#whiteboard animation software for kids
animationssoftware · 8 months
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gharpedia2023 · 7 months
The Magical Board That Makes Learning Super Fun
Hello there, welcome to the world of Interactive Panels – a fantastic tool that's turning classrooms into exciting places of learning. Let's chat about what interactive panels are, how they work, and why they're so cool.
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What is this Interactive Panel Thing?
Picture this: It's like a gigantic tablet for your classroom. Instead of a pen, you can use your finger or a special pen to touch and draw on the screen. You know how you play games on your phone or tablet? Well, interactive panels are like those, but super-sized.
How Does It Do Its Magic?
The interactive panel is connected to a computer. This computer runs special software that lets you write, draw, and show cool things on the big screen. It's like a super smart TV, but even better!
Why Should We Use It?
Lots of Fun: Learning becomes a fun adventure. You can touch, draw, and explore new things on the screen.
Show and Tell: Imagine watching videos, looking at pictures, and playing interactive games during class.
Quick Answers: Teachers can ask questions, and you can tap the right answers, making learning super quick.
No More Boring Textbooks: You get to see and interact with pictures, videos, and animations to understand things better.
Be Environmentally Friendly: Using interactive panels means less need for paper and helps our planet.
What’s in It for Teachers?
Easy Lessons: Teachers can prepare lessons and save them for later. No more writing everything on the blackboard.
Save Time: Grading and keeping track of your progress is a breeze with interactive panels.
No Chaos: Teachers can control the class better with the help of interactive panels.
Learn and Grow: Even teachers can learn new things and become better at teaching.
Why Do Students Love It?
Get Active: You're not just sitting there. You get to be a part of the lesson.
Teamwork: You can work on group projects and activities together.
Learn at Your Speed: If something's too fast or slow, interactive panels help you learn at your own pace.
Tech Skills: You become a tech whiz by using these panels.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
How is an interactive panel different from a whiteboard?
Think of a whiteboard like a giant piece of paper, while an interactive panel is like a super-smart computer screen that you can write and draw on.
Does it need the internet to work?
Nope, it can work without the internet. But sometimes, the internet can make lessons even more exciting.
Can I use the interactive panel myself?
Yes, you can use it with your teacher's guidance, and sometimes they may let you use it on your own.
What can you show on the interactive panel?
You can show text, pictures, videos, and even games. It's like a window to a world of knowledge!
Are they only for big classrooms?
No, they come in different sizes, so they work for small and big classrooms.
Can you use it in college or at work?
Absolutely! Interactive panels aren't just for kids. They're great for grown-ups too.
Can I bring my drawings or lessons to the interactive panel?
You sure can! Just make them digital, or use special software to draw and write on the panel.
Do teachers need special training for this?
While they don't need it, many schools offer training to help teachers make the most of these cool panels.
Can I connect my tablet or laptop to it?
Yes, you can often connect your devices to the interactive panel, making it even more awesome.
How long does an interactive panel last?
With good care, it can last for many years, just like your favorite toys.
Do you need to pay a lot for it?
They might be a bit expensive at first, but they're totally worth it in the long run.
Can I save my work on the interactive panel?
Some panels let you save your work, and others need the teacher's help.
Can it speak different languages?
Yep, it can understand and show things in lots of different languages.
Can kids with special needs use it too?
You bet! Schools make sure everyone can join the fun with special features.
Can my parents see what's on the panel?
Not really, it's for your classroom adventures. But your parents can check with your teacher.
Can we use it for online learning?
Some panels can help with online learning too. They're like a magical bridge between the classroom and your home.
Do you need to update its computer stuff?
Yep, just like your games and apps, the panel's computer needs updates to stay awesome.
Can you use it for fun stuff, like art and music?
Absolutely! It's perfect for creating art and exploring music too.
Can you play games on it?
Some interactive panels have games for learning, but it depends on your teacher's plan.
Is it heavy?
They're not too heavy. Just like a big TV.
Can we use it outside?
Usually, they stay indoors, but some can work in special outdoor places.
Is it like a big phone or tablet?
Kind of, but it's even more powerful and useful for learning.
What if it stops working in class?
Don't worry! Your teacher can get some help from the tech experts to fix it.
Can we use it for video calls?
Some interactive panels have video call features, but it depends on the model.
Can I use it to watch my favorite shows or movies?
Interactive panels are for learning, so they might not have your favorite shows, but they'll show you amazing things to learn.
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faisalkhanlove · 3 years
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971productions · 2 years
How to create an animated video
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Animation isn`t only for kids. People of every age are attracted to it, so it may paintings for any form of online video. Use it to inform a tale or promote a product. Make animated video production and tutorials simpler to understand, or improve consciousness with advertising and marketing or expert motion pictures. Even a slideshow is more enticing if you animate the photographs as they arrive inside and outside the body. 
Not remember the kind or cause of your project, start with the aid of using writing a definition or drafting a script — the high-quality motion pictures begin with planning. If you intend to explain a complicated idea or process, begin writing the hard draft of your voice over narration. Note any thoughts, for example, or movement that comes to you in your paintings. 
Once you've got a stable experience of your video`s structure, start story boarding or develop a chain of drawings to help you visualize the motion. Next, break down every scene shot with the aid of using the shot. 
Your drawings don`t ought to be extraordinarily detailed, however the greater precise your storyboards are, the higher they`ll serve you because of the construction blocks on your animation. And in case you locate you`ve written something so one can be too hard or time-eating to achieve, strive to rewrite the scene to make it simpler to animate. 
Though you won`t be taking pictures to stay in motion, the strategies of stay-motion storytelling can nonetheless assist you don't forget how to inform your tale. As you craft your storyboard, don't forget the digital digicam angles and shot sorts so one can paint high-quality together with your tale and assist maintain your target market engaged. 
Make an animatic
Before they begin animating, expert lively video makers frequently create an animatic, a hard animation of the storyboards. With placeholder audio, also referred to as a scratch track, you could experience how the video and sound will paintings together. You may locate you want to regulate the timing of the voiceovers and heritage music, and it`s tons simpler and quicker to make those adjustments earlier than each body of the video has been lively. 
Choose your equipment and begin video production.
The animation software program that high-quality suits your YouTube video rely upon the form of video advent you've got in mind. 
Animate photographs.
Spice up a slideshow with movement. Animate photographs to slip inside and outside of the body, pan throughout them, and zoom in. With Adobe Premiere Rush, it`s clean to do it speedy proper to your phone. Order clips precisely as you want, pick out how lengthy every picture graph remains in the body, resize images, and personalize the panning and zooming effects. For even greater customization of transitions and management of the movement and visible modifications of every picture graph, use Adobe Premiere Pro. 
Create vector animations
Turn any caricature or ink drawing into a lively cartoon. Once you've got your drawing, take an image of it and flip it right into a vector form together with your cell tool and Adobe Capture. (Vector shapes live sharp at any size so that you can blow up your drawing for massive screens.) Once you`ve become it right into a vector form, refine it, upload colour, and animate the drawing in Adobe Animate. 
Make a whiteboard video
 If you need to explain complicated trouble or technique and locate narration much less than riveting, strive for a whiteboard video. Motion can keep your visitors tuned in and assist them in observing you, even without phrases or sounds. 
Pick the great video layout for YouTube
Shoot, edit, and export your video on the identical body charge and resolution for the great playback. YouTube helps numerous exceptional video record formats, however, for a video that appears right on the whole thing from telephones to widescreen TVs, shoot in 16:9 or any other huge layout and render with the H.264 codec to create an MP4. 
If you assume human beings look at your video on their telephones only, export to YouTube at 480-pixel SD Wide or 480p SD. The right default is the same old 720p HD. For films that are complicated or heavy on visuals, select 1080p Full HD, however, that`s generally useless otherwise. 
Once you locate your animation style, you`ll be capable of making films that get likes and subscribes. With such a lot of animation gear drawing energy from creative production agency technology, you may accomplish greater than you think, quicker than ever. So get began out and get matters moving. 
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yassershaikh · 3 years
How Important Is Technology in Education?
In a world that is ever-changing technology has become one of the most important aspects of education. Schools are constantly adapting to technology and incorporating it into their curriculum. With technology, teachers can personalize lessons for each student and create assignments that make students think critically about what they’re doing. The internet is an endless source of information, which gives students access to any type of knowledge they need or want – making them more informed than ever before. Technology may not replace traditional learning methods but it does have its place in modern-day education and should be included as much as possible.
10 reasons why technology in education is necessary
There are numerous reasons why technology is an important part of educational learning. Students have access to online resources which encourages them to conduct research and so become more self-sufficient. Here are 10 reasons why technology in education cannot be said no to.
Kids learn at their pace
Technology allows kids to learn at their own pace and in whichever way suits them best. This, in turn, helps build confidence as they work things out for themselves. Kids are also able to explore it on their level which means that they can focus on the areas of technology that interest them most. Using it in the classroom has not only improved their learning but has also helped them develop multi-tasking skills.
It’s more affordable than ever before
Technology has become affordable and can be used in a variety of settings, which means that it is accessible to everyone. Because it is cheaper than ever before, schools are able to get the technology they need without breaking their budget or having to ask for donations.
Helps the teachers
Using technology can also be a huge help for teachers. Teachers are often required to go through tons of resources, and it means they don’t have to spend as much time doing it all by hand. Instead, it is able to do the work for them! It saves lots of their precious class time that could otherwise be lost on looking up materials.
Kids love it
One thing kids don’t often say no to? Technology! Using it can have an impact on learning, which is why it’s so important to use it in the classroom. Students are becoming more technologically savvy than ever before and it has become a major part of their lives. This means that they may be less interested in what goes on outside of it, but this doesn’t mean that teachers should avoid using it. Kids love it when teachers equip technology because it engages them in studies as well.
Online tests
Online tests are a great way to take advantage of technology and it results in better grades. With online testing, students have the opportunity to work at their own pace which means they can go back if they need more time or move ahead when they know what’s coming next. This is advantageous for all levels and abilities because teachers don’t penalize slower students but also push those who are more advanced. Online assessment software is an efficient way to assess and provide feedback, which in turn will lead students to be better prepared for the future with integration.
Excess online resources
Children won’t be able to remember everything that’s been taught in class.  However, it can store and recall the information for them. Textbooks are being replaced with tablets because they’re less expensive and more interactive than traditional textbooks. Now students have access to video tutorials that will help explain difficult concepts in a variety of ways – from text-based learning to whiteboard animations or even videos captured on-site at major universities.
Online learning
Online learning are not only for the summer or extended periods of time. Students can now take online courses on a part-time basis. The key aspect is that technology, which has come to be an integral part of our lives, will transform education with technology integration and technology being used as a teaching tool by teachers themselves. During this pandemic, everything was forced to stop. But the education of children was still being kept due to technology.
