#whispers of distant souls rottmnt
nani-nonny · 1 year
Idk who this “self-control” person is but haven’t seen them in a while
Also, WDS out of context:
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(I’m kidding, context: F!Leo yelling at Little Blue while driving)
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middlechildkin · 2 months
Peepaw Week 2 : Day 6
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Omg we’re almost done with peepaw week!!!
Peepaw links and tags under cut vvvv
WDS aka Whispers of Distant Souls by @nani-nonny
Egg saga by @pommigranite
Peepaw week 2 poll plans and contenders: here
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Ch.4: Home - Whispers of Distant Souls
*bursts through the doors and chucks this chapter*
Purple showing the Leonardo-sightings and it’s just:
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Fair enough about thr spoilers, so to be sure;
1- WSD is about future leo having raph, Donnie and mikey's souls stored in his body, correct? He's the only one who can talk/listen to them, right?
If this's correct then i have a set of questions about it.
Think of April and Karai!
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The brothers have the ability to do the same as Karai, like how she’s helping guide April’s body in the fight, or was speaking to April in her mind.
They just won’t appear out of 1.fear of scaring the kids, 2.just to mess around with F!Leo, and 3.it’s difficult for them to do all that stuff since they’re inexperienced in this portion of ninpo, but Mikey can do it with ease.
So for now, or at least in the beginning of WDS, the turtles just talk to F!Leo.
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Another Whispers of Distant Souls snippet
I was listening to Two Birds by Regina Spektor while writing some LCD when I thought of this. (I also think Survive from the Epic: The Cyclops saga musical fits for F!Leos in general)
Leonardo watches the boys from afar, more specifically at Mikey. The box turtle’s smile reaches across his face, eyes so full of wonder and hope—a young turtle so filled with innocence. He thinks back to his Mikey, the box turtle aged by his own gift, and the little brother who held in the palm of his hand the true strength of the Resistance.
He whispers to himself, a silent plea of forgiveness in the form of these words, “I put too much pressure on your shoulders.”
“And the world on yours.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t carry that weight,” Leonardo replies to his little brother’s voice.
Mikey freezes where he stands, momentarily distracted from his brothers to see Leonardo standing a distance from the teenagers. A confused expression on his face as he turns to face Leonardo who stares at him with a far off look. Mikey separates from the turtles and stops at Leonardo’s front.
The young turtle stares up at Leonardo before opening his arms. A smile greets the elder slider as Mikey doesn’t hesitate to hug Leonardo. In a soft whisper Mikey says, “I’m sorry you had to.”
An echo of Mikey’s voice repeats in Leonardo’s ear, “I’m sorry you had to.”
This is how i imagine Mikey with his arms wide open looking up at F!Leo:
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Whispers of Distant Souls Teaser: The Recording
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Sneak peek:
Leonardo flinches when he feels a tug on his nonprosthetic arm. He turns and reaches out for anyone, but he can’t feel anything. His hand closes into a fist, a strange feeling overwhelming him that he can’t explain. Not now at least. He shakes his head and breathes in slowly.
Leonardo turns to the voice but no one is there. But he swears it sounded so close to his ear—so urgent. He rolls his neck in an attempt to ease the tension building in his nape and shoulders.
He feels a hand on his nonprosthetic shoulder, gripping tightly on his skin so much that he can see it. But there isn’t a hand there. At least, none that he can see.
“Leo. Stop Casey.”
It’s almost 5 AM, my hands are freezing but that’s not new, and I’m supposed to wake up at 8 AM.
In typical writer fashion, I got distracted by some inspiration while writing LCD ch.7 and wrote a kind of teaser for WDS. Don’t come for me I’m already annoyed at myself because I was on a break after writing with a blind rage for LCD and I just had to be watching tiktoks.
If you want more WDS content, hopefully whatever’s in the (#Whispers of Distant Souls) tag is enough for now.
Hope I’m not missing anything in this post because I’m sleep deprived but wooo we go all or nothing!
Anyways, here’s the links to the tiktok and oneshot/teaser/whatever it’s called:
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Whispers of Distant Souls excerpt
[Name still a work in progress might be changed but idek if I’ll ever actually post the fic]
Context: F!Leonardo and Lil Leo have a conversation. Leonardo refers to F!Leo and Leo/Blue refers to P!Leo.
