#whispers and timeline madness will NEVER take that power from us. I trust and believe
emblazons · 7 months
Just watched the OG FFVII scene where Tifa puts Cloud’s mind back together in the Lifestream post playing Rebirth and let me tell you—I had my hand on my mouth for the entire vid with those tiny little pixels telling the story. When it’s 4K HD with full score and expansion? 2028 me gonna have a weeklong breakdown after pausing 132 times in 30 minutes, I know it
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dwordza · 4 years
Fuck it, lets be gods
Dream: God of Mystery. Controls the enigmas of the mortal realm. Ironically, has close to no power in the pantheon, and is Extremely pissed about it. Minor God of Control, Power, and Thieving. If you and/or a loved one has recently found one of your most prized possessions stolen, there’s a chance the Mystery God has found himself a new plate of meat to play with. Tread with caution, and keep your enemies close. No one likes the God of Mystery.
Schlatt: God of Secrecy. Every whisper you share, he hears. Frequently visits those having affairs, just to fuck with them. Also visits those suffering from addiction. Minor God of alcohol, drug usage, and rams. If you feel as though you’ve become something no one forgives, it’s likely the Secret God has touched your soul with bile. Be not afraid when you die, he welcomes all with a smile and a swig of whiskey.
Techno: God of Trust. Be mindful to never use those around you, he will tear you in twine. Aside from being a God, he also acts as a servant for the Angel. Minor God of loyalty, war, and revenge. The servant of blood is not to be fooled with. A savage beast born from mans greatest ailment: his own dishonesty. Do not lie to a pig, for they will never find your corpse.
Philza: God of Creation. All mountains and streams are made of the same gods tears. Those who follow the Creator are forever under his control, and even in death do they serve him. The Angel of Death, the Blood God, the destructor. Atoms cannot be destroyed or created, and you must get your building blocks from somewhere. Minor God of birds, death, and dreams. Those who hope are often imbued with the spirit of the Blood God. But do not try to escape his afterlife, he’s a firm believer in “You Only Live Once”.
Ranboo: God of Duality. The cost of silken fists is a broken memory. An eye for an eye is what the Dual God lives by, forever in a constant battle with himself. He’s haunted by apparitions of the Mystery God, cursed to have sacred hymns whispered into his psyche. Those touched by his careful hand frequently forget their names. Wrote the 3 Great Tomes, but lost 2. Minor God of memory, cats, and the Sky.
Wilbur: God of Possession. He has his things and you have yours, keep it that way. Those touched by his demanding grasp often hoard and steal. He is defiant towards the pantheon, cast out by his own Father and cursed to roam the earth as a wandering Bard. Minor God of music, explosives, and performance. Any performer or star wears a pendant of the Possessive God on their neck, for good luck. His unfinished symphony lives on in the demigods he raised, and in a siren mistress.
Tommy: Demi-god of Attachment. Before Tommy, the world was very bleak. Only the gods felt connections, and from the Creation God bore a human child capable of caring. He sent him down to be raised by his eldest son, the Possessive God, and to be brought into his godhood by age 16. This did not go as planned. The Possessive God disappeared without a trace, and the Mystery God took Tommy under his wing. Tommy has been cloaked by Mystery, and left to fend for himself with no friends in sight.
Tubbo: Demi-god of Devotion. Tubbo met a lone boy in the forest, and climbed a rickety tower to where a demigod reached for his home. Together they’ve become great soldiers and best friends, working with others to fight back against the tyrants who wish to hurt them. Visited by the Servant of Blood and brought to their knees by the Mystery God, they only wish to find peace alone with themselves. Tubbo has visions of a Secret God, a goat man who leads him to make decisions to favor the very gods he wishes to know. The God of Creation shows distance towards his children, but to Tubbo the most.
Fundy: Demi-god of Trickery. Cursed into a fox body with the brain of a genius, Fundy wanders the mortal world searching for someone who will simply listen to him. Luckily, with the help of the Dual God, Fundy found himself to be a bipedal beast with glowing eyes and great, sharp teeth. He now serves the Dual God and keeps his many tomes in pristine order. Though sometimes, when the Gods sleep and the town dreams, he stares into the sky and longs to find his lost family. Fundy has lately been seen drinking with a man people can only describe as “severely intoxicated, like really man go home.”
Quackity: Bard of Corruption. A humble butcher hellbent on murdering the Servant of Blood, Quackity uses his supernatural qualities to morph his face into another. He frequently takes the mask of the Mystery God, and finds himself the owner of much land simply because he resembles a God. He mocks the Gods, too, creating personas that dirty the Gods names and create propaganda about their intentions. Quackity is very intuitive, extremely smart, and with enough cockiness about him that he can serenade even the coldest hearts with his lovely music. He sold his butcher shop and took himself and his good friend Sapnap on a great journey to find a God willing to fund their operation. And they did.
Karl: God of Prevention. Karl has traveled through time and space trying to stop the terrible things he’s seen, and he’s failed every time he’s tried. Minor God of dance, wealth, and the arts. Karl was so close to resetting again, when a wild bard and an AWOL knight begged him for funding. He... he couldn’t turn them away. He found himself enamored with their jokes and the way they danced around his temple, chasing each other with sticks and small daggers. Karl, for the first time in his eons of living, danced. This timeline wasn’t like the others. In the others, his Bard died. In others, his Knight never left the castle. In the others, he never swung in their embrace and asked them to stay forevermore.
Sapnap: a once loyal knight turned to murder and thieving, Sapnap is a force to be reckoned with. He once dueled the Servant of Blood himself, and would’ve won had it not been for the Servants second wind. For his good fight, the Servant rewarded him with the Axe of Peace, a enchanted weapon created from the Servants very soul. Sapnap sold it to a wandering soldier boy dubbed ‘Theseus’. He followed his fellow Quackity to the temple of Suspension, where they found a lonesome God on the brink of madness. He’s now engaged to said God, along with Quackity, and ferrying him around the world, showing him everything he’s missed cooped up in that temple.
Jack Manifold: The man who escaped the labyrinth, Jack Manifold is as shifty as they come. He was slaughtered by Tommy, and hellbent on revenge he tore his way out of the Creation Gods labyrinth, and started his hunt. Cursed with a capped chain and a broken spirit, even the Servant shakes when he sees Jack Manifold. He’s recently joined the Blood Gods temple, and his triumph in his labyrinth gave him a great deal of leverage. The Blood God himself has given him protection, bidding him to find and kill his youngest son. Jack Manifold plans to do just that, and he’s not going to stop there.
Niki: Niki Nihachu is a woman of great power, protected by the Possessive God and close ally to the Servant. She left her home in ruins and burned the great tree which she had grown to hate, calling upon the Possessive Gods sacred soul to grant her the power of explosion. And grant he did. She now finds herself working with one Jack Manifold and, with the help of the Servant, she’s found the location of the Demi-god Tommy. She plans to assassinate him, becoming the true heiress to the Possessive Gods thrown in the pantheon. She’s had great success, as of late.
Note: in this AU Tommy is one of philzas children, but in a “I created you from nothing” type beat. Tommy isn’t his Blood son, but instead a ball of magic melded into human shape by the Angel. Philza then sent Tommy away to be raised by Wilbur. I came up with this AU when Tommy was still assumed to be Philzas son in canon, and it fits the story well so I’m not gonna change it. Just know: philza is not a “bad dad”, he’s a really cool god who got bored and created a funny little demigod to go and cause problems. He also respectfully bid Jack Manifold, among others, to hunt down his creation bc he’s a Girlboss in this AU lmao.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 3 years
Successful Viewings of the New Old World.
(Drabble for Queen!verse. The dystopia world where using the Jewel of Life pokemon movie as reference along with pokemon conquest. In this timeline Arceus came much sooner to destroy humanity thus the only means to survive was to escape to the distortion world where humanity has been in hiding for centuries. Also threw in pokemon conquest so that the small area not terribly affected by the gravity shift is divided into kingdoms with harsh laws and royal liniages upholding it that dictates type separation thinking too many types in one being is what drove arceus to madness. So with that in mind.....Karen is the queen of the dark kingdom, but also secretly part of the rebellion against this whole structure. It was a fun discord group that I still have on here incase anyone wants to do some dystopia shenanigans.)
(Also in this world...Cyrus is like low key on the right page so uhhh I thought it'd be fun to Drabble that)
"So this will open one?"
Karen asked watching the man busy himself adjusting the machine. When it came to industrial work or grand technology Kafen was one of the first to admit they were somewhat lacking. Concepts for that were generally stolen from other kingdoms and taken to theirs to be adapted to fit the dark themes. Most of said tech came from the steel kingdom which had practical machinery, and the electric one which worked with the more experimental tech. This individual however seemed to think outside the box into his own realm. A realm Karen found far more beneficial for her underlying cause.
"It should. It was able to earlier I want to make sure it's properly calibrated before showing you."
"Don't stress yourself. I trust you. If it doesn't work today show me when it does. You've shown me enough to put my faith in you."
Karen expressed watching him pause a brief moment before returning to tighten something up. She remembered finding him while on the town. He had been arguing with someone over their phone failing...well arguing was a strong word. They were yelling and he stood there stone faced calmly shutting them down at every turn. It was interesting, and the phone....well it looked so odd. After a bit of research she found out he was a tinkering man who was struggling to let his genius be seen. Genius she soon found included theories to accessing the other world, the one legends say humanity ran from.
If they could get there, start over in a new world away from the tight grip of the laws here maybe a new world could be made.
No one had believed in his theories till she called him to her court to explain them to her. Her mind was already made it'd been a matter of convincing her court, telling them it was to increase the power of the kingdom, and power was all it took to cause them to eat it up. Now they hopefully had something to show for it.
"There it should work, please step back your darkness."
He asked gesturing her back behind a protective viewing stage doing everything in her ability to hide her excitement. After all she was still a queen for now with poise to be held. She watched him grab a remote before joining her.
"Care to do the honors?"
"This is your invention and theory Cyrus, I maybe a queen, but you deserve the credit and honor."
She returned swearing she actually saw a genuine emotion of pride slip across his face. Good, he earned it. She thought refocusing her attention to the chaincurrently laying flay on the ground hooked up to all sorts of machinery.
Gently he began to turn the dial watching the machine begin to whirl up. The sounds of spinning machinery began to swarm the space around them as cranks turned, and life overcame the empty shells of metal. The chain itself began to look as if it was sitting in a forge though Karen noticed it lacked the familiar glow of heated metal. It was as though the chain was staining red gradually. Then it began to spin, and lift energy crackling form in the center spreading to the edges of the chain. Steadily the chain was holding its own form. The spinning slowing as the energy created a class life surface, a mirror initially, and then a window.
However this window had sights Karen had never seen before. She'd heard tale of it in old stories, seen artist's old renditions of the land, but none of them matched what she was witnessing.
"Its....so green, and is that the sky?"
"I think...it was dark when I saw it, and lit up with small lights."
"Does it change often?"
"I don't know. I only left it open a few short minutes before coming to get you my darkness."
Karen found herself laughing suddenly unable to stop herself this time.
"Hah, even after showing me a wonder I have never seen you insist to use formalities when my court is not about ro impress. Karen is fine, queen Karen if you must. Now can we go through?"
She asked missing his continued surprise to hear her insistence on informality. Sometimes he wondered about the rumors whispered about her. The ones concerned if the queen's syray from traditional laws was good for the kingdom.
"Um...not yet. It seems to be more like a glass door. Some stories mentioned more of these being around. They're the beginning of portals through. I think if we could capture the beast we could access more although-"
"That has never been done, could be seen as an act of war, and would require the housing of a fully non dark creature in this kingdom which is a severe breaking of laws that even I am subject to."
She answered for him eyes going from whimsical wonder to a stern leader in an instant. The joy taking a backseat as the queen's visage came into focus with reality settling in. At the end of the day this new world would be best for the kingdom, for creating a world without these stupid boundaries built on nothing but hearsay. She couldn't loose it, not while seeing it before her.
"I will take all of this into consideration. I am curious of your take, unfiltered please. I want to speak to Cyrus the scientist, not Cyrus a citizen of the dark kingdom. No loyalty test hidden agenda involved I want to hear your genuine thoughts by next week on this matter. I will take that time to think over mine, and while I'll have to speak to you as the queen since this involves the kingdom I will address you as a peer of my level because that is how I want us to interact with each other in this space. I think it'd be the most productive that way. Understood?"