Tech skills improve
We have to teach technology skills because technology is what kids are using. It helps them think creatively and apply math in new ways. It will help our students become citizens of the world, as well as better problem solvers.
Educational games are useful
Educational games are becoming more and more popular. From simple math drills to interactive simulations, it has made learning exciting for students. Parents and teachers can also monitor a child’s growth through their results in those games.
Careers demand tech-savvy students
Technology is frequently employed by professionals in a wide range of fields and sectors, as we all know. Its implementation into the classroom may provide students with a sense of comfort and familiarity as they prepare to begin their careers. It can also improve class engagement by encouraging different learning types to collaborate.
How to incorporate technology in the classroom?
Some technology is more appropriate than others for the classroom. Here are four examples of how it can be incorporated into a lesson:
– Instructing students to use an online search engine and article database to find ten current events articles they feel should be included in their education news section of the school newspaper.
– Setting up a Skype call with an expert from another country  to provide students with an opportunity to learn about a different culture
– Allowing it to serve as the backdrop for creative projects, such as doodling or making music
– Encouraging students in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to create their own tutorials on the technology they know well.
In these ways, the classroom will be interactive and interesting. Thus, technology in education is a boon!
Final thoughts
Technology is a valuable tool for providing students with an educational experience that reflects the diversity of our global society. It has infiltrated all aspects of life and can be found everywhere. You needn’t worry about the cons of it because if the users are using it appropriately it’s all fine. So as teachers and parents, educating children on safe usage of it is important.
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iloas-seo · 3 years
An In Detail Understanding Of 2d And 3d Animation Services
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The rising demand for engaging and interactive content, especially for the kids is sure to fuel 2d and 3d animation services. Take a closer look.
2d and 3d animation artists are in massive demand to curate content that connects with the audience. The best part is the use of simulation technology is allowing media companies to offer viewers an advanced visualization experience to shop, learn, and work simultaneously.
About 2d Animation
The process of 2d animation consists of three important steps that include: pre-production, production, and post-production.
During the pre-production stage, the animation team creates an engaging story and writes a script that is responsible for the visual actions.
The production phase is the second step where the animation team gathers all the created materials together and produces the scenes. This process consists of a series of processes. background painting, creating actual scenes that make up the animation video by acting out character activities.
During the post-production process, the experts perform final editing. The animations are enhanced with additional sound effects to increase their emotional impact on the audience.
What Are The Advantages Of 2d Animation Services?
Easy Controlling — It is easy to handle without any tutorials.
Saves Time — The production lead time for 2d animation is low and it is quicker to produce.
Low Production Cost — It is cheaper when compared to 3d animation.
Simple And Works Without Complexity– 2d involves less technology and software and hence it is easier to produce when compared to 3d.
2d Animation Is A Great Fit For Many Industries. Here Are The Common 2d Animation Uses:
TV shows and feature films
Infotainment videos
Brands videos and ads
2D explainer videos
Product demos
Training and educational videos
Whiteboard animation videos
About 3d Animation
The stunning graphics that you come across in sci-fi movies and action sequences are the handiwork of 3d animation artists. The artists also need to be technically proficient in leveraging the various tools.
Modeling is the first phase in 3D animation where the artists create 3d objects within a scene.
The next step involves placing the moving objects on the screen, thereby adjusting the layout.
The next step is rendering. There are two main types of rendering. The first is for photorealistic results and simulates light transport and scattering. The second creates non-photorealistic rendering by applying an art style.
What Are The Advantages Of 3d Animation Services?
Motion communication — 3d animation has a greater and superior ability to portray movement.
Visual appeal — 3d animation is much more appealing and realistic.
Time is money — you can use  3d models made for a particular project in the future. It helps to lower the cost of production.
Good quality — 3d gives high quality and more gameplay compared to 2d.
3d Animation Is A Great Fit For Many Industries. Here Are The Common 3d Animation Uses
Character animation for film, TV, and gaming.
Engineering and technology prototyping
Architecture and design
Stage shows
At iLOAS we offer both 2d and 3d animation services. Our team of professionals aims to inspire, motivate, entertain and also, spell magic that has a lasting impression on our audience.
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review-saas · 3 years
Video Freedom Review – 4-In-1 Super Fast Video Builder
Video Freedom Review — 4-In-1 Super Fast Video Builder
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Video Marketing is no longer restricted to just a simple video put together using images and short video clips with a shabby looking “Share”, “Like”, “Comment” & “Subscribe” CTA at the end…
…That doesn’t work anymore. Your audience will just scroll right past by.
Today you need to create eye-catching & attention-grabbing animation videos, promo videos, explainer videos, slideshow videos just to name a few… faster than your competition.
And then you also need to brand these videos with your logos to give your business the visibility it deserves.
There are tools that let you do that…
However, Video Freedom is the brand-new software that combines ALL these different types of tools & brings them on a SINGLE platform.
If you purchase this groundbreaking software through my affiliate link, I’ll give you a special reward from me. This reward will help you make more money when combined with Video Freedom.
Video Freedom Review — Overview
Vendor ==> Mario Brown
Launch Date ==>02–07–2021 (11:00 EDT)
Front-End Price ==>$47 (Will increase soon)
Refund ==>14 Day Money Back Guarantee
Niche ==>Video
Support ==>Effective Response
Recommended ==>Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed ==>All Levels
Bonus ==>Yes, Huge Bonus
Official site ==>Click Here
About The Creators
The Gentleman behind this groundbreaking product is Mario Brown who is renowned as the best seller vendor with more than 10 years of involvement with digital marketing.
During his profession way, he has achieved admiration for many innovative products : WHITE LABEL STUDIO, Video Agency Funnels, Email Videos Pro, ViidCloud, ADA LEADZ, MY VIRTUAL TOURS, VIDEOZ AGENCY, Synthesys, VR Agency 360, SociCake AGENCY, ADA Comply 2.0, etc…
What is Video Freedom?
Video Freedom is the first of its kind “All-in-1” Video Marketing Solution that helps to create any cinematic video at will. Each video is set up to be SOLD and to generate HUGE profits.
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Who is Video Freedom best for?
I think Video Freedom is appropriate for all digital marketers.
Online Marketer
Affiliate Marketers
Local Consultant
Com + Amazon
Web Developer
Advanced Marketers
Content Creators
Digital & SAAS Product Sellers
Website Owners
Agency Owners
Local businesses
Any other kinds of online business
How does Video Freedom work?
Step 1 — Select Template : Browse wide range of beautifully crafted premium templates including Animated Logos, Promos, Live Motion, Kinetic Typography, Whiteboard, Slideshows, and more.
Step 2 — Customize : Full flexibility and control to customize video… Add logo, text, images and colors that goes with the brand.
Step 3 — Hit Render : Hit render and download animation in mp4 format. 100% compatible with all video platforms…
What Are the Features of Video Freedom?
[✚] No Experience Necessary : All the templates are done & ready to be used, no design skills needed. Just click a few buttons & Video Freedom will do the rest.
[✚] Easy Customization : Full flexibility & control to customize everything, including the text, font type, color, background images & much more.
[✚] Wonderful Animations : Video Freedom also helps you create wonderful animations.
[✚] Premium Template Library : Video Freedom is packed with a wide variety of professional world-class templates for different businesses & niches.
[✚] Photo Library : Hundreds of quality beautiful photos to add to videos.
[✚] Fast Customer Service : They have got a dedicated support team 24/7. All queries will have a timely response.
[✚] Audio : variety of tracks & sound effects to accompany every template so that it is engaging.
[✚] Full support and Updates : They have got a full time dedicated team of designers & developers who’re always improving the service, so whenever there’s a new update, users’ll get free access to it.
[✚] Commercial License : Create stunning videos for clients.
[✚] 100% Cloud Based : Video Freedom is accessible and made to work from everywhere. There is nothing to download or install. No hassles & no stress.
The Pros
✔ Get High-Class Amazing Cinematic Animated Videos
✔ Customize Videos With Their Drag’n-Drop Editor
✔ 4-In-1 Cloud Based & Super Fast Video Builder
✔ In-Built Copyright Free Music Library
✔ Professionally Designed & STUNNING Templates
✔ No Prior Experience Or Skills Required — Technical or Designing
✔ 100% Cloud Based — Nothing To Download & Lightning Fast
✔ Each Video Is Set Up To Be SOLD & To Generate Profits
✔ 3D Logos, Slick Explainer Videos, Local Business Promo Videos & Much More
✔ 14 Day Money Back Guarantee Without Any Question Ask.
The Cons
❌ You need a good internet connection.
❌ The price will be increased soon.
Final Verdict / Should You Get This?
Get not 1…not 2, rather 4 businesses on a platter.
I’m NOT kidding you.
Yes… when you get access today to Video Freedom today at a super-low special launch one-time price, you also get the Commercial License without upgrading to the Pro Level.
This also means that you save on tons of money that you’d normally have to pay for a Commercial License to any software, because most of them require you to upgrade for it.
This offer was anyway too hot to start with — FOUR Video & Marketing Styles on a SINGLE platform for a price of ONE.
The Commercial License has just added fuel to this massive fire.
Think about it… not only will you be able to use the following for your business, rather you’ll be now able to sell these at a premium fee too:
2D, 3D, Animated & Colourful Logos (sell on Freelance sites)
Slideshow Videos For Local Businesses
Animated Promo Videos for Social Media, Video Ads etc.
SLICK Explainer Videos For ANY Niche
Every Local Business in your area like Restaurants, Car Washes, Chiropractors, Dentists to name a few… needs a video today to showcase their services & products online. It is become a necessity… and they’re ready to pay any amount for a good video.
The Video Freedom Commercial License makes you their Go-To Video Solution overnight.
So, on one hand you save HUGE amounts of money that you had to spend until now on freelancers & designers…
… and on the other hand — you now start MAKING money by offering these as service yourself.
That’s double profit for your business.
And if you purchase from my Affiliate Link then you will also get my MEGA Pack of Bonuses.
So, do not wait till the price starts rising… And you end up paying more. Hurry up & grab Video Freedom as soon as possible.
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The Price & Funnels
Front End : Video Freedom Commercial ($37-$47) (See Details)
Can resell Videos
Create Videos for all 6 Major Social Media Platforms
Full-Stock Assets Library
Create Videos in less than 60 seconds!
Start Generating More Sales, More Revenue Faster using the Power of Converting Videos
Converting & Professional Templates
Dedicated Call Support (very few companies do this)
Software Guidance Orientation (Through Support)
Powerful 100+ Music Library
Easy 3-Click Video Creation Process
Priority Support
Can Sell Single Video Ad For $100-$200 Each.
Commercial License Worth $500 Included
Bonus #1 : 1:1 Strategy Calls
Bonus #2 : Request Template Features
Bonus #3 : Support On Skype
OTO 1: Video Freedom Bundle ($177×2-$297) (See Details)
Option 1 — Payment Plan ($177×2) (See Details)
Option 2 — One-Time ($297) (See Details)
[✚] No Experience Necessary All the templates are done & ready to be used, no design skills needed.
