#who generally goes by their last name would switch Just for their inner monologue is odd to me
byooregard · 1 year
poll number two.
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youwontlikethisblog · 3 years
Locura Mia <3
Remember when Betty clarified everything to Mario and Armando about Nicolas role in Terra Moda and general manager?
She let them know that though Nicolas did manage Terra Moda that he didn't do anything without her say and that she was still the legal representative of Terra Moda.
One: that sets aside the fear of Betty giving too much responsibilities to Nicolas for the sake of him noticing her as she clears the air that she is the one with the last say.
Two: that Nicolas has Betty blinded.
This is both Mario's and Armando's worry, they talked about it at the cocktail the night before and Betty goes to clear the air so they aren't worried or distrusting of them.
However they still decide to enact the sinister plan.
When Armando realizes that Betty potentially cares for him as more than her boss its when the guilt of hurting sets in but when he hears Betty speaking on the phone with Nicolas he decides that he will make Betty fall in love with him.
Now, I want to make it clear that Armando is not in love with Betty. He's confused about his feelings. As well that Armando is worried about Eco Moda, the future of it, and his. That's why he agrees to do that.
Later that night when Betty returns to the meeting room after having spoken to Nicolas she tells them that because she's staying to work that he{Nic] will be going to talk and deal with the lawyer and Armando gets mad at her but she explains why it's important that they do that and Mario agrees.
Then Armando tells Betty to bring him the entire bottle of whisky and she asks if he's well and that he's drinking too much which he tells her to bring it to him.
When she leaves the room Armando tells Mario that she's no longer listening to him or obeying him.
This again proves again that Armando isn't solely worried about the company as now his subconscious is the one leading as he now worries that Nicolas is taking Betty from him.
I do believe that Armando would have fallen in love with Betty regardless of Eco Moda and Terra Moda.
What we have seen so far(before Nicolas was introduced as the love interest of Betty) was Armando slowly building a friendship with Betty as he was also developing feelings for her but all of a sudden these small moments of him just simply liking to spend time with Betty at the office and letting his guard down and letting her into his personal life come crashing into a wall of realization that he isn't ready to face and when he is being forced to face it he decides to deny it. Had it not happened like that I do think he would have ended up falling in love with her in the long run.
As a writer you have to think of all the possibilities that can happen. A scene you write has different alternative endings and you always go with the best one that pushes the story and the intensity forward.
So when watching the romance begin I often wonder what could have been of that scene and where that could have lead the story. When his original secretary quit because she fell in love with him the girls told Betty that Armando was never even aware of it and that he didn't even pay attention to her, it is a fact that Armando doesn't like getting involved with the employee's of Eco Moda so we can assume that it was true. After all when Bertha mentioned that Mariana had foretold that she'd quite her job Armando didn't even look fazed by it. He had no micro expressions or reaction to that. It was as if it wasn't important to him that she quit or why.
She wasn't important to him and she didn't really matter at all as he tells Betty that if she were to leave Eco Moda he would miss her.
Armando is hella drunk here. His eyes are droopy, he can't stand straight at times and he looks like he wants to run out of there.
Betty despite her feelings is trying to keep everything professional. When Armando tells her that they should cheer for something Betty cheer's for Eco Moda, now here Armando is acting. He isn't really talking with the heart.
I often talk about Armando but I am honestly so excited to finally start talking about Betty and her complexities because this romance isn't just from Armando's perspective but Betty's too and she deserves to be talked about more.
From previous episodes we know Betty had a relationship with a guy named Miguel. We know this because when Roman asked her to go out with them for the night as a joke Betty mentioned it after her Don Hermes didn't let her go and later that night after she got stood up she wrote in her diary something that personally moved me a lot.
"When will someone give me the opportunity to give them my love?"
Most times when we're watching a romantic drama or reading one we get this trope of the main character wanting to be loved themselves. They're searching for someone to love them because they've got this idea that love is meant on what others can give you. Armando is like that. He bases love on what others can give you, just like his parents and Marcela is the exact same way however real love isn't like that at all. That's being selfish.
Real love is wanting to give yourself without expecting anything in return and that's how we see Betty show her love towards Armando but the reason why it moved me so much to hear Betty say that is because she wasn't looking for someone to love her but instead she wanted to give her love, she wanted someone to give her the chance to give all the love she knew she could give to them. Betty, our sweet and kind Betty wasn't looking to be selfish in love.