Leo scoots forward, tucking his feet close to his body and leans his head against the elder’s plastron. He doesn’t clear the distance any further than that, and Leonardo doesn’t push the boundary. The elder only raises his non-prosthetic arm and envelops the younger’s carapace. He rubs small, soothing circles on Leo’s shell and thinks of what to say.
The elder thinks back to the voice that urged him to talk to his younger counterpart. It replays in his mind, “What did you need to hear at his age? What did you need to hear most in his situation?” The voice reminds him of what he should say, and he thinks carefully for a moment.
Then he speaks, slowly and carefully.
“You did all that you could, and that is enough. It wasn’t your fault,” he says as he raises his hand from the younger’s shell to the back of Leo’s head. He hugs Leo’s face close to his plastron and lowers his own head to rest on top of Leo’s.
“You are more than enough, Blue. There are some things we can’t do and that’s okay. We don’t need to succeed in everything,” he continues when Leo’s shoulders begin to shake.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t [redacted],” Leonardo finishes.
I can’t share too much in case I actually plan to fuel this fic and start writing/publishing it hehe.
This scene has been playing in my head alongside the upcoming chapter of LCD and I’ve been going crazy. Of course, I know the context behind the redaction, which doesn’t help.
I’m crying over how small I imagine Lil Leo must be in F!Leo’s arms
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nani-nonny · 1 year
WDS Headcanons (part three? and ongoing at this point)
When WDS F!Leo completely/fully integrates himself into the lair, all the future siblings in F!Leo’s head will nag at him to help out their respective counterparts. Literally backseat driving the whole parenting business. Well, mainly Donnie driving Leo crazy just to get back at him for all those times he interrupted Donnie’s lab time.
F!Donnie: “Leo, tell little me that he forgot a semicolon on line 153.”
F!Leo: “Donnie, what?”
P!Donnie: “Yes, Nardo?”
F!Leo: “No, not you.”
F!Donnie: “Tell him that he forgot to tighten the screw on panel five.”
F!Leo: “Give me a second.”
P!Donnie: “I believe I have given you five already and I still have yet to hear what I am giving you seconds for.”
F!Donnie: “Leo, don’t forget to tell Donathon about the—.”
P!Donnie: “Leo.”
F!Leo: *clearly exhausted, but smiling* “Can you not talk over each other?”
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nani-nonny · 1 year
1- Can the brothers use f!leo's body when he's unconscious? (Sleep, knocked out...etc)
2- is there a chance for mikey (little mikey) to see the other souls (future raph, donnie and him) since he's more powerful when it comes to his mystic powers?
3- Is there times where the future brothers can forcefully take over f!leo's body to do something or say something to somebody? Like something bad was happening to the kids and f!leo just couldn't move for some reason so f!raph decided to step in instead of f!leo.
4- Can the future brothers take over/guide the kids if they can do the same to f!leo?
Oooo~ good questions!
1. omg that would be so funny but no. They can’t do a whole body possession thing, but F!Leo feels it when they try to move his body. I actually have a small snippet of a scene that I won’t share because spoilers but:
The voice returns and he feels a hand press on his shoulder. He looks up to see nothing, as if a ghost has appeared to give its condolences. He turns away, hoping it would dissuade the ghost but it remains firm on his shoulder.
2. P!Mikey currently doesn’t have the ability to see the ghosts, but eventually he’ll be able to. For now, as seen in the recent WDS snippet, he can sometimes hear them.
3. It’s like sports fans yelling at their screens trying to provide support. All the brothers can do is watch the events unfold before them. (Unless of course they do the thing Karai did and provide support with ninpo. But F!Leo has to be conscious for them to guide his body)
4. The future brothers can not take over the p!kids bodies solely because they are attached to F!Leo’s body. No body hopping around here lol.
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See this? The boys can’t do that. Karai can because she’s so cool and powerful.
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nani-nonny · 1 year
This tiktok
That’s what’s brewing in my drafts rn and that’s all I have to say for right now
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Whispers of Distant Souls Snippet
“Eugh, what’s with the Raph-chasm and wrinkles? What happened to my youthful complexion? I can’t be a Face Man with a face like that—,” Leo begins when the elder slider cups his face with both hands.