Just click a few buttons and Video Freedom will do the rest.
[✚] Easy Customization Full flexibility & control to customize everything, including the text, font type, color, background images & much more.
[✚] Premium Template Library Video Freedom is packed with a wide variety of professional world-class templates for different businesses & niches.
[✚] Wonderful Animations Video Freedom also helps you create wonderful animations.
[✚] Photo Library: 100s of quality beautiful photos to add to videos.
[✚] Audio: Premium Quality and Royalty Free Audio Tracks & Music
OTO 2: Video Freedom Unlimited ($47) (See Details)
Remove Logo
Create & Sell UNLIMITED Client Projects
Create & Sell UNLIMITED Videos
Enjoy UNLIMITED Bandwidth
Earn UNLIMITED Profits
Premium Support
LOW One-Time Pricing
14-Day Money Back Guarantee
Launch Special — One Time Price
OTO 3: Video Freedom Premium ($67) (See Details)
Explore Hundreds Of Professional Templates
New Exclusive Animations Every Month
Unrestricted Renders
Multi-Rendering Processing
Multiple User Access
Unlimited Groups and Palettes
1-click Watermarking
OTO 4: Video Freedom Professional ($67) (See Details)
Next-Gen Interactive Video Technologies.
Add Eye-Popping Video Wraps In Seconds
More Than 100+ Customizable Wrap Templates
1 Million+ HD Stock Images Integration +1,500+ Stock Audios
‘Ultra Lock’ Ground-Breaking Content Locking Technology
Interactive Technology Suite Inc:
Optimized Video Thumbnails and CTA Buttons
1-Click Social Sharing
OTO 5: Video Freedom DFY Agency ($67) (See Details)
DFY Agency Website
E-mail Management System
Sell To Clients
Real Time Order Notification
Setup In Record 9 Seconds
Undivided Attention UNLIKE Fiverr
Keep All The Profits
Inbuilt Checkout System
Zero Platform Fee (Limited Time)
Chat, Engage or Retarget
Ability To Give Coupons
103 Languages Direct Translation
No Server Costs
Fully Whitelabel solution
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Does Video Freedom Work On Windows and Mac?
A. Video Freedom is hosted on the cloud. This works on all platforms and there is nothing to download or install ever.
Whether it is web, tablet or a mobile device, Video Freedom allows anyone to create videos on all devices without any hassles.
Q2. Is There A Limit On The Number Of Video I Can Create?
A. Yes there’s a limit because they’ve costs on their end to maintain the servers.
In the commercial license, 50 renders per month are availble.
The reason why they’ve to limit renders is because it is very expensive on their servers for every video that is rendered & they need to make sure everything works smoothly for their users.
Q3. Are There Any Monthly Or Ongoing Fees To Use The App?
A. Right now for a limited time, get in for just a one time fee.
Once the offer is over, the price will double and go up as a monthly subscription, so it is important to get in at the one time fee while its availble.
Q4. What Makes Video Freedom Different From Other Video Creation Apps?
A. They’ve explained all that above. Simply put, there’s nothing out there that is as complete as Video Freedom.
Unlike other current software that is limited on features and over-priced, Video Freedom is complete affordable all-in-1 software solution suite.
Q5. Is there a guarantee?
A. Yes, guarantee of 14 days is available to try out the platform, so it’s 100% no risk.
If Unsatisfied with the software, just let them know and they’ll send full refund.
Conclusion : I hope that my Video Freedom review can help you to make up your mind more accurately & quickly. If you’ve any questions then you can e-mail me to [email protected] without any second thoughts. Thank you for reading. Good luck to you!
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animationssoftware · 8 months
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irarelypostanything · 3 years
Puzzles and Problems
One of my favorite jokes in Dilbert:
The boss: You have two chickens and a fox, and you need to get across a river.  Your boat can carry only one animal at a time.  The fox will eat a chicken if left alone.  What do you do?
The interviewee: I’d buy livestock insurance, barbecue the chickens, and then blame it on the fox
The boss: Can you come in on Monday?
I know it sounds like I’m on an irrelevant tangent, and in a sense I am but...hear me out.  Puzzles evoke images of putting together pieces in the living room with your entire family, systematically working through an RPG as a kid, or filling out word searches as a break after exams.  You’d see this kind of thing in elementary school on a rainy day: Some kids would play board games with others, some kids would do arts and crafts, and some kids would do puzzles.
Generally the ones who enjoyed puzzles became mathematicians, the ones who enjoyed board games went into business, and the ones who enjoyed arts and crafts ended up doing something else.
Math problems, on the other hand, are not traditionally thought of as fun.  Some people enjoyed them - to them, it was probably a little bit like a puzzle.  They liked challenging their brains.  When they were stuck, maybe they thought: “Huh, this is difficult, and I am very frustrated, but I AM genuinely curious to know what the solution actually is.”  Then even the ones who enjoyed it were probably frustrated a lot, too, but they still liked it enough to keep going.
What’s the difference between a puzzle and a problem?  At least in the case of coding, I’d say it’s practicality.  It’s valid to argue that you’ll rarely reverse a binary tree or implement a search algorithm in the field, but these are still things you MIGHT do.  Coding puzzles, on the other hand, typically involve some condition that you will actually never see...like not being allowed to use an if statement, or a semicolon, or having to only use five if statements to pass.
That definition is problematic.  For example, you could call it a coding problem to ask someone how to implement sort, and dis-allow them from simply calling std::sort(vec.begin(),vec.end()), but that doesn’t make it a puzzle.
It would be nice to see problems more like puzzles.  The challenge would seem more enjoyable.
Now are puzzles appropriate for interviews?  That’s a totally different question that I don’t really want to get into here, but I’d say the answer is probably no.  I heard the joke that if an interviewer for software engineering asks you why manhole covers are round, you should leave.  Immediately.  One time they asked me what I would do if I had a box of oranges, a box of apples, a mixed box, and could only see one fruit in one box.  Every box was labeled incorrectly.  I asked a senior engineer what he would do, and he joked that he would cry.
Then, one minute later, he walked over to where I sat with a whiteboard and anxiously worked out the problem.
On Billions they interview quants by asking them to assemble a box, and...er...I don’t know if that makes sense, but it made for some interesting TV.
0 notes
faisalkhanlove · 3 years
How Can Animation Videos Aid Your Viewers Become Mentally and Emotionally Stronger?
Have you ever considered why kids like cartoons? The reason that even adults are drawn to animation? What makes animation distinct from all other videos? The bright colors, the stories funny characters, and, most importantly, an innovative idea are a few of the things that distinguish animation from other types of video. The animators behind animated video marketing employ this method of using these easy methods to present your brand's message. Videos using whiteboard animation software can make people smile. They convey your brand's message using animation that is easy to understand and can motivate them to get involved.
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Here are the top ten reasons why animated videos are great at keeping your audience's mind physically and mentally strong.
Animation is a great method of bringing back memories
Animation videos bring back memories of the times as you used to watch cartoons with no stress of any work. Imagine how you used sit on the couch enjoying your favorite snacks. This is the way your business will help people to recall the information and the idea behind your company and create images of your company's thoughts in their mind by using animated characters.
Music can direct the mind
Today's generation is more involved with music than the previous generation. The music you play within your animated video can improve your viewers' minds and generate a positive feeling in the atmosphere making them be more receptive to the decisions you require.
Improvisation of funny sounds
The synchronization of animated video clips has the ability to make a distinct impression on an idea. Your brand will appear cute humorous, hilarious, and emotional all at once. Animation videos that are well-synchronized sound can have a profound impact on the entertainment and knowledge of your audience.
What brought them to laughter and what inspired them to take the right actions is the key.
This tool will help you to create stories
Animated videos are a method to tell stories using characters and audio. A well-written story is a powerful one. Your story is the thing that defines you , and what they think of your story.
Animation's Relative Characters and Lovable Characters
Instead of using real characters in your explainer videos make use of humorous and engaging characters. This helps to make the video more entertaining and viewers will be enthused by how you present yourself. It also helps them to feel comfortable about your company. It's not just saving time and money, but it also makes the process easy.
Animation allows humans to touch
A human's voice in a virtual video is very much impactful and is a way of communicating with the audience. Utilizing a human voice for the voiceover, and then synchronizing it perfectly with the actors gives an experience that is reminiscent of the real world.
Animation videos have an impression of positivity
It is essential to remain positive, especially in this time of crisis. Many suffer from negative thoughts. A video with animation can help people to be positive and keep open to possibilities. Your customers will feel the exact same way about your business like you do, and would like to know more about it.
Animation allows you to stand out among the crowd
It is recommended to stand out from the rest of your competition and shine alone. While your competition is posting an unreadable text or dull posts on the internet, you will be there to stand out from them by posting an interactive and touching video content that will enhance your audience's perception and make you stand out.
Animation creates emotion
You heard it! Animation can create emotion in the minds of viewers. It can be entertaining, informative or funny, informative or adorable, sensitive, or any other emotion, depending on your motivation and the idea you're communicating. An emotional connection with the public is essential for any brand that has an emotional significance in the market.
Animation videos are the ideal method of educating
Animation can simplify complicated subjects and make it simpler for kids to comprehend. With the aid of animation videos, any complicated to intricate statistics and data can be shown in a graphical manner in order to show what you want to conclude.
Final words
It's up to you to decide whether an animated or live-action video is best for your company. Your goal is to reach more people and generate more sales. The goal is to satisfy the needs of your clients and this can be achieved using any media, but the difference made is between the reliability, accessibility and the reach. Animation videos can boost engagement and build relationships with your viewers. It builds trust and creates an emotional connection between you and your viewers.
If you require help with the animation process in any way, or with production us at Essence Studios can assist you. Do contact us for the most effective results. We thank you for your patience.
Original Content by this URL https://medium.com/@essencestudios2d/what-can-animation-videos-do-to-help-your-viewers-become-mentally-and-emotionally-strong-38699604c1a4
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momazvz · 3 years
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Doodle maker
Tried of braking your piggy banks and emptying your pockets to pay all your profit away to some stranger? just so they can take up to a month to come up with a 60 second advertisement video that most likely wasent anything like you imagine your dream business being advertised? and then sell it to you for an outrageous price.
Or are you waisting hours of your valuable time on experience equipment struggling with difficult instructions and codes that still dont provide you with meany options and opportunitys to bring the customized unique style you envisioned your niche being show cased to the world in.
you worked hard to build and create your business form the bottom up you shouldn't half to put yourself through all that frustration just for a 90 second video that mostly dident completely capture the gist of what you wanted to say.
do your self a favor stop dealing with ad sales and frustrating expensive equipment. stop pulling all those gray hairs (the stress of this pandemic has caused) out of your head stressing over how you are going to bring in more business and keep the income that helps your family thrive comeing in.
because in this review i will tell you.
in this review i will provide you information on.
