#whitehead podfic
moreholmes · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson (TV 1980) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes), Original Non-Human Character(s) Additional Tags: Podfic & Podficced Works, Podfic Length: 0-10 Minutes, Humor, Pundamentally Awesome, A Pun is Its Own Reword Summary:
A podfic for Sanguinity's charming fic, absolutely marmaladen with humor :)
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educatedinyellow · 4 years
I made a 10 minute podfic for @sanguinarysanguinity‘s adorable Whitehead Holmes Holmestice fic, which she wrote as a gift for @scfrankles.
This story is cute as a button! Take a listen to the jamtastic adventures of Marmalade and Strawberry Preserves…
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2017 Fic (and things) in Review
tagged (some time ago) by @a-candle-for-sherlock and @a-different-equation, thank you!
Total number of completed stories (and things): 11 stories (although three were technically written during earlier years), 2 podfics and 1 vid.
Total word count: 57K words, which to my surprise is very much in keeping with previous years. (During 2014-2017 inclusive -- the period I’ve been ficcing in earnest -- I’ve been running a very steady 55K-60K/year. Right now I’m at 32K for 2018, right on track to continue the trend.)
Fandoms written in: Elementary, My Dearly Beloved Detective, New Russian Holmes, Whitehead Holmes, Sherlock Ferret, ACD Holmes, Professor Challenger, Yuri!! on Ice, Doctor Who, and Wonder Woman. And I vidded in Noah’s Arc, and podficced for Elementary and BBC Sherlock.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I was struggling with mental health stuff that came to a head in October, after which I spent far less time writing than I used to. Consequently, I ended the year thinking I had written less than usual? And yet my published total for the year is right in keeping with previous years. Brains, they lie sometimes.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Perhaps Mr. Green and the Adventure of the Ten-Gallon Hat. It hits exactly the tone I was aiming for -- melancholy and humorous, poignant and absurd -- and is likewise exactly the fix-it that I wanted for the film. (Of course Jane ran away from a conventional humdrum marriage to join the circus, and of course she came back to Shirley after.) It is a small story, but my pleasure in it is quite uncomplicated, which is a rarity for me.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Well, trying to finish a 21K story for an exchange (while simultaneously modding the exchange!) felt hella risky: there were a couple of weeks there when I was typing hell-for-leather, hoping I’d be able to wrassle the thing into some sort of finished state before that last, immovable deadline. (We the mods have a bad habit of not holding ourselves to the official due dates, and thus leaving ourselves no margin for error later on. It’s just a smidge more adrenaline-inducing than I quite enjoy.)
And in a different kind of risky, Upon a Ring was an intensely personal story, such that publishing it left me feeling hideously exposed and vulnerable, ugh. Happily, the fandom gave it a kind, thoughtful reception -- ACD fandom is a really lovely group of people.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? Due to a combination of issues, I wasn’t writing at all at the end of 2017; my major goal for 2018 was to see if I could get the creative engine restarted somehow. So far, I seem to be having trouble generating new story or vid ideas, and instead have been digging into my Dispatch Box of Unfinished Drafts (as @educatedinyellow called it) and working on those instead. Which has been productive, sure, but fucking challenging, I tell you. Everything that’s been left mouldering in there has been left so for a reason; none of it has been straightforward to finish. But the effort has been satisfying, too: stories and vids that had once upon a time caught me strongly enough to begin them, now slowly, one by one, coming to see the light of day. And presumably I’ll have levelled up by the time I’m ready to move on to new, fresh ideas (should they ever come).
And further, goal-wise: I was trying to outwrite my misery during 2016 and 2017; I’d like to find a new balance for myself here in 2018, one in which I’m still writing, but for happier reasons.
Best story of the year? Perhaps Nostoi, despite all its faults. I wrote it in a mad hell-for-leather dash, as mentioned above, and so it has ungainly bits, themes that could have been better brought into harness, and in many ways it feels like a retread of Holocene Park -- in subject matter, in scope, in themes and dynamics... Yet in terms of a satisfying, sink-your-teeth-into-it, story-story, it is perhaps the best of what I produced last year.
