#white hero complex that is
evansbby · 9 months
I don’t even care I would have been posted up in Ari’s bed at that dingy ass resort sucking and fucking that man 24/7/365. I love a misunderstood guy with a hero complex. When he saved that boy in the beginning I literally ovulated. He was so brave and sexy and spontaneously bursted into exercise as if he was asserting his dominance over others around him. He did not play about his cause, and was so blasé about it, too. Like yessss I’m ready and waiting for you when you get home, daddy.🤰🧎‍♀️☺️💗😛😜😜 I’m licking the sweat off of those washboard abs.
No bc the “spontaneously bursting into exercise as if he was asserting his dominance over others around him” is so true 😭😭😭 that really turned me on too 😭😭 and all the grunts he made while he was doing his push ups???? OKAYY PHEW 😮‍💨
Although I don’t love canon Ari and I hate the actual movie and what it’s about and how it portrays things LET THAT BE VERY VERY CLEAR.
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 24 days
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meaningless episode in which nothing is wrong so nothing is right
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moe-broey · 21 days
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Had. An extremely funny vision to revamp Moe's staff.
The design isn't super final, I can never really decide how I want the accents to look... trying to keep them in line with how the Askr trio's weapons look. Especially the signature color magic glow that's present in their special arts!!!
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Anna has it too!!!!! You just don't see it bc her art gets cut off in game. Also, additional image bc you don't see the handle v well in her special.
Which is why, here, the green gem is most prominent on Moe's weapon.... geen....... idk if I'm keeping the other ones that look like the summoning circle orbs. It was just something I wanted to try out!
BUT. BUT. The Main Idea here is that Moe added its own touch to the staff. Yeah, the dangly halo was a Neat idea, but this concept is just so much funnier to me..... says SO much about Moe as a character... it is ALWAYS. Making and customizing things. I can also see Moe using the carabiner practically as well! Now, I wonder why it held onto those two feathers in particular... 🤔
#moe tag#actually if i canonize the idea that those are hero feathers from alfonse and sharena that's gonna fuck up the timeline.#like i'm gonna have to invent Lore. about it. but the two dangly spinny twirly feathers were ALWAYS a part of moe's Concept#like before it got simplified for ease of drawing moe had a dangly feather earring along the staff decorations#IDK IDK I'M WAY TOO METICULOUS. if i just draw two feathers please forgive me. i LOVE LORE#AND I LOVE. WHEN CHARAS ARE SENTIMENTAL. IN SILLY WAYS. GET ATTACHED TO EVERYTHING ‼️‼️‼️‼️#but like. sometimes it Is just for The Look of it.... i'm so sorry#ANY WHICH WAY. as i was drawing i had a strong vision. of changing up the halo to be something else#a dangly handmade charm. then i had the REALLY striking idea of making it a dreamcatcher. the FORESHADOWING.#and the Theming. of complex relationship w spirituality. but. i... ended up thinking better of it tbh.#like. asking myself okay how do i be respectful and honor this. then realizing hm.#maybe the only way to be respectful of this is to Not Do That. like. just feels in poor taste as a white guy no matter what.#but it DID get me Thinking. about what moe Likes to make anyway. what are the things that are significant to It.#AND THE. THE VISION. if anything it's appropriating butches here its ass is NOT BUTCH.#but no harm no foul. slap some more punk ass trinkets to that thang!!!!!! the practical use ALSO GETS ME THOUGH#like. moe IS practical. it likes its diys to be functional as well as fun. ect ect!!!!!#fe anna#HONESTLY. what if i only tagged her just to not clog up the tags and also that art is a good ref for later#just might.#summoner oc#my art#moe ref
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ecto-stone · 1 year
Man suddenly i want Technus and Ghost writer to team up and put danny in a mutiple ending Visual novel. To teach him of caused and consiquenses.  And for Danny to Escape he had to complete all ending. But he already complete all ending with his well known possible allies and enemies. Who could he be missing.
Since he been actively avoid Vlad in all screenario.