•what doodle maker dose.
•how it could help you
•who this tool would benefit and how
•how this tool can help you through this pandemic
•how to use doodle maker
then i will provide you with the link ware you can perches this software program and set up your personalized affordable plan.
• what is doodle maker and what dose it do?
doodle maker is a futuristic artificial intelligence technology software program that can convert any text or text-to-speech into a customized cartoon doodle video . Intelligently programmed to be quick and easy to use. this doodle maker video software makes it easy to make trendy doodle videos that will cetch the eye of your specific targeted audience and keep them glued to the screen.
Also about 72% of people have photographic memories this means most people will understand what you are selling or trying to advertise if you give them a visual perspective and what better way to do that then with a creative doodle maker video customized to the exact way YOU want YOUR advertisement to play out.
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All you have to do is click, doodle, and profit!
In turn you will have a high impact from a customized doodle video to promote your business with in 3 simple steps you can capture your specific vewiers attention and improve your online traffic and click rates and drastically amplify your impact on your targeted audience and drive sale rates sky high with animated doodle videos that will cetch the engagement of your potential customers.
Doodle maker provides you with detailed directions on thare simple to use doodle video maker 3 step software program.
doodle videos are 3 times more likely to be shared and can increase you referral rates for your offers by 32%.
with doodle maker you can cose from a blackboard background, a whiteboard background and a clear background.
doodle marker also provides you with up to 160 different unique accents and voices you can choose from in over 60 different languages!
you can even create and use your own voice over, with your own voice.
They have finally made it easier to get in touch with the future of video creation.
doodle video maker software program also provides you with
▪colour doodle video's
▪A I photo background remover
▪make unlimited video's
▪full HD 1080P videos
▪royalty- free music library
▪sell video's to clients
▪300 ready-made templates
▪text-to-speech in 60 different languages
▪1-click language translation
▪millions of doodle assets
▪ photo to sketch converter
▪drag and drop video editor
•how doodle MAKER can help you?
Doodle maker will help you bring in passive income by helping you promote your product or service with a creative doodle cartoon video, doodle videos are whats in style with everything being online doodle videos are easily shared and posited to all kinds of different social media sites, Google , YouTube or you can even record it and show it for a presentation or send it in an email, or txt and instead of putting your vewiers through a long boring slide show or makeing them half to read through a written advertisement. Intrigue thare interest with an entertaining doodle video.
Create your own little cartoon to get your point across to your vewiers get doodle maker and improve your business to bring people in with your fun creative doodle videos and watch your income grow and your business progress. You will help the world see you and what you can do with doodle maker.
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•Who would this tool benefit and how?
Doodle video's can be used for more then just advertisement.
Teachers you could use doodle videos to get your students engaged in what ever subject you are teaching them with a creative entertaining cartoon that you can customize to your students specific needs. You can create a cartoon of the Revolutionary War to teach your students history or send them a doodle video of you teaching math class...times have changed, also everything is online including school and some students are having trouble adjusting to not being in a classroom. Help them visualize the class room with doodle videos. They will have fun shareing your doodle videos with thare class mates .
Everyone learns diffrently, so reach out to your student's in the unique way you know they learn best.
Add a since of humor and make a funny educational cartoon that will catch thare attention and keep them interested.
This would be a great way to improve your test results and hopefully get yourself closer to that raise, and closer to your students.
Become the fun teacher everyone loves to learn from despite the fact that you can't be thare in the classroom doing fun activities to help them learn.
This pandemic is fighting agenced you! Take advantage of this futuristic tool and fight back! With doodle maker!
You could also find this tool useful if you work at a corporate office use it to create an entertaining presentation to show case to your boss in the conference room be the alsome guy or girl that relived the tension in that boring conference room by geting your point across with a fun unique doodle video bring your presentation to life and become the star of the office by bring a smile to the stressed out faces of the big scary conference room. Make them all anticipate your next presentation with excitement. They will be scratching at the door to see your next doodle video on your next big brilliant idea.
Need to make a presentation to present to Tokyo or a foreign country, but you only know English? No problem doodle maker comes with its own built in language translator and offers up to 60 different languages you can use to create your doodle video, in any language so nothing will stand in your way of broad casting your big brilliant ideas to the world.
Alot of big corporations and franchise companies and businesses use doodle maker to create thare advertisements and they love it mostly because of thare free deals on commercial rights.
So get with the flow of the future and broadcast your ideas, services, or products to the world with doodle videos!
Even counselors like crisis counselors therapists and skill builders could find this tool useful, because of this pandemic counselors and therapist have not been able to be there for thare clients that have mental disabilities thats making it difficult to get them selves up in the morning and do what they need to do in fear that everything will go wrong because to them everything always go's wrong, so here's a therapeutic idea to help motivate them to get up and go through with their to do list with out having to go out and risk catching covid. You could use doodle maker to make a doodle video of them getting out of bed and doing what ever it is they do to wake up and get things done that they need to do. You can personlize it to make the doodle star of your video look like them and show them a cartoon of them selves getting stuff done and feeling accomplished at the end of the doodle video when they did what they where supposed to do and everything went well in the video, this would encourage them to wake up and go through out the day like in the video. You can show them the good out come of getting out of bed and getting stuff done.
Go the extra mile for your clients and show them that you care with a creative doodle video and help motivate them by starting thare day out with a positive out look on how the day could go.
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Maybe you just wonna see ware your over active imagination could take you in life. with this pandemic we are stuck inside watching the same boring cartoons over and over again while the kids lose interest, because they have already seen all the episode of what used to be their favorite show, also it was your ticket to some peace and quiet. They are going to begin looking for other ways to intertane them selves while this pandemic has them cupped up in the house. Witch will most likely involve driving you crazy as if being trapped in the house isent already driving you crazy enof.
so do the world a favor and save the parents of America from insanity, and put your imagination to the test who knows you could save the future with your doodle video cartoon.
With doodle maker videos you can create your own cartoon and sell it to the highest bidder. Unlike other expensive equipment doodle make has really good deals and sales on commercial rights making it easy and affordable to start a carear with doodle maker videos. All you half to do is click, doodle, and profit.
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• How can this tool help you through this pandemic?
Sadly this pandemic has knocked alot of us down, also alot of people have lost thare jobs or business. You need new creative ways to bring in new costumers to replace the ones that you lost do to the rath of covid fight back with doodle videos. You will be able to create doodle videos for an advertisement in any language that way you can communicate your ideas or thoughts too the hole world. You will be able to post your doodle video anywhere online, and patent it with your personal logo.
Online is the safest way to do thing's now days you can make your online business become the next big thing with doodle videos.
Keep the income coming in so you can provide for your family in spite of this pandemic knocking your business down to rock bottom. You can use doodle maker to climb your way back to the top again fight back with doodle videos!
During this pandemic everything is safer if its online, online businesses are booming right now.
Doodle maker videos not only makes it easier and way more affordable, but its also a fun creative way to figure out how you can work from home and stay safe.
Can't think of a way to work your particular job from home try affiliate marketing, thats what im doing. 😊
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•how to use doodle maker?
Unlike other expensive equipment you dont need any tech skills to create your own personalized affordable doodle video. Now to bring your career to life online from home in a matter of minutes. You can create a creative doodle video on doodle maker in 3 simple steps simply Click, Doodle, and Profit.
You can even sell your videos on doodle maker for more profit in your pocket, and maybe your video could help others in the same way it helped you. Who knows you could become famous off of your doodle video.
Doodle maker provides you with 300+ different templates you can customize and add too. You could even add your own background from your photo gallery and create your own voice over with your own voice, or choice from 1 of the 160 different voice overs and accents that doodle maker provides you with. Then you can easily sell your customized cartoon doodle video on doodle maker for 300$ to 500$ each.
After you click on this link and get your package all you have to do is start making videos.
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• First you will want to click on NEW PRODUCT FROM TEMPLATE.
Then you will be able to choose from a whiteboard, blackboard or glassboard. ( I would recommend the Whiteboard or glassboard).
At this point you will also be asked to chose from several different female and male doodle hands. Now (These are the hands that will be drawing your doodle videos, icons, and text that you add to your video). You will be given the opportunity to change these features at anytime if you change your mind.
You will also be given the opportunity to search different templates in the search bar at the top of the page, after you type in some kind of keyword of your business service you proved, the subject you are teaching, or the products you are advertising with doodle maker, it will find all the best templates for your specific needs. You can even use your own if you already have one. Also (you may be able to find a tutorial video on youtube on how to go about that)...
• The next step you will need to do is create and organize your "slides" or " scenes" that will combined together to make your doodle video.
You will be allowed to add scenes to make your video longer or you can even remove scenes to make your video shorter.
You can do this by simply clicking the plus + symbol in the corner, infront of the numbers of available slides. This will add aother scene to your video. Now if you click the little red trash can icon in the right hand corner this will delete the sence from your video. You can add up to 20 different scenes to combine them together and make your own personalized doodle video in any language of your choice.
• The next step is to add your script. You can add words you want to be written somewhere in one of your slides or you can use doodle audio to create a voice over, and have a cartoon doodle character of your choosing narrate your doodle video in up to 160 different voices and accents and over 60 different languages, or you can even use your own voice.
Under your template you will see a box where you can type what ever you want your video to say.
If you click on the edit text button above the box where you will text your skript in the right hand corner you will be able to edit and add to your text at anytime.
You can customize your doodle video by taking keywords and finding images and icons to add to your doodle video that will express your niche.
Once you have made your changes simply click rebuild scene and your changes will be automatically interpreted into your scene, also you can do this with each individual scene.
• Next you will want to check out doodle makers voice over options. You have 3 options. You can use a TTS voice over (witch would be 1 out of 160 different voice and accents doodle maker provides you with).
The other option is to upload a voice over from your media, ( witch means you could upload a song to play in the background of your doodle video or you could use a voice over from an existing video that you have downloaded).
You could even record your own voice, and create your own voice over to make it more personal . I would suggest this mostly to teachers using this tool.
Now to do this just simply go to the voice options on the far right hand side of the screen. Now if you choice to use a doodle voice over you will select the TTS voice over option.
Then you will be asked to choice from doodle makers wide selection of different voices and accents for example English/ Australian, English/British.... and over 160 more different ascents. You can also try out what doodle maker calls there premium voices. These voices are the more professional voices. Now (i would recommend this to the people trying to put together a strong advertisement or presentation for the conference room.)
You will also be able to choice between several different male and female voices.
This voice will be the narrator of your doodle maker video. Meaning whatever voice and accents you chose is how it will sound when the voice of your choosing narrator reads the text you put in your script box, also you can edit at any time.
