smirk before leaning back back down and pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth before working his way to her jaw.
“Well then, why don’t we do something to take you mind off of it, hm?” He was kissing her throat again as he suggested it, pressing the words into the column of her neck with wet, open mouthed kisses. Her head was already swimming, thoughts foggy as his mouth trailed lower, pulling at the collar of her shirt to get access to her collar bones now. The only response she was able to supply him with was a mumbled “mhm” and a shuddering gasp as his cold hands slipped under her T-shirt to find her bare chest, much more purposeful than the playful tickling had been. His thumbs ghosted over her nipples and she arched into touch, moaning when he pinched the hardening peaks between his thumbs and forefingers.
Just as he pulled the old Caltech shirt off of her, the lamps on either side of the bed along with the TV began to flicker. “Shit,” he cursed as he rolled off of her. “The power is probably about to go.”
Spencer stood from the bed and grabbed his phone from the bedside table just as the electricity flickered off entirely. Switching on the flashlight that was built into his phone, he shone it into Y/N’s face. She squinted into the light, holding up her hands to shield her eyes from the blinding brightness. “I’m going to go get some candles and a lighter. Stay in here, bubs.” 
Quickly making his way down the dark hallway, Spencer headed for the hoard of scented candles he knew Y/N had stashed in the linen closet. He scanned the shelves, and spied the decorative basket tucked into the corner of the top shelf. Honestly, he didn’t even want to know how Y/N had managed to get up there. Even for as tall as he was, he had to stand on his tip-toes to reach it.
He pulled the basket down and rummaged through it, crinkling his nose at a few of the names… Pink Sand, Midnight Cashmere, Home Sweet Home. Why did they all have to have weird names? Why couldn’t they just be named what they were supposed to smell like? Eventually he gave up on trying to find normal ones, just deciding to take the entire basket before going to the kitchen to retrieve a lighter from the junk drawer under the microwave. 
Once back in their bedroom, Spencer began to scatter the candles all over the small space, lighting them as he went. Before long the entire room was aglow with a soft, flickering light. After finally lighting the last few, he tossed the lighter down onto the dresser before going to flop onto the bed next to Y/N. 
Still half naked, she was sitting up with her knees pulled her to chest and staring absentmindedly out of the window. She was too busy worrying her bottom lip between her teeth and watching the rain slap against the glass to pay the slightest bit of attention to Spencer. So he turned onto his side and took the opportunity to watch her.
Right arm propping his head up, he shamelessly let his eyes rake over her from the top of her head all the way to the tips her toes. On their fifth date, he’d noted that candle light made her look ten times as gorgeous as she already was. The tiny flickering flames illuminated her features in ways a light bulb or even the sun failed do. Every date night he had planned since usually involved a lot of candles for that very reason. 
Not being able to resist the temptation any longer, Spencer reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand. Y/N turned her face into his palm and pressed a kiss to the center of it. Their eyes locked and Spencer swore he felt his heart swell in his chest as she stared down at him with what could only be called adoration. It was funny how time seemed to stop completely when she looked at him like that. Like he hung the stars and the moon in the sky just for her. It made him feel like he could fly. 
She moved to lie down facing him, so close that their noses were just centimeters apart, and ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders. The muscles of his arms tensed in the wake of her touch and she batted her lashes up him, feigning total innocence at her actions as his pupils blew wide. Her hands slid back down his chest, her nails pressing into him just hard enough to leave faint red lines in their wake. “I think we were doing something a minute ago.”
“Yeah, I think we were.” His words were husky as he cupped her cheeks in his hands again and leaned in to kiss her. Winding her arms around his neck, she pulled him on top of her and he fell to rest perfectly between her thighs.
One of his hands slipped into her hair and gripped tightly at the roots, snapping her head back so that he could have even more access to her throat and jaw. A wanton moan accompanied the sharp sting of her nails raking over his shoulders when he bit down hard enough to bruise. He bit and sucked relentlessly at her pulse point, fully intending to give her a rather spectacular hickey to sport the next day at work. When he pulled away to inspect his work he smirked at the mark, his thumb brushing over it with just enough pressure to have her whimpering.
Becoming desperate for some sort of relief from the growing tension between her legs, she started grinding herself down onto Spencer’s thigh. The cocky bastard was smirking down at her as his iron grip forced her hips back down onto the mattress. She was already so blissed out she didn’t even realize his hands had left her neck and hair. “Be patient, princess.”
The use of the pet name had her eyes fluttering shut, the asshole knew the effect it had on her and used it to his advantage every change he got. Kissing her swollen lips once more, he pulled away and sat back on his calves to drink in the sight of her; pupils blown wide, lips red and swollen. When she looked like this, all flustered just from his touches and kisses, Spencer could barely control himself. Before going to crawl back over her, he grabbed the collar of his t-shirt and quickly tugged it over his head before tossing it to join her’s on the floor. 
Y/N sat up on her knees, meeting him in the middle of the bed, to kiss him. It was feverish and sloppy, their teeth clashing and nipping at each other’s lips. Both were breathless when they finally parted, heads swimming from the lack of oxygen.  
Placing a firm hand on her chest, Spencer pushed her back to lie back down on the bed. Hovering over her again, he dipped his head down to her chest and took her one of her nipples into his mouth. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as he bit down and tugged at it. He released her after a moment and laved over the bite marks with his tongue before he moved to her other breast. She arched up into his touch, hands tangling in his hair as he continued to lavish her chest with attention. 
“I love your tits,” he told her shamelessly, placing a kiss on each raw nipple before licking up the valley between them.
Despite the filthiness of the words and actions, she snorted out a laugh and shoved his head away from her chest. He was laughing as he pulled away, “I do though!”
“I know you do. And I love your cock but I would really love if it were inside me right now.” She reached down and started palming him through his pajama pants to emphasize her point.
“Remember what I said about having p-patience?” He choked on the words as she gripped him tighter, his head dropping forward onto her shoulder as he shuddered. When he lifted his head back up his cheeks were flushed and his pupils had blown so wide there was only a thin ring of honey brown surrounding them.
He sat back and hooked his fingers into the waist band of her sleep shorts and underwear and jerked them down her legs. When she was completely naked under him, he cupped her sex and practically growled,“I want to play a little first.” 
The words alone were enough to have her moaning and bucking up into his hand, aching for some sort of friction. Spencer ran his middle finger up her slit, gathering her arousal on the digit before bringing it up to her mouth. Without having to be told, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, taking his finger in her mouth and moaning at the taste of herself as she sucked it clean. 
She released him with a soft ‘pop’ and he instantly brought his hand back down to her core. He ran the same finger up her slit again, ghosting over her clit with a few slow, lazy circles this time. Y/N gasped, her hands flying to Spencer’s biceps as he slowly slid the offending digit into her and began to pump it in and out of her. 
She moaned out, arching her back off the bed as he started to pick up the pace, curling it up to perfectly stroke against her front wall each time. “More.” It came out as more of a breathless moan than an actual word but Spencer understood her none the less. “Gimme another one, Spence.”
“So fucking needy, aren’t you?” Despite the comment he complied with her request  instantly. She couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe as he slipped another long, nimble finger into her aching heat, not even bothering to give her a chance to acclimate to the slight stretch. Spencer’s fingers were fucking into her at a relentless pace, still curling them at just the right angle to have her seeing stars. She had asked for more and damn if he wasn’t delivering.
She was slack jawed as her eyes were rolled back in her head and god damn he had never been happier to have an eidetic memory. The look on her face was going to be what got him off when he was in those cold, lonely hotel rooms across the country. 
“Ah god,” she was panting now, her chest heaving as she chased after her high. “Please don’t stop. Please. Please. Please, Spence.”
He added his thumb to her clit and started pressing small, tight circles to the swollen bundle of nerves. A lewd moan ripped from her throat as her hips bucked up into his hand, much to Spencer’s amusement. With a deep chuckle, he leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Please what, princess? Use your words.”
A delicious warmth started to settle in her belly as she clenched around around his fingers and Spencer had to bite down on the inside of his cheek to keep from groaning at the tightness. “Please let me cum. Please,” she was begging, her voice raw and breathless. And he would be lying through his fucking teeth if he said it didn’t go straight to his cock. He hummed and sped up his fingers, still making sure to curl upward with each thrust. 
Stars flashed in front of her eyes as that warmth in her belly burst into a full blown flame, the fire licking up her body from her toes all the way to her head. Her nails dug into Spencer’s tensed biceps as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, milking her high for all it was worth. Even as the pleasure started to ebb, he kept up his ministrations to the point where her mewling moans turned into whimpers. She was spasming around his fingers, her walls gripping so tightly around him that he couldn’t help the bucking of his hips into the mattress below them.
“S-Spencer,” she moaned, her hands finally finding his and trying to shove him away. She could already feel another orgasm building, riding the tails of the aftershocks from the first. 
“C’mon,” he purred. “You can do it, baby. Give me another one.”
Her skin felt like it was on fire as her toe curling second orgasm hit her. She was trembling as Spencer worked her through it, his fingers slowing and eventually pulling away from her aching pussy altogether. Another lewd moan was the only sound she could manage at the loss of contact.
“You did so good, princess,” he mumbled as he pressed sweet kisses to the side of her face while she came back down to earth. “You took my fingers so well. Think you can handle my cock now, baby?”
Bleary eyes fluttered open to look up at him and she nodded slowly. Spencer smirked down at her and made quick work of wiggling out of his pajama pants. Y/N reached down to take him in her hand but he swatted her away. His cock was aching and he knew if she took him in her very capable hands he wouldn’t last long at all. “Trust me baby, I’m good to go.”
Grabbing her by her forearm, Spencer hauled her up to sit on her knees before climbing back on the bed behind her. Still fucked out and pliable, she didn’t fight it when he put a firm hand between her shoulder blades and pushed her face down into the mattress. With one hand firmly planted on her hip and the other gripping his dick, he lined himself up with her entrance and slowly pushed in. 
Every nerve ending in her body felt like it was a live wire; everywhere he touched he left fire in his wake. She was a mewling mess beneath him as he set a slow but purposeful pace, pulling out almost completely before slamming back into her. There were sure to be finger shaped bruises along her hips in the morning but she didn’t care, couldn’t care as he started pounding into her like his only purpose in life was to fuck her into sweet, sweet oblivion.
“Fuck,” he panted, “you feel so fucking good, baby. So tight and warm.”
The sound of skin slapping and Y/N moans filled the room as he settled into a quick and brutal rhythm, his hips snapping forward even harder. One of his hands slid up her back and gripped onto the back of her neck, hauling her back to rest against his chest. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, her eyes screwing shut at the deeper angle the position allowed. He was so deep and she swore she could feel him in her belly when he took her this way. 
“Nu-huh,” he breathed in her ear, thrusts not faltering in the slightest. The hand on the back of her neck came to grip her jaw and turn her head towards the mirror resting on the dresser directly across from the bed. “I want you to watch yourself get wrecked.”
Her eyes fluttered open and looked at her reflection in the mirror, moaning at what she saw staring back at her. The hand he had on her hip slid around her and dipped down to spread her open so they could better see where he was fucking into her. 
“Touch yourself for me,” he told her, his voice husky and commanding. She did as she was told, sticking her fingers in her mouth first to wet them with her tongue before bringing them down to her clit and swirling them in small, quick circles. With a particularly sharp thrust Y/N was cumming again, crying out as her vision went completely white this time around. 
Her walls clamped down around his cock like a vice and Spencer’s head dropped to her shoulder as he groaned, his thrusts starting to get sloppy. “S-Shit. I’m right behind you, baby, just hold on.”
A couple of thrusts later he was cumming, groaning out a string of curses as he spilled into her. His arms around her waist were the only thing keeping her upright as they caught their breath. As gently as he could manage, he pulled out of her and her lie down before collapsing to the mattress beside her.
After a few minutes of basking in their afterglow, Spencer pressed a kiss to the crown of Y/N’s head before he got out of the bed to get a washcloth to clean her up. As he turned off the faucet he realized there was a sudden lack of howling wind and pouring rain. Making his way back into the bedroom, he peeked out the window before returning to bed.
“It stopped storming,” he mused as he gently brought the warm washcloth up between Y/N’s legs.
She winced at the sensation but was otherwise quiet for a moment before admitting, “Honestly, I had forgotten it was even storming in the first place.”
Mission accomplished then, Spencer thought to himself with a soft chuckle as he tossed the washcloth in the hamper next to the dresser. He settled back down on the bed with her, pulling her back to him. He had just about drifted off to sleep when Y/N started to giggle uncontrollably. He peaked an eye open to look down at her as her shoulders started to shake from the fit of laughter.  
“God, the neighbors probably thought we were making a porno.” She was still laughing as she said it but knew fully well that the elderly couple next door probably did hear them. And would no doubt make comments about it the next time they ran into each other in the stairwell. 
A wicked grin took over his face as he looked down at her and laughed, “Now there’s an idea.”
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militantinremission · 3 years
Jan. 6th: One Year Later
1Yr ago today, America was forced to take a look in The Mirror. Most were horrified, but recent Polls show that around 4% of Americans have no problem w/ the insurrection that took place @ The Nation's Capital last year. Some may laugh off 4% as insignificant or manageable; but to be clear, we're talking about approximately 10 million people. That is a significant number- especially when U consider those among them w/ Military & 'Law Enforcement' training. What motivates them, appears to be a fear of losing their 'position' of Chief Oppressor, & being marginalized to the level of The Oppressed.
According to the same Polls, this 4% see nothing wrong w/ using violence to enforce their Beliefs. We saw this last year. Not just in Washington D.C., but in several Cities Nationwide. This was a coordinated effort that is being substantiated more & more by the Jan. 6th Select Committee. Sean Hannity's testimony may be a key to determining 'how coordinated'. For now, Steve Bannon & Mark Meadows appear willing to fall on their swords. I said last Yr, that Donald Trump is not the only one to blame in this- One Yr. later, many GOP Members appear to be choosing Party over Country.
It's interesting, watching The Mainstream Media explain the motivation of last Yr's Insurrection. They allude to several factors, but focus on Donald Trump's attempted Coup, during the Electoral Confirmation Vote. Trump is accused of whipping his supporters up into a lather, & dispatching them to overthrow The U.S. Congress (Stop The Steal). What about the other Cities targeted? What about the presence of White Supremacist Groups, like The Oath Keepers, Boogaloo Boys, & The 3 Percenters in the D.C. Metro Area, & the concern expressed by The Black Community?
The demographics tallied from that Mob of Insurrectionists show that most were 'Middle Classed Working Folk' that come from areas where the 'Black & Brown' Population is beginning to outnumber the White Population. Like the Tiki Torch Marchers in Charlottesville, Va., they felt like they were being marginalized. From my vantage point, this group was a stampeding herd being used as a distraction. Hidden from view on 1 Side- is Donald Trump & his allies, attempting to (internally) nullify Joe Biden's victory.
On the other Side- there were an assortment of White Supremacist Groups organizing outside of D.C.; armed & ready. In the days following Jan. 6th, some affiliated w/ these groups spoke on Social Media Platforms about waiting for a 'signal'; a Green Light to mobilize & overthrow the current Government. Others spoke about setting off a Race War called 'The Boogaloo' in D.C.'s Black Community.