"...yes, yo-....Karen."
He answered clearly unused to the new name as if it were a foreign language on his tongue. Still it was a positive sign to Karen. To some extent she could trust him as she saw the first break in him from the tradition of this world. A smile crossed her face as she turned to the striking scene again.
Her favorite thing about this new old world was watching all of the elements interplay. From the sky, wind rustling green leaves, water rippling through, and rich soil. Everything interacted as one.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Wes Plays Match Maker - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @deredereart Prompt: After meeting Dani and finding out Vlad is a ghost, Wes’ theories about Phantom seem less absurd to Valerie than before. Summary: Valerie steals Wes's binder and has some questions
Warning: mentions of the violence Dan did
Danny Fenton is minding his own business when someone slams an overfilled stripped black and white binder with notes, pictures and papers sticking out of it at odd ends; onto the table. Danny blinks at it a bit before putting down his milkshake and lifting his head up. “Uh, hey Val? What’s with the binder? That’s a little disorganised for you”, Danny can’t help but smile at her. Valerie gives him a soft but silly smile as she sits down. She jabs a finger on the cover of the binder and says, “Phantom, you damn moron”.
Danny coughs a little bit before composing himself, “um what? Either somehow Phantom turned himself into a kind of sad looking binder or I’m really confused”. Valerie laughs while shaking her head, putting a hand over her face “you are scary good at making up shit in the spot, you know that?”. Then after lowering her hand as Danny chuckles a little, “so I was sitting in class today and that Wes kid is going off with his conspiracy again. But you know what, Danny?”. Danny can’t help but groan and shuffle his feet nervously, “that kid is quite the loony handful isn’t he? And what?”. Valerie smirks, “yeah his theories were pretty crazy and him screaming like a madman doesn’t help. He had a giant bell today to draw attention to himself”. By the time Valerie’s done speaking Danny’s head is on the table and he’s laughing his ass off. Functionally killing his nerves. “I could live with that if he stopped trying to dump white paint and flour on me, he’s wrecked almost half my shirts at this point”, Danny is muffled by the table top.
Valerie nods, “yeah that’s pretty extreme, plus it’s kind of a dick move to be trying to out you like that anyways”. Danny chuckles, “yeah tell me about- wait, what?”. Danny lifts his head up off the table and gives her a puzzled look, just barely concealing his worry. Valerie taps on the binder, “I lifted this off Wes, with all this shit I think the only reason no ones realised is because no one thinks it’s possible”.
“Uh”, is all Danny can think of saying at the moment, he really has no clue what in all Wes has on him. Valerie chuckles lightly and leans her face down to Danny’s, which is only a little bit off the table, facing her. “After meeting Dani I saw Vlad do his whole transformation bit. And you know what?”
“Uh, what?”, Danny makes a point to sound completely confused. Valerie rolls her eyes at his fake confusion, “well half ghosts are real, Dani looks like and is the cousin of Phantom. So...”. Danny tried to look even more confused and is completely panicked at this point, “pretty sure Phantom doesn’t have a cousin”. Is all he gives as a response hoping that by not lying he’ll seem more believable. Valerie leans back and shakes her head at him while smiling, “pretty sure you both said you’re cousins and you know you could have just told me you moron. You were right, there’s no way I could fight or kill something that’s even part human. You included”.
Danny sits up right and rubs his neck, “well alright then...”. Valerie laughs loudly, “seriously? How was I supposed to not put it together. Danny, the minute I found out half ghost were a thing it was pretty hard not to wonder about Phantom. And then with Vlad? Who doesn’t bother changing his first name? Come on Danny?”. Danny throws his hands up dramatically but whispers, “I was 14, never claimed to be creative”. Valerie rolls her eyes, “so...”.
Danny smack his head as he clues in that she’s trying to get him to admit to it, “I’m not much of one for secret telling, Val. But yeah, ok, I’m Phantom”. Valerie smiles softly as Danny rubs his neck looking away from her, “finally, and Danny? Fenton, Phantom? Those sound so similar, at least Masters and Plasmius sound wildly different”. Danny shrugs, “I’m a punny man, I couldn’t resist. But you’re not mad?”.
Valerie rolls her eyes, “I’m not happy but no I’m not mad. I wish you had told me on your own, in the beginning I get you lying cause we weren’t friends in any way. But then we dated and the whole truce with Phantom happened, so why?”. Danny shrugs, sipping his drink a bit before responding, “like I said I’m not much of a secret teller, hell I’ve never actually told anyone. All the people who know either knew from the start or stumbled on it on their own”. Valerie looks a little shocked at this but she understands it, “well I would have trusted you once I knew but I do need to know why you attacked my suit. Did you know I wasn’t in there?”. Danny nods at her, “yeah, Technus was.  I knew it wasn’t you Val. I would never fight you full force like that”. Valerie smirks, “good and honestly, I could tell you were never fully trying. I used to take that as an insult”. Danny blinks a couple times before looking sheepish.
Valerie thinks for a second and furrows her brows, “you said from the beginning, earlier, there’s no way you’ve always been half ghost so, like, what the hell Danny?”. Danny raises an eyebrow and laughs, “you’re asking for my superhero origin story?”. Valerie sighs and facepalms, “you can be so awful but yes, yes I am. And I guess you really are, aren’t you?”. Danny shrugs, “well powers, I fight crime, save the city, even the world once or twice. So yeah I’d say superhero fits. Jazz even likes to say I have a hero complex”. Danny shakes his head and chuckles before continuing, “but to put it really simply my parents built a ghost portal, it didn’t work. I went inside it, accidentally turned it on, got half killed. Sam and Tuck where there, lots of screaming”. Valerie looks shocked and a bit disturbed, “that, that was incredibly dumb of you. Also, that sounds horribly painful”. Danny nods frowning, “well the entirety of the ghost zone basically electrocuted me, so yeah. It hurt. I was Phantom when I fell out of the portal, we all thought I was flat out dead till I changed back. And at least I thought the thing didn’t and couldn’t work. Vlad thought the college mini portal would work and yet he still shoved his head in it just as it was turned on”. Valerie facepalms again while grimacing, “ok yeah that’s even more stupid. But that must have been terrifying Danny”.
Danny nods, “once we figured out I wasn’t actually dead, it was sorta ok. More worried about my parents at that point. Now them trying to kill me or dissect me all the time has just become the butt of a joke!” Danny laughs pretty loudly while Valerie looks horrified.
“Danny what! That is so very stupid. I’d say you should tell them but unlike me, I don’t think they’ve ever cooperated with any ghost or half ghost”, Valerie shakes her head as Danny laughs a bit more. Danny sighing, “they’ve cooperated with Phantom once or twice. But even though I know they’ll accept me, I’d rather not deal with them going all scientist on me or trying to “fix me” either”. Valerie nods, totally getting it, “yeah I wouldn’t want my dad trying to change me so I guess I get it. That’s why I was so mad when you revealed me that time, not cool by the way”.
Danny rubs his neck, “yeah, I didn’t really have time to waste and I couldn’t let you take the battle suit. I’m pretty much the only person who could use that thing without dying. Well fully dying”. Valerie responds with an eyebrow raised, “was it really that bad?”.
“Yes, it nearly fully killed me as it was. Any normal human would have died and failed to seal Pairah away again”. Valerie slugs him in the shoulder, “so you almost killed yourself? Christ Danny you dumbass. But I guess there really wasn’t any other way”. Shaking her head, “you’re not all powerful, so maybe ask for help next time?”. Valerie is kind of surprised when Danny starts laughing so hard that he tears up a little, “Val, um you’re kind of wrong on that. If I had wanted to 14 year old me could have destroyed the entire world in the span of 10 years. Hell, that actually happened until I fucked around with the time stream. And that timelines me is actually weaker than I am now, he didn’t even have ice powers”. Valerie is gapping like a fish, “what? You were supposed to destroy the world? What the fuck?”. Danny rubs his neck, “yeah if you want the rundown, because I’m pretty much over the trauma of it at this point. All my family and friends died in an explosion, Vlad adopted me, ripped out my humanity and the ghost me ripped out Vlad’s humanity, the ghost me fused with Vlad’s ghost, murdered human me and then spent the next 10 years mass killing every human and ghost. As well as destroying all the buildings, he threw tanks at people while laughing”. Valerie looks completely freaked out, “what the fuck Danny, that-that is completely awful”. Danny nods looking a little uncomfortable, “yeah and it was a pretty big mind fuck going to that future just as he was trying to destroy Amity. You were there and called young me or me from the past, cute after I saved you from being killed by the evil me. Who’s called Dan by the way”. Valerie shakes her head, “well you are still cute Danny but how the hell did you even stop this future from happening?”. Danny laughs a little, “well Dan came to my, at the time, present and pretended to be me so he could basically murder my friends and family to make sure I became him. But I went and fist fought him, I totally lost but this time ghost saved them and reversed time. He basically pushed restart and thus made it so that I could avoid everyone dying. Dan still exists though, just outside of time having a time out in a thermos”. Valerie shakes her head, “that is ridiculous, well don’t ever go evil”. Danny laughs, “I don’t intend to”.
Valerie shakes herself off, “on a lighter note, you really should look”. Valerie shoves the binder at Danny. While Danny flips through the pages he can’t help but shake his head, “I think Sam and Tuck need costumes or something. At least he’s never caught me mid-transformation”. Valerie chuckles as Danny closes the book, “I know most of it is easy to dismiss but you really should be more careful, you dumbass. Also yeah, costumes is a good idea”. While Valerie’s been talking Danny has gotten an idea, “hey Val? Does he know you have this?”. As Valerie shakes her head Danny grins, sticking his hand in the binder he ectoblasts the contents to smithereens. Valerie jumps a little and glares at him before laughing, “I’m not sure whether that’s smart or just petty Danny”.
After Danny finishes his shake the two go for a walk, “so Danny, now that I know my lifestyle isn’t a danger to you and that you’re being honest. Want to try the whole us thing again?”. Danny grins widely, “absolutely”. Then smirking to himself, “Paulina would totally be jealous”. Valerie shakes her head, “I’m not telling her I’m dating Phantom you moron”. Danny smacks her playfully, “Val think. Valerie and Danny date, Red and Phantom date”. Valerie starts laughing and Danny joins in, Valerie says through her laughter, “Wes is going to have a heart attack”.
