#who is baekhyun anyway i just made this edit of this puppy he looks so sleepy someone hug him pls
tiaragqueen · 5 years
Pot Luck
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Lee Jihoon x Reader (feat. Baekhyun)
✂ Word Count: 1,6k
✂ Trigger Warning: Possessive behavior, yandere theme.
✂ This story is fictional and for amusement only. I don't believe any of the members would do this in real life. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day! [Edited]
Song: Whitney Houston - I Believe In You And Me
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“Always on the run, I've been looking for someone. Now you're here like you've been before, and you know just what I need. It took some time for me to see.” – You Give Good Love [Whitney Houston]
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               For those who were acquainted with Lee Jihoon would describe him as ‘serious’ and ‘easily irritated’. And while they were true, for the most part, he was a sweetheart to you. He always tried to assist you in some way, smiled a lot, and supported you in every endeavor. He was your go-to person whenever you needed a piece of advice, or just wanted to vent. He never pressured you to talk, rather, he would sit down beside you and waited until you finish sorting out your emotions.
            And that was why you liked him so much. He was the type of person where you could sit in silence for hours without having to talk. Not to mention, he was a wonderful secret keeper and a great listener. Whenever you decided to say anything, be it a simple story about your day or some silly troubles you’ve encountered, he always scooted closer to you and listened wholeheartedly. You were grateful that someone like him existed, and sometimes wondered what did you do to deserve him in your life. If this was a blessing from God.
            You liked him, as a friend.
            But not him.
            For the longest time, Jihoon had fallen in love with you. He was shy and blunt; these traits had scared a lot of people from developing a deeper relationship with him. While you were a cheerful and energetic girl, a complete opposite from him. These people then met in a fortunate incident, where you accidentally found a slip of paper containing lyrics on the school bench. Luckily, you had spotted the name of the lyricist before you could throw it away. And thanks to your wide acquaintances and sharp memory, you managed to pinpoint his location.
            The art room, where acquaintances became friends before eventually blossomed into crushes. At least, that was what happened to Jihoon. So far, you only thought of him as a close friend, and Jihoon intended to change it with his song.
            A piece of creation that he had created from the bottom of his heart.
            A piece of himself that he had bravely displayed just for you.
            A fragment of the deep feelings that he had long harbored for you, and you only.
            “Noona,” he greeted once you entered a cubicle which was his ‘private studio’ within his equally small room.
            You had always been concerned with his living arrangement and had repeatedly offered another place to stay. With your family’s wealth and your high salary, you could afford to pay his expenses until he could search a better job with better payment. However, Jihoon always declined and said that ‘he was content living here and didn’t want to bother you more than he already had’. You didn’t understand why he thought that way when you were more than happy to help him. He had helped you so much in the past, after all, and it was only fair if you could return the favor.
            But sometimes receiving is harder than giving.
            “I told you to stop calling me that.” You huffed playfully as you plopped down on a chair beside him. You also noted that the chair was strangely more cushioned than his, even though he was the one who did the work. “It makes me feel old, you know?”
            Jihoon chuckled quietly; a cute sound that never failed to warm your heart. “We’re all getting old, anyway.”
            “Well, that’s true.” You crossed your arms like a spoiled girl who didn’t get her wishes granted by her parents. “But you don’t need to remind me. You know how much I hate it.”
            Rolling the chair closer to his, you leaned forward. Jihoon’s body tensed up a little when he felt your warm breath hit his cheek, yet the reaction went unnoticed by you. “So, what are you going to show me?”
            Jihoon hummed, teasing you for the sake of poor suspense whilst trying to calm his thumping heart at the proximity.
            “Oh, come on! I’m dying here!” you whined, shaking his left arm playfully.
            “Alright, alright, you can stop shaking my arm now.” Though, he didn’t mind if you continued. It reminded him of a child wanting to know every secret that he harbored from them. And besides, it has been a long time since you last held him like this. Jihoon had almost forgotten how euphoric the feeling of your skin wrapped around his.
            “Then, hurry up! I’m curious.”
            Jihoon giggled before reaching out to grab his guitar from beside the table. Slinging the strap around his neck, he looked up to you with a shy yet eager glint that you hadn’t seen for years. You remembered him giving you that glance when you first checked out his lyric; the one that he intentionally wrote for you to see and not when you accidentally found.
            “I made a song,” he coughed into his palm when he noticed his voice went a bit high-pitched due to nervousness. “And I want to know if you like it or not.”
            There was a brief period of silence as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Once he finally prepped himself up, he began to croon.
                I believe in you and me
                 I believe that we will be
                 In love eternally
                 Well as far as I can see
                 You will always be the one
                 For me (Oh yes, you will)
                 And I believe in dreams again
                 I believe that love will never end
                 And like the river finds the sea
                 I was lost, now I’m free
                 Cuz I believe in you and me
                 I will never leave your side
                 I will never hurt your pride
                 Then I will always be around
                 Just to be right where you are
                 My love, you know I love you
                 When all the chips are down, baby
            Jihoon peeked from his lashes, trying to gauge your reaction. He hoped you would notice the underlying sentiment in that song; about how much he believed that you two would end up together and about how much he loved you. That he would always be loyal to you regardless of the situations. Jihoon also hoped you would notice how that fateful encounter had brought freedom on to his wandering figure. How he had been lost in his mind, searching and wondering if he could ever taste what love felt like – what dating felt like – until he finally met you.
