worldsonlylevifan · 11 months
i dont know shit about the whip hybrid (yet) but i think she and miri would vape in the bathroom together
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errantsquam · 1 year
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Reference for Yang's most feared immortal, the Dullahan! he also has a boring human name.
extra lore under the cut
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naked mecha are always cursed
Powered by ancient Dynast armor, history books detail the Dullahan's massacre of Traitless (the modern word for normal humans) and Fey. Eventually, Chronos challenged him to a duel, fatally wounding him with the unrelenting blade Mistilteinn, capable of piercing any material.
Arelis dove into the ocean and spent the next few thousand years in stasis. He's since been retrieved, and isn't quite as dangerous as he used to be — in more ways than one. Arelis has mellowed out, and the arms race of modern humanoids have caught up with the destructive force of his power armor.
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toskarin · 1 year
the humble combat drill, the trusty pilebunker, the venerable whipsword. what do these have in common? scientists don't want you to know how good they are. they want you to think they suck.
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hubristicassholefight · 10 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 1 Part 1
Morag Ladair (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) vs Carly Rae Jepsen (Real Life)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
Morag is a famed driver who wields Brighid's swords, which are two whipswords that are also on fire. SHe's great and I love her; they're cool and underappreciated <3
Carly Rae
swords are offered to our goddess as lambs are slaughtered for the gods
She is always given swords at concerts and wields them beautifully
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damnilovefaerghus · 8 months
Fire Emblem: 3 Games in a Trenchcoat
Historical Wargame: Guys we're gonna do fantasy medieval Europe but like, gritty and realistic. Class differences, institutional religion, and political marriages are all normal. So the nobles are bastards, the Church is repressive, and the common folk are illiterate and oppressed. We can do magic bloodlines but stuff needs to stay low fantasy and historical. Also this is Fire Emblem so war is hell and anyone can die, and we're gonna make it morally grey about whether the red emperor or blue lord is actually right and--
Dating Sim: No fuck that, players actually have to want to date the characters?? no one wants to date historically accurate racists. You gotta make the noble characters nice and humble, the commoners quirky with a heart of gold, and the Church should be totally chill with a cool MILF Pope who personally rescues orphans. Also everyone needs an angsty sympathetic backstory and a good ending after you help them deal with it, especially the lords because people are gonna want to date them the hardest--
JRPG: okay but what if the milf pope was secretly a dragon and the goddess was real and also a dragon and there's a magitek evil mole people cult who've been trying to destroy dragons and humanity for 1000 years until the MC who's the goddess's reincarnation shows up with time travel powers and their ultimate weapon is a glowy whipsword that's the goddess's spine and actually everyone should have cool glowy dragon bone weapons and--
anyway tl;dr FE3H is a great game but it barely even remembers what it's trying to say about its own story half the time, everyone stop taking it so seriously, peace
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preyandhunter · 6 months
Flesh and Blood [The Masterlist]
Hey hi howdy.
here's a list of absolutely everyone ever that is going to be taking part in this story
[warning. looooong post ahead]
For reference:
Ghouls are ranked C - SS: C is the lowest, SS is borderline godlike.
Doves (not canon to tg) are ranked Tier's 1 - 4: 1 is the lowest, 4 is virtually unstoppable.
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Disclaimer: we will not be using the hermits'/others' irl names. decided if it was funnier to make fake names for all of them based on usernames.
(in the actual story we will be using the names in quotation marks lol)
Buford "Bdubs" O'Hunred [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Machete Quinque - Wears a ghillie suit and thinks it looks cool
Bos "Beef" Vintage [Ghoul :: B Class - "The Butcher" Kokaku: Horns + Six legged Bull Kakuja - Dude wash your apron
Ben "Bigb" Biggie [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Frog" Triple orange rinkaku tails - Teenage Mutant Ninja . . . froggie grown man!