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fillianore-moved · 5 years
this is just a very long and unfortunate list of incorrect quotes i’ve compiled for the fe3h squad + my oc (aka cassia montal, who’s the assistant teacher at the monastery and is romancing jeritza)! i just needed a way to develop her and all the relationships there more, and this is the result, so it’s completely self-indulgent, lazy and frankly pretty silly, but still i had fun and developed her and her relationships a lot during this process! @highoverseer and @koroleyva i’m tagging you two because idk anyone else who’d care at all for this flaming pile of trash packed into a fe3h package uwu 🌷🌼🌸
byleth: how long have you been sleeping with cassia?
jeritza: that’s disgusting. and wrong. i don’t even get… why would... i…i’ve never had sex with anyone, anywhere. it’s none of your… you have… the nerve, the audacity… cassia is my colleague, technically. and she is terrible, face-wise. and how… how... do i know, frankly, that you’re not sleeping with her? maybe you are. maybe you’re trying to throw me off? hmm? check and mate.
cassia dies.
annette is sobbing
dimitri is heartbroken
edelgard is trying to do a satanic ritual with hubert to bring her back
claude is stapling memes to her coffin
byleth: you dropped your dyn- dy- dyna… mite…
byleth: uh… what else have you got in there?
cassia: oh… gunpowder, nitroglycerin, notepads, fuses, wicks, glue, and… paperclips. big ones.
cassia: uou know. just office supplies.
cassia to annette: when you turn 18, people are gonna try and tell you to buy drugs or cigarettes because you can. no. you know what else is legal to buy at 18? blades. get yourself a damn sword. a big knife is also okay.
cassia: we both look very beautiful tonight.
jeritza: you know, if you- if you’d just said I look beautiful, I would’ve said “so do you”.
cassia: i couldn’t take that chance.
dorothea: you need a hobby.
cassia: i have a hobby.
dorothea: staring at jeritza’s face isn’t a hobby.
cassia: you’re right. it’s a profession and i excel at my job.
cassia, looking in the mirror at 3am trying to practice self love: you’re doing great you stupid bitch..
manuela: i didn’t want to do this, but i know one way we can get the money.
cassia: you’d make a decent prostitute.
manuela: i’d make an amazing prostitute, but i was actually talking about this guy I know.
byleth: admit it! you like cassia!
jeritza: oh, come on. i mean, am i attracted to cassia? sure. do my days feel better when I’m around her? yeah. does she get me in ways no person ever has? indubitably. do i fantasize about her? sure, of course, but only in two positions. but do I like her? the answer is no.
cassia: when have i done anything rash or irresponsible?
claude: i keep a list if you wanna see. it’s alphabetized.
byleth: whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
cassia: (sighing) felix’s…
felix: fuck shit up out there, but don’t die.
annette: is anyone else scared?
cassia: not really. i’ve already lived longer than i expected.
flayn: what is the best way to kill someone?
byleth: kindness.
cassia: If we’re being stealthy, potassium cynaite. otherwise, anything from a knife to a bazooka works...
cassia: *crying*
byleth: i would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties of your life
cassia: you are the WORST at this comfort thing
claude: if edelgard, dimitri and i were drowning, who would you save?
cassia: you morons can’t even swim?
edelgard: teacher, it’s a hypothetical question.
dimitri: yeah, who would you save?
cassia: my time and effort.
annette: The cookie isn’t sweet enough, and the texture is runny because it’s not fully baked. if I have to rate this, i would give it three points.
cassia: i made it myself…
annette: it’s out of three points.
edelgard: if I ask you a boy question, will you promise not to be weird?
cassia: i promise.
edelgard: so, there’s this guy-
cassia: you can do better.
cassia, torturing a prisioner: we have ways of making you talk…
cassia: flayn, what are you doing here? you’re not allowed in here
flayn: (hands her a drawing)
cassia: did you draw this? this is so good! i promise we’ll hang it in the entrance of the dungeon so everyone can see it before they get tortured!
sylvain: i rarely give compliments, teacher, but that shirt looks great. i bet it would look even better on byleth’s assistant’s bedroom floor.
jeritza: …
cassia: sylvain, are you … hitting on jeritza for me?
cassia: it’s hard being byleth’s assistant teacher sometimes, but i love the my students and that’s all that-
caspar, in the background: teacher cassia! I tried to make spaghetti in the coffee pot and accidentally broke it!
cassia: *inhales*
post time-skip, black eagles route
cassia: i need some peace and quiet...
edelgard: i’ll be quiet!
hubert: and i’ll be peace!
jeritza: everything’s going to be fine. it’s just a crush.
cassia: hey, jeritza!
jeritza: i love you.
post time-skip, blue lions route
dimitri, talking about cassia: i know you think my judgment’s clouded because i like her a little bit.
dedue: you doodled your wedding invitation
dimitri: no, that’s our joint tombstone.
dedue: ... my mistake.
post time-skip, hubert’s support
edelgard: (whispering to hubert) start with a compliment! tell her she looks thin.
hubert: (to cassia) you seem malnourished.
post time-skip, edelgard’s support
ferdinand, watching cassia train: she can’t be good at everything. maybe she’s a bad kisser.
edelgard: no, she’s good at that too.
ferdinand: what?
edelgard: what?
sylvain: I'm grounded?
cassia: yes, you're grounded.
byleth: you disobeyed an order.
dimitri: and now we're going to bury you until you learn your lesson.
byleth: dimitri, that's not how grounding works.
dorothea: i promised byleth we wouldn’t do anything illegal.
cassia: Why would you lie to our resident parental figure like that?
linhardt: i slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let’s go for 12 more just in case
cassia: linhardt that’s a coma
linhardt: sounds festive
cassia: don’t worry, i have a permit.
seteth: …this just says ‘i do what i want.’
cassia: there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents
cassia: ... and lorenz
post time-skip, golden deer route
cassia: this is it
cassia: this is the darkest timeline
hilda: we just ran out of alcohol you dramatic little bitch
post time-skip, blue lions route
felix: cassia?
cassia, sighing: jeritza used to call me cassia…
felix: because it’s your fucking name
annette: it was me.
post time-skip, black eagles route
edelgard: so what are we gonna do?
cassia: i don’t know... pizza maybe?
edelgard: about the war, cassia
during a mock battle
ferdinand: start waving your white flag!
cassia: ... Yikes...
cassia: hey flayn, do you think I could fit fifteen macarons into my mouth?
seteth: you're a hazard to society.
flayn: and a coward. do twenty!
byleth: your trainee said a swear word in class.
cassia: i’ll talk to them about it..
cassia, to lysithea: what the fuck, dude...
rhea: this was a 100% successful trip.
byleth: we lost cassia.
rhea: this was a 100% successful trip.
sylvain, flirting with a girl: so, are you from heaven?
cassia: yes, she's a ghost...
cassia: she died fifteen years ago...
cassia: like that pick-up line of yours.
dedue: felix lost cassia…
dimitri: how do you lose a woman?!
ashe: you forget to cherish her.
cassia: you like me? you like my personality?
byleth: i was surprised too.
lysithea: [covers cassia’s eyes] guess who? she’s sweet, she’s adorable~
lysithea: and she’s gonna be really mad if you get it wrong!
ignatz: i lose at everything. i even lost my glasses.
cassia, staring at the glasses on top of his head: i’ll help you find them for five gold...
jeritza: what are you, a cop? fuck off!
cassia: jeritza...
jeritza: okay, sorry, one more time.
priest: do you take this woman to be y--
rhea: cassia, can we speak privately for a minute?
cassia: ooooh, someone’s in trouble!
cassia : no, wait.
cassia : it’s me.
cassia: wait, stop, think!
caspar: no, no, and no.
bernadetta: i’m just worried about hurting their feelings!
cassia: hurting their feelings…? you just walk around all day caring about peoples’ feelings?
bernadetta: yes, of course. don’t you?
cassia: no.
byleth: you’re smiling, did something good happen?
cassia: can’t I just smile because I feel like it?
dorothea: seteth tripped and fell in the courtyard.
claude: i trust cassia.
hilda: you think she knows what she’s doing?
claude: ... i wouldn’t go that far.
cassia: oh, yes, i’ll live.
cassia: but i won’t enjoy it.
cassia: you piss me off so much.
rhea: i literally just said “hello.“
cassia: yet here i am, boiling with rage.
cassia: don’t worry, you’ve got everything you need to defeat them.
marianne: the power to believe in myself?
cassia: no, a knife.
cassia: stab them.
petra: i’ve never done anything wrong in my life
cassia: i know this and i love you
ignatz: *trips on nothing*
cassia: ha, you’re so clumsy.
(5mins later)
cassia: *aggressively punching the air* what’s your–fucking problem huh?? what–did he ever–do to you??
byleth: now we’re going to compliment the person to our right.
cassia: *looks at seteth fondly*
cassia: nothing brightens up a room like your absence.
shady guy, coming up to cassia: if you care about your student you’ll come with me..
cassia: which student?
shady guy: lorenz hellman gloucester
cassia: *turns around and walks away*
cassia: did it hurt?
jeritza: *rolls eyes* let me guess, when i fell from heaven?
cassia: no
jeritza: what?
cassia, grinning: did it hurt when you fell for me?
jeritza: ...
marianne: does this make me a bad person?
cassia: marianne, there is not a force in history that could make you a bad person...
cassia: you and me? we both want the same thing.
cassia: but we’re gonna have to work... near each other.
seteth: you mean together, cassia?
cassia, turning around angrily: did you hear me say together??
cassia: annette’s at that very special age where she has only one thing on her mind.
manuela: boys?
cassia: murder.
cassia: *hugs dimitri*
dimitri: what's this? what's happening?
cassia: it's going to be alright.
dimitri: why are you squeezing me with your body?
cassia: it's a hug, dimitri. i'm hugging you.
cassia: claude, can we talk, one ten to another?
claude: i’m an eleven, teacher, but continue.
mercedes: oh fiddlesticks.
cassia: look, i understand this is a tense situation but let's watch the fucking language.
linhardt: i’m busy.
cassia: do you think drinking 36 glasses of wine consecutively would make my battle senses and crest powers even more heightened or would I just die?
linhardt: i’m on my way.
cassia: we’re engaged
jeritza: IN COMBAT
jeritza: *pulls out his sword*
manuela: why does everybody always assume I'm having a stroke?
cassia: age.
dorothea: diet.
leonie: i sort of did something and i need your advice. but i don’t want a lot of judgment and criticism.
cassia: ... and you came to me?
cassia: what do we say when life disappoints us?
dimitri: called it.
cassia: NO--
cassia: *sees someone do something stupid*
cassia: what an idiot.
cassia: *realizes it’s sylvain*
cassia: oh, that’s my idiot.
cassia: ferdinand, we tried things your way.
ferdinand: no, we didn't.
cassia: i did it in my head and it didn't work.
manuela: between claude, ignatz, lorenz, and raphael - if you had to - who would you punch?
cassia: no one! they are my golden deer! my students! i wouldn't punch any of them.
manuela: lorenz?
cassia: ... yeah.
cassia: you need them to think that you are stronger than you actually are.
ashe: that’s what you do, right?
cassia: oh, no. my power is no illusion. i can fucking demolish you.
cassia: before i do anything, i ask myself, would rhea do that? and if the answer is yes, i do not do that thing.
flayn: do you really think we should stay outside or do you just not want to deal with this right now?
cassia: two things can be true...
cassia: name a way to be nice to others.
dimitri: don't kill them.
cassia: setting the bar a little low, dima, but I'll allow it.
cassia: remember that time you made me lick the swing set?
dorothea: no, i said "cassia don't lick the swing set!" then you said "don't tell me what to do!" and then you licked the swing set.
cassia: what are the signs of depression?
byleth: why are you asking?
cassia: manuela was doing laundry earlier and she dropped a sock and i heard her say “why has the goddess forsaken me?”
cassia: i just realized. i had a terrible childhood.
manuela: yeah, i know.
cassia: what do you mean, “you know”?
manuela: look at the way you stand... people who had good childhoods don’t stand like that.
cassia: you have to learn to love yourself.
marianne: but don’t you hate yourself?
cassia: yes, but this is about you, stay focused.
cassia: stop it, it's 4 in the morning.
cassia: i did not.
cassia: i'm not feeding you.
annette: hey, can you do me a favor?
cassia: i’d kill for you, but go on.
in the garden
mercedes: annette, can you grab that hoe?
annette: *grabs cassia’s arm*
mercedes: wait, that's not what I meant...
flayn: hey cassia, can i go get some candy?
cassia: what did seteth say?
flayn: no.
cassia: then why do you think i’ll let you?
flayn: because seteth’s not the boss of you.
cassia, internally: it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap
dorothea: if I die, my ghost is gonna haunt you!
cassia: then your ghost is going to see some disgusting stuff.
hubert’s support in a nutshell
hubert, in the margins of his notebook: mywife is soft nd ilikeher
hubert: my wiwwwfie wife is visiting a noble family with the empress and i miss her
felix: see? this is my “i don’t care” face.
cassia: that’s your normal face.
cassia: of course, i care about everyone in this house equally!
claude: we were attacked while you were away.
cassia: is marianne okay???
cassia: if edelgard jumped off a cliff, would you?
hubert: *stares into the distance with a blank expression*
cassia: hubert!
hubert: well- er- i mean, it depends.
hubert: well, i wasn’t planning on it.
cassia: but if edelgard did, you would!?
hubert: *stares into the distance yet again*
cassia: HUBERT!
lysithea: if i run and leap at cassia, she will almost certainly catch me in her arms.
lysithea: COMING IN! *runs at cassia*
cassia: *drops the cup and catches her*
leonie: why are you helping me so much?
cassia: because my life is a mess right now and i compulsively take care of other people when i don’t know how to take care of myself.
hubert’s support, post time-skip
dorothea, barging into the library: you two ARE having sex!
hubert: really? cassia, why didn’t you tell me? i would’ve put my book down.
cassia: we have fun, don’t we?
ashe: i have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
cassia: why are we laying on the ground?
sylvain: you got knocked down so i laid next to you so everyone would just think we were chillin’.
petra: i did something terrible.
cassia: it’s okay, i have a shovel.
petra: wait, what do you think i did?
cassia: it doesn’t matter, no one will ever know.
seteth: time for bed.
flayn: cassia says that I can stay up as long as I want, and YOU need to die.
seteth: what the heck, cassia-
ingrid: i think rhea is in trouble!
cassia: alright... struggling to give a fuck, if i’m honest.
marianne: i made a friendship bracelet for you!
cassia: i’m not really a jewelry person.
marianne: oh, you don’t have to wear it.
cassia: no, back off, i’m gonna wear it forever.
manuela: i’m playing a new drinking game. it’s called “Every time i’m depressed, i take a drink.”
dorothea: that game exists. that’s called alcoholism.
manuela and cassia: *take a swig simultaneously*
during hubert’s support
cassia: i love you. you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
hubert: i’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
cassia: yes.
hubert: … now i’m starting to feel a little sorry for you.
cassia: alright, listen up you little shits.
cassia: not you, bernadetta. you’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
cassia: do you ever wanna talk about your emotions, felix?
felix: no.
sylvain: i do!
cassia: we know, sylvain.
sylvain: i’m sad...
cassia: we know, sylvain.
cassia: since when is babysitting them my—
cassia: oh, my god, that’s exactly my job.
