#white-jacket-guy getting back his jacket complete with GV200 and everything in perfect Sharpie Cyberlife font
fandom-necromancer · 5 years
039. Shouldn’t you be with him/her?
This one is a bit longer than my normal, just a headsup! (Finally not only emotions but story XD)
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: reverse AU
‘Oh, no, I won’t be ordered around, Detective!’ ‘You- Wait, when did I order you around, Gavin? I just asked you to come with me.’ ‘Exactly.’ ‘Gavin, we are partners, we are supposed to go to missions together!’ ‘Yeah, well, I never asked for a phcking partner! Let alone a damn human. And I’m not becoming someone’s puppet!’ ‘I-I am not trying to make you one, we just have to go. We have been called as backup for the SWAT, me being a former military and you being a state of the art android.’ ‘You have been called out to duty.’ ‘It is implied I take my partner with me.’ ‘Oh and now I'm your property, yes? I imply you should go phck yourself! I’m not following you around like a damn lapdog!’ ‘Fine! I’ll go alone then, partner!’
Gavin watched the human march off. Honestly, he had expected him to hoist him up and pull him with him. Or to complain to the captain resulting in god knows what for the GV200. Or to punish him in any other way. He hadn’t at all expected the man to simply walk away. But then again, Nines wasn’t like other partners he had had. It would be too much to say the man had left him alone and in peace, but he had always ordered him in a polite way, even if it was an order nonetheless. Well, he wouldn’t feel guilty about it. The human had worked alone the whole time. In his file it said he had one or two partners in his career. One in the military that died the first week, one in the beginning of his police-life. Well, they lived to tell the tale, but it wasn’t a pleasant one for sure. Gavin had heard the stories about the uncontrollable Detective that, well, every definition of asshole and self-entitled idiot fit. Nines had been over five years at the force without a partner, he would manage.
GV200 spent the time until the human would get back attending to the menial work no one wanted to do. The android tasks, the ones left for them to complete by the humans. Gavin hated it. He had a whole life of signing papers for his partners, writing reports, filing evidence, sending samples to the lab, waiting for results. He didn’t realise how the hours passed and he wouldn’t have noticed the ruckus in the bullpen weren’t it for a few sheets of paper he had to fetch from the printer.
‘Hey, shouldn’t you be with him?’, someone asked as he passed by and Gavin didn’t spent time looking at them, when his auditory sensors picked up that voice coming out of the headphones somewhere. ‘This is Detective Richard Stern, requesting immediate backup! The perimeter has been overrun, I’m in enemy territory, cut off from the SWAT team. Status-‘ The man held his breath and far-away voices became audible. Then hushed words: ‘I haven’t been spotted yet. I have to keep quiet.’
Gavin ignored the lingering stares at him and the muttered questions why he wasn’t there. He asked himself the same questions.
Before he could think about it, he was out and running down the streets at inhuman speeds. He pinged Nines’ communicator, getting an exact position and looking for the best route there. Ignoring streets, cars and even humans, he bolted through the city. It was one thing to hate his partner and the whole situation of being dependant on him. It was a whole other to let his partner die out of pettiness. He connected to the frequency Nines and the precinct were using, talking without using his mouth: ‘Detective unit GV200 on the way responding to backup-call. Arrival in approximately…’ Instead of following the street he jumped over a fence through a row of gardens, recalculating the time. ‘twelve minutes, twenty-five seconds.’
It were long twelve minutes, the only sign of Nines being a regular ping that yes, he was still alive. Gavin finally arrived at the building, operator van easily spotted behind a overgrown bush. He easily hacked the lock, throwing open the back doors to some equally shocked faces. ‘Where is he?’ No one answered him, at least not fast enough. ‘Detective unite GV200 partner of Detective Richard Stern. He requested backup as he is caught behind enemy lines. Where the phck is he?’ ‘Er… around here…’ A woman pointed to a laptop-screen and Gavin jumped into the back of the car looking over her shoulder at what he supposed were the schematics of the factory-complex. ‘Where is your team?’ ‘Over here.’ That was some distance, Gavin mused. There were multiple rooms in between his partner and the SWAT-team. ‘Our men claim he saw a chance to bypass them and acted although he was ordered not to. We had to fall back not to get caught by the criminals.’ ‘And the hostage?’ ‘We suppose he is kept here.’ Huh? That was relatively close to where Nines hid.
‘Okay, I’m going in. I’ll keep broadcasting to you guys. You! White-jacket-guy! Give it to me!’, he demanded. The man flinched and looked at him confusedly. ‘Give me the damn thing! Holy shit, I’ll buy you a new one when this is over, deal? Just give it to me!’ Hesitantly the cloth was handed over and Gavin laid it flatly on a desk. ‘Perfect. Now does any one of you idiots have a sharpie?’
Nines had knelt in a corner behind some crates for what felt like an eternity. Surely the twelve minutes had passed already. He hated waiting had always hated it. Fuck, his plan could have worked. If only he had known there was a guard seated in front of him that had decided to patrol the only doors to this room in a rhythm that wouldn’t allow him to slip by. He was so near, he could hear the hostage promising his captors anything that might cause them to let him leave. An android could have told him that. He still waited for either the SWAT-team to act or backup to arrive, when there was a sudden change on the criminals’ behaviour. ‘Hey, has the android stood here before?’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Yeah, well, there’s a fucking android standing here. Seems to be dead though. Doesn’t move, has no light.’ ‘Probably leftover from the factory.’ ‘Shit dude, don’t touch it.’ ‘Why? You scared it’ll go full terminator on us?’