However because of the fact that she did once love someone, she gave her love to someone who didn't appreciate it and just used her Betty is traumatized. It wasn't just heartbreak that she dealt with but she dealt with a humiliation that broke down her self-esteem more, ruined her self worth and killed her.
Though Betty knows she's "ugly" to people and that because of that no man will ever notice her, she believed that her love, the love she could give, would make someone love her. She believes that real love isn't based on physical attraction but rather a deep rooted spiritual connection with someone. Betty has a very beautiful understanding of love.
So it isn't just because her parents raised her to be a decent human with morals that she is keeping things professional but as a defense mechanism.
She is keeping herself away so she won't suffer again but her emotions start to win over after Armando asks her to dance.
She leans her head closer to him, not resting it on his shoulder, and we hear her inner monologue of "I can't believe it." in a hopeful and shocked tone while Armando's inner monologue is the same words his tone is disgusted.
He is disgusted to be so close to Betty, that he is dancing with an "ugly"(I always put quotation marks when I refer to Betty as ugly because she is very gorgeous to me!) woman.
When they return to the table Betty, as a concerned employee but also someone who is secretly in love with her boss respectfully tells Armando to forgive her for not minding her business but that he's drinking too much and he has to drive.
Notice the shift in tone from Armando's voice. Before he asked Betty to dance and they were talking Armando's tone was superficial. It was manipulative but this time it's careless and he's annoyed.
Again here you can notice in the same scene that shift as he lies to Betty and tells her "I'm enjoying my drinking" he shifts to look at her so they can talk better and his emotions give way here as he says "or what is it? What's your problem, Betty?" his facial expression switches to anger as he asks her in an accusing tone "or what am I so boring?"
Betty quickly tells him no "It's not that."
"Then explain it to me. Since Calderon left all you've wanted is for us to not drink, to not dance, to not do this or that. Beatriz, tell me, am I boring guy?"
I recalled Armando talking to Marcela once(when they were going to decide whether they got married though the church or court) and he told her "It's not about me. Are you sure you want to be married to me for life? I'm a really boring guy and you know that."
Here we can tell the difference in how Armando views these two women. While with Marcela he doesn't care that he's a boring guy, he does care that Betty doesn't think of him that way.
You can argue that Armando is drunk therefore he doesn't know what he's saying but he's manipulative by nature. He can do that sober or drunk and we saw that already in the scene before he asked Betty to dance. Besides have you ever heard the saying that toddlers and drunks have one thing in common and it's that they both can piss their pants but speak the truth.
Armando is a lot more drunk than he was at the start of the night with just him and Betty.
Once again Betty reassures Armando and in a loving voice tells him No , but that she understand he is worried for the company, marcela and that he is in a place unusual for him and with company he's not used to.
Really pay attention to Armando's tone. It constantly shifts from being natural to being forced. You can pick up when he is lying and being manipulative to it being honest.
Before I continue this I want to bring a detail I've noticed that came full circle the night of the museum.
Betty often tells Armando not to explain things, that she understands him. Armando however, unlike with Marcela who he just gaslights and manipulates, with Betty he constantly wants to explain things and talk them through, but Betty telling him that he understand him holds a lot of weight in their conversations because she truly does.
Armando takes in a deep breath, squints his eyes at her, before he speaks. He's thinking of what to say to her and trying to figure her out because unlike all the other women who Armando has been with(it's not because of what he said that he didn't know how to seduce an ugly woman) Betty isn't responding to any of his advances. She continues to keep things professional and behaves like a concerned employee so naturally Armando is confused and trying to figure a way to make things work.
He agrees with her about the first thing she said but disagrees about him not being in a place he'd enjoy that he's having a good time and all of that was said in a natural tone but when he leans closer and whispers drunklike "and as for the company." He widens his eyes and tells her "I love it."
Betty's eyes grow wide and she looks at him and then around. She looks surprised but also scared.
She tells him that she thinks he should drink slower or mix his drink with water and he chuckles at that.
"You're not coordinating with what you're saying."
"What? How am I not coordinating with what I'm saying?" He has a smirk on his face and turns to look at her, making eye contact he tells her "'cause I tell you Beatriz" he switches from openly speaking to now whispering as he finishes off by saying "I enjoying being with you." he says looking around the room. This represents the actual dilema he is facing. We know he does like spending time with Betty, especially in the previous days so we know that's true but notice how he was able to talk so openly before until he had to admit that he likes spending time with her. He whispered it to her and looked around the room. He knows he's somewhere that none of his friends or people in his social circle would be in so he isn't paranoid that they'll catch him. It symbolizes his inner battle. He's embarrassed to be seen with a woman like Betty, so he denies to care for her, however he admits he enjoys her company.
