#who decides what recording gets to be on the wikipedia page lmao
sexygaywizard · 2 years
WHy does the Wikipedia page for Vivaldi's Gloria have an AWFUL recording of the Domine Deus movement on it?? The soprano soloist... girlie ma'am miss thing I'm sorry but this is NOT it
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donutcryforme · 7 years
tagged by: ♡  @choglwa​  ♡
rules: answer 30 questions about yourself then tag 20 people you want to get to know better. i don’t have 20 friends
nickname: Sam
gender: Female (she/her)
star sign: Gemini. i am cursed.
height: 5′ 3-3/4″
time: 5:10 PM (EST)
birthday: May 29, 1993
favourite bands: This is such a hard question! I listen to music all day long, especially when I’m commuting, so It changes day to day. But, I think the ones that stick with me through the years are mainly for nostalgia. My high school / punk rock days (Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the DIsco, and All Time Low). I still listen to Songs About Jane a lot but as a whole, Maroon 5 has really changed their sound and I’m not as big of a fan anymore. But you can NEVER go wrong with the Beatles. Holy grail. Always puts me in a good mood. 
favourite solo artists: I also usually listen to music when I write, so it really depends on what characters I’m playing and what their mood music might be. - When I was playing Sean, I listened to a lot of Sad Boyz (Jeff Buckley, John Legend, Sam Smith), stuff he would listen to while high (Gorillaz, Drake) and artists who sang about dark themes (ex. Lana del Rey, The Weeknd, also because i fucking love him and his dark lyrics fuck me up Abel.)  - For Sarah, it was a lot of Bea Miller and Alessia Cara--female artists who sing about rebellion and not giving a fuck. - Scott is a lot of male pop singers (Justin Timberlake, One Republic) and some white boy rap (feat. the best/funniest thing you will ever hear, aka what my friend’s friends recorded at school, ESPECIALLY “Get That Girl A Soda” and “Livin’ Like Larry”). - Jonah was more classic rock (The Rolling Stones), Adele (songs that will make my cry about his ship with Eve) and songs that vaguely alluded to religion without making me feel uncomfortable ("Devil’s Backbone,” “Take Me To Church,” etc.) - But for me? My holy trinity is probably Rihanna, Lady Gaga, and Beyoncé 
song stuck in my head: the entire Newsies musical because we opened last week and it’s still so good
last movie watched: Scary Movie 2
last show watched: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
when did i create my blog: About a year ago. And yet, I still manage to only have about 30 pages hahah hmm...
what do i post: I try to keep it pretty clean so it’s mostly just 1x1′s. All of my inspo / edits / personal stuff goes on my muse blog. 
last thing i googled: Usually it’s word definitions, art references, or for gif huns I’ve clicked on 10,000 times. Most recently it was “What year does It Follows take place” because we had a triple feature last night and we were all wondering. Pretty movie, aesthetically pleasing, not very scary (as it was pitched to us as “a scary movie.”) The group elected the turn it off halfway through, so I read the rest of the plot on Wikipedia lmao. I’ll watch it all the way through one day. 
do you have any other blogs?: Muse blog! And various old rpg blogs that I should delete but I don’t.  
do you get asks: No but I also don’t make calls for them. I don’t know what I would be asked in the first place. But I mean, if you have any questions, feel free haha. 
why did you choose your url: Instead of don’t cry for me it’s donut cry for me. Get it? Get it? Ha.... Also because we were doing Evita at the time, and the title of the most-known song is Don’t Cry For Me Argentina. 
following: 38, even though I only really see the same 5 people on my dash
followers: 39. Even though I only write with the same 5 3 people lmao
favourite colors: How dare you ask me that. I tend to wear lots of blues, gravitate towards cool-toned purples and teal, and have been told my “aura” is pink, so honestly who knows. But i love painting with earth tones <3
average hours of sleep: I always aim for 7-8 but it never happens. Uusally about 6, not bad.
lucky number: Once when I was 12, I won two stuffed animals from one of those claw machines at a Friendly’s on a Friday the 13th, so I like to go with 13 just to stick it to the man.
instrument: My vocal chords :^) (I can play Ode to Joy on the piano but i don’t think that counts lmao)
what am i wearing?: a t-shirt and sweatpants because the sky decided to open up as I was coming home and I was cold and wet
how many blankets do i sleep with?: In summer, one plus my sheets. In the winter, I tack an extra one on.
dream job: A scenic artist for film, TV, and theatre 8) I’m already doing it, but it’s my dream to be making more money while doing it lmao
dream trip: I’d love to do what my aunt and uncle did for their 25th anniversary and go to Sorrento (Italy), and then take day trips to the surrounding islands like Capri. But literally, I’ll go anywhere. I want to travel so bad
favourite food: Give me any kind of seafood, especially shellfish. But I also eat just about anything. Italian food, but no one can cook it like my mom. I’m also a huge fan of hibachi and sushi..  
nationality: American, but I’m 3/4 Italian, and then 1/4 Polish and Russian by heritage. 
favourite song now: don’t do this to me. My gut tells me to say Feel Good Inc but I have about one thousand favorite songs so it’s not even fair
Tagging @justalostindie @deconstrux @wastedsxns and anyone else who wants to do it!
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