#whisper our names
soniclibraryooc · 11 months
we went to court today (video made by [REDACTED])
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serious-goose · 1 year
people talking about a secret 9th episode... 🎶 i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending 🎶
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briillicnt · 11 months
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" nightmares no longer wait for sleep. " a sigh drifted past his parted lips, brows narrowing slightly at his own words. his natural easy-going, chill demeanor was replaced by a broody one as he sat back on the couch, the back of his head resting against the cushion, eyes pointed towards the ceiling. if anything, he was exhausted and just needed some sleep. but, sleep was hard to come by with the amount of jobs he had been throwing himself into lately. " is this the bit where i grumble that i need a vacation or is that too much? " too normal.
@miidnighters liked for a small thing.
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derelicthorror · 10 months
also i realize that it's probably not the most earthshattering character trait in the world especially with recent warframe but i also really like that aoi is The Swearer so far. i like that so far out of the three starters that mag is the one shaping up to have the biggest on demand sailor mouth
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merakiui · 2 years
This hits too close too home LOL but what sucks for Rolo is that I actually don't want to do anything with him, I just want to mess with him and leave
Rollo really is left with the age-old devices: imagination and hands.
He would be such a fun person to mess with! It doesn't even have to be in a romantic or lewd way. Just really random and friendly silliness. Rollo is always annoyed when the two of you get together to study (whether at a café or at the library or even in either of your dorms) and it ends with the both of you debating the best food in the world, favorite gargoyles at Noble Bell, best things to do during festivals, etc. Somehow he always finds himself getting roped into your nonsense and as a result the work/studying never gets done. Yet oddly enough his mind feels so clear afterwards. It's as if the nonsensical conversations are what he needs to de-stress and take his mind off of other troublesome things.
Or when the two of you somehow end up having too many inside jokes because of how much you tease and joke around with him. It's gotten to the point where his classmates think that your every gesture is some secret code because you and Rollo are so close and friendly (he'll write all of them up if he must so they'll stop gossiping! >:( but secretly he likes it when you playfully wink and poke at him; your presence is just what he needs to relax from the stress of school life).
Or when you do flirt with him and he really thinks something more is going to come of it, but then you'll flick his nose or steal his hat and run off, and he's left to chase after you, all while reprimanding you that disturbing the peace is highly frowned upon at Noble Bell! As the student council president, he won't allow you to cause trouble. Though he claims that, he always lets you off with a light warning. It seems the unshakable Rollo has a soft spot for you. But how could he not when you spend so much of your time with him? He's bound to soften when he gets to know you more.
Rollo will never admit it, but he enjoys chasing after you. When he catches up and scolds you for every childish disruption, he falls even further into love and he doesn't even realize it. You just seem to be good at charming him and he's weak to your upbeat nature. His diary is filled with neat scribbles of the daily occurrences that make him happy, and unsurprisingly your name is detailed in nearly every entry.
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misscammiedawn · 1 month
Finished Season 1 of sense8 and will be starting the second as soon as possible.
This show really sells the raw empathy of having a tight knit queer community who can offer understanding and acceptance as well as the raw terror of what would happen if a funded and powerful network of infiltrators got eyes on you and your community.
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withmytailtotheworld · 4 months
SORRY but I need to reiterate for everyone in our system…….. please please don’t follow us if you’re a roleplay blog or an ask blog… it makes us uncomfortable… thank you.
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illdothehotvoice · 4 months
I think it's homophobic that goodsmile took down the Apollo nendoroid during the current sale cause only Edgeworth is in stock (ABSOLUTE SHOCK BTW)
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sheyearns · 1 year
bold what applies. italicize what occasionally applies. strikethrough what never applies. bold and italicize what always applies. italicize and strikethrough what applies when alone. bold, italicize, and strikethrough what applies to their most trusted.
DEFENSIVENESS: arms crossed / crossing legs / clenched fists / pointing index finger / stiff shoulders / tense posture / curling of lip / baring of teeth / tail lashing / pinned ears.
REFLECTIVE: hand to face gestures / head tilted / stroking chin / peering over glasses / taking glasses off — cleaning / putting earpiece of glasses in mouth / smoker gestures / putting hand to the bridge of nose / pursed lips / knitted brows.
SUSPICION: arms crossed / sideways glance / touching or rubbing nose / rubbing eyes / hands resting on weapon / brows rising or knitting together / lips pressing into a thin line / strict unwavering eye contact / wrinkling of nose / eyes narrowing.
OPENNESS & COOPERATION: open hands / upper body in sprinters position / sitting on the edge of a chair / hand-to-face gestures / unbuttoned coat / tilted head / slacked shoulders / relaxed posture / feet pointed outward / palms flat and facing outward.