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marvelsior · 5 years
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Endgame Alternate Ending
Loosely based off Jean kicking Apocalypse’s ass [here]
The X-Men had gotten into the jet, having picked up on readings of Thanos and his army reappearing in New York after 5 years of being MIA, delayed by Sarah sensing half the universe return to life. Xavier is keeping her steady, they’re all able to pile into the jet and start on their way to the Avengers Facility. Flashes of many futures that could result from this standoff running through her mind. But one possible future stands out to her. There’s only one where they all could make it out alive. She needed to make sure that happened.
They deployed the surviving half of the Snap’s X-Men to the battle scene, the ladies joining in with the Avengers’ female half of the team to try and get the gauntlet to the van. It didn’t work. Blue eyes scanned the field around them and Sarah sees her newly resurrected family guarding Spiderman; X-Men and Avengers working together to protect each other. Xavier himself, having been out of his wheelchair these last 2 years was going toe to toe with Thanos--but he wasn’t doing well. He hadn’t fought this hard since Apocalypse all those years ago. And that’s when she senses it. 
Her gaze focuses on Tony when he adheres the stones to his Iron Man suit, ready to make the ultimate sacrifice and the telepath sees what goes through his mind. Pepper. Morgan. Peter. His parents. Everyone else who was dear to him starts flashing through Tony’s mind as Sarah launches herself between the Mad Titan and Iron Man. Thanos lunges for her but is intercepted by Xavier, whom the purple titan throws to the ground and pins. “You’re finished, Avengers,” Thanos growls, gaze narrowing at Tony as he keeps the elderly man crushed beneath his fist. “Give me the stones or he dies.”
Tony hesitates, and Sarah whirls on her heel to face Thanos, using herself as a human shield between the Titan and the man in the suit. If Thanos wanted the stones he’d have to get through her. Xavier coughs up blood and wheezes out a response, one that Sarah knew all too well from her mother’s memories of that moment with Apocalypse. “You...will never....win.”
Thanos smirks down at the pinned telepath beneath him and Sarah senses her mother approaching, to which the younger Grey pushes her back. No. This was the future they needed. If Tony was to continue to live, and be a father to his little girl, she needed to let this play out. “And why is that?” Thanos whispers, having seen Tony’s hesitation and holding out his hand for the stones before Xavier telepathically forces the Titan’s hand down. “Because you are alone, and I am not.”
Sarah feels The Oracle stir within her, a hand moving to give Tony the worldwide signal to stand down as she stood tall before Thanos, eyes narrowing as the Titan saw that she was where Xavier was staring. “Little girls don’t scare me,” Thanos growled, but Sarah knew he was spooked. He’d been scared when Wanda came after him, he was scared when Carol kicked his ass, and he was scared now...because he didn’t know what she was capable of. It had been 4 years since The Oracle hid itself away. The remaining Avengers dispatching Thanos all those years ago allowed Sarah to return to the surface, despite the pain, and she hadn’t had a use for it until now. She’d been holding back. Now was the time. It was time to prove to herself, to Thanos and to the world, that she was indeed her mother’s daughter. 
“Let....go...” She hears Xavier’s voice in her mind, always a calming influence in the almost 20 years she’d been in this universe. The grandfather she never had and the parent she needed these last 5 years after the loss of her own. He always told her never to give up, to always embrace her powers. She didn’t listen as much as her mother had. Too stubborn. She embraced them when it was convenient but not always when it was needed. And now, she knew it was time. It was time to unleash the full wrath of the former Phoenix. If she didn’t, they would lose another light in the universe, and despite her differences with Tony....she wasn’t about to let that happen. She needed to get over the fear of the Oracle taking her over just as the Phoenix did to her mother. It had promised her long ago it would never do that, and it has kept its word. Now was the time to fully trust it.
“Unleash your power, Sarah. No fear. Let go!”
She steps closer to the Titan, blue eyes blazing with fury as she feels her mother summon Iron Man via telekinesis away from the scene that would be unfolding, Wolverine and Shawn staying close to Spiderman and the other Avengers as she approached. Now there were four voices in her head. Xavier’s, her brother’s, her father’s....and even her mother’s. Jean knew this was something Sarah had to do. Sarah had to conquer the fear just as she did all those years ago.
“Let go, Sarah! SARAH LET GO!”
Arms raise and eyes glow a fiery blue, the woman releasing a SHRIEK as sapphire flames erupted from her body, wings extending as she was lifted in the air. The sky was set ablaze and the earth rumbled beneath their feet. Stark and Rescue immediately lunged to shield Spiderman, Black Panther tackling his sister and using himself as a human shield as the fire bird appeared around its host. Thanos’ army exploded in blue flames as the Titan himself stumbled back from the screaming woman, only to find he was soon frozen in place. A blink of an eye and The Oracle’s snatched his throat in her hands, his throat on fire in her grasp before she speaks. “Behold, Thanos: bringer of death, your destruction. LIFE INCARNATE!” she shrieks, the fire bird engulfing him in flames as he screamed, dissolving the Mad Titan into ash. 
(Edit: Cut to Okoye, 2 seconds later: “WHERE WAS SHE WHEN THIS SHIT HAPPENED THE FIRST TIME?!”)
Eventually she calms down (whether it be by a S.O. coming to calm her, Peter running over to her, her family, verse dependent) but by killing Thanos her way instead of using the stones it saves Tony’s life. She also goes back with Steve to return the stones and catches Nat before she falls all the way and them returning the stone keeps the timeline in tact bc Sarah makes Clint and Red Skull both believe that Nat is dead but in reality she absconded with Nat back to the present.
Because everybody deserves to live and it’s up to Steve whether he goes back or not but she’s bringing Nat home. And we already established that Pietro didn’t die in AoU because Sarah was SMART ENOUGH TO PUT HIM IN THE CRADLE RIGHT AFTER because W.headon is a dumbass. Happily Ever After: The End.
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cosmosfated · 5 years
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While getting things lined up on call, I came to the conclusion that Fleur could have turned out almost the same way as he is right now, while also running the possibility of ending up drastically different. There are specific events in his life both on this blog and on other sites that I’ve made “loose canon” and actual canon for him. They have built his entire personality and life thus far but they weren’t, in a way, necessary.
Events, in order:
The “agreement” explaining his abnormal “bad luck”*,
his original introduction / experience with the eldritch truth,
getting killed / set free by Sans // The TRUE RESET,
meeting Blair Black, Katie, and G*,
reaching the Surface (and the subsequent deals that followed),
meeting the family (specifically Whisper, Humerus, Lost, and Regina),
being freed from his keeper under what was essentially technicality*,
leaning more into his monstrous side / “reawakening” his madness,
and coming into contact with old faces from his home timeline.
which I realize is nine events but I had to include one other one, even if its overarching influence on him is... questionable at best.
I need to make one thing very clear: Phoenix (celestialshifter) is a crucial part of Fleur’s development but I exclude her on the premise of I would have spoken to Nixxie far sooner than I would have spoken to Nini or Dez if left to my own devices and wasn’t yanked into the chaos by Nini herself. Therefore, Phoenix knowing Fleur and influencing him as she has would have been inevitable by proxy of understanding my own mind. How they influenced each other, that’s different.
I’m going to continue this under the cut because oh boy, there’s a lot to cover and tackle. It’s not going to be pretty, either. Warning for a lot of dark themes and quite a bit of information for things Fleur has not spoken about but that I have known for quite some time. (His backstory is already exceptionally messed up, but decidedly there’s a warning for extra tidbits that have been hinted at but not explored, as it held no relevance to the thread or conversation.)
Going event by event, let’s start at the top.
High Mages Annabeth and Samuel Jackson, one representing the trait of Integrity Self-Will and Bravery Audacity. They bring into existence a young girl, who they name Alexandra Maribel Lilly Jackson, bearing a soul of Kindness. Even at the time of her birth, she had been shown to be a favorite of the gods. Specifically the gods of innocence, hope, and justice. She had been blessed by the gods to be able to weather any unnatural force that came her way, but she had also been “blessed” with a terrible cynicism of the world. She would be an adult for longer than she would be a child. However, the gods had promised to give her a place to rest when her time came. 
And then they bring into existence another young girl, who they name Celine Vivian Jackson. Upon her birth, there is more power present. There is something bigger present. The gods, anybody could recognize the presence of the gods. But very few in that era would recognize the presence of the gods’ antithesis. Very few would recognize the eldritch gods and their watchers lurking just out of sight. At this point, the two parents had realized something both terrifying and power-hunger-inducing for the both of them. Their youngest had attracted the attention of the bigger cosmic entities, the ones that could end the world in a moment if they got bored enough, or could make anybody their plaything. But in the same vein, they wanted to keep her. As leverage, as a chip in the game, as a card in the deck to play whenever they felt like it.
As a result, a deal was made.
In return for letting them keep the child, the child will be kind, loyal, trusting, and obedient. The child would heed their commands and would view them as their entire world. Despite the child’s elder sister insisting otherwise, the child’s view of them would not change for as long as it is alive and with them. The child would be their perfect heir, smart and talented and beautiful.
However. When the time comes, as a response to allowing the gods to bless their firstborn instead of allowing them a chance to look at her- therefore rendering it impossible for them to get close to the girl blessed by many powerful beings, that child belongs to them. That child will leave them both empty and broken, hollow shells of the people they believe themselves to be, a product of their own pride and greed. That child will do the last thing they expect as a result of what they will inevitably become.
Without much thought into the details of the deal, the two Mages agree to this. Their newborn grows up kind, loyal, trusting, and obedient. They notice something strange right away as soon as the child turns three years old. They’re using magic. They knew, as a result of the reason why they were outcast from their underground/hidden magic circle (which was affiliating themselves with eldritch gods, considered not only taboo but absolute insanity by almost every still living Mage), that their magic could not be passed down to their kids. After all, their eldest never showed magic.
Of course, they brushed it off. They had no idea that the same child they were promised would be obedient and loyal would be the same child that smile at them as they sold the child off to their master’s watcher. Knowing full and well that the child was the one who would be the one to be the mastermind behind their untimely deaths at the hands of their own pride and greed.
A young girl, blessed by the gods with the ability to know justice through her kindness but cursed with fury and cynicism for what she knows. And a young child, blessed by something darker with the ability to not only use magic but to tap into their already gifted ability of harnessing the cosmos itself for whatever they so wished.
One blessed. One cursed.
One with extraordinary fortune. One with extraordinary misfortune.
One who dies of jealousy and greed, but remains out of desire for justice. One who dies of kindness and hope, but remains out of desire for revenge.
Okay. Still with me? Now that you have the exposition and the first event down, let me explain why you needed to know this.
Maribel and Fleur are the yin and yang of their first life. 