Now Armando lets his guard down, you can tell that he isn't as tense however still feeling nervous, he touches his upper lip and leans forward on the table "I'mma tell you something you know." he chuckles and points to Betty's drink "there with you blackberry juice" he chuckles, he finds it endearing, he touches his lips for a micro second often seen as a sign of nervousness. He's nervous to confess this to Betty or even to say it outloud.
Betty is starting at him freaked out and girl I WOULD TOO.
"See when you started working for me, if they would've fired you then I wouldn't have cared or been affected by it but now if you left I wouldn't be able to bare being without you."the haws theme song starts to play and he crazily looks around him. He really doesn't want anyone to hear him say these things because he is embarrassed to feel this way!
Betty's expression doesn't change. She's like a deer hit with headlights.
"But it's just a matter of custom. I'm sure if I left Eco Moda and I left everything organized for the new assistant they'll accomplish-" she's interrupted by an angry Armando.
As Betty was telling him this he took a drink and then started to rub his eyebrow; self soothing.
"Nonononono! I'm not talking about another assistant. " he hisses at her. "I'm saying that you," He chuckles nervously and swiftly covers his face, smiles and says "this is incredible." he fidgets with rubbing his forehead and his tone of voice is what lets us know he is being truthful to Betty. Here Armando is nervous to confess this, not only because he is confessing it to Betty but because now he has to accept it and no longer deny that he does care about Betty. He is being vulnerable.
Do you remember when you'd talk to your crush in middle school how you'd get, especially when the conversation shifted to talking about who you liked?
Armando's behavior reminds me of that.
The literal translation of what he tells her butchers the meaning as Armando tells her "Yo estoy diciendo, es increible esto, pero usted me haria falta, me haria falta como mujer."
"What I'm saying is that you, i can't believe this, is incredible, but I would feel the absence of you, the absence of you as a woman." his tone is very truthful. It isn't like before where it shifted from lying, manipulation and being somewhat truthful. Now it's coming form the heart and we later get more examples of this.
"Um sir please don't continue drinking anymore."
"Why? Why not? I need to drink, see." He drinks from his whisky. "You know why?" he shivers, slightly coughs because of it and shakes his head. "You know why I need to drink? Because I need to, I need to get out what, get out what I have inside of me about what I feel for you." Betty again is looking at him like a deer with headlights. "This is serious don't look at me like me shocked eyes. I'm going to tell you." He slurs. "Since I found out that you have a boyfriend right-"
"But I don't have a boyfriend."
"well, well, whatever, whatever he is, I don't care." He starts to angirly point his finger on the table and with a tone that matches continues "since I found out that guy Nicolas Mora exists I began to feel like bad." He's hunched forward, leaning towards the table and then turning to Betty, his face is very expressive as he shows that what is saying is hard for him to say because it pains him "like this wimper inside of me, I felt like a discomfort that I didn't like and I reflected, I started to think." He begins to act out him reflecting. "Reflecting. Armando, what's going on with you? and I discovered that I'm jealous, I'm jealous of Nicolas Mora." his eyes are wide and lips pursed, showing that he is stressed or holding back emotion.
"Sir don't joke."Betty's voice is shaky, she looks like she's got her heart in her throat as she is leaning far from him. She is afraid of what he is telling her and on guard.
"Do I look like a clown to you?" Betty shakes her head "No right? I don't play with that, Betty. I don't play with that."
Notice the shift in his tone again. It went from being his natural voice, albit drunk and slurred but still his natural tone, to now again being raspy, it's the best way I can discribe his tone which he has whenever he is being manipulative towards anyone. Armando grabs his glass to drink from it which shows us that now he no longer is being honest.
The next sequence is Armando trying to seduce Betty. She explained that she's got nothing going on with Nicolas and tries to excuse herself but Armando tells her to stay and that she isn't going anywhere.
This is him using his power of position to keep Betty in a situation she wants to run from. It is wrong. We know this and so does the writer as we get the Jaws theme song and a creepy smile from Armando. This is intended to be this way and not to be mistaken as something romantic.
He leans in closer and tells her "You fascinate me." Betty reacts to him being so close and leans forward and puckers her lips and they kiss. Armando's reaction is him being grossed out by it.