Cub Goodfan [Ghoul] :: C Class - "The Magician" Ukaku vex wings - Of the two of them, really you'd think this one would be the crazy one
Cleo Zombie [Ghoul] :: A Class - "The Gorgon" Tiny wings + six snake tails - Her name could have led to some good brand opportunities
Dr. Maddox Sevensven "Doc" [Ghoul] :: A Class - "The Goat" Bone kokaku + Goatskull kakuja - The career change really made things complicated
Ethos "Etho" Lab [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Sniper quinque with high caliber Q bullets. - y'know what they call me? call me ladders. cuz i go up real high...
Fals "False" Symmetria [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Sword quinque, morphs into winged broadsword. - Oh her and Wels go waaaay back!
Fhwip "Fwip" Taylor [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Sickle quinque - Y'know what they say about younger siblings growing up to replace you? Yeah. That.
Gemini "Gem" Taylor [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Whipsword quinque. - Youngins these days kick butt way harder than they used to
Grian Spurman [Human] :: S Class* - Red wings quinque backpack - Some would say that's cannibalism O-o
Haech "Hbomb" Bomber [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Yknow back in my day
Hels Gnitte [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Spiderman pointing meme
Hypnos "Hypno" Tizzede [Human] :: n/a - Going once, going twice, sold to the man with no front teeth!
I Jevin Aquamarine Gaimen "Jevin" [Ghoul] :: A Class - Two bright blue bikaku tails - They say surfing is a sport in California. Don't know where the couches came from.
Impulse Essve [Human] :: n/a - Occupational hazard or not, he's getting his goddamn coffee
Iskall Eigh Fivva [Dove] :: Tier 1 - Non Newtonian bikaku blade quinque - (floppy)HAMMERTIME
Joel Beans Smallish [Human] :: n/a - Cast iron pans work wonders
Joseph "Joe" Hills [Human] :: n/a - Journalism just got way more dangerous
Kera Liss "Keralis" [Human*] :: n/a - Hmm, how'd you get there?
Lizzie D Shadowlady [Ghoul] :: C class - "Housecat" 3 toed talons kokaku - No officer, there's no one here, just this very cat like cat...
Martyn LilWood [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Standard sword quinque. Possibly with a rocket on the end. - Not quite taking the lone wolf schtick to heart
Mumbo K. Jumbo [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Suit" Double kokaku claws - Mondays amiright
Pearl Escentmoon [Human] :: n/a - Worst. Field trip. Ever.
Pix Elrif [Ghoul] :: C class - "Automaton" Single tail bikaku - The cat distribution system but he is the cat
Ren Thedog [Ghoul] :: S class - "The Red Wolf" Single tail Rinkaku + wolf head kakuja - oh hey how you doing nice to meet- SQUIRREL???
Saus "Sausage" J Mythica [Human] :: n/a - The world's best chewy stress toy
Scar Goodfan [Ghoul] :: SS class -"The Vex" Ukaku vex wings + 2 bikaku tails + Perfect Kakuja - no chill having, no leg having, no craps given, no fear having ass
Scott Dangtha Longie Major [Dove] :: Tier 1 - Spear quinque - Doing his best ;w;
Skizz LeMann [Ghoul] :: C class - "Lucifer" 4 feathered rinkaku tails - One beer away from getting in the maid outfit
Tress "Stress" Monstre [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Warhammer quinque - Holds all of the tea. And yeah, that's a lot.
Tango Tekk [Ghoul] :: C class - "Helios" Single wing, combustible, ukaku - Is absolutely not compensating for anything
Tin Foilchef "TFC" [Dove] :: Tier 4 - Double edged scythe, polymorph, quinque - Judge, Justice and Executioner
Timothy "Jimmy" Solidarity [Ghoul] :: C class - "Canary" Deformed wing Ukaku - The vibe is strong with this one. That vibe was wet cat.
Wels K. Nite [Ghoul] :: B Class - "The Knight" Reptilian wing Ukaku - huh, well that's awkward
Xb Crafheld [Ghoul] :: A Class - "Guardian" Fused double tail bikaku - If he had a nickel every time he was friends with a suspicious man, he would have two nickels.