You will also be able to take advantage of one of doodle makers unique qualities and choose the speed of the voice that is speaking, this makes it vary easy to get your video to be perfectly insync with your voice over or music you have playing in the background.
To do this simply click on TTS speed and you will be allowed to choose how fast you would like your voice over to speak.
Doodle maker also makes it easy to upload voice overs you have saved onto your computer with thare simple 1-click and drag system. Simply go to the upload option under voice over options, click and drag your download into the upload box provided.
You will also so have the option to record your own voice over. To do this you will need to select the record option under voice over options. Once you are ready to record your voice just simply hit the record button (the microphone icon).
This will flash with a red outline, this is to indicate when you are recording.
• Next you will want to customize your video further. If you scroll down directly under the voice options box you will see a box with all the different tools doodle maker offers you to assist you in creating and personalizing the perfect doodle video.
If you click on the language icon you will be provided with over 30+ languages you can choose from, now this tool will translate anything you text into your script box, in to any language of your choosing. This will be the language that your voiceover voice you chose earlier, will be speaking in your video. However ( I would mostly recommend this particulate tool to the teachers out they're teaching foreign languages).
Be sure to click the auto translate option located directly under where you selected your language for your text to be automatically translated into the language of your choosing. This will insure that any changes you make from this point on will be automatically translated in your script and interpreted into your video correctly.
To make changes to your skript simply go to the box below that specific slide and click edit text to make what ever changes you would like to make and click the save text button on the left hand corner.
Under your script box thair will be another box (if you chose to use a foreign language in your video), that will have your script rewritten in what ever language you chose your video to be narrated in. Then you simply click update video and your text will be automatically translated and interpreted in to your voice over, so that you can easily speak to your vewiers in what ever language you want.
•The next unique tool doodle maker provides you with is there advanced technology library, right besides the language tool you will see a folder icon labeled library.
This tool will assist you in finding icons and images for your particular niche. This is also where you will be able to upload and add your own images.
If you click on the icon finder you will be given the option to search keywords in your niche and doodle maker will doodle you several different icons images or scenes you can interpret into each individual "slide" or "scene ". To create and complete your own personalized doodle video. You can even upload your own images, and doodlemaker will make it easy to resize and crop any icons or images as needed and you will be able to click and drag them to anywhere you want them on the screen.
To upload your own image simply click upload image and select an image of your choosing from your gallery or upload one from Google. You will be able to freely move, place, and resize this image or icon with just a simple click of the mousse.
The next tool you will find good use for is the T icon this is the text tool. Here you will be allowed to interpret any kind of text you want to appear on the screen in that scene. You will also be allowed to change the font and font size with this tool.
To see an example of what your text will look like in the font and size you choses simply hit the preview button.
Then just hit insert scene button, and just like that it will be inserted into a scene in your doodle video. You will be allowed to click and drag it to ware ever you want it to appear on the screen.
• The next tool on doodle maker is the hand icon labeled hands.
This is ware you will choose from several different male and female hands. This will be the hand that will appear in your video drawing and wrighting your doodle video.
• Under that you will find a music icon labeled soundtracks. This is where doodle maker provides several different soundtracks that you can choose from to play in the background of your doodle video.
After you review and update your soundtrack doodle maker will automatically update to play the music of your choosing in the background of your doodle video.
• The next tool doodle maker provides you with is the background tool. With this tool you will be allowed to change the background of your video, also you can chose your own image uploaded from your computer or you can choose from a blackboard, whiteboard, or glassboard background . However the glassboard background will effect the direction the doodle hand is facing.
▪Blackboard is where the hole background on your canvase is black. keep in mind when you chose this option all of your text icons and images will be automatically switched from black to white this is so that they can be seen agents the black background.
▪Whiteboard background is ware the background is completely white. this makes it easier to see any text or images in your doodle video.
▪Glassboard background is basically when everything is drawn in the opposite direction.
▪Customized color background is where doodle maker will allow you to chose and customise your own background color chosen from various different shades and colors from doodle makers color wheel.
▪Image background unlike most softwares doodle maker provides you with the unique opportunity to add an uploaded image to the background of your doodle video, ( I personally cant wait to try this out).
• The next tool is vary important, (your logo). Brand your video with your logo. This is a faded or darkened icon usely hidden in the bottom corner of alot of professional advertisment videos. Now with doodle maker you can do the same thing with your doodle video brand it with your personalized icon, image, signature brand name, or the name of your business....
To do this you will need to go to the watermark tool. Where you will be allowed to upload your own personal logo, with just a simple click and drag. You will be able to show this logo in the corner of every slide you will also be able to resize it and move it to where ever you want it to appear on the screen in your doodle video. You can even customize it to fade in and out of whatever scenes you want it to appear in through out your customized and now branded with your personal logo, doodle video.
You will be able to use this tool to control the opacity of your logo this will make it easy to control the darkness and boldness of your logo in each slide, or you can also make it more transparent by simply lessening the opacity .
This watermark will automatically appear in the corner of every slide with the same transparency you selected.
• And the final tool doodle maker provides you with is settings. This is where you will be able to change the name of your doodle video. This will help you in keeping all your different videos and projects organized, when you end up having so much fun making your first video you will find that you love doodle maker and want to make more and more doodle videos to add to your collection. You even possibly use your videos to create passive income for your family.
You will want to use the settings tool to rename your projects so that you can keep all your amazing ideas organized. This will also make it easier to sell videos on doodle maker.
Dont quit your job and just give up because life throws us a pandemic that has us trapped at home. Fight back, find a way to work from home, online, with doodle maker . Keep your vewiers glued to the screen with your doodle video's and keep that passive income coming in!
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jerometbean · 4 years
Doodle Maker Review: Read This Before You Buy!
Doodle Maker Review – 
A Word Class Doodle Maker For A Onetime Payment With Mind Blowing Features And Benefits Powered By Artificial Intelligence.
With the online education industry booming, and people now realizing that they can no longer rely on a single income source and another lockdown possibility.
We saw doodle whiteboard videos as the perfect way to teach, sell, engage and encourage audiences around the world
But now is more than ever the right time to bring doodle makers to the customers during this current climate.
But if you’re a personal trainer, educator, teacher, consultant or coach etc., your students or customers understand nothing beats whiteboard videos in ensuring your instruction, concepts and ideas.
You don’t even need to be in front of a camera or even use your own voice because you can now connect easily to customers globally in their native tongue with the AI video translation engine.
If you are a marketer or advertising agency, or as an independent freelancer you want a way to make some money right now, then nothing beats how easily you can create conversion-getting videos.
Doodle Maker Review – The Product Overview
Product NameDoodle MakerProduct CreatorPaul PonnaLaunch Date & Time[2020-Sep-01] @ 11:00 EDTPrice$67 One-timeBonusYes, Good Bonuses AvailableRefund Period30-DaysOfficial Sitehttps://doodlemaker.com/Product TypeDoodle Video SoftwareSkillAll LevelsRecommendedHighly Recommended
What Is Called “Doodle Maker”?
“Doodle Maker” is the world’s first doodle video creation program to allow anyone, irrespective of technical skills, age or design skills, to create amazing, realistic and professional doodle videos in over 60 + languages in minutes. A groundbreaking artificial intelligence driven doodle video maker app comes in, making amazing videos in any language in minutes, for the first time ever after many years. No other business app leverages artificial intelligence and fun, full-length animated doodle video creation explainer like doodle maker. Innovation is a quantum leap.
Blackboard, Whiteboard, Glassboard switcher-in seconds. Convert every single video to 3 different formats. To fit the video style usitng artificial intelligence, choose the type of video and the software will automatically convert your images & text into different colours.
The Features
[+] Text-to-Speech [+] AI Translation Engine [+] 100+ male & female voices. [+] Record your own voice [+] Icon Finder and Pixabay API [+] Built-in library of Images [+] Colour Image to Sketch Converter [+] Board Switcher [+] Add Your Own Watermark [+] Built-in Transitions [+] Element Speed Changer [+] Colour Changer [+] Export in 720p or 1080p HD quality [+] Youtube and Vimeo Publisher [+] Create UNLIMITED Videos [+] Freehand Editor [+] 300+ Ready Made templates [+] Intuitive text to image finder
9.8 Total Score
Fantastic Doodle Software With A Small Onetime Price!
Doodle Maker is a new artificial intelligent video software that creates Whiteboard, Blackboard & Glassboard videos in minutes. Doodle Maker platform packs in unprecedented value with several fully-integrated ground-breaking technologies packed into one dashboard. Unlike other obsolete pre-dated doodle makers that only include one feature, doodle maker software comes loaded with several never-seen-before ground breaking technologies packed into one. The best part? The jaw dropping low price will ensure you get blockbuster conversions on launch day. Using the commercial license included, customer can sell the videos they create to clients for $300 to $500 each or offer doodle creation services to their clients for top dollar. The possibilities to profit with doodle maker software are totally endless.
100% Online based software
No download and installation setup is involved
Beginner friendly & clean interface
Advanced AI powered doodle software
30-day no questions asked money back guarantee
The launch price is $47, then it will be increased to $67 at mid night
There is no effective bonuses from the vendor
User Rating: Be the first one!
Who Is Paul Ponna?
Paul Ponna (right), and Sid Diwar (left) are the men behind Doodle Maker ‘s formation.
Paul Ponna is a top 1 per cent distributor and top 1 per cent partner with several 11-year releases of seven-figure apps on different platforms. He is the founder of several JVZoo and ClickBank record-breaking million dollar releases.
This talented and hard-working man once shared that he’s all learned by himself and, besides, he’s always eager to share his experience with the world, helping young entrepreneurs expand their company and also boosting sales.
He teamed up with Sid Diwar this time — another major software developer with Canada’s strong experience. Looking through the history of the vendor and their previous achievements, I think even their Doodle Maker would be a major blockbuster.
Is There Any Reason To Have Doodle Maker?
Not a single reason. There are multiple reasons why doodle maker is a must have tool for anyone.
[+] The world’s fastest animated doodle video maker app, using artificial intelligence technology
[+] Build Whiteboard, Blackboard, and Glassboard doodle videos within a single app in minutes. Do not need multiple applications.
[+] Using our next version, easily turn all your current videos into doodle animation images. (With YouTube built in to doodle maker
[+] Absolutely the best voice engine text in the world for making studio quality videos in any language without ever having to record your own voice, be in front of the camera or employ expensive voice over artists.
[+] Look like a professional video animator with no need to learn complex animation skills (let the AI system do all the thinking for you!) and choose over 300 + beautiful models.
[+] You can start with a simple post, text script or content piece and in seconds our app will create a professional doodle whiteboard video without having to do any further work.
[+] Access millions of high-quality icons, images, and content libraries that you can easily import into the app to make even more HD quality videos.
