#while trying to remind myself to cling onto the hope of being able to mod him
nabaath-areng · 3 months
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Half assed screens, but some of the glamours I might will use for Ieeha throughout the journey of Dawntrail!
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ask-abby-and-belle · 6 years
Happy Birthday Mod Scribble!
Good morning everyone! It’s Mod Scribble’s birthday today! Go send some love to the birthday girl~
While you all do that, here's a little present I wrote for Mod Scribble using her OC, Abby! Hope you enjoy it, Scribble!
The night was drawing near. Abigail hurried around the corner and down the street, tears streaming from her eyes. The sky was covered in huge gray clouds, hinting the possibility of rain. The whistling of the wind echoed throughout the neighborhood, but that was the last thing on Abby's mind. Abby's fists clenched as she bolted in the direction that would take her to Osomatsu's house. Step by step, her short legs drew her nearer and nearer to the home of her true love. But with each step, she began to wonder more and more if telling Oso how she truly felt about him was a good idea. What if he didn't take her seriously? What if he didn't return her feelings? Would he even dare look at her ever again? As these thoughts flooded her mind, Abby caught herself slowing down until she came to a complete halt. As she stood in place, trying to catch her breath, the wind pushed against her direction. She looked into the clouds and realized there was no way she could pull this off. How could she think- even for a second- that she could tell the love of her life how much she loved him? What the hell was her roommate thinking when she encouraged Abby to go to him? With her head hanging low, She turned around and began to head back home, the wind gently pushing her along the way. It was terribly cold out, but the thought of Osomatsu gave Abby a warm feeling. His dorky smile was always enough to brighten her day. His stupid laugh was obnoxious- but a good kind of obnoxious. And who could possibly forget about his upbeat, goofy personality? Nearly everything about him was amazing, in his own charming Osomatsu-like fashion. "...No." The tiny tsundere stopped dead in her tracks and lifted her head. She had already made it this far- there was no way she was going to stop here. She couldn't possibly wait to tell Osomatsu about her true feelings anymore; it was now or never, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be never. Quickly, Abby turned around and ran faster than ever to the Matsuno home. The wind was beginning to pick up, fighting her harder than before, but fuck it. With each footstep, she opposed the wind and where it wanted her to go. With each second, she was reaching closer and closer to her goal. It wasn't exactly easy, but Abby continued forward until she eventually caught sight of the door to the home of the Matsuno brothers. This is it, she thought to herself. No point in turning back now. Abby raced to the door and pounded her knuckle against it several times. "Osomatsu!" She called out, her voice shaking. "Get your stupid ass out here!" The door opened, and a highly concerned Choromatsu stood at the other side. "Abby?" He spoke to the tiny tsundere. "What-" "Choromatsu," Abby softly sqeaked between breaths, cutting off the green hooded Matsu. "Where.. the FUCk.. is Osomatsu?" "O-osomatsu?" Choromatsu could not be any more confused. "Why-" "WHERE?" She glared deeply into the frog boy's eyes, which sent a sudden chill down his spine. What the hell was going on? Choromatsu opened his mouth to speak, but no words escaped his mouth. "..." The only thing he could do was look at the girl in front of him, who was now starting to wrap her arms around her body from the weather. Snapping out of his daze, Choro helped the freezing tsundere inside, guided her to the living room, and handed her a blanket to warm her up. Abby wrapped the blanket around herself and sat down on the couch, thankful to be inside the warm, cozy home of the Matsus. "Is everything okay?" Choromatsu asked the tiny girl. "What happened with Osomatsu?" He exists, Abby mumbled under her breath, and it's tearing away at my heart. "Huh?" "I mean..." Abby diverted her attention away from Choro, holding a portion of the blanket close to her heart. "I just..." She looked back at Choromatsu, who gave her a gentle, reassuring smile. Abby huffed. "If you don't mind, I need to speak to him. Privately." Choromatsu respectfully nodded, knowing exactly what she was talking about. "I'll.. get him for you." While Choromatsu made his way upstairs, Abby could hear the rest of the brothers making a huge racket. She was able to make out each of their voices individually, especially Osomatsu's. He had such a sweet and vibrant tone to him that complimented his dorky, trashy personality. It was the voice that she would soon have to hear personally. Before long, the upstairs racket began to settle. Within less time, the brothers were dead silent. Abby felt her heart pulsate as she knew what she had to do. Sure enough, Osomatsu was seen making his way downstairs. He was pulling off his signature dorky smile, but thanks to the tense atmosphere it was obvious that he was more nervous than he would admit. Abby stood up from the couch to