Regardless of the motivation, America has a Race Problem that needs to be addressed. The COVID Protocols of the last 2Yrs have exposed this nasty side of American Culture. Until We can have an honest discussion about the role that Race plays in Who gets What, & How Much in America, We can expect an escalation of 'anti-establishment' behavior- from The Left & The Right. From a Historical Perspective, I see America mimicking Post War Germany of 100Yrs ago.
Germany was also going through Social Unrest & Inflation, back in 1922. The War Debts of WW I were wrecking their Economy. Germany's Economic Collapse in 1923, gave rise to Adolph Hitler & The National Socialist (Zionist?) Party. Donald Trump & his allies are in a similar position today. That 4% of the population willing to use violence to support their Beliefs, is large enough to start a Revolution. We should also look @ Donald Trump's activity on the State & Local level. He is challenging ANYONE that went against his Agenda, & The GOP appears to be Kissing the Ring.
White Supremacy, is as American as Apple Pie, so the rise in Group Activity is expected during times of Recession. 'Privileged Folk' should be concerned about the rise of White Supremacist Activity, coinciding w/ a rise in Authoritarianism. This was the basis of Nazism. The Jan. 6th Select Committee has their work cut out. We, The People, have to also do Our part. It's up to Us, to remind each other that We have a Right to an Opinion, & We can 'agree to disagree'... A little Respect goes a long way.
-Just Sayin'
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nathanielhoover · 3 years
Also, I take off my shoes as soon as I get in the house.
Also, I take off my shoes as soon as I get in the house. His doublet was divided down the middle; the left side was purple velvet with bronze studs; the right, yellow wool embroidered in green floral patterns. Flowers free shipping is a tremendous nike jean jacket way to buy fascinating bouquets and still reserve money by having no delivery rates. He had drunk too much last night. You do plenty of tough exercises if you go Inside the Cult of Crossfit. Tough to simulate the speed of how fast they going to go offensively with their no huddle and then tough to visualize the speed of the football getting there, Burke said of Guilderland offense. I remember the week leading up to my birthday party in third grade. Symond the spymaster, always clinking coins. This causes nosebleeds, cough, sore throat, and more.. That’ll wake him up.” Snatch turned back to Tyrion and Penny. But Bepple's motion squeaked through, despite the objections of the home builders and some of her council colleagues. Jon Snow met them on the kingsroad half a league south of Mole’s Town, before they could turn up at Castle Black, claim guest right, or call for parley. To support me. I realised that you weren't really made to feel welcome back in the 1960s. Pourquoi il ne mrite trois repas par jour? SourcesNike Air Max Pas Cher rvlent que, mme si on lui a donn 11 condamnations mort, ces dcisions doivent tre automatiquement appel par la loi de l'tat de l'Ohio. Very sad.” The queen pulled her daughter closer to her and kissed her nike air max 102 essential white cheek. Trailering Package is 11,400 lb., and predicted fuel economy is 16/23 (4x2), 16/22 (4x4). He only looks ferocious, but at other times he’s most reasonable. The works should be no longer than 10 minutes, although longer works and works in progress that have been up to a 15 minute segment will be accepted. This game is all about playing for your teammates, guys on the field with you.". There may be some minor impact for Monday morning, but that not for certain yet. This is one of the most inexperienced Australia team, and even the best NZ team since Hadlee/Crowe area is not good enough. Tuesday, March 29, and 10percent of proceeds will go to Salinas Valley Junior Golf Association scholarship fund. Once he let something slip before me, but immediately changed the subject and would not answer my questions. And for a long time, till it was dark, she told us about her former life out there; we did not interrupt her. "This technology allows it to be more flexible. So be it. Harrison and Oliver Carter each had two. CarMax says it looked to Reno to expand because of the improving economy. “No,” she screamed again. Three treasons shall you know. I was surprised at myself. The Flint girl was fourteen and flat-chested as a boy, though she did not lack for milk. Driving into a hapless OR forward, Matt went to ground as his support runners created a protective shield that would rate highly in the Trump administration. polo raflorene "I jumped up on the kitchen bench, on my knees, opened the window and stuck my head out," Hugh Hanlon continues. Last Friday Gunnar, Hunt and Sergeant Jack Rosenthal set out to find Garver on a brushy, steep hillside last Friday where several people had reported seeing the fugitive. Here what I found prominently displayed on SEG home page: Global Islamic Movement includes the fifty seven member states of the Organisation (sic) of the Islamic Cooperation . This type of work, we can have kennel dogs, they have to be family dogs, they have to be socialized, said Richard Lee, executive director of the Canadian Search and Disaster Dog Association (CASDDA). The Court. The Old Bear left a few cautionary notes about certain of the men, for his successor. Its far more complex. It was the aircraft maker's second major order in two days. We're hoping that with the walk/run, we're hoping to get some awareness out there because that's fehér női bőr csizma the biggest challenge now. What, thought I, if he has gone to her? What if he’s made up his mind to forgive her? Why, he’s found out everything, he knows the latest news of her; I feel certain he knows it; but how the news gets to him I can’t imagine. Riches and power have proved the ruin of many an unhappy soul, by drawing away the heart and affections from God, and fixing them on mean and sinful enjoyments; so that, geci de fas dama scurte when God, who knows our hearts better than we know them ourselves, sees that they would be hurtful to us, and therefore keeps them from us, it is the greatest mercy and kindness he could show us.. Please, we need your help. Dad told me when Capra came to the Pentagon one time he came to talk to them about this movie program. Macel has never served as a director, has never been on a committee or, to our knowledge, has never been a volunteer.. Her task had been to instruct the prince biciclete pret in the doctrines of the Faith, and she had done that. And we're in for batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon nasty weather. "They'll have bigger antlers, you get more bang for cizme vara cu toc your buck for your adidas retro schuhe männer harvest, and it gives the deer a chance to be savvier.". The wizard was a monster of a man, as tall as Victarion himself and twice as wide, with a belly like a boulder and a tangle of bone-white hair that grew about his face like a lion’s mane. But for the N event the visiting journalists were allowed access to something different a full blown racetrack. Huffam went on to produce 10 episodes of season one, and obviously left a lasting effect on HBO and Doelger who returned to Northern Ireland two years in a bikes btt usadas row. He was a very kind-hearted man, and, joking apart, I was deeply indebted to him. A delicate situation. In contrast, in Sweden the female population has a much greater say in purchasing decisions.. It's going to be hard to fill her shoes. They gathered there from all parts of the Voznesensky Prospect, mostly heads of shops of various sorts: carpenters, bakers, painters, hatters, saddlers, all patriarchal people in the German sense of the word. With so much available land in the desert surrounding Phoenix and Tucson, why don't both cities get together and plan the greatest airport in the universe somewhere between both cities? With long term proper planning, they could have a spectacular modern airport with high speed rail runing to both metro areas, cut down on pollution in both cities, and serve the entire state very well. This is a great draw for someone who has flexible hours at work and who can not make appointments because of the hours that they work.. A 47 year old man who was bear hunting in southwestern Montana was attacked by a bear over the weekend. It was their show that had started all the trouble that night. All subjects returned to their normal activities including running within 10 days of surgery.Table 1 shows the mean strain and strain rates of four consecutive strides for each subject during treadmill and overground running. Assange, who denies the allegations, says he fears that if Britain extradited him to Sweden he would then be extradited to the United States where he could be tried for one of the largest information leaks in US history.
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greekowl87 · 5 years
Angst 5 and/or 10 I’m craving some angst
“I can't believe you did this, how could you?” / “This, us, was a fucking mistake and I should have known the second things went further than planned.”
A/N: I love me some good, old-fashioned angsts. Diana fueled angsts are my bread and butter so I thought I would try my hand at it. Again. So set around ‘Two Sons.’ I suck at smut so sorry if it sounds dumb :( And I apologize for it sound rushed. No beta. I just wanted to get this idea out while it was in my head. @today-in-fic @suitablyaggrieved @improlificinsarcasm @baronessblixen
On the bottom of the world in winter sunlight, Mulder gambled and won the thousand to one odds. He had found Scully in the maze of an alien ship, given her the vaccine, and somehow, they still escaped with their lives. Except, when they arrived back in D.C., they still didn’t have their old office back. The events in Dallas resulted in them being relegated to the bullpen where they were stuck doing background checks.
Mulder was certain, that despite the dire situation, Scully would have been transferred to Quantico either by the higher-ups or of her own accord. But each day he dragged himself to the office, she was sitting right behind him in the bullpen performing endless background checks. And things remained glacial between them; cold and frigid and unlikely to change anytime soon.
But he sensed it; they both did. They wanted to change. Whatever was left unspoken in the hallway of his Alexandria apartment before that blasted bee ruined everything hung in the air between them. You don’t go around professing that the person is their one and five billion without meaning it. But the tension between was palpable.
This Monday was no different.
Scully was already at her desk that morning when Mulder came in. He smiled and offered her a paper bag proudly. “What is that?” She arched her eyebrow. “A peace offering?”
“Breakfast. I stopped by the bakery you like so much in Old Town and picked it up on my way in.”
She took it cautiously. “What do you want?”
“What makes you say that?”
“No catch.” 
She took the offered pastry wearily. “Thank you, Mulder.”
“I actually wanted to see if you wanted to come over tonight,” he said slowly.
Mulder sat in his chair and choose his next words carefully. “No reason. Maybe watch a movie, enjoy a six-pack of Shiner Bock…discuss what I told you in the hallway.” He looked down at his hands. “I want there to be an us,” he finished.
“Mulder, not here,” she whispered sharply. She averted her gaze to focus on her computer.
“Scully, come on. We both can’t dance around what happened.”
Mulder watched her body language as she sighed and barely nodded. “Tonight. Seven. I’ll be there.”
He recognized the need for her control; if she at least came to his place, she could also choose to escape back to her Georgetown apartment if she wanted. He would take it. “Sounds great. I could order takeout? Italian?”
“Just pizza, Mulder,” she whispered. “Pizza and beer.”
He smiled and turned his chair around. Victory.
The morning progressed agonizingly. Neither Mulder nor Scully was able to break away from the phone and the endless background checks. By eleven Mulder wrote, ‘I’m going to get something from the vending machine. Want your usual?,’ on a post-it note. Scully nodded shortly and mouthed ‘Thank you.’ “No, ma’am. I would never insinuate that. It’s a regular question,” she said softly.
Mulder smiled. A trained medical doctor who could easily leave the FBI and pursue a career in medicine choose to stay and with him no less. She really was his one and five billion. He got up and padded his back pocket for his wallet. Scully slammed the phone down angrily. “Everything okay?”
“I don’t remember my own background checks being so nasty,” she told him. “The woman basically called me a bitch and hung up on me!”
“Well, forget about it. Do you want a Butterfinger instead of the M&Ms?”
“No. I get that stuck in my teeth. Milky Way?”
“You got it,” he laughed. “Be back.”
“Thank you, Mulder.”
He was truly blessed with her. As he made his way to the vending machine, debating what to get for himself, a soft voice called, “Fox!”
He stopped dead in his tracks. No one called him that except one: Diana. He turned and gave a feeble smile. “Hi, Diana.”
“What are doing down here?”
Mulder awkwardly gestured to the vending machine. “Grabbing something to eat for Scully and me. Doing those background checks is hard work.”
Something changed in her demeanor. Diana stood taller, straightening her back so that her chest (and breasts) jutted out slightly. Mulder took a step back automatically, unused to someone else sharing his space beside Scully. “Well, if you are free today, I was wondering if you wanted to catch up over your lunch break down in the cafeteria today?”
Mulder was quiet for a second briefly thinking about Scully. He wasn’t stupid; he knew there was some tension between his partner and ex-wife. But Diana could be trusted. She had been there at the beginning. He understood that. Scully’s suspicion was in the wrong place. “Um, give me fifteen minutes and I’ll meet you there.”
Diana smiled and squeezed his arm affectionately. “See you in fifteen.”
Mulder quickly got his wallet and bought Scully’s candy bar. He walked back to his desk and deposited the candy bar on her desk and grabbed his jacket. She arched an eyebrow in surprise and put her hand over the mouthpiece of the phone. “Where are you going?”
“Ran into an old friend that is only here for a day. Gonna have lunch with them.” One little white lie couldn’t hurt. “I’ll be back at one. Don’t worry, we’re still on for tonight.”
“Mushrooms and green peppers?”
“And pineapple for me.”
She wrinkled her nose with a smile. “Have fun.”
God, Scully could torture him with her little quirks.
Despite the Milky Way Mulder had gifted her at 11 that morning, by noon, Scully’s stomach was grumbling. She eyed the clock as the bigger hand hovered at 12:02. She was entitled to her lunch break and didn’t have to worry about it since she no longer worked out in the field. Scully typed a few quick things out before she grabbed her card and headed down to the Hoover’s employee cafeteria. 
Her stomach continued to grumble and turn as she took the elevator to the first floor. Scully decided against her yogurt and bee pollen and wondered what healthy options she had. She checked the menu and decided on a Cobb salad before she proceeded into the line to get her lunch. Her mind was fluttering around the meeting with Mulder that evening. Were they going to finish that conversation? Her blood rushed with excitement.
As Scully went through the motions to purchase her Cobb salad, she clenched her lunch tray when she saw Mulder laughing with Diana.
Scully prided herself in not trying to cast judgment, blame her Catholic upbringing. But she couldn’t help it. It was something about Diana that crawled under her skin. Then she saw Mulder laughing, grasping her hand as she leaned against his shoulder laughing too. Then there was the hand holding. What did it for her was the chaste kiss on the cheek that Diana did and Mulder didn’t stop it. Her blood crawled, growing icey. Suddenly, Scully’s appetite was lost and she dumped the contents of her lost lunch in the trash can wastefully. Scully wondered if she was dumping her lunch or her baggage regarding her potential relationship with Mulder.
Mulder smiled at Scully as he came back from lunch. “Hey, Scully,” he greeted.
It was the change in her tone that caught him off guard. “Everything okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Peachy, Mulder.” She looked up from her work. “I can’t make it tonight. My mom called. I’ll be in Bethesda tonight.”
Mulder did a double-take. “What about our plans?”
Scully didn’t look at him as she replied, “Maybe next time.”
Mulder sat down at his desk. What had gotten into her? “What about our plans?”
“I can’t tonight, Mulder. Maybe next time.”
Mulder frowned as she avoided him completely for the rest of the at.
Scully’s apartment was her refuge. It was her domicile, her kingdom; it was all in her control. As soon as five o’clock hit, Scully quickly left and took the Metro back home to her apartment leaving a puzzled Mulder behind. As soon as she locked her door that evening, she dropped her briefcase by the door, kicked off her heels, and immediately went to their bedroom, changed into black leggings and an FBI gray sweatshirt and collapsed on her overstuffed couch and flipped it to HGTV. Let her be dissolved in fixing and flipping houses rather than fixing her relationship with Mulder.
