#who am i.. 24601.....
mellosghosts · 3 months
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in my heart this joke is in the movie, but unfortunately im afraid only we, hughjackmaniacs, would get it 🥀
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demigodwitchdw · 1 month
When Wolverine shows up again, I want him to have an identity crisis about his hero identity, resulting in him singing a song about it, ending with "Who am I? Who am I? I'm Wolverine!"
Deadpool, is, of course, waving a torn up Canadian flag in the corner
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lesmisscraper · 4 months
What's the date today?
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janacariad · 1 month
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I'm a child... 🤣
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boxfivetrades · 2 years
A Luke/Richard/Leo show the evening before cast change! Such happy tears hearing Luke's iconic 24601 for the last time in a while...
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actuallyvaljean · 2 years
The entire song Who am I has probably been analysed already, but the main part that sticks out to me are the lines
"Who am I? Who am I? Jean Valjean."
and then he goes
"Who am I? 24601!"
and when I first listened to it I was like, "yeah, you're jean valjean," and later on, "choose one???"
but now that I listen to it again, it's really clear that he's asking himself, who am I? who am I supposed to be, who do I want to be? do I want to choose who I used to be, stay true to my life before? or do I want to make a change, do I want to become new, and start a life looking forwards?
earlier in the song he talks about others, but clearly it's gotten past that point- he's not singing who am I in others' eyes, he's singing who am I to myself?
The answer he chooses does have to do with helping others, yes, but it's actually about him. He realizes that if he chooses a new life, he only follows the path of his old life, a life of thievery and criminal instances. But if he says that he is Jean Valjean, says that he was a prisoner, he follows the leading morals in his new life- truth, and caring for others. THAT is why he chooses to say he's the prisoner- because he knows he can only be true to himself by turning himself in.
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xeyesofstardust · 7 months
Ok, so I am basically an Extrovert trapped inside the body and mind of an Introvert.
I wanna do all the social things but doesn't know how and my brain holds me hostage all the time.
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robinsnest2111 · 10 months
thinking about everyone who experienced me, premium front row seats and audience participation included, at my absolute worst and still want to have something to do with current day me. idk what I did to deserve you peeps in my life and I hope every single day I can be a good friend to you now that I'm actively trying to heal 🙏
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pressedink · 1 year
what’s the sexuality for just wanting to be wanted?
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theee-enchantress · 2 months
Hello, everyone.
As enchanting as it was to meet all of you, I do owe you an apology. For the last month I have been trapping you in cups, turning you into various animals, and dropping a multitude of items on you. I thought it was a midgardian greeting after watching... Movies. I now see that I may have erred in doing so. I apologize for any harm that I may have caused you lot. Please accept my apology gift. *drops roses on all of you* Thank you and byeeeee!!! *bows and walks away*
@wilsonfisk-thekingpin @official-pietro-maximoff @moongirlwidow @theironcan @its-gambit @hankmccoyhere @clintbarton-thearrowguy @deadpool-wade-wilson @moon-barnes @itsmiguel2099 @gothpool @wandabug @jade-maximoff @stephenstrange-md-phd @justinhammer234 @definitelynot-peterp4rker @spidey-official @goblin-spider @loki-variant-number-24601 @loki-laufeychild @genderfluid-mischief-maker @pietros-wife @asta-barnes-rogers @fluffycows4life @iwasmadetobeasoldier @official-buckybarnes @gooseygoodboy @jeffthebestboi @liho-the-widows-cat @karmas-a-bitch-and-so-am-i
(There's a bunch more, but that's who I remember doing. I had a bunch of copy cats, so I can't claim responsibility for those.)
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tjpunkchef · 5 months
Who am I?
Well, I’m not 24601. Obviously queer though.
I’ve been asking myself this question a lot lately. Who am I? Do I really have dysphoria? Is my therapist full of shit?
I go back and forth daily. Hourly.
I’m reading books on gender, watching videos on gender, doing the work to dismantle 50 years of socialization telling me I can only buy deodorant or shampoo or lotion from these aisles and goddamit THESE aisles ONLY.
Flowers are for girls; wood is for boys. We are divided in nature.
But what is a forest if not both? I’m like both. “Both” has been a part of my anxiety for decades. I wish the answers were more definitive for me; they never have been.