face Osomatsu. Her fists were clenched, and her heart was beating faster than ever. Every second for her was a battle against the urge to give up and flee. "Abby-chan~" Osomatsu swooned. "You came all the way just to see m-" "Shh." The tiny woman silenced Osomatsu by placing her finger over his lips. He complied. "Listen," Abby stuttered as she struggled to find the right words. She nervously looked at the ground, then back at Oso, then back at the ground. "I... I'm..." Recollecting herself, she took a deep breath and faced Oso again. "Every time I look at you, every moment I'm reminded you exist, my heart skips a beat. Whenever I hear your voice, I shake over how fucking CUTE it is. And.. every moment I'm around you.." She placed her hands over her chest. "Every moment I'm around you my heart feels like a big ball of warmth that's ready to explode right out of my chest!" After realizing how tightly she was gripping onto her shirt, Abby straightened it out and cleared her throat. "And I keep thinking to myself, 'wow look at this amazing person! How could he ever love someone like me? Am I even good enough for him? What have I done to deserve such a cutie pie in my life?" Abby's eyes began to water. "Look, I know I haven't exactly been nice to you, but it's because I was scared. Scared of what would happen if I let myself become too attached to someone like you. But now.. with each passing minute- no, with each passing second, the pain of holding back these feelings is stronger than the fear of losing you. What I'm trying to say is..." Abby wiped away her tears and looked Oso dead in the eyes. "Osomatsu, I.. I'm in love with you!" The entire time, Osomatsu was watching in both surprise and awe, his cheeks completely pink. His hand was placed over his heart, completely moved by Abby's words. "Abby..." He spoke. Abby's heart began to sink as she feared what he would say next. "You..." Osomatsu's face faded into a bright smile. "You actually said it!" "Well..." Abby's cheeks turned red. "Well no shit I said it! Did you seriously not listen to any of it?" "Nono, that isn't it! It was.. just really touching to hear you say it!" "Hgg---" Abby felt a huge lump in her throat. Touching? Osomatsu found her words... touching? Flustered, she turned her head away from him. "Aww, don't be so shy about it~" Osomatsu teased. "To be completely honest.. I feel the same way about you." Abby turned to face Oso again, a soft look in her eyes. Osomatsu grabbed Abby's hands and gently grasped them in his own. "I've had deep feelings for you ever since the day we first met. I didn't want to say anything, mainly because I didn't know how you were going to take it." He let go of Abby's hands. "Besides," he joked, rubbing his nose, "what girl would ever want to date a useless piece of shit like me?" Abby glared deep into Osomatsu's eyes. "This girl, you big idiot." Osomatsu's cheeks turned a deep red. He couldn't believe this was happening. "Abby..." Osomatsu's voice carried a bit of nervousness, but was still just as sweet and dorky as ever. "...I love you." Abby's eyes began to water. But this time, they were tears of absolute joy. She rammed herself into Osomatsu's torso and hugged him tightly. Accepting the sudden hug attack, Osomatsu smiled and lovingly wrapped his arms around the tinier woman and hugged her in return. "I.. love you too," Abby squeaked between breaths. It had been such a long time since she last felt this happy in her life. She buried her face deep into Osomatsu's chest, smelling the lingering scent of cheap beer and oden in his sweater. It was a trashy kind of scent, but a good kind of trashy. It was the smell of the love of her life; the one she thought she'd never have a chance with. But now, here she was, embracing him, locked within his arms. ~~~~~~ Abby and Osomatsu both looked out the window. Night had already came, but thankfully the terrible weather from earlier was gone- At least for the most part. "Tonight was... nice." Abby's cheeks began to flush. " And as much as I don't want to go out in the dark, I really do have to head home." Osomatsu glared in the direction of the door. It was true that Abby didn't like the dark, let alone having to walk home at night. "I can take you home~," Osomatsu suggested, smirking like the piece of trash he is. "N-no! I mean..." Abby looked away in embarassment, realizing that breaking her old habits were going to be more of a challenge than expected. "...Yes." Grabbing the blanket used to warm Abby earlier, Osomatsu wrapped it around her's shoulders and led her out the door. Once outside, She clinged onto Osomatsu's arm, her cheek pressed against the sleeve of his sweater. Osomatsu chuckled, admiring how adorable his girlfriend was being. Abby chose to ignore the dumb dorky trashman and walked out into the streets with him. It was dark and cold, but with Osomatsu by her side, she felt much more at ease, and it was only going to get better from here on out. "FUCKING FINALLY!" Abby stopped dead in her tracks as she heard someone screaming from inside the Matsuno home. She glanced back at the house, and sure enough the other matsus were watching the couple from their bedroom window. Each of them were completely frozen, ridden with guilt. It's safe to assume they're fucking dead.
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