Maribel is blessed by the gods because of her strong soul of Kindness, which infuriates the “master” that her parents serve (an Eldritch master, who didn’t take kindly to one of its subsequent belongings being torn from out underneath it). She is given so many blessings, but is given the “curse” of rage and cynicism. Therefore she represents yang, as it has the connotations of fire (which is a word often associated with her via other muses that know her, calling her personality fiery or feisty or flaring) as well as relating to Heaven and light. On top of that, she defines her trait of Kindness being “flexible” and an “easily misconstrued and abused” concept within their old world.
Fleur is “blessed” by the eldritch master his parents serve with kindness, loyalty, and a slew of other things to reflect his sister’s blessings. However, when it comes to his abilities, the eldritch master doesn’t have to do much. All it truly has to do is tilt its head at what was already there and step back to allow it to develop on its own. The intelligence, that was already there. The potential, that was already there. The magic, the power, everything. He had it from the very beginning. That’s why he was so desired that it alerted not just the gods to his existence but also the eldritch keepers lurking in the dark constantly. He represents yin, tying to his fondness for the ocean and nature itself, as well as being a generally calm person until you give him a reason to get back at you.
However, there is deliberately no mention of the soul, because his soul does not belong to him. Not yet, at least. His soul has already been laid claim to, which is something only the serving entity is aware of. Dismissing it as something to discuss with the others, this entity gives that deal as a loophole. The closing statement is its way of saying, “this child will be your undoing as retribution for allowing the gods to take what is rightfully mine”. Because now, this entity, this eldritch keeper, is aware of the fact that this child, this newborn child who caught its attention from universes away with how powerful it was at their birth, already has their “threads” in another’s custody. However. That does not mean it can’t have it for a little while before finding who has the “rights” to this powerful thing that a Human just gave birth to.
If this had never happened to Fleur, would his life be any different?
Yes. Massively different, but not in the way that you’d think.
As I said, he already possessed the ability and intelligence/potential of intelligence to do everything that the eldritch keeper said he’d do. There was no need to set that up, because Fleur had, by that point, already started to piece together just how awful his parents truly were. He would leave them empty and broken. Without their children, without their business, without their lives. All while smiling at them when they gave him away to an eldritch possessed child kidnapper to cart him away to “The Village”. (The Village is something he’s spoken about before, a facility simply named that, of which tries to convince themselves that the Devil is inside each kid brought to the facility and that if they remain tame for their entire lives underneath them, they didn’t have the Devil inside them; however, if they lashed out and fought against them, they had the Devil inside them, labeling them a demon, a mistake, a cursed homunculus. Really fucked up huh? I actually based this off of a comic I saw and a book I read.)
However, he would have died, without that deal. That was his intention, after all, to rid the world entirely of anything tainted by them and that establishment. So determined was he, that even his soul agreed that the only way to continue was to stop. To stop his own heart. His desire to persist beyond death would have kept him around by sheer force of wanting revenge and retribution for people who do this to kids. The deal assured his “rebirth” as the puppeted soul of the Underground, becoming their angel from above. Becoming CHARA, the First Fallen Child. Their Prince. 
But we have to take a step back for a moment.
The second event. His introduction and experience with the eldritch “ley-lines” in their home timeline. This isn’t just a random thing plopped into the lore, it’s something repeated again and again and again between various characters and event mentions. Talks of constant fighting, of losing people outside of fights, of fights being darker and more horrendous thanks to all the lights being snuffed out too soon. Referencing not staying out too late, of not being able to retrieve people in the dark, as they can’t tell the difference between the dark and the shadows when it’s nighttime. Speaking of having lost more than they could bear, but they could still continue onwards because, well, what choice do they have? They couldn’t let them die in vain.
However, Fleur’s deal with the eldritch might have lingered from his birth, but there was one major reason why he knew to call for a specific type of entity. Some time ago, Maribel and Fleur had a brief but uncomfortable discussion about “that lady down the street” and Fleur saying that he “understands she didn’t like her”. That lady down the street had been a puppet meant to keep an eye on Fleur’s growth and watching if he would approach the lady. Maribel, due to her blessings from the gods, intrinsically loathed the lady down the street. She felt like something was burning in her soul and spreading ice through her body every time the lady down the street spoke to them. She warned Fleur never to go near her, going so far as to outright call her the local lunatic. (That word being one never used after a certain point in time due to people with Mad Mage / High LOVE Syndrome being treated properly and lunatic already being a not great word to use to begin with.)
However, upon noticing Fleur would still try to see her and listen to her ramblings, she decided simply to join her then-sister in listening to the local loon with her stories that would give normal kids nightmares. Fleur and Maribel both had experiences with nightmarish situations and terrible occurrences happening to people, to them. They weren’t fazed. (It was still illegal to do this - it’s a universal law that children under the age of 10 as well as those over 10 that have said they don’t want to know about the truth about the dark legally can’t be told anything about it - and Lafayette would’ve pitched one hell of a damn fit if they had known.)
If Fleur hadn’t been told about this, certainly he could have had a different round of Keepers along the way. He wouldn’t know who or what to call for when he decided mid fall that he didn’t want to die. He would just cry out for something to save him. That would have opened him up to who knows how many terrible things. So was the lady down the street necessary? No, perhaps not, but she did alter the course to make it much better than it would have been without her. Maribel still loathes her though and with good reason.
Now, skipping way waaaayyyy far ahead to centuries, millennia. Past the curses, past the void, past the Depths, past the countless Resets and past the war. Past it all. And we land squarely at when he was killed by Sans to release his timeline from Glitch City.
That’s the biggest change.
(I’m going to try and summarize from here on out because WHOA this is 3k words already! I didn’t intend on this guys, my bad!)
If Sans hadn’t have agreed to the offered terms, there would have still been the possibility of it happening anyway. How? Well, he was just a circumstantial piece of the puzzle that happened to fit. The right time. The right place. The right power. Conveniently given just when they both thought hope was lost.
However, they could have been yanked back into the void, rather than the Depths. The Depths was reserved for Fleur, after all, and his only demand was that Sunshine (aka FRISK) remained oblivious to this part of the Void under any circumstance. This is something they did off and on in order to get time away from the lingering effects of their Keeper, which they hadn’t made a complete deal with yet. That would come later.
This event could have made Fleur end up exactly where he was when he met the family, or he could have only met a couple of them via the Void or the Depths. How it WOULD have gone? Who knows. I’m just speculating. 
Then he met Blair Black, G, and Katie (all around the same time). Technically he met Blair back when he was still controlling the “human” form formerly known as “FRISK” at the time but most of his relationship developed with Blair post TRUE RESET. 
Fleur, highly intent on being better than he was raised, trained, and “bred” to be for his entire life, intent on being someone more than just a killer, an overglorified Hunter in some burned history books, ended up trying to learn how people of “normal” universes act. Talking like them, dressing like them, learning what they know, understanding what they do (or trying to). MIMICKING them, but not being a part of them. His whole “life” was a grand show in a living theater, with actors galore not even knowing that they’re on strings like puppets. So he tried to learn how they act. Blair and G were opposites; Blair acted awful and made no outright intentions of saying that he would stay too long but he truly cared, while G acted kind and made every intention known that he wanted Fleur to stay with him but he simply wanted company rather than a family. He understood G more than he understood Blair... and that’s because he’s used to that type of treatment.
Katie, well she was different. Katie was sweet and kind and surely a bit sassy... but she was true. She was honest. She kept approaching him and kept being around him and kept him as sane as he possibly could. She made him believe that... maybe he could truly be better. Maybe, just maybe he could be more than he is. Maybe, just maybe it wasn’t all just a lofty dream of a killer wracked with guilt. She was his light. She is his light.
If he had never met any of them, or he had met them any later than he did, things would be different for him. His darker side and bloodier ambitions would have been more outright. He would have attacked anyone who aimed to get close to him. He would have desired to get revenge for anything and everything that looked like someone or something that had tried to kill him or someone he loved. He would have become the true definition of a monster and this time he would have enjoyed it.
The Surface and meeting the family are a two for one deal but have two very different impacts. The Surface came with The Second War (not very creative, he admits), as well as the deal made to forget it. If he hadn’t gotten to the Surface, he would have been stuck repeating endless loops of his failure to stop the eldritch puppeteers from playing hacky sack with those he once called friends. He would have been stuck believing he could change things, stuck in a body that isn’t his and gave him panic attacks just to be in control of, stuck being someone he isn’t and never would be, just stuck. 
But with the family? The family revolutionized EVERYTHING for him. He felt like he could have a happy life. He felt like he could finally take a moment to breathe, even relax in due time. He actually felt like he could be himself. After so long of being made to be everything that he wasn’t, after so long of being forced to do things that made him sick to his stomach to do (though he did them to survive), he could finally have a chance to be himself. It was so bizarre that he, for a long time, believed that it couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be. It had to be a TRICK. It had to be a LIE. But it wasn’t. They weren’t. 
Without either of these situations, he wouldn’t be the same person he is today. He would be colder. More resistant to the very thing he’s supposed to represent and one of the things he tends to make good on the will of. Without reaching the Surface, he’d be scared of everyone around him, unwilling to get close because they’d all just disappear one day, and if not they’d be turned to dust and blood. After all, everyone he knows is just dust and blood. That’s what they’ll be and that’s what they were and that’s what they’ll always end up living as. Walking, talking, breathing dust and blood. Why get close?
Being freed from his Keeper on a basis of technicality is something that I find amusing. The technicality of it was simply that the deal was made during a moment of desperation. It’s considered frowned upon to do this, though it certainly isn’t taboo among those of that “group” designation (in a way). The warning to let him go or face consequences of him being told of the violation of several fine print details was met with the appropriate response... but what if it had gone different? What if he had found out? What if he had remembered his strength and broke his chains himself due to how flimsy they really were when not tensed to restrain him? What if it had been different for him? If he had known, if he was told, if anything like that were to have come to pass... he’d be more vicious. More violently hateful and cynical. Not only had the world of the light scorned him with the taste of lies and jealousy, but the world of the dark abused his hope by tainting it with the taste of deception and desperation. He would have set the world ablaze.
One has to wonder if that would be a good or bad thing. To be Apocalypse walking... what power that would be.
And then there’s his madness. His madness from the get go has been something that has made him struggle with his perception of the world around him. His deal caused his mind to fracture somewhat, but not entirely. Only enough for him to grasp the situation he had gotten himself into. And compared to the life he would eventually lead, a small fracture in his mind was nothing. His madness is something that is not important to his development as a person, but it did make him more keen to try and figure out how the world works and how the world would respond to certain stimuli and interactions from various entities. It made him more curious, more willing to take a risk if it meant that no one else would get harmed for it.
It made him more willing to take the big risks and take the consequences so no one else would have to. It reminds me of a certain warlock, actually...
But we can’t forget how he started leaning more into being a Monster, a Monstrosity. Without that, he would have insisted on being Human. He would have insisted that no, he can’t be a Monster, he was a Human at birth and he was a Human for the lot of it... he could be a Monster. He couldn’t acknowledge the fact that his previous timeline called him a Monstrosity. He didn’t know what they meant. All those markings and all those runes that showed up on him, those were a result of the hunts. Those weren’t because he wasn’t Human. What do you mean normal Humans can’t withstand things like he did? Sure they can! There has to be records of that happening, there must be. It wasn’t something he liked hearing, but he accepted it over time. He came to understand that that’s another reason why he prefers to not be seen as Human. It never FELT RIGHT. But without that realization, that acceptance he received upon this new path, he’d be more confused and dysphoric. Uncertain as to why he, again, doesn’t feel like he’s in the right body even though he BUILT this body. He made the base and trained it as he wanted it. This, he made this to his standards. Without the realization of being a Monstrosity, and a “magic eater”, he’d be in a panicked daze most of the time, unsure of who or what he is.
And lastly... seeing old and familiar faces from “True Home”. Those gave him a reason to keep fighting for something normal. His heart was in the right place, as always, but he didn’t know what to do. He did the only thing he thought would work, as it had worked before, and when it failed him he panicked. The world crashed around him. Seeing the old faces from “True Home”, it made him settle. It made him realize that he wasn’t alone or simply going completely bonkers and not just being mad from high LV. Those were real. Those memories were real. They happened. Without them around he would start to forget where he came from. He would start to believe that he truly does belong in a mental ward or in the asylum. After all, what strange and elaborate DELUSIONS he’s experiencing. He must be sick.