Xisuma "X" Vhoide [Dove] :: Tier 3 - Multiple quinques - Has one and a half eyeballs
Amusix "eX" Vhoide* [Dove] :: Tier 2 - Crossbow quinque - There's a crime here about to be committed...
Zed Aphlays [Ghoul] :: C class - "The Ram" Bikaku Sheep's foot - One good day away from committing arson
Zloy Exphee [Human] :: n/a - These journalists seriously need to chill.
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asamitakamybeloved · 11 months
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primevein · 1 year
The Prime of the Youth: Book II: The Quest for Fire: Ch03: The Fellowship
Sirenia landed outside the archives. She opened her doors and June climbed out. The two then walked in. Amalthea stepped up to them. "How can I help you?"
"I can find my way." Sirenia stated, and turned down to look at June, her hand on June's back, "She could use your help."
"I was looking for information on the effects of Energon on organics." June stated. "It can probably help with Knockout's research."
* * *
The Battle Sister was surprised when she found her legs wrapped up with Jack's whip sword and lightly shocked. Enough for her to be knocked down into the grass without losing consciousness. Another femme. pink with red highlights, was driving up on her two wheels. She paused, unsure of what to do. Jack pulled his whipsword to the side, and it collapsed to a longsword. The Battle Sister struggled to get to her feet.
"Can we help you?" Arcee asked the newcomer, and she transformed.
Her saddlebags turned into a backpack, and she ended up with peplos that flowed about. She nervously looked at the recovering Battle Sister, "I am the medic that Sirenia recruited for your quest. Is she alright?"
"Just a little wobbly." the Battle Sister replied. "His shock whip-sword is just... a little... disorienting." She steeled herself to regain her balance. She then turned to Jack and Arcee, "This is Roxana."
Roxana gave them a weak wave, before looking back as the Battle Sister still wobbled. "You're sure you're alright?"
"Oh, yeah, fine." the Battle Sister replied, still a little wobbly.
"Because you're still wobbling, Stormwright." Roxana judgementally said to her.
"This is ridiculously effective." Stormwright said, as she finally seemed to find her balance. "We should look into getting more."
"I got it from Knockout in Las Vegas." Jack said.
Arcee then walked up to Roxana, "I don't suppose you're armed, are you?" she asked.
"What?" Roxana asked, "I'm a medic."
Arcee Tsked, "Alright, when things get harry, what do you?"
"Hide?" Roxana asked, "Unless someone is injured?"
Arcee leaned forward to look her deep in the eyes, "No." Roxana just stared at her, unsure of what to so. "You stay close so we can protect you. You do EXACTLY as we say, when we say it. And if someone is injured, and we're still fighting, you still have to keep - yourself - safe. Do you understand?"
Roxana ran over the information in her head, "Does this include interfacing with Jack?"
"What?" Arcee asked.
"Because, Sirenia said..." she voiced.
Arcee Tsked again, "Alright, if it happens, you have to promise until death do you part." Arcee stated, "And that's a big if."
"Copy." Roxana stated.
Arcee stepped back, "And maybe we can borrow Knockout's shock prod."
"But, I'm a medic?" she asked.
Arcee once again leaned towards her, "When you have an Insecticon gnashing in your face, you're going to want something to defend yourself with." She leaned back. "I don't suppose you have any actual combat experience?"
"When the war came to Caminus." Roxana stated.
"Alright." Arcee said, and felt Jack slap her on the butt.
"You done interrogating her?" he asked.
"I suppose she'll do." Arcee stated, "Sirenia did pick her."
"It's amazing how much sense it makes for Sirenia to be serving a Human." Roxana stated.
"To me too." Arcee stated, "I thought we could get her to do something. Give Jack someone to dote over." Her eyes then grew wide, "And now she's an indispendable part of the household. She's also getting along really well with June."
Roxana then turned to Jack, kneeling down. "Your mother, right?" she asked.
"Uh, yeah?" Jack asked.
"What's it like to have a mother?" Roxana asked.
"Since my dad died, my mother has spent pretty much her entire life taking care of me." Jack replied.