Then there was a second voice. A voice Nines knew, but usually in another tone. ‘Hello! I’m a GV200 work unit. How may I help you?’ It was nearly unnatural as happy and quirky as it sounded. Was that really Gavin? ‘Holy shit. I didn’t think it would wake up. Scared the shit out of us, tin-can!’ ‘I have entered Stasis six years, three months and twenty days ago. My orders were to awaken when prompted.’ ‘Hey, nice, free android! We can sell it and keep the change.’ ‘Or we could take it to the boss. Ey, robot! What can you do?’ ‘I have been built with an enhanced chassis for labour. I am quicker and stronger than a normal human.’ ‘What’s with sensors ‘n stuff?’ ‘Enhanced auditory and visual sensor systems.’ ‘We just got ourselves a guard bot, man.’ ‘Acknowledged. I will guard this building. Are there any more persons with you?’ ‘Yeah, we’re seventeen-‘ ‘Thomas is ill.’ ‘Sixteen humans. I would say to look out for police officers and such.’ ‘You can’t just say that, it’ll know-‘ ‘Search parameters saved. Have a nice day.’
Apparently Gavin had left them standing, because there were footsteps getting lost in the distance while the voices of two men remained. ‘We’ll have to tell the boss before it meets the others.’ ‘Yeah, so much for selling it ourselves, dumbass.’ Okay, Gavin was inside the building, having free access to everything. And he even found out how many people there were. A genius plan, he had to give it to the bot.
It took a while until something happened again. Accompanied with a muttered: ‘Phcking humans, I swear!’, Gavin entered the room. Nines stirred but kept quiet, so the man patrolling wouldn’t hear him. It was a shock for him to be suddenly grabbed by the arm and ruggedly pulled to his feet. ‘Intruder alert!’ ‘Gavin, what the fuck?’, he hissed, looking confused at the stark white of a Cyberlife jacket. Wait, was this even his Gavin? ‘What’s with the Cyberlife-Outfit?’ The android showed him his palm, all the while screaming ‘Intruder alert!’ over and over again. I’ll bring you to the hostage, then we wait for SWAT to arrive. Risky. But he trusted the android to know what he was doing. So, he played along. ‘Let me go, you damn android!’, he pressed out and struggled knowing he wouldn’t stand a chance even if he would have honestly tried to get free.
Immediately the guard from before came running in, looking first at Nines, then at the android. ‘You told me to look out for police and other associated forces. This one is a police detective. I've completed my first patrol through the whole building. He is the only one. I believe someone to collect more information on your operation for later intervention. According to statistical data a raid is set one to two weeks after first investigation.
‘Holy shit, you really are useful, droid. Come, let’s get him to the others.’ The man Nines had observed for the better part of an hour now tried to grab him, but Gavin simply walked off. The human continued to fake-struggle in his grip, once strong enough to earn a slap in the face by the guard. After that he backed down a bit. This wasn't how he had planned his day to go.
'The android has found a police officer snooping around!', the asshole following Gavin announced as they stepped into the room where the hostage was held. He was still unharmed. Considering they wanted ransom nothing out of the ordinary, but it didn't mean he was save. Especially if the SWAT-team came barging in the situation could change immediately. 'So... Has it?' A skinny man came over to take a look at Nines or more at his uniform. 'Everyone, be ready to ditch this place, we've been compromised!'
Gavin had been broadcasting what he saw and heard to the operator van as well as the team itself and unbeknownst to the criminals, his data had allowed them to surround the room and clearing the rest of the building while he was on "patrol". They waited only for his sign to attack now and Gavin smirked at the thought of humans in his command for now. The leader of the gang saw his change in expression, but before he could put two and two together, Gavin had grabbed Nines' firearm, let go of the human and took the criminal at gunpoint instead. Nines immediately dipped for the chair the hostage was strapped to as the SWAT-team came running in, taking over. He managed to pull the whole chair into a corner, but he wouldn't have needed it. They had been overwhelmed so quickly that they barely even resisted.
 'I have to say, you are amazing at the job!' Gavin looked up sitting in the passenger seat of Nines' car and knew he must have misunderstood something. 'Excuse me?' 'Yeah, your idea of infiltrating was really something else.' 'You praising me because you liked me being the obedient android?', Gavin asked. 'What? Hell, no! Why... Are you really still on that path?' 'I'm not letting myself be ordered around!' 'I haven't- Gavin, this morning I said and let me quote my own fucking self at you: "We just got a call, Let's go, I'll drive us there." how the hell is that ordering you around? You don't need orders, you just proved it today by saving the whole operation single-handedly!' 'I will not follow you around, doing your work!' 'I have not expected you to!' 'Then why did you left me with all the damn paperwork?' 'I haven't left you with it when I wanted you with me to begin with for fuck's sake! Humans procrastinate, okay? We don't like doing something? We shove it all the way to the back until we have to do it. I didn't mean to load it all on you, I just couldn't bring myself to do it yet.' He sighed, pulling into an empty spot in the parking lot. 'I am honest with you, I'm not a good partner. Today proved it, I can't follow orders very well. But neither can you so, how about we start over? Let's go in there and try again!' 'I won't let you order me around again!' Gavin grinned as the human groaned and planted his face on the steering wheel. He let him suffer for a while, before he punched Nines in the shoulder.
'Hey, I'm just messing with you. Let's go and be partners!'
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