I, personally, want a label. I want a flag. I want to be able to express who I am in the alphabet, the community. Most of all want acceptance which has never come easy; not from the straights and not from my queer community. Yes, I need to accept myself first.
I live in the middle. I dance in the gray.
Am I trans? Am I non-binary? Am I genderqueer?
What does it truly mean to be any of these?
Who am I?
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bogusbyron · 14 days
Notes from 24th august matinee. Sorry this is 2 weeks late ive been busy . Heres the cast to keep in mind when reading
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Note: if you want examples of certain line deliveries let me know, ill send a snippet from the audio
1) as SOON as the lights came up i was RAKING the ensemble for harry lake  and there he was
2) jordan as tall and commanding in his presence as ever. Spoke "ticket" VERRRRRY fast. Strong "law" on Meaning of the law. Harsh "yes" , on Yes, 24601, and obviously on Javert when he tells Valjean his name. Also held onto the yellow slip which uhhhhh classic
3) Valjean harsh-growl on "lord" in "lord forgive them"
4) Harry lake was hangin out by the stairs in the parole scene. He was also the one to throw the bag at Valjean. Lmfao
5) understudy bishop again! As last time, quite stern rather than gentle like Adam Pearce
6) Valjean spitting "good" in Done a bit of good.
7) bishop harsh on "that is right", as well as Quite loud and harsh on "passion", then quiet on the next line
8) valjean sobbing when bishop hands him his bag back :-((
9) during valjean's soliloquy, slight pause for stolen time after "so far" in Fallen so far, growled "if theres another", entire "gave me a number and murdered valjean" was spoken. "Soul" in Touched my soul verrrry upset-like . Growled "hate" in Hate the world. He also wiped his face on "i'll be back". He was doing a lot of sniffling from this point in the song as well which i liked . Voice crack on "soul" on Touched my soul which i fw. Pause on Reaching like "Reach. Ing". Upset on "Reaching but I fall", and a VERY strong final note.
10) At the end of the day as per an absolute banger - tom hext is the MOST visible ensemble member during this number, its great . Harry was being elusive but I ended up spotting him with tom in the factory . On the topic of Tom, he apparently did the hugest bitchiest eye roll ever when fantine says "and i pay for the child, what's the matter with that?" Which is so funny
11) katie hall AS USUALLLL TEARING UP DA STAGE🗣🗣🗣 delectable performance , lovely little suspended pause on "Life...... worth living". More goosebumps than usual too ohmy god this song is so good live. Also some sobbing between "autumn came" and "still i dream" .... HOLY SCHMOLY what a voice
12) tom and harry were the 2nd and third dudes at the start of lovely ladies . Not important but it is to me . As usual harry gets his arse slapped after "take all year" as he stumbles offstage LMFAOOO
13) for some reason i thought the foreman and the pimp were played by the same guy , only realised they werent when they BOTH came onstage. For context they look identical . Long hair with a beard. How was i supposed to know
14) fantine stumbles a bit after belting "already dead" . Also lots of weeping again for the bambatabois sequence :-( (also like last time he was like a screaming toddler)
15) javert low on "monsieur" in Rest assured, Monsieur . Which i liked
16) HEARTBREAKING "no" as fantine reaches for javert and he steps away before "i have heard such protestations" UUGHHHH
17) YOUPIEE! Breaking: My Ship Touched Each Other. Valjean puts a hand on Javert's shoulder to hold him back from Fantine .
18) hm, gayest cart scene ive seen so far . First we got the classic extended bicep touch as they make eye contact ("a memory stirs"). Javert harsh delivery on "broke" in Broke his parole. Half spoken "Of course" in Of course he now denies it. Harsh on "he couldnt run forever". Back to the gay shit, he walks RIGHT up to valjean, then once theyre basically cock to cock he glances down at his tits, then back up in time to push his face into valjean's for "this time there is no mistake", making sure to spit that T in mistake. Im taking they were inches away from each other. Insane.