For the comedic effect Betty opens her eyes and then faints.
What do we get from this?
Armando is a piece of ish!
Now that that's out of the way.
We see Betty struggle with what's going on. She really is scared of what Armando is doing and saying because she doesn't want to have her hopes up and she's afraid of what it entitles. She doesn't want to get hurt.
Armando as always is all over the place. One moment he is angry, the next annoyed, then grossed out, and then he is being vulnerable, honest and baring his bones and then he is being manipulative. I am personally exhausted, imagine him?
Betty wakes up and apologizes, tells him she doesn't know what what's going on and that she crossed the line. She gets up and leaves and Armando goes after her.
See unlike the women of the past, the models or whatever, Betty isn't reacting like he expects her to. She isn't flirting, fawning, getting closer to him. She is in her seat silent while he speaks, telling him to stop drinking, that he doesn't know what he's saying.
Betty runs out of that place and once outside she touches her lips and thinks to herself "He kissed me, he kissed me."
I already mentioned how someone else wrote a post about Armando and the reason he doesn't date women outside of his social circle and here, now, in this scene he is going against that. He is doing the very thing that he lectured Mario about.
He used his position of power to keep Betty there. We get a scene of Armando sitting at the table with his head down and his fist clasped together, unlike with Mario who did that to show power, Armando's body language allows us to see that he is doing it to self-sooth.
I imagine that he is processing everything but mostly feeling guilty for what he is doing. Guilty for taking advantage of Betty and following through with the plan to seduce her and then it hits him that he kissed her. He touches his lips over and over again, it doesn't seem like he's wiping his lips as he gently rubs them and repeats that he kissed her. His brows furrow and instead of having a face of disgust he shows to have a face of confusion because now he is left with the feelings that that kiss produced and left in him. As well as him realizing what he is capable of doing.
Again, Armando is aware that Betty isn't society's standard of Beauty and aware that she isn't want he imagined in his perfect woman body wise, so he is grossed out by the idea of having something physical with her because of his obsession with perfection. This doesn't mean he is grossed out by her, just the idea of her, if that makes sense.
Which I know it's hard to understand, muchless explain right now but I am tired and hungry so I will leave y'all off here.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
'Til next time :)
Ps again ignore my typos.
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threeletterslife · 3 years
Babe you are so LUCKY I was online the exact second you posted chapter eight, otherwise I would have been blissfully unaware (I think you forgot to add the taglist? 😭)
Anyway let's get right into this masterpiece
Not even a fire medium - guess who's gonna get his ass beat 🤩 captain motherfucking chu, that's right, fists up captain I am SOCKING your stupid little face right in the jaw
Oh wait he's here. I am giving him ONE (1!!!) chance for redemption we'll see how this goes. Take one wrong step I'm setting Heli on you
but i like his apology so far. he seems sincere.
I still feel bad for him about his family's death. Yeah it had nothing to do with y/n but that shit hurts, I can sympathise with him. I'm glad he's he's taking the stand and apologising, it's hard but he's doing it and i appreciate that <3
I accept his redemption arc and I like this new perspective. Captain chu, you are off my hit list
The darlareans so much as TOUCH general yoongi i will revolt DO NOT SPEAK HIS NAME WITH THAT FILTHY MOUTH
I want a fire tiger therapist :( he's doing more for her by huffing than any human could with words
and he is 100% following her around I LOVE HIM
But my guy, you look like a stalker, you can't can't listen to people's conversations like that she was having a whole therapy session 😭
A professional fondness - y/n, babe, don't kid yourself like that, it's embarrassing
she's simping over him even when her eyes are closed 😭 i get it, babe, I'd do the same
He feels so close to you - FOCUS y/n
No, fuck it, kiss him. Do it, it'll help you focus, I swear.