            However, you weren’t a keen judge.
            “That was awesome!” you exclaimed as you applauded his short performance. “Wow, this was the first time I’ve heard you singing. Usually, you just stick with the lyrics. Your voice is wonderful, Jihoon.”
            “Ah,” he blushed, rubbing his nape bashfully. “Thank you. It was nothing, really.”
            “My, Jihoon. You really need to stop undermining yourself. If honed right, you could be a great singer and songwriter in no time!” you gushed, oblivious to his admiring stare that delighted in your gusto. “Then, you could finally afford a nice place!”
            “You’re right, but...” Jihoon inclined his head slightly as he braced himself for your response. “What do you think about that song? Did you... get the feeling I was trying to convey?”
            “Oh, you know I got it. You sang with such love and adoration and affection I was starting wonder if you created this song for someone...” you trailed off before your face lit up. “Or maybe you actually have a special someone, that’s why you asked for my opinion?!”
            “W-what? I–”
            “Aw, don’t be shy!” you cooed, unintentionally cutting him off mid-sentence with your overflowing excitement. “I’m so happy that you finally get someone to love! Hopefully, you can introduce me to them soon. I can’t wait to see the person who has stolen my best friend’s heart!”
            Best friend...
            “So, I’m just a best friend to you...?”
            “What?” you laughed heartily, unaware of his darkening expression nor his softening voice. “Of course, you are. You’re the greatest best friend I’ve ever had! Anyone would be lucky to have you in their lives!”
            Right before the conversation could escalate to awkward silence, your phone suddenly rang.
            “Sorry, I gotta leave now. Baekhyun is calling me. Bye, Jihoon! Love ya.” you said in one breath, abruptly standing up from the rolling chair.
            Jihoon's curiosity perked up as he slowly raised his head, discerning you rushing out of the room through his black bangs.
            “Baek... Hyun.” Oh, he knew that guy alright. He was your long-time crush. Jihoon remembered when you came to him and gushed about how handsome and adorable Baekhyun was the second day after you established your friendship with Jihoon.
            He supposed it was understandable that you would like Baekhyun in the first place. He had a cute ‘puppy’ face, charming, and energetic. A social butterfly, unlike Jihoon. The type of guy who’s girls with no important businesses flocked towards like bees to honey.
            Jihoon knew you weren’t definite with your ideal type and had wished that you might have forgotten about your silly – cringe-worthy – crush towards the taller boy. It’s been like... What? Seven years since they graduated from high school.
            Unless you had been secretly contacting him...
            The short man fished out his phone from the back pocket and went to your Instagram account. You were a well-known designer, so in order to attract more customers, you often uploaded your creations. Fortunately, you liked to upload your selfies in there as well. Your account was set in public, therefore Jihoon could easily find the recent photo.
            And the newest one was a picture of you sitting in a cozy café not too far from his apartment, with a caption: “I'm waiting~ XD”
            Satisfied with the discovery, Jihoon leaned back and smirked to the ceiling.
            He knew what he had to do now.
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konvenient-pop · 6 years
Okay, so, here comes an annoying post about me being annoyed
With the topic of Jenny and Kai
To start this off right, I want to begin with by saying this is not a hate post at all. In actuality I am an EXO-L, and particularly a huge fan of Kai/Nini despite this blog not representing that. I have a lot of respect for him as a person first and foremost, as well as in his career as an idol. Although my respect isn't reflected with Jennie personally, as I deliberately refused to hop on the Blackpink bandwagon for the sake of preserving an original opinion after a few years of watching over their comebacks to make the decision of draining my life energy for another group, I still have respect for her as an idol. No matter what I will have at least a basic respect for the people choosing to enter this career, since we all know what that means longterm. Or at least most of us who have made the mistake(?) of spiraling into the darker side of this industry.
But at the risk of sounding pretentious or scaring people for no reason, returning to my original point, I don't know jack shit about Jennie. Well, beside basic surface level information or personality overviews from Weekly Idol or what have you. Again, all surface level. For now I am fine with that, she seems cool and honestly like a genuinely straightforward person in terms of setting up her goals. Or at least that's the picture I've crafted in my head after having listened to her on old G-Draon's tracks, as she was probably offered the oppertunity and had enough sense/drive to take it. So, okay, cool. She's cool, Jongin is Jongin and as a couple they are whatever.
Whatever being cool, cool being something I can go 'Oh?' at with raised eyebrows and move on with my damn life. Or as I failed to name it, basically sonething of minimal interest. Now, let's pause. So, I have no problem with this couple, so why the hell am I even bothering with this post? Well, that's because it's goddamn annoying to see all the 'I came here for JenKai' or otherwise judgmental comments on YouTube. To vent, why the hell can't people just be indifferent to things they have no knowledge over? Like, sure, you know one of the two and can say 'Well he/she is such and such trait, but I don't know about him/her', but why badmouth? This is my problem. This is what annoys me.
As far as I'm concerned at this point there's no point in judging these couples anymore, because again for the nth fucking time we do not actually know these people we dedicate our lives to. Sure, you can claim otherwise since we get years of interviews and yeaes of reality shows and years of behind the scenes videos and what the fuck ever, but let's be serious here. We aren't their friends, we aren't their family. What we get is what they chose to show. Of course most idols tend be genuine in terms of trying to show their honest personality or giving factual information, but at the end of the day it's just a video. One video, one clip, one moment in time that does not dictate their entire personality, struggle, interests, or life. That's something I often see people in this fandom forgetting and honestly at this stage of stanning cancel my subscription if we can't be logical about relationship reveals.