19) milan was kinda looking down for Who Am I and all i could think about were how good his brows looked from this angle . Only note i took for who am i , other than mentioning how javert took his cravat after he takes it off in the courtroom. You can hear on the audio i took me saying "he's gonna sniff that tonight"
20) katie hall as always unreal as mentioned but shes seriously so good during this scene, her notes are still so strong despite being also so convincingly frail, duuude. Insane. Her and milan are such a heartbreaking duo its FAB
21) confrontation SWEEP🗣 valjean's spoken "listen to me". Javert kinda snaps "you must" very suddenly which is hilarious . Additional note but jordan's figure works so well for the confrontation and javert in general, or at least the way i view him so is it any wonder im so fond of him . Dude's hench . Makes him all the more imposing in all of javert's layers and coats .. delectable. All that grunting and groaning during the fight though Also his mouth wipe after he gets strangled Helloooo get out. At this point i wrote "shit punch" cause valjean's last punch at the end of the scene kinda sucked .
22) i forgot the actress but little cosette is sooo sweet shes lovely bless. Castle on a cloud is underrated i love that song .
23) 6th time seeing the show, 2nd tjme seeing luke thenardier.😭😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO tom sweep anyway
24) i like that Tall Jean (aka Willy Wonka as jordan told me he's called) is clearly an important character cause they still have him even when Jordan isnr ensemble, same fit and everything just with a diff waistcoat. Like hey Fake Jean. If youre reading this and dont know who this is you're a fake fan.
25) i like luke's french accent on "best inkeeper in down" .. mix it up a bit.
26) the gentleman guest cackling like a madman when both thenardiers flash him at the start of the song LMFAOAO
27) tom plays the blind guy if you didnt know. Anyway harry like, crawls? Up the stairs at the back of the set and when he gets to the top hes faced with a woman lifting her skirt in front of him . He then proceeds to stand up and play bongos on her boobs.?? Then later Fake Jean passes him a drink so thats nice
28) thenardier shouting "window shut"
29) here i wrote "jordan should play all the roles" who cheered
30) UGGHHHH valjean taking cosette's hands when asking her name in the forest scene brugh
31) luke is great as thenardier but i prefer the way Tom does the "i will pay" gag , cause luke just sorta jolts awake but tom does a whole snort which works better cause it draws more attention WHATEVERRR.
32) thenardier puttinf his leg up on the table when hes trying to impress valjean?? 😭😭😭😭
33) dude how is this show gonna cope w/o Claire Machin when the cast changes shes seriously so good . When the thenardiers are stood together to the side after valjean sits down at the table she like keeps gesturing as if telling thenardier to speak properly which is so funny . (As a guy with a regional english accent this was #felt.). She also fixes his cravat and then he taps her nose which was fire. However luke did fuck up  and said "shared each bone" twice OOPS oh well. He makes up for it with his classic shoulder touch-clap-stamp instead of doing the christian cross
34) valjean as last time grabbing thenardier's lapels to intimidate him before he leaves LOL
35) Will as marius i noticed moves around a LOT . ADHD who
36) harry as one of the policemen  who accompany javert in The Robbery YAY❤
37) for javert's bit in the Robbery - harsh on "hunted", growled "jean valjean". YUM! Plus spitting "feet" at thenardier. Very strong for the whole thing in general which i love to see of course
38) STARS INFLECTION, unfortunately nothing too interesting to note - not a bad thing cause Jordan's voice is gorgeous it just makes for Boring note readingLOL. Anyway..... Harsh start ("there, out in the darkness"). Very toothy (snarling expression) which i love to see thankyou jordan. Smile on first "stars", little smile on "counted" on Scarce to be counted. Held out arms a bit on "darkness" in Filling the darkness, then soft on "and light" which was luurvely. Had his arms out from "place in the sky" to "and your aim". The 2nd crescendo was VERY strong.. just wow ... additionally , Jordan was pointin riiiight at us at the end and he was thrilled to hear this when we met him stage door LMFAOA
39) Looked like marius almost walked into a beam when he enters the stage after Stars.  He also does a little giggle when he leaves . That whole scene he did not stop moving , girl slow DOWN
40) fake Gérard - he has the halfmoon glasses but wore a red coat instead of the greyish-blue one
41) Marius is so hype to be in love its so good, like hes a boy who's read romances all his life and hes finally like , able to experience it himself. Its so good. Hes thrilled. Grantaire gives him a kiss on the cheek❤
42) When marius, on the stairs, opens his arms a bit when he sings "burst of light", grantaire does the same while watching him from the floor. So good
43) when the students all gather round to listen to enjolras, grantaire like, drags him away from the crowd LMFOAA at the start of do you hear the people sing
44) noticed harry picking up and spinning one of the women as he exits after dyhtps. Also at this point i wrote "too many fair-haired white boys in this damn musical"
45) Cosette did a little swoop up into a high note on "love" in Do people really fall in love so fast. I love phoebe's voice!