No, seriously, let me pause for a second. When yoongi was describing how she should feel the fire throughout her, I could FEEL it babe I was following along 😭 and when she opened her eyes and gasped because he was so close I felt the blood rush to my cheeks my heart stopped for a second. You are a BEAUTIFUL write MUAH take all my love
She did it!! She held the fire oh my god I'm so happy for her!!! I feel so happy and warm and AH y/n you deserve the world 😭
Meet me here at 5am tomorrow - so it's a date? 👀 jk jk... unless
Oh she feels guilty because of the burn marks, it's okay baby everybody learns and it takes time. I wanna hug her so bad :((
I'll say it again, your writing is BEAUTIFUL I love reading it, it flows so smoothly and everything from her inner monologue to the descriptions is written so well you're doing amazing <333
NO yoongi feels guilty now :(( everytine I learn about his past I want to hug him so bad. Yoongis doing so well, he's so sweet and kind and considerate and I wish he could see himself the way y/n sees him. Literally her last thought before you switched povs was how he's naturally considerate and HERE HE IS having negative thoughts baby NOOO
Oh 👀 he's falling on LOOOOOOVEEE
familiar man with a shockingly shitty posture - I LITERALLY STARTED CACKLING
Y/n let the poor man BREATHE for two seconds, your posture would be shitty too if you were carrying the entire country on your shoulders, stop giving him shit about it for like two seconds 😭✋
Damn... yoongi really made his own birthday depressing huh...
Doyun get in there and smack his head pls <3
You’ve found a way to bend the wisps of flames as if they are silk, the colors fluttering in harmony with the breeze that greets the air
^^Once again, I would like to praise your writing. Its the little sentences like these which make me smile
I love him :(
i'm so glad that captain chu is off your hit list!! he's just going through it rn 💀 poor dude
I AM ALSO SO HONORED THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY FEEL WHAT'S GOING ON???? that's literally my GOAL as a writer, and i feel so great to have achieved it?? (also wbk yoongi and oc are WHIPPED for each other 😩😩)
i think something that really stood out to me while writing lod was all the inner monologue. i have a lot of characters who overthink but none of them overthink as much as our main character does here LMAO. it makes writing her a joy because i have to figure out a way to make her very in-tune with her thoughts and feelings but also make her a reliable narrator!!
also as a side note, oc will never not give the general shit for his shitty posture 😭 AND I'M CRYING YOUR COMMENT ABOUT YOONGI CARRYING THE ENTIRE NATION ON HIS SHOULDERS PLEASE (I LITERALLY LAUGHED OUT LOUD)
omg i remember writing that sentence while closing my eyes LOL. literally went on a hike to try to see how i can describe nature 😩 i'm so happy that it made you smile!!!!
AND PLS NOT CAPTAIN YOO BEING ON YOUR HIT LIST NOW 😭😭 we will see if he gets off it any time soon 😳
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momestuck · 6 years
Let’s read Hiveswap Friendsim - volume 10!
We’re over the halfway mark. Nineteen friends. This time, Of Faraway Lands and Nearby Pals.
Our trolls are going to be...
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These two.
Incidentally, I haven’t commented, but every troll select screen has a different drawing when you mouseover the troll. Usually they’re just the same troll with a light shining on them, looking more enthusiastic, but you gotta see Tegiri’s one...
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In addition to the Jojo-like art style, that’s the katakana character ゴ ‘go’ repeated. For some reason, katakana is commonly used over hiragana for sound effects in manga, such as laughter. So yeah. We’ve finally found the mall katana guy mentioned waaaaay back in Polypa’s route!
Oddly, while ‘Tegiri’ would be valid romaji (although not, I checked, on lists of Japanese names I could find... I wouldn’t want to guess at a pseudo-’translation’, there’s a few possibilities), ‘Kalbur’ is decidedly not, and would be turned into something like ‘karuburu’ if it was transliterated into Japanese. That might be significant...
But that’s as far as my rudimentary Japanese knowledge can take me. We’ll come back to Tegiri shortly. First of all, it’s...
...beloved The Magic Roundabout character, Zebedee!
I really hope that’s not a coincidence.
Zebede is the third and final troll by Magdalena Clarke, author of Vikare and Elwurd. Well, I enjoyed Elwurd, so that’s a good sign... hopefully...
This begins with getting a chittr notification. God, push notifications, am I right?
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The name suggests we’re going to deal with the bees that made Sollux’s ‘mind honey’, granting goldbloods fantastic powers. (The game seems to have decisively chosen ‘gold’ rather than ‘yellow’, so I will defer to this.)
Who is this new friend? It seems to be someone who knows Cirava...
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Their speech quirk seems to be using z in place of s, but not always.
Zebede invites us to download a video chat app...
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Surprisingly, this does not result in our phone getting inducted into a botnet. Apparently the app we downloaded is called ‘grype’.
It’s weird to have so many Skype jokes given that Skype has pretty much given way to other messaging apps, at least in my experience...
He’s really excited to hear about how we know Cirava, and we tell him. He lets on rather unsubtly that he’s lonely and would appreciate a visit. Apparently he lives a long way out, for the sake of the bees.