That's not to say most fans haven't been. In fact so far I've seen quite the opposite with mostly support, which is cool and something that I'm not use to but thank the gods for it. But there are still some you know what's here and there. They're really not that bothersome in terms of overall big picture whatever, since they are just words on my computer or phone I can click off of and will likely drown in a sea of support. Still, I just want to vent and ramble and maybe point out something that we all already knew for the sake of a friendly(-ish?) reminder. And for that to happen, I too will attempt honesty.
Being real, my first reaction was mostly worry and (negitively concentrated) confusion. Worry for fan reaction over actual puppy Nini. Confusion because how the hell did that happen and why would they get together? It took about half the day, but then I finally used my good sense to reroute my thoughts back to that very important fact. I don't know them. As people, or as a couple. I don't know their everday lives. I, nor you reading, have any right to judge if they are good for one another or not. No matter if opposites actually attract or similar people enter similar love, it is not up to me to decide for them based off what I think I know even if I do want them to be together. I have no right, nor actual authority to do so especially being just a fan. All in all, I am not in this relationship. Neither are you and this applies to you and every other fan out there.
So, basically that's just to say people enter relationships at their own will, as their own people most of the time with knowledge of who their partner is as a person, and it's never any of our business beyond the basic level of having an objevtive opinion that shouldn't affect them (*COUGH COUGH* sending hate messages or death threats *COUGH COUGH*) because we are lucky they even decide to share any of this shit with us. Does that make any sense? Don't know, don't care, I refuse to go reread and edit this just to sound nice. Why? Because I'm probably deleting this, as long as I don't forget. Why? Because I honestly just wanted to talk about how annoying it's going to be reading those 'Jennie get your man'/'Jennie's boyfriend this'/'Kai and Jenny that' and etc type comments over the next few months, but this ended up turning into a whole thing.
But yeah, I find that shit annoying. Mostly because it almost belittles idols, degrading them to only face value in a way because they are 'only' recognized for who they date. It is annoying with them and it was annoying with Bora and Feeldog. And I love these people too much to watch that. Though, of course, I know it is not done in offense. People just like couples and are excited love still exists in the world for their precious idols, I know. I get it. I just hate having to look at an idol and think of their current or past significant other. Feels like I'm doing them a disservice, espscially when they started out as just their original selves that I spent YEARS getting to know but suddently I don't feel like I know them anymore as just that. Their pure, individual selves.
I don't know. My bitch ass is dramatic like this and usually I would never speak on this because I want K-pop to just be good fun despite its dark secrets, questionable concepts, and unfavorable features, but sometimes certain shit just gets annoying. And then I feel the need to rant for months before ranting to non K-pop friends or making a whole post no one asked for. In any case, since we're enjoying a rare rant post specifically centered around couples in the industry, might as well give my opinion on the few funny thing that came out of this.
With the outing of Kai's newest relationship, I can finally say seeing my idols date doesn't feel weird anymore. Usually I would get weeks of a weird mourning type feeling, despite knowing and accepting I won't be with my idols romantically. Which, by the way, I actually prefer since I am gross thank you very much. But like, its just a feeling I usually have. Kind of mourning what can't be, kind of fearing how someone knows a part of them I don't. Yeah, I know it is gross and weird, but again to remibd you I spent years draining life energy just to feel like I 'know' and to feel 'close' to these people so logically its the emotional connection (and lowkey emotional dependence), which is why I always feel I can understand when fans say they get sad or cry once idols start marrying or whatever. But, thank the gods, lately said feelings have been coming and going quicker. I assume its due to most of my idols getting older now and my actually wanting them to find love and create their happy ever afters if possible, especially with most of them wanting to get married and actually wanting kids unlike myself.
Like recently, recently for me being years ago sorry, with both UKISS's Dongwo and Eli having to marry in secret and revealing their sons to the world helped really set those new type of support feels in place for me. Going back and knowing who wants what, I now want themselve to achieve these things. Be it love, a family, or simply something new and/or outside of their idol career (quick cringey magical support hwaiting to my not actual husband Bang Yongguk), I want for them to want these things and to continue wanting normal things. Why? Because they are, hopefully you guessed it, normal human beings. Outside of all the glits and glamour of being an idol, representing their home, and trying too damn hard for fans, they are just people.
As it always goes and as cheesy as it probably sounds by now, just people like you and me. People who want things and feel they need to achieve or have certain things to live a fulfilled life or feel accomplished in life before they die. So, yeah, there ya go. My support got some type of Pokemon upgrade ('Idol's Dreams' I chose you?) and I am annoyed because I can't stop my brain from being reminded of other people in the face of my idols. Rip individuality I guess, until that dies down. Anyway, back to your scrolling. I don't know why this ended being so long.
P.S.: As for the rest of those few funny things (1) I am still salty over the treatment and reaction of Baekhyun/Taehyeon and Kai/Krystal by fans (also dramatic and emotionally leave Krystal alone), (2) Hyuna/E'Dawn, despite being great and hopefully a love revolution that will be real I do think they also handled that situation poorly as far as business goes but I do love and support both in case anyone cared, (3) quick claps for the recent emotional growth of K-pop fans tbh as far as relstionships so far, and (4) for whatevet reason I wasn't expecting people to drag my girl Krystal into this. Usually I'm on top of my game with guessing and predicting, but bless her for the next few (hopefully just) weeks. Being the ex is always annoying as fuck.