46) Marius VERY excited on "music OFANgels" which was funny. Soft, near whisper on following "in my life". He did a little spin on "that is new, that is free". Bro does not stop. Also he does a really nice accent i cant quite place properly but it works for his marius i think.
47) He LOBS the stone at the window as compared to the other two mariuses ive seen who just kinda ... toss it. Hes so awkward though. And here i wrote "he feels mature but in the coddled autistic boy way. I fw him" that about sums it up
48) amena soft on "dagger in me" which she usually doesnt do . Interesting !
49) also for some reason there was like too long a pause after heart full of love like nobody clapped. Lmfao?
50) claquesous being used as a step stool again by thenardier during the attack on rue plumet. Always hysterical
51) Didn't hold the final "somebody's here" which i dont think ive ever heard. Strange! But regardless. Will callan has quite a unique voice which i WAS fond of , i liked him a lot .
52) STILL NO JAVERT BAKER BOY FOR ONE DAY MORE👎 anyway he was harsh on "wet" in They will wet themselves with blood. So, yay!
53) baker boy. Cheered
54) milan's "bitch expression" as i referred to it returns when he reads Now that i knlw
55) there were so many minor backstage noises . Btw like urm someones in trouble lmfoaa
56) AMENA BLOWING ME AWAY AS USUALLLLL gooooosebumps . What a voice god shes awesome
57) loudhailer harsh on "you" and short on "this"  for You at the barricade listen to this
58) djavanjolras being taller than jordanvert will never not be funny. Hes the only one bruh
59) javert's smile just FALLING when gavroche shouts LIAR is so fucking funny
60) Will callan's voice was SOOOOOOO good for A Little Fall of Rain ohhmy god its like , gentle , smooth. Delectable. He hit that shit And the heartstrings, amen. Great combo of like, disbelief and almost defeat which was heartbreaking okhhhmy gah.
61) Grantaire stopping enjolras from going to Marius after eponine dies
62) grantaire sits down and talks to javert after javert is brought out to sit on the bench which i think is hilarious . Like they were just chatting
63) valjean's gun didnt go off when he shoots the sniper in the first attack😭😭😭😭
64) javert harsh on "upside-down" in The world is upside-down
65) BARRICADE SCEEEEEENE we were fed. Javert shoved to his knees. Pause "between once a thief. Forever a thief." Harsh, growl on "if you let me go beware, you'll still answer to javert". Lapel grab AS PERRRRRR but thistime javert was struggling a bit and kept jerking away to break free . He put his hand on his chest when valjean let go. He took a couple steps towards valjean before he says "go" which was CRAZY
66) the "pretty girls" line in Drink With Me was harry 😁😁
67) grantaire and gavroche's hug after grantaires verse is always fire
68) milan very soft on all the "him"s during bring him home. VERY strong on the crescendo though as usual .. wowzers
69) 2nd attack - grantaire kinda collapses onto a barrel instead of fighting, facing the audience the whole time. After gavroche's death when he takes his body hes sniffling the whole time WHATEVERRR RR BRUH
70) enjoltaire was fed too . Hug and forehead touch before the final attack .