Without all of this, there’s an equal chance that he’d end up ALMOST the same or COMPLETELY different. His parents weren’t the only people who could have damned him to an eternity or three of darkness and stolen innocence, they just so happened to get power hungry (because Hoo Boy they had ENEMIES that didn’t give a fuck who suffered as an act of revenge, let alone kids). That lady down the street wasn’t the only person who could have (illegally) taught him of the darker things that lurk in the shadows, and the magics that could bring them to you, she just so happened to the be one who had been there for ages and opportunity struck before she ran out of use for the ones keeping her alive for the most part. Lost wasn’t the only person who could have done what he did for Fleur, he was just the first person who tried, failed, then tried again. Regina wasn’t the only person could have gotten him to be calm around mother figures, she was just the first person who didn’t enforce the supposed “rule” of “mother knows best” on him when he viewed her as a mother figure (as well as taking time to understand his issues on the subject). His family wasn’t the only group of people who could have done what they did for him. All of those events, all of those moments, they aren’t exclusive to the person who started it. Anybody can do anything, that goes for causing something to be better and causing something to be worse.
Idk I just REALLY love how this analysis turned out, because it made me highly amused as to how everything went down. Anyway, I love my dumbass child, enjoy him with me.
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years
Rust to Gold (Part 1)-Jack Jackson series
A/N: Guys!! It’s finally here. Not sure how many of you have actually seen PotE but, regardless I hope y'all enjoy. I really love the idea I came up with for his series. While I’m sure it won’t be my popular one, again because I believe not many of you actually know about Jack lol I still adore writing it! Few notes before you read on: I’m using the tv series timeline not the book. I won’t go into too much detail with her father, but you could say it’s Louis VII of France since he reigned at the time. This starts in 1138 like the show does. I am skipping Jack and Tom’s introduction because that’s not really needed for reader and Jack’s story. However, Tom is obviously in this and it will contain and follow the majority of the characters and story lines. And yes, some of history will be a little tweaked if for creative purposes. But, since this is mainly on reader it’s not like I’ll have her interfere entirely with history. It’ll be very very minor. Enjoy!
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MOOD MUSIC: Throne for the game ft. Bradley Hanan Carter by Ramin Djawadi
The dictations of one’s future was a concept you had grown agonizingly familiar with. Being a woman, your father had every right and determination to choose every aspect of your life for you. No matter the cost of your relationship with him. It was a constant reminder of your duties as princess, to blindly follow those demands of your king. With or without hesitation. And yet, in spite of all that you could not bring yourself to obey him this time. There was moments in your life where ignoring his shouts for proper conduct became a habit, except you often caved to his whims by the end of it. After all, a threat to your life was something you couldn’t bear. Now, however, you found the ounce of strength in you to resist his plans.
“You would deny me? Deny your kingdom?! You ungrateful child! I have given you everything! And you disobey me at every turn!!”
Your father’s hands slammed onto the arms of his throne, making you flinch slightly at the loud sound. But, you held your head high tightening your jaw in order to remain the very picture of calm. It was not easy to defy a man like your father, especially when he ruled all of France.
“I would deny you the pleasure of marrying me off to the first man who comes with a bag full of coins and promises of expansion!”
You spat back, breath heavy with contempt for the man who raised you. If that’s what you could call his lifelong lessons in court. It was a risky move, one that you knew deep down would not end well for you. But, you could not bring yourself to marry just anyone. Your heart was not a bargaining tool, no matter the person wagering it.
“What you speak is treason.” His voice grew soft, though the bite behind it was all too clear. “Defy me now, and I will have you hang for this. Do you understand me?”
“Do you understand me?!”
Every word sent chills down your spine, and flattering was the only option your mind wished for. Yet, you could not betray your heart of that you were certain. With every courageous spark in you, you straightened up. Rising on your feet again as you clasped your hands in front of you and stared your father, the king, down.
“Then I shall hang.”
If there was ever a time you saw any hope of pride in him for you, it was oddly now. Perhaps it was the bravery you displayed, but for that brief second he smiled. It was altogether shocking and disgusting, but a man’s honor was everything. And proud of the courage you had or not, he’d still move to execute you.
“You play a dangerous game, child. Take her to the dungeons.” He waved his hand away, not looking at you anymore as the guards neared you. But, you held a hand up keeping your pride about you as you turned away and led yourself down to the bottoms of the hellish castle prison. The guards stuck by you, one hand held above the pommels of their swords and the other holding a shield. You knew if you ran they wouldn’t hesitate to kill you. A prince was an heir, a princess was expendable.
As you stepped down the large stone stairs into the dungeons, your heart began to sink. Knowing that every second that went by was bringing you closer to your last breath. Many children would think their father’s loved them, no matter their rebellious nature. Yours was not that father. If you slandered his name, you would pay, and denying his pick of a suitor did just that. It was an embarrassment, and now you were going to pay with your life.
“May I ask a favor of you?” A sigh left your lips, eyes staring into the dark prison you would soon be housed in. The floor was a mess, hay and water scattered amongst the stones. And only one tiny hold of a window that could bring daylight in. “Will you fetch my handmaid for me?”
The guards stood quiet at first, both of them looking to one another for an answer. And if only for the reason that they watched you grow from child to woman, they agreed.
“At once, your highness.”
It was a needless courtesy on their part, calling you by your title. Because, you knew their allegiance was to the king and only the king. But, you thanked them all the same, following their orders as they gently pushed you into the dungeon. The door behind you slammed shut, the sound of them locking the wooden door only causing your heart to sink further into despair. It shouldn’t be a surprise, but the reality of your refusal was now before you.
Time ran slow inside here, you could only count yourself blessed that the sun was still out. It allowed a sliver of light to bathe across your skin, warming you under the dress you wore. A nice comfort in the cold of the prison.
“Your highness!”
The sound of your servant caught your attention, and you rushed to the door to see her through the small bars at the top. It was the first time you get a semblance of joy today, and you reached over the small window to grab her hand.
“Matilda, I’m so glad you came.
“Why on earth wouldn’t I?” She smiled, though you could see the concern she felt for you. She was always a loyal one, a very rare thing in these times. And her friendship meant a great deal to you. She was originally your playmate, a gift from your father when you were 7. She grew alongside you, and you had come to see her as a sister. She was never a birthday present in your eyes, but always family.
“I fear I���ve made a foolish mistake.” A small laugh left you, but the obvious anguish behind it was evident. Something Matilda easily caught on to. But, ever the sweet one, she brushed her thumb over the back of your hand and shook her head.
“I’ve always admired your will, and even now I still do. You cannot marry that awful man. The rumors around him are numerous, and I believe your fate would be the same no matter what you choose.”
She was not wrong, you had heard your fair share of rumors surrounding William Hamleigh. The son of a lord who likely had the archbishop on his purse strings. He held no title to him, but his family was still rich enough and had powerful connections that your father was positively mad for.
“I think you’re right…” You held her hand tightly, leaning your forehead into the door as you whispered your heartache. “It’s pathetic. I stand by my choice then, but all the same I do my wish for death.”
Matilda was silent, and you thought perhaps she was sharing in your current state of depression. Instead, she released your hand and patted softly on the door.
“I promise, you will not die today.”
It was the last thing she said before running off, leaving you confused and lonely in the growing darkness.
Hours went by, and you began to grow nervous for your friend. Whatever she was planning was likely going to cause trouble, but you’d rather take the fall than have her life forfeit on your behalf. You tapped impatiently at the floor, heels digging into the straw as you say against the floor. By now you must’ve looked a mess, as the winter winds grew strong at night and snuck into the lower parts of the castle. If your father waited anymore days, you were likely to succumb to the elements as opposed to the gallows.
A soft knocking gained your ear, and you quickly turned your head towards the door thinking they had come for you in the dead of night. It was an odd choice and time for execution, but perhaps your father was eager to be rid of you.
“Your highness?”
The whisper of her voice made you relax back into the wall, and you smiled as you warned Matilda of her dangerous intentions.
“I know what you’re up to, and it’s too dangerous.”
“Nonsense. Just trust me, the perks of being a servant, I know every part of this castle better than you. How else would I sneak food?”
You laughed heartily at that, knowing fully well that she had done so quite often. Not that you could blame her, under your father’s rule everyone was likely to starve if he saw fit.
With a click and screech of the lock the door slowly drew open, and you scrambled up to your feet. Matilda stood at the doorway, joyfully smiling as she hugged you to her. The reunion could not last long, because you were sure the guards would catch on quickly.
“You’ve gone mad. You’ll be killed for helping me.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
Ever the optimistic one, you thought. And while you didn’t want harm to come to her, she seemed so sure of herself that you willingly followed her down the dungeon halls. Every time you turned a corner you glared both ways, heart going wild in your chest as fear and doubt took over. People rarely escaped from here, and when they tried the end results were far worse than the original sentence.
“This isn’t-”
“Shh.” Matilda hushed you, not bothering with a torch as it would prove too risky a move and alert the guards to your locations. She grabbed your hand, nearly running down the halls and under a large gap in the stairs. It led directly into the waterways, and you were slowly realizing just how knowledgeable the servants likely were. It was almost a miracle that none of them had been bribed to assassinate the king with all the secret passageways they knew.
Your dress soaked up the water, making you more than uncomfortable. You were not dressed for skulking about castles, and thankfully she had thought of that.
“Put this on, hurry!”
She shoved a bag of clothes towards you, and you sifted through the bunch. It was not something you would’ve ever worn around here, and frankly from the looks of the brown robes they belonged to a peasant.
“What is this?”
Matilda sighed at you, keeping an eye on the exit of the tunnel as she rushed you.
“Your highness, if you are to live tonight it is because you leave here a commoner. Not a princess of France.”
Her words filled you with a sense of sadness. As much as you despised the man on the throne, this was your home and you loved it. But, there was as always truth to her statements. You reluctantly nodded, allowing her to help you get out of your current attire and into the simple robes of your new identity.
“Come on then, your highness.”
Matilda led you out of the tunnel, her eyes scanning the open field in your view for any sign of possible danger. She pointed towards the hill that led deep into the forest where your father hunted, and with a solemn smile she hugged you.
“You are meant for great things, Y/N. And it is because of this and our friendship that I happily risk my life for you.”
You dug your fingers into her back, gripping her close to you in a goodbye that would no doubt last forever. You couldn’t bear the thought of not having her around, but you couldn’t let her help go in vain.
“I’ll miss you.”
Matilda smiled at that, kissing your brow before cupping your cheeks and fighting her tears. “And I will miss you, my friend.”
She shoved you out of the tunnel, frantically moving her hands for you to get going and leave. You stared back at her every step, only stopping when you were at the edge of the woods to bid her one last heartfelt farewell.
You fell forward onto your horse, barely holding the reins as you felt your exhaustion settle in. It had been days upon days since you left France. Traveling on foot for so long before taking a ship to England. The people you met along the way had been decent enough, save for those who desired to rid you of every coin you had. There wasn’t much Matilda could give you, but what she had was kind enough. It helped you gain passage along the sea, before you managed to settle a bargain and take a man’s horse. But, your journey was tiring and with no plan on where to go or settle you were left lonesome and nearly poor.
Your stomach grumbled, once again alerting you to your starvation. You couldn’t even remember the last time you ate, but every minute reminded you of that painful feeling.
“Just a bit more…” You patted your horse, trying hard to stay atop him as he traversed the forest paths. It was still winter time, which only proved harsher to your travels. The cloak you wore hardly contained your body heat, and the biting wind hurt far more than you ever imagined. But, you had to force yourself to keep moving on. Hoping at some point your new home would make itself obvious.
“Just a little….more…” Your eyes drifted shut, your mind fighting against sleep until every ounce of willpower you had drained from your body. With a groan of discomfort, you slid sideways falling roughly from the horse and onto the cold ground of the forest. And all at once everything went black.
Soft hums and murmuring could be heard somewhere in the endless corners of your dreams. A woman’s comforting tone beckoning you to wake, though you weren’t sure if it was real or not. But, it was soothing, reminding you of your mother who had passed so long ago you barely remembered her features.
The woman laughed, making you slowly open your eyes to the sound. She was a blur to you, but you could faintly make out the reassuring smile she held. She patted a cloth to your forehead, parting your hair so she could have better access. She was still humming something, whether that was a song or a spell you weren’t sure. But, you were still grateful to be here in the warmth of a fire.