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linoholic · 7 years
single father!Baekhyun
Welcome to my first ever post! Hope you enjoy x
Edit: I finally edited the format and a couple things to make it gender neutral that my tired my forgot to do when I wrote this so yay!
Part 1 / Part 2
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Ok, so in this universe Exo is still a thing
In fact, the only thing that is different is the fact that our dear beloved Baekhyun is a parent
A single parent in fact, to a very cute and small 4 year old boy named Baekhyo
He is the result of a failed relationship
And although Baekhyun did love the mother of his kid
There relationship was already rocky when Baekhyo was conceived
She just couldn't handle the schedules they both had
Resulting in them hardly ever seeing each other
And when the baby was born
She stayed just 2 months before she up and left without notice
Of course, Baekhyun was devastated
He did love her after all and they had a son together
His son was the reason he kept it together though and didn't fall deeper into the sadness he was feeling
However, he now had a baby to take care of alongside being a busy idol
At first he felt very alone
But of course mother Suho quickly stepped in to help
The other members quickly following suit
They all dote on little Baekhyo
All of them are known as his uncles
When they left Exo, Kris, Luhan and Zitao carried on visiting and facetiming when they couldn't and never fail to send him gifts; it doesn't matter if it is a special occasion or not
Baekhyo is probably the most loved a kid could ever be
Of course, all the fans know of Baekhyo and love him just as much
Who doesn't love seeing their idols interacting with kids after all?
There are always videos of the boy popping up with his father, the other Exo members, other idols
Literally anyone and everyone because Hyunnie loves showing off his son
And honestly, who is complaining
Because Baekhyun is still an idol he obviously still has a very busy timetable and doesn't get to spend as much time with his boy as he wants
When Baekhyo was still a wee baby, his parents often looked after him in order to keep some semblance of stability in his life
But now that he is a little older he is often brought along on his schedules so that father and son can spend more time together
There are no complaints from the staff or members about this
Who could hate it?
Everybody loves Baekhyun
And Baekhyo is literally a mini version of him
When either one is around they can bring the atmosphere up
When there both together that infectious happiness is easily quadrupled
Of course, he is still a little boy and does cause trouble and headaches
But nobody can get mad at him
Even when he puts his tiny grubby chocolate covered hands on Kai's shirt at a photo shoot
Or pulls off and breaks Chen's microphone backstage at an interview because he wanted a piggy back ride
Plus he isn't exactly quiet
How could he be with Byun Baekhyun as a dad and extra exo squad as uncles?
Despite this, nobody says anything about it because if you've seen the episode of 'The Return of Superman' with Chanyeol and Baekhyun visiting the twins, you know that him with kids is the cutest thing ever
Now, dear reader
You work at SM
Cliche I know
You work as one of the stylists for....
*drum roll*
You are really good friends with the five boys...hmm sorry I mean men
And though you have seen Exo around you've never talked to them
Nothing more than the usual greetings when passing in the hallways anyway
Except for Jongin who is often with Taemin so you often see him around and have become good friends during these times
He has told you all about Baekhyun and Baekhyo
You have never seen the boy though
All the other staff are always telling stories of him
And you are lowkey jealous
Because you love kids and want to be able to tell cute stories as well
~time skip ehh~
It is just another normal November day for you
Well it would be if it wasn't for the fact that nothing was going well for you
The couple in the neighbouring apartment were very...."active" that night and made so much noise you couldn't get any sleep
Plus the heater had broken and so it was absolutely freezing when you woke up from the two hours of sleep you did get
It was pouring with rain outside and your only umbrella had broken the week before so you had to make a run for the bus stop
Only to miss it by seconds meaning you had to wait for the next one; resulting in you being late for work
You had just made it to your desk after getting your beverage of choice from break room and had settled down in tour chair when a small blur suddenly ran past your legs to under your desk
Now, considering how tired you were, your mind skipped any logical conclusions I could have made and so your first thought was "ghost"
Freezing in your spot, you slowly leant down to peer under
Only to see two big brown eyes peering out from under a fringe of black hair
Let's just say you were glad that there was nobody around to witness you jumping back and falling off your chair in surprise
"are you alright?" a small voice says
Ok, so it wasn't the demon from the ring like you were expecting but still
"Yes, yes. What exactly are you doing....umm"
"My name is Baekhyo and I'm four" he says showing four of his small chubby fingers
Despite the fact that you were grumpy from your bad morning a smile made it's way onto your face
"Ah, so your the famous Baekhyo. Pleasure to meet you. But why are you hiding under my desk cutie?"
"I'm playing hide and seek with daddy and if he finds me in more than ten mi..min...minutes then I get to choose dinner. And I really really really want jjajangmyeon so I have to win so shh."
The little boy then pulls you towards him and under the desk
(count how many times I say desk during this. Hint: it’s a lot)
You comply, too sleepy to really protest and manage too tuck yourself into the space
You must admit, Baekhyo is obviously pretty smart considering he chose your desk which has clothes and pieces of fabric draping over it hiding you two mostly from view
And so you sit there, listening to Baekhyo's cute voice rambling on about anything and everything a 4 year old kid can talk about
You're drifting off, eyes are half open when you hear the young boys talking stop and when you check on him to see why he stopped, your surprised to see him fast asleep
Baekhyo is curled up looking like a puppy with his lips in a pout and hair in his eyes
Smiling at how cute the sight before you is, you carefully pull him into your lap, his arms naturally wrapping round him
And so you join Baekhyo in the land of dreams
Meanwhile, a few floors down
Baekhyun is going round asking everyone if they have seen his son
("Have you seen my son? Nemo?")