71) HIGHLY inconvenient death pose for grantaire . Kinda sat on the barricade and his coat mustve caught as he slid down cause itbwas basically halfway off up his arms as he kinda hung from a plank or something LMFOAAOAO
72) javert looking genuinely quite distressed over gavroche's body which is crazy  mane fuck off jordan with your expressions
73) thenardier playing with the body's arm kinda shaking it after first verse of Dog Eat Dog. Harsh on "kill" in Where they kill for the bones in the street. Where tomarsier steps on marius' arse like a stool  during the song's climax luke steps over him instead
74) Javert heavy breathing when he sees Valjean in the sewers . Harsh on "talks of justice". More heavy breathing before the soliloquy. Also put his gun down and clenches his fist on "take him, valjean"
75) as with stars, inflection was typical so nothing to note. jordan's expressions were EVERYWHEEEERE during the soliloquy and i love it . Eyes bulge and eyebrows up on "flick of his knife", which was delightfully harsh. Almost worried on "vengence was his". Harsh on "debt" in debt of a thief, almost shout on "damned" in damned if i yield. Arms out on "i am the law". Harsh on "valjean" and "or" but sings "Javert". 2nd verse hes CLUTCHING that parapet  which was crazyyyy this man is going mental for SURE. Desperate "to hold dominion" and "it was his right". Growled "can this man". VERY strong "reprieved" by the way, holy shit. Desperate as usual on "and must i now begin to doubt". Points to the sky on "heaven" In is he from heaven or from hell. Yells "killed me" in This man has killed me. Shaky, almost sobbing breaths as he steps onto the bridge. Growls "jean valjean". Additional note, i noticed it looked as if he was muttering to himself a little towards the end before the lights fade to black . Which like , mane fuck of whagever bro
76) Very nice limp on Marius. Weird comment i just liked it. Thank god  post barricade marius limp
77) Quick start on "theres a grief". Small, humourless laugh after "talked of revolution". Held "tomorrow" in Tomorrow never came for a bit longer than usual. He hit that shit on the first crescendo though HOLY moly, what a voice . Harsh on "faces" and "shadows", VERY angry on "don't ask me", and remains harsh on "what your sacrifice was for".
78) He Does wipe his tears! (Cosette entrance). (Bonus note from mossy hi: marius tries to sit down, cosette attempts to help him but he refuses and struggles to continue instead) Also for thst whole scene he was kinda facing away from cosette with a very upset expression which made me ughhhhhh:-((((. Seemed better when he looked back at cosette though YAY
79) valjean kinda hunched as he walks off after the confession. Tiny inconsequential note but i liked it
80) i love watching the ensemble for this scene SO much its so good . Tom hext with his wild hair gelled back is great, obviously And apparently was staring at thenardier's arse for most of it . Generally just a fun watch the whole scene i highly recommend
81) marius pulls thenardier by the shoulder when he tells him to go away lmfao. Also there was a dude in the back clapping when he punched thenardier and is like "whaat?" when nobody else claps with him LMFAO
82) Luke does his usual coy wave @ the lord at the start of beggars at the feast
83) i really recommend looking at everyone dancing offstage at the end of beggars - harry did a little hip wiggle dance . A few do variations of a conga line dance . Djavan"s servant character usually kicks his legs up as he wheels the table offstage . SO much fun (additional nlte: djavan's character in that scene in my top 3 ensemble characters)
84) gentle yet gorgeous climb from milan for the Epilogue . Nods on "Bring. Me. Home" URGHHHHHHH....... AND he rests his face in cosette's hair and doesnt move until "i'll obey". Nods at cosette on "i will try" who nods back. MANE FJCK OFF
85) very cozy hug between valjean and the bishop . Faces in shoulders and everything . AS USUAL HARMONY ATTHE END INSAAAAANE they are, as i wrote on my notebook, nut-busting
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lesmisscraper · 7 months
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How Jean may become Champ. Volume 1, Book 6, Chapter 2.
Clips from <Il cuore di Cosette>.
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intosnarkness · 11 days
Based off of something @wheremermaidsdwell said to me in DMs, I am currently speed running the western Canon of classic literature and thinking about how it would be different in a soulmark!AU.
Romeo would be a young man intent on comparing his freckles to every girl in Verona do see if any of them matched
Elizabeth Bennett would be resolute that she did not want a soulmate and if that soulmate was Mr Darcy then the whole system is flawed
The Color Purple would include a consideration on how a soulmark is not love, and you can have matching marks and still not have to stay with a person who abuses you
1984 would consider how Big brother has his citizens modified so their soul marks match his. All the people are destined to love their leader
Les Mis would consider if god had put 24601 on Valjean as a symbol that he would be Javert’s life’s work
Victor Frankenstein finds a brain from a man with no soulmark and his inability to love is what makes him a monster
Holden Caufield is a shitty little edgelord who spends hours perfecting his first lines so his soulmate will have the most impactful words on their arm
There’s more, there’s so much more. I’m obsessed.
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forestfairyunicorn · 1 year
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Huge thanks to @maireadralph for organizing yet another Zine event, and for this art piece, it was made to tribute my first ever Entrapdak fic, made just after season 4 aired.