Mulder knew she took the Metro that day but instead of going straight home, he sat in his car, watching her apartment building before the light in her living room turned on. He downed a miniature he had gotten at a Virginia ABC store. Liquid courage. He took a deep breath, locked his car, and marched to her apartment door.
She pulled it open before he could knock.
“I saw your car,” she answered. She stood aside so he could enter. “What is it that you want?”
“I thought we had a date tonight.”
“We had no date,” she answered cooly.
Mulder scoffed accusingly. “I can’t believe you did this, how could you?”
“What on Earth are you talking about?”
She went to her fridge and dug out a bottle of white wine.
“So my mere presence drives you to drink?” He snapped.
“You’re being selfish. No. What I saw at lunch did it for me.”
Oh, Scully was ready to scorch and burn everything between them. “Lunch?”
“Diana.” She cast her typical questioning left eyebrow before pouring her own glass. “Want some?”
“Sure you won’t burn it?”
“Quit being an asshole.”
She pulled down a second glass and poured some wine into it as well. “I’m not.”
“You are.”
Mulder took the full glass wearily as sipped the pinot grigio. “You aren’t helping.”
“I’m mad.” She gestured between the glasses. “This doesn’t help but at this point, I’m sick of your shit and backtracking.”
“What the fuck, Scully,” he asked.
Mulder was still standing in the doorway with a glass of wine. He groaned and set it aside. He stormed toward her couch as she sat down and crossed her legs. Scully murmured, “What the fuck indeed.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
She sighed and pinched her brow. “This, us, was a fucking mistake and I should have known the second things went further than planned.”
“What further things?”
“Beer? Talking? The hallway?”
“You aren’t making sense.”
Scully stared at him, narrowed her eyes and huffed. “You fucking kissed her, Mulder. Don’t give me bullshit lines that I’m your one and five billion when you’re off kissing other women.” She set down the glass of wine on the table with a thud. “If you want there to be an us, Mulder then come clean with me.” She stood up. Even without her heels, she was a giant. “I will fight for us but I won’t do it unless you’re all in too.”
Mulder eyed the glass of wine enticingly. “Diana is my ex-wife.”
“She’s your what?”
Fuck it. He downed the wine in one gulp. It numbed him briefly against Scully’s verbal assault.
“And you didn’t think that was important to mention?”
She was on her feet now, pacing like a shark. “Don’t.   Mulder, I’m pissed. You’re dragging me along for months, pretending that I’m the only thing that matters and then boom, out to lunch with your ex.”
Mulder found himself floundering, stuck in the moment. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to be honest with me, Mulder. What happened to trust no one???”
“I trust you,” he defended.
“Trusted. Past tense,” she shouted. 
Mulder was stunned. “Scully…”
“There is no us!” She continued. “You know I don’t trust her. I don’t like her but go around strutting with her.”
“Scully, she’s my ex-wife. She was there when I got the x-files.”
“And I was just assigned.” She scoffed. “I get it, Mulder. Loud and clear. You can leave.”
“I’m not leaving, Scully.”
“Mulder, leave. Please.”
“I’m not.” In frustration, Mulder stormed across her living room and grabbed her. He tried to use all his expertise to put his feeling into his body language. A kiss. They were both breathless. “I’m not leaving, Scully. There’s you and you only.”
Scully was dumbstruck. The power of their kiss paralyzed her. “How can I believe you?”
What followed was a hurricane of clothes being removed and six years of tensions being resolved. On her overstuffed couch with all the lights on, in Georgetown, of all places, The tv was playing something that seemed irrelevant to what had just perspired. Mulder coiled around her bare body and pulled her afghan closer. “I got to admit.” He kissed the back of her ear soothingly. “Your couch might be more comfortable than mine.”
“Hmm…” she hummed.
From literally tearing out their throats to post-coitus, neither could complain. “You know, I meant what I said in that hallway, Scully.”
She turned to face him and gripped him tightly. He felt himself tighten with pleasure (or was it fear?). “Say it.”
“Diana is the past. We’re the future.”
“Diana is the past. We’re the future.”
After a moment, Scully released him. He nuzzled her hair. “Satisfied?”
“I will be once we go to bed. I hate sleeping on this couch.”
“Even with the company?”
“The bed is better with the company.”
“Where does this leave us?”
“To be determined?”
“Better than a no.”
For the moment, all anger was forgotten and they could move forward, even if for a moment into her bedroom. And of course, the pizza was forgotten.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
surveys by chasingghosts
Just a boring word association survey inspired by one of my old ones. Say the first thing that comes to your head. Don't overthink it :)
Keyboard: Monitor.
Dog: Dalmatian.
School: Pencils.
Italy: Roman Holiday. Ahh one of my favorite movies; such a classic.
Fire: BTS, heh.
Table: Chairs.
Mask: Face mask. New normal and all.
Blanket: Weighted blankets. I still don’t get how they work and I keep imagining that a 20-lbs blanket would feel too warm...I guess I’m willing to try it for a night, but I dunno if I would want to spend 5,000 bucks on one.
Gun: That curly-haired blonde dumbass from the US who keeps bringing one around.
Soda: Fizzy. Do not like.
Man: Trash.
Beautiful: Beast. Beautiful and the Beast is the knockoff version, hahaha.
Country: Roads.
Dictionary: Thesaurus.
Play: Playgrounds.
Yoga: Mat.
Cross: Country.
Happy: Emojis.
Change: Coins.
Orange: The fruit with the same name. Also, hair dye.
Cereal: Fruity Pebbles and Lucky Charms.
Record: Vinyl records, aka what I would like to invest in eventually.
Jail: The Shawshank Redemption, even though I personally didn’t really like it lmao.
Tank: This made me think of the Elisa Lam case. It’s unfortunate what happened to her but personally, I’ll always be more disturbed by the stories of people who had to drink or bathe in that nasty contaminated water.
Plane: Travel. :(
Machine: Factories.
Empty: Outer space.
Medicine: Nasty taste. Whenever I was sick as a kid my parents/grandma always made me drink Tempra which tastes like shit and it took a lot of effort for me not to throw them back up. I hope kids these days have more better-tasting options for medicine.
Stockings: Uncomfortable. I hate stockings and always dread occasions where I’ll have to put them on. Fortunately I haven’t had to for five years now.
Curry: Spicy and aromatic.
Football: Superbowl. Or is it SuperBowl? Super Bowl? Anyway, that event.
Blonde: Jennifer Aniston, heheh.
Pink: Barbie.
Cart: Online shopping.
Bag: Herschel.
Bourbon: Breaking Bad, though I’m not sure if it was indeed bourbon that Hank/Walt regularly drank. First thing that came to mind, though.
Karaoke: Philippine parties.
Caterpillar: That chemical they release when they’re stepped on.
Wizard: Harry Potter.
Number: Queues, lol.
Tired: Myself.
Baby: Baby videos.
Beach: Moana.
Castle: The first thing I thought of is this big orange castle - that is actually an inn - that I would have to pass by every single morning on my way to school, from kinder to high school. It looked like such a pretty, magical castle as a kid and I, along with probably all of my schoolmates who went the same route, thought a real princess lived in it; it just felt that magical. But as I got older I realized most inns/hotels with outlandish gimmicks are the cheap and tacky ones, so the magic was ruined for me as the years went by, haha.
Rock: Patrick Star from Spongebob, since he lives under one.
Hotel: Top-notch hospitality and service.
Weather: Gloomy.
Beanbag:  Comfort.
Clean: Vacuum cleaners...and my mom.
Angry: Rage.
I was inspired to make this when I saw a similar survey on here. Answer true or false, or simply mark an 'x' for what applies to you.
You love anything Disney related. I mean not anything? I wouldn’t want Disney merch of every single thing that could be turned into merch; but I do love Disney movies and they have always been great at creating songs that make you feel all magical and giddy inside.
You find any excuse to go shopping. False. I haven’t created a hobby out of shopping; at least not yet, I think. But going inside H&M several times for the past month to buy gifts for my friends has definitely helped in making me see the appeal of shopping. For now, though, I’d still rather do my browsing and shopping in non-clothing stores.
You’re younger than most of your friends. False. I have older and younger friends, but most of them are also 1998 babies since most of my friends are the people I went to school with.
You have really long hair, to your waist or longer. False. It has gotten a lot longer over the past year, but it’s still only up to my upper chest.
You’re pretty antisocial. False. I don’t like throwing this term around loosely because it’s a real personality disorder. I have also gotten more comfortable with people in the last few years and I don’t prefer to be alone anymore.
You have a pet dog/cat that sleeps in your bed with you. False. Either are terrible in staying in bed.
You haven’t had your first kiss yet. False. I had it six years ago, and I have shared hundreds and probably thousands of kisses after that.
You’re Asian. We finally got one! Haha.
You’re good at cooking. Yeah, this is the biggest false statement in this category.
You have dreams of working as a chef. I can see how it’s appealing, but it was never a career dream of mine. My dad is a chef, though.
You’re blonde, but not naturally. I currently don’t have plans to dye my hair blonde.  
You always have your fingernails painted. False. I’m the complete opposite of this, but I do want to start having my nails painted professionally as a way to pamper myself from time to time.
You obsess over things easily, to the point of them taking over your life. True, I guess. I get very sensitive and I overthink and overanalyze a lot of actions and situations that aren’t meant to be more than what they actually are. Just last night and this morning I had a bunch of dreams that had to do with a work-related problem I ran into last night. When I feel anxious about something, they would undoubtedly take over my life and it would take a while to break free from them.
You spend a lot of time on the internet. For almost every single minute that I am awake, yes. Sometimes I’ll attempt to disconnect every now and then - which I’ve been better at, to be fair to myself - but it’s always only a matter of time before I will have to look something up on Google.
Your phone may as well be surgically attached to your hand. True. I will occasionally turn it completely off so that no notifications come in, especially during weekends and holidays; but it stays close to me all the same.
You use Snapchat way too much. False. Not anymore, but I definitely used too. I had Snap streaks of varying lengths with a lot of my friends back then. 
You eat a lot of fast food. True and I don’t really feel bad about it, lmao. I love food that tastes good.
You love a bit of gossip. Also true. Not my nicest trait but I do like to keep updated. I mostly receive them though; I never spread or start any myself.
You’re really good at keeping secrets. It’s not my story to tell, so yes, true. I used to share secrets only with Gabie since she was very forgetful, but obviously I don’t have that kind of person anymore.
You’ve never had a boyfriend/girlfriend. False. I’ve had one and we had two stints together.
You work as a receptionist. False, but my mom used to be one. This was before she made the transfer to a more corporate workspace as a secretary.
You eat a lot of food yet you’re still so thin. True. Runs in both sides of the family.
Your siblings are your best friends. My sister and I have a very casual relationship, and while we’re on great terms we don’t do cheesy nor sentimental. I’m not on speaking terms with my brother.
Not many people see your face without makeup. False. Everybody sees me without makeup all the time precisely because I don’t like putting makeup on.
You spend your money carelessly. I can, especially when it comes to spoiling myself or other people. But I am also equally good at saving if I have to.
You dream of living overseas one day. I can confidently tell you that a lot of Filipinos consider this because the situation here hasn’t been stable for the longest time – politically, because we’ve always been led by incompetent heads; economically, because of the Marcoses’ dictatorship and abuse of power and the country’s funds; and socially, because of all the backward, Catholic stances that my country continues to stand for. I would love to live in a place where I wouldn’t be glared at for holding a girl’s hand or where most people are educated enough to vote responsible people into office.
You have a penpal. False. Never had one, never been interested in finding one.
You’re older than most of your friends. False. I vibe the best with people my age so even if I do have some younger friends, my comfort zone are with those who are also 22.
Most of your friends live out of town. An overwhelming majority of them live in Metro Manila, yes. I live just right outside so technically I’m the one who lives ~out of town~
You swear like a sailor. Eh, not anymore. I still let out a number of swear words daily, though. Just not in every sentence.
You have so many nicknames that it’s hard for you to keep track. False. I have a grand total of one nickname, and even that is just reserved for family. Most people just call me Robyn.
You have large feet. False as well. My feet are small and can easily slip into size 5 or 6 shoes.
Most of your friends are of the opposite sex. Can’t say this is true. I can only think of one guy friend, who is Hans. I haven’t been able to keep up with my other friends, like JM and Ed, since most of them are busy with either law or med school, and simply because Covid has kept us from seeing each other.
Romantic relationships make you shy and nervous. Getting into one does. Once settled I’m pretty comfortable, mainly because I enjoy nothing more than looking out for the people I love. I’m not looking for a relationship though; not anytime soon.
You watch reality shows religiously. Eh, I wouldn’t describe it as ‘religiously’ but I do watch my fair share of them from time to time when I just want stupid, too-easy-to-digest content.
Pop music is your favourite. One of my favorites. I used to be shy about liking Top 40 songs but the older I get the more I realized that that’s music snobs’ problem and shouldn’t be mine.
Family is very important to you. Only because I’m Asian and family being ~important comes as a default the moment I was born. I’m not emotionally close with them though and they honestly probably wouldn’t weigh so much if I had to make major decisions, like migrating to the other side of the world or having a civil wedding.
You’re the youngest child in your family. False - complete opposite. I am the eldest.
You call your mother by her first name. False. Save for others who may not have the best relationships with their mothers, why would someone do this? :/
You dream of living in a big city one day. True. Yeah, absolutely. Give me all the construction noises and busy traffic and skyscrapers. I feel like I would be the most alive I’ve ever been once I start to live in a loud and hectic big city.
You’re determined and motivated in all aspects of your life. Not always. That sounds exhausting. I allow myself to take a breather every now and then; and if I want to be unproductive for a while, I don’t ban myself from being so.
You’re much taller than the majority of your friends. Haha, definitely false. I belong to the smaller batch. I had a massive growth spurt from ages 9-10 but then it just kinda stopped there lol.
You go to the gym at least three days a week. Not the gym, but I do work out from home with that frequency.
You care a lot about your appearance. Ehhh I’m gonna say false. Having to stay/work from home does that. I like dressing up when I get to go outside though, since I seldom get to do it.
You’re a social butterfly. Trueish. I do like being around people more and more now, yeah; but of course, it’s still a work in progress for me. One thing I’m sure if is that I’m definitely not as introverted as I used to be and I have no problem opening up in a group.
You party almost every weekend. I’d love to, but can’t do that for the meantime.
You’re very straightforward and never repeat yourself. Ideally, yes. I like to move on quickly from things and settle them as fast as I can.
You love to write and have been told you’re talented. I do like to write, just not fiction stuff. Writing is my main talent and so I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on it over the years.
You consider yourself intelligent. Booksmart, at least.
You’re a bit of a player. Like, when it comes to relationships and flirting? ...Hell no. Again, very straightforward person lmao I’m either in a relationship or not.
You’re in a band. False. Never been and never been interested.
You’re straight-edge. HAH, remember when I claimed to be edge when I was a teenager...I will say that listening to punk throughout high school and being familiar with the straight edge scene gave me a sense of belonging for a time, and it taught me so many important mindsets like positive mental attitude. But I can admit to myself that straight edge was a commitment I failed at, and as the saying goes, “If you’re not now, you never were.” I’ll always be thankful to the movement for helping me keep going during my tough teenage years, though.