The younger slider flinches at the contrasting temperatures of the elder’s hands on his face, cold and warm. The elder’s hands don’t budge, not even when Leo squirms under the elder’s touch.
“Blue, listen to me. No jokes, no games, just listen,” Leonardo demands in a tone that isn’t absolutely, but almost pleads Leo to be serious.
Leo chuckles nervously with his shoulders, a nervous smile crawls on his face as he looks everywhere but his older reflection. “I’m the funny guy, how can I not—,” Leo tries to say in full confidence under the elder’s stern gaze, but is quickly silenced.
Me, in tears because of Leonardo’s nickname for lil Leo: “he said it, he did the thing”
But anyways, as I was writing LCD Ch.6 I got distracted by this dialogue (and there’s more to it but I decided to cut it short). I’m still trying to map out what is going on in WDS but can you imagine Leonardo breaking character and asking, “What are you?” And Lil Leo responding with “an idiot sandwich.”
Anyways x2, if I stay on track tonight I might have another LCD Ch.6 sneak peek coming soon. (I had to delay working on ch.6 bc of school, you know how it gets.)
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nani-nonny · 1 year
“F!Leo tends to hover around the turtles because he used to do the same to Casey Jr solely due to the fact he was worried how squishy and soft and vulnerable babies are. Seeing how small the turtles are reminds him of that time in Casey Jr’s growth. Casey Jr is used to it and often counts on F!Leo hovering around.”
I’m literally in tears that’s so cute, I’m going to melt
What does WDS F!Leo do if none of the kids want him around like for some alone time?
He cries. —no I’m kidding, but he’d understand and leave them alone. For a select amount of time before he sneaks into their alone time like a cockroach on the ceiling to make sure they’re okay.
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Does WSD still have his robotic-raph-arm or did he lost it? If he lost it did Donnie made new or he - f!leo - is good without it?
Yes, from what I’ve headcanon about WDS, he still has his robo-Raph prosthetic! It’s still functioning well, surprisingly (that’s F!Donnie for ya, amazing tech!)
[Minor spoiler(?): Donnie is too busy with something else to fix/improve it]
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Whispers of Distant Souls snippet
“You can’t do this alone.”
Leonardo releases a sigh as he replies, “I’m not doing this alone, I’m completing this last mission with you, Casey.”
“I didn’t say anything, Sensei,” Casey responds.
Leonardo looks at his student who shares the same confused raised brow. The boy is farther than Leonardo expected, raising his suspicions because the voice who spoke was so close, as if talking directly in his ear. Casey is too far to be heard so clearly, so clear in his right ear.
“Are you okay, Sensei?” Casey asks as he steps forward.
It was at this moment Casey Jr thought his teacher was losing it.
But poor F!Leo is so confused while F!Mikey/Raph/Donnie/April are trying to backseat drive
Someone tell them to stop freaking F!Leo out
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Okay, I think I’m gonna have to organize my peepaws to make it easier for mainly myself haha (organizing my thoughts through this will help with writing the second part of BYMH, I tell myself)
Possible spoilers(?) if you haven’t read Reunion, LCD, DMD, and the snippets/headcanons of WDS (check my pinned)
Reunion is less protective than the other peepaws tbh (but that doesn’t mean he won’t wreck havoc for the kids, he’s the scariest when it comes to the kids). His protectiveness over the kids stems from his gratitude for saving his timeline rather than having adopted them. His attitude is more chirpy and goofy than the other peepaws, and he is overall the more loose or I guess less uptight since he was able to heal easier from his trauma (yes, he still has trauma because he witnessed what had happened and remembers before the reset, so he has his moments but it doesn’t consume his life like the others). He doesn’t consider himself to be a parental figure to the kids, although he left a huge impression on them before he left.
DMD is probably the most parental figure out of all the peepaws as of right now (I like to think WDS will give him a run for his money). He’s extremely protective, as I had mentioned he is willing to die for them. His protectiveness stems from unknowingly adopting the kids (while unironically calling them his kids), gratitude towards them, and simply because he knows how much they’ve been through and wanting to protect them since they’re kids. He’s pretty laidback but tense for a good majority of his time, never allowing himself to not be aware of everything at all times. His trauma holds him back from letting loose, but he gets better as he heals and overcomes his trauma to an extent (but that doesn’t stop him from his senses being on overdrive, don’t tell the kids). He’s calm with a few bad jokes here and there, a great listener because he’s trying to take everything in but that also means he’s just weirdly staying quiet (it unnerves the kids but they take advantage of it).