Since the fic in the link is user-restricted, here is also the c/p for enjoyment
Rebooting: LUVD
Post Season 4 ending. Spoilers in effect! Entrapta rescued "Hordak", but is it him? Inspired by my favourite Wall-E ending scene
Entrapta’s voice cracked on the last syllable as she stared at the clone’s blank eyes, hands on his arms.
Physically, it was him. She recovered him from Prime’s other clones, she and the others got him back to her lab. She single-handedly, --she alone!-- got his armor running smoothly, the crystal back in his armor, deep purple amid dark grey.
He’s awake.
But not the same person.
He didn’t even recognize Imp. The little one was on Emily, silently crying and staring at Entrapta.
The clone repeated again, “I am Horde Alpha 24601. I live and serve Horde Prime. Who are you.”
The scientist just laughed. Watery, fighting tears. “A scientist and a failure, that’s what I am. And I don’t give up. I shouldn’t give up.”
She looked at him, tears shining. “You were cast out for being less than perfect. You were my lab partner.”
Entrapta leaned her head on his chest, directly below the crystal. “You were my friend. I believed that. I believed that imperfections are beautiful. I still do.” She whispered the last part as she moved away. Her hands moved down his arms, slowly leaving them, then stopped.
She felt something grip them. The clone’s hands held her fingers, gently, and increasing pressure. He whispered something. Entrapta glanced at his face, her eyes alight.
“You…are not…a f-failure.” The clone blinked twice, breathed twice, ears flicking up and down. He blinked again. Saw Entrapta.
Saw. Her.
He gasped, ears down, eyes widened, a tinge of red seeping in. “Entrapta?” he whispered softly.
“Hordak.” Entrapta grinned, tears flowing. Normally she’d have her mask down, but she can’t look away at this miracle.
Science has yet to explain miracles, but for now, she’ll believe in it.
His legs buckled, and he started to kneel. Entrapta guided him down, with her hair as support.
Both of them on their knees, hands grasping each other, until finally they came together at a hug. Soft laughter, incredulous, tears flowing freely.
“I,” Hordak spoke hoarsely. “I don’t remember much before.”
“That’s okay,” Entrapta nuzzled, “The crystal acts as a backup and a power source. Ingenious First Ones tech. Only flaw is that it has to be connected to you for memory logging and such.”
“Thank you,” Hordak moved to look into her eyes, oh her eyes, how he missed them. Her. “Please, tell me everything.”
She held his hand to her face, leaning into his touch. “It will take a long time, lab partner. And I’ll make a better one.”
He shook his head, a claw touching the crystal. “Imperfections are beautiful. We have time. I want to spend time, with you. If you’ll have me.”
Entrapta nodded, leaning forward. “Yes. We’re lab partners.”
Imp and Emily came closer, and Hordak smiled at Imp. That gesture unleashed Imp as he bounded at Hordak, screeching and chittering and rubbing his head against him. Emily wobbled closer, beeping joyously.
None of them registered the group when they came into the area. Overlapping voices. Shouts of “Yay! WOAH! What the heck? HEY! Go! Go go go go go!”
“Wait, are they kissing?” That was Scorpia. “GUYS LET’S LEAVE THEM ALONE, THEY’RE KISSING.”
At the corner of his eye, Hordak saw one of them double back to watch them, only for a large red claw to yank the figure back.
He doesn’t care one bit. He’s too busy staring into Entrapta’s eyes, and sighing at the wonders of this feeling, of love.
He is loved. So much.
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house-rat · 3 months
Any other agender (or trans in general) people feel nameless? I use my birth name for everyday purposes but feel a disconnect to it and every other name out there. Sure, I have nicknames the people close to me call me but they are intentionally silly, unserious, as a way to disarm them.
As a writer I've spent a long time thinking about names, so that's not the issue, and there absolutely are names that I like more seriously. But they don’t feel like me because what does it even mean to be me. It feels like putting on a costume. Every name feels like an alias, something chosen haphazardly for convenience, rather than something that belongs to or represents me.
And there’s definitely a traumatized lack-of-identity aspect to it all. Because how can I have a name when I don’t have a sense of self? When I don't even feel like a person? When I am just a series of disconnected fragments desperately strung together in an effort to create something? Who am I? 24601
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