#who fucking knows when that’ll be finished lol 🥲
orykorioart · 4 months
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Don’t make that face Raihan, I’m sure you’re at least a little bit charmed by it.
(Click for better quality bc I cant tell if the qualitys a little cooked bc of mobile 🥲)
+ Based on this Rai-sand I made some time ago lol
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hollandorks · 2 years
hiii omg chapter 17!!
first of all, i had sent in the ask about possible future alfred pov blurbs so i love that you’re considering doing that :’)
now for my comments on this chapter:
AHHHHHHH it was so good! i always say that but it’s true!!!
i adore that lena began their conversation with lipstick (immediately makes any men who could be listening uninterested in eavesdropping HA) i love that she has a friend in lena now especially since marie is gone (🥲)
the way you wrote about her hesitance to go into a private room for two weeks (and her hesitance when it does happen) is so brilliant because that’s just exactly how it would be! i know that if i were in her situation i’d be feeling freaked out just like that too and scared to go through with it!!
maxwell james (😒) so gross and creepy! i felt so bad for her during all their interactions :( the way that he finished her drink and she smiled though; her plan was so clever!! her brief thought about wanting to just kill him when he was blacked out was so perfectly placed (she knows he’s part of the group of men that killed marie and the other girls and she’s so angry still)
i adore the paragraph about the silence in her earpiece being pointed. we just know bruce was fuming and wanted nothing more than to walk in there and make sure she never step foot in there again 🥺
her flirting with maxwell being a little awkward was imo such a good line because it conveyed her discomfort slightly!! while she is sometimes awkward around bruce/batman, she isn’t ever uncomfortable with him!!!
“i wish i had a roofie right now” made me laugh out loud. it was a really tense moment as a reader because we’re worried about what’s about to happen to her but that line was just so perfectly placed! reminded me a bit of selina’s “no shit” line in the movie :)) just perfect comedic timing despite y/n’s kinda scary situation
her reaction when maxwell finally fell asleep was honestly heartbreaking :( and the fact that bruce didn’t say a single thing until then, and it was then only to check on her/remind her he’s there 🥺 batboy is going through it in that moment with the angst and jealousy but he just cares about her wellbeing above anything else ugh and when she’s freaking out and he just reassures her that she doesn’t need to go undercover anymore… so sweet
her reaction to the private room experience was so well written. the panic, the dry heaving, and just needing to be cleansed…
THE WAY THAT HE INITIALLY TRIED TO RESIST KISSING HER BACK!!! but he just couldn’t stay away :’) god this was just such an enjoyable part to read; it’s described in such a vivid way that’s so in tune with the character of bruce wayne!
i absolutely adore the fact that the kiss and his reaction following it were the indications that proved to her that bruce is batman! his reaction to THAT was heartbreaking because b should just let himself be loved!! :( but very in character!
i have so many concepts running through my head of what might happen next! will he come in, find her, and drape a blanket over her?? will she wake up to him coming in??? will he avoid her altogether? will b have a conversation with alfred that knocks some sense into him?? maybe she’ll attempt to go down to the batcave??? these are all rhetorical questions of course but i can’t wait to see what it is that’ll happen next!!
i hope we get a bruce pov next chapter because i would love to see his perspective during all of this! we know he’s freaking the fuck out lol
i’m sorry if any/all of this is very incoherent!! finals season is here and this week is crazy 🤪 motn is my little treat every other night to get through it!!
Hi!! Yes thanks for the idea for Alfred's POV! I think doing a few blurbs of key moments in the fic will be super fun!
And yes, so glad you noticed that hesitation! I think anyone in that situation (angry at their friend's death or not) would have a really hard time going through with it.
I imagine Bruce trying very hard not to throw a full-on temper tantrum. Poor man probably has cracked teeth from grinding them so hard trying to stay quiet.
Glad you enjoyed the roofie line 😂 I needed to add a moment of levity in a very uncomfortable situation!
Poor Bruce just can't resist her! Really glad you noticed/ enjoyed that part!
Tiny spoiler but there is indeed a Bruce POV in ch 18!
Good luck on your finals!!
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