You can play two or more instruments. Will it count if I say I know how to play the recorder, maracas, and the triangle? Hahahahaha but in all seriousness, I believe I don’t deserve to bold this.
You’re an uncle/aunt. I’m a godmother, which is pretty much aunt status in the Philippines. My godson is my first cousin though, and him being my cousin takes precedence over the fact that he is my godson.
You love Doctor Who. False. Never got into it.
You’re short for your age and most of your friends tower over you. I’m shorter, thinner, and look younger for my age. Long story short, I look like I’m 16 and I’m the one who gets ID’d the most whenever I enter bars or malls. I always feel triumphant whenever I get to show my driver’s license to judgy bouncers or security guards who look at me all conceitedly, though.
You’ve been cheated on before. False. My ex is heavily against cheating, and I always trusted her.
You have a big family. Any Asian would bold this, let’s be real. My immediate family itself is small with only 5 members; but my entire family – 1st cousins, 2nd cousins, 3rd cousins (and so on), cousins-in-law, cousins of cousins, aunts- and uncles-in-law, great-aunts/uncles and all – would amount to hundreds of relatives.
You have a nap every single day, without fail. Can’t do that as I have a busy 8-hour shift each weekday and I make up for it during weekends by drinking multiple cups of coffee a day.
You’re mostly quiet, but you can be loud when the situation calls for it. Definitely true. Or when I’m with the right mix of people.
You’re really good with computers. False. I know most things a Gen Z-er would know about, like basic spreadsheet formulas, keyboard shortcuts, how to retrieve files that crashed – basically the stuff that would let me survive at work; but to this day, I will still ask my much-techier sister how to download fonts or open ZIPs or compress photos.
You’re shy. At first; but I no longer have a hard time warming up to new people or situations.
You underestimate yourself often. True. While I know this isn’t a very good trait of mine, I find that it’s actually helpful sometimes? Setting my expectations low helps make me proud of myself whenever I succeed or excel at a task. In the long run, I’m okay with this mindset.
You recently moved house. The last time I did this was in 2008. I’m not looking to move out any time soon either as I make far from enough to afford even just renting a place.
You have a German Shepherd. False. The only people I know who own one is Chelsea’s family, but it’s been like five years since I saw that dog.
You wear baggy clothes. False. Not my style.
You almost always wear a beanie. False. I am never seen with a beanie and I only wear one when I’m in places with a much colder climate than Manila, like Baguio.
You have long hair if you’re a boy, and short hair if you’re a girl. Also false. My hair has since gotten a lot longer, and I’m due for another trim.
You recently got out of a really long relationship. True. Not my choice, but true.
You’re in a band. Again, never been.
You’re a really good drawer. You mean an artist? False. At 22, I can only promise you stick figures.
You can’t help but doodle on anything you see. If there’s a pen and scratch paper lying around that are free to use, I will most definitely use up the whole page. Instead of doodling, though – since I can’t draw – I write things, practice my penmanship to make sure it hasn’t gotten all rusty, and whatnot. 
You want a career in art. False. That career path has always been paved for my sister.
You’re basically a personal taxi service for your friends who can’t drive. Hahaha this was essentially me in pre-pandemic days. Driving is such a simple good deed for someone considering the shitty public transportation in my country, and I would’ve been an asshole if I didn’t do anything to help my friends out.
Jeans and band shirts are your favourite thing to wear. Mom jeans and just *t-shirts are overall a great casual combo that never gets dated; but I don’t do band shirts.
You’re always wearing a necklace and lots of wristbands/bracelets. False. I would love more jewelry, though.
You have a lot of piercings on your ears. Also false. I’m not interested in piercings.
Your hair is currently an unnatural colour. False. It’s just black.
Not many people see your loud and boisterous side. I save this for my super super close friends.
You have several friend groups which you move between often. I can think of three off the top of my head.
You always seem to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. This was me for six yearssssss, haha. The image I held for the longest time is that I was off the market and was in a happy, fulfilling, long-term relationship; so these days, it can get kinda fun watching people fumble around, not used to seeing me single again after what feels like a lifetime.
You have a fear of being single. I used to, only because I was taken for a really long time. I didn’t know if singlehood would work out for me, or how I would handle it. It took some getting used to but I’m happy now. I’m not looking to date, much less consider jumping into another romantic relationship.
When you’re not in a relationship, you’re a big flirter. Not at all. The flirting/dating scene is just not for me.
You are really sensitive and sympathetic towards your friends. I mean...like any good friend? Lmao.
Music means a lot to you. It doesn’t keep me alive per se, but sure.
You often overdo it when you drink alcohol. I wouldn’t say so. I like chugging a lot within the first 30 minutes (which helps because I’m low-tolerance and get lit way earlier than others do lol) but because I’ve always had to drive myself home after drinking nights in college, I’ve been conditioned to still be responsible with my alcohol and to start sobering up 2 hours before I have to leave.
You have no shame and love to be silly and have fun. I do like having fun in many ways, but I am probably the most rigid among my friends. I don’t really like doing silly dares or skits or dances in public.
You’re impulsive and this isn’t always a good thing. I’m working on it and have been better at it over the last few months. Now I take more time to think about things and weigh them out before I make a decision.
You have facial hair. False. There’s some light hair above my lip, nothing super thick or recognizable.
You have a baby brother/sister. False. I have younger siblings but I call neither of them my baby sibling because they are 20 and 17, lmao.
You’re madly in love with your significant other. I don’t get to answer this anymore. If you met me at an earlier time I would’ve gladly said yes, though.
You want to get married when you’re young. False. I want to get married when I feel mature enough and financially capable of handling a marriage and the things that can come out of a marriage, like a house and kids.
You’re quite petite. I’m naturally petite, yes. I’ve always been on the skinny side and I’m also shorter than most of my friends.
You dye your hair regularly. False. It has stayed black all my life, but I do want to experiment with green.
It’s almost impossible for you to feel the cold. False. I’m very sensitive to the cold and will shiver easily in an air-conditioned room.
You’re really good at flattering other people. Sure, I like giving compliments and reassurances.
You’re very self-conscious. And very insecure sometimes, yeah.
You find it difficult to make new friends. Sure, but only because I like to control the people that are in my circle. I’m not desperate to have hundreds of friends so this isn’t an issue for me.
People often stereotype you as emo. I have never gotten this before.
You’ve come a long way in the past couple of years. What can I say? Been through a lot, been through hell and back, been discarded and doubted, but I’m still here.
The end.
Who were you most like? Cheyenne. Cute name, too.
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Running Into An Ex [Yongguk, Himchan, and Daehyun]
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Aria had a bad history of dating before she met Yongguk. She had a nasty habit of going back to her ex, Jacob, who had a history of cheating. She had told herself that he just made a mistake. That he loved her regardless. That he learned. However, after five years on and off, Aria put her foot down when she found her cousin in his bed and she called it quits for the last time. At first, he didn’t believe her, but then one day she applied to teach overseas and within a month and a half, she was on a flight to Seoul with her dog, Marky.
She spent the first year making friends, finding herself as she had long but forgotten, and along the way she stumbled upon Yongguk and it was an instant connection. However, she refused to date Yongguk after the experience she had with Jacob, but Yongguk didn’t sway from her. He didn’t bug her about it, but he made his feelings for her clear. It wouldn’t be until on night while the two were relaxing at a nearby park that Aria took the first step and kissed him.
Since then, Yongguk showed her nothing but love and trust that she had missed while dating Jacob. He showed her a world of color that she didn’t know existed. Aria’s world felt like the pieces were assembling and she felt so free and happy.
After two and a half years of dating, Aria and Yongguk flew to the US to her hometown to announce her engagement to Yongguk. She was glowing when she flashed her ring to her family who were just as happy as she was.
It wasn’t their first time in her hometown, but it was the first time in over two years of seeing her ex. An ex she had finally moved on from. The ex who was nothing but a ball in chain. During their stay, she took Yongguk to a cafe that she loved when she lived at home. It was there she ran into Jacob though at first she didn’t even realize it was him. He was chubbier than the last time, his hair was messy and he had an overgrown beard.
Aria held onto Yongguk’s upper arm as she convinced him to find them some chairs as she ordered the coffee. She made her way to the cashier and spoke her order.
“Ari?” She looked up at the cashier, who she hadn’t looked at the entire time she ordered, and her head tilted in confusion. The cashier’s grin fell, “Really baby? Don’t play dumb. I know it’s been almost 4 years, but seriously.”
“Oh, Jacob. Nice to see you again��” She forced a smile.
He leaned over the counter, “Why don’t we make up for old times? We’ve missed a lot…”
Aria let out an awkward laugh, one that Yongguk heard and knew he needed to be with her. A hand took hers as Yongguk stood beside her. “Sorry, I was just here to get some coffee with my fiance… So, if you could–ring it up?”
Jacob’s mouth fell open then his face twisted as he leaned back and punched in the order she repeated. His eyes glared daggers at Yongguk as he took her card and swiped it. “Here… enjoy.”
Aria took her card and Yongguk lead her to the seats he found. The moment they sat down, Yongguk’s face broke out into a smile as he laughed. Aria couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her lips. She never saw herself so much as being without Jacob all those years ago, but now she was happier and loved than she ever had been before. She pressed her lips to Yongguk’s cheek, “I love you.”
Yongguk’s gummy smile grew before he pressed his lips to hers in a quick kiss, “I love you more.” They ignored the glaring ex who watched them as he ignored the growing crowd.
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Amelia stared at her now husband, Himchan, as she sat beside him in the airport terminal. Her legs were folded on the chair as she held her head up in her hand that was supported by the chair. She felt bubbly and excited and none of it went unnoticed by Himchan.
Himchan twirled a part of her stray hair with his finger, “Why do you keep staring at me?”
She smiled shyly as she looked down at their rings, “I’m just still in awe.” She reach down and touched his wedding band, “We’re really married. It feels so surreal still.”
Himchan laughed and was about to reply when the intercom announced their boarding group. He got up and held out his hand to take hers, “Ready to go, wife?” A blush crossed her face as she took his hand and he led her to the boarding line.
As the plane reached altitude, Amelia and Himchan chatted away in their seats in the first class area. One of the flight attendants of the first class area approached the two as he made his rounds to take their drink orders. Himchan request two wine glasses. As the attendant returned with their glasses, he met Amelia’s eyes.
She cringed at the name. Only one person had ever called her that. She looked up at the flight attendant and her suspicions were confirms, “Miles, hey… Long time no see. You’re a flight attendant?”
He grinned, “Yea, I get to travel a lot. What have you been up to?”
She smiled and flashed him her wedding ring, “I just got married to this amazing man. We’re on our way to our honeymoon getaway.”
Miles gave Himchan a look of disgust, “Him? Really?”
Himchan smirked, “Yea, who are you?”
Miles gave Himchan a customer service smile, “I’m the one who was her first for everything.”
Himchan’s eyebrow twitched. He had heard about Miles. Amelia was his childhood friend before she dated him. However, their relationship soured after he rose his hand to her. He looked up at Miles and his jaw clenched as he took a breath. Himchan had always planned that if he saw Miles, he’d deck him. He took a sip of his wine and grimaced.
“I’m the one who she first loved. You really think she’s truly over me?”
“Miles” she warned noticing his anger rise.
“No, it’s fine love.” Himchan held his hand up to calm his wife. “While you start plotting on how you’ll try to steal my wife from me, we’d like to get better wine. This one has been tainted with your bitterness” Himchan grinned as he held up his wine glass. Amelia held back a laugh as Miles, unwillingly, took this wine glass and left to get a different drink. Himchan turned to his wife and rose his eyebrow,  “Well, you definitely know how to pick them. How on earth did you find that one?”
She rolled her eyes, “You’re so infuriating sometimes.”
He leaned over to her and chuckled, “But you love me.” She closed the gap between them as she kissed his lips. Himchan broke it suddenly as he remembered something, “You lied to me!” Amelia blinked in confusion. “You told me he was good looking. If that was good looking then I must be at the level of a god.”  
Amelia doubled over in laughter as Miles returned with the new wine glasses. Himchan took them both not sparing Miles another glance as he grinned at his laughing wife.
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There was a secret that Rory never told her long term boyfriend, Daehyun, about. It wasn’t that it was bad or anything, but she knew if he knew that he would possibly feel insecure and that was the last thing she wanted. Rory planned to bury her secret as long as she could, but unbeknownst to her, that secret was about to slip.
Daehyun and Rory were out near Seoul Station to catch the metro when she noticed a small crowd of girls squealing outside the station. “I wonder what’s going on…” Daehyun stopped and stared at the crowd.
Rory shrugged, “Maybe another idol is around here… We should go before we get spotted.” The crowd broke feet in front of them and Rory’s heart sank. She scoffed as she looked at the man who walked out of the crowd. He grinned brightly as he waved at them before his eyes fell on Rory. She immediately looked away trying not to draw his attention, “Let’s go catch the metro…” She tugged Daehyun’s hand.
However, he was starstruck. The Daniel Tate, actor and model, was standing right in front of him. He was someone that he really admired.
Daniel Tate was also the man that broke Rory’s heart when he left her because “she wasn’t good enough to be on his arm” when he grew in popularity in the US as an actor. Rory didn’t want to run into him. It wasn’t that she had lingering feelings, but she couldn’t help but dislike him. He was an arrogant asshole. “Dae–plea–”
“Rory! It is you!” Daniel jogged up to the couple and went straight up to her. “It’s been so long!” He hugged her, her hand slipped from Daehyun’s, and he twirled with her. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Rory got out of his arms as she touched the ground and stepped away from him, “So I’ve been told…” she replied coolly. The crowd began to gather around the trio and she looked back to see confusion etched on Daehyun’s face.
“Well, I’m here for a movie! Maybe we can get some dinner together. It’s been so long and I missed you.”
Rory shook her head, “That’ll be a hard pass. I don’t think going out with an ex would be smart.” She took Daehyun’s hand in his and it didn’t go unnoticed by Daniel.
He flashed Daehyun a strained smile, “Hey, sorry I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Daniel Tate. Yes, THE Daniel Tate. I’m Rory’s ex-boyfriend. And you are?”
“Daehyun. He’s my boyfriend. Also a singer” she cut in knowing what he was doing.
He let out a hum, “Never heard of you” he turned from her, “Listen babe, maybe we can meet up and rekindle our relationship. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you all these years apart.”
Rory said nothing as she tugged Daehyun’s hand to get his attention. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn’t know how to react. “Let’s catch the metro…” he whispered not looking at Daniel or Rory. He guided her away and she let out a breath of relief not knowing the internal conflict Daehyun went through after that run in.
Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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The OP of that quoted part of the Metro article is a Louis-hating blog (harrysclavicles). Actually, a nasty solo Harrie who says that they all have to keep kissing Harry's ass so that one day he'll do a charity gig with them. Them being the charity. And then all her anons go in on Louis and the others. Why would you reblog that? Even if the OP wasn't horrid, why reblog a link to that ridiculous article?