"Humans need taking care of." Arcee added, "For the first 16 years of their life, they can't really do anything on their own."
"Kind of." Jack stated, "But it's a lot of work."
"And in their later life, they need taking care of as well." Arcee added, "It's about 40 years worth of productive life."
"Depending, but yes." Jack said.
"Families must be very important to you?" Roxana.
"My mother is one of the most important things in my life." Jack simply replied.
"And June is one of the only things that can stop him." Arcee stated.
"She can stop a Prime?" Roxana whistfully asked.
"Yeah, no." Jack said, "You can't tell anyone about that."
"But everyone here already knows about it?" Roxana asked.
"Everyone - here." Arcee stated.
Jack then spoke up, "Arcelia has promised to keep everything quiet until..."
"Until?" Roxana asked.
"We succeed or fail." Arcee simply stated.
"You're not confident it's going to work?" Roxana asked.
"I honestly have no idea what's going to happen." Arcee replied, "I like Arcelia's response, that SOMETHING is going to happen. What? Who knows."
Roxana looked distant as she processed it. She saw a shadow approaching, and looked up to see Stormwright. She put her hand on the shoulder, "You're lucky. You'll get to accompany our last Prime on his journey."
"I'm trying hard to not show how excited I am for this." Roxana said. Barely moving, other than a subtle shaking.
Stormwright then turned to Arcee, "Sadly, he will have Windblade, a champion from the Great War, and a pair of Wreckers." She then looked back at Roxana. "You have skills he needs."
"How was the combat training?" Roxana asked.
"Even knowing he was a champion from the Great War, I still underestimated him."
"I wouldn't say champion." Jack simply stated, and then Stormwright looked back at him.
"But you were crucial to the victory?" Stormwright asked.
"Arcee might have embelished a bit." Jack stated.
"Or I just talked about how I feel about it." Arcee relied.
"But?.." Roxana asked, looking into the distance for a moment, "Arcelia... the records... from Optimus Prime himself, who was not just a Prime, but an archivist in Iacon?!"
"He helped us many times." Arcee stated, "But not as a warrior. There are a number of times that without him, we would have died, or lost something horrifying to the Decepticons. The Warrior thing came after. A way for Cybertron to recognize what he did. Jack could have easily pushed it to Exemplar, but, this is Jack."
"Is that why he did not tell us he was a Prime until the end of the assembly?" Roxana asked.
"Actually." Jack interjected, "The only reason I did is that it was in the records." Roxana gave him a confused look.
"It would have come out, anyways." Stormwright stated.
"So?" Roxana asked, "You would never have told us?"
"If I could have." Jack stated.
"Then why are you on this quest?" Roxana asked.
"Because she was right: I didn't try." Jack simply replied, "And... everyone seems to want some kind of closure to this. I'll pursue this to the depths of Cybertron if I have to."
"Well, we might need to come back for food." Arcee stated.
"We can pack for six months instead of three." Jack replied.
"Such a long time for someone so small." Roxana stated.
"He is in the prime of his youth." Stormwright stated.
* * *
They stood in a square with statues to the fallen of Caminus, most of which died when The War finally found it's way here. Collected was Jack and his mother, Arcee and Sirenia, Windblade, Arcelia, and Roxana. All eyes were on Jack, "For those who haven't met, I am Jack Darby."
"The Human Prime." Arcelia stated
"Which we're going to keep quiet about." Arcee said accusingly.
"Next is my mother, June Darby."
June raised her hand above her head to wave at those so much bigger than her, "Hi."
"I thought she was not going to accompany us?" Windblade harshly asked.
"You're just dropping me off at home." June said.
"We'll need to spend time on Terra to get the supplies we'll need." he paused, "The supplies me and Miko will need."
"Any transformer that can miniaturize can help with the cooking!" June excitedly stated.
"That's not..." Arcee stated.
"Then what do you call it?" Windblade quickly asked.
"I don't..." Arcee uttered.
"Micronization?" Sirenia asked.
"Uh?.." Arcee uttered.