“Easy now, you hit your head hard.”
“What?” Your voice was hoarse, no doubt from the weather. But, she still understood you and she offered you a cup of water that you were forever thankful for. You drank eagerly from it, almost choking when the soothing liquid ran down your dry throat.
“Ahh, careful.” She took the cup from you, placing it aside and patting your cheek. “You will recover. You must rest though.”
“Who are you?” You forced out, groaning when you turned onto your side. The woman just smiled again, putting some bowls down that contained some sort of salve.
“You can call me Ellen.”
You nodded in thanks, finding the strength to sit up. You held your arm over your stomach, leaning back into the cave walls and examining the area. It was no doubt this was her home, and while you couldn’t exactly believe living in a cave was ideal there was something oddly wonderful about it.
You glanced towards her, watching her stir a pot of stew on the fire. “Oh yes, please.”
Ellen just chuckled again, pouring some food into a bowl and handing it over to you. She walked on her bare feet to the small stool in the corner, continuing her work.
“Thank you, for the meal. And everything else…”
“You are welcome. We need to take care of each other, yeah? I could not leave you to freeze out there.”
You nodded gratefully, taking a spoonful of the meal and delighting in the warmth of it. It was the first time you had decent comfort since you left France, and you didn’t want to leave anytime soon.
“You live here?”
“Yes. There is a village not far from here, my son lives there. He’s a sculptor, a great one.”
She had this grin on her face when she spoke of him, and you believed it to be the pride of a mother. But, you felt there was more to it than that. As if that grin was meant for you as well.
“A sculptor? That’s magnificent.” You glanced around the cave, taking note of the faces carved into the stone of the walls. It brought a smile to your face, now that you knew the source of the beautiful work. “He’s very talented.”
“He is.” She watched you carefully, following your gaze as you took in her son’s work. “You should go there. Kingsbridge. They are building a new cathedral there, there’s work. I’m sure they will take you.”
The first thing that arose in your kind was your father’s words, about princesses never needing to work besides providing heirs. You wondered what he’d think now. There was no doubt he had already sent party after party searching for you, but chances were high he had no idea you could make it so far from France. That made you feel safe.
“Work?…I wouldn’t even know what I could do? I don’t really possess any skills.”
You hoped that hadn’t given anything away, because aside from needlework, and basic royal skills nothing of the common folk made sense to you.
Ellen just smiled, mending the fire as she spoke. “You can learn.”
It made you smile, because she sounded just like Matilda. Always believing in you when you least expected it. You made to speak, moving the bowl to the side as you pulled the blanket over you tighter. But, as the words left you the sound of footsteps cut you off.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Mother. Philip was in a mood today.”
A young man with the brightest red hair you had ever seen entered the cave, a small bag of things over his shoulder as he removed the hood of his cloak and reached towards Ellen. He pulled her into a warm hug, kissing her cheek and smiling. You watched the entire exchange curiously, feeling very much out of place.
“My boy, Jack.” She laughed joyously, cupping his cheeks and not wanting to let him go. But, for his sake she let him take a seat, before she moved to fetch another bowl for him.
This Jack didn’t seem aware of you at first, his green eyes following his mother’s movement until she waved towards you.
“Say hello to my guest, Jack. Don’t be shy.”
Jack looked towards the direction she pointed, his eyes widening when he set his gaze on you. It was the first time you ever saw a man flustered, and there was something endearing about it. Most men at court took it upon themselves to leer at you, or even touch what they believed to be theirs. But, this Jack fellow just blushed softly, averting his gaze several times before giving a smile.
He simply spoke, looking back up at you with mild interest. You returned the gesture, holding your hand up in greeting.
“You’re the sculptor. It’s nice to meet you, Jack.”
A/N: I knowww, not much in the way of Jack this part, but I had to set the stage ;) Feedback highly welcomed!!! And appreciated. ❤️
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peter-pan-hoe · 7 years
Another World Entirely pt10
Word count: 1,585
WARNING: swearing, angst? the plotting of stealing a child heart, reliving bad memories??
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own any characters, again,I wrote out a scene for story line accuracy but I’ve changed the end so yeah. plz don’t b mad at me xx
NOTE: I’m nearly done!! omg I’m thinking this will be the second last part? idk it’s getting there. I’ll keep yas posted
I stared up at the sand rapidly falling to the bottom of the hourglass.
I sat on the ground with my back against the inside wall of Skull Rock. 
I’d been waiting here for 3 days. I’d kept my cool and not ventured out to see how things were progressing. I just had to trust that everything was going as it was meant to.
I decided to clear up my things before Peter brought Henry here, If Henry saw all my junk lying around he’d have a few questions.
When everything was hidden in a small section of the cave I sat in the eye socket looking out over the island. I could see much due the setting sun but I was still a nice sight to behold.
   “It’s been been a long time since i stepped foot on this shore,” I heard Peter’s voice echoing up from the bottom of the stairs.
I scrambled down from my perch in the eye and ran to hide in the same spot I hid my things.
I could hear them talking a little as they reached the top of the stairs.
   “This is it,” Peter said. “The place where you’re going to save magic,”
I poked my head out from behind the carved skull pile and briefly made eye contact with Peter. I gave him a smile and a small nod.
   “Why does it have to be here?” Henry asked, looking around.
I ducked back down before he saw me,
   “Because this is the location from which Neverland’s magic emanates,” Peter explained.
There was a small pause so I looked over the skull pile again and saw the boys with their backs to me as the stepped up the raised floor where the golden hourglass stood.
   “What’s the hourglass for?” Henry asked.
   “It marks how much time we have left,” Peter said slowly. “Before Neverland’s magic runs out,”
   “It’s almost empty,” Henry’s statement made me roll my eyes.
Thanks Captain obvious.
Peter suddenly looked around the room, sensing someone’s presence.
SHIT! I forgot about Rumple!
   “Is something wrong?” Henry asked.
   “No,” Peter quickly smiled, regaining his composure. “Come with me,”
He guided Henry past the hourglass and sat him down on a rock.
   “There’s something I need to take care of before we get started,” Peter said as Henry sat down. “Okay?”
I quickly stepped out of my hiding place as Peter came up to me.
   “I’m so sorry!” I whispered. “I completely forgot about this,”
   “It’s fine,” He whispered back, looking around nervously. “Is there anything I need to worry about?”
   “Rumple’s got Pandora’s box,” I looked over Peter’s shoulder to see if Rumple had reached the top of the stairs yet. “The other’s are down stairs trying to create an eclipse so they don’t cast shadows and can pass though   your barrier,”
   “What’s the plan?” He looked at me despereately trying to hurry.
   “You need to switch the boxes,” I instructed. “As soon as you see it, make a replica and switch them out then use it on him. Remember your card trick? When you were still Malcom?”
He winced a little when I reminded him of his true name.
   “’Follow the lady’,” I said. “That’s how it has to happen,”
He nodded then gave me a chaste kiss on the head before he quickly walked away to meet Rumple.
I quietly emerged from the hiding place and made my way further from Henry, staying in the shadows, trying to get a better view of the conversation between Peter and Rumple.
God his clothes are ridiculous.
Rumple walked into the room in his stupid crocodile skin cloak holding Pandora’s box.
Everything will be fine.
   “Hello laddie,” Peter said darkly. He saw the box and raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. “I see you’ve come bearing gifts,”
   “Where’s Henry?” Rumple looked at his father with such hate I almost felt intimidated, even though he doesn’t even know i exist.
   “Oh you mean my great-grandson?” Peter mused. “You still haven’t told the others who I really am? Not even your own son. Why?”
Peter stepped up the hourglass's pedestal and looked at Rumple with pursed lips.
   “Because you’re nothing but a coward to me,” Rumple seethed.
   “We both know if that were true I’d already be in that box,” Peter chuckled.
This is so creepy. I moved a little so Peter would see me and made a twisting motion with my hands.
He looked at me briefly and I mouthed “NOW”. He raised his eyebrow to signal he understood.
   “You don’t think I can do it?” Rumple looked slightly offended. “You let me inside just to uhh, talk to me?”
   “No,” Peter shook his head. “To see you again. To give you one last chance. Stay with me. Let this go,”
He gestured to the box in Rumple’s hands.
   “Let’s start over,” He continued.
Rumples face slowly contorted into a slightly amused smirk.
   “Do you think I wanna be with you?” he frowned. “That I could ever forgive you after you abandoned me?”
   “I’m disappointed Rumple,” Peter raised his eyebrow slightly and smiled his signature sneer. “After all these years i thought you’d be more... understanding. Considering you did the same thing to your son.”
Peter walked around the room as he said his piece, Rumple glaring the entire time. 
Peter risked a glance at me and I smiled to reassure him that this is going well.
   “You traded Baelfire for the power of a dagger,” Peter screwed up his face accusingly. “And I traded you for youth. We’re a lot more alike than you care to admit,”
   “We are nothing alike,” Rumple spat.
   “Oh of course we are,” Peter retorted. “And it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Neither one of us was cut out to be a father my boy,”
   “I regretted leaving my son the moment I let him go,” Rumple half whispered.”I spent my life trying to find him. To get him back,”
Peter looked genuinely remorseful.
I almost revealed myself then and there but I couldn’t risk changing the timeline. I bit my tongue and dug my finger nails into my palms as I held myself back.
   “And what did you do?” Rumple jeered. “You forgot about me,”
   “I never forgot about you!” Peter shouted. “Why do you think I call myself ‘Peter Pan’?”
   “Don’t think for a moment I believe it’s because you care for me,” Rumple growled. 
   “But I do,” Peter said softly. 
He took a deep breath and stepped closer to his son. “All you have to do is put down that box, you’ll see it’s true. We can make the fresh start you always wanted, together, just was we planned,”
Peter held out his had as Rumple glared. Rumple looked almost confused. But then his face hardened.
   “Oh I’m going to make a fresh start,” he sighed. With a half-smile he whispered, “Just not with you,”
Rumple waved his hand over Pandora’s box as Peter feigned fear.
When nothing happened Peter gave a smug chuckle.
Rumple waved his hand over the box again, desperately trying to trap Peter.
   “I don’t understand,” Rumple mumbled.
   “Because you don’t have it,” Peter revealed the true box with an angry expression.
Realisation spread over Rumple’s face as he figured out what was going on.
   “You switched them,” he gasped.
   “Follow the lady,” Peter smiled.
Rumple looked at Peter astonished.
   “Still having trouble believing?” Peter asked smugly. “In Neverland all you have to do in think of something to have it. Even something fake. but the real one? Well... Let’s see what it can do,”
Peter waved his hand over the real Pandora’s box as Rumple stepped forward to stop him. But he wasn’t quick enough. He froze and evaporated into a cloud of red smoke which was sucked into the box. 
   “Sorry Rumple,” Peter whispered. “You had your chance. The choice was yours
The box sealed shut with a squeaky little twist.
   “It’s done,” I whispered. I stepped out from my hiding place and walked to Peter’s side. “We need to get Henry’s heart now,”
Peter nodded and started walking back to where Henry was in the other side of the skull. 
   “I’ll delay the other’s as best I can,” I ran to the ledge leading up to the eye socked and climbed out.
I looked up at the half eclipsed moon and held my hands up.
I could feel the tug Emma and Regina were causing as I fought it. I pulled the shadow away from the moon. Their power was strong but Emma was still new at this so my nearly 30 years of experience gave me the upper hand. Even though Neverland’s power was weakening, I wasn’t linked to it like Peter. My magic is my own.
But it wasn’t strong enough.
The shadow covered the moon as I slumped, defeated and breathless.
I heard the Heroes running up the stairs and turned, panic across my face as I locked eyes with Peter over the edge of the skull eye.
Henry had his heart in his hand and Peter had nearly finished the task.
I shook my head sadly as he looked at me.
Then I had an idea.
I looked at Peter and mouthed “Stall them”
He seemed to get my message and he nodded slightly as the Heroes burst into the room.
I used as much power and will as I could muster and threw a huge cloud of green mist over the room, freezing everyone in place.
Then I slumped back against the outside of the Skull’s eye socket, breathless and weak.
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singledarkshade · 6 years
The Lost Ones
Part 6 - Moving Forward (Final Part)
“You weren’t human?”