[+] Access to the soundtrack library to make a truly original video doodle with all the bells and whistles.
[+] Build studio quality whiteboard and doodle videos without costly computer hardware or having years of animation experience. The app is on the cloud which means all the video production happens on our enterprise grade google and amazon servers.
Watch The Doodle Maker Demo
Do I Recommend Doodle Maker?
If i decide to purchase a software, I will analyse it upto 100 times before buying. Doodle Maker is a true worlds first intuitive artificial intelligence doodle video creator create videos from scratch using our powerful freehand doodle editor.
Just enter any text, whether it is a simple post, an e-book or a text document, basically any piece of content that you want. Then the AI goes to work and scans your content intuitively, then instantly paires the text keywords to the respective doodle image.
In addition, by accessing a library of thousands of high-quality doodle images, icon finder and Pixabay API integration, you have the complete freedom to modify and customize the images, ensuring you have unlimited choices at your finger tips.
This means that when it comes to making your doodles you have infinite options, and most importantly, that no doodles are ever the same.
This is truly a fantastic feature and advantage as not only can the customers save time and money, but they will have the ability to use it for their own business or massively profit from using it as a service as business rights are included!
So Doodle Maker is highly recommended to all regardless of whether they are beginners or experienced.
What I Like Most From The Doodle Maker?
I like the artificial intelligence video translation engine. You can now easily cover any video with voice with this, and the built-in AI translation engine will automatically generate an attention-grabbing video in more than 30 languages on demand.
Just upload your video or paste a YouTube URL and the artificial intelligence of the app will work in minutes, magically. You’ll be left with a beautiful, high-quality doodle video that was all done with minimal effort for you.
This artificial intelligence technology will also allow you to use our pre-populated male or female voice over, or you can use your own, our ai will go one step further and turn your audio into more than 100 voices in 30 + languages on demand.
This is a game changer, now your doodled video will hit global clients which in turn means huge reach which huge benefit. Only this feature is special, and the worlds first.
Transcribe the audio and produce text from the original video.
Using text-to-speech to create a beautiful human-like voiceover in your language of choice.
Translate the original text into a desired language.
Produce a beautiful doodle video in minutes with doodle / images & icons done for you
Who Is “Doodle Maker” For?
Doodle Maker is very good piece of software that makes your video creation work simpler. However, i would like to suggest this tool for
    [+]    Online Businesses     [+]    Teachers     [+]    Students     [+]    Digital Marketers     [+]    Coaches     [+]    Parents     [+]    YouTubers     [+]    Freelancers     [+]    Authors     [+]    Newbies     [+]    Entrepreneurs
and lot more. Even you can buy and give it access to your Kids. Who knows? They may become a Whiteboard animation video making experts in future.
Pricing and Evaluation
Doodle Maker costs $47 one-time payment. During this launch special you can avail doodle maker for a low one-time payment of $47. It is launching on 1st-Sep-2020. On that day you can get it for $47. On the next day onward, the price will be increased to $67 one-time.
I don’t know. May be they change to yearly or monthly fee without announcing. So, it’s better to come in 1st SEP and avail the $47 one-time price.
I have seen that most of the Doodle softwares are costly and the will charge you monthly fee. There are some tools for the one-time price but i don’t like them all.
I like Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker so much than other once because the features they have offered is mind blowing and it is very simple to use for both beginners and experienced people.
Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker is gonna be one the best alternative for Doodly, Videoscribe, Powtoon, Animaker, Vyond, Toonly, Explaindio, Easy Sketch PRO 3.0 and what else.
Any Upsells?
There are four Doodle Maker upsells.
Upsell #1: DoodleMaker Whitelabel Upgrade ($97 to $497 One-Time)
Offer this DoodleMaker software as your own best-selling and retain 100 per cent of profits.
[+] Rebrand the product with your own logo and branding. (Once a Lifetime Chance) [+] Sub-accounts unlimited, sell as many copies as you want. [+] Find your own price. [+] Done-for-you VSL to sell your own game. [+] Done-for-you Sales Page-graphics and copywriting to transform sales prospects. [+] App hosting and software upgrades are managed: Sale without any problems [+] No taxes, monthly or annual,
You have two payment options.
DoodleMaker Whitelabel Unlimited ($497 One-Time)
Whitelabel Agency – 50 Accounts ($97 One-Time)
Upsell #2: DoodleMaker Deluxe Upgrade ($49 One-Time)
Get access to miles worth of enhanced modules. 10X The results, revenue and income and get ahead of other customers at DoodleMaker.
[+] New 1 year monthly templates (one-time price): brand fresh, customizable whiteboard, glassboard, and blackboard templates added to your account for 1 year per month (no monthly fees). [+] Ready-made human voice over for all new (male and female) templates-save money, no need to employ costly voice artists. [+] Ready-made video scripts for all new templates written by a copywriter (modify as you like) built to turn your prospects into sales. [+] 56 additional text-to – speech voices, available in 29 languages. [+] Audio files free of paid royalties (for your doodle videos) [+] Video streaming priority-google cloud server (streaming your videos quicker than other customers without waiting in line) [+] Priority access to all app updates: Deluxe members can receive all future feature updates first before all users, so that they can remain on the cutting edge without saturation or competition.
Upsell #3: Toon Video Maker Video Maker App Upgrade ($39 One-Time)
Go beyond doodle videos, expand your marketing toolbox with new Toon videos. Toon videos are known ways of maximizing output. Biggest fortune 500 corporations market their services using Toon images.
Toon videos following doodle videos are the hottest video formats. Every video you make can be sold for $300 to $500 every.
[+] Text to Speech Unrestricted [+] Make Limitless Videos [+] Unrestricted Length of Videos [+] Blank Canvas To Customize Videos [+] 100 + Animated Figures [+] Animations of Eye Popping Character [+] HD Animated Backgrounds [+] 200 + Music Tracks [+] Sales License, and more! [+] Make ANY Language Videos [+] The Windows & mac desktop app works on both! [+] Run on 10 PCs
Upsell #4: ClientEngine App Upgrade ($29 One-Time)
Client engine software lets users find top paid clients to sell images, or any other service. This is great for those looking for high dollar sales of their doodle videos made with doodle maker. The app lets users search from inside one platform on the top 5 work sites. No need to visit several places to find work and video production services for people looking for them.
Note: the key reason for this is “to find high paying buyers from the top 5 work sites on the web, to sell your videos and every other top dollar service.”
For more profits use the perspective of a “client finder app.”
[+] Search Unlimited [+] No Monthly Fees / Unlimited Use Caps [+] Seeking Unlimited Paying Customers-Selling videos or something else [+] Top 5 Job Sites PeoplePerHour, Craigslist, Freelancer, Project4Hire and Guru [+] Keep the profit at 100 per cent. [+] No subscription payments, once-pay, unlimited use. [+] Stop chasing customers, and find them in minutes! [+] No frostbite, no face-to – face encounter. [+] Close online BIG-TICKET offer
Doodle Maker Review – Final Verdict
I saw many other doodle software tools outside. With all those tools out there, you need to create videos from scratch. Meaning, you are required to have creativity.
You should come up with a clear idea before start using those tools.
But with Doodle Maker, you don’t need to be a creative person. Most of the work has been simplified. It has done for you pre-made templates.
With these pre-made templates, you can save a lot of time. Simply upload your company or may be your client company logo and generate videos in seconds.
Also, if you have your existing videos, you can transcribe automatically and make whiteboard animation videos in minutes. Is that cool?
Actually there are lot more features and benefits i can talk about it. I highly recommend this tool.
Special Doodle Maker Bonus
Note: These are my custom bonuses for “Doodle Maker” You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet. I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with this product.
How You Can Claim My Custom Bonuses?
STEP 1: “CLICK HERE” or click on any one of the buttons advertised on this page and it will take you to the official sales page.
STEP 2: Order the product from official website.
STEP 3: Send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 24 hours.
In case if you see a message like below, check my name (Partha) and affiliate id (#764589) and approve the change.
source https://spsreviews.com/doodle-maker-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doodle-maker-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviewscom1.blogspot.com/2020/08/doodle-maker-review-read-this-before.html
0 notes
gertrudejnieves · 4 years
Doodle Maker Review: Read This Before You Buy!
Doodle Maker Review – 
A Word Class Doodle Maker For A Onetime Payment With Mind Blowing Features And Benefits Powered By Artificial Intelligence.
With the online education industry booming, and people now realizing that they can no longer rely on a single income source and another lockdown possibility.
We saw doodle whiteboard videos as the perfect way to teach, sell, engage and encourage audiences around the world
But now is more than ever the right time to bring doodle makers to the customers during this current climate.
But if you’re a personal trainer, educator, teacher, consultant or coach etc., your students or customers understand nothing beats whiteboard videos in ensuring your instruction, concepts and ideas.
You don’t even need to be in front of a camera or even use your own voice because you can now connect easily to customers globally in their native tongue with the AI video translation engine.
If you are a marketer or advertising agency, or as an independent freelancer you want a way to make some money right now, then nothing beats how easily you can create conversion-getting videos.
Doodle Maker Review – The Product Overview
Product Name Doodle Maker Product Creator Paul Ponna Launch Date & Time [2020-Sep-01] @ 11:00 EDT Price $67 One-time Bonus Yes, Good Bonuses Available Refund Period 30-Days Official Site https://doodlemaker.com/ Product Type Doodle Video Software Skill All Levels Recommended Highly Recommended
What Is Called “Doodle Maker”?
“Doodle Maker” is the world’s first doodle video creation program to allow anyone, irrespective of technical skills, age or design skills, to create amazing, realistic and professional doodle videos in over 60 + languages in minutes. A groundbreaking artificial intelligence driven doodle video maker app comes in, making amazing videos in any language in minutes, for the first time ever after many years. No other business app leverages artificial intelligence and fun, full-length animated doodle video creation explainer like doodle maker. Innovation is a quantum leap.
Blackboard, Whiteboard, Glassboard switcher-in seconds. Convert every single video to 3 different formats. To fit the video style usitng artificial intelligence, choose the type of video and the software will automatically convert your images & text into different colours.
The Features
[+] Text-to-Speech [+] AI Translation Engine [+] 100+ male & female voices. [+] Record your own voice [+] Icon Finder and Pixabay API [+] Built-in library of Images [+] Colour Image to Sketch Converter [+] Board Switcher [+] Add Your Own Watermark [+] Built-in Transitions [+] Element Speed Changer [+] Colour Changer [+] Export in 720p or 1080p HD quality [+] Youtube and Vimeo Publisher [+] Create UNLIMITED Videos [+] Freehand Editor [+] 300+ Ready Made templates [+] Intuitive text to image finder
9.8 Total Score
Fantastic Doodle Software With A Small Onetime Price!