Baekhyo wouldn't keep quiet about wanting to eat jjajangmyeon, but considering it wasn't even lunchtime yet of course Baekhyun denied his sons request
However, although he is a good kid and usually very well behaved
Like any child he has times of naughtiness and decided to pull a tantrum
And it wasn't the greatest time for it to happen because Exo were busy practising 
So to distract him, our Baekhyunnie suggested a game of hide and seek: winner gets to choose dinner
Now of course, like the good father he is, Baekhyun was going to let his son win no matter what and so didn't start looking straight away
However, when it had hit the half an hour mark, he started panic a little
He knew he shouldn't, as there were always loads of people in the building and none of them would let anything happen to the boy
But when everybody he came across answered him negatively, he couldn't help but worry
And it was so relieving when he heard someone say that they had seen Baekhyo
"Oh, yeah. I saw him running to (y/n). I haven't seen him since so he is probably still there."
Thanking the staff member, he quickly runs off in the direction of your office.
He made it to the right floor but walking up to your desk he became disheartened, seeing nobody there
That is, until he hears some noise coming from underneath it
Of course, much like you earlier, he immediately expected the worst
Slowly, he pulled the cloth up
What he sees immediately brings a huge smile to his face
There his son is, snuggled into the arms of a stranger, who is also asleep
Now, Baekhyun has heard of you from Jongin
He has heard that you work with SHINee
And that you are a very kind, hard working person
What Jongin hadn't told him is how...cute you were
Although unwilling, he quietly sits down on the floor before shaking your arm carefully to wake you up
And as for you, you weren't expecting to be wake up to see the face of an angel
(you will never admit to anyone that this was your first thought then)
When your mind had woken up a bit more you realised that it was the Byun -Baekhyun sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of you with the softest smile you had ever seen anyone wear on his face
You went to sit up, only to remember the boy sleeping on your chest
"It's like two cute bears in their own little cave."
A blush rises to your face when you hear these words.
Carefully passing Baekhyo over to his father, who pulls him into his lap, you sit up as much as you can, wiping under your eyes and sorting out your hair before crawling out from under the desk
"You know, this really isn't the way I was expecting to meet you. Do you often nap under your desk?"
"Usually I'm in my chair."
With a laugh as nice as his singing and a smile to match, his next sentence makes your breath catch in your throat
"So, as a thanks for looking after Baekhyo, how about you meet up with us later for dinner?"
Ok, so this was my first post. It started getting pretty long so there will be a part 2, when it will get done I'm not sure but it will happen. If it gets requested it will happen quicker than not ;) ;)
This is actually the reason I started this blog, as I had an idea for an au but it was too detailed to request from someone else, so I decided to write it myself (and this is the first thing I have written since I finished my GCSE's 3 years ago lol)
It turned out completely different to what I had in mind, and I definitely need to practise my writing skills, but I'm kinda happy with it.
Anyways, my ask box is always open so feel free to request!
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, yours (8) (M)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre:  family AU, hapkido teacher AU, PhD AU
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings: cursing, mature content, angst
A/N: This one was so easy and fun to write frankly! Thank you so much for letting me know your opinions for the last chap, it motivates me like 1000x more! If you could tell me what you thought about this one as well, it would be nice! Thank you 🎉 And sorry I edited this one, but Im sure there will be typos and sentences that made sense in my head while I edited but they actually dont, apologies! 
Tags:  @milky-baek @itsbaekhyunsbutt  @luvhtears @ shesdreaminginoverdose (if you want to be tagged/untagged let me know! Im always open^^)
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8
Once again, you entered your apartment in silence, except the few times Baekhyun let out a tired, exasperated sigh. Your phone was blowing up with messages from your boss; honestly, you didn't understand why was he even trying to contact you after everything that happened. By now you knew you wouldn't be able to save your work spot. Not after what Baekhyun did. And here you were, worrying about not telling your darn boss about your pregnancy.
In the safety of your apartment full of love, you were able to feel. The hotness of emotions was coming back to your bloodstream, the numbness from throwing up and the adrenaline of the fight -it was all palpable in fading touches.
This time, it was you who let out a tired sigh, but you felt the burn behind your eyes yet again as you made your way to the bedroom to collect some clean clothes before making a beeline for the bathroom, ignoring Baekhyun's angry expression as you passed by him.
Before you could close the door, he murmured your name in a warning.
“You know we need to talk, right?” he snapped, turning to you. He spotted your bloodshot eyes, full of unshed tears and he assumed you weren't seeing him properly. He was right.
You saw him blurry like a modern art painting. Pretty, yet so… unreadable, almost worrying at how you couldn't see to the depths of it. “I know.”
At your terse answer, he clenched his jaw and you blinked, letting the tears roll down your cheeks just to see the tick in his jaw, the set of his chin almost scary. “Go,” he sighed, pushing his hands into the pockets of his dress trousers. “We will talk once you're out of there.”