Gideon nodded at the surprised question from Alex. J’onn, Winn and Kara were also in the room listening to Gideon’s explanation.
“I was the AI for Captain Hunter’s ship,” Gideon explained matter-of-factly, “I believe both you and Kara were onboard the Waverider at one point.”
“You’re that Gideon?” Kara stared at her before asking, “I thought Sara was the Captain?”
“That is another story,” Gideon stated coolly, “But the Waverider and I always belonged to Captain Hunter.”
Alex frowned at the terminology she used, “Belonged?”
“When I was not human,” Gideon replied with a shrug, “He would never use that term even then. I am his dearest friend and he is mine.”
“What exactly did Mr Hunter do?” J’onn asked, “Because it is rare for anyone to know how to kill a Gnarl.”
“A Gnarl?” Winn interrupted shuddering slightly as he remembered the creature, “Is that what that thing is called?
J’onn shrugged, “Actually its real name has about sixty-five letters and is extremely hard to pronounce. Gnarl has always been the term used for them, I’m not sure where it came from.”
“Rip was a Time Master,” Gideon replied bringing the conversation back on track, “It is possible we encountered them during a mission. Unfortunately my memory still has some gaps within it.”
“What’s a Time Master?” Kara asked.
Gideon sighed slightly, “They were trained to remove aberrations in the timeline along with stopping Time Pirates. Rip was one of the best and when the Time Masters were destroyed he continued to protect time.”
“He’s obviously trained to fight,” Alex noted, “Considering his injuries I still can’t believe he was able to stand, never mind kill that...Gnarl then hold a gun on me. And I get the feeling he wouldn’t have missed.”
“Rip is extremely stubborn,” Gideon told them proudly, “He is also a brilliant man. Resourceful with genius level intellect, he would be an asset to the DEO.”
J’onn mused on everything Gideon had told them before he nodded, “I will speak with him once he is deemed fit by the medical staff and consider having him join us.”
Gideon gave a nod before she slipped out of the room to check on her Captain once more.
“Well?” J’onn turned to them for their opinions.
“Gideon has been looking for him since she woke up,” Alex reminded him, “I think if she trusts him then we should be open to the possibility.”
Kara nodded in agreement with her sister, “You should talk to him at least.”
“I will. Thank you for your opinions,” J’onn noted dismissing them. When he was alone he mused over everything Gideon had told him about their latest guest.
Gideon walked softly into the room where her Captain was sleeping. Her memory of the last time she had seen him had returned so she understood why he had not been taking care of himself. Something she would have words with him about once he was feeling better.
The bag he had been carrying with him sat on a chair next to the bed, confirmed as being safe and cleaned of the Gnarls blood as best as possible. Opening it Gideon quickly found Rip’s pocket-watch with the picture of Miranda and Jonas. Sadly she traced the two smiling faces wishing they were still here for him. She set it on the cabinet beside his bed for him so he would see them when he awoke before checking if there was anything else inside that he would need. A frown touched Gideon’s lips when she pulled out the charred cube that had once been her back-up CPU.
“It was all I had left of you,” Rip’s voice made her turn to find him lying watching her, sadness in his eyes.
She moved to his side and gently stroked his cheek, “I am here now.”
His eyes shut tightly, “You weren’t though.”
Gideon took his hand holding onto it as she slid her fingers through his hair, “I promise, Captain that you are not alone anymore.”
Rip gripped her hand tightly leaning into her touch, “How long do I have with you before they take me away?”
Gideon frowned confused, “What do you mean?”
“The Bureau still have me under arrest,” he spat bitterly.
“What?” surprise filled her.
“Or I was until I...” he hesitated before finishing, “Managed to leave.”
Gideon squeezed his hand, “You mean you ran away.”
He shrugged.
“What was the point of sticking around?” he whispered, “I had no one left to fight for. Everyone...everyone...”
Gideon rested her forehead against his hushing him, “It’s alright, Captain. You’re not alone, I’m here and I promise you that no one will take you from me again.”
“How?” he sighed.
Gideon smiled at him, “Because this is not the same Earth.”
“The dimensional breach the Gnarls were using was actually to an alternate universe,” Rip realised with relief, “They can’t find me?”
“They can’t,” she assured him.
“And you’ll be here?” Rip whispered.
She climbed onto the bed beside him, tucking her head against his neck wrapping her arm around his waist, “Of course I shall, Captain. I may be human now but I am still your Gideon. And I like having my dearest friend close by always.”
  Rip slowly wandered around the small section of the DEO building he was allowed access to. Gideon had been specific about where he could and couldn’t go as well as how disappointed she’d be if he tried to go somewhere he shouldn’t.
In human form she was extremely hard to disappoint, Rip had realised this very quickly over the past few days. He was sure it was her eyes because they were so full of innocence and upsetting her made them impossibly wide.
It didn’t matter anyway because Rip had no desire to look at anything that would force him into caring about the world.
“Mr Hunter,” a voice interrupted his wandering.
Turning Rip saw the man in charge of the DEO walking towards him, “What can I do for the Martian who pretends to be human?”
Surprise crossed the other man’s face.
“I’ve been trained to spot a shape-shifter and the painkillers I’m on for my arm are making it easier to detect,” Rip explained before adding, “You might want to look into that.”
The other man frowned slightly his dark eyes boring into Rip, a sudden small frown touching his lips.
Rip chuckled darkly, “I can also tell when you’re trying to read my mind and block you.”
“A very good skill to have,” the man said before introducing himself, “I am J’onn J’onzz.”
Rip nodded slightly, “I’ve met another version of you. We didn’t get along but that isn’t unusual for me apparently.”
“I believed it’s time we had a conversation regarding what happens now the doctors have deemed you healthy,” J’onn told him.
Rip forced himself to keep his face set in the same indifferent expression despite the feeling of anxiety that hit him, “Which means?”
“Why were you under arrest by this Time Bureau?” J’onn asked, his arms folded while he stared at Rip.
“Because I made a mistake,” Rip replied coldly.
J’onn continued to stare at him without a word waiting for him to elaborate.
Rip sighed, “How much has Gideon told you?”
“You were something called a Time Master,” J’onn replied, “And continued to protect time after they were destroyed.”
Rip let out a harsh laugh, “She didn’t tell you I destroyed them?” he stopped J’onn saying anything; “There’s no need to worry. They were corrupt and intent on allowing a power-mad despot rule the world. I created the Time Bureau to take up the mantle.”
“You were under arrest by your own organisation?” J’onn asked confused.
Rip sighed, he didn’t want to talk about this but knew he had to or he could lose Gideon again, “For some reason they wouldn’t listen to me about a threat to the entirety of time so I tried to stop it myself. I trusted the wrong people, people I thought I would be able to count on to understand but after I made a mistake they threw me to the wolves.”
J’onn frowned as he took in everything Rip had told him.
“Do you want to see?” Rip said suddenly, “Because I will let you see exactly what I did if it’s the only way.”
J’onn nodded and stepping closer reached out to touch Rip’s temple. Letting loose his memories Rip felt slightly satisfied that the other man staggered slightly when he felt all of Rip’s anguish and guilt.
Pulling himself together J’onn stated, “Gideon tells me that you would be an asset to the DEO due to your training as well as your abilities with technology.”
“Thank you but no,” Rip replied.
J’onn frowned confused.
“Captain?” Gideon called, appearing suddenly from nearby.
“I thought we agreed this would be a private conversation,” J’onn said annoyed when she reached them, “I am your boss, remember?”
Rip smiled, comforted by the fact she had been listening in, “Gideon has a tendency to be overprotective of me.”
“With good reason,” Gideon retorted before turning to J’onn, “Would you excuse us for a moment please?”
Rolling his eyes J’onn left them alone muttering how he was supposed to be in charge.
  Gideon waited until J’onn had left them alone before she turned to Rip, “I thought you would want to work with us here. Protecting people the way you always have.”
Rip sighed starting to walk knowing she would walk with him, “I’m done, Gideon.”
“What do you mean?” she asked concerned.
Stopping he turned to her, “I mean that all my life I was told I had a duty to protect the timeline, that I had to sacrifice what I wanted for a higher purpose. I was told this by people who used me and murdered the two people I loved more than anything.”
“Even then you continued...”
“Because I was still brainwashed by my upbringing,” he snapped, “They took a child and told him they’d saved him from dying of starvation on the streets. Who’s to say that’s true? We know they could alter memories. I’m not even sure Michael was actually my name.”
“I have no idea what about me is real,” he continued angrily, “I might have an actual family somewhere that I don’t remember. Would I still be with them if I didn’t have the bloody IQ Druce used to make so much about.”
She stared at him sadly before taking his hand moving closer after a moment. Being careful of his broken arm and other injuries Gideon hugged him, feeling him slowly wrap his arm around her.
“I did all I could to protect the team,” he murmured, holding onto her, “I tried to get the others in the Bureau to listen to me about Mallas but they wouldn’t. They thought I didn’t care about the agents who died, of course I do.”
“I know,” she whispered.
He closed his eyes, “I was going to keep fighting but then you were gone and I couldn’t do it anymore.”
“I’m here now,” Gideon reminded him.
“I know but I’m done, Gideon. I can’t do it anymore. I can’t be what they wanted me to be,” Rip sighed, resting his cheek against her hair, “Why can’t I have what I want for once?”
“What do you want?” she asked gently.
Rip pulled back and looked at her, “I want my best friend back in my life but I don’t want to be responsible for other people anymore. I want a job which isn’t life or death all the time. Please let me have that. To no longer be Rip Hunter, Protector of Time. Please let me just be Michael,” he begged with tears in his eyes, “That’s all I want, Gideon to simply be Michael.”
Wrapping her arms around him again Gideon hugged him tightly, “Of course you can. I promise.”
  Alex helped Gideon unpack in the new apartment that she was sharing with the man she called her Captain.
“You know you don’t need to move in with him,” Alex noted, “He’ll only be one flight of stairs up.”
Gideon smiled at her friend, “I know, Alex. I am grateful that you gave me a home when I needed one but he needs me now.”
“I know when you were an AI,” Alex said softly, “That you served him...”
“No,” Gideon cut her off, “I never served Rip. My purpose was to protect him but that is not what this is. We were together, a team for over fifteen years and he always treated me as a person because to him I was always real,” she smiled slightly, “I was never just code, I was his friend and somehow I came to care for him too in a way out with my programming.”
Alex smiled slightly, “You mean you love him.”
“He is my dearest friend,” Gideon told her, “My family. And all I want is to see him smile the way he would when he was with Miranda and Jonas. I miss that smile but I don’t know if he will smile like that again.”
“I see him smile with you,” Alex said, wrapping an arm around her friend, “I think he’ll be fine with you here.”
Gideon hugged her back, “I am hoping our Friday nights will continue?”
“Of course,” Alex rolled her eyes, “Just because you moved out doesn’t mean we stop being friends.”
A shy smile touched Gideon’s lips.
Alex hugged her again, “Okay, I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thank you for your help,” Gideon told her.
Squeezing her hand once more Alex headed out the apartment leaving Gideon in the middle of her new living room.
  Gideon walked to her Captain’s room finding him sitting on the bed staring out the window. His broken arm was in a sling keeping it against his body. She kept having to ensure he didn’t take his arm out of it to try to do something. Suddenly sensing her presence Rip turned to her, smiling at her presence just as Alex had said he did.
“I am completely unpacked, Captain,” she told him taking a seat at his side.
Rip nodded, “You know you didn’t have to move.”
“We lived together for fifteen years, Captain,” she reminded him interlacing her fingers with his, “Now I remember you then I want things back the way they should be.”
He turned to look out the window again at the city before him, “I missed you, Gideon.”
Resting her head against his shoulder she squeezed his hand, “I missed you too, Captain. Even when I couldn’t remember you I knew I was missing someone important to me.”
“I’m sorry I’m disappointing you,” Rip told her, quickly explaining when she moved away looking at him confused, “Because I don’t want to join the DEO.”
“I am not disappointed,” she assured him, “All I want, Rip is for you to be happy and if being Michael is what will make you happy then I will be by your side the way I always have.”
She felt all the tension slide out of him while he held her hand slightly tighter and she knew that they would face the future they way they’d faced everything else.
Next Story - Moving Forward, Holding Back
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