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olivieblake · 5 months
i’ve sent u a million of these but letting u know this tuesday that I am still turning over the philosophical implications of the atlas trilogy as I will be for a long time. todays thoughts are centered on Nothazai becoming the new caretaker and selling out and libby rhodes continually fucking over poc (belen, tristan, nico) who she expects unconditional allegiance from and then validating it using her own suffering (which is also sooo ironic considering her issues with ezra over his whole white knight thing, but of course it’s only an issue for her when it’s on the basis of gender) libby rhodes is the queen of white feminism but my problematic truth is that I still kinda love her im soooo sorry. maybe the others were right to bully her in the beginning but for the wrong reasons (not the bangs) ‼️
anyways thanks for the thought fodder and hope that people are being nice to you even after you broke all our hearts.
ah yes my fondness for undressing hypocrisy lol. that old chestnut!
libby, via her corruption arc, is certainly an allegory for conservative "feminism," which I assume you can tell is not something I hold in high regard, but in terms of craft, the spectrum of morality was always very important in this series—she's meant to feel familiar and sympathetic so that when she eventually grows comfortable with atrocity, her rationalization of her actions and choices feels like something you can half believe. the whole series is a thought experiment. what is a villain? what is a hero? what is power and what is exploitation? the tension built into the character of libby rhodes is meant to feel dynamic and conflicting, so that wherever you land on her as a character, I hope her arc is an interesting one to read
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What’s So Wrong With Having Heroes?
When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a doctor or a veterinarian. I wanted to help heal. And even as a small child, it felt like my calling.
Most kids dream of becoming a hero. The firefighters, the builders, the astronauts. The one’s who get medals and standing ovations. There’s many very monetarily successful movies and comics about all the superheroes we dream of. The people we want to save us. At one point, I thought I could be a hero. I wanted to be.
Being a hero wasn’t an issue for me though. People started to notice acts of kindness in me, and when they held that in high regard, I did too. I did everything I could to help others. It came naturally.
I bandaged my siblings and pets and strangers up. I gave advice like a wise old man, my aunt thanked me for helping her to leave her abusive husband when I was 8. I saved two people from drowning when I was 10. I talked friends out of suicide a dozen times. I became a street medic. I have saved dozens of lives, often under extraordinary circumstances. By definition, I fit the one for ‘hero’.
And I have so many issues with it. This isn’t a humble brag.
I genuinely think that we, as a society, put certain people on pedestals that shouldn’t be. I don’t think anyone should be. The hierarchy of heroes is inequitable and unrealistic. I think we should do the right thing because it’s the right thing, not to win an award or a badge of honor.
I see headlines all the time that are just ‘hero firefighter does their job!’. They’re paid to do this, of course they’re going to do it. As an abolitionist, I see cops hailed as heroes, usually for doing the objectively right thing, and it seems to magically erase the realities of what they do, the systemic harm they perpetuate. It’s the entirety of the ‘there’s some good cops’ narrative. And it causes great detriment to our communities because it makes it seem like the police do more good than bad.
Society particularly loves to paint white, cishet, abled, rich, educated, affluent men as heroes. The ones who can save us. Our hero.
And yet we ignore the people who are saving lives left and right, like people who use drugs who Narcan their friends. Or trans youth who stay up all night with their suicidal friends. Or the street medics who set up civilian ambulances for their under-served and neglected communities.
No one’s giving them medals.
Beyond that, people aren’t checking in on heroes. I’ve heard “you’re incredible!” and “thank you” a million times, but rarely do people genuinely check in on me after I’ve rescued someone.
And I usually need it. I’m at my worst mentally and usually physically after a rescue. It often takes months or years to process those events— they are traumatic for the rescuer too. Especially those of us without formal training or those of us who have attempted to rescue someone and lost them. We’re left to drift among all of these confusing and conflicting emotions, sometimes never understanding why.
The worst thing I hear: “I could NEVER do what you did”. It breaks me apart every time.
I don’t want to be doing this alone. I don’t want to have to save people over and over. I can’t save everyone.
I have to repeat that last one like a mantra sometimes.
I can’t save everyone. And so often, I still try to. I jump in without thinking. I throw myself into danger and worry about myself last, or, never. And it usually ends with me being seriously injured.
When I’d bandage up my siblings and pets it was after our parents hit us. I stepped in front of them as often as I could. I swallowed so much water while trying to save someone from drowning because they kept pulling me under that I puked. My 20-something-year-old boyfriend I dated when I was 16 stabbed me with the knife I had just talked him out of cutting himself with. He went on to keep caving my face in and choking me until I was blue. And of course, I’ve been seriously injured dozens of times during rescues. My body physically hurts so much afterwards, let alone the emotional toll.
I have to wonder: What would happen if I didn’t step in? Would it be so bad?
But of course, my brain always answers with a thousand of the worst case scenarios— or, just with what happened anyways. Sometimes people die no matter how much you try to fight to save them. And that has to just be what it is.