Assuming, of course, that what you want is a swashbuckling romp underpinned with earnest Holmes-and-Watson feelings! But if you instead want a delicately crafted, profoundly intimate story, Upon a Ring would be the best; if you want open and easy humor with a side of deep affection, The Case of the Six Marmalades would be the best. If you want some uncomplicatedly fun-and-sexy femslash, it’d be Etta Candy’s Last Stand. “Best” really, really depends on what you want from a story, you know?
Most popular story of the year? Etta Candy’s Last Stand -- it single-handedly earned over half of last year’s total kudos.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Honestly, I mostly try not to think like this, for the sake of my own sanity. I write a lot of gen and rarepairs in tiny or inactive fandoms, and unless such a story is an I-gotta-rec-this-right-now powerhouse that earns itself some champions, its readership will never extend beyond its initial circle of my subscribers. If one is going to write stories like that -- and I write a goodly number of them -- one has to be okay with light readership that doesn’t reflect the story’s quality.
Last year, I wrote three stories that fit that description: Sherlock Ferret & the Amnesiac Admiral, The Spanking Ghosts, and Mr. Green and the Adventure of the Ten-Gallon Hat. They’re all three gen or rarepairs in tiny fandoms, and their readership has been low, low, exactly as I expected. But while they haven’t had many readers, their readers have been warm and generous, which is always lovely.
Most fun story to write: The Case of the Six Marmalades! It was such fun dreaming up new ways for Holmes to lovingly and obliviously torture Watson, and for Watson to be grimly polite about it. :-D
Most unintentionally telling story: Eh, I knew exactly what I was doing with the personally telling ones. Etta Candy’s Last Stand is underwritten by that horrible summer of lovelorn pining when I first fell for @grrlpup and every last thing she did made me want to die of incoherent want. Nostoi has a whole lot of homesickness for my childhood, a good portion of which was spent on boats. Spanking Ghosts is rooted in personal experiences with homophobes-I-called-friends, topped with some earnest wish fulfillment. And so on. I put my life on the page a lot, and I very much recognize when I’m doing it.
Biggest disappointment: Those several months at the end of the year when tho words and ideas just... stopped.
Biggest surprise: How much I enjoyed recording As Romeo to Juliet. Beeblock and I haven’t gotten along for a while now, unfortunately, and I discovered while doing canon review for the voices that taking a break from the show hasn’t really lessened my antipathy. :-/ But @iwantthatbelstaffanditsoccupant’s story is tender and lovely, and it was a real pleasure trying to do well by it, to give it the same earnest, heartfelt treatment that the author did. Plus I enjoyed the fiddliness of the sound engineering, trying to get the violin’s voice just so... I’m rather pleased by the result.
Tagging: Is there anyone who hasn’t been tagged yet? If so, please consider yourself tagged.
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tagged by @bendingthewillow​
You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle, list the first 10 songs that come up, then tag 10 people.
Look, this will be simpler if I just tell you everything what’s on my mp3 player:
Hamilton OBC
In the Heights OBC
my Festivids vidsong (it’s an anon exchange, so no, I can’t tell you; yes, I listen to it on single-song repeat for an entire bus ride)
Much Ado About Nothing cast album (I think this was from the Tate and Tennant production? I had hopes of using one of the tracks as a vidsong. I’m still undecided, which doesn’t bode well for it)
Rediscovered Railway Mysteries and Other Stories (someone requested it for Holmestice a few rounds back, so I was listening to see if I wanted to offer it, but then I got to Cumberbatch doing the traditional gawdawful American accent that’s always in these things and I couldn’t go any farther)
Merrison & Williams The Devil’s Foot (aka the Bert Coules BBC radio production)
Rees & Logan Hound of the Baskervilles (written by Bert Coules)
four of the five Cult Holmes stories, read by Andrew Sachs and Hannah Gordon (I’m guessing I deleted the one I hated? It was probably the Kim Newman Moriarty story, because ugh)
Big Finish’s Sherlock Holmes: The Tangled Skein (which is what I’m currently listening to)
two podfics by @disheveledcurls
fifteen assorted eps of Cabin Pressure
the first two eps of John Finnemore’s Double Acts
an excerpt from Right Ho, Jeeves, where John Finnemore plays Wooster, Stephanie Cole plays Aunt Dahlia, and Geoffrey Whitehead plays Jeeves
a podcast about Katie Sandwina
the first episode of Alice Isn’t Dead
...and I dare you to deduce anything at all about me from that.
Please consider yourself tagged if you’d like to be tagged!
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