We get our first choice...
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Honestly no idea which one is the instant death option here. Probably asking if it’s really fine, but the ways we die are so random in this game, who knows?
Let’s go with asking where he lives.
We mention we went out to visit Skylla in the countryside, which leads him to... more self-deprecation. Wow, this guy sure is insecure.
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And he decides like... we’re not really interested in visiting him. ‘A wall has been raised’, as the game puts it.
Dude, no wonder you don’t have friends.
OK, well, that was a short branch. Let’s try asking about his living situation and his lusus, whether it’s really fine.
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Ah yes, play on his feelings of resentment. Get him to complain and wheedle in that way. That’s our narrator.
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This guy’s face is so... pointy... I don’t have much commentary to add.
This leads us to a non-choice of saying we’ll go visit him immediately. This seems like a really healthy, non-manipulative friendship we’ve got going on here.
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Apparently Zebede’s got some of whatever concentrated loneliness and fetishisation of friendship our narrator is suffering.
The narrator goes through a few friends to try and figure out who to get a lift from... and after rejecting Tagora, Amisia, Zebruh (oh god no), taxis and public transport, they decide the only option is to do crimes. Hey, I can get behind it.
By crimes they mean, finding an unlocked car and nicking it. Unlike Konyyl, they can’t punch locks off.
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Apparently we know how to turn on the auto-pilot in a troll car. Not sure when we figured that one out!
Fittingly, Zebede’s hive is full of bees.
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Inside, too, it’s a nice rustic bee farm.
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We get a text message from... Cirava, it turns out. I wonder what they want...
We have the choice of ignoring it or letting it go to voicemail. Wow, we’re getting a lot of phone calls in this episode! Let’s try chatting with Cirava, maybe we can invite them over and all chill here...
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It’s nice to see Cirava again. The protagonist’s weird obsession with collecting more friends instead of spending time with the ones they’ve made is highlighted...
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What’s up with that?
The matter of Cirava’s clothes comes up.
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Oh right so that’s what happened to Cirava’s clothes... I honestly forgot.
Anyway, Cirava’s a little worried when we say we’re hanging out with Zebede, who they know by chittr handle if not by name. They are worried that we’re tight, and we say we’re working on it.
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Called out!
Anyway, Cirava warns us about getting too close to Zebede, and links... his fanfiction. OK, sure. It turns out to be... RPF. Of Cirava.
Oh dear, we’re gonna get into the RPF discourse in this episode, huh? That is something I generally want to stay a long way away from.
Anyway, Zebede comes back while we’re reading one of his fics.
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That sure is an expression.
Anyway, when we explain that Cirava linked this, Zebede decides we’re not prioritising him after all, and clearly Cirava is more important than him.
I’m really not sure we want to be this guy’s friend.
He breaks down crying at the perceived slight of mentioning that we have other friends.
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The protagonist starts feeling like a dick. There’s a poke at the blurry line between inner monologue and spoken dialogue on the protagonist’s part...
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But anyway, that’s that for Zebede’s route.
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So, how do we actually befriend this guy? Trick seems to be to pretend we care about literally nothing other than him, I guess. So let’s go back and ignore Cirava’s grype call.
Instead of answering the call, we work on our chittr profile. God, that’s hard enough irl, let alone when you’re on an alien planet...
So, we assure Zebede that we weren’t about to take a call in the middle of a hang sesh, and he starts showing us some pirate films. Then, switches to space pirate films. Poor guy’s really thrown for a loop by our indecisiveness.
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The narrator is sympathetic, but unhelpful. Honestly narrator, just pick something. Fake some enthusiasm. If you really want to be friends with this kid...
We suggest watching the last thing he watched on grubtube. Which... seems like a shitty suggestion to me, since like, if it’s the last thing you watched...
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But to Zebede, that seems to be something much worse.
You promise you absolutely won’t judge him. We may regret this.
Mostly, it turns out to be videos of Cirava. Yeah, we get it, he’s got a crush.
He shows us some music videos of a group called hatched2dance. I’m guessing this is a KPop (or perhaps JPop) parody, especially given the whole RPF angle...
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Honestly like I probably couldn’t stand this guy in real life but I have some sympathies for his whole awkward gay teenager reading fic thing.
Anyway, seeing themselves reflected in Zebede prompts some reflection in the narrator.
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The narrator has kind of a freakout on realising how offputting they’ve been - that they’ve been ‘a big phony’.