LCD is not at all protective. Not a protective bone in his body. I’m kidding (we just haven’t finished his story yet so his character hasn’t gotten to this point). He’s very protective in the sense that he has no trouble killing for them and it all stems from his guilt. He’s like an assassin, do the kids wrong and he’s on the way (don’t tell the kids). He won’t die for them like DMD would, nor would he wreck havoc for them like Reunion, he’d just tell the kids to give him a name and the person in question would disappear off the face of the earth without a trace. But other than that, he keeps his distance. He’s an adult figure that the kids aren’t all that close to and are rightfully afraid of him. His guilt keeps him away from the kids, no matter how much one of them wants to see him *cough Little Leon cough*. He’s extremely quiet and keeps to himself compared to the other peepaws (good choice bud, best to stay away). There won’t be any jokes from this guy nor smiles, so he’s the most uptight.
WDS is the most protective out of the group. He pressed “all of the above” and will wreck havoc, kill, assassinate, etc. for the kids. He saw the kids, compared their sizes to Casey Jr and said, “I have to protect them. They’re mine.” His protectiveness stems from seeing them as his kids like he sees Casey Jr, and from seeings kids in the apocalypse living in those harsh conditions. His attitude is more in between DMD and Reunion in the fact he’s less laidback than DMD but more uptight than Reunion. His protectiveness gets in the way of the kids fun and it’s teetering on the line of paranoid, but his trust in the kids keeps him off the paranoid side. The kids (and the ghostly brothers ngl) like to tease him so he’s pretty easy to get along with. His trauma gifted to him from the apocalypse doesn’t get to him as much as it does the others because he’s so focused on the kids (well, that and he had his brothers longer than the others if you don’t count Reunion’s reset). He doesn’t have guilt from his actions or surviving his brothers like the others but what he does have is regret that literally weighs heavier on him the more his brothers talk to him. His regret is his main reason why he tries hard to be more upbeat, especially when he learns that his brothers are watching.
WDS and DMD get along the best while Reunion stays to the side just a teeniest bit because he isn’t exactly sure how to get along with them due to his different story. Although when Reunion gets over it, he meshes pretty well with them as the more goofier Peepaw of the trio.
WDS likes to tease DMD and respects him, but never dares to cross the line because he eventually learns that DMD is a ruthless Battle Nexus Champ and lowkey fears him for that (his Big Mama is obviously different than DMD’s Big Mama since he’s not a mama’s boy like DMD). Reunion also lowkey fears DMD but it also gives him peace of mind knowing that DMD will be able to protect the kids.
LCD is the outlier once again now that WDS is added to the Nonny Peepaws. He knows just by looking at the other peepaws that if they ever learned about what he had done, it will be the end of him. He stays away—far away—from the Peepaw trio and watches from a much farther distance than Reunion once was. He often overhears the other peepaws talking and how cheerful they are and grows lowkey jealous of how they have healed.
I’ll update this more when my peepaws interact some more or when I write more of their stories. Or when I get a better understanding of how they’ll react with each other hehe
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Whispers of Distant Souls - Ch.2 sneak peek (#1)
“Yeesh, he looks fucked up.”
“Give him a break.”
“How bad is it?”
“I don’t even need my tech to calculate how much the drugs and alcohol fucked him up. I’m amazed little Blue didn’t pump his stomach.”
“If he could, he probably would have.”
“Hey, Primetime. Wake up. You’re scaring my kid.”
“I thought we agreed that Casey's my kid today.”
“You would be wrong.”
“Quiet, he’s waking up.”
Who are you…?
F!Leonardo’s brothers are incredibly loud for no reason, let the man rest./j
(Can you guess whose voice belongs to who? Hehe)
Soon, we’ll get to the complete peepawification of WDS F!Leo (sure, we have Casey Jr but soon the other kiddos)
Also, update on BYMH p.2, I forgot I wrote some of it prior to WDS’s “debut” so I need to change around his answers but maybe for some questions i won’t? Idk
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