CONFIDENCE: hands behind back / hands on lapels of coat / steeped hands / smirking / baring teeth in a grin / rolling shoulders / tipping head back but maintaining eye contact / chest puffed up / shoulders back / arms folded just above navel.
INSECURITY & ANXIETY: chewing pen or pencil / rubbing thumb over opposite thumb / biting fingernails / hands in pockets / elbow bent / closed gestures / clearing throat / “ whew ” sound / picking or pinching flesh / fidgeting in chair / hand covering mouth whilst speaking / poor eye contact / tugging pants or clothes / jingling money in pockets / tugging at ear / perspiring hands / playing with hair / swaying / playing with a writing implement / smacking lips / sighing / rocking on balls of feet / flexing / tapping fingers sporadically / chewing on lip / pacing / tail twitching.
ANGER & FRUSTRATION: short breaths / “tsk” sounds / tightly-clenched hands / fist-like gestures / pointing index finger / running hand through hair / rubbing back of neck / snarling / revealing teeth / grimacing / sharp-eyed glowers / notable tension in brow / shoulders back, head up; defensive posturing / clenching of jaw / grinding teeth / nostrils flaring / heavy exhales / swearing / tail lashing / pinned ears
tagged by; @brawlqueen ( thank u my queen <3 ) tagging; @corrchoigilt, @narvvhal, @earthssprout, @abyssloved, @queenaster, @unmeinoniwa @ofstarsandskies, @soulsbetrayed, @lured-into-wonderland, @lightcreators
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seanleannan · 4 months
Made some friends on holiday!
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blmpff · 9 months
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you are LICHERALLY standing by the entrance to his workplace
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forbiddcnsirvn · 11 months
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instagram » DEVILSERPENT uploaded a new photo.
There’s never really a rulebook on how to wish a happy birthday to a person who’s lived nine lives in one, but here goes. Cyrek, you’re one hell of a puzzle. When we started, it was like trying to defuse a bomb that could laugh — a lot of cursing, a ton of shouting, and wondering if we’d lose a hand. But hell, what a ride it’s been. Reflecting on where we started — a chaos of arguments and clash of wills — it’s almost surreal to see where we are now. Back then, I was more a walking weapon than a person, a life more of commands and missions than choices and freedom. You changed that. You didn’t just crash into my life; you blew the damn doors off. You saved me from a life where I was nothing more than a tool, a puppet. With you, I found a life where I could be more, where I could be me, even if it’s a version that scares the hell out of some. You gave me freedom, a voice, and a choice. Without you, I’d still be that puppet, a shadow of someone else’s making. You broke those strings, brought me out of that darkness, and showed me what real freedom and real life could be. 
And as a father? You’re not the kind they write about in parenting books, and thank the bloody fuck for that. You’re the dad who’s showing our kids how to be fiercely themselves. You’ve got a past, we both do, but you’re showing them — and me — every day that it doesn’t define us. You teach them to stand tall, to face the world with all its bullshit, and to never back down. You’re the dad they need, the one who understands struggle, survival, and strength. Married life with you has been a rollercoaster, and it was the best fucking decision I had ever made. One I’d line up for again and again. Despite the turbulence, the ups and downs, I’d say “I do” every damn time. You’ve been my partner in crime, my fellow warrior in this messed-up world. You’re the one constant in my ever-changing universe, and damn, I’m lucky to have you. The Bastards are bloody lucky to have you keeping them and their shite’s together, no matter what your brain tells you, you’ve done a lot of shite that helped a lot of people. Wounded as you might be by the unfairness that I still fucking wish I could mend, you are a savior. To say that I’m also proud would be an understatement. 
Happy birthday, Cyrek. You mean to me more than anything that has ever existed in my life. Know that without you I’d be so damn buried in shite I would never crawl myself out of. Heck, I don’t think I’d even be here still, at all. I want more years with you. More birthdays, more screaming, and more fucking in places we shouldn’t. More importantly, more of your heart, as I want to cradle it forever and breathe life to it as much as you breathe mine. I love you. Endlessly. Through storms and beyond. 
ps: Packing your presents ;)
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briillicnt · 11 months
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" surprised to run into you here. " though, he's not all that surprised. the grill was kind of the social hub for everyone in town. from the supernatural to the note so supernatural - they all seemed to migrate here it seemed. " can i get you anything i'm feeling somewhat generous today. "
@elenaloveablekotsala liked for a small thing.
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
I cannot tell you how much I love Name and Em. I really can’t tell you. It’s too much for words.
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voided-selfships · 11 months
I love the fact that I smtimes have different ship names for my selfships vs what the tags are cause I'm over here abt to go crazy about NightmareTime like yall KNOW what that is!!!
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evanescentsun · 1 year
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eula & amber, my beloved…. <3
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