We’re saved from an existential crisis by someone showing up to reclaim their scuttlebuggy.
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The narrator decides they should probably go out and face the music before this troll carves their way into the hive. This wins over Zebede even harder.
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We learn that Zebede’s psychic power is... controlling bees. Using the bees, they drive off the troll outside.
And so we chill with Zebede, and the protagonist takes notes on ‘not being such a desperate piece of shit’.
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We’ll see if this whole change of heart actually lasts.
The Alternian text in the picture says ‘ALTERNIA K-POP ALL-STARS’ in the Hiveswap version of the alphabet. Just in case you had any doubt what videos he’s into.
And now... time for things to get anime. This is the debut of David Turnbull.
The protagonist notices the edges of sunrise, and concludes they need to make a friend before daybreak. At that moment, someone accosts them.
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Tegiri also gets chiptunes, in common with our other anime troll. I think it’s a remix of one of the tracks elsewhere in Homestuck. But it could easily fit in with a genuine 8-bit game.
Reassuringly, Tegiri concludes that since we’re an alien not a troll, he doesn’t have to cull us.
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His typing quirk is that he replaces the letter ‘L’ with slashes.
And his character trait is, sure enough...
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HUGE WEEB. Though, glass houses, stones, etc....
Naturally, the initial instant death choice is...
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Unusually, we get three choices.
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I can assert with 100% confidence that if I click anything other than ‘subs’, I will be executed by katana. So let’s try... both are good.
He casts us out for our indecisiveness.
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The Alternian text here reads ‘PATHETIC.’ The drawing here recalls a particular anime meme... after some digging I was able to identify it as a screencap of Asuka from eva:
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Think this is probably from End of Evangelion? But I can’t really recall.
...god I’m not helping my case for not being as much a weeb as Tegiri here, am I?
OK, let’s try subs now.
...lol, I’m wrong. He prefers dubs. What kind of weeb is this guy?
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However, even though we’re wrong on the Most Important Question, we get to come back to his hive.
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We can see body pillows around his recuperacoon, an improbable number of katanas, a bunch of figurines... the text above his bed says OPPAI, which is, well... Japanese for boobs. Yeah.
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If you look closely at the anime figurines, I’m sure you can identify a few.
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But except for Luffy in top right, I’m not sure about the rest. Someone who knows more about anime, feel free to fill me in. Bottom right might be a machine lifeform from NieR Automata, but that seems too recent, and wouldn’t 2B be a more in-character one for him to have?
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I like how this casually assumes that the reader knows what an otaku is, but then again who reads Homestuck without knowing that I guess.
The narration says Tegiri has sorted his merch by blood colour, which is like... contradicted by the illustration which clearly has a bronzeblood troll at the top, but who cares I guess.
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This guy is just too quotable lol.
Anyway, we get to meet a lusus again. This time, the lusus is actually drawn, not just a filtered stock photo!
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It’s also mildly terrifying :D
It’s called Tadashi Inu, which means... well it kind of doesn’t mean anything (‘however dog’???), but if it was Tadashii Inu, it would mean Correct Dog.
Anyway, naturally what does an anime club do but watch anime?
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He’s presently in the middle of watching ‘Philosopher’s Half-Iron’, which I’m guessing is a joke about Fullmetal Alchemist? Instead, he proposes Schoolfed Heroism (BNHA maybe?) and Kismet:Stuck Morning (no guesses for this one... I’m a fake weeb).
It’s also interesting that we’re watching on DVDs. If they wanted to go full weeb, they could put in fansub jokes here... but then this guy prefers dubs to subs, so maybe he likes to buy official releases.
Naturally, we run into translation issues.
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He wanted the first edition and ‘paid extra for it’. So rather than enjoy the rest of the episode, we set off to have a word with the importer...
I have to ask... how does the troll economy work? There’s hints at a capitalist economy, money is mentioned and we had the guy running the club just now, but none of the trolls seem to have jobs. They seem to just get issued money according to their blood colour?
Speaking of which, we get some comments on troll retail...
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So yeah, we’re gonna find another weeb I guess.
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If that’s the billboard in the background, it's too small and blurry to work out what it says, unfortunately.
He seems pretty opposed to any ‘rebel sentiments’. Which of course he discusses with the weebiest metaphors. Alternia balances on...
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He goes on about katanas for a while, like he’s going down a checklist of orientalist tropes. Naturally it’s a prelude to a challenge to ‘dance’.