Oh anon,
How on earth do you have that much energy to care about the OP of the stuff you reblog? Let alone what other people reblog.  
I’m sure there are lots of blogs that use tumblr in a way you approve of. There’s no need to follow me.
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My Internship Blues(Ironstrange)
Dr.Anthony Stark newly pass out from Columbia Medschool, gifted, cheerful and a ball of adorableness is placed under Dr Strange's guidance with 4 others. Can the survive Intership under the strict ,stoic Dr Strange? Especially when he won't take an "I don't know sir" or even one wrong answer? Or is it the fact that Tony has a huge crush on him making this thing more difficult?
Chapter 1
Day 1:
" and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.
and above all I pledge to do no Harm"
*alarm rings* -chhirrrrrr chirrrrrr Tony bangs his hand here and there to stop it "shut up"....chirrrrrr "shut it" .... suddenly jolts up from bed .."shit shit shit..... first day of work"...
he tries to hurry down bed , slips and lands on his face ungracefully..." owwwww wu Wu"
. He somehow manages to put on his clothes on time after a quick shower... takes his stethoscope... blows a kiss at the magazine page sticking to his wall where there's an image of a sharp looking man holding some award and there a heading 'Strange technique of Laminectomy'. He gets in the car & speeds to the hospital.
"Metro General Hospital ,here I come"
*music starts on the DVD player in the car - Baby I'm bad news, bad news ,bad news*
Tony joins his team..he gives the notice a read
Dr Natasha Romanoff (Resident) in charge of team -
1.Dr.Anthony Stark
2.Dr.James Barnes
3.Dr.James Rodhes
4.Dr.Lucas Odinson
5.Dr.Steven Rogers
Rhodhey was Tony's highschool best friend.. they connected easily... he went into the locker room... it smelled of phenyl and coffee..
"Tony? why you so late man? Did you seriously sleep late in the first day of Intership? " Rhodhey asked
"Hey, don't go on attacking me like that .... did the resident meet you already?" Tony enquired
"No... and she's not coming.. they're on sick leave, they'll inform us when they us a guide ... we been asked to wait.... also one of our members are not joining they broke their arm, come on meet the team" Rhodhey took him to the other two men
"Hi, I'm Steve, I did my degree from St.Haspet Medical school" said the blond with a smile
"The names' Lucas, but call me Loki, I'm from John Hopkins" the tall pale doctor said while shaking hands with Tony.
"Tony....Tony Stark, I'm from Columbia Medschool" Tony smiled at them.
"wow, impressive... you're an Ivy Leaguer then"
before they could continue an old resident came in with a chart
" Stark, Rhodes,Rogers, Odinson.... gather up people.. you're resident's on a leave, so you'll be put under an Attending.. go to the reception.. you'll find Dr.Stephen Vincent Strange there... he'll be your guide for the day...and if you're lucky or maybe unlucky for the entire of 4 months... till Dr Romanoff returns" the old Resident let out a breath..."Good luck kids, you'll need it"
Tony had he's mouth on the ground... he was gaping that much... did the Dr just say they were under Dr Stephen Strange? for real?
"Tony come on let's go... oh close your mouth!" Rhodhey yelled ..Tony hurried behind them
"Did he really say Dr Strange?"asked Tony
"I know right, the guy's a legend" replied Loki
"Who's Dr Strange?"asked Steve
Loki &Tony gave him the most nasty look
"Where were you living? under a rock?" said Loki
"Dude, he invented the Strange technique of Laminectomy, his research paper on infusing cancerous cells for spinal regeneration could be the next era defining discovery." explained Tony
"He won the Harper Avery Award 2years back, also got himself a position in the Neurological Society" carried on Rhodhey
"So I didn't know about one Dr" Steve started...
"He's not just one guy...he's decade's face of medicine " Tony went a little too impulsive
"Sounds like someone has an out-of-reach crush" Loki teased
Tony suddenly went red... but before he could snark back
"Oh please! he worships Dr Strange.. he has his posters in his room..." commented Rhodhey...Tony wanted to low-key kill his best friend for passing that comment as Rogers and Odinson laughed softly.
They reached the reception, And Tony felt his heart race as he saw his idol.
Dr Stephen was there in dark blue scrubs and white coat leaning on the nurses table with a cup of Espresso in his left hand, took a sip of the coffee as he said something to the nurse, and she giggled.. while he remained expressionless.
He saw his interns approaching him and stood up straight, before he could saw anything.
"Hello Sir, I'm Anthony Stark but everyone calls me Tony, I'm excited to work under you" the person who was invading his personal space was also offering a hand to him, he was short with Chestnut hair and brown eyes...and his voice was too giggly... Stephen if he was not Stephen would have said it was cute... but him being Stephen.. he was annoyed to the other end of the world(maybe he did think it was cute.. it annoyed him even more).
He graceful shifted his gaze to the others and with a very unimpressed expression said " I've 5 rules, memorize them.." gaze shifting back to Tony "don't try to suck it up , I hate you all already & that's not gonna change"
Stephen picked up a paper from the nurse's table while Loki whispered to Rhodhey"I think Tony's out of reach crush, just crushed him" Meanwhile Tony retracted back his offered hand and was red in the cheeks, he was never this embarrassed before..."what an ass, oops did I actually think that about Dr Strange? noooo... maybe he's just tired... it maybe I shouldn't have just jumped infront of him.. he must be a nice guy.. oh so dreamy"
Stephen continued after passing Lucas the phone list..."Trauma protocol, pagers *points to the table* phone lists*points to the paper* nurses will page you.. you answer every page with a run...A RUN that's rule 2. Follow me"
the interns hop skipped to keep up with Stephen's long strides "your first shift starts now, last 18hours .. your interns ,grunts, nobodies, at the bottom of the surgical food chain, you write orders, run labs, do patient workups, sign papers, help me in diagnosis which I don't need from rookies but you have to learn.. you work day and night until you drop and DO NOT COMPLAIN" they go into the on-call-rooms "On call rooms Attendings hog them, sleep wherever you can, whenever you can , that brings me to rule no 3 , if I'm sleeping, DON'T wake me up unless a patient is actually dying"
"Rule 4 the dying patient better not be dead when I get there ;not only would you have killed the patient but you would have also woken me up for no good reason. Any questions?"
Tony raised his hand. "Yes!"
"You said there's five, that was only four" Tony said softly he wasn't trying to get the Dr more pissed , he really wasn't.
Stephen opened his mouth but his pager beeped "Rule no 5 , I move you move, let's go" they ran after Stephen as he rushed to the other side of the hospital ... it was going to be a busy day.
This story will continue and I want to thank @ironstrange-is-the-endgame for helping with the ideas
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csjolly · 6 years
Hello! For your prompts I’m a real sucker for CS adopting a child. :)
ok I know this is pretty out there and LOOSELY follows the prompt so please forgive me! I’ve been wanting to write this for ages. Hope you enjoy :) 
“Bite your tongue, pet. I’m walking you home, whether you like it or not.” Emma huffed at Killian’s stubborn tone, rolling her eyes as he shouldered his leather bag and extended his arm. A chill ruffled her hair, the cold October weather finally getting to her.“Fine,” She eventually conceded, without batting an eye at his possessive endearment, “I’m not some damsel in distress, though.” 
The top of his ears turned red as he blushed, glancing briefly at his crooked arm, which he had offered to avoid her tripping on the iced-over stairs.
“I don’t need help down the stairs, Jones, no matter how high we are up Fall’s ass.” She continued, pushing past his hand and stepping down to the sidewalk that wrapped around the campus library where she worked.Killian scratched behind his ear and grinned obnoxiously. He shook his head, chiding her playfully, “Oi! That’s professor Jones to you.” 
Emma held back a smile of her own, batting at his shoulder as he descended to her level. “I’m not your student. I’m not even a student,” She reminded him. 
He shrugged. “As long as we work for the same university, I think you’ll find my title stays.” “And what if I want to call you by your first name, instead?” She turned to him coyly, finding his hand and intertwining their fingers. In response, he craned his neck down to pull her into a languid kiss, his wrist pressed against the small of her back. He gently gripped the fabric of her red leather jacket, his right arm finding the curve of her jaw and pressing her closer.
The red-brown scruff of his cheek brushed against her fingers and she hummed into his mouth. That got him to pull back reluctantly, tapping her on the nose. 
“You’ll have to ask nicely, I suppose.” He murmured against her, and Emma laughed, pushing off of him. 
“Yeah, yeah, Casanova.” She giggled, shaking her head as he trailed behind her.
The two walked in a comfortable silence down the empty streets, only pausing once to tie Emma’s shoe (“Honestly, Swan, why do you bother with those boots? I’d much prefer you in heels”/“You couldn’t handle me in heels, Jones”). The darkened road to Emma’s place ran beneath the metro underpass, a heavy stone bridge that towered over the slums of Boston. Her house was a block or so past it, a tiny little bungalow hidden by big metal fencing and walls of foliage. Emma was an expert in budgeting, not having a degree to back her up for a higher-paying job, and not having the money to go back to school to get one. The discount fencing was to keep out the drunks that stumbled through the back alley that her garage laid along, and the foliage had been a nice touch of her own. She had always wanted to live somewhere green, with flowers and bright colors, and she had been piecing her way towards that year by year with each potted plant she added to her yard serving as a souvenir.
 Beyond her cool and guarded demeanor, she was a soft and gentle person, emotional in nature and kind in heart. The dismal mentality she grew up with was slowly tumbling away, whether it was at her own hand, or at the hand of a scruffy and rugged brit who smelled of coffee and vanilla, grumbling about the way she drove and embracing her tightly and protectively, as though each touch was his last. 
The little homestead with chipped blue paint lacquered over dulled wooden paneling and a dirt stained porch was all she could really hope for. It was dusty and odd, but it was unique and so very alive. She could feel the calm energy that buzzed through the windowsills and chilled the dew droplets on the grass each morning. Emma knew the warmth and love that she had put into the property, and the same affection it gave back.
Her financial situation was one she had always struggled with. Her affinity for books and charismatic personality had earned her a spot at Boston University’s library, which was certainly a blessing, but didn’t quite make for a luxurious status. She certainly had been offered help from her friends. There was always the librarian who picked up Emma’s shifts on her off days, Belle French. She had her friend Mary Margaret, an English Professor whose husband David worked as a deputy for the Boston Police Department. Even her best friend and boss, Regina Mills, had offered to lend Emma money. She refused, though, each time. She didn’t want pity cash, and she didn’t want patronizing looks. She wanted the be recognized as someone who could take care of herself. Killian had always respected that, offering to cover dinner and give her rides to the store but graciously nodding when she refused. 
The one thing he was a stickler for was walking her home. She didn’t live far from the University, only a few blocks- but he never failed to accompany her after her shifts, muttering something about ‘good form’ (“So you’ve decided to be a gentleman today?” / “I’m always a gentleman, love”). She had to admit, despite her perfected ability to hold her own in a fight, his protectiveness was endearing. Each time he put his arm around her shoulder under the bitterness of the night and the fluorescent street lamps, she felt a sense of safety and contentment that she hadn’t known in years. 
That’s not to say she didn’t manage on her own, though- upholding her dignity atop muscled shoulders and and maintaining her quality of life on a head of blonde hair. In fact, her stitched-together abode even served as refuge to some of the scrap-starved kids that frequented the underpasses and tunnels near the train station. 
Growing up in foster care, Emma knew the loneliness and fear that went along with the life. As unofficial as it was, she had managed to supply a home to some of the runaways around the Boston area, providing what food and shelter she could give, as well as all the love her heart might hold. 
She and Killian had been together for nearly 10 months, and he had well managed to gain her trust enough to let him around some of the kids in her charge. Most of the teenagers drifted in an out of the area, stopping by for days at a time every few months. The youngest of the bunch, though, a 13 year old named Henry, came by Emma’s the most. 
His last set of foster parents had been a nasty two- a neglectful and cruel couple who hadn’t even seemed to notice that Henry had run away. The boy himself had spent the last few weeks on Emma’s couch, but eventually decided to return to the home to make sure the other kids were okay. She’d given him his own key for his 13th birthday, and he’d been using it ever since (leaving notes of thanks on the fridge or leaving his comic books strewn across the living room floor). Over the months she’d known him, she’d even managed to teach him some manners, and he’d taken it upon himself to take out the trash and wash the dishes whenever he could. Every once in a while, he’d bring some younger kids from his foster home back for dinner, raiding Emma’s fridge and showing them all the old Disney movies Emma had packed under the coffee table. 
Since Killian had started coming over, though, they’d found their interests in listening to tales of his travels (being an ex-navy man turned history professor, he had his fair share). Emma might have particularly enjoyed brushing the black strands of hair out of his face as he recounted his adventures, pressing a light kiss to his temple and fetching blankets for the kids huddled on the worn-down couch. She’d usually indulge them in steaming mugs of hot chocolate (with cinnamon on top, Henry insisted), and when she had saved up enough for the given month, they’d pile into Killian’s car on voyages to the aquarium or the marina. The older ones, who were more concerned about necessities like caps and gloves for the harsh winter, particularly enjoyed when she’d take them to the store and let them pick out a few things each.
Killian had grown attached to an older boy who shared his brother’s name. Liam was 17 and as nomadic as they came, only stopping by a few times a year or when he was in the area. He had fallen into a bad crowd, and despite Emma’s urgings to get himself straightened out, Liam had been impossible to get through to. That was, until he’d met Killian. The two had similar backgrounds- lost their mothers at a young age, deadbeat fathers- and were immediately inseparable. Killian had even managed to convince Liam to stay with him for a a while. After about three months of living with Killian, he had worked up enough to combine with all his savings to get himself his own place. The last that Emma and Killian heard from him, Liam had enrolled in the police academy in New York and was attempting to right some of his past wrongs. 
And that was simply Killian’s character: headstrong, determined, nurturing, wise- everything Emma had wanted to model for the kids. Having her boyfriend around had certainly made her job a lot easier. Henry, though- he had always been more in tune with Emma, despite Killian’s unfaltering adoration.  
Emma unlocked the gate and turned around to Killian. His dark hair was disheveled from a wind and his cheeks were rosy and pink. He smiled brightly, and kissed her on the cheek.“Have a good night, love.” He told her softly, but she grabbed his arm before he could turn to leave. “Why don’t you stay tonight?” She suggested through a yawn, tugging on the lapels of his heavy coat. He chuckled, and slid his arms around her waist. “You seem a little too tired for that, Swan.” He drawled mischievously lifting an eyebrow. 
“You got that right, pal,” she snorted, “But I don’t want you to take the metro home this late. I’d feel a lot better if you’d stay over. Neither of us have work tomorrow anyway, so we can sleep in late.” 
He nodded, bumping his nose against hers.“I’d love nothing more.” 
The two stumbled through the enclosed front yard, tripping over pots of plants and little garden-gnomes. “Bugger me,” Killian swore as he caught his foot on the jagged porch step. Emma laughed at him, and helped him stable himself. “I swear, Emma, you have to allow me to install garden lights as soon as tomorrow’s sun renders this death-trap of a lawn visible. You simply must.” 