"Miniforming?" Sirenia asked, and Arcee didn't say anything, "Cuddleforming?" Arcee glared at her without saying anything.
"She does it to hold hands." Jack said, and Arcee shot him a sharp glare. "Do it." Arcee glared at him for a moment before transforming into her motorcycle. She then transformed back, this time only 8 feet tall. Jack held out his hand, and she looked about nervously as she let him take it. Jack then pulled her in for a passionate kiss. When he let go she grew to 10ft.
"I'm still... uh... working on the stability. I think 8ft is the most I can push, but 10 seems to be a lot easier to hold."
"Waifuification?" Sirenia asked, and Jack glared at her.
"When did Miko have a chance to teach you that?" Jack asked, and Sirenia wanted to answer, but forced herself to not. "Tell me." he firmly said to her.
"It was Arcee."
Jack turned to glare at Arcee, whom nervously averted her gaze.
"Dollification?" Arcelia asked.
"Dollforming?" June asked.
Arcee turned to glare at her, but Jack could tell the look said she kind of liked the idea.
"Onaholification." Sirenia stated.
"I'm going to kill Miko." Jack uttered.
"That one I learned from the internet." Sirenia said, "Along with a good deal number of other words."
"I told you that internet was a bad idea." Arcee said to jack.
"Stepfordforming?" June asked, and then got a look of complete non-recognition from everyone but Sirenia. "Jack?" she asked, and nothing came forward. "I failed in raising you." she joked. "Although, to be honest, it really isn't that good of a movie."
"So, what are you going to call it?" Windblade neutrally asked, and looked at Jack.
He breathed in deep, trying to steel himself. "If I need to choose."
"You do." Windblade strongly stated.
"Dollform?" Jack nervously asked.
"Dollform it is." Windblade stated.
"Wait, seriously?" he asked.
"You are not just a Prime, but a representation of your Humans. I can see no one more qualified to decide on it." She then looked to Arcee, then Sirenia, then Arcelia and Roxana, "I will advise you to take into account the instability when using this form."
"Which is why I've never tried to sleep that way." Arcee stated.
"I'm sure it will help with your Human reproductive things." Windblade stated. "Not that we can even interface." As she said this, Arcee, Sirenia, and June developed nervous smiles. "You can't be serious, we can interface?"
"Afraid so." June tried to neutrally say.
"And it's incredible." Arcee said. Sirenia smiled brightly at this.
Roxana: Motorcycle
I was originally going to call her Red Light.
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Yet another RWBY OC request: the Yuki-Onna.
This gal is definitely either a pro Huntress or a mercenary. Possibly the only survivor of her team, her costume draws a lot of inspiration from ronin & samurai, ragged cloak, porcelain mask, a lot of white and light blues in her colour scheme, nothing too exceptional on that front.
She wields Snow Witch, an ice Dust infused whipsword that extends into a spear. Her Semblance is Endotemporality, which creates a bubble of "slow time" which she can basically absorb to strike at lightning speed, basically combining the "freezing" properties of snow with the archetypal faster than the eye can see sword draw.
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cerastes · 2 years
(invades someone's world so i can enter your boss fight with only a whipsword equipped on my right hand to prove a point) LET ME SOLO HIM.
Wait, what's that noise?
*Invader SFX*
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o-oh fuck!
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rahbid · 1 year
trigun au bels load out...
twin guns, one black, one white. one modified with the ability to accept different materials as ammunition, including her own trick bullets. one modified in to utilize concussive force in place of ammunition as well as the plasma stuff featured in the punisher. simeon and levi respectively.
im keeping the whipsword and upgrading its ability to slice. tinged with the same sort of plasma shit in her gun.
a rosary weapon, works like a kusari-fundo
whatever she's got on the hellbike ( currently: some form of missile / rocket launcher, tracker, extra storage, increased speed and durability of the bike itself. more tba. )
her fists are a problem in themselves but her gloves are also weighted.