Doodle Maker is a new artificial intelligent video software that creates Whiteboard, Blackboard & Glassboard videos in minutes. Doodle Maker platform packs in unprecedented value with several fully-integrated ground-breaking technologies packed into one dashboard. Unlike other obsolete pre-dated doodle makers that only include one feature, doodle maker software comes loaded with several never-seen-before ground breaking technologies packed into one. The best part? The jaw dropping low price will ensure you get blockbuster conversions on launch day. Using the commercial license included, customer can sell the videos they create to clients for $300 to $500 each or offer doodle creation services to their clients for top dollar. The possibilities to profit with doodle maker software are totally endless.
100% Online based software
No download and installation setup is involved
Beginner friendly & clean interface
Advanced AI powered doodle software
30-day no questions asked money back guarantee
The launch price is $47, then it will be increased to $67 at mid night
There is no effective bonuses from the vendor
User Rating: Be the first one!
Who Is Paul Ponna?
Paul Ponna (right), and Sid Diwar (left) are the men behind Doodle Maker ‘s formation.
Paul Ponna is a top 1 per cent distributor and top 1 per cent partner with several 11-year releases of seven-figure apps on different platforms. He is the founder of several JVZoo and ClickBank record-breaking million dollar releases.
This talented and hard-working man once shared that he’s all learned by himself and, besides, he’s always eager to share his experience with the world, helping young entrepreneurs expand their company and also boosting sales.
He teamed up with Sid Diwar this time — another major software developer with Canada’s strong experience. Looking through the history of the vendor and their previous achievements, I think even their Doodle Maker would be a major blockbuster.
Is There Any Reason To Have Doodle Maker?
Not a single reason. There are multiple reasons why doodle maker is a must have tool for anyone.
[+] The world’s fastest animated doodle video maker app, using artificial intelligence technology
[+] Build Whiteboard, Blackboard, and Glassboard doodle videos within a single app in minutes. Do not need multiple applications.
[+] Using our next version, easily turn all your current videos into doodle animation images. (With YouTube built in to doodle maker
[+] Absolutely the best voice engine text in the world for making studio quality videos in any language without ever having to record your own voice, be in front of the camera or employ expensive voice over artists.
[+] Look like a professional video animator with no need to learn complex animation skills (let the AI system do all the thinking for you!) and choose over 300 + beautiful models.
[+] You can start with a simple post, text script or content piece and in seconds our app will create a professional doodle whiteboard video without having to do any further work.
[+] Access millions of high-quality icons, images, and content libraries that you can easily import into the app to make even more HD quality videos.
[+] Access to the soundtrack library to make a truly original video doodle with all the bells and whistles.
[+] Build studio quality whiteboard and doodle videos without costly computer hardware or having years of animation experience. The app is on the cloud which means all the video production happens on our enterprise grade google and amazon servers.
Watch The Doodle Maker Demo
Do I Recommend Doodle Maker?
If i decide to purchase a software, I will analyse it upto 100 times before buying. Doodle Maker is a true worlds first intuitive artificial intelligence doodle video creator create videos from scratch using our powerful freehand doodle editor.
Just enter any text, whether it is a simple post, an e-book or a text document, basically any piece of content that you want. Then the AI goes to work and scans your content intuitively, then instantly paires the text keywords to the respective doodle image.
In addition, by accessing a library of thousands of high-quality doodle images, icon finder and Pixabay API integration, you have the complete freedom to modify and customize the images, ensuring you have unlimited choices at your finger tips.
This means that when it comes to making your doodles you have infinite options, and most importantly, that no doodles are ever the same.
This is truly a fantastic feature and advantage as not only can the customers save time and money, but they will have the ability to use it for their own business or massively profit from using it as a service as business rights are included!
So Doodle Maker is highly recommended to all regardless of whether they are beginners or experienced.
What I Like Most From The Doodle Maker?
I like the artificial intelligence video translation engine. You can now easily cover any video with voice with this, and the built-in AI translation engine will automatically generate an attention-grabbing video in more than 30 languages on demand.
Just upload your video or paste a YouTube URL and the artificial intelligence of the app will work in minutes, magically. You’ll be left with a beautiful, high-quality doodle video that was all done with minimal effort for you.
This artificial intelligence technology will also allow you to use our pre-populated male or female voice over, or you can use your own, our ai will go one step further and turn your audio into more than 100 voices in 30 + languages on demand.
This is a game changer, now your doodled video will hit global clients which in turn means huge reach which huge benefit. Only this feature is special, and the worlds first.
Transcribe the audio and produce text from the original video.
Using text-to-speech to create a beautiful human-like voiceover in your language of choice.
Translate the original text into a desired language.
Produce a beautiful doodle video in minutes with doodle / images & icons done for you
Who Is “Doodle Maker” For?
Doodle Maker is very good piece of software that makes your video creation work simpler. However, i would like to suggest this tool for
    [+]    Online Businesses     [+]    Teachers     [+]    Students     [+]    Digital Marketers     [+]    Coaches     [+]    Parents     [+]    YouTubers     [+]    Freelancers     [+]    Authors     [+]    Newbies     [+]    Entrepreneurs
and lot more. Even you can buy and give it access to your Kids. Who knows? They may become a Whiteboard animation video making experts in future.
Pricing and Evaluation
Doodle Maker costs $47 one-time payment. During this launch special you can avail doodle maker for a low one-time payment of $47. It is launching on 1st-Sep-2020. On that day you can get it for $47. On the next day onward, the price will be increased to $67 one-time.
I don’t know. May be they change to yearly or monthly fee without announcing. So, it’s better to come in 1st SEP and avail the $47 one-time price.
I have seen that most of the Doodle softwares are costly and the will charge you monthly fee. There are some tools for the one-time price but i don’t like them all.
I like Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker so much than other once because the features they have offered is mind blowing and it is very simple to use for both beginners and experienced people.
Paul Ponna’s Doodle Maker is gonna be one the best alternative for Doodly, Videoscribe, Powtoon, Animaker, Vyond, Toonly, Explaindio, Easy Sketch PRO 3.0 and what else.
Any Upsells?
There are four Doodle Maker upsells.
Upsell #1: DoodleMaker Whitelabel Upgrade ($97 to $497 One-Time)
Offer this DoodleMaker software as your own best-selling and retain 100 per cent of profits.
[+] Rebrand the product with your own logo and branding. (Once a Lifetime Chance) [+] Sub-accounts unlimited, sell as many copies as you want. [+] Find your own price. [+] Done-for-you VSL to sell your own game. [+] Done-for-you Sales Page-graphics and copywriting to transform sales prospects. [+] App hosting and software upgrades are managed: Sale without any problems [+] No taxes, monthly or annual,
You have two payment options.
DoodleMaker Whitelabel Unlimited ($497 One-Time)
Whitelabel Agency – 50 Accounts ($97 One-Time)
Upsell #2: DoodleMaker Deluxe Upgrade ($49 One-Time)
Get access to miles worth of enhanced modules. 10X The results, revenue and income and get ahead of other customers at DoodleMaker.
[+] New 1 year monthly templates (one-time price): brand fresh, customizable whiteboard, glassboard, and blackboard templates added to your account for 1 year per month (no monthly fees). [+] Ready-made human voice over for all new (male and female) templates-save money, no need to employ costly voice artists. [+] Ready-made video scripts for all new templates written by a copywriter (modify as you like) built to turn your prospects into sales. [+] 56 additional text-to – speech voices, available in 29 languages. [+] Audio files free of paid royalties (for your doodle videos) [+] Video streaming priority-google cloud server (streaming your videos quicker than other customers without waiting in line) [+] Priority access to all app updates: Deluxe members can receive all future feature updates first before all users, so that they can remain on the cutting edge without saturation or competition.
Upsell #3: Toon Video Maker Video Maker App Upgrade ($39 One-Time)
Go beyond doodle videos, expand your marketing toolbox with new Toon videos. Toon videos are known ways of maximizing output. Biggest fortune 500 corporations market their services using Toon images.
Toon videos following doodle videos are the hottest video formats. Every video you make can be sold for $300 to $500 every.
[+] Text to Speech Unrestricted [+] Make Limitless Videos [+] Unrestricted Length of Videos [+] Blank Canvas To Customize Videos [+] 100 + Animated Figures [+] Animations of Eye Popping Character [+] HD Animated Backgrounds [+] 200 + Music Tracks [+] Sales License, and more! [+] Make ANY Language Videos [+] The Windows & mac desktop app works on both! [+] Run on 10 PCs
Upsell #4: ClientEngine App Upgrade ($29 One-Time)
Client engine software lets users find top paid clients to sell images, or any other service. This is great for those looking for high dollar sales of their doodle videos made with doodle maker. The app lets users search from inside one platform on the top 5 work sites. No need to visit several places to find work and video production services for people looking for them.
Note: the key reason for this is “to find high paying buyers from the top 5 work sites on the web, to sell your videos and every other top dollar service.”
For more profits use the perspective of a “client finder app.”
[+] Search Unlimited [+] No Monthly Fees / Unlimited Use Caps [+] Seeking Unlimited Paying Customers-Selling videos or something else [+] Top 5 Job Sites PeoplePerHour, Craigslist, Freelancer, Project4Hire and Guru [+] Keep the profit at 100 per cent. [+] No subscription payments, once-pay, unlimited use. [+] Stop chasing customers, and find them in minutes! [+] No frostbite, no face-to – face encounter. [+] Close online BIG-TICKET offer
Doodle Maker Review – Final Verdict
I saw many other doodle software tools outside. With all those tools out there, you need to create videos from scratch. Meaning, you are required to have creativity.
You should come up with a clear idea before start using those tools.
But with Doodle Maker, you don’t need to be a creative person. Most of the work has been simplified. It has done for you pre-made templates.
With these pre-made templates, you can save a lot of time. Simply upload your company or may be your client company logo and generate videos in seconds.
Also, if you have your existing videos, you can transcribe automatically and make whiteboard animation videos in minutes. Is that cool?
Actually there are lot more features and benefits i can talk about it. I highly recommend this tool.
Special Doodle Maker Bonus
Note: These are my custom bonuses for “Doodle Maker” You can’t find these bonuses anywhere else on the internet. I hope my bonuses will help you get best results with this product.
How You Can Claim My Custom Bonuses?
STEP 1: “CLICK HERE” or click on any one of the buttons advertised on this page and it will take you to the official sales page.
STEP 2: Order the product from official website.
STEP 3: Send me you purchase receipt to below email id. You will get your bonuses within 24 hours.
In case if you see a message like below, check my name (Partha) and affiliate id (#764589) and approve the change.
from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.com/doodle-maker-review/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doodle-maker-review from SPS Reviews https://spsreviews.tumblr.com/post/627877971868483584
0 notes
Do custom motion graphics, business logo intro;
I’ll provide smooth video opener,logo animation,motion graphics in 720p for Basic package ,1080p for Standard package & Premium package and my Premium package includes Quality motion graphics with background music and if you want I can also make your Logo reveal in a transparent background which means you can easily drag and drop your logo sting or intro in any image or video as a background if you want. Which is totally up to you.