Without waiting for your response, he turned abruptly but to your surprise, he reached for the front door, swinging it open. You closed your eyes just in time for it to slam shut. And he was gone.
Quietly, you took a long shower, thinking he wouldn't be back until… well, until he deemed good to be back. Which could be whenever.
Honestly speaking, you never had such a big, troubling fight before. Never. Yes, you did fight, but he never left you. Not at that hour, anyway. And you were also never pregnant. So this was one of a kind problem you found yourself in, and as you tried not to sob through your entire shower, your mind instead stormed through options you had with what happened.
Except, you had none.
You were out of job.
Your boyfriend, a hapkido master, used violence on your boss.
Your boyfriend could be reported.
You lied to your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend… was mad at you. Livid.
Was this the end of your relationship?
He wouldn't let go of you that easily, and the realisation of that made you sob right then and there. The relationship you two shared was stronger than any of your doubts that were scaring you; it was stronger than any bad word, any bad action, because you two were more than that and your connection was stronger than that. As much as it hurt you that he left without telling you, you knew him well enough to know he would be coming back to you. You knew he would forgive you and he wouldn't break up with you. Not when you were carrying his children. Baekhyun was much, much more than an angry emotion and a protective action.
And you were pregnant with him.
Three kids. Three.
“Fuck,” you sighed as you closed your eyes under the hot water, wanting it to drown out all of  your intruding thoughts. 
If there was an issue you two genuinely had to worry about, it was how you would feed them and yourselves. Would you even survive bearing three children till the end? Would you survive giving birth? You were way past the first trimester which meant you were over the dangerous period, but you knew better than that. Bearing one child was a constant risk. Three? Definitely playing with fire.
Not wanting to create a huge water bill, you reluctantly turned off the shower even though your body screamed for more. Tired and aching, you dried yourself up, not bothering to put on a lotion; smells had been playing with your stomach too much and you literally despised and hated the constant throwing up game.
It was just ten minutes after your shower; you were lying in the bed, tucked in and ready to call it a day, when Baekhyun came back. His timing was perfect and it meant he didn't wander off in the dark streets to let his frustrations out. He probably went for a short walk.
Some shuffling later, he appeared in the doorway, the small lamp next to the mattress you were lying on gently illuminating your tired self. You didn't dare to look at your boyfriend, but you knew you had to do it. He was expecting you to. He was not in the place to beg for forgiveness now. If it was anyone, it was you.
Sighing, you pressed your lips together as you sat up slowly, looking him dead in the eyes; those dark eyes that had still some leftover heavy showers in them.
“Baekhyun,” you started and he kept your gaze daringly, leaning against the doorframe. When he didn't speak, you pursed your lips. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have told you.”
“I will need more than that.” Was his cold answer.
“Don't you want to sit down?”
He was quiet for a moment, but then he crossed his arms. You knew better than to test him. When it came to irrational stuff you did, he was using the “I'm older” type of power against you, and you couldn't argue with that. “What did he make you sign?”
Once again, it was quiet. He was burning you with his scorching gaze, and you felt your cheeks heat up in complete embarrassment and self-loathing. But you needed to be honest. “I-I'm not sure if it was in the contract,” you started, trying not to stutter, “but he made me… Ehm, I was not supposed to fall pregnant. In exchange of him promoting me at work.”
As expected, Baekhyun let nothing to be read from his face. “Did you sign the contract and not read what it said?”
Please, make this stop. “Yes. But I really didn't think that-t-that-”
He spoke your name, cold and harsh, obviously upset. “You didn't think what?! Just how irresponsible it is not to read the conditions of a piece of fucking paper that can be used against you, huh?!”
Slowly, you tried to breathe. This was necessary. He had to let it out.
“You could have signed him owning you for all I know! Fucking hell,” he sighed, now running his hand through his hair wildly, turning away from you for a moment before sharply turning back, startling you. “And you just wanted to do it because what- you wanted more money? Is it all about money for you?! Since when did you become so fucking materialistic that you would stand in your own damn dreams!!!”
Tears, tears, tears, and he was completely right. Opening your mouth, he snapped.
“No, don't speak! I don't want to hear it right now! Fuck,” he murmured, and paced in front of you, his jaw set strong. “You weren't even pregnant when it all happened, why would you want to get to more money so badly?!”
“I wanted to provide for us as well!” you shouted back now, but your voice was so shaky you felt like you sounded pathetic. He had to know, though. “We are coming from a low-class background, Baekhyun! Why is it so bad for me to want to do more when I am perfectly able to do so?”
“Because you would have ruined your own dreams while chasing something so artificial!” he shouted back, stepping closer to where you were sitting, but you didn't budge from the sudden movement. “Money was, and money will be! But us creating a family together won't be a forever opportunity! And you were willing to just hang it up for, what, 300.000 won more? Don't be ridiculous! Plus! He is a fucking arsehole! If he isn't touching you up, he is treating you like complete shit; you deserve better than any of this! And if I could have, I would have beaten him up long ago.”
You averted his gaze. His words were driven by his love for you, you knew that much. So as much as you wanted to be offended and hurt, he was hundred percent right. Everything he just threw into your face was correct and you couldn't defend yourself, because he would come at you right away.
“Is this really everything our relationship means to you?” he asked, a bit more quietly, but his tired tone was scarring your heart. You dared to look back at him, to see him staring on the ground, one hand on his hip.
“No,” you said and you cried again, “it isn't and you know it, too.”