She just rolled her eyes at his whining, and fumbled with her keys to unlock the door. “You could just move in,” She suggested, “Then you’d have full authority over what do do about our death trap lawn.” 
It wasn’t as though they hadn’t talked about it before, they knew they were a permanent thing and both wanted to take the step. The only issue was the location. Emma didn’t care if the house was falling apart. She’d make whatever repairs were necessary; it was her home. Killian, on the other hand, wanted to give her the absolute best that he could, and worried that the house was in a dangerous neighborhood for their potential kids to live. Emma argued that kids already did live with her, and she didn’t want to leave the only home she’d known.
“I think I could live with that.” He told her, and she looked back to him questioningly. “Really? But I thought-” He shook his head.“Emma, you know that I love you. I’d live with you in a bloody rubbish bin if you wanted to.” He stepped forwards, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. A grin broke out onto his face, “Besides, David says you’re the best I can do.” 
Emma laughed and smacked him on the chest. “Hey!” She defended, and he smiled broadly back. “I’m only joking, Swan.” He hummed, leaning down to kiss her. Before he could though, a loud thud sounded from inside the house. 
Emma startled and quickly unlocked the door, rushing inside as soon as she could. She wasn’t quite sure what she expected, but a tumbling Henry collapsing under the open living room window was certainly not it. 
Killian was at his side in an instant, pulling him to his feet and brushing him off.“Are you alright, lad?” He inspected Henry for any injuries, finding only a blotchy purple bruise forming on his cheek. 
Emma cupped the boy’s chin and tilted his head to get a better look. “Who did this to you?” She demanded as Killian closed the open window. 
Henry averted his eyes and shook his head free. “Sorry for coming through the window. Didn’t wanna risk tripping on all the crap in the yard.” He mumbled, and Killian would have sent Emma a pointed look about porch lights if the boy didn’t look so sad. 
“It’s okay, kid,” She told him, pulling him towards the couch, “Sit down, I’ll make you some hot chocolate.” 
Henry nodded, pushing a mess of tangled brown hair out of his eyes. “Due for a shave, aren’t you?” Killian asked as he took a seat next to the boy, hoping to lighten the mood. Henry’s mouth nearly twitched into a smile, but it was gone in an instant. Killian sighed lowly, helping Henry shrug off his jacket. The boy’s shoes were drenched in mud and dirt, soaked through to the socks. 
Henry hissed as he took them off, tossing them onto the mat in the corner of the room that Emma always insisted he wiped his feet on. “Bloody hell, lad, how many puddles did you jump into?” Killian asked Henry as he wrapped the nearest blanket around his shivering form. Henry shrugged, teeth chattering. “I dunno. I was running too fast to keep track.” Killian nodded solemnly and put his arm around Henry, pulling the boy into a hug. Henry leaned immediately into the embrace, burying his head into Killian’s shoulder and clinging tightly to the blanket. Emma met Killian’s worried glance over Henry’s head as she set down a mug of hot chocolate in front of him. 
She rubbed the boys shoulder as he sat up, quickly wrapping his fingers around  the drink and gulping down as much as he could. “Henry, slow down, you’ll choke.” She softly reminded him, and he set the mug back down on the table. 
“Can we watch a movie? Pirates of the Caribbean, maybe?” He asked, his eyes pleading with her. Emma nodded and combed his hair with her fingers. Before her resolve crumbled, she reminded him, “You know the rules, though. You have to tell me what happened, first.”
Emma had a few of these, set just to make sure everyone was safe. The kids had to tell her their real name (no aliases allowed), explain where they got any bumps and bruises, and promise not to steal anything. Emma’s intuitive lie detector (a nifty skill she picked up that the kids had affectionately deemed her ‘superpower’) prevented anyone from escaping the rules, and made for a  safe and open house. 
That didn’t mean the kids always liked it, though. Henry huffed and turned his gaze to the floor. “I went back to check on the others,” He began, and Killian’s arm tightened comfortingly around his shoulder. “Everyone was okay, but…” He choked up a little bit, trying to hold back tears. “Violet got transferred to another house.” Emma patted his hand sympathetically, knowing how upset he must be. Violet was his best friend at the house, and had been his main reason for returning. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye.” He sobbed out, finally letting his tears fall. 
Killian let go so Emma could hug Henry tightly as he shook, murmuring words of comfort as she patted his back. The boy unwrapped his arms from around her and sniffled, finding his voice again. “She forgot her necklace- the one her dad gave her. I was trying to get it for her, so if I saw her again I could give it back.” He shook his head angrily and  bunched the blanket up in his fists. “Then that dickhead Peter took it from me.” He spat, and Killian grimaced. 
Normally, he’d scold Henry for his language, but this was a special exception. Peter was a bit of a bully at the home, and Killian had encouraged Henry to stand up to him. That had earned Henry a punch to the ribs, and Killian had felt so guilty about it that he bought the boy three different kinds of ice cream. Henry had laughed it off and accepted the ice cream, but still tiptoed around Peter like a scared deer. 
“He flushed it.” Henry eventually choked, glaring daggers at the hot chocolate. “And landed a solid punch,” He finished, motioning to his cheek.  Emma examined it briefly and hummed. “Want me to kick his ass for you?” She joked, and Henry broke his sadness to giggle a little through tears. He sniffed again and nodded, picking his mug back up and drinking the rest of the hot chocolate in one big swallow. “I don’t want to go back there. Ever. The stupid parents didn’t even notice I was gone.” He bit out.
 Killian cleared his throat, standing to fish the Pirates of the Caribbean DVD out from under the table. Emma turned to the young boy, nearly taken aback by how much of herself she saw in him. 
“So don’t.” She told him unwaveringly, and Killian froze. Henry tilted his head in confusion, and blinked his tear-blurred eyes. 
“What do you mean?” He asked her, and though the system had beaten down much of the hope he should have had, Emma was proud to admit that she could see a flicker dancing around in his stare.
Killian looked to Emma for confirmation before finishing her thought. “I believe the lass is asking you to stay here, my boy,” Henry whipped his head to look at him with wide eyes as Killian clarified, “Permanently.”  
Emma saw the slight tremor in Henry’s hands and grabbed them firmly. “I know it’s a big jump, and you’ve only really known us for a year or so,” She quickly told him, “But I love you, kid, and I want to take care of you. For real.” 
Henry slowly leaned back, wary and a little nervous.“But what happens when social services finds out? They’ll make me go back.” He trembled, and she shook her head.“Not if I’m your legal guardian.” At his awed expression, she forged on, “I mean it, Henry. If you’ll let me, I’ll get the papers, do this all the right way.”
He nodded enthusiastically, flinging his arms around her neck. Henry was getting tall already, nearly 5′7, but he was tiny enough that Emma could still use her weight and leverage to drag him up into a standing hug. 
When Henry pulled back, he glanced curiously between Emma and Killian. “Will you two… I mean…” He started, not quite knowing what to ask. 
Killian grinned broadly, looking proudly at Emma. “I’ll be here, too.” 
“Actually,” She cleared her throat, making her decision, “None of us will be here. I think it’s time we go somewhere new.” She sent Killian a shy look, and whispered conspiratorially to Henry, “What do you think about a little house by the marina?”  
Pirates of the Caribbean ended up discarded on the coffee table, and the mug ended up unwashed. After all, Henry was much too busy to do the dishes, bouncing around the house excitedly with an icepack pressed against his cheek. Killian couldn’t do them, either, for he was on a very important phone call with his landlord about when the lease would be up, and if he knew how easy it was to obtain a marriage license. Emma was busiest of all, certainly, comparing her savings account to a sweet little cottage by the marina, painted in blue with lawn lights. 
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suedescripture · 6 years
Pinto, Hallmark Christmas movie AU
The Pine family has reigned over the Christmas season at The Grove for as long as most people can remember. Katie and Gwynne come up with new themes for the North Pole Village each year. Robert Pine is—in certain circles and according to ten out of ten children under the age of 12 in the greater metro area—considered the Real Santa Claus. And Chris is the cheeriest, happiest, Most Merry Santa’s Little Helper who has ever held the position (including when he booted Katie at the age of 17). He can charm a smile out of the surliest scrooge.
But listen, Zach works retail, and not even good retail, he works one of those godawful kiosks trying desperately to sign people up for phone service, and the only reason he’s making $15/hr now is because the great state of CA finally forced his boss to pony up a semi-realistic minimum wage (but Zach still lives in his newlywed brother’s basement, because Califuckingfornia). If there is anyone in this mall that hates the time of year when the glitter covered fake-ass cotton snow comes rolling out and That Family™ comes in and takes over the place, it’s this guy.
Oh Zach and Chris very nearly came to blows last year. The have A History. This will be Year Three in the Fallout between Chris the Friendliest Happiest Santa’s Elf and That Swarthy Guy with the Nasty Attitude At Kiosk 18. It made the local 6 o’clock news. Reporters are already staking out territory. Mall security isn’t happy about it.
It starts out similarly to last year. Chris leaves a Christmas candy on Zach’s kiosk when he’s not looking. A candy cane one day. An Andes mint chocolate. Those pillow thingies that squish weird in your teeth. Each time, Zach trashes them, gritting his teeth. So Chris ups the ante. He goes for the whole Terry’s Chocolate Orange, the kind you have to whack and then unwrap and you get perfect little slices of delicious orangey dark chocolate.
A cameraman from Channel 7 catches him squirreling it into his coat pocket, When confronted, with the camera in his face, he says defensively, “My mom loves them, and they’re impossible to find in Pittsburgh,” before running off.
Chris: 1, Zach: 0. Grumpy Zach is publicly outed as a Mama’s boy. The reporters send an affiliate to reach out to his mom in Pittsburgh for comment. She cracks the door and tells them her Zachary really is a sweet soft gentle boy, he’s just had a terrible time since his father passed on Christmas when he was just seven.
The following week, Zach makes two children cry by telling them Santa passes gas in the break room that smells like reindeer roast.
That’s where it comes to head this year, so the media doesn’t quite get wind of it. Chris walks in and confronts Zach at the coffeemaker, saying, “Don’t you dare bring my dad into this.”
“Why not? He’s a gassy Santa. It’s gross, he should see a doctor.”
“Yeah he is, but you don’t have to ruin Christmas for little kids just because you don’t have a dad!” Chris immediately covers his mouth after that pops out. It was out of line, and he knows it. Zach silently goes back to the kiosk with a pained rage on his face.
But it changes everything. Chris confesses what he said to his dad when they’re at home over hot cocoa with full sized marshmallows, and they he feels even worse because all he’s ever wanted was to cheer this poor guy up and let him have a good Christmas for once. Also he’s just kind of hot, and… and Chris knows he’s probably as sweet as his mom says, because who would know better but Zach’s own mom? And Bob, itching at the snowy beard that he’ll shave off as soon as the season is over, tells him, “Then stop making it a hostile takeover, a forceful assault demanding that Zach should be happy right now. Sometimes, Chris, especially with people who have losses and pain to deal with, the Spirit of Christmas is just in quiet moments of joy.”
Chris doesn’t do anything at all in the week leading up to Christmas, to the dismay of all the reporters and the gossipmongers. He and Zach keep their distance, but there is one instance where Chris drops an entire bucket of mini candy canes practically in Zach’s kiosk. He didn’t do it on purpose either, some asshole didn’t place a mat over a wire correctly, and a patron could have gotten hurt. A whole group of piney teenage girls swept right in to help Santa’s Hot Little Helper pick up the mess, which he milked with sweet grins and thanks and presenting each one with a sweet, but it was a camera from Channel 4 that caught Zach watching the whole thing, specifically staring at Chris’ ass before he rolled his eyes and picked up a remaining candy cane by his feet, tucking it in his pocket.
Another happened when the Christmas decorations strung over Zach’s kiosk come loose and covers him in glitter that would never fucking come out of his clothes, but it almost made him look positively festive for the rest of the day. Chris giggled every time he looked in his direction, and Zach caught him several times, scowling. “You did it on purpose,” Zach accuses over the coffeemaker.
“I didn’t,” says Chris, “But now you’re all sparkly. It’s cute.”
“I don’t sparkle.”
“All sparkly and shiny and pretty like a Christmas ornament.”
“I’m not pretty,” Zach frowns, flustered.
“Yeah, you are.”
Zach’s eyes widen in shock.
Oh. Chris turns beet red and leaves it at that. Whoops.
Finally it’s time for the Christmas Eve Finale, the part everyone is here for, because every year—and the reason he stole the position from Katie (though she was happy to give it up)—Chris sings a song and put on a little show. And boy howdy, Santa’s Little Helper can sing like Sinatra. And this year, Zach got scheduled to work til close, so he can’t skip out and leave like he did the last two years.
Chris puts on a snappy suit with a Christmasy paisley double-breasted waistcoat and a red bowtie (he has a friend who works at the Armani shop and did him a solid) and starts the show by walking up to Dad with a grin and steals his Santa hat. The lights go low, and the music starts, and Chris makes sure he can see Zach nonchalantly flipping the pages of a magazine as he starts to sing “Let’s make Christmas Merry, Baby”. It’s risky, but hopefully he can play it right. He casually strolls off the stage and in among the crowd and over towards the kiosk.
Zach tries to fight it, he tries to hide at first when he realizes what Chris is up to, but Chris’s cuts off his escape and as he sings “I’ll come around about midnight, fill your stocking full of toys.” Zach rolls his eyes and crosses his arms as Chris does a little twirl around him, singing “I’ll let you ride my reindeer, you won’t need a hobby horse,” as he pulls a pen from Zach’s breast pocket and writes his phone number on the heel of Zach’s hand with a heart. By the time he sings “I’ll bring you a chartreuse Cadillac and a diamond ring,” he’s got Zach’s full attention, because he’s shimmied his butt up on the the kiosk’s countertop and tugged Zach in between his legs, and parents are covering their little kid’s eyes, because… because…
Because Zach, the Scowling Scrooge of Phone Sales at the Grove, is smiling. Besotted. A little punch drunk looking as Santa’s Little Helper leaves a sweet kiss on his cheek and whispers in his ear, “I hope you’ll come at Christmas with me.”
And he does. Zach feels so awkward going over to the Pines for Christmas, but he puts on a dumb ugly sweater and carefully does his hair and awkwardly shows up with a bottle of wine, but they’re like so nice to him, and Bob Pine takes him aside and asks him about his family and (tongue-in-cheek) if there was anything that Santa could do that would help him feel better around this time of year, and fuck, he might as well be the real Santa Claus for as good as he is at reading people and saying the right thing. And then Chris gestures him out to the dark backyard and it’s kind of awkward, and Chris has glitter in his hair and Chris says he only has one wish for Christmas and it’s for a kiss.
He tastes like peppermint.
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misssparklyprincess · 7 years
Shy Confession
Word Count: 1260
Wanna One: Kang Daniel
Author: I love Daniel so much, so I made something that almost happened to me lol😂
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Fixing my hair in the bus as I was running late. I overslept this morning and was rushing to school. I texted my friend quickly.
Me: Unnie Am I late??