Just send me your highest quality logo/picture in Ai,Psd or Png Format which you want me to include in the intro . And if you want a specific type (e.g. particle,liquid,kinatic typography,etc) or something similar type of intro which you have seen in other sites/movies, just let me know.I will try my best to provide you exactly same type of logo animation.And I am sure You will love your logo animation.
I usually provide the final product in mp4 format but you can tell me in whichever format you want. And I will make your logo animation in that format.
You can also make my gig favorite if you like my gig or need me in future 🙂
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Posted by Tarique H. on 2019-07-14 19:45:53
The post Do custom motion graphics, business logo intro; appeared first on Good Info.
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stripedigital · 5 years
Video Marketing Strategy No Longer an Option – Here’s Why
You should be considering a video marketing strategy for your business.
Do you ever feel like your business has plateaued? Does it feel as if your company is stagnant–like it’s not getting anywhere anytime soon?
If so, you’re not alone. Running a small business is tough, and many business owners feel the same way. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but 80% of small businesses fail within the first five years. Sometimes, it can be easy to feel discouraged about your small business.
But video marketing just might be the answer to turn things around.
The marketing landscape is changing; it no longer contains the same scenery we enjoyed twenty years, ten years, or even a couple of years ago.
If your small business isn’t doing well, it may be time to reevaluate the playing field and see what new marketing strategies you need to implement. And video marketing is something you absolutely cannot overlook if you want to see your small business grow.
Here are the top four reasons you need a solid video marketing strategy.
4 Reasons Why You Need a Video Marketing Strategy
1. People Watch Videos.
With the advent of platforms like YouTube and Netflix, people have become used to watching videos in their everyday lives. During one-third of the time people spend online, they’re watching videos. Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube each day. And the average Netflix subscriber watches 1.5 hours of content each day.
People have also become used to using videos to help them make decisions about which products to purchase.
90% of customers say videos help them make buying decisions.
64% of customers normally purchase a product online once they’ve viewed a video about it.
Consumers are very visually-oriented, so it’s important to appeal to them in this way. A study from HubSpot Research discovered that this is the way your customers want you to speak to them. 54% of customers want to see videos… and that number outweighs their desire for any other kind of content.
As a business owner, it’s your job to give the people what they want.
By 2019, Entrepreneur predicts, 80% of all online content will be video.
That number should be more than enough to convince you that if you want a corner of the Internet, at least part of what you put out has to be video content.
And more than just Netflix or YouTube. These platforms were created specifically for video content, and nothing else. So you have to branch out to be different. Think about the opportunities other social media platforms present for your business.
Video content is popular on every one of them, from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter. Videos are important no matter what channels you’re using to funnel your marketing efforts.
Facebook, for instance, is right behind YouTube when it comes to where people are consuming their video content. And a Facebook executive–Nicola Mendelsohn, vice president of European, Middle Eastern, and African operations–even predicted that in five years, Facebook will be all video.
That prediction may be a little extreme. But it is true that video content is only becoming more important.
2. Everyone Else is Doing it.
When you were a kid, you may have used this line on your mom when she wouldn’t let you do something you thought you should get to: “But everyone is doing it!” It probably sounded suspiciously whiny and was accompanied by a big eye-roll and maybe even a slammed door when your mom inevitably refused.
But you don’t have to use it on us… we’re giving you full permission to give in to the peer pressure here. And we think your mom will, too.
Simple: more and more brands are making a point to incorporate a video marketing strategy into their overall marketing plan. If you don’t focus on video marketing, you and your business will be left in the dust.
We want your business to grow. Your mom probably does, too. And a good video marketing strategy is the answer.
For example, MOZ is an SaaS (software as a service) company that’s one of the most well-known brands in the industry. Like clockwork, the company publishes a video on its blog every single Friday. The videos are dubbed “Whiteboard Friday.” Each week, a MOZ employee shares tips and tactics for managing marketing, SEO, clients, and more. The videos get dozens of comments and lots of engagement.
Live videos are another important aspect of many companies’ marketing plans. On Facebook, you can save the videos to your page, so customers can join in later if they weren’t around when you went live.
Your video marketing strategy should include ways to make your videos easily accessible to everyone.
Beauty company Sephora does a great job of this. They often host Facebook live videos, where they invite an influencer to sit and chat about beauty trends. The videos are informal, casual, and popular. Sephora also publishes shorter videos with bite-size tips for applying makeup or using skincare products.
And don’t count Instagram out. With the relatively new IGTV feature, it’s easier than ever to share video content on Instagram, even if what you want to share will take longer than sixty seconds.
Glean inspiration from the Instagram channel of Food Network, the popular TV channel. They recently uploaded an IGTV video where a few of their staffers were blindfolded to taste pizza from different restaurant chains, trying to guess where each slice was from… and Food Network’s 7 million followers loved it. Food Network calls this series “Taste Test” and regularly publishes new episodes.
If big brands like these are taking advantage of the advent of video marketing, it’s important that you do, too. Companies like MOZ, Sephora, and Food Network realize that video marketing is the future–and more than that, it’s the now.
3. Videos are Easy to Integrate.
You need a video marketing strategy because you can integrate it with all of your other marketing efforts, leading to a higher conversion rate overall.
No matter what other kinds of marketing you’re doing, from social media to blog posts to emails, it’s simple to include your video content with each one.
Let’s start with Facebook. We’ve already established that the platform is tailor-made for video content. You can include videos on Facebook in two big ways:
Sharing videos as status updates
Doing live streams
No matter which you choose to focus on, or whether you do both, incorporating videos into your Facebook strategy is absolutely essential.
A few key things to keep in mind:
85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound off
Consider creating a video that has words on the screen or closed-captions.
People are 5x more likely to watch videos on a phone than a desktop computer.
So make sure your content is optimized for mobile viewing.
People click because they see something they like, peaks their interest, or sparks curiosity.
Make sure your thumbnail image elicits some kind of emotion. Whether it’s funny, powerful, or shocking, it should make people click.
Integrating videos on Instagram is easy, too. From IGTV to live videos to sharing shorter clips on your profile, this social platform is making it easier than ever for you to share your video content.
Although it may seem a bit counter-intuitive, you can also share videos in your blog posts if you have a blog, like MOZ does. The software company includes a transcript for any viewers who would like to read along.
Tweets that include videos get higher engagement than ones that don’t. So make sure to post your videos on Twitter as well. You can post a video in your feed or use Periscope, a video app, for a live stream.
And if you want to upload those videos on YouTube, one of the things that you should prioritize is the thumbnail image. The image that you need to use should be enticing enough to encourage users to click the video. This is obviously because the thumbnail is the first one that they will see when they type a certain keyword. As a matter of fact, studies say that most users decide whether to watch your video or not based on the thumbnail.
Adding video content to your website is a great way to spruce things up. Greeting people with a video as soon as they navigate to your website can be a method of getting their attention. You can use video content on your landing page in a couple of big ways: have a video background (but do this carefully, as it can get overwhelming), or embed a smaller video.
Check out how we embedded video on our home page: https://www.lyfemarketing.com/
If you want to be the “face” of your business and feel like you have the necessary charisma, this short video can be a clip of you talking. You can also produce a video (animated or non-animated) about your products or services. Or blend together clips of people giving positive testimonials about your company.
A video is a good way to explain a lot of information in a short amount of time. And since people don’t have long attention spans (the timer begins as soon as they get on your website–you’ve got seven seconds), watching a brief video may be more appealing than the prospect of reading a long block of text.
Although you may not have thought about this before, you can also incorporate video content with your email funnels. A study showed that simply mentioning the word “video” in the subject line of an email increased the open rate by 19%. Often, opening an email is the first step towards becoming a customer, so this is an important way to reach your audience.
The word “video” in an email subject line also reduces unsubscribe rates by 26%. Videos can help you retain more customers.
You need a good video marketing strategy because you can integrate it with all of your other marketing efforts, leading to a higher conversion rate overall.
4. Videos Bring Out Your Personality.
Video content can increase your brand awareness, put a face to your company, and show your customers that you have a fun side.
Think about Geico, for instance. When you think about this insurance company’s brand, where does your mind go first: Geico’s insurance options? Their Facebook posts? Or the green gecko that you’ve probably seen on your TV many times?
We’re guessing it was the gecko… and there’s a reason for that.
Geico has done a great job of leveraging the power of video to make sure people recognize their brand anywhere, anytime, and in any context. The insurance company’s video marketing strategy has done wonders for their brand awareness.
What exactly is brand awareness? The term refers to how well a customer can remember or recognize a brand. For instance, you’d know the golden arches anywhere, right? Whether on a billboard, in a magazine, or on the Internet, McDonald’s is one of the most recognizable brands around.
But for SMB’s (small and medium businesses), it can be a little harder to cement your brand into people’s minds.
It’s important, though. Brand awareness plays a huge role in consumer behavior. In other words, if someone remembers you, they’re more likely to buy from you.
The good news: video content can help in this area.
Over half of marketers feel that video is an effective tool to increase brand awareness. Images linger in people’s minds for longer. Videos engage the senses in a way that the written word just doesn’t and can’t.
Videos can also help you put a face–a literal one–to your business.
People connect to people. You don’t want your customers to think of you as a corporation. You want them to think of you as a friendly face, ready to help.
Many companies star their founder or CEO in their videos. They might do a livestream with high-ranking employees to show the faces behind the ideas, or a series of short videos spotlighting various employees to demonstrate the personable side of the company. Much like this clip about a typical day in the life of Virgin Group CEO, Richard Branson.
This is important because it helps customers feel more of a personal connection to the brand and its representatives.
And finally, a video marketing strategy is important because videos can show your customers that you have a fun side.
Think about it. Which would you rather have: a dry piece of content that’s trying to sell you something, or a video with funny graphics and happy, upbeat music?
All forms of content marketing are important. But with the medium of video, you have a combination of sound and visuals that other platforms just don’t offer–and this can really help get your point across.
James McQuivey, a digital marketing expert, has said just one minute of video content is the equivalent of 1.8 million words.
And to your customers, that one minute of video content will probably be far more entertaining.
If you’ve been searching for a way to show your audience that you aren’t a dry, stuffy brand–rather, that you’re a fun and exciting one–video content is the way.
A strong video marketing strategy is important because people watch videos. Everyone else is doing it. Videos are easy to integrate on other platforms. And videos can define your brand’s personality.
Don’t wait–create a video marketing strategy for your brand today. We can help you do just that, so give us a call (404-596-7925) or complete this form.
The post Video Marketing Strategy No Longer an Option – Here’s Why appeared first on Digital Marketing Blog.
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animationssoftware · 8 months
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