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redtyrannoranger · 1 month
Picture this: A female green ranger, standing five feet tall. She has a whipsword in her right hand, a longsword in her left hand, an enemy's sword attached to her right foot like a bayonet, and thanks to a magical tarot deck, ten more swords at various points on her body. Then her team picks her up and sets her down on the team cannon's projectile, a giant beyblade and fires her at the monster of the week. How awesome is this mental image on a scale from one to ten?
Um…I dunno, seems kinda nausea inducing honestly
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toskarin · 1 year
alright, choose wisely. you only get one. don't worry about practicality (they all work in this scenario)
only one can survive
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shadekhrocask · 2 months
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------------------------------- Information -------------------------------
Name: Osmio Pronouns: He/Him Age: 26 Height: 6'1(185cm) Birthday: March 5th Blood Type: O+ Affiliation: Lega Alliance Flame: Sky Weapon: Modified Whipsword
Osmio an ex-Vongola member formed the Lega Alliance in the hopes of gaining power over where the future went or die trying. He keeps this quiet from his sister however, but knows she's aware of this. He is rarely seen without a smile these days, presumably pleased that he's able to work on any science project he pleases without oversight.
Access currently granted to: Past | Present | Future
Material I have written him in below the cut
Warnings for blood gore or violence in Bold Warnings for Body horror are Strikethrough Warnings for suggestive nature are Italicized These can and will be combined
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drawingale · 6 months
My boy Aaron is finally breaking out the whipsword in part 4
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
Something about the first and last fights of Raya and the Last Dragon. First fight, she's dual wielding sticks and her father has a sword. Last fight, she has her father's sword and Namari or however it's written is dual wielding.
About how Banja used his whipsword to defend the gem while Raya uses to attack and steal back.
How Banja refusing to attack first caused him to get an arrow in the leg and for the drunn to come back.
And how Raya refusing not to attack first caused Sissu (?) to die and the drunn to win (not permanently).
And how Banja's fatal flaw was to be too trusting... but he survived despite everything! And how Raya's fatal flaw was to not trust... and without Namari defying her expectations and everyone else's, no one would have survived.
Yes actually let's go on the expectations vs actions narrative here!!
Because Raya is expected to become a guardian and defend the gem. And then she's the one who helps Fang get it, although she's clueless about it until the reveal.
Namari (?) is expected to befriend Raya (no way she was clueless too: she was the only other kid brought at the reunion and she said no one was supposed to get hurt) and betray her. And she does. But in the end, put before the same choice as before, she refuses her friendship but is forced to take her trust.
Sissu (?) is expected to be the great dragon but is... not as great as expected.
On a more local level, on expectations vs reality, the guy from Spine is expected to be a barbarian, but he's the most gentle and caring for the baby, in the lot. He's got a wife and child. The baby is supposed to be innocent and harmless but is far from it. The chief from Tail wanted to protect the Gem but isolating it caused the Tail people to all become stone. The chief from Talon is not who we thought but an old woman, and although she seems harmless she ends up trying to petrify Sissu.
But again the expectations vs actions, Raya was also supposed to be this pious servant of the dragons and all... and yet, when she found Sisu had different views from hers on the world, she only spent the trip telling her off for believing in goodness. And Namaari was expected to be as traitorous as her people, to not have changed in the six years, and to betray them, and yet she disobeyed her mother once, by bringing the dragon gem, even if she did try to negociate for her mother's goal - her whole people being forgiven! - to be achieved, and then she is the one who saves everyone.
I mean do you realize! It's not the hero who saves the day, it's the morally gray companion in whom trust was placed. It's beautiful i think.
And to go back to the fact that Sisu was right from the beginning but wasn't believed despite everyone believing in her and in her people as deities, there's probably a lot of other things to say about religion and spirituality in this world, also the fact the drunn petrifies people in a form that, to I who don't know much about east-asia, looks like someone praying or giving an offering, but might have some significance in the cultures who inspired kumandra, and also the fact people keep saluting each other with differnet levels of the same salute that they use for chiefs, normal hello and dragons, and how water is the element of dragons and the only thing protecting them from drunn etc etc
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