Sana: I'm not sure Ms. Soo is handing out maps.
Me: Get one for me! TT I hate this!!
I placed my phone in my pocket as I chewed my bottom lip. I fixed my clothes before exiting the bus and racing for my life to school. I kept running till my school came into view. My best friend was standing around the corner waving at me with the map in her hand. "You're on time… I guess" she giggled. I tried catching my breath before talking. "Have you seen Daniel?" I asked looking around searching for my crush.
"Ehm yeah... he's there with Sully and some other kids" She pointed to my right. "Egh she really annoys me" rolling my eyes, as my mood changed when I saw her being really close with Daniel. "He probably doesn't like her" walking arm in arm to the other side of the road. I looked at her rolling my eyes again "Give me one good reason why not?" Keeping my eyes fixed on Sully. "Well she has a really shitty personality" I nodded mumbling she was right. We sat on a bench waiting till a teacher will show up. But no one came. Some people left already.
"Hey, You guys wanna hang out with us?" Mark my friend asked. I asked who would join and where we will go. Turns out Daniel, Sully and some other kids will tag along. We agreed to come as there was no teacher to check on us.  
We went to a supermarket and bought some snacks, we found a perfect spot in an open field at the park. We sat in a circle, listened to music and talked. "Hey let's play truth or dare," Seongwoo said. We all agreed to it and sat straight. Seongwoo started first, spinning the bottle which landed on Sully obviously.
"Sully truth or dare?" She looked at me with that nasty smirk plastered on her small face. "Dare," she said confidently "Kiss Daniel on the cheek" Seongwoo pointed to Daniel who didn't look all too happy. Sully fake sighed "if I have to” she adjusting her position, gently grabbing Daniel by the face. She slowly leaned in, I turned around looking at the grass. It had my full attention on a pink flower. My eyes shot up as I saw a big bee coming near me. I screamed on top of my lungs jumping up. Everyone looked at me in shock. I felt like crying as the bee flew away. "What's wrong Y/N?" Sana asked concerned. I quietly sat down apologizing first before explaining my sudden attack. "I'm extremely allergic to bee's" locking eyes with Daniel who looked really concerned.
"Okay sucks for you, can we continue?" Sully said trying to get the attention back to her but failed. "I think we should leave," Daniel said we all agreed, making Sully huff. "We can- …never mind," Daniel said. Everyone insisted him on telling his idea. He suggested on going to his house and eat there. We all agreed and left the park. We took the metro which was a torture for me. How Sully sat on Daniel's lap because there were no seats, he offered her his seat but she begged him to sit on his lap. My blood was boiling by now as I looked out of the window.
 His house was huge and his parents were really nice. They order Pizza for us and made snacks, music playing in the background. We took place in his backyard and talked. His younger brother and sister joined us when the food arrived. I was quietly eating a slice of pizza as I felt eyes burn in my head, I looked to the left and saw Daniel stare at me, he softly smiled at me. I smiled back as I didn’t want to draw attention from Sully. She was being too busy with Seongwoo. Touching his arm every time, he's talking or laughing at all of his jokes. 'She's a gold digger for sure' I thought, she doesn't see Daniel anymore. Seongwoo, on the other hand, didn't mind at all, he wasn't that popular and never had a girlfriend so this was his change.
"I thought she was with my brother?" Daniel's sister Jennie whispered. "Yeah, I figured out she's after his money" she looked quite surprised, keeping her eyes on Sully. "Really?? Seongwoo is rich?" I nodded I told her that his father is the CEO of LG Electronics and his mom is a famous fashion designer. Her mouth dropped open "Do you know what her parents do?" I shrugged telling her I didn't know.
Jennie was really nice, she asked me how we all became friends. I explained that all of our parents know each other except for Sully. By now she knows I like her brother Daniel. She told me I deserved him more than Sully or any other girl, she made me shy with her remark but appreciated it.
"It's getting cold" I rubbed my arms to keep myself warm. I felt Daniel grab my hand and brought me inside. We both didn’t speak till we got into his room. I awkwardly stood there watching him how he was looking through his closet.
He handed me a blank grey hoodie, "You can wear this" he mumbled. I stood there looking at my reflection, the hoodie was way too big on me. "I'll give it back tomorrow" looking at him.
"N-No you can have it, it looks cute on you anyway" he blushed. We just stood there in the middle of his room, the tension between us is literally unbearable. I thought it was best to just leave, I reached for the door but felt two hands grab my shoulders and turn me around. He held his grip on my shoulders as he was looking down at me, I looked back at me, my cheeks probably red.  
He opened his mouth, but no sound. He sighed out of frustration. His warm hand reached for mine. Unsure of what to do I just let him do his thing. He placed my hand over his heart. “Can you feel it?” I nodded my head slowly, his heart was beating rapidly. “It’s because of you… I liked you for so long now and I…” he struggled with his words. I snapped out of thoughts and bluntly smashed my lips on his. I shocked myself with this action that I quickly pulled away. “I’m s-sorry” I stuttered. He touched his lip, his eyes still on me. Before he could say anything, I interrupted him. “I like you so much you have no idea, you make me go insane.” I spat out. He looked at me with amuse.
He smiled and slowly leaned in again. His soft lips landed on mine, it felt perfect. He began moving his lips and I gladly followed him. His hands moving down my waist, pulling me in. Our lips perfectly molding together. I pulled away gasping for air. I hid my face in his chest, feeling extremely embarrassed. I heard him chuckle hugging me, it felt very comforting.
“So do u want to be my girlfriend?” still holding me close, I nodded my head “Yes I would love to” Daniel pulled away, intertwining our fingers and smiled sweetly at me.
This is how our perfect relationship started.
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
The Kindness; Part Two
Fandom: Fallout (3)
Pairing: Female Lone Wanderer/Charon
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Two of twelve!
They left at dawn the next morning.
Charon hadn't done much sleeping, feeling excitement race through him most of the night. He had taken apart his shotgun, cleaned, and reassembled it at least six times before Greta snapped at him to cut it out. Not even that could dampen his spirits though. He laid awake for hours, hoping against hope that he might have finally gotten lucky, and that this employer wouldn't see him as nothing but a weapon.
Spoon had awoken without fail, and they were ready to go in ten minutes, the young man whispering a promise that they'd eat breakfast once they got through the metros.
Charon had to keep a shit-eating grin off his face as they trekked out through the lobby and into the courtyard. Willow saw the pair and waved from her post. Spoon tossed her a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of good whiskey as “another thank you for saving my ass!” Willow caught the items and saluted as the man and ghoul ducked into the metros, successfully avoiding the super mutants that camped just beyond.
  Going through the metro was relatively easy. Only a few feral ghouls arose, snapping, and Charon made quick work of them. Spoon did get lost, admitting his inability to tell directions underground. Luckily they soon stumbled across the exit and emerged unscathed. Once they were back in the harsh sunlight, Spoon grinned up at Charon, tilting his hat back. “What say you to some breakfast, big guy?”
  Charon frowned, looking around. “Permission to speak freely?”
  Spoon's grin wavered. “Permission? Shit man, you're not a slave. I'm not going to demand you to be silent now that we're not around your friends. Granted! For uh, forever.”
  “I would advise preparing food behind that hill. So we are not out in the open.” Charon pointed towards the hill in question, his face unreadable. Spoon agreed, grin firmly back in place as he jogged to the hill and promptly tumbled over the other side, not expecting the loose shale that coated the top. Charon rolled his eyes. “You alright kid?” He called, meandering over the top of the hill.
  “Never better! Now, how about you dig me out? Kinda' stuck here.”
  They made it to Megaton around three o' clock in the afternoon. Spoon explained that Megaton was his sort-of home base. The sheriff of the town had given him a house when he deactivated the bomb in the center of the complex (Spoon said it so casually Charon had to ask him to repeat himself because really, a fucking bomb in the middle of the town?!), and this was where he always came when he needed a little time off.
  “Only for a few days, so I can heal.” Spoon murmured, his voice thick with exhaustion, almost like he was drunk. “And then I'll give you that adventure I promised, alright?”
  Charon nodded absently, taking in the sights of the odd little town. Residents looked at him with fear or barely-concealed disgust. He heard several mutters of 'fucking shuffler' as he strode along behind Spoon. Charon growled low in his throat and was surprised to see Spoon flip off the general vicinity of where the mutters came from.
  “He's a human being, just like all of you. It ain't his fault he's got balls made out of lead and he survived the radiation.” Spoon grunted. “Eat shit.” Charon resisted the urge to grin in surprise, maintaining a bored expression as they climbed the sheer steps to Spoon's abode. Spoon unlocked the door and hollered, “Wadsworth! I have a guest, don't shoot!”
  “Certainly madam! May I suggest you get medical attention as soon as possible? Scans indicate you are injured.” Said the armed-to-the-proverbial-teeth robot, hovering in what Charon assumed was the living room-kitchen.
  Spoon waved it off, telling Charon to follow him upstairs. “You can have the spare room, Charon. This house is too big for me anyway.”
  “Why'd the robot say 'madam'?” Charon asked, confused.
  Spoon paused, hand pointing to where Charon assumed the spare room was. “His wiring is a little...screwy,” The smaller man said slowly. “He was Moira's before he was mine, and she's as loony as they come. He won't admit it though! No matter what I do, the ol' bucket of bolts won't let me fix him. He's more stubborn than a thirsty Bramin an' half as useful.” Spoon finished with a grin.
  Charon caught his own smile before it could form yet again as he listened to the robot sputter indignantly about how my protocol is flawless and it's not my fault that Moira woman played with my innards, madam!
  Spoon hushed the robot. “It's okay Wads. You're still the best robot ever. I wouldn't trade you for all Moriarty's caps.” Then, he looked up at Charon. “You tired?”
  Charon shook his head.
  Spoon's grin was something the ghoul was going to have to get used to. The scavenger's teeth were crooked, and one of them was chipped. But the way that it lit up his whole face seemed to compensate for it. “Let's head down to Moriarty's. There's someone who I think wants to see us.”
  Charon raised an eyebrow. Us?
  Gob looked up from wiping out one of the shot glasses at the sound of the door opening. “Spoon!” The cry was gleeful as he ran around the bar and caught his friend in a massive bear-hug. Spoon grunted, patting Gob on the back as best as he could.
  “Heya' Gob, how are you? Where's Nova?” He choked out. Gob released Spoon as (presumably) Nova sauntered up beside him.
  “Hi handsome. How was the trip?” The woman purred, her hand sliding over Gob's arm in a friendly gesture.
  Spoon smiled. “I missed the hell out of you guys! And look, I brought a friend back with me.” He said, gesturing upwards towards Charon.
  Gob hadn't even noticed the ghoul filling the doorway, so intent was he on Spoon. Charon watched bemusedly while whatever color that had been left in Gob's face rapidly drained out. The smaller ghoul took a wary step back. “Ch-Charon.” Gob gulped. Charon inclined his head. “Uh, h-how's Ahzrukhal?”
  “Dead.” Charon replied shortly. Gob's mouth formed an 'o' as he put two and two together, and he cautiously extended a hand. Charon shook it after a moment.
  “Spoon'll take good care of you Charon. He ain't...he ain't like Ahzrukhal, or most smoothskins.” Gob whispered. “He's been real good to me. He's got Moriarty scared to hit me or Nova when he's around.” Charon abruptly noticed the discolored patches on Gob's face that had nothing to do with radiation, and a snarl fought in his throat. Gob, seeing the larger ghoul's look turn dark, hastily explained, “If he hits me, he doesn't hit Nova. And I can take a beating better than her. She loses caps if she's bruised up. Spoon wanted to buy me from Moriarty, but then that would leave Nova alone. I can't do that. Not to her.” The ghoul mumbled, seeming miserable.
  Charon looked over to where Spoon was talking to Nova, the scavenger animatedly appearing to re-enact some of the journey to Underworld. Nova was smiling at the young man, her eyes sad as she listened to the wild tale he was telling. Charon snorted, looking back at Gob. “You need to get her out of here.” Charon growled. “You need to grow a fucking backbone, some balls, or both, and get her out of here. Being trapped in a bar for eternity is the last fucking thing you want. Trust me.”
  And with that, Charon went to go lean against the wall beside Spoon, his eyes scanning the bar for potential threats. He missed the look of resolve that skittered across Gob's face for a moment before the ghoul sighed and slunk back behind the bar.
  “Well, if it ain't the sanctified Wasteland rat himself!” A thick Irish brogue interrupted Spoon's excited story and the scavenger's face hardened as he turned towards the owner of the voice.
  “Moriarty.” Spoon acknowledged him quietly.
  “Talkin' to the whore's gonna' cost you, boy.” Moriarty said, a smirk ruining his features thoroughly.
  Spoon scoffed, “Talking to you is what's costing me, you old bastard.” He reached a hand into his coat.
  Moriarty's eyes narrowed, and the man's hand went to the gun at his side. “No tricks now, rat. Otherwise I'll have to sic Jericho on you again.”
  Charon snarled at him, pleased when the bar owner jerked at the sound. Spoon was unconcerned, however, having merely been grabbing a few caps out of his pocket to flick at Moriarty's face. “You know as well as I do that your old raider buddy scares me about as much as a box of Sugar Bombs, Morty. Although I am liking the new setup you've got here, what with me paying to talk to the lady.” Spoon grinned in a rather nasty manner, showing all of his teeth. “I did always say I got pleasure out of hearing her voice.”
  Moriarty was a tad flustered at that, but Charon noticed he wasn't above picking up the caps before he gritted out, “You have five minutes. Then, you and yer shuffler had best get the hell out of my bar,” and stormed off.
  The tall ghoul watched as Moriarty paused next to a grungy-looking man for a few moments, and then the Irishman snapped at Gob for being a 'lazy no-good shiftless rotface'. Charon's blood boiled at that. He understood that the insult had been meant for him. Good-for-nothing smoothskin, he grumbled inwardly, watching as Gob's face fell and the ghoul began to wipe down the bar counter.
  “Thanks sweetheart. You know you didn't have to do that though, right?” Nova murmured, twining her fingers in Spoon's and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
  “No worries.” Spoon replied, flushing a little bit at the kiss. “Once Moriarty hits the hay, tell Gob that Carol loves him very much, and is glad to hear that he's safe.” He jerked his head towards the door. “I think me and Charon should probably head to The Brass Lantern for the rest of our evening. If shit happens though, just stick your head out the door and holler. I know you can.” He winked.
  Nova laughed at that. “Sugar, you're the only one I'll ever holler for. When will you take me up on my offer?”
  “I can't. It isn't fair to Gob.” Spoon protested as Nova's hands began to wander. “Hey, no c'mon, listen to me. It isn't right.” Spoon caught both of Nova's wrists, pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles. “He's been here so long, and he takes a lot of Moriarty's shit so you don't have to. I know you want to bang the shit out of him. Y'all are gonna' have to get creative. After all, I can't solve all your problems.” He chuckled.
  Nova nodded, looking almost embarrassed. “Sorry sweetheart, I got a little carried away. Moriarty's been refusing me to everyone but Jericho and it's startin' to grate on my nerves.”