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We say swords are cool and this gets a little rant about bushido. You know, that self-serving horseshit some guy in the late 1800s fabricated as nationalist mythology...
We arrive at the anime store.
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More text to transcribe, oh joy. At the top of the store it says the name of the shop, mentioned in dialogue, ‘SUPER TOPATO IMPORTS’. Above the door behind the counter it says ‘EMPLOYEES ONLY’.  On the bookshelf full of manga it says something too squished to easily read.
Anyway, we’re having a look around, but Tegiri starts kicking up a stink.
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It’s basically the navy seal copypasta, slightly modified to be more trollish.
Meanwhile we’ve accidentally knocked some anime and manga out of someone’s hand.
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Still not getting these references, unfortunately.
The troll with a pink sign is apparently against troll law - ‘depiction of nonstandard hemological attributes’.
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This is all going over my head at this point. The references, I mean. Obviously the text - that Tegiri is an entitled douchebag - is clear enough.
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Oh, this one I get - Ace Attorney, of course.
Anyway, this is where we get a choice. Do we stop Tegiri straight up murdering someone for peddling the wrong kind of anime?
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Obviously we will try. Even though this seems like a great way to end up dead ourselves.
We speak up for the shopkeeper, and manage to convince Tegiri not to straight-up kill him. This leads to... a story, of a previous time he showed mercy, in contradiction to the law.
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Of course, we know who this baby - who should have been culled for lacking a lusus, by troll law - would have been. God, I’d sure rather be hanging out with Polypa than this guy.
The narrator, of course, has one thing on their mind...
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We suggest that the law, and what is right, are maybe not the same thing...?
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The hard decisions such as ‘do I murder this baby?’
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The narrator decides they know something about bad ways to manage loneliness...
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The narrator manages to divert his rant by asking about his eyes. Which are... any guesses? Contact lenses. For cosplay.
Before we can make the error of accusing him of breaking the law by cosplaying a nonexistent blood caste, who should show up but...
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Oh thank god. Save us, Polypa.
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Of course he says 何 nani instead of ‘what’. And as for 後輩 kōhai, that’s basically the counterpart to senpai, the junior partner in an informal hierarchy within an organisation, dictating the use of certain honorifics. If my reading of the wiki article is right, he’s using it quite incorrectly.
Polypa lets on that we’re moirails. This causes Tegiri to be a little taken aback. The narration has some fun.
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Tegiri claims - despite his huge stack of body pillows and figurines - that he has no time for quadrants.
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‘Were it not for the laws of this land’ is most commonly associated with a meme from a Ghanaian film, not anime, but the sentiment surely fits.
Polypa tries to talk some sense into him.
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So we end up doing an anime sleepover...
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The dog is saying ワンワン (wanwan), which is standard Japanese onomatopoeia for a dog barking.
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The text in this screen says... ‘Ore wa kaizoku-ou ni naru otoko da!’, which is a One Piece reference, meaning ‘I'm the man who will be the pirate king!’.
So, Tegiri may be insufferable, but at least with Polypa around we can keep him more or less under control.
There’s a few more options to explore. What if we’d picked dubs, not subs, near the start? He praises our choice, but otherwise, the story proceeds in the same way. I think that’s actually the first time we’ve had branches merge.
Now, what if we let him kill the shopkeeper?
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Shockingly, he’s not as much a swordsman as he makes out. And the shopkeeper, it turns out, is psychic, and zaps him before legging it.
I was under the impression that psychic abilities were rare in goldbloods, but what do I know?
We ask like... was that really necessary?
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Well, he’s certainly a tool, he got that part right. (Sorry.)
We go to report the shopkeeper’s terrible crimes to the drone, but unfortunately... it seems that the protagonist has a rap sheet themselves!
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They can’t pin it on us! We’re innocent!
God, the ‘everything happened’ approach to continuity is still fucking with me. Did we make friends with Remele? Did we not? Earlier, the narration mentioned making ‘between 1 and 19′ friends. What if someone didn’t obsessively explore and replay every branch? They’d be so confused!
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But despite his ineptitude with a sword, our attempted escape over an overpass leaves us...
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I’m sure this shot is also an allusion to an anime meme, but I can’t say which one, so yeah.
That’s Zebede and Tegiri. Not the best friends we’ve made, but I enjoyed the chance to be a huggggeee neeeerrrd in this post. (>implying that I could be anything other than a huge nerd on my homestuck liveread blog)
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