“Do you think I am incapable of taking care of us? Of the kids?” he looked at you, huge puppy eyes on full display as he slowly let his guard down. “Because all of this just proves you don't trust me as the breadwinner of this household.”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your arguments, but ended up going against it. “Baekhyun, we aren't in a situation where I need to stay home, clean and do nothing while you get to earn money as if it was some easy thing to do. I am, and I will continue to work,” you replied resolutely despised tears rolling down your cheeks, “and it isn't you as a breadwinner, but us.”
The society surely was patriarchal, so if you dared to talk to your father in this manner, he would have slapped you. There was no such thing as a woman who got to go against her husband or brother.
Baekhyun, however, wasn't your father or your brother. He wasn't even your husband, and when you saw his troubled look, he finally let himself sink down on the mattress. He was your kind, loving boyfriend. “I already said this,” he started, “but I am not, and I won't keep you inside the house, locked up, while waiting for me to return to you after work. I won't tell you what to do, you know I never did,” he said in a more friendly manner, but it still beared authority. “I respect you as a woman,” he said, speaking your name softly, “and you are my everything.” His hand reached out to caress your cheek that was still wet from your tears. “I need to see you only smiling, happily, but I cannot accept you lying to me like this again. I thought we had been together long enough for us to earn each other's trust, and you going like that behind my back and signing bullshit was nothing but stupid and irresponsible. Especially because your pregnancy was jeopardized like that. You can't be under stress like that, sweetie.”
Hearing him calling you a pet name, you knew the war was over and he finally was on the positive side. His authoritative voice still kept you on edge, so you didn't throw yourself at him just yet.
“If he kicked you out, which I'm pretty much convinced he did, I wouldn't be against you not working until you give birth.”
“Shh, let me speak, honey,” he said quietly and shuffled himself closer, sitting right opposite you cross-legged  as he took your hands in his. “Listen. I know you know it, but having three babies under your heart is a dangerous situation,” he whispered loudly, bringing your intertwined hands to his lips. “It's dangerous especially for you. You are very tired after work, and you come home late and don't get enough rest. Sukyeong even told me you don't always keep up with your meals, and I don't like it one bit.” The way his lips moved against the skin of your hand was soothing you. “Accept that he threw you out, before I file a lawsuit against him for harassing you and making you sign nonsense contracts, and stay home. Find a part-time job instead, but you need to rest, darling.”
“Baekhyun,” you finally spoke and he hummed, as he let your hands fall to his lap. His eyes were now so gentle and full of worry. “I am so sorry. For everything. I shouldn't have done any of that, but please know I did it with good intentions.”
Baekhyun went silent for a bit, analysing your face, your tired features and pale skin, which only reminded him you had been throwing up today and dealing with the situation in the restaurant. Suddenly, he felt so guilty for making you go through all of it in just one evening, (although you were responsible for it, too). Let alone he just shouted at you for good ten minutes. He couldn't even imagine what other things you must have been feeling the past weeks, given how your body was changing day by day. “It's alright, babe, it's alright. I understand. C'mere,” he whispered, opening his arms and you threw yourself at him, making him almost fall back on his back. You snuggled your face into his neck, and he let out a satisfied breath, caressing your back gently. “I'm sorry for shouting at you. But I'm not sorry for punching that idiot. He deserved it.”
You were looking at the skin on his neck and how it disappeared under his shirt that had the first two buttons undone. “Thank you for standing up for me, honey.”
“My baby,” he murmured lovingly into your hair before he gave it a kiss. “My only baby.”
You woke up to slow, gentle caresses on your small belly as your shirt was ridden up just a tiny bit, Baekhyun not wanting to wake you just yet. He was behind you, wanting to spoon you as soon as he washed up and fell in bed next to you last night. It didn't take long for both of you to fall asleep, as surprising as that was. The events tired you out, and he wanted you to sleep as much as you could.
He kissed your clothed shoulder before he nosed your neck and buried his face in your hair, while his caresses didn't stop. Letting his eyes close for a moment, he brought his front just a little closer to you, his leg wrapping around yours that were politely connected. His hand absentmindedly wandered further up before going dangerously low, sending shots of pleasure down your core without even paying attention. You knew he would soon realize his effect on you, because you definitely felt like squirming in his hold.
His hand lazily dragged upwards almost touching the underside of your breast when you couldn't keep it in anymore, breathing in sharply just for his hand to stop right under the-
“Oh, I finally have you awake,” he murmured, his husky voice sending another set of chills down your spine.
You couldn't help but smile, happy you woke up to this. The fluid down there was saying something else, though.
“Slept well?” he murmured into your ear, as he continued dragging his hand up. You groaned softly when he groped your breast as he pushed himself even more into you, and you felt it. He was so ready for you.
“Mhm,” you hummed in agreement, enjoying the massage as he proceeded to nibble on your ear from behind, your eyes closed in pleasure. “You?”
“I realised we didn't keep our promise, babygirl.”
Your breath hitched in your throat when your realised what he was implying.
“So, is my beautiful lady still horny enough to go the remaining two rounds?” His voice was so deep, you felt yourself scrunching your eyes shut, the adrenaline quickly making its way into your bloodstream. “We will take it,” he murmured and this time his hand was going down, down, down, the panties the only barrier from his wandering hand as he lifted the hem of them teasingly, testing just how ready you were for him, “very slowly, my dear.”