I think sometimes people live, and that just has to be what it is too.
But when we ascribe people as heroes, the message we send is that some people are heroes, some people aren’t. And I feel so strongly that this isn’t true. I believe that everyone has the capacity to help others, and so often, they do so in seemingly insignificant ways, and their deeds are not recognized.
Small acts of kindness are never small.
Life saving happens in everyday, ordinary ways. Sometimes what has saved my life has been something the other person will never remember or know. The Christmas cards from the elementary schoolers sent to the homeless shelter I lived at. The partners and friends who sat with me until I was safe on my own. My friends who held my hand as my heart beat dangerously fast, their presence being all I could feel, replacing the tightness in my chest. My cat cuddling me, purring until she snores. Strangers holding doors, strangers carrying my groceries, strangers checking on me. The dozens of items from my Amazon wishlists that have kept me alive.
I wish I could say how thankful I am to the community that’s kept me alive. How every time they’ve called me a hero, it’s because they made me possible. That they’re a hero just as much as I am.
I read ‘Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crisis (And The Next)’ by Dean Spade recently. In it, Dean describes “leader-less and leader-full” movements. It’s exactly what we need in the world. Hero-less and hero-full communities. We don’t need a select few— we need communities and societies structured around giving care. We need it to be standard, not extraordinary.
Personal responsibility can lead to community responsibility. We could have thriving, beautiful communities where we all care for each other so fully that no one single person is a savior, because we are all uplifted equitably.
I urge everyone I know to be more like the heroes they uplift. To think about what values they hold in high regard in others and to apply them to their own actions. To be what they already are, and acknowledge it.
You’re included.
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cursedwithwords · 3 months
"Harry would never have become an Auror!" You're really gonna stand there and tell me mister nepo-baby-chad-mcjockerson WOULDN'T become a wizard cop? Sure, Janet.
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p1nky1em0nade · 1 month
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Not finished if u steal il kms
If you see this man don't trust him no matter how hot his accent is he WILL harvest your organs for his own nefarious reasons (but he has the best of intentions, right? )
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soft-serve-soymilk · 6 months
Also speaking of my son Dism scrolling through windows help forums is so fun because yay :) that's my son :)
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theemptyspacehelmet · 10 months
Permission to coin the phrase “hetero-hero.” noun. Definition: character archetype of the straight “ally” who is somehow loved by all queer people for giving the best love advice despite never having been through the queer experience and always knows what’s best for them and treats them in a totally non-infantilizing, non-fetishizing way. Similar to: White Savior.
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shokuto · 2 years
I know how they could’ve done Ultimate Ms Marvel god I feel like I just wrote e=mc^2
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draconicace · 8 months
"just because you've stopped talking about it - " hey how's the weather up there. on your high horse. is it good. does it help anyone
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slocumjoe · 1 year
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Found the first iteration of Gus back from 2020, when he was Jesse. Physically, not much has changed, but the vibe is noticeablely different. Jesse had an air of dignity. Augustijn is a half drowned rat that stinks of dumpster ihop and a divorce lawyer's office.
Anyway, Augustijn gradually grows his hair out as the story progresses, as he is prone to during times of duress and Jesus Christ I'm Fucked. Gus went through cycles where his hair would get long during his spirals, and then he'd clean up his act, cut his hair, and do it all over again. As it gets longer, he gets more disheveled and visibly unstable. This time, during the story, as he comes to understand and accept his responsibilities and actions, and is able to withstand everything around him without self-destructing and relapsing, he chooses to leave it long. Didnt get a screenshot of that though. His longer hair would be kept in ornate braids, to keep it out the way, and would have the indents from the ties/pins...obviously best example would be nils verberne
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a-passing-storm · 1 year
I just found the Nilfgaardian camp in southeast Velen and I’m losing it? It’s got such a distinct and ominous vibe... this is so cool.
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animefansession · 2 years
I love how, if you don't know what the anime is about, you'd guess wrongly who the hero and the villain are respectively.
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lesbiandarvey · 4 months
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but it .. was an episode about being able to save a woman from a rapist serial killer … it was about the fact . they were able to save a defenseless woman . from a rapist . serial killer .
the argument you have to be the hero of your own story as white supremacy i- it was a story about a woman being held captive by a serial killer intent on assaulting and murdering her that only the protagonists of the show knew about and they were able to rescue her . from a serial killer
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