  Charon was surprised at the growl that Spoon let escape, the scavenger gritting out, “I hate that prick. Was he rough with you?”
  “Nowhere near rough enough sugar.” Nova quipped, stepping away lightly. Spoon grumbled something to himself as she returned to her corner, turning on his heel and stomping to the door.
  “C'mon Charon, we're outta' this joint. It sucks that my only friends work in this radroach-infested shit hole.” He said angrily, waiting until Charon was through the door to slam it shut. “That skeevy motherfucker.” Spoon seethed, jamming his hands into his pockets as he walked.
  “You care too much, Spoon.” Charon observed, unprepared for how quickly Spoon turned around.
  “I know, but shit like that pisses me right the fuck off. It pissed me off with you, it pisses me off with them. At least you I could help. Sort of. A little bit. Am I helping?” Spoon's anger seemed to deflate, the question hanging in the air between them. Charon wasn't sure if it was rhetorical. “Or...or am I just making it worse for you when someone like Moriarty or Ahzrukhal gets hold of your contract again? Am I making their lives a royal fucking mess by pissing Moriarty off? I don't know. But...But I can't just sit on my hands while you lurk in a goddamn corner day in and day out, and I can't stand people like fucking Moriarty having control over anyone.” Spoon growled.
  Charon held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “You have your reasons.” Was all he said while Spoon jerked open the door of The Brass Lantern.
  “Welcome home madam! I take it your evening went well?”
  “Fuckin' peachy, you whirring-servo scrap pile.” Spoon said cheerily, hanging his long duster coat on a peg by the door. “I'm expectin' a visit from Jericho though, so you should probably barricade yourself in my room, Wads.”
  “Ugh, that revolting man. I assure you, if I had a stomach, I would vomit.” The robot hurriedly floated up the stairs to Spoon's room, and the shifting of furniture was heard.
  Spoon winked at Charon, taking off his bandanna and settling it next to the duster. “He's a good butler, but a ferocious coward. Take a seat. This could be a long night.”
  Charon lowered himself into a sufficiently battered-looking armchair, holding his shotgun across his knees. “You expect an attack?” The ghoul queried.
  Spoon nodded, face devoid of mirth as he sat in a chair opposite Charon. “You'd think he's stop bein' so predictable. But he's never been bright.” He murmured, sighting down the barrel of his hunting rifle and 'tsk'ing quietly. “Hopefully if I douse all the lights, he'll think I've headed to bed early and he'll bust in here.”
  “You cannot make the first move?” Charon asked incredulously.
  Spoon shook his head. “Nah. They're a-okay with self defense, but as soon as you start instigating it's your own problem.”
  Charon sighed, placing his shotgun on the floor and standing. He flexed his arms out in a wide, languid stretch, rotated his neck, and then cracked his knuckles. “Alright.”
Part Three
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purplesurveys · 4 years
When was the last time you went out of state? We don’t have states but the last time I went out of my city was around three weeks ago when I had a job interview somewhere in Metro Manila.
And where did you go? QC, that’s where the company’s headquarters are.
What does the 6th text in your inbox say? The 6th most recent one says “I hate this feeling so much.”
Do you even like the person who sent you that text? Yeah.
Do you have more than one best friend? Yes :)
In public restrooms, do you flush the toilet with your foot? Always. Public restrooms here are nasty and it’s always safest to go with your foot to flush, because everyone else does so.
What song is stuck in your head at the moment? Pool by Paramore has been playing over and over in my head this afternoon.
Name one thing you worry about running out of: Throughout the pandemic I have had an ever-existing fear of the family finances running out or getting dangerously low for obvious reasons. I feel like I shouldn’t be worrying given that both my parents have stable sources of income and have started buying non-essentials like socks for Cooper and boxes of desserts, but with Covid still making everything uncertain I will always be paranoid about this.
Spell your first name without T, E, R, A, or L. Obyn. I’m one letter off from becoming a medical specialization, lol.
How old were you when you had your first kiss? I was 16. I was a bit of a late bloomer considering I attended an all-girls school where everyone always ends up gay lmao, but at least my first kiss meant something.
Do you ever save Aim conversations? I was never on there.
If you were a crayon what color would you be? I don’t know and I don’t care enough to think of an answer. I never think of things like this.
Do you wish your eyes were a different color? If so, what? No, I’m satisfied with mine. Eye color isn’t something I’ve ever been insecure about, really.
What is the 4th digit in your phone number? 5.
Who was the last person to comment you on Myspace? In my short period of time there, I don’t think anyone ever gave me a comment. I’m pretty sure I abandoned my account after like three days.
Have you ever given someone a fake phone number? I’ve never had to, so no.
Your phone’s ringing; who do you want it to be? It can be anyone. I’m really thirsty for human contact/connection at this point and I miss regularly catching up with friends. But with everyone being busy and I myself being swamped with work, it’s just so hard to gauge when someone’s gonna be free and open to talk.
Have you lied to get out of a date? I’ve never been faced with that situation.
Was your mom a cheerleader in high school? She was super interested in cheerleading but I don’t think her high school had a varsity for it. She wanted to be one so bad so she knew a few moves and was flexible well into her 30s.
When was the last time you ate at McDonald's? The last time I ate something from McDonald’s wassssss within the last month, I’m pretty sure. I had a box of McNuggets on my first week of internship. But I have not sat down at a McDonald’s to dine in for probably a couple of years now. I don’t tend to do that a lot.
Do you think more about the past, present or future? I think about all of these all the time.
Are you more of a talker or a listener? Definitely a listener. I prefer to let others have the spotlight as I think everyone’s thoughts are more important than mine.
What do you wear to bed? I usually wear a thin top and shorts so that I feel more breezy.
Do you like ketchup or mustard better? I honestly don’t like either on their own. I’m bound to enjoy them more if they’re mixed with other ingredients, like ketchup mixed with mayo or honey mustard. I find ketchup too sour and mustard is simply not part of a Filipino’s palate.
Did you ever have a Furby when you were little? No. I didn’t even hear of it until I was a lot older. Not a common toy here.
Did you eat a cookie today? No but I wish :( Chocolate chip cookies sound really good right now.
What do you and your parents fight about the most? Politics with my mom. I don’t really argue with my dad.
How old will you be in 15 years? 37.
Is summer your favorite season? Nope.
Chinese, Mexican, or Italian food? Chinese, then Italian, then Mexican.
How many states have you lived in? No states. In terms of my country’s geography, I’ve lived in two regions.
When is the last time you saw your mom? Last night.
Do you like the band Mayday Parade? I tried listening to a few of their songs when they were popular in middle school, but I couldn’t get into them.
What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today? Dreading work. Today didn’t turn out to be as brutal as 5 AM Robyn thought it would be, but it was still tiring and I’m happy to be taking surveys now.
Do you think dance/techno music is annoying? It’s not my cup of tea, but I don’t actively think it’s annoying. Maybe some are, but a lot personally aren’t.
What year were you born? 1998.
Do you shop at Hollister? Nope. I don’t even know if we ever had physical Hollister stores here.
Grab the nearest book and turn to page 17. What is the 4th word? “Was.” Very riveting.
What are you going to be for Halloween? I hiiiighly doubt there’s gonna be any Halloween events this year. Hypothetically, I’d be a Sim because it’s so low-effort and yet it makes people laugh every time. Literally just stick a green 3D diamond on a headband and you’re done, hahaha.
How many times have you seen your favorite movie? I can’t even tell you. I had a ridiculous Two for the Road phase where I watched it every. single. day. when I’d come home from school. Never took track of how long that period was, but it lasted a while.
Do you own a Coach purse? My mom owns a handbag, but I don’t know about a purse.
What's your Myspace song right now?
Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever given you a pet name? Yeah.
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hotcocosharing · 8 years
Summary [SPOILERS- Wanna try the series but not sure as it looks too long? This’d help ]
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Title: Switching Places Fandom: Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Metro PD: Close To You Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mystery? MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA (reference) Characters: Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota, Kirisawa Notes: Wanna try reading the series but it seems too long and you are not sure where to start or which to skip? Here’s a quick summary.
Mia and Mika parents had a nasty divorce ending with Mia living with mum and Mika with dad but the two remained close. Blood is thicker than water after all, they may not see each other very often but they keep in touch and they can talk about everything and anything. Or so this is what Mika believes until she goes undercover to see a whole different life of Mia.
MPD’s mc Mika is the twin sister of KBTBB’s mc Mia who is now unconscious in the hospital, determines to find the people responsible, Mika goes undercover as Mia to get close to the bidders and find out the truth. Also a little make out / kissing with Kirisawa
Chapter 1- Part 1 
Waking up in the hospital with all eyes on you as Mia, only to find you have lost several months of your memory and not remembering anyone of the guys or being sold at black market auction.
Chapter 1- Part 2 
Going “home” with the bidders then soon get “violate“ by Eisuke to REFRESH your memory, given 2 options at the end of chapter (won’t affect main plot)
Chapter 1- Part 3 (option 1 SMUT) 
Basically an attempt rape scene follow by Soryu’s POV that I personally love, though it doesn’t really link to the rest of the plot- take it as a side story
Chapter 1- Part 3 (option 2 ROMANCE) 
Nice chat with Mr. Soryu Oh, again not plot related
Chapter 2- Hello Stranger (Soryu’s SMUT) 
Second day with the bidders, who will you be staying with? Argument with Eisuke follows by a hottt Soryu’s smut. 
Chapter 3: Part 1A Someone 
Little bit of Eisuke’s thought about his woman not remembering him follow by involving in a shoot out with Soryu comes to rescue with 2 options at the end
Chapter 3: Part 1B What Am I? (Soryu’s ROMANCE) 
You rush out of Soryu’s office, PISS OFF AS HELL with him running after you (YES Cheesyyyy so feel free to skip) It’s a bit long but it’s the spark between Mika and Soryu
Chapter 4: Heated Night (Soryu’s SMUT) 
Soryu carries you back to his place and puts you to bath (YES you’re reading it right), what more, read to find out
Chapter 5: Part 1 Bad Timing (Kirisawa’s SMUT) 
After waking up at Soryu, you leave to meet with Kirisawa and end with some steamy (interrupted) moment with the lieutenant
Chapter 5: Part 2 Show time (Luke’s Smut)
Mika wanna get laid BADLY, luckily Dr. Foster is in the house
Chapter 5: Part 3 Bed time, kid (Mamo’s SMUT) 
Chapter 6: Part 1 Morning After 
Morning after with Mamo as you head back to the penthouse and bug the place (You’re here for investigation not sex after all) End up being alone with Eisuke again, what awaits?
Chapter 6: Part 2 Be Mine, Again (Eisuke’s SMUT) 
Eisuke’s POV- smut in shower
Chapter 7: Nothing Else 
Mika goes on a date with LUKE with (Jealous) Soryu as bodyguard and she ends up going back to another bidder’s place
Chapter 8: The One & Only (Soryu’s SMUT) 
The mobster goes back to his empty home with you lingering in his mind- how you smile when Luke kisses you on your cheek and that idiot takes you back to his place. Oh no, Soryu Oh is not amused at all, far from it so cold shower it is.
Chapter 9: Part 1 Behind the Mask 
First time at the auction and how disgusted you feel, Eisuke takes you out on a date
Chapter 9: Part 2 
Eisuke takes Mika out to their favorite place, it’s a date for him but what is it for her?
Chapter 10: Let The Game Begins (Eisuke’s SMUT) 
Date with Eisuke follow by drinking game then SMUT grr well kind of, not really. To readers who like this series, you do not want to miss this. To smut only readers, maybe just scroll down to “Mika’s World” or skip directly to next chap
Chapter 11: Make It Right (Soryu’s Make Out) 
No smut just make out. Picking up from last chapter, walking out on CHEATING Eisuke. Being comfort and held in Soryu’s arms, what’s next? A moment Soryu’s been dreaming for so long....
This series becomes more popular due to all the smut but it has reached a point with plot focus from here, only few smut left
Chapter 12: Will You Help Me Mamoru?
Some alone time with sweet Kirisawa-  Reassuring your lieutenant that you’d bring down the bidders. Also smutty fluff with Mamoru as the savior at the end (well sort of…not really)
Chapter 13: Gone 
Soryu’s thought and guess what Mika’s been kidnapped!
Chapter 14: The More The Merrier 
Convo between kidnapper and Mika, Soryu follows a lead about your last whereabouts.
Chapter 15: I’m not in love with Eisuke (Soryu’s SMUT!!!) 
The ultimate (almost sex) smut scene between Mika & Soryu, you wouldn’t miss this as a smut lover and Soryu’s fan, oh also Eisuke’s fucking pissed!
Chapter 16: Might As Well Be Dead? 
Well everybody’s alive and well! Kirisawa convinces you to quit, he even brings a very persuasive person in but will you pull out now?
Chapter 17: Hello Sister 
Pretty obvious? Quick glance at Eisuke’s thought then a heated convo between the twins
Chapter 18: Part 1 Confrontation 
You’re kidnapped and forced to perform a steamy make out session in front of the kidnappers as well as being watched live by the bidders- including EISUKE who has discovered a tattoo on your lower back that he’s never seen before. Now, you are back to the penthouse with Soryu Oh and meet Eisuke- Your fate awaits……
Chapter 18: Part 2 An Eye For An Eye 
Once Esiuke and Mika are left alone in the suite, he offers her freedom: “Pay me that 20 million and you’re free.” Oh wait, with ONE MORE condition. 
Chapter 18: Part 3 Tempted 
Eisiuke had another fantasy about Mika, it’s just a dream, nothing more or so he claimed. What’s his next move going to be?
Chapter 19: Never Underestimate
The auction, the bust, the end is here- only question is- is this a happy end or sad one?
Chapter 20: The End or The Beginning             
The mission is over, cover blown, bidders know- what next?
Bonus / Hidden Chapters (SMUT)
Shock and hurt, who’s gonna comfort you (with sex?)
Reunion Part 1 
2 months later, you set foot on the obnoxious penthouse again, facing the bidders for the first time ever since the night at the police station.
Reunion Part 2 (SHORT SMUT)
One Word- Threesome
Reunion Part 3 (SMUT)
Play time with King Asshole
Reunion Part 4 (SORYU’S SMUT)
Mr. Oh has had enough and he FUCKS the shit out of you
This series started out as stress release- getting the smut scenes, plots and dialogues out of my head, it was mostly smut focus then developed into something more as the story led me. I am still astonished by the likes and reblog each time as I never expect anyone to actually read them, let alone follow the story even though some drop it with the lesser smut or longer plot, I have received many supports and encouragement which I’m forever grateful for.
The AFTER STORY- “Lose To Win” continues months after the Epilogue (maybe 6 - 12 months later- TBC), involving Mika, bidders and my fav men from Her Love In The Force. Idea began with SMUT too (Hygo Kaga), tend to write a bit more from their POVs: Mia, Mika, Eisuke, Soryu (Maybe Mamo, Goto & Kaga). Plot will be a bit more complicated and it will take a bit more time to plan, smut is my muse so worry not, I originally want to include MPD too but now unsure HOW exactly do I put some many cops on a CRUISE?
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