His fingers played with you just for few seconds before he pushed his middle finger inside, your mouth opening in a silent moan as you leaned back into him.
“It's so early, but you are already like this,” he continued while your head was swimming, his ministrations nothing short of slow, yet so pleasurable, “all for me.”
Your insides were squeezing painfully, and he wasn't moving faster, nor did he have the intentions. “Baekhyun,” you said, trying not to pant too loudly, “I just want you.”
“Hmm? Speak louder, I'm still sleepy.”
“You're such a tease,” you whispered in disbelief before surprising him by reaching behind you to touch him exactly where he needed you. He hissed, his eyes looking at your profile to see the smirk you had on your face.
“I wanted it to be slow, romantic and all of that,” he mumbled before pushing your hand away while he sat up, causing you to fall on your back. As soon as his hand was out of your panties, you felt a pang of frustration before he covered your body with his, his face close to yours as you tried to calm down from him fingering you so sensually.
“I want none of that,” you replied as you grabbed his face for a heated kiss, “I want you inside me, just about now.”
“Needy, naughty…” he muttered with a flirty smirk as he teased you at your opening, causing both of you to groan. “Are you ready, sweetie?” And he still made sure you were okay with him.
“I'm always ready for you,” you whispered, spreading your legs even more for him, as he pushed himself in, your eyes instantly closing in wonderful pleasure only he was able to give you.
He stayed inside, buried and panting into your hot mouth as he rested his forehead on yours. “Sweetheart, open your eyes for me, hm? I love you, you know that?”
“I know that. And I love you, do you know that?” you reciprocated, smiling up at him only to be rewarded with his smiley eyes as he pushed back before diving right in few more times, where he hit your sweet spot. Moaning loudly, he dragged his face to suck on your neck before he took one of your hands, intertwining them with his as he pushed it up above your head.
“I know that. You are my angel,” he said, finishing it with a guttural groan as he felt you pulsing around him, knowing you were about to cross the edge and he was not far behind you.  “Come for me. We have another round,” he breathed before kissing you passionately, messily, moanily.
You mentioned you wanted none of slow. And in the second round, he gave you just that. Baekhyun became ruthless, just before whispering: “Are you riding?” And he was fast to change positions. He helped you straddle him although you definitely had the energy to move and climb by yourself, given your crazy hormonal drive.
“That was just a warm-up session.” He warned, not waiting for you. Your screams, his groans, the heat, it was all so fucking amazing you were left in a complete bliss. You were fast to catch up to him, moving your hips while he was watching from beneath you, eyes dark, glazed over and completely smitten by you.
“You're the best,” you breathed out as you dragged your hands to you breasts, but Baekhyun wanted none of that. He swiftly sat up, his chest almost pressed to yours while you continuously rode him, up and down,  your hands being pushed aside just to be switched with his as he added his sinful lips to the swell of your breasts.
“You're a goddess, mummy,” he muttered, leaving a wet trail on your chest while his hands squeezed and massaged your mounds.
“Baekhyun!” you scolded, and despite the sweat and the delightful pull in your belly approaching yet again, you blushed; the blush definitely caused by his choice of words.
He looked into your eyes, his ones proud and lustful. “It's true,” he muttered, groaning as you sank down exceptionally hard, almost falling onto his sturdy chest. His hands were now squeezing your sides, helping you out, unable to keep the needy touches to himself when you looked so gorgeous like that. He squeezed your arching body to his sweaty chest.
A quick glance at your swollen belly that he made sure you noticed, his hand came to touch against it and you were gone. He caressed you there gently while swallowing your moans as you grabbed his face, kissing him, your hair falling, creating an intimate curtain just around where your mouths were connected. You still had an unearthly energy to help your boyfriend out to his orgasm, not wanting to be in the ecstasy alone, and as much as Baekhyun needed the release, his hands slid across your sides, holding your hips to stop their movement.
“Enough, baby girl,” he whispered into your mouth, leaning back ever so slightly to see your flushed cheeks, sweaty forehead. “I don't want you to hurt yourself.” He was still panting and you swore to god he looked so handsome with his hair glued to his forehead, puffy cheeks. You might have gotten horny again.
“Come with me,” you insisted, attempting to to move again but he bit his lip, a cheeky glint in his eyes, and he held your back tenderly, moving you to lie on your back, while slipping out of you. Hissing, he stood up quickly.
“I'll be right back.”
Trying to calm your breath, you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling in your aching body. A knowing smile played on your lips; Baekhyun would rather get a cold shower then another orgasm from you, just because he was worried about you. If that wasn't some darn good self-control, you didn't know what it could be.
Just as he promised, he was back soon, a towel in his hands to help you clean up. Once done, he lied back down next to you and you immediately curled up by his chest. “That was amazing.”
“Hmm, you are amazing,” he said. After a little pause, he asked: “You feeling alright?”
“Perfect. But I could go again, you know? You don't have to be so careful with me.”
He snorted as he played with the ends of your hair. “Jeez, you already have my baby! Actually three of them! Slow down, woman.”
You both laughed heartily, and he loved the sound.
“But I want to have youuu, my love,” you whined.
“You have me. You always have me. I'm yours. I'm just simply yours.”
A/N: just to clarify, this isnt the end, we still have quite some things to get through actually - more drama ㅠㅠ! Just didnt want to leave you on a cliffhanger. Hope you liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Any feedback is very much appreciated  🥺 🥺
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